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Tue Apr 25 21:25:13 2006 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by
CVS tags:
- blocking didn't work on students in section it now does
- additionaly modifed the returned structure so no futher parsing is needed
- add a function for parsng the block record to make it so further updates are easy to deal with
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# Routines for messaging display
# $Id:,v 1.15 2006/04/25 21:25:13 albertel Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
package Apache::lonmsgdisplay;
=head1 NAME
Apache::lonmsg: supports internal messaging
lonmsg provides routines for sending messages, receiving messages, and
a handler to allow users to read, send, and delete messages.
=head2 Messaging Overview
X<messages>LON-CAPA provides an internal messaging system similar to
email, but customized for LON-CAPA's usage. LON-CAPA implements its
own messaging system, rather then building on top of email, because of
the features LON-CAPA messages can offer that conventional e-mail can
=over 4
=item * B<Critical messages>: A message the recipient B<must>
acknowlegde receipt of before they are allowed to continue using the
system, preventing a user from claiming they never got a message
=item * B<Receipts>: LON-CAPA can reliably send reciepts informing the
sender that it has been read; again, useful for preventing students
from claiming they did not see a message. (While conventional e-mail
has some reciept support, it's sporadic, e-mail client-specific, and
generally the receiver can opt to not send one, making it useless in
this case.)
=item * B<Context>: LON-CAPA knows about the sender, such as where
they are in a course. When a student mails an instructor asking for
help on the problem, the instructor receives not just the student's
question, but all submissions the student has made up to that point,
the user's rendering of the problem, and the complete view the student
saw of the resource, including discussion up to that point. Finally,
the instructor is reading all of this inside of LON-CAPA, not their
email program, so they have full access to LON-CAPA's grading
interface, or other features they may wish to use in response to the
student's query.
=item * B<Blocking>: LON-CAPA can block display of e-mails that are
sent to a student during an online exam. A course coordinator or
instructor can set an open and close date/time for scheduled online
exams in a course. If a user uses the LON-CAPA internal messaging
system to display e-mails during the scheduled blocking event,
display of all e-mail sent during the blocking period will be
suppressed, and a message of explanation, including details of the
currently active blocking periods will be displayed instead. A user
who has a course coordinator or instructor role in a course will be
unaffected by any blocking periods for the course, unless the user
also has a student role in the course, AND has selected the student role.
Users can ask LON-CAPA to forward messages to conventional e-mail
addresses on their B<PREF> screen, but generally, LON-CAPA messages
are much more useful than traditional email can be made to be, even
with HTML support.
Right now, this document will cover just how to send a message, since
it is likely you will not need to programmatically read messages,
since lonmsg already implements that functionality.
The routines used to package messages and unpackage messages are not
only used by lonmsg when creating/extracting messages for LON-CAPA's
internal messaging system, but also by which is available
for use by Domain Coordinators to broadcast standard e-mail to specified
users in their domain. The XML packaging used in the two cases is very
similar. The differences are the use of <recuser>$uname</recuser> and
<recdomain>$udom</recdomain> in stored internal messages, compared
with <recipient username="$uname:$udom">$email</recipient> in stored
Domain Coordinator e-mail for the storage of information about
recipients of the message/e-mail.
=over 4
use strict;
use Apache::lonnet;
use HTML::TokeParser();
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Apache::loncommon();
use Apache::lontexconvert();
use HTML::Entities();
use Apache::lonlocal;
use Apache::loncommunicate;
use Apache::lonfeedback;
use Apache::lonrss();
# Querystring component with sorting type
my $sqs;
my $startdis;
my $interdis;
# ============================================================ List all folders
sub folderlist {
my $folder=shift;
my @allfolders=&Apache::lonnet::getkeys('email_folders');
if ($allfolders[0]=~/^error:/) { @allfolders=(); }
return '<form method="post" action="/adm/email">'.
&mt('Folder').': '.
('' => &mt('INBOX'),'trash' => &mt('TRASH'),
'new' => &mt('New Messages Only'),
'critical' => &mt('Critical'),
'sent' => &mt('Sent Messages'),
map { $_ => $_ } @allfolders)).
' '.&mt('Show').
'<select name="interdis">'.
join("\n",map { '<option value="'.$_.'"'.
($_==$interdis?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.$_.'</option>' }
'<input type="submit" value="'.&mt('View Folder').'" /><br />'.
'<input type="hidden" name="sortedby" value="'.$env{'form.sortedby'}.'" />'.
sub scrollbuttons {
my ($start,$maxdis,$first,$finish,$total)=@_;
unless ($total>0) { return ''; }
$start++; $maxdis++;$first++;$finish++;
&mt('Page').': '.
'<input type="submit" name="firstview" value="'.&mt('First').'" />'.
'<input type="submit" name="prevview" value="'.&mt('Previous').'" />'.
'<input type="text" size="5" name="startdis" value="'.$start.'" onChange="this.form.submit()" /> of '.$maxdis.
'<input type="submit" name="nextview" value="'.&mt('Next').'" />'.
'<input type="submit" name="lastview" value="'.&mt('Last').'" /><br />'.
&mt('Showing messages [_1] through [_2] of [_3]',$first,$finish,$total).'</form>';
# =============================================================== Status Change
sub statuschange {
my ($msgid,$newstatus,$folder)=@_;
my $suffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($folder);
my %status=&Apache::lonnet::get('email_status'.$suffix,[$msgid]);
if ($status{$msgid}=~/^error\:/) { $status{$msgid}=''; }
unless ($status{$msgid}) { $status{$msgid}='new'; }
unless (($status{$msgid} eq 'replied') ||
($status{$msgid} eq 'forwarded')) {
&Apache::lonnet::put('email_status'.$suffix,{$msgid => $newstatus});
if (($newstatus eq 'deleted') || ($newstatus eq 'new')) {
&Apache::lonnet::put('email_status'.$suffix,{$msgid => $newstatus});
if ($newstatus eq 'deleted') {
return &movemsg($msgid,$folder,'trash');
return ;
# ============================================================= Make new folder
sub makefolder {
my ($newfolder)=@_;
if (($newfolder eq 'sent')
|| ($newfolder eq 'critical')
|| ($newfolder eq 'trash')
|| ($newfolder eq 'new')) { return; }
&Apache::lonnet::put('email_folders',{$newfolder => time});
# ======================================================== Move between folders
sub movemsg {
my ($msgid,$srcfolder,$trgfolder)=@_;
if ($srcfolder eq 'new') { $srcfolder=''; }
my $srcsuffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($srcfolder);
my $trgsuffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($trgfolder);
if ($srcsuffix eq $trgsuffix) {
return (0,&mt('Message not moved, Attempted to move message to the same folder as it already is in.'));
# Copy message
my %message=&Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_email'.$srcsuffix,[$msgid]);
if (!exists($message{$msgid}) || $message{$msgid} eq '') {
if (&Apache::slotrequest::network_error(%message)) {
return (0,&mt('Message not moved, A network error occurred.'));
} else {
return (0,&mt('Message not moved as the message is no longer in the source folder.'));
my $result =&Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_email'.$trgsuffix,
{$msgid => $message{$msgid}});
if (&Apache::slotrequest::network_error($result)) {
return (0,&mt('Message not moved, A network error occurred.'));
# Copy status
unless ($trgfolder eq 'trash') {
my %status=&Apache::lonnet::get('email_status'.$srcsuffix,[$msgid]);
# a non-existant status is the mark of an unread msg
if (&Apache::slotrequest::network_error(%status)) {
return (0,&mt('Message copied to new folder but status was not, A network error occurred.'));
my $result=&Apache::lonnet::put('email_status'.$trgsuffix,
{$msgid => $status{$msgid}});
if (&Apache::slotrequest::network_error($result)) {
return (0,&mt('Message copied to new folder but status was not, A network error occurred.'));
# Delete orginals
my $result_del_msg =
my $result_del_stat =
if (&Apache::slotrequest::network_error($result_del_msg)) {
return (0,&mt('Message copied, but unable to delete the original from the source folder.'));
if (&Apache::slotrequest::network_error($result_del_stat)) {
return (0,&mt('Message copied, but unable to delete the original status from the source folder.'));
return (1);
# ======================================================= Display a course list
sub discourse {
my $r=shift;
my $classlist = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
my $now=time;
my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash('cfa' => 'Check All',
'cfs' => 'Check Section/Group',
'cfn' => 'Uncheck All');
<input type="hidden" name="sendmode" value="group" />
function checkall() {
for (i=0; i<document.forms.compemail.elements.length; i++) {
(document.forms.compemail.elements[i].name.indexOf('send_to_')==0) {
function checksec() {
for (i=0; i<document.forms.compemail.elements.length; i++) {
('send_to_&&&'+document.forms.compemail.chksec.value+'&&&')==0) {
function uncheckall() {
for (i=0; i<document.forms.compemail.elements.length; i++) {
(document.forms.compemail.elements[i].name.indexOf('send_to_')==0) {
<input type="button" onClick="checkall()" value="$lt{'cfa'}" />
<input type="button" onClick="checksec()" value="$lt{'cfs'}" />
<input type="text" size="5" name="chksec" />
<input type="button" onClick="uncheckall()" value="$lt{'cfn'}" />
my %coursepersonnel=&Apache::lonnet::get_course_adv_roles();
foreach my $role (sort keys %coursepersonnel) {
foreach (split(/\,/,$coursepersonnel{$role})) {
my ($puname,$pudom)=split(/\:/,$_);
'<input type="checkbox" name="send_to_&&&&&&_'.
$puname.':'.$pudom.'" /> '.
my $sort = sub {
my $aname=lc($classlist->{$a}[&Apache::loncoursedata::CL_FULLNAME()]);
if (!$aname) { $aname=$a; }
my $bname=lc($classlist->{$b}[&Apache::loncoursedata::CL_FULLNAME()]);
if (!$bname) { $bname=$b; }
return $aname cmp $bname;
foreach my $student (sort $sort (keys(%{$classlist}))) {
my $info=$classlist->{$student};
my ($sname,$sdom,$status,$fullname,$section) =
next if ($status ne 'Active');
next if ($env{'request.course.sec'} &&
$section ne $env{'request.course.sec'});
my $key = 'send_to_&&&'.$section.'&&&_'.$student;
if (! defined($fullname) || $fullname eq '') { $fullname = $sname; }
qq{<input type="checkbox" name="$key" />}.(' 'x2).
# ==================================================== Display Critical Message
sub discrit {
my $r=shift;
my $header = '<h1><font color="red">'.&mt('Critical Messages').'</font></h1>'.
'<form action="/adm/email" method="POST">'.
'<input type="hidden" name="confirm" value="true" />';
my %what=&Apache::lonnet::dump('critical');
my $result = '';
foreach (sort keys %what) {
my %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($what{$_});
next if ($content{'senderdomain'} eq '');
$result.='<hr />'.&mt('From').': <b>'.
&Apache::loncommon::plainname($content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}),$content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}).'</b> ('.
$content{'senderdomain'}.') '.$content{'time'}.
'<br />'.&mt('Subject').': '.$content{'subject'}.
'<br /><pre>'.
&mt('You have to confirm that you received this message. After confirmation, this message will be moved to your regular inbox').
'</small><br />'.
'<input type="submit" name="rec_'.$_.'" value="'.&mt('Confirm Receipt').'" />'.
'<input type="submit" name="reprec_'.$_.'" '.
'value="'.&mt('Confirm Receipt and Reply').'" />';
# Check to see if there were any messages.
if ($result eq '') {
$result = "<h2>".&mt('You have no critical messages.')."</h2>".
'<a href="/adm/roles">'.&mt('Select a course').'</a><br />'.
'<a href="/adm/email">'.&mt('Communicate').'</a>';
} else {
$r->print('<input type="hidden" name="displayedcrit" value="true" /></form>');
sub sortedmessages {
my ($blocked,$startblock,$endblock,$numblocked,$folder) = @_;
my $suffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($folder);
my @messages = &Apache::lonnet::getkeys('nohist_email'.$suffix);
#unpack the varibles and repack into temp for sorting
my @temp;
my %descriptions;
my %status_cache =
my $get_received;
if ($folder eq 'sent'
&& ($env{'form.sortedby'} =~ m/^(rev)?(user|domain)$/)) {
$get_received = 1;
foreach my $msgid (@messages) {
my $esc_msgid=&Apache::lonnet::escape($msgid);
my ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdomain,$status,$fromcid)=
my $description = &get_course_desc($fromcid,\%descriptions);
my @temp1 = ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdomain,$status,
if ($get_received) {
my %message = &Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_email'.$suffix,
my %content = &Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($message{$msgid});
# Check whether message was sent during blocking period.
if ($sendtime >= $startblock && ($sendtime <= $endblock && $endblock > 0) ) {
$$blocked{$msgid} = 'ON';
$$numblocked ++;
} else {
push @temp ,\@temp1;
#default sort
@temp = sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} @temp;
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "date"){
@temp = sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} @temp;
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revdate"){
@temp = sort {$b->[0] <=> $a->[0]} @temp;
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "user"){
if ($get_received) {
@temp = sort {lc($a->[7][0]) cmp lc($b->[7][0])} @temp;
} else {
@temp = sort {lc($a->[2]) cmp lc($b->[2])} @temp;
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revuser"){
if ($get_received) {
@temp = sort {lc($b->[7][0]) cmp lc($a->[7][0])} @temp;
} else {
@temp = sort {lc($b->[2]) cmp lc($a->[2])} @temp;
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "domain"){
if ($get_received) {
@temp = sort {$a->[8][0] cmp $b->[8][0]} @temp;
} else {
@temp = sort {$a->[3] cmp $b->[3]} @temp;
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revdomain"){
if ($get_received) {
@temp = sort {$b->[8][0] cmp $a->[8][0]} @temp;
} else {
@temp = sort {$b->[3] cmp $a->[3]} @temp;
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "subject"){
@temp = sort {lc($a->[1]) cmp lc($b->[1])} @temp;
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revsubject"){
@temp = sort {lc($b->[1]) cmp lc($a->[1])} @temp;
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "course"){
@temp = sort {lc($a->[6]) cmp lc($b->[6])} @temp;
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revcourse"){
@temp = sort {lc($b->[6]) cmp lc($a->[6])} @temp;
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "status"){
@temp = sort {$a->[4] cmp $b->[4]} @temp;
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revstatus"){
@temp = sort {$b->[4] cmp $a->[4]} @temp;
return @temp;
sub get_course_desc {
my ($fromcid,$descriptions) = @_;
my $description;
if (!$fromcid) {
return $description;
} else {
if (defined($$descriptions{$fromcid})) {
$description = $$descriptions{$fromcid};
} else {
if (defined($env{'course.'.$fromcid.'.description'})) {
$description = $env{'course.'.$fromcid.'.description'};
} else {
my %courseinfo=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($fromcid); $description = $courseinfo{'description'};
$description = $courseinfo{'description'};
$$descriptions{$fromcid} = $description;
return $description;
# ======================================================== Display new messages
sub disnew {
my $r=shift;
my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
'nm' => 'New Messages',
'su' => 'Subject',
'co' => 'Course',
'da' => 'Date',
'us' => 'Username',
'op' => 'Open',
'do' => 'Domain'
my @msgids = sort(&Apache::lonnet::getkeys('nohist_email'));
my @newmsgs;
my %setters = ();
my $startblock = 0;
my $endblock = 0;
my %blocked = ();
my $numblocked = 0;
# Check for blocking of display because of scheduled online exams.
my %status_cache =
my %descriptions;
foreach (@msgids) {
my $msgid=&Apache::lonnet::escape($_);
my ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdom,$status,$fromcid)=
if (defined($sendtime) && $sendtime!~/error/) {
my $description = &get_course_desc($fromcid,\%descriptions);
my $numsendtime = $sendtime;
$sendtime = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($sendtime);
if ($status eq 'new') {
if ($numsendtime >= $startblock && ($numsendtime <= $endblock && $endblock > 0) ) {
$blocked{$_} = 'ON';
$numblocked ++;
} else {
push @newmsgs, {
msgid => $msgid,
sendtime => $sendtime,
shortsub => $shortsubj,
from => $fromname,
fromdom => $fromdom,
course => $description
if ($#newmsgs >= 0) {
<table class="LC_mail_list"><tr><th> </th>
foreach my $msg (@newmsgs) {
<tr class="LC_mail_new">
<td><a href="/adm/email?dismode=new&display=$msg->{'msgid'}">$lt{'op'}</a></td>
foreach ('sendtime','from','fromdom','shortsub','course') {
} elsif ($numblocked == 0) {
$r->print("<h3>".&mt('You have no unread messages')."</h3>");
if ($numblocked > 0) {
my $beginblock = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($startblock);
my $finishblock = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($endblock);
if ($numblocked == 1) {
$r->print("<h3>".&mt('You have').' '.$numblocked.' '.&mt('blocked unread message').".</h3>");
$r->print(&mt('This message is not viewable because').' ');
} else {
$r->print("<h3>".&mt('You have').' '.$numblocked.' '.&mt('blocked unread messages').".</h3>");
$r->print(&mt('These').' '.$numblocked.' '.&mt('messages are not viewable because '));
&mt('display of LON-CAPA messages sent to you by other students between').' '.$beginblock.' '.&mt('and').' '.$finishblock.' '.&mt('is currently being blocked because of online exams').'.');
# ======================================================== Display all messages
sub disall {
my ($r,$folder)=@_;
if ($folder eq 'new') {
} elsif ($folder eq 'critical') {
} else {
# ============================================================ Display a folder
sub disfolder {
my ($r,$folder)=@_;
my %blocked = ();
my %setters = ();
my $startblock;
my $endblock;
my $numblocked = 0;
function checkall() {
for (i=0; i<document.forms.disall.elements.length; i++) {
(document.forms.disall.elements[i].name.indexOf('delmark_')==0) {
function uncheckall() {
for (i=0; i<document.forms.disall.elements.length; i++) {
(document.forms.disall.elements[i].name.indexOf('delmark_')==0) {
my $fsqs='&folder='.$folder;
my @temp=sortedmessages(\%blocked,$startblock,$endblock,\$numblocked,$folder);
my $totalnumber=$#temp+1;
unless ($totalnumber>0) {
$r->print('<h2>'.&mt('Empty Folder').'</h2>');
unless ($interdis) {
my $number=int($totalnumber/$interdis);
if (($startdis<0) || ($startdis>$number)) { $startdis=$number; }
my $firstdis=$interdis*$startdis;
if ($firstdis>$#temp) { $firstdis=$#temp-$interdis+1; }
my $lastdis=$firstdis+$interdis-1;
if ($lastdis>$#temp) { $lastdis=$#temp; }
$r->print('<form method="post" name="disall" action="/adm/email">'.
'<table class="LC_mail_list"><tr><th colspan="3"> </th><th>');
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revdate") {
$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=date'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Date').'</a></th>');
} else {
$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=revdate'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Date').'</a></th>');
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revuser") {
$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=user'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Username').'</a>');
} else {
$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=revuser'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Username').'</a>');
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revdomain") {
$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=domain'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Domain').'</a>');
} else {
$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=revdomain'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Domain').'</a>');
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revsubject") {
$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=subject'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Subject').'</a>');
} else {
$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=revsubject'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Subject').'</a>');
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revcourse") {
$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=course'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Course').'</a>');
} else {
$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=revcourse'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Course').'</a>');
if ($env{'form.sortedby'} eq "revstatus") {
$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=status'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Status').'</a></th>');
} else {
$r->print('<a href = "?sortedby=revstatus'.$fsqs.'">'.&mt('Status').'</a></th>');
my $suffix = &Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($folder);
for (my $n=$firstdis;$n<=$lastdis;$n++) {
my ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdomain,$status,$origID,
if (($status ne 'deleted') && defined($sendtime) && $sendtime!~/error/) {
if ($status eq 'new') {
$r->print('<tr class="LC_mail_new">');
} elsif ($status eq 'read') {
$r->print('<tr class="LC_mail_read">');
} elsif ($status eq 'replied') {
$r->print('<tr class="LC_mail_replied">');
} else {
$r->print('<tr class="LC_mail_other">');
my ($dis_name,$dis_domain) = ($fromname,$fromdomain);
if ($folder eq 'sent') {
if (defined($recv_name) && !defined($recv_domain)) {
$dis_name = join('<br />',@{$recv_name});
$dis_domain = join('<br />',@{$recv_domain});
} else {
my $msg_id = &Apache::lonnet::unescape($origID);
my %message = &Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_email'.$suffix,
my %content = &Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($message{$msg_id});
$dis_name = join('<br />',@{$content{'recuser'}});
$dis_domain = join('<br />',@{$content{'recdomain'}});
$r->print('<td><input type="checkbox" name="delmark_'.$origID.'" /></td><td><a href="/adm/email?display='.$origID.$sqs.
($folder ne 'trash'?'<a href="/adm/email?markdel='.$origID.$sqs.
'">'.&mt('Delete'):' ').'</a></td>'.
} elsif ($status eq 'deleted') {
# purge
my ($result,$msg) =
'<a href="javascript:checkall()">'.&mt('Check All').'</a> '.
'<a href="javascript:uncheckall()">'.&mt('Uncheck All').'</a></p>'.
'<input type="hidden" name="sortedby" value="'.$env{'form.sortedby'}.'" />');
if ($folder ne 'trash') {
'<p><input type="submit" name="markeddel" value="'.&mt('Delete Checked').'" /></p>');
$r->print('<p><input type="submit" name="markedmove" value="'.&mt('Move Checked to Folder').'" />');
my @allfolders=&Apache::lonnet::getkeys('email_folders');
if ($allfolders[0]=~/^error:/) { @allfolders=(); }
( map { $_ => $_ } @allfolders))
my $postedstartdis=$startdis+1;
$r->print('<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="'.$folder.'" /><input type="hidden" name="startdis" value="'.$postedstartdis.'" /><input type="hidden" name="interdis" value="'.$env{'form.interdis'}.'" /></form>');
if ($numblocked > 0) {
my $beginblock = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($startblock);
my $finishblock = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($endblock);
$r->print('<br /><br />'.
$numblocked.' '.&mt('message(s) is/are not viewable because display of LON-CAPA messages sent to you by other students between').' '.$beginblock.' '.&mt('and').' '.$finishblock.' '.&mt('is currently being blocked because of online exams.'));
# ============================================================== Compose output
sub compout {
my ($r,$forwarding,$replying,$broadcast,$replycrit,$folder,$dismode)=@_;
my $suffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($folder);
if ($broadcast eq 'individual') {
'Send a Message');
} elsif ($broadcast) {
'Broadcast Message');
} elsif ($forwarding) {
text=>"Display Message"});
'Forwarding a Message');
} elsif ($replying) {
text=>"Display Message"});
'Replying to a Message');
} elsif ($replycrit) {
$r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Replying to a Critical Message').'</h3>');
} else {
'Distribute from Uploaded File');
my $dispcrit='';
my $dissub='';
my $dismsg='';
my $disbase='';
my $func=&mt('Send New');
my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash('us' => 'Username',
'do' => 'Domain',
'ad' => 'Additional Recipients',
'sb' => 'Subject',
'ca' => 'Cancel',
'ma' => 'Mail');
if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{''})
|| &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{''}.
'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'})) {
my $crithelp = Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Course_Critical_Message");
'<p><label><input type="checkbox" name="critmsg" /> '.&mt('Send as critical message').'</label> ' . $crithelp .
'<label><input type="checkbox" name="sendbck" /> '.&mt('Send as critical message').' ' .
&mt('and return receipt') . '</label>' . $crithelp .
'</p><p><label><input type="checkbox" name="permanent" /> '.
&mt('Send copy to permanent email address (if known)').'</label></p>'.
'<p><label><input type="checkbox" name="rsspost" /> '.
&mt('Include in course RSS newsfeed').'</label></p>';
my %message;
my %content;
my $defdom=$env{'user.domain'};
if ($forwarding) {
$dispcrit.='<input type="hidden" name="forwid" value="'.
$forwarding.'" />';
$dissub=&mt('Forwarding').': '.$content{'subject'};
$dismsg=&mt('Forwarded message from').' '.
$content{'sendername'}.' '.&mt('at').' '.$content{'senderdomain'};
if ($content{'baseurl'}) {
$disbase='<input type="hidden" name="baseurl" value="'.&Apache::lonnet::escape($content{'baseurl'}).'" />';
if ($replying) {
$dispcrit.='<input type="hidden" name="replyid" value="'.
$replying.'" />';
$func=&mt('Send Reply to');
$dissub=&mt('Reply').': '.$content{'subject'};
$dismsg='> '.$content{'message'};
$dismsg=~s/\n+/\n\> /g;
if ($content{'baseurl'}) {
$disbase='<input type="hidden" name="baseurl" value="'.&Apache::lonnet::escape($content{'baseurl'}).'" />';
if ($env{'user.adv'}) {
$disbase.='<label><input type="checkbox" name="storebasecomment" />'.&mt('Store message for re-use').
'</label> <a href="/adm/email?showcommentbaseurl='.
&Apache::lonnet::escape($content{'baseurl'}).'" target="comments">'.
&mt('Show re-usable messages').'</a><br />';
my $citation=&displayresource(%content);
if ($env{'form.recdom'}) { $defdom=$env{'form.recdom'}; }
'<form action="/adm/email" name="compemail" method="post"'.
' enctype="multipart/form-data">'."\n".
'<input type="hidden" name="sendmail" value="on" />'."\n".
unless (($broadcast eq 'group') || ($broadcast eq 'upload')) {
if ($replying) {
$r->print('<tr><td colspan="2">'.&mt('Replying to').' '.
&Apache::loncommon::plainname($content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}),$content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}).' ('.
'<input type="hidden" name="recuname" value="'.$content{'sendername'}.'" />'.
'<input type="hidden" name="recdomain" value="'.$content{'senderdomain'}.'" />'.
} else {
my $domform = &Apache::loncommon::select_dom_form($defdom,'recdomain');
my $selectlink=&Apache::loncommon::selectstudent_link
<tr><td>$lt{'us'}:</td><td><input type="text" size="12" name="recuname" value="$env{'form.recname'}" /></td><td rowspan="2">$selectlink</td></tr>
my $latexHelp = Apache::loncommon::helpLatexCheatsheet();
if ($broadcast ne 'upload') {
<tr><td>$lt{'ad'}<br /><tt>username\@domain,username\@domain, ...
<input type="text" size="50" name="additionalrec" /></td></tr>
<tr><td>$lt{'sb'}:</td><td><input type="text" size="50" name="subject" value="$dissub" />
<textarea name="message" id="message" cols="80" rows="15" wrap="hard">$dismsg
</textarea></p><br />
<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="$folder" />
<input type="hidden" name="dismode" value="$dismode" />
<input type="submit" name="send" value="$func $lt{'ma'}" />
<input type="submit" name="cancel" value="$lt{'ca'}" /><hr />
} else { # $broadcast is 'upload'
<input type="hidden" name="sendmode" value="upload" />
<input type="hidden" name="send" value="on" />
<h3>Generate messages from a file</h3>
Subject: <input type="text" size="50" name="subject" />
<p>General message text<br />
<textarea name="message" id="message" cols="60" rows="10" wrap="hard">$dismsg
The file format for the uploaded portion of the message is:
username1\@domain1: text
username2\@domain2: text
username3\@domain1: text
The messages will be assembled from all lines with the respective
<tt>username\@domain</tt>, and appended to the general message text.</p>
<input type="file" name="upfile" size="40" /></p><p>
<input type="submit" value="Upload and Send" /></p>
if ($broadcast eq 'group') {
# ---------------------------------------------------- Display all face to face
sub retrieve_instructor_comments {
my ($user,$domain)=@_;
my $target=$env{'form.grade_target'};
if (! $env{''}) { return; }
if (! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{''})
&& ! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{''}.
'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'})) {
my %records=&Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_email',
my $result='';
foreach (sort(keys(%records))) {
my %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($records{$_});
next if ($content{'senderdomain'} eq '');
next if ($content{'subject'} !~ /^Record/);
# &Apache::lonfeedback::newline_to_br(\$content{'message'});
$result.='Recorded by '.
return $result;
sub disfacetoface {
my ($r,$user,$domain)=@_;
my $target=$env{'form.grade_target'};
unless ($env{''}) { return; }
if (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{''})
&& ! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{''}.
'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'})) {
$r->print('Not allowed');
my %records=&Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_email',
my $result='';
foreach (sort keys %records) {
my %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($records{$_});
next if ($content{'senderdomain'} eq '');
if ($content{'subject'}=~/^Record/) {
} elsif ($content{'subject'}=~/^Broadcast/) {
$result .='<h3>'.&mt('Broadcast Message').'</h3>';
if ($content{'subject'}=~/^Broadcast\./) {
if (defined($content{'coursemsgid'})) {
my $crsmsgid = &Apache::lonnet::escape($content{'coursemsgid'});
my $broadcast_message = &general_message($crsmsgid);
$content{'message'} = '<b>'.&mt('Subject').': '.$content{'message'}.'</b><br />'.$broadcast_message;
} else {
$content{'message'} =
'<b>'.&mt('Subject').': '.$content{'subject'}.'</b><br />'.
} else {
$result.='<h3>'.&mt('Critical Message').'</h3>';
if (defined($content{'coursemsgid'})) {
my $crsmsgid=&Apache::lonnet::escape($content{'coursemsgid'});
my $critical_message = &general_message($crsmsgid);
$content{'message'} = '<b>'.&mt('Subject').': '.$content{'message'}.'</b><br />'.$critical_message;
} else {
'<b>'.&mt('Subject').': '.$content{'subject'}.'</b><br />'.
$result.=&mt('By').': <b>'.
&Apache::loncommon::plainname($content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}),$content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}).'</b> ('.
$content{'senderdomain'}.') '.$content{'time'}.
'<br /><pre>'.
# Check to see if there were any messages.
if ($result eq '') {
if ($target ne 'tex') {
$r->print("<p><b>".&mt("No notes, face-to-face discussion records, critical messages, or broadcast messages in this course.")."</b></p>");
} else {
$r->print('\textbf{'.&mt("No notes, face-to-face discussion records, critical messages or broadcast messages in this course.").'}\\\\');
} else {
sub general_message {
my ($crsmsgid) = @_;
my %general_content;
if ($crsmsgid) {
my %course_content = &Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_email',[$crsmsgid],
%general_content = &Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($course_content{$crsmsgid});
return $general_content{'message'};
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Face to face
sub facetoface {
my ($r,$stage)=@_;
if (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{''})
&& ! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{''}.
'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'})) {
$r->print('Not allowed');
"User Notes, Face-to-Face, Critical Messages, Broadcast Messages");
# from query string
if ($env{'form.recname'}) { $env{'form.recuname'}=$env{'form.recname'}; }
if ($env{'form.recdom'}) { $env{'form.recdomain'}=$env{'form.recdom'}; }
my $defdom=$env{'user.domain'};
# already filled in
if ($env{'form.recdomain'}) { $defdom=$env{'form.recdomain'}; }
# generate output
my $domform = &Apache::loncommon::select_dom_form($defdom,'recdomain');
my $stdbrws = &Apache::loncommon::selectstudent_link
my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash('user' => 'Username',
'dom' => 'Domain',
'head' => 'User Notes, Records of Face-To-Face Discussions, Critical Messages, and Broadcast Messages in Course',
'subm' => 'Retrieve discussion and message records',
'newr' => 'New Record (record is visible to course faculty and staff)',
'post' => 'Post this Record');
<form method="post" action="/adm/email" name="stdselect">
<input type="hidden" name="recordftf" value="retrieve" />
<tr><td>$lt{'user'}:</td><td><input type="text" size="12" name="recuname" value="$env{'form.recuname'}" /></td>
<td rowspan="2">
<input type="submit" value="$lt{'subm'}" /></td>
if (($stage ne 'query') &&
($env{'form.recdomain'}) && ($env{'form.recuname'})) {
if ($env{'form.newrecord'}) {
my $recordtxt = $env{'form.newrecord'};
' ['.$env{'form.recuname'}.':'.$env{'form.recdomain'}.']',
<form method="post" action="/adm/email">
<input name="recdomain" value="$env{'form.recdomain'}" type="hidden" />
<input name="recuname" value="$env{'form.recuname'}" type="hidden" />
<hr />$lt{'newr'}<br />
<textarea name="newrecord" cols="80" rows="10" wrap="hard"></textarea>
<br />
<input type="hidden" name="recordftf" value="post" />
<input type="submit" value="$lt{'post'}" />
# ----------------------------------------------------------- Blocking during exams
sub examblock {
my ($r,$action) = @_;
unless ($env{''}) { return;}
if (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{''})
&& ! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{''}.
'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'})) {
$r->print('Not allowed');
my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
'comb' => 'Communication Blocking',
'cbds' => 'Communication blocking during scheduled exams',
'desc' => 'You can use communication blocking to prevent students enrolled in this course from displaying LON-CAPA messages sent by other students during an online exam. As blocking of communication could potentially interrupt legitimate communication between students who are also both enrolled in a different LON-CAPA course, please be careful that you select the correct start and end times for your scheduled exam when setting or modifying these parameters.',
'mecb' => 'Modify existing communication blocking periods',
'ncbc' => 'No communication blocks currently stored'
my %ltext = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
'dura' => 'Duration',
'setb' => 'Set by',
'even' => 'Event',
'actn' => 'Action',
'star' => 'Start',
'endd' => 'End'
if ($action eq 'store') {
$r->print($lt{'desc'}.'<br /><br />
<form name="blockform" method="post" action="/adm/email?block=store">
my %records = ();
my $blockcount = 0;
my $parmcount = 0;
if ($blockcount > 0) {
$parmcount = &display_blocker_status($r,\%records,\%ltext);
} else {
$r->print($lt{'ncbc'}.'<br /><br />');
my $end_page=&Apache::loncommon::end_page();
<br />
<input type="hidden" name="blocktotal" value="$blockcount" />
<input type ="submit" value="Save Changes" />
sub blockstore {
my $r = shift;
my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
'tfcm' => 'The following changes were made',
'cbps' => 'communication blocking period(s)',
'werm' => 'was/were removed',
'wemo' => 'was/were modified',
'wead' => 'was/were added',
'ncwm' => 'No changes were made.'
my %adds = ();
my %removals = ();
my %cancels = ();
my $modtotal = 0;
my $canceltotal = 0;
my $addtotal = 0;
my %blocking = ();
foreach (keys %env) {
if ($_ =~ m/^form\.modify_(\w+)$/) {
$adds{$1} = $1;
$removals{$1} = $1;
$modtotal ++;
} elsif ($_ =~ m/^form\.cancel_(\d+)$/) {
$cancels{$1} = $1;
unless ( defined($removals{$1}) ) {
$removals{$1} = $1;
$canceltotal ++;
} elsif ($_ =~ m/^form\.add_(\d+)$/) {
$adds{$1} = $1;
$addtotal ++;
foreach (keys %removals) {
my $hashkey = $env{'form.key_'.$_};
foreach (keys %adds) {
unless ( defined($cancels{$_}) ) {
my ($newstart,$newend) = &get_dates_from_form($_);
my $newkey = $newstart.'____'.$newend;
$blocking{$newkey} = $env{''}.':'.$env{'user.domain'}.':'.$env{'form.title_'.$_};
if ($addtotal + $modtotal > 0) {
my $chgestotal = $canceltotal + $modtotal + $addtotal;
if ($chgestotal > 0) {
if ($canceltotal > 0) {
$r->print('<li>'.$canceltotal.' '.$lt{'cbps'},' '.$lt{'werm'}.'</li>');
if ($modtotal > 0) {
$r->print('<li>'.$modtotal.' '.$lt{'cbps'},' '.$lt{'wemo'}.'</li>');
if ($addtotal > 0) {
$r->print('<li>'.$addtotal.' '.$lt{'cbps'},' '.$lt{'wead'}.'</li>');
} else {
$r->print('<br />');
sub get_dates_from_form {
my $item = shift;
my $startdate = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::get_date_from_form('startdate_'.$item);
my $enddate = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::get_date_from_form('enddate_'.$item);
return ($startdate,$enddate);
sub get_blockdates {
my ($records,$blockcount) = @_;
$$blockcount = 0;
%{$records} = &Apache::lonnet::dump('comm_block',
$$blockcount = keys(%{$records});
if ((keys(%{$records}))[0] =~ /^error: 2 /) {
$records = {};
$$blockcount = 0;
sub display_blocker_status {
my ($r,$records,$ltext) = @_;
my $parmcount = 0;
my @bgcols = ("#eeeeee","#dddddd");
my $function = &Apache::loncommon::get_users_function();
my $color = &Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.tabbg',
my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
'modi' => 'Modify',
'canc' => 'Cancel',
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">
<td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000">
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<tr bgcolor="$color">
foreach (sort keys %{$records}) {
my $iter = $parmcount%2;
my $onchange = 'onFocus="javascript:window.document.forms['.
my ($start,$end) = split/____/,$_;
my $startform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('blockform','startdate_'.$parmcount,$start,$onchange);
my $endform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('blockform','enddate_'.$parmcount,$end,$onchange);
my ($setuname,$setudom,$title) = &parse_block_record($$records{$_});
my $settername = &Apache::loncommon::plainname($setuname,$setudom);
<tr bgcolor="$bgcols[$iter]">
<td>$$ltext{'star'}: $startform<br/>$$ltext{'endd'}: $endform</td>
<td><input type="text" name="title_$parmcount" size="15" value="$title" /><input type="hidden" name="key_$parmcount" value="$_" /></td>
<td><label>$lt{'modi'}? <input type="checkbox" name="modify_$parmcount" /></label><br /><label>$lt{'canc'}? <input type="checkbox" name="cancel_$parmcount" /></label>
$parmcount ++;
<br />
<br />
return $parmcount;
sub parse_block_record {
my ($record) = @_;
my ($setuname,$setudom,$title);
my @data = split(/:/,$record,3);
if (scalar(@data) eq 2) {
$title = $data[1];
($setuname,$setudom) = split(/@/,$data[0]);
} else {
($setuname,$setudom,$title) = @data;
return ($setuname,$setudom,$title);
sub display_addblocker_table {
my ($r,$parmcount,$ltext) = @_;
my $start = time;
my $end = $start + (60 * 60 * 2); #Default is an exam of 2 hours duration.
my $onchange = 'onFocus="javascript:window.document.forms['.
my $startform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('blockform','startdate_'.$parmcount,$start,$onchange);
my $endform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('blockform','enddate_'.$parmcount,$end,$onchange);
my $function = &Apache::loncommon::get_users_function();
my $color = &Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.tabbg',
my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
'addb' => 'Add block',
'exam' => 'e.g., Exam 1',
'addn' => 'Add new communication blocking periods'
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">
<td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000">
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<tr bgcolor="#CCCCFF">
<td><b>$$ltext{'even'} $lt{'exam'}</b></td>
<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
<td>$$ltext{'star'}: $startform<br />$$ltext{'endd'}: $endform</td>
<td><input type="text" name="title_$parmcount" size="15" value="" /></td>
<td><label>$lt{'addb'}? <input type="checkbox" name="add_$parmcount" value="1" /></label></td>
sub blockcheck {
my ($setters,$startblock,$endblock) = @_;
# Retrieve active student roles and active course coordinator/instructor roles
my %live_courses =
map { $_ => 1} &Apache::loncommon::findallcourses();
# FIXME should really probe for apriv, but ::allowed can only probe the
# currently active role
my %staff_of =
map { $_ => 1} &Apache::loncommon::findallcourses(['cc','in']);
# Retrieve blocking times and identity of blocker for active courses
# for students.
return if (!%live_courses);
&Apache::lonnet::logthis(join(" ",%live_courses));
&Apache::lonnet::logthis(join(" ",%staff_of));
foreach my $course (keys(%live_courses)) {
my ($cdom,$cnum) = split(/_/,$course);
# if they are a staff member and are currently not playing student
next if ( $staff_of{$course}
&& ($env{'request.role'} !~ m{^st\./$cdom/$cnum}));
$setters->{$course} = {};
$setters->{$course}{'staff'} = [];
$setters->{$course}{'times'} = [];
my %records = &Apache::lonnet::dump('comm_block',$cdom,$cnum);
foreach my $record (keys %records) {
my ($start,$end) = ($record =~ m/^(\d+)____(\d+)$/);
if ($start <= time && $end >= time) {
my ($staff_name,$staff_dom,$title) =
push(@{$$setters{$course}{'staff'}}, [$staff_name,$staff_dom]);
push(@{$$setters{$course}{'times'}}, [$start,$end]);
if ( ($$startblock == 0) || ($$startblock > $1) ) {
$$startblock = $1;
if ( ($$endblock == 0) || ($$endblock < $2) ) {
$$endblock = $2;
sub build_block_table {
my ($r,$startblock,$endblock,$setters) = @_;
my $function = &Apache::loncommon::get_users_function();
my $color = &Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.tabbg',
my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
'cacb' => 'Currently active communication blocks',
'cour' => 'Course',
'dura' => 'Duration',
'blse' => 'Block set by'
<br /<br />$lt{'cacb'}:<br /><br />
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">
<td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000">
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<tr bgcolor="$color">
foreach (keys %{$setters}) {
my %courseinfo=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($_);
for (my $i=0; $i<@{$$setters{$_}{staff}}; $i++) {
my ($uname,$udom) = @{$$setters{$_}{staff}[$i]};
my $fullname = &Apache::loncommon::plainname($uname,$udom);
my ($openblock,$closeblock) = @{$$setters{$_}{times}[$i]};
$openblock = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($openblock);
$closeblock= &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($closeblock);
'<td>'.$openblock.' to '.$closeblock.'</td>'.
'<td>'.$fullname.' ('.$uname.':'.$udom.
# ----------------------------------------------------------- Display a message
sub displaymessage {
my ($r,$msgid,$folder)=@_;
my $suffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($folder);
my %blocked = ();
my %setters = ();
my $startblock = 0;
my $endblock = 0;
my $numblocked = 0;
# info to generate "next" and "previous" buttons and check if message is blocked
my @messages=&sortedmessages(\%blocked,$startblock,$endblock,\$numblocked,$folder);
if ( $blocked{$msgid} eq 'ON' ) {
&printheader($r,'/adm/email',&mt('Display a Message'));
$r->print(&mt('You attempted to display a message that is currently blocked because you are enrolled in one or more courses for which there is an ongoing online exam.'));
my %message=&Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_email'.$suffix,[$msgid]);
my %content=&Apache::lonmsg::unpackagemsg($message{$msgid});
my $counter=0;
my $escmsgid=&Apache::lonnet::escape($msgid);
foreach (@messages) {
if ($_->[5] eq $escmsgid){
my $number_of_messages = scalar(@messages); #subtract 1 for last index
# start output
&printheader($r,'/adm/email?display='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($msgid),'Display a Message','',$content{'baseurl'});
my %courseinfo=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($content{'courseid'});
# Functions
$r->print('<table border="2" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#FFFFAA"><td>'.&mt('Functions').':</td>'.
'<td><a href="/adm/email?replyto='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($msgid).$sqs.
'<td><a href="/adm/email?forward='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($msgid).$sqs.
'<td><a href="/adm/email?markunread='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($msgid).$sqs.
'"><b>'.&mt('Mark Unread').'</b></a></td>'.
'<td><a href="/adm/email?markdel='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($msgid).$sqs.
'<td><a href="/adm/email?'.$sqs.
($env{'form.dismode'} eq 'new'?'&folder=new':'').
'"><b>'.&mt('Back to Folder Display').'</b></a></td>');
if ($counter > 0){
$r->print('<td><a href="/adm/email?display='.$messages[$counter-1]->[5].$sqs.
if ($counter < $number_of_messages - 1){
$r->print('<td><a href="/adm/email?display='.$messages[$counter+1]->[5].$sqs.
if ($env{'user.adv'}) {
$r->print('<table border="2" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#FFAAAA"><td>'.&mt('Currently available actions (will open extra window)').':</td>');
my $symb=&Apache::lonnet::symbread($content{'baseurl'});
if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vgr',$env{''})) {
$r->print('<td><b>'.&Apache::loncommon::track_student_link(&mt('View recent activity'),$content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'},'check').'</b></td>');
if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$env{''}) && $symb) {
$r->print('<td><b>'.&Apache::loncommon::pprmlink(&mt('Set/Change parameters'),$content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'},$symb,'check').'</b></td>');
if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mgr',$env{''}) && $symb) {
$r->print('<td><b>'.&Apache::loncommon::pgrdlink(&mt('Set/Change grades'),$content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'},$symb,'check').'</b></td>');
my $tolist;
my @recipients = ();
for (my $i=0; $i<@{$content{'recuser'}}; $i++) {
$recipients[$i] = &Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper(
' ('.$content{'recuser'}[$i].' at '.$content{'recdomain'}[$i].') ';
$tolist = join(', ',@recipients);
$r->print('<br /><b>'.&mt('Subject').':</b> '.$content{'subject'}.
($folder ne 'sent'?'<br /><b>'.&mt('From').':</b> '.
$content{'sendername'},$content{'senderdomain'}).' ('.
$content{'sendername'}.' at '.
$content{'senderdomain'}.') ':'<br /><b>'.&mt('To').':</b> '.
($content{'courseid'}?'<br /><b>'.&mt('Course').':</b> '.$courseinfo{'description'}.
($content{'coursesec'}?' ('.&mt('Group/Section').': '.$content{'coursesec'}.')':''):'').
'<br /><b>'.&mt('Time').':</b> '.$content{'time'}.
($content{'baseurl'}?'<br /><b>'.&mt('Refers to').':</b> <a href="'.$content{'baseurl'}.'">'.
$content{'baseurl'}.' ('.&Apache::lonnet::gettitle($content{'baseurl'}).')</a>':'').
'</pre><hr />'.&displayresource(%content).'</p>');
# =========================================================== Show the citation
sub displayresource {
my %content=@_;
# If the recipient is in the same course that the message was sent from and
# has sufficient privileges, show "all details," else show citation
if (($env{''} eq $content{'courseid'})
&& (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vgr',$content{'courseid'}))) {
my $symb=&Apache::lonnet::symbread($content{'baseurl'});
# Could not get a symb, give up
unless ($symb) { return $content{'citation'}; }
# Have a symb, can render
return '<h2>'.&mt('Current attempts of student (if applicable)').'</h2>'.
'<hr /><h2>'.&mt('Current screen output (if applicable)').'</h2>'.
'<h2>'.&mt('Correct Answer(s) (if applicable)').'</h2>'.
} elsif ($env{'user.adv'}) {
return $content{'citation'};
return '';
# ================================================================== The Header
sub header {
my ($r,$title,$baseurl)=@_;
my $extra = &Apache::loncommon::studentbrowser_javascript();
if ($baseurl) {
$extra .= "<base href=\"http://$ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}/$baseurl\" />";
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Communication and Messages',
(undef,($title?$title:'Communication and Messages')));
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Print header
sub printheader {
my ($r,$url,$desc,$title,$baseurl)=@_;
# ------------------------------------------------------------ Store the comment
sub storecomment {
my ($r)=@_;
my $msgtxt=&Apache::lonfeedback::clear_out_html($env{'form.message'});
my $cleanmsgtxt='';
foreach (split(/[\n\r]/,$msgtxt)) {
unless ($_=~/^\s*(\>|\>\;)/) {
my $key=&Apache::lonnet::escape($env{'form.baseurl'}).'___'.time;
&Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_stored_comments',{ $key => $cleanmsgtxt });
sub storedcommentlisting {
my ($r)=@_;
my %msgs=&Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_stored_comments',undef,undef,
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Stored Comment Listing',undef,
{'onlybody' => 1}));
if ((keys %msgs)[0]=~/^error\:/) {
$r->print(&mt('No stored comments yet.'));
} else {
my $found=0;
foreach (sort keys %msgs) {
$r->print("\n".$msgs{$_}."<hr />");
unless ($found) {
$r->print(&mt('No stored comments yet for this resource.'));
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Send an email
sub sendoffmail {
my ($r,$folder)=@_;
my $suffix=&Apache::lonmsg::foldersuffix($folder);
my $sendstatus='';
my %specialmsg_status;
my $numspecial = 0;
if ($env{'form.send'}) {
&printheader($r,'','Messages being sent.');
my %content=();
undef %content;
if ($env{'form.forwid'}) {
my $msgid=$env{'form.forwid'};
my %message=&Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_email'.$suffix,[$msgid]);
$env{'form.message'}.="\n\n-- Forwarded message --\n\n".
if ($env{'form.replyid'}) {
my $msgid=$env{'form.replyid'};
my %message=&Apache::lonnet::get('nohist_email'.$suffix,[$msgid]);
my %toaddr;
if ($env{'form.sendmode'} eq 'group') {
foreach my $address (keys(%env)) {
if ($address=~/^form\.send\_to\_\&\&\&[^\&]*\&\&\&\_(.+)$/) {
} elsif ($env{'form.sendmode'} eq 'upload') {
foreach my $line (split(/[\n\r\f]+/,$env{'form.upfile'})) {
my ($rec,$txt)=split(/\s*\:\s*/,$line);
if ($txt) {
} else {
if ($env{'form.additionalrec'}) {
foreach (split(/\,/,$env{'form.additionalrec'})) {
my ($auname,$audom)=split(/\@/,$_);
my $savemsg;
my $msgtype;
my %sentmessage;
my $msgsubj=&Apache::lonfeedback::clear_out_html($env{'form.subject'},
if ((($env{'form.critmsg'}) || ($env{'form.sendbck'})) &&
|| &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{''}.
)) {
$msgtype = 'critical';
} else {
foreach my $address (sort(keys(%toaddr))) {
my ($recuname,$recdomain)=split(/\:/,$address);
my $msgtxt = $savemsg;
if ($toaddr{$address}) { $msgtxt.='<hr />'.$toaddr{$address}; }
my @thismsg;
if ((($env{'form.critmsg'}) || ($env{'form.sendbck'})) &&
|| &Apache::lonnet::allowed('srm',$env{''}.
'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}))) {
$r->print(&mt('Sending critical message').' '.$recuname.':'.$recdomain.': ');
} else {
$r->print(&mt('Sending').' '.$recuname.':'.$recdomain.': ');
if (($env{''}) && (($msgtype eq 'critical') ||
($env{'form.sendmode'} eq 'group'))) {
$specialmsg_status{$recuname.':'.$recdomain} =
join(' ',@thismsg);
foreach my $result (@thismsg) {
if ($result eq 'ok') {
$sendstatus.=' '.join(' ',@thismsg);
if (($env{''}) && (($env{'form.sendmode'} eq 'group')
|| ($msgtype eq 'critical'))) {
my $subj_prefix;
if ($msgtype eq 'critical') {
$subj_prefix = 'Critical.';
} else {
$subj_prefix = 'Broadcast.';
my ($specialmsgid,$specialresult);
my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.num'};
my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.domain'};
my $course_str = &Apache::lonnet::escape('['.$cnum.':'.$cdom.']');
if ($numspecial) {
$specialresult = &Apache::lonmsg::user_normal_msg_raw($cnum,$cdom,$subj_prefix.
' '.$course_str,$savemsg,undef,undef,undef,
$specialmsgid = &Apache::lonnet::unescape($specialmsgid);
if ($specialresult eq 'ok') {
my $record_sent;
my @recusers;
my @recudoms;
my ($stamp,$crssubj,$msgname,$msgdom,$msgcount,$context,$pid) =
foreach my $recipient (sort(keys(%toaddr))) {
if ($specialmsg_status{$recipient} eq 'ok') {
my $usersubj = $subj_prefix.'['.$recipient.']';
my $usermsgid =
' ['.$recipient.']',$msgsubj,undef,
my ($uname,$udom) = split(/:/,$recipient);
if (@recusers) {
my $specialmessage;
my $sentsubj =
$subj_prefix.' ('.$numspecial.' sent) '.$msgsubj;
$sentsubj = &HTML::Entities::encode($sentsubj,'<>&"');
my $sentmsgid =
($specialmsgid,$specialmessage) = &Apache::lonmsg::packagemsg($msgsubj,$savemsg,
$record_sent = &Apache::lonmsg::store_sent_mail($specialmsgid,$specialmessage);
} else {
&Apache::lonnet::logthis('Failed to create record of critical message or broadcast in '.$env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.num'}.' at '.$env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.domain'}.' - no msgid generated');
} else {
&printheader($r,'','No messages sent.');
if ($sendstatus=~/^(\s*(?:ok|con_delayed)\s*)*$/) {
$r->print('<br /><span class="LC_success">'.&mt('Completed.').'</span>');
if ($env{'form.displayedcrit'}) {
} else {
} else {
$r->print('<p><span class="LC_error">'.&mt('Could not deliver message').'</span> '.
&mt('Please use the browser "Back" button and correct the recipient addresses').'</p>');
# ===================================================================== Handler
sub handler {
my $r=shift;
# ----------------------------------------------------------- Set document type
return OK if $r->header_only;
# --------------------------- Get query string for limited number of parameters
# ------------------------------------------------------ They checked for email
unless ($env{'form.block'}) {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Breadcrumbs
faq=>12,bug=>'Communication Tools',});
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Get Folder
my $folder=$env{'form.folder'};
unless ($folder) {
} else {
# ------------------------------------------------------------ Get Display Mode
my $dismode=$env{'form.dismode'};
unless ($dismode) {
} else {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- Display
unless ($startdis) { $startdis=0; }
unless ($interdis) { $interdis=20; }
if ($env{'form.firstview'}) {
if ($env{'form.lastview'}) {
if ($env{'form.prevview'}) {
if ($env{'form.nextview'}) {
my $postedstartdis=$startdis+1;
# --------------------------------------------------------------- Render Output
if ($env{'form.display'}) {
} elsif ($env{'form.replyto'}) {
} elsif ($env{'form.confirm'}) {
&printheader($r,'','Confirmed Receipt');
foreach (keys %env) {
if ($_=~/^form\.rec\_(.*)$/) {
$r->print('<b>'.&mt('Confirming Receipt').':</b> '.
if ($_=~/^form\.reprec\_(.*)$/) {
my $msgid=$1;
$r->print('<b>'.&mt('Confirming Receipt').':</b> '.
} elsif ($env{'form.critical'}) {
&printheader($r,'','Displaying Critical Messages');
} elsif ($env{'form.forward'}) {
} elsif ($env{'form.markdel'}) {
&printheader($r,'','Deleted Message');
my ($result,$msg) =
if (!$result) {
$r->print('<p class="LC_error">'.
&mt('Failed to delete the message.').'</p>'.
'<p class="LC_error">'.$msg."</p>\n");
} elsif ($env{'form.markedmove'}) {
my ($total,$failed,@failed_msg)=(0,0);
foreach my $key (keys(%env)) {
if ($key=~/^form\.delmark_(.*)$/) {
my ($result,$msg) =
if ($result) {
} else {
&printheader($r,'','Moved Messages');
if ($failed) {
$r->print('<p class="LC_error">
'.&mt('Failed to move [_1] message(s)',$failed).
$r->print('<p class="LC_error">'.
join("</p>\n<p class=\"LC_error\">",@failed_msg).
$r->print(&mt('Moved [_1] message(s)',$total).'<p>');
} elsif ($env{'form.markeddel'}) {
my ($total,$failed,@failed_msg)=(0,0);
foreach my $key (keys(%env)) {
if ($key=~/^form\.delmark_(.*)$/) {
my ($result,$msg) =
if ($result) {
} else {
&printheader($r,'','Deleted Messages');
if ($failed) {
$r->print('<p class="LC_error">
'.&mt('Failed to delete [_1] message(s)',$failed).
$r->print('<p class="LC_error">'.
join("</p>\n<p class=\"LC_error\">",@failed_msg).
$r->print(&mt('Deleted [_1] message(s)',$total).'<p>');
} elsif ($env{'form.markunread'}) {
&printheader($r,'','Marked Message as Unread');
} elsif ($env{'form.compose'}) {
} elsif ($env{'form.recordftf'}) {
} elsif ($env{'form.block'}) {
} elsif ($env{'form.sendmail'}) {
if ($env{'form.storebasecomment'}) {
if (($env{'form.rsspost'}) && ($env{''})) {
} elsif ($env{'form.newfolder'}) {
&printheader($r,'','New Folder');
} elsif ($env{'form.showcommentbaseurl'}) {
} else {
&printheader($r,'','Display All Messages');
return OK;
# ================================================= Main program, reset counter
FreeBSD-CVSweb <>