--- loncom/interface/lonmysql.pm	2002/08/21 21:29:51	1.7
+++ loncom/interface/lonmysql.pm	2005/08/24 19:33:32	1.35
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # MySQL utility functions
-# $Id: lonmysql.pm,v 1.7 2002/08/21 21:29:51 matthew Exp $
+# $Id: lonmysql.pm,v 1.35 2005/08/24 19:33:32 matthew Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -31,7 +31,40 @@ package Apache::lonmysql;
 use strict;
 use DBI;
-use Apache::lonnet();
+use POSIX qw(strftime mktime);
+use Apache::lonnet;
+my $mysqluser;
+my $mysqlpassword;
+my $mysqldatabase;
+my %db_config;
+sub set_mysql_user_and_password {
+    # If we are running under Apache and LONCAPA, use the LON-CAPA 
+    # user and password.  Otherwise...? ? ? ?
+    my ($input_mysqluser,$input_mysqlpassword,$input_mysqldatabase) = @_;
+    if (! defined($mysqldatabase)) {
+        $mysqldatabase = 'loncapa';
+    }
+    if (defined($input_mysqldatabase)) {
+        $mysqldatabase = $input_mysqldatabase;
+    }
+    if (! defined($mysqluser) || ! defined($mysqlpassword)) {
+        if (! eval 'require Apache::lonnet();') {
+            $mysqluser = 'www';
+            $mysqlpassword = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonSqlAccess'};
+        } else {
+            $mysqluser = '';
+            $mysqlpassword = '';
+        }
+    }
+    if (defined($input_mysqluser)) {
+        $mysqluser = $input_mysqluser;
+    } 
+    if (defined($input_mysqlpassword)) {
+        $mysqlpassword = $input_mysqlpassword;
+    }
@@ -58,7 +91,7 @@ Each table has a numeric ID that is a pa
 The table id is returned by &create_table.  
 If you lose the table id, it is lost forever.
 The table names in MySQL correspond to 
-$ENV{'user.name'}.'_'.$ENV{'user.domain'}.'_'.$table_id.  If the table id 
+$env{'user.name'}.'_'.$env{'user.domain'}.'_'.$table_id.  If the table id 
 is non-numeric, it is assumed to be the full name of a table.  If you pass
 the table id in a form, you MUST ensure that what you send to lonmysql is
 numeric, otherwise you are opening up all the tables in the MySQL database.
@@ -71,17 +104,18 @@ To create a table, you need a descriptio
 for &create_table for a description of what is needed.
  $table_id = &create_table({ 
-            columns => {
-                id => {
-                    type => 'INT',
-                    restrictions => 'NOT NULL',
-                    primary_key => 'yes',
-                    auto_inc    => 'yes'
-                    }
-                verbage => { type => 'TEXT' },
-            },
-            column_order => [qw/id verbage idx_verbage/],
-            fulltext => [qw/verbage/],
+     id      => 'tableid',      # usually you will use the returned id
+     columns => (
+                 { name => 'id',
+                   type => 'INT',
+                   restrictions => 'NOT NULL',
+                   primary_key => 'yes',
+                   auto_inc    => 'yes'
+                   },
+                 { name => 'verbage',
+                   type => 'TEXT' },
+                 ),
+                       fulltext => [qw/verbage/],
 The above command will create a table with two columns, 'id' and 'verbage'.
@@ -230,6 +264,10 @@ an array reference which holds the order
 The statement handler for row inserts.
+=item row_replace_sth 
+The statement handler for row inserts.
 Col_order and row_insert_sth are kept internally by lonmysql and are not
@@ -323,8 +361,10 @@ connection is established.
 sub connect_to_db { 
     return 1 if ($dbh);
-    if (! ($dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:loncapa","www",
-                               $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonSqlAccess'},
+    if (! defined($mysqluser) || ! defined($mysqlpassword)) {
+        &set_mysql_user_and_password();
+    }
+    if (! ($dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$mysqldatabase",$mysqluser,$mysqlpassword,
                                { RaiseError=>0,PrintError=>0}))) {
         $debugstring = "Unable to connect to loncapa database.";    
         if (! defined($dbh)) {
@@ -336,6 +376,52 @@ sub connect_to_db {
         return undef;
     $debugstring = "Successfully connected to loncapa database.";    
+    # Determine DB configuration
+    undef(%db_config);
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW VARIABLES");
+    $sth->execute();
+    if ($sth->err()) {
+        $debugstring = "Unable to retrieve db config variables";
+        return undef;
+    }
+    foreach my $row (@{$sth->fetchall_arrayref}) {
+        $db_config{$row->[0]} = $row->[1];
+    }
+    #&Apache::lonnet::logthis("MySQL configuration variables");
+    #while (my ($k,$v) = each(%db_config)) {
+    #    &Apache::lonnet::logthis("    '$k' => '$v'");
+    #}
+    #
+    return 1;
+=item &verify_sql_connection()
+Inputs: none.
+Returns: 0 (failure) or 1 (success)
+Checks to make sure the database can be connected to.  It does not
+initialize anything in the lonmysql package.
+sub verify_sql_connection {
+    if (! defined($mysqluser) || ! defined($mysqlpassword)) {
+        &set_mysql_user_and_password();
+    }
+    my $connection;
+    if (! ($connection = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:loncapa",
+                                      $mysqluser,$mysqlpassword,
+                                      { RaiseError=>0,PrintError=>0}))) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    undef($connection);
     return 1;
@@ -362,6 +448,9 @@ sub disconnect_from_db {
         if (exists($Tables{$_}->{'row_insert_sth'})) {
+        if (exists($Tables{$_}->{'row_replace_sth'})) {
+            delete($Tables{$_}->{'row_replace_sth'});
+        }
     $dbh->disconnect if ($dbh);
     $debugstring = "Disconnected from database.";
@@ -388,6 +477,26 @@ sub number_of_rows {
     return undef if (! defined(&update_table_info($table_id)));
     return $Tables{&translate_id($table_id)}->{'Rows'};
+=item &get_dbh()
+Input: nothing
+Returns: the database handler, or undef on error.
+This routine allows the programmer to gain access to the database handler.
+Be careful.
+sub get_dbh { 
+    return undef if (! defined(&connect_to_db()));
+    return $dbh;
@@ -427,7 +536,7 @@ sub get_debug {
-=item &update_table_info($table_id)
+=item &update_table_info()
 Inputs: table id
@@ -462,10 +571,6 @@ sub update_table_info {
     # Get MySQLs table status information.
-    my @tabledesc = qw/
-        Name Type Row_format Rows Avg_row_length Data_length
-            Max_data_length Index_length Data_free Auto_increment 
-                Create_time Update_time Check_time Create_options Comment /;
     my $db_command = "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM loncapa LIKE '$tablename'";
     my $sth = $dbh->prepare($db_command);
@@ -475,10 +580,16 @@ sub update_table_info {
         return undef;
+    my @column_name = @{$sth->{NAME}};
     my @info=$sth->fetchrow_array;
     for (my $i=0;$i<= $#info ; $i++) {
-        $Tables{$tablename}->{$tabledesc[$i]}= $info[$i];
+        if ($column_name[$i] =~ /^(Create_|Update_|Check_)time$/) {
+            $Tables{$tablename}->{$column_name[$i]}= 
+                &unsqltime($info[$i]);
+        } else {
+            $Tables{$tablename}->{$column_name[$i]}= $info[$i];
+        }
     # Determine the column order
@@ -507,28 +618,54 @@ sub update_table_info {
-=item &create_table
+=item &table_information()
-    table description
+Inputs: table id
-Input formats:
+Returns: hash with the table status
-    table description = {
-        permanent  => 'yes' or 'no',
-        columns => {
-            colA => {
-                type         => mysql type,
-                restrictions => 'NOT NULL' or empty,
-                primary_key  => 'yes' or empty,
-                auto_inc     => 'yes' or empty,
-            }
-            colB  => { .. }
-            colZ  => { .. }
-        },
-        column_order => [ colA, colB, ..., colZ],
+sub table_information {
+    my $table_id=shift;
+    if (&update_table_info($table_id)) {
+	return %{$Tables{$table_id}};
+    } else {
+	return ();
+    }
+=item &col_order()
+Inputs: table id
+Returns: array with column order
+sub col_order {
+    my $table_id=shift;
+    if (&update_table_info($table_id)) {
+	return @{$Tables{$table_id}->{'Col_order'}};
+    } else {
+	return ();
+=item &create_table()
+    table description, see &build_table_creation_request
     undef on error, table id on success.
@@ -538,17 +675,86 @@ Returns:
 sub create_table {
     return undef if (!defined(&connect_to_db($dbh)));
     my ($table_des)=@_;
+    my ($request,$table_id) = &build_table_creation_request($table_des);
+    #
+    # Execute the request to create the table
+    #############################################
+    my $count = $dbh->do($request);
+    if (! defined($count)) {
+        $errorstring = "$dbh ATTEMPTED:\n".$request."\nRESULTING ERROR:\n".
+            $dbh->errstr();
+        return undef;
+    }
+    my $tablename = &translate_id($table_id);
+    delete($Tables{$tablename}) if (exists($Tables{$tablename}));
+    return undef if (! defined(&update_table_info($table_id)));
+    $debugstring = "Created table $tablename at time ".time.
+        " with request\n$request";
+    return $table_id;
+=item build_table_creation_request
+Input: table description
+    table description = {
+        permanent  => 'yes' or 'no',
+        columns => [
+                    { name         => 'colA',
+                      type         => mysql type,
+                      restrictions => 'NOT NULL' or empty,
+                      primary_key  => 'yes' or empty,
+                      auto_inc     => 'yes' or empty,
+                  },
+                    { name => 'colB',
+                      ...
+                  },
+                    { name => 'colC',
+                      ...
+                  },
+        ],
+        'PRIMARY KEY' => (index_col_name,...),
+         KEY => [{ name => 'idx_name', 
+                  columns => (col1,col2,..),},],
+         INDEX => [{ name => 'idx_name', 
+                    columns => (col1,col2,..),},],
+         UNIQUE => [{ index => 'yes',
+                     name => 'idx_name',
+                     columns => (col1,col2,..),},],
+         FULLTEXT => [{ index => 'yes',
+                       name => 'idx_name',
+                       columns => (col1,col2,..),},],
+    }
+Returns: scalar string containing mysql commands to create the table
+sub build_table_creation_request {
+    my ($table_des)=@_;
     # Build request to create table
     my @Columns;
     my $col_des;
-    my $table_id = &get_new_table_id();
+    my $table_id;
+    if (exists($table_des->{'id'})) {
+        $table_id = $table_des->{'id'};
+    } else {
+        $table_id = &get_new_table_id();
+    }
     my $tablename = &translate_id($table_id);
     my $request = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ".$tablename." ";
-    foreach my $column (@{$table_des->{'column_order'}}) {
+    foreach my $coldata (@{$table_des->{'columns'}}) {
+        my $column = $coldata->{'name'};
+        next if (! defined($column));
         $col_des = '';
-        my $coldata = $table_des->{'columns'}->{$column};
         if (lc($coldata->{'type'}) =~ /(enum|set)/) { # 'enum' or 'set'
             $col_des.=$column." ".$coldata->{'type'}."('".
                 join("', '",@{$coldata->{'values'}})."')";
@@ -573,37 +779,52 @@ sub create_table {
         # skip blank items.
         push (@Columns,$col_des) if ($col_des ne '');
-    if (exists($table_des->{'fulltext'}) && (@{$table_des->{'fulltext'}})) {
-        push (@Columns,'FULLTEXT ('.join(',',@{$table_des->{'fulltext'}}).')');
+    if (exists($table_des->{'PRIMARY KEY'})) {
+        push (@Columns,'PRIMARY KEY ('.join(',',@{$table_des->{'PRIMARY KEY'}})
+              .')');
+    }
+    #
+    foreach my $indextype ('KEY','INDEX') {
+        next if (!exists($table_des->{$indextype}));
+        foreach my $indexdescription (@{$table_des->{$indextype}}) {
+            my $text = $indextype.' ';
+            if (exists($indexdescription->{'name'})) {
+                $text .=$indexdescription->{'name'};
+            }
+            $text .= ' ('.join(',',@{$indexdescription->{'columns'}}).')';
+            push (@Columns,$text);
+        }
+    }
+    #
+    foreach my $indextype ('UNIQUE','FULLTEXT') {
+        next if (! exists($table_des->{$indextype}));
+        foreach my $indexdescription (@{$table_des->{$indextype}}) {
+            my $text = $indextype.' ';
+            if (exists($indexdescription->{'index'}) &&
+                $indexdescription->{'index'} eq 'yes') {
+                $text .= 'INDEX ';
+            }
+            if (exists($indexdescription->{'name'})) {
+                $text .=$indexdescription->{'name'};
+            }
+            $text .= ' ('.join(',',@{$indexdescription->{'columns'}}).')';
+            push (@Columns,$text);
+        }
+    #
     $request .= "(".join(", ",@Columns).") ";
     unless($table_des->{'permanent'} eq 'yes') {
         $request.="COMMENT = 'temporary' ";
     $request .= "TYPE=MYISAM";
-    #
-    # Execute the request to create the table
-    #############################################
-    my $count = $dbh->do($request);
-    if (! defined($count)) {
-        $errorstring = "$dbh ATTEMPTED:\n".$request."\nRESULTING ERROR:\n";
-        return undef;
-    }
-    #
-    # Set up the internal bookkeeping
-    #############################################
-    delete($Tables{$tablename}) if (exists($Tables{$tablename}));
-    return undef if (! defined(&update_table_info($table_id)));
-    $debugstring = "Created table $tablename at time ".time.
-        " with request\n$request";
-    return $table_id;
+    return $request,$table_id;
-=item &get_new_table_id
+=item &get_new_table_id()
 Used internally to prevent table name collisions.
@@ -614,7 +835,7 @@ sub get_new_table_id {
     my $newid = 0;
     my @tables = &tables_in_db();
     foreach (@tables) {
-        if (/^$ENV{'user.name'}_$ENV{'user.domain'}_(\d+)$/) {
+        if (/^$env{'user.name'}_$env{'user.domain'}_(\d+)$/) {
             $newid = $1 if ($1 > $newid);
@@ -625,7 +846,7 @@ sub get_new_table_id {
-=item &get_rows
+=item &get_rows()
 Inputs: $table_id,$condition
@@ -648,7 +869,13 @@ sub get_rows {
         return undef;
     my $tablename = &translate_id($table_id);
-    my $request = 'SELECT * FROM '.$tablename.' WHERE '.$condition;
+    my $request;
+    if (defined($condition) && $condition ne '') {
+        $request = 'SELECT * FROM '.$tablename.' WHERE '.$condition;
+    } else {
+        $request = 'SELECT * FROM '.$tablename;
+        $condition = 'no condition';
+    }
     my $sth=$dbh->prepare($request);
     if ($sth->err) {
@@ -666,7 +893,7 @@ sub get_rows {
-=item &store_row
+=item &store_row()
 Inputs: table id, row data
@@ -721,11 +948,125 @@ sub store_row {
     return 1;
+=item &bulk_store_rows()
+Inputs: table id, [columns],[[row data1].[row data2],...]
+returns undef on error, 1 on success.
+sub bulk_store_rows {
+    my ($table_id,$columns,$rows) = @_;
+    # 
+    return undef if (! defined(&connect_to_db()));
+    my $dbh = &get_dbh();
+    return undef if (! defined($dbh));
+    my $table_status = &check_table($table_id);
+    return undef if (! defined($table_status));
+    if (! $table_status) {
+        $errorstring = "table $table_id does not exist.";
+        return undef;
+    }
+    #
+    my $tablename = &translate_id($table_id);
+    #
+    my $request = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO '.$tablename.' ';
+    if (defined($columns) && ref($columns) eq 'ARRAY') {
+        $request .= join(',',@$columns).' ';
+    }
+    if (! defined($rows) || ref($rows) ne 'ARRAY') {
+        $errorstring = "no input rows given.";
+        return undef;
+    }
+    $request .= 'VALUES ';
+    foreach my $row (@$rows) {
+        # avoid doing row stuff here...
+        $request .= '('.join(',',@$row).'),';
+    }
+    $request =~ s/,$//;
+    # $debugstring = "Executed ".$/.$request; # commented out - this is big
+    $dbh->do($request);
+    if ($dbh->err) {
+        $errorstring = 'Attempted '.$/.$request.$/.'Got error '.$dbh->errstr();
+        return undef;
+    }
+    return 1;
+=item &replace_row()
+Inputs: table id, row data
+returns undef on error, 1 on success.
+Acts like &store_row() but uses the 'REPLACE' command instead of 'INSERT'.
+sub replace_row {
+    my ($table_id,$rowdata) = @_;
+    # 
+    return undef if (! defined(&connect_to_db()));
+    my $table_status = &check_table($table_id);
+    return undef if (! defined($table_status));
+    if (! $table_status) {
+        $errorstring = "table $table_id does not exist.";
+        return undef;
+    }
+    #
+    my $tablename = &translate_id($table_id);
+    #
+    my $sth;
+    if (exists($Tables{$tablename}->{'row_replace_sth'})) {
+        $sth = $Tables{$tablename}->{'row_replace_sth'};
+    } else {
+        # Build the insert statement handler
+        return undef if (! defined(&update_table_info($table_id)));
+        my $replace_request = 'REPLACE INTO '.$tablename.' VALUES(';
+        foreach (@{$Tables{$tablename}->{'Col_order'}}) {
+            $replace_request.="?,";
+        }
+        chop $replace_request;
+        $replace_request.=")";
+        $sth=$dbh->prepare($replace_request);
+        $Tables{$tablename}->{'row_replace_sth'}=$sth;
+    }
+    my @Parameters; 
+    if (ref($rowdata) eq 'ARRAY') {
+        @Parameters = @$rowdata;
+    } elsif (ref($rowdata) eq 'HASH') {
+        foreach (@{$Tables{$tablename}->{'Col_order'}}) {
+            push(@Parameters,$rowdata->{$_});
+        }
+    } 
+    $sth->execute(@Parameters);
+    if ($sth->err) {
+        $errorstring = "$dbh ATTEMPTED replace @Parameters RESULTING ERROR:\n".
+            $sth->errstr;
+        return undef;
+    }
+    $debugstring = "Stored row.";    
+    return 1;
-=item tables_in_db
+=item &tables_in_db()
 Returns a list containing the names of all the tables in the database.
 Returns undef on error.
@@ -737,25 +1078,27 @@ sub tables_in_db {
     return undef if (!defined(&connect_to_db()));
     my $sth=$dbh->prepare('SHOW TABLES');
-    if ($sth->err) {
-        $errorstring = "$dbh ATTEMPTED:\n".'SHOW TABLES'.
+    $sth->execute();
+    my $aref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
+    if ($sth->err()) {
+        $errorstring = 
+            "$dbh ATTEMPTED:\n".'fetchall_arrayref after SHOW TABLES'.
             "\nRESULTING ERROR:\n".$sth->errstr;
         return undef;
-    my $aref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
-    my @table_list=();
+    my @table_list;
     foreach (@$aref) {
-        push @table_list,$_->[0];
+        push(@table_list,$_->[0]);
-    $debugstring = "Got list of tables in DB: @table_list";
-    return @table_list;
+    $debugstring = "Got list of tables in DB: ".join(',',@table_list);
+    return(@table_list);
-=item &translate_id
+=item &translate_id()
 Used internally to translate a numeric table id into a MySQL table name.
 If the input $id contains non-numeric characters it is assumed to have 
@@ -771,14 +1114,16 @@ sub translate_id {
     # id should be a digit.  If it is not a digit we assume the given id
     # is complete and does not need to be translated.
     return $id if ($id =~ /\D/);  
-    return $ENV{'user.name'}.'_'.$ENV{'user.domain'}.'_'.$id;
+    return $env{'user.name'}.'_'.$env{'user.domain'}.'_'.$id;
-=item &check_table($id)
+=item &check_table()
+Input: table id
 Checks to see if the requested table exists.  Returns 0 (no), 1 (yes), or 
 undef (error).
@@ -794,7 +1139,7 @@ sub check_table {
     my @Table_list = &tables_in_db();
     my $result = 0;
     foreach (@Table_list) {
-        if (/^$table_id$/) {
+        if ($_ eq $table_id) {
             $result = 1;
@@ -809,7 +1154,11 @@ sub check_table {
-=item &remove_from_table($table_id,$column,$value)
+=item &remove_from_table()
+Input: $table_id, $column, $value
+Returns: the number of rows deleted.  undef on error.
 Executes a "delete from $tableid where $column like binary '$value'".
@@ -821,18 +1170,94 @@ sub remove_from_table {
     return undef if (!defined(&connect_to_db()));
     $table_id = &translate_id($table_id);
-    my $command = 'DELETE FROM '.$table_id.' WHERE '.$dbh->quote($column).
+    my $command = 'DELETE FROM '.$table_id.' WHERE '.$column.
         " LIKE BINARY ".$dbh->quote($value);
     my $sth = $dbh->prepare($command); 
-    $sth->execute();
-    if ($sth->err) {
+    unless ($sth->execute()) {
         $errorstring = "ERROR on execution of ".$command."\n".$sth->errstr;
         return undef;
+    $debugstring = $command;
     my $rows = $sth->rows;
     return $rows;
+=item drop_table($table_id)
+Issues a 'drop table if exists' command
+sub drop_table {
+    my ($table_id) = @_;
+    return undef if (!defined(&connect_to_db()));
+    #
+    $table_id = &translate_id($table_id);
+    my $command = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$table_id;
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($command); 
+    $sth->execute();
+    if ($sth->err) {
+        $errorstring = "ERROR on execution of ".$command."\n".$sth->errstr;
+        return undef;
+    }
+    $debugstring = $command;
+    delete($Tables{$table_id}); # remove any knowledge of the table
+    return 1; # if we got here there was no error, so return a 'true' value
+=item fix_table_name 
+Fixes a table name so that it will work with MySQL.
+sub fix_table_name {
+    my ($name) = @_;
+    $name =~ s/^(\d+[eE]\d+)/_$1/;
+    return $name;
+# ---------------------------- convert 'time' format into a datetime sql format
+sub sqltime {
+    my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
+	localtime(&unsqltime($_[0]));
+    $mon++; $year+=1900;
+    return "$year-$mon-$mday $hour:$min:$sec";
+sub maketime {
+    my %th=@_;
+    return POSIX::mktime(($th{'seconds'},$th{'minutes'},$th{'hours'},
+                          $th{'day'},$th{'month'}-1,
+                          $th{'year'}-1900,0,0,$th{'dlsav'}));
+# Retro-fixing of un-backward-compatible time format
+sub unsqltime {
+    my $timestamp=shift;
+    if ($timestamp=~/^(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+)\s+(\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)$/) {
+        $timestamp=&maketime('year'=>$1,'month'=>$2,'day'=>$3,
+                             'hours'=>$4,'minutes'=>$5,'seconds'=>$6);
+    }
+    return $timestamp;