version 1.6, 2001/01/11 16:25:40
version 1.285, 2004/08/31 15:28:03
Line 1
Line 1
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA |
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA |
# Navigate Maps Handler |
# Navigate Maps Handler |
# |
# |
# (Page Handler |
# $Id$ |
# |
# |
# (TeX Content Handler |
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees |
# |
# |
# 05/29/00,05/30 Gerd Kortemeyer) |
# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA). |
# 08/30,08/31,09/06,09/14,09/15,09/16,09/19,09/20,09/21,09/23, |
# 10/02,10/10,10/14,10/16,10/18,10/19,10/31,11/6,11/14,11/16 Gerd Kortemeyer) |
# |
# |
# 3/1/1,6/1 Gerd Kortemeyer |
# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. |
# |
# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
# GNU General Public License for more details. |
# |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software |
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA |
# |
# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt |
# |
# |
# |
### |
package Apache::lonnavmaps; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps; |
use strict; |
use strict; |
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http); |
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http); |
use Apache::lonnet(); |
use Apache::loncommon(); |
use HTML::TokeParser; |
use Apache::lonmenu(); |
use GDBM_File; |
use Apache::lonlocal; |
use POSIX qw (floor strftime); |
use Data::Dumper; # for debugging, not always used |
# symbolic constants |
sub SYMB { return 1; } |
sub URL { return 2; } |
sub NOTHING { return 3; } |
# Some data |
my $resObj = "Apache::lonnavmaps::resource"; |
# -------------------------------------------------------------- Module Globals |
# Keep these mappings in sync with lonquickgrades, which uses the colors |
my %hash; |
# instead of the icons. |
my @rows; |
my %statusIconMap = |
( |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Euclid gcd |
$resObj->CLOSED => '', |
$resObj->OPEN => '', |
sub euclid { |
$resObj->CORRECT => 'navmap.correct.gif', |
my ($e,$f)=@_; |
$resObj->INCORRECT => 'navmap.wrong.gif', |
my $a; my $b; my $r; |
$resObj->ATTEMPTED => 'navmap.ellipsis.gif', |
if ($e>$f) { $b=$e; $r=$f; } else { $r=$e; $b=$f; } |
$resObj->ERROR => '' |
while ($r!=0) { |
); |
$a=$b; $b=$r; |
$r=$a%$b; |
} |
return $b; |
} |
# ------------------------------------------------------------ Build page table |
sub tracetable { |
my ($sofar,$rid,$beenhere)=@_; |
my $further=$sofar; |
unless ($beenhere=~/\&$rid\&/) { |
$beenhere.=$rid.'&'; |
if (defined($hash{'is_map_'.$rid})) { |
$sofar++; |
if (defined($rows[$sofar])) { |
$rows[$sofar].='&h'.$rid; |
} else { |
$rows[$sofar]='h'.$rid; |
} |
if ((defined($hash{'map_start_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}})) && |
(defined($hash{'map_finish_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}}))) { |
my $frid=$hash{'map_finish_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}}; |
$sofar= |
&tracetable($sofar,$hash{'map_start_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}}, |
'&'.$frid.'&'); |
$sofar++; |
if ($hash{'src_'.$frid}) { |
my $brepriv=&Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$hash{'src_'.$frid}); |
if (($brepriv eq '2') || ($brepriv eq 'F')) { |
if (defined($rows[$sofar])) { |
$rows[$sofar].='&'.$frid; |
} else { |
$rows[$sofar]=$frid; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} else { |
$sofar++; |
if ($hash{'src_'.$rid}) { |
my $brepriv=&Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$hash{'src_'.$rid}); |
if (($brepriv eq '2') || ($brepriv eq 'F')) { |
if (defined($rows[$sofar])) { |
$rows[$sofar].='&'.$rid; |
} else { |
$rows[$sofar]=$rid; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if (defined($hash{'to_'.$rid})) { |
my $mincond=1; |
my $next=''; |
map { |
my $thiscond= |
&Apache::lonnet::directcondval($hash{'condid_'.$hash{'undercond_'.$_}}); |
if ($thiscond>=$mincond) { |
if ($next) { |
$next.=','.$_.':'.$thiscond; |
} else { |
$next=$_.':'.$thiscond; |
} |
if ($thiscond>$mincond) { $mincond=$thiscond; } |
} |
} split(/\,/,$hash{'to_'.$rid}); |
map { |
my ($linkid,$condval)=split(/\:/,$_); |
if ($condval>=$mincond) { |
my $now=&tracetable($sofar,$hash{'goesto_'.$linkid},$beenhere); |
if ($now>$further) { $further=$now; } |
} |
} split(/\,/,$next); |
} |
my %iconAltTags = |
( 'navmap.correct.gif' => 'Correct', |
'navmap.wrong.gif' => 'Incorrect', |
'' => 'Open' ); |
# Defines a status->color mapping, null string means don't color |
my %colormap = |
( $resObj->NETWORK_FAILURE => '', |
$resObj->CORRECT => '', |
$resObj->EXCUSED => '#3333FF', |
$resObj->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER => '', |
$resObj->PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER => '', |
$resObj->ANSWER_OPEN => '#006600', |
$resObj->OPEN_LATER => '', |
$resObj->TRIES_LEFT => '', |
$resObj->INCORRECT => '', |
$resObj->OPEN => '', |
$resObj->NOTHING_SET => '', |
$resObj->ATTEMPTED => '', |
$resObj->ANSWER_SUBMITTED => '' |
); |
# And a special case in the nav map; what to do when the assignment |
# is not yet done and due in less then 24 hours |
my $hurryUpColor = "#FF0000"; |
sub launch_win { |
my ($mode,$script,$toplinkitems)=@_; |
my $result; |
if ($script ne 'no') { |
$result.='<script type="text/javascript">'; |
} |
$result.='function launch_navmapwin() { |
newWindow=open(\'/adm/navmaps?launchExternal\',\'loncapanav\',\'width=400,height=600,scrollbars=1\'); |
}'; |
if ($mode eq 'now') { |
$result.="\nlaunch_navmapwin();\n"; |
} |
if ($script ne 'no') { |
$result.='</script>'; |
} |
if ($mode eq 'link') { |
&add_linkitem($toplinkitems,'launchnav','launch_navmapwin()', |
"Launch navigation window"); |
} |
} |
return $further; |
return $result; |
} |
} |
# ================================================================ Main Handler |
sub close { |
if ($ENV{'environment.remotenavmap'} ne 'on') { return ''; } |
return(<<ENDCLOSE); |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
window.status='Accessing Nav Control'; |
|"/adm/rat/empty.html","loncapanav", |
"height=600,width=400,scrollbars=1"); |
window.status='Closing Nav Control'; |
menu.close(); |
window.status='Done.'; |
</script> |
} |
sub nav_control_js { |
my $nav=($ENV{'environment.remotenavmap'} eq 'on'); |
return (<<NAVCONTROL); |
var w_loncapanav_flag="$nav"; |
function gonav(url) { |
if (w_loncapanav_flag != 1) { |
go(url); |
} else { |
|, |
"loncapanav","height=600,width=400,scrollbars=1"); |
} |
} |
} |
sub update { |
if ($ENV{'environment.remotenavmap'} ne 'on') { return ''; } |
if (!$ENV{''}) { return ''; } |
if ($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}=~m|^/adm/navmaps|) { return ''; } |
return(<<ENDUPDATE); |
<form name="navform"></form> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
this.document.navform.action='/adm/navmaps#curloc'; |
|'loncapanav'; |
this.document.navform.submit(); |
</script> |
} |
sub handler { |
sub handler { |
my $r=shift; |
my $r = shift; |
real_handler($r); |
} |
sub real_handler { |
my $r = shift; |
# ------------------------------------------- Set document type for header only |
# Handle header-only request |
if ($r->header_only) { |
if ($ENV{'browser.mathml'}) { |
&Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/xml'); |
} else { |
&Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html'); |
} |
$r->send_http_header; |
return OK; |
} |
if ($r->header_only) { |
# Send header, don't cache this page |
if ($ENV{'browser.mathml'}) { |
if ($ENV{'browser.mathml'}) { |
$r->content_type('text/xml'); |
&Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/xml'); |
} else { |
} else { |
$r->content_type('text/html'); |
&Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html'); |
} |
} |
$r->send_http_header; |
&Apache::loncommon::no_cache($r); |
return OK; |
$r->send_http_header; |
} |
my $requrl=$r->uri; |
my %toplinkitems=(); |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tie db file |
if ($ENV{'request.course.fn'}) { |
if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} eq 'collapseExternal') { |
my $fn=$ENV{'request.course.fn'}; |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'remotenavmap' => 'off'}); |
if (-e "$fn.db") { |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv('environment.remotenavmap' => 'off'); |
if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$fn.db",&GDBM_READER,0640)) { |
my $menu=&Apache::lonmenu::reopenmenu(); |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hash tied |
my $navstatus=&Apache::lonmenu::get_nav_status(); |
my $firstres=$hash{'map_start_/res/'.$ENV{'request.course.uri'}}; |
if ($menu) { |
my $lastres=$hash{'map_finish_/res/'.$ENV{'request.course.uri'}}; |
$menu=(<<MENU) |
if (($firstres) && ($lastres)) { |
swmenu=$menu |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Render page |
swmenu.clearTimeout(swmenu.menucltim); |
$navstatus |
@rows=(); |
} else { |
&tracetable(0,$firstres,'&'.$lastres.'&'); |
my $nothing = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::javascript_nothing(); |
if ($hash{'src_'.$lastres}) { |
my $mainwindow=''.$nothing.',"loncapaclient","",false);'; |
my $brepriv= |
$menu=(<<MENU) |
&Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$hash{'src_'.$lastres}); |
swmenu=$mainwindow |
if (($brepriv eq '2') || ($brepriv eq 'F')) { |
$navstatus |
$rows[$#rows+1]=''.$lastres; |
} |
} |
} |
$r->print(<<"ENDSUBM"); |
<html> |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Page parms |
<head> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
my $j; |
function submitthis() { |
my $i; |
$menu |
my $lcm=1; |
self.close(); |
my $contents=0; |
} |
# ---------------------------------------------- Go through table to get layout |
</script> |
</head> |
for ($i=0;$i<=$#rows;$i++) { |
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onLoad="submitthis()"></body> |
if ($rows[$i]) { |
</html> |
$contents++; |
my @colcont=split(/\&/,$rows[$i]); |
return; |
$lcm*=($#colcont+1)/euclid($lcm,($#colcont+1)); |
} |
} |
if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} eq 'launchExternal') { |
} |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'remotenavmap' => 'on'}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv('environment.remotenavmap' => 'on'); |
} |
unless ($contents) { |
$r->content_type('text/html'); |
# Create the nav map |
$r->send_http_header; |
my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new(); |
$r->print('<html><body>Empty Map.</body></html>'); |
} else { |
if (!defined($navmap)) { |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Build page |
my $requrl = $r->uri; |
$ENV{'user.error.msg'} = "$requrl:bre:0:0:Course not initialized"; |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Send headers |
} |
$r->content_type('text/html'); |
$r->send_http_header; |
$r->print("<html><head>\n"); |
$r->print( |
$r->print("<title>".&mt('Navigate Course Contents')."</title>"); |
'<html><head><title>Navigate LON-CAPA Maps</title></head>'); |
# ------------------------------------------------------------ Get query string |
&Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},['register','sort','showOnlyHomework']); |
$r->print('<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">'. |
'<img align=right src=/adm/lonIcons/lonlogos.gif>'. |
# ----------------------------------------------------- Force menu registration |
'<h1>Navigate Course Map</h1>'); |
my $addentries=''; |
$r->rflush(); |
my $more_unload; |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Start table |
my $body_only=''; |
$r->print('<table cols="'.$lcm.'" border="0">'); |
if ($ENV{'environment.remotenavmap'} eq 'on') { |
for ($i=0;$i<=$#rows;$i++) { |
$r->print('<script type="text/javascript"> |
if ($rows[$i]) { |
function collapse() { |
$r->print("\n<tr>"); |
this.document.location="/adm/navmaps?collapseExternal"; |
my @colcont=split(/\&/,$rows[$i]); |
my $avespan=$lcm/($#colcont+1); |
for ($j=0;$j<=$#colcont;$j++) { |
my $rid=$colcont[$j]; |
my $add='<td> '; |
if ($rid=~/^h(.+)/) { |
$rid=$1; |
$add='<th bgcolor="#AAFF55">'; |
} |
$r->print($add.'<a href="'. |
$hash{'src_'.$rid}.'">'. |
$hash{'title_'.$rid}.'</a>'); |
$r->print('</td>'); |
} |
$r->print('</tr>'); |
} |
} |
} |
$r->print("\n</table>"); |
</script>'); |
# FIXME need to be smarter to only catch window close events |
# $more_unload="collapse()" |
$body_only=1; |
} |
if ($ENV{'form.register'}) { |
$addentries=' onLoad="'.&Apache::lonmenu::loadevents(). |
'" onUnload="'.&Apache::lonmenu::unloadevents().';'. |
$more_unload.'"'; |
$r->print(&Apache::lonmenu::registerurl(1)); |
} else { |
$addentries=' onUnload="'.$more_unload.'"'; |
} |
# Header |
$r->print('</head>'. |
&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Navigate Course Contents','', |
$addentries,$body_only,'', |
$ENV{'form.register'})); |
$r->print('<script>window.focus();</script>'); |
$r->rflush(); |
# Check that it's defined |
if (!($navmap->courseMapDefined())) { |
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::help_open_menu('','Navigation Screen','Navigation_Screen','',undef,'RAT')); |
$r->print('<font size="+2" color="red">Coursemap undefined.</font>' . |
'</body></html>'); |
return OK; |
} |
# See if there's only one map in the top-level, if we don't |
# already have a filter... if so, automatically display it |
# (older code; should use retrieveResources) |
if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} !~ /filter/) { |
my $iterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, undef, 0); |
my $curRes; |
my $sequenceCount = 0; |
my $sequenceId; |
while ($curRes = $iterator->next()) { |
if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->is_sequence()) { |
$sequenceCount++; |
$sequenceId = $curRes->map_pc(); |
} |
} |
if ($sequenceCount == 1) { |
# The automatic iterator creation in the render call |
# will pick this up. We know the condition because |
# the defined($ENV{'form.filter'}) also ensures this |
# is a fresh call. |
$ENV{'form.filter'} = "$sequenceId"; |
} |
} |
if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} eq 'launchExternal') { |
$r->print(' |
<form name="returnwin" action="/adm/flip?postdata=return%3a" |
method="post" target="loncapaclient"> |
</form>'); |
$r->print(' |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
this.document.returnwin.submit(); |
</script>'); |
} |
if ($ENV{'environment.remotenavmap'} ne 'on') { |
$r->print(&launch_win('link','yes',\%toplinkitems)); |
} |
if ($ENV{'environment.remotenavmap'} eq 'on') { |
&add_linkitem(\%toplinkitems,'closenav','collapse()', |
"Close navigation window"); |
} |
my $jumpToFirstHomework = 0; |
# Check to see if the student is jumping to next open, do-able problem |
if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} =~ /^jumpToFirstHomework/) { |
$jumpToFirstHomework = 1; |
# Find the next homework problem that they can do. |
my $iterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, undef, 1); |
my $curRes; |
my $foundDoableProblem = 0; |
my $problemRes; |
while (($curRes = $iterator->next()) && !$foundDoableProblem) { |
if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->is_problem()) { |
my $status = $curRes->status(); |
if ($curRes->completable()) { |
$problemRes = $curRes; |
$foundDoableProblem = 1; |
# Pop open all previous maps |
my $stack = $iterator->getStack(); |
pop @$stack; # last resource in the stack is the problem |
# itself, which we don't need in the map stack |
my @mapPcs = map {$_->map_pc()} @$stack; |
$ENV{'form.filter'} = join(',', @mapPcs); |
# Mark as both "here" and "jump" |
$ENV{'form.postsymb'} = $curRes->symb(); |
} |
} |
} |
# If we found no problems, print a note to that effect. |
if (!$foundDoableProblem) { |
$r->print("<font size='+2'>All homework assignments have been completed.</font><br /><br />"); |
} |
} else { |
&add_linkitem(\%toplinkitems,'firsthomework', |
'location.href="navmaps?jumpToFirstHomework"', |
"Go To My First Homework Problem"); |
} |
my $suppressEmptySequences = 0; |
my $filterFunc = undef; |
my $resource_no_folder_link = 0; |
# Display only due homework. |
my $showOnlyHomework = 0; |
if ($ENV{'form.showOnlyHomework'} eq "1") { |
$showOnlyHomework = 1; |
$suppressEmptySequences = 1; |
$filterFunc = sub { my $res = shift; |
return $res->completable() || $res->is_map(); |
}; |
&add_linkitem(\%toplinkitems,'everything', |
'location.href="locatnavmaps?sort='.$ENV{'form.sort'}.'"', |
"Show Everything"); |
$r->print("<p><font size='+2'>".&mt("Uncompleted Homework")."</font></p>"); |
$ENV{'form.filter'} = ''; |
$ENV{'form.condition'} = 1; |
$resource_no_folder_link = 1; |
} else { |
&add_linkitem(\%toplinkitems,'uncompleted', |
'location.href="navmaps?sort='.$ENV{'form.sort'}. |
'&showOnlyHomework=1"', |
"Show Only Uncompleted Homework"); |
} |
my %selected=($ENV{'form.sort'} => 'selected=on'); |
my $sort_html=("<form> |
<nobr> |
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"showOnlyHomework\" value=\"".$ENV{'form.showOnlyHomework'}."\" /> |
<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".&mt('Sort by:')."\" /> |
<select name=\"sort\"> |
<option value=\"default\" $selected{'default'}>".&mt('Default')."</option> |
<option value=\"title\" $selected{'title'} >".&mt('Title')."</option> |
<option value=\"duedate\" $selected{'duedate'}>".&mt('Duedate')."</option> |
</select> |
</nobr> |
</form>"); |
# renderer call |
my $renderArgs = { 'cols' => [0,1,2,3], |
'sort' => $ENV{'form.sort'}, |
'url' => '/adm/navmaps', |
'navmap' => $navmap, |
'suppressNavmap' => 1, |
'suppressEmptySequences' => $suppressEmptySequences, |
'filterFunc' => $filterFunc, |
'resource_no_folder_link' => $resource_no_folder_link, |
'sort_html'=> $sort_html, |
'r' => $r, |
'caller' => 'navmapsdisplay', |
'linkitems' => \%toplinkitems}; |
my $render = render($renderArgs); |
$navmap->untieHashes(); |
# If no resources were printed, print a reassuring message so the |
# user knows there was no error. |
if ($renderArgs->{'counter'} == 0) { |
if ($showOnlyHomework) { |
$r->print("<p><font size='+1'>".&mt("All homework is currently completed").".</font></p>"); |
} else { # both jumpToFirstHomework and normal use the same: course must be empty |
$r->print("<p><font size='+1'>This course is empty.</font></p>"); |
} |
} |
$r->print("</body></html>"); |
$r->rflush(); |
return OK; |
} |
# Convenience functions: Returns a string that adds or subtracts |
# the second argument from the first hash, appropriate for the |
# query string that determines which folders to recurse on |
sub addToFilter { |
my $hashIn = shift; |
my $addition = shift; |
my %hash = %$hashIn; |
$hash{$addition} = 1; |
return join (",", keys(%hash)); |
} |
sub removeFromFilter { |
my $hashIn = shift; |
my $subtraction = shift; |
my %hash = %$hashIn; |
delete $hash{$subtraction}; |
return join(",", keys(%hash)); |
} |
# Convenience function: Given a stack returned from getStack on the iterator, |
# return the correct src() value. |
# Later, this should add an anchor when we start putting anchors in pages. |
sub getLinkForResource { |
my $stack = shift; |
my $res; |
# Check to see if there are any pages in the stack |
foreach $res (@$stack) { |
if (defined($res)) { |
if ($res->is_page()) { |
return $res->src(); |
} |
# in case folder was skipped over as "only sequence" |
my ($map,$id,$src)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($res->symb()); |
if ($map=~/\.page$/) { |
return &Apache::lonnet::clutter($map).'#'. |
&Apache::lonnet::escape(&Apache::lonnet::declutter($src)); |
} |
} |
} |
# Failing that, return the src of the last resource that is defined |
# (when we first recurse on a map, it puts an undefined resource |
# on the bottom because $self->{HERE} isn't defined yet, and we |
# want the src for the map anyhow) |
foreach (@$stack) { |
if (defined($_)) { $res = $_; } |
} |
return $res->src(); |
} |
# Convenience function: This separates the logic of how to create |
# the problem text strings ("Due: DATE", "Open: DATE", "Not yet assigned", |
# etc.) into a separate function. It takes a resource object as the |
# first parameter, and the part number of the resource as the second. |
# It's basically a big switch statement on the status of the resource. |
sub getDescription { |
my $res = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $status = $res->status($part); |
if ($status == $res->NETWORK_FAILURE) { |
return &mt("Having technical difficulties; please check status later"); |
} |
if ($status == $res->NOTHING_SET) { |
return &mt("Not currently assigned."); |
} |
if ($status == $res->OPEN_LATER) { |
return "Open " . timeToHumanString($res->opendate($part)); |
} |
if ($status == $res->OPEN) { |
if ($res->duedate($part)) { |
return &mt("Due")." " .timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part)); |
} else { |
return &mt("Open, no due date"); |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER) { |
return &mt("Answer open")." " . timeToHumanString($res->answerdate($part)); |
} |
if ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER) { |
return &mt("Was due")." " . timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part)); |
} |
if ($status == $res->ANSWER_OPEN) { |
return &mt("Answer available"); |
} |
if ($status == $res->EXCUSED) { |
return &mt("Excused by instructor"); |
} |
if ($status == $res->ATTEMPTED) { |
return &mt("Answer submitted, not yet graded"); |
} |
if ($status == $res->TRIES_LEFT) { |
my $tries = $res->tries($part); |
my $maxtries = $res->maxtries($part); |
my $triesString = ""; |
if ($tries && $maxtries) { |
$triesString = "<font size=\"-1\"><i>($tries of $maxtries tries used)</i></font>"; |
if ($maxtries > 1 && $maxtries - $tries == 1) { |
$triesString = "<b>$triesString</b>"; |
} |
} |
if ($res->duedate($part)) { |
return &mt("Due")." " . timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part)) . |
" $triesString"; |
} else { |
return &mt("No due date")." $triesString"; |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->ANSWER_SUBMITTED) { |
return &mt('Answer submitted'); |
} |
} |
# Convenience function, so others can use it: Is the problem due in less then |
# 24 hours, and still can be done? |
sub dueInLessThan24Hours { |
my $res = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $status = $res->status($part); |
return ($status == $res->OPEN() || |
$status == $res->TRIES_LEFT()) && |
$res->duedate($part) && $res->duedate($part) < time()+(24*60*60) && |
$res->duedate($part) > time(); |
} |
# Convenience function, so others can use it: Is there only one try remaining for the |
# part, with more then one try to begin with, not due yet and still can be done? |
sub lastTry { |
my $res = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $tries = $res->tries($part); |
my $maxtries = $res->maxtries($part); |
return $tries && $maxtries && $maxtries > 1 && |
$maxtries - $tries == 1 && $res->duedate($part) && |
$res->duedate($part) > time(); |
} |
# This puts a human-readable name on the ENV variable. |
sub advancedUser { |
return $ENV{'request.role.adv'}; |
} |
# timeToHumanString takes a time number and converts it to a |
# human-readable representation, meant to be used in the following |
# manner: |
# print "Due $timestring" |
# print "Open $timestring" |
# print "Answer available $timestring" |
# Very, very, very, VERY English-only... goodness help a localizer on |
# this func... |
sub timeToHumanString { |
my ($time) = @_; |
# zero, '0' and blank are bad times |
if (!$time) { |
return &mt('never'); |
} |
unless (&Apache::lonlocal::current_language()=~/^en/) { |
return &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($time); |
} |
my $now = time(); |
my @time = localtime($time); |
my @now = localtime($now); |
# Positive = future |
my $delta = $time - $now; |
my $minute = 60; |
my $hour = 60 * $minute; |
my $day = 24 * $hour; |
my $week = 7 * $day; |
my $inPast = 0; |
# Logic in comments: |
# Is it now? (extremely unlikely) |
if ( $delta == 0 ) { |
return "this instant"; |
} |
if ($delta < 0) { |
$inPast = 1; |
$delta = -$delta; |
} |
if ( $delta > 0 ) { |
my $tense = $inPast ? " ago" : ""; |
my $prefix = $inPast ? "" : "in "; |
# Less then a minute |
if ( $delta < $minute ) { |
if ($delta == 1) { return "${prefix}1 second$tense"; } |
return "$prefix$delta seconds$tense"; |
} |
# Less then an hour |
if ( $delta < $hour ) { |
# If so, use minutes |
my $minutes = floor($delta / 60); |
if ($minutes == 1) { return "${prefix}1 minute$tense"; } |
return "$prefix$minutes minutes$tense"; |
} |
# Is it less then 24 hours away? If so, |
# display hours + minutes |
if ( $delta < $hour * 24) { |
my $hours = floor($delta / $hour); |
my $minutes = floor(($delta % $hour) / $minute); |
my $hourString = "$hours hours"; |
my $minuteString = ", $minutes minutes"; |
if ($hours == 1) { |
$hourString = "1 hour"; |
} |
if ($minutes == 1) { |
$minuteString = ", 1 minute"; |
} |
if ($minutes == 0) { |
$minuteString = ""; |
} |
return "$prefix$hourString$minuteString$tense"; |
} |
# Less then 5 days away, display day of the week and |
# HH:MM |
if ( $delta < $day * 5 ) { |
my $timeStr = strftime("%A, %b %e at %I:%M %P", localtime($time)); |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
return ($inPast ? "last " : "next ") . |
$timeStr; |
} |
# Is it this year? |
if ( $time[5] == $now[5]) { |
# Return on Month Day, HH:MM meridian |
my $timeStr = strftime("on %A, %b %e at %I:%M %P", localtime($time)); |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
return $timeStr; |
} |
# Not this year, so show the year |
my $timeStr = strftime("on %A, %b %e %Y at %I:%M %P", localtime($time)); |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
return $timeStr; |
} |
} |
=pod |
=head1 NAME |
Apache::lonnavmap - Subroutines to handle and render the navigation |
maps |
=head1 SYNOPSIS |
The main handler generates the navigational listing for the course, |
the other objects export this information in a usable fashion for |
other modules. |
=head1 OVERVIEW |
X<lonnavmaps, overview> When a user enters a course, LON-CAPA examines the |
course structure and caches it in what is often referred to as the |
"big hash" X<big hash>. You can see it if you are logged into |
LON-CAPA, in a course, by going to /adm/test. (You may need to |
tweak the /home/httpd/lonTabs/htpasswd file to view it.) The |
content of the hash will be under the heading "Big Hash". |
Big Hash contains, among other things, how resources are related |
to each other (next/previous), what resources are maps, which |
resources are being chosen to not show to the student (for random |
selection), and a lot of other things that can take a lot of time |
to compute due to the amount of data that needs to be collected and |
processed. |
Apache::lonnavmaps provides an object model for manipulating this |
information in a higher-level fashion then directly manipulating |
the hash. It also provides access to several auxilary functions |
that aren't necessarily stored in the Big Hash, but are a per- |
resource sort of value, like whether there is any feedback on |
a given resource. |
Apache::lonnavmaps also abstracts away branching, and someday, |
conditions, for the times where you don't really care about those |
things. |
Apache::lonnavmaps also provides fairly powerful routines for |
rendering navmaps, and last but not least, provides the navmaps |
view for when the user clicks the NAV button. |
B<Note>: Apache::lonnavmaps I<only> works for the "currently |
logged in user"; if you want things like "due dates for another |
student" lonnavmaps can not directly retrieve information like |
that. You need the EXT function. This module can still help, |
because many things, such as the course structure, are constant |
between users, and Apache::lonnavmaps can help by providing |
symbs for the EXT call. |
The rest of this file will cover the provided rendering routines, |
which can often be used without fiddling with the navmap object at |
all, then documents the Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap object, which |
is the key to accessing the Big Hash information, covers the use |
of the Iterator (which provides the logic for traversing the |
somewhat-complicated Big Hash data structure), documents the |
Apache::lonnavmaps::Resource objects that are returned by |
=head1 Subroutine: render |
The navmap renderer package provides a sophisticated rendering of the |
standard navigation maps interface into HTML. The provided nav map |
handler is actually just a glorified call to this. |
Because of the large number of parameters this function accepts, |
instead of passing it arguments as is normal, pass it in an anonymous |
hash with the desired options. |
The package provides a function called 'render', called as |
Apache::lonnavmaps::render({}). |
=head2 Overview of Columns |
The renderer will build an HTML table for the navmap and return |
it. The table is consists of several columns, and a row for each |
resource (or possibly each part). You tell the renderer how many |
columns to create and what to place in each column, optionally using |
one or more of the prepared columns, and the renderer will assemble |
the table. |
Any additional generally useful column types should be placed in the |
renderer code here, so anybody can use it anywhere else. Any code |
specific to the current application (such as the addition of <input> |
elements in a column) should be placed in the code of the thing using |
the renderer. |
At the core of the renderer is the array reference COLS (see Example |
section below for how to pass this correctly). The COLS array will |
consist of entries of one of two types of things: Either an integer |
representing one of the pre-packaged column types, or a sub reference |
that takes a resource reference, a part number, and a reference to the |
argument hash passed to the renderer, and returns a string that will |
be inserted into the HTML representation as it. |
All other parameters are ways of either changing how the columns |
are printing, or which rows are shown. |
The pre-packaged column names are refered to by constants in the |
Apache::lonnavmaps namespace. The following currently exist: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::resource>: |
$r->print('</body></html>'); |
The general info about the resource: Link, icon for the type, etc. The |
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- End page |
first column in the standard nav map display. This column provides the |
} |
indentation effect seen in the B<NAV> screen. This column also accepts |
# ------------------------------------------------------------- End render page |
the following parameters in the renderer hash: |
} else { |
$r->content_type('text/html'); |
$r->send_http_header; |
$r->print('<html><body>Coursemap undefined.</body></html>'); |
} |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Untie hash |
unless (untie(%hash)) { |
&Apache::lonnet::logthis("<font color=blue>WARNING: ". |
"Could not untie coursemap $fn (browse).</font>"); |
} |
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- All done |
return OK; |
# ----------------------------------------------- Errors, hash could no be tied |
} |
} |
} |
$ENV{'user.error.msg'}="$requrl:bre:0:0:Course not initialized"; |
=over 4 |
=item * B<resource_nolink>: default false |
If true, the resource will not be linked. By default, all non-folder |
resources are linked. |
=item * B<resource_part_count>: default true |
If true, the resource will show a part count B<if> the full |
part list is not displayed. (See "condense_parts" later.) If false, |
the resource will never show a part count. |
=item * B<resource_no_folder_link>: |
If true, the resource's folder will not be clickable to open or close |
it. Default is false. True implies printCloseAll is false, since you |
can't close or open folders when this is on anyhow. |
=back |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::communication_status>: |
Whether there is discussion on the resource, email for the user, or |
(lumped in here) perl errors in the execution of the problem. This is |
the second column in the main nav map. |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::quick_status>: |
An icon for the status of a problem, with five possible states: |
Correct, incorrect, open, awaiting grading (for a problem where the |
computer's grade is suppressed, or the computer can't grade, like |
essay problem), or none (not open yet, not a problem). The |
third column of the standard navmap. |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::long_status>: |
A text readout of the details of the current status of the problem, |
such as "Due in 22 hours". The fourth column of the standard navmap. |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::part_status_summary>: |
A text readout summarizing the status of the problem. If it is a |
single part problem, will display "Correct", "Incorrect", |
"Not yet open", "Open", "Attempted", or "Error". If there are |
multiple parts, this will output a string that in HTML will show a |
status of how many parts are in each status, in color coding, trying |
to match the colors of the icons within reason. |
Note this only makes sense if you are I<not> showing parts. If |
C<showParts> is true (see below), this column will not output |
anything. |
=back |
If you add any others please be sure to document them here. |
An example of a column renderer that will show the ID number of a |
resource, along with the part name if any: |
sub { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
if ($part) { return '<td>' . $resource->{ID} . ' ' . $part . '</td>'; } |
return '<td>' . $resource->{ID} . '</td>'; |
} |
Note these functions are responsible for the TD tags, which allow them |
to override vertical and horizontal alignment, etc. |
=head2 Parameters |
Minimally, you should be |
able to get away with just using 'cols' (to specify the columns |
shown), 'url' (necessary for the folders to link to the current screen |
correctly), and possibly 'queryString' if your app calls for it. In |
that case, maintaining the state of the folders will be done |
automatically. |
=over 4 |
=item * B<iterator>: default: constructs one from %ENV |
A reference to a fresh ::iterator to use from the navmaps. The |
rendering will reflect the options passed to the iterator, so you can |
use that to just render a certain part of the course, if you like. If |
one is not passed, the renderer will attempt to construct one from |
ENV{'form.filter'} and ENV{'form.condition'} information, plus the |
'iterator_map' parameter if any. |
=item * B<iterator_map>: default: not used |
If you are letting the renderer do the iterator handling, you can |
instruct the renderer to render only a particular map by passing it |
the source of the map you want to process, like |
'/res/103/jerf/navmap.course.sequence'. |
=item * B<navmap>: default: constructs one from %ENV |
A reference to a navmap, used only if an iterator is not passed in. If |
this is necessary to make an iterator but it is not passed in, a new |
one will be constructed based on ENV info. This is useful to do basic |
error checking before passing it off to render. |
=item * B<r>: default: must be passed in |
The standard Apache response object. This must be passed to the |
renderer or the course hash will be locked. |
=item * B<cols>: default: empty (useless) |
An array reference |
=item * B<showParts>:default true |
A flag. If true, a line for the resource itself, and a line |
for each part will be displayed. If not, only one line for each |
resource will be displayed. |
=item * B<condenseParts>: default true |
A flag. If true, if all parts of the problem have the same |
status and that status is Nothing Set, Correct, or Network Failure, |
then only one line will be displayed for that resource anyhow. If no, |
all parts will always be displayed. If showParts is 0, this is |
ignored. |
=item * B<jumpCount>: default: determined from %ENV |
A string identifying the URL to place the anchor 'curloc' at. |
It is the responsibility of the renderer user to |
ensure that the #curloc is in the URL. By default, determined through |
the use of the ENV{} 'jump' information, and should normally "just |
work" correctly. |
=item * B<here>: default: empty string |
A Symb identifying where to place the 'here' marker. The empty |
string means no marker. |
=item * B<indentString>: default: 25 pixel whitespace image |
A string identifying the indentation string to use. |
=item * B<queryString>: default: empty |
A string which will be prepended to the query string used when the |
folders are opened or closed. You can use this to pass |
application-specific values. |
=item * B<url>: default: none |
The url the folders will link to, which should be the current |
page. Required if the resource info column is shown, and you |
are allowing the user to open and close folders. |
=item * B<currentJumpIndex>: default: no jumping |
Describes the currently-open row number to cause the browser to jump |
to, because the user just opened that folder. By default, pulled from |
the Jump information in the ENV{'form.*'}. |
=item * B<printKey>: default: false |
If true, print the key that appears on the top of the standard |
navmaps. |
=item * B<printCloseAll>: default: true |
If true, print the "Close all folders" or "open all folders" |
links. |
=item * B<filterFunc>: default: sub {return 1;} (accept everything) |
A function that takes the resource object as its only parameter and |
returns a true or false value. If true, the resource is displayed. If |
false, it is simply skipped in the display. |
=item * B<suppressEmptySequences>: default: false |
If you're using a filter function, and displaying sequences to orient |
the user, then frequently some sequences will be empty. Setting this to |
true will cause those sequences not to display, so as not to confuse the |
user into thinking that if the sequence is there there should be things |
under it; for example, see the "Show Uncompleted Homework" view on the |
B<NAV> screen. |
=item * B<suppressNavmaps>: default: false |
If true, will not display Navigate Content resources. |
=back |
=head2 Additional Info |
In addition to the parameters you can pass to the renderer, which will |
be passed through unchange to the column renderers, the renderer will |
generate the following information which your renderer may find |
useful: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<counter>: |
Contains the number of rows printed. Useful after calling the render |
function, as you can detect whether anything was printed at all. |
=item * B<isNewBranch>: |
Useful for renderers: If this resource is currently the first resource |
of a new branch, this will be true. The Resource column (leftmost in the |
navmaps screen) uses this to display the "new branch" icon |
=back |
=cut |
sub resource { return 0; } |
sub communication_status { return 1; } |
sub quick_status { return 2; } |
sub long_status { return 3; } |
sub part_status_summary { return 4; } |
sub render_resource { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
my $nonLinkedText = ''; # stuff after resource title not in link |
my $link = $params->{"resourceLink"}; |
my $src = $resource->src(); |
my $it = $params->{"iterator"}; |
my $filter = $it->{FILTER}; |
my $title = $resource->compTitle(); |
my $partLabel = ""; |
my $newBranchText = ""; |
# If this is a new branch, label it so |
if ($params->{'isNewBranch'}) { |
$newBranchText = "<img src='/adm/lonIcons/branch.gif' border='0' />"; |
} |
# links to open and close the folder |
my $linkopen = "<a href='$link'>"; |
my $linkclose = "</a>"; |
# Default icon: unknown page |
my $icon = "<img src='/adm/lonIcons/unknown.gif' alt='' border='0' />"; |
if ($resource->is_problem()) { |
if ($part eq '0' || $params->{'condensed'}) { |
$icon = '<img src="/adm/lonIcons/problem.gif" alt="" border="0" />'; |
} else { |
$icon = $params->{'indentString'}; |
} |
} else { |
$icon = "<img src='".&Apache::loncommon::icon($resource->src). |
"' alt='' border='0' />"; |
} |
# Display the correct map icon to open or shut map |
if ($resource->is_map()) { |
my $mapId = $resource->map_pc(); |
my $nowOpen = !defined($filter->{$mapId}); |
if ($it->{CONDITION}) { |
$nowOpen = !$nowOpen; |
} |
my $folderType = $resource->is_sequence() ? 'folder' : 'page'; |
if (!$params->{'resource_no_folder_link'}) { |
$icon = "navmap.$folderType." . ($nowOpen ? 'closed' : 'open') . '.gif'; |
$icon = "<img src='/adm/lonIcons/$icon' alt='' border='0' />"; |
$linkopen = "<a href='" . $params->{'url'} . '?' . |
$params->{'queryString'} . '&filter='; |
$linkopen .= ($nowOpen xor $it->{CONDITION}) ? |
addToFilter($filter, $mapId) : |
removeFromFilter($filter, $mapId); |
$linkopen .= "&condition=" . $it->{CONDITION} . '&hereType=' |
. $params->{'hereType'} . '&here=' . |
&Apache::lonnet::escape($params->{'here'}) . |
'&jump=' . |
&Apache::lonnet::escape($resource->symb()) . |
"&folderManip=1'>"; |
} else { |
# Don't allow users to manipulate folder |
$icon = "navmap.$folderType." . ($nowOpen ? 'closed' : 'open') . |
'.nomanip.gif'; |
$icon = "<img src='/adm/lonIcons/$icon' alt='' border='0' />"; |
$linkopen = ""; |
$linkclose = ""; |
} |
} |
if ($resource->randomout()) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <i>(hidden)</i> '; |
} |
# We're done preparing and finally ready to start the rendering |
my $result = "<td align='left' valign='center'>"; |
my $indentLevel = $params->{'indentLevel'}; |
if ($newBranchText) { $indentLevel--; } |
# print indentation |
for (my $i = 0; $i < $indentLevel; $i++) { |
$result .= $params->{'indentString'}; |
} |
# Decide what to display |
$result .= "$newBranchText$linkopen$icon$linkclose"; |
my $curMarkerBegin = ''; |
my $curMarkerEnd = ''; |
# Is this the current resource? |
if (!$params->{'displayedHereMarker'} && |
$resource->symb() eq $params->{'here'} ) { |
$curMarkerBegin = '<font color="red" size="+2">> </font>'; |
$curMarkerEnd = '<font color="red" size="+2"><</font>'; |
$params->{'displayedHereMarker'} = 1; |
} |
if ($resource->is_problem() && $part ne '0' && |
!$params->{'condensed'}) { |
my $displaypart=$resource->part_display($part); |
$partLabel = " (Part: $displaypart)"; |
$link.='#'.&Apache::lonnet::escape($part); |
$title = ""; |
} |
if ($params->{'condensed'} && $resource->countParts() > 1) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' (' . $resource->countParts() . ' parts)'; |
} |
my $target; |
if ($ENV{'environment.remotenavmap'} eq 'on') { |
$target=' target="loncapaclient" '; |
} |
if (!$params->{'resource_nolink'} && !$resource->is_sequence() && !$resource->is_empty_sequence) { |
$result .= " $curMarkerBegin<a $target href='$link'>$title$partLabel</a>$curMarkerEnd $nonLinkedText</td>"; |
} else { |
$result .= " $curMarkerBegin$title$partLabel$curMarkerEnd $nonLinkedText</td>"; |
} |
return $result; |
} |
sub render_communication_status { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
my $discussionHTML = ""; my $feedbackHTML = ""; my $errorHTML = ""; |
my $link = $params->{"resourceLink"}; |
my $linkopen = "<a href='$link'>"; |
my $linkclose = "</a>"; |
if ($resource->hasDiscussion()) { |
$discussionHTML = $linkopen . |
'<img border="0" src="/adm/lonMisc/chat.gif" />' . |
$linkclose; |
} |
if ($resource->getFeedback()) { |
my $feedback = $resource->getFeedback(); |
foreach (split(/\,/, $feedback)) { |
if ($_) { |
$feedbackHTML .= ' <a href="/adm/email?display=' |
. &Apache::lonnet::escape($_) . '">' |
. '<img src="/adm/lonMisc/feedback.gif" ' |
. 'border="0" /></a>'; |
} |
} |
} |
if ($resource->getErrors()) { |
my $errors = $resource->getErrors(); |
my $errorcount = 0; |
foreach (split(/,/, $errors)) { |
last if ($errorcount>=10); # Only output 10 bombs maximum |
if ($_) { |
$errorcount++; |
$errorHTML .= ' <a href="/adm/email?display=' |
. &Apache::lonnet::escape($_) . '">' |
. '<img src="/adm/lonMisc/bomb.gif" ' |
. 'border="0" /></a>'; |
} |
} |
} |
if ($params->{'multipart'} && $part != '0') { |
$discussionHTML = $feedbackHTML = $errorHTML = ''; |
} |
return "<td width=\"75\" align=\"left\" valign=\"center\">$discussionHTML$feedbackHTML$errorHTML </td>"; |
} |
sub render_quick_status { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
my $result = ""; |
my $firstDisplayed = !$params->{'condensed'} && |
$params->{'multipart'} && $part eq "0"; |
my $link = $params->{"resourceLink"}; |
my $linkopen = "<a href='$link'>"; |
my $linkclose = "</a>"; |
if ($resource->is_problem() && |
!$firstDisplayed) { |
my $icon = $statusIconMap{$resource->simpleStatus($part)}; |
my $alt = $iconAltTags{$icon}; |
if ($icon) { |
$result .= "<td width='30' valign='center' width='50' align='right'>$linkopen<img width='25' height='25' src='/adm/lonIcons/$icon' border='0' alt='$alt' />$linkclose</td>\n"; |
} else { |
$result .= "<td width='30'> </td>\n"; |
} |
} else { # not problem, no icon |
$result .= "<td width='30'> </td>\n"; |
} |
return $result; |
} |
sub render_long_status { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
my $result = "<td align='right' valign='center'>\n"; |
my $firstDisplayed = !$params->{'condensed'} && |
$params->{'multipart'} && $part eq "0"; |
my $color; |
if ($resource->is_problem()) { |
$color = $colormap{$resource->status}; |
if (dueInLessThan24Hours($resource, $part) || |
lastTry($resource, $part)) { |
$color = $hurryUpColor; |
} |
} |
if ($resource->kind() eq "res" && |
$resource->is_problem() && |
!$firstDisplayed) { |
if ($color) {$result .= "<font color=\"$color\"><b>"; } |
$result .= getDescription($resource, $part); |
if ($color) {$result .= "</b></font>"; } |
} |
if ($resource->is_map() && advancedUser() && $resource->randompick()) { |
$result .= '(randomly select ' . $resource->randompick() .')'; |
} |
# Debugging code |
#$result .= " " . $resource->awarded($part) . '/' . $resource->weight($part) . |
# ' - Part: ' . $part; |
$result .= "</td>\n"; |
return $result; |
} |
# Colors obtained by taking the icons, matching the colors, and |
# possibly reducing the Value (HSV) of the color, if it's too bright |
# for text, generally by one third or so. |
my %statusColors = |
( |
$resObj->CLOSED => '#000000', |
$resObj->OPEN => '#998b13', |
$resObj->CORRECT => '#26933f', |
$resObj->INCORRECT => '#c48207', |
$resObj->ATTEMPTED => '#a87510', |
$resObj->ERROR => '#000000' |
); |
my %statusStrings = |
( |
$resObj->CLOSED => 'Not yet open', |
$resObj->OPEN => 'Open', |
$resObj->CORRECT => 'Correct', |
$resObj->INCORRECT => 'Incorrect', |
$resObj->ATTEMPTED => 'Attempted', |
$resObj->ERROR => 'Network Error' |
); |
my @statuses = ($resObj->CORRECT, $resObj->ATTEMPTED, $resObj->INCORRECT, $resObj->OPEN, $resObj->CLOSED, $resObj->ERROR); |
use Data::Dumper; |
sub render_parts_summary_status { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
if (!$resource->is_problem() && !$resource->contains_problem) { return '<td></td>'; } |
if ($params->{showParts}) { |
return '<td></td>'; |
} |
my $td = "<td align='right'>\n"; |
my $endtd = "</td>\n"; |
my @probs; |
if ($resource->contains_problem) { |
@probs=$resource->retrieveResources($resource,sub { $_[0]->is_problem() },1,0); |
} else { |
@probs=($resource); |
} |
my $return; |
my %overallstatus; |
my $totalParts; |
foreach my $resource (@probs) { |
# If there is a single part, just show the simple status |
if ($resource->singlepart()) { |
my $status = $resource->simpleStatus(${$resource->parts}[0]); |
$overallstatus{$status}++; |
$totalParts++; |
next; |
} |
# Now we can be sure the $part doesn't really matter. |
my $statusCount = $resource->simpleStatusCount(); |
my @counts; |
foreach my $status (@statuses) { |
# decouple display order from the simpleStatusCount order |
my $slot = Apache::lonnavmaps::resource::statusToSlot($status); |
if ($statusCount->[$slot]) { |
$overallstatus{$status}+=$statusCount->[$slot]; |
$totalParts+=$statusCount->[$slot]; |
} |
} |
} |
$return.= $td . $totalParts . ' parts: '; |
foreach my $status (@statuses) { |
if ($overallstatus{$status}) { |
$return.="<font color='" . $statusColors{$status} . |
"'>" . $overallstatus{$status} . ' ' |
. $statusStrings{$status} . "</font>"; |
} |
} |
$return.= $endtd; |
return $return; |
} |
my @preparedColumns = (\&render_resource, \&render_communication_status, |
\&render_quick_status, \&render_long_status, |
\&render_parts_summary_status); |
sub setDefault { |
my ($val, $default) = @_; |
if (!defined($val)) { return $default; } |
return $val; |
} |
sub render { |
my $args = shift; |
&Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{QUERY_STRING}); |
my $result = ''; |
# Configure the renderer. |
my $cols = $args->{'cols'}; |
if (!defined($cols)) { |
# no columns, no nav maps. |
return ''; |
} |
my $mustCloseNavMap = 0; |
my $navmap; |
if (defined($args->{'navmap'})) { |
$navmap = $args->{'navmap'}; |
} |
my $r = $args->{'r'}; |
my $queryString = $args->{'queryString'}; |
my $jump = $args->{'jump'}; |
my $here = $args->{'here'}; |
my $suppressNavmap = setDefault($args->{'suppressNavmap'}, 0); |
my $closeAllPages = setDefault($args->{'closeAllPages'}, 0); |
my $currentJumpDelta = 2; # change this to change how many resources are displayed |
# before the current resource when using #current |
# If we were passed 'here' information, we are not rendering |
# after a folder manipulation, and we were not passed an |
# iterator, make sure we open the folders to show the "here" |
# marker |
my $filterHash = {}; |
# Figure out what we're not displaying |
foreach (split(/\,/, $ENV{"form.filter"})) { |
if ($_) { |
$filterHash->{$_} = "1"; |
} |
} |
# Filter: Remember filter function and add our own filter: Refuse |
# to show hidden resources unless the user can see them. |
my $userCanSeeHidden = advancedUser(); |
my $filterFunc = setDefault($args->{'filterFunc'}, |
sub {return 1;}); |
if (!$userCanSeeHidden) { |
# Without renaming the filterfunc, the server seems to go into |
# an infinite loop |
my $oldFilterFunc = $filterFunc; |
$filterFunc = sub { my $res = shift; return !$res->randomout() && |
&$oldFilterFunc($res);}; |
} |
my $condition = 0; |
if ($ENV{'form.condition'}) { |
$condition = 1; |
} |
if (!$ENV{'form.folderManip'} && !defined($args->{'iterator'})) { |
# Step 1: Check to see if we have a navmap |
if (!defined($navmap)) { |
$navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new(); |
$mustCloseNavMap = 1; |
} |
# Step two: Locate what kind of here marker is necessary |
# Determine where the "here" marker is and where the screen jumps to. |
if ($ENV{'form.postsymb'}) { |
$here = $jump = $ENV{'form.postsymb'}; |
} elsif ($ENV{'form.postdata'}) { |
# couldn't find a symb, is there a URL? |
my $currenturl = $ENV{'form.postdata'}; |
#$currenturl=~s/^http\:\/\///; |
#$currenturl=~s/^[^\/]+//; |
$here = $jump = &Apache::lonnet::symbread($currenturl); |
} |
# Step three: Ensure the folders are open |
my $mapIterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, undef, 1); |
my $curRes; |
my $found = 0; |
# We only need to do this if we need to open the maps to show the |
# current position. This will change the counter so we can't count |
# for the jump marker with this loop. |
while (($curRes = $mapIterator->next()) && !$found) { |
if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->symb() eq $here) { |
my $mapStack = $mapIterator->getStack(); |
# Ensure the parent maps are open |
for my $map (@{$mapStack}) { |
if ($condition) { |
undef $filterHash->{$map->map_pc()}; |
} else { |
$filterHash->{$map->map_pc()} = 1; |
} |
} |
$found = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
if ( !defined($args->{'iterator'}) && $ENV{'form.folderManip'} ) { # we came from a user's manipulation of the nav page |
# If this is a click on a folder or something, we want to preserve the "here" |
# from the querystring, and get the new "jump" marker |
$here = $ENV{''}; |
$jump = $ENV{'form.jump'}; |
} |
my $it = $args->{'iterator'}; |
if (!defined($it)) { |
# Construct a default iterator based on $ENV{'form.'} information |
# Step 1: Check to see if we have a navmap |
if (!defined($navmap)) { |
$navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new(); |
$mustCloseNavMap = 1; |
} |
# See if we're being passed a specific map |
if ($args->{'iterator_map'}) { |
my $map = $args->{'iterator_map'}; |
$map = $navmap->getResourceByUrl($map); |
my $firstResource = $map->map_start(); |
my $finishResource = $map->map_finish(); |
$args->{'iterator'} = $it = $navmap->getIterator($firstResource, $finishResource, $filterHash, $condition); |
} else { |
$args->{'iterator'} = $it = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, $filterHash, $condition); |
} |
} |
# (re-)Locate the jump point, if any |
# Note this does not take filtering or hidden into account... need |
# to be fixed? |
my $mapIterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, $filterHash, 0); |
my $curRes; |
my $foundJump = 0; |
my $counter = 0; |
while (($curRes = $mapIterator->next()) && !$foundJump) { |
if (ref($curRes)) { $counter++; } |
if (ref($curRes) && $jump eq $curRes->symb()) { |
# This is why we have to use the main iterator instead of the |
# potentially faster DFS: The count has to be the same, so |
# the order has to be the same, which DFS won't give us. |
$args->{'currentJumpIndex'} = $counter; |
$foundJump = 1; |
} |
} |
my $showParts = setDefault($args->{'showParts'}, 1); |
my $condenseParts = setDefault($args->{'condenseParts'}, 1); |
# keeps track of when the current resource is found, |
# so we can back up a few and put the anchor above the |
# current resource |
my $printKey = $args->{'printKey'}; |
my $printCloseAll = $args->{'printCloseAll'}; |
if (!defined($printCloseAll)) { $printCloseAll = 1; } |
# Print key? |
if ($printKey) { |
$result .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">'; |
my $date=localtime; |
$result.='<tr><td align="right" valign="bottom">Key: </td>'; |
if ($navmap->{LAST_CHECK}) { |
$result .= |
'<img src="/adm/lonMisc/chat.gif"> '.&mt('New discussion since').' '. |
strftime("%A, %b %e at %I:%M %P", localtime($navmap->{LAST_CHECK})). |
'</td><td align="center" valign="bottom"> '. |
'<img src="/adm/lonMisc/feedback.gif"> '.&mt('New message (click to open)').'<p>'. |
'</td>'; |
} else { |
$result .= '<td align="center" valign="bottom"> '. |
'<img src="/adm/lonMisc/chat.gif"> '.&mt('Discussions').'</td><td align="center" valign="bottom">'. |
' <img src="/adm/lonMisc/feedback.gif"> '.&mt('New message (click to open)'). |
'</td>'; |
} |
$result .= '</tr></table>'; |
} |
if ($printCloseAll && !$args->{'resource_no_folder_link'}) { |
my ($link,$text); |
if ($condition) { |
$link='"navmaps?condition=0&filter=&'.$queryString. |
'&here='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($here).'"'; |
$text='Close All Folders'; |
} else { |
$link='"navmaps?condition=1&filter=&'.$queryString. |
'&here='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($here).'"'; |
$text='Open All Folders'; |
} |
if ($args->{'caller'} eq 'navmapsdisplay') { |
&add_linkitem($args->{'linkitems'},'changefolder', |
'location.href='.$link,$text); |
} else { |
$result.='<a href='.$link.'>'.&mt($text).'</a>'; |
} |
$result .= "\n"; |
} |
# Check for any unread discussions in all resources. |
if ($args->{'caller'} eq 'navmapsdisplay') { |
my $totdisc = 0; |
my $haveDisc = ''; |
my @allres=$navmap->retrieveResources(); |
foreach my $resource (@allres) { |
if ($resource->hasDiscussion()) { |
my $ressymb; |
if ($resource->symb() =~ m-(___adm/\w+/\w+)/(\d+)/bulletinboard$-) { |
$ressymb = 'bulletin___'.$2.$1.'/'.$2.'/bulletinboard'; |
} else { |
$ressymb = $resource->symb(); |
} |
$haveDisc .= $ressymb.':'; |
$totdisc ++; |
} |
} |
if ($totdisc > 0) { |
$haveDisc =~ s/:$//; |
my $navurl = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; |
&add_linkitem($args->{'linkitems'},'clearbubbles', |
'document.clearbubbles.submit()', |
'Mark all posts read'); |
$result .= (<<END); |
<form name="clearbubbles" method="post" action="/adm/feedback"> |
<input type="hidden" name="navurl" value="$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="navmaps" value="$haveDisc" /> |
</form> |
} |
} |
if ($args->{'caller'} eq 'navmapsdisplay') { |
$result .= '<table><tr><td>'. |
&Apache::loncommon::help_open_menu('','Navigation Screen','Navigation_Screen','',undef,'RAT').'</td>'; |
if ($ENV{'environment.remotenavmap'} ne 'on') { |
$result .= '<td> </td>'; |
} else { |
$result .= '</tr><tr>'; |
} |
$result.=&show_linkitems($args->{'linkitems'}); |
if ($args->{'sort_html'}) { |
if ($ENV{'environment.remotenavmap'} ne 'on') { |
$result.='<td> </td><td> </td><td> </td>'. |
'<td align="right">'.$args->{'sort_html'}.'</td></tr>'; |
} else { |
$result.='</tr><tr><td align="left"><br />'. |
$args->{'sort_html'}.'</td></tr>'; |
} |
} |
$result .= '</table>'; |
} elsif ($args->{'sort_html'}) { |
$result.=$args->{'sort_html'}; |
} |
$result .= "<br />\n"; |
if ($r) { |
$r->print($result); |
$r->rflush(); |
$result = ""; |
} |
# End parameter setting |
# Data |
$result .= '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">' ."\n"; |
my $res = "Apache::lonnavmaps::resource"; |
my %condenseStatuses = |
( $res->NETWORK_FAILURE => 1, |
$res->NOTHING_SET => 1, |
$res->CORRECT => 1 ); |
my @backgroundColors = ("#FFFFFF", "#F6F6F6"); |
# Shared variables |
$args->{'counter'} = 0; # counts the rows |
$args->{'indentLevel'} = 0; |
$args->{'isNewBranch'} = 0; |
$args->{'condensed'} = 0; |
$args->{'indentString'} = setDefault($args->{'indentString'}, "<img src='/adm/lonIcons/whitespace1.gif' width='25' height='1' alt='' border='0' />"); |
$args->{'displayedHereMarker'} = 0; |
# If we're suppressing empty sequences, look for them here. Use DFS for speed, |
# since structure actually doesn't matter, except what map has what resources. |
if ($args->{'suppressEmptySequences'}) { |
my $dfsit = Apache::lonnavmaps::DFSiterator->new($navmap, |
{}, undef, 1); |
my $depth = 0; |
$dfsit->next(); |
my $curRes = $dfsit->next(); |
while ($depth > -1) { |
if ($curRes == $dfsit->BEGIN_MAP()) { $depth++; } |
if ($curRes == $dfsit->END_MAP()) { $depth--; } |
if (ref($curRes)) { |
# Parallel pre-processing: Do sequences have non-filtered-out children? |
if ($curRes->is_map()) { |
$curRes->{DATA}->{HAS_VISIBLE_CHILDREN} = 0; |
# Sequences themselves do not count as visible children, |
# unless those sequences also have visible children. |
# This means if a sequence appears, there's a "promise" |
# that there's something under it if you open it, somewhere. |
} else { |
# Not a sequence: if it's filtered, ignore it, otherwise |
# rise up the stack and mark the sequences as having children |
if (&$filterFunc($curRes)) { |
for my $sequence (@{$dfsit->getStack()}) { |
$sequence->{DATA}->{HAS_VISIBLE_CHILDREN} = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} continue { |
$curRes = $dfsit->next(); |
} |
} |
my $displayedJumpMarker = 0; |
# Set up iteration. |
my $now = time(); |
my $in24Hours = $now + 24 * 60 * 60; |
my $rownum = 0; |
# export "here" marker information |
$args->{'here'} = $here; |
$args->{'indentLevel'} = -1; # first BEGIN_MAP takes this to 0 |
my @resources; |
my $code='';# sub { !(shift->is_map();) }; |
if ($args->{'sort'} eq 'title') { |
my $oldFilterFunc = $filterFunc; |
my $filterFunc= |
sub { |
my ($res)=@_; |
if ($res->is_map()) { return 0;} |
return &$oldFilterFunc($res); |
}; |
@resources=$navmap->retrieveResources(undef,$filterFunc); |
@resources= sort {lc($a->compTitle) cmp lc($b->compTitle)} @resources; |
} elsif ($args->{'sort'} eq 'duedate') { |
@resources=$navmap->retrieveResources(undef, |
sub { shift->is_problem(); }); |
@resources= sort |
{ |
if ($a->duedate ne $b->duedate) { |
return $a->duedate cmp $b->duedate; |
} else { |
lc($a->compTitle) cmp lc($b->compTitle) |
} |
} @resources; |
} else { |
#unknow sort mechanism or default |
undef($args->{'sort'}); |
} |
while (1) { |
if ($args->{'sort'}) { |
$curRes = shift(@resources); |
} else { |
$curRes = $it->next($closeAllPages); |
} |
if (!$curRes) { last; } |
# Maintain indentation level. |
if ($curRes == $it->BEGIN_MAP() || |
$curRes == $it->BEGIN_BRANCH() ) { |
$args->{'indentLevel'}++; |
} |
if ($curRes == $it->END_MAP() || |
$curRes == $it->END_BRANCH() ) { |
$args->{'indentLevel'}--; |
} |
# Notice new branches |
if ($curRes == $it->BEGIN_BRANCH()) { |
$args->{'isNewBranch'} = 1; |
} |
# If this isn't an actual resource, continue on |
if (!ref($curRes)) { |
next; |
} |
# If this has been filtered out, continue on |
if (!(&$filterFunc($curRes))) { |
$args->{'isNewBranch'} = 0; # Don't falsely remember this |
next; |
} |
# If this is an empty sequence and we're filtering them, continue on |
if ($curRes->is_map() && $args->{'suppressEmptySequences'} && |
next; |
} |
# If we're suppressing navmaps and this is a navmap, continue on |
if ($suppressNavmap && $curRes->src() =~ /^\/adm\/navmaps/) { |
next; |
} |
$args->{'counter'}++; |
# Does it have multiple parts? |
$args->{'multipart'} = 0; |
$args->{'condensed'} = 0; |
my @parts; |
# Decide what parts to show. |
if ($curRes->is_problem() && $showParts) { |
@parts = @{$curRes->parts()}; |
$args->{'multipart'} = $curRes->multipart(); |
if ($condenseParts) { # do the condensation |
if (!$curRes->opendate("0")) { |
@parts = (); |
$args->{'condensed'} = 1; |
} |
if (!$args->{'condensed'}) { |
# Decide whether to condense based on similarity |
my $status = $curRes->status($parts[0]); |
my $due = $curRes->duedate($parts[0]); |
my $open = $curRes->opendate($parts[0]); |
my $statusAllSame = 1; |
my $dueAllSame = 1; |
my $openAllSame = 1; |
for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@parts); $i++) { |
if ($curRes->status($parts[$i]) != $status){ |
$statusAllSame = 0; |
} |
if ($curRes->duedate($parts[$i]) != $due ) { |
$dueAllSame = 0; |
} |
if ($curRes->opendate($parts[$i]) != $open) { |
$openAllSame = 0; |
} |
} |
# $*allSame is true if all the statuses were |
# the same. Now, if they are all the same and |
# match one of the statuses to condense, or they |
# are all open with the same due date, or they are |
# all OPEN_LATER with the same open date, display the |
# status of the first non-zero part (to get the 'correct' |
# status right, since 0 is never 'correct' or 'open'). |
if (($statusAllSame && defined($condenseStatuses{$status})) || |
($dueAllSame && $status == $curRes->OPEN && $statusAllSame)|| |
($openAllSame && $status == $curRes->OPEN_LATER && $statusAllSame) ){ |
@parts = ($parts[0]); |
$args->{'condensed'} = 1; |
} |
} |
# Multipart problem with one part: always "condense" (happens |
# to match the desirable behavior) |
if ($curRes->countParts() == 1) { |
@parts = ($parts[0]); |
$args->{'condensed'} = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
# If the multipart problem was condensed, "forget" it was multipart |
if (scalar(@parts) == 1) { |
$args->{'multipart'} = 0; |
} else { |
# Add part 0 so we display it correctly. |
unshift @parts, '0'; |
} |
# Now, we've decided what parts to show. Loop through them and |
# show them. |
foreach my $part (@parts) { |
$rownum ++; |
my $backgroundColor = $backgroundColors[$rownum % scalar(@backgroundColors)]; |
$result .= " <tr bgcolor='$backgroundColor'>\n"; |
# Set up some data about the parts that the cols might want |
my $filter = $it->{FILTER}; |
my $src; |
if ($args->{'sort'}) { |
$src = $curRes->src(); # FIXME this is wrong for .pages |
} else { |
my $stack = $it->getStack(); |
$src=getLinkForResource($stack); |
} |
my $anchor=''; |
if ($src=~s/(\#.*)$//) { |
$anchor=$1; |
} |
my $srcHasQuestion = $src =~ /\?/; |
$args->{"resourceLink"} = $src. |
($srcHasQuestion?'&':'?') . |
'symb=' . &Apache::lonnet::escape($curRes->symb()). |
$anchor; |
# Now, display each column. |
foreach my $col (@$cols) { |
my $colHTML = ''; |
if (ref($col)) { |
$colHTML .= &$col($curRes, $part, $args); |
} else { |
$colHTML .= &{$preparedColumns[$col]}($curRes, $part, $args); |
} |
# If this is the first column and it's time to print |
# the anchor, do so |
if ($col == $cols->[0] && |
$args->{'counter'} == $args->{'currentJumpIndex'} - |
$currentJumpDelta) { |
# Jam the anchor after the <td> tag; |
# necessary for valid HTML (which Mozilla requires) |
$colHTML =~ s/\>/\>\<a name="curloc" \/\>/; |
$displayedJumpMarker = 1; |
} |
$result .= $colHTML . "\n"; |
} |
$result .= " </tr>\n"; |
$args->{'isNewBranch'} = 0; |
} |
if ($r && $rownum % 20 == 0) { |
$r->print($result); |
$result = ""; |
$r->rflush(); |
} |
} continue { |
if ($r) { |
# If we have the connection, make sure the user is still connected |
my $c = $r->connection; |
if ($c->aborted()) { |
# Who cares what we do, nobody will see it anyhow. |
return ''; |
} |
} |
} |
# Print out the part that jumps to #curloc if it exists |
# delay needed because the browser is processing the jump before |
# it finishes rendering, so it goes to the wrong place! |
# onload might be better, but this routine has no access to that. |
# On mozilla, the 0-millisecond timeout seems to prevent this; |
# it's quite likely this might fix other browsers, too, and |
# certainly won't hurt anything. |
if ($displayedJumpMarker) { |
$result .= " |
<script> |
if (location.href.indexOf('#curloc')==-1) { |
setTimeout(\"location += '#curloc';\", 0) |
} |
</script>"; |
} |
$result .= "</table>"; |
if ($r) { |
$r->print($result); |
$result = ""; |
$r->rflush(); |
} |
if ($mustCloseNavMap) { $navmap->untieHashes(); } |
return $result; |
} |
sub add_linkitem { |
my ($linkitems,$name,$cmd,$text)=@_; |
$$linkitems{$name}{'cmd'}=$cmd; |
$$linkitems{$name}{'text'}=&mt($text); |
} |
sub show_linkitems { |
my ($linkitems)=@_; |
my @linkorder = ("launchnav","closenav","firsthomework","everything", |
"uncompleted","changefolder","clearbubbles"); |
my $result .= (<<ENDBLOCK); |
<td align="left"> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
function changeNavDisplay () { |
var navchoice = document.linkitems.toplink[document.linkitems.toplink.selectedIndex].value; |
foreach my $link (@linkorder) { |
$result.= "if (navchoice == '$link') {". |
$linkitems->{$link}{'cmd'}."}\n"; |
} |
$result.='} |
</script> |
<form name="linkitems" method="post"> |
<nobr><select name="toplink">'."\n"; |
foreach my $link (@linkorder) { |
if (defined($linkitems->{$link})) { |
if ($linkitems->{$link}{'text'} ne '') { |
$result .= ' <option value="'.$link.'">'. |
$linkitems->{$link}{'text'}."</option>\n"; |
} |
} |
} |
$result .= '</select> <input type="button" name="chgnav" |
value="Go" onClick="javascript:changeNavDisplay()" /> |
</nobr></form></td>'."\n"; |
return $result; |
} |
} |
1; |
1; |
__END__ |
package Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap; |
=pod |
=head1 Object: Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap |
=head2 Overview |
The navmap object's job is to provide access to the resources |
in the course as Apache::lonnavmaps::resource objects, and to |
query and manage the relationship between those resource objects. |
Generally, you'll use the navmap object in one of three basic ways. |
In order of increasing complexity and power: |
=over 4 |
=item * C<$navmap-E<gt>getByX>, where X is B<Id>, B<Symb>, B<Url> or B<MapPc>. This provides |
various ways to obtain resource objects, based on various identifiers. |
Use this when you want to request information about one object or |
a handful of resources you already know the identities of, from some |
other source. For more about Ids, Symbs, and MapPcs, see the |
Resource documentation. Note that Url should be a B<last resort>, |
not your first choice; it only works when there is only one |
instance of the resource in the course, which only applies to |
maps, and even that may change in the future. |
=item * C<my @resources = $navmap-E<gt>retrieveResources(args)>. This |
retrieves resources matching some criterion and returns them |
in a flat array, with no structure information. Use this when |
you are manipulating a series of resources, based on what map |
the are in, but do not care about branching, or exactly how |
the maps and resources are related. This is the most common case. |
=item * C<$it = $navmap-E<gt>getIterator(args)>. This allows you traverse |
the course's navmap in various ways without writing the traversal |
code yourself. See iterator documentation below. Use this when |
you need to know absolutely everything about the course, including |
branches and the precise relationship between maps and resources. |
=back |
=head2 Creation And Destruction |
To create a navmap object, use the following function: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap-E<gt>new>(): |
Creates a new navmap object. Returns the navmap object if this is |
successful, or B<undef> if not. |
=back |
When you are done with the $navmap object, you I<must> call |
$navmap->untieHashes(), or you'll prevent the current user from using that |
course until the web server is restarted. (!) |
=head2 Methods |
=over 4 |
=item * B<getIterator>(first, finish, filter, condition): |
See iterator documentation below. |
=cut |
use strict; |
use GDBM_File; |
sub new { |
# magic invocation to create a class instance |
my $proto = shift; |
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; |
my $self = {}; |
# Resource cache stores navmap resources as we reference them. We generate |
# them on-demand so we don't pay for creating resources unless we use them. |
$self->{RESOURCE_CACHE} = {}; |
# Network failure flag, if we accessed the course or user opt and |
# failed |
$self->{NETWORK_FAILURE} = 0; |
# tie the nav hash |
my %navmaphash; |
my %parmhash; |
my $courseFn = $ENV{"request.course.fn"}; |
if (!(tie(%navmaphash, 'GDBM_File', "${courseFn}.db", |
&GDBM_READER(), 0640))) { |
return undef; |
} |
if (!(tie(%parmhash, 'GDBM_File', "${courseFn}_parms.db", |
&GDBM_READER(), 0640))) |
{ |
untie %{$self->{PARM_HASH}}; |
return undef; |
} |
$self->{NAV_HASH} = \%navmaphash; |
$self->{PARM_HASH} = \%parmhash; |
$self->{PARM_CACHE} = {}; |
bless($self); |
return $self; |
} |
sub generate_course_user_opt { |
my $self = shift; |
if ($self->{COURSE_USER_OPT_GENERATED}) { return; } |
my $uname=$ENV{''}; |
my $udom=$ENV{'user.domain'}; |
my $uhome=$ENV{'user.home'}; |
my $cid=$ENV{''}; |
my $chome=$ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.home'}; |
my ($cdom,$cnum)=split(/\_/,$cid); |
my $userprefix=$uname.'_'.$udom.'_'; |
my %courserdatas; my %useropt; my %courseopt; my %userrdatas; |
unless ($uhome eq 'no_host') { |
# ------------------------------------------------- Get coursedata (if present) |
unless ((time-$courserdatas{$cid.'.last_cache'})<240) { |
my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::reply('dump:'.$cdom.':'.$cnum. |
':resourcedata',$chome); |
# Check for network failure |
if ( $reply =~ / || $reply =~ /con_lost/i) { |
$self->{NETWORK_FAILURE} = 1; |
} elsif ($reply!~/^error\:/) { |
$courserdatas{$cid}=$reply; |
$courserdatas{$cid.'.last_cache'}=time; |
} |
} |
foreach (split(/\&/,$courserdatas{$cid})) { |
my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$_); |
$courseopt{$userprefix.&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name)}= |
&Apache::lonnet::unescape($value); |
} |
# --------------------------------------------------- Get userdata (if present) |
unless ((time-$userrdatas{$uname.'___'.$udom.'.last_cache'})<240) { |
my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::reply('dump:'.$udom.':'.$uname.':resourcedata',$uhome); |
if ($reply!~/^error\:/) { |
$userrdatas{$uname.'___'.$udom}=$reply; |
$userrdatas{$uname.'___'.$udom.'.last_cache'}=time; |
} |
# check to see if network failed |
elsif ( $reply=~/ || $reply=~/con.*lost/i ) |
{ |
$self->{NETWORK_FAILURE} = 1; |
} |
} |
foreach (split(/\&/,$userrdatas{$uname.'___'.$udom})) { |
my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$_); |
$useropt{$userprefix.&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name)}= |
&Apache::lonnet::unescape($value); |
} |
$self->{COURSE_OPT} = \%courseopt; |
$self->{USER_OPT} = \%useropt; |
} |
return; |
} |
sub generate_email_discuss_status { |
my $self = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
if ($self->{EMAIL_DISCUSS_GENERATED}) { return; } |
my $cid=$ENV{''}; |
my ($cdom,$cnum)=split(/\_/,$cid); |
my %emailstatus = &Apache::lonnet::dump('email_status'); |
my $logoutTime = $emailstatus{'logout'}; |
my $courseLeaveTime = $emailstatus{'logout_'.$ENV{''}}; |
$self->{LAST_CHECK} = (($courseLeaveTime > $logoutTime) ? |
$courseLeaveTime : $logoutTime); |
my %discussiontime = &Apache::lonnet::dump('discussiontimes', |
$cdom, $cnum); |
my %lastread = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_'.$cid.'_discuss', |
$ENV{'user.domain'},$ENV{''},'lastread'); |
my %lastreadtime = (); |
foreach (keys %lastread) { |
my $key = $_; |
$key =~ s/_lastread$//; |
$lastreadtime{$key} = $lastread{$_}; |
} |
my %feedback=(); |
my %error=(); |
my $keys = &Apache::lonnet::reply('keys:'. |
$ENV{'user.domain'}.':'. |
$ENV{''}.':nohist_email', |
$ENV{'user.home'}); |
foreach my $msgid (split(/\&/, $keys)) { |
$msgid=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($msgid); |
my $plain=&Apache::lonnet::unescape(&Apache::lonnet::unescape($msgid)); |
if ($plain=~/(Error|Feedback) \[([^\]]+)\]/) { |
my ($what,$url)=($1,$2); |
my %status= |
&Apache::lonnet::get('email_status',[$msgid]); |
if ($status{$msgid}=~/^error\:/) { |
$status{$msgid}=''; |
} |
if (($status{$msgid} eq 'new') || |
(!$status{$msgid})) { |
if ($what eq 'Error') { |
$error{$url}.=','.$msgid; |
} else { |
$feedback{$url}.=','.$msgid; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$self->{FEEDBACK} = \%feedback; |
$self->{ERROR_MSG} = \%error; # what is this? JB |
$self->{DISCUSSION_TIME} = \%discussiontime; |
$self->{EMAIL_STATUS} = \%emailstatus; |
$self->{LAST_READ} = \%lastreadtime; |
} |
sub get_user_data { |
my $self = shift; |
if ($self->{RETRIEVED_USER_DATA}) { return; } |
# Retrieve performance data on problems |
my %student_data = Apache::lonnet::currentdump($ENV{''}, |
$ENV{'user.domain'}, |
$ENV{''}); |
$self->{STUDENT_DATA} = \%student_data; |
$self->{RETRIEVED_USER_DATA} = 1; |
} |
# Internal function: Takes a key to look up in the nav hash and implements internal |
# memory caching of that key. |
sub navhash { |
my $self = shift; my $key = shift; |
return $self->{NAV_HASH}->{$key}; |
} |
=pod |
=item * B<courseMapDefined>(): Returns true if the course map is defined, |
false otherwise. Undefined course maps indicate an error somewhere in |
LON-CAPA, and you will not be able to proceed with using the navmap. |
See the B<NAV> screen for an example of using this. |
=cut |
# Checks to see if coursemap is defined, matching test in old lonnavmaps |
sub courseMapDefined { |
my $self = shift; |
my $uri = &Apache::lonnet::clutter($ENV{'request.course.uri'}); |
my $firstres = $self->navhash("map_start_$uri"); |
my $lastres = $self->navhash("map_finish_$uri"); |
return $firstres && $lastres; |
} |
sub getIterator { |
my $self = shift; |
my $iterator = Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new($self, shift, shift, |
shift, undef, shift); |
return $iterator; |
} |
# unties the hash when done |
sub untieHashes { |
my $self = shift; |
untie %{$self->{NAV_HASH}}; |
untie %{$self->{PARM_HASH}}; |
} |
# Private method: Does the given resource (as a symb string) have |
# current discussion? Returns 0 if chat/mail data not extracted. |
sub hasDiscussion { |
my $self = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
$self->generate_email_discuss_status(); |
if (!defined($self->{DISCUSSION_TIME})) { return 0; } |
#return defined($self->{DISCUSSION_TIME}->{$symb}); |
# backward compatibility (bulletin boards used to be 'wrapped') |
my $ressymb = $symb; |
if ($ressymb =~ m|adm/(\w+)/(\w+)/(\d+)/bulletinboard$|) { |
unless ($ressymb =~ m|adm/wrapper/adm|) { |
$ressymb = 'bulletin___'.$3.'___adm/wrapper/adm/'.$1.'/'.$2.'/'.$3.'/bulletinboard'; |
} |
} |
if ( defined ( $self->{LAST_READ}->{$ressymb} ) ) { |
return $self->{DISCUSSION_TIME}->{$ressymb} > $self->{LAST_READ}->{$ressymb}; |
} else { |
# return $self->{DISCUSSION_TIME}->{$ressymb} > $self->{LAST_CHECK}; # v.1.1 behavior |
return $self->{DISCUSSION_TIME}->{$ressymb} > 0; # in 1.2 will display speech bubble icons for all items with posts until marked as read (even if read in v 1.1). |
} |
} |
# Private method: Does the given resource (as a symb string) have |
# current feedback? Returns the string in the feedback hash, which |
# will be false if it does not exist. |
sub getFeedback { |
my $self = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
$self->generate_email_discuss_status(); |
if (!defined($self->{FEEDBACK})) { return ""; } |
return $self->{FEEDBACK}->{$symb}; |
} |
# Private method: Get the errors for that resource (by source). |
sub getErrors { |
my $self = shift; |
my $src = shift; |
$self->generate_email_discuss_status(); |
if (!defined($self->{ERROR_MSG})) { return ""; } |
return $self->{ERROR_MSG}->{$src}; |
} |
=pod |
=item * B<getById>(id): |
Based on the ID of the resource (1.1, 3.2, etc.), get a resource |
object for that resource. This method, or other methods that use it |
(as in the resource object) is the only proper way to obtain a |
resource object. |
=item * B<getBySymb>(symb): |
Based on the symb of the resource, get a resource object for that |
resource. This is one of the proper ways to get a resource object. |
=item * B<getMapByMapPc>(map_pc): |
Based on the map_pc of the resource, get a resource object for |
the given map. This is one of the proper ways to get a resource object. |
=cut |
# The strategy here is to cache the resource objects, and only construct them |
# as we use them. The real point is to prevent reading any more from the tied |
# hash then we have to, which should hopefully alleviate speed problems. |
sub getById { |
my $self = shift; |
my $id = shift; |
if (defined ($self->{RESOURCE_CACHE}->{$id})) |
{ |
return $self->{RESOURCE_CACHE}->{$id}; |
} |
# resource handles inserting itself into cache. |
# Not clear why the quotes are necessary, but as of this |
# writing it doesn't work without them. |
return "Apache::lonnavmaps::resource"->new($self, $id); |
} |
sub getBySymb { |
my $self = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
my ($mapUrl, $id, $filename) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); |
my $map = $self->getResourceByUrl($mapUrl); |
my $returnvalue = undef; |
if (ref($map)) { |
$returnvalue = $self->getById($map->map_pc() .'.'.$id); |
} |
return $returnvalue; |
} |
sub getByMapPc { |
my $self = shift; |
my $map_pc = shift; |
my $map_id = $self->{NAV_HASH}->{'map_id_' . $map_pc}; |
$map_id = $self->{NAV_HASH}->{'ids_' . $map_id}; |
return $self->getById($map_id); |
} |
=pod |
=item * B<firstResource>(): |
Returns a resource object reference corresponding to the first |
resource in the navmap. |
=cut |
sub firstResource { |
my $self = shift; |
my $firstResource = $self->navhash('map_start_' . |
&Apache::lonnet::clutter($ENV{'request.course.uri'})); |
return $self->getById($firstResource); |
} |
=pod |
=item * B<finishResource>(): |
Returns a resource object reference corresponding to the last resource |
in the navmap. |
=cut |
sub finishResource { |
my $self = shift; |
my $firstResource = $self->navhash('map_finish_' . |
&Apache::lonnet::clutter($ENV{'request.course.uri'})); |
return $self->getById($firstResource); |
} |
# Parmval reads the parm hash and cascades the lookups. parmval_real does |
# the actual lookup; parmval caches the results. |
sub parmval { |
my $self = shift; |
my ($what,$symb)=@_; |
my $hashkey = $what."|||".$symb; |
if (defined($self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey})) { |
return $self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey}; |
} |
my $result = $self->parmval_real($what, $symb); |
$self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey} = $result; |
return $result; |
} |
sub parmval_real { |
my $self = shift; |
my ($what,$symb,$recurse) = @_; |
# Make sure the {USER_OPT} and {COURSE_OPT} hashes are populated |
$self->generate_course_user_opt(); |
my $cid=$ENV{''}; |
my $csec=$ENV{'request.course.sec'}; |
my $uname=$ENV{''}; |
my $udom=$ENV{'user.domain'}; |
unless ($symb) { return ''; } |
my $result=''; |
my ($mapname,$id,$fn)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); |
# ----------------------------------------------------- Cascading lookup scheme |
my $rwhat=$what; |
$what=~s/^parameter\_//; |
$what=~s/\_/\./; |
my $symbparm=$symb.'.'.$what; |
my $mapparm=$mapname.'___(all).'.$what; |
my $usercourseprefix=$uname.'_'.$udom.'_'.$cid; |
my $seclevel= $usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$what; |
my $seclevelr=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$symbparm; |
my $seclevelm=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$mapparm; |
my $courselevel= $usercourseprefix.'.'.$what; |
my $courselevelr=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$symbparm; |
my $courselevelm=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$mapparm; |
my $useropt = $self->{USER_OPT}; |
my $courseopt = $self->{COURSE_OPT}; |
my $parmhash = $self->{PARM_HASH}; |
# ---------------------------------------------------------- first, check user |
if ($uname and defined($useropt)) { |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevelr})) { return $$useropt{$courselevelr}; } |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevelm})) { return $$useropt{$courselevelm}; } |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevel})) { return $$useropt{$courselevel}; } |
} |
# ------------------------------------------------------- second, check course |
if ($csec and defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevelr})) { return $$courseopt{$seclevelr}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevelm})) { return $$courseopt{$seclevelm}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevel})) { return $$courseopt{$seclevel}; } |
} |
if (defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevelr})) { return $$courseopt{$courselevelr}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevelm})) { return $$courseopt{$courselevelm}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevel})) { return $$courseopt{$courselevel}; } |
} |
# ----------------------------------------------------- third, check map parms |
my $thisparm=$$parmhash{$symbparm}; |
if (defined($thisparm)) { return $thisparm; } |
# ----------------------------------------------------- fourth , check default |
my $meta_rwhat=$rwhat; |
$meta_rwhat=~s/\./_/g; |
my $default=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($fn,$meta_rwhat); |
if (defined($default)) { return $default} |
$default=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($fn,'parameter_'.$meta_rwhat); |
if (defined($default)) { return $default} |
# --------------------------------------------------- fifth , cascade up parts |
my ($space,@qualifier)=split(/\./,$rwhat); |
my $qualifier=join('.',@qualifier); |
unless ($space eq '0') { |
my @parts=split(/_/,$space); |
my $id=pop(@parts); |
my $part=join('_',@parts); |
if ($part eq '') { $part='0'; } |
my $partgeneral=$self->parmval($part.".$qualifier",$symb,1); |
if (defined($partgeneral)) { return $partgeneral; } |
} |
if ($recurse) { return undef; } |
my $pack_def=&Apache::lonnet::packages_tab_default($fn,'resource.'.$what); |
if (defined($pack_def)) { return $pack_def; } |
return ''; |
} |
=pod |
=item * B<getResourceByUrl>(url): |
Retrieves a resource object by URL of the resource. If passed a |
resource object, it will simply return it, so it is safe to use this |
method in code like "$res = $navmap->getResourceByUrl($res)", if |
you're not sure if $res is already an object, or just a URL. If the |
resource appears multiple times in the course, only the first instance |
will be returned. As a result, this is probably useful only for maps. |
=item * B<retrieveResources>(map, filterFunc, recursive, bailout): |
The map is a specification of a map to retreive the resources from, |
either as a url or as an object. The filterFunc is a reference to a |
function that takes a resource object as its one argument and returns |
true if the resource should be included, or false if it should not |
be. If recursive is true, the map will be recursively examined, |
otherwise it will not be. If bailout is true, the function will return |
as soon as it finds a resource, if false it will finish. By default, |
the map is the top-level map of the course, filterFunc is a function |
that always returns 1, recursive is true, bailout is false. The |
resources will be returned in a list containing the resource objects |
for the corresponding resources, with B<no structure information> in |
the list; regardless of branching, recursion, etc., it will be a flat |
list. |
Thus, this is suitable for cases where you don't want the structure, |
just a list of all resources. It is also suitable for finding out how |
many resources match a given description; for this use, if all you |
want to know is if I<any> resources match the description, the bailout |
parameter will allow you to avoid potentially expensive enumeration of |
all matching resources. |
=item * B<hasResource>(map, filterFunc, recursive): |
Convience method for |
scalar(retrieveResources($map, $filterFunc, $recursive, 1)) > 0 |
which will tell whether the map has resources matching the description |
in the filter function. |
=cut |
sub getResourceByUrl { |
my $self = shift; |
my $resUrl = shift; |
if (ref($resUrl)) { return $resUrl; } |
$resUrl = &Apache::lonnet::clutter($resUrl); |
my $resId = $self->{NAV_HASH}->{'ids_' . $resUrl}; |
if ($resId =~ /,/) { |
$resId = (split (/,/, $resId))[0]; |
} |
if (!$resId) { return ''; } |
return $self->getById($resId); |
} |
sub retrieveResources { |
my $self = shift; |
my $map = shift; |
my $filterFunc = shift; |
if (!defined ($filterFunc)) { |
$filterFunc = sub {return 1;}; |
} |
my $recursive = shift; |
if (!defined($recursive)) { $recursive = 1; } |
my $bailout = shift; |
if (!defined($bailout)) { $bailout = 0; } |
# Create the necessary iterator. |
if (!ref($map)) { # assume it's a url of a map. |
$map = $self->getResourceByUrl($map); |
} |
# If nothing was passed, assume top-level map |
if (!$map) { |
$map = $self->getById('0.0'); |
} |
# Check the map's validity. |
if (!$map->is_map()) { |
# Oh, to throw an exception.... how I'd love that! |
return (); |
} |
# Get an iterator. |
my $it = $self->getIterator($map->map_start(), $map->map_finish(), |
undef, $recursive); |
my @resources = (); |
# Run down the iterator and collect the resources. |
my $curRes; |
while ($curRes = $it->next()) { |
if (ref($curRes)) { |
if (!&$filterFunc($curRes)) { |
next; |
} |
push @resources, $curRes; |
if ($bailout) { |
return @resources; |
} |
} |
} |
return @resources; |
} |
sub hasResource { |
my $self = shift; |
my $map = shift; |
my $filterFunc = shift; |
my $recursive = shift; |
return scalar($self->retrieveResources($map, $filterFunc, $recursive, 1)) > 0; |
} |
1; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator; |
=pod |
=back |
=head1 Object: navmap Iterator |
An I<iterator> encapsulates the logic required to traverse a data |
structure. navmap uses an iterator to traverse the course map |
according to the criteria you wish to use. |
To obtain an iterator, call the B<getIterator>() function of a |
B<navmap> object. (Do not instantiate Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator |
directly.) This will return a reference to the iterator: |
C<my $resourceIterator = $navmap-E<gt>getIterator();> |
To get the next thing from the iterator, call B<next>: |
C<my $nextThing = $resourceIterator-E<gt>next()> |
getIterator behaves as follows: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<getIterator>(firstResource, finishResource, filterHash, condition, forceTop, returnTopMap): |
All parameters are optional. firstResource is a resource reference |
corresponding to where the iterator should start. It defaults to |
navmap->firstResource() for the corresponding nav map. finishResource |
corresponds to where you want the iterator to end, defaulting to |
navmap->finishResource(). filterHash is a hash used as a set |
containing strings representing the resource IDs, defaulting to |
empty. Condition is a 1 or 0 that sets what to do with the filter |
hash: If a 0, then only resources that exist IN the filterHash will be |
recursed on. If it is a 1, only resources NOT in the filterHash will |
be recursed on. Defaults to 0. forceTop is a boolean value. If it is |
false (default), the iterator will only return the first level of map |
that is not just a single, 'redirecting' map. If true, the iterator |
will return all information, starting with the top-level map, |
regardless of content. returnTopMap, if true (default false), will |
cause the iterator to return the top-level map object (resource 0.0) |
before anything else. |
Thus, by default, only top-level resources will be shown. Change the |
condition to a 1 without changing the hash, and all resources will be |
shown. Changing the condition to 1 and including some values in the |
hash will allow you to selectively suppress parts of the navmap, while |
leaving it on 0 and adding things to the hash will allow you to |
selectively add parts of the nav map. See the handler code for |
examples. |
The iterator will return either a reference to a resource object, or a |
token representing something in the map, such as the beginning of a |
new branch. The possible tokens are: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<END_ITERATOR>: |
The iterator has returned all that it's going to. Further calls to the |
iterator will just produce more of these. This is a "false" value, and |
is the only false value the iterator which will be returned, so it can |
be used as a loop sentinel. |
=item * B<BEGIN_MAP>: |
A new map is being recursed into. This is returned I<after> the map |
resource itself is returned. |
=item * B<END_MAP>: |
The map is now done. |
=item * B<BEGIN_BRANCH>: |
A branch is now starting. The next resource returned will be the first |
in that branch. |
=item * B<END_BRANCH>: |
The branch is now done. |
=back |
The tokens are retreivable via methods on the iterator object, i.e., |
$iterator->END_MAP. |
Maps can contain empty resources. The iterator will automatically skip |
over such resources, but will still treat the structure |
correctly. Thus, a complicated map with several branches, but |
consisting entirely of empty resources except for one beginning or |
ending resource, will cause a lot of BRANCH_STARTs and BRANCH_ENDs, |
but only one resource will be returned. |
=back |
=head2 Normal Usage |
Normal usage of the iterator object is to do the following: |
my $it = $navmap->getIterator([your params here]); |
my $curRes; |
while ($curRes = $it->next()) { |
[your logic here] |
} |
Note that inside of the loop, it's frequently useful to check if |
"$curRes" is a reference or not with the reference function; only |
resource objects will be references, and any non-references will |
be the tokens described above. |
Also note there is some old code floating around that trys to track |
the depth of the iterator to see when it's done; do not copy that |
code. It is difficult to get right and harder to understand then |
this. They should be migrated to this new style. |
=cut |
# Here are the tokens for the iterator: |
sub END_ITERATOR { return 0; } |
sub BEGIN_MAP { return 1; } # begining of a new map |
sub END_MAP { return 2; } # end of the map |
sub BEGIN_BRANCH { return 3; } # beginning of a branch |
sub END_BRANCH { return 4; } # end of a branch |
sub FORWARD { return 1; } # go forward |
sub BACKWARD { return 2; } |
sub min { |
(my $a, my $b) = @_; |
if ($a < $b) { return $a; } else { return $b; } |
} |
sub new { |
# magic invocation to create a class instance |
my $proto = shift; |
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; |
my $self = {}; |
$self->{NAV_MAP} = shift; |
return undef unless ($self->{NAV_MAP}); |
# Handle the parameters |
$self->{FIRST_RESOURCE} = shift || $self->{NAV_MAP}->firstResource(); |
$self->{FINISH_RESOURCE} = shift || $self->{NAV_MAP}->finishResource(); |
# If the given resources are just the ID of the resource, get the |
# objects |
if (!ref($self->{FIRST_RESOURCE})) { $self->{FIRST_RESOURCE} = |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($self->{FIRST_RESOURCE}); } |
if (!ref($self->{FINISH_RESOURCE})) { $self->{FINISH_RESOURCE} = |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($self->{FINISH_RESOURCE}); } |
$self->{FILTER} = shift; |
# A hash, used as a set, of resource already seen |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN} = shift; |
if (!defined($self->{ALREADY_SEEN})) { $self->{ALREADY_SEEN} = {} }; |
$self->{CONDITION} = shift; |
# Do we want to automatically follow "redirection" maps? |
$self->{FORCE_TOP} = shift; |
# Do we want to return the top-level map object (resource 0.0)? |
$self->{RETURN_0} = shift; |
# have we done that yet? |
$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0} = 0; |
# Now, we need to pre-process the map, by walking forward and backward |
# over the parts of the map we're going to look at. |
# The processing steps are exactly the same, except for a few small |
# changes, so I bundle those up in the following list of two elements: |
# (direction_to_iterate, VAL_name, next_resource_method_to_call, |
# first_resource). |
# This prevents writing nearly-identical code twice. |
my @iterations = ( [FORWARD(), 'TOP_DOWN_VAL', 'getNext', |
[BACKWARD(), 'BOT_UP_VAL', 'getPrevious', |
my $maxDepth = 0; # tracks max depth |
# If there is only one resource in this map, and it's a map, we |
# want to remember that, so the user can ask for the first map |
# that isn't just a redirector. |
my $resource; my $resourceCount = 0; |
# Documentation on this algorithm can be found in the CVS repository at |
# /docs/lonnavdocs; these "**#**" markers correspond to documentation |
# in that file. |
# **1** |
foreach my $pass (@iterations) { |
my $direction = $pass->[0]; |
my $valName = $pass->[1]; |
my $nextResourceMethod = $pass->[2]; |
my $firstResourceName = $pass->[3]; |
my $iterator = Apache::lonnavmaps::DFSiterator->new($self->{NAV_MAP}, |
$self->{FIRST_RESOURCE}, |
{}, undef, 0, $direction); |
# prime the recursion |
$self->{$firstResourceName}->{DATA}->{$valName} = 0; |
$iterator->next(); |
my $curRes = $iterator->next(); |
my $depth = 1; |
while ($depth > 0) { |
if ($curRes == $iterator->BEGIN_MAP()) { $depth++; } |
if ($curRes == $iterator->END_MAP()) { $depth--; } |
if (ref($curRes)) { |
# If there's only one resource, this will save it |
# we have to filter empty resources from consideration here, |
# or even "empty", redirecting maps have two (start & finish) |
# or three (start, finish, plus redirector) |
if($direction == FORWARD && $curRes->src()) { |
$resource = $curRes; $resourceCount++; |
} |
my $resultingVal = $curRes->{DATA}->{$valName}; |
my $nextResources = $curRes->$nextResourceMethod(); |
my $nextCount = scalar(@{$nextResources}); |
if ($nextCount == 1) { # **3** |
my $current = $nextResources->[0]->{DATA}->{$valName} || 999999999; |
$nextResources->[0]->{DATA}->{$valName} = min($resultingVal, $current); |
} |
if ($nextCount > 1) { # **4** |
foreach my $res (@{$nextResources}) { |
my $current = $res->{DATA}->{$valName} || 999999999; |
$res->{DATA}->{$valName} = min($current, $resultingVal + 1); |
} |
} |
} |
# Assign the final val (**2**) |
if (ref($curRes) && $direction == BACKWARD()) { |
my $finalDepth = min($curRes->{DATA}->{TOP_DOWN_VAL}, |
$curRes->{DATA}->{BOT_UP_VAL}); |
$curRes->{DATA}->{DISPLAY_DEPTH} = $finalDepth; |
if ($finalDepth > $maxDepth) {$maxDepth = $finalDepth;} |
} |
$curRes = $iterator->next(); |
} |
} |
# Check: Was this only one resource, a map? |
if ($resourceCount == 1 && $resource->is_sequence() && !$self->{FORCE_TOP}) { |
my $firstResource = $resource->map_start(); |
my $finishResource = $resource->map_finish(); |
return |
Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new($self->{NAV_MAP}, $firstResource, |
$finishResource, $self->{FILTER}, |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}, |
$self->{CONDITION}, 0); |
} |
# Set up some bookkeeping information. |
$self->{CURRENT_DEPTH} = 0; |
$self->{MAX_DEPTH} = $maxDepth; |
$self->{STACK} = []; |
$self->{FINISHED} = 0; # When true, the iterator has finished |
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $self->{MAX_DEPTH}; $i++) { |
push @{$self->{STACK}}, []; |
} |
# Prime the recursion w/ the first resource **5** |
push @{$self->{STACK}->[0]}, $self->{FIRST_RESOURCE}; |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$self->{FIRST_RESOURCE}->{ID}} = 1; |
bless ($self); |
return $self; |
} |
sub next { |
my $self = shift; |
my $closeAllPages=shift; |
if ($self->{FINISHED}) { |
return END_ITERATOR(); |
} |
# If we want to return the top-level map object, and haven't yet, |
# do so. |
if ($self->{RETURN_0} && !$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0}) { |
$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0} = 1; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById('0.0'); |
} |
# grab the next from the recursive iterator |
my $next = $self->{RECURSIVE_ITERATOR}->next($closeAllPages); |
# is it a begin or end map? If so, update the depth |
if ($next == BEGIN_MAP() ) { $self->{RECURSIVE_DEPTH}++; } |
if ($next == END_MAP() ) { $self->{RECURSIVE_DEPTH}--; } |
# Are we back at depth 0? If so, stop recursing |
if ($self->{RECURSIVE_DEPTH} == 0) { |
} |
return $next; |
} |
if (defined($self->{FORCE_NEXT})) { |
my $tmp = $self->{FORCE_NEXT}; |
$self->{FORCE_NEXT} = undef; |
return $tmp; |
} |
# Have we not yet begun? If not, return BEGIN_MAP and |
# remember we've started. |
if ( !$self->{STARTED} ) { |
$self->{STARTED} = 1; |
return $self->BEGIN_MAP(); |
} |
# Here's the guts of the iterator. |
# Find the next resource, if any. |
my $found = 0; |
my $i = $self->{MAX_DEPTH}; |
my $newDepth; |
my $here; |
while ( $i >= 0 && !$found ) { |
if ( scalar(@{$self->{STACK}->[$i]}) > 0 ) { # **6** |
$here = pop @{$self->{STACK}->[$i]}; # **7** |
$found = 1; |
$newDepth = $i; |
} |
$i--; |
} |
# If we still didn't find anything, we're done. |
if ( !$found ) { |
# We need to get back down to the correct branch depth |
if ( $self->{CURRENT_DEPTH} > 0 ) { |
$self->{CURRENT_DEPTH}--; |
return END_BRANCH(); |
} else { |
$self->{FINISHED} = 1; |
return END_MAP(); |
} |
} |
# If this is not a resource, it must be an END_BRANCH marker we want |
# to return directly. |
if (!ref($here)) { # **8** |
if ($here == END_BRANCH()) { # paranoia, in case of later extension |
$self->{CURRENT_DEPTH}--; |
return $here; |
} |
} |
# Otherwise, it is a resource and it's safe to store in $self->{HERE} |
$self->{HERE} = $here; |
# Get to the right level |
if ( $self->{CURRENT_DEPTH} > $newDepth ) { |
push @{$self->{STACK}->[$newDepth]}, $here; |
$self->{CURRENT_DEPTH}--; |
return END_BRANCH(); |
} |
if ( $self->{CURRENT_DEPTH} < $newDepth) { |
push @{$self->{STACK}->[$newDepth]}, $here; |
$self->{CURRENT_DEPTH}++; |
return BEGIN_BRANCH(); |
} |
# If we made it here, we have the next resource, and we're at the |
# right branch level. So let's examine the resource for where |
# we can get to from here. |
# So we need to look at all the resources we can get to from here, |
# categorize them if we haven't seen them, remember if we have a new |
my $nextUnfiltered = $here->getNext(); |
my $maxDepthAdded = -1; |
for (@$nextUnfiltered) { |
if (!defined($self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$_->{ID}})) { |
my $depth = $_->{DATA}->{DISPLAY_DEPTH}; |
push @{$self->{STACK}->[$depth]}, $_; |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$_->{ID}} = 1; |
if ($maxDepthAdded < $depth) { $maxDepthAdded = $depth; } |
} |
} |
# Is this the end of a branch? If so, all of the resources examined above |
# led to lower levels then the one we are currently at, so we push a END_BRANCH |
# marker onto the stack so we don't forget. |
# Example: For the usual A(BC)(DE)F case, when the iterator goes down the |
# BC branch and gets to C, it will see F as the only next resource, but it's |
# one level lower. Thus, this is the end of the branch, since there are no |
# more resources added to this level or above. |
# We don't do this if the examined resource is the finish resource, |
# because the condition given above is true, but the "END_MAP" will |
# take care of things and we should already be at depth 0. |
my $isEndOfBranch = $maxDepthAdded < $self->{CURRENT_DEPTH}; |
if ($isEndOfBranch && $here != $self->{FINISH_RESOURCE}) { # **9** |
push @{$self->{STACK}->[$self->{CURRENT_DEPTH}]}, END_BRANCH(); |
} |
# That ends the main iterator logic. Now, do we want to recurse |
# down this map (if this resource is a map)? |
if ( ($self->{HERE}->is_sequence() || (!$closeAllPages && $self->{HERE}->is_page())) && |
(defined($self->{FILTER}->{$self->{HERE}->map_pc()}) xor $self->{CONDITION})) { |
my $firstResource = $self->{HERE}->map_start(); |
my $finishResource = $self->{HERE}->map_finish(); |
Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new($self->{NAV_MAP}, $firstResource, |
$finishResource, $self->{FILTER}, |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}, $self->{CONDITION}); |
} |
# If this is a blank resource, don't actually return it. |
# Should you ever find you need it, make sure to add an option to the code |
# that you can use; other things depend on this behavior. |
my $browsePriv = $self->{HERE}->browsePriv(); |
if (!$self->{HERE}->src() || |
(!($browsePriv eq 'F') && !($browsePriv eq '2')) ) { |
return $self->next($closeAllPages); |
} |
return $self->{HERE}; |
} |
=pod |
The other method available on the iterator is B<getStack>, which |
returns an array populated with the current 'stack' of maps, as |
references to the resource objects. Example: This is useful when |
making the navigation map, as we need to check whether we are under a |
page map to see if we need to link directly to the resource, or to the |
page. The first elements in the array will correspond to the top of |
the stack (most inclusive map). |
=cut |
sub getStack { |
my $self=shift; |
my @stack; |
$self->populateStack(\@stack); |
return \@stack; |
} |
# Private method: Calls the iterators recursively to populate the stack. |
sub populateStack { |
my $self=shift; |
my $stack = shift; |
push @$stack, $self->{HERE} if ($self->{HERE}); |
$self->{RECURSIVE_ITERATOR}->populateStack($stack); |
} |
} |
1; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps::DFSiterator; |
# Not documented in the perldoc: This is a simple iterator that just walks |
# through the nav map and presents the resources in a depth-first search |
# fashion, ignorant of conditionals, randomized resources, etc. It presents |
# BEGIN_MAP and END_MAP, but does not understand branches at all. It is |
# useful for pre-processing of some kind, and is in fact used by the main |
# iterator that way, but that's about it. |
# One could imagine merging this into the init routine of the main iterator, |
# but this might as well be left separate, since it is possible some other |
# use might be found for it. - Jeremy |
# Unlike the main iterator, this DOES return all resources, even blank ones. |
# The main iterator needs them to correctly preprocess the map. |
sub BEGIN_MAP { return 1; } # begining of a new map |
sub END_MAP { return 2; } # end of the map |
sub FORWARD { return 1; } # go forward |
sub BACKWARD { return 2; } |
# Params: Nav map ref, first resource id/ref, finish resource id/ref, |
# filter hash ref (or undef), already seen hash or undef, condition |
# (as in main iterator), direction FORWARD or BACKWARD (undef->forward). |
sub new { |
# magic invocation to create a class instance |
my $proto = shift; |
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; |
my $self = {}; |
$self->{NAV_MAP} = shift; |
return undef unless ($self->{NAV_MAP}); |
$self->{FIRST_RESOURCE} = shift || $self->{NAV_MAP}->firstResource(); |
$self->{FINISH_RESOURCE} = shift || $self->{NAV_MAP}->finishResource(); |
# If the given resources are just the ID of the resource, get the |
# objects |
if (!ref($self->{FIRST_RESOURCE})) { $self->{FIRST_RESOURCE} = |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($self->{FIRST_RESOURCE}); } |
if (!ref($self->{FINISH_RESOURCE})) { $self->{FINISH_RESOURCE} = |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($self->{FINISH_RESOURCE}); } |
$self->{FILTER} = shift; |
# A hash, used as a set, of resource already seen |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN} = shift; |
if (!defined($self->{ALREADY_SEEN})) { $self->{ALREADY_SEEN} = {} }; |
$self->{CONDITION} = shift; |
$self->{DIRECTION} = shift || FORWARD(); |
# Flag: Have we started yet? |
$self->{STARTED} = 0; |
# Should we continue calling the recursive iterator, if any? |
# The recursive iterator, if any |
$self->{RECURSIVE_ITERATOR} = undef; |
# Are we recursing on a map, or a branch? |
$self->{RECURSIVE_MAP} = 1; # we'll manually unset this when recursing on branches |
# And the count of how deep it is, so that this iterator can keep track of |
# when to pick back up again. |
$self->{RECURSIVE_DEPTH} = 0; |
# For keeping track of our branches, we maintain our own stack |
$self->{STACK} = []; |
# Start with the first resource |
if ($self->{DIRECTION} == FORWARD) { |
push @{$self->{STACK}}, $self->{FIRST_RESOURCE}; |
} else { |
push @{$self->{STACK}}, $self->{FINISH_RESOURCE}; |
} |
bless($self); |
return $self; |
} |
sub next { |
my $self = shift; |
# Are we using a recursive iterator? If so, pull from that and |
# watch the depth; we want to resume our level at the correct time. |
# grab the next from the recursive iterator |
my $next = $self->{RECURSIVE_ITERATOR}->next(); |
# is it a begin or end map? Update depth if so |
if ($next == BEGIN_MAP() ) { $self->{RECURSIVE_DEPTH}++; } |
if ($next == END_MAP() ) { $self->{RECURSIVE_DEPTH}--; } |
# Are we back at depth 0? If so, stop recursing. |
if ($self->{RECURSIVE_DEPTH} == 0) { |
} |
return $next; |
} |
# Is there a current resource to grab? If not, then return |
# END_MAP, which will end the iterator. |
if (scalar(@{$self->{STACK}}) == 0) { |
return $self->END_MAP(); |
} |
# Have we not yet begun? If not, return BEGIN_MAP and |
# remember that we've started. |
if ( !$self->{STARTED} ) { |
$self->{STARTED} = 1; |
return $self->BEGIN_MAP; |
} |
# Get the next resource in the branch |
$self->{HERE} = pop @{$self->{STACK}}; |
# remember that we've seen this, so we don't return it again later |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$self->{HERE}->{ID}} = 1; |
# Get the next possible resources |
my $nextUnfiltered; |
if ($self->{DIRECTION} == FORWARD()) { |
$nextUnfiltered = $self->{HERE}->getNext(); |
} else { |
$nextUnfiltered = $self->{HERE}->getPrevious(); |
} |
my $next = []; |
# filter the next possibilities to remove things we've |
# already seen. |
foreach (@$nextUnfiltered) { |
if (!defined($self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$_->{ID}})) { |
push @$next, $_; |
} |
} |
while (@$next) { |
# copy the next possibilities over to the stack |
push @{$self->{STACK}}, shift @$next; |
} |
# If this is a map and we want to recurse down it... (not filtered out) |
if ($self->{HERE}->is_map() && |
(defined($self->{FILTER}->{$self->{HERE}->map_pc()}) xor $self->{CONDITION})) { |
my $firstResource = $self->{HERE}->map_start(); |
my $finishResource = $self->{HERE}->map_finish(); |
Apache::lonnavmaps::DFSiterator->new ($self->{NAV_MAP}, $firstResource, |
$finishResource, $self->{FILTER}, $self->{ALREADY_SEEN}, |
$self->{CONDITION}, $self->{DIRECTION}); |
} |
return $self->{HERE}; |
} |
# Identical to the full iterator methods of the same name. Hate to copy/paste |
# but I also hate to "inherit" either iterator from the other. |
sub getStack { |
my $self=shift; |
my @stack; |
$self->populateStack(\@stack); |
return \@stack; |
} |
# Private method: Calls the iterators recursively to populate the stack. |
sub populateStack { |
my $self=shift; |
my $stack = shift; |
push @$stack, $self->{HERE} if ($self->{HERE}); |
$self->{RECURSIVE_ITERATOR}->populateStack($stack); |
} |
} |
1; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps::resource; |
use Apache::lonnet; |
=pod |
=head1 Object: resource |
X<resource, navmap object> |
A resource object encapsulates a resource in a resource map, allowing |
easy manipulation of the resource, querying the properties of the |
resource (including user properties), and represents a reference that |
can be used as the canonical representation of the resource by |
lonnavmap clients like renderers. |
A resource only makes sense in the context of a navmap, as some of the |
data is stored in the navmap object. |
You will probably never need to instantiate this object directly. Use |
Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap, and use the "start" method to obtain the |
starting resource. |
Resource objects respect the parameter_hiddenparts, which suppresses |
various parts according to the wishes of the map author. As of this |
writing, there is no way to override this parameter, and suppressed |
parts will never be returned, nor will their response types or ids be |
stored. |
=head2 Overview |
A B<Resource> is the most granular type of object in LON-CAPA that can |
be included in a course. It can either be a particular resource, like |
an HTML page, external resource, problem, etc., or it can be a |
container sequence, such as a "page" or a "map". |
To see a sequence from the user's point of view, please see the |
B<Creating a Course: Maps and Sequences> chapter of the Author's |
Manual. |
A Resource Object, once obtained from a navmap object via a B<getBy*> |
method of the navmap, or from an iterator, allows you to query |
information about that resource. |
Generally, you do not ever want to create a resource object yourself, |
so creation has been left undocumented. Always retrieve resources |
from navmap objects. |
=head3 Identifying Resources |
X<big hash>Every resource is identified by a Resource ID in the big hash that is |
unique to that resource for a given course. X<resource ID, in big hash> |
The Resource ID has the form #.#, where the first number is the same |
for every resource in a map, and the second is unique. For instance, |
for a course laid out like this: |
* Problem 1 |
* Map |
* Resource 2 |
* Resource 3 |
C<Problem 1> and C<Map> will share a first number, and C<Resource 2> |
C<Resource 3> will share a first number. The second number may end up |
re-used between the two groups. |
The resource ID is only used in the big hash, but can be used in the |
context of a course to identify a resource easily. (For instance, the |
printing system uses it to record which resources from a sequence you |
wish to print.) |
X<symb> X<resource, symb> |
All resources also have B<symb>s, which uniquely identify a resource |
in a course. Many internal LON-CAPA functions expect a symb. A symb |
carries along with it the URL of the resource, and the map it appears |
in. Symbs are much larger then resource IDs. |
=cut |
sub new { |
# magic invocation to create a class instance |
my $proto = shift; |
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; |
my $self = {}; |
$self->{NAV_MAP} = shift; |
$self->{ID} = shift; |
# Store this new resource in the parent nav map's cache. |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->{RESOURCE_CACHE}->{$self->{ID}} = $self; |
$self->{RESOURCE_ERROR} = 0; |
# A hash that can be used by two-pass algorithms to store data |
# about this resource in. Not used by the resource object |
# directly. |
$self->{DATA} = {}; |
bless($self); |
return $self; |
} |
# private function: simplify the NAV_HASH lookups we keep doing |
# pass the name, and to automatically append my ID, pass a true val on the |
# second param |
sub navHash { |
my $self = shift; |
my $param = shift; |
my $id = shift; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->navhash($param . ($id?$self->{ID}:"")); |
} |
=pod |
=head2 Methods |
Once you have a resource object, here's what you can do with it: |
=head3 Attribute Retrieval |
Every resource has certain attributes that can be retrieved and used: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<ID>: Every resource has an ID that is unique for that |
resource in the course it is in. The ID is actually in the hash |
representing the resource, so for a resource object $res, obtain |
it via C<$res->{ID}). |
=item * B<compTitle>: |
Returns a "composite title", that is equal to $res->title() if the |
resource has a title, and is otherwise the last part of the URL (e.g., |
"problem.problem"). |
=item * B<ext>: |
Returns true if the resource is external. |
=item * B<kind>: |
Returns the kind of the resource from the compiled nav map. |
=item * B<randomout>: |
Returns true if this resource was chosen to NOT be shown to the user |
by the random map selection feature. In other words, this is usually |
false. |
=item * B<randompick>: |
Returns true for a map if the randompick feature is being used on the |
map. (?) |
=item * B<src>: |
Returns the source for the resource. |
=item * B<symb>: |
Returns the symb for the resource. |
=item * B<title>: |
Returns the title of the resource. |
=back |
=cut |
# These info functions can be used directly, as they don't return |
# resource information. |
sub comesfrom { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("comesfrom_", 1); } |
sub ext { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("ext_", 1) eq 'true:'; } |
sub from { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("from_", 1); } |
# considered private and undocumented |
sub goesto { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("goesto_", 1); } |
sub kind { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("kind_", 1); } |
sub randomout { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("randomout_", 1); } |
sub randompick { |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->{PARM_HASH}->{$self->symb . |
'.0.parameter_randompick'}; |
} |
sub src { |
my $self=shift; |
return $self->navHash("src_", 1); |
} |
sub symb { |
my $self=shift; |
(my $first, my $second) = $self->{ID} =~ /(\d+).(\d+)/; |
my $symbSrc = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($self->src()); |
my $symb = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($self->navHash('map_id_'.$first)) |
. '___' . $second . '___' . $symbSrc; |
return &Apache::lonnet::symbclean($symb); |
} |
sub title { |
my $self=shift; |
if ($self->{ID} eq '0.0') { |
# If this is the top-level map, return the title of the course |
# since this map can not be titled otherwise. |
return $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.description'}; |
} |
return $self->navHash("title_", 1); } |
# considered private and undocumented |
sub to { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("to_", 1); } |
sub compTitle { |
my $self = shift; |
my $title = $self->title(); |
$title=~s/\&colon\;/\:/gs; |
if (!$title) { |
$title = $self->src(); |
$title = substr($title, rindex($title, '/') + 1); |
} |
return $title; |
} |
=pod |
B<Predicate Testing the Resource> |
These methods are shortcuts to deciding if a given resource has a given property. |
=over 4 |
=item * B<is_map>: |
Returns true if the resource is a map type. |
=item * B<is_problem>: |
Returns true if the resource is a problem type, false |
otherwise. (Looks at the extension on the src field; might need more |
to work correctly.) |
=item * B<is_page>: |
Returns true if the resource is a page. |
=item * B<is_sequence>: |
Returns true if the resource is a sequence. |
=back |
=cut |
sub hasResource { |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->hasResource(@_); |
} |
sub retrieveResources { |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->retrieveResources(@_); |
} |
sub is_html { |
my $self=shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
return ($src =~ /html$/); |
} |
sub is_map { my $self=shift; return defined($self->navHash("is_map_", 1)); } |
sub is_page { |
my $self=shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
return $self->navHash("is_map_", 1) && |
$self->navHash("map_type_" . $self->map_pc()) eq 'page'; |
} |
sub is_problem { |
my $self=shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
return ($src =~ /\.(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form|library)$/) |
} |
sub contains_problem { |
my $self=shift; |
if ($self->is_page()) { |
my $hasProblem=$self->hasResource($self,sub { $_[0]->is_problem() },1); |
return $hasProblem; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
sub is_sequence { |
my $self=shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
return $self->navHash("is_map_", 1) && |
$self->navHash("map_type_" . $self->map_pc()) eq 'sequence'; |
} |
sub is_survey { |
my $self = shift(); |
my $part = shift(); |
if ($self->parmval('type',$part) eq 'survey') { |
return 1; |
} |
if ($self->src() =~ /\.(survey)$/) { |
return 1; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
sub is_empty_sequence { |
my $self=shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
return !$self->is_page() && $self->navHash("is_map_", 1) && !$self->navHash("map_type_" . $self->map_pc()); |
} |
# Private method: Shells out to the parmval in the nav map, handler parts. |
sub parmval { |
my $self = shift; |
my $what = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
if (!defined($part)) { |
$part = '0'; |
} |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->parmval($part.'.'.$what, $self->symb()); |
} |
=pod |
B<Map Methods> |
These methods are useful for getting information about the map |
properties of the resource, if the resource is a map (B<is_map>). |
=over 4 |
=item * B<map_finish>: |
Returns a reference to a resource object corresponding to the finish |
resource of the map. |
=item * B<map_pc>: |
Returns the pc value of the map, which is the first number that |
appears in the resource ID of the resources in the map, and is the |
number that appears around the middle of the symbs of the resources in |
that map. |
=item * B<map_start>: |
Returns a reference to a resource object corresponding to the start |
resource of the map. |
=item * B<map_type>: |
Returns a string with the type of the map in it. |
=back |
=cut |
sub map_finish { |
my $self = shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
$src = Apache::lonnet::clutter($src); |
my $res = $self->navHash("map_finish_$src", 0); |
$res = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($res); |
return $res; |
} |
sub map_pc { |
my $self = shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
return $self->navHash("map_pc_$src", 0); |
} |
sub map_start { |
my $self = shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
$src = Apache::lonnet::clutter($src); |
my $res = $self->navHash("map_start_$src", 0); |
$res = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($res); |
return $res; |
} |
sub map_type { |
my $self = shift; |
my $pc = $self->map_pc(); |
return $self->navHash("map_type_$pc", 0); |
} |
##### |
# Property queries |
##### |
# These functions will be responsible for returning the CORRECT |
# VALUE for the parameter, no matter what. So while they may look |
# like direct calls to parmval, they can be more then that. |
# So, for instance, the duedate function should use the "duedatetype" |
# information, rather then the resource object user. |
=pod |
=head2 Resource Parameters |
In order to use the resource parameters correctly, the nav map must |
have been instantiated with genCourseAndUserOptions set to true, so |
the courseopt and useropt is read correctly. Then, you can call these |
functions to get the relevant parameters for the resource. Each |
function defaults to part "0", but can be directed to another part by |
passing the part as the parameter. |
These methods are responsible for getting the parameter correct, not |
merely reflecting the contents of the GDBM hashes. As we move towards |
dates relative to other dates, these methods should be updated to |
reflect that. (Then, anybody using these methods will not have to update |
their code.) |
=over 4 |
=item * B<acc>: |
Get the Client IP/Name Access Control information. |
=item * B<answerdate>: |
Get the answer-reveal date for the problem. |
=item * B<awarded>: |
Gets the awarded value for the problem part. Requires genUserData set to |
true when the navmap object was created. |
=item * B<duedate>: |
Get the due date for the problem. |
=item * B<tries>: |
Get the number of tries the student has used on the problem. |
=item * B<maxtries>: |
Get the number of max tries allowed. |
=item * B<opendate>: |
Get the open date for the problem. |
=item * B<sig>: |
Get the significant figures setting. |
=item * B<tol>: |
Get the tolerance for the problem. |
=item * B<tries>: |
Get the number of tries the user has already used on the problem. |
=item * B<type>: |
Get the question type for the problem. |
=item * B<weight>: |
Get the weight for the problem. |
=back |
=cut |
sub acc { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("acc", $part); |
} |
sub answerdate { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
# Handle intervals |
if ($self->parmval("answerdate.type", $part) eq 'date_interval') { |
return $self->duedate($part) + |
$self->parmval("answerdate", $part); |
} |
return $self->parmval("answerdate", $part); |
} |
sub awarded { |
my $self = shift; my $part = shift; |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->get_user_data(); |
if (!defined($part)) { $part = '0'; } |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->{STUDENT_DATA}->{$self->symb()}->{'resource.'.$part.'.awarded'}; |
} |
sub duedate { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
my $interval=$self->parmval("interval", $part); |
if ($interval) { |
my $first_access=&Apache::lonnet::get_first_access('map',$self->symb); |
if ($first_access) { return ($first_access+$interval); } |
} |
return $self->parmval("duedate", $part); |
} |
sub maxtries { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("maxtries", $part); |
} |
sub opendate { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
if ($self->parmval("opendate.type", $part) eq 'date_interval') { |
return $self->duedate($part) - |
$self->parmval("opendate", $part); |
} |
return $self->parmval("opendate"); |
} |
sub problemstatus { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return lc $self->parmval("problemstatus", $part); |
} |
sub sig { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("sig", $part); |
} |
sub tol { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("tol", $part); |
} |
sub tries { |
my $self = shift; |
my $tries = $self->queryRestoreHash('tries', shift); |
if (!defined($tries)) { return '0';} |
return $tries; |
} |
sub type { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("type", $part); |
} |
sub weight { |
my $self = shift; my $part = shift; |
if (!defined($part)) { $part = '0'; } |
return &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$part.'.weight', |
$self->symb(), $ENV{'user.domain'}, |
$ENV{''}, |
$ENV{'request.course.sec'}); |
} |
sub part_display { |
my $self= shift(); my $partID = shift(); |
if (! defined($partID)) { $partID = '0'; } |
my $display=&Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$partID.'.display', |
$self->symb); |
if (! defined($display) || $display eq '') { |
$display = $partID; |
} |
return $display; |
} |
# Multiple things need this |
sub getReturnHash { |
my $self = shift; |
if (!defined($self->{RETURN_HASH})) { |
my %tmpHash = &Apache::lonnet::restore($self->symb()); |
$self->{RETURN_HASH} = \%tmpHash; |
} |
} |
###### |
# Status queries |
###### |
# These methods query the status of problems. |
# If we need to count parts, this function determines the number of |
# parts from the metadata. When called, it returns a reference to a list |
# of strings corresponding to the parts. (Thus, using it in a scalar context |
# tells you how many parts you have in the problem: |
# $partcount = scalar($resource->countParts()); |
# Don't use $self->{PARTS} directly because you don't know if it's been |
# computed yet. |
=pod |
=head2 Resource misc |
Misc. functions for the resource. |
=over 4 |
=item * B<hasDiscussion>: |
Returns a false value if there has been discussion since the user last |
logged in, true if there has. Always returns false if the discussion |
data was not extracted when the nav map was constructed. |
=item * B<getFeedback>: |
Gets the feedback for the resource and returns the raw feedback string |
for the resource, or the null string if there is no feedback or the |
email data was not extracted when the nav map was constructed. Usually |
used like this: |
for (split(/\,/, $res->getFeedback())) { |
my $link = &Apache::lonnet::escape($_); |
... |
and use the link as appropriate. |
=cut |
sub hasDiscussion { |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->hasDiscussion($self->symb()); |
} |
sub getFeedback { |
my $self = shift; |
my $source = $self->src(); |
if ($source =~ /^\/res\//) { $source = substr $source, 5; } |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getFeedback($source); |
} |
sub getErrors { |
my $self = shift; |
my $source = $self->src(); |
if ($source =~ /^\/res\//) { $source = substr $source, 5; } |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getErrors($source); |
} |
=pod |
=item * B<parts>(): |
Returns a list reference containing sorted strings corresponding to |
each part of the problem. Single part problems have only a part '0'. |
Multipart problems do not return their part '0', since they typically |
do not really matter. |
=item * B<countParts>(): |
Returns the number of parts of the problem a student can answer. Thus, |
for single part problems, returns 1. For multipart, it returns the |
number of parts in the problem, not including psuedo-part 0. |
=item * B<multipart>(): |
Returns true if the problem is multipart, false otherwise. Use this instead |
of countParts if all you want is multipart/not multipart. |
=item * B<responseType>($part): |
Returns the response type of the part, without the word "response" on the |
end. Example return values: 'string', 'essay', 'numeric', etc. |
=item * B<responseIds>($part): |
Retreives the response IDs for the given part as an array reference containing |
strings naming the response IDs. This may be empty. |
=back |
=cut |
sub parts { |
my $self = shift; |
if ($self->ext) { return []; } |
$self->extractParts(); |
return $self->{PARTS}; |
} |
sub countParts { |
my $self = shift; |
my $parts = $self->parts(); |
# If I left this here, then it's not necessary. |
#my $delta = 0; |
#for my $part (@$parts) { |
# if ($part eq '0') { $delta--; } |
#} |
if ($self->{RESOURCE_ERROR}) { |
return 0; |
} |
return scalar(@{$parts}); # + $delta; |
} |
sub multipart { |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->countParts() > 1; |
} |
sub singlepart { |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->countParts() == 1; |
} |
sub responseType { |
my $self = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
$self->extractParts(); |
if (defined($self->{RESPONSE_TYPES}->{$part})) { |
return @{$self->{RESPONSE_TYPES}->{$part}}; |
} else { |
return undef; |
} |
} |
sub responseIds { |
my $self = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
$self->extractParts(); |
if (defined($self->{RESPONSE_IDS}->{$part})) { |
return @{$self->{RESPONSE_IDS}->{$part}}; |
} else { |
return undef; |
} |
} |
# Private function: Extracts the parts information, both part names and |
# part types, and saves it. |
sub extractParts { |
my $self = shift; |
return if (defined($self->{PARTS})); |
return if ($self->ext); |
$self->{PARTS} = []; |
my %parts; |
# Retrieve part count, if this is a problem |
if ($self->is_problem()) { |
my $partorder = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($self->src(), 'partorder'); |
my $metadata = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($self->src(), 'packages'); |
if ($partorder) { |
my @parts; |
for my $part (split (/,/,$partorder)) { |
if (!Apache::loncommon::check_if_partid_hidden($part, $self->symb())) { |
push @parts, $part; |
$parts{$part} = 1; |
} |
} |
$self->{PARTS} = \@parts; |
} else { |
if (!$metadata) { |
$self->{RESOURCE_ERROR} = 1; |
$self->{PARTS} = []; |
$self->{PART_TYPE} = {}; |
return; |
} |
foreach (split(/\,/,$metadata)) { |
if ($_ =~ /^part_(.*)$/) { |
my $part = $1; |
# This floods the logs if it blows up |
if (defined($parts{$part})) { |
&Apache::lonnet::logthis("$part multiply defined in metadata for " . $self->symb()); |
} |
# check to see if part is turned off. |
if (!Apache::loncommon::check_if_partid_hidden($part, $self->symb())) { |
$parts{$part} = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
my @sortedParts = sort keys %parts; |
$self->{PARTS} = \@sortedParts; |
} |
# These hashes probably do not need names that end with "Hash".... |
my %responseIdHash; |
my %responseTypeHash; |
# Init the responseIdHash |
foreach (@{$self->{PARTS}}) { |
$responseIdHash{$_} = []; |
} |
# Now, the unfortunate thing about this is that parts, part name, and |
# response id are delimited by underscores, but both the part |
# name and response id can themselves have underscores in them. |
# So we have to use our knowlege of part names to figure out |
# where the part names begin and end, and even then, it is possible |
# to construct ambiguous situations. |
# |
my %response_type_by_id; |
foreach (split /,/, $metadata) { |
if ($_ =~ /^([a-zA-Z]+)response_(.*)/) { |
my $responseType = $1; |
my $partStuff = $2; |
my $partIdSoFar = ''; |
my @partChunks = split /_/, $partStuff; |
my $i = 0; |
for ($i = 0; $i < scalar(@partChunks); $i++) { |
if ($partIdSoFar) { $partIdSoFar .= '_'; } |
$partIdSoFar .= $partChunks[$i]; |
if ($parts{$partIdSoFar}) { |
my @otherChunks = @partChunks[$i+1..$#partChunks]; |
my $responseId = join('_', @otherChunks); |
push @{$responseIdHash{$partIdSoFar}}, $responseId; |
push @{$responseTypeHash{$partIdSoFar}}, $responseType; |
$response_type_by_id{$responseId} = $responseType; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
my $resorder = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($self->src(),'responseorder'); |
# |
# Reorder the arrays in the %responseIdHash and %responseTypeHash |
if ($resorder) { |
my @resorder=split(/,/,$resorder); |
foreach my $part (keys(%responseIdHash)) { |
my %resids = map { ($_,1) } @{ $responseIdHash{$part} }; |
my @neworder; |
foreach my $possibleid (@resorder) { |
if (exists($resids{$possibleid})) { |
push(@neworder,$possibleid); |
} |
} |
$responseIdHash{$part}=\@neworder; |
} |
} |
# |
# Reorder the response types |
foreach my $partid (keys(%responseIdHash)) { |
delete($responseTypeHash{$partid}); |
foreach my $respid (@{$responseIdHash{$partid}}) { |
push(@{$responseTypeHash{$partid}}, |
$response_type_by_id{$respid}); |
} |
} |
$self->{RESPONSE_IDS} = \%responseIdHash; |
$self->{RESPONSE_TYPES} = \%responseTypeHash; |
} |
return; |
} |
=pod |
=head2 Resource Status |
Problem resources have status information, reflecting their various |
dates and completion statuses. |
There are two aspects to the status: the date-related information and |
the completion information. |
Idiomatic usage of these two methods would probably look something |
like |
foreach ($resource->parts()) { |
my $dateStatus = $resource->getDateStatus($_); |
my $completionStatus = $resource->getCompletionStatus($_); |
or |
my $status = $resource->status($_); |
... use it here ... |
} |
Which you use depends on exactly what you are looking for. The |
status() function has been optimized for the nav maps display and may |
not precisely match what you need elsewhere. |
The symbolic constants shown below can be accessed through the |
resource object: C<$res->OPEN>. |
=over 4 |
=item * B<getDateStatus>($part): |
($part defaults to 0). A convenience function that returns a symbolic |
constant telling you about the date status of the part. The possible |
return values are: |
=back |
B<Date Codes> |
=over 4 |
=item * B<OPEN_LATER>: |
The problem will be opened later. |
=item * B<OPEN>: |
Open and not yet due. |
The due date has passed, but the answer date has not yet arrived. |
=item * B<PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER>: |
The due date has passed and there is no answer opening date set. |
=item * B<ANSWER_OPEN>: |
The answer date is here. |
The information is unknown due to network failure. |
=back |
=cut |
# Apparently the compiler optimizes these into constants automatically |
sub OPEN_LATER { return 0; } |
sub OPEN { return 1; } |
sub PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER { return 2; } |
sub PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER { return 3; } |
sub ANSWER_OPEN { return 4; } |
sub NOTHING_SET { return 5; } |
sub NETWORK_FAILURE { return 100; } |
# getDateStatus gets the date status for a given problem part. |
# Because answer date, due date, and open date are fully independent |
# (i.e., it is perfectly possible to *only* have an answer date), |
# we have to completely cover the 3x3 maxtrix of (answer, due, open) x |
# (past, future, none given). This function handles this with a decision |
# tree. Read the comments to follow the decision tree. |
sub getDateStatus { |
my $self = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
$part = "0" if (!defined($part)); |
# Always return network failure if there was one. |
return $self->NETWORK_FAILURE if ($self->{NAV_MAP}->{NETWORK_FAILURE}); |
my $now = time(); |
my $open = $self->opendate($part); |
my $due = $self->duedate($part); |
my $answer = $self->answerdate($part); |
if (!$open && !$due && !$answer) { |
# no data on the problem at all |
# should this be the same as "open later"? think multipart. |
return $self->NOTHING_SET; |
} |
if (!$open || $now < $open) {return $self->OPEN_LATER} |
if (!$due || $now < $due) {return $self->OPEN} |
if ($answer && $now < $answer) {return $self->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER} |
if ($answer) { return $self->ANSWER_OPEN; } |
} |
=pod |
B<> |
=over 4 |
=item * B<getCompletionStatus>($part): |
($part defaults to 0.) A convenience function that returns a symbolic |
constant telling you about the completion status of the part, with the |
following possible results: |
=back |
B<Completion Codes> |
=over 4 |
=item * B<NOT_ATTEMPTED>: |
Has not been attempted at all. |
=item * B<INCORRECT>: |
Attempted, but wrong by student. |
Attempted, but wrong by instructor override. |
=item * B<CORRECT>: |
Correct or correct by instructor. |
Correct by instructor override. |
=item * B<EXCUSED>: |
Excused. Not yet implemented. |
Information not available due to network failure. |
=item * B<ATTEMPTED>: |
Attempted, and not yet graded. |
=back |
=cut |
sub NOT_ATTEMPTED { return 10; } |
sub INCORRECT { return 11; } |
sub INCORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE { return 12; } |
sub CORRECT { return 13; } |
sub CORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE { return 14; } |
sub EXCUSED { return 15; } |
sub ATTEMPTED { return 16; } |
sub getCompletionStatus { |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->NETWORK_FAILURE if ($self->{NAV_MAP}->{NETWORK_FAILURE}); |
my $status = $self->queryRestoreHash('solved', shift); |
# Left as separate if statements in case we ever do more with this |
if ($status eq 'correct_by_student') {return $self->CORRECT;} |
if ($status eq 'correct_by_override') {return $self->CORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE; } |
if ($status eq 'incorrect_attempted') {return $self->INCORRECT; } |
if ($status eq 'incorrect_by_override') {return $self->INCORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE; } |
if ($status eq 'excused') {return $self->EXCUSED; } |
if ($status eq 'ungraded_attempted') {return $self->ATTEMPTED; } |
return $self->NOT_ATTEMPTED; |
} |
sub queryRestoreHash { |
my $self = shift; |
my $hashentry = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
$part = "0" if (!defined($part) || $part eq ''); |
return $self->NETWORK_FAILURE if ($self->{NAV_MAP}->{NETWORK_FAILURE}); |
$self->getReturnHash(); |
return $self->{RETURN_HASH}->{'resource.'.$part.'.'.$hashentry}; |
} |
=pod |
B<Composite Status> |
Along with directly returning the date or completion status, the |
resource object includes a convenience function B<status>() that will |
combine the two status tidbits into one composite status that can |
represent the status of the resource as a whole. This method represents |
the concept of the thing we want to display to the user on the nav maps |
screen, which is a combination of completion and open status. The precise logic is |
documented in the comments of the status method. The following results |
may be returned, all available as methods on the resource object |
($res->NETWORK_FAILURE): In addition to the return values that match |
the date or completion status, this function can return "ANSWER_SUBMITTED" |
if that problemstatus parameter value is set to No, suppressing the |
incorrect/correct feedback. |
=over 4 |
The network has failed and the information is not available. |
=item * B<NOTHING_SET>: |
No dates have been set for this problem (part) at all. (Because only |
certain parts of a multi-part problem may be assigned, this can not be |
collapsed into "open later", as we do not know a given part will EVER |
be opened. For single part, this is the same as "OPEN_LATER".) |
=item * B<CORRECT>: |
For any reason at all, the part is considered correct. |
=item * B<EXCUSED>: |
For any reason at all, the problem is excused. |
=item * B<PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER>: |
The problem is past due, not considered correct, and no answer date is |
set. |
The problem is past due, not considered correct, and an answer date in |
the future is set. |
=item * B<ANSWER_OPEN>: |
The problem is past due, not correct, and the answer is now available. |
=item * B<OPEN_LATER>: |
The problem is not yet open. |
=item * B<TRIES_LEFT>: |
The problem is open, has been tried, is not correct, but there are |
tries left. |
=item * B<INCORRECT>: |
The problem is open, and all tries have been used without getting the |
correct answer. |
=item * B<OPEN>: |
The item is open and not yet tried. |
=item * B<ATTEMPTED>: |
The problem has been attempted. |
An answer has been submitted, but the student should not see it. |
=back |
=cut |
sub TRIES_LEFT { return 20; } |
sub ANSWER_SUBMITTED { return 21; } |
sub status { |
my $self = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
if (!defined($part)) { $part = "0"; } |
my $completionStatus = $self->getCompletionStatus($part); |
my $dateStatus = $self->getDateStatus($part); |
# What we have is a two-dimensional matrix with 4 entries on one |
# dimension and 5 entries on the other, which we want to colorize, |
# plus network failure and "no date data at all". |
#if ($self->{RESOURCE_ERROR}) { return NETWORK_FAILURE; } |
if ($completionStatus == NETWORK_FAILURE) { return NETWORK_FAILURE; } |
my $suppressFeedback = $self->problemstatus($part) eq 'no'; |
# If there's an answer date and we're past it, don't |
# suppress the feedback; student should know |
if ($self->answerdate($part) && $self->answerdate($part) < time()) { |
$suppressFeedback = 0; |
} |
# There are a few whole rows we can dispose of: |
if ($completionStatus == CORRECT || |
$completionStatus == CORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE ) { |
return $suppressFeedback? ANSWER_SUBMITTED : CORRECT; |
} |
if ($completionStatus == ATTEMPTED) { |
return ATTEMPTED; |
} |
# If it's EXCUSED, then return that no matter what |
if ($completionStatus == EXCUSED) { |
return EXCUSED; |
} |
if ($dateStatus == NOTHING_SET) { |
return NOTHING_SET; |
} |
# Now we're down to a 4 (incorrect, incorrect_override, not_attempted) |
# by 4 matrix (date statuses). |
if ($dateStatus == PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER || |
$dateStatus == PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER ) { |
return $suppressFeedback ? ANSWER_SUBMITTED : $dateStatus; |
} |
if ($dateStatus == ANSWER_OPEN) { |
return ANSWER_OPEN; |
} |
# Now: (incorrect, incorrect_override, not_attempted) x |
# (open_later), (open) |
if ($dateStatus == OPEN_LATER) { |
return OPEN_LATER; |
} |
# If it's WRONG... |
if ($completionStatus == INCORRECT || $completionStatus == INCORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE) { |
# and there are TRIES LEFT: |
if ($self->tries($part) < $self->maxtries($part) || !$self->maxtries($part)) { |
return $suppressFeedback ? ANSWER_SUBMITTED : TRIES_LEFT; |
} |
return $suppressFeedback ? ANSWER_SUBMITTED : INCORRECT; # otherwise, return orange; student can't fix this |
} |
# Otherwise, it's untried and open |
return OPEN; |
} |
sub CLOSED { return 23; } |
sub ERROR { return 24; } |
=pod |
B<Simple Status> |
Convenience method B<simpleStatus> provides a "simple status" for the resource. |
"Simple status" corresponds to "which icon is shown on the |
Navmaps". There are six "simple" statuses: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<CLOSED>: The problem is currently closed. (No icon shown.) |
=item * B<OPEN>: The problem is open and unattempted. |
=item * B<CORRECT>: The problem is correct for any reason. |
=item * B<INCORRECT>: The problem is incorrect and can still be |
completed successfully. |
=item * B<ATTEMPTED>: The problem has been attempted, but the student |
does not know if they are correct. (The ellipsis icon.) |
=item * B<ERROR>: There is an error retrieving information about this |
problem. |
=back |
=cut |
# This hash maps the composite status to this simple status, and |
# can be used directly, if you like |
my %compositeToSimple = |
( |
OPEN() => OPEN, |
); |
sub simpleStatus { |
my $self = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $status = $self->status($part); |
return $compositeToSimple{$status}; |
} |
=pod |
B<simpleStatusCount> will return an array reference containing, in |
this order, the number of OPEN, CLOSED, CORRECT, INCORRECT, ATTEMPTED, |
and ERROR parts the given problem has. |
=cut |
# This maps the status to the slot we want to increment |
my %statusToSlotMap = |
( |
OPEN() => 0, |
CLOSED() => 1, |
CORRECT() => 2, |
INCORRECT() => 3, |
ATTEMPTED() => 4, |
ERROR() => 5 |
); |
sub statusToSlot { return $statusToSlotMap{shift()}; } |
sub simpleStatusCount { |
my $self = shift; |
my @counts = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); |
foreach my $part (@{$self->parts()}) { |
$counts[$statusToSlotMap{$self->simpleStatus($part)}]++; |
} |
return \@counts; |
} |
=pod |
B<Completable> |
The completable method represents the concept of I<whether the student can |
currently do the problem>. If the student can do the problem, which means |
that it is open, there are tries left, and if the problem is manually graded |
or the grade is suppressed via problemstatus, the student has not tried it |
yet, then the method returns 1. Otherwise, it returns 0, to indicate that |
either the student has tried it and there is no feedback, or that for |
some reason it is no longer completable (not open yet, successfully completed, |
out of tries, etc.). As an example, this is used as the filter for the |
"Uncompleted Homework" option for the nav maps. |
If this does not quite meet your needs, do not fiddle with it (unless you are |
fixing it to better match the student's conception of "completable" because |
it's broken somehow)... make a new method. |
=cut |
sub completable { |
my $self = shift; |
if (!$self->is_problem()) { return 0; } |
my $partCount = $self->countParts(); |
foreach my $part (@{$self->parts()}) { |
if ($part eq '0' && $partCount != 1) { next; } |
my $status = $self->status($part); |
# "If any of the parts are open, or have tries left (implies open), |
# and it is not "attempted" (manually graded problem), it is |
# not "complete" |
if ($self->getCompletionStatus($part) == ATTEMPTED() || |
$status == ANSWER_SUBMITTED() ) { |
# did this part already, as well as we can |
next; |
} |
if ($status == OPEN() || $status == TRIES_LEFT()) { |
return 1; |
} |
} |
# If all the parts were complete, so was this problem. |
return 0; |
} |
=pod |
=head2 Resource/Nav Map Navigation |
=over 4 |
=item * B<getNext>(): |
Retreive an array of the possible next resources after this |
one. Always returns an array, even in the one- or zero-element case. |
=item * B<getPrevious>(): |
Retreive an array of the possible previous resources from this |
one. Always returns an array, even in the one- or zero-element case. |
=cut |
sub getNext { |
my $self = shift; |
my @branches; |
my $to = $self->to(); |
foreach my $branch ( split(/,/, $to) ) { |
my $choice = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($branch); |
my $next = $choice->goesto(); |
$next = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($next); |
push @branches, $next; |
} |
return \@branches; |
} |
sub getPrevious { |
my $self = shift; |
my @branches; |
my $from = $self->from(); |
foreach my $branch ( split /,/, $from) { |
my $choice = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($branch); |
my $prev = $choice->comesfrom(); |
$prev = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($prev); |
push @branches, $prev; |
} |
return \@branches; |
} |
sub browsePriv { |
my $self = shift; |
if (defined($self->{BROWSE_PRIV})) { |
return $self->{BROWSE_PRIV}; |
} |
$self->{BROWSE_PRIV} = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre', $self->src()); |
} |
=pod |
=back |
=cut |
1; |
__END__ |