version 1.77, 2002/10/14 16:43:58
version 1.343, 2005/10/07 17:57:39
Line 1
Line 1
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA |
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA |
# Navigate Maps Handler |
# Navigate Maps Handler |
# |
# |
Line 26
Line 25
# |
# |
# |
# |
# |
# |
# (Page Handler |
### |
# |
# (TeX Content Handler |
# |
# 05/29/00,05/30 Gerd Kortemeyer) |
# 08/30,08/31,09/06,09/14,09/15,09/16,09/19,09/20,09/21,09/23, |
# 10/02,10/10,10/14,10/16,10/18,10/19,10/31,11/6,11/14,11/16 Gerd Kortemeyer) |
# |
# 3/1/1,6/1,17/1,29/1,30/1,2/8,9/21,9/24,9/25 Gerd Kortemeyer |
# YEAR=2002 |
# 1/1 Gerd Kortemeyer |
# |
package Apache::lonnavmaps; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps; |
use strict; |
use strict; |
use GDBM_File; |
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http); |
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http); |
use Apache::lonnet(); |
use Apache::loncommon(); |
use Apache::loncommon(); |
use GDBM_File; |
use Apache::lonmenu(); |
use Apache::lonenc(); |
use Apache::lonlocal; |
use Apache::lonnet; |
use POSIX qw (floor strftime); |
use POSIX qw (floor strftime); |
use Data::Dumper; # for debugging, not always |
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval ); |
# -------------------------------------------------------------- Module Globals |
# symbolic constants |
my %hash; |
sub SYMB { return 1; } |
my @rows; |
sub URL { return 2; } |
sub NOTHING { return 3; } |
# |
# These cache hashes need to be independent of user, resource and course |
# Some data |
# (user and course can/should be in the keys) |
# |
my $resObj = "Apache::lonnavmaps::resource"; |
my %courserdatas; |
# Keep these mappings in sync with lonquickgrades, which uses the colors |
my %userrdatas; |
# instead of the icons. |
my %statusIconMap = |
# |
( |
# These global hashes are dependent on user, course and resource, |
$resObj->CLOSED => '', |
# and need to be initialized every time when a sheet is calculated |
$resObj->OPEN => '', |
# |
$resObj->CORRECT => 'navmap.correct.gif', |
my %courseopt; |
$resObj->PARTIALLY_CORRECT => 'navmap.ellipsis.gif', |
my %useropt; |
$resObj->INCORRECT => 'navmap.wrong.gif', |
my %parmhash; |
$resObj->ATTEMPTED => 'navmap.ellipsis.gif', |
$resObj->ERROR => '' |
# This parameter keeps track of whether obtaining the user's information |
); |
# failed, which the colorizer in astatus can use |
my $networkFailedFlag = 0; |
my %iconAltTags = |
( 'navmap.correct.gif' => 'Correct', |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Euclid gcd |
'navmap.wrong.gif' => 'Incorrect', |
'' => 'Open' ); |
sub euclid { |
my ($e,$f)=@_; |
# Defines a status->color mapping, null string means don't color |
my $a; my $b; my $r; |
my %colormap = |
if ($e>$f) { $b=$e; $r=$f; } else { $r=$e; $b=$f; } |
( $resObj->NETWORK_FAILURE => '', |
while ($r!=0) { |
$resObj->CORRECT => '', |
$a=$b; $b=$r; |
$resObj->EXCUSED => '#3333FF', |
$r=$a%$b; |
$resObj->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER => '', |
} |
$resObj->PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER => '', |
return $b; |
$resObj->ANSWER_OPEN => '#006600', |
} |
$resObj->OPEN_LATER => '', |
$resObj->TRIES_LEFT => '', |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- Parmval |
$resObj->INCORRECT => '', |
$resObj->OPEN => '', |
# -------------------------------------------- Figure out a cascading parameter |
$resObj->NOTHING_SET => '', |
# |
$resObj->ATTEMPTED => '', |
# For this function to work |
$resObj->ANSWER_SUBMITTED => '', |
# |
$resObj->PARTIALLY_CORRECT => '#006600' |
# * parmhash needs to be tied |
); |
# * courseopt and useropt need to be initialized for this user and course |
# And a special case in the nav map; what to do when the assignment |
# |
# is not yet done and due in less then 24 hours |
my $hurryUpColor = "#FF0000"; |
sub parmval { |
my ($what,$symb)=@_; |
sub launch_win { |
my $cid=$ENV{''}; |
my ($mode,$script,$toplinkitems,$firsttime)=@_; |
my $csec=$ENV{'request.course.sec'}; |
my $result; |
my $uname=$ENV{''}; |
if ($script ne 'no') { |
my $udom=$ENV{'user.domain'}; |
$result.='<script type="text/javascript">'; |
} |
unless ($symb) { return ''; } |
if ($firsttime) { |
my $result=''; |
$result.='function launch_navmapwin() { |
newWindow=open(\'/adm/navmaps?launchExternalRoles\',\'loncapanav\',\'width=400,height=600,scrollbars=1\'); |
my ($mapname,$id,$fn)=split(/\_\_\_/,$symb); |
}'; |
# ----------------------------------------------------- Cascading lookup scheme |
my $rwhat=$what; |
$what=~s/^parameter\_//; |
$what=~s/\_/\./; |
my $symbparm=$symb.'.'.$what; |
my $mapparm=$mapname.'___(all).'.$what; |
my $usercourseprefix=$uname.'_'.$udom.'_'.$cid; |
my $seclevel= $usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$what; |
my $seclevelr=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$symbparm; |
my $seclevelm=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$mapparm; |
my $courselevel= $usercourseprefix.'.'.$what; |
my $courselevelr=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$symbparm; |
my $courselevelm=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$mapparm; |
# ---------------------------------------------------------- first, check user |
if (defined($uname)) { |
if (defined($useropt{$courselevelr})) { return $useropt{$courselevelr}; } |
if (defined($useropt{$courselevelm})) { return $useropt{$courselevelm}; } |
if (defined($useropt{$courselevel})) { return $useropt{$courselevel}; } |
} |
# ------------------------------------------------------- second, check course |
if (defined($csec)) { |
if (defined($courseopt{$seclevelr})) { return $courseopt{$seclevelr}; } |
if (defined($courseopt{$seclevelm})) { return $courseopt{$seclevelm}; } |
if (defined($courseopt{$seclevel})) { return $courseopt{$seclevel}; } |
} |
if (defined($courseopt{$courselevelr})) { return $courseopt{$courselevelr}; } |
if (defined($courseopt{$courselevelm})) { return $courseopt{$courselevelm}; } |
if (defined($courseopt{$courselevel})) { return $courseopt{$courselevel}; } |
# ----------------------------------------------------- third, check map parms |
my $thisparm=$parmhash{$symbparm}; |
if (defined($thisparm)) { return $thisparm; } |
# ----------------------------------------------------- fourth , check default |
my $default=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($fn,$rwhat.'.default'); |
if (defined($default)) { return $default} |
# --------------------------------------------------- fifth , cascade up parts |
my ($space,@qualifier)=split(/\./,$rwhat); |
my $qualifier=join('.',@qualifier); |
unless ($space eq '0') { |
my ($part,$id)=split(/\_/,$space); |
if ($id) { |
my $partgeneral=&parmval($part.".$qualifier",$symb); |
if (defined($partgeneral)) { return $partgeneral; } |
} else { |
my $resourcegeneral=&parmval("0.$qualifier",$symb); |
if (defined($resourcegeneral)) { return $resourcegeneral; } |
} |
} |
return ''; |
} |
# ------------------------------------------------------------- Find out status |
# return codes |
# tcode (timecode) |
# 1: will open later |
# 2: is open and not past due yet |
# 3: is past due date |
# 4: due in the next 24 hours |
# |
# code (curent solved status) |
# 1: not attempted |
# 2: attempted but wrong, or incorrect by instructor |
# 3: solved or correct by instructor |
# 4: partially correct (one or more parts correct) |
# "excused" needs to be supported, but is not yet. |
sub astatus { |
my $rid=shift; |
my $code=0; |
my $ctext=''; |
$rid=~/(\d+)\.(\d+)/; |
my $symb=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'map_id_'.$1}).'___'.$2.'___'. |
&Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'src_'.$rid}); |
my %duedate=(); |
my %opendate=(); |
my %answerdate=(); |
# need to always check part 0's open/due/answer status |
foreach (sort(split(/\,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($hash{'src_'.$rid},'allpo\ssiblekeys')))) { |
if ($_=~/^parameter\_(.*)\_opendate$/) { |
my $part=$1; |
$duedate{$part}=&parmval($part.'.duedate',$symb); |
$opendate{$part}=&parmval($part.'.opendate',$symb); |
$answerdate{$part}=&parmval($part.'.answerdate',$symb); |
if (&parmval($part.'.opendate.type',$symb) eq 'date_interval') { |
$opendate{$part}=$duedate{$part}-$opendate{$part}; |
} |
if (&parmval($part.'.answerdate.type',$symb) eq 'date_interval') { |
$answerdate{$part}=$duedate{$part}+$answerdate{$part}; |
} |
} |
} |
my $now=time; |
my $tcode=0; |
my %returnhash=&Apache::lonnet::restore($symb); |
foreach (sort(keys(%opendate))) { |
my $duedate=$duedate{$_}; |
my $opendate=$opendate{$_}; |
my $answerdate=$answerdate{$_}; |
my $preface=''; |
unless ($_ eq '0') { $preface=' Part: '.$_.' '; } |
if ($opendate) { |
if ($now<$duedate || (!$duedate)) { |
unless ($tcode==4) { $tcode=2; } |
if ($duedate) { |
$ctext.=$preface.'Due: '.localtime($duedate); |
} else { |
$ctext.=$preface.'No Due Date'; |
} |
if ($now<$opendate) { |
unless ($tcode) { $tcode=1; } |
$ctext.=$preface.'Open: '.localtime($opendate); |
} |
if ($duedate && $duedate-$now<86400) { |
$tcode=4; |
$ctext.=$preface.'Due: '.localtime($duedate); |
} |
} else { |
unless (($tcode==4) || ($tcode eq 2)) { $tcode=3; } |
if ($now<$answerdate) { |
$ctext.='Answer: '.localtime($duedate); |
} |
} |
} else { |
unless (($tcode==2) || ($tcode==4)) { $tcode=1; } |
} |
my $status=$returnhash{'resource.'.$_.'.solved'}; |
if ($status eq 'correct_by_student') { |
if ($code==0||$code==3) { $code=3; } else { $code=4; } |
$ctext.=' solved'; |
} elsif ($status eq 'correct_by_override') { |
if ($code==0||$code==3) { $code=3; } else { $code=4; } |
$ctext.=' override'; |
} elsif ($status eq 'incorrect_attempted') { |
if ($code!=4 && $code!=3) { $code=2; } |
if ($code==3) { $code=4; } |
$ctext.=' ('. |
($returnhash{'resource.'.$_.'.tries'}? |
$returnhash{'resource.'.$_.'.tries'}:'0'); |
my $numtries = &parmval($_.'.maxtries',$symb); |
if ($numtries) { $ctext.='/'.$numtries.' tries'; } |
$ctext.=')'; |
} elsif ($status eq 'incorrect_by_override') { |
if ($code!=4 && $code!=3) { $code=2; } |
if ($code==3) { $code=4; } |
$ctext.=' override'; |
} elsif ($status eq 'excused') { |
if ($code==0||$code==3) { $code=3; } else { $code=4; } |
$ctext.=' excused'; |
} else { |
if ($code==0) { $code=1; } |
} |
} |
return 'p'.$code.$tcode.'"'.$ctext.'"'; |
} |
sub addresource { |
my ($resource,$sofar,$rid,$showtypes,$indent,$linkid)=@_; |
if ($showtypes eq 'problems') { |
if ($resource!~/\.(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form)$/) { |
return; |
} |
} |
my $brepriv=&Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$resource); |
if ($hash{'src_'.$rid}) { |
if (($brepriv eq '2') || ($brepriv eq 'F')) { |
my $pprefix=''; |
if ($resource=~/\.(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form)$/) { |
$pprefix=&astatus($rid); |
} |
$$sofar++; |
if ($indent) { $pprefix='i'.$indent.','.$pprefix; } |
if ($linkid) { $pprefix='l'.$linkid.','.$pprefix; } |
if (defined($rows[$$sofar])) { |
$rows[$$sofar].='&'.$pprefix.$rid; |
} else { |
$rows[$$sofar]=$pprefix.$rid; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
sub followlinks () { |
my ($rid,$sofar,$beenhere,$further,$showtypes,$indent,$linkid)=@_; |
my $mincond=1; |
my $next=''; |
foreach (split(/\,/,$hash{'to_'.$rid})) { |
my $thiscond= |
&Apache::lonnet::directcondval($hash{'condid_'.$hash{'undercond_'.$_}}); |
if ($thiscond>=$mincond) { |
if ($next) { |
$next.=','.$_.':'.$thiscond; |
} else { |
$next=$_.':'.$thiscond; |
} |
if ($thiscond>$mincond) { $mincond=$thiscond; } |
} |
} |
my $col=0; |
&Apache::lonxml::debug("following links -$next-"); |
foreach (split(/\,/,$next)) { |
my ($nextlinkid,$condval)=split(/\:/,$_); |
if ($condval>=$mincond) { |
my $now=&tracetable($sofar,$hash{'goesto_'.$nextlinkid}, |
$beenhere,$showtypes,$indent,$linkid); |
if ($now>$further) { |
if ($col>0) { |
my $string; |
for(my $i=0;$i<$col;$i++) { $string.='&'; } |
for(my $i=$further+1;$now-1>$i;$i++) { |
$rows[$i]=$string.$rows[$i]; |
} |
} |
$further=$now; |
} |
} |
$col++; |
} |
return $further; |
} |
# ------------------------------------------------------------ Build page table |
sub tracetable { |
my ($sofar,$rid,$beenhere,$showtypes,$indent,$linkid)=@_; |
my $newshowtypes=$showtypes; |
my $further=$sofar; |
# $Apache::lonxml::debug=1; |
&Apache::lonxml::debug("$rid ; $linkid ; $sofar ; $beenhere ; ".$hash{'src_'.$rid}); |
if ($beenhere=~/\&$rid\&/) { return $further; } |
$beenhere.=$rid.'&'; |
if (defined($hash{'is_map_'.$rid})) { |
$sofar++; |
my $tprefix=''; |
if ($hash{'map_type_'.$hash{'map_pc_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}}} |
eq 'sequence') { |
$tprefix='h'; |
} elsif ($hash{'map_type_'.$hash{'map_pc_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}}} |
eq 'page') { |
$tprefix='j'; |
if ($indent) { $tprefix='i'.$indent.','.$tprefix; } |
if ($linkid) { $tprefix='l'.$linkid.','.$tprefix; } |
$newshowtypes='problems'; |
$indent++; |
#if in a .page continue to link the encompising .page |
if (!$linkid) { $linkid=$rid; } |
} |
if (defined($rows[$sofar])) { |
$rows[$sofar].='&'.$tprefix.$rid; |
} else { |
$rows[$sofar]=$tprefix.$rid; |
} |
if ((defined($hash{'map_start_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}})) && |
(defined($hash{'map_finish_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}}))) { |
my $frid=$hash{'map_finish_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}}; |
$sofar=&tracetable($sofar,$hash{'map_start_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}}, |
'&'.$frid.'&',$newshowtypes,$indent,$linkid); |
&addresource($hash{'src_'.$frid},\$sofar,$frid,$newshowtypes, |
$indent,$linkid); |
if ($tprefix =~ /j$/) { $indent--; $linkid=''; } |
} |
} else { |
} else { |
&addresource($hash{'src_'.$rid},\$sofar,$rid,$showtypes, |
$result.='function launch_navmapwin() { |
$indent,$linkid); |
newWindow=open(\'/adm/navmaps?launchExternal\',\'loncapanav\',\'width=400,height=600,scrollbars=1\'); |
} |
}'; |
} |
if (defined($hash{'to_'.$rid})) { |
if ($mode eq 'now') { |
$further=&followlinks($rid,$sofar,$beenhere,$further,$showtypes, |
$result.="\nlaunch_navmapwin();\n"; |
$indent,$linkid); |
} |
} |
if ($script ne 'no') { |
$result.='</script>'; |
return $further; |
} |
if ($mode eq 'link') { |
&add_linkitem($toplinkitems,'launchnav','launch_navmapwin()', |
"Launch navigation window"); |
} |
return $result; |
} |
sub close { |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} ne 'on') { return ''; } |
return(<<ENDCLOSE); |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
window.status='Accessing Nav Control'; |
|"/adm/rat/empty.html","loncapanav", |
"height=600,width=400,scrollbars=1"); |
window.status='Closing Nav Control'; |
menu.close(); |
window.status='Done.'; |
</script> |
} |
sub update { |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} ne 'on') { return ''; } |
if (!$env{''}) { return ''; } |
if ($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}=~m|^/adm/navmaps|) { return ''; } |
return(<<ENDUPDATE); |
<form name="navform"></form> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
this.document.navform.action='/adm/navmaps#curloc'; |
|'loncapanav'; |
this.document.navform.submit(); |
</script> |
} |
} |
# ================================================================ Main Handler |
sub handler { |
sub handler { |
my $r=shift; |
my $r = shift; |
real_handler($r); |
&Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{QUERY_STRING}); |
if ($ENV{'form.jtest'} ne "1") |
{ |
return new_handle($r); |
} |
# ------------------------------------------- Set document type for header only |
if ($r->header_only) { |
if ($ENV{'browser.mathml'}) { |
$r->content_type('text/xml'); |
} else { |
$r->content_type('text/html'); |
} |
$r->send_http_header; |
return OK; |
} |
my $requrl=$r->uri; |
my $hashtied; |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tie db file |
my $fn; |
if ($ENV{'request.course.fn'}) { |
$fn=$ENV{'request.course.fn'}; |
if (-e "$fn.db") { |
if ((tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$fn.db",&GDBM_READER(),0640)) && |
(tie(%parmhash,'GDBM_File', |
$ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'_parms.db', |
&GDBM_READER(),0640))) { |
$hashtied=1; |
} |
} |
} |
if (!$hashtied) { |
$ENV{'user.error.msg'}="$requrl:bre:0:0:Course not initialized"; |
} |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hash tied |
if ($ENV{'browser.mathml'}) { |
$r->content_type('text/xml'); |
} else { |
$r->content_type('text/html'); |
} |
&Apache::loncommon::no_cache($r); |
$r->send_http_header; |
my $firstres=$hash{'map_start_'. |
&Apache::lonnet::clutter($ENV{'request.course.uri'})}; |
my $lastres=$hash{'map_finish_'. |
&Apache::lonnet::clutter($ENV{'request.course.uri'})}; |
if (!(($firstres) && ($lastres))) { |
$r->print('<html><body>Coursemap undefined.</body></html>'); |
} else { |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Render page |
# -------------------------------------------------------------- Set parameters |
# ---------------------------- initialize coursedata and userdata for this user |
undef %courseopt; |
undef %useropt; |
my $uname=$ENV{''}; |
my $udom=$ENV{'user.domain'}; |
my $uhome=$ENV{'user.home'}; |
my $cid=$ENV{''}; |
my $chome=$ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.home'}; |
my ($cdom,$cnum)=split(/\_/,$cid); |
my $userprefix=$uname.'_'.$udom.'_'; |
unless ($uhome eq 'no_host') { |
# ------------------------------------------------- Get coursedata (if present) |
unless ((time-$courserdatas{$cid.'.last_cache'})<240) { |
my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::reply('dump:'.$cdom.':'.$cnum. |
':resourcedata',$chome); |
if ($reply!~/^error\:/) { |
$courserdatas{$cid}=$reply; |
$courserdatas{$cid.'.last_cache'}=time; |
} |
# check to see if network failed |
elsif ( $reply=~/ || $reply=~/con.*lost/i ) |
{ |
$networkFailedFlag = 1; |
} |
} |
foreach (split(/\&/,$courserdatas{$cid})) { |
my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$_); |
$courseopt{$userprefix.&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name)}= |
&Apache::lonnet::unescape($value); |
} |
# --------------------------------------------------- Get userdata (if present) |
unless ((time-$userrdatas{$uname.'___'.$udom.'.last_cache'})<240) { |
my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::reply('dump:'.$udom.':'.$uname.':resourcedata',$uhome); |
if ($reply!~/^error\:/) { |
$userrdatas{$uname.'___'.$udom}=$reply; |
$userrdatas{$uname.'___'.$udom.'.last_cache'}=time; |
} |
} |
foreach (split(/\&/,$userrdatas{$uname.'___'.$udom})) { |
my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$_); |
$useropt{$userprefix.&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name)}= |
&Apache::lonnet::unescape($value); |
} |
} |
@rows=(); |
&tracetable(0,$firstres,'&','',0); |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Page parms |
my $j; |
my $i; |
my $lcm=1; |
my $contents=0; |
# ---------------------------------------------- Go through table to get layout |
for ($i=0;$i<=$#rows;$i++) { |
if ($rows[$i]) { |
&Apache::lonxml::debug("Row $i is:".$rows[$i]); |
$contents++; |
my @colcont=split(/\&/,$rows[$i]); |
$lcm*=($#colcont+1)/euclid($lcm,($#colcont+1)); |
} |
} |
unless ($contents) { |
$r->print('<html><body>Empty Map.</body></html>'); |
} else { |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Build page |
my $currenturl=$ENV{'form.postdata'}; |
$currenturl=~s/^http\:\/\///; |
$currenturl=~s/^[^\/]+//; |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- Send headers |
my $date=localtime; |
my $now=time; |
# ----------------------------------------- Get email status and discussiontime |
my %emailstatus=&Apache::lonnet::dump('email_status'); |
my $logouttime=$emailstatus{'logout'}; |
my $courseleave=$emailstatus{'logout_'.$ENV{''}}; |
my $lastcheck=($courseleave>$logouttime?$courseleave:$logouttime); |
my %discussiontimes=&Apache::lonnet::dump('discussiontimes', |
$cdom,$cnum); |
my %feedback=(); |
my %error=(); |
foreach my $msgid (split(/\&/,&Apache::lonnet::reply('keys:'. |
$ENV{'user.domain'}.':'. |
$ENV{''}.':nohist_email', |
$ENV{'user.home'}))) { |
$msgid=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($msgid); |
my $plain=&Apache::lonnet::unescape(&Apache::lonnet::unescape($msgid)); |
if ($plain=~/(Error|Feedback) \[([^\]]+)\]/) { |
my ($what,$url)=($1,$2); |
my %status= |
&Apache::lonnet::get('email_status',[$msgid]); |
if ($status{$msgid}=~/^error\:/) { |
$status{$msgid}=''; |
} |
if (($status{$msgid} eq 'new') || |
(!$status{$msgid})) { |
if ($what eq 'Error') { |
$error{$url}.=','.$msgid; |
} else { |
$feedback{$url}.=','.$msgid; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
# ----------------------------------------------------------- Start Page Output |
my $bodytagadd=''; |
$r->print( |
'<html><head><title>Navigate Course Map</title></head>'); |
if (($currenturl=~/^\/res/) && |
($currenturl!~/^\/res\/adm/)) { |
$bodytagadd='onLoad="window.location.hash='."'curloc'".'"'; |
} |
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Navigate Course Map','', |
$bodytagadd)); |
$r->print('<script>window.focus();</script>'); |
my $desc=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.description'}; |
if (defined($desc)) { $r->print("<h2>$desc</h2>\n"); } |
$r->print("<h3>$date</h3>\n"); |
$r->rflush(); |
$r->print('<img src="/adm/lonMisc/chat.gif"> New discussion since '. |
localtime($lastcheck). |
'<br><img src="/adm/lonMisc/feedback.gif"> New message (click to open)<p>'); |
if (($currenturl=~/^\/res/) && |
($currenturl!~/^\/res\/adm/)) { |
$r->print('<a href="#curloc">Current Location</a><p>'); |
} |
# Handle a network error |
if ($networkFailedFlag) |
{ |
$r->print('<H2>LON-CAPA network failure.</H2>'."\n"); |
$r->print("<p>LON-CAPA's network is having difficulties, some problem" . |
" information, such as due dates, will not be available."); |
} |
# ----------------------------------------------------- The little content list |
for ($i=0;$i<=$#rows;$i++) { |
if ($rows[$i]) { |
my @colcont=split(/\&/,$rows[$i]); |
my $avespan=$lcm/($#colcont+1); |
for ($j=0;$j<=$#colcont;$j++) { |
my $rid=$colcont[$j]; |
if ($rid=~/^h(.+)/) { |
$rid=$1; |
$r->print(' <a href="#'. |
$rid.'">'.$hash{'title_'.$rid}. |
'</a><br>'); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- Start table |
$r->print('<hr><table cols="'.$lcm.'" border="0">'); |
for ($i=0;$i<=$#rows;$i++) { |
if ($rows[$i]) { |
$r->print("\n<tr>"); |
my @colcont=split(/\&/,$rows[$i]); |
my $avespan=$lcm/($#colcont+1); |
# for each item I wish to print on this row... |
for ($j=0;$j<=$#colcont;$j++) { |
my $indent;my $indentstr; |
my $linkid; |
my $rid=$colcont[$j]; |
$rid=~/(\d+)\.(\d+)$/; |
my $src= |
&Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'src_'.$1.'.'.$2}); |
my $symb= |
&Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'map_id_'.$1}).'___'.$2.'___'.$src; |
my $add='<td>'; |
my $adde='</td>'; |
my $hwk='<font color="#223322">'; |
my $hwke='</font>'; |
if ($rid=~/^l(\d+\.\d+),(.+)/) { $linkid=$1; $rid=$2; } |
if ($rid=~/^i(\d+),(.+)/) { $indent=$1; $rid=$2; } |
if ($rid=~/^h(.+)/) { |
$rid=$1; |
$add='<th bgcolor="#AAFF55"><a name="'.$rid.'">'; |
$adde='</th>'; |
if (($ENV{'user.adv'}) && |
($parmhash{$symb.'.0.parameter_randompick'})) { |
$adde=' (randomly select '. |
$parmhash{$symb.'.0.parameter_randompick'}. |
')</th>'; |
} |
} |
if ($rid=~/^j(.+)/) { $rid=$1; } |
if ($rid=~/^p(\d)(\d)\"([\w\: \(\)\/\,]*)\"(.+)/) { |
# sub astatus describes what code/tcode mean |
my $code=$1; |
my $tcode=$2; |
my $ctext=$3; |
$rid=$4; |
# will open later |
if ($tcode eq '1') { |
$add='<td bgcolor="#AAAAAA">'; |
} |
# solved/correct |
if ($code eq '3') { |
$add='<td bgcolor="#AAFFAA">'; |
} elsif ($code eq '4') { # partially correct |
$add='<td bgcolor="#E0FFAA">'; |
} else { |
# not attempted |
# we end up here on network failure, so pick a neutral |
# color if the network failed instead of bright red. |
if ( $networkFailedFlag ) |
{ |
$add = '<td bgcolor="#AAAAAA">'; |
} |
else |
{ |
$add='<td bgcolor="#FFAAAA">'; |
} |
if ($tcode eq '2') { # open, not past due |
$add='<td bgcolor="#FFFFAA">'; |
} |
if ($tcode eq '4') { # due in next 24 hours |
$add='<td bgcolor="#FFFF33">'; |
$adde='</td>'; |
} |
} |
$hwk='<font color="#888811"><b>'; |
$hwke='</b></font>'; |
if ($code eq '1') { |
$hwke='</b> ('.$ctext.')</font>'; |
} |
if ($code eq '2' || $code eq '4') { |
$hwk='<font color="#992222"><b>'; |
$hwke='</b> ('.$ctext.')</font>'; |
} |
if ($code eq '3') { |
$hwk='<font color="#229922"><b>'; |
$hwke='</b> ('.$ctext.')</font>'; |
} |
if ($networkFailedFlag) |
{ |
$hwke='</b> (status unavailable)</font>'; |
} |
} |
if ($rid && $hash{'src_'.$rid} eq $currenturl) { |
$add=$add.'<a name="curloc"></a>'. |
'<font color=red size=+2><b>> </b></font>'; |
$adde= |
'<font color=red size=+2><b> <</b></font>'.$adde; |
} |
if ($discussiontimes{$symb}>$lastcheck) { |
$adde= |
'<img border=0 src="/adm/lonMisc/chat.gif">'. |
$adde; |
} |
if ($error{$src}) { |
foreach (split(/\,/,$error{$src})) { |
if ($_) { |
$adde= |
' <a href="/adm/email?display='. |
&Apache::lonnet::escape($_). |
'"><img src="/adm/lonMisc/bomb.gif" border=0></a>' |
.$adde; |
} |
} |
} |
if ($feedback{$src}) { |
foreach (split(/\,/,$feedback{$src})) { |
if ($_) { |
$adde= |
' <a href="/adm/email?display='. |
&Apache::lonnet::escape($_). |
'"><img src="/adm/lonMisc/feedback.gif" border=0></a>' |
.$adde; |
} |
} |
} |
if ($indent) { |
my $is=" "; |
for(my $i=-1;$i<$indent;$i++) { $indentstr.=$is; } |
} |
if (!$linkid) { $linkid=$rid; } |
if ($hash{'randomout_'.$rid}) { |
$adde=' <i>(hidden)</i>'.$adde; |
} |
$r->print($add.$indentstr); |
if ($rid) { |
$r->print('<a href="'.$hash{'src_'.$linkid}. |
(($hash{'src_'.$linkid}=~/\?/)?'&':'?'). |
'symb='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($symb) |
.'">'. |
$hwk.$hash{'title_'.$rid}.$hwke.'</a>'); |
} |
$r->print($adde); |
} |
$r->print('</tr>'); |
} |
} |
$r->print("\n</table>"); |
$r->print('</body></html>'); |
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- End page |
} |
# ------------------------------------------------------------- End render page |
} |
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ Untie hash |
unless (untie(%hash)) { |
&Apache::lonnet::logthis("<font color=blue>WARNING: ". |
"Could not untie coursemap $fn (browse).</font>"); |
} |
unless (untie(%parmhash)) { |
&Apache::lonnet::logthis("<font color=blue>WARNING: ". |
"Could not untie parmhash (browse).</font>"); |
} |
return OK; |
} |
} |
sub new_handle { |
sub real_handler { |
my $r = shift; |
my $r = shift; |
#my $t0=[&gettimeofday()]; |
# Handle header-only request |
# Handle header-only request |
if ($r->header_only) { |
if ($r->header_only) { |
if ($ENV{'browser.mathml'}) { |
if ($env{'browser.mathml'}) { |
$r->content_type('text/xml'); |
&Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/xml'); |
} else { |
} else { |
$r->content_type('text/html'); |
&Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html'); |
} |
} |
$r->send_http_header; |
$r->send_http_header; |
return OK; |
return OK; |
} |
} |
# Send header, don't cache this page |
# Send header, don't cache this page |
if ($ENV{'browser.mathml'}) { |
if ($env{'browser.mathml'}) { |
$r->content_type('text/xml'); |
&Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/xml'); |
} else { |
} else { |
$r->content_type('text/html'); |
&Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html'); |
} |
} |
&Apache::loncommon::no_cache($r); |
&Apache::loncommon::no_cache($r); |
$r->send_http_header; |
$r->send_http_header; |
# Initialize the nav map |
my %toplinkitems=(); |
my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new( |
&add_linkitem(\%toplinkitems,'blank','',"Select Action"); |
$ENV{"request.course.fn"}.".db", |
if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} eq 'collapseExternal') { |
$ENV{"request.course.fn"}."_parms.db", 1); |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'remotenavmap' => 'off'}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv('environment.remotenavmap' => 'off'); |
my $menu=&Apache::lonmenu::reopenmenu(); |
my $navstatus=&Apache::lonmenu::get_nav_status(); |
if ($menu) { |
$menu=(<<MENU) |
swmenu=$menu |
swmenu.clearTimeout(swmenu.menucltim); |
$navstatus |
} else { |
my $nothing = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::javascript_nothing(); |
my $mainwindow=''.$nothing.',"loncapaclient","",false);'; |
$menu=(<<MENU) |
swmenu=$mainwindow |
$navstatus |
} |
my $html=&Apache::lonxml::xmlbegin(); |
$r->print(<<"ENDSUBM"); |
$html |
<head> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
function submitthis() { |
$menu |
self.close(); |
} |
</script> |
</head> |
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onLoad="submitthis()"></body> |
</html> |
return; |
} |
if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} =~ /^launchExternal/) { |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'remotenavmap' => 'on'}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv('environment.remotenavmap' => 'on'); |
my $menu=&Apache::lonmenu::reopenmenu(); |
my $navstatus=&Apache::lonmenu::get_nav_status(); |
if ($menu) { |
$r->print(<<MENU); |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
swmenu=$menu |
swmenu.clearTimeout(swmenu.menucltim); |
$navstatus |
</script> |
} |
} |
if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} eq 'turningOffExternal') { |
$env{'environment.remotenavmap'}='off'; |
} |
# Create the nav map |
my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new(); |
if (!defined($navmap)) { |
if (!defined($navmap)) { |
my $requrl = $r->uri; |
my $requrl = $r->uri; |
$ENV{'user.error.msg'} = "$requrl:bre:0:0:Course not initialized"; |
$env{'user.error.msg'} = "$requrl:bre:0:0:Course not initialized"; |
} |
} |
my $html=&Apache::lonxml::xmlbegin(); |
$r->print("$html<head>\n"); |
$r->print("<title>".&mt('Navigate Course Contents')."</title>"); |
# ------------------------------------------------------------ Get query string |
&Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},['register','sort','showOnlyHomework','postsymb']); |
# ----------------------------------------------------- Force menu registration |
my $addentries=''; |
my $more_unload; |
my $body_only=''; |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} eq 'on') { |
$r->print('<script type="text/javascript"> |
function collapse() { |
this.document.location="/adm/navmaps?collapseExternal"; |
} |
</script>'); |
# FIXME need to be smarter to only catch window close events |
# $more_unload="collapse()" |
$body_only=1; |
} |
if ($env{'form.register'}) { |
$addentries=' onLoad="'.&Apache::lonmenu::loadevents(). |
'" onUnload="'.&Apache::lonmenu::unloadevents().';'. |
$more_unload.'"'; |
$r->print(&Apache::lonmenu::registerurl(1)); |
} else { |
$addentries=' onUnload="'.$more_unload.'"'; |
} |
# Header |
# Header |
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Navigate Course Map','', |
$r->print('</head>'. |
'')); |
&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Navigate Course Contents','', |
$addentries,$body_only,'', |
$env{'form.register'})); |
$r->print('<script>window.focus();</script>'); |
$r->print('<script>window.focus();</script>'); |
my $desc=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.description'}; |
if (defined($desc)) { $r->print("<h2>$desc</h2>\n"); } |
my $date=localtime; |
$r->print("<h3>$date</h3>\n"); |
$r->rflush(); |
$r->rflush(); |
if ($navmap->{LAST_CHECK}) { |
$r->print('<img src="/adm/lonMisc/chat.gif"> New discussion since '. |
strftime("%A, %b %e at %I:%M %P", localtime($navmap->{LAST_CHECK})). |
'<br><img src="/adm/lonMisc/feedback.gif"> New message (click to open)<p>'); |
} else { |
$r->print('<img src="/adm/lonMisc/chat.gif"> Discussions'. |
'<br><img src="/adm/lonMisc/feedback.gif"> New message (click to open)<p>'); |
} |
#if (($currenturl=~/^\/res/) && |
# ($currenturl!~/^\/res\/adm/)) { |
# $r->print('<a href="#curloc">Current Location</a><p>'); |
#} |
# Check that it's defined |
# Check that it's defined |
if (!($navmap->courseMapDefined())) { |
if (!($navmap->courseMapDefined())) { |
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::help_open_menu('','Navigation Screen','Navigation_Screen','',undef,'RAT')); |
$r->print('<font size="+2" color="red">Coursemap undefined.</font>' . |
$r->print('<font size="+2" color="red">Coursemap undefined.</font>' . |
'</body></html>'); |
'</body></html>'); |
return OK; |
return OK; |
} |
} |
# Grab a resource object so we have access to the constants; this |
# See if there's only one map in the top-level, if we don't |
# is technically not proper, but should be harmless |
# already have a filter... if so, automatically display it |
my $res = $navmap->firstResource(); |
# (older code; should use retrieveResources) |
if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} !~ /filter/) { |
# Defines a status->color mapping, null string means don't color |
my $iterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, undef, 0); |
my %colormap = |
my $curRes; |
( $res->NETWORK_FAILURE => '', |
my $sequenceCount = 0; |
$res->CORRECT => '', |
my $sequenceId; |
$res->EXCUSED => '#BBBBFF', |
while ($curRes = $iterator->next()) { |
$res->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER => '', |
if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->is_sequence()) { |
$res->PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER => '', |
$sequenceCount++; |
$res->ANSWER_OPEN => '#CCFFCC', |
$sequenceId = $curRes->map_pc(); |
$res->OPEN_LATER => '', |
} |
$res->TRIES_LEFT => '', |
} |
$res->INCORRECT => '', |
$res->OPEN => '', |
if ($sequenceCount == 1) { |
$res->NOTHING_SET => '' ); |
# The automatic iterator creation in the render call |
# And a special case in the nav map; what to do when the assignment |
# will pick this up. We know the condition because |
# is not yet done and due in less then 24 hours |
# the defined($env{'form.filter'}) also ensures this |
my $hurryUpColor = "#FFCCCC"; |
# is a fresh call. |
$env{'form.filter'} = "$sequenceId"; |
my %statusIconMap = |
( $res->NETWORK_FAILURE => '', |
$res->NOTHING_SET => '', |
$res->CORRECT => 'navmap.correct.gif', |
$res->EXCUSED => 'navmap.correct.gif', |
$res->PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER => 'navmap.wrong.gif', |
$res->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER => 'navmap.wrong.gif', |
$res->ANSWER_OPEN => 'navmap.wrong.gif', |
$res->OPEN_LATER => '', |
$res->TRIES_LEFT => '', |
$res->INCORRECT => 'navmap.wrong.gif', |
$res->OPEN => '', |
$res->ATTEMPTED => '' ); |
my %iconAltTags = |
( 'navmap.correct.gif' => 'Correct', |
'navmap.wrong.gif' => 'Incorrect', |
'' => 'Open' ); |
my %condenseStatuses = |
( $res->NETWORK_FAILURE => 1, |
$res->NOTHING_SET => 1, |
$res->CORRECT => 1 ); |
my %filterHash; |
# Figure out what we're not displaying |
foreach (split(/\,/, $ENV{"form.filter"})) { |
if ($_) { |
$filterHash{$_} = "1"; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
my $currenturl = $ENV{'form.postdata'}; |
if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} eq 'launchExternal') { |
$currenturl=~s/^http\:\/\///; |
$r->print(' |
$currenturl=~s/^[^\/]+//; |
<form name="returnwin" action="/adm/flip?postdata=navlaunch%3a" |
# alreadyHere allows us to only open the maps necessary to view |
method="post" target="loncapaclient"> |
# the current location once, while at the same time remembering |
</form>'); |
# the current location. Without that check, the user would never |
$r->print(' |
# be able to close those maps; the user would close it, and the |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
# currenturl scan would re-open it. |
this.document.returnwin.submit(); |
my $queryAdd = "postdata=" . &Apache::lonnet::escape($currenturl) . |
</script>'); |
"&alreadyHere=1"; |
} |
$r->print('<a href="navmaps?condition=1&filter=">Show All Resources</a><br /><br />'); |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} ne 'on') { |
$r->print(&launch_win('link','yes',\%toplinkitems)); |
# Begin the HTML table |
} |
# four cols: resource + indent, chat+feedback, icon, text string |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} eq 'on') { |
$r->print('<table cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">' ."\n"); |
&add_linkitem(\%toplinkitems,'closenav','collapse()', |
"Close navigation window"); |
my $condition = 0; |
} |
if ($ENV{'form.condition'}) { |
$condition = 1; |
my $jumpToFirstHomework = 0; |
} |
# Check to see if the student is jumping to next open, do-able problem |
if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} =~ /^jumpToFirstHomework/) { |
# This needs to be updated to use symbs from the remote, |
$jumpToFirstHomework = 1; |
# instead of uris. The changes to this and the main rendering |
# Find the next homework problem that they can do. |
# loop should be obvious. |
my $iterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, undef, 1); |
# Here's a simple example of the iterator. |
my $curRes; |
# If there is a current resource |
my $foundDoableProblem = 0; |
if ($currenturl && !$ENV{'form.alreadyHere'}) { |
my $problemRes; |
# Give me every resource... |
my $mapIterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, {}, 1); |
my $found != 0; |
my $depth = 1; |
$mapIterator->next(); # discard the first BEGIN_MAP |
my $curRes = $mapIterator->next(); |
while ($depth > 0 && !$found) { |
while (($curRes = $iterator->next()) && !$foundDoableProblem) { |
if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->src() eq $currenturl) { |
if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->is_problem()) { |
# If this is the correct resource, be sure to |
my $status = $curRes->status(); |
# show it by making sure the containing maps |
if ($curRes->completable()) { |
# are open. |
$problemRes = $curRes; |
$foundDoableProblem = 1; |
# Pop open all previous maps |
my $stack = $iterator->getStack(); |
pop @$stack; # last resource in the stack is the problem |
# itself, which we don't need in the map stack |
my @mapPcs = map {$_->map_pc()} @$stack; |
$env{'form.filter'} = join(',', @mapPcs); |
my $mapStack = $mapIterator->getStack(); |
# Mark as both "here" and "jump" |
for my $map (@{$mapStack}) { |
$env{'form.postsymb'} = $curRes->symb(); |
if ($condition) { |
undef $filterHash{$map->map_pc()}; |
} else { |
$filterHash{$map->map_pc()} = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
$found = 1; |
} |
} |
$curRes = $mapIterator->next(); |
} |
} |
undef $res; # so we don't accidentally use it later |
my $indentLevel = 0; |
my $indentString = "<img src=\"/adm/lonIcons/whitespace1.gif\" width=\"25\" height=\"1\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" />"; |
my $isNewBranch = 0; |
my $now = time(); |
my $in24Hours = $now + 24 * 60 * 60; |
my $depth = 1; |
# We know the first thing is a BEGIN_MAP (see "$self->{STARTED}" |
# code in iterator->next), so ignore the first one |
my $mapIterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, \%filterHash, |
$condition); |
$mapIterator->next(); |
my $curRes = $mapIterator->next(); |
while ($depth > 0) { |
if ($curRes == $mapIterator->BEGIN_MAP() || |
$curRes == $mapIterator->BEGIN_BRANCH()) { |
$indentLevel++; |
} |
if ($curRes == $mapIterator->END_MAP() || |
$curRes == $mapIterator->END_BRANCH()) { |
$indentLevel--; |
} |
if ($curRes == $mapIterator->BEGIN_BRANCH()) { |
$isNewBranch = 1; |
} |
if ($curRes == $mapIterator->BEGIN_MAP()) { |
$depth++; |
} |
if ($curRes == $mapIterator->END_MAP()) { |
$depth--; |
} |
} |
# Is this resource being blotted out? |
# If we found no problems, print a note to that effect. |
if (ref($curRes) && !advancedUser() && $curRes->randomout()) { |
if (!$foundDoableProblem) { |
$curRes = $mapIterator->next(); |
$r->print("<font size='+2'>All homework assignments have been completed.</font><br /><br />"); |
next; # and totally ignore this resource |
} |
} |
} else { |
if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->src()) { |
&add_linkitem(\%toplinkitems,'firsthomework', |
'location.href="navmaps?jumpToFirstHomework"', |
# Step one: Decide which parts to show |
"Show Me My First Homework Problem"); |
my @parts = @{$curRes->parts()}; |
} |
my $multipart = scalar(@parts) > 1; |
my $condensed = 0; |
my $suppressEmptySequences = 0; |
my $filterFunc = undef; |
if ($curRes->is_problem()) { |
my $resource_no_folder_link = 0; |
# Is it multipart? |
# Display only due homework. |
if ($multipart) { |
my $showOnlyHomework = 0; |
# If it's multipart, see if part 0 is "open" |
if ($env{'form.showOnlyHomework'} eq "1") { |
# if it is, display all parts, if it isn't, |
$showOnlyHomework = 1; |
# just display first |
$suppressEmptySequences = 1; |
if (!$curRes->opendate("0")) { |
$filterFunc = sub { my $res = shift; |
@parts = ("0"); # just display the zero-th part |
return $res->completable() || $res->is_map(); |
$condensed = 1; |
}; |
} else { |
&add_linkitem(\%toplinkitems,'everything', |
# Otherwise, only display part 0 if we want to |
'location.href="navmaps?sort='.$env{'form.sort'}.'"', |
# attach feedback or email information to it |
"Show Everything"); |
if ($curRes->hasDiscussion() || $curRes->getFeedback()) { |
$r->print("<p><font size='+2'>".&mt("Uncompleted Homework")."</font></p>"); |
shift @parts; |
$env{'form.filter'} = ''; |
} else { |
$env{'form.condition'} = 1; |
# If there's discussion or feedback, that counts |
$resource_no_folder_link = 1; |
# as a difference, so display the parts. |
} else { |
&add_linkitem(\%toplinkitems,'uncompleted', |
# Now, we decide whether to condense the |
'location.href="navmaps?sort='.$env{'form.sort'}. |
# parts due to similarity |
'&showOnlyHomework=1"', |
my $status = $curRes->status($parts[1]); |
"Show Only Uncompleted Homework"); |
my $due = $curRes->duedate($parts[1]); |
} |
my $open = $curRes->opendate($parts[1]); |
my $statusAllSame = 1; |
my %selected=($env{'form.sort'} => 'selected=on'); |
my $dueAllSame = 1; |
my $sort_html=("<form> |
my $openAllSame = 1; |
<nobr> |
for (my $i = 2; $i < scalar(@parts); $i++) { |
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"showOnlyHomework\" value=\"".$env{'form.showOnlyHomework'}."\" /> |
if ($curRes->status($parts[$i]) != $status){ |
<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".&mt('Sort by:')."\" /> |
$statusAllSame = 0; |
<select name=\"sort\"> |
} |
<option value=\"default\" $selected{'default'}>".&mt('Default')."</option> |
if ($curRes->duedate($parts[$i]) != $due ) { |
<option value=\"title\" $selected{'title'} >".&mt('Title')."</option> |
$dueAllSame = 0; |
<option value=\"duedate\" $selected{'duedate'}>".&mt('Duedate')."</option> |
} |
<option value=\"discussion\" $selected{'discussion'}>".&mt('Has New Discussion')."</option> |
if ($curRes->opendate($parts[$i]) != $open) { |
</select> |
$openAllSame = 0; |
</nobr> |
} |
</form>"); |
} |
# renderer call |
my $renderArgs = { 'cols' => [0,1,2,3], |
# $allSame is true if all the statuses were |
'sort' => $env{'form.sort'}, |
# the same. Now, if they are all the same and |
'url' => '/adm/navmaps', |
# match one of the statuses to condense, or they |
'navmap' => $navmap, |
# are all open with the same due date, or they are |
'suppressNavmap' => 1, |
# all OPEN_LATER with the same open date, display the |
'suppressEmptySequences' => $suppressEmptySequences, |
# status of the first non-zero part (to get the 'correct' |
'filterFunc' => $filterFunc, |
# status right, since 0 is never 'correct' or 'open'). |
'resource_no_folder_link' => $resource_no_folder_link, |
if (($statusAllSame && defined($condenseStatuses{$status})) || |
'sort_html'=> $sort_html, |
($dueAllSame && $status == $curRes->OPEN && $statusAllSame)|| |
'r' => $r, |
($openAllSame && $status == $curRes->OPEN_LATER && $statusAllSame) ){ |
'caller' => 'navmapsdisplay', |
@parts = ($parts[1]); |
'linkitems' => \%toplinkitems}; |
$condensed = 1; |
my $render = render($renderArgs); |
} |
} |
# If no resources were printed, print a reassuring message so the |
} |
# user knows there was no error. |
} |
if ($renderArgs->{'counter'} == 0) { |
if ($showOnlyHomework) { |
} else { |
$r->print("<p><font size='+1'>".&mt("All homework is currently completed").".</font></p>"); |
@parts[0] = "0"; # this is to get past foreach loop below |
} else { # both jumpToFirstHomework and normal use the same: course must be empty |
# you can consider a non-problem resource as a resource |
$r->print("<p><font size='+1'>This course is empty.</font></p>"); |
# with only one part without loss |
} |
# Display one part, in event of network error. |
# If this is a single part, we can at least show the correct |
# status, but if it's multipart, we're lost. |
if ($curRes->{RESOURCE_ERROR}) { |
@parts = ("0"); |
} |
# Step two: Show the parts |
foreach my $part (@parts) { |
my $deltalevel = 0; # for inserting the branch icon |
my $nonLinkedText = ""; # unlinked stuff after title |
# For each thing we're displaying... |
my $stack = $mapIterator->getStack(); |
my $src = getLinkForResource($stack); |
my $srcHasQuestion = $src =~ /\?/; |
my $link = $src. |
($srcHasQuestion?'&':'?') . |
'symb='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($curRes->symb()). |
'"'; |
my $title = $curRes->title(); |
my $partLabel = ""; |
my $newBranchText = ""; |
# If this is a new branch, label it so |
# (temporary, this should be an icon w/ alt text) |
if ($isNewBranch) { |
$newBranchText = "<img src=\"/adm/lonIcons/branch.gif\" border=\"0\">"; |
$isNewBranch = 0; |
$deltalevel = 1; |
} |
# links to open and close the folders |
my $linkopen = "<a href=\"$link\">"; |
my $linkclose = "</a>"; |
my $icon = "<img src=\"/adm/lonIcons/html.gif\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" />"; |
if ($curRes->is_problem()) { |
if ($part eq "0" || $condensed) { |
$icon = '<img src="/adm/lonIcons/problem.gif" alt="" border=\"0\" />'; |
} else { |
$icon = $indentString; |
} |
} |
# Display the correct icon, link to open or shut map |
if ($curRes->is_map()) { |
my $mapId = $curRes->map_pc(); |
my $nowOpen = !defined($filterHash{$mapId}); |
$icon = $nowOpen ? |
"navmap.folder.closed.gif" : ""; |
$icon = "<img src=\"/adm/lonIcons/$icon\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" />"; |
$linkopen = "<a href=\"/adm/navmaps?filter="; |
$linkopen .= ($nowOpen xor $condition) ? |
addToFilter(\%filterHash, $mapId) : |
removeFromFilter(\%filterHash, $mapId); |
$linkopen .= "&condition=$condition&$queryAdd\">"; |
$linkclose = "</a>"; |
} |
my $colorizer = ""; |
if ($curRes->is_problem()) { |
my $status = $curRes->status($part); |
my $color = $colormap{$status}; |
# Special case in the navmaps: If in less then |
# 24 hours, give it a bit of urgency |
if ($status == $curRes->OPEN() && $curRes->duedate() && |
$curRes->duedate() < time()+(24*60*60) && |
$curRes->duedate() > time()) { |
$color = $hurryUpColor; |
} |
if ($color ne "") { |
$colorizer = "bgcolor=\"$color\""; |
} |
} |
if ($curRes->randomout()) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <i>(hidden)</i> '; |
} |
# FIRST COL: The resource indentation, branch icon, and name |
$r->print(" <tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"center\">\n"); |
# print indentation |
for (my $i = 0; $i < $indentLevel - $deltalevel; $i++) { |
$r->print($indentString); |
} |
$r->print(" ${newBranchText}${linkopen}$icon${linkclose}\n"); |
my $curMarkerBegin = ""; |
my $curMarkerEnd = ""; |
# Is this the current resource? |
if ($curRes->src() eq $currenturl) { |
$curMarkerBegin = '<a name="curloc" /><font color="red" size="+2">> </font>'; |
$curMarkerEnd = '<font color="red" size="+2"> <</font>'; |
} |
if ($curRes->is_problem() && $part ne "0" && !$condensed) { |
$partLabel = " (Part $part)"; |
$title = ""; |
} |
if ($multipart && $condensed) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' (' . $curRes->countParts() . ' parts)'; |
} |
$r->print(" $curMarkerBegin<a href=\"$link\">$title$partLabel</a> $curMarkerEnd $nonLinkedText"); |
if ($curRes->{RESOURCE_ERROR}) { |
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic ("Navmap_Host_Down", |
'<font size="-1">Host down</font>')); |
} |
my $discussionHTML = ""; my $feedbackHTML = ""; |
# SECOND COL: Is there text or feedback? |
if ($curRes->hasDiscussion()) { |
$discussionHTML = $linkopen . |
'<img border="0" src="/adm/lonMisc/chat.gif" />' . |
$linkclose; |
} |
if ($curRes->getFeedback()) { |
my $feedback = $curRes->getFeedback(); |
foreach (split(/\,/, $feedback)) { |
if ($_) { |
$feedbackHTML .= ' <a href="/adm/email?display=' |
. &Apache::lonnet::escape($_) . '">' |
. '<img src="/adm/lonMisc/feedback.gif" ' |
. 'border="0" /></a>'; |
} |
} |
} |
$r->print("<td align=\"left\" valign=\"center\">$discussionHTML$feedbackHTML</td>"); |
# Is this the first displayed part of a multi-part problem |
# that has not been condensed, so we should suppress these two |
# columns? |
my $firstDisplayed = !$condensed && $multipart && $part eq "0"; |
# THIRD COL: Problem status icon |
if ($curRes->is_problem() && |
!$firstDisplayed) { |
my $icon = $statusIconMap{$curRes->status($part)}; |
my $alt = $iconAltTags{$icon}; |
if ($icon) { |
$r->print("<td valign=\"center\" width=\"50\" align=\"right\">$linkopen<img src=\"/adm/lonIcons/$icon\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$alt\" />$linkclose</td>\n"); |
} else { |
$r->print("<td></td>\n"); |
} |
} else { # not problem, no icon |
$r->print("<td></td>\n"); |
} |
# FOURTH COL: Text description |
$r->print("<td $colorizer align=\"right\" valign=\"center\">\n"); |
if ($curRes->kind() eq "res" && |
$curRes->is_problem() && |
!$firstDisplayed) { |
$r->print (getDescription($curRes, $part)); |
} |
if ($curRes->is_map() && advancedUser() && $curRes->randompick()) { |
$r->print('(randomly select ' . $curRes->randompick() .')'); |
} |
$r->print("</td></tr>\n"); |
} |
} |
} |
$curRes = $mapIterator->next(); |
} |
} |
#my $td=&tv_interval($t0); |
#$r->print("<br />$td"); |
$r->print("</table></body></html>"); |
$r->print("</body></html>"); |
$r->rflush(); |
$navmap->untieHashes(); |
return OK; |
return OK; |
} |
} |
Line 1288 sub removeFromFilter {
Line 462 sub removeFromFilter {
# Convenience function: Given a stack returned from getStack on the iterator, |
# Convenience function: Given a stack returned from getStack on the iterator, |
# return the correct src() value. |
# return the correct src() value. |
# Later, this should add an anchor when we start putting anchors in pages. |
sub getLinkForResource { |
sub getLinkForResource { |
my $stack = shift; |
my $stack = shift; |
my $res; |
my $res; |
# Check to see if there are any pages in the stack |
# Check to see if there are any pages in the stack |
foreach $res (@$stack) { |
foreach $res (@$stack) { |
if (defined($res) && $res->is_page()) { |
if (defined($res)) { |
return $res->src(); |
my $anchor; |
if ($res->is_page()) { |
foreach (@$stack) { if (defined($_)) { $anchor = $_; } } |
$anchor=&Apache::lonnet::escape($anchor->shown_symb()); |
return ($res->link(),$res->shown_symb(),$anchor); |
} |
# in case folder was skipped over as "only sequence" |
my ($map,$id,$src)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($res->symb()); |
if ($map=~/\.page$/) { |
my $url=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($map); |
$anchor=&Apache::lonnet::escape($src->shown_symb()); |
return ($url,$res->shown_symb(),$anchor); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Line 1308 sub getLinkForResource {
Line 493 sub getLinkForResource {
if (defined($_)) { $res = $_; } |
if (defined($_)) { $res = $_; } |
} |
} |
return $res->src(); |
return ($res->link(),$res->shown_symb()); |
} |
} |
# Convenience function: This seperates the logic of how to create |
# Convenience function: This separates the logic of how to create |
# the problem text strings ("Due: DATE", "Open: DATE", "Not yet assigned", |
# the problem text strings ("Due: DATE", "Open: DATE", "Not yet assigned", |
# etc.) into a seperate function. It takes a resource object as the |
# etc.) into a separate function. It takes a resource object as the |
# first parameter, and the part number of the resource as the second. |
# first parameter, and the part number of the resource as the second. |
# It's basically a big switch statement on the status of the resource. |
# It's basically a big switch statement on the status of the resource. |
Line 1322 sub getDescription {
Line 507 sub getDescription {
my $part = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $status = $res->status($part); |
my $status = $res->status($part); |
if ($status == $res->NETWORK_FAILURE) { return ""; } |
if ($status == $res->NETWORK_FAILURE) { |
return &mt("Having technical difficulties; please check status later"); |
} |
if ($status == $res->NOTHING_SET) { |
if ($status == $res->NOTHING_SET) { |
return "Not currently assigned."; |
return &mt("Not currently assigned."); |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->OPEN_LATER) { |
if ($status == $res->OPEN_LATER) { |
return "Open " . timeToHumanString($res->opendate($part)); |
return "Open " . timeToHumanString($res->opendate($part),'start'); |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->OPEN) { |
if ($status == $res->OPEN) { |
if ($res->duedate()) { |
if ($res->duedate($part)) { |
return "Due " . timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part)); |
return &mt("Due")." " .timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part),'end'); |
} else { |
} else { |
return "Open, no due date"; |
return &mt("Open, no due date"); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER) { |
if ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER) { |
return "Answer open " . timeToHumanString($res->answerdate($part)); |
return &mt("Answer open")." " . timeToHumanString($res->answerdate($part),'start'); |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER) { |
if ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER) { |
return "Was due " . timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part)); |
return &mt("Was due")." " . timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part),'end'); |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->ANSWER_OPEN) { |
if ($status == $res->ANSWER_OPEN || $status == $res->PARTIALLY_CORRECT) { |
return "Answer available"; |
return &mt("Answer available"); |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->EXCUSED) { |
if ($status == $res->EXCUSED) { |
return "Excused by instructor"; |
return &mt("Excused by instructor"); |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->ATTEMPTED) { |
if ($status == $res->ATTEMPTED) { |
return "Not yet graded."; |
return &mt("Answer submitted, not yet graded"); |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->TRIES_LEFT) { |
if ($status == $res->TRIES_LEFT) { |
my $tries = $res->tries(); |
my $tries = $res->tries($part); |
my $maxtries = $res->maxtries(); |
my $maxtries = $res->maxtries($part); |
my $triesString = "($tries of $maxtries tries used)"; |
my $triesString = ""; |
if ($res->duedate()) { |
if ($tries && $maxtries) { |
return "Due " . timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part)) . |
$triesString = "<font size=\"-1\"><i>($tries of $maxtries tries used)</i></font>"; |
if ($maxtries > 1 && $maxtries - $tries == 1) { |
$triesString = "<b>$triesString</b>"; |
} |
} |
if ($res->duedate($part)) { |
return &mt("Due")." " . timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part),'end') . |
" $triesString"; |
" $triesString"; |
} else { |
} else { |
return "No due date $triesString"; |
return &mt("No due date")." $triesString"; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->ANSWER_SUBMITTED) { |
return &mt('Answer submitted'); |
} |
} |
# Convenience function, so others can use it: Is the problem due in less then |
# 24 hours, and still can be done? |
sub dueInLessThan24Hours { |
my $res = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $status = $res->status($part); |
return ($status == $res->OPEN() || |
$status == $res->TRIES_LEFT()) && |
$res->duedate($part) && $res->duedate($part) < time()+(24*60*60) && |
$res->duedate($part) > time(); |
} |
} |
# Convenience function, so others can use it: Is there only one try remaining for the |
# part, with more then one try to begin with, not due yet and still can be done? |
sub lastTry { |
my $res = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $tries = $res->tries($part); |
my $maxtries = $res->maxtries($part); |
return $tries && $maxtries && $maxtries > 1 && |
$maxtries - $tries == 1 && $res->duedate($part) && |
$res->duedate($part) > time(); |
} |
# This puts a human-readable name on the env variable. |
sub advancedUser { |
sub advancedUser { |
return $ENV{'user.adv'}; |
return $env{'request.role.adv'}; |
} |
} |
Line 1378 sub advancedUser {
Line 603 sub advancedUser {
# Very, very, very, VERY English-only... goodness help a localizer on |
# Very, very, very, VERY English-only... goodness help a localizer on |
# this func... |
# this func... |
sub timeToHumanString { |
sub timeToHumanString { |
my ($time) = @_; |
my ($time,$type) = @_; |
# zero, '0' and blank are bad times |
# zero, '0' and blank are bad times |
if (!$time) { |
if (!$time) { |
return 'never'; |
return &mt('never'); |
} |
} |
unless (&Apache::lonlocal::current_language()=~/^en/) { |
return &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($time); |
} |
my $now = time(); |
my $now = time(); |
my @time = localtime($time); |
my @time = localtime($time); |
Line 1409 sub timeToHumanString {
Line 636 sub timeToHumanString {
$delta = -$delta; |
$delta = -$delta; |
} |
} |
# Is it in the future? |
if ( $delta > 0 ) { |
if ( $delta > 0 ) { |
# Is it less then a minute away? |
my $tense = $inPast ? " ago" : ""; |
my $tense = $inPast ? " ago" : ""; |
my $prefix = $inPast ? "" : "in "; |
my $prefix = $inPast ? "" : "in "; |
# Less then a minute |
if ( $delta < $minute ) { |
if ( $delta < $minute ) { |
if ($delta == 1) { return "${prefix}1 second$tense"; } |
if ($delta == 1) { return "${prefix}1 second$tense"; } |
return "$prefix$delta seconds$tense"; |
return "$prefix$delta seconds$tense"; |
} |
} |
# Is it less then an hour away? |
# Less then an hour |
if ( $delta < $hour ) { |
if ( $delta < $hour ) { |
# If so, use minutes |
# If so, use minutes |
my $minutes = floor($delta / 60); |
my $minutes = floor($delta / 60); |
Line 1449 sub timeToHumanString {
Line 677 sub timeToHumanString {
# Less then 5 days away, display day of the week and |
# Less then 5 days away, display day of the week and |
# HH:MM |
# HH:MM |
if ( $delta < $day * 5 ) { |
if ( $delta < $day * 5 ) { |
my $timeStr = strftime("%A at %I:%M %P", localtime($time)); |
my $timeStr = strftime("%A, %b %e at %I:%M %P", localtime($time)); |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/midnight/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
return ($inPast ? "last " : "next ") . |
return ($inPast ? "last " : "this ") . |
$timeStr; |
$timeStr; |
} |
} |
my $conjunction='on'; |
if ($type eq 'start') { |
$conjunction='at'; |
} elsif ($type eq 'end') { |
$conjunction='by'; |
} |
# Is it this year? |
# Is it this year? |
if ( $time[5] == $now[5]) { |
if ( $time[5] == $now[5]) { |
# Return on Month Day, HH:MM meridian |
# Return on Month Day, HH:MM meridian |
my $timeStr = strftime("on %A, %b %e at %I:%M %P", localtime($time)); |
my $timeStr = strftime("$conjunction %A, %b %e at %I:%M %P", localtime($time)); |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/midnight/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
return $timeStr; |
return $timeStr; |
} |
} |
# Not this year, so show the year |
# Not this year, so show the year |
my $timeStr = strftime("on %A, %b %e %G at %I:%M %P", localtime($time)); |
my $timeStr = strftime("$conjunction %A, %b %e %Y at %I:%M %P", localtime($time)); |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/midnight/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
return $timeStr; |
return $timeStr; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
=pod |
=head1 NAME |
Apache::lonnavmap - Subroutines to handle and render the navigation |
maps |
=head1 SYNOPSIS |
The main handler generates the navigational listing for the course, |
the other objects export this information in a usable fashion for |
other modules. |
=head1 OVERVIEW |
X<lonnavmaps, overview> When a user enters a course, LON-CAPA examines the |
course structure and caches it in what is often referred to as the |
"big hash" X<big hash>. You can see it if you are logged into |
LON-CAPA, in a course, by going to /adm/test. (You may need to |
tweak the /home/httpd/lonTabs/htpasswd file to view it.) The |
content of the hash will be under the heading "Big Hash". |
Big Hash contains, among other things, how resources are related |
to each other (next/previous), what resources are maps, which |
resources are being chosen to not show to the student (for random |
selection), and a lot of other things that can take a lot of time |
to compute due to the amount of data that needs to be collected and |
processed. |
Apache::lonnavmaps provides an object model for manipulating this |
information in a higher-level fashion then directly manipulating |
the hash. It also provides access to several auxilary functions |
that aren't necessarily stored in the Big Hash, but are a per- |
resource sort of value, like whether there is any feedback on |
a given resource. |
Apache::lonnavmaps also abstracts away branching, and someday, |
conditions, for the times where you don't really care about those |
things. |
Apache::lonnavmaps also provides fairly powerful routines for |
rendering navmaps, and last but not least, provides the navmaps |
view for when the user clicks the NAV button. |
B<Note>: Apache::lonnavmaps I<only> works for the "currently |
logged in user"; if you want things like "due dates for another |
student" lonnavmaps can not directly retrieve information like |
that. You need the EXT function. This module can still help, |
because many things, such as the course structure, are constant |
between users, and Apache::lonnavmaps can help by providing |
symbs for the EXT call. |
The rest of this file will cover the provided rendering routines, |
which can often be used without fiddling with the navmap object at |
all, then documents the Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap object, which |
is the key to accessing the Big Hash information, covers the use |
of the Iterator (which provides the logic for traversing the |
somewhat-complicated Big Hash data structure), documents the |
Apache::lonnavmaps::Resource objects that are returned by |
=head1 Subroutine: render |
The navmap renderer package provides a sophisticated rendering of the |
standard navigation maps interface into HTML. The provided nav map |
handler is actually just a glorified call to this. |
Because of the large number of parameters this function accepts, |
instead of passing it arguments as is normal, pass it in an anonymous |
hash with the desired options. |
The package provides a function called 'render', called as |
Apache::lonnavmaps::render({}). |
=head2 Overview of Columns |
The renderer will build an HTML table for the navmap and return |
it. The table is consists of several columns, and a row for each |
resource (or possibly each part). You tell the renderer how many |
columns to create and what to place in each column, optionally using |
one or more of the prepared columns, and the renderer will assemble |
the table. |
Any additional generally useful column types should be placed in the |
renderer code here, so anybody can use it anywhere else. Any code |
specific to the current application (such as the addition of <input> |
elements in a column) should be placed in the code of the thing using |
the renderer. |
At the core of the renderer is the array reference COLS (see Example |
section below for how to pass this correctly). The COLS array will |
consist of entries of one of two types of things: Either an integer |
representing one of the pre-packaged column types, or a sub reference |
that takes a resource reference, a part number, and a reference to the |
argument hash passed to the renderer, and returns a string that will |
be inserted into the HTML representation as it. |
All other parameters are ways of either changing how the columns |
are printing, or which rows are shown. |
The pre-packaged column names are refered to by constants in the |
Apache::lonnavmaps namespace. The following currently exist: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::resource>: |
The general info about the resource: Link, icon for the type, etc. The |
first column in the standard nav map display. This column provides the |
indentation effect seen in the B<NAV> screen. This column also accepts |
the following parameters in the renderer hash: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<resource_nolink>: default false |
If true, the resource will not be linked. By default, all non-folder |
resources are linked. |
=item * B<resource_part_count>: default true |
If true, the resource will show a part count B<if> the full |
part list is not displayed. (See "condense_parts" later.) If false, |
the resource will never show a part count. |
=item * B<resource_no_folder_link>: |
If true, the resource's folder will not be clickable to open or close |
it. Default is false. True implies printCloseAll is false, since you |
can't close or open folders when this is on anyhow. |
=back |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::communication_status>: |
Whether there is discussion on the resource, email for the user, or |
(lumped in here) perl errors in the execution of the problem. This is |
the second column in the main nav map. |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::quick_status>: |
An icon for the status of a problem, with five possible states: |
Correct, incorrect, open, awaiting grading (for a problem where the |
computer's grade is suppressed, or the computer can't grade, like |
essay problem), or none (not open yet, not a problem). The |
third column of the standard navmap. |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::long_status>: |
A text readout of the details of the current status of the problem, |
such as "Due in 22 hours". The fourth column of the standard navmap. |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::part_status_summary>: |
A text readout summarizing the status of the problem. If it is a |
single part problem, will display "Correct", "Incorrect", |
"Not yet open", "Open", "Attempted", or "Error". If there are |
multiple parts, this will output a string that in HTML will show a |
status of how many parts are in each status, in color coding, trying |
to match the colors of the icons within reason. |
Note this only makes sense if you are I<not> showing parts. If |
C<showParts> is true (see below), this column will not output |
anything. |
=back |
If you add any others please be sure to document them here. |
An example of a column renderer that will show the ID number of a |
resource, along with the part name if any: |
sub { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
if ($part) { return '<td>' . $resource->{ID} . ' ' . $part . '</td>'; } |
return '<td>' . $resource->{ID} . '</td>'; |
} |
Note these functions are responsible for the TD tags, which allow them |
to override vertical and horizontal alignment, etc. |
=head2 Parameters |
Minimally, you should be |
able to get away with just using 'cols' (to specify the columns |
shown), 'url' (necessary for the folders to link to the current screen |
correctly), and possibly 'queryString' if your app calls for it. In |
that case, maintaining the state of the folders will be done |
automatically. |
=over 4 |
=item * B<iterator>: default: constructs one from %env |
A reference to a fresh ::iterator to use from the navmaps. The |
rendering will reflect the options passed to the iterator, so you can |
use that to just render a certain part of the course, if you like. If |
one is not passed, the renderer will attempt to construct one from |
env{'form.filter'} and env{'form.condition'} information, plus the |
'iterator_map' parameter if any. |
=item * B<iterator_map>: default: not used |
If you are letting the renderer do the iterator handling, you can |
instruct the renderer to render only a particular map by passing it |
the source of the map you want to process, like |
'/res/103/jerf/navmap.course.sequence'. |
=item * B<navmap>: default: constructs one from %env |
A reference to a navmap, used only if an iterator is not passed in. If |
this is necessary to make an iterator but it is not passed in, a new |
one will be constructed based on env info. This is useful to do basic |
error checking before passing it off to render. |
=item * B<r>: default: must be passed in |
The standard Apache response object. This must be passed to the |
renderer or the course hash will be locked. |
=item * B<cols>: default: empty (useless) |
An array reference |
=item * B<showParts>:default true |
A flag. If true, a line for the resource itself, and a line |
for each part will be displayed. If not, only one line for each |
resource will be displayed. |
=item * B<condenseParts>: default true |
A flag. If true, if all parts of the problem have the same |
status and that status is Nothing Set, Correct, or Network Failure, |
then only one line will be displayed for that resource anyhow. If no, |
all parts will always be displayed. If showParts is 0, this is |
ignored. |
=item * B<jumpCount>: default: determined from %env |
A string identifying the URL to place the anchor 'curloc' at. |
It is the responsibility of the renderer user to |
ensure that the #curloc is in the URL. By default, determined through |
the use of the env{} 'jump' information, and should normally "just |
work" correctly. |
=item * B<here>: default: empty string |
A Symb identifying where to place the 'here' marker. The empty |
string means no marker. |
=item * B<indentString>: default: 25 pixel whitespace image |
A string identifying the indentation string to use. |
=item * B<queryString>: default: empty |
A string which will be prepended to the query string used when the |
folders are opened or closed. You can use this to pass |
application-specific values. |
=item * B<url>: default: none |
The url the folders will link to, which should be the current |
page. Required if the resource info column is shown, and you |
are allowing the user to open and close folders. |
=item * B<currentJumpIndex>: default: no jumping |
Describes the currently-open row number to cause the browser to jump |
to, because the user just opened that folder. By default, pulled from |
the Jump information in the env{'form.*'}. |
=item * B<printKey>: default: false |
If true, print the key that appears on the top of the standard |
navmaps. |
=item * B<printCloseAll>: default: true |
If true, print the "Close all folders" or "open all folders" |
links. |
=item * B<filterFunc>: default: sub {return 1;} (accept everything) |
A function that takes the resource object as its only parameter and |
returns a true or false value. If true, the resource is displayed. If |
false, it is simply skipped in the display. |
=item * B<suppressEmptySequences>: default: false |
If you're using a filter function, and displaying sequences to orient |
the user, then frequently some sequences will be empty. Setting this to |
true will cause those sequences not to display, so as not to confuse the |
user into thinking that if the sequence is there there should be things |
under it; for example, see the "Show Uncompleted Homework" view on the |
B<NAV> screen. |
=item * B<suppressNavmaps>: default: false |
If true, will not display Navigate Content resources. |
=back |
=head2 Additional Info |
In addition to the parameters you can pass to the renderer, which will |
be passed through unchange to the column renderers, the renderer will |
generate the following information which your renderer may find |
useful: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<counter>: |
Contains the number of rows printed. Useful after calling the render |
function, as you can detect whether anything was printed at all. |
=item * B<isNewBranch>: |
Useful for renderers: If this resource is currently the first resource |
of a new branch, this will be true. The Resource column (leftmost in the |
navmaps screen) uses this to display the "new branch" icon |
=back |
=cut |
sub resource { return 0; } |
sub communication_status { return 1; } |
sub quick_status { return 2; } |
sub long_status { return 3; } |
sub part_status_summary { return 4; } |
sub render_resource { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
my $nonLinkedText = ''; # stuff after resource title not in link |
my $link = $params->{"resourceLink"}; |
# The URL part is not escaped at this point, but the symb is... |
# The stuff to the left of the ? must have ' replaced by \' since |
# it will be quoted with ' in the href. |
my ($left,$right) = split(/\?/, $link); |
$left =~ s/'/\\'/g; |
$link = $left.'?'.$right; |
my $src = $resource->src(); |
my $it = $params->{"iterator"}; |
my $filter = $it->{FILTER}; |
my $title = $resource->compTitle(); |
my $partLabel = ""; |
my $newBranchText = ""; |
my $location=&Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonIcons"); |
# If this is a new branch, label it so |
if ($params->{'isNewBranch'}) { |
$newBranchText = "<img src='$location/branch.gif' border='0' alt='Branch' />"; |
} |
# links to open and close the folder |
my $linkopen = "<a href='$link'>"; |
my $linkclose = "</a>"; |
# Default icon: unknown page |
my $icon = "<img src='$location/unknown.gif' alt='' border='0' alt=' ' ' />"; |
if ($resource->is_problem()) { |
if ($part eq '0' || $params->{'condensed'}) { |
$icon ='<img src="'.$location.'/problem.gif" alt=" " border="0" />'; |
} else { |
$icon = $params->{'indentString'}; |
} |
} else { |
$icon = "<img src='".&Apache::loncommon::icon($resource->src)."' alt=' ' border='0' />"; |
} |
# Display the correct map icon to open or shut map |
if ($resource->is_map()) { |
my $mapId = $resource->map_pc(); |
my $nowOpen = !defined($filter->{$mapId}); |
if ($it->{CONDITION}) { |
$nowOpen = !$nowOpen; |
} |
my $folderType = $resource->is_sequence() ? 'folder' : 'page'; |
if (!$params->{'resource_no_folder_link'}) { |
$icon = "navmap.$folderType." . ($nowOpen ? 'closed' : 'open') . '.gif'; |
$icon = "<img src='$location/$icon' alt='". |
($nowOpen ? 'Open Folder' : 'Close Folder')."' border='0' />"; |
$linkopen = "<a href='" . $params->{'url'} . '?' . |
$params->{'queryString'} . '&filter='; |
$linkopen .= ($nowOpen xor $it->{CONDITION}) ? |
addToFilter($filter, $mapId) : |
removeFromFilter($filter, $mapId); |
$linkopen .= "&condition=" . $it->{CONDITION} . '&hereType=' |
. $params->{'hereType'} . '&here=' . |
&Apache::lonnet::escape($params->{'here'}) . |
'&jump=' . |
&Apache::lonnet::escape($resource->symb()) . |
"&folderManip=1'>"; |
} else { |
# Don't allow users to manipulate folder |
$icon = "navmap.$folderType." . ($nowOpen ? 'closed' : 'open') . |
'.nomanip.gif'; |
$icon = "<img src='$location/$icon' alt='". |
($nowOpen ? 'Open Folder' : 'Close Folder')."' border='0' />"; |
$linkopen = ""; |
$linkclose = ""; |
} |
} |
if ($resource->randomout()) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <i>(hidden)</i> '; |
} |
if (!$resource->condval()) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <i>(conditionally hidden)</i> '; |
} |
# We're done preparing and finally ready to start the rendering |
my $result = "<td align='left' valign='center'>"; |
my $indentLevel = $params->{'indentLevel'}; |
if ($newBranchText) { $indentLevel--; } |
# print indentation |
for (my $i = 0; $i < $indentLevel; $i++) { |
$result .= $params->{'indentString'}; |
} |
# Decide what to display |
$result .= "$newBranchText$linkopen$icon$linkclose"; |
my $curMarkerBegin = ''; |
my $curMarkerEnd = ''; |
# Is this the current resource? |
if (!$params->{'displayedHereMarker'} && |
$resource->symb() eq $params->{'here'} ) { |
$curMarkerBegin = '<font color="red" size="+2">> </font>'; |
$curMarkerEnd = '<font color="red" size="+2"><</font>'; |
$params->{'displayedHereMarker'} = 1; |
} |
if ($resource->is_problem() && $part ne '0' && |
!$params->{'condensed'}) { |
my $displaypart=$resource->part_display($part); |
$partLabel = " (Part: $displaypart)"; |
if ($link!~/\#/) { $link.='#'.&Apache::lonnet::escape($part); } |
$title = ""; |
} |
if ($params->{'condensed'} && $resource->countParts() > 1) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' (' . $resource->countParts() . ' parts)'; |
} |
my $target; |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} eq 'on') { |
$target=' target="loncapaclient" '; |
} |
if (!$params->{'resource_nolink'} && !$resource->is_sequence() && !$resource->is_empty_sequence) { |
$result .= " $curMarkerBegin<a $target href='$link'>$title$partLabel</a>$curMarkerEnd $nonLinkedText</td>"; |
} else { |
$result .= " $curMarkerBegin$title$partLabel$curMarkerEnd $nonLinkedText</td>"; |
} |
return $result; |
} |
sub render_communication_status { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
my $discussionHTML = ""; my $feedbackHTML = ""; my $errorHTML = ""; |
my $link = $params->{"resourceLink"}; |
my $target; |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} eq 'on') { |
$target=' target="loncapaclient" '; |
} |
my $linkopen = "<a $target href='$link'>"; |
my $linkclose = "</a>"; |
my $location=&Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonMisc"); |
if ($resource->hasDiscussion()) { |
$discussionHTML = $linkopen . |
'<img border="0" src="'.$location.'/chat.gif" />' . |
$linkclose; |
} |
if ($resource->getFeedback()) { |
my $feedback = $resource->getFeedback(); |
foreach (split(/\,/, $feedback)) { |
if ($_) { |
$feedbackHTML .= ' <a '.$target.' href="/adm/email?display=' |
. &Apache::lonnet::escape($_) . '">' |
. '<img src="'.$location.'/feedback.gif" ' |
. 'border="0" /></a>'; |
} |
} |
} |
if ($resource->getErrors()) { |
my $errors = $resource->getErrors(); |
my $errorcount = 0; |
foreach (split(/,/, $errors)) { |
last if ($errorcount>=10); # Only output 10 bombs maximum |
if ($_) { |
$errorcount++; |
$errorHTML .= ' <a '.$target.' href="/adm/email?display=' |
. &Apache::lonnet::escape($_) . '">' |
. '<img src="'.$location.'/bomb.gif" ' |
. 'border="0" /></a>'; |
} |
} |
} |
if ($params->{'multipart'} && $part != '0') { |
$discussionHTML = $feedbackHTML = $errorHTML = ''; |
} |
return "<td width=\"75\" align=\"left\" valign=\"center\">$discussionHTML$feedbackHTML$errorHTML </td>"; |
} |
sub render_quick_status { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
my $result = ""; |
my $firstDisplayed = !$params->{'condensed'} && |
$params->{'multipart'} && $part eq "0"; |
my $link = $params->{"resourceLink"}; |
my $target; |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} eq 'on') { |
$target=' target="loncapaclient" '; |
} |
my $linkopen = "<a $target href='$link'>"; |
my $linkclose = "</a>"; |
if ($resource->is_problem() && |
!$firstDisplayed) { |
my $icon = $statusIconMap{$resource->simpleStatus($part)}; |
my $alt = $iconAltTags{$icon}; |
if ($icon) { |
my $location= |
&Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonIcons/$icon"); |
$result .= "<td width='30' valign='center' width='50' align='right'>$linkopen<img width='25' height='25' src='$location' border='0' alt='$alt' />$linkclose</td>\n"; |
} else { |
$result .= "<td width='30'> </td>\n"; |
} |
} else { # not problem, no icon |
$result .= "<td width='30'> </td>\n"; |
} |
return $result; |
} |
sub render_long_status { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
my $result = "<td align='right' valign='center'>\n"; |
my $firstDisplayed = !$params->{'condensed'} && |
$params->{'multipart'} && $part eq "0"; |
my $color; |
if ($resource->is_problem()) { |
$color = $colormap{$resource->status}; |
if (dueInLessThan24Hours($resource, $part) || |
lastTry($resource, $part)) { |
$color = $hurryUpColor; |
} |
} |
if ($resource->kind() eq "res" && |
$resource->is_problem() && |
!$firstDisplayed) { |
if ($color) {$result .= "<font color=\"$color\"><b>"; } |
$result .= getDescription($resource, $part); |
if ($color) {$result .= "</b></font>"; } |
} |
if ($resource->is_map() && advancedUser() && $resource->randompick()) { |
$result .= '(randomly select ' . $resource->randompick() .')'; |
} |
# Debugging code |
#$result .= " " . $resource->awarded($part) . '/' . $resource->weight($part) . |
# ' - Part: ' . $part; |
$result .= "</td>\n"; |
return $result; |
} |
# Colors obtained by taking the icons, matching the colors, and |
# possibly reducing the Value (HSV) of the color, if it's too bright |
# for text, generally by one third or so. |
my %statusColors = |
( |
$resObj->CLOSED => '#000000', |
$resObj->OPEN => '#998b13', |
$resObj->CORRECT => '#26933f', |
$resObj->INCORRECT => '#c48207', |
$resObj->ATTEMPTED => '#a87510', |
$resObj->ERROR => '#000000' |
); |
my %statusStrings = |
( |
$resObj->CLOSED => 'Not yet open', |
$resObj->OPEN => 'Open', |
$resObj->CORRECT => 'Correct', |
$resObj->INCORRECT => 'Incorrect', |
$resObj->ATTEMPTED => 'Attempted', |
$resObj->ERROR => 'Network Error' |
); |
my @statuses = ($resObj->CORRECT, $resObj->ATTEMPTED, $resObj->INCORRECT, $resObj->OPEN, $resObj->CLOSED, $resObj->ERROR); |
use Data::Dumper; |
sub render_parts_summary_status { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
if (!$resource->is_problem() && !$resource->contains_problem) { return '<td></td>'; } |
if ($params->{showParts}) { |
return '<td></td>'; |
} |
my $td = "<td align='right'>\n"; |
my $endtd = "</td>\n"; |
my @probs; |
if ($resource->contains_problem) { |
@probs=$resource->retrieveResources($resource,sub { $_[0]->is_problem() },1,0); |
} else { |
@probs=($resource); |
} |
my $return; |
my %overallstatus; |
my $totalParts; |
foreach my $resource (@probs) { |
# If there is a single part, just show the simple status |
if ($resource->singlepart()) { |
my $status = $resource->simpleStatus(${$resource->parts}[0]); |
$overallstatus{$status}++; |
$totalParts++; |
next; |
} |
# Now we can be sure the $part doesn't really matter. |
my $statusCount = $resource->simpleStatusCount(); |
my @counts; |
foreach my $status (@statuses) { |
# decouple display order from the simpleStatusCount order |
my $slot = Apache::lonnavmaps::resource::statusToSlot($status); |
if ($statusCount->[$slot]) { |
$overallstatus{$status}+=$statusCount->[$slot]; |
$totalParts+=$statusCount->[$slot]; |
} |
} |
} |
$return.= $td . $totalParts . ' parts: '; |
foreach my $status (@statuses) { |
if ($overallstatus{$status}) { |
$return.="<font color='" . $statusColors{$status} . |
"'>" . $overallstatus{$status} . ' ' |
. $statusStrings{$status} . "</font>"; |
} |
} |
$return.= $endtd; |
return $return; |
} |
my @preparedColumns = (\&render_resource, \&render_communication_status, |
\&render_quick_status, \&render_long_status, |
\&render_parts_summary_status); |
sub setDefault { |
my ($val, $default) = @_; |
if (!defined($val)) { return $default; } |
return $val; |
} |
sub cmp_title { |
my ($atitle,$btitle) = (lc($_[0]->compTitle),lc($_[1]->compTitle)); |
$atitle=~s/^\s*//; |
$btitle=~s/^\s*//; |
return $atitle cmp $btitle; |
} |
sub render { |
my $args = shift; |
&Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{QUERY_STRING}); |
my $result = ''; |
# Configure the renderer. |
my $cols = $args->{'cols'}; |
if (!defined($cols)) { |
# no columns, no nav maps. |
return ''; |
} |
my $navmap; |
if (defined($args->{'navmap'})) { |
$navmap = $args->{'navmap'}; |
} |
my $r = $args->{'r'}; |
my $queryString = $args->{'queryString'}; |
my $jump = $args->{'jump'}; |
my $here = $args->{'here'}; |
my $suppressNavmap = setDefault($args->{'suppressNavmap'}, 0); |
my $closeAllPages = setDefault($args->{'closeAllPages'}, 0); |
my $currentJumpDelta = 2; # change this to change how many resources are displayed |
# before the current resource when using #current |
# If we were passed 'here' information, we are not rendering |
# after a folder manipulation, and we were not passed an |
# iterator, make sure we open the folders to show the "here" |
# marker |
my $filterHash = {}; |
# Figure out what we're not displaying |
foreach (split(/\,/, $env{"form.filter"})) { |
if ($_) { |
$filterHash->{$_} = "1"; |
} |
} |
# Filter: Remember filter function and add our own filter: Refuse |
# to show hidden resources unless the user can see them. |
my $userCanSeeHidden = advancedUser(); |
my $filterFunc = setDefault($args->{'filterFunc'}, |
sub {return 1;}); |
if (!$userCanSeeHidden) { |
# Without renaming the filterfunc, the server seems to go into |
# an infinite loop |
my $oldFilterFunc = $filterFunc; |
$filterFunc = sub { my $res = shift; return !$res->randomout() && |
&$oldFilterFunc($res);}; |
} |
my $condition = 0; |
if ($env{'form.condition'}) { |
$condition = 1; |
} |
if (!$env{'form.folderManip'} && !defined($args->{'iterator'})) { |
# Step 1: Check to see if we have a navmap |
if (!defined($navmap)) { |
$navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new(); |
if (!defined($navmap)) { |
# no londer in course |
return '<font color="red">No course selected</font><br /> |
<a href="/adm/roles">Select a course</a><br />'; |
} |
} |
# Step two: Locate what kind of here marker is necessary |
# Determine where the "here" marker is and where the screen jumps to. |
if ($env{'form.postsymb'} ne '') { |
$here = $jump = &Apache::lonnet::symbclean($env{'form.postsymb'}); |
} elsif ($env{'form.postdata'} ne '') { |
# couldn't find a symb, is there a URL? |
my $currenturl = $env{'form.postdata'}; |
#$currenturl=~s/^http\:\/\///; |
#$currenturl=~s/^[^\/]+//; |
$here = $jump = &Apache::lonnet::symbread($currenturl); |
} |
if ($here eq '') { |
my $last; |
if (tie(my %hash,'GDBM_File',$env{'request.course.fn'}.'_symb.db', |
&GDBM_READER(),0640)) { |
$last=$hash{'last_known'}; |
untie(%hash); |
} |
if ($last) { $here = $jump = $last; } |
} |
# Step three: Ensure the folders are open |
my $mapIterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, undef, 1); |
my $curRes; |
my $found = 0; |
# We only need to do this if we need to open the maps to show the |
# current position. This will change the counter so we can't count |
# for the jump marker with this loop. |
while ($here && ($curRes = $mapIterator->next()) && !$found) { |
if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->symb() eq $here) { |
my $mapStack = $mapIterator->getStack(); |
# Ensure the parent maps are open |
for my $map (@{$mapStack}) { |
if ($condition) { |
undef $filterHash->{$map->map_pc()}; |
} else { |
$filterHash->{$map->map_pc()} = 1; |
} |
} |
$found = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
if ( !defined($args->{'iterator'}) && $env{'form.folderManip'} ) { # we came from a user's manipulation of the nav page |
# If this is a click on a folder or something, we want to preserve the "here" |
# from the querystring, and get the new "jump" marker |
$here = $env{''}; |
$jump = $env{'form.jump'}; |
} |
my $it = $args->{'iterator'}; |
if (!defined($it)) { |
# Construct a default iterator based on $env{'form.'} information |
# Step 1: Check to see if we have a navmap |
if (!defined($navmap)) { |
$navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new(); |
} |
# See if we're being passed a specific map |
if ($args->{'iterator_map'}) { |
my $map = $args->{'iterator_map'}; |
$map = $navmap->getResourceByUrl($map); |
my $firstResource = $map->map_start(); |
my $finishResource = $map->map_finish(); |
$args->{'iterator'} = $it = $navmap->getIterator($firstResource, $finishResource, $filterHash, $condition); |
} else { |
$args->{'iterator'} = $it = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, $filterHash, $condition); |
} |
} |
# (re-)Locate the jump point, if any |
# Note this does not take filtering or hidden into account... need |
# to be fixed? |
my $mapIterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, $filterHash, 0); |
my $curRes; |
my $foundJump = 0; |
my $counter = 0; |
while (($curRes = $mapIterator->next()) && !$foundJump) { |
if (ref($curRes)) { $counter++; } |
if (ref($curRes) && $jump eq $curRes->symb()) { |
# This is why we have to use the main iterator instead of the |
# potentially faster DFS: The count has to be the same, so |
# the order has to be the same, which DFS won't give us. |
$args->{'currentJumpIndex'} = $counter; |
$foundJump = 1; |
} |
} |
my $showParts = setDefault($args->{'showParts'}, 1); |
my $condenseParts = setDefault($args->{'condenseParts'}, 1); |
# keeps track of when the current resource is found, |
# so we can back up a few and put the anchor above the |
# current resource |
my $printKey = $args->{'printKey'}; |
my $printCloseAll = $args->{'printCloseAll'}; |
if (!defined($printCloseAll)) { $printCloseAll = 1; } |
# Print key? |
if ($printKey) { |
$result .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">'; |
my $date=localtime; |
$result.='<tr><td align="right" valign="bottom">Key: </td>'; |
my $location=&Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonMisc"); |
if ($navmap->{LAST_CHECK}) { |
$result .= |
'<img src="'.$location.'/chat.gif"> '.&mt('New discussion since').' '. |
strftime("%A, %b %e at %I:%M %P", localtime($navmap->{LAST_CHECK})). |
'</td><td align="center" valign="bottom"> '. |
'<img src="'.$location.'/feedback.gif"> '.&mt('New message (click to open)').'<p>'. |
'</td>'; |
} else { |
$result .= '<td align="center" valign="bottom"> '. |
'<img src="'.$location.'/chat.gif"> '.&mt('Discussions').'</td><td align="center" valign="bottom">'. |
' <img src="'.$location.'/feedback.gif"> '.&mt('New message (click to open)'). |
'</td>'; |
} |
$result .= '</tr></table>'; |
} |
if ($printCloseAll && !$args->{'resource_no_folder_link'}) { |
my ($link,$text); |
if ($condition) { |
$link='"navmaps?condition=0&filter=&'.$queryString. |
'&here='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($here).'"'; |
$text='Close All Folders'; |
} else { |
$link='"navmaps?condition=1&filter=&'.$queryString. |
'&here='.&Apache::lonnet::escape($here).'"'; |
$text='Open All Folders'; |
} |
if ($args->{'caller'} eq 'navmapsdisplay') { |
&add_linkitem($args->{'linkitems'},'changefolder', |
'location.href='.$link,$text); |
} else { |
$result.='<a href='.$link.'>'.&mt($text).'</a>'; |
} |
$result .= "\n"; |
} |
# Check for any unread discussions in all resources. |
if ($args->{'caller'} eq 'navmapsdisplay') { |
&add_linkitem($args->{'linkitems'},'clearbubbles', |
'document.clearbubbles.submit()', |
'Mark all posts read'); |
my $time=time; |
$result .= (<<END); |
<form name="clearbubbles" method="post" action="/adm/feedback"> |
<input type="hidden" name="navurl" value="$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="navtime" value="$time" /> |
if ($args->{'sort'} eq 'discussion') { |
my $totdisc = 0; |
my $haveDisc = ''; |
my @allres=$navmap->retrieveResources(); |
foreach my $resource (@allres) { |
if ($resource->hasDiscussion()) { |
$haveDisc .= $resource->wrap_symb().':'; |
$totdisc ++; |
} |
} |
if ($totdisc > 0) { |
$haveDisc =~ s/:$//; |
$result .= (<<END); |
<input type="hidden" name="navmaps" value="$haveDisc" /> |
</form> |
} |
} |
$result.='</form>'; |
} |
if ($args->{'caller'} eq 'navmapsdisplay') { |
$result .= '<table><tr><td>'. |
&Apache::loncommon::help_open_menu('','Navigation Screen','Navigation_Screen','',undef,'RAT').'</td>'; |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} ne 'on') { |
$result .= '<td> </td>'; |
} else { |
$result .= '</tr><tr>'; |
} |
$result.=&show_linkitems($args->{'linkitems'}); |
if ($args->{'sort_html'}) { |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} ne 'on') { |
$result.='<td> </td><td> </td><td> </td>'. |
'<td align="right">'.$args->{'sort_html'}.'</td></tr>'; |
} else { |
$result.='</tr><tr><td align="left"><br />'. |
$args->{'sort_html'}.'</td></tr>'; |
} |
} |
$result .= '</table>'; |
} elsif ($args->{'sort_html'}) { |
$result.=$args->{'sort_html'}; |
} |
$result .= "<br />\n"; |
if ($r) { |
$r->print($result); |
$r->rflush(); |
$result = ""; |
} |
# End parameter setting |
# Data |
$result .= '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">' ."\n"; |
my $res = "Apache::lonnavmaps::resource"; |
my %condenseStatuses = |
( $res->NETWORK_FAILURE => 1, |
$res->NOTHING_SET => 1, |
$res->CORRECT => 1 ); |
my @backgroundColors = ("#FFFFFF", "#F6F6F6"); |
# Shared variables |
$args->{'counter'} = 0; # counts the rows |
$args->{'indentLevel'} = 0; |
$args->{'isNewBranch'} = 0; |
$args->{'condensed'} = 0; |
my $location= |
&Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonIcons/whitespace1.gif"); |
$args->{'indentString'} = setDefault($args->{'indentString'}, "<img src='$location' width='25' height='1' alt=' ' border='0' />"); |
$args->{'displayedHereMarker'} = 0; |
# If we're suppressing empty sequences, look for them here. Use DFS for speed, |
# since structure actually doesn't matter, except what map has what resources. |
if ($args->{'suppressEmptySequences'}) { |
my $dfsit = Apache::lonnavmaps::DFSiterator->new($navmap, |
{}, undef, 1); |
my $depth = 0; |
$dfsit->next(); |
my $curRes = $dfsit->next(); |
while ($depth > -1) { |
if ($curRes == $dfsit->BEGIN_MAP()) { $depth++; } |
if ($curRes == $dfsit->END_MAP()) { $depth--; } |
if (ref($curRes)) { |
# Parallel pre-processing: Do sequences have non-filtered-out children? |
if ($curRes->is_map()) { |
$curRes->{DATA}->{HAS_VISIBLE_CHILDREN} = 0; |
# Sequences themselves do not count as visible children, |
# unless those sequences also have visible children. |
# This means if a sequence appears, there's a "promise" |
# that there's something under it if you open it, somewhere. |
} else { |
# Not a sequence: if it's filtered, ignore it, otherwise |
# rise up the stack and mark the sequences as having children |
if (&$filterFunc($curRes)) { |
for my $sequence (@{$dfsit->getStack()}) { |
$sequence->{DATA}->{HAS_VISIBLE_CHILDREN} = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} continue { |
$curRes = $dfsit->next(); |
} |
} |
my $displayedJumpMarker = 0; |
# Set up iteration. |
my $now = time(); |
my $in24Hours = $now + 24 * 60 * 60; |
my $rownum = 0; |
# export "here" marker information |
$args->{'here'} = $here; |
$args->{'indentLevel'} = -1; # first BEGIN_MAP takes this to 0 |
my @resources; |
my $code='';# sub { !(shift->is_map();) }; |
if ($args->{'sort'} eq 'title') { |
my $oldFilterFunc = $filterFunc; |
my $filterFunc= |
sub { |
my ($res)=@_; |
if ($res->is_map()) { return 0;} |
return &$oldFilterFunc($res); |
}; |
@resources=$navmap->retrieveResources(undef,$filterFunc); |
@resources= sort { &cmp_title($a,$b) } @resources; |
} elsif ($args->{'sort'} eq 'duedate') { |
my $oldFilterFunc = $filterFunc; |
my $filterFunc= |
sub { |
my ($res)=@_; |
if (!$res->is_problem()) { return 0;} |
return &$oldFilterFunc($res); |
}; |
@resources=$navmap->retrieveResources(undef,$filterFunc); |
@resources= sort { |
if ($a->duedate ne $b->duedate) { |
return $a->duedate cmp $b->duedate; |
} |
my $value=&cmp_title($a,$b); |
return $value; |
} @resources; |
} elsif ($args->{'sort'} eq 'discussion') { |
my $oldFilterFunc = $filterFunc; |
my $filterFunc= |
sub { |
my ($res)=@_; |
if (!$res->hasDiscussion() && |
!$res->getFeedback() && |
!$res->getErrors()) { return 0;} |
return &$oldFilterFunc($res); |
}; |
@resources=$navmap->retrieveResources(undef,$filterFunc); |
@resources= sort { &cmp_title($a,$b) } @resources; |
} else { |
#unknow sort mechanism or default |
undef($args->{'sort'}); |
} |
while (1) { |
if ($args->{'sort'}) { |
$curRes = shift(@resources); |
} else { |
$curRes = $it->next($closeAllPages); |
} |
if (!$curRes) { last; } |
# Maintain indentation level. |
if ($curRes == $it->BEGIN_MAP() || |
$curRes == $it->BEGIN_BRANCH() ) { |
$args->{'indentLevel'}++; |
} |
if ($curRes == $it->END_MAP() || |
$curRes == $it->END_BRANCH() ) { |
$args->{'indentLevel'}--; |
} |
# Notice new branches |
if ($curRes == $it->BEGIN_BRANCH()) { |
$args->{'isNewBranch'} = 1; |
} |
# If this isn't an actual resource, continue on |
if (!ref($curRes)) { |
next; |
} |
# If this has been filtered out, continue on |
if (!(&$filterFunc($curRes))) { |
$args->{'isNewBranch'} = 0; # Don't falsely remember this |
next; |
} |
# If this is an empty sequence and we're filtering them, continue on |
if ($curRes->is_map() && $args->{'suppressEmptySequences'} && |
next; |
} |
# If we're suppressing navmaps and this is a navmap, continue on |
if ($suppressNavmap && $curRes->src() =~ /^\/adm\/navmaps/) { |
next; |
} |
$args->{'counter'}++; |
# Does it have multiple parts? |
$args->{'multipart'} = 0; |
$args->{'condensed'} = 0; |
my @parts; |
# Decide what parts to show. |
if ($curRes->is_problem() && $showParts) { |
@parts = @{$curRes->parts()}; |
$args->{'multipart'} = $curRes->multipart(); |
if ($condenseParts) { # do the condensation |
if (!$curRes->opendate("0")) { |
@parts = (); |
$args->{'condensed'} = 1; |
} |
if (!$args->{'condensed'}) { |
# Decide whether to condense based on similarity |
my $status = $curRes->status($parts[0]); |
my $due = $curRes->duedate($parts[0]); |
my $open = $curRes->opendate($parts[0]); |
my $statusAllSame = 1; |
my $dueAllSame = 1; |
my $openAllSame = 1; |
for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@parts); $i++) { |
if ($curRes->status($parts[$i]) != $status){ |
$statusAllSame = 0; |
} |
if ($curRes->duedate($parts[$i]) != $due ) { |
$dueAllSame = 0; |
} |
if ($curRes->opendate($parts[$i]) != $open) { |
$openAllSame = 0; |
} |
} |
# $*allSame is true if all the statuses were |
# the same. Now, if they are all the same and |
# match one of the statuses to condense, or they |
# are all open with the same due date, or they are |
# all OPEN_LATER with the same open date, display the |
# status of the first non-zero part (to get the 'correct' |
# status right, since 0 is never 'correct' or 'open'). |
if (($statusAllSame && defined($condenseStatuses{$status})) || |
($dueAllSame && $status == $curRes->OPEN && $statusAllSame)|| |
($openAllSame && $status == $curRes->OPEN_LATER && $statusAllSame) ){ |
@parts = ($parts[0]); |
$args->{'condensed'} = 1; |
} |
} |
# Multipart problem with one part: always "condense" (happens |
# to match the desirable behavior) |
if ($curRes->countParts() == 1) { |
@parts = ($parts[0]); |
$args->{'condensed'} = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
# If the multipart problem was condensed, "forget" it was multipart |
if (scalar(@parts) == 1) { |
$args->{'multipart'} = 0; |
} else { |
# Add part 0 so we display it correctly. |
unshift @parts, '0'; |
} |
{ |
my ($src,$symb,$anchor,$stack); |
if ($args->{'sort'}) { |
my $it = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, undef, 1); |
while ( my $res=$it->next()) { |
if (ref($res) && |
$res->symb() eq $curRes->symb()) { last; } |
} |
$stack=$it->getStack(); |
} else { |
$stack=$it->getStack(); |
} |
($src,$symb,$anchor)=getLinkForResource($stack); |
if (defined($anchor)) { $anchor='#'.$anchor; } |
my $srcHasQuestion = $src =~ /\?/; |
$args->{"resourceLink"} = $src. |
($srcHasQuestion?'&':'?') . |
'symb=' . &Apache::lonnet::escape($symb).$anchor; |
} |
# Now, we've decided what parts to show. Loop through them and |
# show them. |
foreach my $part (@parts) { |
$rownum ++; |
my $backgroundColor = $backgroundColors[$rownum % scalar(@backgroundColors)]; |
$result .= " <tr bgcolor='$backgroundColor'>\n"; |
# Set up some data about the parts that the cols might want |
my $filter = $it->{FILTER}; |
# Now, display each column. |
foreach my $col (@$cols) { |
my $colHTML = ''; |
if (ref($col)) { |
$colHTML .= &$col($curRes, $part, $args); |
} else { |
$colHTML .= &{$preparedColumns[$col]}($curRes, $part, $args); |
} |
# If this is the first column and it's time to print |
# the anchor, do so |
if ($col == $cols->[0] && |
$args->{'counter'} == $args->{'currentJumpIndex'} - |
$currentJumpDelta) { |
# Jam the anchor after the <td> tag; |
# necessary for valid HTML (which Mozilla requires) |
$colHTML =~ s/\>/\>\<a name="curloc" \/\>/; |
$displayedJumpMarker = 1; |
} |
$result .= $colHTML . "\n"; |
} |
$result .= " </tr>\n"; |
$args->{'isNewBranch'} = 0; |
} |
if ($r && $rownum % 20 == 0) { |
$r->print($result); |
$result = ""; |
$r->rflush(); |
} |
} continue { |
if ($r) { |
# If we have the connection, make sure the user is still connected |
my $c = $r->connection; |
if ($c->aborted()) { |
# Who cares what we do, nobody will see it anyhow. |
return ''; |
} |
} |
} |
# Print out the part that jumps to #curloc if it exists |
# delay needed because the browser is processing the jump before |
# it finishes rendering, so it goes to the wrong place! |
# onload might be better, but this routine has no access to that. |
# On mozilla, the 0-millisecond timeout seems to prevent this; |
# it's quite likely this might fix other browsers, too, and |
# certainly won't hurt anything. |
if ($displayedJumpMarker) { |
$result .= " |
<script> |
if (location.href.indexOf('#curloc')==-1) { |
setTimeout(\"location += '#curloc';\", 0) |
} |
</script>"; |
} |
$result .= "</table>"; |
if ($r) { |
$r->print($result); |
$result = ""; |
$r->rflush(); |
} |
return $result; |
} |
sub add_linkitem { |
my ($linkitems,$name,$cmd,$text)=@_; |
$$linkitems{$name}{'cmd'}=$cmd; |
$$linkitems{$name}{'text'}=&mt($text); |
} |
sub show_linkitems { |
my ($linkitems)=@_; |
my @linkorder = ("blank","launchnav","closenav","firsthomework", |
"everything","uncompleted","changefolder","clearbubbles"); |
my $result .= (<<ENDBLOCK); |
<td align="left"> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
function changeNavDisplay () { |
var navchoice = document.linkitems.toplink[document.linkitems.toplink.selectedIndex].value; |
foreach my $link (@linkorder) { |
$result.= "if (navchoice == '$link') {". |
$linkitems->{$link}{'cmd'}."}\n"; |
} |
$result.='} |
</script> |
<form name="linkitems" method="post"> |
<nobr><select name="toplink">'."\n"; |
foreach my $link (@linkorder) { |
if (defined($linkitems->{$link})) { |
if ($linkitems->{$link}{'text'} ne '') { |
$result .= ' <option value="'.$link.'">'. |
$linkitems->{$link}{'text'}."</option>\n"; |
} |
} |
} |
$result .= '</select> <input type="button" name="chgnav" |
value="Go" onClick="javascript:changeNavDisplay()" /> |
</nobr></form></td>'."\n"; |
return $result; |
} |
1; |
1; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap; |
=pod |
=pod |
lonnavmaps provides functions and objects for dealing with the compiled course hashes generated when a user enters the course, and also provides the Apache handler for the "Navigation Map" button. |
=head1 Object: Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap |
=head1 navmap object: Encapsulating the compiled nav map |
=head2 Overview |
navmap is an object that encapsulates a compiled course map and provides a reasonable interface to it. |
The navmap object's job is to provide access to the resources |
in the course as Apache::lonnavmaps::resource objects, and to |
query and manage the relationship between those resource objects. |
Most notably it provides a way to navigate the map sensibly and a flexible iterator that makes it easy to write various renderers based on nav maps. |
Generally, you'll use the navmap object in one of three basic ways. |
In order of increasing complexity and power: |
You must obtain resource objects through the navmap object. |
=over 4 |
=item * C<$navmap-E<gt>getByX>, where X is B<Id>, B<Symb>, B<Url> or B<MapPc>. This provides |
various ways to obtain resource objects, based on various identifiers. |
Use this when you want to request information about one object or |
a handful of resources you already know the identities of, from some |
other source. For more about Ids, Symbs, and MapPcs, see the |
Resource documentation. Note that Url should be a B<last resort>, |
not your first choice; it only works when there is only one |
instance of the resource in the course, which only applies to |
maps, and even that may change in the future. |
=item * C<my @resources = $navmap-E<gt>retrieveResources(args)>. This |
retrieves resources matching some criterion and returns them |
in a flat array, with no structure information. Use this when |
you are manipulating a series of resources, based on what map |
the are in, but do not care about branching, or exactly how |
the maps and resources are related. This is the most common case. |
=item * C<$it = $navmap-E<gt>getIterator(args)>. This allows you traverse |
the course's navmap in various ways without writing the traversal |
code yourself. See iterator documentation below. Use this when |
you need to know absolutely everything about the course, including |
branches and the precise relationship between maps and resources. |
=back |
=head2 Creation And Destruction |
To create a navmap object, use the following function: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap-E<gt>new>(): |
Creates a new navmap object. Returns the navmap object if this is |
successful, or B<undef> if not. |
=back |
=head2 Methods |
=head2 Methods |
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
=item * B<new>(navHashFile, parmHashFile, genCourseAndUserOptions, genMailDiscussStatus): Binds a new navmap object to the compiled nav map hash and parm hash given as filenames. genCourseAndUserOptions is a flag saying whether the course options and user options hash should be generated. This is for when you are using the parameters of the resources that require them; see documentation in resource object documentation. genMailDiscussStatus causes the nav map to retreive information about the email and discussion status of resources. Returns the navmap object if this is successful, or B<undef> if not. You must check for undef; errors will occur when you try to use the other methods otherwise. |
=item * B<getIterator>(first, finish, filter, condition): |
=item * B<getIterator>(first, finish, filter, condition): See iterator documentation below. |
See iterator documentation below. |
=cut |
=cut |
use strict; |
use strict; |
use GDBM_File; |
use GDBM_File; |
use Apache::lonnet; |
sub new { |
sub new { |
# magic invocation to create a class instance |
# magic invocation to create a class instance |
Line 1508 sub new {
Line 2116 sub new {
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; |
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; |
my $self = {}; |
my $self = {}; |
$self->{NAV_HASH_FILE} = shift; |
# Resource cache stores navmap resources as we reference them. We generate |
$self->{PARM_HASH_FILE} = shift; |
$self->{GENERATE_COURSE_USER_OPT} = shift; |
# Resource cache stores navmapresource's as we reference them. We generate |
# them on-demand so we don't pay for creating resources unless we use them. |
# them on-demand so we don't pay for creating resources unless we use them. |
$self->{RESOURCE_CACHE} = {}; |
$self->{RESOURCE_CACHE} = {}; |
Line 1522 sub new {
Line 2125 sub new {
$self->{NETWORK_FAILURE} = 0; |
$self->{NETWORK_FAILURE} = 0; |
# tie the nav hash |
# tie the nav hash |
my %navmaphash; |
my %navmaphash; |
if (!(tie(%navmaphash, 'GDBM_File', $self->{NAV_HASH_FILE}, |
my %parmhash; |
my $courseFn = $env{"request.course.fn"}; |
if (!(tie(%navmaphash, 'GDBM_File', "${courseFn}.db", |
&GDBM_READER(), 0640))) { |
&GDBM_READER(), 0640))) { |
return undef; |
return undef; |
} |
} |
$self->{NAV_HASH} = \%navmaphash; |
my %parmhash; |
if (!(tie(%parmhash, 'GDBM_File', "${courseFn}_parms.db", |
if (!(tie(%parmhash, 'GDBM_File', $self->{PARM_HASH_FILE}, |
&GDBM_READER(), 0640))) |
&GDBM_READER(), 0640))) |
{ |
{ |
untie $self->{PARM_HASH}; |
untie %{$self->{PARM_HASH}}; |
return undef; |
return undef; |
} |
} |
$self->{NAV_HASH} = \%navmaphash; |
$self->{PARM_HASH} = \%parmhash; |
$self->{PARM_HASH} = \%parmhash; |
$self->{HASH_TIED} = 1; |
$self->{PARM_CACHE} = {}; |
# If the course opt hash and the user opt hash should be generated, |
bless($self); |
# generate them |
if ($self->{GENERATE_COURSE_USER_OPT}) { |
my $uname=$ENV{''}; |
my $udom=$ENV{'user.domain'}; |
my $uhome=$ENV{'user.home'}; |
my $cid=$ENV{''}; |
my $chome=$ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.home'}; |
my ($cdom,$cnum)=split(/\_/,$cid); |
my $userprefix=$uname.'_'.$udom.'_'; |
my %courserdatas; my %useropt; my %courseopt; |
return $self; |
unless ($uhome eq 'no_host') { |
} |
sub generate_course_user_opt { |
my $self = shift; |
if ($self->{COURSE_USER_OPT_GENERATED}) { return; } |
my $uname=$env{''}; |
my $udom=$env{'user.domain'}; |
my $cid=$env{''}; |
my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'}; |
my $cnum=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'}; |
# ------------------------------------------------- Get coursedata (if present) |
# ------------------------------------------------- Get coursedata (if present) |
unless ((time-$courserdatas{$cid.'.last_cache'})<240) { |
my $courseopt=&Apache::lonnet::get_courseresdata($cnum,$cdom); |
my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::reply('dump:'.$cdom.':'.$cnum. |
# Check for network failure |
':resourcedata',$chome); |
if (!ref($courseopt)) { |
if ($reply!~/^error\:/) { |
if ( $courseopt =~ / || $courseopt =~ /con_lost/i) { |
$courserdatas{$cid}=$reply; |
$self->{NETWORK_FAILURE} = 1; |
$courserdatas{$cid.'.last_cache'}=time; |
} |
} |
undef($courseopt); |
# check to see if network failed |
} |
elsif ( $reply=~/ || $reply=~/con.*lost/i ) |
{ |
$self->{NETWORK_FAILURE} = 1; |
} |
} |
foreach (split(/\&/,$courserdatas{$cid})) { |
my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$_); |
$courseopt{$userprefix.&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name)}= |
&Apache::lonnet::unescape($value); |
} |
# --------------------------------------------------- Get userdata (if present) |
# --------------------------------------------------- Get userdata (if present) |
unless ((time-$userrdatas{$uname.'___'.$udom.'.last_cache'})<240) { |
my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::reply('dump:'.$udom.':'.$uname.':resourcedata',$uhome); |
my $useropt=&Apache::lonnet::get_userresdata($uname,$udom); |
if ($reply!~/^error\:/) { |
# Check for network failure |
$userrdatas{$uname.'___'.$udom}=$reply; |
if (!ref($useropt)) { |
$userrdatas{$uname.'___'.$udom.'.last_cache'}=time; |
if ( $useropt =~ / || $useropt =~ /con_lost/i) { |
} |
$self->{NETWORK_FAILURE} = 1; |
# check to see if network failed |
} |
elsif ( $reply=~/ || $reply=~/con.*lost/i ) |
undef($useropt); |
{ |
} |
$self->{NETWORK_FAILURE} = 1; |
} |
} |
foreach (split(/\&/,$userrdatas{$uname.'___'.$udom})) { |
my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$_); |
$useropt{$userprefix.&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name)}= |
&Apache::lonnet::unescape($value); |
} |
$self->{COURSE_OPT} = \%courseopt; |
$self->{USER_OPT} = \%useropt; |
} |
} |
$self->{COURSE_OPT} = $courseopt; |
my $cid=$ENV{''}; |
$self->{USER_OPT} = $useropt; |
my ($cdom,$cnum)=split(/\_/,$cid); |
my %emailstatus = &Apache::lonnet::dump('email_status'); |
my $logoutTime = $emailstatus{'logout'}; |
my $courseLeaveTime = $emailstatus{'logout_'.$ENV{''}}; |
$self->{LAST_CHECK} = ($courseLeaveTime > $logoutTime ? |
$courseLeaveTime : $logoutTime); |
my %discussiontime = &Apache::lonnet::dump('discussiontimes', |
$cdom, $cnum); |
my %feedback=(); |
my %error=(); |
my $keys = &Apache::lonnet::reply('keys:'. |
$ENV{'user.domain'}.':'. |
$ENV{''}.':nohist_email', |
$ENV{'user.home'}); |
foreach my $msgid (split(/\&/, $keys)) { |
$msgid=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($msgid); |
my $plain=&Apache::lonnet::unescape(&Apache::lonnet::unescape($msgid)); |
if ($plain=~/(Error|Feedback) \[([^\]]+)\]/) { |
my ($what,$url)=($1,$2); |
my %status= |
&Apache::lonnet::get('email_status',[$msgid]); |
if ($status{$msgid}=~/^error\:/) { |
$status{$msgid}=''; |
} |
if (($status{$msgid} eq 'new') || |
(!$status{$msgid})) { |
if ($what eq 'Error') { |
$error{$url}.=','.$msgid; |
} else { |
$feedback{$url}.=','.$msgid; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$self->{FEEDBACK} = \%feedback; |
$self->{ERROR_MSG} = \%error; # what is this? JB |
$self->{DISCUSSION_TIME} = \%discussiontime; |
$self->{EMAIL_STATUS} = \%emailstatus; |
} |
bless($self); |
return; |
return $self; |
} |
} |
# Checks to see if coursemap is defined, matching test in old lonnavmaps |
sub generate_email_discuss_status { |
sub courseMapDefined { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $uri = &Apache::lonnet::clutter($ENV{'request.course.uri'}); |
my $symb = shift; |
if ($self->{EMAIL_DISCUSS_GENERATED}) { return; } |
my $firstres = $self->{NAV_HASH}->{"map_start_$uri"}; |
my $cid=$env{''}; |
my $lastres = $self->{NAV_HASH}->{"map_finish_$uri"}; |
my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'}; |
return $firstres && $lastres; |
my $cnum=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'}; |
my %emailstatus = &Apache::lonnet::dump('email_status'); |
my $logoutTime = $emailstatus{'logout'}; |
my $courseLeaveTime = $emailstatus{'logout_'.$env{''}}; |
$self->{LAST_CHECK} = (($courseLeaveTime > $logoutTime) ? |
$courseLeaveTime : $logoutTime); |
my %discussiontime = &Apache::lonnet::dump('discussiontimes', |
$cdom, $cnum); |
my %lastread = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_'.$cid.'_discuss', |
$env{'user.domain'},$env{''},'lastread'); |
my %lastreadtime = (); |
foreach (keys %lastread) { |
my $key = $_; |
$key =~ s/_lastread$//; |
$lastreadtime{$key} = $lastread{$_}; |
} |
my %feedback=(); |
my %error=(); |
my @keys = &Apache::lonnet::getkeys('nohist_email',$env{'user.domain'}, |
$env{''}); |
foreach my $msgid (@keys) { |
if ((!$emailstatus{$msgid}) || ($emailstatus{$msgid} eq 'new')) { |
my $plain= |
&Apache::lonnet::unescape(&Apache::lonnet::unescape($msgid)); |
if ($plain=~/(Error|Feedback) \[([^\]]+)\]/) { |
my ($what,$url)=($1,$2); |
if ($what eq 'Error') { |
$error{$url}.=','.$msgid; |
} else { |
$feedback{$url}.=','.$msgid; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
#url's of resources that have feedbacks |
$self->{FEEDBACK} = \%feedback; |
#or errors |
$self->{ERROR_MSG} = \%error; |
$self->{DISCUSSION_TIME} = \%discussiontime; |
$self->{EMAIL_STATUS} = \%emailstatus; |
$self->{LAST_READ} = \%lastreadtime; |
} |
} |
sub getIterator { |
sub get_user_data { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $iterator = Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new($self, shift, shift, |
if ($self->{RETRIEVED_USER_DATA}) { return; } |
shift, undef, shift); |
return $iterator; |
# Retrieve performance data on problems |
my %student_data = Apache::lonnet::currentdump($env{''}, |
$env{'user.domain'}, |
$env{''}); |
$self->{STUDENT_DATA} = \%student_data; |
$self->{RETRIEVED_USER_DATA} = 1; |
} |
# Internal function: Takes a key to look up in the nav hash and implements internal |
# memory caching of that key. |
sub navhash { |
my $self = shift; my $key = shift; |
return $self->{NAV_HASH}->{$key}; |
} |
} |
# unties the hash when done |
=pod |
sub untieHashes { |
=item * B<courseMapDefined>(): Returns true if the course map is defined, |
false otherwise. Undefined course maps indicate an error somewhere in |
LON-CAPA, and you will not be able to proceed with using the navmap. |
See the B<NAV> screen for an example of using this. |
=cut |
# Checks to see if coursemap is defined, matching test in old lonnavmaps |
sub courseMapDefined { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
untie %{$self->{NAV_HASH}} if ($self->{HASH_TIED}); |
my $uri = &Apache::lonnet::clutter($env{'request.course.uri'}); |
untie %{$self->{PARM_HASH}} if ($self->{HASH_TIED}); |
$self->{HASH_TIED} = 0; |
my $firstres = $self->navhash("map_start_$uri"); |
my $lastres = $self->navhash("map_finish_$uri"); |
return $firstres && $lastres; |
} |
} |
# when the object is destroyed, be sure to untie all the hashes we tied. |
sub getIterator { |
sub DESTROY { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
$self->untieHashes(); |
my $iterator = Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new($self, shift, shift, |
shift, undef, shift, |
shift, shift); |
return $iterator; |
} |
} |
# Private function: Does the given resource (as a symb string) have |
# Private method: Does the given resource (as a symb string) have |
# current discussion? Returns 0 if chat/mail data not extracted. |
# current discussion? Returns 0 if chat/mail data not extracted. |
sub hasDiscussion { |
sub hasDiscussion { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
$self->generate_email_discuss_status(); |
if (!defined($self->{DISCUSSION_TIME})) { return 0; } |
if (!defined($self->{DISCUSSION_TIME})) { return 0; } |
return $self->{DISCUSSION_TIME}->{$symb} > |
#return defined($self->{DISCUSSION_TIME}->{$symb}); |
$self->{LAST_CHECK}; |
# backward compatibility (bulletin boards used to be 'wrapped') |
my $ressymb = $self->wrap_symb($symb); |
if ( defined ( $self->{LAST_READ}->{$ressymb} ) ) { |
return $self->{DISCUSSION_TIME}->{$ressymb} > $self->{LAST_READ}->{$ressymb}; |
} else { |
# return $self->{DISCUSSION_TIME}->{$ressymb} > $self->{LAST_CHECK}; # v.1.1 behavior |
return $self->{DISCUSSION_TIME}->{$ressymb} > 0; # in 1.2 will display speech bubble icons for all items with posts until marked as read (even if read in v 1.1). |
} |
} |
sub wrap_symb { |
my $self = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
if ($symb =~ m-___(adm/\w+/\w+/)(\d+)(/bulletinboard)$-) { |
unless ($symb =~ m|adm/wrapper/adm|) { |
$symb = 'bulletin___'.$2.'___adm/wrapper/'.$1.$2.$3; |
} |
} |
return $symb; |
} |
} |
# Private function: Does the given resource (as a symb string) have |
# Private method: Does the given resource (as a symb string) have |
# current feedback? Returns the string in the feedback hash, which |
# current feedback? Returns the string in the feedback hash, which |
# will be false if it does not exist. |
# will be false if it does not exist. |
sub getFeedback { |
sub getFeedback { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
$self->generate_email_discuss_status(); |
if (!defined($self->{FEEDBACK})) { return ""; } |
if (!defined($self->{FEEDBACK})) { return ""; } |
return $self->{FEEDBACK}->{$symb}; |
return $self->{FEEDBACK}->{$symb}; |
} |
} |
# Private method: Get the errors for that resource (by source). |
sub getErrors { |
my $self = shift; |
my $src = shift; |
$self->generate_email_discuss_status(); |
if (!defined($self->{ERROR_MSG})) { return ""; } |
return $self->{ERROR_MSG}->{$src}; |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
=item * B<getById>(id): Based on the ID of the resource (1.1, 3.2, etc.), get a resource object for that resource. This method, or other methods that use it (as in the resource object) is the only proper way to obtain a resource object. |
=item * B<getById>(id): |
Based on the ID of the resource (1.1, 3.2, etc.), get a resource |
object for that resource. This method, or other methods that use it |
(as in the resource object) is the only proper way to obtain a |
resource object. |
=item * B<getBySymb>(symb): |
Based on the symb of the resource, get a resource object for that |
resource. This is one of the proper ways to get a resource object. |
=item * B<getMapByMapPc>(map_pc): |
Based on the map_pc of the resource, get a resource object for |
the given map. This is one of the proper ways to get a resource object. |
=cut |
=cut |
# The strategy here is to cache the resource objects, and only construct them |
# The strategy here is to cache the resource objects, and only construct them |
# as we use them. The real point is to prevent reading any more from the tied |
# as we use them. The real point is to prevent reading any more from the tied |
# hash then we have to, which should hopefully alleviate speed problems. |
# hash then we have to, which should hopefully alleviate speed problems. |
# Caching is just an incidental detail I throw in because it makes sense. |
sub getById { |
sub getById { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
Line 1722 sub getById {
Line 2385 sub getById {
} |
} |
# resource handles inserting itself into cache. |
# resource handles inserting itself into cache. |
return Apache::lonnavmaps::resource->new($self, $id); |
# Not clear why the quotes are necessary, but as of this |
# writing it doesn't work without them. |
return "Apache::lonnavmaps::resource"->new($self, $id); |
} |
sub getBySymb { |
my $self = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
my ($mapUrl, $id, $filename) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); |
my $map = $self->getResourceByUrl($mapUrl); |
my $returnvalue = undef; |
if (ref($map)) { |
$returnvalue = $self->getById($map->map_pc() .'.'.$id); |
} |
return $returnvalue; |
} |
sub getByMapPc { |
my $self = shift; |
my $map_pc = shift; |
my $map_id = $self->{NAV_HASH}->{'map_id_' . $map_pc}; |
$map_id = $self->{NAV_HASH}->{'ids_' . $map_id}; |
return $self->getById($map_id); |
} |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
=item * B<firstResource>(): Returns a resource object reference corresponding to the first resource in the navmap. |
=item * B<firstResource>(): |
Returns a resource object reference corresponding to the first |
resource in the navmap. |
=cut |
=cut |
sub firstResource { |
sub firstResource { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $firstResource = $self->{NAV_HASH}->{'map_start_' . |
my $firstResource = $self->navhash('map_start_' . |
&Apache::lonnet::clutter($ENV{'request.course.uri'})}; |
&Apache::lonnet::clutter($env{'request.course.uri'})); |
return $self->getById($firstResource); |
return $self->getById($firstResource); |
} |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
=item * B<finishResource>(): Returns a resource object reference corresponding to the last resource in the navmap. |
=item * B<finishResource>(): |
Returns a resource object reference corresponding to the last resource |
in the navmap. |
=cut |
=cut |
sub finishResource { |
sub finishResource { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $firstResource = $self->{NAV_HASH}->{'map_finish_' . |
my $firstResource = $self->navhash('map_finish_' . |
&Apache::lonnet::clutter($ENV{'request.course.uri'})}; |
&Apache::lonnet::clutter($env{'request.course.uri'})); |
return $self->getById($firstResource); |
return $self->getById($firstResource); |
} |
} |
# -------------------------------------------- Figure out a cascading parameter |
# Parmval reads the parm hash and cascades the lookups. parmval_real does |
# |
# the actual lookup; parmval caches the results. |
# For this function to work |
# |
# * parmhash needs to be tied |
# * courseopt and useropt need to be initialized for this user and course |
# |
sub parmval { |
sub parmval { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my ($what,$symb)=@_; |
my ($what,$symb)=@_; |
my $cid=$ENV{''}; |
my $hashkey = $what."|||".$symb; |
my $csec=$ENV{'request.course.sec'}; |
my $uname=$ENV{''}; |
if (defined($self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey})) { |
my $udom=$ENV{'user.domain'}; |
return $self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey}; |
} |
my $result = $self->parmval_real($what, $symb); |
$self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey} = $result; |
return $result; |
} |
sub parmval_real { |
my $self = shift; |
my ($what,$symb,$recurse) = @_; |
# Make sure the {USER_OPT} and {COURSE_OPT} hashes are populated |
$self->generate_course_user_opt(); |
my $cid=$env{''}; |
my $csec=$env{'request.course.sec'}; |
my $uname=$env{''}; |
my $udom=$env{'user.domain'}; |
unless ($symb) { return ''; } |
unless ($symb) { return ''; } |
my $result=''; |
my $result=''; |
my ($mapname,$id,$fn)=split(/\_\_\_/,$symb); |
my ($mapname,$id,$fn)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); |
# ----------------------------------------------------- Cascading lookup scheme |
# ----------------------------------------------------- Cascading lookup scheme |
my $rwhat=$what; |
my $rwhat=$what; |
Line 1779 sub parmval {
Line 2483 sub parmval {
my $symbparm=$symb.'.'.$what; |
my $symbparm=$symb.'.'.$what; |
my $mapparm=$mapname.'___(all).'.$what; |
my $mapparm=$mapname.'___(all).'.$what; |
my $usercourseprefix=$uname.'_'.$udom.'_'.$cid; |
my $usercourseprefix=$cid; |
my $seclevel= $usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$what; |
my $seclevel= $usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$what; |
my $seclevelr=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$symbparm; |
my $seclevelr=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$symbparm; |
Line 1809 sub parmval {
Line 2513 sub parmval {
if (defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevelr})) { return $$courseopt{$courselevelr}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevelr})) { return $$courseopt{$courselevelr}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevelm})) { return $$courseopt{$courselevelm}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevel})) { return $$courseopt{$courselevel}; } |
} |
} |
# ----------------------------------------------------- third, check map parms |
# ----------------------------------------------------- third, check map parms |
Line 1820 sub parmval {
Line 2522 sub parmval {
# ----------------------------------------------------- fourth , check default |
# ----------------------------------------------------- fourth , check default |
my $default=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($fn,$rwhat.'.default'); |
my $meta_rwhat=$rwhat; |
$meta_rwhat=~s/\./_/g; |
my $default=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($fn,$meta_rwhat); |
if (defined($default)) { return $default} |
$default=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($fn,'parameter_'.$meta_rwhat); |
if (defined($default)) { return $default} |
if (defined($default)) { return $default} |
# --------------------------------------------------- fifth , cascade up parts |
# --------------------------------------------------- fifth, check more course |
if (defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevelm})) { return $$courseopt{$courselevelm}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevel})) { return $$courseopt{$courselevel}; } |
} |
# --------------------------------------------------- sixth , cascade up parts |
my ($space,@qualifier)=split(/\./,$rwhat); |
my ($space,@qualifier)=split(/\./,$rwhat); |
my $qualifier=join('.',@qualifier); |
my $qualifier=join('.',@qualifier); |
unless ($space eq '0') { |
unless ($space eq '0') { |
my ($part,$id)=split(/\_/,$space); |
my @parts=split(/_/,$space); |
if ($id) { |
my $id=pop(@parts); |
my $partgeneral=$self->parmval($part.".$qualifier",$symb); |
my $part=join('_',@parts); |
if (defined($partgeneral)) { return $partgeneral; } |
if ($part eq '') { $part='0'; } |
} else { |
my $partgeneral=$self->parmval($part.".$qualifier",$symb,1); |
my $resourcegeneral=$self->parmval("0.$qualifier",$symb); |
if (defined($partgeneral)) { return $partgeneral; } |
if (defined($resourcegeneral)) { return $resourcegeneral; } |
} |
if ($recurse) { return undef; } |
my $pack_def=&Apache::lonnet::packages_tab_default($fn,'resource.'.$what); |
if (defined($pack_def)) { return $pack_def; } |
return ''; |
} |
=pod |
=item * B<getResourceByUrl>(url): |
Retrieves a resource object by URL of the resource. If passed a |
resource object, it will simply return it, so it is safe to use this |
method in code like "$res = $navmap->getResourceByUrl($res)", if |
you're not sure if $res is already an object, or just a URL. If the |
resource appears multiple times in the course, only the first instance |
will be returned. As a result, this is probably useful only for maps. |
=item * B<retrieveResources>(map, filterFunc, recursive, bailout, showall): |
The map is a specification of a map to retreive the resources from, |
either as a url or as an object. The filterFunc is a reference to a |
function that takes a resource object as its one argument and returns |
true if the resource should be included, or false if it should not |
be. If recursive is true, the map will be recursively examined, |
otherwise it will not be. If bailout is true, the function will return |
as soon as it finds a resource, if false it will finish. If showall is |
true it will not hide maps that contain nothing but one other map. By |
default, the map is the top-level map of the course, filterFunc is a |
function that always returns 1, recursive is true, bailout is false, |
showall is false. The resources will be returned in a list containing |
the resource objects for the corresponding resources, with B<no |
structure information> in the list; regardless of branching, |
recursion, etc., it will be a flat list. |
Thus, this is suitable for cases where you don't want the structure, |
just a list of all resources. It is also suitable for finding out how |
many resources match a given description; for this use, if all you |
want to know is if I<any> resources match the description, the bailout |
parameter will allow you to avoid potentially expensive enumeration of |
all matching resources. |
=item * B<hasResource>(map, filterFunc, recursive, showall): |
Convience method for |
scalar(retrieveResources($map, $filterFunc, $recursive, 1, $showall)) > 0 |
which will tell whether the map has resources matching the description |
in the filter function. |
=cut |
sub getResourceByUrl { |
my $self = shift; |
my $resUrl = shift; |
if (ref($resUrl)) { return $resUrl; } |
$resUrl = &Apache::lonnet::clutter($resUrl); |
my $resId = $self->{NAV_HASH}->{'ids_' . $resUrl}; |
if ($resId =~ /,/) { |
$resId = (split (/,/, $resId))[0]; |
} |
if (!$resId) { return ''; } |
return $self->getById($resId); |
} |
sub retrieveResources { |
my $self = shift; |
my $map = shift; |
my $filterFunc = shift; |
if (!defined ($filterFunc)) { |
$filterFunc = sub {return 1;}; |
} |
my $recursive = shift; |
if (!defined($recursive)) { $recursive = 1; } |
my $bailout = shift; |
if (!defined($bailout)) { $bailout = 0; } |
my $showall = shift; |
# Create the necessary iterator. |
if (!ref($map)) { # assume it's a url of a map. |
$map = $self->getResourceByUrl($map); |
} |
# If nothing was passed, assume top-level map |
if (!$map) { |
$map = $self->getById('0.0'); |
} |
# Check the map's validity. |
if (!$map->is_map()) { |
# Oh, to throw an exception.... how I'd love that! |
return (); |
} |
# Get an iterator. |
my $it = $self->getIterator($map->map_start(), $map->map_finish(), |
undef, $recursive, $showall); |
my @resources = (); |
# Run down the iterator and collect the resources. |
my $curRes; |
while ($curRes = $it->next()) { |
if (ref($curRes)) { |
if (!&$filterFunc($curRes)) { |
next; |
} |
push @resources, $curRes; |
if ($bailout) { |
return @resources; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return ''; |
return @resources; |
} |
} |
sub hasResource { |
my $self = shift; |
my $map = shift; |
my $filterFunc = shift; |
my $recursive = shift; |
my $showall = shift; |
return scalar($self->retrieveResources($map, $filterFunc, $recursive, 1, $showall)) > 0; |
} |
1; |
1; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator; |
use WeakRef; |
# This package must precede "navmap" because "navmap" uses it. In |
use Apache::lonnet; |
# order to keep the documentation order straight, the iterator is documented |
# after the navmap object. |
=pod |
=pod |
=back |
=back |
=head1 navmap Iterator |
=head1 Object: navmap Iterator |
An I<iterator> encapsulates the logic required to traverse a data structure. navmap uses an iterator to traverse the course map according to the criteria you wish to use. |
To obtain an iterator, call the B<getIterator>() function of a B<navmap> object. (Do not instantiate Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator directly.) This will return a reference to the iterator: |
An I<iterator> encapsulates the logic required to traverse a data |
structure. navmap uses an iterator to traverse the course map |
according to the criteria you wish to use. |
To obtain an iterator, call the B<getIterator>() function of a |
B<navmap> object. (Do not instantiate Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator |
directly.) This will return a reference to the iterator: |
C<my $resourceIterator = $navmap-E<gt>getIterator();> |
C<my $resourceIterator = $navmap-E<gt>getIterator();> |
Line 1869 getIterator behaves as follows:
Line 2710 getIterator behaves as follows:
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
=item B<getIterator>(firstResource, finishResource, filterHash, condition): All parameters are optional. firstResource is a resource reference corresponding to where the iterator should start. It defaults to navmap->firstResource() for the corresponding nav map. finishResource corresponds to where you want the iterator to end, defaulting to navmap->finishResource(). filterHash is a hash used as a set containing strings representing the resource IDs, defaulting to empty. Condition is a 1 or 0 that sets what to do with the filter hash: If a 0, then only resource that exist IN the filterHash will be recursed on. If it is a 1, only resources NOT in the filterHash will be recursed on. Defaults to 0, which is to say, do not recurse unless explicitly asked to. |
=item * B<getIterator>(firstResource, finishResource, filterHash, condition, forceTop, returnTopMap): |
Thus, by default, all resources will be shown. Change the condition to a 1 without changing the hash, and only the top level of the map will be shown. Changing the condition to 1 and including some values in the hash will allow you to selectively examine parts of the navmap, while leaving it on 0 and adding things to the hash will allow you to selectively ignore parts of the nav map. See the handler code for examples: By default, the condition is 0 and all folders are closed unless explicitly opened. Clicking "Show All Resources" will use a condition of 1 and an empty filterHash, resulting in all resources being shown. |
All parameters are optional. firstResource is a resource reference |
corresponding to where the iterator should start. It defaults to |
The iterator will return either a reference to a resource object, or a token representing something in the map, such as the beginning of a new branch. The possible tokens are: |
navmap->firstResource() for the corresponding nav map. finishResource |
corresponds to where you want the iterator to end, defaulting to |
navmap->finishResource(). filterHash is a hash used as a set |
containing strings representing the resource IDs, defaulting to |
empty. Condition is a 1 or 0 that sets what to do with the filter |
hash: If a 0, then only resources that exist IN the filterHash will be |
recursed on. If it is a 1, only resources NOT in the filterHash will |
be recursed on. Defaults to 0. forceTop is a boolean value. If it is |
false (default), the iterator will only return the first level of map |
that is not just a single, 'redirecting' map. If true, the iterator |
will return all information, starting with the top-level map, |
regardless of content. returnTopMap, if true (default false), will |
cause the iterator to return the top-level map object (resource 0.0) |
before anything else. |
Thus, by default, only top-level resources will be shown. Change the |
condition to a 1 without changing the hash, and all resources will be |
shown. Changing the condition to 1 and including some values in the |
hash will allow you to selectively suppress parts of the navmap, while |
leaving it on 0 and adding things to the hash will allow you to |
selectively add parts of the nav map. See the handler code for |
examples. |
The iterator will return either a reference to a resource object, or a |
token representing something in the map, such as the beginning of a |
new branch. The possible tokens are: |
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
=item * BEGIN_MAP: A new map is being recursed into. This is returned I<after> the map resource itself is returned. |
=item * B<END_ITERATOR>: |
The iterator has returned all that it's going to. Further calls to the |
iterator will just produce more of these. This is a "false" value, and |
is the only false value the iterator which will be returned, so it can |
be used as a loop sentinel. |
=item * END_MAP: The map is now done. |
=item * B<BEGIN_MAP>: |
=item * BEGIN_BRANCH: A branch is now starting. The next resource returned will be the first in that branch. |
A new map is being recursed into. This is returned I<after> the map |
resource itself is returned. |
=item * END_BRANCH: The branch is now done. |
=item * B<END_MAP>: |
The map is now done. |
=item * B<BEGIN_BRANCH>: |
A branch is now starting. The next resource returned will be the first |
in that branch. |
=item * B<END_BRANCH>: |
The branch is now done. |
=back |
=back |
The tokens are retreivable via methods on the iterator object, i.e., $iterator->END_MAP. |
The tokens are retreivable via methods on the iterator object, i.e., |
$iterator->END_MAP. |
Maps can contain empty resources. The iterator will automatically skip |
over such resources, but will still treat the structure |
correctly. Thus, a complicated map with several branches, but |
consisting entirely of empty resources except for one beginning or |
ending resource, will cause a lot of BRANCH_STARTs and BRANCH_ENDs, |
but only one resource will be returned. |
=back |
=back |
=head2 Normal Usage |
Normal usage of the iterator object is to do the following: |
my $it = $navmap->getIterator([your params here]); |
my $curRes; |
while ($curRes = $it->next()) { |
[your logic here] |
} |
Note that inside of the loop, it's frequently useful to check if |
"$curRes" is a reference or not with the reference function; only |
resource objects will be references, and any non-references will |
be the tokens described above. |
Also note there is some old code floating around that trys to track |
the depth of the iterator to see when it's done; do not copy that |
code. It is difficult to get right and harder to understand then |
this. They should be migrated to this new style. |
=cut |
=cut |
# Here are the tokens for the iterator: |
# Here are the tokens for the iterator: |
sub END_ITERATOR { return 0; } |
sub BEGIN_MAP { return 1; } # begining of a new map |
sub BEGIN_MAP { return 1; } # begining of a new map |
sub END_MAP { return 2; } # end of the map |
sub END_MAP { return 2; } # end of the map |
sub BEGIN_BRANCH { return 3; } # beginning of a branch |
sub BEGIN_BRANCH { return 3; } # beginning of a branch |
sub END_BRANCH { return 4; } # end of a branch |
sub END_BRANCH { return 4; } # end of a branch |
sub FORWARD { return 1; } # go forward |
sub BACKWARD { return 2; } |
# Params: nav map, start resource, end resource, filter, condition, |
sub min { |
# already seen hash ref |
(my $a, my $b) = @_; |
if ($a < $b) { return $a; } else { return $b; } |
} |
sub new { |
sub new { |
# magic invocation to create a class instance |
# magic invocation to create a class instance |
Line 1909 sub new {
Line 2825 sub new {
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; |
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; |
my $self = {}; |
my $self = {}; |
$self->{NAV_MAP} = shift; |
weaken($self->{NAV_MAP} = shift); |
return undef unless ($self->{NAV_MAP}); |
return undef unless ($self->{NAV_MAP}); |
# Handle the parameters |
# Handle the parameters |
Line 1930 sub new {
Line 2846 sub new {
if (!defined($self->{ALREADY_SEEN})) { $self->{ALREADY_SEEN} = {} }; |
if (!defined($self->{ALREADY_SEEN})) { $self->{ALREADY_SEEN} = {} }; |
$self->{CONDITION} = shift; |
$self->{CONDITION} = shift; |
# Flag: Have we started yet? If not, the first action is to return BEGIN_MAP. |
# Do we want to automatically follow "redirection" maps? |
$self->{FORCE_TOP} = shift; |
# Do we want to return the top-level map object (resource 0.0)? |
$self->{RETURN_0} = shift; |
# have we done that yet? |
$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0} = 0; |
# Now, we need to pre-process the map, by walking forward and backward |
# over the parts of the map we're going to look at. |
# The processing steps are exactly the same, except for a few small |
# changes, so I bundle those up in the following list of two elements: |
# (direction_to_iterate, VAL_name, next_resource_method_to_call, |
# first_resource). |
# This prevents writing nearly-identical code twice. |
my @iterations = ( [FORWARD(), 'TOP_DOWN_VAL', 'getNext', |
[BACKWARD(), 'BOT_UP_VAL', 'getPrevious', |
my $maxDepth = 0; # tracks max depth |
# If there is only one resource in this map, and it's a map, we |
# want to remember that, so the user can ask for the first map |
# that isn't just a redirector. |
my $resource; my $resourceCount = 0; |
# Documentation on this algorithm can be found in the CVS repository at |
# /docs/lonnavdocs; these "**#**" markers correspond to documentation |
# in that file. |
# **1** |
foreach my $pass (@iterations) { |
my $direction = $pass->[0]; |
my $valName = $pass->[1]; |
my $nextResourceMethod = $pass->[2]; |
my $firstResourceName = $pass->[3]; |
my $iterator = Apache::lonnavmaps::DFSiterator->new($self->{NAV_MAP}, |
$self->{FIRST_RESOURCE}, |
{}, undef, 0, $direction); |
# prime the recursion |
$self->{$firstResourceName}->{DATA}->{$valName} = 0; |
$iterator->next(); |
my $curRes = $iterator->next(); |
my $depth = 1; |
while ($depth > 0) { |
if ($curRes == $iterator->BEGIN_MAP()) { $depth++; } |
if ($curRes == $iterator->END_MAP()) { $depth--; } |
if (ref($curRes)) { |
# If there's only one resource, this will save it |
# we have to filter empty resources from consideration here, |
# or even "empty", redirecting maps have two (start & finish) |
# or three (start, finish, plus redirector) |
if($direction == FORWARD && $curRes->src()) { |
$resource = $curRes; $resourceCount++; |
} |
my $resultingVal = $curRes->{DATA}->{$valName}; |
my $nextResources = $curRes->$nextResourceMethod(); |
my $nextCount = scalar(@{$nextResources}); |
if ($nextCount == 1) { # **3** |
my $current = $nextResources->[0]->{DATA}->{$valName} || 999999999; |
$nextResources->[0]->{DATA}->{$valName} = min($resultingVal, $current); |
} |
if ($nextCount > 1) { # **4** |
foreach my $res (@{$nextResources}) { |
my $current = $res->{DATA}->{$valName} || 999999999; |
$res->{DATA}->{$valName} = min($current, $resultingVal + 1); |
} |
} |
} |
# Assign the final val (**2**) |
if (ref($curRes) && $direction == BACKWARD()) { |
my $finalDepth = min($curRes->{DATA}->{TOP_DOWN_VAL}, |
$curRes->{DATA}->{BOT_UP_VAL}); |
$curRes->{DATA}->{DISPLAY_DEPTH} = $finalDepth; |
if ($finalDepth > $maxDepth) {$maxDepth = $finalDepth;} |
} |
$curRes = $iterator->next(); |
} |
} |
# Check: Was this only one resource, a map? |
if ($resourceCount == 1 && $resource->is_sequence() && !$self->{FORCE_TOP}) { |
my $firstResource = $resource->map_start(); |
my $finishResource = $resource->map_finish(); |
return |
Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new($self->{NAV_MAP}, $firstResource, |
$finishResource, $self->{FILTER}, |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}, |
$self->{CONDITION}, |
$self->{FORCE_TOP}); |
} |
# Set up some bookkeeping information. |
$self->{CURRENT_DEPTH} = 0; |
$self->{MAX_DEPTH} = $maxDepth; |
$self->{STACK} = []; |
$self->{FINISHED} = 0; # When true, the iterator has finished |
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $self->{MAX_DEPTH}; $i++) { |
push @{$self->{STACK}}, []; |
} |
# Prime the recursion w/ the first resource **5** |
push @{$self->{STACK}->[0]}, $self->{FIRST_RESOURCE}; |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$self->{FIRST_RESOURCE}->{ID}} = 1; |
bless ($self); |
return $self; |
} |
sub next { |
my $self = shift; |
my $closeAllPages=shift; |
if ($self->{FINISHED}) { |
return END_ITERATOR(); |
} |
# If we want to return the top-level map object, and haven't yet, |
# do so. |
if ($self->{RETURN_0} && !$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0}) { |
$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0} = 1; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById('0.0'); |
} |
# grab the next from the recursive iterator |
my $next = $self->{RECURSIVE_ITERATOR}->next($closeAllPages); |
# is it a begin or end map? If so, update the depth |
if ($next == BEGIN_MAP() ) { $self->{RECURSIVE_DEPTH}++; } |
if ($next == END_MAP() ) { $self->{RECURSIVE_DEPTH}--; } |
# Are we back at depth 0? If so, stop recursing |
if ($self->{RECURSIVE_DEPTH} == 0) { |
} |
return $next; |
} |
if (defined($self->{FORCE_NEXT})) { |
my $tmp = $self->{FORCE_NEXT}; |
$self->{FORCE_NEXT} = undef; |
return $tmp; |
} |
# Have we not yet begun? If not, return BEGIN_MAP and |
# remember we've started. |
if ( !$self->{STARTED} ) { |
$self->{STARTED} = 1; |
return $self->BEGIN_MAP(); |
} |
# Here's the guts of the iterator. |
# Find the next resource, if any. |
my $found = 0; |
my $i = $self->{MAX_DEPTH}; |
my $newDepth; |
my $here; |
while ( $i >= 0 && !$found ) { |
if ( scalar(@{$self->{STACK}->[$i]}) > 0 ) { # **6** |
$here = pop @{$self->{STACK}->[$i]}; # **7** |
$found = 1; |
$newDepth = $i; |
} |
$i--; |
} |
# If we still didn't find anything, we're done. |
if ( !$found ) { |
# We need to get back down to the correct branch depth |
if ( $self->{CURRENT_DEPTH} > 0 ) { |
$self->{CURRENT_DEPTH}--; |
return END_BRANCH(); |
} else { |
$self->{FINISHED} = 1; |
return END_MAP(); |
} |
} |
# If this is not a resource, it must be an END_BRANCH marker we want |
# to return directly. |
if (!ref($here)) { # **8** |
if ($here == END_BRANCH()) { # paranoia, in case of later extension |
$self->{CURRENT_DEPTH}--; |
return $here; |
} |
} |
# Otherwise, it is a resource and it's safe to store in $self->{HERE} |
$self->{HERE} = $here; |
# Get to the right level |
if ( $self->{CURRENT_DEPTH} > $newDepth ) { |
push @{$self->{STACK}->[$newDepth]}, $here; |
$self->{CURRENT_DEPTH}--; |
return END_BRANCH(); |
} |
if ( $self->{CURRENT_DEPTH} < $newDepth) { |
push @{$self->{STACK}->[$newDepth]}, $here; |
$self->{CURRENT_DEPTH}++; |
return BEGIN_BRANCH(); |
} |
# If we made it here, we have the next resource, and we're at the |
# right branch level. So let's examine the resource for where |
# we can get to from here. |
# So we need to look at all the resources we can get to from here, |
# categorize them if we haven't seen them, remember if we have a new |
my $nextUnfiltered = $here->getNext(); |
my $maxDepthAdded = -1; |
for (@$nextUnfiltered) { |
if (!defined($self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$_->{ID}})) { |
my $depth = $_->{DATA}->{DISPLAY_DEPTH}; |
push @{$self->{STACK}->[$depth]}, $_; |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$_->{ID}} = 1; |
if ($maxDepthAdded < $depth) { $maxDepthAdded = $depth; } |
} |
} |
# Is this the end of a branch? If so, all of the resources examined above |
# led to lower levels then the one we are currently at, so we push a END_BRANCH |
# marker onto the stack so we don't forget. |
# Example: For the usual A(BC)(DE)F case, when the iterator goes down the |
# BC branch and gets to C, it will see F as the only next resource, but it's |
# one level lower. Thus, this is the end of the branch, since there are no |
# more resources added to this level or above. |
# We don't do this if the examined resource is the finish resource, |
# because the condition given above is true, but the "END_MAP" will |
# take care of things and we should already be at depth 0. |
my $isEndOfBranch = $maxDepthAdded < $self->{CURRENT_DEPTH}; |
if ($isEndOfBranch && $here != $self->{FINISH_RESOURCE}) { # **9** |
push @{$self->{STACK}->[$self->{CURRENT_DEPTH}]}, END_BRANCH(); |
} |
# That ends the main iterator logic. Now, do we want to recurse |
# down this map (if this resource is a map)? |
if ( ($self->{HERE}->is_sequence() || (!$closeAllPages && $self->{HERE}->is_page())) && |
(defined($self->{FILTER}->{$self->{HERE}->map_pc()}) xor $self->{CONDITION})) { |
my $firstResource = $self->{HERE}->map_start(); |
my $finishResource = $self->{HERE}->map_finish(); |
Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new($self->{NAV_MAP}, $firstResource, |
$finishResource, $self->{FILTER}, |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}, |
$self->{CONDITION}, |
$self->{FORCE_TOP}); |
} |
# If this is a blank resource, don't actually return it. |
# Should you ever find you need it, make sure to add an option to the code |
# that you can use; other things depend on this behavior. |
my $browsePriv = $self->{HERE}->browsePriv(); |
if (!$self->{HERE}->src() || |
(!($browsePriv eq 'F') && !($browsePriv eq '2')) ) { |
return $self->next($closeAllPages); |
} |
return $self->{HERE}; |
} |
=pod |
The other method available on the iterator is B<getStack>, which |
returns an array populated with the current 'stack' of maps, as |
references to the resource objects. Example: This is useful when |
making the navigation map, as we need to check whether we are under a |
page map to see if we need to link directly to the resource, or to the |
page. The first elements in the array will correspond to the top of |
the stack (most inclusive map). |
=cut |
sub getStack { |
my $self=shift; |
my @stack; |
$self->populateStack(\@stack); |
return \@stack; |
} |
# Private method: Calls the iterators recursively to populate the stack. |
sub populateStack { |
my $self=shift; |
my $stack = shift; |
push @$stack, $self->{HERE} if ($self->{HERE}); |
$self->{RECURSIVE_ITERATOR}->populateStack($stack); |
} |
} |
1; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps::DFSiterator; |
use WeakRef; |
use Apache::lonnet; |
# Not documented in the perldoc: This is a simple iterator that just walks |
# through the nav map and presents the resources in a depth-first search |
# fashion, ignorant of conditionals, randomized resources, etc. It presents |
# BEGIN_MAP and END_MAP, but does not understand branches at all. It is |
# useful for pre-processing of some kind, and is in fact used by the main |
# iterator that way, but that's about it. |
# One could imagine merging this into the init routine of the main iterator, |
# but this might as well be left separate, since it is possible some other |
# use might be found for it. - Jeremy |
# Unlike the main iterator, this DOES return all resources, even blank ones. |
# The main iterator needs them to correctly preprocess the map. |
sub BEGIN_MAP { return 1; } # begining of a new map |
sub END_MAP { return 2; } # end of the map |
sub FORWARD { return 1; } # go forward |
sub BACKWARD { return 2; } |
# Params: Nav map ref, first resource id/ref, finish resource id/ref, |
# filter hash ref (or undef), already seen hash or undef, condition |
# (as in main iterator), direction FORWARD or BACKWARD (undef->forward). |
sub new { |
# magic invocation to create a class instance |
my $proto = shift; |
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; |
my $self = {}; |
weaken($self->{NAV_MAP} = shift); |
return undef unless ($self->{NAV_MAP}); |
$self->{FIRST_RESOURCE} = shift || $self->{NAV_MAP}->firstResource(); |
$self->{FINISH_RESOURCE} = shift || $self->{NAV_MAP}->finishResource(); |
# If the given resources are just the ID of the resource, get the |
# objects |
if (!ref($self->{FIRST_RESOURCE})) { $self->{FIRST_RESOURCE} = |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($self->{FIRST_RESOURCE}); } |
if (!ref($self->{FINISH_RESOURCE})) { $self->{FINISH_RESOURCE} = |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($self->{FINISH_RESOURCE}); } |
$self->{FILTER} = shift; |
# A hash, used as a set, of resource already seen |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN} = shift; |
if (!defined($self->{ALREADY_SEEN})) { $self->{ALREADY_SEEN} = {} }; |
$self->{CONDITION} = shift; |
$self->{DIRECTION} = shift || FORWARD(); |
# Flag: Have we started yet? |
$self->{STARTED} = 0; |
$self->{STARTED} = 0; |
# Should we continue calling the recursive iterator, if any? |
# Should we continue calling the recursive iterator, if any? |
Line 1944 sub new {
Line 3229 sub new {
$self->{RECURSIVE_DEPTH} = 0; |
$self->{RECURSIVE_DEPTH} = 0; |
# For keeping track of our branches, we maintain our own stack |
# For keeping track of our branches, we maintain our own stack |
$self->{BRANCH_STACK} = []; |
$self->{STACK} = []; |
# If the size shrinks, we exhausted a branch |
$self->{BRANCH_STACK_SIZE} = 0; |
$self->{BRANCH_DEPTH} = 0; |
# For returning two things in a forced sequence |
$self->{FORCE_NEXT} = undef; |
# Start with the first resource |
# Start with the first resource |
push @{$self->{BRANCH_STACK}}, $self->{FIRST_RESOURCE}; |
if ($self->{DIRECTION} == FORWARD) { |
$self->{BRANCH_STACK_SIZE} = 1; |
push @{$self->{STACK}}, $self->{FIRST_RESOURCE}; |
} else { |
push @{$self->{STACK}}, $self->{FINISH_RESOURCE}; |
} |
bless($self); |
bless($self); |
return $self; |
return $self; |
} |
} |
# Note... this function is *touchy*. I strongly recommend tracing |
# through it with the debugger a few times on a non-trivial map before |
# modifying it. Order is *everything*. |
sub next { |
sub next { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
# Iterator logic goes here |
# Are we using a recursive iterator? If so, pull from that and |
# Are we using a recursive iterator? If so, pull from that and |
# watch the depth; we want to resume our level at the correct time. |
# watch the depth; we want to resume our level at the correct time. |
{ |
# grab the next from the recursive iterator |
# grab the next from the recursive iterator |
my $next = $self->{RECURSIVE_ITERATOR}->next(); |
my $next = $self->{RECURSIVE_ITERATOR}->next(); |
Line 1987 sub next {
Line 3263 sub next {
return $next; |
return $next; |
} |
} |
# Is this return value pre-determined? |
if (defined($self->{FORCE_NEXT})) { |
my $tmp = $self->{FORCE_NEXT}; |
$self->{FORCE_NEXT} = undef; |
return $tmp; |
} |
# Is there a current resource to grab? If not, then return |
# Is there a current resource to grab? If not, then return |
# END_BRANCH and END_MAP in succession. |
# END_MAP, which will end the iterator. |
if (scalar(@{$self->{BRANCH_STACK}}) == 0) { |
if (scalar(@{$self->{STACK}}) == 0) { |
if ($self->{BRANCH_DEPTH} > 0) { |
return $self->END_MAP(); |
$self->{FORCE_NEXT} = $self->END_MAP(); |
$self->{BRANCH_DEPTH}--; |
return $self->END_BRANCH(); |
} else { |
return $self->END_MAP(); |
} |
} |
} |
# Have we not yet begun? If not, return BEGIN_MAP and |
# Have we not yet begun? If not, return BEGIN_MAP and |
Line 2013 sub next {
Line 3276 sub next {
return $self->BEGIN_MAP; |
return $self->BEGIN_MAP; |
} |
} |
# Did the branch stack shrink since last run? If so, |
# we exhausted a branch last time, therefore, we're about |
# to start a new one. (We know because we already checked to see |
# if the stack was empty.) |
if ( scalar (@{$self->{BRANCH_STACK}}) < $self->{BRANCH_STACK_SIZE}) { |
$self->{BRANCH_STACK_SIZE} = scalar(@{$self->{BRANCH_STACK}}); |
$self->{BRANCH_DEPTH}++; |
return $self->BEGIN_BRANCH(); |
} |
# Remember the size for comparision next time. |
$self->{BRANCH_STACK_SIZE} = scalar(@{$self->{BRANCH_STACK}}); |
# If the next resource we mean to return is going to need |
# a lower branch level, terminate branches until we get |
# there. |
# Get the next resource in the branch |
# Get the next resource in the branch |
$self->{HERE} = pop @{$self->{BRANCH_STACK}}; |
$self->{HERE} = pop @{$self->{STACK}}; |
# Are we at the right depth? If not, close a branch and return |
# remember that we've seen this, so we don't return it again later |
# the current resource onto the branch stack |
if (defined($self->{HERE}->{DATA}->{ITERATOR_DEPTH}) |
&& $self->{HERE}->{DATA}->{ITERATOR_DEPTH} < |
$self->{BRANCH_DEPTH} ) { |
$self->{BRANCH_DEPTH}--; |
# return it so we can pick it up eventually |
push @{$self->{BRANCH_STACK}}, $self->{HERE}; |
return $self->END_BRANCH(); |
} |
# We always return it after this point and never before |
# (proof: look at just the return statements), so we |
# remember that we've seen this. |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$self->{HERE}->{ID}} = 1; |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$self->{HERE}->{ID}} = 1; |
# Get the next possible resources |
# Get the next possible resources |
my $nextUnfiltered = $self->{HERE}->getNext(); |
my $nextUnfiltered; |
if ($self->{DIRECTION} == FORWARD()) { |
$nextUnfiltered = $self->{HERE}->getNext(); |
} else { |
$nextUnfiltered = $self->{HERE}->getPrevious(); |
} |
my $next = []; |
my $next = []; |
# filter the next possibilities to remove things we've |
# filter the next possibilities to remove things we've |
# already seen. Also, remember what branch depth they should |
# already seen. |
# be displayed at, since there's no other reliable way to tell. |
foreach (@$nextUnfiltered) { |
foreach (@$nextUnfiltered) { |
if (!defined($self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$_->{ID}})) { |
if (!defined($self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$_->{ID}})) { |
push @$next, $_; |
push @$next, $_; |
$self->{BRANCH_DEPTH} + 1; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
# Handle branch cases: |
# Nothing is available next: BRANCH_END |
# 1 thing next: standard non-branch |
# 2+ things next: have some branches |
my $nextCount = scalar(@$next); |
if ($nextCount == 0) { |
# Return this and on the next run, close the branch up if we're |
# in a branch |
if ($self->{BRANCH_DEPTH} > 0 ) { |
$self->{FORCE_NEXT} = $self->END_BRANCH(); |
$self->{BRANCH_DEPTH}--; |
} |
} |
while (@$next) { |
while (@$next) { |
# copy the next possibilities over to the branch stack |
# copy the next possibilities over to the stack |
# in the right order |
push @{$self->{STACK}}, shift @$next; |
push @{$self->{BRANCH_STACK}}, shift @$next; |
} |
if ($nextCount >= 2) { |
$self->{FORCE_NEXT} = $self->BEGIN_BRANCH(); |
$self->{BRANCH_DEPTH}++; |
return $self->{HERE}; |
} |
} |
# If this is a map and we want to recurse down it... (not filtered out) |
# If this is a map and we want to recurse down it... (not filtered out) |
Line 2098 sub next {
Line 3312 sub next {
my $finishResource = $self->{HERE}->map_finish(); |
my $finishResource = $self->{HERE}->map_finish(); |
Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new ($self->{NAV_MAP}, $firstResource, |
Apache::lonnavmaps::DFSiterator->new ($self->{NAV_MAP}, $firstResource, |
$finishResource, $self->{FILTER}, $self->{ALREADY_SEEN}, |
$finishResource, $self->{FILTER}, $self->{ALREADY_SEEN}, |
$self->{CONDITION}); |
$self->{CONDITION}, $self->{DIRECTION}); |
} |
} |
return $self->{HERE}; |
return $self->{HERE}; |
} |
} |
=pod |
# Identical to the full iterator methods of the same name. Hate to copy/paste |
# but I also hate to "inherit" either iterator from the other. |
The other method available on the iterator is B<getStack>, which returns an array populated with the current 'stack' of maps, as references to the resource objects. Example: This is useful when making the navigation map, as we need to check whether we are under a page map to see if we need to link directly to the resource, or to the page. The first elements in the array will correspond to the top of the stack (most inclusive map). |
=cut |
sub getStack { |
sub getStack { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
Line 2127 sub populateStack {
Line 3338 sub populateStack {
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
my $stack = shift; |
my $stack = shift; |
push @$stack, $self->{HERE}; |
push @$stack, $self->{HERE} if ($self->{HERE}); |
$self->{RECURSIVE_ITERATOR}->populateStack($stack); |
$self->{RECURSIVE_ITERATOR}->populateStack($stack); |
Line 2137 sub populateStack {
Line 3348 sub populateStack {
1; |
1; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps::resource; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps::resource; |
use WeakRef; |
use Apache::lonnet; |
use Apache::lonnet; |
=pod |
=pod |
=head1 Object: resource |
=head1 Object: resource |
A resource object encapsulates a resource in a resource map, allowing easy manipulation of the resource, querying the properties of the resource (including user properties), and represents a reference that can be used as the canonical representation of the resource by lonnavmap clients like renderers. |
A resource only makes sense in the context of a navmap, as some of the data is stored in the navmap object. |
You will probably never need to instantiate this object directly. Use Apache::lonnavmap::navmap, and use the "start" method to obtain the starting resource. |
=head2 Public Members |
resource objects have a hash called DATA ($resourceRef->{DATA}) that you can store whatever you want in. This allows you to easily do two-pass algorithms without worrying about managing your own resource->data hash. |
X<resource, navmap object> |
A resource object encapsulates a resource in a resource map, allowing |
=head2 Methods |
easy manipulation of the resource, querying the properties of the |
resource (including user properties), and represents a reference that |
=over 4 |
can be used as the canonical representation of the resource by |
lonnavmap clients like renderers. |
=item * B<new>($navmapRef, $idString): The first arg is a reference to the parent navmap object. The second is the idString of the resource itself. Very rarely, if ever, called directly. Use the nav map->getByID() method. |
A resource only makes sense in the context of a navmap, as some of the |
=back |
data is stored in the navmap object. |
You will probably never need to instantiate this object directly. Use |
Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap, and use the "start" method to obtain the |
starting resource. |
Resource objects respect the parameter_hiddenparts, which suppresses |
various parts according to the wishes of the map author. As of this |
writing, there is no way to override this parameter, and suppressed |
parts will never be returned, nor will their response types or ids be |
stored. |
=head2 Overview |
A B<Resource> is the most granular type of object in LON-CAPA that can |
be included in a course. It can either be a particular resource, like |
an HTML page, external resource, problem, etc., or it can be a |
container sequence, such as a "page" or a "map". |
To see a sequence from the user's point of view, please see the |
B<Creating a Course: Maps and Sequences> chapter of the Author's |
Manual. |
A Resource Object, once obtained from a navmap object via a B<getBy*> |
method of the navmap, or from an iterator, allows you to query |
information about that resource. |
Generally, you do not ever want to create a resource object yourself, |
so creation has been left undocumented. Always retrieve resources |
from navmap objects. |
=head3 Identifying Resources |
X<big hash>Every resource is identified by a Resource ID in the big hash that is |
unique to that resource for a given course. X<resource ID, in big hash> |
The Resource ID has the form #.#, where the first number is the same |
for every resource in a map, and the second is unique. For instance, |
for a course laid out like this: |
* Problem 1 |
* Map |
* Resource 2 |
* Resource 3 |
C<Problem 1> and C<Map> will share a first number, and C<Resource 2> |
C<Resource 3> will share a first number. The second number may end up |
re-used between the two groups. |
The resource ID is only used in the big hash, but can be used in the |
context of a course to identify a resource easily. (For instance, the |
printing system uses it to record which resources from a sequence you |
wish to print.) |
X<symb> X<resource, symb> |
All resources also have B<symb>s, which uniquely identify a resource |
in a course. Many internal LON-CAPA functions expect a symb. A symb |
carries along with it the URL of the resource, and the map it appears |
in. Symbs are much larger then resource IDs. |
=cut |
=cut |
Line 2170 sub new {
Line 3430 sub new {
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; |
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; |
my $self = {}; |
my $self = {}; |
$self->{NAV_MAP} = shift; |
weaken($self->{NAV_MAP} = shift); |
$self->{ID} = shift; |
$self->{ID} = shift; |
# Store this new resource in the parent nav map's cache. |
# Store this new resource in the parent nav map's cache. |
Line 2194 sub navHash {
Line 3454 sub navHash {
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $param = shift; |
my $param = shift; |
my $id = shift; |
my $id = shift; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->{NAV_HASH}->{$param . ($id?$self->{ID}:"")}; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->navhash($param . ($id?$self->{ID}:"")); |
} |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
B<Metadata Retreival> |
=head2 Methods |
Once you have a resource object, here's what you can do with it: |
=head3 Attribute Retrieval |
These are methods that help you retrieve metadata about the resource: |
Every resource has certain attributes that can be retrieved and used: |
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
=item * B<ext>: Returns true if the resource is external. |
=item * B<ID>: Every resource has an ID that is unique for that |
resource in the course it is in. The ID is actually in the hash |
representing the resource, so for a resource object $res, obtain |
it via C<$res->{ID}). |
=item * B<goesto>: Returns the "goesto" value from the compiled nav map. (It is likely you want to use B<getNext> instead.) |
=item * B<compTitle>: |
=item * B<kind>: Returns the kind of the resource from the compiled nav map. |
Returns a "composite title", that is equal to $res->title() if the |
resource has a title, and is otherwise the last part of the URL (e.g., |
"problem.problem"). |
=item * B<randomout>: Returns true if this resource was chosen to NOT be shown to the user by the random map selection feature. |
=item * B<ext>: |
=item * B<randompick>: Returns true for a map if the randompick feature is being used on the map. (?) |
Returns true if the resource is external. |
=item * B<src>: Returns the source for the resource. |
=item * B<kind>: |
=item * B<symb>: Returns the symb for the resource. |
Returns the kind of the resource from the compiled nav map. |
=item * B<title>: Returns the title of the resource. |
=item * B<randomout>: |
=item * B<to>: Returns the "to" value from the compiled nav map. (It is likely you want to use B<getNext> instead.) |
Returns true if this resource was chosen to NOT be shown to the user |
by the random map selection feature. In other words, this is usually |
false. |
=item * B<type>: Returns the type of the resource, "start", "normal", or "finish". |
=item * B<randompick>: |
Returns true for a map if the randompick feature is being used on the |
map. (?) |
=item * B<src>: |
Returns the source for the resource. |
=item * B<symb>: |
Returns the symb for the resource. |
=item * B<title>: |
Returns the title of the resource. |
=back |
=back |
Line 2231 These are methods that help you retrieve
Line 3517 These are methods that help you retrieve
# These info functions can be used directly, as they don't return |
# These info functions can be used directly, as they don't return |
# resource information. |
# resource information. |
sub comesfrom { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("comesfrom_", 1); } |
sub encrypted { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("encrypted_", 1); } |
sub ext { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("ext_", 1) eq 'true:'; } |
sub ext { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("ext_", 1) eq 'true:'; } |
sub from { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("from_", 1); } |
# considered private and undocumented |
sub goesto { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("goesto_", 1); } |
sub goesto { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("goesto_", 1); } |
sub kind { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("kind_", 1); } |
sub kind { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("kind_", 1); } |
sub randomout { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("randomout_", 1); } |
sub randomout { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("randomout_", 1); } |
Line 2240 sub randompick {
Line 3530 sub randompick {
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->{PARM_HASH}->{$self->symb . |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->{PARM_HASH}->{$self->symb . |
'.0.parameter_randompick'}; |
'.0.parameter_randompick'}; |
} |
} |
sub link { |
my $self=shift; |
if ($self->encrypted()) { return &Apache::lonenc::encrypted($self->src); } |
return $self->src; |
} |
sub src { |
sub src { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
return $self->navHash("src_", 1); |
return $self->navHash("src_", 1); |
} |
} |
sub shown_symb { |
my $self=shift; |
if ($self->encrypted()) {return &Apache::lonenc::encrypted($self->symb());} |
return $self->symb(); |
} |
sub id { |
my $self=shift; |
return $self->{ID}; |
} |
sub enclosing_map_src { |
my $self=shift; |
(my $first, my $second) = $self->{ID} =~ /(\d+).(\d+)/; |
return $self->navHash('map_id_'.$first); |
} |
sub symb { |
sub symb { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
(my $first, my $second) = $self->{ID} =~ /(\d+).(\d+)/; |
(my $first, my $second) = $self->{ID} =~ /(\d+).(\d+)/; |
my $symbSrc = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($self->src()); |
my $symbSrc = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($self->src()); |
return &Apache::lonnet::declutter( |
my $symb = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($self->navHash('map_id_'.$first)) |
$self->navHash('map_id_'.$first)) |
. '___' . $second . '___' . $symbSrc; |
. '___' . $second . '___' . $symbSrc; |
return &Apache::lonnet::symbclean($symb); |
} |
sub wrap_symb { |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->wrap_symb($self->symb()); |
} |
} |
sub title { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("title_", 1); } |
sub title { |
my $self=shift; |
if ($self->{ID} eq '0.0') { |
# If this is the top-level map, return the title of the course |
# since this map can not be titled otherwise. |
return $env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.description'}; |
} |
return $self->navHash("title_", 1); } |
# considered private and undocumented |
sub to { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("to_", 1); } |
sub to { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("to_", 1); } |
sub type { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("type_", 1); } |
sub condition { |
my $self=shift; |
my $undercond=$self->navHash("undercond_", 1); |
if (!defined($undercond)) { return 1; }; |
my $condid=$self->navHash("condid_$undercond"); |
if (!defined($condid)) { return 1; }; |
my $condition=&Apache::lonnet::directcondval($condid); |
return $condition; |
} |
sub condval { |
my $self=shift; |
my $uri=&Apache::lonnet::deversion(&Apache::lonnet::declutter($self->src())); |
my ($pathname,$filename)=($uri=~m|(.*)/([^/]*)|); |
$pathname=~s/^adm\/wrapper\///; |
my $match=($env{'acc.res.'.$env{''}.'.'.$pathname}=~ |
/\&\Q$filename\E\:([\d\|]+)\&/); |
if ($match) { |
return &Apache::lonnet::condval($1); |
} |
return 0; |
} |
sub compTitle { |
my $self = shift; |
my $title = $self->title(); |
$title=~s/\&colon\;/\:/gs; |
if (!$title) { |
$title = $self->src(); |
$title = substr($title, rindex($title, '/') + 1); |
} |
return $title; |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
B<Predicate Testing the Resource> |
B<Predicate Testing the Resource> |
Line 2264 These methods are shortcuts to deciding
Line 3615 These methods are shortcuts to deciding
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
=item * B<is_map>: Returns true if the resource is a map type. |
=item * B<is_map>: |
Returns true if the resource is a map type. |
=item * B<is_problem>: Returns true if the resource is a problem type, false otherwise. (Looks at the extension on the src field; might need more to work correctly.) |
=item * B<is_problem>: |
=item * B<is_page>: Returns true if the resource is a page. |
Returns true if the resource is a problem type, false |
otherwise. (Looks at the extension on the src field; might need more |
to work correctly.) |
=item * B<is_problem>: Returns true if the resource is a problem. |
=item * B<is_page>: |
=item * B<is_sequence>: Returns true if the resource sequence. |
Returns true if the resource is a page. |
=item * B<is_sequence>: |
Returns true if the resource is a sequence. |
=back |
=back |
=cut |
=cut |
sub hasResource { |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->hasResource(@_); |
} |
sub retrieveResources { |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->retrieveResources(@_); |
} |
sub is_html { |
sub is_html { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
Line 2288 sub is_map { my $self=shift; return defi
Line 3656 sub is_map { my $self=shift; return defi
sub is_page { |
sub is_page { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
my $src = $self->src(); |
return ($src =~ /page$/); |
return $self->navHash("is_map_", 1) && |
$self->navHash("map_type_" . $self->map_pc()) eq 'page'; |
} |
} |
sub is_problem { |
sub is_problem { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
my $src = $self->src(); |
return ($src =~ /problem$/); |
return ($src =~ /\.(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form|library|task)$/) |
} |
sub contains_problem { |
my $self=shift; |
if ($self->is_page()) { |
my $hasProblem=$self->hasResource($self,sub { $_[0]->is_problem() },1); |
return $hasProblem; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
} |
sub is_sequence { |
sub is_sequence { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
my $src = $self->src(); |
return ($src =~ /sequence$/); |
return $self->navHash("is_map_", 1) && |
$self->navHash("map_type_" . $self->map_pc()) eq 'sequence'; |
} |
sub is_survey { |
my $self = shift(); |
my $part = shift(); |
if ($self->parmval('type',$part) eq 'survey') { |
return 1; |
} |
if ($self->src() =~ /\.(survey)$/) { |
return 1; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
} |
sub is_empty_sequence { |
my $self=shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
return !$self->is_page() && $self->navHash("is_map_", 1) && !$self->navHash("map_type_" . $self->map_pc()); |
} |
# Private method: Shells out to the parmval in the nav map, handler parts. |
# Move this into POD: In order to use these correctly, courseopt |
# and useropt need to be generated |
sub parmval { |
sub parmval { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $what = shift; |
my $what = shift; |
my $part = shift || "0"; |
my $part = shift; |
if (!defined($part)) { |
$part = '0'; |
} |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->parmval($part.'.'.$what, $self->symb()); |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->parmval($part.'.'.$what, $self->symb()); |
} |
} |
Line 2318 sub parmval {
Line 3711 sub parmval {
B<Map Methods> |
B<Map Methods> |
These methods are useful for getting information about the map properties of the resource, if the resource is a map (B<is_map>). |
These methods are useful for getting information about the map |
properties of the resource, if the resource is a map (B<is_map>). |
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
=item * B<map_finish>: Returns a reference to a resource object corresponding to the finish resource of the map. |
=item * B<map_finish>: |
Returns a reference to a resource object corresponding to the finish |
resource of the map. |
=item * B<map_pc>: Returns the pc value of the map, which is the first number that appears in the resource ID of the resources in the map, and is the number that appears around the middle of the symbs of the resources in that map. |
=item * B<map_pc>: |
=item * B<map_start>: Returns a reference to a resource object corresponding to the start resource of the map. |
Returns the pc value of the map, which is the first number that |
appears in the resource ID of the resources in the map, and is the |
number that appears around the middle of the symbs of the resources in |
that map. |
=item * B<map_type>: Returns a string with the type of the map in it. |
=item * B<map_start>: |
Returns a reference to a resource object corresponding to the start |
resource of the map. |
=item * B<map_type>: |
Returns a string with the type of the map in it. |
=back |
=back |
Line 2337 These methods are useful for getting inf
Line 3744 These methods are useful for getting inf
sub map_finish { |
sub map_finish { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
my $src = $self->src(); |
$src = Apache::lonnet::clutter($src); |
my $res = $self->navHash("map_finish_$src", 0); |
my $res = $self->navHash("map_finish_$src", 0); |
$res = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($res); |
$res = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($res); |
return $res; |
return $res; |
Line 2349 sub map_pc {
Line 3757 sub map_pc {
sub map_start { |
sub map_start { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
my $src = $self->src(); |
$src = Apache::lonnet::clutter($src); |
my $res = $self->navHash("map_start_$src", 0); |
my $res = $self->navHash("map_start_$src", 0); |
$res = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($res); |
$res = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($res); |
return $res; |
return $res; |
Line 2359 sub map_type {
Line 3768 sub map_type {
return $self->navHash("map_type_$pc", 0); |
return $self->navHash("map_type_$pc", 0); |
} |
} |
##### |
##### |
# Property queries |
# Property queries |
##### |
##### |
Line 2375 sub map_type {
Line 3782 sub map_type {
=head2 Resource Parameters |
=head2 Resource Parameters |
In order to use the resource parameters correctly, the nav map must have been instantiated with genCourseAndUserOptions set to true, so the courseopt and useropt is read correctly. Then, you can call these functions to get the relevant parameters for the resource. Each function defaults to part "0", but can be directed to another part by passing the part as the parameter. |
In order to use the resource parameters correctly, the nav map must |
have been instantiated with genCourseAndUserOptions set to true, so |
These methods are responsible for getting the parameter correct, not merely reflecting the contents of the GDBM hashes. As we move towards dates relative to other dates, these methods should be updated to reflect that. (Then, anybody using these methods won't have to update their code.) |
the courseopt and useropt is read correctly. Then, you can call these |
functions to get the relevant parameters for the resource. Each |
function defaults to part "0", but can be directed to another part by |
passing the part as the parameter. |
These methods are responsible for getting the parameter correct, not |
merely reflecting the contents of the GDBM hashes. As we move towards |
dates relative to other dates, these methods should be updated to |
reflect that. (Then, anybody using these methods will not have to update |
their code.) |
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
=item * B<acc>: Get the Client IP/Name Access Control information. |
=item * B<acc>: |
Get the Client IP/Name Access Control information. |
=item * B<answerdate>: |
Get the answer-reveal date for the problem. |
=item * B<answerdate>: Get the answer-reveal date for the problem. |
=item * B<awarded>: |
=item * B<duedate>: Get the due date for the problem. |
Gets the awarded value for the problem part. Requires genUserData set to |
true when the navmap object was created. |
=item * B<tries>: Get the number of tries the student has used on the problem. |
=item * B<duedate>: |
=item * B<maxtries>: Get the number of max tries allowed. |
Get the due date for the problem. |
=item * B<opendate>: Get the open date for the problem. |
=item * B<tries>: |
=item * B<sig>: Get the significant figures setting. |
Get the number of tries the student has used on the problem. |
=item * B<tol>: Get the tolerance for the problem. |
=item * B<maxtries>: |
=item * B<tries>: Get the number of tries the user has already used on the problem. |
Get the number of max tries allowed. |
=item * B<type>: Get the question type for the problem. |
=item * B<opendate>: |
=item * B<weight>: Get the weight for the problem. |
Get the open date for the problem. |
=item * B<sig>: |
Get the significant figures setting. |
=item * B<tol>: |
Get the tolerance for the problem. |
=item * B<tries>: |
Get the number of tries the user has already used on the problem. |
=item * B<type>: |
Get the question type for the problem. |
=item * B<weight>: |
Get the weight for the problem. |
=back |
=back |
Line 2420 sub answerdate {
Line 3863 sub answerdate {
} |
} |
return $self->parmval("answerdate", $part); |
return $self->parmval("answerdate", $part); |
} |
} |
sub awarded { |
my $self = shift; my $part = shift; |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->get_user_data(); |
if (!defined($part)) { $part = '0'; } |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->{STUDENT_DATA}->{$self->symb()}->{'resource.'.$part.'.awarded'}; |
} |
sub duedate { |
sub duedate { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
my $interval=$self->parmval("interval", $part); |
if ($interval) { |
my $first_access=&Apache::lonnet::get_first_access('map',$self->symb); |
if ($first_access) { return ($first_access+$interval); } |
} |
return $self->parmval("duedate", $part); |
return $self->parmval("duedate", $part); |
} |
} |
sub handgrade { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("handgrade", $part); |
} |
sub maxtries { |
sub maxtries { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("maxtries", $part); |
return $self->parmval("maxtries", $part); |
Line 2436 sub opendate {
Line 3894 sub opendate {
} |
} |
return $self->parmval("opendate"); |
return $self->parmval("opendate"); |
} |
} |
sub problemstatus { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return lc $self->parmval("problemstatus", $part); |
} |
sub sig { |
sub sig { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("sig", $part); |
return $self->parmval("sig", $part); |
Line 2444 sub tol {
Line 3906 sub tol {
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("tol", $part); |
return $self->parmval("tol", $part); |
} |
} |
sub tries { |
sub tries { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $tries = $self->queryRestoreHash('tries', shift); |
$part = '0' if (!defined($part)); |
if (!defined($tries)) { return '0';} |
# Make sure return hash is loaded, should error check |
$self->getReturnHash(); |
my $tries = $self->{RETURN_HASH}->{'resource.'.$part.'.tries'}; |
if (!defined($tries)) {return '0';} |
return $tries; |
return $tries; |
} |
} |
sub type { |
sub type { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("type", $part); |
return $self->parmval("type", $part); |
} |
} |
sub weight { |
sub weight { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
my $self = shift; my $part = shift; |
return $self->parmval("weight", $part); |
if (!defined($part)) { $part = '0'; } |
return &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$part.'.weight', |
$self->symb(), $env{'user.domain'}, |
$env{''}, |
$env{'request.course.sec'}); |
} |
sub part_display { |
my $self= shift(); my $partID = shift(); |
if (! defined($partID)) { $partID = '0'; } |
my $display=&Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$partID.'.display', |
$self->symb); |
if (! defined($display) || $display eq '') { |
$display = $partID; |
} |
return $display; |
} |
} |
# Multiple things need this |
# Multiple things need this |
Line 2470 sub getReturnHash {
Line 3940 sub getReturnHash {
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
if (!defined($self->{RETURN_HASH})) { |
if (!defined($self->{RETURN_HASH})) { |
my %tmpHash = &Apache::lonnet::restore($self->symb()); |
my %tmpHash = &Apache::lonnet::restore($self->symb()); |
$self->{RETURN_HASH} = \%tmpHash; |
$self->{RETURN_HASH} = \%tmpHash; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Line 2497 Misc. functions for the resource.
Line 3967 Misc. functions for the resource.
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
=item * B<hasDiscussion>: Returns a false value if there has been discussion since the user last logged in, true if there has. Always returns false if the discussion data was not extracted when the nav map was constructed. |
=item * B<hasDiscussion>: |
=item * B<getFeedback>: Gets the feedback for the resource and returns the raw feedback string for the resource, or the null string if there is no feedback or the email data was not extracted when the nav map was constructed. Usually used like this: |
Returns a false value if there has been discussion since the user last |
logged in, true if there has. Always returns false if the discussion |
data was not extracted when the nav map was constructed. |
=item * B<getFeedback>: |
Gets the feedback for the resource and returns the raw feedback string |
for the resource, or the null string if there is no feedback or the |
email data was not extracted when the nav map was constructed. Usually |
used like this: |
for (split(/\,/, $res->getFeedback())) { |
for (split(/\,/, $res->getFeedback())) { |
my $link = &Apache::lonnet::escape($_); |
my $link = &Apache::lonnet::escape($_); |
Line 2516 sub hasDiscussion {
Line 3995 sub hasDiscussion {
sub getFeedback { |
sub getFeedback { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getFeedback($self->symb()); |
my $source = $self->src(); |
if ($source =~ /^\/res\//) { $source = substr $source, 5; } |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getFeedback($source); |
} |
sub getErrors { |
my $self = shift; |
my $source = $self->src(); |
if ($source =~ /^\/res\//) { $source = substr $source, 5; } |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getErrors($source); |
} |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
=item * B<parts>(): Returns a list reference containing sorted strings corresponding to each part of the problem. To count the number of parts, use the list in a scalar context, and subtract one if greater then two. (One part problems have a part 0. Multi-parts have a part 0, plus a part for each part. Filtering part 0 if you want it is up to you.) |
=item * B<parts>(): |
Returns a list reference containing sorted strings corresponding to |
each part of the problem. Single part problems have only a part '0'. |
Multipart problems do not return their part '0', since they typically |
do not really matter. |
=item * B<countParts>(): |
Returns the number of parts of the problem a student can answer. Thus, |
for single part problems, returns 1. For multipart, it returns the |
number of parts in the problem, not including psuedo-part 0. |
=item * B<countResponses>(): |
=item * B<countParts>(): Returns the number of parts of the problem a student can answer. Thus, for single part problems, returns 1. For multipart, it returns the number of parts in the problem, not including psuedo-part 0. Thus, B<parts> may return an array with fewer parts in it then countParts might lead you to believe. |
Returns the total number of responses in the problem a student can answer. |
=item * B<responseTypes>(): |
Returns a hash whose keys are the response types. The values are the number |
of times each response type is used. This is for the I<entire> problem, not |
just a single part. |
=item * B<multipart>(): |
Returns true if the problem is multipart, false otherwise. Use this instead |
of countParts if all you want is multipart/not multipart. |
=item * B<responseType>($part): |
Returns the response type of the part, without the word "response" on the |
end. Example return values: 'string', 'essay', 'numeric', etc. |
=item * B<responseIds>($part): |
Retreives the response IDs for the given part as an array reference containing |
strings naming the response IDs. This may be empty. |
=back |
=back |
Line 2532 sub getFeedback {
Line 4054 sub getFeedback {
sub parts { |
sub parts { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
if ($self->ext) { return ['0']; } |
if ($self->ext) { return []; } |
$self->extractParts(); |
$self->extractParts(); |
return $self->{PARTS}; |
return $self->{PARTS}; |
Line 2543 sub countParts {
Line 4065 sub countParts {
my $parts = $self->parts(); |
my $parts = $self->parts(); |
# If I left this here, then it's not necessary. |
#my $delta = 0; |
#for my $part (@$parts) { |
# if ($part eq '0') { $delta--; } |
#} |
if ($self->{RESOURCE_ERROR}) { |
if ($self->{RESOURCE_ERROR}) { |
return 0; |
return 0; |
} |
} |
if (scalar(@{$parts}) < 2) { return 1;} |
return scalar(@{$parts}); # + $delta; |
} |
sub countResponses { |
my $self = shift; |
my $count; |
foreach my $part (@{$self->parts()}) { |
$count+= scalar($self->responseIds($part)); |
} |
return $count; |
} |
sub responseTypes { |
my $self = shift; |
my %responses; |
foreach my $part ($self->parts()) { |
foreach my $responsetype ($self->responseType($part)) { |
$responses{$responsetype}++ if (defined($responsetype)); |
} |
} |
return %responses; |
} |
sub multipart { |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->countParts() > 1; |
} |
return scalar(@{$parts}) - 1; |
sub singlepart { |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->countParts() == 1; |
} |
} |
# Private function: Extracts the parts information and saves it |
sub responseType { |
my $self = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
$self->extractParts(); |
if (defined($self->{RESPONSE_TYPES}->{$part})) { |
return @{$self->{RESPONSE_TYPES}->{$part}}; |
} else { |
return undef; |
} |
} |
sub responseIds { |
my $self = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
$self->extractParts(); |
if (defined($self->{RESPONSE_IDS}->{$part})) { |
return @{$self->{RESPONSE_IDS}->{$part}}; |
} else { |
return undef; |
} |
} |
# Private function: Extracts the parts information, both part names and |
# part types, and saves it. |
sub extractParts { |
sub extractParts { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
return if ($self->{PARTS}); |
return if (defined($self->{PARTS})); |
return if ($self->ext); |
return if ($self->ext); |
$self->{PARTS} = []; |
$self->{PARTS} = []; |
# Retrieve part count |
my %parts; |
my $metadata = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($self->src(), 'allpossiblekeys'); |
if (!$metadata) { |
$self->{RESOURCE_ERROR} = 1; |
$self->{PARTS} = []; |
return; |
} |
foreach (split(/\,/,$metadata)) { |
# Retrieve part count, if this is a problem |
if ($_ =~ /^parameter\_(.*)\_opendate$/) { |
if ($self->is_problem()) { |
push @{$self->{PARTS}}, $1; |
my $partorder = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($self->src(), 'partorder'); |
my $metadata = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($self->src(), 'packages'); |
if ($partorder) { |
my @parts; |
for my $part (split (/,/,$partorder)) { |
if (!Apache::loncommon::check_if_partid_hidden($part, $self->symb())) { |
push @parts, $part; |
$parts{$part} = 1; |
} |
} |
$self->{PARTS} = \@parts; |
} else { |
if (!$metadata) { |
$self->{RESOURCE_ERROR} = 1; |
$self->{PARTS} = []; |
$self->{PART_TYPE} = {}; |
return; |
} |
foreach (split(/\,/,$metadata)) { |
if ($_ =~ /^(?:part|Task)_(.*)$/) { |
my $part = $1; |
# This floods the logs if it blows up |
if (defined($parts{$part})) { |
&Apache::lonnet::logthis("$part multiply defined in metadata for " . $self->symb()); |
} |
# check to see if part is turned off. |
if (!Apache::loncommon::check_if_partid_hidden($part, $self->symb())) { |
$parts{$part} = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
my @sortedParts = sort keys %parts; |
$self->{PARTS} = \@sortedParts; |
} |
} |
} |
# These hashes probably do not need names that end with "Hash".... |
# Is this possible to do in one line? - Jeremy |
my %responseIdHash; |
my @sortedParts = sort @{$self->{PARTS}}; |
my %responseTypeHash; |
$self->{PARTS} = \@sortedParts; |
# Init the responseIdHash |
foreach (@{$self->{PARTS}}) { |
$responseIdHash{$_} = []; |
} |
# Now, the unfortunate thing about this is that parts, part name, and |
# response id are delimited by underscores, but both the part |
# name and response id can themselves have underscores in them. |
# So we have to use our knowlege of part names to figure out |
# where the part names begin and end, and even then, it is possible |
# to construct ambiguous situations. |
foreach (split /,/, $metadata) { |
if ($_ =~ /^([a-zA-Z]+)response_(.*)/) { |
my $responseType = $1; |
my $partStuff = $2; |
my $partIdSoFar = ''; |
my @partChunks = split /_/, $partStuff; |
my $i = 0; |
for ($i = 0; $i < scalar(@partChunks); $i++) { |
if ($partIdSoFar) { $partIdSoFar .= '_'; } |
$partIdSoFar .= $partChunks[$i]; |
if ($parts{$partIdSoFar}) { |
my @otherChunks = @partChunks[$i+1..$#partChunks]; |
my $responseId = join('_', @otherChunks); |
push @{$responseIdHash{$partIdSoFar}}, $responseId; |
push @{$responseTypeHash{$partIdSoFar}}, $responseType; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
my $resorder = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($self->src(),'responseorder'); |
# |
# Reorder the arrays in the %responseIdHash and %responseTypeHash |
if ($resorder) { |
my @resorder=split(/,/,$resorder); |
foreach my $part (keys(%responseIdHash)) { |
my $i=0; |
my %resids = map { ($_,$i++) } @{ $responseIdHash{$part} }; |
my @neworder; |
foreach my $possibleid (@resorder) { |
if (exists($resids{$possibleid})) { |
push(@neworder,$resids{$possibleid}); |
} |
} |
my @ids; |
my @type; |
foreach my $element (@neworder) { |
push (@ids,$responseIdHash{$part}->[$element]); |
push (@type,$responseTypeHash{$part}->[$element]); |
} |
$responseIdHash{$part}=\@ids; |
$responseTypeHash{$part}=\@type; |
} |
} |
$self->{RESPONSE_IDS} = \%responseIdHash; |
$self->{RESPONSE_TYPES} = \%responseTypeHash; |
} |
return; |
return; |
} |
} |
Line 2587 sub extractParts {
Line 4255 sub extractParts {
=head2 Resource Status |
=head2 Resource Status |
Problem resources have status information, reflecting their various dates and completion statuses. You can obtain this information and import symbolic constants to represent the status. |
Problem resources have status information, reflecting their various |
dates and completion statuses. |
There are two aspects to the status: the date-related information and the completion information. |
There are two aspects to the status: the date-related information and |
the completion information. |
Idiomatic usage of these two methods would probably look something like |
Idiomatic usage of these two methods would probably look something |
like |
foreach ($resource->parts()) { |
foreach ($resource->parts()) { |
my $dateStatus = $resource->getDateStatus($_); |
my $dateStatus = $resource->getDateStatus($_); |
Line 2604 Idiomatic usage of these two methods wou
Line 4275 Idiomatic usage of these two methods wou
... use it here ... |
... use it here ... |
} |
} |
Which you use depends on exactly what you are looking for. The |
status() function has been optimized for the nav maps display and may |
not precisely match what you need elsewhere. |
The symbolic constants shown below can be accessed through the |
resource object: C<$res->OPEN>. |
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
=item * B<getDateStatus>($part): ($part defaults to 0). A convenience function that returns a symbolic constant telling you about the date status of the part. The possible return values are: |
=item * B<getDateStatus>($part): |
($part defaults to 0). A convenience function that returns a symbolic |
constant telling you about the date status of the part. The possible |
return values are: |
=back |
=back |
Line 2614 B<Date Codes>
Line 4296 B<Date Codes>
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
=item * B<OPEN_LATER>: The problem will be opened later. |
=item * B<OPEN_LATER>: |
The problem will be opened later. |
=item * B<OPEN>: |
Open and not yet due. |
=item * B<OPEN>: Open and not yet due. |
The due date has passed, but the answer date has not yet arrived. |
=item * B<PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER>: |
=item * B<PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER>: The due date has passed, but the answer date has not yet arrived. |
The due date has passed and there is no answer opening date set. |
=item * B<PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER>: The due date has passed and there is no answer opening date set. |
=item * B<ANSWER_OPEN>: |
=item * B<ANSWER_OPEN>: The answer date is here. |
The answer date is here. |
=item * B<NETWORK_FAILURE>: The information is unknown due to network failure. |
The information is unknown due to network failure. |
=back |
=back |
Line 2679 B<>
Line 4373 B<>
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
=item * B<getCompletionStatus>($part): ($part defaults to 0.) A convenience function that returns a symbolic constant telling you about the completion status of the part, with the following possible results: |
=item * B<getCompletionStatus>($part): |
($part defaults to 0.) A convenience function that returns a symbolic |
constant telling you about the completion status of the part, with the |
following possible results: |
=back |
=back |
B<Completion Codes> |
B<Completion Codes> |
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
=item * B<NOT_ATTEMPTED>: Has not been attempted at all. |
=item * B<NOT_ATTEMPTED>: |
Has not been attempted at all. |
=item * B<INCORRECT>: |
Attempted, but wrong by student. |
Attempted, but wrong by instructor override. |
=item * B<CORRECT>: |
Correct or correct by instructor. |
=item * B<INCORRECT>: Attempted, but wrong by student. |
=item * B<INCORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE>: Attempted, but wrong by instructor override. |
Correct by instructor override. |
=item * B<CORRECT>: Correct or correct by instructor. |
=item * B<EXCUSED>: |
=item * B<CORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE>: Correct by instructor override. |
Excused. Not yet implemented. |
=item * B<EXCUSED>: Excused. Not yet implemented. |
=item * B<NETWORK_FAILURE>: Information not available due to network failure. |
Information not available due to network failure. |
=item * B<ATTEMPTED>: Attempted, and not yet graded. |
=item * B<ATTEMPTED>: |
Attempted, and not yet graded. |
=back |
=back |
Line 2718 sub ATTEMPTED { return 16; }
Line 4432 sub ATTEMPTED { return 16; }
sub getCompletionStatus { |
sub getCompletionStatus { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
$part = "0" if (!defined($part)); |
return $self->NETWORK_FAILURE if ($self->{NAV_MAP}->{NETWORK_FAILURE}); |
return $self->NETWORK_FAILURE if ($self->{NAV_MAP}->{NETWORK_FAILURE}); |
# Make sure return hash exists |
my $status = $self->queryRestoreHash('solved', $part); |
$self->getReturnHash(); |
my $status = $self->{RETURN_HASH}->{'resource.'.$part.'.solved'}; |
# Left as seperate if statements in case we ever do more with this |
# Left as separate if statements in case we ever do more with this |
if ($status eq 'correct_by_student') {return $self->CORRECT;} |
if ($status eq 'correct_by_student') {return $self->CORRECT;} |
if ($status eq 'correct_by_override') {return $self->CORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE; } |
if ($status eq 'correct_by_scantron') {return $self->CORRECT;} |
if ($status eq 'correct_by_override') { |
return $self->CORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE; |
} |
if ($status eq 'incorrect_attempted') {return $self->INCORRECT; } |
if ($status eq 'incorrect_attempted') {return $self->INCORRECT; } |
if ($status eq 'incorrect_by_override') {return $self->INCORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE; } |
if ($status eq 'incorrect_by_override') {return $self->INCORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE; } |
if ($status eq 'excused') {return $self->EXCUSED; } |
if ($status eq 'excused') {return $self->EXCUSED; } |
Line 2736 sub getCompletionStatus {
Line 4449 sub getCompletionStatus {
return $self->NOT_ATTEMPTED; |
return $self->NOT_ATTEMPTED; |
} |
} |
sub queryRestoreHash { |
my $self = shift; |
my $hashentry = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
$part = "0" if (!defined($part) || $part eq ''); |
return $self->NETWORK_FAILURE if ($self->{NAV_MAP}->{NETWORK_FAILURE}); |
$self->getReturnHash(); |
return $self->{RETURN_HASH}->{'resource.'.$part.'.'.$hashentry}; |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
B<Composite Status> |
B<Composite Status> |
Along with directly returning the date or completion status, the resource object includes a convenience function B<status>() that will combine the two status tidbits into one composite status that can represent the status of the resource as a whole. The precise logic is documented in the comments of the status method. The following results may be returned, all available as methods on the resource object ($res->NETWORK_FAILURE()): |
Along with directly returning the date or completion status, the |
resource object includes a convenience function B<status>() that will |
combine the two status tidbits into one composite status that can |
represent the status of the resource as a whole. This method represents |
the concept of the thing we want to display to the user on the nav maps |
screen, which is a combination of completion and open status. The precise logic is |
documented in the comments of the status method. The following results |
may be returned, all available as methods on the resource object |
($res->NETWORK_FAILURE): In addition to the return values that match |
the date or completion status, this function can return "ANSWER_SUBMITTED" |
if that problemstatus parameter value is set to No, suppressing the |
incorrect/correct feedback. |
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
=item * B<NETWORK_FAILURE>: The network has failed and the information is not available. |
The network has failed and the information is not available. |
=item * B<NOTHING_SET>: |
No dates have been set for this problem (part) at all. (Because only |
certain parts of a multi-part problem may be assigned, this can not be |
collapsed into "open later", as we do not know a given part will EVER |
be opened. For single part, this is the same as "OPEN_LATER".) |
=item * B<CORRECT>: |
For any reason at all, the part is considered correct. |
=item * B<EXCUSED>: |
=item * B<NOTHING_SET>: No dates have been set for this problem (part) at all. (Because only certain parts of a multi-part problem may be assigned, this can not be collapsed into "open later", as we don't know a given part will EVER be opened. For single part, this is the same as "OPEN_LATER".) |
For any reason at all, the problem is excused. |
=item * B<CORRECT>: For any reason at all, the part is considered correct. |
=item * B<PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER>: |
=item * B<EXCUSED>: For any reason at all, the problem is excused. |
The problem is past due, not considered correct, and no answer date is |
set. |
=item * B<PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER>: The problem is past due, not considered correct, and no answer date is set. |
=item * B<PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER>: The problem is past due, not considered correct, and an answer date in the future is set. |
The problem is past due, not considered correct, and an answer date in |
the future is set. |
=item * B<ANSWER_OPEN>: The problem is past due, not correct, and the answer is now available. |
=item * B<ANSWER_OPEN>: |
=item * B<OPEN_LATER>: The problem is not yet open. |
The problem is past due, not correct, and the answer is now available. |
=item * B<TRIES_LEFT>: The problem is open, has been tried, is not correct, but there are tries left. |
=item * B<OPEN_LATER>: |
=item * B<INCORRECT>: The problem is open, and all tries have been used without getting the correct answer. |
The problem is not yet open. |
=item * B<OPEN>: The item is open and not yet tried. |
=item * B<TRIES_LEFT>: |
=item * B<ATTEMPTED>: The problem has been attempted. |
The problem is open, has been tried, is not correct, but there are |
tries left. |
=item * B<INCORRECT>: |
The problem is open, and all tries have been used without getting the |
correct answer. |
=item * B<OPEN>: |
The item is open and not yet tried. |
=item * B<ATTEMPTED>: |
The problem has been attempted. |
An answer has been submitted, but the student should not see it. |
=back |
=back |
=cut |
=cut |
sub TRIES_LEFT { return 10; } |
sub TRIES_LEFT { return 20; } |
sub ANSWER_SUBMITTED { return 21; } |
sub PARTIALLY_CORRECT{ return 22; } |
sub status { |
sub status { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
Line 2785 sub status {
Line 4558 sub status {
# dimension and 5 entries on the other, which we want to colorize, |
# dimension and 5 entries on the other, which we want to colorize, |
# plus network failure and "no date data at all". |
# plus network failure and "no date data at all". |
#if ($self->{RESOURCE_ERROR}) { return NETWORK_FAILURE; } |
if ($completionStatus == NETWORK_FAILURE) { return NETWORK_FAILURE; } |
if ($completionStatus == NETWORK_FAILURE) { return NETWORK_FAILURE; } |
my $suppressFeedback = $self->problemstatus($part) eq 'no'; |
# If there's an answer date and we're past it, don't |
# suppress the feedback; student should know |
if ($self->duedate($part) && $self->duedate($part) < time() && |
$self->answerdate($part) && $self->answerdate($part) < time()) { |
$suppressFeedback = 0; |
} |
# There are a few whole rows we can dispose of: |
# There are a few whole rows we can dispose of: |
if ($completionStatus == CORRECT || |
if ($completionStatus == CORRECT || |
$completionStatus == CORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE ) { |
$completionStatus == CORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE ) { |
return CORRECT; |
if ( $suppressFeedback ) { return ANSWER_SUBMITTED } |
my $awarded=$self->awarded($part); |
if ($awarded < 1 && $awarded > 0) { |
} elsif ($awarded<1) { |
return INCORRECT; |
} |
return CORRECT; |
} |
# If it's WRONG... and not open |
if ( ($completionStatus == INCORRECT || |
$completionStatus == INCORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE) |
&& (!$self->opendate($part) || $self->opendate($part) > time()) ) { |
return INCORRECT; |
} |
} |
if ($completionStatus == ATTEMPTED) { |
if ($completionStatus == ATTEMPTED) { |
Line 2811 sub status {
Line 4607 sub status {
if ($dateStatus == PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER || |
if ($dateStatus == PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER || |
$dateStatus == PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER ) { |
$dateStatus == PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER ) { |
return $dateStatus; |
return $suppressFeedback ? ANSWER_SUBMITTED : $dateStatus; |
} |
} |
if ($dateStatus == ANSWER_OPEN) { |
if ($dateStatus == ANSWER_OPEN) { |
Line 2828 sub status {
Line 4624 sub status {
# If it's WRONG... |
# If it's WRONG... |
if ($completionStatus == INCORRECT || $completionStatus == INCORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE) { |
if ($completionStatus == INCORRECT || $completionStatus == INCORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE) { |
# and there are TRIES LEFT: |
# and there are TRIES LEFT: |
if ($self->tries() < $self->maxtries()) { |
if ($self->tries($part) < $self->maxtries($part) || !$self->maxtries($part)) { |
return TRIES_LEFT; |
return $suppressFeedback ? ANSWER_SUBMITTED : TRIES_LEFT; |
} |
} |
return INCORRECT; # otherwise, return orange; student can't fix this |
return $suppressFeedback ? ANSWER_SUBMITTED : INCORRECT; # otherwise, return orange; student can't fix this |
} |
} |
# Otherwise, it's untried and open |
# Otherwise, it's untried and open |
return OPEN; |
return OPEN; |
} |
} |
sub CLOSED { return 23; } |
sub ERROR { return 24; } |
=pod |
=pod |
=head2 Resource/Nav Map Navigation |
B<Simple Status> |
Convenience method B<simpleStatus> provides a "simple status" for the resource. |
"Simple status" corresponds to "which icon is shown on the |
Navmaps". There are six "simple" statuses: |
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
=item * B<getNext>(): Gets the next resource in the navmap after this one. |
=item * B<CLOSED>: The problem is currently closed. (No icon shown.) |
=item * B<OPEN>: The problem is open and unattempted. |
=item * B<CORRECT>: The problem is correct for any reason. |
=item * B<INCORRECT>: The problem is incorrect and can still be |
completed successfully. |
=item * B<ATTEMPTED>: The problem has been attempted, but the student |
does not know if they are correct. (The ellipsis icon.) |
=item * B<ERROR>: There is an error retrieving information about this |
problem. |
=back |
=cut |
=cut |
# For the simple single-link case, to get from a resource to the next |
# This hash maps the composite status to this simple status, and |
# resource, you need to look up the "to_" link in the nav hash, then |
# can be used directly, if you like |
# follow that with the "goesto_" link. |
my %compositeToSimple = |
( |
OPEN() => OPEN, |
); |
sub simpleStatus { |
my $self = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $status = $self->status($part); |
return $compositeToSimple{$status}; |
} |
=pod |
B<simpleStatusCount> will return an array reference containing, in |
this order, the number of OPEN, CLOSED, CORRECT, INCORRECT, ATTEMPTED, |
and ERROR parts the given problem has. |
=cut |
# This maps the status to the slot we want to increment |
my %statusToSlotMap = |
( |
OPEN() => 0, |
CLOSED() => 1, |
CORRECT() => 2, |
INCORRECT() => 3, |
ATTEMPTED() => 4, |
ERROR() => 5 |
); |
sub statusToSlot { return $statusToSlotMap{shift()}; } |
sub simpleStatusCount { |
my $self = shift; |
my @counts = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); |
foreach my $part (@{$self->parts()}) { |
$counts[$statusToSlotMap{$self->simpleStatus($part)}]++; |
} |
return \@counts; |
} |
=pod |
B<Completable> |
The completable method represents the concept of I<whether the student can |
currently do the problem>. If the student can do the problem, which means |
that it is open, there are tries left, and if the problem is manually graded |
or the grade is suppressed via problemstatus, the student has not tried it |
yet, then the method returns 1. Otherwise, it returns 0, to indicate that |
either the student has tried it and there is no feedback, or that for |
some reason it is no longer completable (not open yet, successfully completed, |
out of tries, etc.). As an example, this is used as the filter for the |
"Uncompleted Homework" option for the nav maps. |
If this does not quite meet your needs, do not fiddle with it (unless you are |
fixing it to better match the student's conception of "completable" because |
it's broken somehow)... make a new method. |
=cut |
sub completable { |
my $self = shift; |
if (!$self->is_problem()) { return 0; } |
my $partCount = $self->countParts(); |
foreach my $part (@{$self->parts()}) { |
if ($part eq '0' && $partCount != 1) { next; } |
my $status = $self->status($part); |
# "If any of the parts are open, or have tries left (implies open), |
# and it is not "attempted" (manually graded problem), it is |
# not "complete" |
if ($self->getCompletionStatus($part) == ATTEMPTED() || |
$status == ANSWER_SUBMITTED() ) { |
# did this part already, as well as we can |
next; |
} |
if ($status == OPEN() || $status == TRIES_LEFT()) { |
return 1; |
} |
} |
# If all the parts were complete, so was this problem. |
return 0; |
} |
=pod |
=head2 Resource/Nav Map Navigation |
=over 4 |
=item * B<getNext>(): |
Retreive an array of the possible next resources after this |
one. Always returns an array, even in the one- or zero-element case. |
=item * B<getPrevious>(): |
Retreive an array of the possible previous resources from this |
one. Always returns an array, even in the one- or zero-element case. |
=cut |
sub getNext { |
sub getNext { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $alreadySeenHash = shift; |
my @branches; |
my @branches; |
my $to = $self->to(); |
my $to = $self->to(); |
foreach my $branch ( split(/\,/, $to) ) { |
foreach my $branch ( split(/,/, $to) ) { |
my $choice = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($branch); |
my $choice = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($branch); |
#if (!$choice->condition()) { next; } |
my $next = $choice->goesto(); |
my $next = $choice->goesto(); |
$next = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($next); |
$next = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($next); |
# Don't remember it if we've already seen it or if |
push @branches, $next; |
# the student doesn't have browse priviledges |
my $browsePriv = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre', $self->src); |
if (!defined($alreadySeenHash) || |
!defined($alreadySeenHash->{$next->{ID}}) || |
($browsePriv ne '2' && $browsePriv ne 'F')) { |
push @branches, $next; |
} |
} |
} |
return \@branches; |
return \@branches; |
} |
} |
sub getPrevious { |
my $self = shift; |
my @branches; |
my $from = $self->from(); |
foreach my $branch ( split /,/, $from) { |
my $choice = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($branch); |
my $prev = $choice->comesfrom(); |
$prev = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($prev); |
push @branches, $prev; |
} |
return \@branches; |
} |
sub browsePriv { |
my $self = shift; |
if (defined($self->{BROWSE_PRIV})) { |
return $self->{BROWSE_PRIV}; |
} |
$self->{BROWSE_PRIV} = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$self->src(), |
$self->symb()); |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
=back |
=back |