version 1.393, 2006/12/20 23:02:33
version 1.416, 2008/11/18 20:18:37
Line 27
Line 27
# |
# |
### |
### |
=pod |
=head1 NAME |
| |
=head1 SYNOPSIS |
Handles navigational maps. |
The main handler generates the navigational listing for the course, |
the other objects export this information in a usable fashion for |
other modules. |
This is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA project |
described at |
=head1 OVERVIEW |
X<lonnavmaps, overview> When a user enters a course, LON-CAPA examines the |
course structure and caches it in what is often referred to as the |
"big hash" X<big hash>. You can see it if you are logged into |
LON-CAPA, in a course, by going to /adm/test. (You may need to |
tweak the /home/httpd/lonTabs/htpasswd file to view it.) The |
content of the hash will be under the heading "Big Hash". |
Big Hash contains, among other things, how resources are related |
to each other (next/previous), what resources are maps, which |
resources are being chosen to not show to the student (for random |
selection), and a lot of other things that can take a lot of time |
to compute due to the amount of data that needs to be collected and |
processed. |
Apache::lonnavmaps provides an object model for manipulating this |
information in a higher-level fashion than directly manipulating |
the hash. It also provides access to several auxilary functions |
that aren't necessarily stored in the Big Hash, but are a per- |
resource sort of value, like whether there is any feedback on |
a given resource. |
Apache::lonnavmaps also abstracts away branching, and someday, |
conditions, for the times where you don't really care about those |
things. |
Apache::lonnavmaps also provides fairly powerful routines for |
rendering navmaps, and last but not least, provides the navmaps |
view for when the user clicks the NAV button. |
B<Note>: Apache::lonnavmaps I<only> works for the "currently |
logged in user"; if you want things like "due dates for another |
student" lonnavmaps can not directly retrieve information like |
that. You need the EXT function. This module can still help, |
because many things, such as the course structure, are constant |
between users, and Apache::lonnavmaps can help by providing |
symbs for the EXT call. |
The rest of this file will cover the provided rendering routines, |
which can often be used without fiddling with the navmap object at |
all, then documents the Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap object, which |
is the key to accessing the Big Hash information, covers the use |
of the Iterator (which provides the logic for traversing the |
somewhat-complicated Big Hash data structure), documents the |
Apache::lonnavmaps::Resource objects that are returned by |
=head1 Subroutine: render |
The navmap renderer package provides a sophisticated rendering of the |
standard navigation maps interface into HTML. The provided nav map |
handler is actually just a glorified call to this. |
Because of the large number of parameters this function accepts, |
instead of passing it arguments as is normal, pass it in an anonymous |
hash with the desired options. |
The package provides a function called 'render', called as |
Apache::lonnavmaps::render({}). |
=head2 Overview of Columns |
The renderer will build an HTML table for the navmap and return |
it. The table consists of several columns, and a row for each |
resource (or possibly each part). You tell the renderer how many |
columns to create and what to place in each column, optionally using |
one or more of the prepared columns, and the renderer will assemble |
the table. |
Any additional generally useful column types should be placed in the |
renderer code here, so anybody can use it anywhere else. Any code |
specific to the current application (such as the addition of <input> |
elements in a column) should be placed in the code of the thing using |
the renderer. |
At the core of the renderer is the array reference COLS (see Example |
section below for how to pass this correctly). The COLS array will |
consist of entries of one of two types of things: Either an integer |
representing one of the pre-packaged column types, or a sub reference |
that takes a resource reference, a part number, and a reference to the |
argument hash passed to the renderer, and returns a string that will |
be inserted into the HTML representation as it. |
All other parameters are ways of either changing how the columns |
are printing, or which rows are shown. |
The pre-packaged column names are refered to by constants in the |
Apache::lonnavmaps namespace. The following currently exist: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::resource>: |
The general info about the resource: Link, icon for the type, etc. The |
first column in the standard nav map display. This column provides the |
indentation effect seen in the B<NAV> screen. This column also accepts |
the following parameters in the renderer hash: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<resource_nolink>: default false |
If true, the resource will not be linked. By default, all non-folder |
resources are linked. |
=item * B<resource_part_count>: default true |
If true, the resource will show a part count B<if> the full |
part list is not displayed. (See "condense_parts" later.) If false, |
the resource will never show a part count. |
=item * B<resource_no_folder_link>: |
If true, the resource's folder will not be clickable to open or close |
it. Default is false. True implies printCloseAll is false, since you |
can't close or open folders when this is on anyhow. |
=back |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::communication_status>: |
Whether there is discussion on the resource, email for the user, or |
(lumped in here) perl errors in the execution of the problem. This is |
the second column in the main nav map. |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::quick_status>: |
An icon for the status of a problem, with five possible states: |
Correct, incorrect, open, awaiting grading (for a problem where the |
computer's grade is suppressed, or the computer can't grade, like |
essay problem), or none (not open yet, not a problem). The |
third column of the standard navmap. |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::long_status>: |
A text readout of the details of the current status of the problem, |
such as "Due in 22 hours". The fourth column of the standard navmap. |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::part_status_summary>: |
A text readout summarizing the status of the problem. If it is a |
single part problem, will display "Correct", "Incorrect", |
"Not yet open", "Open", "Attempted", or "Error". If there are |
multiple parts, this will output a string that in HTML will show a |
status of how many parts are in each status, in color coding, trying |
to match the colors of the icons within reason. |
Note this only makes sense if you are I<not> showing parts. If |
C<showParts> is true (see below), this column will not output |
anything. |
=back |
If you add any others please be sure to document them here. |
An example of a column renderer that will show the ID number of a |
resource, along with the part name if any: |
sub { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
if ($part) { return '<td>' . $resource->{ID} . ' ' . $part . '</td>'; } |
return '<td>' . $resource->{ID} . '</td>'; |
} |
Note these functions are responsible for the TD tags, which allow them |
to override vertical and horizontal alignment, etc. |
=head2 Parameters |
Minimally, you should be |
able to get away with just using 'cols' (to specify the columns |
shown), 'url' (necessary for the folders to link to the current screen |
correctly), and possibly 'queryString' if your app calls for it. In |
that case, maintaining the state of the folders will be done |
automatically. |
=over 4 |
=item * B<iterator>: default: constructs one from %env |
A reference to a fresh ::iterator to use from the navmaps. The |
rendering will reflect the options passed to the iterator, so you can |
use that to just render a certain part of the course, if you like. If |
one is not passed, the renderer will attempt to construct one from |
env{'form.filter'} and env{'form.condition'} information, plus the |
'iterator_map' parameter if any. |
=item * B<iterator_map>: default: not used |
If you are letting the renderer do the iterator handling, you can |
instruct the renderer to render only a particular map by passing it |
the source of the map you want to process, like |
'/res/103/jerf/navmap.course.sequence'. |
=item * B<include_top_level_map>: default: false |
If you need to include the top level map (meaning the course) in the |
rendered output set this to true |
=item * B<navmap>: default: constructs one from %env |
A reference to a navmap, used only if an iterator is not passed in. If |
this is necessary to make an iterator but it is not passed in, a new |
one will be constructed based on env info. This is useful to do basic |
error checking before passing it off to render. |
=item * B<r>: default: must be passed in |
The standard Apache response object. This must be passed to the |
renderer or the course hash will be locked. |
=item * B<cols>: default: empty (useless) |
An array reference |
=item * B<showParts>:default true |
A flag. If true, a line for the resource itself, and a line |
for each part will be displayed. If not, only one line for each |
resource will be displayed. |
=item * B<condenseParts>: default true |
A flag. If true, if all parts of the problem have the same |
status and that status is Nothing Set, Correct, or Network Failure, |
then only one line will be displayed for that resource anyhow. If no, |
all parts will always be displayed. If showParts is 0, this is |
ignored. |
=item * B<jumpCount>: default: determined from %env |
A string identifying the URL to place the anchor 'curloc' at. |
It is the responsibility of the renderer user to |
ensure that the #curloc is in the URL. By default, determined through |
the use of the env{} 'jump' information, and should normally "just |
work" correctly. |
=item * B<here>: default: empty string |
A Symb identifying where to place the 'here' marker. The empty |
string means no marker. |
=item * B<indentString>: default: 25 pixel whitespace image |
A string identifying the indentation string to use. |
=item * B<queryString>: default: empty |
A string which will be prepended to the query string used when the |
folders are opened or closed. You can use this to pass |
application-specific values. |
=item * B<url>: default: none |
The url the folders will link to, which should be the current |
page. Required if the resource info column is shown, and you |
are allowing the user to open and close folders. |
=item * B<currentJumpIndex>: default: no jumping |
Describes the currently-open row number to cause the browser to jump |
to, because the user just opened that folder. By default, pulled from |
the Jump information in the env{'form.*'}. |
=item * B<printKey>: default: false |
If true, print the key that appears on the top of the standard |
navmaps. |
=item * B<printCloseAll>: default: true |
If true, print the "Close all folders" or "open all folders" |
links. |
=item * B<filterFunc>: default: sub {return 1;} (accept everything) |
A function that takes the resource object as its only parameter and |
returns a true or false value. If true, the resource is displayed. If |
false, it is simply skipped in the display. |
=item * B<suppressEmptySequences>: default: false |
If you're using a filter function, and displaying sequences to orient |
the user, then frequently some sequences will be empty. Setting this to |
true will cause those sequences not to display, so as not to confuse the |
user into thinking that if the sequence is there there should be things |
under it; for example, see the "Show Uncompleted Homework" view on the |
B<NAV> screen. |
=item * B<suppressNavmaps>: default: false |
If true, will not display Navigate Content resources. |
=back |
=head2 Additional Info |
In addition to the parameters you can pass to the renderer, which will |
be passed through unchange to the column renderers, the renderer will |
generate the following information which your renderer may find |
useful: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<counter>: |
Contains the number of rows printed. Useful after calling the render |
function, as you can detect whether anything was printed at all. |
=item * B<isNewBranch>: |
Useful for renderers: If this resource is currently the first resource |
of a new branch, this will be true. The Resource column (leftmost in the |
navmaps screen) uses this to display the "new branch" icon |
=back |
=cut |
=over |
=item update() |
=item addToFilter() |
Convenience functions: Returns a string that adds or subtracts |
the second argument from the first hash, appropriate for the |
query string that determines which folders to recurse on |
=item removeFromFilter() |
=item getLinkForResource() |
Convenience function: Given a stack returned from getStack on the iterator, |
return the correct src() value. |
=item getDescription() |
Convenience function: This separates the logic of how to create |
the problem text strings ("Due: DATE", "Open: DATE", "Not yet assigned", |
etc.) into a separate function. It takes a resource object as the |
first parameter, and the part number of the resource as the second. |
It's basically a big switch statement on the status of the resource. |
=item dueInLessThan24Hours() |
Convenience function, so others can use it: Is the problem due in less than 24 hours, and still can be done? |
=item lastTry() |
Convenience function, so others can use it: Is there only one try remaining for the |
part, with more than one try to begin with, not due yet and still can be done? |
=item advancedUser() |
This puts a human-readable name on the env variable. |
=item timeToHumanString() |
timeToHumanString takes a time number and converts it to a |
human-readable representation, meant to be used in the following |
manner: |
=over 4 |
=item * print "Due $timestring" |
=item * print "Open $timestring" |
=item * print "Answer available $timestring" |
=back |
Very, very, very, VERY English-only... goodness help a localizer on |
this func... |
=item |
=item |
=item |
=item |
=item |
=item |
=item |
=item |
=item |
=item |
=item |
=item |
=item |
=back |
=cut |
package Apache::lonnavmaps; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps; |
use strict; |
use strict; |
Line 36 use Apache::lonenc();
Line 464 use Apache::lonenc();
use Apache::lonlocal; |
use Apache::lonlocal; |
use Apache::lonnet; |
use Apache::lonnet; |
use POSIX qw (floor strftime); |
use POSIX qw (floor strftime); |
use Data::Dumper; # for debugging, not always |
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval ); |
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval ); |
use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/'; |
use LONCAPA; |
use LONCAPA; |
use DateTime(); |
# symbolic constants |
# symbolic constants |
sub SYMB { return 1; } |
sub SYMB { return 1; } |
Line 86 my %colormap =
Line 513 my %colormap =
$resObj->PARTIALLY_CORRECT => '#006600' |
$resObj->PARTIALLY_CORRECT => '#006600' |
); |
); |
# And a special case in the nav map; what to do when the assignment |
# And a special case in the nav map; what to do when the assignment |
# is not yet done and due in less then 24 hours |
# is not yet done and due in less than 24 hours |
my $hurryUpColor = "#FF0000"; |
my $hurryUpColor = "#FF0000"; |
sub close { |
sub close { |
Line 149 sub getLinkForResource {
Line 576 sub getLinkForResource {
if (defined($res)) { |
if (defined($res)) { |
my $anchor; |
my $anchor; |
if ($res->is_page()) { |
if ($res->is_page()) { |
foreach (@$stack) { if (defined($_)) { $anchor = $_; } } |
foreach my $item (@$stack) { if (defined($item)) { $anchor = $item; } } |
$anchor=&escape($anchor->shown_symb()); |
$anchor=&escape($anchor->shown_symb()); |
return ($res->link(),$res->shown_symb(),$anchor); |
return ($res->link(),$res->shown_symb(),$anchor); |
} |
} |
Line 167 sub getLinkForResource {
Line 594 sub getLinkForResource {
# (when we first recurse on a map, it puts an undefined resource |
# (when we first recurse on a map, it puts an undefined resource |
# on the bottom because $self->{HERE} isn't defined yet, and we |
# on the bottom because $self->{HERE} isn't defined yet, and we |
# want the src for the map anyhow) |
# want the src for the map anyhow) |
foreach (@$stack) { |
foreach my $item (@$stack) { |
if (defined($_)) { $res = $_; } |
if (defined($item)) { $res = $item; } |
} |
} |
return ($res->link(),$res->shown_symb()); |
if ($res) { |
return ($res->link(),$res->shown_symb()); |
} |
return; |
} |
} |
# Convenience function: This separates the logic of how to create |
# Convenience function: This separates the logic of how to create |
Line 185 sub getDescription {
Line 615 sub getDescription {
my $part = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $status = $res->status($part); |
my $status = $res->status($part); |
my $open = $res->opendate($part); |
my $due = $res->duedate($part); |
my $answer = $res->answerdate($part); |
if ($status == $res->NETWORK_FAILURE) { |
if ($status == $res->NETWORK_FAILURE) { |
return &mt("Having technical difficulties; please check status later"); |
return &mt("Having technical difficulties; please check status later"); |
} |
} |
Line 192 sub getDescription {
Line 626 sub getDescription {
return &mt("Not currently assigned."); |
return &mt("Not currently assigned."); |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->OPEN_LATER) { |
if ($status == $res->OPEN_LATER) { |
return "Open " . timeToHumanString($res->opendate($part),'start'); |
return &mt("Open ") .timeToHumanString($open,'start'); |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->OPEN) { |
if ($status == $res->OPEN) { |
if ($res->duedate($part)) { |
if ($due) { |
return &mt("Due")." " .timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part),'end'); |
if ($res->is_practice()) { |
return &mt("Closes ")." " .timeToHumanString($due,'start'); |
} else { |
return &mt("Due")." " .timeToHumanString($due,'end'); |
} |
} else { |
} else { |
return &mt("Open, no due date"); |
return &mt("Open, no due date"); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER) { |
if ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER) { |
return &mt("Answer open")." " . timeToHumanString($res->answerdate($part),'start'); |
return &mt("Answer open")." " .timeToHumanString($answer,'start'); |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER) { |
if ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER) { |
return &mt("Was due")." " . timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part),'end'); |
if ($res->is_practice()) { |
return &mt("Closed")." " . timeToHumanString($due,'start'); |
} else { |
return &mt("Was due")." " . timeToHumanString($due,'end'); |
} |
} |
} |
if (($status == $res->ANSWER_OPEN || $status == $res->PARTIALLY_CORRECT) |
if (($status == $res->ANSWER_OPEN || $status == $res->PARTIALLY_CORRECT) |
&& $res->handgrade($part) ne 'yes') { |
&& $res->handgrade($part) ne 'yes') { |
Line 222 sub getDescription {
Line 664 sub getDescription {
my $maxtries = $res->maxtries($part); |
my $maxtries = $res->maxtries($part); |
my $triesString = ""; |
my $triesString = ""; |
if ($tries && $maxtries) { |
if ($tries && $maxtries) { |
$triesString = "<font size=\"-1\"><i>($tries of $maxtries tries used)</i></font>"; |
$triesString = '<font size="-1"><i>('.&mt('[_1] of [_2] tries used',$tries,$maxtries).')</i></font>'; |
if ($maxtries > 1 && $maxtries - $tries == 1) { |
if ($maxtries > 1 && $maxtries - $tries == 1) { |
$triesString = "<b>$triesString</b>"; |
$triesString = "<b>$triesString</b>"; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ($res->duedate($part)) { |
if ($due) { |
return &mt("Due")." " . timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part),'end') . |
return &mt("Due")." " . timeToHumanString($due,'end') . |
" $triesString"; |
" $triesString"; |
} else { |
} else { |
return &mt("No due date")." $triesString"; |
return &mt("No due date")." $triesString"; |
Line 239 sub getDescription {
Line 681 sub getDescription {
} |
} |
} |
} |
# Convenience function, so others can use it: Is the problem due in less then |
# Convenience function, so others can use it: Is the problem due in less than |
# 24 hours, and still can be done? |
# 24 hours, and still can be done? |
sub dueInLessThan24Hours { |
sub dueInLessThan24Hours { |
Line 254 sub dueInLessThan24Hours {
Line 696 sub dueInLessThan24Hours {
} |
} |
# Convenience function, so others can use it: Is there only one try remaining for the |
# Convenience function, so others can use it: Is there only one try remaining for the |
# part, with more then one try to begin with, not due yet and still can be done? |
# part, with more than one try to begin with, not due yet and still can be done? |
sub lastTry { |
sub lastTry { |
my $res = shift; |
my $res = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
Line 295 sub timeToHumanString {
Line 737 sub timeToHumanString {
} |
} |
my $now = time(); |
my $now = time(); |
my @time = localtime($time); |
my @now = localtime($now); |
# Positive = future |
# Positive = future |
my $delta = $time - $now; |
my $delta = $time - $now; |
Line 323 sub timeToHumanString {
Line 762 sub timeToHumanString {
my $tense = $inPast ? " ago" : ""; |
my $tense = $inPast ? " ago" : ""; |
my $prefix = $inPast ? "" : "in "; |
my $prefix = $inPast ? "" : "in "; |
# Less then a minute |
# Less than a minute |
if ( $delta < $minute ) { |
if ( $delta < $minute ) { |
if ($delta == 1) { return "${prefix}1 second$tense"; } |
if ($delta == 1) { return "${prefix}1 second$tense"; } |
return "$prefix$delta seconds$tense"; |
return "$prefix$delta seconds$tense"; |
} |
} |
# Less then an hour |
# Less than an hour |
if ( $delta < $hour ) { |
if ( $delta < $hour ) { |
# If so, use minutes |
# If so, use minutes |
my $minutes = floor($delta / 60); |
my $minutes = floor($delta / 60); |
Line 337 sub timeToHumanString {
Line 776 sub timeToHumanString {
return "$prefix$minutes minutes$tense"; |
return "$prefix$minutes minutes$tense"; |
} |
} |
# Is it less then 24 hours away? If so, |
# Is it less than 24 hours away? If so, |
# display hours + minutes |
# display hours + minutes |
if ( $delta < $hour * 24) { |
if ( $delta < $hour * 24) { |
my $hours = floor($delta / $hour); |
my $hours = floor($delta / $hour); |
Line 356 sub timeToHumanString {
Line 795 sub timeToHumanString {
return "$prefix$hourString$minuteString$tense"; |
return "$prefix$hourString$minuteString$tense"; |
} |
} |
my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $time) |
->set_time_zone(&Apache::lonlocal::gettimezone()); |
# If there's a caller supplied format, use it. |
# If there's a caller supplied format, use it. |
if($format ne '') { |
if ($format ne '') { |
my $timeStr = strftime($format, localtime($time)); |
my $timeStr = $dt->strftime($format); |
return $timeStr.&Apache::lonlocal::gettimezone($time); |
return $timeStr.' ('.$dt->time_zone_short_name().')'; |
} |
} |
# Less then 5 days away, display day of the week and |
# Less than 5 days away, display day of the week and |
# HH:MM |
# HH:MM |
if ( $delta < $day * 5 ) { |
if ( $delta < $day * 5 ) { |
my $timeStr = strftime("%A, %b %e at %I:%M %P", localtime($time)); |
my $timeStr = $dt->strftime("%A, %b %e at %I:%M %P (%Z)"); |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
return ($inPast ? "last " : "this ") . |
return ($inPast ? "last " : "this ") . |
$timeStr.&Apache::lonlocal::gettimezone($time); |
$timeStr; |
} |
} |
my $conjunction='on'; |
my $conjunction='on'; |
Line 381 sub timeToHumanString {
Line 823 sub timeToHumanString {
$conjunction='by'; |
$conjunction='by'; |
} |
} |
# Is it this year? |
# Is it this year? |
if ( $time[5] == $now[5]) { |
my $dt_now = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $now) |
->set_time_zone(&Apache::lonlocal::gettimezone()); |
if ( $dt->year() == $dt_now->year()) { |
# Return on Month Day, HH:MM meridian |
# Return on Month Day, HH:MM meridian |
my $timeStr = strftime("$conjunction %A, %b %e at %I:%M %P", localtime($time)); |
my $timeStr = $dt->strftime("$conjunction %A, %b %e at %I:%M %P (%Z)"); |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
return $timeStr.&Apache::lonlocal::gettimezone($time); |
return $timeStr; |
} |
} |
# Not this year, so show the year |
# Not this year, so show the year |
my $timeStr = strftime("$conjunction %A, %b %e %Y at %I:%M %P", localtime($time)); |
my $timeStr = |
$dt->strftime("$conjunction %A, %b %e %Y at %I:%M %P (%Z)"); |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
return $timeStr.&Apache::lonlocal::gettimezone($time); |
return $timeStr; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
=pod |
=head1 NAME |
Apache::lonnavmap - Subroutines to handle and render the navigation |
maps |
=head1 SYNOPSIS |
The main handler generates the navigational listing for the course, |
the other objects export this information in a usable fashion for |
other modules. |
=head1 OVERVIEW |
X<lonnavmaps, overview> When a user enters a course, LON-CAPA examines the |
course structure and caches it in what is often referred to as the |
"big hash" X<big hash>. You can see it if you are logged into |
LON-CAPA, in a course, by going to /adm/test. (You may need to |
tweak the /home/httpd/lonTabs/htpasswd file to view it.) The |
content of the hash will be under the heading "Big Hash". |
Big Hash contains, among other things, how resources are related |
to each other (next/previous), what resources are maps, which |
resources are being chosen to not show to the student (for random |
selection), and a lot of other things that can take a lot of time |
to compute due to the amount of data that needs to be collected and |
processed. |
Apache::lonnavmaps provides an object model for manipulating this |
information in a higher-level fashion then directly manipulating |
the hash. It also provides access to several auxilary functions |
that aren't necessarily stored in the Big Hash, but are a per- |
resource sort of value, like whether there is any feedback on |
a given resource. |
Apache::lonnavmaps also abstracts away branching, and someday, |
conditions, for the times where you don't really care about those |
things. |
Apache::lonnavmaps also provides fairly powerful routines for |
rendering navmaps, and last but not least, provides the navmaps |
view for when the user clicks the NAV button. |
B<Note>: Apache::lonnavmaps I<only> works for the "currently |
logged in user"; if you want things like "due dates for another |
student" lonnavmaps can not directly retrieve information like |
that. You need the EXT function. This module can still help, |
because many things, such as the course structure, are constant |
between users, and Apache::lonnavmaps can help by providing |
symbs for the EXT call. |
The rest of this file will cover the provided rendering routines, |
which can often be used without fiddling with the navmap object at |
all, then documents the Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap object, which |
is the key to accessing the Big Hash information, covers the use |
of the Iterator (which provides the logic for traversing the |
somewhat-complicated Big Hash data structure), documents the |
Apache::lonnavmaps::Resource objects that are returned by |
=head1 Subroutine: render |
The navmap renderer package provides a sophisticated rendering of the |
standard navigation maps interface into HTML. The provided nav map |
handler is actually just a glorified call to this. |
Because of the large number of parameters this function accepts, |
instead of passing it arguments as is normal, pass it in an anonymous |
hash with the desired options. |
The package provides a function called 'render', called as |
Apache::lonnavmaps::render({}). |
=head2 Overview of Columns |
The renderer will build an HTML table for the navmap and return |
it. The table is consists of several columns, and a row for each |
resource (or possibly each part). You tell the renderer how many |
columns to create and what to place in each column, optionally using |
one or more of the prepared columns, and the renderer will assemble |
the table. |
Any additional generally useful column types should be placed in the |
renderer code here, so anybody can use it anywhere else. Any code |
specific to the current application (such as the addition of <input> |
elements in a column) should be placed in the code of the thing using |
the renderer. |
At the core of the renderer is the array reference COLS (see Example |
section below for how to pass this correctly). The COLS array will |
consist of entries of one of two types of things: Either an integer |
representing one of the pre-packaged column types, or a sub reference |
that takes a resource reference, a part number, and a reference to the |
argument hash passed to the renderer, and returns a string that will |
be inserted into the HTML representation as it. |
All other parameters are ways of either changing how the columns |
are printing, or which rows are shown. |
The pre-packaged column names are refered to by constants in the |
Apache::lonnavmaps namespace. The following currently exist: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::resource>: |
The general info about the resource: Link, icon for the type, etc. The |
first column in the standard nav map display. This column provides the |
indentation effect seen in the B<NAV> screen. This column also accepts |
the following parameters in the renderer hash: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<resource_nolink>: default false |
If true, the resource will not be linked. By default, all non-folder |
resources are linked. |
=item * B<resource_part_count>: default true |
If true, the resource will show a part count B<if> the full |
part list is not displayed. (See "condense_parts" later.) If false, |
the resource will never show a part count. |
=item * B<resource_no_folder_link>: |
If true, the resource's folder will not be clickable to open or close |
it. Default is false. True implies printCloseAll is false, since you |
can't close or open folders when this is on anyhow. |
=back |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::communication_status>: |
Whether there is discussion on the resource, email for the user, or |
(lumped in here) perl errors in the execution of the problem. This is |
the second column in the main nav map. |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::quick_status>: |
An icon for the status of a problem, with five possible states: |
Correct, incorrect, open, awaiting grading (for a problem where the |
computer's grade is suppressed, or the computer can't grade, like |
essay problem), or none (not open yet, not a problem). The |
third column of the standard navmap. |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::long_status>: |
A text readout of the details of the current status of the problem, |
such as "Due in 22 hours". The fourth column of the standard navmap. |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::part_status_summary>: |
A text readout summarizing the status of the problem. If it is a |
single part problem, will display "Correct", "Incorrect", |
"Not yet open", "Open", "Attempted", or "Error". If there are |
multiple parts, this will output a string that in HTML will show a |
status of how many parts are in each status, in color coding, trying |
to match the colors of the icons within reason. |
Note this only makes sense if you are I<not> showing parts. If |
C<showParts> is true (see below), this column will not output |
anything. |
=back |
If you add any others please be sure to document them here. |
An example of a column renderer that will show the ID number of a |
resource, along with the part name if any: |
sub { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
if ($part) { return '<td>' . $resource->{ID} . ' ' . $part . '</td>'; } |
return '<td>' . $resource->{ID} . '</td>'; |
} |
Note these functions are responsible for the TD tags, which allow them |
to override vertical and horizontal alignment, etc. |
=head2 Parameters |
Minimally, you should be |
able to get away with just using 'cols' (to specify the columns |
shown), 'url' (necessary for the folders to link to the current screen |
correctly), and possibly 'queryString' if your app calls for it. In |
that case, maintaining the state of the folders will be done |
automatically. |
=over 4 |
=item * B<iterator>: default: constructs one from %env |
A reference to a fresh ::iterator to use from the navmaps. The |
rendering will reflect the options passed to the iterator, so you can |
use that to just render a certain part of the course, if you like. If |
one is not passed, the renderer will attempt to construct one from |
env{'form.filter'} and env{'form.condition'} information, plus the |
'iterator_map' parameter if any. |
=item * B<iterator_map>: default: not used |
If you are letting the renderer do the iterator handling, you can |
instruct the renderer to render only a particular map by passing it |
the source of the map you want to process, like |
'/res/103/jerf/navmap.course.sequence'. |
=item * B<navmap>: default: constructs one from %env |
A reference to a navmap, used only if an iterator is not passed in. If |
this is necessary to make an iterator but it is not passed in, a new |
one will be constructed based on env info. This is useful to do basic |
error checking before passing it off to render. |
=item * B<r>: default: must be passed in |
The standard Apache response object. This must be passed to the |
renderer or the course hash will be locked. |
=item * B<cols>: default: empty (useless) |
An array reference |
=item * B<showParts>:default true |
A flag. If true, a line for the resource itself, and a line |
for each part will be displayed. If not, only one line for each |
resource will be displayed. |
=item * B<condenseParts>: default true |
A flag. If true, if all parts of the problem have the same |
status and that status is Nothing Set, Correct, or Network Failure, |
then only one line will be displayed for that resource anyhow. If no, |
all parts will always be displayed. If showParts is 0, this is |
ignored. |
=item * B<jumpCount>: default: determined from %env |
A string identifying the URL to place the anchor 'curloc' at. |
It is the responsibility of the renderer user to |
ensure that the #curloc is in the URL. By default, determined through |
the use of the env{} 'jump' information, and should normally "just |
work" correctly. |
=item * B<here>: default: empty string |
A Symb identifying where to place the 'here' marker. The empty |
string means no marker. |
=item * B<indentString>: default: 25 pixel whitespace image |
A string identifying the indentation string to use. |
=item * B<queryString>: default: empty |
A string which will be prepended to the query string used when the |
folders are opened or closed. You can use this to pass |
application-specific values. |
=item * B<url>: default: none |
The url the folders will link to, which should be the current |
page. Required if the resource info column is shown, and you |
are allowing the user to open and close folders. |
=item * B<currentJumpIndex>: default: no jumping |
Describes the currently-open row number to cause the browser to jump |
to, because the user just opened that folder. By default, pulled from |
the Jump information in the env{'form.*'}. |
=item * B<printKey>: default: false |
If true, print the key that appears on the top of the standard |
navmaps. |
=item * B<printCloseAll>: default: true |
If true, print the "Close all folders" or "open all folders" |
links. |
=item * B<filterFunc>: default: sub {return 1;} (accept everything) |
A function that takes the resource object as its only parameter and |
returns a true or false value. If true, the resource is displayed. If |
false, it is simply skipped in the display. |
=item * B<suppressEmptySequences>: default: false |
If you're using a filter function, and displaying sequences to orient |
the user, then frequently some sequences will be empty. Setting this to |
true will cause those sequences not to display, so as not to confuse the |
user into thinking that if the sequence is there there should be things |
under it; for example, see the "Show Uncompleted Homework" view on the |
B<NAV> screen. |
=item * B<suppressNavmaps>: default: false |
If true, will not display Navigate Content resources. |
=back |
=head2 Additional Info |
In addition to the parameters you can pass to the renderer, which will |
be passed through unchange to the column renderers, the renderer will |
generate the following information which your renderer may find |
useful: |
=over 4 |
=item * B<counter>: |
Contains the number of rows printed. Useful after calling the render |
function, as you can detect whether anything was printed at all. |
=item * B<isNewBranch>: |
Useful for renderers: If this resource is currently the first resource |
of a new branch, this will be true. The Resource column (leftmost in the |
navmaps screen) uses this to display the "new branch" icon |
=back |
=cut |
sub resource { return 0; } |
sub resource { return 0; } |
sub communication_status { return 1; } |
sub communication_status { return 1; } |
sub quick_status { return 2; } |
sub quick_status { return 2; } |
Line 832 sub render_resource {
Line 950 sub render_resource {
if (!$resource->condval()) { |
if (!$resource->condval()) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <i>('.&mt('conditionally hidden').')</i> '; |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <i>('.&mt('conditionally hidden').')</i> '; |
} |
} |
if (($resource->is_practice()) && ($resource->is_raw_problem())) { |
$nonLinkedText .=' <font color="green"><b>'.&mt('not graded').'</b></font>'; |
} |
# We're done preparing and finally ready to start the rendering |
# We're done preparing and finally ready to start the rendering |
my $result = "<td align='left' valign='middle'>"; |
my $result = "<td align='left' valign='middle'>"; |
Line 904 sub render_communication_status {
Line 1025 sub render_communication_status {
if ($resource->getFeedback()) { |
if ($resource->getFeedback()) { |
my $feedback = $resource->getFeedback(); |
my $feedback = $resource->getFeedback(); |
foreach (split(/\,/, $feedback)) { |
foreach my $msgid (split(/\,/, $feedback)) { |
if ($_) { |
if ($msgid) { |
$feedbackHTML .= ' <a '.$target.' href="/adm/email?display=' |
$feedbackHTML .= ' <a '.$target.' href="/adm/email?display=' |
. &escape($_) . '">' |
. &escape($msgid) . '">' |
. '<img alt="'.&mt('New Email').'" src="'.$location.'/feedback.gif" ' |
. '<img alt="'.&mt('New Email').'" src="'.$location.'/feedback.gif" ' |
. 'border="0" /></a>'; |
. 'border="0" /></a>'; |
} |
} |
Line 917 sub render_communication_status {
Line 1038 sub render_communication_status {
if ($resource->getErrors()) { |
if ($resource->getErrors()) { |
my $errors = $resource->getErrors(); |
my $errors = $resource->getErrors(); |
my $errorcount = 0; |
my $errorcount = 0; |
foreach (split(/,/, $errors)) { |
foreach my $msgid (split(/,/, $errors)) { |
last if ($errorcount>=10); # Only output 10 bombs maximum |
last if ($errorcount>=10); # Only output 10 bombs maximum |
if ($_) { |
if ($msgid) { |
$errorcount++; |
$errorcount++; |
$errorHTML .= ' <a '.$target.' href="/adm/email?display=' |
$errorHTML .= ' <a '.$target.' href="/adm/email?display=' |
. &escape($_) . '">' |
. &escape($msgid) . '">' |
. '<img alt="'.&mt('New Error').'" src="'.$location.'/bomb.gif" ' |
. '<img alt="'.&mt('New Error').'" src="'.$location.'/bomb.gif" ' |
. 'border="0" /></a>'; |
. 'border="0" /></a>'; |
} |
} |
Line 975 sub render_long_status {
Line 1096 sub render_long_status {
$params->{'multipart'} && $part eq "0"; |
$params->{'multipart'} && $part eq "0"; |
my $color; |
my $color; |
if ($resource->is_problem()) { |
if ($resource->is_problem() || $resource->is_practice()) { |
$color = $colormap{$resource->status}; |
$color = $colormap{$resource->status}; |
if (dueInLessThan24Hours($resource, $part) || |
if (dueInLessThan24Hours($resource, $part) || |
Line 985 sub render_long_status {
Line 1106 sub render_long_status {
} |
} |
if ($resource->kind() eq "res" && |
if ($resource->kind() eq "res" && |
$resource->is_problem() && |
($resource->is_problem() || $resource->is_practice()) && |
!$firstDisplayed) { |
!$firstDisplayed) { |
if ($color) {$result .= "<font color=\"$color\"><b>"; } |
if ($color) {$result .= "<font color=\"$color\"><b>"; } |
$result .= getDescription($resource, $part); |
$result .= getDescription($resource, $part); |
if ($color) {$result .= "</b></font>"; } |
if ($color) {$result .= "</b></font>"; } |
} |
} |
if ($resource->is_map() && advancedUser() && $resource->randompick()) { |
if ($resource->is_map() && &advancedUser() && $resource->randompick()) { |
$result .= '(randomly select ' . $resource->randompick() .')'; |
$result .= &mt('(randomly select [_1])', $resource->randompick()); |
} |
if ($resource->is_map() && &advancedUser() && $resource->randomorder()) { |
$result .= &mt('(randomly ordered)'); |
} |
} |
# Debugging code |
# Debugging code |
Line 1027 my %statusStrings =
Line 1151 my %statusStrings =
); |
); |
my @statuses = ($resObj->CORRECT, $resObj->ATTEMPTED, $resObj->INCORRECT, $resObj->OPEN, $resObj->CLOSED, $resObj->ERROR); |
my @statuses = ($resObj->CORRECT, $resObj->ATTEMPTED, $resObj->INCORRECT, $resObj->OPEN, $resObj->CLOSED, $resObj->ERROR); |
use Data::Dumper; |
sub render_parts_summary_status { |
sub render_parts_summary_status { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
if (!$resource->is_problem() && !$resource->contains_problem) { return '<td></td>'; } |
if (!$resource->is_problem() && !$resource->contains_problem) { return '<td></td>'; } |
Line 1126 sub render {
Line 1249 sub render {
# marker |
# marker |
my $filterHash = {}; |
my $filterHash = {}; |
# Figure out what we're not displaying |
# Figure out what we're not displaying |
foreach (split(/\,/, $env{"form.filter"})) { |
foreach my $item (split(/\,/, $env{"form.filter"})) { |
if ($_) { |
if ($item) { |
$filterHash->{$_} = "1"; |
$filterHash->{$item} = "1"; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Line 1234 sub render {
Line 1357 sub render {
$args->{'iterator'} = $it = $navmap->getIterator($firstResource, $finishResource, $filterHash, $condition); |
$args->{'iterator'} = $it = $navmap->getIterator($firstResource, $finishResource, $filterHash, $condition); |
} else { |
} else { |
$args->{'iterator'} = $it = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, $filterHash, $condition); |
$args->{'iterator'} = $it = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, $filterHash, $condition,undef,$args->{'include_top_level_map'}); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Line 1271 sub render {
Line 1394 sub render {
# Print key? |
# Print key? |
if ($printKey) { |
if ($printKey) { |
$result .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">'; |
$result .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">'; |
my $date=localtime; |
$result.='<tr><td align="right" valign="bottom">Key: </td>'; |
$result.='<tr><td align="right" valign="bottom">Key: </td>'; |
my $location=&Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonMisc"); |
my $location=&Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonMisc"); |
if ($navmap->{LAST_CHECK}) { |
if ($navmap->{LAST_CHECK}) { |
Line 1802 See iterator documentation below.
Line 1924 See iterator documentation below.
use strict; |
use strict; |
use GDBM_File; |
use GDBM_File; |
use Apache::lonnet; |
use Apache::lonnet; |
use LONCAPA; |
sub new { |
sub new { |
# magic invocation to create a class instance |
# magic invocation to create a class instance |
Line 1901 sub generate_email_discuss_status {
Line 2024 sub generate_email_discuss_status {
my %lastread = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_'.$cid.'_discuss', |
my %lastread = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_'.$cid.'_discuss', |
$env{'user.domain'},$env{''},'lastread'); |
$env{'user.domain'},$env{''},'lastread'); |
my %lastreadtime = (); |
my %lastreadtime = (); |
foreach (keys %lastread) { |
foreach my $key (keys %lastread) { |
my $key = $_; |
my $shortkey = $key; |
$key =~ s/_lastread$//; |
$shortkey =~ s/_lastread$//; |
$lastreadtime{$key} = $lastread{$_}; |
$lastreadtime{$shortkey} = $lastread{$key}; |
} |
} |
my %feedback=(); |
my %feedback=(); |
Line 1914 sub generate_email_discuss_status {
Line 2037 sub generate_email_discuss_status {
foreach my $msgid (@keys) { |
foreach my $msgid (@keys) { |
if ((!$emailstatus{$msgid}) || ($emailstatus{$msgid} eq 'new')) { |
if ((!$emailstatus{$msgid}) || ($emailstatus{$msgid} eq 'new')) { |
my $plain= |
my ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdomain,$status,$fromcid, |
&LONCAPA::unescape(&LONCAPA::unescape($msgid)); |
$symb,$error) = &Apache::lonmsg::unpackmsgid($msgid); |
if ($plain=~/ \[([^\]]+)\]\:/) { |
&Apache::lonenc::check_decrypt(\$symb); |
my $url=$1; |
if (($fromcid ne '') && ($fromcid ne $cid)) { |
if ($plain=~/\:Error \[/) { |
next; |
$error{$url}.=','.$msgid; |
} |
} else { |
if (defined($symb)) { |
$feedback{$url}.=','.$msgid; |
if (defined($error) && $error == 1) { |
} |
$error{$symb}.=','.$msgid; |
} |
} else { |
$feedback{$symb}.=','.$msgid; |
} |
} else { |
my $plain= |
&LONCAPA::unescape(&LONCAPA::unescape($msgid)); |
if ($plain=~/ \[([^\]]+)\]\:/) { |
my $url=$1; |
if ($plain=~/\:Error \[/) { |
$error{$url}.=','.$msgid; |
} else { |
$feedback{$url}.=','.$msgid; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
#url's of resources that have feedbacks |
#symbs of resources that have feedbacks (will be urls pre-2.3) |
$self->{FEEDBACK} = \%feedback; |
$self->{FEEDBACK} = \%feedback; |
#or errors |
#or errors (will be urls pre 2.3) |
$self->{ERROR_MSG} = \%error; |
$self->{ERROR_MSG} = \%error; |
$self->{DISCUSSION_TIME} = \%discussiontime; |
$self->{DISCUSSION_TIME} = \%discussiontime; |
$self->{EMAIL_STATUS} = \%emailstatus; |
$self->{EMAIL_STATUS} = \%emailstatus; |
Line 2043 sub discussion_info {
Line 2180 sub discussion_info {
my $ressymb = $self->wrap_symb($symb); |
my $ressymb = $self->wrap_symb($symb); |
# keys used to store bulletinboard postings use 'unwrapped' symb. |
# keys used to store bulletinboard postings use 'unwrapped' symb. |
my $discsymb = $self->unwrap_symb($ressymb); |
my $discsymb = &escape($self->unwrap_symb($ressymb)); |
my $version = $self->{DISCUSSION_DATA}{'version:'.$discsymb}; |
my $version = $self->{DISCUSSION_DATA}{'version:'.$discsymb}; |
if (!$version) { return; } |
if (!$version) { return; } |
Line 2116 sub unwrap_symb {
Line 2253 sub unwrap_symb {
sub getFeedback { |
sub getFeedback { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
my $source = shift; |
$self->generate_email_discuss_status(); |
$self->generate_email_discuss_status(); |
if (!defined($self->{FEEDBACK})) { return ""; } |
if (!defined($self->{FEEDBACK})) { return ""; } |
return $self->{FEEDBACK}->{$symb}; |
my $feedback; |
if ($self->{FEEDBACK}->{$symb}) { |
$feedback = $self->{FEEDBACK}->{$symb}; |
if ($self->{FEEDBACK}->{$source}) { |
$feedback .= ','.$self->{FEEDBACK}->{$source}; |
} |
} else { |
if ($self->{FEEDBACK}->{$source}) { |
$feedback = $self->{FEEDBACK}->{$source}; |
} |
} |
return $feedback; |
} |
} |
# Private method: Get the errors for that resource (by source). |
# Private method: Get the errors for that resource (by source). |
sub getErrors { |
sub getErrors { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
my $src = shift; |
my $src = shift; |
$self->generate_email_discuss_status(); |
$self->generate_email_discuss_status(); |
if (!defined($self->{ERROR_MSG})) { return ""; } |
if (!defined($self->{ERROR_MSG})) { return ""; } |
return $self->{ERROR_MSG}->{$src}; |
my $errors; |
if ($self->{ERROR_MSG}->{$symb}) { |
$errors = $self->{ERROR_MSG}->{$symb}; |
if ($self->{ERROR_MSG}->{$src}) { |
$errors .= ','.$self->{ERROR_MSG}->{$src}; |
} |
} else { |
if ($self->{ERROR_MSG}->{$src}) { |
$errors = $self->{ERROR_MSG}->{$src}; |
} |
} |
return $errors; |
} |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
Line 2158 the given map. This is one of the proper
Line 2320 the given map. This is one of the proper
# The strategy here is to cache the resource objects, and only construct them |
# The strategy here is to cache the resource objects, and only construct them |
# as we use them. The real point is to prevent reading any more from the tied |
# as we use them. The real point is to prevent reading any more from the tied |
# hash then we have to, which should hopefully alleviate speed problems. |
# hash than we have to, which should hopefully alleviate speed problems. |
sub getById { |
sub getById { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
Line 2232 sub finishResource {
Line 2394 sub finishResource {
# the actual lookup; parmval caches the results. |
# the actual lookup; parmval caches the results. |
sub parmval { |
sub parmval { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my ($what,$symb)=@_; |
my ($what,$symb,$recurse)=@_; |
my $hashkey = $what."|||".$symb; |
my $hashkey = $what."|||".$symb; |
if (defined($self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey})) { |
if (defined($self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey})) { |
return $self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey}; |
if (ref($self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey}) eq 'ARRAY') { |
if (defined($self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey}->[0])) { |
if (wantarray) { |
return @{$self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey}}; |
} else { |
return $self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey}->[0]; |
} |
} |
} else { |
return $self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey}; |
} |
} |
} |
my $result = $self->parmval_real($what, $symb, $recurse); |
my $result = $self->parmval_real($what, $symb); |
$self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey} = $result; |
$self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey} = $result; |
return $result; |
if (wantarray) { |
return @{$result}; |
} |
return $result->[0]; |
} |
} |
sub parmval_real { |
sub parmval_real { |
Line 2262 sub parmval_real {
Line 2436 sub parmval_real {
my $uname=$env{''}; |
my $uname=$env{''}; |
my $udom=$env{'user.domain'}; |
my $udom=$env{'user.domain'}; |
unless ($symb) { return ''; } |
unless ($symb) { return ['']; } |
my $result=''; |
my $result=''; |
my ($mapname,$id,$fn)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); |
my ($mapname,$id,$fn)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); |
Line 2294 sub parmval_real {
Line 2468 sub parmval_real {
# ---------------------------------------------------------- first, check user |
# ---------------------------------------------------------- first, check user |
if ($uname and defined($useropt)) { |
if ($uname and defined($useropt)) { |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevelr})) { return $$useropt{$courselevelr}; } |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevelr})) { return [$$useropt{$courselevelr},'resource']; } |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevelm})) { return $$useropt{$courselevelm}; } |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevelm})) { return [$$useropt{$courselevelm},'map']; } |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevel})) { return $$useropt{$courselevel}; } |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevel})) { return [$$useropt{$courselevel},'course']; } |
} |
} |
# ------------------------------------------------------- second, check course |
# ------------------------------------------------------- second, check course |
if ($cgroup ne '' and defined($courseopt)) { |
if ($cgroup ne '' and defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$grplevelr})) { return $$courseopt{$grplevelr}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$grplevelr})) { return [$$courseopt{$grplevelr},'resource']; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$grplevelm})) { return $$courseopt{$grplevelm}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$grplevelm})) { return [$$courseopt{$grplevelm},'map']; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$grplevel})) { return $$courseopt{$grplevel}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$grplevel})) { return [$$courseopt{$grplevel},'course']; } |
} |
} |
if ($csec and defined($courseopt)) { |
if ($csec and defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevelr})) { return $$courseopt{$seclevelr}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevelr})) { return [$$courseopt{$seclevelr},'resource']; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevelm})) { return $$courseopt{$seclevelm}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevelm})) { return [$$courseopt{$seclevelm},'map']; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevel})) { return $$courseopt{$seclevel}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevel})) { return [$$courseopt{$seclevel},'course']; } |
} |
} |
if (defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevelr})) { return $$courseopt{$courselevelr}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevelr})) { return [$$courseopt{$courselevelr},'resource']; } |
} |
} |
# ----------------------------------------------------- third, check map parms |
# ----------------------------------------------------- third, check map parms |
my $thisparm=$$parmhash{$symbparm}; |
my $thisparm=$$parmhash{$symbparm}; |
if (defined($thisparm)) { return $thisparm; } |
if (defined($thisparm)) { return [$thisparm,'map']; } |
# ----------------------------------------------------- fourth , check default |
# ----------------------------------------------------- fourth , check default |
my $meta_rwhat=$rwhat; |
my $meta_rwhat=$rwhat; |
$meta_rwhat=~s/\./_/g; |
$meta_rwhat=~s/\./_/g; |
my $default=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($fn,$meta_rwhat); |
my $default=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($fn,$meta_rwhat); |
if (defined($default)) { return $default} |
if (defined($default)) { return [$default,'resource']} |
$default=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($fn,'parameter_'.$meta_rwhat); |
$default=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($fn,'parameter_'.$meta_rwhat); |
if (defined($default)) { return $default} |
if (defined($default)) { return [$default,'resource']} |
# --------------------------------------------------- fifth, check more course |
# --------------------------------------------------- fifth, check more course |
if (defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevelm})) { return $$courseopt{$courselevelm}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevelm})) { return [$$courseopt{$courselevelm},'map']; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevel})) { return $$courseopt{$courselevel}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevel})) { |
my $ret = [$$courseopt{$courselevel},'course']; |
return $ret; |
} |
} |
} |
# --------------------------------------------------- sixth , cascade up parts |
# --------------------------------------------------- sixth , cascade up parts |
my ($space,@qualifier)=split(/\./,$rwhat); |
my ($space,@qualifier)=split(/\./,$rwhat); |
Line 2345 sub parmval_real {
Line 2520 sub parmval_real {
my $id=pop(@parts); |
my $id=pop(@parts); |
my $part=join('_',@parts); |
my $part=join('_',@parts); |
if ($part eq '') { $part='0'; } |
if ($part eq '') { $part='0'; } |
my $partgeneral=$self->parmval($part.".$qualifier",$symb,1); |
my @partgeneral=$self->parmval($part.".$qualifier",$symb,1); |
if (defined($partgeneral)) { return $partgeneral; } |
if (defined($partgeneral[0])) { return \@partgeneral; } |
} |
} |
if ($recurse) { return undef; } |
if ($recurse) { return []; } |
my $pack_def=&Apache::lonnet::packages_tab_default($fn,'resource.'.$what); |
my $pack_def=&Apache::lonnet::packages_tab_default($fn,'resource.'.$rwhat); |
if (defined($pack_def)) { return $pack_def; } |
if (defined($pack_def)) { return [$pack_def,'resource']; } |
return ''; |
return ['']; |
} |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
Line 2359 sub parmval_real {
Line 2534 sub parmval_real {
=item * B<getResourceByUrl>(url,multiple): |
=item * B<getResourceByUrl>(url,multiple): |
Retrieves a resource object by URL of the resource, unless the optional |
Retrieves a resource object by URL of the resource, unless the optional |
multiple parameter is included in wahich caes an array of resource |
multiple parameter is included in which case an array of resource |
objects is returned. If passed a resource object, it will simply return |
objects is returned. If passed a resource object, it will simply return |
it, so it is safe to use this method in code like |
it, so it is safe to use this method in code like |
"$res = $navmap->getResourceByUrl($res)" |
"$res = $navmap->getResourceByUrl($res)" |
Line 2394 all matching resources.
Line 2569 all matching resources.
=item * B<hasResource>(map, filterFunc, recursive, showall): |
=item * B<hasResource>(map, filterFunc, recursive, showall): |
Convience method for |
Convenience method for |
scalar(retrieveResources($map, $filterFunc, $recursive, 1, $showall)) > 0 |
scalar(retrieveResources($map, $filterFunc, $recursive, 1, $showall)) > 0 |
Line 2472 sub retrieveResources {
Line 2647 sub retrieveResources {
my @resources = (); |
my @resources = (); |
if (&$filterFunc($map)) { |
push(@resources, $map); |
} |
# Run down the iterator and collect the resources. |
# Run down the iterator and collect the resources. |
my $curRes; |
my $curRes; |
Line 2481 sub retrieveResources {
Line 2660 sub retrieveResources {
next; |
next; |
} |
} |
push @resources, $curRes; |
push(@resources, $curRes); |
if ($bailout) { |
if ($bailout) { |
return @resources; |
return @resources; |
Line 2628 be the tokens described above.
Line 2807 be the tokens described above.
Also note there is some old code floating around that trys to track |
Also note there is some old code floating around that trys to track |
the depth of the iterator to see when it's done; do not copy that |
the depth of the iterator to see when it's done; do not copy that |
code. It is difficult to get right and harder to understand then |
code. It is difficult to get right and harder to understand than |
this. They should be migrated to this new style. |
this. They should be migrated to this new style. |
=cut |
=cut |
Line 2812 sub next {
Line 2991 sub next {
$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0} = 1; |
$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0} = 1; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById('0.0'); |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById('0.0'); |
} |
} |
if ($self->{RETURN_0} && !$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0_BEGIN_MAP}) { |
$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0_BEGIN_MAP} = 1; |
return $self->BEGIN_MAP(); |
} |
# grab the next from the recursive iterator |
# grab the next from the recursive iterator |
Line 2913 sub next {
Line 3096 sub next {
} |
} |
# Is this the end of a branch? If so, all of the resources examined above |
# Is this the end of a branch? If so, all of the resources examined above |
# led to lower levels then the one we are currently at, so we push a END_BRANCH |
# led to lower levels than the one we are currently at, so we push a END_BRANCH |
# marker onto the stack so we don't forget. |
# marker onto the stack so we don't forget. |
# Example: For the usual A(BC)(DE)F case, when the iterator goes down the |
# Example: For the usual A(BC)(DE)F case, when the iterator goes down the |
# BC branch and gets to C, it will see F as the only next resource, but it's |
# BC branch and gets to C, it will see F as the only next resource, but it's |
Line 3122 sub next {
Line 3305 sub next {
# filter the next possibilities to remove things we've |
# filter the next possibilities to remove things we've |
# already seen. |
# already seen. |
foreach (@$nextUnfiltered) { |
foreach my $item (@$nextUnfiltered) { |
if (!defined($self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$_->{ID}})) { |
if (!defined($self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$item->{ID}})) { |
push @$next, $_; |
push @$next, $item; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Line 3249 X<symb> X<resource, symb>
Line 3432 X<symb> X<resource, symb>
All resources also have B<symb>s, which uniquely identify a resource |
All resources also have B<symb>s, which uniquely identify a resource |
in a course. Many internal LON-CAPA functions expect a symb. A symb |
in a course. Many internal LON-CAPA functions expect a symb. A symb |
carries along with it the URL of the resource, and the map it appears |
carries along with it the URL of the resource, and the map it appears |
in. Symbs are much larger then resource IDs. |
in. Symbs are much larger than resource IDs. |
=cut |
=cut |
Line 3325 false.
Line 3508 false.
=item * B<randompick>: |
=item * B<randompick>: |
Returns true for a map if the randompick feature is being used on the |
Returns the number of randomly picked items for a map if the randompick |
map. (?) |
feature is being used on the map. |
=item * B<randomorder>: |
Returns true for a map if the randomorder feature is being used on the |
map. |
=item * B<src>: |
=item * B<src>: |
Line 3356 sub kind { my $self=shift; return $self-
Line 3544 sub kind { my $self=shift; return $self-
sub randomout { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("randomout_", 1); } |
sub randomout { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("randomout_", 1); } |
sub randompick { |
sub randompick { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->parmval('randompick'); |
my $randompick = $self->parmval('randompick'); |
return $randompick; |
} |
sub randomorder { |
my $self = shift; |
my $randomorder = $self->parmval('randomorder'); |
return ($randomorder =~ /^yes$/i); |
} |
} |
sub link { |
sub link { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
Line 3434 sub compTitle {
Line 3628 sub compTitle {
} |
} |
return $title; |
return $title; |
} |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
B<Predicate Testing the Resource> |
B<Predicate Testing the Resource> |
Line 3476 sub retrieveResources {
Line 3671 sub retrieveResources {
sub is_exam { |
sub is_exam { |
my ($self,$part) = @_; |
my ($self,$part) = @_; |
if ($self->parmval('type',$part) eq 'exam') { |
my $type = $self->parmval('type',$part); |
if ($type eq 'exam') { |
return 1; |
return 1; |
} |
} |
if ($self->src() =~ /\.(exam)$/) { |
if ($self->src() =~ /\.(exam)$/) { |
Line 3499 sub is_page {
Line 3695 sub is_page {
sub is_practice { |
sub is_practice { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
my ($part) = @_; |
my ($part) = @_; |
if ($self->parmval('type',$part) eq 'practice') { |
my $type = $self->parmval('type',$part); |
if ($type eq 'practice') { |
return 1; |
return 1; |
} |
} |
return 0; |
return 0; |
Line 3512 sub is_problem {
Line 3709 sub is_problem {
} |
} |
return 0; |
return 0; |
} |
} |
sub is_raw_problem { |
my $self=shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
if ($src =~ /\.(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form|library|task)$/) { |
return 1; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
sub contains_problem { |
sub contains_problem { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
if ($self->is_page()) { |
if ($self->is_page()) { |
Line 3520 sub contains_problem {
Line 3726 sub contains_problem {
} |
} |
return 0; |
return 0; |
} |
} |
sub map_contains_problem { |
my $self=shift; |
if ($self->is_map()) { |
my $has_problem= |
$self->hasResource($self,sub { $_[0]->is_problem() },1); |
return $has_problem; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
sub is_sequence { |
sub is_sequence { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
return $self->navHash("is_map_", 1) && |
return $self->navHash("is_map_", 1) && |
Line 3528 sub is_sequence {
Line 3743 sub is_sequence {
sub is_survey { |
sub is_survey { |
my $self = shift(); |
my $self = shift(); |
my $part = shift(); |
my $part = shift(); |
if ($self->parmval('type',$part) eq 'survey') { |
my $type = $self->parmval('type',$part); |
if ($type eq 'survey') { |
return 1; |
return 1; |
} |
} |
if ($self->src() =~ /\.(survey)$/) { |
if ($self->src() =~ /\.(survey)$/) { |
Line 3626 sub map_type {
Line 3842 sub map_type {
# These functions will be responsible for returning the CORRECT |
# These functions will be responsible for returning the CORRECT |
# VALUE for the parameter, no matter what. So while they may look |
# VALUE for the parameter, no matter what. So while they may look |
# like direct calls to parmval, they can be more then that. |
# like direct calls to parmval, they can be more than that. |
# So, for instance, the duedate function should use the "duedatetype" |
# So, for instance, the duedate function should use the "duedatetype" |
# information, rather then the resource object user. |
# information, rather than the resource object user. |
=pod |
=pod |
Line 3704 Get the weight for the problem.
Line 3920 Get the weight for the problem.
sub acc { |
sub acc { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("acc", $part); |
my $acc = $self->parmval("acc", $part); |
return $acc; |
} |
} |
sub answerdate { |
sub answerdate { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
# Handle intervals |
# Handle intervals |
if ($self->parmval("answerdate.type", $part) eq 'date_interval') { |
my $answerdatetype = $self->parmval("answerdate.type", $part); |
return $self->duedate($part) + |
my $answerdate = $self->parmval("answerdate", $part); |
$self->parmval("answerdate", $part); |
my $duedate = $self->parmval("duedate", $part); |
if ($answerdatetype eq 'date_interval') { |
$answerdate = $duedate + $answerdate; |
} |
} |
return $self->parmval("answerdate", $part); |
return $answerdate; |
} |
} |
sub awarded { |
sub awarded { |
my $self = shift; my $part = shift; |
my $self = shift; my $part = shift; |
Line 3725 sub awarded {
Line 3944 sub awarded {
sub duedate { |
sub duedate { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
my $date; |
my $date; |
my $interval=$self->parmval("interval", $part); |
my @interval=$self->parmval("interval", $part); |
my $due_date=$self->parmval("duedate", $part); |
my $due_date=$self->parmval("duedate", $part); |
if ($interval =~ /\d+/) { |
if ($interval[0] =~ /\d+/) { |
my $first_access=&Apache::lonnet::get_first_access('map',$self->symb); |
my $first_access=&Apache::lonnet::get_first_access($interval[1], |
$self->symb); |
if (defined($first_access)) { |
if (defined($first_access)) { |
$interval = $first_access+$interval; |
my $interval = $first_access+$interval[0]; |
$date = ($interval < $due_date)? $interval : $due_date; |
$date = (!$due_date || $interval < $due_date) ? $interval |
: $due_date; |
} else { |
} else { |
$date = $due_date; |
$date = $due_date; |
} |
} |
Line 3742 sub duedate {
Line 3963 sub duedate {
} |
} |
sub handgrade { |
sub handgrade { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("handgrade", $part); |
my @response_ids = $self->responseIds($part); |
if (@response_ids) { |
foreach my $response_id (@response_ids) { |
my $handgrade = $self->parmval("handgrade",$part.'_'.$response_id); |
if (lc($handgrade) eq 'yes') { |
return 'yes'; |
} |
} |
} |
my $handgrade = $self->parmval("handgrade", $part); |
return $handgrade; |
} |
} |
sub maxtries { |
sub maxtries { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("maxtries", $part); |
my $maxtries = $self->parmval("maxtries", $part); |
return $maxtries; |
} |
} |
sub opendate { |
sub opendate { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
if ($self->parmval("opendate.type", $part) eq 'date_interval') { |
my $opendatetype = $self->parmval("opendate.type", $part); |
return $self->duedate($part) - |
my $opendate = $self->parmval("opendate", $part); |
$self->parmval("opendate", $part); |
if ($opendatetype eq 'date_interval') { |
my $duedate = $self->duedate($part); |
$opendate = $duedate - $opendate; |
} |
} |
return $self->parmval("opendate"); |
return $opendate; |
} |
} |
sub problemstatus { |
sub problemstatus { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return lc $self->parmval("problemstatus", $part); |
my $problemstatus = $self->parmval("problemstatus", $part); |
return lc($problemstatus); |
} |
} |
sub sig { |
sub sig { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("sig", $part); |
my $sig = $self->parmval("sig", $part); |
return $sig; |
} |
} |
sub tol { |
sub tol { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("tol", $part); |
my $tol = $self->parmval("tol", $part); |
return $tol; |
} |
} |
sub tries { |
sub tries { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $tries = $self->queryRestoreHash('tries', shift); |
my $tries = $self->queryRestoreHash('tries', shift); |
if (!defined($tries)) { return '0';} |
if (!defined($tries)) { return '0';} |
Line 3776 sub tries {
Line 4013 sub tries {
} |
} |
sub type { |
sub type { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("type", $part); |
my $type = $self->parmval("type", $part); |
return $type; |
} |
} |
sub weight { |
sub weight { |
my $self = shift; my $part = shift; |
my $self = shift; my $part = shift; |
if (!defined($part)) { $part = '0'; } |
if (!defined($part)) { $part = '0'; } |
return &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$part.'.weight', |
my $weight = &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$part.'.weight', |
$self->symb(), $env{'user.domain'}, |
$self->symb(), $env{'user.domain'}, |
$env{''}, |
$env{''}, |
$env{'request.course.sec'}); |
$env{'request.course.sec'}); |
return $weight; |
} |
} |
sub part_display { |
sub part_display { |
my $self= shift(); my $partID = shift(); |
my $self= shift(); my $partID = shift(); |
Line 3857 for the resource, or the null string if
Line 4096 for the resource, or the null string if
email data was not extracted when the nav map was constructed. Usually |
email data was not extracted when the nav map was constructed. Usually |
used like this: |
used like this: |
for (split(/\,/, $res->getFeedback())) { |
for my $url (split(/\,/, $res->getFeedback())) { |
my $link = &escape($_); |
my $link = &escape($url); |
... |
... |
and use the link as appropriate. |
and use the link as appropriate. |
Line 3883 sub discussion_info {
Line 4122 sub discussion_info {
sub getFeedback { |
sub getFeedback { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $source = $self->src(); |
my $source = $self->src(); |
my $symb = $self->symb(); |
if ($source =~ /^\/res\//) { $source = substr $source, 5; } |
if ($source =~ /^\/res\//) { $source = substr $source, 5; } |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getFeedback($source); |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getFeedback($symb,$source); |
} |
} |
sub getErrors { |
sub getErrors { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $source = $self->src(); |
my $source = $self->src(); |
my $symb = $self->symb(); |
if ($source =~ /^\/res\//) { $source = substr $source, 5; } |
if ($source =~ /^\/res\//) { $source = substr $source, 5; } |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getErrors($source); |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getErrors($symb,$source); |
} |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
Line 4052 sub extractParts {
Line 4293 sub extractParts {
$self->{PART_TYPE} = {}; |
$self->{PART_TYPE} = {}; |
return; |
return; |
} |
} |
foreach (split(/\,/,$metadata)) { |
foreach my $entry (split(/\,/,$metadata)) { |
if ($_ =~ /^(?:part|Task)_(.*)$/) { |
if ($entry =~ /^(?:part|Task)_(.*)$/) { |
my $part = $1; |
my $part = $1; |
# This floods the logs if it blows up |
# This floods the logs if it blows up |
if (defined($parts{$part})) { |
if (defined($parts{$part})) { |
Line 4078 sub extractParts {
Line 4319 sub extractParts {
# Init the responseIdHash |
# Init the responseIdHash |
foreach (@{$self->{PARTS}}) { |
foreach my $part (@{$self->{PARTS}}) { |
$responseIdHash{$_} = []; |
$responseIdHash{$part} = []; |
} |
} |
# Now, the unfortunate thing about this is that parts, part name, and |
# Now, the unfortunate thing about this is that parts, part name, and |
Line 4159 the completion information.
Line 4400 the completion information.
Idiomatic usage of these two methods would probably look something |
Idiomatic usage of these two methods would probably look something |
like |
like |
foreach ($resource->parts()) { |
foreach my $part ($resource->parts()) { |
my $dateStatus = $resource->getDateStatus($_); |
my $dateStatus = $resource->getDateStatus($part); |
my $completionStatus = $resource->getCompletionStatus($_); |
my $completionStatus = $resource->getCompletionStatus($part); |
or |
or |
my $status = $resource->status($_); |
my $status = $resource->status($part); |
... use it here ... |
... use it here ... |
} |
} |
Line 4456 sub status {
Line 4697 sub status {
#if ($self->{RESOURCE_ERROR}) { return NETWORK_FAILURE; } |
#if ($self->{RESOURCE_ERROR}) { return NETWORK_FAILURE; } |
if ($completionStatus == NETWORK_FAILURE) { return NETWORK_FAILURE; } |
if ($completionStatus == NETWORK_FAILURE) { return NETWORK_FAILURE; } |
my $suppressFeedback = $self->problemstatus($part) eq 'no'; |
my $suppressFeedback = 0; |
if (($self->problemstatus($part) eq 'no') || |
($self->problemstatus($part) eq 'no_feedback_ever')) { |
$suppressFeedback = 1; |
} |
# If there's an answer date and we're past it, don't |
# If there's an answer date and we're past it, don't |
# suppress the feedback; student should know |
# suppress the feedback; student should know |
if ($self->duedate($part) && $self->duedate($part) < time() && |
if ($self->duedate($part) && $self->duedate($part) < time() && |