version 1.402, 2007/10/05 18:48:20
version 1.572, 2025/02/26 19:50:21
Line 27
Line 27
# |
# |
### |
### |
package Apache::lonnavmaps; |
use strict; |
use GDBM_File; |
use Apache::loncommon(); |
use Apache::lonenc(); |
use Apache::lonlocal; |
use Apache::lonnet; |
use POSIX qw (floor strftime); |
use Data::Dumper; # for debugging, not always |
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval ); |
use LONCAPA; |
# symbolic constants |
sub SYMB { return 1; } |
sub URL { return 2; } |
sub NOTHING { return 3; } |
# Some data |
my $resObj = "Apache::lonnavmaps::resource"; |
# Keep these mappings in sync with lonquickgrades, which uses the colors |
# instead of the icons. |
my %statusIconMap = |
( |
$resObj->CLOSED => '', |
$resObj->OPEN => '', |
$resObj->CORRECT => 'navmap.correct.gif', |
$resObj->PARTIALLY_CORRECT => 'navmap.partial.gif', |
$resObj->INCORRECT => 'navmap.wrong.gif', |
$resObj->ATTEMPTED => 'navmap.ellipsis.gif', |
$resObj->ERROR => '' |
); |
my %iconAltTags = |
( 'navmap.correct.gif' => 'Correct', |
'navmap.wrong.gif' => 'Incorrect', |
'' => 'Open' ); |
# Defines a status->color mapping, null string means don't color |
my %colormap = |
( $resObj->NETWORK_FAILURE => '', |
$resObj->CORRECT => '', |
$resObj->EXCUSED => '#3333FF', |
$resObj->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER => '', |
$resObj->PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER => '', |
$resObj->ANSWER_OPEN => '#006600', |
$resObj->OPEN_LATER => '', |
$resObj->TRIES_LEFT => '', |
$resObj->INCORRECT => '', |
$resObj->OPEN => '', |
$resObj->NOTHING_SET => '', |
$resObj->ATTEMPTED => '', |
$resObj->ANSWER_SUBMITTED => '', |
$resObj->PARTIALLY_CORRECT => '#006600' |
); |
# And a special case in the nav map; what to do when the assignment |
# is not yet done and due in less than 24 hours |
my $hurryUpColor = "#FF0000"; |
sub close { |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} ne 'on') { return ''; } |
return(<<ENDCLOSE); |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
window.status='Accessing Nav Control'; |
|"/adm/rat/empty.html","loncapanav", |
"height=600,width=400,scrollbars=1"); |
window.status='Closing Nav Control'; |
menu.close(); |
window.status='Done.'; |
</script> |
} |
sub update { |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} ne 'on') { return ''; } |
if (!$env{''}) { return ''; } |
if ($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}=~m|^/adm/navmaps|) { return ''; } |
return(<<ENDUPDATE); |
<form name="navform"></form> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
this.document.navform.action='/adm/navmaps#curloc'; |
|'loncapanav'; |
this.document.navform.submit(); |
</script> |
} |
# Convenience functions: Returns a string that adds or subtracts |
# the second argument from the first hash, appropriate for the |
# query string that determines which folders to recurse on |
sub addToFilter { |
my $hashIn = shift; |
my $addition = shift; |
my %hash = %$hashIn; |
$hash{$addition} = 1; |
return join (",", keys(%hash)); |
} |
sub removeFromFilter { |
my $hashIn = shift; |
my $subtraction = shift; |
my %hash = %$hashIn; |
delete $hash{$subtraction}; |
return join(",", keys(%hash)); |
} |
# Convenience function: Given a stack returned from getStack on the iterator, |
# return the correct src() value. |
sub getLinkForResource { |
my $stack = shift; |
my $res; |
# Check to see if there are any pages in the stack |
foreach $res (@$stack) { |
if (defined($res)) { |
my $anchor; |
if ($res->is_page()) { |
foreach my $item (@$stack) { if (defined($item)) { $anchor = $item; } } |
$anchor=&escape($anchor->shown_symb()); |
return ($res->link(),$res->shown_symb(),$anchor); |
} |
# in case folder was skipped over as "only sequence" |
my ($map,$id,$src)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($res->symb()); |
if ($map=~/\.page$/) { |
my $url=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($map); |
$anchor=&escape($src->shown_symb()); |
return ($url,$res->shown_symb(),$anchor); |
} |
} |
} |
# Failing that, return the src of the last resource that is defined |
# (when we first recurse on a map, it puts an undefined resource |
# on the bottom because $self->{HERE} isn't defined yet, and we |
# want the src for the map anyhow) |
foreach my $item (@$stack) { |
if (defined($item)) { $res = $item; } |
} |
if ($res) { |
return ($res->link(),$res->shown_symb()); |
} |
return; |
} |
# Convenience function: This separates the logic of how to create |
# the problem text strings ("Due: DATE", "Open: DATE", "Not yet assigned", |
# etc.) into a separate function. It takes a resource object as the |
# first parameter, and the part number of the resource as the second. |
# It's basically a big switch statement on the status of the resource. |
sub getDescription { |
my $res = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $status = $res->status($part); |
if ($status == $res->NETWORK_FAILURE) { |
return &mt("Having technical difficulties; please check status later"); |
} |
if ($status == $res->NOTHING_SET) { |
return &mt("Not currently assigned."); |
} |
if ($status == $res->OPEN_LATER) { |
return "Open " . timeToHumanString($res->opendate($part),'start'); |
} |
if ($status == $res->OPEN) { |
if ($res->duedate($part)) { |
if ($res->is_practice()) { |
return &mt("Closes ")." " .timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part),'start'); |
} else { |
return &mt("Due")." " .timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part),'end'); |
} |
} else { |
return &mt("Open, no due date"); |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER) { |
return &mt("Answer open")." " . timeToHumanString($res->answerdate($part),'start'); |
} |
if ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER) { |
if ($res->is_practice()) { |
return &mt("Closed")." " . timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part),'start'); |
} else { |
return &mt("Was due")." " . timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part),'end'); |
} |
} |
if (($status == $res->ANSWER_OPEN || $status == $res->PARTIALLY_CORRECT) |
&& $res->handgrade($part) ne 'yes') { |
return &mt("Answer available"); |
} |
if ($status == $res->EXCUSED) { |
return &mt("Excused by instructor"); |
} |
if ($status == $res->ATTEMPTED) { |
return &mt("Answer submitted, not yet graded"); |
} |
if ($status == $res->TRIES_LEFT) { |
my $tries = $res->tries($part); |
my $maxtries = $res->maxtries($part); |
my $triesString = ""; |
if ($tries && $maxtries) { |
$triesString = "<font size=\"-1\"><i>($tries of $maxtries tries used)</i></font>"; |
if ($maxtries > 1 && $maxtries - $tries == 1) { |
$triesString = "<b>$triesString</b>"; |
} |
} |
if ($res->duedate($part)) { |
return &mt("Due")." " . timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part),'end') . |
" $triesString"; |
} else { |
return &mt("No due date")." $triesString"; |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->ANSWER_SUBMITTED) { |
return &mt('Answer submitted'); |
} |
} |
# Convenience function, so others can use it: Is the problem due in less than |
# 24 hours, and still can be done? |
sub dueInLessThan24Hours { |
my $res = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $status = $res->status($part); |
return ($status == $res->OPEN() || |
$status == $res->TRIES_LEFT()) && |
$res->duedate($part) && $res->duedate($part) < time()+(24*60*60) && |
$res->duedate($part) > time(); |
} |
# Convenience function, so others can use it: Is there only one try remaining for the |
# part, with more than one try to begin with, not due yet and still can be done? |
sub lastTry { |
my $res = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $tries = $res->tries($part); |
my $maxtries = $res->maxtries($part); |
return $tries && $maxtries && $maxtries > 1 && |
$maxtries - $tries == 1 && $res->duedate($part) && |
$res->duedate($part) > time(); |
} |
# This puts a human-readable name on the env variable. |
sub advancedUser { |
return $env{'request.role.adv'}; |
} |
# timeToHumanString takes a time number and converts it to a |
# human-readable representation, meant to be used in the following |
# manner: |
# print "Due $timestring" |
# print "Open $timestring" |
# print "Answer available $timestring" |
# Very, very, very, VERY English-only... goodness help a localizer on |
# this func... |
sub timeToHumanString { |
my ($time,$type,$format) = @_; |
# zero, '0' and blank are bad times |
if (!$time) { |
return &mt('never'); |
} |
unless (&Apache::lonlocal::current_language()=~/^en/) { |
return &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($time); |
} |
my $now = time(); |
my @time = localtime($time); |
my @now = localtime($now); |
# Positive = future |
my $delta = $time - $now; |
my $minute = 60; |
my $hour = 60 * $minute; |
my $day = 24 * $hour; |
my $week = 7 * $day; |
my $inPast = 0; |
# Logic in comments: |
# Is it now? (extremely unlikely) |
if ( $delta == 0 ) { |
return "this instant"; |
} |
if ($delta < 0) { |
$inPast = 1; |
$delta = -$delta; |
} |
if ( $delta > 0 ) { |
my $tense = $inPast ? " ago" : ""; |
my $prefix = $inPast ? "" : "in "; |
# Less than a minute |
if ( $delta < $minute ) { |
if ($delta == 1) { return "${prefix}1 second$tense"; } |
return "$prefix$delta seconds$tense"; |
} |
# Less than an hour |
if ( $delta < $hour ) { |
# If so, use minutes |
my $minutes = floor($delta / 60); |
if ($minutes == 1) { return "${prefix}1 minute$tense"; } |
return "$prefix$minutes minutes$tense"; |
} |
# Is it less than 24 hours away? If so, |
# display hours + minutes |
if ( $delta < $hour * 24) { |
my $hours = floor($delta / $hour); |
my $minutes = floor(($delta % $hour) / $minute); |
my $hourString = "$hours hours"; |
my $minuteString = ", $minutes minutes"; |
if ($hours == 1) { |
$hourString = "1 hour"; |
} |
if ($minutes == 1) { |
$minuteString = ", 1 minute"; |
} |
if ($minutes == 0) { |
$minuteString = ""; |
} |
return "$prefix$hourString$minuteString$tense"; |
} |
# If there's a caller supplied format, use it. |
if($format ne '') { |
my $timeStr = strftime($format, localtime($time)); |
return $timeStr.&Apache::lonlocal::gettimezone($time); |
} |
# Less than 5 days away, display day of the week and |
# HH:MM |
if ( $delta < $day * 5 ) { |
my $timeStr = strftime("%A, %b %e at %I:%M %P", localtime($time)); |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
return ($inPast ? "last " : "this ") . |
$timeStr.&Apache::lonlocal::gettimezone($time); |
} |
my $conjunction='on'; |
if ($type eq 'start') { |
$conjunction='at'; |
} elsif ($type eq 'end') { |
$conjunction='by'; |
} |
# Is it this year? |
if ( $time[5] == $now[5]) { |
# Return on Month Day, HH:MM meridian |
my $timeStr = strftime("$conjunction %A, %b %e at %I:%M %P", localtime($time)); |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
return $timeStr.&Apache::lonlocal::gettimezone($time); |
} |
# Not this year, so show the year |
my $timeStr = strftime("$conjunction %A, %b %e %Y at %I:%M %P", localtime($time)); |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
return $timeStr.&Apache::lonlocal::gettimezone($time); |
} |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
=head1 NAME |
=head1 NAME |
Apache::lonnavmap - Subroutines to handle and render the navigation |
Apache::lonnavmaps - Subroutines to handle and render the navigation |
maps |
=head1 SYNOPSIS |
=head1 SYNOPSIS |
Handles navigational maps. |
The main handler generates the navigational listing for the course, |
The main handler generates the navigational listing for the course, |
the other objects export this information in a usable fashion for |
the other objects export this information in a usable fashion for |
other modules. |
other modules. |
This is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA project |
described at |
=head1 OVERVIEW |
=head1 OVERVIEW |
X<lonnavmaps, overview> When a user enters a course, LON-CAPA examines the |
X<lonnavmaps, overview> |
When a user enters a course, LON-CAPA examines the |
course structure and caches it in what is often referred to as the |
course structure and caches it in what is often referred to as the |
"big hash" X<big hash>. You can see it if you are logged into |
"big hash" X<big hash>. You can see it if you are logged into |
LON-CAPA, in a course, by going to /adm/test. (You may need to |
LON-CAPA, in a course, by going to /adm/test. The content of |
tweak the /home/httpd/lonTabs/htpasswd file to view it.) The |
the hash will be under the heading "Big Hash". |
content of the hash will be under the heading "Big Hash". |
Access to /adm/test is controlled by a domain configuration, |
which a Domain Coordinator will set for a server's default domain |
via: Main Menu > Set domain configuration > Display (Access to |
server status pages checked), and entering a username:domain |
or IP address in the "Show user environment" row. Users with |
an unexpired domain coordinator role in the server's domain |
automatically receive access to /adm/test. |
Big Hash contains, among other things, how resources are related |
Big Hash contains, among other things, how resources are related |
to each other (next/previous), what resources are maps, which |
to each other (next/previous), what resources are maps, which |
Line 439 processed.
Line 72 processed.
Apache::lonnavmaps provides an object model for manipulating this |
Apache::lonnavmaps provides an object model for manipulating this |
information in a higher-level fashion than directly manipulating |
information in a higher-level fashion than directly manipulating |
the hash. It also provides access to several auxilary functions |
the hash. It also provides access to several auxiliary functions |
that aren't necessarily stored in the Big Hash, but are a per- |
that aren't necessarily stored in the Big Hash, but are a per- |
resource sort of value, like whether there is any feedback on |
resource sort of value, like whether there is any feedback on |
a given resource. |
a given resource. |
Line 452 Apache::lonnavmaps also provides fairly
Line 85 Apache::lonnavmaps also provides fairly
rendering navmaps, and last but not least, provides the navmaps |
rendering navmaps, and last but not least, provides the navmaps |
view for when the user clicks the NAV button. |
view for when the user clicks the NAV button. |
B<Note>: Apache::lonnavmaps I<only> works for the "currently |
B<Note>: Apache::lonnavmaps by default will show information |
logged in user"; if you want things like "due dates for another |
for the "currently logged in user". However, if information |
student" lonnavmaps can not directly retrieve information like |
about resources is needed for a different user, e.g., a bubblesheet |
that. You need the EXT function. This module can still help, |
exam which uses randomorder, or randompick needs to be printed or |
because many things, such as the course structure, are constant |
graded for named user(s) or specific CODEs, then the username, |
domain, or CODE can be passed as arguments when creating a new |
navmap object. |
Note if you want things like "due dates for another student", |
you would use the EXT function instead of lonnavmaps. |
That said, the lonnavmaps module can still help, because many |
things, such as the course structure, are usually constant |
between users, and Apache::lonnavmaps can help by providing |
between users, and Apache::lonnavmaps can help by providing |
symbs for the EXT call. |
symbs for the EXT call. |
Line 466 all, then documents the Apache::lonnavma
Line 106 all, then documents the Apache::lonnavma
is the key to accessing the Big Hash information, covers the use |
is the key to accessing the Big Hash information, covers the use |
of the Iterator (which provides the logic for traversing the |
of the Iterator (which provides the logic for traversing the |
somewhat-complicated Big Hash data structure), documents the |
somewhat-complicated Big Hash data structure), documents the |
Apache::lonnavmaps::Resource objects that are returned by |
Apache::lonnavmaps::Resource objects that are returned singularly |
by: getBySymb(), getById(), getByMapPc(), and getResourceByUrl() |
(can also be as an array), or in an array by retrieveResources(). |
=head1 Subroutine: render |
=head1 Subroutine: render |
Line 538 If true, the resource's folder will not
Line 180 If true, the resource's folder will not
it. Default is false. True implies printCloseAll is false, since you |
it. Default is false. True implies printCloseAll is false, since you |
can't close or open folders when this is on anyhow. |
can't close or open folders when this is on anyhow. |
=item * B<map_no_edit_link>: |
If true, the title of the folder or page will not be followed by an |
icon/link to direct editing of a folder or composite page, originally |
added via the Course Editor. |
=back |
=back |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::communication_status>: |
=item * B<Apache::lonnavmaps::communication_status>: |
Line 710 user into thinking that if the sequence
Line 358 user into thinking that if the sequence
under it; for example, see the "Show Uncompleted Homework" view on the |
under it; for example, see the "Show Uncompleted Homework" view on the |
B<NAV> screen. |
B<NAV> screen. |
=item * B<suppressNavmaps>: default: false |
=item * B<suppressNavmap>: default: false |
If true, will not display Navigate Content resources. |
If true, will not display Navigate Content resources. |
Line 740 navmaps screen) uses this to display the
Line 388 navmaps screen) uses this to display the
=cut |
=cut |
=over |
=item update() |
=item addToFilter() |
Convenience functions: Returns a string that adds or subtracts |
the second argument from the first hash, appropriate for the |
query string that determines which folders to recurse on |
=item removeFromFilter() |
=item getLinkForResource() |
Convenience function: Given a stack returned from getStack on the iterator, |
return the correct src() value. |
=item getDescription() |
Convenience function: This separates the logic of how to create |
the problem text strings ("Due: DATE", "Open: DATE", "Not yet assigned", |
etc.) into a separate function. It takes a resource object as the |
first parameter, and the part number of the resource as the second. |
It's basically a big switch statement on the status of the resource. |
=item dueInLessThan24Hours() |
Convenience function, so others can use it: Is the problem due in less than 24 hours, and still can be done? |
=item lastTry() |
Convenience function, so others can use it: Is there only one try remaining for the |
part, with more than one try to begin with, not due yet and still can be done? |
=item advancedUser() |
This puts a human-readable name on the env variable. |
=item timeToHumanString() |
timeToHumanString takes a time number and converts it to a |
human-readable representation, meant to be used in the following |
manner: |
=over 4 |
=item * print "Due $timestring" |
=item * print "Open $timestring" |
=item * print "Answer available $timestring" |
=back |
Very, very, very, VERY English-only... goodness help a localizer on |
this func... |
=item resource() |
returns 0 |
=item communication_status() |
returns 1 |
=item quick_status() |
returns 2 |
=item long_status() |
returns 3 |
=item part_status_summary() |
returns 4 |
=item render_resource() |
=item render_communication_status() |
=item render_quick_status() |
=item render_long_status() |
=item render_parts_summary_status() |
=item setDefault() |
=item cmp_title() |
=item render() |
=item add_linkitem() |
=item show_linkitems_toolbar() |
=back |
=cut |
package Apache::lonnavmaps; |
use strict; |
use GDBM_File; |
use Apache::loncommon(); |
use Apache::lonenc(); |
use Apache::lonlocal; |
use Apache::lonnet; |
use Apache::lonmap; |
use POSIX qw (ceil floor strftime); |
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval ); |
use LONCAPA; |
use DateTime(); |
use HTML::Entities; |
# For debugging |
#use Data::Dumper; |
# symbolic constants |
sub SYMB { return 1; } |
sub URL { return 2; } |
sub NOTHING { return 3; } |
# Some data |
my $resObj = "Apache::lonnavmaps::resource"; |
# Keep these mappings in sync with lonquickgrades, which usesthe colors |
# instead of the icons. |
my %statusIconMap = |
( |
$resObj->CLOSED => '', |
$resObj->OPEN => '', |
$resObj->CORRECT => 'navmap.correct.gif', |
$resObj->PARTIALLY_CORRECT => 'navmap.partial.gif', |
$resObj->INCORRECT => 'navmap.wrong.gif', |
$resObj->ATTEMPTED => 'navmap.ellipsis.gif', |
$resObj->ERROR => '' |
); |
my %iconAltTags = #texthash does not work here |
( 'navmap.correct.gif' => 'Correct', |
'navmap.wrong.gif' => 'Incorrect', |
'' => 'Is Open', |
'navmap.partial.gif' => 'Partially Correct', |
'navmap.ellipsis.gif' => 'Attempted', |
); |
# Defines a status->color mapping, null string means don't color |
my %colormap = |
( $resObj->NETWORK_FAILURE => '', |
$resObj->CORRECT => '', |
$resObj->EXCUSED => '#3333FF', |
$resObj->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER => '', |
$resObj->PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER => '', |
$resObj->PAST_DUE_ATMPT_ANS => '', |
$resObj->PAST_DUE_ATMPT_NOANS => '', |
$resObj->PAST_DUE_NO_ATMT_ANS => '', |
$resObj->PAST_DUE_NO_ATMT_NOANS => '', |
$resObj->ANSWER_OPEN => '#006600', |
$resObj->OPEN_LATER => '', |
$resObj->TRIES_LEFT => '', |
$resObj->INCORRECT => '', |
$resObj->OPEN => '', |
$resObj->NOTHING_SET => '', |
$resObj->ATTEMPTED => '', |
$resObj->CREDIT_ATTEMPTED => '', |
$resObj->ANSWER_SUBMITTED => '', |
$resObj->PARTIALLY_CORRECT => '#006600' |
); |
# And a special case in the nav map; what to do when the assignment |
# is not yet done and due in less than 24 hours |
my $hurryUpColor = "#FF0000"; |
sub addToFilter { |
my $hashIn = shift; |
my $addition = shift; |
my %hash = %$hashIn; |
$hash{$addition} = 1; |
return join (",", keys(%hash)); |
} |
sub removeFromFilter { |
my $hashIn = shift; |
my $subtraction = shift; |
my %hash = %$hashIn; |
delete $hash{$subtraction}; |
return join(",", keys(%hash)); |
} |
sub getLinkForResource { |
my $stack = shift; |
my $res; |
# Check to see if there are any pages in the stack |
foreach $res (@$stack) { |
if (defined($res)) { |
my $anchor; |
if ($res->is_page()) { |
foreach my $item (@$stack) { if (defined($item)) { $anchor = $item; } } |
if ($anchor->encrypted() && !&advancedUser()) { |
$anchor='LC_'.$anchor->id(); |
} else { |
$anchor=&escape($anchor->shown_symb()); |
} |
return ($res->link(),$res->shown_symb(),$anchor); |
} |
# in case folder was skipped over as "only sequence" |
my ($map,$id,$src)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($res->symb()); |
if ($map=~/\.page$/) { |
my $url=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($map); |
$anchor=&escape($res->shown_symb()); |
return ($url,$res->shown_symb(),$anchor); |
} |
} |
} |
# Failing that, return the src of the last resource that is defined |
# (when we first recurse on a map, it puts an undefined resource |
# on the bottom because $self->{HERE} isn't defined yet, and we |
# want the src for the map anyhow) |
foreach my $item (@$stack) { |
if (defined($item)) { $res = $item; } |
} |
if ($res) { |
return ($res->link(),$res->shown_symb()); |
} |
return; |
} |
sub getDescription { |
my $res = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $status = $res->status($part); |
my $open = $res->opendate($part); |
my $due = $res->duedate($part); |
my $answer = $res->answerdate($part); |
if ($status == $res->NETWORK_FAILURE) { |
return &mt("Having technical difficulties; please check status later"); |
} |
if ($status == $res->NOTHING_SET) { |
return &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::direct_parm_link(&mt('Not currently assigned'),$res->symb(),'opendate',$part); |
} |
if ($status == $res->OPEN_LATER) { |
return &mt("Open [_1]",&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::direct_parm_link(&timeToHumanString($open,'start'),$res->symb(),'opendate',$part)); |
} |
my $slotinfo; |
if ($res->simpleStatus($part) == $res->OPEN) { |
unless (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mgr',$env{''})) { |
my ($slot_status,$slot_time,$slot_name)=$res->check_for_slot($part); |
my $slotmsg; |
if ($slot_status == $res->UNKNOWN) { |
$slotmsg = &mt('Reservation status unknown'); |
} elsif ($slot_status == $res->RESERVED) { |
$slotmsg = &mt('Reserved - ends [_1]', |
timeToHumanString($slot_time,'end')); |
} elsif ($slot_status == $res->RESERVED_LOCATION) { |
$slotmsg = &mt('Reserved - specific location(s) - ends [_1]', |
timeToHumanString($slot_time,'end')); |
} elsif ($slot_status == $res->RESERVED_LATER) { |
$slotmsg = &mt('Reserved - next open [_1]', |
timeToHumanString($slot_time,'start')); |
} elsif ($slot_status == $res->RESERVABLE) { |
$slotmsg = &mt('Reservable, reservations close [_1]', |
timeToHumanString($slot_time,'end')); |
} elsif ($slot_status == $res->NEEDS_CHECKIN) { |
$slotmsg = &mt('Reserved, check-in needed - ends [_1]', |
timeToHumanString($slot_time,'end')); |
} elsif ($slot_status == $res->RESERVABLE_LATER) { |
$slotmsg = &mt('Reservable, reservations open [_1]', |
timeToHumanString($slot_time,'start')); |
} elsif ($slot_status == $res->NOT_IN_A_SLOT) { |
$slotmsg = &mt('Reserve a time/place to work'); |
} elsif ($slot_status == $res->NOTRESERVABLE) { |
$slotmsg = &mt('Reservation not available'); |
} elsif ($slot_status == $res->WAITING_FOR_GRADE) { |
$slotmsg = &mt('Submission in grading queue'); |
} |
if ($slotmsg) { |
if ($res->is_task() || !$due) { |
return $slotmsg; |
} |
$slotinfo = (' ' x 2).'('.$slotmsg.')'; |
} |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->OPEN) { |
if ($due) { |
if ($res->is_practice()) { |
return &mt("Closes [_1]",&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::direct_parm_link(&timeToHumanString($due,'start'),$res->symb(),'duedate',$part)).$slotinfo; |
} else { |
return &mt("Due [_1]",&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::direct_parm_link(&timeToHumanString($due,'end'),$res->symb(),'duedate',$part)).$slotinfo; |
} |
} else { |
return &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::direct_parm_link(&mt("Open, no due date"),$res->symb(),'duedate',$part).$slotinfo; |
} |
} |
if (($status == $res->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER) || ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_ATMPT_ANS) || ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_NO_ATMT_ANS)) { |
return &mt("Answer open [_1]",&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::direct_parm_link(&timeToHumanString($answer,'start'),$res->symb(),'answerdate',$part)); |
} |
if (($status == $res->PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER) || ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_ATMPT_NOANS) || ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_NO_ATMT_NOANS)) { |
if ($res->is_practice()) { |
return &mt("Closed [_1]",&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::direct_parm_link(&timeToHumanString($due,'start'),$res->symb(),'answerdate,duedate',$part)); |
} else { |
return &mt("Was due [_1]",&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::direct_parm_link(&timeToHumanString($due,'end'),$res->symb(),'answerdate,duedate',$part)); |
} |
} |
if (($status == $res->ANSWER_OPEN || $status == $res->PARTIALLY_CORRECT) |
&& $res->handgrade($part) ne 'yes') { |
my $msg = &mt('Answer available'); |
my $parmlist = 'answerdate,duedate'; |
if (($res->is_tool) && ($res->is_gradable())) { |
if (($status == $res->PARTIALLY_CORRECT) && ($res->parmval('retrypartial',$part))) { |
$msg = &mt('Grade received'); |
$parmlist = 'retrypartial'; |
} else { |
$msg = &mt('Grade available'); |
} |
} |
return &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::direct_parm_link($msg,$res->symb(),$parmlist,$part); |
} |
if ($status == $res->EXCUSED) { |
return &mt("Excused by instructor"); |
} |
if ($status == $res->ATTEMPTED) { |
if ($res->is_anonsurvey($part) || $res->is_survey($part)) { |
return &mt("Survey submission recorded"); |
} else { |
return &mt("Answer submitted, not yet graded"); |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->CREDIT_ATTEMPTED) { |
if ($res->is_anonsurvey($part) || $res->is_survey($part)) { |
return &mt("Credit for survey submission"); |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->TRIES_LEFT) { |
my $tries = $res->tries($part); |
my $maxtries = $res->maxtries($part); |
my $triesString = ""; |
if ($tries && $maxtries) { |
$triesString = '<span class="LC_fontsize_medium"><i>('.&mt('[_1] of [quant,_2,try,tries] used',$tries,$maxtries).')</i></span>'; |
if ($maxtries > 1 && $maxtries - $tries == 1) { |
$triesString = "<b>$triesString</b>"; |
} |
} |
if ($due) { |
return &mt("Due [_1]",&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::direct_parm_link(&timeToHumanString($due,'end'),$res->symb(),'duedate',$part)) . |
" $triesString"; |
} else { |
return &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::direct_parm_link(&mt("No due date"),$res->symb(),'duedate',$part)." $triesString"; |
} |
} |
if ($status == $res->ANSWER_SUBMITTED) { |
return &mt('Answer submitted'); |
} |
} |
sub dueInLessThan24Hours { |
my $res = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $status = $res->status($part); |
return ($status == $res->OPEN() || |
$status == $res->TRIES_LEFT()) && |
$res->duedate($part) && $res->duedate($part) < time()+(24*60*60) && |
$res->duedate($part) > time(); |
} |
sub lastTry { |
my $res = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $tries = $res->tries($part); |
my $maxtries = $res->maxtries($part); |
return $tries && $maxtries && $maxtries > 1 && |
$maxtries - $tries == 1 && $res->duedate($part) && |
$res->duedate($part) > time(); |
} |
sub advancedUser { |
return $env{'request.role.adv'}; |
} |
sub timeToHumanString { |
my ($time,$type,$format) = @_; |
# zero, '0' and blank are bad times |
if (!$time) { |
return &mt('never'); |
} |
unless (&Apache::lonlocal::current_language()=~/^en/) { |
return &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($time); |
} |
my $now = time(); |
# Positive = future |
my $delta = $time - $now; |
my $minute = 60; |
my $hour = 60 * $minute; |
my $day = 24 * $hour; |
my $week = 7 * $day; |
my $inPast = 0; |
# Logic in comments: |
# Is it now? (extremely unlikely) |
if ( $delta == 0 ) { |
return "this instant"; |
} |
if ($delta < 0) { |
$inPast = 1; |
$delta = -$delta; |
} |
if ( $delta > 0 ) { |
my $tense = $inPast ? " ago" : ""; |
my $prefix = $inPast ? "" : "in "; |
# Less than a minute |
if ( $delta < $minute ) { |
if ($delta == 1) { return "${prefix}1 second$tense"; } |
return "$prefix$delta seconds$tense"; |
} |
# Less than an hour |
if ( $delta < $hour ) { |
# If so, use minutes; or minutes, seconds (if format requires) |
my $minutes = floor($delta / 60); |
if (($format ne '') && ($format =~ /\%(T|S)/)) { |
my $display; |
if ($minutes == 1) { |
$display = "${prefix}1 minute"; |
} else { |
$display = "$prefix$minutes minutes"; |
} |
my $seconds = $delta % $minute; |
if ($seconds == 0) { |
$display .= $tense; |
} elsif ($seconds == 1) { |
$display .= ", 1 second$tense"; |
} else { |
$display .= ", $seconds seconds$tense"; |
} |
return $display; |
} |
if ($minutes == 1) { return "${prefix}1 minute$tense"; } |
return "$prefix$minutes minutes$tense"; |
} |
# Is it less than 24 hours away? If so, |
# display hours + minutes, (and + seconds, if format specified it) |
if ( $delta < $hour * 24) { |
my $hours = floor($delta / $hour); |
my $minutes = floor(($delta % $hour) / $minute); |
my $hourString = "$hours hours"; |
my $minuteString = ", $minutes minutes"; |
if ($hours == 1) { |
$hourString = "1 hour"; |
} |
if ($minutes == 1) { |
$minuteString = ", 1 minute"; |
} |
if ($minutes == 0) { |
$minuteString = ""; |
} |
if (($format ne '') && ($format =~ /\%(T|S)/)) { |
my $display = "$prefix$hourString$minuteString"; |
my $seconds = $delta-(($hours * $hour)+($minutes * $minute)); |
if ($seconds == 0) { |
$display .= $tense; |
} elsif ($seconds == 1) { |
$display .= ", 1 second$tense"; |
} else { |
$display .= ", $seconds seconds$tense"; |
} |
return $display; |
} |
return "$prefix$hourString$minuteString$tense"; |
} |
# Date/time is more than 24 hours away |
my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $time) |
->set_time_zone(&Apache::lonlocal::gettimezone()); |
# If there's a caller supplied format, use it, unless it only displays |
# H:M:S or H:M. |
if (($format ne '') && ($format ne '%T') && ($format ne '%R')) { |
my $timeStr = $dt->strftime($format); |
return $timeStr.' ('.$dt->time_zone_short_name().')'; |
} |
# Less than 5 days away, display day of the week and |
# HH:MM |
if ( $delta < $day * 5 ) { |
my $timeStr = $dt->strftime("%A, %b %e at %I:%M %P (%Z)"); |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
return ($inPast ? "last " : "this ") . |
$timeStr; |
} |
my $conjunction='on'; |
if ($type eq 'start') { |
$conjunction='at'; |
} elsif ($type eq 'end') { |
$conjunction='by'; |
} |
# Is it this year? |
my $dt_now = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $now) |
->set_time_zone(&Apache::lonlocal::gettimezone()); |
if ( $dt->year() == $dt_now->year()) { |
# Return on Month Day, HH:MM meridian |
my $timeStr = $dt->strftime("$conjunction %A, %b %e at %I:%M %P (%Z)"); |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
return $timeStr; |
} |
# Not this year, so show the year |
my $timeStr = |
$dt->strftime("$conjunction %A, %b %e %Y at %I:%M %P (%Z)"); |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 am/00:00/; |
$timeStr =~ s/12:00 pm/noon/; |
return $timeStr; |
} |
} |
sub resource { return 0; } |
sub resource { return 0; } |
sub communication_status { return 1; } |
sub communication_status { return 1; } |
sub quick_status { return 2; } |
sub quick_status { return 2; } |
Line 749 sub part_status_summary { return 4; }
Line 948 sub part_status_summary { return 4; }
sub render_resource { |
sub render_resource { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
my $editmapLink; |
my $nonLinkedText = ''; # stuff after resource title not in link |
my $nonLinkedText = ''; # stuff after resource title not in link |
my $link = $params->{"resourceLink"}; |
my $link = $params->{"resourceLink"}; |
if ($resource->ext()) { |
$link =~ s/\#.+(\?)/$1/g; |
} |
# The URL part is not escaped at this point, but the symb is... |
# The URL part is not escaped at this point, but the symb is... |
# The stuff to the left of the ? must have ' replaced by \' since |
# it will be quoted with ' in the href. |
my ($left,$right) = split(/\?/, $link); |
$link = $left.'?'.$right; |
my $src = $resource->src(); |
my $src = $resource->src(); |
my $it = $params->{"iterator"}; |
my $it = $params->{"iterator"}; |
Line 771 sub render_resource {
Line 969 sub render_resource {
my $location=&Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonIcons"); |
my $location=&Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonIcons"); |
# If this is a new branch, label it so |
# If this is a new branch, label it so |
if ($params->{'isNewBranch'}) { |
if ($params->{'isNewBranch'}) { |
$newBranchText = "<img src='$location/branch.gif' border='0' alt='Branch' />"; |
$newBranchText = "<img src='$location/branch.gif' alt=".mt('Branch')." />"; |
} |
} |
# links to open and close the folder |
my $whitespace = $location.'/whitespace_21.gif'; |
my ($nomodal,$linkopen,$linkclose); |
unless ($resource->is_map() || $params->{'resource_nolink'}) { |
my $linkopen = "<a href=\"$link\">"; |
$linkopen = "<img src='$whitespace' alt='' />"; |
$linkclose = "</a>"; |
if (($params->{'modalLink'}) && (!$resource->is_sequence())) { |
my $linkclose = "</a>"; |
if ($link =~m{^(?:|/adm/wrapper)/ext/([^#]+)}) { |
my $exturl = $1; |
if (($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 443) && ($exturl !~ /^https:/)) { |
$nomodal = 1; |
} |
} elsif (($link eq "/public/$LONCAPA::match_domain/$LONCAPA::match_courseid/syllabus") && |
($env{''}) && ($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 443) && |
($env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.externalsyllabus'} =~ m{^http://})) { |
$nomodal = 1; |
} |
my $esclink = &js_escape($link); |
if ($nomodal) { |
$linkopen .= "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"'$esclink','resourcepreview','height=400,width=500,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,menubar=0,location=1'); return false;\" />"; |
} else { |
$linkopen .= "<a href=\"$link\" onclick=\"javascript:openMyModal('$esclink',600,500,'yes','true'); return false;\">"; |
} |
} else { |
$linkopen .= "<a href=\"$link\">"; |
} |
} |
# Default icon: unknown page |
# Default icon: unknown page |
my $icon = "<img src='$location/unknown.gif' alt='' border='0' alt=' ' ' />"; |
my $icon = "<img class=\"LC_contentImage\" src='$location/unknown.gif' alt='' />"; |
if ($resource->is_problem()) { |
if ($resource->is_problem()) { |
if ($part eq '0' || $params->{'condensed'}) { |
if ($part eq '0' || $params->{'condensed'}) { |
$icon = '<img src="'.$location.'/'; |
$icon = '<img class="LC_contentImage" src="'.$location.'/'; |
if ($resource->is_task()) { |
if ($resource->is_task()) { |
$icon .= 'task.gif" alt="'.&mt('Task'); |
$icon .= 'task.gif" alt="'.&mt('Task'); |
} else { |
} else { |
$icon .= 'problem.gif" alt="'.&mt('Problem'); |
$icon .= 'problem.gif" alt="'.&mt('Problem'); |
} |
} |
$icon .='" border="0" />'; |
$icon .='" />'; |
} else { |
} else { |
$icon = $params->{'indentString'}; |
$icon = $params->{'indentString'}; |
} |
} |
} else { |
} else { |
$icon = "<img src='".&Apache::loncommon::icon($resource->src)."' alt=' ' border='0' />"; |
$icon = "<img class=\"LC_contentImage\" src='".&Apache::loncommon::icon($resource->src)."' alt='' />"; |
} |
} |
# Display the correct map icon to open or shut map |
# Display the correct map icon to open or shut map |
Line 808 sub render_resource {
Line 1025 sub render_resource {
if ($it->{CONDITION}) { |
if ($it->{CONDITION}) { |
$nowOpen = !$nowOpen; |
$nowOpen = !$nowOpen; |
} |
} |
my $folderType; |
my $folderType = $resource->is_sequence() ? 'folder' : 'page'; |
if (&advancedUser() && $resource->is_missing_map()) { |
$folderType = 'none'; |
} else { |
$folderType = $resource->is_sequence() ? 'folder' : 'page'; |
} |
my $title=$resource->title; |
my $title=$resource->title; |
$title=~s/\"/\"/g; |
$title=~s/\"/\&qout;/g; |
if (!$params->{'resource_no_folder_link'}) { |
if (!$params->{'resource_no_folder_link'}) { |
$icon = "navmap.$folderType." . ($nowOpen ? 'closed' : 'open') . '.gif'; |
$icon = "navmap.$folderType." . ($nowOpen ? 'closed' : 'open') . '.gif'; |
$icon = "<img src='$location/$icon' alt=\"". |
$icon = "<img src='$location/arrow." . ($nowOpen ? 'closed' : 'open') . ".gif' alt='' />" |
($nowOpen ? &mt('Open Folder') : &mt('Close Folder')).' '.$title."\" border='0' />"; |
."<img class=\"LC_contentImage\" src='$location/$icon' alt=\"" |
.($nowOpen ? &mt('Open Folder') : &mt('Close Folder')).' '.$title."\" />"; |
$linkopen = "<a href=\"" . $params->{'url'} . '?' . |
$linkopen = "<a href=\"" . $params->{'url'} . '?' . |
$params->{'queryString'} . '&filter='; |
$params->{'queryString'} . '&filter='; |
$linkopen .= ($nowOpen xor $it->{CONDITION}) ? |
$linkopen .= ($nowOpen xor $it->{CONDITION}) ? |
Line 828 sub render_resource {
Line 1049 sub render_resource {
'&jump=' . |
'&jump=' . |
&escape($resource->symb()) . |
&escape($resource->symb()) . |
"&folderManip=1\">"; |
"&folderManip=1\">"; |
$linkclose = '</a>'; |
} else { |
} else { |
# Don't allow users to manipulate folder |
# Don't allow users to manipulate folder |
$icon = "navmap.$folderType." . ($nowOpen ? 'closed' : 'open') . |
$icon = "navmap.$folderType." . ($nowOpen ? 'closed' : 'open') . '.gif'; |
'.nomanip.gif'; |
$icon = "<img class=\"LC_space\" src='$whitespace' alt='' />"."<img class=\"LC_contentImage\" src='$location/$icon' alt=\"".($nowOpen ? &mt('Open Folder') : &mt('Close Folder')).' '.$title."\" />"; |
$icon = "<img src='$location/$icon' alt=\"". |
if ($params->{'caller'} eq 'sequence') { |
($nowOpen ? &mt('Open Folder') : &mt('Close Folder')).' '.$title."\" border='0' />"; |
$linkopen = "<a href=\"$link\">"; |
$linkclose = '</a>'; |
$linkopen = ""; |
} else { |
$linkclose = ""; |
$linkopen = ""; |
$linkclose = ""; |
} |
} |
if (((&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc',$env{''})) || |
(&Apache::lonnet::allowed('cev',$env{''}))) && |
($resource->symb=~/\_\_\_[^\_]+\_\_\_uploaded/)) { |
if (!$params->{'map_no_edit_link'}) { |
my $icon = &Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl('/res/adm/pages').'/editmap.png'; |
$editmapLink=' '. |
'<a href="/adm/coursedocs?command=directnav&symb='.&escape($resource->symb()).'">'. |
'<img src="'.$icon.'" alt="'.&mt('Edit Content').'" title="'.&mt('Edit Content').'" />'. |
'</a>'; |
} |
} |
if ($params->{'mapHidden'} || $resource->randomout()) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <span class="LC_warning">('.&mt('hidden').')</span> '; |
} elsif ($params->{'mapUnlisted'}) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <span class="LC_warning">('.&mt('unlisted').')</span> '; |
} elsif ($params->{'mapHiddenDeepLink'} || $resource->deeplinkout()) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <span class="LC_warning">('.&mt('not shown').')</span> '; |
} |
} else { |
if ($resource->randomout()) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <span class="LC_warning">('.&mt('hidden').')</span> '; |
} elsif ($resource->deeplinkout()) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <span class="LC_warning">('.&mt('not shown').')</span> '; |
} else { |
my $deeplink = $resource->deeplink($params->{caller}); |
if ((($deeplink eq 'absent') || ($deeplink eq 'grades')) && |
&advancedUser()) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <span class="LC_warning">('.&mt('unlisted').')</span> '; |
} elsif (($deeplink) && ($deeplink) ne 'full') { |
if (&advancedUser()) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <span class="LC_warning">('.&mt('deep-link access'). |
')</span> '; |
} else { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <span class="LC_warning">('.&mt('access via external site'). |
')</span> '; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ($resource->randomout()) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <i>('.&mt('hidden').')</i> '; |
} |
} |
if (!$resource->condval()) { |
if (!$resource->condval()) { |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <i>('.&mt('conditionally hidden').')</i> '; |
$nonLinkedText .= ' <span class="LC_info">('.&mt('conditionally hidden').')</span> '; |
} |
if (($resource->is_practice()) && ($resource->is_raw_problem())) { |
$nonLinkedText .=' <span class="LC_info"><b>'.&mt('not graded').'</b></span>'; |
} |
} |
# We're done preparing and finally ready to start the rendering |
my $result = "<td align='left' valign='middle'>"; |
# We're done preparing and finally ready to start the rendering |
my $result = '<td class="LC_middle">'; |
my $newfolderType = $resource->is_sequence() ? 'folder' : 'page'; |
my $indentLevel = $params->{'indentLevel'}; |
my $indentLevel = $params->{'indentLevel'}; |
if ($newBranchText) { $indentLevel--; } |
if ($newBranchText) { $indentLevel--; } |
Line 860 sub render_resource {
Line 1121 sub render_resource {
} |
} |
# Decide what to display |
# Decide what to display |
$result .= "$newBranchText$linkopen$icon"; |
$result .= "$newBranchText$linkopen$icon$linkclose"; |
my $curMarkerBegin = ''; |
my $curMarkerBegin = ''; |
my $curMarkerEnd = ''; |
my $curMarkerEnd = ''; |
Line 869 sub render_resource {
Line 1129 sub render_resource {
# Is this the current resource? |
# Is this the current resource? |
if (!$params->{'displayedHereMarker'} && |
if (!$params->{'displayedHereMarker'} && |
$resource->symb() eq $params->{'here'} ) { |
$resource->symb() eq $params->{'here'} ) { |
$curMarkerBegin = '<font color="red" size="+2">></font>'; |
unless ($resource->is_map()) { |
$curMarkerEnd = '<font color="red" size="+2"><</font>'; |
$curMarkerBegin = '<span class="LC_current_nav_location">'; |
$params->{'displayedHereMarker'} = 1; |
$curMarkerEnd = '</span>'; |
} |
$params->{'displayedHereMarker'} = 1; |
} |
} |
if ($resource->is_problem() && $part ne '0' && |
if ($resource->is_problem() && $part ne '0' && |
Line 886 sub render_resource {
Line 1148 sub render_resource {
$nonLinkedText .= ' ('.&mt('[_1] parts', $resource->countParts()).')'; |
$nonLinkedText .= ' ('.&mt('[_1] parts', $resource->countParts()).')'; |
} |
} |
my $target; |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} eq 'on') { |
$target=' target="loncapaclient" '; |
} |
if (!$params->{'resource_nolink'} && !$resource->is_sequence() && !$resource->is_empty_sequence) { |
if (!$params->{'resource_nolink'} && !$resource->is_sequence() && !$resource->is_empty_sequence) { |
$result .= " $curMarkerBegin<a $target href=\"$link\">$title$partLabel</a>$curMarkerEnd $nonLinkedText</td>"; |
$linkclose = '</a>'; |
} else { |
if ($params->{'modalLink'}) { |
$result .= " $curMarkerBegin$title$partLabel$curMarkerEnd $nonLinkedText</td>"; |
my $esclink = &js_escape($link); |
if ($nomodal) { |
$linkopen = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"'$esclink','resourcepreview','height=400,width=500,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,menubar=0,location=1'); return false;\" />"; |
} else { |
$linkopen = "<a href=\"$link\" onclick=\"javascript:openMyModal('$esclink',600,500,'yes','true'); return false;\">"; |
} |
} else { |
$linkopen = "<a href=\"$link\">"; |
} |
} |
} |
$result .= "$curMarkerBegin$title$partLabel$curMarkerEnd$linkclose$editmapLink$nonLinkedText</td>"; |
return $result; |
return $result; |
} |
} |
Line 904 sub render_communication_status {
Line 1171 sub render_communication_status {
my $discussionHTML = ""; my $feedbackHTML = ""; my $errorHTML = ""; |
my $discussionHTML = ""; my $feedbackHTML = ""; my $errorHTML = ""; |
my $link = $params->{"resourceLink"}; |
my $link = $params->{"resourceLink"}; |
my $target; |
my $linkopen = "<a href=\"$link\">"; |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} eq 'on') { |
$target=' target="loncapaclient" '; |
} |
my $linkopen = "<a $target href=\"$link\">"; |
my $linkclose = "</a>"; |
my $linkclose = "</a>"; |
my $location=&Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonMisc"); |
my $location=&Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonMisc"); |
if ($resource->hasDiscussion()) { |
if ($resource->hasDiscussion()) { |
$discussionHTML = $linkopen . |
$discussionHTML = $linkopen . |
'<img alt="'.&mt('New Discussion').'" border="0" src="'.$location.'/chat.gif" />' . |
'<img alt="'.&mt('New Discussion').'" src="'.$location.'/chat.gif" title="'.&mt('New Discussion').'"/>' . |
$linkclose; |
$linkclose; |
} |
} |
Line 921 sub render_communication_status {
Line 1185 sub render_communication_status {
my $feedback = $resource->getFeedback(); |
my $feedback = $resource->getFeedback(); |
foreach my $msgid (split(/\,/, $feedback)) { |
foreach my $msgid (split(/\,/, $feedback)) { |
if ($msgid) { |
if ($msgid) { |
$feedbackHTML .= ' <a '.$target.' href="/adm/email?display=' |
$feedbackHTML .= ' <a href="/adm/email?display=' |
. &escape($msgid) . '">' |
. &escape($msgid) . '">' |
. '<img alt="'.&mt('New Email').'" src="'.$location.'/feedback.gif" ' |
. '<img alt="'.&mt('New E-mail').'" src="'.$location.'/feedback.gif" title="'.&mt('New E-mail').'"/></a>'; |
. 'border="0" /></a>'; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Line 936 sub render_communication_status {
Line 1199 sub render_communication_status {
last if ($errorcount>=10); # Only output 10 bombs maximum |
last if ($errorcount>=10); # Only output 10 bombs maximum |
if ($msgid) { |
if ($msgid) { |
$errorcount++; |
$errorcount++; |
$errorHTML .= ' <a '.$target.' href="/adm/email?display=' |
$errorHTML .= ' <a href="/adm/email?display=' |
. &escape($msgid) . '">' |
. &escape($msgid) . '">' |
. '<img alt="'.&mt('New Error').'" src="'.$location.'/bomb.gif" ' |
. '<img alt="'.&mt('New Error').'" src="'.$location.'/bomb.gif" title="'.&mt('New Error').'"/></a>'; |
. 'border="0" /></a>'; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Line 947 sub render_communication_status {
Line 1209 sub render_communication_status {
if ($params->{'multipart'} && $part != '0') { |
if ($params->{'multipart'} && $part != '0') { |
$discussionHTML = $feedbackHTML = $errorHTML = ''; |
$discussionHTML = $feedbackHTML = $errorHTML = ''; |
} |
} |
return "<td class=\"LC_middle\">$discussionHTML$feedbackHTML$errorHTML </td>"; |
return "<td width=\"75\" align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\">$discussionHTML$feedbackHTML$errorHTML </td>"; |
} |
} |
sub render_quick_status { |
sub render_quick_status { |
Line 958 sub render_quick_status {
Line 1219 sub render_quick_status {
$params->{'multipart'} && $part eq "0"; |
$params->{'multipart'} && $part eq "0"; |
my $link = $params->{"resourceLink"}; |
my $link = $params->{"resourceLink"}; |
my $target; |
my $linkopen = "<a href=\"$link\">"; |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} eq 'on') { |
$target=' target="loncapaclient" '; |
} |
my $linkopen = "<a $target href=\"$link\">"; |
my $linkclose = "</a>"; |
my $linkclose = "</a>"; |
if ($resource->is_problem() && |
!$firstDisplayed) { |
$result .= '<td class="LC_middle">'; |
if ($resource->is_gradable() && |
!$firstDisplayed) { |
my $icon = $statusIconMap{$resource->simpleStatus($part)}; |
my $icon = $statusIconMap{$resource->simpleStatus($part)}; |
my $alt = $iconAltTags{$icon}; |
my $alt = $iconAltTags{$icon}; |
if ($icon) { |
if ($icon) { |
my $location= |
my $location= |
&Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonIcons/$icon"); |
&Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonIcons/$icon"); |
$result .= "<td valign='middle' width='50' align='right'>$linkopen<img width='25' height='25' src='$location' border='0' alt='$alt' />$linkclose</td>\n"; |
$result .= $linkopen.'<img src="'.$location.'" alt="'.&mt($alt).'" title="'.&mt($alt).'" />'.$linkclose; |
} else { |
} else { |
$result .= "<td width='30'> </td>\n"; |
$result .= " "; |
} |
} |
} else { # not problem, no icon |
} else { # not problem, no icon |
$result .= "<td width='30'> </td>\n"; |
$result .= " "; |
} |
} |
$result .= "</td>\n"; |
return $result; |
return $result; |
} |
} |
sub render_long_status { |
sub render_long_status { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
my $result = "<td align='right' valign='middle'>\n"; |
my $result = '<td class="LC_middle LC_right">'; |
my $firstDisplayed = !$params->{'condensed'} && |
my $firstDisplayed = !$params->{'condensed'} && |
$params->{'multipart'} && $part eq "0"; |
$params->{'multipart'} && $part eq "0"; |
my $color; |
my $color; |
if ($resource->is_problem() || $resource->is_practice()) { |
my $info = ''; |
if ($resource->is_gradable() || $resource->is_practice()) { |
$color = $colormap{$resource->status}; |
$color = $colormap{$resource->status}; |
if (dueInLessThan24Hours($resource, $part) || |
if (dueInLessThan24Hours($resource, $part)) { |
lastTry($resource, $part)) { |
$color = $hurryUpColor; |
$color = $hurryUpColor; |
} |
$info = ' title="'.&mt('Due in less than 24 hours!').'"'; |
} elsif (lastTry($resource, $part)) { |
unless (($resource->problemstatus($part) eq 'no') || |
($resource->problemstatus($part) eq 'no_feedback_ever')) { |
$color = $hurryUpColor; |
$info = ' title="'.&mt('One try remaining!').'"'; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ($resource->kind() eq "res" && |
if (($resource->kind() eq "res") && |
($resource->is_problem() || $resource->is_practice()) && |
($resource->is_raw_problem() || $resource->is_gradable()) && |
!$firstDisplayed) { |
!$firstDisplayed) { |
if ($color) {$result .= "<font color=\"$color\"><b>"; } |
if ($color) {$result .= '<span style="color:'.$color.'"'.$info.'><b>'; } |
$result .= getDescription($resource, $part); |
$result .= getDescription($resource, $part); |
if ($color) {$result .= "</b></font>"; } |
if ($color) {$result .= "</b></span>"; } |
} |
} |
if ($resource->is_map() && &advancedUser() && $resource->randompick()) { |
if ($resource->is_map() && &advancedUser() && $resource->randompick()) { |
$result .= &mt('(randomly select [_1])', $resource->randompick()); |
$result .= &mt('(randomly select [_1])', $resource->randompick()); |
Line 1045 my %statusStrings =
Line 1309 my %statusStrings =
); |
); |
my @statuses = ($resObj->CORRECT, $resObj->ATTEMPTED, $resObj->INCORRECT, $resObj->OPEN, $resObj->CLOSED, $resObj->ERROR); |
my @statuses = ($resObj->CORRECT, $resObj->ATTEMPTED, $resObj->INCORRECT, $resObj->OPEN, $resObj->CLOSED, $resObj->ERROR); |
use Data::Dumper; |
sub render_parts_summary_status { |
sub render_parts_summary_status { |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_; |
if (!$resource->is_problem() && !$resource->contains_problem) { return '<td></td>'; } |
if (!$resource->is_gradable() && !$resource->contains_problem) { return '<td></td>'; } |
if ($params->{showParts}) { |
if ($params->{showParts}) { |
return '<td></td>'; |
return '<td></td>'; |
} |
} |
Line 1087 sub render_parts_summary_status {
Line 1350 sub render_parts_summary_status {
} |
} |
$return.= $td . $totalParts . ' parts: '; |
$return.= $td . $totalParts . ' parts: '; |
foreach my $status (@statuses) { |
foreach my $status (@statuses) { |
if ($overallstatus{$status}) { |
if ($overallstatus{$status}) { |
$return.="<font color='" . $statusColors{$status} . |
$return.='<span style="color:' . $statusColors{$status} |
"'>" . $overallstatus{$status} . ' ' |
. '">' . $overallstatus{$status} . ' ' |
. $statusStrings{$status} . "</font>"; |
. $statusStrings{$status} . '</span>'; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$return.= $endtd; |
$return.= $endtd; |
return $return; |
return $return; |
Line 1159 sub render {
Line 1422 sub render {
# Without renaming the filterfunc, the server seems to go into |
# Without renaming the filterfunc, the server seems to go into |
# an infinite loop |
# an infinite loop |
my $oldFilterFunc = $filterFunc; |
my $oldFilterFunc = $filterFunc; |
$filterFunc = sub { my $res = shift; return !$res->randomout() && |
$filterFunc = sub { my $res = shift; return !$res->randomout() && |
($res->deeplink($args->{'caller'}) ne 'absent') && |
($res->deeplink($args->{'caller'}) ne 'grades') && |
!$res->deeplinkout() && |
&$oldFilterFunc($res);}; |
&$oldFilterFunc($res);}; |
} |
} |
my $condition = 0; |
my $condition = 0; |
if ($env{'form.condition'}) { |
if ($env{'form.condition'}) { |
$condition = 1; |
$condition = 1; |
} elsif (($env{'request.deeplink.login'}) && ($env{''}) && (!$userCanSeeHidden)) { |
if (!defined($navmap)) { |
$navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new(); |
} |
if (defined($navmap)) { |
my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.domain'}; |
my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.num'}; |
my $symb = &Apache::loncommon::symb_from_tinyurl($env{'request.deeplink.login'},$cnum,$cdom); |
if ($symb) { |
my $deeplink; |
my $res = $navmap->getBySymb($symb); |
if ($res->is_map()) { |
my $mapname = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($res->src()); |
$mapname = &Apache::lonnet::deversion($mapname); |
$deeplink = $navmap->get_mapparam(undef,$mapname,"0.deeplink"); |
} else { |
$deeplink = $res->deeplink(); |
} |
if ($deeplink ne '') { |
if ((split(/,/,$deeplink))[1] eq 'hide') { |
if ($res->is_map()) { |
map { $filterHash->{$_} = 1 if $_ } split(/,/,$res->map_hierarchy()); |
} else { |
my $mapurl = (&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb))[0]; |
my $map = $navmap->getResourceByUrl($mapurl); |
map { $filterHash->{$_} = 1 if $_ } split(/,/,$map->map_hierarchy()); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if (!$env{'form.folderManip'} && !defined($args->{'iterator'})) { |
if (!$env{'form.folderManip'} && !defined($args->{'iterator'}) && !$args->{'nocurrloc'}) { |
# Step 1: Check to see if we have a navmap |
# Step 1: Check to see if we have a navmap |
if (!defined($navmap)) { |
if (!defined($navmap)) { |
$navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new(); |
$navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new(); |
if (!defined($navmap)) { |
if (!defined($navmap)) { |
# no londer in course |
# no longer in course |
return '<span class="LC_error">'.&mt('No course selected').'</span><br /> |
return '<span class="LC_error">'.&mt('No course selected').'</span><br /> |
<a href="/adm/roles">'.&mt('Select a course').'</a><br />'; |
<a href="/adm/roles">'.&mt('Select a course').'</a><br />'; |
} |
} |
Line 1189 sub render {
Line 1486 sub render {
my $currenturl = $env{'form.postdata'}; |
my $currenturl = $env{'form.postdata'}; |
#$currenturl=~s/^http\:\/\///; |
#$currenturl=~s/^http\:\/\///; |
#$currenturl=~s/^[^\/]+//; |
#$currenturl=~s/^[^\/]+//; |
unless ($args->{'caller'} eq 'sequence') { |
$here = $jump = &Apache::lonnet::symbread($currenturl); |
$here = $jump = &Apache::lonnet::symbread($currenturl); |
} |
} |
} |
if ($here eq '') { |
if (($here eq '') && ($args->{'caller'} ne 'sequence')) { |
my $last; |
my $last; |
if (tie(my %hash,'GDBM_File',$env{'request.course.fn'}.'_symb.db', |
if (tie(my %hash,'GDBM_File',$env{'request.course.fn'}.'_symb.db', |
&GDBM_READER(),0640)) { |
&GDBM_READER(),0640)) { |
Line 1206 sub render {
Line 1504 sub render {
my $mapIterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, undef, 1); |
my $mapIterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, undef, 1); |
my $curRes; |
my $curRes; |
my $found = 0; |
my $found = 0; |
my $here_is_navmaps = 0; |
if ($here =~ m{___\d+___adm/navmaps$}) { |
$here_is_navmaps = 1; |
} |
# We only need to do this if we need to open the maps to show the |
# We only need to do this if we need to open the maps to show the |
# current position. This will change the counter so we can't count |
# current position. This will change the counter so we can't count |
# for the jump marker with this loop. |
# for the jump marker with this loop. |
while ($here && ($curRes = $mapIterator->next()) && !$found) { |
while ($here && ($curRes = $mapIterator->next()) && !$found && !$here_is_navmaps) { |
if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->symb() eq $here) { |
if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->symb() eq $here) { |
my $mapStack = $mapIterator->getStack(); |
my $mapStack = $mapIterator->getStack(); |
Line 1241 sub render {
Line 1543 sub render {
# Step 1: Check to see if we have a navmap |
# Step 1: Check to see if we have a navmap |
if (!defined($navmap)) { |
if (!defined($navmap)) { |
$navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new(); |
$navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new(); |
if (!defined($navmap)) { |
# no longer in course |
return '<span class="LC_error">'.&mt('No course selected').'</span><br /> |
<a href="/adm/roles">'.&mt('Select a course').'</a><br />'; |
} |
} |
} |
# See if we're being passed a specific map |
# See if we're being passed a specific map |
if ($args->{'iterator_map'}) { |
if ($args->{'iterator_map'}) { |
my $map = $args->{'iterator_map'}; |
my $map = $args->{'iterator_map'}; |
$map = $navmap->getResourceByUrl($map); |
$map = $navmap->getResourceByUrl($map); |
my $firstResource = $map->map_start(); |
if (ref($map)) { |
my $finishResource = $map->map_finish(); |
my $firstResource = $map->map_start(); |
my $finishResource = $map->map_finish(); |
$args->{'iterator'} = $it = $navmap->getIterator($firstResource, $finishResource, $filterHash, $condition); |
$args->{'iterator'} = $it = $navmap->getIterator($firstResource, $finishResource, $filterHash, $condition); |
} else { |
return; |
} |
} else { |
} else { |
$args->{'iterator'} = $it = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, $filterHash, $condition,undef,$args->{'include_top_level_map'}); |
$args->{'iterator'} = $it = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, $filterHash, $condition,undef,$args->{'include_top_level_map'}); |
} |
} |
Line 1263 sub render {
Line 1573 sub render {
my $curRes; |
my $curRes; |
my $foundJump = 0; |
my $foundJump = 0; |
my $counter = 0; |
my $counter = 0; |
while (($curRes = $mapIterator->next()) && !$foundJump) { |
while (($curRes = $mapIterator->next()) && !$foundJump) { |
if (ref($curRes)) { $counter++; } |
if (ref($curRes)) { $counter++; } |
# Speed up display after course initialization |
# when $jump is empty. Note: we still need |
# $counter to be 1 in that case if there is at |
# least one resource. |
last if (($jump eq '') && ($counter)); |
if (ref($curRes) && $jump eq $curRes->symb()) { |
if (ref($curRes) && $jump eq $curRes->symb()) { |
# This is why we have to use the main iterator instead of the |
# This is why we have to use the main iterator instead of the |
Line 1288 sub render {
Line 1603 sub render {
# Print key? |
# Print key? |
if ($printKey) { |
if ($printKey) { |
$result .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">'; |
my $location = &Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonMisc"); |
my $date=localtime; |
$result .= '<div class="LC_navtools">'."\n". |
$result.='<tr><td align="right" valign="bottom">Key: </td>'; |
'<span class="LC_middle LC_right">'.&mt('Key').':</span>'. |
my $location=&Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonMisc"); |
'<span class="LC_middle LC_center"> '. |
if ($navmap->{LAST_CHECK}) { |
'<img src="'.$location.'/chat.gif" alt="" /> '.&mt('Unread Discussion'). |
$result .= |
' '. |
'<img src="'.$location.'/chat.gif"> '.&mt('New discussion since').' '. |
'<img src="'.$location.'/feedback.gif" alt="" /> '. |
strftime("%A, %b %e at %I:%M %P", localtime($navmap->{LAST_CHECK})). |
&mt('New message (click to open)'). |
'</td><td align="center" valign="bottom"> '. |
'</span></div>'. |
'<img src="'.$location.'/feedback.gif"> '.&mt('New message (click to open)').'<p>'. |
'<div style="padding:0;clear:both;margin:0;border:0"></div>'."\n"; |
'</td>'; |
} else { |
$result .= '<td align="center" valign="bottom"> '. |
'<img src="'.$location.'/chat.gif"> '.&mt('Discussions').'</td><td align="center" valign="bottom">'. |
' <img src="'.$location.'/feedback.gif"> '.&mt('New message (click to open)'). |
'</td>'; |
} |
$result .= '</tr></table>'; |
} |
} |
if ($printCloseAll && !$args->{'resource_no_folder_link'}) { |
if ($printCloseAll && !$args->{'resource_no_folder_link'}) { |
my ($link,$text); |
my ($link,$text); |
if ($condition) { |
if ($condition) { |
$link='"navmaps?condition=0&filter=&'.$queryString. |
$link='navmaps?condition=0&filter=&'.$queryString. |
'&here='.&escape($here).'"'; |
'&here='.&escape($here); |
$text='Close all folders'; |
$text='Close all folders'; |
} else { |
} else { |
$link='"navmaps?condition=1&filter=&'.$queryString. |
$link='navmaps?condition=1&filter=&'.$queryString. |
'&here='.&escape($here).'"'; |
'&here='.&escape($here); |
$text='Open all folders'; |
$text='Open all folders'; |
} |
} |
if ($args->{'caller'} eq 'navmapsdisplay') { |
if ($args->{'caller'} eq 'navmapsdisplay') { |
&add_linkitem($args->{'linkitems'},'changefolder', |
unless ($args->{'notools'}) { |
'location.href='.$link,$text); |
&add_linkitem($args->{'linkitems'},'changefolder', |
"location.href='$link'",$text); |
} |
} else { |
} else { |
$result.='<a href='.$link.'>'.&mt($text).'</a>'; |
$result.= '<a href="'.$link.'">'.&mt($text).'</a>'; |
} |
} |
$result .= "\n"; |
$result .= "\n"; |
} |
} |
# Check for any unread discussions in all resources. |
# Check for any unread discussions in all resources. |
if ($args->{'caller'} eq 'navmapsdisplay') { |
if (($args->{'caller'} eq 'navmapsdisplay') && (!$args->{'notools'})) { |
my $markread = 'Mark all posts read'; |
&add_linkitem($args->{'linkitems'},'clearbubbles', |
&add_linkitem($args->{'linkitems'},'clearbubbles', |
'document.clearbubbles.submit()', |
'document.clearbubbles.submit()', |
'Mark all posts read'); |
$markread); |
my $time=time; |
my $time=time; |
my $submit = &mt($markread); |
my $querystr = &HTML::Entities::encode($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},'<>&"'); |
$result .= (<<END); |
$result .= (<<END); |
<form name="clearbubbles" method="post" action="/adm/feedback"> |
<form name="clearbubbles" method="post" action="/adm/feedback" aria-hidden="true"> |
<input type="hidden" name="navurl" value="$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="navurl" value="$querystr" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="navtime" value="$time" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="navtime" value="$time" /> |
if ($args->{'sort'} eq 'discussion') { |
if ($args->{'sort'} eq 'discussion') { |
my $totdisc = 0; |
my $totdisc = 0; |
my $haveDisc = ''; |
my $haveDisc = ''; |
my @allres=$navmap->retrieveResources(); |
my @allres=$navmap->retrieveResources(); |
Line 1354 END
Line 1665 END
$haveDisc =~ s/:$//; |
$haveDisc =~ s/:$//; |
$result .= (<<END); |
$result .= (<<END); |
<input type="hidden" name="navmaps" value="$haveDisc" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="navmaps" value="$haveDisc" /> |
</form> |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$result.='</form>'; |
$result .= <<END; |
<input type="submit" value="$submit" class="LC_visually_hidden" tabindex="-1" disabled="disabled" /> |
</form> |
} |
if (($args->{'caller'} eq 'navmapsdisplay') && ($env{''})) { |
my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.domain'}; |
my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.num'}; |
if ($env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.url'} eq |
"uploaded/$cdom/$cnum/default.sequence") { |
if ((&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdc',$env{''})) || |
(&Apache::lonnet::allowed('cev',$env{''}))) { |
&add_linkitem($args->{'linkitems'},'edittoplevel', |
"javascript:gocmd('/adm/coursedocs','editdocs');", |
'Content Editor'); |
} |
if ($counter) { |
&add_linkitem($args->{'linkitems'},'printout', |
"javascript:gopost('/adm/printout','/adm/navmaps');", |
'Prepare a printable document'); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ($args->{'caller'} eq 'navmapsdisplay') { |
if ($args->{'caller'} eq 'navmapsdisplay') { |
$result .= '<table><tr><td>'. |
$result .= &show_linkitems_toolbar($args,$condition); |
&Apache::loncommon::help_open_menu('Navigation Screen','Navigation_Screen',undef,'RAT').'</td>'; |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} ne 'on') { |
$result .= '<td> </td>'; |
} else { |
$result .= '</tr><tr>'; |
} |
$result.=&show_linkitems($args->{'linkitems'}); |
if ($args->{'sort_html'}) { |
if ($env{'environment.remotenavmap'} ne 'on') { |
$result.='<td> </td><td> </td><td> </td>'. |
'<td align="right">'.$args->{'sort_html'}.'</td></tr>'; |
} else { |
$result.='</tr><tr><td align="left"><br />'. |
$args->{'sort_html'}.'</td></tr>'; |
} |
} |
$result .= '</table>'; |
} elsif ($args->{'sort_html'}) { |
} elsif ($args->{'sort_html'}) { |
$result.=$args->{'sort_html'}; |
$result.=$args->{'sort_html'}; |
} |
} |
$result .= "<br />\n"; |
#$result .= "<br />\n"; |
if ($r) { |
if ($r) { |
$r->print($result); |
$r->print($result); |
$r->rflush(); |
$r->rflush(); |
$result = ""; |
$result = ""; |
} |
} |
# End parameter setting |
# End parameter setting |
$result .= "<br />\n"; |
# Data |
# Data |
$result .= '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">' ."\n"; |
if ($counter) { |
$result.=&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table("LC_tableOfContent"). |
&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_header_row('LC_visually_hidden'). |
'<th>'.&mt('Resource or Folder').'</th>'. |
'<th>'.&mt('Alerts').'</th>'. |
'<th>'.&mt('Status Icon').'</th>'. |
'<th>'.&mt('Date/Completion Status').'</th>'. |
&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row()."\n"; |
} |
my $res = "Apache::lonnavmaps::resource"; |
my $res = "Apache::lonnavmaps::resource"; |
my %condenseStatuses = |
my %condenseStatuses = |
( $res->NETWORK_FAILURE => 1, |
( $res->NETWORK_FAILURE => 1, |
$res->NOTHING_SET => 1, |
$res->NOTHING_SET => 1, |
$res->CORRECT => 1 ); |
$res->CORRECT => 1 ); |
my @backgroundColors = ("#FFFFFF", "#F6F6F6"); |
# Shared variables |
# Shared variables |
$args->{'counter'} = 0; # counts the rows |
$args->{'counter'} = 0; # counts the rows |
$args->{'indentLevel'} = 0; |
$args->{'indentLevel'} = 0; |
$args->{'isNewBranch'} = 0; |
$args->{'isNewBranch'} = 0; |
$args->{'condensed'} = 0; |
$args->{'condensed'} = 0; |
my $location= |
&Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonIcons/whitespace1.gif"); |
my $location = &Apache::loncommon::lonhttpdurl("/adm/lonIcons/whitespace_21.gif"); |
$args->{'indentString'} = setDefault($args->{'indentString'}, "<img src='$location' width='25' height='1' alt=' ' border='0' />"); |
$args->{'indentString'} = setDefault($args->{'indentString'}, "<img src='$location' alt='' />"); |
$args->{'displayedHereMarker'} = 0; |
$args->{'displayedHereMarker'} = 0; |
# If we're suppressing empty sequences, look for them here. Use DFS for speed, |
# If we're suppressing empty sequences, look for them here. |
# since structure actually doesn't matter, except what map has what resources. |
# We also do this even if $args->{'suppressEmptySequences'} |
if ($args->{'suppressEmptySequences'}) { |
# is not true, so we can hide empty sequences for which the |
my $dfsit = Apache::lonnavmaps::DFSiterator->new($navmap, |
# hiddenresource parameter is set to yes (at map level), or |
# mark as hidden for users who have $userCanSeeHidden. |
# Use DFS for speed, since structure actually doesn't matter, |
{}, undef, 1); |
# except what map has what resources. |
my $depth = 0; |
# |
$dfsit->next(); |
# To ensure the "Selected Resources from selected folder in course" |
my $curRes = $dfsit->next(); |
# printout generation option will work in sessions launched via a |
while ($depth > -1) { |
# deep link, the value of $args->{'filterFunc'} included in the |
if ($curRes == $dfsit->BEGIN_MAP()) { $depth++; } |
# call to lonnavmaps::render() is omitted from the filter function |
if ($curRes == $dfsit->END_MAP()) { $depth--; } |
# used with the DFS Iterator when $args->{'caller'} is 'printout'. |
# |
if (ref($curRes)) { |
# As a result $sequence->{DATA}->{HAS_VISIBLE_CHILDREN} can be |
# Parallel pre-processing: Do sequences have non-filtered-out children? |
# set to 1 for folder(s) which include resources only accessible |
if ($curRes->is_map()) { |
# for sessions launched via a deep link, when the current session |
$curRes->{DATA}->{HAS_VISIBLE_CHILDREN} = 0; |
# is of that type. |
# Sequences themselves do not count as visible children, |
# unless those sequences also have visible children. |
my $dfsit = Apache::lonnavmaps::DFSiterator->new($navmap, |
# This means if a sequence appears, there's a "promise" |
# that there's something under it if you open it, somewhere. |
} else { |
{}, undef, 1); |
# Not a sequence: if it's filtered, ignore it, otherwise |
my $dfsFilterFunc; |
# rise up the stack and mark the sequences as having children |
if ($args->{'caller'} eq 'printout') { |
if (&$filterFunc($curRes)) { |
$dfsFilterFunc = sub { my $res = shift; return !$res->randomout() && |
for my $sequence (@{$dfsit->getStack()}) { |
($res->deeplink($args->{'caller'}) ne 'absent') && |
$sequence->{DATA}->{HAS_VISIBLE_CHILDREN} = 1; |
($res->deeplink($args->{'caller'}) ne 'grades') && |
} |
!$res->deeplinkout();}; |
} else { |
$dfsFilterFunc = $filterFunc; |
} |
my $depth = 0; |
$dfsit->next(); |
my $curRes = $dfsit->next(); |
while ($depth > -1) { |
if ($curRes == $dfsit->BEGIN_MAP()) { $depth++; } |
if ($curRes == $dfsit->END_MAP()) { $depth--; } |
if (ref($curRes)) { |
# Parallel pre-processing: Do sequences have non-filtered-out children? |
if ($curRes->is_map()) { |
$curRes->{DATA}->{HAS_VISIBLE_CHILDREN} = 0; |
# Sequences themselves do not count as visible children, |
# unless those sequences also have visible children. |
# This means if a sequence appears, there's a "promise" |
# that there's something under it if you open it, somewhere. |
} elsif ($curRes->src()) { |
# Not a sequence: if it's filtered, ignore it, otherwise |
# rise up the stack and mark the sequences as having children |
if (&$dfsFilterFunc($curRes)) { |
for my $sequence (@{$dfsit->getStack()}) { |
next unless ($sequence->is_map()); |
$sequence->{DATA}->{HAS_VISIBLE_CHILDREN} = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} continue { |
$curRes = $dfsit->next(); |
} |
} |
} continue { |
$curRes = $dfsit->next(); |
} |
} |
my $displayedJumpMarker = 0; |
my $displayedJumpMarker = 0; |
Line 1503 END
Line 1852 END
undef($args->{'sort'}); |
undef($args->{'sort'}); |
} |
} |
# Determine if page will be served with https in case |
# it contains a syllabus which uses an external URL |
# which points at an http site. |
my ($is_ssl,$cdom,$cnum,$hostname); |
if ($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} == 443) { |
$is_ssl = 1; |
if ($r) { |
$hostname = $r->hostname(); |
} else { |
$hostname = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}; |
} |
} |
if ($env{''}) { |
$cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.domain'}; |
$cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.num'}; |
} |
my $inhibitmenu; |
if ($args->{'modalLink'}) { |
$inhibitmenu = '&inhibitmenu=yes'; |
} |
while (1) { |
while (1) { |
if ($args->{'sort'}) { |
if ($args->{'sort'}) { |
Line 1538 END
Line 1909 END
} |
} |
# If this is an empty sequence and we're filtering them, continue on |
# If this is an empty sequence and we're filtering them, continue on |
if ($curRes->is_map() && $args->{'suppressEmptySequences'} && |
$args->{'mapHidden'} = 0; |
$args->{'mapUnlisted'} = 0; |
next; |
$args->{'mapHiddenDeepLink'} = 0; |
if (($curRes->is_map()) && (!$curRes->{DATA}->{HAS_VISIBLE_CHILDREN})) { |
if ($args->{'suppressEmptySequences'}) { |
next; |
} else { |
my $mapname = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($curRes->src()); |
$mapname = &Apache::lonnet::deversion($mapname); |
if (lc($navmap->get_mapparam(undef,$mapname,"0.hiddenresource")) eq 'yes') { |
if ($userCanSeeHidden) { |
$args->{'mapHidden'} = 1; |
} else { |
next; |
} |
} elsif ($curRes->deeplinkout) { |
if ($userCanSeeHidden) { |
$args->{'mapHiddenDeepLink'} = 1; |
} else { |
next; |
} |
} else { |
my $deeplink = $navmap->get_mapparam(undef,$mapname,"0.deeplink"); |
my ($state,$others,$listed) = split(/,/,$deeplink); |
if (($listed eq 'absent') || ($listed eq 'grades')) { |
if ($userCanSeeHidden) { |
$args->{'mapUnlisted'} = 1; |
} else { |
next; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
# If we're suppressing navmaps and this is a navmap, continue on |
# If we're suppressing navmaps and this is a navmap, continue on |
Line 1601 END
Line 2002 END
$args->{'condensed'} = 1; |
$args->{'condensed'} = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
# If deep-link parameter is set (and is not set to full) suppress link |
# unless privileged user, tinyurl used for login resolved to a map, and |
# the resource is within the map. |
if ((!$curRes->deeplink($args->{'caller'})) || |
($curRes->deeplink($args->{'caller'}) eq 'full') || &advancedUser()) { |
$args->{'resource_nolink'} = 0; |
} else { |
$args->{'resource_nolink'} = 1; |
} |
# If the multipart problem was condensed, "forget" it was multipart |
# If the multipart problem was condensed, "forget" it was multipart |
if (scalar(@parts) == 1) { |
if (scalar(@parts) == 1) { |
$args->{'multipart'} = 0; |
$args->{'multipart'} = 0; |
Line 1624 END
Line 2034 END
$stack=$it->getStack(); |
$stack=$it->getStack(); |
} |
} |
($src,$symb,$anchor)=getLinkForResource($stack); |
($src,$symb,$anchor)=getLinkForResource($stack); |
my $srcHasQuestion = $src =~ /\?/; |
if ($env{''}) { |
if (($is_ssl) && ($src =~ m{^\Q/public/$cdom/$cnum/syllabus\E($|\?)}) && |
($env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.externalsyllabus'} =~ m{^http://})) { |
unless ((&Apache::lonnet::uses_sts()) || (&Apache::lonnet::waf_allssl($hostname))) { |
if ($hostname ne '') { |
$src = 'http://'.$hostname.$src; |
} |
$src .= ($srcHasQuestion? '&' : '?') . 'usehttp=1'; |
$srcHasQuestion = 1; |
} |
} elsif (($is_ssl) && ($src =~ m{^\Q/adm/wrapper/ext/\E(?!https:)})) { |
unless ((&Apache::lonnet::uses_sts()) || (&Apache::lonnet::waf_allssl($hostname))) { |
if ($hostname ne '') { |
$src = 'http://'.$hostname.$src; |
} |
$src .= ($srcHasQuestion? '&' : '?') . 'usehttp=1'; |
$srcHasQuestion = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
if (defined($anchor)) { $anchor='#'.$anchor; } |
if (defined($anchor)) { $anchor='#'.$anchor; } |
my $srcHasQuestion = $src =~ /\?/; |
if (($args->{'caller'} eq 'sequence') && ($curRes->is_map())) { |
$args->{"resourceLink"} = $src. |
$args->{"resourceLink"} = $src.($srcHasQuestion?'&':'?') .'navmap=1'; |
($srcHasQuestion?'&':'?') . |
} else { |
'symb=' . &escape($symb).$anchor; |
$args->{"resourceLink"} = $src. |
($srcHasQuestion?'&':'?') . |
'symb=' . &escape($symb).$inhibitmenu.$anchor; |
} |
} |
} |
# Now, we've decided what parts to show. Loop through them and |
# Now, we've decided what parts to show. Loop through them and |
# show them. |
# show them. |
foreach my $part (@parts) { |
foreach my $part (@parts) { |
$rownum ++; |
$rownum ++; |
my $backgroundColor = $backgroundColors[$rownum % scalar(@backgroundColors)]; |
$result .= " <tr bgcolor='$backgroundColor'>\n"; |
$result .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row(); |
# Set up some data about the parts that the cols might want |
# Set up some data about the parts that the cols might want |
my $filter = $it->{FILTER}; |
my $filter = $it->{FILTER}; |
Line 1657 END
Line 2090 END
$currentJumpDelta) { |
$currentJumpDelta) { |
# Jam the anchor after the <td> tag; |
# Jam the anchor after the <td> tag; |
# necessary for valid HTML (which Mozilla requires) |
# necessary for valid HTML (which Mozilla requires) |
$colHTML =~ s/\>/\>\<a name="curloc" \/\>/; |
$colHTML =~ s/\>/\>\<a name="curloc" \>\<\/a\>/; |
$displayedJumpMarker = 1; |
$displayedJumpMarker = 1; |
} |
} |
$result .= $colHTML . "\n"; |
$result .= $colHTML . "\n"; |
} |
} |
$result .= " </tr>\n"; |
$result .= &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row(); |
$args->{'isNewBranch'} = 0; |
$args->{'isNewBranch'} = 0; |
} |
} |
Line 1681 END
Line 2114 END
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ($counter) { |
$result.=&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table(); |
} |
# Print out the part that jumps to #curloc if it exists |
# Print out the part that jumps to #curloc if it exists |
# delay needed because the browser is processing the jump before |
# delay needed because the browser is processing the jump before |
Line 1690 END
Line 2127 END
# it's quite likely this might fix other browsers, too, and |
# it's quite likely this might fix other browsers, too, and |
# certainly won't hurt anything. |
# certainly won't hurt anything. |
if ($displayedJumpMarker) { |
if ($displayedJumpMarker) { |
$result .= " |
$result .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag(" |
<script> |
if (location.href.indexOf('#curloc')==-1) { |
if (location.href.indexOf('#curloc')==-1) { |
setTimeout(\"location += '#curloc';\", 0) |
setTimeout(\"location += '#curloc';\", 0) |
} |
} |
</script>"; |
"); |
} |
} |
$result .= "</table>"; |
if ($r) { |
if ($r) { |
$r->print($result); |
$r->print($result); |
$result = ""; |
$result = ""; |
Line 1715 sub add_linkitem {
Line 2149 sub add_linkitem {
$$linkitems{$name}{'text'}=&mt($text); |
$$linkitems{$name}{'text'}=&mt($text); |
} |
} |
sub show_linkitems { |
sub show_linkitems_toolbar { |
my ($linkitems)=@_; |
my ($args,$condition) = @_; |
my @linkorder = ("blank","launchnav","closenav","firsthomework", |
my $result; |
"everything","uncompleted","changefolder","clearbubbles"); |
if (ref($args) eq 'HASH') { |
if (ref($args->{'linkitems'}) eq 'HASH') { |
my $result .= (<<ENDBLOCK); |
my $numlinks = scalar(keys(%{$args->{'linkitems'}})); |
<td align="left"> |
if ($numlinks > 1) { |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
$result = '<div class="LC_navtools">'. |
function changeNavDisplay () { |
&Apache::loncommon::help_open_menu('Navigation Screen','Navigation_Screen', |
var navchoice = document.linkitems.toplink[document.linkitems.toplink.selectedIndex].value; |
undef,'RAT'). |
'</div><div class="LC_navtools"> '.&mt('Tools:').'</div>'; |
foreach my $link (@linkorder) { |
} |
$result.= "if (navchoice == '$link') {". |
$result .= '<div class="LC_navtools">'."\n". |
$linkitems->{$link}{'cmd'}."}\n"; |
'<ul id="LC_toolbar">'; |
} |
my @linkorder = ('firsthomework','everything','uncompleted', |
$result.='} |
'changefolder','clearbubbles','printout','edittoplevel'); |
</script> |
foreach my $link (@linkorder) { |
<form name="linkitems" method="post"> |
if (ref($args->{'linkitems'}{$link}) eq 'HASH') { |
<nobr><select name="toplink">'."\n"; |
if ($args->{'linkitems'}{$link}{'text'} ne '') { |
foreach my $link (@linkorder) { |
$args->{'linkitems'}{$link}{'cmd'}=~s/"/'/g; |
if (defined($linkitems->{$link})) { |
if ($args->{'linkitems'}{$link}{'cmd'}) { |
if ($linkitems->{$link}{'text'} ne '') { |
my $link_id = 'LC_content_toolbar_'.$link; |
$result .= ' <option value="'.$link.'">'. |
if ($link eq 'changefolder') { |
$linkitems->{$link}{'text'}."</option>\n"; |
if ($condition) { |
} |
$link_id='LC_content_toolbar_changefolder_toggled'; |
} |
} else { |
$link_id='LC_content_toolbar_changefolder'; |
} |
} |
$result .= '<li><a href="#" '. |
'onclick="'.$args->{'linkitems'}{$link}{'cmd'}.'" '. |
'id="'.$link_id.'" '. |
'class="LC_toolbarItem" '. |
'title="'.$args->{'linkitems'}{$link}{'text'}.'">'. |
'</a></li>'."\n"; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$result .= '</ul>'. |
'</div>'; |
if (($numlinks==1) && (exists($args->{'linkitems'}{'edittoplevel'}))) { |
$result .= '<div class="LC_navtools">'. |
' <a href="'.$args->{'linkitems'}{'edittoplevel'}{'cmd'}.'">'. |
&mt('Content Editor').'</a></div>'; |
} |
} |
if ($args->{'sort_html'}) { |
$result .= '<div class="LC_navtools"> '. |
$args->{'sort_html'}.'</div>'; |
} |
} |
if ($result) { |
$result = '<div class="LC_navtools">'.$result.'</div>'."\n". |
'<div style="padding:0;clear:both;margin:0;border:0"></div>'."\n"; |
} |
} |
$result .= '</select> <input type="button" name="chgnav" |
value="Go" onClick="javascript:changeNavDisplay()" /> |
</nobr></form></td>'."\n"; |
return $result; |
return $result; |
} |
} |
1; |
1; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap; |
=pod |
=pod |
Line 1827 sub new {
Line 2294 sub new {
my $proto = shift; |
my $proto = shift; |
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; |
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; |
my $self = {}; |
my $self = {}; |
bless($self); # So we can call change_user if necessary |
$self->{USERNAME} = shift || $env{''}; |
$self->{DOMAIN} = shift || $env{'user.domain'}; |
$self->{SECTION} = shift; |
$self->{CODE} = shift; |
$self->{NOHIDE} = shift; |
if (($self->{SECTION} eq '') && ($env{'request.course.sec'} ne '')) { |
if (($self->{USERNAME} eq $env{''}) && |
($self->{USERNAME} eq $env{'user.domain'})) { |
$self->{SECTION} = $env{'request.course.sec'}; |
} |
} |
# Resource cache stores navmap resources as we reference them. We generate |
# Resource cache stores navmap resources as we reference them. We generate |
# them on-demand so we don't pay for creating resources unless we use them. |
# them on-demand so we don't pay for creating resources unless we use them. |
Line 1836 sub new {
Line 2318 sub new {
# failed |
# failed |
$self->{NETWORK_FAILURE} = 0; |
$self->{NETWORK_FAILURE} = 0; |
# tie the nav hash |
# We can only tie the nav hash as done below if the username/domain |
# match the env one. Otherwise change_user does everything we need...since we can't |
# assume there are course hashes for the specific requested user:domain |
# Note: change_user is also called if we need the nav hash when printing CODEd |
# assignments or printing an exam, in which the enclosing folder for the items in |
# the exam has hidden set. |
# |
my %navmaphash; |
if (($self->{USERNAME} eq $env{''}) && ($self->{DOMAIN} eq $env{'user.domain'}) && |
my %parmhash; |
!$self->{CODE} && !$self->{NOHIDE}) { |
my $courseFn = $env{"request.course.fn"}; |
if (!(tie(%navmaphash, 'GDBM_File', "${courseFn}.db", |
# tie the nav hash |
&GDBM_READER(), 0640))) { |
return undef; |
my %navmaphash; |
my %parmhash; |
my $courseFn = $env{"request.course.fn"}; |
if (!(tie(%navmaphash, 'GDBM_File', "${courseFn}.db", |
&GDBM_READER(), 0640))) { |
return undef; |
} |
if (!(tie(%parmhash, 'GDBM_File', "${courseFn}_parms.db", |
&GDBM_READER(), 0640))) |
{ |
untie %{$self->{PARM_HASH}}; |
return undef; |
} |
$self->{NAV_HASH} = \%navmaphash; |
$self->{PARM_HASH} = \%parmhash; |
$self->{PARM_CACHE} = {}; |
} else { |
$self->change_user($self->{USERNAME}, $self->{DOMAIN}, $self->{SECTION}, $self->{CODE}, $self->{NOHIDE}); |
} |
} |
return $self; |
} |
# |
# In some instances it is useful to be able to dynamically change the |
# username/domain associated with a navmap (e.g. to navigate for someone |
# else besides the current user...if sufficiently privileged. |
# Parameters: |
# user - New user. |
# domain - Domain to which the user belongs. |
# section - Section to which the user belongs. |
# code - Anonymous CODE in use. |
# Implicit inputs: |
# |
sub change_user { |
my $self = shift; |
$self->{USERNAME} = shift; |
$self->{DOMAIN} = shift; |
$self->{SECTION} = shift; |
$self->{CODE} = shift; |
$self->{NOHIDE} = shift; |
# If the hashes are already tied make sure to break that bond: |
untie %{$self->{NAV_HASH}}; |
untie %{$self->{PARM_HASH}}; |
# The assumption is that we have to |
# use lonmap here to re-read the hash and from it reconstruct |
# new big and parameter hashes. An implicit assumption at this time |
# is that the course file is probably not created locally yet |
# an that we will therefore just read without tying. |
my ($cdom, $cnum) = split(/\_/, $env{''}); |
my %big_hash; |
&Apache::lonmap::loadmap($cnum, $cdom, $self->{USERNAME}, $self->{DOMAIN}, $self->{CODE}, $self->{NOHIDE}, \%big_hash); |
$self->{NAV_HASH} = \%big_hash; |
# Now clear the parm cache and reconstruct the parm hash from the big_hash |
# param.xxxx keys. |
$self->{PARM_CACHE} = {}; |
if (!(tie(%parmhash, 'GDBM_File', "${courseFn}_parms.db", |
my %parm_hash = {}; |
&GDBM_READER(), 0640))) |
foreach my $key (keys(%big_hash)) { |
{ |
if ($key =~ /^param\./) { |
untie %{$self->{PARM_HASH}}; |
my $param_key = $key; |
return undef; |
$param_key =~ s/^param\.//; |
$parm_hash{$param_key} = $big_hash{$key}; |
} |
} |
} |
$self->{NAV_HASH} = \%navmaphash; |
$self->{PARM_HASH} = \%parm_hash; |
$self->{PARM_HASH} = \%parmhash; |
$self->{PARM_CACHE} = {}; |
bless($self); |
return $self; |
} |
} |
sub generate_course_user_opt { |
sub generate_course_user_opt { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
if ($self->{COURSE_USER_OPT_GENERATED}) { return; } |
if ($self->{COURSE_USER_OPT_GENERATED}) { return; } |
my $uname=$env{''}; |
my $uname=$self->{USERNAME}; |
my $udom=$env{'user.domain'}; |
my $udom=$self->{DOMAIN}; |
my $cid=$env{''}; |
my $cid=$env{''}; |
my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'}; |
my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'}; |
my $cnum=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'}; |
my $cnum=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'}; |
Line 1901 sub generate_course_user_opt {
Line 2452 sub generate_course_user_opt {
return; |
return; |
} |
} |
sub generate_email_discuss_status { |
sub generate_email_discuss_status { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
Line 1910 sub generate_email_discuss_status {
Line 2463 sub generate_email_discuss_status {
my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'}; |
my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'}; |
my $cnum=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'}; |
my $cnum=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'}; |
my %emailstatus = &Apache::lonnet::dump('email_status'); |
my %emailstatus = &Apache::lonnet::dump('email_status',$self->{DOMAIN},$self->{USERNAME}); |
my $logoutTime = $emailstatus{'logout'}; |
my $logoutTime = $emailstatus{'logout'}; |
my $courseLeaveTime = $emailstatus{'logout_'.$env{''}}; |
my $courseLeaveTime = $emailstatus{'logout_'.$env{''}}; |
$self->{LAST_CHECK} = (($courseLeaveTime > $logoutTime) ? |
$self->{LAST_CHECK} = (($courseLeaveTime > $logoutTime) ? |
Line 1918 sub generate_email_discuss_status {
Line 2471 sub generate_email_discuss_status {
my %discussiontime = &Apache::lonnet::dump('discussiontimes', |
my %discussiontime = &Apache::lonnet::dump('discussiontimes', |
$cdom, $cnum); |
$cdom, $cnum); |
my %lastread = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_'.$cid.'_discuss', |
my %lastread = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_'.$cid.'_discuss', |
$env{'user.domain'},$env{''},'lastread'); |
$self->{DOMAIN},$self->{USERNAME},'lastread'); |
my %lastreadtime = (); |
my %lastreadtime = (); |
foreach my $key (keys %lastread) { |
foreach my $key (keys(%lastread)) { |
my $shortkey = $key; |
my $shortkey = $key; |
$shortkey =~ s/_lastread$//; |
$shortkey =~ s/_lastread$//; |
$lastreadtime{$shortkey} = $lastread{$key}; |
$lastreadtime{$shortkey} = $lastread{$key}; |
Line 1928 sub generate_email_discuss_status {
Line 2481 sub generate_email_discuss_status {
my %feedback=(); |
my %feedback=(); |
my %error=(); |
my %error=(); |
my @keys = &Apache::lonnet::getkeys('nohist_email',$env{'user.domain'}, |
my @keys = &Apache::lonnet::getkeys('nohist_email',$self->{DOMAIN}, |
$env{''}); |
$self->{USERNAME}); |
foreach my $msgid (@keys) { |
foreach my $msgid (@keys) { |
if ((!$emailstatus{$msgid}) || ($emailstatus{$msgid} eq 'new')) { |
if ((!$emailstatus{$msgid}) || ($emailstatus{$msgid} eq 'new')) { |
my ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdomain,$status,$fromcid, |
my ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdomain,$status,$fromcid, |
$symb,$error) = &Apache::lonmsg::unpackmsgid($msgid); |
$symb,$error) = &Apache::lonmsg::unpackmsgid(&LONCAPA::escape($msgid)); |
&Apache::lonenc::check_decrypt(\$symb); |
&Apache::lonenc::check_decrypt(\$symb); |
if (($fromcid ne '') && ($fromcid ne $cid)) { |
if (($fromcid ne '') && ($fromcid ne $cid)) { |
next; |
next; |
Line 1977 sub get_user_data {
Line 2530 sub get_user_data {
# Retrieve performance data on problems |
# Retrieve performance data on problems |
my %student_data = Apache::lonnet::currentdump($env{''}, |
my %student_data = Apache::lonnet::currentdump($env{''}, |
$env{'user.domain'}, |
$self->{DOMAIN}, |
$env{''}); |
$self->{USERNAME}); |
$self->{STUDENT_DATA} = \%student_data; |
$self->{STUDENT_DATA} = \%student_data; |
$self->{RETRIEVED_USER_DATA} = 1; |
$self->{RETRIEVED_USER_DATA} = 1; |
Line 2035 sub getIterator {
Line 2588 sub getIterator {
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $iterator = Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new($self, shift, shift, |
my $iterator = Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new($self, shift, shift, |
shift, undef, shift, |
shift, undef, shift, |
shift, shift); |
shift, shift, shift); |
return $iterator; |
return $iterator; |
} |
} |
Line 2207 resource object.
Line 2760 resource object.
Based on the symb of the resource, get a resource object for that |
Based on the symb of the resource, get a resource object for that |
resource. This is one of the proper ways to get a resource object. |
resource. This is one of the proper ways to get a resource object. |
=item * B<getMapByMapPc>(map_pc): |
=item * B<getByMapPc>(map_pc): |
Based on the map_pc of the resource, get a resource object for |
Based on the map_pc of the resource, get a resource object for |
the given map. This is one of the proper ways to get a resource object. |
the given map. This is one of the proper ways to get a resource object. |
Line 2292 sub parmval {
Line 2845 sub parmval {
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my ($what,$symb,$recurse)=@_; |
my ($what,$symb,$recurse)=@_; |
my $hashkey = $what."|||".$symb; |
my $hashkey = $what."|||".$symb; |
my $cache = $self->{PARM_CACHE}; |
if (defined($self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey})) { |
if (defined($self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey})) { |
return $self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey}; |
if (ref($self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey}) eq 'ARRAY') { |
if (defined($self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey}->[0])) { |
if (wantarray) { |
return @{$self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey}}; |
} else { |
return $self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey}->[0]; |
} |
} |
} else { |
return $self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey}; |
} |
} |
} |
my $result = $self->parmval_real($what, $symb, $recurse); |
my $result = $self->parmval_real($what, $symb, $recurse); |
$self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey} = $result; |
$self->{PARM_CACHE}->{$hashkey} = $result; |
return $result; |
if (wantarray) { |
return @{$result}; |
} |
return $result->[0]; |
} |
} |
sub parmval_real { |
sub parmval_real { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my ($what,$symb,$recurse) = @_; |
my ($what,$symb,$recurse) = @_; |
# Make sure the {USER_OPT} and {COURSE_OPT} hashes are populated |
# Make sure the {USER_OPT} and {COURSE_OPT} hashes are populated |
$self->generate_course_user_opt(); |
$self->generate_course_user_opt(); |
my $cid=$env{''}; |
my $cid=$env{''}; |
my $csec=$env{'request.course.sec'}; |
my $csec=$self->{SECTION}; |
my $cgroup=''; |
my $cgroup=''; |
my @cgrps=split(/:/,$env{'request.course.groups'}); |
my @cgrps=split(/:/,$env{'request.course.groups'}); |
if (@cgrps > 0) { |
if (@cgrps > 0) { |
@cgrps = sort(@cgrps); |
@cgrps = sort(@cgrps); |
$cgroup = $cgrps[0]; |
$cgroup = $cgrps[0]; |
} |
} |
my $uname=$env{''}; |
my $uname=$self->{USERNAME}; |
my $udom=$env{'user.domain'}; |
my $udom=$self->{DOMAIN}; |
unless ($symb) { return ''; } |
unless ($symb) { return ['']; } |
my $result=''; |
my $result=''; |
my ($mapname,$id,$fn)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); |
my ($mapname,$id,$fn)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); |
$mapname = &Apache::lonnet::deversion($mapname); |
$mapname = &Apache::lonnet::deversion($mapname); |
my $toolsymb = ''; |
if ($fn =~ /ext\.tool$/) { |
$toolsymb = $symb; |
} |
my ($recursed,@recurseup); |
# ----------------------------------------------------- Cascading lookup scheme |
# ----------------------------------------------------- Cascading lookup scheme |
my $rwhat=$what; |
my $rwhat=$what; |
$what=~s/^parameter\_//; |
$what=~s/^parameter\_//; |
$what=~s/\_/\./; |
$what=~s/\_/\./; |
my $symbparm=$symb.'.'.$what; |
my $symbparm=$symb.'.'.$what; |
my $recurseparm=$mapname.'___(rec).'.$what; |
my $mapparm=$mapname.'___(all).'.$what; |
my $mapparm=$mapname.'___(all).'.$what; |
my $usercourseprefix=$cid; |
my $usercourseprefix=$cid; |
my $grplevel=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$cgroup.'].'.$what; |
my $grplevel=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$cgroup.'].'.$what; |
my $grplevelr=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$cgroup.'].'.$symbparm; |
my $grplevelr=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$cgroup.'].'.$symbparm; |
my $grpleveli=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$cgroup.'].'.$recurseparm; |
my $grplevelm=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$cgroup.'].'.$mapparm; |
my $grplevelm=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$cgroup.'].'.$mapparm; |
my $seclevel= $usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$what; |
my $seclevel= $usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$what; |
my $seclevelr=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$symbparm; |
my $seclevelr=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$symbparm; |
my $secleveli=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$recurseparm; |
my $seclevelm=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$mapparm; |
my $seclevelm=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$mapparm; |
my $courselevel= $usercourseprefix.'.'.$what; |
my $courselevel= $usercourseprefix.'.'.$what; |
my $courselevelr=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$symbparm; |
my $courselevelr=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$symbparm; |
my $courseleveli=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$recurseparm; |
my $courselevelm=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$mapparm; |
my $courselevelm=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$mapparm; |
my $useropt = $self->{USER_OPT}; |
my $useropt = $self->{USER_OPT}; |
my $courseopt = $self->{COURSE_OPT}; |
my $courseopt = $self->{COURSE_OPT}; |
my $parmhash = $self->{PARM_HASH}; |
my $parmhash = $self->{PARM_HASH}; |
# ---------------------------------------------------------- first, check user |
# ---------------------------------------------------------- first, check user |
if ($uname and defined($useropt)) { |
if ($uname and defined($useropt)) { |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevelr})) { return $$useropt{$courselevelr}; } |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevelr})) { return [$$useropt{$courselevelr},'resource']; } |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevelm})) { return $$useropt{$courselevelm}; } |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevelm})) { return [$$useropt{$courselevelm},'map']; } |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevel})) { return $$useropt{$courselevel}; } |
if (defined($$useropt{$courseleveli})) { return [$$useropt{$courseleveli},'map']; } |
unless ($recursed) { |
@recurseup = $self->recurseup_maps($mapname); |
$recursed = 1; |
} |
foreach my $item (@recurseup) { |
my $norecursechk=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$item.'___(all).'.$what; |
if (defined($$useropt{$norecursechk})) { |
if ($what =~ /\.(encrypturl|hiddenresource)$/) { |
return [$$useropt{$norecursechk},'map']; |
} else { |
last; |
} |
} |
my $recursechk=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$item.'___(rec).'.$what; |
if (defined($$useropt{$recursechk})) { return [$$useropt{$recursechk},'map']; } |
} |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevel})) { return [$$useropt{$courselevel},'course']; } |
} |
} |
# ------------------------------------------------------- second, check course |
# ------------------------------------------------------- second, check course |
if ($cgroup ne '' and defined($courseopt)) { |
if ($cgroup ne '' and defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$grplevelr})) { return $$courseopt{$grplevelr}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$grplevelr})) { return [$$courseopt{$grplevelr},'resource']; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$grplevelm})) { return $$courseopt{$grplevelm}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$grplevelm})) { return [$$courseopt{$grplevelm},'map']; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$grplevel})) { return $$courseopt{$grplevel}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$grpleveli})) { return [$$courseopt{$grpleveli},'map']; } |
unless ($recursed) { |
@recurseup = $self->recurseup_maps($mapname); |
$recursed = 1; |
} |
foreach my $item (@recurseup) { |
my $norecursechk=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$cgroup.'].'.$item.'___(all).'.$what; |
if (defined($$courseopt{$norecursechk})) { |
if ($what =~ /\.(encrypturl|hiddenresource)$/) { |
return [$$courseopt{$norecursechk},'map']; |
} else { |
last; |
} |
} |
my $recursechk=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$cgroup.'].'.$item.'___(rec).'.$what; |
if (defined($$courseopt{$recursechk})) { return [$$courseopt{$recursechk},'map']; } |
} |
if (defined($$courseopt{$grplevel})) { return [$$courseopt{$grplevel},'course']; } |
} |
} |
if ($csec and defined($courseopt)) { |
if ($csec ne '' and defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevelr})) { return $$courseopt{$seclevelr}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevelr})) { return [$$courseopt{$seclevelr},'resource']; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevelm})) { return $$courseopt{$seclevelm}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevelm})) { return [$$courseopt{$seclevelm},'map']; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevel})) { return $$courseopt{$seclevel}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$secleveli})) { return [$$courseopt{$secleveli},'map']; } |
unless ($recursed) { |
@recurseup = $self->recurseup_maps($mapname); |
$recursed = 1; |
} |
foreach my $item (@recurseup) { |
my $norecursechk=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$item.'___(all).'.$what; |
if (defined($$courseopt{$norecursechk})) { |
if ($what =~ /\.(encrypturl|hiddenresource)$/) { |
return [$$courseopt{$norecursechk},'map']; |
} else { |
last; |
} |
} |
my $recursechk=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$item.'___(rec).'.$what; |
if (defined($$courseopt{$recursechk})) { return [$$courseopt{$recursechk},'map']; } |
} |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevel})) { return [$$courseopt{$seclevel},'course']; } |
} |
} |
if (defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevelr})) { return $$courseopt{$courselevelr}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevelr})) { return [$$courseopt{$courselevelr},'resource']; } |
} |
} |
# ----------------------------------------------------- third, check map parms |
# ----------------------------------------------------- third, check map parms |
my $thisparm=$$parmhash{$symbparm}; |
my $thisparm=$$parmhash{$symbparm}; |
if (defined($thisparm)) { return $thisparm; } |
if (defined($thisparm)) { return [$thisparm,'map']; } |
# ----------------------------------------------------- fourth , check default |
# ----------------------------------------------------- fourth , check default |
my $meta_rwhat=$rwhat; |
my $meta_rwhat=$rwhat; |
$meta_rwhat=~s/\./_/g; |
$meta_rwhat=~s/\./_/g; |
my $default=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($fn,$meta_rwhat); |
my $default=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($fn,$meta_rwhat,$toolsymb); |
if (defined($default)) { return $default} |
if (defined($default)) { return [$default,'resource']} |
$default=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($fn,'parameter_'.$meta_rwhat); |
$default=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($fn,'parameter_'.$meta_rwhat,$toolsymb); |
if (defined($default)) { return $default} |
if (defined($default)) { return [$default,'resource']} |
# --------------------------------------------------- fifth, check more course |
# --------------------------------------------------- fifth, check more course |
if (defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevelm})) { return $$courseopt{$courselevelm}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevelm})) { return [$$courseopt{$courselevelm},'map']; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevel})) { return $$courseopt{$courselevel}; } |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courseleveli})) { return [$$courseopt{$courseleveli},'map']; } |
unless ($recursed) { |
@recurseup = $self->recurseup_maps($mapname); |
$recursed = 1; |
} |
foreach my $item (@recurseup) { |
my $norecursechk=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$item.'___(all).'.$what; |
if (defined($$courseopt{$norecursechk})) { |
if ($what =~ /\.(encrypturl|hiddenresource)$/) { |
return [$$courseopt{$norecursechk},'map']; |
} else { |
last; |
} |
} |
my $recursechk=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$item.'___(rec).'.$what; |
if (defined($$courseopt{$recursechk})) { |
return [$$courseopt{$recursechk},'map']; |
} |
} |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevel})) { |
my $ret = [$$courseopt{$courselevel},'course']; |
return $ret; |
} |
} |
} |
# --------------------------------------------------- sixth , cascade up parts |
# --------------------------------------------------- sixth , cascade up parts |
my ($space,@qualifier)=split(/\./,$rwhat); |
my ($space,@qualifier)=split(/\./,$rwhat); |
Line 2403 sub parmval_real {
Line 3057 sub parmval_real {
my $id=pop(@parts); |
my $id=pop(@parts); |
my $part=join('_',@parts); |
my $part=join('_',@parts); |
if ($part eq '') { $part='0'; } |
if ($part eq '') { $part='0'; } |
my $partgeneral=$self->parmval($part.".$qualifier",$symb,1); |
my @partgeneral=$self->parmval($part.".$qualifier",$symb,1); |
if (defined($partgeneral)) { return $partgeneral; } |
if (defined($partgeneral[0])) { return \@partgeneral; } |
} |
if ($recurse) { return []; } |
my $pack_def=&Apache::lonnet::packages_tab_default($fn,'resource.'.$rwhat,$toolsymb); |
if (defined($pack_def)) { return [$pack_def,'resource']; } |
return ['']; |
} |
sub recurseup_maps { |
my ($self,$mapname,$getsymb) = @_; |
my @recurseup; |
if ($mapname) { |
my $res = $self->getResourceByUrl($mapname); |
if (ref($res)) { |
my @pcs = split(/,/,$res->map_hierarchy()); |
shift(@pcs); |
if (@pcs) { |
if ($getsymb) { |
@recurseup = map { &Apache::lonnet::declutter($self->getByMapPc($_)->symb()); } reverse(@pcs); |
} else { |
@recurseup = map { &Apache::lonnet::declutter($self->getByMapPc($_)->src()); } reverse(@pcs); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return @recurseup; |
} |
sub recursed_crumbs { |
my ($self,$mapurl,$restitle) = @_; |
my (@revmapinfo,@revmapres); |
my $mapres = $self->getResourceByUrl($mapurl); |
if (ref($mapres)) { |
@revmapres = map { $self->getByMapPc($_); } split(/,/,$mapres->map_breadcrumbs()); |
shift(@revmapres); |
} |
my $allowedlength = 60; |
my $minlength = 5; |
my $allowedtitle = 30; |
if (($env{'environment.icons'} eq 'iconsonly') && (!$env{''})) { |
$allowedlength = 100; |
$allowedtitle = 70; |
} |
if (length($restitle) > $allowedtitle) { |
$restitle = &truncate_crumb_text($restitle,$allowedtitle); |
} |
my $totallength = length($restitle); |
my @links; |
foreach my $map (@revmapres) { |
my $pc = $map->map_pc(); |
next if ((!$pc) || ($pc == 1)); |
push(@links,$map); |
my $text = $map->title(); |
if ($text eq '') { |
$text = '...'; |
} |
push(@revmapinfo,{'href' => $env{'request.use_absolute'}.$map->link().'?navmap=1','text' => $text,'no_mt' => 1,}); |
$totallength += length($text); |
} |
my $numlinks = scalar(@links); |
if ($numlinks) { |
if ($totallength - $allowedlength > 0) { |
my $available = $allowedlength - length($restitle); |
my $avg = POSIX::ceil($available/$numlinks); |
if ($avg < $minlength) { |
$avg = $minlength; |
} |
@revmapinfo = (); |
foreach my $map (@links) { |
my $title = $map->title(); |
if ($title eq '') { |
$title = '...'; |
} |
my $showntitle = &truncate_crumb_text($title,$avg); |
if ($showntitle ne '') { |
push(@revmapinfo,{'href' => $env{'request.use_absolute'}.$map->link().'?navmap=1','text' => $showntitle,'no_mt' => 1,}); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ($restitle ne '') { |
push(@revmapinfo,{'text' => $restitle, 'no_mt' => 1}); |
} |
} |
if ($recurse) { return undef; } |
return @revmapinfo; |
my $pack_def=&Apache::lonnet::packages_tab_default($fn,'resource.'.$rwhat); |
if (defined($pack_def)) { return $pack_def; } |
return ''; |
} |
} |
sub truncate_crumb_text { |
my ($title,$limit) = @_; |
my $showntitle = ''; |
if (length($title) > $limit) { |
my @words = split(/\b\s*/,$title); |
if (@words == 1) { |
$showntitle = substr($title,0,$limit).' ...'; |
} else { |
my $linklength = 0; |
my $num = 0; |
foreach my $word (@words) { |
$linklength += 1+length($word); |
if ($word eq '-') { |
$showntitle =~ s/ $//; |
$showntitle .= $word; |
} elsif ($linklength > $limit) { |
if ($num < @words) { |
$showntitle .= $word.' ...'; |
last; |
} else { |
$showntitle .= $word; |
} |
} else { |
$showntitle .= $word.' '; |
} |
} |
$showntitle =~ s/ $//; |
} |
return $showntitle; |
} else { |
return $title; |
} |
} |
# |
# Determines the open/close dates for printing a map that |
# encloses a resource. |
# |
sub map_printdates { |
my ($self, $res, $part) = @_; |
my $opendate = $self->get_mapparam($res->symb(),'',"$part.printstartdate"); |
my $closedate= $self->get_mapparam($res->symb(),'',"$part.printenddate"); |
return ($opendate, $closedate); |
} |
sub get_mapparam { |
my ($self, $symb, $mapname, $what) = @_; |
# Ensure the course option hash is populated: |
$self->generate_course_user_opt(); |
# Get the course id and section if there is one. |
my $cid=$env{''}; |
my $csec=$self->{SECTION}; |
my $cgroup=''; |
my @cgrps=split(/:/,$env{'request.course.groups'}); |
if (@cgrps > 0) { |
@cgrps = sort(@cgrps); |
$cgroup = $cgrps[0]; |
} |
my $uname=$self->{USERNAME}; |
my $udom=$self->{DOMAIN}; |
unless ($symb || $mapname) { return; } |
my $result=''; |
my ($recursed,@recurseup); |
# Figure out which map we are in. |
if ($symb && !$mapname) { |
my ($id,$fn); |
($mapname,$id,$fn)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); |
$mapname = &Apache::lonnet::deversion($mapname); |
} |
my $rwhat=$what; |
$what=~s/^parameter\_//; |
$what=~s/\_/\./; |
# Build the hash keys for the lookup: |
my $mapparm=$mapname.'___(all).'.$what; |
my $recurseparm=$mapname.'___(rec).'.$what; |
my $usercourseprefix=$cid; |
my $grplevelm = "$usercourseprefix.[$cgroup].$mapparm"; |
my $seclevelm = "$usercourseprefix.[$csec].$mapparm"; |
my $courselevelm = "$usercourseprefix.$mapparm"; |
my $grpleveli = "$usercourseprefix.[$cgroup].$recurseparm"; |
my $secleveli = "$usercourseprefix.[$csec].$recurseparm"; |
my $courseleveli = "$usercourseprefix.$recurseparm"; |
# Get handy references to the hashes we need in $self: |
my $useropt = $self->{USER_OPT}; |
my $courseopt = $self->{COURSE_OPT}; |
my $parmhash = $self->{PARM_HASH}; |
# Check per user |
if ($uname and defined($useropt)) { |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevelm})) { |
return $$useropt{$courselevelm}; |
} |
if (defined($$useropt{$courseleveli})) { |
return $$useropt{$courseleveli}; |
} |
unless ($recursed) { |
@recurseup = $self->recurseup_maps($mapname); |
$recursed = 1; |
} |
foreach my $item (@recurseup) { |
my $norecursechk=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$item.'___(all).'.$what; |
if (defined($$useropt{$norecursechk})) { |
if ($what =~ /\.(encrypturl|hiddenresource)$/) { |
return $$useropt{$norecursechk}; |
} else { |
last; |
} |
} |
my $recursechk=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$item.'___(rec).'.$what; |
if (defined($$useropt{$recursechk})) { |
return $$useropt{$recursechk}; |
} |
} |
} |
# Check course -- group |
if ($cgroup ne '' and defined ($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$grplevelm})) { |
return $$courseopt{$grplevelm}; |
} |
if (defined($$courseopt{$grpleveli})) { |
return $$courseopt{$grpleveli}; |
} |
unless ($recursed) { |
@recurseup = $self->recurseup_maps($mapname); |
$recursed = 1; |
} |
foreach my $item (@recurseup) { |
my $norecursechk=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$cgroup.'].'.$item.'___(all).'.$what; |
if (defined($$courseopt{$norecursechk})) { |
if ($what =~ /\.(encrypturl|hiddenresource)$/) { |
return $$courseopt{$norecursechk}; |
} else { |
last; |
} |
} |
my $recursechk=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$cgroup.'].'.$item.'___(rec).'.$what; |
if (defined($$courseopt{$recursechk})) { |
return $$courseopt{$recursechk}; |
} |
} |
} |
# Check course -- section |
if ($csec ne '' and defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevelm})) { |
return $$courseopt{$seclevelm}; |
} |
if (defined($$courseopt{$secleveli})) { |
return $$courseopt{$secleveli}; |
} |
unless ($recursed) { |
@recurseup = $self->recurseup_maps($mapname); |
$recursed = 1; |
} |
foreach my $item (@recurseup) { |
my $norecursechk=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$item.'___(all).'.$what; |
if (defined($$courseopt{$norecursechk})) { |
if ($what =~ /\.(encrypturl|hiddenresource)$/) { |
return $$courseopt{$norecursechk}; |
} else { |
last; |
} |
} |
my $recursechk=$usercourseprefix.'.['.$csec.'].'.$item.'___(rec).'.$what; |
if (defined($$courseopt{$recursechk})) { |
return $$courseopt{$recursechk}; |
} |
} |
} |
# Check the map parameters themselves: |
if ($symb) { |
my $symbparm=$symb.'.'.$what; |
my $thisparm = $$parmhash{$symbparm}; |
if (defined($thisparm)) { |
return $thisparm; |
} |
} |
# Additional course parameters: |
if (defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevelm})) { |
return $$courseopt{$courselevelm}; |
} |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courseleveli})) { |
return $$courseopt{$courseleveli}; |
} |
unless ($recursed) { |
@recurseup = $self->recurseup_maps($mapname); |
$recursed = 1; |
} |
if (@recurseup) { |
foreach my $item (@recurseup) { |
my $norecursechk=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$item.'___(all).'.$what; |
if (defined($$courseopt{$norecursechk})) { |
if ($what =~ /\.(encrypturl|hiddenresource)$/) { |
return $$courseopt{$norecursechk}; |
} else { |
last; |
} |
} |
my $recursechk=$usercourseprefix.'.'.$item.'___(rec).'.$what; |
if (defined($$courseopt{$recursechk})) { |
return $$courseopt{$recursechk}; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return undef; # Undefined if we got here. |
} |
sub course_printdates { |
my ($self, $symb, $part) = @_; |
my $opendate = $self->getcourseparam($symb, $part . '.printstartdate'); |
my $closedate = $self->getcourseparam($symb, $part . '.printenddate'); |
return ($opendate, $closedate); |
} |
sub getcourseparam { |
my ($self, $symb, $what) = @_; |
$self->generate_course_user_opt(); # If necessary populate the hashes. |
my $uname = $self->{USERNAME}; |
my $udom = $self->{DOMAIN}; |
my $csec = $self->{SECTION}; |
# Course and group ids come from the env: |
my $cid = $env{''}; |
my $cgroup = ''; # Assume no group |
my @cgroups = split(/:/, $env{'request.course.groups'}); |
if(@cgroups > 0) { |
@cgroups = sort(@cgroups); |
$cgroup = $cgroups[0]; # There is a course group. |
} |
my ($mapname,$id,$fn)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); |
$mapname = &Apache::lonnet::deversion($mapname); |
# |
# Make the various lookup keys: |
# |
$what=~s/^parameter\_//; |
$what=~s/\_/\./; |
# Local refs to the hashes we're going to look at: |
my $useropt = $self->{USER_OPT}; |
my $courseopt = $self->{COURSE_OPT}; |
# |
# We want the course level stuff from the way |
# parmval_real operates |
# TODO: Factor some of this stuff out of |
# both parmval_real and here |
# |
my $courselevel = $cid . '.' . $what; |
my $grplevel = $cid . '.[' . $cgroup . ']' . $what; |
my $seclevel = $cid . '.[' . $csec . ']' . $what; |
# Try for the user's course level option: |
if ($uname and defined($useropt)) { |
if (defined($$useropt{$courselevel})) { |
return $$useropt{$courselevel}; |
} |
} |
# Try for the group's course level option: |
if ($cgroup ne '' and defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$grplevel})) { |
return $$courseopt{$grplevel}; |
} |
} |
# Try for section level parameters: |
if ($csec ne '' and defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$seclevel})) { |
return $$courseopt{$seclevel}; |
} |
} |
# Try for 'additional' course parameters: |
if (defined($courseopt)) { |
if (defined($$courseopt{$courselevel})) { |
return $$courseopt{$courselevel}; |
} |
} |
return undef; |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
=item * B<getResourceByUrl>(url,multiple): |
=item * B<getResourceByUrl>(url,multiple): |
Line 2426 resource appears multiple times in the c
Line 3494 resource appears multiple times in the c
will be returned (useful for maps), unless the multiple parameter has |
will be returned (useful for maps), unless the multiple parameter has |
been included, in which case all instances are returned in an array. |
been included, in which case all instances are returned in an array. |
=item * B<retrieveResources>(map, filterFunc, recursive, bailout, showall): |
=item * B<retrieveResources>(map, filterFunc, recursive, bailout, showall, noblockcheck): |
The map is a specification of a map to retreive the resources from, |
The map is a specification of a map to retreive the resources from, |
either as a url or as an object. The filterFunc is a reference to a |
either as a url or as an object. The filterFunc is a reference to a |
Line 2435 true if the resource should be included,
Line 3503 true if the resource should be included,
be. If recursive is true, the map will be recursively examined, |
be. If recursive is true, the map will be recursively examined, |
otherwise it will not be. If bailout is true, the function will return |
otherwise it will not be. If bailout is true, the function will return |
as soon as it finds a resource, if false it will finish. If showall is |
as soon as it finds a resource, if false it will finish. If showall is |
true it will not hide maps that contain nothing but one other map. By |
true it will not hide maps that contain nothing but one other map. The |
default, the map is the top-level map of the course, filterFunc is a |
noblockcheck arg is propagated to become the sixth arg in the call to |
function that always returns 1, recursive is true, bailout is false, |
lonnet::allowed when checking a resource's availability during collection |
showall is false. The resources will be returned in a list containing |
of resources using the iterator. noblockcheck needs to be true if |
the resource objects for the corresponding resources, with B<no |
retrieveResources() was called by a routine that itself was called by |
structure information> in the list; regardless of branching, |
lonnet::allowed, in order to avoid recursion. By default the map |
recursion, etc., it will be a flat list. |
is the top-level map of the course, filterFunc is a function that |
always returns 1, recursive is true, bailout is false, showall is |
false. The resources will be returned in a list containing the |
resource objects for the corresponding resources, with B<no structure |
information> in the list; regardless of branching, recursion, etc., |
it will be a flat list. |
Thus, this is suitable for cases where you don't want the structure, |
Thus, this is suitable for cases where you don't want the structure, |
just a list of all resources. It is also suitable for finding out how |
just a list of all resources. It is also suitable for finding out how |
Line 2464 in the filter function.
Line 3537 in the filter function.
Retrieves version infomation for a url. Returns the version (a number, or |
Retrieves version infomation for a url. Returns the version (a number, or |
the string "mostrecent") for resources which have version information in |
the string "mostrecent") for resources which have version information in |
the big hash. |
the big hash. |
=cut |
=cut |
Line 2508 sub retrieveResources {
Line 3581 sub retrieveResources {
my $bailout = shift; |
my $bailout = shift; |
if (!defined($bailout)) { $bailout = 0; } |
if (!defined($bailout)) { $bailout = 0; } |
my $showall = shift; |
my $showall = shift; |
my $noblockcheck = shift; |
# Create the necessary iterator. |
# Create the necessary iterator. |
if (!ref($map)) { # assume it's a url of a map. |
if (!ref($map)) { # assume it's a url of a map. |
$map = $self->getResourceByUrl($map); |
$map = $self->getResourceByUrl($map); |
Line 2537 sub retrieveResources {
Line 3611 sub retrieveResources {
# Run down the iterator and collect the resources. |
# Run down the iterator and collect the resources. |
my $curRes; |
my $curRes; |
while ($curRes = $it->next()) { |
while ($curRes = $it->next(undef,$noblockcheck)) { |
if (ref($curRes)) { |
if (ref($curRes)) { |
if (!&$filterFunc($curRes)) { |
if (!&$filterFunc($curRes)) { |
next; |
next; |
Line 2571 sub usedVersion {
Line 3645 sub usedVersion {
return $self->navhash("version_$linkurl"); |
return $self->navhash("version_$linkurl"); |
} |
} |
sub isFirstResource { |
my $self = shift; |
my $map = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
return unless (ref($map)); |
my $isfirst; |
my $firstResource = $map->map_start(); |
if (ref($firstResource)) { |
if ((!$firstResource->is_map()) && ($firstResource->src() ne '')) { |
if ($firstResource->symb() eq $symb) { |
$isfirst = 1; |
} else { |
$isfirst = 0; |
} |
} else { |
my $it = $self->getIterator($firstResource,undef,undef,1); |
while ( my $res=$it->next()) { |
if ((ref($res)) && ($res->src() ne '') && (!$res->is_map())) { |
if ($res->symb() eq $symb) { |
$isfirst = 1; |
} else { |
$isfirst = 0; |
} |
last; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return $isfirst; |
} |
sub isLastResource { |
my $self = shift; |
my $map = shift; |
my $symb = shift; |
return unless (ref($map)); |
my $islast; |
my $lastResource = $map->map_finish(); |
if (ref($lastResource)) { |
if ((!$lastResource->is_map()) && ($lastResource->src() ne '')) { |
if ($lastResource->symb() eq $symb) { |
$islast = 1; |
} else { |
$islast = 0; |
} |
} else { |
my $currRes = $self->getBySymb($symb); |
if (ref($currRes)) { |
my $it = $self->getIterator($currRes,undef,undef,1); |
while ( my $res=$it->next()) { |
if ((ref($res)) && ($res->src() ne '') && (!$res->is_map())) { |
if ($res->symb() eq $symb) { |
$islast = 1; |
} else { |
$islast = 0; |
} |
last; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return $islast; |
} |
1; |
1; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator; |
package Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator; |
Line 2601 getIterator behaves as follows:
Line 3740 getIterator behaves as follows:
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
=item * B<getIterator>(firstResource, finishResource, filterHash, condition, forceTop, returnTopMap): |
=item * B<getIterator>(firstResource, finishResource, filterHash, condition, forceTop, returnTopMap, $deeplinklisted): |
All parameters are optional. firstResource is a resource reference |
All parameters are optional. firstResource is a resource reference |
corresponding to where the iterator should start. It defaults to |
corresponding to where the iterator should start. It defaults to |
Line 2618 that is not just a single, 'redirecting'
Line 3757 that is not just a single, 'redirecting'
will return all information, starting with the top-level map, |
will return all information, starting with the top-level map, |
regardless of content. returnTopMap, if true (default false), will |
regardless of content. returnTopMap, if true (default false), will |
cause the iterator to return the top-level map object (resource 0.0) |
cause the iterator to return the top-level map object (resource 0.0) |
before anything else. |
before anything else. deeplinklisted if true (default false), will |
check "listed" status of a resource with a deeplink, and unless "absent" |
will exclude deeplink checking when retrieving the browsePriv from |
lonnet::allowed(). |
Thus, by default, only top-level resources will be shown. Change the |
Thus, by default, only top-level resources will be shown. Change the |
condition to a 1 without changing the hash, and all resources will be |
condition to a 1 without changing the hash, and all resources will be |
Line 2688 Note that inside of the loop, it's frequ
Line 3830 Note that inside of the loop, it's frequ
resource objects will be references, and any non-references will |
resource objects will be references, and any non-references will |
be the tokens described above. |
be the tokens described above. |
Also note there is some old code floating around that trys to track |
The next() routine can take two (optional) arguments: |
closeAllPages - if true will not recurse down a .page |
noblockcheck - passed to browsePriv() for passing as sixth arg to |
call to lonnet::allowed. This needs to be set if retrieveResources |
was already called from another routine called within lonnet::allowed, |
so as to prevent recursion. |
Also note there is some old code floating around that tries to track |
the depth of the iterator to see when it's done; do not copy that |
the depth of the iterator to see when it's done; do not copy that |
code. It is difficult to get right and harder to understand than |
code. It is difficult to get right and harder to understand than |
this. They should be migrated to this new style. |
this. They should be migrated to this new style. |
Line 2719 sub new {
Line 3868 sub new {
weaken($self->{NAV_MAP} = shift); |
weaken($self->{NAV_MAP} = shift); |
return undef unless ($self->{NAV_MAP}); |
return undef unless ($self->{NAV_MAP}); |
$self->{USERNAME} = $self->{NAV_MAP}->{USERNAME}; |
$self->{DOMAIN} = $self->{NAV_MAP}->{DOMAIN}; |
# Handle the parameters |
# Handle the parameters |
$self->{FIRST_RESOURCE} = shift || $self->{NAV_MAP}->firstResource(); |
$self->{FIRST_RESOURCE} = shift || $self->{NAV_MAP}->firstResource(); |
$self->{FINISH_RESOURCE} = shift || $self->{NAV_MAP}->finishResource(); |
$self->{FINISH_RESOURCE} = shift || $self->{NAV_MAP}->finishResource(); |
Line 2745 sub new {
Line 3897 sub new {
# have we done that yet? |
# have we done that yet? |
$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0} = 0; |
$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0} = 0; |
# Do we want to check the "listed" status for a resource for which |
# deeplinking applies. |
$self->{DEEPLINKLISTED} = shift; |
# Now, we need to pre-process the map, by walking forward and backward |
# Now, we need to pre-process the map, by walking forward and backward |
# over the parts of the map we're going to look at. |
# over the parts of the map we're going to look at. |
Line 2832 sub new {
Line 3988 sub new {
if ($resourceCount == 1 && $resource->is_sequence() && !$self->{FORCE_TOP}) { |
if ($resourceCount == 1 && $resource->is_sequence() && !$self->{FORCE_TOP}) { |
my $firstResource = $resource->map_start(); |
my $firstResource = $resource->map_start(); |
my $finishResource = $resource->map_finish(); |
my $finishResource = $resource->map_finish(); |
return |
return Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new($self->{NAV_MAP}, $firstResource, |
Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new($self->{NAV_MAP}, $firstResource, |
$finishResource, $self->{FILTER}, |
$finishResource, $self->{FILTER}, |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}, |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}, |
$self->{CONDITION}, |
$self->{CONDITION}, |
$self->{FORCE_TOP}, |
$self->{FORCE_TOP}); |
undef,$self->{DEEPLINKLISTED}); |
} |
} |
# Set up some bookkeeping information. |
# Set up some bookkeeping information. |
Line 2857 sub new {
Line 4012 sub new {
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$self->{FIRST_RESOURCE}->{ID}} = 1; |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$self->{FIRST_RESOURCE}->{ID}} = 1; |
bless ($self); |
bless ($self); |
return $self; |
return $self; |
} |
} |
sub next { |
sub next { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $closeAllPages=shift; |
my $closeAllPages=shift; |
my $noblockcheck = shift; |
if ($self->{FINISHED}) { |
if ($self->{FINISHED}) { |
return END_ITERATOR(); |
return END_ITERATOR(); |
} |
} |
Line 2872 sub next {
Line 4027 sub next {
# do so. |
# do so. |
if ($self->{RETURN_0} && !$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0}) { |
if ($self->{RETURN_0} && !$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0}) { |
$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0} = 1; |
$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0} = 1; |
my $nextTopLevel = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById('0.0'); |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById('0.0'); |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById('0.0'); |
} |
} |
if ($self->{RETURN_0} && !$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0_BEGIN_MAP}) { |
if ($self->{RETURN_0} && !$self->{HAVE_RETURNED_0_BEGIN_MAP}) { |
Line 2891 sub next {
Line 4047 sub next {
if ($self->{RECURSIVE_DEPTH} == 0) { |
if ($self->{RECURSIVE_DEPTH} == 0) { |
} |
} |
return $next; |
return $next; |
} |
} |
Line 2967 sub next {
Line 4122 sub next {
# So we need to look at all the resources we can get to from here, |
# So we need to look at all the resources we can get to from here, |
# categorize them if we haven't seen them, remember if we have a new |
# categorize them if we haven't seen them, remember if we have a new |
my $nextUnfiltered = $here->getNext(); |
my $nextUnfiltered = $here->getNext(); |
my $maxDepthAdded = -1; |
my $maxDepthAdded = -1; |
for (@$nextUnfiltered) { |
for (@$nextUnfiltered) { |
Line 2996 sub next {
Line 4153 sub next {
# That ends the main iterator logic. Now, do we want to recurse |
# That ends the main iterator logic. Now, do we want to recurse |
# down this map (if this resource is a map)? |
# down this map (if this resource is a map)? |
if ( ($self->{HERE}->is_sequence() || (!$closeAllPages && $self->{HERE}->is_page())) && |
if ( ($self->{HERE}->is_sequence() || (!$closeAllPages && $self->{HERE}->is_page())) && |
(defined($self->{FILTER}->{$self->{HERE}->map_pc()}) xor $self->{CONDITION})) { |
(defined($self->{FILTER}->{$self->{HERE}->map_pc()}) xor $self->{CONDITION}) && |
($env{'request.role.adv'} || !$self->{HERE}->randomout())) { |
my $firstResource = $self->{HERE}->map_start(); |
my $firstResource = $self->{HERE}->map_start(); |
my $finishResource = $self->{HERE}->map_finish(); |
my $finishResource = $self->{HERE}->map_finish(); |
Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new($self->{NAV_MAP}, $firstResource, |
Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new($self->{NAV_MAP}, $firstResource, |
$finishResource, $self->{FILTER}, |
$finishResource, $self->{FILTER}, |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}, |
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}, |
$self->{CONDITION}, |
$self->{CONDITION}, |
$self->{FORCE_TOP}); |
$self->{FORCE_TOP}, |
undef,$self->{DEEPLINKLISTED}); |
} |
} |
# If this is a blank resource, don't actually return it. |
# If this is a blank resource, don't actually return it. |
# Should you ever find you need it, make sure to add an option to the code |
# Should you ever find you need it, make sure to add an option to the code |
# that you can use; other things depend on this behavior. |
# that you can use; other things depend on this behavior. |
my $browsePriv = $self->{HERE}->browsePriv(); |
my $browsePriv = $self->{HERE}->browsePriv($noblockcheck,$self->{DEEPLINKLISTED}); |
if (!$self->{HERE}->src() || |
if (!$self->{HERE}->src() || |
(!($browsePriv eq 'F') && !($browsePriv eq '2')) ) { |
(!($browsePriv eq 'F') && !($browsePriv eq '2')) ) { |
return $self->next($closeAllPages); |
return $self->next($closeAllPages); |
Line 3092 sub new {
Line 4250 sub new {
weaken($self->{NAV_MAP} = shift); |
weaken($self->{NAV_MAP} = shift); |
return undef unless ($self->{NAV_MAP}); |
return undef unless ($self->{NAV_MAP}); |
$self->{USERNAME} = $self->{NAV_MAP}->{USERNAME}; |
$self->{DOMAIN} = $self->{NAV_MAP}->{DOMAIN}; |
$self->{FIRST_RESOURCE} = shift || $self->{NAV_MAP}->firstResource(); |
$self->{FIRST_RESOURCE} = shift || $self->{NAV_MAP}->firstResource(); |
$self->{FINISH_RESOURCE} = shift || $self->{NAV_MAP}->finishResource(); |
$self->{FINISH_RESOURCE} = shift || $self->{NAV_MAP}->finishResource(); |
Line 3328 sub new {
Line 4489 sub new {
weaken($self->{NAV_MAP} = shift); |
weaken($self->{NAV_MAP} = shift); |
$self->{ID} = shift; |
$self->{ID} = shift; |
$self->{USERNAME} = $self->{NAV_MAP}->{USERNAME}; |
$self->{DOMAIN} = $self->{NAV_MAP}->{DOMAIN}; |
# Store this new resource in the parent nav map's cache. |
# Store this new resource in the parent nav map's cache. |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->{RESOURCE_CACHE}->{$self->{ID}} = $self; |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->{RESOURCE_CACHE}->{$self->{ID}} = $self; |
$self->{RESOURCE_ERROR} = 0; |
$self->{RESOURCE_ERROR} = 0; |
$self->{DUEDATE_CACHE} = undef; |
# A hash that can be used by two-pass algorithms to store data |
# A hash that can be used by two-pass algorithms to store data |
# about this resource in. Not used by the resource object |
# about this resource in. Not used by the resource object |
# directly. |
# directly. |
$self->{DATA} = {}; |
$self->{DATA} = {}; |
bless($self); |
bless($self); |
# This is a speed optimization, to avoid calling symb() too often. |
$self->{SYMB} = $self->symb(); |
return $self; |
return $self; |
} |
} |
Line 3349 sub navHash {
Line 4518 sub navHash {
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $param = shift; |
my $param = shift; |
my $id = shift; |
my $id = shift; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->navhash($param . ($id?$self->{ID}:"")); |
my $arg = $param . ($id?$self->{ID}:""); |
if (ref($self) && ref($self->{NAV_MAP}) && defined($arg)) { |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->navhash($arg); |
} |
return; |
} |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
Line 3425 sub from { my $self=shift; return $self-
Line 4598 sub from { my $self=shift; return $self-
sub goesto { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("goesto_", 1); } |
sub goesto { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("goesto_", 1); } |
sub kind { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("kind_", 1); } |
sub kind { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("kind_", 1); } |
sub randomout { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("randomout_", 1); } |
sub randomout { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("randomout_", 1); } |
sub deeplinkout { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("deeplinkout_", 1); } |
sub randompick { |
sub randompick { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->parmval('randompick'); |
my $randompick = $self->parmval('randompick'); |
return $randompick; |
} |
} |
sub randomorder { |
sub randomorder { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
return ($self->parmval('randomorder') =~ /^yes$/i); |
my $randomorder = $self->parmval('randomorder'); |
return ($randomorder =~ /^yes$/i); |
} |
} |
sub link { |
sub link { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
Line 3444 sub src {
Line 4620 sub src {
} |
} |
sub shown_symb { |
sub shown_symb { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
if ($self->encrypted()) {return &Apache::lonenc::encrypted($self->symb());} |
if ($self->encrypted()) {return &Apache::lonenc::encrypted($self->{SYMB});} |
return $self->symb(); |
return $self->{SYMB}; |
} |
} |
sub id { |
sub id { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
Line 3458 sub enclosing_map_src {
Line 4634 sub enclosing_map_src {
} |
} |
sub symb { |
sub symb { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
if (defined $self->{SYMB}) { return $self->{SYMB}; } |
(my $first, my $second) = $self->{ID} =~ /(\d+).(\d+)/; |
(my $first, my $second) = $self->{ID} =~ /(\d+).(\d+)/; |
my $symbSrc = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($self->src()); |
my $symbSrc = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($self->src()); |
my $symb = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($self->navHash('map_id_'.$first)) |
my $symb = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($self->navHash('map_id_'.$first)) |
Line 3466 sub symb {
Line 4643 sub symb {
} |
} |
sub wrap_symb { |
sub wrap_symb { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->wrap_symb($self->symb()); |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->wrap_symb($self->{SYMB}); |
} |
} |
sub title { |
sub title { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
Line 3552 sub retrieveResources {
Line 4729 sub retrieveResources {
sub is_exam { |
sub is_exam { |
my ($self,$part) = @_; |
my ($self,$part) = @_; |
if ($self->parmval('type',$part) eq 'exam') { |
my $type = $self->parmval('type',$part); |
if ($type eq 'exam') { |
return 1; |
return 1; |
} |
} |
if ($self->src() =~ /\.(exam)$/) { |
if ($self->src() =~ /\.(exam)$/) { |
Line 3575 sub is_page {
Line 4753 sub is_page {
sub is_practice { |
sub is_practice { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
my ($part) = @_; |
my ($part) = @_; |
if ($self->parmval('type',$part) eq 'practice') { |
my $type = $self->parmval('type',$part); |
if ($type eq 'practice') { |
return 1; |
return 1; |
} |
} |
return 0; |
return 0; |
Line 3583 sub is_practice {
Line 4762 sub is_practice {
sub is_problem { |
sub is_problem { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
my $src = $self->src(); |
if ($src =~ /\.(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form|library|task)$/) { |
if ($src =~ /$LONCAPA::assess_re/) { |
return !($self->is_practice()); |
return !($self->is_practice()); |
} |
} |
return 0; |
return 0; |
} |
} |
sub is_tool { |
my $self=shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
return ($src =~ /ext\.tool$/); |
} |
sub is_gradable { |
my $self=shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
if (($src =~ /$LONCAPA::assess_re/) || |
(($self->is_tool()) && ($self->parmval('gradable',0) =~ /^yes$/i))) { |
return !($self->is_practice()); |
} |
} |
# |
# The has below is the set of status that are considered 'incomplete' |
# |
my %incomplete_hash = |
( |
TRIES_LEFT() => 1, |
OPEN() => 1, |
ATTEMPTED() => 1 |
); |
# |
# Return tru if a problem is incomplete... for now incomplete means that |
# any part of the problem is incomplete. |
# Note that if the resources is not a problem, 0 is returned. |
# |
sub is_incomplete { |
my $self = shift; |
if ($self->is_problem()) { |
foreach my $part (@{$self->parts()}) { |
if (exists($incomplete_hash{$self->status($part)})) { |
return 1; |
} |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
sub is_raw_problem { |
my $self=shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
if ($src =~ /$LONCAPA::assess_re/) { |
return 1; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
sub contains_problem { |
sub contains_problem { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
if ($self->is_page()) { |
if ($self->is_page()) { |
Line 3608 sub map_contains_problem {
Line 4836 sub map_contains_problem {
sub is_sequence { |
sub is_sequence { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
return $self->navHash("is_map_", 1) && |
return $self->navHash("is_map_", 1) && |
$self->navHash("map_type_" . $self->map_pc()) eq 'sequence'; |
$self->navHash("map_type_" . $self->map_pc()) eq 'sequence'; |
} |
sub is_missing_map { |
my $self=shift; |
return $self->navHash("is_map_", 1) && |
$self->navHash("map_type_" . $self->map_pc()) eq 'none'; |
} |
} |
sub is_survey { |
sub is_survey { |
my $self = shift(); |
my $self = shift(); |
my $part = shift(); |
my $part = shift(); |
if ($self->parmval('type',$part) eq 'survey') { |
my $type = $self->parmval('type',$part); |
if (($type eq 'survey') || ($type eq 'surveycred')) { |
return 1; |
return 1; |
} |
} |
if ($self->src() =~ /\.(survey)$/) { |
if ($self->src() =~ /\.(survey)$/) { |
Line 3621 sub is_survey {
Line 4855 sub is_survey {
} |
} |
return 0; |
return 0; |
} |
} |
sub is_anonsurvey { |
my $self = shift(); |
my $part = shift(); |
my $type = $self->parmval('type',$part); |
if (($type eq 'anonsurvey') || ($type eq 'anonsurveycred')) { |
return 1; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
sub is_task { |
sub is_task { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
my $src = $self->src(); |
Line 3629 sub is_task {
Line 4872 sub is_task {
sub is_empty_sequence { |
sub is_empty_sequence { |
my $self=shift; |
my $self=shift; |
my $src = $self->src(); |
return !$self->is_page() && $self->navHash("is_map_", 1) && !$self->navHash("map_type_" . $self->map_pc()); |
return !$self->is_page() && $self->navHash("is_map_", 1) && !$self->navHash("map_type_" . $self->map_pc()); |
} |
} |
Line 3641 sub parmval {
Line 4883 sub parmval {
if (!defined($part)) { |
if (!defined($part)) { |
$part = '0'; |
$part = '0'; |
} |
} |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->parmval($part.'.'.$what, $self->symb()); |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->parmval($part.'.'.$what, $self->{SYMB}); |
} |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
Line 3674 resource of the map.
Line 4916 resource of the map.
Returns a string with the type of the map in it. |
Returns a string with the type of the map in it. |
=item * B<map_hierarchy>: |
Returns a string with a comma-separated ordered list of map_pc IDs |
for the hierarchy of maps containing a map, with the top level |
map first, then descending to deeper levels, with the enclosing map last. |
=item * B<map_breadcrumbs>: |
Same as map_hierarchy, except maps containing only a single itemm if |
it's a map, or containing no items are omitted, unless it's the top |
level map (map_pc = 1), which is always included. |
=back |
=back |
=cut |
=cut |
Line 3704 sub map_type {
Line 4958 sub map_type {
my $pc = $self->map_pc(); |
my $pc = $self->map_pc(); |
return $self->navHash("map_type_$pc", 0); |
return $self->navHash("map_type_$pc", 0); |
} |
} |
sub map_hierarchy { |
my $self = shift; |
my $pc = $self->map_pc(); |
return $self->navHash("map_hierarchy_$pc", 0); |
} |
sub map_breadcrumbs { |
my $self = shift; |
my $pc = $self->map_pc(); |
return $self->navHash("map_breadcrumbs_$pc", 0); |
} |
##### |
##### |
# Property queries |
# Property queries |
Line 3734 their code.)
Line 4998 their code.)
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
=item * B<acc>: |
=item * B<printable> |
returns true if the current date is such that the |
specified resource part is printable. |
=item * B<resprintable> |
Returns true if all parts in the resource are printable making the |
entire resource printable. |
=item * B<acc> |
Get the Client IP/Name Access Control information. |
Get the Client IP/Name Access Control information. |
Line 3787 Get the weight for the problem.
Line 5063 Get the weight for the problem.
=cut |
=cut |
sub printable { |
my ($self, $part) = @_; |
# The following cases apply: |
# - If a start date is not set, it is replaced by the open date. |
# - Ditto for start/open replaced by content open. |
# - If neither start nor printdates are set the part is printable. |
# - Start date set but no end date: Printable if now >= start date. |
# - End date set but no start date: Printable if now <= end date. |
# - both defined: printable if start <= now <= end |
# |
# Get the print open/close dates for the resource. |
my $start = $self->parmval("printstartdate", $part); |
my $end = $self->parmval("printenddate", $part); |
if (!$start) { |
$start = $self->parmval("opendate", $part); |
} |
if (!$start) { |
$start = $self->parmval("contentopen", $part); |
} |
my $now = time(); |
my $startok = 1; |
my $endok = 1; |
if ((defined $start) && ($start ne '')) { |
$startok = $start <= $now; |
} |
if ((defined $end) && ($end != '')) { |
$endok = $end >= $now; |
} |
return $startok && $endok; |
} |
sub resprintable { |
my $self = shift; |
# get parts...or realize there are no parts. |
my $partsref = $self->parts(); |
my @parts = @$partsref; |
if (!@parts) { |
return $self->printable(0); |
} else { |
foreach my $part (@parts) { |
if (!$self->printable($part)) { |
return 0; |
} |
} |
return 1; |
} |
} |
sub acc { |
sub acc { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("acc", $part); |
my $acc = $self->parmval("acc", $part); |
return $acc; |
} |
} |
sub answerdate { |
sub answerdate { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
# Handle intervals |
# Handle intervals |
if ($self->parmval("answerdate.type", $part) eq 'date_interval') { |
my $answerdatetype = $self->parmval("answerdate.type", $part); |
return $self->duedate($part) + |
my $answerdate = $self->parmval("answerdate", $part); |
$self->parmval("answerdate", $part); |
my $duedate = $self->parmval("duedate", $part); |
if ($answerdatetype eq 'date_interval') { |
$answerdate = $duedate + $answerdate; |
} |
} |
return $self->parmval("answerdate", $part); |
return $answerdate; |
} |
} |
sub awarded { |
sub awarded { |
my $self = shift; my $part = shift; |
my $self = shift; my $part = shift; |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->get_user_data(); |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->get_user_data(); |
if (!defined($part)) { $part = '0'; } |
if (!defined($part)) { $part = '0'; } |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->{STUDENT_DATA}->{$self->symb()}->{'resource.'.$part.'.awarded'}; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->{STUDENT_DATA}->{$self->{SYMB}}->{'resource.'.$part.'.awarded'}; |
} |
sub taskversion { |
my $self = shift; my $part = shift; |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->get_user_data(); |
if (!defined($part)) { $part = '0'; } |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->{STUDENT_DATA}->{$self->{SYMB}}->{'resource.'.$part.'.version'}; |
} |
sub taskstatus { |
my $self = shift; my $part = shift; |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->get_user_data(); |
if (!defined($part)) { $part = '0'; } |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->{STUDENT_DATA}->{$self->{SYMB}}->{'resource.'.$self->taskversion($part).'.'.$part.'.status'}; |
} |
sub solved { |
my $self = shift; my $part = shift; |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->get_user_data(); |
if (!defined($part)) { $part = '0'; } |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->{STUDENT_DATA}->{$self->{SYMB}}->{'resource.'.$part.'.solved'}; |
} |
sub checkedin { |
my $self = shift; my $part = shift; |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->get_user_data(); |
if (!defined($part)) { $part = '0'; } |
if ($self->is_task()) { |
my $version = $self->taskversion($part); |
return ($self->{NAV_MAP}->{STUDENT_DATA}->{$self->{SYMB}}->{'resource.'.$version .'.'.$part.'.checkedin'},$self->{NAV_MAP}->{STUDENT_DATA}->{$self->{SYMB}}->{'resource.'.$version .'.'.$part.'.checkedin.slot'}); |
} else { |
return ($self->{NAV_MAP}->{STUDENT_DATA}->{$self->{SYMB}}->{'resource.'.$part.'.checkedin'},$self->{NAV_MAP}->{STUDENT_DATA}->{$self->{SYMB}}->{'resource.'.$part.'.checkedin.slot'}); |
} |
} |
} |
# this should work exactly like the copy in |
# this should work exactly like the copy in |
# Why is there a copy in lonhomework? Why not centralized? |
# |
# TODO: Centralize duedate. |
# |
sub duedate { |
sub duedate { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
if (defined ($self->{DUEDATE_CACHE}->{$part})) { |
return $self->{DUEDATE_CACHE}->{$part}; |
} |
my $date; |
my $date; |
my $interval=$self->parmval("interval", $part); |
my @interval=$self->parmval("interval", $part); |
my $due_date=$self->parmval("duedate", $part); |
my $due_date=$self->parmval("duedate", $part); |
if ($interval =~ /\d+/) { |
if ($interval[0] =~ /^(\d+)/) { |
my $first_access=&Apache::lonnet::get_first_access('map',$self->symb); |
my $timelimit = $1; |
my $first_access=&Apache::lonnet::get_first_access($interval[1], |
$self->{SYMB}); |
if (defined($first_access)) { |
if (defined($first_access)) { |
$interval = $first_access+$interval; |
my $interval = $first_access+$timelimit; |
$date = ($interval < $due_date)? $interval : $due_date; |
$date = (!$due_date || $interval < $due_date) ? $interval |
: $due_date; |
} else { |
} else { |
$date = $due_date; |
$date = $due_date; |
} |
} |
} else { |
} else { |
$date = $due_date; |
$date = $due_date; |
} |
} |
$self->{DUEDATE_CACHE}->{$part} = $date; |
return $date; |
return $date; |
} |
} |
sub handgrade { |
sub handgrade { |
Line 3830 sub handgrade {
Line 5214 sub handgrade {
my @response_ids = $self->responseIds($part); |
my @response_ids = $self->responseIds($part); |
if (@response_ids) { |
if (@response_ids) { |
foreach my $response_id (@response_ids) { |
foreach my $response_id (@response_ids) { |
if (lc($self->parmval("handgrade",$part.'_'.$response_id)) |
my $handgrade = $self->parmval("handgrade",$part.'_'.$response_id); |
eq 'yes') { |
if (lc($handgrade) eq 'yes') { |
return 'yes'; |
return 'yes'; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return $self->parmval("handgrade", $part); |
my $handgrade = $self->parmval("handgrade", $part); |
return $handgrade; |
} |
} |
sub maxtries { |
sub maxtries { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("maxtries", $part); |
my $maxtries = $self->parmval("maxtries", $part); |
return $maxtries; |
} |
} |
sub opendate { |
sub opendate { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
if ($self->parmval("opendate.type", $part) eq 'date_interval') { |
my $opendatetype = $self->parmval("opendate.type", $part); |
return $self->duedate($part) - |
my $opendate = $self->parmval("opendate", $part); |
$self->parmval("opendate", $part); |
if ($opendatetype eq 'date_interval') { |
my $duedate = $self->duedate($part); |
$opendate = $duedate - $opendate; |
} |
} |
return $self->parmval("opendate"); |
return $opendate; |
} |
} |
sub problemstatus { |
sub problemstatus { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return lc $self->parmval("problemstatus", $part); |
my $problemstatus = $self->parmval("problemstatus", $part); |
return lc($problemstatus); |
} |
} |
sub sig { |
sub sig { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("sig", $part); |
my $sig = $self->parmval("sig", $part); |
return $sig; |
} |
} |
sub tol { |
sub tol { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("tol", $part); |
my $tol = $self->parmval("tol", $part); |
return $tol; |
} |
} |
sub tries { |
sub tries { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $tries = $self->queryRestoreHash('tries', shift); |
my $tries = $self->queryRestoreHash('tries', shift); |
if (!defined($tries)) { return '0';} |
if (!defined($tries)) { return '0';} |
Line 3870 sub tries {
Line 5261 sub tries {
} |
} |
sub type { |
sub type { |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
(my $self, my $part) = @_; |
return $self->parmval("type", $part); |
my $type = $self->parmval("type", $part); |
return $type; |
} |
} |
sub weight { |
sub weight { |
my $self = shift; my $part = shift; |
my $self = shift; my $part = shift; |
if (!defined($part)) { $part = '0'; } |
if (!defined($part)) { $part = '0'; } |
return &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$part.'.weight', |
my $weight = &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$part.'.weight', |
$self->symb(), $env{'user.domain'}, |
$self->{SYMB}, $self->{DOMAIN}, |
$env{''}, |
$self->{USERNAME}, |
$env{'request.course.sec'}); |
$self->{SECTION}); |
return $weight; |
} |
} |
sub part_display { |
sub part_display { |
my $self= shift(); my $partID = shift(); |
my $self= shift(); my $partID = shift(); |
if (! defined($partID)) { $partID = '0'; } |
if (! defined($partID)) { $partID = '0'; } |
my $display=&Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$partID.'.display', |
my $display=&Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$partID.'.display', |
$self->symb); |
$self->{SYMB}); |
if (! defined($display) || $display eq '') { |
if (! defined($display) || $display eq '') { |
$display = $partID; |
$display = $partID; |
} |
} |
return $display; |
return $display; |
} |
} |
sub slot_control { |
my $self=shift(); my $part = shift(); |
if (!defined($part)) { $part = '0'; } |
my $useslots = $self->parmval("useslots", $part); |
my $availablestudent = $self->parmval("availablestudent", $part); |
my $available = $self->parmval("available", $part); |
return ($useslots,$availablestudent,$available); |
} |
sub deeplink { |
my ($self,$caller,$action) = @_; |
my $deeplink = $self->parmval("deeplink"); |
if ($deeplink) { |
my ($state,$others,$listed,$scope) = split(/,/,$deeplink); |
if ($action eq 'getlisted') { |
return $listed; |
} |
if ($env{'request.deeplink.login'}) { |
my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.num'}; |
my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.domain'}; |
my $deeplink_symb = &Apache::loncommon::deeplink_login_symb($cnum,$cdom); |
if ($deeplink_symb) { |
my ($loginmap,$mapname); |
if ($deeplink_symb =~ /\.(page|sequence)$/) { |
$mapname = $self->enclosing_map_src(); |
$loginmap = &Apache::lonnet::clutter((&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($deeplink_symb))[2]); |
return if ($mapname eq $loginmap); |
} else { |
return if ($deeplink_symb eq $self->symb()); |
if (($scope eq 'map') || ($scope eq 'rec')) { |
$mapname = $self->enclosing_map_src(); |
$loginmap = &Apache::lonnet::clutter((&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($deeplink_symb))[0]); |
return if ($mapname eq $loginmap); |
} |
} |
if ($scope eq 'rec') { |
my $map_pc = $self->navHash('map_pc_'.$mapname); |
my @recurseup = split(/,/,$self->navHash('map_hierarchy_'.$map_pc)); |
my $login_pc = $self->navHash('map_pc_'.$loginmap); |
return if (grep(/^\Q$login_pc\E$/,@recurseup)); |
} |
} |
} |
unless (($caller eq 'sequence') || ($state eq 'both')) { |
return $listed; |
} |
} |
return; |
} |
# Multiple things need this |
# Multiple things need this |
sub getReturnHash { |
sub getReturnHash { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
if (!defined($self->{RETURN_HASH})) { |
if (!defined($self->{RETURN_HASH})) { |
my %tmpHash = &Apache::lonnet::restore($self->symb()); |
#my %tmpHash = &Apache::lonnet::restore($self->{SYMB},undef,$self->{DOMAIN},$self->{USERNAME}); |
$self->{RETURN_HASH} = \%tmpHash; |
#$self->{RETURN_HASH} = \%tmpHash; |
# When info is retrieved for several resources (as when rendering a directory), |
# it is much faster to use the user profile dump and avoid repeated lonnet requests |
# (especially since lonnet::currentdump is using Lond directly whenever possible, |
# and lonnet::restore is not at this point). |
$self->{NAV_MAP}->get_user_data(); |
$self->{RETURN_HASH} = $self->{NAV_MAP}->{STUDENT_DATA}->{$self->{SYMB}}; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Line 3961 and use the link as appropriate.
Line 5408 and use the link as appropriate.
sub hasDiscussion { |
sub hasDiscussion { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->hasDiscussion($self->symb()); |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->hasDiscussion($self->{SYMB}); |
} |
} |
sub last_post_time { |
sub last_post_time { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->last_post_time($self->symb()); |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->last_post_time($self->{SYMB}); |
} |
} |
sub discussion_info { |
sub discussion_info { |
my ($self,$filter) = @_; |
my ($self,$filter) = @_; |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->discussion_info($self->symb(),$filter); |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->discussion_info($self->{SYMB},$filter); |
} |
} |
sub getFeedback { |
sub getFeedback { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $source = $self->src(); |
my $source = $self->src(); |
my $symb = $self->symb(); |
my $symb = $self->{SYMB}; |
if ($source =~ /^\/res\//) { $source = substr $source, 5; } |
if ($source =~ /^\/res\//) { $source = substr $source, 5; } |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getFeedback($symb,$source); |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getFeedback($symb,$source); |
} |
} |
Line 3985 sub getFeedback {
Line 5432 sub getFeedback {
sub getErrors { |
sub getErrors { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $source = $self->src(); |
my $source = $self->src(); |
my $symb = $self->symb(); |
my $symb = $self->{SYMB}; |
if ($source =~ /^\/res\//) { $source = substr $source, 5; } |
if ($source =~ /^\/res\//) { $source = substr $source, 5; } |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getErrors($symb,$source); |
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->getErrors($symb,$source); |
} |
} |
Line 4038 sub parts {
Line 5485 sub parts {
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
if ($self->ext) { return []; } |
if ($self->ext) { return []; } |
if (($self->is_tool()) && |
($self->is_gradable())) { return ['0']; } |
$self->extractParts(); |
$self->extractParts(); |
return $self->{PARTS}; |
return $self->{PARTS}; |
Line 4128 sub extractParts {
Line 5577 sub extractParts {
my %parts; |
my %parts; |
# Retrieve part count, if this is a problem |
# Retrieve part count, if this is a problem |
if ($self->is_problem()) { |
if ($self->is_raw_problem()) { |
my $partorder = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($self->src(), 'partorder'); |
my $partorder = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($self->src(), 'partorder'); |
my $metadata = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($self->src(), 'packages'); |
my $metadata = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($self->src(), 'packages'); |
if ($partorder) { |
if ($partorder) { |
my @parts; |
my @parts; |
for my $part (split (/,/,$partorder)) { |
for my $part (split (/,/,$partorder)) { |
if (!Apache::loncommon::check_if_partid_hidden($part, $self->symb())) { |
if (!Apache::loncommon::check_if_partid_hidden($part, $self->{SYMB})) { |
push @parts, $part; |
push @parts, $part; |
$parts{$part} = 1; |
$parts{$part} = 1; |
} |
} |
Line 4153 sub extractParts {
Line 5602 sub extractParts {
my $part = $1; |
my $part = $1; |
# This floods the logs if it blows up |
# This floods the logs if it blows up |
if (defined($parts{$part})) { |
if (defined($parts{$part})) { |
&Apache::lonnet::logthis("$part multiply defined in metadata for " . $self->symb()); |
&Apache::lonnet::logthis("$part multiply defined in metadata for " . $self->{SYMB}); |
} |
} |
# check to see if part is turned off. |
# check to see if part is turned off. |
if (!Apache::loncommon::check_if_partid_hidden($part, $self->symb())) { |
if (!Apache::loncommon::check_if_partid_hidden($part, $self->{SYMB})) { |
$parts{$part} = 1; |
$parts{$part} = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
my @sortedParts = sort keys %parts; |
my @sortedParts = sort(keys(%parts)); |
$self->{PARTS} = \@sortedParts; |
$self->{PARTS} = \@sortedParts; |
} |
} |
Line 4184 sub extractParts {
Line 5633 sub extractParts {
# So we have to use our knowlege of part names to figure out |
# So we have to use our knowlege of part names to figure out |
# where the part names begin and end, and even then, it is possible |
# where the part names begin and end, and even then, it is possible |
# to construct ambiguous situations. |
# to construct ambiguous situations. |
foreach my $data (split /,/, $metadata) { |
foreach my $data (split(/,/, $metadata)) { |
if ($data =~ /^([a-zA-Z]+)response_(.*)/ |
if ($data =~ /^([a-zA-Z]+)response_(.*)/ |
|| $data =~ /^(Task)_(.*)/) { |
|| $data =~ /^(Task)_(.*)/) { |
my $responseType = $1; |
my $responseType = $1; |
my $partStuff = $2; |
my $partStuff = $2; |
my $partIdSoFar = ''; |
my $partIdSoFar = ''; |
my @partChunks = split /_/, $partStuff; |
my @partChunks = split(/_/, $partStuff); |
my $i = 0; |
my $i = 0; |
for ($i = 0; $i < scalar(@partChunks); $i++) { |
for ($i = 0; $i < scalar(@partChunks); $i++) { |
if ($partIdSoFar) { $partIdSoFar .= '_'; } |
if ($partIdSoFar) { $partIdSoFar .= '_'; } |
Line 4295 The problem will be opened later.
Line 5744 The problem will be opened later.
Open and not yet due. |
Open and not yet due. |
The due date has passed, but the answer date has not yet arrived. |
The due date has passed, but the answer date has not yet arrived. |
Line 4308 The due date has passed and there is no
Line 5756 The due date has passed and there is no
The answer date is here. |
The answer date is here. |
=item * B<NOTHING_SET>: |
No dates have been set for this problem at all. |
=item * B<PAST_DUE_ATMPT_ANS>: |
The due date has passed, feedback is suppressed, the problem was attempted, and the answer date has not yet arrived. |
The due date has passed, feedback is suppressed, the problem was attempted, and there is no answer opening date set. |
=item * B<PAST_DUE_NO_ATMT_ANS>: |
The due date has passed, feedback is suppressed, the problem was not attempted, and the answer date has not yet arrived. |
The due date has passed, feedback is suppressed, the problem was not attempted, and there is no answer opening date set. |
The information is unknown due to network failure. |
The information is unknown due to network failure. |
Line 4322 sub OPEN { return 1; }
Line 5790 sub OPEN { return 1; }
sub PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER { return 2; } |
sub PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER { return 2; } |
sub PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER { return 3; } |
sub PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER { return 3; } |
sub ANSWER_OPEN { return 4; } |
sub ANSWER_OPEN { return 4; } |
sub NOTHING_SET { return 5; } |
sub NOTHING_SET { return 5; } |
sub PAST_DUE_ATMPT_ANS { return 6; } |
sub PAST_DUE_ATMPT_NOANS { return 7; } |
sub PAST_DUE_NO_ATMT_ANS { return 8; } |
sub PAST_DUE_NO_ATMT_NOANS { return 9; } |
sub NETWORK_FAILURE { return 100; } |
sub NETWORK_FAILURE { return 100; } |
# getDateStatus gets the date status for a given problem part. |
# getDateStatus gets the date status for a given problem part. |
Line 4408 Information not available due to network
Line 5880 Information not available due to network
Attempted, and not yet graded. |
Attempted, and not yet graded. |
Attempted, and credit received for attempt (survey and anonymous survey only). |
Attempted, but wrong for LTI Tool Provider by passback of grade |
Correct for LTI Tool Provider by passback of grade |
=back |
=back |
=cut |
=cut |
Line 4419 sub CORRECT { return 13; }
Line 5903 sub CORRECT { return 13; }
sub CORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE { return 14; } |
sub CORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE { return 14; } |
sub EXCUSED { return 15; } |
sub EXCUSED { return 15; } |
sub ATTEMPTED { return 16; } |
sub ATTEMPTED { return 16; } |
sub CREDIT_ATTEMPTED { return 17; } |
sub INCORRECT_BY_PASSBACK { return 18; } |
sub CORRECT_BY_PASSBACK { return 19; } |
sub getCompletionStatus { |
sub getCompletionStatus { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
Line 4433 sub getCompletionStatus {
Line 5920 sub getCompletionStatus {
if ($status eq 'correct_by_override') { |
if ($status eq 'correct_by_override') { |
return $self->CORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE; |
return $self->CORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE; |
} |
} |
if ($status eq 'correct_by_passback') { |
return $self->CORRECT_BY_PASSBACK; |
} |
if ($status eq 'incorrect_attempted') {return $self->INCORRECT; } |
if ($status eq 'incorrect_attempted') {return $self->INCORRECT; } |
if ($status eq 'incorrect_by_override') {return $self->INCORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE; } |
if ($status eq 'incorrect_by_override') {return $self->INCORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE; } |
if ($status eq 'incorrect_by_passback') {return $self->INCORRECT_BY_PASSBACK; } |
if ($status eq 'excused') {return $self->EXCUSED; } |
if ($status eq 'excused') {return $self->EXCUSED; } |
if ($status eq 'ungraded_attempted') {return $self->ATTEMPTED; } |
if ($status eq 'ungraded_attempted') {return $self->ATTEMPTED; } |
if ($status eq 'credit_attempted') { |
if ($self->is_anonsurvey($part) || $self->is_survey($part)) { |
return $self->CREDIT_ATTEMPTED; |
} else { |
return $self->ATTEMPTED; |
} |
} |
return $self->NOT_ATTEMPTED; |
return $self->NOT_ATTEMPTED; |
} |
} |
Line 4500 set.
Line 5998 set.
The problem is past due, not considered correct, and an answer date in |
The problem is past due, not considered correct, and an answer date in |
the future is set. |
the future is set. |
=item * B<PAST_DUE_ATMPT_ANS>: |
The problem is past due, feedback is suppressed, the problem was |
attempted and an answer date in the future is set. |
The problem is past due, feedback is suppressed, the problem was |
attempted and no answer date is set. |
=item * B<PAST_DUE_NO_ATMT_ANS>: |
The problem is past due, feedback is suppressed, the problem was |
not attempted and an answer date in the future is set. |
The problem is past due, feedback is suppressed, the problem was |
not attempted and no answer date is set. |
=item * B<ANSWER_OPEN>: |
=item * B<ANSWER_OPEN>: |
The problem is past due, not correct, and the answer is now available. |
The problem is past due, not correct, and the answer is now available. |
Line 4526 The item is open and not yet tried.
Line 6044 The item is open and not yet tried.
The problem has been attempted. |
The problem has been attempted. |
The problem has been attempted, and credit given for the attempt (survey and anonymous survey only). |
An answer has been submitted, but the student should not see it. |
An answer has been submitted, but the student should not see it. |
Line 4534 An answer has been submitted, but the st
Line 6056 An answer has been submitted, but the st
=cut |
=cut |
sub TRIES_LEFT { return 20; } |
sub TRIES_LEFT { return 20; } |
sub ANSWER_SUBMITTED { return 21; } |
sub ANSWER_SUBMITTED { return 21; } |
sub PARTIALLY_CORRECT{ return 22; } |
sub PARTIALLY_CORRECT { return 22; } |
sub RESERVED_LATER { return 30; } |
sub RESERVED { return 31; } |
sub RESERVED_LOCATION { return 32; } |
sub RESERVABLE { return 33; } |
sub RESERVABLE_LATER { return 34; } |
sub NOTRESERVABLE { return 35; } |
sub NOT_IN_A_SLOT { return 36; } |
sub NEEDS_CHECKIN { return 37; } |
sub WAITING_FOR_GRADE { return 38; } |
sub UNKNOWN { return 39; } |
sub status { |
sub status { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
Line 4552 sub status {
Line 6085 sub status {
#if ($self->{RESOURCE_ERROR}) { return NETWORK_FAILURE; } |
#if ($self->{RESOURCE_ERROR}) { return NETWORK_FAILURE; } |
if ($completionStatus == NETWORK_FAILURE) { return NETWORK_FAILURE; } |
if ($completionStatus == NETWORK_FAILURE) { return NETWORK_FAILURE; } |
my $suppressFeedback = $self->problemstatus($part) eq 'no'; |
my $suppressFeedback = 0; |
if (($self->problemstatus($part) eq 'no') || |
($self->problemstatus($part) eq 'no_feedback_ever')) { |
$suppressFeedback = 1; |
} |
# If there's an answer date and we're past it, don't |
# If there's an answer date and we're past it, don't |
# suppress the feedback; student should know |
# suppress the feedback; student should know |
if ($self->duedate($part) && $self->duedate($part) < time() && |
if ($self->duedate($part) && $self->duedate($part) < time() && |
Line 4562 sub status {
Line 6099 sub status {
# There are a few whole rows we can dispose of: |
# There are a few whole rows we can dispose of: |
if ($completionStatus == CORRECT || |
if ($completionStatus == CORRECT || |
$completionStatus == CORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE ) { |
$completionStatus == CORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE || |
if ( $suppressFeedback ) { return ANSWER_SUBMITTED } |
$completionStatus == CORRECT_BY_PASSBACK ) { |
if ( $suppressFeedback ) { |
if ($dateStatus == PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER || |
$dateStatus == PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER ) { |
if ($dateStatus == PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER) { |
} else { |
} |
} else { |
} |
} |
my $awarded=$self->awarded($part); |
my $awarded=$self->awarded($part); |
if ($awarded < 1 && $awarded > 0) { |
if ($awarded < 1 && $awarded > 0) { |
Line 4575 sub status {
Line 6124 sub status {
# If it's WRONG... and not open |
# If it's WRONG... and not open |
if ( ($completionStatus == INCORRECT || |
if ( ($completionStatus == INCORRECT || |
$completionStatus == INCORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE) |
$completionStatus == INCORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE || |
$completionStatus == INCORRECT_BY_PASSBACK) |
&& (!$self->opendate($part) || $self->opendate($part) > time()) ) { |
&& (!$self->opendate($part) || $self->opendate($part) > time()) ) { |
return INCORRECT; |
return INCORRECT; |
} |
} |
Line 4584 sub status {
Line 6134 sub status {
return ATTEMPTED; |
return ATTEMPTED; |
} |
} |
if ($completionStatus == CREDIT_ATTEMPTED) { |
} |
# If it's EXCUSED, then return that no matter what |
# If it's EXCUSED, then return that no matter what |
if ($completionStatus == EXCUSED) { |
if ($completionStatus == EXCUSED) { |
return EXCUSED; |
return EXCUSED; |
Line 4598 sub status {
Line 6152 sub status {
if ($dateStatus == PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER || |
if ($dateStatus == PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER || |
$dateStatus == PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER ) { |
$dateStatus == PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER ) { |
return $suppressFeedback ? ANSWER_SUBMITTED : $dateStatus; |
if ($suppressFeedback) { |
if ($completionStatus == NOT_ATTEMPTED) { |
if ($dateStatus == PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER) { |
} else { |
} |
} else { |
if ($dateStatus == PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER) { |
} else { |
} |
} |
} else { |
return $dateStatus; |
} |
} |
} |
if ($dateStatus == ANSWER_OPEN) { |
if ($dateStatus == ANSWER_OPEN) { |
Line 4613 sub status {
Line 6183 sub status {
} |
} |
# If it's WRONG... |
# If it's WRONG... |
if ($completionStatus == INCORRECT || $completionStatus == INCORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE) { |
if ($completionStatus == INCORRECT || $completionStatus == INCORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE || |
$completionStatus == INCORRECT_BY_PASSBACK) { |
# and there are TRIES LEFT: |
# and there are TRIES LEFT: |
if ($self->tries($part) < $self->maxtries($part) || !$self->maxtries($part)) { |
if ($self->tries($part) < $self->maxtries($part) || !$self->maxtries($part)) { |
return $suppressFeedback ? ANSWER_SUBMITTED : TRIES_LEFT; |
return $suppressFeedback ? ANSWER_SUBMITTED : TRIES_LEFT; |
Line 4622 sub status {
Line 6193 sub status {
} |
} |
# Otherwise, it's untried and open |
# Otherwise, it's untried and open |
return OPEN; |
return OPEN; |
} |
sub check_for_slot { |
my $self = shift; |
my $part = shift; |
my $symb = $self->{SYMB}; |
my ($use_slots,$available,$availablestudent) = $self->slot_control($part); |
if (($use_slots ne '') && ($use_slots !~ /^\s*no\s*$/i)) { |
my @slots = (split(/:/,$availablestudent),split(/:/,$available)); |
my $cid=$env{''}; |
my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'}; |
my $cnum=$env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'}; |
my $now = time; |
my $num_usable_slots = 0; |
my ($checkedin,$checkedinslot,%consumed_uniq,%slots); |
if (@slots > 0) { |
%slots=&Apache::lonnet::get('slots',[@slots],$cdom,$cnum); |
if (&Apache::lonnet::error(%slots)) { |
return (UNKNOWN); |
} |
my @sorted_slots = &Apache::loncommon::sorted_slots(\@slots,\%slots,'starttime'); |
foreach my $slot_name (@sorted_slots) { |
next if (!defined($slots{$slot_name}) || !ref($slots{$slot_name})); |
my $end = $slots{$slot_name}->{'endtime'}; |
my $start = $slots{$slot_name}->{'starttime'}; |
my $ip = $slots{$slot_name}->{'ip'}; |
if ($self->simpleStatus() == OPEN) { |
if ($end > $now) { |
if ($start > $now) { |
return (RESERVED_LATER,$start,$slot_name); |
} else { |
if ($ip ne '') { |
if (!&Apache::loncommon::check_ip_acc($ip)) { |
return (RESERVED_LOCATION,$end,$slot_name); |
} |
} |
my @proctors; |
if ($slots{$slot_name}->{'proctor'} ne '') { |
@proctors = split(',',$slots{$slot_name}->{'proctor'}); |
} |
if (@proctors > 0) { |
($checkedin,$checkedinslot) = $self->checkedin(); |
unless ((grep(/^\Q$checkedin\E/,@proctors)) && |
($checkedinslot eq $slot_name)) { |
return (NEEDS_CHECKIN,$end,$slot_name); |
} |
} |
return (RESERVED,$end,$slot_name); |
} |
} |
} elsif ($end > $now) { |
$num_usable_slots ++; |
} |
} |
my ($is_correct,$wait_for_grade); |
if ($self->is_task()) { |
my $taskstatus = $self->taskstatus(); |
$is_correct = (($taskstatus eq 'pass') || |
($self->solved() =~ /^correct_/)); |
unless ($taskstatus =~ /^(?:pass|fail)$/) { |
$wait_for_grade = 1; |
} |
} else { |
unless ($self->completable()) { |
$wait_for_grade = 1; |
} |
unless (($self->problemstatus($part) eq 'no') || |
($self->problemstatus($part) eq 'no_feedback_ever')) { |
$is_correct = ($self->solved($part) =~ /^correct_/); |
$wait_for_grade = 0; |
} |
} |
($checkedin,$checkedinslot) = $self->checkedin(); |
if ($checkedin) { |
if (ref($slots{$checkedinslot}) eq 'HASH') { |
$consumed_uniq{$checkedinslot} = $slots{$checkedinslot}{'uniqueperiod'}; |
} |
if ($wait_for_grade) { |
} elsif ($is_correct) { |
return (CORRECT); |
} |
} |
if ($num_usable_slots) { |
return(NOT_IN_A_SLOT); |
} |
} |
my $reservable = &Apache::lonnet::get_reservable_slots($cnum,$cdom,$env{''}, |
$env{'user.domain'}); |
if (ref($reservable) eq 'HASH') { |
my ($map) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); |
if ((ref($reservable->{'now_order'}) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($reservable->{'now'}) eq 'HASH')) { |
foreach my $slot (reverse (@{$reservable->{'now_order'}})) { |
my $canuse; |
if ($reservable->{'now'}{$slot}{'symb'} eq '') { |
$canuse = 1; |
} else { |
my %oksymbs; |
my @slotsymbs = split(/\s*,\s*/,$reservable->{'now'}{$slot}{'symb'}); |
map { $oksymbs{$_} = 1; } @slotsymbs; |
if ($oksymbs{$symb}) { |
$canuse = 1; |
} else { |
foreach my $item (@slotsymbs) { |
if ($item =~ /\.(page|sequence)$/) { |
(undef,undef, my $sloturl) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($item); |
if (($map ne '') && ($map eq $sloturl)) { |
$canuse = 1; |
last; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if ($canuse) { |
if ($checkedin) { |
if (ref($consumed_uniq{$checkedinslot}) eq 'ARRAY') { |
my ($uniqstart,$uniqend)=@{$consumed_uniq{$checkedinslot}}; |
if ($reservable->{'now'}{$slot}{'uniqueperiod'} =~ /^(\d+),(\d+)$/) { |
my ($new_uniq_start,$new_uniq_end) = ($1,$2); |
next if (! |
($uniqstart < $new_uniq_start && $uniqend < $new_uniq_start) || |
($uniqstart > $new_uniq_end && $uniqend > $new_uniq_end )); |
} |
} |
} |
return(RESERVABLE,$reservable->{'now'}{$slot}{'endreserve'}); |
} |
} |
} |
if ((ref($reservable->{'future_order'}) eq 'ARRAY') && (ref($reservable->{'future'}) eq 'HASH')) { |
foreach my $slot (@{$reservable->{'future_order'}}) { |
my $canuse; |
if ($reservable->{'future'}{$slot}{'symb'} eq '') { |
$canuse = 1; |
} elsif ($reservable->{'future'}{$slot}{'symb'} =~ /,/) { |
my %oksymbs; |
my @slotsymbs = split(/\s*,\s*/,$reservable->{'future'}{$slot}{'symb'}); |
map { $oksymbs{$_} = 1; } @slotsymbs; |
if ($oksymbs{$symb}) { |
$canuse = 1; |
} else { |
foreach my $item (@slotsymbs) { |
if ($item =~ /\.(page|sequence)$/) { |
(undef,undef, my $sloturl) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($item); |
if (($map ne '') && ($map eq $sloturl)) { |
$canuse = 1; |
last; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} elsif ($reservable->{'future'}{$slot}{'symb'} eq $symb) { |
$canuse = 1; |
} |
if ($canuse) { |
if ($checkedin) { |
if (ref($consumed_uniq{$checkedinslot}) eq 'ARRAY') { |
my ($uniqstart,$uniqend)=@{$consumed_uniq{$checkedinslot}}; |
if ($reservable->{'future'}{$slot}{'uniqueperiod'} =~ /^(\d+),(\d+)$/) { |
my ($new_uniq_start,$new_uniq_end) = ($1,$2); |
next if (! |
($uniqstart < $new_uniq_start && $uniqend < $new_uniq_start) || |
($uniqstart > $new_uniq_end && $uniqend > $new_uniq_end )); |
} |
} |
} |
return(RESERVABLE_LATER,$reservable->{'future'}{$slot}{'startreserve'}); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return; |
} |
} |
sub CLOSED { return 23; } |
sub CLOSED { return 23; } |
Line 4668 my %compositeToSimple =
Line 6414 my %compositeToSimple =
OPEN() => OPEN, |
OPEN() => OPEN, |
); |
); |
Line 4748 sub completable {
Line 6499 sub completable {
# and it is not "attempted" (manually graded problem), it is |
# and it is not "attempted" (manually graded problem), it is |
# not "complete" |
# not "complete" |
if ($self->getCompletionStatus($part) == ATTEMPTED() || |
if ($self->getCompletionStatus($part) == ATTEMPTED() || |
$self->getCompletionStatus($part) == CREDIT_ATTEMPTED() || |
$status == ANSWER_SUBMITTED() ) { |
$status == ANSWER_SUBMITTED() ) { |
# did this part already, as well as we can |
# did this part already, as well as we can |
next; |
next; |
Line 4763 sub completable {
Line 6515 sub completable {
=pod |
=pod |
B<Answerable> |
The answerable method differs from the completable method in its handling of problem parts |
for which feedback on correctness is suppressed, but the student still has tries left, and |
the problem part is not past due, (i.e., the student could submit a different answer if |
he/she so chose). For that case completable will return 0, whereas answerable will return 1. |
=cut |
sub answerable { |
my $self = shift; |
if (!$self->is_problem()) { return 0; } |
my $partCount = $self->countParts(); |
foreach my $part (@{$self->parts()}) { |
if ($part eq '0' && $partCount != 1) { next; } |
my $status = $self->status($part); |
if ($self->getCompletionStatus($part) == ATTEMPTED() || |
$self->getCompletionStatus($part) == CREDIT_ATTEMPTED() || |
$status == ANSWER_SUBMITTED() ) { |
if ($self->tries($part) < $self->maxtries($part) || !$self->maxtries($part)) { |
return 1; |
} |
} |
if ($status == OPEN() || $status == TRIES_LEFT() || $status == NETWORK_FAILURE()) { |
return 1; |
} |
} |
# None of the parts were answerable, so neither is this problem. |
return 0; |
} |
=pod |
=head2 Resource/Nav Map Navigation |
=head2 Resource/Nav Map Navigation |
=over 4 |
=over 4 |
Line 4798 sub getPrevious {
Line 6583 sub getPrevious {
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my @branches; |
my @branches; |
my $from = $self->from(); |
my $from = $self->from(); |
foreach my $branch ( split /,/, $from) { |
foreach my $branch ( split(/,/, $from)) { |
my $choice = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($branch); |
my $choice = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($branch); |
my $prev = $choice->comesfrom(); |
my $prev = $choice->comesfrom(); |
$prev = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($prev); |
$prev = $self->{NAV_MAP}->getById($prev); |
Line 4810 sub getPrevious {
Line 6595 sub getPrevious {
sub browsePriv { |
sub browsePriv { |
my $self = shift; |
my $self = shift; |
my $noblockcheck = shift; |
my $deeplinklisted = shift; |
if (defined($self->{BROWSE_PRIV})) { |
if (defined($self->{BROWSE_PRIV})) { |
return $self->{BROWSE_PRIV}; |
return $self->{BROWSE_PRIV}; |
} |
} |
my ($nodeeplinkcheck,$nodeeplinkout); |
if ($deeplinklisted) { |
my $deeplink = $self->deeplink(undef,'getlisted'); |
if (($deeplink) && ($deeplink ne 'absent')) { |
$nodeeplinkcheck = 1; |
} |
$nodeeplinkout = 1; |
} |
$self->{BROWSE_PRIV} = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$self->src(), |
$self->{BROWSE_PRIV} = &Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$self->src(), |
$self->symb()); |
$self->{SYMB},undef, |
undef,$noblockcheck, |
undef,$nodeeplinkcheck, |
$nodeeplinkout); |
} |
} |
=pod |
=pod |