--- loncom/interface/lonnavmaps.pm 2003/03/08 21:16:38 1.155
+++ loncom/interface/lonnavmaps.pm 2003/03/13 20:46:36 1.159
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# Navigate Maps Handler
-# $Id: lonnavmaps.pm,v 1.155 2003/03/08 21:16:38 bowersj2 Exp $
+# $Id: lonnavmaps.pm,v 1.159 2003/03/13 20:46:36 bowersj2 Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ sub real_handler {
Navigate Course Contents");
# ------------------------------------------------------------ Get query string
# ----------------------------------------------------- Force menu registration
my $addentries='';
if ($ENV{'form.register'}) {
@@ -177,7 +178,6 @@ sub real_handler {
# Now that we've displayed some stuff to the user, init the navmap
@@ -361,6 +361,12 @@ sub lastTry {
# This puts a human-readable name on the ENV variable.
+# FIXME: This needs better logic: Who gets the advanced view of navmaps?
+# As of 3-13-03, it's an open question. Guy doesn't want to check
+# roles directly because it should be a check of capabilities for future
+# role compatibity. There is no capability that matches this one for
+# now, so this is done. (A hack for 1.0 might be to simply check roles
+# anyhow.)
sub advancedUser {
return $ENV{'user.adv'};
@@ -544,11 +550,9 @@ Most of these parameters are only useful
=item * B: A flag. If yes (default), if all parts of the problem have the same status and that status is Nothing Set, Correct, or Network Failure, then only one line will be displayed for that resource anyhow. If no, all parts will always be displayed. If showParts is 0, this is ignored.
-=item * B: A string identifying the URL to place the anchor 'curloc' at. Default to no anchor at all. It is the responsibility of the renderer user to ensure that the #curloc is in the URL. By default, determined through the use of the ENV{} 'jump' and 'jumpType' information.
-=item * B: A URL identifying where to place the 'here' marker. By default, will pull this from the ENV{'form.here*'} info.
+=item * B: A string identifying the URL to place the anchor 'curloc' at. Default to no anchor at all. It is the responsibility of the renderer user to ensure that the #curloc is in the URL. By default, determined through the use of the ENV{} 'jump' information, and should normally "just work" correctly.
-=item * B: A Symb identifying where to place the 'here' marker. Default same as hereURL.
+=item * B: A Symb identifying where to place the 'here' marker. Default empty, which means no marker.
=item * B: A string identifying the indentation string to use. By default, this is a 25 pixel whitespace image with no alt text.
@@ -620,7 +624,7 @@ sub render_resource {
my $icon = "
if ($resource->is_problem()) {
- if ($part eq "0" || $params->{'condensed'}) {
+ if ($part eq "" || $params->{'condensed'}) {
$icon = '
} else {
$icon = $params->{'indentString'};
@@ -647,7 +651,7 @@ sub render_resource {
$linkopen .= "&condition=" . $it->{CONDITION} . '&hereType='
. $params->{'hereType'} . '&here=' .
&Apache::lonnet::escape($params->{'here'}) .
- '&jumpType=' . SYMB() . '&jump=' .
+ '&jump=' .
&Apache::lonnet::escape($resource->symb()) .
} else {
@@ -683,16 +687,14 @@ sub render_resource {
my $curMarkerEnd = '';
# Is this the current resource?
- if (!$params->{'displayedHereMarker'} &&
- (($params->{'hereType'} == SYMB() &&
- $resource->symb() eq $params->{'here'}) ||
- ($params->{'hereType'} == URL() &&
- $resource->src() eq $params->{'here'}))) {
+ if (!$params->{'displayedHereMarker'} &&
+ $resource->symb() eq $params->{'here'} ) {
$curMarkerBegin = '> ';
$curMarkerEnd = '<';
+ $params->{'displayedHereMarker'} = 1;
- if ($resource->is_problem() && $part ne "0" &&
+ if ($resource->is_problem() && $part ne "" &&
!$params->{'condensed'}) {
$partLabel = " (Part $part)";
$title = "";
@@ -835,16 +837,10 @@ sub render {
$navmap = $args->{'navmap'};
+ my $r = $args->{'r'};
my $queryString = $args->{'queryString'};
- my $jumpToURL = $args->{'jumpToURL'};
- my $jumpToSymb = $args->{'jumpToSymb'};
- my $jumpType;
- my $hereURL = $args->{'hereURL'};
- my $hereSymb = $args->{'hereSymb'};
- my $hereType;
- my $here;
- my $jump;
- my $currentJumpIndex = setDefault($args->{'currentJumpIndex'}, 0);
+ my $jump = $args->{'jump'};
+ my $here = $args->{'here'};
my $suppressNavmap = setDefault($args->{'suppressNavmap'}, 0);
my $currentJumpDelta = 2; # change this to change how many resources are displayed
# before the current resource when using #current
@@ -879,31 +875,22 @@ sub render {
# Step two: Locate what kind of here marker is necessary
# Determine where the "here" marker is and where the screen jumps to.
- # We're coming from the remote. We have either a url, a symb, or nothing,
- # and we need to figure out what.
- # Preference: Symb
if ($ENV{'form.symb'}) {
- $hereType = $jumpType = SYMB();
$here = $jump = $ENV{'form.symb'};
} elsif ($ENV{'form.postdata'}) {
# couldn't find a symb, is there a URL?
my $currenturl = $ENV{'form.postdata'};
- $currenturl=~s/^http\:\/\///;
- $currenturl=~s/^[^\/]+//;
+ #$currenturl=~s/^http\:\/\///;
+ #$currenturl=~s/^[^\/]+//;
- $hereType = $jumpType = URL;
- $here = $jump = $currenturl;
- } else {
- # Nothing
- $hereType = $jumpType = NOTHING();
+ $here = $jump = &Apache::lonnet::symbread($currenturl);
# Step three: Ensure the folders are open
my $mapIterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, undef, 1);
my $depth = 1;
$mapIterator->next(); # discard the first BEGIN_MAP
my $curRes = $mapIterator->next();
- my $counter = 0;
my $found = 0;
# We only need to do this if we need to open the maps to show the
@@ -913,9 +900,7 @@ sub render {
if ($curRes == $mapIterator->BEGIN_MAP()) { $depth++; }
if ($curRes == $mapIterator->END_MAP()) { $depth--; }
- if (ref($curRes) &&
- ($hereType == SYMB() && $curRes->symb() eq $here) ||
- (ref($curRes) && $hereType == URL() && $curRes->src() eq $here)) {
+ if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->symb() eq $here) {
my $mapStack = $mapIterator->getStack();
# Ensure the parent maps are open
@@ -931,40 +916,12 @@ sub render {
$curRes = $mapIterator->next();
- # Since we changed the folders, (re-)locate the jump point, if any
- $mapIterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, $filterHash, 0);
- $depth = 1;
- $mapIterator->next();
- $curRes = $mapIterator->next();
- my $foundJump = 0;
- while ($depth > 0 && !$foundJump) {
- if ($curRes == $mapIterator->BEGIN_MAP()) { $depth++; }
- if ($curRes == $mapIterator->END_MAP()) { $depth--; }
- if (ref($curRes)) { $counter++; }
- if (ref($curRes) &&
- (($jumpType == SYMB() && $curRes->symb() eq $jump) ||
- ($jumpType == URL() && $curRes->src() eq $jump))) {
- # This is why we have to use the main iterator instead of the
- # potentially faster DFS: The count has to be the same, so
- # the order has to be the same, which DFS won't give us.
- $currentJumpIndex = $counter;
- $foundJump = 1;
- }
- $curRes = $mapIterator->next();
- }
if ( !defined($args->{'iterator'}) && $ENV{'form.folderManip'} ) { # we came from a user's manipulation of the nav page
# If this is a click on a folder or something, we want to preserve the "here"
# from the querystring, and get the new "jump" marker
- $hereType = $ENV{'form.hereType'};
$here = $ENV{'form.here'};
- $jumpType = $ENV{'form.jumpType'} || NOTHING();
$jump = $ENV{'form.jump'};
@@ -995,12 +952,36 @@ sub render {
+ # (re-)Locate the jump point, if any
+ my $mapIterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, $filterHash, 0);
+ my $depth = 1;
+ $mapIterator->next();
+ my $curRes = $mapIterator->next();
+ my $foundJump = 0;
+ my $counter = 0;
+ while ($depth > 0 && !$foundJump) {
+ if ($curRes == $mapIterator->BEGIN_MAP()) { $depth++; }
+ if ($curRes == $mapIterator->END_MAP()) { $depth--; }
+ if (ref($curRes)) { $counter++; }
+ if (ref($curRes) && $jump eq $curRes->symb()) {
+ # This is why we have to use the main iterator instead of the
+ # potentially faster DFS: The count has to be the same, so
+ # the order has to be the same, which DFS won't give us.
+ $args->{'currentJumpIndex'} = $counter;
+ $foundJump = 1;
+ }
+ $curRes = $mapIterator->next();
+ }
my $showParts = setDefault($args->{'showParts'}, 1);
my $condenseParts = setDefault($args->{'condenseParts'}, 1);
# keeps track of when the current resource is found,
# so we can back up a few and put the anchor above the
# current resource
- my $r = $args->{'r'};
my $printKey = $args->{'printKey'};
my $printCloseAll = $args->{'printCloseAll'};
if (!defined($printCloseAll)) { $printCloseAll = 1; }
@@ -1032,11 +1013,11 @@ sub render {
if ($printCloseAll) {
if ($condition) {
$result.="Close All Folders";
} else {
$result.="Open All Folders";
$result .= "
@@ -1068,16 +1049,15 @@ sub render {
my $displayedJumpMarker = 0;
# Set up iteration.
- my $depth = 1;
+ $depth = 1;
$it->next(); # discard initial BEGIN_MAP
- my $curRes = $it->next();
+ $curRes = $it->next();
my $now = time();
my $in24Hours = $now + 24 * 60 * 60;
my $rownum = 0;
# export "here" marker information
$args->{'here'} = $here;
- $args->{'hereType'} = $hereType;
while ($depth > 0) {
if ($curRes == $it->BEGIN_MAP()) { $depth++; }
@@ -1099,7 +1079,6 @@ sub render {
# If this isn't an actual resource, continue on
if (!ref($curRes)) {
- $curRes = $it->next();
@@ -1107,14 +1086,12 @@ sub render {
# If this has been filtered out, continue on
if (!(&$filterFunc($curRes))) {
- $curRes = $it->next();
$args->{'isNewBranch'} = 0; # Don't falsely remember this
# If we're suppressing navmaps and this is a navmap, continue on
if ($suppressNavmap && $curRes->src() =~ /^\/adm\/navmaps/) {
- $curRes = $it->next();
@@ -1168,28 +1145,19 @@ sub render {
+ }
- } else {
- # Not showing parts
- @parts = ("0"); # show main part only
- }
# If the multipart problem was condensed, "forget" it was multipart
if (scalar(@parts) == 1) {
$args->{'multipart'} = 0;
- # In the event of a network error, display one part.
- # If this is a single part, we can at least show the correct
- # status, but if it's multipart, we're lost, since we can't
- # retreive the metadata to count the parts
- if ($curRes->{RESOURCE_ERROR}) {
- @parts = ("0");
- }
# Now, we've decided what parts to show. Loop through them and
# show them.
- foreach my $part (@parts) {
+ foreach my $part ('', @parts) {
+ if ($part eq '0') {
+ next;
+ }
$rownum ++;
my $backgroundColor = $backgroundColors[$rownum % scalar(@backgroundColors)];
@@ -1235,13 +1203,19 @@ sub render {
$result = "";
+ } continue {
$curRes = $it->next();
# Print out the part that jumps to #curloc if it exists
+ # delay needed because the browser is processing the jump before
+ # it finishes rendering, so it goes to the wrong place!
+ # onload might be better, but this routine has no access to that.
+ # On mozilla, the 0-millisecond timeout seems to prevent this;
+ # it's quite likely this might fix other browsers, too, and
+ # certainly won't hurt anything.
if ($displayedJumpMarker) {
- $result .= "\n";
+ $result .= "\n";
$result .= "";
@@ -2756,11 +2730,6 @@ sub extractParts {
$self->{PARTS} = \@sortedParts;
- # Ensure part 0 is included at the beginning.
- if ($self->{PARTS}->[0] ne '0') {
- unshift @{$self->{PARTS}}, '0';
- }