--- loncom/interface/lonnavmaps.pm 2003/04/19 20:47:41 1.177
+++ loncom/interface/lonnavmaps.pm 2003/05/14 20:16:56 1.190
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# Navigate Maps Handler
-# $Id: lonnavmaps.pm,v 1.177 2003/04/19 20:47:41 www Exp $
+# $Id: lonnavmaps.pm,v 1.190 2003/05/14 20:16:56 bowersj2 Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ my %statusIconMap =
$resObj->TRIES_LEFT => 'navmap.open.gif',
$resObj->INCORRECT => 'navmap.wrong.gif',
$resObj->OPEN => 'navmap.open.gif',
- $resObj->ATTEMPTED => 'navmap.open.gif' );
+ $resObj->ATTEMPTED => 'navmap.open.gif',
+ $resObj->ANSWER_SUBMITTED => '' );
my %iconAltTags =
( 'navmap.correct.gif' => 'Correct',
@@ -169,30 +170,80 @@ sub real_handler {
return OK;
- # See if there's only one map in the top-level... if so,
- # automatically display it
- my $iterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, undef, 0);
- my $depth = 1;
- $iterator->next();
- my $curRes = $iterator->next();
- my $sequenceCount = 0;
- my $sequenceId;
- while ($depth > 0) {
- if ($curRes == $iterator->BEGIN_MAP()) { $depth++; }
- if ($curRes == $iterator->END_MAP()) { $depth--; }
- if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->is_sequence()) {
- $sequenceCount++;
- $sequenceId = $curRes->map_pc();
+ # See if there's only one map in the top-level, if we don't
+ # already have a filter... if so, automatically display it
+ if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} !~ /filter/) {
+ my $iterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, undef, 0);
+ my $depth = 1;
+ $iterator->next();
+ my $curRes = $iterator->next();
+ my $sequenceCount = 0;
+ my $sequenceId;
+ while ($depth > 0) {
+ if ($curRes == $iterator->BEGIN_MAP()) { $depth++; }
+ if ($curRes == $iterator->END_MAP()) { $depth--; }
+ if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->is_sequence()) {
+ $sequenceCount++;
+ $sequenceId = $curRes->map_pc();
+ }
+ $curRes = $iterator->next();
+ }
+ if ($sequenceCount == 1) {
+ # The automatic iterator creation in the render call
+ # will pick this up. We know the condition because
+ # the defined($ENV{'form.filter'}) also ensures this
+ # is a fresh call.
+ $ENV{'form.filter'} = "$sequenceId";
- $curRes = $iterator->next();
- if ($sequenceCount == 1) {
- # The automatic iterator creation in the render call
- # will pick this up.
- $ENV{'form.filter'} = "$sequenceId";
+ # Check to see if the student is jumping to next open, do-able problem
+ if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} eq 'jumpToFirstHomework') {
+ # Find the next homework problem that they can do.
+ my $iterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, undef, 1);
+ my $depth = 1;
+ $iterator->next();
+ my $curRes = $iterator->next();
+ my $foundDoableProblem = 0;
+ my $problemRes;
+ while ($depth > 0 && !$foundDoableProblem) {
+ if ($curRes == $iterator->BEGIN_MAP()) { $depth++; }
+ if ($curRes == $iterator->END_MAP()) { $depth--; }
+ if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->is_problem()) {
+ my $status = $curRes->status();
+ if (($status == $curRes->OPEN ||
+ $status == $curRes->TRIES_LEFT()) &&
+ $curRes->getCompletionStatus() != $curRes->ATTEMPTED()) {
+ $problemRes = $curRes;
+ $foundDoableProblem = 1;
+ # Pop open all previous maps
+ my $stack = $iterator->getStack();
+ pop @$stack; # last resource in the stack is the problem
+ # itself, which we don't need in the map stack
+ my @mapPcs = map {$_->map_pc()} @$stack;
+ $ENV{'form.filter'} = join(',', @mapPcs);
+ # Mark as both "here" and "jump"
+ $ENV{'form.postsymb'} = $curRes->symb();
+ }
+ }
+ } continue {
+ $curRes = $iterator->next();
+ }
+ # If we found no problems, print a note to that effect.
+ if (!$foundDoableProblem) {
+ $r->print("All homework assignments have been completed.
+ }
+ } else {
+ $r->print("" .
+ "Go To My First Homework Problem
# renderer call
@@ -267,7 +318,9 @@ sub getDescription {
my $part = shift;
my $status = $res->status($part);
- if ($status == $res->NETWORK_FAILURE) { return ""; }
+ if ($status == $res->NETWORK_FAILURE) {
+ return "Having technical difficulties; please check status later";
+ }
if ($status == $res->NOTHING_SET) {
return "Not currently assigned.";
@@ -313,6 +366,9 @@ sub getDescription {
return "No due date $triesString";
+ if ($status == $res->ANSWER_SUBMITTED) {
+ return 'Answer submitted';
+ }
# Convenience function, so others can use it: Is the problem due in less then
@@ -681,6 +737,14 @@ returns a true or false value. If true,
false, it is simply skipped in the display. By default, all resources
are shown.
+=item * B:
+If you're using a filter function, and displaying sequences to orient
+the user, then frequently some sequences will be empty. Setting this to
+true will cause those sequences not to display, so as not to confuse the
+user into thinking that if the sequence is there there should be things
+under it.
=item * B:
If true, will not display Navigate Content resources. Default to
@@ -1167,6 +1231,43 @@ sub render {
$args->{'indentString'} = setDefault($args->{'indentString'}, "
$args->{'displayedHereMarker'} = 0;
+ # If we're suppressing empty sequences, look for them here. Use DFS for speed,
+ # since structure actually doesn't matter, except what map has what resources.
+ if ($args->{'suppressEmptySequences'}) {
+ my $dfsit = Apache::lonnavmaps::DFSiterator->new($navmap,
+ {}, undef, 1);
+ $depth = 0;
+ $dfsit->next();
+ my $curRes = $dfsit->next();
+ while ($depth > -1) {
+ if ($curRes == $dfsit->BEGIN_MAP()) { $depth++; }
+ if ($curRes == $dfsit->END_MAP()) { $depth--; }
+ if (ref($curRes)) {
+ # Parallel pre-processing: Do sequences have non-filtered-out children?
+ if ($curRes->is_sequence()) {
+ $curRes->{DATA}->{HAS_VISIBLE_CHILDREN} = 0;
+ # Sequences themselves do not count as visible children,
+ # unless those sequences also have visible children.
+ # This means if a sequence appears, there's a "promise"
+ # that there's something under it if you open it, somewhere.
+ } else {
+ # Not a sequence: if it's filtered, ignore it, otherwise
+ # rise up the stack and mark the sequences as having children
+ if (&$filterFunc($curRes)) {
+ for my $sequence (@{$dfsit->getStack()}) {
+ $sequence->{DATA}->{HAS_VISIBLE_CHILDREN} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } continue {
+ $curRes = $dfsit->next();
+ }
+ }
my $displayedJumpMarker = 0;
# Set up iteration.
$depth = 1;
@@ -1210,6 +1311,12 @@ sub render {
+ # If this is an empty sequence and we're filtering them, continue on
+ if ($curRes->is_sequence() && $args->{'suppressEmptySequences'} &&
+ next;
+ }
# If we're suppressing navmaps and this is a navmap, continue on
if ($suppressNavmap && $curRes->src() =~ /^\/adm\/navmaps/) {
@@ -1468,15 +1575,13 @@ sub init {
unless ((time-$courserdatas{$cid.'.last_cache'})<240) {
my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::reply('dump:'.$cdom.':'.$cnum.
- if ($reply!~/^error\:/) {
+ # Check for network failure
+ if ( $reply =~ /no.such.host/i || $reply =~ /con_lost/i) {
+ $self->{NETWORK_FAILURE} = 1;
+ } elsif ($reply!~/^error\:/) {
- # check to see if network failed
- elsif ( $reply=~/no.such.host/i || $reply=~/con.*lost/i )
- {
- $self->{NETWORK_FAILURE} = 1;
- }
foreach (split(/\&/,$courserdatas{$cid})) {
my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$_);
@@ -2140,7 +2245,8 @@ sub new {
$curRes->{DATA}->{DISPLAY_DEPTH} = $finalDepth;
if ($finalDepth > $maxDepth) {$maxDepth = $finalDepth;}
- }
+ }
+ } continue {
$curRes = $iterator->next();
@@ -2517,6 +2623,31 @@ sub next {
return $self->{HERE};
+# Identical to the full iterator methods of the same name. Hate to copy/paste
+# but I also hate to "inherit" either iterator from the other.
+sub getStack {
+ my $self=shift;
+ my @stack;
+ $self->populateStack(\@stack);
+ return \@stack;
+# Private method: Calls the iterators recursively to populate the stack.
+sub populateStack {
+ my $self=shift;
+ my $stack = shift;
+ push @$stack, $self->{HERE} if ($self->{HERE});
+ $self->{RECURSIVE_ITERATOR}->populateStack($stack);
+ }
package Apache::lonnavmaps::resource;
@@ -2540,6 +2671,12 @@ You will probably never need to instanti
Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap, and use the "start" method to obtain the
starting resource.
+Resource objects respect the parameter_hiddenparts, which suppresses
+various parts according to the wishes of the map author. As of this
+writing, there is no way to override this parameter, and suppressed
+parts will never be returned, nor will their response types or ids be
=head2 Public Members
resource objects have a hash called DATA ($resourceRef->{DATA}) that
@@ -2749,7 +2886,10 @@ sub is_sequence {
sub parmval {
my $self = shift;
my $what = shift;
- my $part = shift || "0";
+ my $part = shift;
+ if (!defined($part)) {
+ $part = '0';
+ }
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->parmval($part.'.'.$what, $self->symb());
@@ -2923,6 +3063,10 @@ sub opendate {
return $self->parmval("opendate");
+sub problemstatus {
+ (my $self, my $part) = @_;
+ return $self->parmval("problemstatus", $part);
sub sig {
(my $self, my $part) = @_;
return $self->parmval("sig", $part);
@@ -3036,6 +3180,15 @@ number of parts in the problem, not incl
B may return an array with fewer parts in it then countParts
might lead you to believe.
+=item * B($part):
+Returns the response type of the part, without the word "response" on the
+end. Example return values: 'string', 'essay', 'numeric', etc.
+=item * B($part):
+Retreives the response ID for the given part, which may be an empty string.
@@ -3065,7 +3218,24 @@ sub countParts {
return scalar(@{$parts}) + $delta;
-# Private function: Extracts the parts information and saves it
+sub responseType {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $part = shift;
+ $self->extractParts();
+ return $self->{RESPONSE_TYPE}->{$part};
+sub responseId {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $part = shift;
+ $self->extractParts();
+ return $self->{RESPONSE_IDS}->{$part};
+# Private function: Extracts the parts information, both part names and
+# part types, and saves it.
sub extractParts {
my $self = shift;
@@ -3074,27 +3244,76 @@ sub extractParts {
$self->{PARTS} = [];
+ my %parts;
# Retrieve part count, if this is a problem
if ($self->is_problem()) {
my $metadata = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($self->src(), 'packages');
if (!$metadata) {
$self->{RESOURCE_ERROR} = 1;
$self->{PARTS} = [];
+ $self->{PART_TYPE} = {};
foreach (split(/\,/,$metadata)) {
if ($_ =~ /^part_(.*)$/) {
my $part = $1;
+ # This floods the logs if it blows up
+ if (defined($parts{$part})) {
+ Apache::lonnet::logthis("$part multiply defined in metadata for " . $self->symb());
+ }
# check to see if part is turned off.
- if (! Apache::loncommon::check_if_partid_hidden($part, $self->symb())) {
- push @{$self->{PARTS}}, $1;
+ if (!Apache::loncommon::check_if_partid_hidden($part, $self->symb())) {
+ $parts{$part} = 1;
- my @sortedParts = sort @{$self->{PARTS}};
+ my @sortedParts = sort keys %parts;
$self->{PARTS} = \@sortedParts;
+ my %responseIdHash;
+ my %responseTypeHash;
+ # Init the responseIdHash
+ foreach (@{$self->{PARTS}}) {
+ $responseIdHash{$_} = [];
+ }
+ # Now, the unfortunate thing about this is that parts, part name, and
+ # response if are delimited by underscores, but both the part
+ # name and response id can themselves have underscores in them.
+ # So we have to use our knowlege of part names to figure out
+ # where the part names begin and end, and even then, it is possible
+ # to construct ambiguous situations.
+ foreach (split /,/, $metadata) {
+ if ($_ =~ /^([a-zA-Z]+)response_(.*)/) {
+ my $responseType = $1;
+ my $partStuff = $2;
+ my $partIdSoFar = '';
+ my @partChunks = split /_/, $partStuff;
+ my $i = 0;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < scalar(@partChunks); $i++) {
+ if ($partIdSoFar) { $partIdSoFar .= '_'; }
+ $partIdSoFar .= $partChunks[$i];
+ if ($parts{$partIdSoFar}) {
+ my @otherChunks = @partChunks[$i+1..$#partChunks];
+ my $responseId = join('_', @otherChunks);
+ push @{$responseIdHash{$partIdSoFar}}, $responseId;
+ $responseTypeHash{$partIdSoFar} = $responseType;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{RESPONSE_IDS} = \%responseIdHash;
+ $self->{RESPONSE_TYPES} = \%responseTypeHash;
@@ -3298,7 +3517,7 @@ sub queryRestoreHash {
my $self = shift;
my $hashentry = shift;
my $part = shift;
- $part = "0" if (!defined($part));
+ $part = "0" if (!defined($part) || $part eq '');
return $self->NETWORK_FAILURE if ($self->{NAV_MAP}->{NETWORK_FAILURE});
@@ -3316,7 +3535,10 @@ combine the two status tidbits into one
represent the status of the resource as a whole. The precise logic is
documented in the comments of the status method. The following results
may be returned, all available as methods on the resource object
+($res->NETWORK_FAILURE): In addition to the return values that match
+the date or completion status, this function can return "ANSWER_SUBMITTED"
+if that problemstatus parameter value is set to No, suppressing the
+incorrect/correct feedback.
=over 4
@@ -3375,11 +3597,16 @@ The item is open and not yet tried.
The problem has been attempted.
+=item * B:
+An answer has been submitted, but the student should not see it.
-sub TRIES_LEFT { return 10; }
+sub TRIES_LEFT { return 20; }
+sub ANSWER_SUBMITTED { return 21; }
sub status {
my $self = shift;
@@ -3394,10 +3621,12 @@ sub status {
if ($completionStatus == NETWORK_FAILURE) { return NETWORK_FAILURE; }
+ my $suppressFeedback = lc($self->parmval("problemstatus", $part)) eq 'no';
# There are a few whole rows we can dispose of:
if ($completionStatus == CORRECT ||
$completionStatus == CORRECT_BY_OVERRIDE ) {
- return CORRECT;
+ return $suppressFeedback? ANSWER_SUBMITTED : CORRECT;
if ($completionStatus == ATTEMPTED) {
@@ -3438,7 +3667,7 @@ sub status {
if ($self->tries($part) < $self->maxtries($part) || !$self->maxtries($part)) {
return TRIES_LEFT;
- return INCORRECT; # otherwise, return orange; student can't fix this
+ return $suppressFeedback ? ANSWER_SUBMITTED : INCORRECT; # otherwise, return orange; student can't fix this
# Otherwise, it's untried and open