--- loncom/interface/lonnavmaps.pm 2002/10/01 19:39:11 1.60
+++ loncom/interface/lonnavmaps.pm 2002/10/08 20:39:43 1.71
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# Navigate Maps Handler
-# $Id: lonnavmaps.pm,v 1.60 2002/10/01 19:39:11 bowersj2 Exp $
+# $Id: lonnavmaps.pm,v 1.71 2002/10/08 20:39:43 www Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -819,9 +819,6 @@ sub new_handle {
- # Header
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Navigate Course Map','',
- ''));
# Initialize the nav map
my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new(
@@ -834,6 +831,28 @@ sub new_handle {
+ # Header
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Navigate Course Map','',
+ ''));
+ $r->print('');
+ my $desc=$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.description'};
+ if (defined($desc)) { $r->print("
\n"); }
+ my $date=localtime;
+ $r->print("$date
+ $r->rflush();
+ if ($navmap->{LAST_CHECK}) {
+ $r->print('
New discussion since '.
+ timeToHumanString($navmap->{LAST_CHECK}).
+ '
New message (click to open)');
+ } else {
+ $r->print('
+ '
New message (click to open)
+ }
+ #if (($currenturl=~/^\/res/) &&
+ # ($currenturl!~/^\/res\/adm/)) {
+ # $r->print('Current Location
+ #}
# Check that it's defined
if (!($navmap->courseMapDefined())) {
$r->print('Coursemap undefined.' .
@@ -863,23 +882,28 @@ sub new_handle {
my $hurryUpColor = "#FFCCCC";
my %statusIconMap =
- ( $res->NETWORK_FAILURE => '',
- $res->NOTHING_SET => '',
- $res->CORRECT => 'navmap.correct.gif',
- $res->EXCUSED => 'navmap.correct.gif',
- $res->PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER => 'navmap.wrong.gif',
- $res->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER => 'navmap.wrong.gif',
- $res->ANSWER_OPEN => 'navmap.wrong.gif',
- $res->OPEN_LATER => '',
- $res->TRIES_LEFT => 'navmap.open.gif',
- $res->INCORRECT => 'navmap.wrong.gif',
- $res->OPEN => 'navmap.open.gif' );
+ ( $res->NETWORK_FAILURE => '',
+ $res->NOTHING_SET => '',
+ $res->CORRECT => 'navmap.correct.gif',
+ $res->EXCUSED => 'navmap.correct.gif',
+ $res->PAST_DUE_NO_ANSWER => 'navmap.wrong.gif',
+ $res->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER => 'navmap.wrong.gif',
+ $res->ANSWER_OPEN => 'navmap.wrong.gif',
+ $res->OPEN_LATER => '',
+ $res->TRIES_LEFT => 'navmap.open.gif',
+ $res->INCORRECT => 'navmap.wrong.gif',
+ $res->OPEN => 'navmap.open.gif',
+ $res->ATTEMPTED => '' );
+ my %iconAltTags =
+ ( 'navmap.correct.gif' => 'Correct',
+ 'navmap.wrong.gif' => 'Incorrect',
+ 'navmap.open.gif' => 'Open' );
my %condenseStatuses =
- ( $res->NETWORK_FAILURE => 1,
- $res->NOTHING_SET => 1,
- $res->CORRECT => 1,
- $res->OPEN => 1 );
+ ( $res->NETWORK_FAILURE => 1,
+ $res->NOTHING_SET => 1,
+ $res->CORRECT => 1 );
my %filterHash;
# Figure out what we're not displaying
@@ -889,21 +913,33 @@ sub new_handle {
+ my $currenturl = $ENV{'form.postdata'};
+ $currenturl=~s/^http\:\/\///;
+ $currenturl=~s/^[^\/]+//;
+ my $queryAdd = "postdata=" . &Apache::lonnet::escape($currenturl);
+ $r->print('Show All Resources
# Begin the HTML table
# four cols: resource + indent, chat+feedback, icon, text string
' ."\n");
- my $mapIterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, \%filterHash);
+ my $condition = 0;
+ if ($ENV{'form.condition'}) {
+ $condition = 1;
+ }
+ my $mapIterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, \%filterHash, $condition);
my $curRes = $mapIterator->next();
undef $res; # so we don't accidentally use it later
my $indentLevel = -1;
- my $indentString = "
+ my $indentString = "
my $isNewBranch = 0;
my $now = time();
my $in24Hours = $now + 24 * 60 * 60;
- while ($curRes != $mapIterator->END_NAV_MAP) {
+ while ($curRes != $mapIterator->END_MAP()) {
if ($curRes == $mapIterator->BEGIN_MAP() ||
$curRes == $mapIterator->BEGIN_BRANCH()) {
@@ -916,51 +952,74 @@ sub new_handle {
$isNewBranch = 1;
+ # Is this resource being blotted out?
+ if (ref($curRes) && !advancedUser() && $curRes->randomout()) {
+ $curRes = $mapIterator->next();
+ next; # and totally ignore this resource
+ }
if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->src()) {
- # Step one: Decide which parts to show
- my @parts;
+ # Step one: Decide which parts to show
+ my @parts = @{$curRes->parts()};
+ my $multipart = scalar(@parts) > 1;
+ my $condensed = 0;
if ($curRes->is_problem()) {
- # Is it multipart?
- @parts = @{$curRes->parts()};
+ # Is it multipart?
- my $multipart = scalar(@parts) > 1;
- if ($multipart) {
- # If it's multipart, see if part 0 is "open"
- # if it is, display all parts, if it isn't,
- # just display first
- if (!$curRes->opendate("0")) {
- @parts = ("0"); # just display the zero-th part
- } else {
- # Otherwise, only display part 0 if we want to
- # attach feedback or email information to it
- if (!$curRes->hasDiscussion() && !$curRes->getFeedback()) {
- shift @parts;
- } else {
- # If there's discussion or feedback, that counts
- # as a difference, so display the parts.
- # Now, we decide whether to condense the
- # parts due to similarity
- my $status = $curRes->status($parts[0]);
- my $allSame = 1;
- for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@parts); $i++) {
- if ($curRes->status($parts[$i]) != $status){
- $allSame = 0;
- }
- }
- # $allSame is true if all the statuses were
- # the same. Now, if they are all the same and
- # match one of the statuses to condense, then
- # only display part 0.
- if ($allSame && defined($condenseStatuses{$status})){
- @parts = ("0");
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ if ($multipart) {
+ # If it's multipart, see if part 0 is "open"
+ # if it is, display all parts, if it isn't,
+ # just display first
+ if (!$curRes->opendate("0")) {
+ @parts = ("0"); # just display the zero-th part
+ $condensed = 1;
+ } else {
+ # Otherwise, only display part 0 if we want to
+ # attach feedback or email information to it
+ if ($curRes->hasDiscussion() || $curRes->getFeedback()) {
+ shift @parts;
+ } else {
+ # If there's discussion or feedback, that counts
+ # as a difference, so display the parts.
+ # Now, we decide whether to condense the
+ # parts due to similarity
+ my $status = $curRes->status($parts[1]);
+ my $due = $curRes->duedate($parts[1]);
+ my $open = $curRes->opendate($parts[1]);
+ my $statusAllSame = 1;
+ my $dueAllSame = 1;
+ my $openAllSame = 1;
+ for (my $i = 2; $i < scalar(@parts); $i++) {
+ if ($curRes->status($parts[$i]) != $status){
+ $statusAllSame = 0;
+ }
+ if ($curRes->duedate($parts[$i]) != $due ) {
+ $dueAllSame = 0;
+ }
+ if ($curRes->opendate($parts[$i]) != $open) {
+ $openAllSame = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ # $allSame is true if all the statuses were
+ # the same. Now, if they are all the same and
+ # match one of the statuses to condense, or they
+ # are all open with the same due date, or they are
+ # all OPEN_LATER with the same open date, display the
+ # status of the first non-zero part (to get the 'correct'
+ # status right, since 0 is never 'correct' or 'open').
+ if (($statusAllSame && defined($condenseStatuses{$status})) ||
+ ($dueAllSame && $status == $curRes->OPEN && $statusAllSame)||
+ ($openAllSame && $status == $curRes->OPEN_LATER && $statusAllSame) ){
+ @parts = ($parts[1]);
+ $condensed = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
} else {
@parts[0] = "0"; # this is to get past foreach loop below
@@ -968,10 +1027,18 @@ sub new_handle {
# with only one part without loss
- # Step two: Show the parts
+ # Display one part, in event of network error.
+ # If this is a single part, we can at least show the correct
+ # status, but if it's multipart, we're lost.
+ if ($curRes->{RESOURCE_ERROR}) {
+ @parts = ("0");
+ }
+ # Step two: Show the parts
foreach my $part (@parts) {
- my $deltalevel = 0; # for inserting the branch icon
+ my $deltalevel = 0; # for inserting the branch icon
+ my $nonLinkedText = ""; # unlinked stuff after title
# For each thing we're displaying...
@@ -992,16 +1059,20 @@ sub new_handle {
if ($isNewBranch) {
$newBranchText = "
$isNewBranch = 0;
- $deltalevel = 1;
+ $deltalevel = 1;
# links to open and close the folders
my $linkopen = "";
my $linkclose = "";
- my $icon = "html.gif";
+ my $icon = "
if ($curRes->is_problem()) {
- $icon = "problem.gif";
+ if ($part eq "0" || $condensed) {
+ $icon = '
+ } else {
+ $icon = $indentString;
+ }
# Display the correct icon, link to open or shut map
@@ -1009,14 +1080,15 @@ sub new_handle {
my $mapId = $curRes->map_pc();
my $nowOpen = !defined($filterHash{$mapId});
$icon = $nowOpen ?
- "folder_opened.gif" : "folder_closed.gif";
+ "folder_closed.gif" : "folder_opened.gif";
+ $icon = "
$linkopen = "";
+ $linkopen .= "&condition=$condition&$queryAdd\">";
$linkclose = "";
my $colorizer = "";
@@ -1028,65 +1100,90 @@ sub new_handle {
- # FIRST ROW: The resource indentation, branch icon, and name
- $r->print(" \n");
+ if ($curRes->randomout()) {
+ $nonLinkedText .= ' (hidden) ';
+ }
+ # FIRST COL: The resource indentation, branch icon, and name
+ $r->print(" |
# print indentation
for (my $i = 0; $i < $indentLevel - $deltalevel; $i++) {
- $r->print(" ${newBranchText}${linkopen} ${linkclose}\n");
+ $r->print(" ${newBranchText}${linkopen}$icon${linkclose}\n");
+ if ($curRes->is_problem() && $part ne "0" && !$condensed) {
+ $partLabel = " (Part $part)";
+ $title = "";
+ }
+ if ($multipart && $condensed) {
+ $nonLinkedText .= ' (' . $curRes->countParts() . ' parts)';
+ }
+ $r->print(" $title$partLabel $nonLinkedText");
+ if ($curRes->{RESOURCE_ERROR}) {
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic ("Navmap_Host_Down",
+ 'Host down'));
+ }
- if ($curRes->is_problem() && $part != "0") { $partLabel = " (Part $part)"; }
+ my $discussionHTML = ""; my $feedbackHTML = "";
- $r->print(" $title$partLabel | ");
+ # SECOND COL: Is there text or feedback?
+ if ($curRes->hasDiscussion()) {
+ $discussionHTML = $linkopen .
+ '
' .
+ $linkclose;
+ }
+ if ($curRes->getFeedback()) {
+ my $feedback = $curRes->getFeedback();
+ foreach (split(/\,/, $feedback)) {
+ if ($_) {
+ $feedbackHTML .= ' '
+ . '
+ }
+ }
+ }
- my $discussionHTML = ""; my $feedbackHTML = "";
+ $r->print("$discussionHTML$feedbackHTML | ");
- # SECOND ROW: Is there text or feedback?
- if ($curRes->hasDiscussion()) {
- $discussionHTML = $linkopen .
- '
' .
- $linkclose;
- }
- if ($curRes->getFeedback()) {
- my $feedback = $curRes->getFeedback();
- foreach (split(/\,/, $feedback)) {
- if ($_) {
- $feedbackHTML .= ' '
- . '
- }
- }
- }
- $r->print("$discussionHTML$feedbackHTML | ");
- # THIRD ROW: Problem status icon
- if ($curRes->is_problem()) {
- my $icon = $statusIconMap{$curRes->status()};
- if ($icon) {
- $r->print("$linkopen $linkclose | \n");
- } else {
- $r->print(" | \n");
- }
- } else { # not problem, no icon
- $r->print(" | \n");
- }
+ # Is this the first displayed part of a multi-part problem
+ # that has not been condensed, so we should suppress these two
+ # columns?
+ my $firstDisplayed = !$condensed && $multipart && $part eq "0";
+ # THIRD COL: Problem status icon
+ if ($curRes->is_problem() &&
+ !$firstDisplayed) {
+ my $icon = $statusIconMap{$curRes->status($part)};
+ my $alt = $iconAltTags{$icon};
+ if ($icon) {
+ $r->print("$linkopen $linkclose | \n");
+ } else {
+ $r->print(" | \n");
+ }
+ } else { # not problem, no icon
+ $r->print(" | \n");
+ }
- # FOURTH ROW: Text description
- $r->print("\n");
+ # FOURTH COL: Text description
+ $r->print(" | \n");
- if ($curRes->kind() eq "res" and
- $curRes->is_problem() ) {
+ if ($curRes->kind() eq "res" &&
+ $curRes->is_problem() &&
+ !$firstDisplayed) {
$r->print (getDescription($curRes, $part));
+ if ($curRes->is_map() && advancedUser() && $curRes->randompick()) {
+ $r->print('(randomly select ' . $curRes->randompick() .')');
+ }
- $r->print(" |
+ $r->print("\n");
$curRes = $mapIterator->next();
@@ -1154,7 +1251,7 @@ sub getLinkForResource {
sub getDescription {
my $res = shift;
my $part = shift;
- my $status = $res->getDateStatus();
+ my $status = $res->status($part);
if ($status == $res->NETWORK_FAILURE) { return ""; }
if ($status == $res->NOTHING_SET) {
@@ -1164,11 +1261,11 @@ sub getDescription {
return "Opens: " . timeToHumanString($res->opendate($part));
if ($status == $res->OPEN) {
- if ($res->duedate()) {
- return "Due: $status " . timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part));
- } else {
- return "Open, no due date";
- }
+ if ($res->duedate()) {
+ return "Due: $status " . timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part));
+ } else {
+ return "Open, no due date";
+ }
if ($status == $res->PAST_DUE_ANSWER_LATER) {
return "Answer opens: " . timeToHumanString($res->answerdate($part));
@@ -1180,21 +1277,28 @@ sub getDescription {
return "Answer available";
if ($status == $res->EXCUSED) {
- return "Excused by instructor";
+ return "Excused by instructor";
+ }
+ if ($status == $res->ATTEMPTED) {
+ return "Not yet graded.";
if ($status == $res->TRIES_LEFT) {
- my $tries = $res->tries();
- my $maxtries = $res->maxtries();
- my $triesString = "($tries of $maxtries tries used)";
- if ($res->duedate()) {
- return "Due: $status " . timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part)) .
- " $triesString";
- } else {
- return "No due date $triesString";
- }
+ my $tries = $res->tries();
+ my $maxtries = $res->maxtries();
+ my $triesString = "($tries of $maxtries tries used)";
+ if ($res->duedate()) {
+ return "Due: $status " . timeToHumanString($res->duedate($part)) .
+ " $triesString";
+ } else {
+ return "No due date $triesString";
+ }
+sub advancedUser {
+ return $ENV{'user.adv'};
# I want to change this into something more human-friendly. For
# now, this is a simple call to localtime. The final function
# probably belongs in loncommon.
@@ -1202,9 +1306,9 @@ sub timeToHumanString {
my ($time) = @_;
# zero, '0' and blank are bad times
if ($time) {
- return localtime($time);
+ return localtime($time);
} else {
- return 'Never';
+ return 'Never';
@@ -1212,10 +1316,6 @@ sub timeToHumanString {
package Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap;
-# LEFT:
-# * Actual handler code (multi-part)
-# * Branches (aieee!) (and conditionals)
lonnavmaps provides functions and objects for dealing with the compiled course hashes generated when a user enters the course, and also provides the Apache handler for the "Navigation Map" button.
@@ -1232,7 +1332,7 @@ You must obtain resource objects through
=over 4
-=item * B(filename, parmHashFile, genCourseAndUserOptions, genMailDiscussStatus): Binds a new navmap object to the compiled course representation and parmHashFile. genCourseAndUserOptions is a flag saying whether the course options and user options hash should be generated. This is for when you are using the parameters of the resources that require them; see documentation in resource object documentation. genMailDiscussStatus causes the nav map to retreive information about the email and discussion status of resources. Returns the navmap object if this is successful, or B if not. You must check for undef; errors will occur when you try to use the other methods otherwise.
+=item * B(navHashFile, parmHashFile, genCourseAndUserOptions, genMailDiscussStatus): Binds a new navmap object to the compiled nav map hash and parm hash given as filenames. genCourseAndUserOptions is a flag saying whether the course options and user options hash should be generated. This is for when you are using the parameters of the resources that require them; see documentation in resource object documentation. genMailDiscussStatus causes the nav map to retreive information about the email and discussion status of resources. Returns the navmap object if this is successful, or B if not. You must check for undef; errors will occur when you try to use the other methods otherwise.
=item * B(first, finish, filter, condition): See iterator documentation below.
@@ -1272,7 +1372,7 @@ sub new {
if (!(tie(%parmhash, 'GDBM_File', $self->{PARM_HASH_FILE},
&GDBM_READER(), 0640)))
- untie $self->{PARM_HASH};
+ untie $self->{PARM_HASH};
return undef;
$self->{PARM_HASH} = \%parmhash;
@@ -1399,7 +1499,7 @@ sub courseMapDefined {
sub getIterator {
my $self = shift;
my $iterator = Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new($self, shift, shift,
- shift, shift);
+ shift, undef, shift);
return $iterator;
@@ -1425,7 +1525,7 @@ sub hasDiscussion {
if (!defined($self->{DISCUSSION_TIME})) { return 0; }
return $self->{DISCUSSION_TIME}->{$symb} >
- $self->{LAST_CHECK};
+ $self->{LAST_CHECK};
# Private function: Does the given resource (as a symb string) have
@@ -1608,25 +1708,32 @@ getIterator behaves as follows:
=over 4
-=item B(nav_map, firstResource, finishResource, filterHash): All parameters are optional. firstResource is a resource reference corresponding to where the iterator should start. It defaults to navmap->firstResource() for the corresponding nav map. finishResource corresponds to where you want the iterator to end, defaulting to navmap->finishResource(). It is your responsibility to ensure that the iterator will actually get there. filterHash is a hash used as a set containing strings representing the resource IDs, defaulting to empty. Condition is a 1 or 0 that sets what to do with the filter hash: If a 1, then only resource that exist IN the filterHash will be recursed on. If it is a 0, only resources NOT in the filterHash will be recursed on. Defaults to 0.
+=item B(firstResource, finishResource, filterHash, condition): All parameters are optional. firstResource is a resource reference corresponding to where the iterator should start. It defaults to navmap->firstResource() for the corresponding nav map. finishResource corresponds to where you want the iterator to end, defaulting to navmap->finishResource(). filterHash is a hash used as a set containing strings representing the resource IDs, defaulting to empty. Condition is a 1 or 0 that sets what to do with the filter hash: If a 0, then only resource that exist IN the filterHash will be recursed on. If it is a 1, only resources NOT in the filterHash will be recursed on. Defaults to 0, which is to say, do not recurse unless explicitly asked to.
-Thus, by default, all resources will be shown. Change the condition to a 1 without changing the hash, and only the top level of the map will be shown. Changing the condition to 1 and including some values in the hash will allow you to selectively examine parts of the navmap, while leaving it on 0 and adding things to the hash will allow you to selectively ignore parts of the nav map. See the handler code for examples.
+Thus, by default, all resources will be shown. Change the condition to a 1 without changing the hash, and only the top level of the map will be shown. Changing the condition to 1 and including some values in the hash will allow you to selectively examine parts of the navmap, while leaving it on 0 and adding things to the hash will allow you to selectively ignore parts of the nav map. See the handler code for examples: By default, the condition is 0 and all folders are closed unless explicitly opened. Clicking "Show All Resources" will use a condition of 1 and an empty filterHash, resulting in all resources being shown.
The iterator will return either a reference to a resource object, or a token representing something in the map, such as the beginning of a new branch. The possible tokens are:
=over 4
-=item * some list of tokens here
+=item * BEGIN_MAP: A new map is being recursed into. This is returned I the map resource itself is returned.
+=item * END_MAP: The map is now done.
+=item * BEGIN_BRANCH: A branch is now starting. The next resource returned will be the first in that branch.
+=item * END_BRANCH: The branch is now done.
-The tokens are retreivable via methods on the iterator object, i.e., $iterator->END_NAV_MAP. (Perl will automatically optimize these into constants.
+The tokens are retreivable via methods on the iterator object, i.e., $iterator->END_MAP.
# Here are the tokens for the iterator:
-sub END_NAV_MAP { return 0; } # Represents end of entire nav map
sub BEGIN_MAP { return 1; } # begining of a new map
sub END_MAP { return 2; } # end of the map
sub BEGIN_BRANCH { return 3; } # beginning of a branch
@@ -1660,6 +1767,7 @@ sub new {
# A hash, used as a set, of resource already seen
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN} = shift;
if (!defined($self->{ALREADY_SEEN})) { $self->{ALREADY_SEEN} = {} };
+ $self->{CONDITION} = shift;
# Flag: Have we started yet? If not, the first action is to return BEGIN_MAP.
$self->{STARTED} = 0;
@@ -1699,13 +1807,6 @@ sub next {
# Iterator logic goes here
- # Is this return value pre-determined?
- if (defined($self->{FORCE_NEXT})) {
- my $tmp = $self->{FORCE_NEXT};
- $self->{FORCE_NEXT} = undef;
- return $tmp;
- }
# Are we using a recursive iterator? If so, pull from that and
# watch the depth; we want to resume our level at the correct time.
@@ -1725,6 +1826,13 @@ sub next {
return $next;
+ # Is this return value pre-determined?
+ if (defined($self->{FORCE_NEXT})) {
+ my $tmp = $self->{FORCE_NEXT};
+ $self->{FORCE_NEXT} = undef;
+ return $tmp;
+ }
# Is there a current resource to grab? If not, then return
# END_BRANCH and END_MAP in succession.
if (scalar(@{$self->{BRANCH_STACK}}) == 0) {
@@ -1780,12 +1888,6 @@ sub next {
# remember that we've seen this.
$self->{ALREADY_SEEN}->{$self->{HERE}->{ID}} = 1;
- # Are we at the utter end? If so, return the END_NAV_MAP marker.
- if ($self->{HERE} == $self->{NAV_MAP}->finishResource() ) {
- $self->{FORCE_NEXT} = $self->END_NAV_MAP;
- return $self->{HERE};
- }
# Get the next possible resources
my $nextUnfiltered = $self->{HERE}->getNext();
my $next = [];
@@ -1813,7 +1915,6 @@ sub next {
$self->{FORCE_NEXT} = $self->END_BRANCH();
- return $self->{HERE};
while (@$next) {
@@ -1830,19 +1931,15 @@ sub next {
# If this is a map and we want to recurse down it... (not filtered out)
if ($self->{HERE}->is_map() &&
- !defined($self->{FILTER}->{$self->{HERE}->map_pc()})) {
+ (defined($self->{FILTER}->{$self->{HERE}->map_pc()}) xor $self->{CONDITION})) {
my $firstResource = $self->{HERE}->map_start();
my $finishResource = $self->{HERE}->map_finish();
- # Odd perl syntax here; $self->new allows one to create a new iterator
- # can't figure out how to ref this package directly correctly
- # isn't MAIN::new, __PACKAGE__::new or Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new
Apache::lonnavmaps::iterator->new ($self->{NAV_MAP}, $firstResource,
- $finishResource, $self->{FILTER}, $self->{ALREADY_SEEN});
- # prime the new iterator with the first resource
- #push @{$self->{RECURSIVE_ITERATOR}->{BRANCH_STACK}}, $firstResource;
+ $finishResource, $self->{FILTER}, $self->{ALREADY_SEEN},
+ $self->{CONDITION});
return $self->{HERE};
@@ -1900,7 +1997,9 @@ resource objects have a hash called DATA
=over 4
-=item * B($navmapRef, $idString): The first arg is a reference to the parent navmap object. The second is the idString of the resource itself.
+=item * B($navmapRef, $idString): The first arg is a reference to the parent navmap object. The second is the idString of the resource itself. Very rarely, if ever, called directly. Use the nav map->getByID() method.
@@ -1915,6 +2014,7 @@ sub new {
# Store this new resource in the parent nav map's cache.
$self->{NAV_MAP}->{RESOURCE_CACHE}->{$self->{ID}} = $self;
+ $self->{RESOURCE_ERROR} = 0;
# A hash that can be used by two-pass algorithms to store data
# about this resource in. Not used by the resource object
@@ -1926,20 +2026,6 @@ sub new {
return $self;
-=item * B: Returns true if this is a map, false otherwise.
-=item * B: Returns title.
-=item * B: Returns the type of the resource, "start", "normal", or "finish".
-=item * B: Returns true if the resource is a problem type, false otherwise. (Looks at the extension on the src field.)
# private function: simplify the NAV_HASH lookups we keep doing
# pass the name, and to automatically append my ID, pass a true val on the
# second param
@@ -1950,14 +2036,49 @@ sub navHash {
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->{NAV_HASH}->{$param . ($id?$self->{ID}:"")};
+These are methods that help you retrieve metadata about the resource:
+=over 4
+=item * B: Returns true if the resource is external.
+=item * B: Returns the "goesto" value from the compiled nav map. (It is likely you want to use B instead.)
+=item * B: Returns the kind of the resource from the compiled nav map.
+=item * B: Returns true if this resource was chosen to NOT be shown to the user by the random map selection feature.
+=item * B: Returns true for a map if the randompick feature is being used on the map. (?)
+=item * B: Returns the source for the resource.
+=item * B: Returns the symb for the resource.
+=item * B: Returns the title of the resource.
+=item * B: Returns the "to" value from the compiled nav map. (It is likely you want to use B instead.)
+=item * B: Returns the type of the resource, "start", "normal", or "finish".
# These info functions can be used directly, as they don't return
# resource information.
-sub title { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("title_", 1); }
-sub type { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("type_", 1); }
+sub ext { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("ext_", 1) eq 'true:'; }
sub goesto { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("goesto_", 1); }
-# "to" can return a comma seperated list for branches
-sub to { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("to_", 1); }
sub kind { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("kind_", 1); }
+sub randomout { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("randomout_", 1); }
+sub randompick {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{NAV_MAP}->{PARM_HASH}->{$self->symb .
+ '.0.parameter_randompick'};
sub src {
my $self=shift;
return $self->navHash("src_", 1);
@@ -1970,30 +2091,59 @@ sub symb {
. '___' . $second . '___' . $symbSrc;
-sub is_problem {
+sub title { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("title_", 1); }
+sub to { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("to_", 1); }
+sub type { my $self=shift; return $self->navHash("type_", 1); }
+These methods are shortcuts to deciding if a given resource has a given property.
+=over 4
+=item * B: Returns true if the resource is a map type.
+=item * B: Returns true if the resource is a problem type, false otherwise. (Looks at the extension on the src field; might need more to work correctly.)
+=item * B: Returns true if the resource is a page.
+=item * B: Returns true if the resource is a problem.
+=item * B: Returns true if the resource sequence.
+sub is_html {
my $self=shift;
my $src = $self->src();
- return ($src =~ /problem$/);
+ return ($src =~ /html$/);
-sub is_html {
+sub is_map { my $self=shift; return defined($self->navHash("is_map_", 1)); }
+sub is_page {
my $self=shift;
my $src = $self->src();
- return ($src =~ /html$/);
+ return ($src =~ /page$/);
-sub is_sequence {
+sub is_problem {
my $self=shift;
my $src = $self->src();
- return ($src =~ /sequence$/);
+ return ($src =~ /problem$/);
-sub is_page {
+sub is_sequence {
my $self=shift;
my $src = $self->src();
- return ($src =~ /page$/);
+ return ($src =~ /sequence$/);
# Move this into POD: In order to use these correctly, courseopt
# and useropt need to be generated
sub parmval {
@@ -2003,14 +2153,26 @@ sub parmval {
return $self->{NAV_MAP}->parmval($part.'.'.$what, $self->symb());
-# Map Queries
-# These methods relate to whether or not the resource is a map, and the
-# attributes of that map.