version 1.117, 2008/03/24 04:56:22
version, 2009/08/13 17:55:44
Line 108 sub wysiwygchanger {
Line 108 sub wysiwygchanger {
} |
} |
my $switchoff=&mt('Disable WYSIWYG editor'); |
my $switchoff=&mt('Disable WYSIWYG editor'); |
my $switchon=&mt('Enable WYSIWYG editor'); |
my $switchon=&mt('Enable WYSIWYG editor'); |
my $warning=''; |
if ($env{'user.adv'}) { |
$warning.="<p>".&mt("The WYSIWYG editor only supports simple HTML and is in many cases unsuited for advanced authoring. In a number of cases, it may destroy advanced authoring involving LaTeX and script function calls.")."</p>"; |
} |
$r->print(<<ENDLSCREEN); |
$r->print(<<ENDLSCREEN); |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="set_wysiwyg" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="set_wysiwyg" /> |
$warning |
<br /> |
<br /> |
<label><input type="radio" name="wysiwyg" value="off" $onselect /> $switchoff</label><br /> |
<label><input type="radio" name="wysiwyg" value="off" $onselect /> $switchoff</label><br /> |
<label><input type="radio" name="wysiwyg" value="on" $offselect /> $switchon</label> |
<label><input type="radio" name="wysiwyg" value="on" $offselect /> $switchon</label> |
$r->print('<br /><input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Change').'" />'); |
$r->print('<br /><input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Save').'" />'); |
} |
} |
Line 124 sub verify_and_change_wysiwyg {
Line 129 sub verify_and_change_wysiwyg {
my $newsetting=$env{'form.wysiwyg'}; |
my $newsetting=$env{'form.wysiwyg'}; |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'wysiwygeditor' => $newsetting}); |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'wysiwygeditor' => $newsetting}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.wysiwygeditor' => $newsetting}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.wysiwygeditor' => $newsetting}); |
$r->print('<p>'.&mt('Setting WYSIWYG editor to:').' '.&mt($newsetting).'</p>'); |
my $message=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Set [_1] to [_2]','<i>'.&mt('WYSIWYG Editor').'</i>','<tt>'.&mt($newsetting).'</tt>')); |
$message=&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message); |
$r->print(<<ENDVCSCREEN); |
$message |
} |
} |
################################################################ |
################################################################ |
Line 153 sub languagechanger {
Line 162 sub languagechanger {
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_languages" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_languages" /> |
<br />$pref: $selectionbox |
<br />$pref: $selectionbox |
$r->print('<br /><input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Change').'" />'); |
$r->print('<br /><input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Save').'" />'); |
} |
} |
Line 168 sub verify_and_change_languages {
Line 177 sub verify_and_change_languages {
if ($newlanguage) { |
if ($newlanguage) { |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'languages' => $newlanguage}); |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'languages' => $newlanguage}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.languages' => $newlanguage}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.languages' => $newlanguage}); |
$message=&mt('Set new preferred languages to ').'<tt>"'.$newlanguage.'"</tt>.'; |
$message=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Set [_1] to [_2]','<i>'.&mt('Preferred language').'</i>','<tt>"'.$newlanguage.'"</tt>.')); |
} else { |
} else { |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['languages']); |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['languages']); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment\.languages'); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment.languages'); |
$message=&mt('Reset preferred language.'); |
$message=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Reset [_1]','<i>'.&mt('Preferred language').'</i>')); |
} |
} |
$message=&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message); |
&Apache::loncommon::flush_langs_cache($user,$domain); |
$r->print(<<ENDVCSCREEN); |
$r->print(<<ENDVCSCREEN); |
$message |
$message |
Line 189 sub texenginechanger {
Line 200 sub texenginechanger {
my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',['texengine']); |
my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',['texengine']); |
my $texengine=$userenv{'texengine'}; |
my $texengine=$userenv{'texengine'}; |
my $pref=&mt('Preferred method to display Math'); |
my %mathchoices=('' => 'Default', |
my %mathchoices=('' => 'Default', |
'tth' => 'TeX to HTML', |
'tth' => 'tth (TeX to HTML)', |
#'ttm' => 'TeX to MathML', |
#'ttm' => 'TeX to MathML', |
'jsMath' => 'jsMath', |
'jsMath' => 'jsMath', |
'mimetex' => 'Convert to Images' |
'mimetex' => 'mimetex (Convert to Images)', |
'raw' => 'Raw (Screen Reader)' |
); |
); |
my $selectionbox=&Apache::loncommon::select_form($texengine,'texengine', |
my $selectionbox=&Apache::loncommon::select_form($texengine,'texengine', |
%mathchoices); |
%mathchoices); |
my $jsMath_start=&Apache::lontexconvert::jsMath_header(); |
my $jsMath_start=&Apache::lontexconvert::jsMath_header(); |
my $change=&mt('Change'); |
my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash( |
$r->print(<<ENDLSCREEN); |
'headline' => 'Change Math Preferences', |
<br /> |
'preftxt' => 'Preferred method to display Math', |
'change' => 'Save', |
'exmpl' => 'Examples', |
'jsmath' => 'jsMath:', |
'tth' => 'tth (TeX to HTML):', |
'mimetex' => 'mimetex (Convert to Images):', |
); |
my $jsMathWarning='<p>' |
.'<div class="LC_warning">' |
.&mt("It looks like you don't have the TeX math fonts installed.") |
.'</div>' |
.'<div>' |
.&mt('The jsMath example on this page may not look right without them. ' |
.'The [_1]jsMath Home Page[_2] has information on how to download the ' |
.'needed fonts. In the meantime, jsMath will do the best it can ' |
.'with the fonts you have, but it may not be pretty and some equations ' |
.'may not be rendered correctly.' |
,'<a href="" target="_blank">' |
,'</a>') |
.'</div>' |
.'</p>'; |
$r->print(<<ENDLSCREEN); |
<h2>$lt{'headline'}</h2> |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_texengine" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_texengine" /> |
<p>$pref: $selectionbox</p> |
<p> |
<p><input type="submit" value="$change" /></p> |
$lt{'preftxt'}: $selectionbox |
</form> |
<br /> |
Examples: |
<input type="submit" value="$lt{'change'}" /> |
<p> TeX to HTML <br /> |
<iframe src="/res/adm/pages/math_example.tex?inhibitmenu=yes&texengine=tth" width="400" hieght="200"></iframe> |
</p> |
</p> |
<p>jsMath <br /> |
</form> |
<br /> |
<hr /> |
$lt{'exmpl'} |
<h3>$lt{'jsmath'}</h3> |
<p> |
$jsMath_start |
$jsMath_start |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
if (jsMath.nofonts == 1) { |
if (jsMath.nofonts == 1) { |
document.writeln |
document.writeln($jsMathWarning); |
('<center><div style="padding: 10; border-style: solid; border-width:3;' |
+' border-color: #DD0000; background-color: #FFF8F8; width: 75%; text-align: left">' |
+'<small><font color="#AA0000"><b>Warning:</b> ' |
+'It looks like you don\\\'t have the TeX math fonts installed. ' |
+'The jsMath example on this page may not look right without them. ' |
+'The <a href="" target="_blank"> ' |
+'jsMath Home Page</a> has information on how to download the ' |
+'needed fonts. In the meantime, jsMath will do the best it can ' |
+'with the fonts you have, but it may not be pretty and some equations ' |
+'may not be rendered correctly. ' |
+'</font></small></div></center>'); |
} |
} |
</script> |
</script> |
<iframe src="/res/adm/pages/math_example.tex?inhibitmenu=yes&texengine=jsMath" width="400" hieght="200"></iframe> |
<iframe src="/res/adm/pages/math_example.tex?inhibitmenu=yes&texengine=jsMath" width="400" height="120"></iframe> |
</p> |
<h3>$lt{'mimetex'}</h3> |
<p> |
<iframe src="/res/adm/pages/math_example.tex?inhibitmenu=yes&texengine=mimetex" width="400" height="100"></iframe> |
</p> |
</p> |
<p> Convert to Images <br /> |
<br /> |
<h3>$lt{'tth'}</h3> |
<iframe src="/res/adm/pages/math_example.tex?inhibitmenu=yes&texengine=mimetex" width="400" hieght="200"></iframe> |
<p> |
<iframe src="/res/adm/pages/math_example.tex?inhibitmenu=yes&texengine=tth" width="400" height="200"></iframe> |
</p> |
</p> |
if ($env{'environment.texengine'} ne 'jsMath') { |
if ($env{'environment.texengine'} ne 'jsMath') { |
Line 262 sub verify_and_change_texengine {
Line 294 sub verify_and_change_texengine {
if ($newtexengine) { |
if ($newtexengine) { |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'texengine' => $newtexengine}); |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'texengine' => $newtexengine}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.texengine' => $newtexengine}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.texengine' => $newtexengine}); |
$message=&mt('Set new preferred math display to ').'<tt>"'.$newtexengine.'"</tt>.'; |
$message=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Set [_1] to [_2]','<i>'.&mt('Preferred method to display Math').'</i>','<tt>"'.$newtexengine.'"</tt>')); |
} else { |
} else { |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['texengine']); |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['texengine']); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment\.texengine'); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment.texengine'); |
$message=&mt('Reset preferred math display.'); |
$message=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Reset [_1]','<i>'.&mt('Preferred method to display Math').'</i>')); |
} |
} |
$message=&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message); |
$r->print(<<ENDVCSCREEN); |
$r->print(<<ENDVCSCREEN); |
$message |
$message |
Line 290 sub rolesprefchanger {
Line 321 sub rolesprefchanger {
my $hotlist_n=$userenv{'recentrolesn'}; |
my $hotlist_n=$userenv{'recentrolesn'}; |
my $checked; |
my $checked; |
if ($hotlist_flag) { |
if ($hotlist_flag) { |
$checked = 'checked="checked"'; |
$checked = ' checked="checked"'; |
} |
} |
if (!$hotlist_n) { $hotlist_n=3; } |
if (!$hotlist_n) { $hotlist_n=3; } |
Line 325 sub rolesprefchanger {
Line 356 sub rolesprefchanger {
my $checked = ""; |
my $checked = ""; |
my $value = $recent_roles{$role_key}; |
my $value = $recent_roles{$role_key}; |
if ($frozen_roles{$role_key}) { |
if ($frozen_roles{$role_key}) { |
$checked = "checked=\"checked\""; |
$checked = ' checked="checked"'; |
} |
} |
$count++; |
$count++; |
$roles_check_list .= |
$roles_check_list .= |
&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row(). |
&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row(). |
'<td class="LC_table_cell_checkbox">'. |
'<td class="LC_table_cell_checkbox">'. |
"<input type=\"checkbox\" $checked name=\"freezeroles\"". |
"<input type=\"checkbox\"$checked name=\"freezeroles\"". |
" id=\"freezeroles$count\" value=\"$role_key\" /></td>". |
" id=\"freezeroles$count\" value=\"$role_key\" /></td>". |
"<td><label for=\"freezeroles$count\">". |
"<td><label for=\"freezeroles$count\">". |
"$role_text{$role_key}</label></td>". |
"$role_text{$role_key}</label></td>". |
Line 343 sub rolesprefchanger {
Line 374 sub rolesprefchanger {
$r->print(' |
$r->print(' |
<p>'.&mt('Some LON-CAPA users have a long list of '.$lc_role.'s. The Recent '.$role.'s Hotlist feature keeps track of the last N '.$lc_role.'s which have been visited and places a table of these at the top of the '.$lc_role.'s page. People with very few '.$lc_role.'s should leave this feature disabled.').' |
<p>'.&mt('Some LON-CAPA users have a long list of '.$lc_role.'s. The Recent '.$role.'s Hotlist feature keeps track of the last N '.$lc_role.'s which have been visited and places a table of these at the top of the '.$lc_role.'s page. People with very few '.$lc_role.'s should leave this feature disabled.').' |
</p> |
</p> |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="POST"> |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_rolespref" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_rolespref" /> |
<br /><label>'.&mt('Enable Recent '.$role.'s Hotlist:').' |
<br /><label>'.&mt('Enable Recent '.$role.'s Hotlist:').' |
<input type="checkbox" '.$checked.' name="recentroles" value="true" /></label> |
<input type="checkbox"'.$checked.' name="recentroles" value="true" /></label> |
<br />'.&mt('Number of '.$role.'s in Hotlist:').' |
<br />'.&mt('Number of '.$role.'s in Hotlist:').' |
<select name="recentrolesn" size="1"> |
<select name="recentrolesn" size="1"> |
'.$options.' |
'.$options.' |
Line 355 sub rolesprefchanger {
Line 386 sub rolesprefchanger {
</p> |
</p> |
'.$roles_check_list.' |
'.$roles_check_list.' |
<br /> |
<br /> |
<input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Change').'" /> |
<input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Save').'" /> |
</form>'); |
</form>'); |
} |
} |
Line 404 sub verify_and_change_rolespref {
Line 435 sub verify_and_change_rolespref {
$message=&mt('Recent '.$role.'s Hotlist is Enabled'); |
$message=&mt('Recent '.$role.'s Hotlist is Enabled'); |
} else { |
} else { |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['recentroles']); |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['recentroles']); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment\.recentroles'); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment.recentroles'); |
$message=&mt('Recent '.$role.'s Hotlist is Disabled'); |
$message=&mt('Recent '.$role.'s Hotlist is Disabled'); |
} |
} |
if ($hotlist_n) { |
if ($hotlist_n) { |
Line 434 sub verify_and_change_rolespref {
Line 465 sub verify_and_change_rolespref {
# Unset any roles that were previously frozen but aren't in list |
# Unset any roles that were previously frozen but aren't in list |
foreach my $role_key (sort(keys(%recent_roles))) { |
foreach my $role_key (sort(keys(%recent_roles))) { |
if (($frozen_roles{$role_key}) && (!exists($freeze{$role_key}))) { |
if (($frozen_roles{$role_key}) && (!exists($freeze{$role_key}))) { |
$message .= "<br />".&mt('Unfreezing '.$role.': [_1]',$role_text{$role_key})."\n"; |
$message .= "<br />".&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Unfreezing '.$role.': [_1]','<i>'.$role_text{$role_key}.'</i>')); |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::store_recent('roles',$role_key,' ',0); |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::store_recent('roles',$role_key,' ',0); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Line 442 sub verify_and_change_rolespref {
Line 473 sub verify_and_change_rolespref {
# Freeze selected roles |
# Freeze selected roles |
foreach my $role_key (@freeze_list) { |
foreach my $role_key (@freeze_list) { |
if (!$frozen_roles{$role_key}) { |
if (!$frozen_roles{$role_key}) { |
$message .= "<br />".&mt('Freezing '.$role.': [_1]',$role_text{$role_key})."\n"; |
$message .= "<br />". |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Freezing '.$role.': [_1]','<i>'.$role_text{$role_key}.'</i>')); |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::store_recent('roles', |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::store_recent('roles', |
$role_key,' ',1); |
$role_key,' ',1); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$message .= "<hr /><br />\n"; |
$message=&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message); |
$r->print(<<ENDRPSCREEN); |
$r->print(<<ENDRPSCREEN); |
$message |
$message |
Line 467 sub screennamechanger {
Line 498 sub screennamechanger {
('environment',['screenname','nickname']); |
('environment',['screenname','nickname']); |
my $screenname=$userenv{'screenname'}; |
my $screenname=$userenv{'screenname'}; |
my $nickname=$userenv{'nickname'}; |
my $nickname=$userenv{'nickname'}; |
my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash( |
$r->print('<p>' |
text_screenname => 'New screenname (shown if you post anonymously):', |
.&mt('Change the name that is displayed in your posts.') |
text_nickname => 'New nickname (shown if you post non-anonymously):', |
.'</p>' |
text_submit => 'Change', |
); |
); |
$r->print('<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post">' |
$r->print(<<ENDSCREEN); |
.'<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_screenname" />' |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::start_pick_box() |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_screenname" /> |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('New screenname (shown if you post anonymously)')) |
<br />$lt{'text_screenname'} |
.'<input type="text" size="20" value="'.$screenname.'" name="screenname" />' |
<input type="text" size="20" value="$screenname" name="screenname" /> |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure() |
<br />$lt{'text_nickname'} |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('New nickname (shown if you post non-anonymously)')) |
<input type="text" size="20" value="$nickname" name="nickname" /> |
.'<input type="text" size="20" value="'.$nickname.'" name="nickname" />' |
<br /> |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure() |
<input type="submit" value="$lt{'text_submit'}" /> |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title() |
</form> |
.'<input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Save').'" />' |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1) |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_pick_box() |
.'</form>' |
); |
} |
} |
sub verify_and_change_screenname { |
sub verify_and_change_screenname { |
Line 496 sub verify_and_change_screenname {
Line 530 sub verify_and_change_screenname {
if ($newscreen) { |
if ($newscreen) { |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'screenname' => $newscreen}); |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'screenname' => $newscreen}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.screenname' => $newscreen}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.screenname' => $newscreen}); |
$message=&mt('Set new screenname to ').'<tt>"'.$newscreen.'."</tt>.'; |
$message=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Set [_1] to [_2]','<i>'.&mt('Screenname').'</i>','<tt>"'.$newscreen.'"</tt>')); |
} else { |
} else { |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['screenname']); |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['screenname']); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment\.screenname'); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment.screenname'); |
$message=&mt('Reset screenname.'); |
$message=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Reset [_1]','<i>'.&mt('Screenname').'</i>')); |
} |
} |
# Nickname |
# Nickname |
$message.='<br />'; |
$message.='<br />'; |
Line 509 sub verify_and_change_screenname {
Line 543 sub verify_and_change_screenname {
if ($newscreen) { |
if ($newscreen) { |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'nickname' => $newscreen}); |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'nickname' => $newscreen}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.nickname' => $newscreen}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.nickname' => $newscreen}); |
$message.=&mt('Set new nickname to ').'<tt>"'.$newscreen.'"</tt>.'; |
$message.=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Set [_1] to [_2]','<i>'.&mt('Nickname').'</i>','<tt>"'.$newscreen.'"</tt>')); |
} else { |
} else { |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['nickname']); |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['nickname']); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment\.nickname'); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment.nickname'); |
$message.=&mt('Reset nickname.'); |
$message.=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Reset [_1]','<i>'.&mt('Nickname').'</i>')); |
} |
} |
&Apache::lonnet::devalidate_cache_new('namescache',$user.':'.$domain); |
&Apache::lonnet::devalidate_cache_new('namescache',$user.':'.$domain); |
$message=&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message); |
$r->print(<<ENDVCSCREEN); |
$r->print(<<ENDVCSCREEN); |
$message |
$message |
Line 544 sub iconchanger {
Line 579 sub iconchanger {
my $useicons=&mt('Use icons and text'); |
my $useicons=&mt('Use icons and text'); |
my $usebuttons=&mt('Use buttons and text'); |
my $usebuttons=&mt('Use buttons and text'); |
my $useicononly=&mt('Use icons only'); |
my $useicononly=&mt('Use icons only'); |
my $change=&mt('Change'); |
my $change=&mt('Save'); |
$r->print(<<ENDSCREEN); |
$r->print(<<ENDSCREEN); |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_icons" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_icons" /> |
Line 564 sub verify_and_change_icons {
Line 599 sub verify_and_change_icons {
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'icons' => $newicons}); |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'icons' => $newicons}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.icons' => $newicons}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.icons' => $newicons}); |
$r->print(&mt('Set menu mode to [_1].',$newicons)); |
my $message=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Set [_1] to [_2]','<i>'.&mt('Menu Display').'</i>','<tt>'.$newicons.'</tt>')); |
$message=&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message); |
$r->print(<<ENDVCSCREEN); |
$message |
} |
} |
################################################################ |
################################################################ |
Line 585 sub clickerchanger {
Line 624 sub clickerchanger {
$r->print(<<ENDSCREEN); |
$r->print(<<ENDSCREEN); |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_clicker" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_clicker" /> |
<label>$text $helplink<br /> |
<label>$helplink<br /><br />$text<br /> |
<textarea name="clickers" rows="5" cols="20">$clickers</textarea> |
<textarea name="clickers" rows="5" cols="20">$clickers</textarea> |
</label> |
</label> |
<br /> |
<input type="submit" value="$change" /> |
<input type="submit" value="$change" /> |
</form> |
</form> |
Line 606 sub verify_and_change_clicker {
Line 646 sub verify_and_change_clicker {
$newclickers=~s/\,$//; |
$newclickers=~s/\,$//; |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'clickers' => $newclickers}); |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'clickers' => $newclickers}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.clickers' => $newclickers}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.clickers' => $newclickers}); |
$r->print(&mt('Registering clickers: [_1]',$newclickers)); |
my $message=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Registering clickers: [_1]',$newclickers)); |
$message=&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message); |
$r->print(<<ENDVCSCREEN); |
$message |
} |
################################################################ |
# Domcoord Access Subroutines # |
################################################################ |
sub domcoordchanger { |
my $r = shift; |
my $user = $env{''}; |
my $domain = $env{'user.domain'}; |
my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get |
('environment',['']); |
my $constchecked=''; |
if ($userenv{''} eq 'blocked') { |
$constchecked=' checked="checked"'; |
} |
my $text=&mt('By default, the Domain Coordinator can enter your construction space.'); |
my $construction=&mt('Block access to construction space'); |
my $change=&mt('Save'); |
$r->print(<<ENDSCREEN); |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_domcoord" /> |
$text<br /> |
<label><input type="checkbox" name="construction"$constchecked />$construction</label><br /> |
<input type="submit" value="$change" /> |
</form> |
} |
sub verify_and_change_domcoord { |
my $r = shift; |
my $user = $env{''}; |
my $domain = $env{'user.domain'}; |
my %domcoord=('' => ''); |
if ($env{''}) { $domcoord{''}='blocked'; } |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',\%domcoord); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'' => $domcoord{''}}); |
my $status=''; |
if ($domcoord{''} eq 'blocked') { |
$status=&mt('on'); |
} else { |
$status=&mt('off'); |
} |
my $message=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Set [_1] to [_2]','<i>'.&mt('Block access to construction space').'</i>','<tt>'.$status.'</tt>')); |
$message=&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message); |
$r->print(<<ENDVCSCREEN); |
$message |
} |
################################################################# |
## Lock Subroutines # |
################################################################# |
sub lockwarning { |
my $r = shift; |
my $title=&mt('Action locked'); |
my $texttop=&mt('LON-CAPA is currently performing the following actions:'); |
my $textbottom=&mt('Changing roles or logging out may result in data corruption.'); |
my ($num,%which)=&Apache::lonnet::get_locks(); |
my $which=''; |
foreach my $id (keys %which) { |
$which.='<li>'.$which{$id}.'</li>'; |
} |
my $change=&mt('Override'); |
$r->print(<<ENDSCREEN); |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_locks" /> |
<h1>$title</h1> |
$texttop |
<ul> |
$which |
</ul> |
$textbottom |
<input type="submit" value="$change" /> |
</form> |
} |
sub verify_and_change_lockwarning { |
my $r = shift; |
&Apache::lonnet::remove_all_locks(); |
$r->print(&mt('Cleared locks.')); |
} |
} |
################################################################ |
################################################################ |
# Message Forward # |
# Message Forward # |
################################################################ |
################################################################ |
Line 626 sub msgforwardchanger {
Line 754 sub msgforwardchanger {
foad => 'Forwarding Address(es)', |
foad => 'Forwarding Address(es)', |
noti => 'Notification E-mail Address(es)', |
noti => 'Notification E-mail Address(es)', |
foad_exmpl => 'e.g. <tt>userA:domain1,userB:domain2,...</tt>', |
foad_exmpl => 'e.g. <tt>userA:domain1,userB:domain2,...</tt>', |
mnot => 'Email Address(es) which should be notified about new LON-CAPA messages', # old: 'Message Notification Email Address(es)', |
mnot => 'E-mail Address(es) which should be notified about new LON-CAPA messages', |
mnot_exmpl => 'e.g. <tt></tt>', |
mnot_exmpl => 'e.g. <tt></tt>', |
chg => 'Change', |
chg => 'Save', |
email => 'The e-mail address entered in row ', |
email => 'The e-mail address entered in row ', |
notv => 'is not a valid e-mail address', |
notv => 'is not a valid e-mail address', |
toen => "To enter multiple addresses, enter one address at a time, click 'Change' and then add the next one", |
toen => "To enter multiple addresses, enter one address at a time, click 'Save' and then add the next one", |
prme => 'Back to preferences menu', |
prme => 'Back', |
); |
); |
my $forwardingHelp = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Prefs_Forwarding"); |
my $forwardingHelp = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Prefs_Forwarding"); |
my $notificationHelp = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Prefs_Notification"); |
my $notificationHelp = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Prefs_Notification"); |
Line 799 ENDMSG
Line 927 ENDMSG
$r->print(qq| |
$r->print(qq| |
<br /><hr /> |
<br /><hr /> |
<input type="hidden" name="numnotify" value="$num" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="numnotify" value="$num" /> |
<input type="button" value="$lt{'chg'}" onclick="javascript:validate()" /> |
<input type="button" value="$lt{'prme'}" onclick="location.href='/adm/preferences'" /> |
<input type="button" value="$lt{'prme'}" onclick="location.href='/adm/preferences'" /> |
<input type="button" value="$lt{'chg'}" onclick="javascript:validate()" /> |
</form> |
</form> |
|); |
|); |
Line 834 sub verify_and_change_msgforward {
Line 962 sub verify_and_change_msgforward {
if (&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($msuser,$msdomain) ne 'no_host') { |
if (&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($msuser,$msdomain) ne 'no_host') { |
$newscreen.=$msuser.':'.$msdomain.','; |
$newscreen.=$msuser.':'.$msdomain.','; |
} else { |
} else { |
$message.= &mt('No such user: ').'<tt>'.$msuser.':'.$msdomain.'</tt><br>'; |
$message.= &mt('No such user: ').'<tt>'.$msuser.':'.$msdomain.'</tt><br />'; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Line 846 sub verify_and_change_msgforward {
Line 974 sub verify_and_change_msgforward {
.'<br />'; |
.'<br />'; |
} else { |
} else { |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['msgforward']); |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['msgforward']); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment\.msgforward'); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment.msgforward'); |
$message.= &mt("Set message forwarding to 'off'.").'<br />'; |
$message.= &mt("Set message forwarding to 'off'.").'<br />'; |
} |
} |
my $critnotification; |
my $critnotification; |
Line 886 sub verify_and_change_msgforward {
Line 1014 sub verify_and_change_msgforward {
$message.=&mt('Set non-critical message notification address(es) to ').'<tt>"'.$notification.'"</tt>.<br />'; |
$message.=&mt('Set non-critical message notification address(es) to ').'<tt>"'.$notification.'"</tt>.<br />'; |
} else { |
} else { |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['notification']); |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['notification']); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment\.notification'); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment.notification'); |
$message.=&mt("Set non-critical message notification to 'off'.").'<br />'; |
$message.=&mt("Set non-critical message notification to 'off'.").'<br />'; |
} |
} |
if ($critnotification) { |
if ($critnotification) { |
Line 895 sub verify_and_change_msgforward {
Line 1023 sub verify_and_change_msgforward {
$message.=&mt('Set critical message notification address(es) to ').'<tt>"'.$critnotification.'"</tt>.<br />'; |
$message.=&mt('Set critical message notification address(es) to ').'<tt>"'.$critnotification.'"</tt>.<br />'; |
} else { |
} else { |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['critnotification']); |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['critnotification']); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment\.critnotification'); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment.critnotification'); |
$message.=&mt("Set critical message notification to 'off'.").'<br />'; |
$message.=&mt("Set critical message notification to 'off'.").'<br />'; |
} |
} |
if ($critnotification || $notification) { |
if ($critnotification || $notification) { |
Line 905 sub verify_and_change_msgforward {
Line 1033 sub verify_and_change_msgforward {
$message.=&mt('Set address(es) to receive excerpts with html retained ').'<tt>"'.$notify_with_html.'"</tt>.'; |
$message.=&mt('Set address(es) to receive excerpts with html retained ').'<tt>"'.$notify_with_html.'"</tt>.'; |
} else { |
} else { |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['notifywithhtml']); |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['notifywithhtml']); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment\.notifywithhtml'); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment.notifywithhtml'); |
if ($totaladdresses == 1) { |
if ($totaladdresses == 1) { |
$message.=&mt("Set notification address to receive excerpts with html stripped."); |
$message.=&mt("Set notification address to receive excerpts with html stripped."); |
} else { |
} else { |
Line 914 sub verify_and_change_msgforward {
Line 1042 sub verify_and_change_msgforward {
} |
} |
} else { |
} else { |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['notifywithhtml']); |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['notifywithhtml']); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment\.notifywithhtml'); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment.notifywithhtml'); |
} |
} |
if ($message) { |
if ($message) { |
$message .= '<br /><hr />'; |
$message .= '<br /><hr />'; |
Line 932 sub colorschanger {
Line 1060 sub colorschanger {
# figure out colors |
# figure out colors |
my $function=&Apache::loncommon::get_users_function(); |
my $function=&Apache::loncommon::get_users_function(); |
my $domain=&Apache::loncommon::determinedomain(); |
my $domain=&Apache::loncommon::determinedomain(); |
my %colortypes=('pgbg' => 'Page Background', |
my %colortypes=('pgbg' => 'Page Background Color', |
'tabbg' => 'Header Background', |
'tabbg' => 'Header Background Color', |
'sidebg'=> 'Header Border', |
'sidebg'=> 'Header Border Color', |
'font' => 'Font', |
'font' => 'Font Color', |
'link' => 'Un-Visited Link', |
'link' => 'Un-Visited Link Color', |
'vlink' => 'Visited Link', |
'vlink' => 'Visited Link Color', |
'alink' => 'Active Link'); |
'alink' => 'Active Link Color'); |
my $start_data_table = &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table(); |
my $start_data_table = &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table(); |
my $chtable=''; |
my $chtable=''; |
foreach my $item (sort(keys(%colortypes))) { |
foreach my $item (sort(keys(%colortypes))) { |
Line 949 sub colorschanger {
Line 1077 sub colorschanger {
'" size="10" value="'.$curcol. |
'" size="10" value="'.$curcol. |
'" /></td><td><a href="javascript:pjump('."'color_custom','".$colortypes{$item}. |
'" /></td><td><a href="javascript:pjump('."'color_custom','".$colortypes{$item}. |
"','".$curcol."','" |
"','".$curcol."','" |
.$item."','parmform.pres','psub'".');">Select</a></td>'. |
.$item."','parmform.pres','psub'".');">'.&mt('Select').'</a></td>'. |
&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row()."\n"; |
&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row()."\n"; |
} |
} |
my $end_data_table = &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table(); |
my $end_data_table = &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table(); |
my $pjump_def = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::pjump_javascript_definition(); |
my $pjump_def = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::pjump_javascript_definition(); |
my $savebutton = &mt('Save'); |
my $resetbutton = &mt('Reset All'); |
my $resetbuttondesc = &mt('Reset All Colors to Default'); |
$r->print(<<ENDCOL); |
$r->print(<<ENDCOL); |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
Line 992 $start_data_table
Line 1123 $start_data_table
$chtable |
$chtable |
$end_data_table |
$end_data_table |
</table> |
</table> |
<input type="submit" value="Change Custom Colors" /> |
<input type="submit" value="$savebutton" /> |
<input type="submit" name="resetall" value="Reset All Colors to Default" /> |
<input type="submit" name="resetall" value="$resetbutton" title="$resetbuttondesc" /> |
</form> |
</form> |
} |
} |
Line 1003 sub verify_and_change_colors {
Line 1134 sub verify_and_change_colors {
# figure out colors |
# figure out colors |
my $function=&Apache::loncommon::get_users_function(); |
my $function=&Apache::loncommon::get_users_function(); |
my $domain=&Apache::loncommon::determinedomain(); |
my $domain=&Apache::loncommon::determinedomain(); |
my %colortypes=('pgbg' => 'Page Background', |
my %colortypes=('pgbg' => 'Page Background Color', |
'tabbg' => 'Header Background', |
'tabbg' => 'Header Background Color', |
'sidebg'=> 'Header Border', |
'sidebg'=> 'Header Border Color', |
'font' => 'Font', |
'font' => 'Font Color', |
'link' => 'Un-Visited Link', |
'link' => 'Un-Visited Link Color', |
'vlink' => 'Visited Link', |
'vlink' => 'Visited Link Color', |
'alink' => 'Active Link'); |
'alink' => 'Active Link Color'); |
my $message=''; |
my $message=''; |
foreach my $item (keys %colortypes) { |
foreach my $item (keys %colortypes) { |
Line 1018 sub verify_and_change_colors {
Line 1149 sub verify_and_change_colors {
if (($color=~/^\#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/) && (!$env{'form.resetall'})) { |
if (($color=~/^\#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/) && (!$env{'form.resetall'})) { |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{$entry => $color}); |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{$entry => $color}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.'.$entry => $color}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.'.$entry => $color}); |
$message.=&mt('Set '.$colortypes{$item}.' to ').'<tt>"'.$color.'"</tt>.<br />'; |
$message.=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Set [_1] to [_2]','<i>'.$colortypes{$item}.'</i>','<tt>"'.$color.'"</tt>')) |
.'<br />'; |
} else { |
} else { |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',[$entry]); |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',[$entry]); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment\.'.$entry); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment.'.$entry); |
$message.=&mt('Reset '.$colortypes{$item}.'.').'<br />'; |
$message.=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Reset [_1]','<i>'.$colortypes{$item}.'</i>')) |
.'<br />'; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$message=&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message); |
my $now = time; |
my $now = time; |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'color.timestamp' => $now}); |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'color.timestamp' => $now}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.color.timestamp' => $now}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.color.timestamp' => $now}); |
Line 1056 sub passwordchanger {
Line 1191 sub passwordchanger {
$defdom = $r->dir_config('lonDefDomain'); |
$defdom = $r->dir_config('lonDefDomain'); |
my %data = &Apache::lonnet::tmpget($mailtoken); |
my %data = &Apache::lonnet::tmpget($mailtoken); |
if (keys(%data) == 0) { |
if (keys(%data) == 0) { |
$r->print(&mt('Sorry, the URL you provided to complete the reset of your password was invalid. Either the token included in the URL has been deleted or the URL you provided was invalid. Please submit a <a href="/adm/resetpw">new request</a> for a password reset, and follow the link to the new URL included in the e-mail that will be sent to you, to allow you to enter a new password.')); |
$r->print(&mt('Sorry, the URL you provided to complete the reset of your password was invalid. Either the token included in the URL has been deleted or the URL you provided was invalid. Please submit a [_1]new request[_2] for a password reset, and follow the link to the new URL included in the e-mail that will be sent to you, to allow you to enter a new password.', |
'<a href="/adm/resetpw">','</a>') |
); |
return; |
return; |
} |
} |
if (defined($data{time})) { |
if (defined($data{time})) { |
Line 1171 sub client_form {
Line 1308 sub client_form {
'currentpass' => 'Current Password', |
'currentpass' => 'Current Password', |
'newpass' => 'New Password', |
'newpass' => 'New Password', |
'confirmpass' => 'Confirm Password', |
'confirmpass' => 'Confirm Password', |
'changepass' => 'Change Password'); |
'changepass' => 'Save'); |
my $output = '<form name="client">' |
my $output = qq| |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::start_pick_box(); |
<form name="client" > |
<table> |
|; |
if ($caller eq 'reset_by_email') { |
if ($caller eq 'reset_by_email') { |
$output .= qq| |
$output .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title( |
<tr><td class="LC_preferences_labeltext"><label for="email">$lt{'email'}</label>:</td> |
'<label for="email">'.$lt{'email'}.'</label>') |
<td><input type="text" name="email" size="30" /> </td></tr> |
.'<input type="text" name="email" size="30" />' |
<tr><td class="LC_preferences_labeltext"><label for="uname">$lt{'username'}</label>:</td> |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure() |
<td> |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title( |
<input type="text" name="uname" size="15" /> |
'<label for="uname">'.$lt{'username'}.'</label>') |
<input type="hidden" name="currentpass" value="$currentpass" /> |
.'<input type="text" name="uname" size="15" />' |
</td></tr> |
.'<input type="hidden" name="currentpass" value="'.$currentpass.'" />' |
<tr><td class="LC_preferences_labeltext"><label for="udom">$lt{'domain'}</label>:</td> |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure() |
<td> |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title( |
|; |
'<label for="udom">'.$lt{'domain'}.'</label>') |
$output .= &Apache::loncommon::select_dom_form($defdom,'udom').' |
.&Apache::loncommon::select_dom_form($defdom,'udom') |
</td> |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(); |
</tr> |
'; |
} else { |
} else { |
$output .= qq| |
$output .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title( |
<tr><td class="LC_preferences_labeltext"><label for="currentpass">$lt{'currentpass'}</label></td> |
'<label for="currentpass">'.$lt{'currentpass'}.'</label>') |
<td><input type="password" name="currentpass" size="10"/> </td></tr> |
.'<input type="password" name="currentpass" size="10"/>' |
|; |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(); |
} |
} |
$output .= <<"ENDFORM"; |
$output .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title( |
<tr><td class="LC_preferences_labeltext"><label for="newpass_1">$lt{'newpass'}</label></td> |
'<label for="newpass_1">'.$lt{'newpass'}.'</label>') |
<td><input type="password" name="newpass_1" size="10" /> </td></tr> |
.'<input type="password" name="newpass_1" size="10" />' |
<tr><td class="LC_preferences_labeltext"><label for="newpass_2">$lt{'confirmpass'}</label></td> |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure() |
<td><input type="password" name="newpass_2" size="10" /> </td></tr> |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title( |
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"> |
'<label for="newpass_2">'.$lt{'confirmpass'}.'</label>') |
<input type="button" value="$lt{'changepass'}" onClick="send();"> |
.'<input type="password" name="newpass_2" size="10" />' |
</table> |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1) |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_pick_box(); |
$output .= '<p><input type="button" value="'.$lt{'changepass'}.'" onClick="send();" /></p>' |
.qq| |
<input type="hidden" name="ukey_cpass" value="$hexkey->{'ukey_cpass'}" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="ukey_cpass" value="$hexkey->{'ukey_cpass'}" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="lkey_cpass" value="$hexkey->{'lkey_cpass'}" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="lkey_cpass" value="$hexkey->{'lkey_cpass'}" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="ukey_npass1" value="$hexkey->{'ukey_npass1'}" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="ukey_npass1" value="$hexkey->{'ukey_npass1'}" /> |
Line 1215 sub client_form {
Line 1350 sub client_form {
<input type="hidden" name="lkey_npass2" value="$hexkey->{'lkey_npass2'}" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="lkey_npass2" value="$hexkey->{'lkey_npass2'}" /> |
</form> |
</form> |
</p> |
</p> |
|; |
return $output; |
return $output; |
} |
} |
Line 1379 ENDERROR
Line 1514 ENDERROR
my $result = &Apache::lonnet::changepass |
my $result = &Apache::lonnet::changepass |
($user,$domain,$currentpass,$newpass1,$homeserver,$caller); |
($user,$domain,$currentpass,$newpass1,$homeserver,$caller); |
# Inform the user the password has (not?) been changed |
# Inform the user the password has (not?) been changed |
my $message; |
if ($result =~ /^ok$/) { |
if ($result =~ /^ok$/) { |
$r->print("<h3>".&mt('The password for [_1] was successfully changed',$user)."</h3>"); |
$message = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('The password for user [_1] was successfully changed.','<i>'.$user.'<i>')); |
if ($caller eq 'reset_by_email') { |
$r->print($message.'<br />'); |
} else { |
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message)); |
} |
} else { |
} else { |
# error error: run in circles, scream and shout |
# error error: run in circles, scream and shout |
$r->print("<h3><span class='LC_error'>".&mt("The password for [_1] was not changed",$user)."</span></h3>". |
$message = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success( |
&mt('Please make sure your old password was entered correctly.')); |
&mt("The password for user [_1] was not changed.",'<i>'.$user.'</i>').' '.&mt('Please make sure your old password was entered correctly.'),1); |
if ($caller eq 'reset_by_email') { |
$r->print($message.'<br />'); |
} else { |
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message)); |
} |
return 1; |
return 1; |
} |
} |
return; |
return; |
Line 1423 sub discussionchanger {
Line 1569 sub discussionchanger {
'pref' => 'Display Preference', |
'pref' => 'Display Preference', |
'curr' => 'Current setting ', |
'curr' => 'Current setting ', |
'actn' => 'Action', |
'actn' => 'Action', |
'sdpf' => 'Set display preferences for discussion posts for both bulletin boards and individual resources in all your courses.', |
'sdpf' => 'Set display preferences for discussion posts for both discussion boards and individual resources in all your courses.', |
'prca' => 'Preferences can be set that determine', |
'prca' => 'Preferences can be set that determine', |
'whpo' => 'Which posts are displayed when you display a bulletin board or resource, and', |
'whpo' => 'Which posts are displayed when you display a discussion board or resource, and', |
'unwh' => 'Under what circumstances posts are identfied as "New"', |
'unwh' => 'Under what circumstances posts are identfied as "New"', |
'allposts' => 'All posts', |
'allposts' => 'All posts', |
'unread' => 'New posts only', |
'unread' => 'New posts only', |
Line 1434 sub discussionchanger {
Line 1580 sub discussionchanger {
'disa' => 'Posts displayed?', |
'disa' => 'Posts displayed?', |
'npmr' => 'New posts cease to be identified as "New"?', |
'npmr' => 'New posts cease to be identified as "New"?', |
'thde' => 'The preferences you set here can be overridden within each individual discussion.', |
'thde' => 'The preferences you set here can be overridden within each individual discussion.', |
'chgt' => 'Change to ' |
'chgt' => 'Change to ', |
); |
); |
my $dispchange = $lt{'unread'}; |
my $dispchange = $lt{'unread'}; |
my $markchange = $lt{'ondisp'}; |
my $markchange = $lt{'ondisp'}; |
Line 1458 sub discussionchanger {
Line 1604 sub discussionchanger {
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_discussion" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_discussion" /> |
<br /> |
<br /> |
$lt{'sdpf'}<br /> $lt{'prca'} <ol><li>$lt{'whpo'}</li><li>$lt{'unwh'}</li></ol> |
$lt{'sdpf'}<br /> $lt{'prca'} <ol><li>$lt{'whpo'}</li><li>$lt{'unwh'}</li></ol> |
<br /> |
<br /> |
$r->print('<p class="LC_info">'.$lt{'thde'}.'</p>'); |
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table()); |
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table()); |
$r->print(<<"END"); |
$r->print(<<"END"); |
<tr> |
<tr> |
Line 1485 END
Line 1631 END
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row(). |
$r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row(). |
&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table()); |
&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table()); |
$r->print(<<"END"); |
$r->print('<br />'. |
<br /> |
'<input type="submit" name="sub" value="'.&mt('Save').'" />'. |
<br /> |
'</form>'); |
<input type="submit" name="sub" value="Save Changes" /> |
<br /> |
<br /> |
Note: $lt{'thde'} |
</form> |
} |
} |
sub verify_and_change_discussion { |
sub verify_and_change_discussion { |
Line 1510 sub verify_and_change_discussion {
Line 1650 sub verify_and_change_discussion {
} else { |
} else { |
$message .= &mt('In discussions: all posts will be displayed.').'<br />'; |
$message .= &mt('In discussions: all posts will be displayed.').'<br />'; |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['discdisplay']); |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['discdisplay']); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment\.discdisplay'); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment.discdisplay'); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if (defined($env{'form.discmark'}) ) { |
if (defined($env{'form.discmark'}) ) { |
my $newmark = $env{'form.newmark'}; |
my $newmark = $env{'form.newmark'}; |
if ($newmark eq 'ondisp') { |
if ($newmark eq 'ondisp') { |
$message.=&mt('In discussions: new posts will be cease to be identified as "NEW" after display.').'<br />'; |
$message.=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('In discussions: new posts will be cease to be identified as "NEW" after display.')).'<br />'; |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'discmarkread' => $newmark}); |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'discmarkread' => $newmark}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.discmarkread' => $newmark}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.discmarkread' => $newmark}); |
} else { |
} else { |
$message.=&mt('In discussions: posts will be identified as "NEW" until marked as read by the reader.').'<br />'; |
$message.=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('In discussions: posts will be identified as "NEW" until marked as read by the reader.')).'<br />'; |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['discmarkread']); |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['discmarkread']); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment\.discmarkread'); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment.discmarkread'); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$message=&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message); |
$r->print(<<ENDVCSCREEN); |
$r->print(<<ENDVCSCREEN); |
$message |
$message |
Line 1550 sub coursedisplaychanger {
Line 1691 sub coursedisplaychanger {
} |
} |
my %pagenames = ( |
my %pagenames = ( |
firstres => 'First resource', |
firstres => 'First resource', |
whatsnew => "What's new page", |
whatsnew => "What's New Page", |
); |
); |
my $whatsnew_off=&mt('Display the [_1] in the course.','<b>first resource</b>'); |
my $whatsnew_off=&mt('Display the [_1]first resource[_2] in the course.','<b>','</b>'); |
my $whatsnew_on=&mt('Display the "[_1]" page - a summary of items in the course which require attention.',"<b>What's New</b>"); |
my $whatsnew_on=&mt("Display the [_1]What's New Page[_2] - a summary of items in the course which require attention.",'<b>','</b>'); |
$r->print('<br /><b>'.&mt('Set the default page to be displayed when you select a course role').'</b> '.&mt('(Currently: [_1])',$pagenames{$currvalue}).'<br />'.&mt('The global user preference you set for your courses can be overridden in an individual course by setting a course specific setting via the "[_1]" page in the course',"<i>What's New</i>").'<br /><br />'); |
$r->print('<br /><b>'. |
&mt('Set the default page to be displayed when you select a course role'). |
'</b> '. |
&mt('(Currently: [_1])',$pagenames{$currvalue}).'<br />'. |
&mt("The global user preference you set for your courses can be overridden in an individual course by setting a course specific setting via the [_1]What's New Page[_2] page in the course.",'<i>','</i>'). |
'<br /><br />'); |
$r->print(<<ENDLSCREEN); |
$r->print(<<ENDLSCREEN); |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_coursepage" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_coursepage" /> |
Line 1563 sub coursedisplaychanger {
Line 1709 sub coursedisplaychanger {
<label><input type="radio" name="newdisp" value="firstres" $firstselect /> $whatsnew_off</label><br /> |
<label><input type="radio" name="newdisp" value="firstres" $firstselect /> $whatsnew_off</label><br /> |
<label><input type="radio" name="newdisp" value="whatsnew" $whatsnewselect /> $whatsnew_on</label><input type="hidden" name="refpage" value="$env{'form.refpage'}" /> |
<label><input type="radio" name="newdisp" value="whatsnew" $whatsnewselect /> $whatsnew_on</label><input type="hidden" name="refpage" value="$env{'form.refpage'}" /> |
$r->print('<br /><br /><input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Change').'" /> |
$r->print('<br /><br /><input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Save').'" /> |
</form>'); |
</form>'); |
} |
} |
Line 1576 sub verify_and_change_coursepage {
Line 1722 sub verify_and_change_coursepage {
'ywbt' => 'you will be taken to the start of the course.', |
'ywbt' => 'you will be taken to the start of the course.', |
'apwb' => 'a page will be displayed that lists items in the course that may require action from you.', |
'apwb' => 'a page will be displayed that lists items in the course that may require action from you.', |
'gtts' => 'Go to the start of the course', |
'gtts' => 'Go to the start of the course', |
'dasp' => "Display the What's New page listing course action items", |
'dasp' => "Display the What's New Page", |
); |
); |
my $newdisp = $env{'form.newdisp'}; |
my $newdisp = $env{'form.newdisp'}; |
$message = '<b>'.$lt{'defs'}.'</b>: '.$lt{'when'}.', '; |
$message = '<b>'.$lt{'defs'}.'</b>: '.$lt{'when'}.', '; |
Line 1587 sub verify_and_change_coursepage {
Line 1733 sub verify_and_change_coursepage {
} else { |
} else { |
$message .= $lt{'apwb'}.'<br />'; |
$message .= $lt{'apwb'}.'<br />'; |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['course_init_display']); |
&Apache::lonnet::del('environment',['course_init_display']); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment\.course_init_display'); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('environment.course_init_display'); |
} |
} |
my $refpage = $env{'form.refpage'}; |
my $refpage = $env{'form.refpage'}; |
if (($env{'request.course.fn'}) && ($env{''})) { |
if (($env{'request.course.fn'}) && ($env{''})) { |
Line 1602 sub verify_and_change_coursepage {
Line 1748 sub verify_and_change_coursepage {
$refpage.'">'.$lt{'dasp'}.'</a></font>'; |
$refpage.'">'.$lt{'dasp'}.'</a></font>'; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$message = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success($message); |
$r->print(<<ENDVCSCREEN); |
$r->print(<<ENDVCSCREEN); |
$message |
$message |
<br /><br /> |
} |
} |
Line 1673 sub handler {
Line 1819 sub handler {
})); |
})); |
push (@Options,({ action => 'changemsgforward', |
push (@Options,({ action => 'changemsgforward', |
linktext => 'Change Message Forwarding and Notification Email Addresses', |
linktext => 'Messages & Notifications', |
href => '/adm/preferences', |
href => '/adm/preferences', |
help => 'Prefs_Messages', |
help => 'Prefs_Messages', |
breadcrumb => |
breadcrumb => |
Line 1688 sub handler {
Line 1834 sub handler {
text => 'Change Message Forwarding/Notification'}, |
text => 'Change Message Forwarding/Notification'}, |
printmenu => 'no', |
printmenu => 'no', |
subroutine => \&verify_and_change_msgforward })); |
subroutine => \&verify_and_change_msgforward })); |
my $aboutmeaction= |
if (&Apache::lonnet::usertools_access($user,$domain,'aboutme')) { |
'/adm/'.$env{'user.domain'}.'/'.$env{''}.'/aboutme'; |
my $aboutmeaction = '/adm/'.$domain.'/'.$user.'/aboutme'; |
push (@Options,{ action => 'none', |
push (@Options,{ action => 'none', |
linktext => |
linktext =>"Edit the Personal Information Page", |
q{Edit the 'About Me' Personal Information Screen}, |
help => 'Prefs_About_Me', |
help => 'Prefs_About_Me', |
href => $aboutmeaction}); |
href => $aboutmeaction}); |
} |
push (@Options,({ action => 'changecolors', |
push (@Options,({ action => 'changecolors', |
linktext => 'Change Color Scheme', |
linktext => 'Change Color Scheme', |
href => '/adm/preferences', |
href => '/adm/preferences', |
Line 1821 sub handler {
Line 1967 sub handler {
})); |
})); |
push (@Options,({ action => 'changeclicker', |
push (@Options,({ action => 'changeclicker', |
linktext => 'Register Response Devices ("Clickers")', |
linktext => 'Register Response Devices ("Clickers")', |
href => '/adm/preferences', |
href => '/adm/preferences', |
subroutine => \&clickerchanger, |
subroutine => \&clickerchanger, |
breadcrumb => |
breadcrumb => |
{ href => '/adm/preferences?action=changeicons', |
{ href => '/adm/preferences?action=changeclicker', |
text => 'Register Clicker'}, |
text => 'Register Clicker'}, |
}, |
}, |
{ action => 'verify_and_change_clicker', |
{ action => 'verify_and_change_clicker', |
Line 1835 sub handler {
Line 1981 sub handler {
text => 'Register Clicker'}, |
text => 'Register Clicker'}, |
printmenu => 'yes', |
printmenu => 'yes', |
})); |
})); |
my %author_roles = &Apache::lonnet::get_my_roles($user,$domain,'userroles','',['au']); |
if (keys(%author_roles) > 0) { |
push (@Options,({ action => 'changedomcoord', |
linktext => 'Restrict Domain Coordinator Access', |
href => '/adm/preferences', |
subroutine => \&domcoordchanger, |
breadcrumb => |
{ href => '/adm/preferences?action=changedomcoord', |
text => 'Restrict Domain Coordinator Access'}, |
}, |
{ action => 'verify_and_change_domcoord', |
subroutine => \&verify_and_change_domcoord, |
breadcrumb => |
{ href => '/adm/preferences?action=changedomcoord', |
text => 'Restrict Domain Coordinator Access'}, |
printmenu => 'yes', |
})); |
} |
push (@Options,({ action => 'lockwarning', |
subroutine => \&lockwarning, |
breadcrumb => |
{ href => '/adm/preferences?action=lockwarning', |
text => 'Lock Warnings'}, |
}, |
{ action => 'verify_and_change_locks', |
subroutine => \&verify_and_change_lockwarning, |
breadcrumb => |
{ href => '/adm/preferences?action=lockwarning', |
text => 'Lockwarnings'}, |
printmenu => 'yes', |
})); |
if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('whn',$env{''}) |
if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('whn',$env{''}) |
Line 1856 sub handler {
Line 2034 sub handler {
})); |
})); |
} |
} |
if ($env{''} =~ /^(albertel|fox|foxr|koretemey|korte|hallmat3|turtle|raeburn)$/) { |
if ($env{''} =~ /^(albertel|fox|foxr|kortemey|korte|raeburn)$/) { |
push (@Options,({ action => 'debugtoggle', |
push (@Options,({ action => 'debugtoggle', |
printmenu => 'yes', |
printmenu => 'yes', |
subroutine => \&toggle_debug, |
subroutine => \&toggle_debug, |
Line 1937 sub handler {
Line 2115 sub handler {
sub toggle_debug { |
sub toggle_debug { |
if ($env{'user.debug'}) { |
if ($env{'user.debug'}) { |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('user\.debug'); |
&Apache::lonnet::delenv('user.debug'); |
} else { |
} else { |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'user.debug' => 1}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'user.debug' => 1}); |
} |
} |