version, 2010/05/27 15:55:29
version 1.192, 2011/05/16 00:55:53
Line 166 sub languagechanger {
Line 166 sub languagechanger {
= &Apache::loncommon::plainlanguagedescription($_); |
= &Apache::loncommon::plainlanguagedescription($_); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
%langchoices = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(%langchoices); |
my $selectionbox= |
my $selectionbox= |
&Apache::loncommon::select_form( |
&Apache::loncommon::select_form( |
$language, |
$language, |
'language', |
'language', |
&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(%langchoices)); |
\%langchoices); |
$r->print(<<ENDLSCREEN); |
$r->print(<<ENDLSCREEN); |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_languages" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_languages" /> |
Line 229 sub texenginechanger {
Line 230 sub texenginechanger {
'mimetex' => 'mimetex (Convert to Images)', |
'mimetex' => 'mimetex (Convert to Images)', |
'raw' => 'Raw (Screen Reader)' |
'raw' => 'Raw (Screen Reader)' |
); |
); |
%mathchoices = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(%mathchoices); |
my $selectionbox= |
my $selectionbox= |
&Apache::loncommon::select_form( |
&Apache::loncommon::select_form( |
$texengine, |
$texengine, |
'texengine', |
'texengine', |
&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(%mathchoices)); |
\%mathchoices); |
my $jsMath_start=&Apache::lontexconvert::jsMath_header(); |
my $jsMath_start=&Apache::lontexconvert::jsMath_header(); |
my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash( |
my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash( |
'headline' => 'Change how math is displayed', |
'headline' => 'Change how math is displayed', |
Line 589 sub verify_and_change_screenname {
Line 591 sub verify_and_change_screenname {
} |
} |
################################################################ |
################################################################ |
# Icon Subroutines # |
################################################################ |
sub iconchanger { |
my $r = shift; |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb( |
{ href => '/adm/preferences?action=changeicons', |
text => 'Change Menu Display'}); |
$r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Page Display Settings')); |
$r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Change Menu Display')); |
my $user = $env{''}; |
my $domain = $env{'user.domain'}; |
my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',['icons']); |
my $iconic='checked="checked"'; |
my ($classic,$onlyicon,$iconic_preview,$iconsonly_preview); |
if ($userenv{'icons'} eq 'classic') { |
$iconic=''; |
$classic='<div class="LC_info">'. |
&mt('Your current selection: "Use buttons and text" is deprecated - it is recommended that you change this to "Use icons and text".').'</div>'; |
} |
if ($userenv{'icons'} eq 'iconsonly') { |
$onlyicon='checked="checked"'; |
$iconic=''; |
} |
my $change=&mt('Save'); |
my %lt = &icon_options(); |
my ($inlinetools,$toolsorder) = &icon_previews(); |
if ((ref($inlinetools) eq 'HASH') && (ref($toolsorder) eq 'ARRAY')) { |
foreach my $tool (@{$toolsorder}) { |
my ($command,$row,$col,$img,$top,$bot,$act,$desc) = |
split(/\&/,$inlinetools->{$tool}); |
$iconic_preview .= '<li><a title="'.$desc.'" class="LC_menubuttons_link" href=""><img alt="'.$desc.'" src="/res/adm/pages/'.$img.'" class="LC_icon" /><span class="LC_menubuttons_inline_text">'.$top.(' ' x 2).'</span></a></li>'; |
$iconsonly_preview .= '<li><a title="'.$desc.'" class="LC_menubuttons_link" href=""><img alt="'.$desc.'" src="/res/adm/pages/'.$img.'" class="LC_icon" /> </a></li>'; |
} |
} |
$iconsonly_preview = '<ul class="LC_breadcrumb_tools_outerlist"><li>'. |
'<ul>'. |
$iconsonly_preview. |
'</ul></li></ul>'; |
$iconic_preview = '<ul class="LC_breadcrumb_tools_outerlist"><li>'. |
'<ul>'. |
$iconic_preview. |
'</ul></li></ul>'; |
$r->print(<<ENDSCREEN); |
$classic |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_icons" /> |
<label><input type="radio" name="menumode" value="iconic" $iconic /> $lt{'iconic'}</label>$iconic_preview<br /> |
<label><input type="radio" name="menumode" value="iconsonly" $onlyicon /> $lt{'iconsonly'}</label>$iconsonly_preview<br /> |
<input type="submit" value="$change" /> |
</form> |
} |
sub verify_and_change_icons { |
my $r = shift; |
my $user = $env{''}; |
my $domain = $env{'user.domain'}; |
my $newicons = $env{'form.menumode'}; |
my %lt = &icon_options(); |
my $newchoice = $newicons; |
if ($lt{$newicons}) { |
$newchoice = $lt{$newicons}; |
} |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'icons' => $newicons}); |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.icons' => $newicons}); |
my $message=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Set [_1] to [_2]','<i>'.&mt('Menu Display').'</i>','<tt>'.$newchoice.'</tt>')); |
$message=&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message); |
&print_main_menu($r, $message); |
} |
sub icon_options { |
return &Apache::lonlocal::texthash( |
iconic => 'Use icons and text', |
iconsonly => 'Use icons only', |
); |
} |
sub icon_previews { |
my %icon_text = ( |
annotate => 'Notes', |
wishlist => 'Wishlist', |
catalog => 'Info', |
evaluate => 'Evaluate', |
feedback => 'Communicate', |
printout => 'Print', |
); |
my %inlinetools = ( |
printout => "s&8&3&prt.png&$icon_text{'printout'}&printout[_1]&gopost('/adm/printout',currentURL)&Prepare a printable document", |
wishlist => "s&9&1&wishlist-link.png&$icon_text{'wishlist'}&wishlistlink[_2]&set_wishlistlink()&Set a link for this resource to wishlist", |
evaluate => "s&8&1&eval.png&$icon_text{'evaluate'}&this[_1]&gopost('/adm/evaluate',currentURL,1)&Provide my evaluation of this resource", |
feedback => "s&8&2&fdbk.png&$icon_text{'feedback'}&discuss[_1]&gopost('/adm/feedback',currentURL,1)&Provide feedback messages or contribute to the course discussion about this resource", |
annotate => "s&9&3&anot.png&$icon_text{'annotate'}&tations[_1]&annotate()&Make notes and annotations about this resource", |
catalog => "s&6&3&catalog.png&$icon_text{'catalog'}&info[_1]&catalog_info()&Show Metadata", |
); |
my @toolsorder = qw(annotate wishlist evaluate feedback printout catalog); |
return (\%inlinetools,\@toolsorder); |
} |
################################################################ |
# Clicker Subroutines # |
# Clicker Subroutines # |
################################################################ |
################################################################ |
Line 1921 my @menu=
Line 2023 my @menu=
url => '/adm/preferences?action=changerolespref', |
url => '/adm/preferences?action=changerolespref', |
permission => 'F', |
permission => 'F', |
#help => '', |
#help => '', |
icon => 'sctr.png', |
icon => 'role_hotlist.png', |
linktitle => 'Configure the roles hotlist.' |
linktitle => 'Configure the roles hotlist.' |
}, |
}, |
{ linktext => 'Math display settings', |
{ linktext => 'Math display settings', |
url => '/adm/preferences?action=changetexenginepref', |
url => '/adm/preferences?action=changetexenginepref', |
permission => 'F', |
permission => 'F', |
#help => '', |
#help => '', |
icon => 'stat.png', |
icon => 'dismath.png', |
linktitle => 'Change how math is displayed.' |
linktitle => 'Change how math is displayed.' |
}, |
}, |
] |
] |
Line 1942 my @menu=
Line 2044 my @menu=
icon => 'preferences-desktop-theme.png', |
icon => 'preferences-desktop-theme.png', |
linktitle => 'Change LON-CAPA default colors.' |
linktitle => 'Change LON-CAPA default colors.' |
}, |
}, |
{ linktext => 'Menu Display', |
url => '/adm/preferences?action=changeicons', |
permission => 'F', |
#help => '', |
icon => 'preferences-system-windows.png', |
linktitle => 'Change whether the menus are displayed with icons or icons and text.' |
} |
] |
] |
}, |
}, |
{ categorytitle=>'Messages & Notifications', |
{ categorytitle=>'Messages & Notifications', |
Line 1957 my @menu=
Line 2066 my @menu=
url => '/adm/preferences?action=changediscussions', |
url => '/adm/preferences?action=changediscussions', |
permission => 'F', |
permission => 'F', |
#help => 'Change_Discussion_Display', |
#help => 'Change_Discussion_Display', |
icon => 'mail-message-new.png', |
icon => 'chat.png', |
linktitle => 'Set display preferences for discussion posts for both discussion boards and individual resources in all your courses.' |
linktitle => 'Set display preferences for discussion posts for both discussion boards and individual resources in all your courses.' |
}, |
}, |
] |
] |
Line 1985 push(@{ $menu[0]->{items} }, {
Line 2094 push(@{ $menu[0]->{items} }, {
linktitle => 'Change your password.', |
linktitle => 'Change your password.', |
}); |
}); |
} |
} |
if ($env{'environment.remote'} eq 'off') { |
push(@{ $menu[1]->{items} }, { |
linktext => 'Launch Remote Control', |
url => '/adm/remote?url=/adm/preferences&action=launch', |
permission => 'F', |
#help => '', |
icon => 'remotecontrol.png', |
linktitle => 'Launch the remote control for LON-CAPA.', |
}); |
}else{ |
push(@{ $menu[1]->{items} }, { |
linktext => 'Collapse Remote Control', |
url => '/adm/remote?url=/adm/preferences&action=collapse', |
permission => 'F', |
#help => '', |
icon => 'remotecontrol.png', |
linktitle => 'Collapse the remote control for LON-CAPA.', |
}); |
} |
if (&can_toggle_namelocking()) { |
if (&can_toggle_namelocking()) { |
push(@{ $menu[0]->{items} }, { |
push(@{ $menu[0]->{items} }, { |
Line 2037 push(@{ $menu[4]->{items} }, {
Line 2126 push(@{ $menu[4]->{items} }, {
url => '/adm/preferences?action=changecourseinit', |
url => '/adm/preferences?action=changecourseinit', |
permission => 'F', |
permission => 'F', |
#help => '', |
#help => '', |
icon => 'edit-copy.png', |
icon => 'course_ini.png', |
linktitle => 'Set the default page to be displayed when you select a course role.', |
linktitle => 'Set the default page to be displayed when you select a course role.', |
}); |
}); |
Line 2122 sub handler {
Line 2211 sub handler {
&texenginechanger($r); |
&texenginechanger($r); |
}elsif($env{'form.action'} eq 'verify_and_change_texengine'){ |
}elsif($env{'form.action'} eq 'verify_and_change_texengine'){ |
&verify_and_change_texengine($r); |
&verify_and_change_texengine($r); |
}elsif($env{'form.action'} eq 'changeicons'){ |
&iconchanger($r); |
}elsif($env{'form.action'} eq 'verify_and_change_icons'){ |
&verify_and_change_icons($r); |
}elsif($env{'form.action'} eq 'changeclicker'){ |
}elsif($env{'form.action'} eq 'changeclicker'){ |
&clickerchanger($r); |
&clickerchanger($r); |
}elsif($env{'form.action'} eq 'verify_and_change_clicker'){ |
}elsif($env{'form.action'} eq 'verify_and_change_clicker'){ |