version 1.196, 2011/12/08 21:52:32
version 1.206, 2013/07/04 16:35:12
Line 152 sub languagechanger {
Line 152 sub languagechanger {
text => 'Change Language'}); |
text => 'Change Language'}); |
$r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Content Display Settings')); |
$r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Content Display Settings')); |
$r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Change Language')); |
$r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Change Language')); |
my $user = $env{''}; |
my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',['languages']); |
my $domain = $env{'user.domain'}; |
my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get |
('environment',['languages']); |
my $language=$userenv{'languages'}; |
my $language=$userenv{'languages'}; |
my $pref=&mt('Preferred language'); |
$r->print( |
my %langchoices=('' => 'No language preference'); |
'<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post">'."\n". |
foreach (&Apache::loncommon::languageids()) { |
'<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_languages" />'. |
if (&Apache::loncommon::supportedlanguagecode($_)) { |
'<br /><span class="LC_nobreak">'.&mt('Preferred language').': '. |
$langchoices{&Apache::loncommon::supportedlanguagecode($_)} |
&Apache::loncommon::select_language('language',$language,1).'</span>'."\n". |
= &Apache::loncommon::plainlanguagedescription($_); |
'<br /><input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Save').'" /></form>' |
} |
); |
} |
%langchoices = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(%langchoices); |
my $selectionbox= |
&Apache::loncommon::select_form( |
$language, |
'language', |
\%langchoices); |
$r->print(<<ENDLSCREEN); |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_languages" /> |
<br />$pref: $selectionbox |
$r->print('<br /><input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Save').'" />'); |
} |
} |
Line 354 sub rolesprefchanger {
Line 338 sub rolesprefchanger {
my $domain = $env{'user.domain'}; |
my $domain = $env{'user.domain'}; |
my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get |
my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get |
('environment',['recentroles','recentrolesn']); |
('environment',['recentroles','recentrolesn']); |
my $brtext = 'Change '.$role.' Page Pref'; |
my $brtitle; |
if ($env{'form.returnurl'} eq '/adm/roles') { |
$brtext = 'Configure Hotlist'; |
} else { |
$brtitle = $brtext; |
} |
Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb( |
Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb( |
{ href => '/adm/preferences?action=changerolespref', |
{ href => '/adm/preferences?action=changerolespref', |
text => 'Change '.$role.' Page Pref'}); |
text => $brtext}); |
$r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Content Display Settings')); |
$r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Content Display Settings')); |
$r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Change '.$role.' Page Pref')); |
$r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs($brtitle)); |
my $hotlist_flag=$userenv{'recentroles'}; |
my $hotlist_flag=$userenv{'recentroles'}; |
my $hotlist_n=$userenv{'recentrolesn'}; |
my $hotlist_n=$userenv{'recentrolesn'}; |
my $checked; |
my ($checkedon,$checkedoff); |
if ($hotlist_flag) { |
if ($hotlist_flag) { |
$checked = 'checked="checked"'; |
$checkedon = 'checked="checked"'; |
} else { |
$checkedoff = 'checked="checked"'; |
} |
} |
if (!$hotlist_n) { $hotlist_n=3; } |
if (!$hotlist_n) { $hotlist_n=3; } |
Line 390 sub rolesprefchanger {
Line 383 sub rolesprefchanger {
&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table(). |
&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table(). |
&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_header_row(). |
&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_header_row(). |
"<th>".&mt('Freeze '.$role)."</th>". |
"<th>".&mt('Freeze '.$role)."</th>". |
"<th>".&mt($role)."</td>". |
"<th>".&mt($role)."</th>". |
&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_header_row(). |
&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_header_row(). |
"\n"; |
"\n"; |
my $count; |
my $count; |
Line 413 sub rolesprefchanger {
Line 406 sub rolesprefchanger {
$roles_check_list .= "</table>\n"; |
$roles_check_list .= "</table>\n"; |
} |
} |
my $actionurl = '/adm/preferences'; |
if ($env{'form.returnurl'} eq '/adm/roles') { |
$actionurl = '/adm/roles'; |
} |
$r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Recent Roles Hotlist').'</h3>'); |
unless ($checkedon) { |
$r->print(&mt('LON-CAPA users with several '.$lc_role.'s may wish to enable the Hotlist.').'<br />'); |
} |
$r->print(' |
$r->print(' |
<p>'.&mt('Some LON-CAPA users have a long list of '.$lc_role.'s. The Recent '.$role.'s Hotlist feature keeps track of the last N '.$lc_role.'s which have been visited and places a table of these at the top of the '.$lc_role.'s page. People with very few '.$lc_role.'s should leave this feature disabled.').' |
<form name="prefs" action="'.$actionurl.'" method="post"> |
</p> |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_rolespref" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="verify_and_change_rolespref" /> |
<br />'. |
<input type="hidden" name="returnurl" value="'.$env{'form.returnurl'}.'" /> |
'<h2>'.&mt('Recent '.$role.'s Hotlist').'</h2>'. |
<div class="LC_left_float"><h4>'.&mt('Hotlist options').'</h4> |
<p>'. |
&mt('When enabled, the Hotlist keeps track of the last N '.$lc_role.'s visited.').'<br />'. |
&mt('Those N '.$lc_role.'s are then shown in a table at the top of the '.$lc_role.'s page.').'</p>'. |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::start_pick_box(). |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::start_pick_box(). |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title('<label for="Hotlist">'.&mt('Enable Recent '.$role.'s Hotlist').'</label>'). |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Use Recent '.$role.'s Hotlist')). |
'<input id="Hotlist" type="checkbox"'.$checked.' name="recentroles" value="true" />'. |
'<span class="LC_nobreak"> |
<label><input id="Hotliston" type="radio" '.$checkedon.' name="recentroles" value="1" />'.&mt('Yes').'</label>'. |
(' 'x2). |
'<label><input id="Hotlistoff" type="radio" '.$checkedoff.' name="recentroles" value="0" />'.&mt('No').'</label> |
</span>'. |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(). |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(). |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title('<label for="NumberOfRoles">'.&mt('Number of '.$role.'s in Hotlist').'</label>'). |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title('<label for="NumberOfRoles">'.&mt('Number of '.$role.'s in Hotlist').'</label>'). |
'<select name="recentrolesn" size="1" id ="NumberOfRoles">'. |
'<select name="recentrolesn" size="1" id ="NumberOfRoles">'. |
$options. |
$options.' |
'</select>'. |
</select>'. |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1). |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1). |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_pick_box(). |
&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_pick_box().' |
'<br/><h2>'.&mt('Freeze Roles').'</h2>'. |
</div>'); |
'<p>'.&mt('This list below can be used to <q>freeze</q> '.$lc_role.'s on your screen. Those marked as frozen will not be removed from the list, even if they have not been used recently.').' |
if ($roles_check_list) { |
$r->print('<div class="LC_left_float"> |
<h4>'.&mt('Freeze Roles').'</h4> |
<p>'.&mt('The table below can be used to [_1]freeze[_2] '.$lc_role.'s in the Hotlist.','<q>','</q>').'<br />'. |
&mt('Those '.$lc_role.'s marked frozen will not be removed from the list, even if not recently used.').' |
</p> |
</p> |
'.$roles_check_list.' |
'.$roles_check_list.' |
<br /> |
</div>'); |
} else { |
$r->print('<br clear="all" />'. |
&mt('Once the Hotlist contains recently visited '.$lc_role.'s, you can return to this page to also set frozen roles.')); |
} |
$r->print(' |
<br clear="all" /> |
<input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Save').'" /> |
<input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Save').'" /> |
</form>'); |
</form>'); |
} |
} |
Line 525 sub verify_and_change_rolespref {
Line 541 sub verify_and_change_rolespref {
} |
} |
} |
} |
$message=&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message); |
$message=&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message); |
&print_main_menu($r, $message); |
if ($env{'form.returnurl'} eq '/adm/roles') { |
return $message; |
} else { |
&print_main_menu($r, $message); |
} |
} |
} |
Line 684 sub icon_options {
Line 704 sub icon_options {
sub icon_previews { |
sub icon_previews { |
my %icon_text = ( |
my %icon_text = ( |
annotate => 'Notes', |
annotate => 'Notes', |
wishlist => 'Wishlist', |
wishlist => 'Stored Links', |
catalog => 'Info', |
catalog => 'Info', |
evaluate => 'Evaluate', |
evaluate => 'Evaluate', |
feedback => 'Communicate', |
feedback => 'Communicate', |
Line 692 sub icon_previews {
Line 712 sub icon_previews {
); |
); |
my %inlinetools = ( |
my %inlinetools = ( |
printout => "s&8&3&prt.png&$icon_text{'printout'}&printout[_1]&gopost('/adm/printout',currentURL)&Prepare a printable document", |
printout => "s&8&3&prt.png&$icon_text{'printout'}&printout[_1]&gopost('/adm/printout',currentURL)&Prepare a printable document", |
wishlist => "s&9&1&wishlist-link.png&$icon_text{'wishlist'}&wishlistlink[_2]&set_wishlistlink()&Set a link for this resource to wishlist", |
wishlist => "s&9&1&wishlist-link.png&$icon_text{'wishlist'}&wishlistlink[_2]&set_wishlistlink()&Save a link for this resource in your personal Stored Links repository", |
evaluate => "s&8&1&eval.png&$icon_text{'evaluate'}&this[_1]&gopost('/adm/evaluate',currentURL,1)&Provide my evaluation of this resource", |
evaluate => "s&8&1&eval.png&$icon_text{'evaluate'}&this[_1]&gopost('/adm/evaluate',currentURL,1)&Provide my evaluation of this resource", |
feedback => "s&8&2&fdbk.png&$icon_text{'feedback'}&discuss[_1]&gopost('/adm/feedback',currentURL,1)&Provide feedback messages or contribute to the course discussion about this resource", |
feedback => "s&8&2&fdbk.png&$icon_text{'feedback'}&discuss[_1]&gopost('/adm/feedback',currentURL,1)&Provide feedback messages or contribute to the course discussion about this resource", |
annotate => "s&9&3&anot.png&$icon_text{'annotate'}&tations[_1]&annotate()&Make notes and annotations about this resource", |
annotate => "s&9&3&anot.png&$icon_text{'annotate'}&tations[_1]&annotate()&Make notes and annotations about this resource", |
Line 771 sub domcoordchanger {
Line 791 sub domcoordchanger {
if ($userenv{''} eq 'blocked') { |
if ($userenv{''} eq 'blocked') { |
$constchecked=' checked="checked"'; |
$constchecked=' checked="checked"'; |
} |
} |
my $text=&mt('By default, the Domain Coordinator can enter your construction space.'); |
my $text=&mt('By default, the Domain Coordinator can enter your Authoring Space.'); |
my $construction=&mt('Block access to construction space'); |
my $construction=&mt('Block access to Authoring Space'); |
my $change=&mt('Save'); |
my $change=&mt('Save'); |
$r->print(<<ENDSCREEN); |
$r->print(<<ENDSCREEN); |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
<form name="prefs" action="/adm/preferences" method="post"> |
Line 798 sub verify_and_change_domcoord {
Line 818 sub verify_and_change_domcoord {
} else { |
} else { |
$status=&mt('off'); |
$status=&mt('off'); |
} |
} |
my $message=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Set [_1] to [_2]','<i>'.&mt('Block access to construction space').'</i>','<tt>'.$status.'</tt>')); |
my $message=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Set [_1] to [_2]','<i>'.&mt('Block access to Authoring Space').'</i>','<tt>'.$status.'</tt>')); |
$message=&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message); |
$message=&Apache::loncommon::confirmwrapper($message); |
&print_main_menu($r,$message); |
&print_main_menu($r,$message); |
} |
} |
Line 968 ENDMSG
Line 988 ENDMSG
'" onclick="javscript:delete_address('."'$num'".')" />'. |
'" onclick="javscript:delete_address('."'$num'".')" />'. |
&mt('Delete').'</label></span></td>'. |
&mt('Delete').'</label></span></td>'. |
'<td><input type="text" value="'.$item.'" name="address_'. |
'<td><input type="text" value="'.$item.'" name="address_'. |
$num.'" onFocus="javascript:address_changes('."'$num'". |
$num.'" onfocus="javascript:address_changes('."'$num'". |
')" /></td><td>'; |
')" /></td><td>'; |
my %chk; |
my %chk; |
if (defined($allnot{$item}{'crit'})) { |
if (defined($allnot{$item}{'crit'})) { |
Line 1017 ENDMSG
Line 1037 ENDMSG
'<input type="checkbox" name="add_notify_'.$num. |
'<input type="checkbox" name="add_notify_'.$num. |
'" value="1" />'.&mt('Add new address').'</label></span></td>'. |
'" value="1" />'.&mt('Add new address').'</label></span></td>'. |
'<td><input type="text" value="" name="address_'.$num. |
'<td><input type="text" value="" name="address_'.$num. |
'" onFocus="javascript:new_address('."'$num'".')" /></td><td>'; |
'" onfocus="javascript:new_address('."'$num'".')" /></td><td>'; |
foreach my $type ('all','crit','reg') { |
foreach my $type ('all','crit','reg') { |
$output .= '<span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'. |
$output .= '<span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'. |
'<input type="radio" name="notify_type_'.$num. |
'<input type="radio" name="notify_type_'.$num. |
Line 1191 sub colorschanger {
Line 1211 sub colorschanger {
foreach my $item (sort(keys(%colortypes))) { |
foreach my $item (sort(keys(%colortypes))) { |
my $curcol=&Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.'.$item,$domain); |
my $curcol=&Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.'.$item,$domain); |
$chtable.=&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row(). |
$chtable.=&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row(). |
'<td>'.$colortypes{$item}.'</td><td style="background: '.$curcol. |
'<td>'.$colortypes{$item}.'<td><input name="'.$item. |
'"> </td><td><input name="'.$item. |
'" class="colorchooser" size="10" value="'.$curcol. |
'" size="10" value="'.$curcol. |
'" /></td>'. |
'" /></td><td><a href="javascript:pjump('."'color_custom','".$colortypes{$item}. |
"','".$curcol."','" |
.$item."','parmform.pres','psub'".');">'.&mt('Select').'</a></td>'. |
&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row()."\n"; |
&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row()."\n"; |
} |
} |
my $end_data_table = &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table(); |
my $end_data_table = &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table(); |
Line 1204 sub colorschanger {
Line 1221 sub colorschanger {
my $savebutton = &mt('Save'); |
my $savebutton = &mt('Save'); |
my $resetbutton = &mt('Reset All'); |
my $resetbutton = &mt('Reset All'); |
my $resetbuttondesc = &mt('Reset All Colors to Default'); |
my $resetbuttondesc = &mt('Reset All Colors to Default'); |
my $colorchooser=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::color_picker(); |
$r->print('<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> |
' . $colorchooser . ' |
</script> |
'); |
$r->print(<<ENDCOL); |
$r->print(<<ENDCOL); |
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> |
$pjump_def |
function psub() { |
modalWindow.close(); |
if (document.parmform.pres_marker.value!='') { |
if (document.parmform.pres_type.value!='') { |
eval('document.prefs.'+ |
document.parmform.pres_marker.value+ |
'.value=document.parmform.pres_value.value;'); |
} |
} else { |
document.parmform.pres_value.value=''; |
document.parmform.pres_marker.value=''; |
} |
} |
</script> |
<form name="parmform"> |
<form name="parmform"> |
<input type="hidden" name="pres_marker" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="pres_marker" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="pres_type" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="pres_type" /> |
Line 1263 sub verify_and_change_colors {
Line 1266 sub verify_and_change_colors {
my $message=''; |
my $message=''; |
foreach my $item (keys %colortypes) { |
foreach my $item (keys %colortypes) { |
my $color=$env{'form.'.$item}; |
my $color=$env{'form.'.$item}; |
if (!($color =~ /^#/)) { |
$color = '#' . $color; |
} |
my $entry='color.'.$function.'.'.$item; |
my $entry='color.'.$function.'.'.$item; |
if (($color=~/^\#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/) && (!$env{'form.resetall'})) { |
if (($color=~/^\#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/) && (!$env{'form.resetall'})) { |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{$entry => $color}); |
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{$entry => $color}); |
Line 1310 sub passwordchanger {
Line 1316 sub passwordchanger {
} elsif ($caller eq 'reset_by_email') { |
} elsif ($caller eq 'reset_by_email') { |
my %data = &Apache::lonnet::tmpget($mailtoken); |
my %data = &Apache::lonnet::tmpget($mailtoken); |
if (keys(%data) == 0) { |
if (keys(%data) == 0) { |
$r->print(&mt('Sorry, the URL you provided to complete the reset of your password was invalid. Either the token included in the URL has been deleted or the URL you provided was invalid. Please submit a [_1]new request[_2] for a password reset, and follow the link to the new URL included in the e-mail that will be sent to you, to allow you to enter a new password.' |
$r->print( |
,'<a href="/adm/resetpw">','</a>') |
'<p class="LC_warning">' |
.&mt('Sorry, the URL you provided to complete the reset of your password was invalid. Either the token included in the URL has been deleted or the URL you provided was invalid. Please submit a [_1]new request[_2] for a password reset, and follow the link to the new URL included in the e-mail that will be sent to you, to allow you to enter a new password.' |
,'<a href="/adm/resetpw">','</a>') |
.'</p>' |
); |
); |
return; |
return; |
} |
} |
Line 1321 sub passwordchanger {
Line 1330 sub passwordchanger {
$domain = $data{'domain'}; |
$domain = $data{'domain'}; |
$currentpass = $data{'temppasswd'}; |
$currentpass = $data{'temppasswd'}; |
} else { |
} else { |
$r->print(&mt('Sorry, the token generated when you requested a password reset has expired.').'<br />'); |
$r->print( |
'<p class="LC_warning">' |
.&mt('Sorry, the token generated when you requested' |
.' a password reset has expired.') |
.'</p>' |
); |
return; |
return; |
} |
} |
} else { |
} else { |
$r->print(&mt('Sorry, the URL generated when you requested reset of your password contained incomplete information.').'<br />'); |
$r->print( |
'<p class="LC_warning">' |
.&mt('Sorry, the URL generated when you requested reset of' |
.' your password contained incomplete information.') |
.'</p>' |
); |
return; |
return; |
} |
} |
if (&Apache::lonnet::domain($domain) eq '') { |
if (&Apache::lonnet::domain($domain) eq '') { |
$domain = $r->dir_config('lonDefDomain'); |
$domain = $r->dir_config('lonDefDomain'); |
} |
} |
} else { |
} else { |
$r->print(&mt('Page requested in unexpected context').'<br />'); |
$r->print( |
'<p class="LC_error">' |
.&mt('Page requested in unexpected context') |
.'</p>' |
); |
return; |
return; |
} |
} |
my $currentauth=&Apache::lonnet::queryauthenticate($user,$domain); |
my $currentauth=&Apache::lonnet::queryauthenticate($user,$domain); |
Line 1466 sub client_form {
Line 1489 sub client_form {
.'<input type="password" name="newpass_2" size="10" />' |
.'<input type="password" name="newpass_2" size="10" />' |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1) |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1) |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_pick_box(); |
.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_pick_box(); |
$output .= '<p><input type="button" value="'.$lt{'changepass'}.'" onClick="send();" /></p>' |
$output .= '<p><input type="button" value="'.$lt{'changepass'}.'" onclick="send();" /></p>' |
.qq| |
.qq| |
<input type="hidden" name="ukey_cpass" value="$hexkey->{'ukey_cpass'}" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="ukey_cpass" value="$hexkey->{'ukey_cpass'}" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="lkey_cpass" value="$hexkey->{'lkey_cpass'}" /> |
<input type="hidden" name="lkey_cpass" value="$hexkey->{'lkey_cpass'}" /> |
Line 1604 ENDERROR
Line 1627 ENDERROR
} |
} |
if ($newpass1 ne $newpass2) { |
if ($newpass1 ne $newpass2) { |
&passwordchanger($r, |
&passwordchanger($r, |
'<span class="LC_error">'. |
'<span class="LC_warning">'. |
&mt('The new passwords you entered do not match.').' '. |
&mt('The new passwords you entered do not match.').' '. |
&mt('Please try again.').'</span>',$caller,$mailtoken); |
&mt('Please try again.').'</span>',$caller,$mailtoken); |
return 1; |
return 1; |
} |
} |
if (length($newpass1) < 7) { |
if (length($newpass1) < 7) { |
&passwordchanger($r, |
&passwordchanger($r, |
'<span class="LC_error">'. |
'<span class="LC_warning">'. |
&mt('Passwords must be a minimum of 7 characters long.').' '. |
&mt('Passwords must be a minimum of 7 characters long.').' '. |
&mt('Please try again.').'</span>',$caller,$mailtoken); |
&mt('Please try again.').'</span>',$caller,$mailtoken); |
return 1; |
return 1; |
Line 1624 ENDERROR
Line 1647 ENDERROR
} |
} |
if ($badpassword) { |
if ($badpassword) { |
# I can't figure out how to enter bad characters on my browser. |
# I can't figure out how to enter bad characters on my browser. |
my $errormessage ='<span class="LC_error">'. |
my $errormessage ='<span class="LC_warning">'. |
&mt('The password you entered contained illegal characters.').'<br />'. |
&mt('The password you entered contained illegal characters.').'<br />'. |
&mt('Valid characters are').(<<"ENDERROR"); |
&mt('Valid characters are').(<<"ENDERROR"); |
: space and <br /> |
: space and <br /> |
Line 2176 sub handler {
Line 2199 sub handler {
['action','wysiwyg','returnurl','refpage']); |
['action','wysiwyg','returnurl','refpage']); |
# |
# |
Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumbs(); |
Apache::lonhtmlcommon::clear_breadcrumbs(); |
my ($brlink,$brtxt,$brhelp); |
if (($env{'form.action'} eq 'changerolespref') && ($env{'form.returnurl'} eq '/adm/roles')) { |
$brlink ='/adm/roles'; |
$brtxt = 'User Roles'; |
} else { |
$brlink ='/adm/preferences'; |
$brtxt = 'Set User Preferences'; |
$brhelp = 'Prefs_About_Me,Prefs_Language,Prefs_Screen_Name_Nickname,Change_Colors,Change_Password,Prefs_Messages,Change_Discussion_Display'; |
} |
Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb |
Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb |
({href => '/adm/preferences', |
({href => $brlink, |
text => 'Set User Preferences', |
text => $brtxt, |
help => |
help => $brhelp,}); |
'Prefs_About_Me,Prefs_Language,Prefs_Screen_Name_Nickname,Change_Colors,Change_Password,Prefs_Messages,Change_Discussion_Display'}); |
if(!exists $env{'form.action'}) { |
if(!exists $env{'form.action'}) { |
&print_main_menu($r); |
&print_main_menu($r); |
}elsif($env{'form.action'} eq 'changepass'){ |
}elsif($env{'form.action'} eq 'changepass'){ |