--- loncom/interface/lonpreferences.pm 2006/03/21 21:06:35 1.78
+++ loncom/interface/lonpreferences.pm 2008/07/18 12:36:11 1.125
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network
# Preferences
-# $Id: lonpreferences.pm,v 1.78 2006/03/21 21:06:35 albertel Exp $
+# $Id: lonpreferences.pm,v 1.125 2008/07/18 12:36:11 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
package Apache::lonpreferences;
use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Apache::File;
use Crypt::DES;
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ use Apache::loncommon();
use Apache::lonhtmlcommon();
use Apache::lonlocal;
use Apache::lonnet;
+use LONCAPA();
# Write lonnet::passwd to do the call below.
@@ -106,9 +108,14 @@ sub wysiwygchanger {
my $switchoff=&mt('Disable WYSIWYG editor');
my $switchon=&mt('Enable WYSIWYG editor');
+ my $warning='';
+ if ($env{'user.adv'}) {
+ $warning.="
".&mt("The WYSIWYG editor only supports simple HTML and is in many cases unsuited for advanced authoring. In a number of cases, it may destroy advanced authoring involving LaTeX and script function calls.")."
+ }
+sub verify_and_change_icons {
+ my $r = shift;
+ my $user = $env{'user.name'};
+ my $domain = $env{'user.domain'};
+ my $newicons = $env{'form.menumode'};
+ &Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'icons' => $newicons});
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.icons' => $newicons});
+ $r->print(&mt('Set menu mode to [_1].',$newicons));
+# Clicker Subroutines #
+sub clickerchanger {
+ my $r = shift;
+ my $user = $env{'user.name'};
+ my $domain = $env{'user.domain'};
+ my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get
+ ('environment',['clickers']);
+ my $clickers=$userenv{'clickers'};
+ $clickers=~s/\,/\n/gs;
+ my $text=&mt('Enter response device ("clicker") numbers');
+ my $change=&mt('Register');
+ my $helplink=&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Clicker_Registration',&mt('Locating your clicker ID'));
+ $r->print(<
+sub verify_and_change_clicker {
+ my $r = shift;
+ my $user = $env{'user.name'};
+ my $domain = $env{'user.domain'};
+ my $newclickers = $env{'form.clickers'};
+ $newclickers=~s/[^\w\:\-]+/\,/gs;
+ $newclickers=~tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+ $newclickers=~s/[\:\-]+/\-/g;
+ $newclickers=~s/\,+/\,/g;
+ $newclickers=~s/^\,//;
+ $newclickers=~s/\,$//;
+ &Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'clickers' => $newclickers});
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.clickers' => $newclickers});
+ $r->print(&mt('Registering clickers: [_1]',$newclickers));
+# Domcoord Access Subroutines #
+sub domcoordchanger {
+ my $r = shift;
+ my $user = $env{'user.name'};
+ my $domain = $env{'user.domain'};
+ my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get
+ ('environment',['domcoord.author']);
+ my $constchecked='';
+ if ($userenv{'domcoord.author'} eq 'blocked') {
+ $constchecked='checked="checked"';
+ }
+ my $text=&mt('By default, the Domain Coordinator can enter your construction space.');
+ my $construction=&mt('Block access to construction space');
+ my $change=&mt('Change');
+ $r->print(<
+sub verify_and_change_domcoord {
+ my $r = shift;
+ my $user = $env{'user.name'};
+ my $domain = $env{'user.domain'};
+ my %domcoord=('domcoord.author' => '');
+ if ($env{'form.construction'}) { $domcoord{'domcoord.author'}='blocked'; }
+ &Apache::lonnet::put('environment',\%domcoord);
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.domcoord.author' => $domcoord{'domcoord.author'}});
+ $r->print(&mt('Registering Domain Coordinator access restrictions.'));
+## Lock Subroutines #
+sub lockwarning {
+ my $r = shift;
+ my $title=&mt('Action locked');
+ my $texttop=&mt('LON-CAPA is currently performing the following actions:');
+ my $textbottom=&mt('Changing roles or logging out may result in data corruption.');
+ my ($num,%which)=&Apache::lonnet::get_locks();
+ my $which='';
+ foreach my $id (keys %which) {
+ $which.='
+ }
+ my $change=&mt('Override');
+ $r->print(<
+sub verify_and_change_lockwarning {
+ my $r = shift;
+ &Apache::lonnet::remove_all_locks();
+ $r->print(&mt('Cleared locks.'));
# Message Forward #
sub msgforwardchanger {
- my $r = shift;
+ my ($r,$message) = @_;
my $user = $env{'user.name'};
my $domain = $env{'user.domain'};
- my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',['msgforward','notification','critnotification']);
+ my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',['msgforward','notification','critnotification','notifywithhtml']);
my $msgforward=$userenv{'msgforward'};
- my $notification=$userenv{'notification'};
- my $critnotification=$userenv{'critnotification'};
- my $forwardingHelp = Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Prefs_Forwarding",
- "What are forwarding ".
- "and notification ".
- "addresses");
- my $criticalMessageHelp = Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Course_Critical_Message",
- "What are critical messages");
+ my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+ all => 'All',
+ crit => 'Critical only',
+ reg => 'Non-critical only',
+ foad => 'Forwarding Address(es)',
+ noti => 'Notification E-mail Address(es)',
+ foad_exmpl => 'e.g. userA:domain1,userB:domain2,...',
+ mnot => 'Email Address(es) which should be notified about new LON-CAPA messages', # old: 'Message Notification Email Address(es)',
+ mnot_exmpl => 'e.g. joe@doe.com',
+ chg => 'Change',
+ email => 'The e-mail address entered in row ',
+ notv => 'is not a valid e-mail address',
+ toen => "To enter multiple addresses, enter one address at a time, click 'Change' and then add the next one",
+ prme => 'Back to preferences menu',
+ );
+ my $forwardingHelp = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Prefs_Forwarding");
+ my $notificationHelp = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Prefs_Notification");
+ my $criticalMessageHelp = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Course_Critical_Message");
+ my @allow_html = split(/,/,$userenv{'notifywithhtml'});
+ my %allnot = &get_notifications(\%userenv);
+ my $validatescript = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::javascript_valid_email();
+ my $jscript = qq|
+ &mt("One or more password fields were blank").
+ "\n
# Get the keys
@@ -756,10 +1398,14 @@ sub verify_and_change_password {
my $tmpinfo = Apache::lonnet::reply('tmpget:'.$logtoken,$lonhost);
if (($tmpinfo=~/^error/) || ($tmpinfo eq 'con_lost')) {
# I do not a have a better idea about how to handle this
+ my $tryagain_text = &mt('Please log out and try again.');
+ if ($caller eq 'reset_by_email') {
+ $tryagain_text = &mt('Please try again later.');
+ }
+ my $unable=&mt("Unable to retrieve saved token for password decryption");
-ERROR: Unable to retrieve stored token for
-password decryption. Please log out and try again.
+$unable. $tryagain_text
# Probably should log an error here
@@ -770,19 +1416,36 @@ ENDERROR
$currentpass = &des_decrypt($ckey ,$currentpass);
$newpass1 = &des_decrypt($n1key,$newpass1);
$newpass2 = &des_decrypt($n2key,$newpass2);
- #
+ #
+ if ($caller eq 'reset_by_email') {
+ my %data = &Apache::lonnet::tmpget($mailtoken);
+ if (keys(%data) == 0) {
+ &passwordchanger($r,
+ ''.
+ &mt('Could not verify current authentication.').' '.
+ &mt('Please try again.').'',$caller,$mailtoken);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ($currentpass ne $data{'temppasswd'}) {
+ &passwordchanger($r,
+ ''.
+ &mt('Could not verify current authentication.').' '.
+ &mt('Please try again.').'',$caller,$mailtoken);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
if ($newpass1 ne $newpass2) {
- 'ERROR:'.
- 'The new passwords you entered do not match. '.
- 'Please try again.');
+ ''.
+ &mt('The new passwords you entered do not match.').' '.
+ &mt('Please try again.').'',$caller,$mailtoken);
return 1;
if (length($newpass1) < 7) {
- 'ERROR:'.
- 'Passwords must be a minimum of 7 characters long. '.
- 'Please try again.');
+ ''.
+ &mt('Passwords must be a minimum of 7 characters long.').' '.
+ &mt('Please try again.').'',$caller,$mailtoken);
return 1;
@@ -793,31 +1456,29 @@ ENDERROR
if ($badpassword) {
# I can't figure out how to enter bad characters on my browser.
- &passwordchanger($r,<ERROR:
-The password you entered contained illegal characters.
-Valid characters are: space and
+ my $errormessage =''.
+ &mt('The password you entered contained illegal characters.').' '.
+ &mt('Valid characters are').(<<"ENDERROR");
+: space and
+ &passwordchanger($r,$errormessage,$caller,$mailtoken);
+ return 1;
# Change the password (finally)
my $result = &Apache::lonnet::changepass
- ($user,$domain,$currentpass,$newpass1,$homeserver);
+ ($user,$domain,$currentpass,$newpass1,$homeserver,$caller);
# Inform the user the password has (not?) been changed
if ($result =~ /^ok$/) {
- $r->print(<<"ENDTEXT");
The password for $user was successfully changed
+ $r->print("
".&mt('The password for [_1] was successfully changed',$user)."
} else {
# error error: run in circles, scream and shout
- $r->print(<The password for $user was not changed
-Please make sure your old password was entered correctly.
+ $r->print("
".&mt("The password for [_1] was not changed",$user)."
+ &mt('Please make sure your old password was entered correctly.'));
return 1;
@@ -887,43 +1548,41 @@ sub discussionchanger {
Note: $lt{'thde'}
@@ -939,11 +1598,11 @@ sub verify_and_change_discussion {
if (defined($env{'form.discdisp'}) ) {
my $newdisp = $env{'form.newdisp'};
if ($newdisp eq 'unread') {
- $message .='In discussions: only new posts will be displayed. ';
+ $message .=&mt('In discussions: only new posts will be displayed.').' ';
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'discdisplay' => $newdisp});
- &Apache::lonnet::appenv('environment.discdisplay' => $newdisp);
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.discdisplay' => $newdisp});
} else {
- $message .= 'In discussions: all posts will be displayed. ';
+ $message .= &mt('In discussions: all posts will be displayed.').' ';
@@ -951,11 +1610,11 @@ sub verify_and_change_discussion {
if (defined($env{'form.discmark'}) ) {
my $newmark = $env{'form.newmark'};
if ($newmark eq 'ondisp') {
- $message.='In discussions: new posts will be cease to be identified as "new" after display. ';
+ $message.=&mt('In discussions: new posts will be cease to be identified as "NEW" after display.').' ';
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'discmarkread' => $newmark});
- &Apache::lonnet::appenv('environment.discmarkread' => $newmark);
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.discmarkread' => $newmark});
} else {
- $message.='In discussions: posts will be identified as "new" until marked as read by the reader. ';
+ $message.=&mt('In discussions: posts will be identified as "NEW" until marked as read by the reader.').' ';
@@ -992,7 +1651,7 @@ sub coursedisplaychanger {
$r->print(' '.&mt('Set the default page to be displayed when you select a course role').' '.&mt('(Currently: [_1])',$pagenames{$currvalue}).' '.&mt('The global user preference you set for your courses can be overridden in an individual course by setting a course specific setting via the "[_1]" page in the course',"What's New").'