--- loncom/interface/lonpreferences.pm 2008/03/24 04:56:22 1.117
+++ loncom/interface/lonpreferences.pm 2009/02/10 09:30:16 1.135
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network
# Preferences
-# $Id: lonpreferences.pm,v 1.117 2008/03/24 04:56:22 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: lonpreferences.pm,v 1.135 2009/02/10 09:30:16 schafran Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -98,6 +98,12 @@ sub des_decrypt {
sub wysiwygchanger {
my $r = shift;
+ Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb(
+ { href => '/adm/preferences?action=changewysiwyg',
+ text => 'Change WYSIWYG Preferences'});
+ $r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Change WYSIWYG Preferences'));
+ $r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Change WYSIWYG Preferences'));
my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get
my $onselect='checked="checked"';
@@ -108,9 +114,14 @@ sub wysiwygchanger {
my $switchoff=&mt('Disable WYSIWYG editor');
my $switchon=&mt('Enable WYSIWYG editor');
+ my $warning='';
+ if ($env{'user.adv'}) {
+ $warning.="
".&mt("The WYSIWYG editor only supports simple HTML and is in many cases unsuited for advanced authoring. In a number of cases, it may destroy advanced authoring involving LaTeX and script function calls.")."
+ }
@@ -124,7 +135,9 @@ sub verify_and_change_wysiwyg {
my $newsetting=$env{'form.wysiwyg'};
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'wysiwygeditor' => $newsetting});
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.wysiwygeditor' => $newsetting});
- $r->print('
@@ -132,6 +145,12 @@ sub verify_and_change_wysiwyg {
sub languagechanger {
my $r = shift;
+ Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb(
+ { href => '/adm/preferences?action=changelanguages',
+ text => 'Change Language'});
+ $r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Change Language'));
+ $r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Change Language'));
my $user = $env{'user.name'};
my $domain = $env{'user.domain'};
my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get
@@ -174,9 +193,11 @@ sub verify_and_change_languages {
$message=&mt('Reset preferred language.');
- $r->print(<print(< '/adm/preferences?action=changetexenginepref',
+ text => 'Change How Math Equations Are Displayed'});
+ $r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Change How Math Equations Are Displayed'));
+ $r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Change How Math Equations Are Displayed'));
my $user = $env{'user.name'};
my $domain = $env{'user.domain'};
my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',['texengine']);
my $texengine=$userenv{'texengine'};
- my $pref=&mt('Preferred method to display Math');
my %mathchoices=('' => 'Default',
- 'tth' => 'TeX to HTML',
+ 'tth' => 'tth (TeX to HTML)',
#'ttm' => 'TeX to MathML',
'jsMath' => 'jsMath',
- 'mimetex' => 'Convert to Images'
+ 'mimetex' => 'mimetex (Convert to Images)'
my $selectionbox=&Apache::loncommon::select_form($texengine,'texengine',
my $jsMath_start=&Apache::lontexconvert::jsMath_header();
- my $change=&mt('Change');
- $r->print(<
+ my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+ 'headline' => 'Change Math Preferences',
+ 'preftxt' => 'Preferred method to display Math',
+ 'change' => 'Change',
+ 'exmpl' => 'Examples',
+ 'jsmath' => 'jsMath:',
+ 'tth' => 'tth (TeX to HTML):',
+ 'mimetex' => 'mimetex (Convert to Images):',
+ );
+ $r->print(<$lt{'headline'}
Convert to Images
if ($env{'environment.texengine'} ne 'jsMath') {
@@ -270,9 +311,10 @@ sub verify_and_change_texengine {
- $r->print(<print(< '/adm/preferences?action=changerolespref',
+ text => 'Change '.$role.' Page Pref'});
+ $r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Change '.$role.' Page Pref'));
+ $r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Change '.$role.' Page Pref'));
my $hotlist_flag=$userenv{'recentroles'};
my $hotlist_n=$userenv{'recentrolesn'};
my $checked;
@@ -449,9 +496,10 @@ sub verify_and_change_rolespref {
$message .= " \n";
- $r->print(<print(< 'New screenname (shown if you post anonymously):',
- text_nickname => 'New nickname (shown if you post non-anonymously):',
- text_submit => 'Change',
- );
- $r->print(<
- $lt{'text_screenname'}
- $lt{'text_nickname'}
+ Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb(
+ { href => '/adm/preferences?action=changescreenname',
+ text => 'Change Screen Name'});
+ $r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Change Screen Name'));
+ $r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Change Screen Name'));
+ $r->print('
+ .&mt('Change the name that is displayed in your posts.')
+ .'
+ );
+ $r->print(''
+ );
sub verify_and_change_screenname {
@@ -516,9 +572,10 @@ sub verify_and_change_screenname {
$message.=&mt('Reset nickname.');
- $r->print(<print(< '/adm/preferences?action=changeicons',
+ text => 'Change Main Menu'});
+ $r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Change Main Menu'));
+ $r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Change Main Menu'));
my $user = $env{'user.name'};
my $domain = $env{'user.domain'};
my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get
@@ -564,7 +627,8 @@ sub verify_and_change_icons {
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'icons' => $newicons});
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.icons' => $newicons});
- $r->print(&mt('Set menu mode to [_1].',$newicons));
+# $r->print(&mt('Set menu mode to [_1].',$newicons));
+ print_main_menu($r, &mt('Set menu mode to [_1].',$newicons));
@@ -573,6 +637,11 @@ sub verify_and_change_icons {
sub clickerchanger {
my $r = shift;
+ Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb(
+ { href => '/adm/preferences?action=changeclicker',
+ text => 'Register Clicker'});
+ $r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Register Clicker'));
+ $r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Register Clicker'));
my $user = $env{'user.name'};
my $domain = $env{'user.domain'};
my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get
@@ -606,9 +675,90 @@ sub verify_and_change_clicker {
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'clickers' => $newclickers});
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.clickers' => $newclickers});
- $r->print(&mt('Registering clickers: [_1]',$newclickers));
+# $r->print(&mt('Registering clickers: [_1]',$newclickers));
+ print_main_menu($r, &mt('Registering clickers: [_1]',$newclickers));
+# Domcoord Access Subroutines #
+sub domcoordchanger {
+ my $r = shift;
+ Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb(
+ { href => '/adm/preferences?action=changedomcoord',
+ text => 'Restrict Domain Coordinator Access'});
+ $r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Restrict Domain Coordinator Access'));
+ $r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Restrict Domain Coordinator Access'));
+ my $user = $env{'user.name'};
+ my $domain = $env{'user.domain'};
+ my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get
+ ('environment',['domcoord.author']);
+ my $constchecked='';
+ if ($userenv{'domcoord.author'} eq 'blocked') {
+ $constchecked='checked="checked"';
+ }
+ my $text=&mt('By default, the Domain Coordinator can enter your construction space.');
+ my $construction=&mt('Block access to construction space');
+ my $change=&mt('Change');
+ $r->print(<
+sub verify_and_change_domcoord {
+ my $r = shift;
+ my $user = $env{'user.name'};
+ my $domain = $env{'user.domain'};
+ my %domcoord=('domcoord.author' => '');
+ if ($env{'form.construction'}) { $domcoord{'domcoord.author'}='blocked'; }
+ &Apache::lonnet::put('environment',\%domcoord);
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.domcoord.author' => $domcoord{'domcoord.author'}});
+# $r->print(&mt('Registering Domain Coordinator access restrictions.'));
+ print_main_menu($r, &mt('Registering Domain Coordinator access restrictions.'));
+## Lock Subroutines #
+sub lockwarning {
+ my $r = shift;
+ my $title=&mt('Action locked');
+ my $texttop=&mt('LON-CAPA is currently performing the following actions:');
+ my $textbottom=&mt('Changing roles or logging out may result in data corruption.');
+ my ($num,%which)=&Apache::lonnet::get_locks();
+ my $which='';
+ foreach my $id (keys %which) {
+ $which.='
+ }
+ my $change=&mt('Override');
+ $r->print(<
+sub verify_and_change_lockwarning {
+ my $r = shift;
+ &Apache::lonnet::remove_all_locks();
+ $r->print(&mt('Cleared locks.'));
# Message Forward #
@@ -626,7 +776,8 @@ sub msgforwardchanger {
foad => 'Forwarding Address(es)',
noti => 'Notification E-mail Address(es)',
foad_exmpl => 'e.g. userA:domain1,userB:domain2,...',
- mnot => 'Email Address(es) which should be notified about new LON-CAPA messages', # old: 'Message Notification Email Address(es)',
+ mnot => 'E-mail Address(es) which should be notified about new LON-CAPA messages',
+ # old: 'Message Notification Email Address(es)',
mnot_exmpl => 'e.g. joe@doe.com',
chg => 'Change',
email => 'The e-mail address entered in row ',
@@ -634,6 +785,11 @@ sub msgforwardchanger {
toen => "To enter multiple addresses, enter one address at a time, click 'Change' and then add the next one",
prme => 'Back to preferences menu',
+ Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb(
+ { href => '/adm/preferences?action=changemsgforward',
+ text => 'Change Message Forwarding/Notification'});
+ $r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Change Message Forwarding/Notification'));
+ $r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Change Message Forwarding/Notification'));
my $forwardingHelp = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Prefs_Forwarding");
my $notificationHelp = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Prefs_Notification");
my $criticalMessageHelp = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Course_Critical_Message");
@@ -929,6 +1085,11 @@ sub verify_and_change_msgforward {
sub colorschanger {
my $r = shift;
+ Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb(
+ { href => '/adm/preferences?action=changecolors',
+ text => 'Change Colors'});
+ $r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Change Colors'));
+ $r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Change Colors'));
# figure out colors
my $function=&Apache::loncommon::get_users_function();
my $domain=&Apache::loncommon::determinedomain();
@@ -1029,12 +1190,13 @@ sub verify_and_change_colors {
&Apache::lonnet::put('environment',{'color.timestamp' => $now});
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'environment.color.timestamp' => $now});
- $r->print(<
+ print_main_menu($r, $message);
+# $r->print(<
@@ -1046,6 +1208,11 @@ sub passwordchanger {
# Passwords are encrypted using londes.js (DES encryption)
$errormessage = ($errormessage || '');
my ($user,$domain,$currentpass,$defdom);
+ Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb(
+ { href => '/adm/preferences?action=changepass',
+ text => 'Change Password'});
+ $r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Change Password'));
+ $r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Change Password'));
if ((!defined($caller)) || ($caller eq 'preferences')) {
$user = $env{'user.name'};
$domain = $env{'user.domain'};
@@ -1379,12 +1546,18 @@ ENDERROR
my $result = &Apache::lonnet::changepass
# Inform the user the password has (not?) been changed
+ my $message;
if ($result =~ /^ok$/) {
- $r->print("
".&mt('The password for [_1] was successfully changed',$user)."
+ $message = &mt('The password for [_1] was successfully changed',$user);
+ print_main_menu($r, $message);
+# $r->print("
".&mt('The password for [_1] was successfully changed',$user)."
} else {
# error error: run in circles, scream and shout
- $r->print("
".&mt("The password for [_1] was not changed",$user)."
- &mt('Please make sure your old password was entered correctly.'));
+ $message = &mt("The password for [_1] was not changed",$user)
+ .&mt('Please make sure your old password was entered correctly.');
+ print_main_menu($r, $message);
+# $r->print("
".&mt("The password for [_1] was not changed",$user)."
+# &mt('Please make sure your old password was entered correctly.'));
return 1;
@@ -1395,6 +1568,11 @@ ENDERROR
sub discussionchanger {
my $r = shift;
+ Apache::lonhtmlcommon::add_breadcrumb(
+ { href => '/adm/preferences?action=changediscussions',
+ text => 'Change Discussion Preferences'});
+ $r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Change Discussion Preferences'));
+ $r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Change Discussion Preferences'));
my $user = $env{'user.name'};
my $domain = $env{'user.domain'};
my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get
@@ -1423,9 +1601,9 @@ sub discussionchanger {
'pref' => 'Display Preference',
'curr' => 'Current setting ',
'actn' => 'Action',
- 'sdpf' => 'Set display preferences for discussion posts for both bulletin boards and individual resources in all your courses.',
+ 'sdpf' => 'Set display preferences for discussion posts for both discussion boards and individual resources in all your courses.',
'prca' => 'Preferences can be set that determine',
- 'whpo' => 'Which posts are displayed when you display a bulletin board or resource, and',
+ 'whpo' => 'Which posts are displayed when you display a discussion board or resource, and',
'unwh' => 'Under what circumstances posts are identfied as "New"',
'allposts' => 'All posts',
'unread' => 'New posts only',
@@ -1488,7 +1666,7 @@ END
Note: $lt{'thde'}
@@ -1525,9 +1703,10 @@ sub verify_and_change_discussion {
- $r->print(<print(< '/adm/preferences?action=changecourseinit',
+ text => 'Change Course Init. Pref.'});
+ $r->print(Apache::loncommon::start_page('Change Course Initialization Preference'));
+ $r->print(Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Change Course Init. Pref.'));
my $user = $env{'user.name'};
my $domain = $env{'user.domain'};
my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',['course_init_display']);
@@ -1548,14 +1732,21 @@ sub coursedisplaychanger {
$whatsnewselect = '';
- my %pagenames = (
+ my %pagenames = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
firstres => 'First resource',
- whatsnew => "What's new page",
+ whatsnew => "What's New page",
- my $whatsnew_off=&mt('Display the [_1] in the course.','first resource');
- my $whatsnew_on=&mt('Display the "[_1]" page - a summary of items in the course which require attention.',"What's New");
+ my $whatsnew_off=&mt('Display the [_1]first resource[_2] in the course.','','');
+ my $whatsnew_on=&mt("Display the [_1]What's New page[_2] - a summary of items in the course which require attention.",'','');
- $r->print(' '.&mt('Set the default page to be displayed when you select a course role').' '.&mt('(Currently: [_1])',$pagenames{$currvalue}).' '.&mt('The global user preference you set for your courses can be overridden in an individual course by setting a course specific setting via the "[_1]" page in the course',"What's New").'
+ $r->print(' '
+ .&mt('Set the default page to be displayed when you select a course role')
+ .' '
+ .&mt('(Currently: [_1])',$pagenames{$currvalue})
+ .' '
+ .&mt("The global user preference you set for your courses can be overridden in an individual course by setting a course specific setting via the [_1]What's New page[_2] in the course.",'','')
+ .'