-# '] To: ['.localtime($ConceptData{'Int.'.($k+1)}).
-# "]
- $Str .= "\n".'
-# $r->print($Str);
- if ( $Max > 1 ) {
- $Max += (10 - $Max % 10);
- $Max = int($Max);
- } else { $Max = 1; }
- my $Titr=($ConceptData{'Interval'}>1) ? $Src.'_interval_'.($k+1) : $Src;
-# $GData=$Titr.'&Concepts'.'&'.'Answers'.'&'.$Max.'&'.$P_No.'&'.$data1.'&'.$data2;
- $GData="$Titr&Concepts&Answers&$Max&$P_No&".
- (join(',',@data1)).'&'.(join(',',@data2));
- $r->print('');
-sub AnalyzeProblem {
- # selecting the number of intervals
- my $OpSel='';
- my $CurInt = $ENV{'form.interval'};
- if ($CurInt eq '') {$CurMap = '1';}
- my $Ptr = 'Select number of intervals'."\n".
- ''."\n";
- $r->print( $Ptr );
- #the table of option response problems
- $r->print(' Option Response Problems in this course:
- my $Str = "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
Problem Title
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- my $P_No=1;
- foreach (sort keys %OpResp) {
- my ($rid,$part)=split(/\:/,$OpResp{$_});
- my $Temp = ''.$hash{'title_'.$rid}.'';
- $Str .= "\n"."
- "\n"."
- "\n"."
- "\n"."
- "\n"."
- "\n"."
- $P_No++;
- }
- $Str .= "\n".'
- $Str .= "\n".'';
- $r->print($Str);
- $r->rflush();
-sub Decide {
- #deciding the true or false answer belongs to each interval
- my ($type,$foil,$time)=@_;
- my $k=0;
- while ($time>$ConceptData{'Int.'.($k+1)} &&
- $k<$ConceptData{'Interval'}) {$k++;}
- $ConceptData{"$foil_to_concept{$foil}.$k.$type"}++;
-#restore the student submissions and finding the result
-sub OpStatus {
- my ($rid,$student)=@_;
- my ($uname,$udom)=split(/\:/,$student);
- my $code='U';
- $rid=~/(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
- my $symb=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'map_id_'.$1}).'___'.$2.'___'.
- &Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'src_'.$rid});
- my %reshash=&Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$cid,$udom,$uname);
- my @True = ();
- my @False = ();
- my $flag=0;
- if ($reshash{'version'}) {
- my $tries=0;
- &Apache::lonhomework::showhash(%Answer);
- for (my $version=1;$version<=$reshash{'version'};$version++) {
- my $time=$reshash{"$version:timestamp"};
- foreach my $key (sort(split(/\:/,$reshash{$version.':keys'}))) {
- if (($key=~/\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.submission$/)) {
- my $Id1 = $1; my $Id2 = $2;
- #check if this is a repeat submission, if so skip it
- if ($reshash{"$version:resource.$Id1.previous"}) { next; }
- #if no solved this wasn't a real submission, ignore it
- if (!defined($reshash{"$version:resource.$Id1.solved"})) {
- &Apache::lonxml::debug("skipping ");
- next;
- }
- my $Resp = $reshash{"$version:$key"};
- my %submission=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($Resp);
- foreach (keys %submission) {
- my $Ansr = $Answer{"$Id1.$Id2.foil.value.$_"};
- if ($submission{$_}) {
- if ($submission{$_} eq $Ansr) {
- &Decide("true",$_,$time );
- }
- else {&Decide("false",$_,$time );}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-#------- Processing upperlist and lowerlist according to each problem
-sub ProcessDisc {
- my @List = @_;
- @List = sort (@List);
- my $Count = $#List+1;
- my $Prb;
- my @Dis;
- my $Slvd=0;
- my $tmp;
- my $Sum1=0;
- my $Sum2=0;
- my $nIdx=0;
- my $nStud=0;
- my %Proc;
- undef %Proc;
- while ($nIdx<$Count) {
- ($Prb,$tmp)=split(/\=/,$List[$nIdx]);
- @Dis=split(/\+/,$tmp);
- my $Temp = $Prb;
- do {
- $nIdx++;
- $nStud++;
- $Sum1 += $Dis[0];
- $Sum2 += $Dis[1];
- ($Prb,$tmp)=split(/\=/,$List[$nIdx]);
- @Dis=split(/\+/,$tmp);
- } while ( $Prb eq $Temp && $nIdx < $Count );
-# $Proc{$Temp}=($Sum1/$nStud).':'.$nStud;
- $Proc{$Temp}=($Sum1/$nStud).':'.($Sum2/$nStud);
-# $r->print("$nIdx) $Temp --> ($nStud) $Proc{$Temp} ");
- $Sum1=0;
- $Sum2=0;
- $nStud=0;
- }
- return %Proc;
-#------- Creating Discimination factor
-sub Discriminant {
- my $Count=0;
- foreach (keys(%DiscFac)){
- $Count++;
- }
- $UpCnt = int(0.27*$Count);
- my $low=0;
- my $up=$Count-$UpCnt;
- my @UpList=();
- my @LowList=();
- $Count=0;
- foreach my $key (sort(keys(%DiscFac))){
- $Count++;
- #$r->print(" $Count) $key = $DiscFac{$key}");
- if ($low < $UpCnt || $Count > $up) {
- $low++;
- my $str=$DiscFac{$key};
- foreach(split(/\:/,$str)){
- if ($_) {
- if ($low<$UpCnt){push(@LowList,$_);}
- else {push(@UpList,$_);}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- %DisUp=&ProcessDisc(@UpList);
- %DisLow=&ProcessDisc(@LowList);
-sub NumericSort {
- $a <=> $b;
-# ------ Create different Student Report
-sub StudentReport {
- my ($sname,$sdom)=@_;
- if ( $sname eq 'All Students' ) {
- $r->print( '
- Please select a student
' );
- return;
- }
- my %result = &Apache::lonnet::dump($cid,$sdom,$sname);
- my $ResId;
- my $PrOrd;
- my $Code;
- my $Tries;
- my $TotalTries = 0;
- my $ParCr = 0;
- my $Wrongs;
- my %TempHash;
- my $Version;
- my $LatestVersion;
- my $PtrTry='';
- my $PtrCod='';
- my $SetNo=0;
- my $Str = "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
Set Title
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- my ($temp)=keys(%result);
- unless ($temp=~/^error\:/) {
- foreach my $CurCol (@cols) {
- if (!$CurCol){
- my $Set=&Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'map_id_'.$1});
- if ( $Set ) {
- $SetNo++;
- $Str .= "\n"."
- "\n"."
- "\n"."
- "\n"."
- "\n"."
- "\n"."
- }
- $PtrTry='';
- $PtrCod='';
- next;
- }
- ($PrOrd,$ResId)=split(/\:/,$CurCol);
- $ResId=~/(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
- my $Map = &Apache::lonnet::declutter( $hash{'map_id_'.$1} );
- if ( $CurMap ne 'All Maps' ) {
- my ( $ResMap, $NameMap ) = split(/\=/,$CurMap);
- if ( $Map ne $ResMap ) { next; }
- }
- my $meta=$hash{'src_'.$ResId};
- my $PartNo = 0;
- undef %TempHash;
- foreach (split(/\,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($meta,'keys'))){
- if ($_=~/^stores\_(\w+)\_tries$/) {
- my $Part=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($meta,$_.'.part');
- if ( $TempHash{"$Part"} eq '' ) {
- $TempHash{"$Part"} = $Part;
- $TempHash{$PartNo}=$Part;
- $TempHash{"$Part.Code"} = '-';
- $TempHash{"$Part.PrOrd"} = $PrOrd+$PartNo;
- $PartNo++;
- }
- }
- }
- my $Prob = $Map.'___'.$2.'___'.
- &Apache::lonnet::declutter( $hash{'src_'.$ResId} );
- $Code='U';
- $Tries = 0;
- $Wrongs = 0;
- $LatestVersion = $result{"version:$Prob"};
- if ( $LatestVersion ) {
- for ( my $Version=1; $Version<=$LatestVersion; $Version++ ) {
- my $vkeys = $result{"$Version:keys:$Prob"};
- my @keys = split(/\:/,$vkeys);
- foreach my $Key (@keys) {
- if (($Key=~/\.(\w+)\.solved$/) && ($Key!~/^\d+\:/)) {
- my $Part = $1;
- $Tries = $result{"$Version:$Prob:resource.$Part.tries"};
- $TempHash{"$Part.Tries"} = ($Tries) ? $Tries : 0;
- $TotalTries += $Tries;
- my $Val = $result{"$Version:$Prob:resource.$Part.solved"};
- if ( $Val eq 'correct_by_student' )
- { $Wrongs = $Tries - 1; $Code = 'Y'; }
- elsif ( $Val eq 'correct_by_override' )
- { $Wrongs = $Tries - 1; $Code = 'y'; }
- elsif ( $Val eq 'incorrect_attempted' ||
- $Val eq 'incorrect_by_override' )
- { $Wrongs = $Tries; $Code = 'N'; }
- $TempHash{"$Part.Code"} = $Code;
- $TempHash{"$Part.Wrongs"} = $Wrongs;
- }
- }
- }
- for ( my $n = 0; $n < $PartNo; $n++ ) {
- my $part = $TempHash{$n};
- if ($PtrTry ne '') {$PtrTry .= ',';}
- $PtrTry .= "$TempHash{$part.'.Tries'}";
- $PtrCod .= "$TempHash{$part.'.Code'}";
- }
+=item Package Variables
+=item @FullClasslist The full classlist
+=item @Students The students we are concerned with for this invocation
+=item @Sections The sections available in this class
+=item $curr_student The student currently being examined
+=item $prev_student The student previous in the classlist
+=item $next_student The student next in the classlist
+# Classlist variables
+my $curr_student;
+my $prev_student;
+my $next_student;
+=item &clear_classlist_variables()
+undef the following package variables:
+=item @FullClasslist
+=item @Students
+=item @Sections
+=item @SelectedSections
+=item %StudentData
+=item @StudentDataOrder
+=item @SelectedStudentData
+=item $curr_student
+=item $prev_student
+=item $next_student
+sub clear_classlist_variables {
+ undef(@FullClasslist);
+ undef(@Students);
+ undef(@Sections);
+ undef(@SelectedSections);
+ undef(%StudentData);
+ undef(@SelectedStudentData);
+ undef($curr_student);
+ undef($prev_student);
+ undef($next_student);
+=item &PrepareClasslist()
+Build up the classlist information. The classlist information is kept in
+the following package variables:
+=item @FullClasslist
+=item @Students
+=item @Sections
+=item @SelectedSections
+=item %StudentData
+=item @SelectedStudentData
+=item $curr_student
+=item $prev_student
+=item $next_student
+$curr_student, $prev_student, and $next_student may not be defined, depending
+upon the calling context.
+sub PrepareClasslist {
+ my %Sections;
+ &clear_classlist_variables();
+ #
+ # Retrieve the classlist
+ my $cid = $ENV{''};
+ my $cdom = $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'};
+ my $cnum = $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.num'};
+ my ($classlist,$field_names) = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist($cid,
+ $cdom,$cnum);
+ if (exists($ENV{'form.Section'})) {
+ if (ref($ENV{'form.Section'})) {
+ @SelectedSections = @{$ENV{'form.Section'}};
+ } elsif ($ENV{'form.Section'} !~ /^\s*$/) {
+ @SelectedSections = ($ENV{'form.Section'});
+ }
+ }
+ @SelectedSections = ('all') if (! @SelectedSections);
+ foreach (@SelectedSections) {
+ if ($_ eq 'all') {
+ @SelectedSections = ('all');
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # Deal with instructors with restricted section access
+ if ($ENV{'request.course.sec'} !~ /^\s*$/) {
+ @SelectedSections = ($ENV{'request.course.sec'});
+ }
+ #
+ # Set up %StudentData
+ @StudentDataOrder = qw/fullname username domain id section status/;
+ foreach my $field (@StudentDataOrder) {
+ $StudentData{$field}->{'title'} = $field;
+ $StudentData{$field}->{'base_width'} = length($field);
+ $StudentData{$field}->{'width'} =
+ $StudentData{$field}->{'base_width'};
+ }
+ #
+ # get the status requested
+ my $requested_status = 'Active';
+ $requested_status = $ENV{'form.Status'} if (exists($ENV{'form.Status'}));
+ #
+ # Process the classlist
+ while (my ($student,$student_data) = each (%$classlist)) {
+ my $studenthash = ();
+ for (my $i=0; $i< scalar(@$field_names);$i++) {
+ my $field = $field_names->[$i];
+ # Store the data
+ $studenthash->{$field}=$student_data->[$i];
+ # Keep track of the width of the fields
+ next if (! exists($StudentData{$field}));
+ my $length = length($student_data->[$i]);
+ if ($StudentData{$field}->{'width'} < $length) {
+ $StudentData{$field}->{'width'} = $length;
+ }
+ }
+ push (@FullClasslist,$studenthash);
+ #
+ # Build up a list of sections
+ my $section = $studenthash->{'section'};
+ if (! defined($section) || $section =~/^\s*$/ || $section == -1) {
+ $studenthash->{'section'} = 'none';
+ $section = $studenthash->{'section'};
+ }
+ $Sections{$section}++;
+ #
+ # Only put in the list those students we are interested in
+ foreach my $sect (@SelectedSections) {
+ if ( (($sect eq 'all') ||
+ ($section eq $sect)) &&
+ (($studenthash->{'status'} eq $requested_status) ||
+ ($requested_status eq 'Any'))
+ ){
+ push (@Students,$studenthash);
+ last;
- else {
- for(my $n=0; $n<$PartNo; $n++) {
- if ($PtrTry ne '') {$PtrTry .= ',';}
- $PtrTry .= "0";
- $PtrCod .= "-";
- }
- }
- $Str .= "\n".'
- $r->print($Str);
- $r->rflush();
+ #
+ # Put the consolidated section data in the right place
+ if ($ENV{'request.course.sec'} !~ /^\s*$/) {
+ @Sections = ($ENV{'request.course.sec'});
+ } else {
+ @Sections = sort {$a cmp $b} keys(%Sections);
+ unshift(@Sections,'all'); # Put 'all' at the front of the list
+ }
+ #
+ # Sort the Students
+ my $sortby = 'fullname';
+ $sortby = $ENV{'form.sort'} if (exists($ENV{'form.sort'}));
+ my @TmpStudents = sort { $a->{$sortby} cmp $b->{$sortby} ||
+ $a->{'fullname'} cmp $b->{'fullname'} } @Students;
+ @Students = @TmpStudents;
+ #
+ # Now deal with that current student thing....
+ $curr_student = undef;
+ if (exists($ENV{'form.SelectedStudent'})) {
+ my ($current_uname,$current_dom) =
+ split(':',$ENV{'form.SelectedStudent'});
+ my $i;
+ for ($i = 0; $i<=$#Students; $i++) {
+ next if (($Students[$i]->{'username'} ne $current_uname) ||
+ ($Students[$i]->{'domain'} ne $current_dom));
+ $curr_student = $Students[$i];
+ last; # If we get here, we have our student.
+ }
+ if (defined($curr_student)) {
+ if ($i == 0) {
+ $prev_student = undef;
+ } else {
+ $prev_student = $Students[$i-1];
+ }
+ if ($i == $#Students) {
+ $next_student = undef;
+ } else {
+ $next_student = $Students[$i+1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ if (exists($ENV{'form.StudentData'})) {
+ if (ref($ENV{'form.StudentData'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @SelectedStudentData = @{$ENV{'form.StudentData'}};
+ } else {
+ @SelectedStudentData = ($ENV{'form.StudentData'});
+ }
+ } else {
+ @SelectedStudentData = ('username');
+ }
+ foreach (@SelectedStudentData) {
+ if ($_ eq 'all') {
+ @SelectedStudentData = ('all');
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ return;
-sub CreateTable {
- my ($Hd, $Hid)=@_;
- if ($ENV{'form.showcsv'}) {
- if ( $Hd == 1 ) {
- $r->print(' "'.$hash{'title_'.$Hid}.'","'.$hash{'src_'.$Hid}.'"');
- }
- return;
- }
- my $ColNo=0;
- foreach (keys(%Header)){
- $ColNo++;
- }
- if ( $Hd == 1 ) {
- $r->print(' '.$hash{'title_'.$Hid}.'');
- }
- my $Result = "\n".'
- $Result .= '
- for ( my $nIdx=0; $nIdx < $ColNo; $nIdx++ ) {
- $Result .= '
+=item get_students
+Returns a list of the selected students
+sub get_students {
+ if (! @Students) {
+ &PrepareClasslist()
- $Result .= "\n".'
- $r->rflush();
+=item ¤t_student()
+Returns a pointer to a hash containing data about the currently
+selected student.
+sub current_student {
+ return $curr_student;
+=item &previous_student()
+Returns a pointer to a hash containing data about the student prior
+in the list of students. Or something.
+sub previous_student {
+ return $prev_student;
+=item &next_student()
+Returns a pointer to a hash containing data about the next student
+to be viewed.
+sub next_student {
+ return $next_student;
+=item &clear_sequence_variables()
+sub clear_sequence_variables {
+ undef($top_map);
+ undef(@Sequences);
+ undef(@Assessments);
+=item &SetSelectedMaps($elementname)
+Sets the @SelectedMaps array from $ENV{'form.'.$elementname};
+sub SetSelectedMaps {
+ my $elementname = shift;
+ if (exists($ENV{'form.'.$elementname})) {
+ if (ref($ENV{'form.'.$elementname})) {
+ @SelectedMaps = @{$ENV{'form.'.$elementname}};
+ } else {
+ @SelectedMaps = ($ENV{'form.'.$elementname});
+ }
+ } else {
+ @SelectedMaps = ('all');
+ }
+=item &Sequences_with_Assess()
+Returns an array containing the subset of @Sequences which contain
+sub Sequences_with_Assess {
+ my @Sequences_to_Show;
+ foreach my $map_symb (@SelectedMaps) {
+ foreach my $sequence (@Sequences) {
+ next if ($sequence->{'symb'} ne $map_symb && $map_symb ne 'all');
+ next if ($sequence->{'num_assess'} < 1);
+ push (@Sequences_to_Show,$sequence);
+ }
+ }
+ return @Sequences_to_Show;
+=item &PrepareCourseData($r)
+sub PrepareCourseData {
+ my ($r) = @_;
+ &clear_sequence_variables();
+ my ($top,$sequences,$assessments) =
+ &Apache::loncoursedata::get_sequence_assessment_data();
+ if (! defined($top) || ! ref($top)) {
+ # There has been an error, better report it
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis('top is undefined');
+ return;
+ }
+ $top_map = $top if (ref($top));
+ @Sequences = @{$sequences} if (ref($sequences) eq 'ARRAY');
+ @Assessments = @{$assessments} if (ref($assessments) eq 'ARRAY');
+ #
+ # Compute column widths
+ foreach my $seq (@Sequences) {
+ my $name_length = length($seq->{'title'});
+ my $num_parts = $seq->{'num_assess_parts'};
+ #
+ # Use 3 digits for each the sum and total, which means 7 total...
+ my $num_col = $num_parts+7;
+ if ($num_col < $name_length) {
+ $num_col = $name_length;
+ }
+ $seq->{'base_width'} = $name_length;
+ $seq->{'width'} = $num_col;
+ }
+ return;
-# ------------------------------------------- Prepare Statistics Table
-sub PreStatTable {
- my $CacheDB = "/home/httpd/perl/tmp/$ENV{''}".
- "_$ENV{'user.domain'}_$cid\_statistics.db";
- my $GraphDB = "/home/httpd/perl/tmp/$ENV{''}".
- "_$ENV{'user.domain'}_$cid\_graph.db";
- my $OpSel11='';
- my $OpSel12='';
- my $OpSel13='';
- my $Status = $ENV{'form.status'};
- if ( $Status eq 'Any' ) { $OpSel13='selected'; }
- elsif ($Status eq 'Expired' ) { $OpSel12 = 'selected'; }
- else { $OpSel11 = 'selected'; }
- my $Ptr = '';
- $Ptr .= ' Student Status: '."\n".
- ' '."\n";
- $Ptr .= ' ';
- $Ptr .= ''."\n";
- $Ptr .= ' Sorting Type: '."\n".
- ' '."\n";
- $Ptr .= ' ';
- $Ptr .= ''."\n";
- $Ptr .= ' ';
- $Ptr .= ''."\n";
- $Ptr .= '
- ' #Stdnts: Total Number of Students opened the problem. '.
- ' Tries : Total Number of Tries for solving the problem. '.
- ' Max : Maximunm Number of Tries for solving the problem. '.
- ' Avg. : Average Number of the tries. [ Tries / #Stdnts ] '.
- ' #YES : Number of students solved the problem correctly. '.
- ' #yes : Number of students solved the problem by override. '.
- ' %Wrng : Percentage of students tried to solve the problem but'.
- ' still incorrect. [ 100*((#Stdnts-(#YES+#yes))/#Stdnts) ] '.
-# ' DoDiff : Degree of Difficulty of the problem. [ Tries/(#YES+#yes+0.1) ] '. Kashy formula
- ' DoDiff : Degree of Difficulty of the problem. [ 1 - ((#YES+#yes) / Tries) ] '. #Gerd formula
- ' S.D. : Standard Deviation of the tries.'.
- '[ sqrt(sum((Xi - Avg.)^2)) / (#Stdnts-1)'.
- ' where Xi denotes every student\'s tries ] '.
- ' Skew. : Skewness of the students tries.'.
- ' [ (sqrt( sum((Xi - Avg.)^3) / #Stdnts)) / (S.D.^3) ] '.
- ' Dis.F. : Discrimination Factor: A Standard for '.
- 'evaluating the problem according to a Criterion '.
- ' [Applied Criterion in %27 Upper Students - '.
- 'Applied the same Criterion in %27 Lower Students] '.
- ' 1st Criterion for Sorting the Students: '.
- 'Sum of Partial Credit Awarded / Total Number of Tries '.
- ' 2nd Criterion for Sorting the Students: '.
- 'Total number of Correct Answers / Total Number of Tries'.
- '
- $r->print($Ptr);
- $r->print('Output CSV format: print(' checked'); }
- $r->print('>');
- $r->rflush();
- if ((-e "$CacheDB")&&($ENV{'form.sort'} ne 'Recalculate Statistics')) {
- if (tie(%CachData,'GDBM_File',"$CacheDB",&GDBM_READER,0640)) {
- tie(%GraphDat,'GDBM_File',$GraphDB,&GDBM_WRCREAT,0640);
- &Cache_Statistics();
- }
- else {
- $r->print("Unable to tie hash to db file");
- }
- }
- else {
- if (tie(%CachData,'GDBM_File',$CacheDB,&GDBM_WRCREAT,0640)) {
- tie(%GraphDat,'GDBM_File',$GraphDB,&GDBM_WRCREAT,0640);
- foreach (keys %DiscFac) {delete $CachData{$_};}
- foreach (keys %CachData) {delete $CachData{$_};}
- $DiscFlag=0;
- &Build_Statistics();
- }
- else {
- $r->print("Unable to tie hash to db file");
- }
- }
-# $r->print('Total instances of the problems : '.($p_count*($#students+1)));
- untie(%CachData);
- untie(%GraphDat);
-# ------------------------------------- Find the section of student in a course
-sub usection {
- my ($udom,$unam,$courseid,$ActiveFlag)=@_;
- $courseid=~s/\_/\//g;
- $courseid=~s/^(\w)/\/$1/;
- foreach (split(/\&/,&Apache::lonnet::reply('dump:'.
- $udom.':'.$unam.':roles',
- &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($unam,$udom)))){
- my ($key,$value)=split(/\=/,$_);
- $key=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($key);
- if ($key=~/^$courseid(?:\/)*(\w+)*\_st$/) {
- my $section=$1;
- if ($key eq $courseid.'_st') { $section=''; }
- my ($dummy,$end,$start)=split(/\_/,&Apache::lonnet::unescape($value));
- if ( $ActiveFlag ne 'Any' ) {
- my $now=time;
- my $notactive=0;
- if ($start) {
- if ($now<$start) { $notactive=1; }
- }
- if ($end) {
- if ($now>$end) { $notactive=1; }
- }
- if ((($ActiveFlag eq 'Expired') && $notactive == 1) ||
- (($ActiveFlag eq 'Active') && $notactive == 0 ) ) {
- return $section;
- }
- else { return '-1'; }
- }
- return $section;
- }
- }
- return '-1';
-# ------ Dump the Student's DB file and handling the data for statistics table
-sub ExtractStudentData {
- my $student=shift;
- my ($sname,$sdom) = split( /\:/, $student );
- my %result = &Apache::lonnet::dump($cid,$sdom,$sname);
- my $ResId;
- my $PrOrd;
- my $Dis = '';
- my $Code;
- my $Tries;
- my $ParCr;
- my $TotalTries = 0;
- my $TotalOpend = 0;
- my $ProbSolved = 0;
- my $ProbTot = 0;
- my $TimeTot = 0;
- my $TotParCr = 0;
- my $Wrongs;
- my %TempHash;
- my $Version;
- my $LatestVersion;
- my $SecLimit;
- my $MapLimit;
- my ($temp)=keys(%result);
- unless ($temp=~/^error\:/) {
- foreach my $CurCol(@cols) {
- ($PrOrd,$ResId)=split(/\:/,$CurCol);
- if ( !$CurCol ) { next; }
- $ResId=~/(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
- my $MapId=$1;
- my $PrbId=$2;
- my $MapOrg = $hash{'map_id_'.$MapId};
- my $Map = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($MapOrg);
- if ( $CurMap ne 'All Maps' ) {
- my ( $ResMap, $NameMap ) = split(/\=/,$CurMap);
- if ( $Map ne $ResMap ) { next; }
- }
- my $meta=$hash{'src_'.$ResId};
- my $PartNo = 0;
- $Dis .= ':';
- undef %TempHash;
- foreach (split(/\,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($meta,'keys'))) {
- if ($_=~/^stores\_(\w+)\_tries$/) {
- my $Part=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($meta,$_.'.part');
- if ( $TempHash{"$Part"} eq '' ) {
- $TempHash{"$Part"} = $Part;
- $TempHash{$PartNo}=$Part;
- $TempHash{"$Part.Code"} = 'U';
- $TempHash{"$Part.PrOrd"} = $PrOrd+$PartNo;
- $PartNo++;
- }
- #my $Part=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($meta,$_.'.part');
- }
+=item &log_sequence($sequence,$recursive,$padding)
+Write data about the sequence to a logfile. If $recursive is not
+undef the data is written recursively. $padding is used for recursive
+sub log_sequence {
+ my ($seq,$recursive,$padding) = @_;
+ $padding = '' if (! defined($padding));
+ if (ref($seq) ne 'HASH') {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis('log_sequence passed bad sequnce');
+ return;
+ }
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis($padding.'sequence '.$seq->{'title'});
+ while (my($key,$value) = each(%$seq)) {
+ next if ($key eq 'contents');
+ if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ for (my $i=0;$i< scalar(@$value);$i++) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis($padding.$key.'['.$i.']='.
+ $value->[$i]);
- &Apache::lonnet::declutter( $hash{'src_'.$ResId} );
- my $URI = $hash{'src_'.$ResId};
- my $Prob = $Map.'___'.$PrbId.'___'.
- &Apache::lonnet::declutter($URI);
- $Code='U';
- $Tries = 0;
- $ParCr = 0;
- $Wrongs = 0;
- $LatestVersion = $result{"version:$Prob"};
- if ( $LatestVersion ) {
- for ( my $Version=1; $Version<=$LatestVersion; $Version++ ) {
- my $vkeys = $result{"$Version:keys:$Prob"};
- my @keys = split(/\:/,$vkeys);
- foreach my $Key (@keys) {
- if (($Key=~/\.(\w+)\.solved$/) && ($Key!~/^\d+\:/)) {
- my $Part = $1;
- $Tries = $result{"$Version:$Prob:resource.$Part.tries"};
- $ParCr = $result{"$Version:$Prob:resource.$Part.awarded"};
- my $Time = $result{"$Version:$Prob:timestamp"};
- $TempHash{"$Part.Time"} = ($Time) ? $Time : 0;
- $TempHash{"$Part.Tries"} = ($Tries) ? $Tries : 0;
- $TempHash{"$Part.ParCr"} = ($ParCr) ? $ParCr : 0;
- $TotalTries += $TempHash{"$Part.Tries"};
- $TotParCr += $TempHash{"$Part.ParCr"};
- my $Val = $result{"$Version:$Prob:resource.$Part.solved"};
- if ( $Val eq 'correct_by_student' )
- { $Wrongs = $Tries - 1; $Code = 'C'; }
- elsif ( $Val eq 'correct_by_override' )
- { $Wrongs = $Tries - 1; $Code = 'O'; }
- elsif ( $Val eq 'incorrect_attempted' ||
- $Val eq 'incorrect_by_override' )
- { $Wrongs = $Tries; $Code = 'I'; }
- $TempHash{"$Part.Code"} = $Code;
- $TempHash{"$Part.Wrongs"} = $Wrongs;
- }
- }
- }
- for ( my $n = 0; $n < $PartNo; $n++ ) {
- my $part = $TempHash{$n};
- my $Yes = 0;
- if ( $TempHash{$part.'.Code'} eq 'C' ||
- $TempHash{$part.'.Code'} eq 'O' )
- {$ProbSolved++;$Yes=1;}
- # my $ptr = "$hash{'title_'.$ResId}";
- my $ptr = $TempHash{$part.'.PrOrd'}.'&'.$ResId;
- if ( $PartNo > 1 ) {
- $ptr .= "*(part $part)";
- $Dis .= '&';
- }
- my $Fac = ($TempHash{"$part.Tries"}) ?
- ($TempHash{"$part.ParCr"}/$TempHash{"$part.Tries"}) : 0;
- my $DisF;
- if ( $Fac > 0 && $Fac < 1 ) {
- $DisF = sprintf( "%.4f", $Fac );
- }
- else {$DisF = $Fac;}
-# $DisF .= '+'.$TempHash{"$part.Time"};33333333
- $TimeTot += $TempHash{"$part.Time"};
- $Dis .= $TempHash{$part.'.PrOrd'}.'='.$DisF.'+'.$Yes;
- $ptr .= "&$TempHash{$part.'.Tries'}".
- "&$TempHash{$part.'.Wrongs'}".
- "&$TempHash{$part.'.Code'}";
- push (@list, $ptr);
- $TotalOpend++;
- $ProbTot++;
- }
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis($padding.$key.'='.$value);
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($recursive)) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis($padding.'-'x20);
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis($padding.'contains:');
+ foreach my $item (@{$seq->{'contents'}}) {
+ if ($item->{'type'} eq 'container') {
+ &log_sequence($item,$recursive,$padding.' ');
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis($padding.'title = '.$item->{'title'});
+ while (my($key,$value) = each(%$item)) {
+ next if ($key eq 'title');
+ if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ for (my $i=0;$i< scalar(@$value);$i++) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis($padding.$key.'['.$i.']='.
+ $value->[$i]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis($padding.$key.'='.$value);
+ }
+ }
- #else {
- #for(my $n=0; $n<$PartNo; $n++) {
- # push (@list, "$TempHash{'0'.'.PrOrd'}.':'.$ResId:0:0:U");
- # $ProbTot++;
- #}
- #}
- }
- if ( $TotalTries ) {
- my $DisFac = ( $TotalTries ) ? ($TotParCr/$TotalTries) : 0;
- my $DisFactor = sprintf( "%.4f", $DisFac );
- $DiscFac{$DisFactor}=$Dis;
- #my $time;
- #if ($ProbSolved){
- #$time = int(($TimeTot/$ProbSolved)-10000000);
- #}
- #$DiscFac{($DisFactor.':'.$sname.':'.$ProbTot.':'.$TotalOpend.':'.
- # $TotalTries.':'.$ProbSolved.':'.$time)}=$Dis;
- }
- }
- #$r->print($sname.' PrCr= '.$TotParCr.' Slvd= '.$ProbSolved.' Tries='.$TotalTries.' ');
-# ------------------------------------------------------------ Build page table
-sub tracetable {
- my ($rid,$beenhere)=@_;
- my $IsMap=0;
- $rid=~/(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
- $maps{&Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'map_id_'.$1})}='';#$hash{'title_'.$rid};
- #$maps{$HWN}=$hash{'title_'.$rid};
- unless ($beenhere=~/\&$rid\&/) {
- $beenhere.=$rid.'&';
- if (defined($hash{'is_map_'.$rid})) {
- my $cmap=$hash{'map_type_'.$hash{'map_pc_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}}};
- if ( $cmap eq 'sequence' || $cmap eq 'page' ) {
- $cols[$#cols+1]=0;
- $P_Order++;
- $HWN=$P_Order;
- $mapsort{$HWN} = $rid.':';
- $IsMap=1;
- #$maps{&Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'src_'.$rid})}=
- # $hash{'title_'.$rid};
- }
- if ((defined($hash{'map_start_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}})) &&
- (defined($hash{'map_finish_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}}))) {
- my $frid=$hash{'map_finish_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}};
- &tracetable($hash{'map_start_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}},
- '&'.$frid.'&');
- $cols[$#cols+1]=($P_Order+1).':'.$frid;
- my $meta=$hash{'src_'.$frid};
- my $PartNo = 0;
- my $Part;
- # if ($IsMap==0){
- if ($meta) {
- if ($meta=~/\.(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form)$/) {
- foreach (split(/\,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($meta,'keys'))) {
- if ($_=~/^stores\_(\w+)\_tries$/) {
- $Part=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($meta,$_.'.part');
- $P_Order++;
- $mapsort{$HWN} .= '&'.$P_Order;
- $PartNo++;
- #$r->print(' '.$PartNo.'---'.$P_Order);
- }
- foreach my $K(split(/\,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($meta,'packages'))) {
- if ($K=~/^optionresponse\_($Part)\_(\w+)$/) {
- #$r->print(' '.$_.'...'.$P_Order.'---'.$Part);
- $OpResp{$P_Order}="$frid:$Part";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # }
- } else {
- $cols[$#cols+1]=($P_Order+1).':'.$rid;
- my $meta=$hash{'src_'.$rid};
- my $PartNo = 0;
- if ($meta) {
- if ($meta=~/\.(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form)$/) {
- foreach my $Key(split(/\,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($meta,'keys'))) {
- if ($Key=~/^stores\_(\w+)\_tries$/) {
- my $Part=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($meta,$Key.'.part');
- $P_Order++;
- $mapsort{$HWN} .= '&'.$P_Order;
- $PartNo++;
- foreach (split(/\,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($meta,'packages'))) {
- if ($_=~/^optionresponse\_($Part)\_(\w+)$/) {
- #$r->print(' '.$_.'...'.$P_Order.'---'.$Part);
- $OpResp{$P_Order}="$rid:$Part";;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (defined($hash{'to_'.$rid})) {
- foreach (split(/\,/,$hash{'to_'.$rid})){
- &tracetable($hash{'goesto_'.$_},$beenhere);
- }
- }
- }
-sub MySort {
- if ( $Pos > 0 ) {
- if ($ENV{'form.order'} eq 'Descending') {$b <=> $a;}
- else { $a <=> $b; }
- }
- else {
- if ($ENV{'form.order'} eq 'Descending') {$b cmp $a;}
- else { $a cmp $b; }
- }
-sub Create_PrgWin {
-#----------- Create progress
- $r->print(<
- popwin=open('','popwin','width=400,height=100');
- popwin.document.writeln(''+
- 'LON-CAPA Statistics'+
- '
Computation Progress
- ''+
- '');
- popwin.document.close();
+ }
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis($padding.'end contents of '.$seq->{'title'});
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis($padding.'-'x20);
+ }
+ return;
- $r->rflush();
+=item &StudentDataSelect($elementname,$status,$numvisible,$selected)
+Returns html for a selection box allowing the user to choose one (or more)
+of the fields of student data available (fullname, username, id, section, etc)
+=over 4
+=item $elementname The name of the HTML form element
+=item $status 'multiple' or 'single' selection box
+=item $numvisible The number of options to be visible
+sub StudentDataSelect {
+ my ($elementname,$status,$numvisible)=@_;
+ if ($numvisible < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ #
+ # Build the form element
+ my $Str = "\n";
+ $Str .= '\n";
+ return $Str;
-sub Update_PrgWin {
-#----------- update progress
- my $index = shift;
- $r->print('');
- $r->rflush();
+=item &MapSelect($elementname,$status,$numvisible,$restriction)
+Returns html for a selection box allowing the user to choose one (or more)
+of the sequences in the course. The values of the sequences are the symbs.
+If the top sequence is selected, the value 'top' will result.
+=over 4
+=item $elementname The name of the HTML form element
+=item $status 'multiple' or 'single' selection box
+=item $numvisible The number of options to be visible
+=item $restriction Code reference to subroutine which returns true or
+false. The code must expect a reference to a sequence data structure.
+sub MapSelect {
+ my ($elementname,$status,$numvisible,$restriction)=@_;
+ if ($numvisible < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ #
+ # Set up array of selected items
+ &SetSelectedMaps($elementname);
+ #
+ # Set up the restriction call
+ if (! defined($restriction)) {
+ $restriction = sub { 1; };
+ }
+ #
+ # Build the form element
+ my $Str = "\n";
+ $Str .= '\n";
+ return $Str;
-sub Close_PrgWin {
-#--------------------- close Progress Line
- $r->print('');
- $r->rflush();
-sub Build_Statistics {
- &Create_PrgWin();
-# ---------------------------- Gathering the Data of students' tries
- for (my $index=0;$index<=$#students;$index++) {
- &Update_PrgWin($index);
- &ExtractStudentData($students[$index]);
- }
-# -------------------- sorting the Data
- $r->print('');
- @list = sort (@list);
- &Discriminant();
- $OpSel2='';
- $OpSel1='selected';
- $p_count = 0;
- my $nIdx = 0;
- my $dummy;
- my $p_val;
- my $ResId;
- my $NoElements = $#list + 1;
-#-------------------------------- loop for data representation
- foreach (sort keys %mapsort) {
- my ($Hid,$pr)=split(/\:/,$mapsort{$_});
- my @lpr=split(/\&/,$pr);
- &CreateTable(1,$Hid);
- for (my $i=1; $i<=$#lpr; $i++) {
- my %storestats=();
- my ($PrOrd,$Prob,$Tries,$Wrongs,$Code)=split(/\&/,$list[$nIdx]);
- my $Temp = $Prob;
- my $MxTries = 0;
- my $TotalTries = 0;
- my $YES = 0;
- my $Incorrect = 0;
- my $Override = 0;
- my $StdNo = 0;
- my @StdLst;
- while ( $PrOrd == $lpr[$i] )
- {
- $nIdx++;
- $StdNo++;
- $StdLst[ $StdNo ] = $Tries;
- $TotalTries += $Tries;
- if ( $MxTries < $Tries ) { $MxTries = $Tries; }
- if ( $Code eq 'C' ){ $YES++; }
- elsif( $Code eq 'I' ) { $Incorrect++; }
- elsif( $Code eq 'O' ) { $Override++; }
- elsif( $Code eq 'U' ) { $StdNo--; }
- ($PrOrd,$Prob,$Tries,$Wrongs,$Code)=split(/\&/,$list[$nIdx]);
- }
- $p_count++;
- my $Dummy;
- ($ResId,$Dummy)=split(/\*/,$Temp);
- $Temp = ''.$hash{'title_'.$ResId}.$Dummy.'';
- my $res = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'src_'.$ResId});
- my $urlres=$res;
- $ResId=~/(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
- my $Map = &Apache::lonnet::declutter( $hash{'map_id_'.$1} );
- $urlres=$Map;
- $res = ''.$res.'';
- #$Map = ''.$res.'';
-#------------------------ Compute the Average of Tries about one problem
- my $Average = ($StdNo) ? $TotalTries/$StdNo : 0;
- $storestats{$ENV{''}.'___'.$urlres.'___timestamp'}=time;
- $storestats{$ENV{''}.'___'.$urlres.'___stdno'}=$StdNo;
- $storestats{$ENV{''}.'___'.$urlres.'___avetries'}=$Average;
-#-------------------------------- Compute percentage of Wrong tries
- my $Wrong = ( $StdNo ) ? 100 * ( $Incorrect / $StdNo ) : 0;
-#-------------------------------- Compute Standard Deviation
- my $StdDev = 0;
- if ( $StdNo > 1 ) {
- for ( my $n = 0; $n < $StdNo; $n++ ) {
- my $Dif = $StdLst[ $n ]-$Average;
- $StdDev += $Dif*$Dif;
- }
- $StdDev /= ( $StdNo - 1 );
- $StdDev = sqrt( $StdDev );
- }
-#-------------------------------- Compute Degree of Difficulty
- my $DoDiff = 0;
- if( $TotalTries > 0 ) {
- $DoDiff = 1 - ( ( $YES + $Override ) / $TotalTries );
-# $DoDiff = ($TotalTries)/($YES + $Override+ 0.1);
- }
- $storestats{$ENV{''}.'___'.$urlres.'___difficulty'}=$DoDiff;
-#-------------------------------- Compute the Skewness
- my $Skewness = 0;
- my $Sum = 0;
- if ( $StdNo > 0 && $StdDev > 0 ) {
- for ( my $n = 0; $n < $StdNo; $n++ ) {
- my $Dif = $StdLst[ $n ]-$Average;
- $Skewness += $Dif*$Dif*$Dif;
- }
- $Skewness /= $StdNo;
- $Skewness /= $StdDev*$StdDev*$StdDev;
- }
-#--------------------- Compute the Discrimination Factors
- my ($Up1,$Up2)=split(/\:/,$DisUp{$lpr[$i]});
- my ($Lw1,$Lw2)=split(/\:/,$DisLow{$lpr[$i]});
- my $Dis1 = $Up1 - $Lw1;
- my $Dis2 = $Up2 - $Lw2;
- my $_D1 = sprintf("%.2f", $Dis1);
- my $_D2 = sprintf("%.2f", $Dis2);
-#----------------- Some restition in presenting the float numbers
- my $Avg = sprintf( "%.2f", $Average );
- my $Wrng = sprintf( "%.1f", $Wrong );
- my $SD = sprintf( "%.1f", $StdDev );
- my $DoD = sprintf( "%.2f", $DoDiff );
- my $Sk = sprintf( "%.1f", $Skewness );
- my $join = $lpr[$i].'&'.$Temp.'&'.$StdNo.'&'.
- $TotalTries.'&'.$MxTries.'&'.$Avg.'&'.
- $YES.'&'.$Override.'&'.$Wrng.'&'.$DoD.'&'.
- $SD.'&'.$Sk.'&'.$_D1.'&'.$_D2.'&'.
- $Prob;
- $CachData{($p_count-1)}=$join;
- $urlres=~/^(\w+)\/(\w+)/;
- if ($StdNo) {
- &Apache::lonnet::put('resevaldata',\%storestats,$1,$2);
- }
-#-------------------------------- Row of statistical table
- if ( $DiscFlag == 0 ) {
- &TableRow($join,$i,($p_count-1));
- }
- }
- &CloseTable();
- }
- &Close_PrgWin();
-sub Cache_Statistics {
- my @list = ();
- my $Useful;
- my $UnUseful;
- my %myHeader = reverse( %Header );
- #&Apache::lonnet::delenv('form_');
- #&Apache::lonnet::delenv('test');
- $Pos = $myHeader{$ENV{'form.sort'}};
- if ($Pos > 0) {$Pos++;}
- $p_count = 0;
- foreach my $key( keys %CachData) {
- my @Temp=split(/\&/,$CachData{$key});
- if ( $Pos == 0 ) {
- ($UnUseful,$Useful)=split(/\>/,$Temp[$Pos]);
- }
- else {
- $Useful = $Temp[$Pos];
- }
- $list[$p_count]=$Useful.'@'.$CachData{$key};
- $p_count++;
- }
- @list = sort MySort (@list);
- my $nIdx=0;
- if ( $Pos == 0 ) {
- foreach (sort keys %mapsort) {
- my ($Hid,$pr)=split(/\:/,$mapsort{$_});
- &CreateTable(1,$Hid);
- my @lpr=split(/\&/,$pr);
- for (my $i=1; $i<=$#lpr; $i++) {
- my($Pre, $Post) = split(/\@/,$list[$nIdx]);
- #$r->print(' '.$Pre.'---'.$Post);
- &TableRow($Post,$i,$nIdx);
- $nIdx++;
- }
- &CloseTable();
- }
- }
- else {
- &CreateTable(0);
- for ( my $nIdx = 0; $nIdx < $p_count; $nIdx++ ) {
- my($Pre, $Post) = split(/\@/,$list[$nIdx]);
- &TableRow($Post,$nIdx,$nIdx);
- }
- &CloseTable();
- }
-sub TableRow {
- my ($Str,$Idx,$RealIdx)=@_;
- my($PrOrd,$Temp,$StdNo,$TotalTries,$MxTries,$Avg,$YES,$Override,
- $Wrng,$DoD,$SD,$Sk,$_D1,$_D2,$Prob)=split(/\&/,$Str);
- if ($ENV{'form.showcsv'}) {
- my ($ResId,$Dummy)=split(/\*/,$Prob);
- my $Ptr = "\n".' '.
- "\n".'"'.($RealIdx+1).'",'.
- "\n".'"'.$hash{'title_'.$ResId}.$Dummy.'",'.
- "\n".'"'.$hash{'src_'.$ResId}.'",'.
- "\n".'"'.$StdNo.'",'.
- "\n".'"'.$TotalTries.'",'.
- "\n".'"'.$MxTries.'",'.
- "\n".'"'.$Avg.'",'.
- "\n".'"'.$YES.'",'.
- "\n".'"'.$Override.'",'.
- "\n".'"'.$Wrng.'",'.
- "\n".'"'.$DoD.'",'.
- "\n".'"'.$SD.'",'.
- "\n".'"'.$Sk.'",'.
- "\n".'"'.$_D1.'",'.
- "\n".'"'.$_D2.'"';
- $r->print("\n".$Ptr);
- }
- else{
- my $Ptr = "\n".'
- "\n".'
- # "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- "\n".'
- $r->print("\n".$Ptr.'
' );
- }
- $GraphDat{$RealIdx}=$DoD.':'.$Wrng;
-# ------------------------------------------- Prepare data for Graphical chart
-sub GetGraphData {
- my $ylab = shift;
- my $Col;
- my $data='';
- my $count = 0;
- my $Max = 0;
- my $cid=$ENV{''};
- my $GraphDB = "/home/httpd/perl/tmp/$ENV{''}".
- "_$ENV{'user.domain'}_$cid\_graph.db";
- foreach (keys %GraphDat) {delete $GraphDat{$_};}
- if (-e "$GraphDB") {
- if (tie(%GraphDat,'GDBM_File',"$GraphDB",&GDBM_READER,0640)) {
- if ( $ylab eq 'DoDiff Graph' ) {
- $ylab = 'Degree-of-Difficulty';
- $Col = 0;
- }
- else {
- $ylab = 'Wrong-Percentage';
- $Col = 1;
- }
- foreach (sort NumericSort keys %GraphDat) {
- my @Temp=split(/\:/,$GraphDat{$_});
- my $inf = $Temp[$Col];
- if ( $Max < $inf ) {$Max = $inf;}
- $data .= $inf.',';
- $count++;
- }
- if ( $Max > 1 ) {
- $Max += (10 - $Max % 10);
- $Max = int($Max);
- }
- else { $Max = 1; }
- untie(%GraphDat);
- my $Course = $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.description'};
- $Course =~ s/\ /"_"/eg;
- $GData=$Course.'&'.'Problems'.'&'.$ylab.'&'.$Max.'&'.$count.'&'.$data;
- }
- else {
- $r->print("Unable to tie hash to db file");
- }
- }
-sub initial {
-# --------------------------------- Initialize the global varaibles
- undef @students;
- undef @cols;
- undef %maps;
- undef %section;
- undef %StuBox;
- undef @list;
- undef %CachData;
- undef %GraphDat;
- undef %DiscFac;
- undef %OpResp;
- undef %ConceptData;
- undef $CurMap;
- undef $CurSec;
- undef $CurStu;
- undef $p_count;
- undef $Pos;
- undef $GData;
- $DiscFlag=0;
- $P_Order=100000;
- $HWN=$P_Order;
-# my $CacheDB = "/home/httpd/perl/tmp/$ENV{''}".
-# "_$ENV{'user.domain'}_$cid\_classlist.db";
-# if (-e "$CacheDB") {
-# if (tie(%students,'GDBM_File',"$CacheDB",&GDBM_READER,0640)) {
-# &CachClassList();
-# }
-# else {
-# $r->print("Unable to tie hash to db file");
-# }
-# }
-# else {
-# if (tie(%students,'GDBM_File',$CacheDB,&GDBM_WRCREAT,0640)) {
-# &MakeClassList();
-# }
-# else {
-# $r->print("Unable to tie hash to db file");
-# }
-# }
-# untie(%students);
-sub ClassList {
+=item &SectionSelect($elementname,$status,$numvisible)
- &GetStatus();
+Returns html for a selection box allowing the user to choose one (or more)
+of the sections in the course.
- $cid=$ENV{''};
- my $chome=$ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.home'};
- my ($cdom,$cnum)=split(/\_/,$cid);
-# ----------------------- Get first and last resource, see if there is anything
- $firstres=$hash{'map_start_/res/'.$ENV{'request.course.uri'}};
- $lastres=$hash{'map_finish_/res/'.$ENV{'request.course.uri'}};
- if (($firstres) && ($lastres)) {
-# my %students = &Apache::lonnet::dump('classlist',$cdom,$cnum);
-# $Apache::lonxml::debug=1;
-# &Apache::lonhomework::showhash(%students);
-# $Apache::lonxml::debug=0;
-# my $StudNo = 0;
-# my $now=time;
-# my ($temp)=keys(%students);
-# unless ($temp=~/^error\:/) {
-# foreach my $KeyPoint(sort keys(%students)) {
- my $classlst=&Apache::lonnet::reply('dump:'.$cdom.':'.$cnum.':classlist',$chome);
- my $StudNo = 0;
- my $now=time;
- unless ($classlst=~/^error\:/) {
- foreach my $KeyPoint(sort split(/\&/,$classlst)) {
- my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$KeyPoint);
- my ($end,$start)=split(/\:/,&Apache::lonnet::unescape($value));
- my $active=1;
- my $Status=$ENV{'form.status'};
- $Status = ($Status) ? $Status : 'Active';
- if ( ( ($end) && $now > $end ) &&
- ( ($Status eq 'Active') ) ) { $active=0; }
- if ( ($Status eq 'Expired') &&
- ($end == 0 || $now < $end) ) { $active=0; }
- if ($active) {
- my $thisindex=$#students+1;
- $name=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name);
- $students[$thisindex]=$name;
- my ($sname,$sdom)=split(/\:/,$name);
- my $ssec=&usection($sdom,$sname,$cid,$Status);
- if ($ssec==-1 || $ssec eq 'adm' ) {next;}
- $ssec=($ssec) ? $ssec : '(none)';
- #$ssec=(int($ssec)) ? int($ssec) : $ssec;
- $section{$ssec}=$ssec;
- if ($CurSec eq 'All Sections' || $ssec eq $CurSec) {
- $students[$StudNo]=$name;
- $StuBox{$sname}=$sdom;
- }
- $StudNo++;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $r->print('
Could not access course data
- }
- $r->print("Total number of students : ".($#students+1));
- $r->rflush();
-# --------------- Find all assessments and put them into some linear-like order
- &tracetable($firstres,'&'.$lastres.'&');
-# my $c=0;
-# foreach (sort keys %mapsort) {
-# $r->print(' '.$c.')'.$_.' ... '.$mapsort{$_});
-# $c++;
-# }
-# my $c=1;
-# foreach (sort keys %OpResp) {
-# $r->print(' '.$c.')'.$_.' ... '.$OpResp{$_}.' ... '.$hash{'src_'.$OpResp{$_}});
-# $c++;
-# }
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------- End render page
- else {
- $r->print('
Undefined course sequence
- }
-sub ClassListnew {
- &GetStatus();
- $cid=$ENV{''};
- my $chome=$ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.home'};
- my ($cdom,$cnum)=split(/\_/,$cid);
-# ----------------------- Get first and last resource, see if there is anything
- $firstres=$hash{'map_start_/res/'.$ENV{'request.course.uri'}};
- $lastres=$hash{'map_finish_/res/'.$ENV{'request.course.uri'}};
- if (($firstres) && ($lastres)) {
- my %students = &Apache::lonnet::dump('classlist',$cdom,$cnum);
- my $StudNo = 0;
- my $now=time;
- my ($temp)=keys(%students);
- unless ($temp=~/^error\:/) {
- foreach (sort keys(%students)) {
- my ($name,$value)=split(/\=/,$_);
- my ($end,$start)=split(/\:/,&Apache::lonnet::unescape($value));
- $name=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name);
- my ($sname,$sdom)=split(/\:/,$name);
- my $active=1;
- my $Status=$ENV{'form.status'};
- $Status = ($Status) ? $Status : 'Active';
- if ( ( ($end) && $now > $end ) &&
- ( ($Status eq 'Active') ) ) { $active=0; }
- if ( ($Status eq 'Expired') &&
- ($end == 0 || $now < $end) ) { $active=0; }
- if ($active) {
- my $thisindex=$#students+1;
- $name=&Apache::lonnet::unescape($name);
- $students[$thisindex]=$name;
- my ($sname,$sdom)=split(/\:/,$name);
- #my %reply=&Apache::lonnet::idrget($sdom,$sname);
- #my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::reply('get:'.$sdom.':'.$sname.
- # ':environment:lastname&generation&firstname&middlename',
- # &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($sname,$sdom));
- my $ssec=&usection($sdom,$sname,$cid,$Status);
-# if ($ssec==-1 ) {next;}
- if ($ssec==-1 || $ssec eq 'adm' ) {next;}
- $ssec=($ssec) ? $ssec : '(none)';
- #$ssec=(int($ssec)) ? int($ssec) : $ssec;
- $section{$ssec}=$ssec;
- if ($CurSec eq 'All Sections' || $ssec eq $CurSec) {
- $students[$StudNo]=$name;
- $StuBox{$sname}=$sdom;
- }
- $StudNo++;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $r->print('
Could not access course data
- }
- $r->print("Total number of students : ".($#students+1));
- $r->rflush();
-# --------------- Find all assessments and put them into some linear-like order
- &tracetable($firstres,'&'.$lastres.'&');
+Uses the package variables @Sections and @SelectedSections
+=over 4
+=item $elementname The name of the HTML form element
+=item $status 'multiple' or 'single' selection box
+=item $numvisible The number of options to be visible
+sub SectionSelect {
+ my ($elementname,$status,$numvisible)=@_;
+ if ($numvisible < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ #
+ # Make sure we have the data we need to continue
+ if (! @Sections) {
+ &PrepareClasslist()
+ }
+ #
+ # Build the form element
+ my $Str = "\n";
+ $Str .= '\n";
+ return $Str;
-# ------------------------------------------------------------- End render page
- else {
- $r->print('
-# ------------------------------- This is going to take a while, produce output
- $r->rflush();
-sub CreateForm {
- $r->print("\n".'');
+=item &CreateAndParseOutputSelector()
+Construct a selection list of options for output and parse output selections.
+sub OutputDescriptions {
+ my (@OutputOptions) = @_;
+ my $Str = '';
+ $Str .= "
Output Modes
+ $Str .= "
+ foreach my $outputmode (@OutputOptions) {
+ $Str .="
+ $Str .="
+ }
+ $Str .= "
+ return $Str;
+sub CreateAndParseOutputSelector {
+ my ($elementname,$default,@OutputOptions) = @_;
+ my $output_mode;
+ my $show;
+ my $Str = '';
+ #
+ # Format for output options is 'mode, restrictions';
+ my $selected = $default;
+ if (exists($ENV{'form.'.$elementname})) {
+ if (ref($ENV{'form.'.$elementname} eq 'ARRAY')) {
+ $selected = $ENV{'form.'.$elementname}->[0];
+ } else {
+ $selected = $ENV{'form.'.$elementname};
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # Set package variables describing output mode
+ $output_mode = 'html';
+ $show = 'all';
+ foreach my $option (@OutputOptions) {
+ next if ($option->{'value'} ne $selected);
+ $output_mode = $option->{'mode'};
+ $show = $option->{'show'};
+ }
+ #
+ # Build the form element
+ $Str = qq/";
+ return ($Str,$output_mode,$show);
+=item &Gather_Student_Data()
+Ensures all student data is up to date.
+sub Gather_Student_Data {
+ my ($r) = @_;
+ my $c = $r->connection();
+ #
+ my @Sequences = &Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess();
+ #
+ my @Students = @Apache::lonstatistics::Students;
+ #
+ # Open the progress window
+ my %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin
+ ($r,'Statistics Compilation Status',
+ 'Statistics Compilation Progress', scalar(@Students));
+ #
+ while (my $student = shift @Students) {
+ return if ($c->aborted());
+ my ($status,undef) = &Apache::loncoursedata::ensure_current_data
+ ($student->{'username'},$student->{'domain'},
+ $ENV{''});
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Increment_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state,
+ 'last student');
- $r->print("\n".''.
- "\n".'');
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Close_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state);
-sub StudentOptions {
- my $OpSel5='';
- $CurStu = $ENV{'form.student'};
- if ( $CurStu eq '' ) {
- $CurStu = 'All Students';
- $OpSel5 = 'selected';
- }
- my $Ptr ='';
-# ----------------------------------- Loading the Students Combobox
- $Ptr .= ' Select Student'."\n".
- '';
- $Ptr .= ' ';
- $r->print( $Ptr );
- $r->rflush();
-sub GetStatus {
- $OpSel1='';
- $OpSel2='';
- $OpSel3='';
- $OpSel4='';
- if ( $ENV{'form.order'} eq 'Descending' ) { $OpSel2='selected'; }
- else { $OpSel1 = 'selected'; }
- my %myHeader = reverse( %Header );
- $Pos = $myHeader{$ENV{'form.sort'}};
- if ($Pos == 0) {
- $OpSel1 = 'selected';
- $ENV{'form.order'}='Ascendig';
- }
- $CurMap = $ENV{'form.maps'};
- if ( $CurMap eq '' ) {
- $CurMap = 'All Maps';
- $OpSel3 = 'selected';
- }
- $CurSec = $ENV{'form.section'};
- if ( $CurSec eq '' ) {
- $CurSec = 'All Sections';
- $OpSel4 = 'selected';
- }
-sub MapSecOptions {
-# ----------------------------------- Loading the Maps Combobox
- my $Ptr = ' ';
- $Ptr .= '';
- $Ptr .= ' Select Map '."\n".
- '';
- $Ptr .= ' ';
-# ----------------------------------- Loading the Sections Combobox
- $Ptr .= ' Select Section'."\n".
- ''."\n";
+=item &Gather_Full_Student_Data()
+Ensures all student data is up to date.
- $r->print( $Ptr );
+sub Gather_Full_Student_Data {
+ my ($r) = @_;
+ my $c = $r->connection();
+ #
+ my @Students = @Apache::lonstatistics::Students;
+ #
+ # Open the progress window
+ my %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin
+ ($r,&mt('Student Data Compilation Status'),
+ &mt('Student Data Compilation Progress'), scalar(@Students));
+ #
+ while (my $student = shift @Students) {
+ return if ($c->aborted());
+ my ($status,undef) = &Apache::loncoursedata::ensure_current_full_data
+ ($student->{'username'},$student->{'domain'},
+ $ENV{''});
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Increment_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state,
+ &mt('last student'));
+ }
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Close_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state);
+sub DisplayClasslist {
+ my ($r)=@_;
+ #
+ my @Fields = ('fullname','username','domain','id','section');
+ #
+ my $Str='';
+ if (! @Students) {
+ if ($SelectedSections[0] eq 'all') {
+ if (lc($ENV{'form.Status'}) eq 'any') {
+ $Str .= '
There are no previously enrolled students '.
+ 'in '.$sections.'.
+ }
+ }
+ $Str.= ''.
+ 'Return to the chart.';
+ $r->print($Str);
+ $r->rflush();
+ return;
+ }
+ # "Click" is asinine but it is probably not my place to change the world.
+ $Str .= '
Click on a students name or username to view their chart