--- loncom/interface/lontrackstudent.pm 2004/08/11 18:41:05 1.1
+++ loncom/interface/lontrackstudent.pm 2009/01/02 23:07:55 1.26
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
-# $Id: lontrackstudent.pm,v 1.1 2004/08/11 18:41:05 matthew Exp $
+# $Id: lontrackstudent.pm,v 1.26 2009/01/02 23:07:55 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -44,24 +44,426 @@ package Apache::lontrackstudent;
use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
-use Apache::lonnet();
+use Apache::lonmysql;
+use Apache::lonnet;
use Apache::lonlocal;
use Time::HiRes;
+use DateTime();
+use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
+my $num_records=500;
+sub get_data {
+ my ($r,$prog_state,$navmap,$mode) = @_;
+ ##
+ ## Compose the query
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin
+ ($r,$prog_state,&mt('Composing Query'));
+ #
+ # Allow the other server to begin processing the data before we ask for it.
+ sleep(5);
+ #
+ my $max_time = &get_max_time_in_db($r,$prog_state);
+ if (defined($max_time)) {
+ $r->print('
'.&mt('Activity data compiled up to [_1]',
+ &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($max_time)).
+ '
'.&mt('While data is processed, periodically reload this page for more recent activity').'
+ $r->rflush();
+ } else {
+ $r->print(''.&mt('Unable to retrieve any data. Please reload this page and try again.').'
+ return;
+ }
+ my $query = &build_query($mode);
+ ##
+ ## Send it along
+ my $home = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.home'};
+ my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::metadata_query($query,undef,undef,[$home]);
+ if (ref($reply) ne 'HASH') {
+ $r->print(''.
+ &mt('Error contacting home server for course: [_1]',
+ $reply).
+ '
+ return;
+ }
+ my $results_file = $r->dir_config('lonDaemons').'/tmp/'.$reply->{$home};
+ my $endfile = $results_file.'.end';
+ ##
+ ## Check for the results
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin
+ ($r,$prog_state,&mt('Waiting for results'));
+ my $maxtime = 500;
+ my $starttime = time;
+ while (! -e $endfile && (time-$starttime < $maxtime)) {
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin
+ ($r,$prog_state,&mt('Waiting up to [_1] seconds for results',
+ $starttime+$maxtime-time));
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ if (! -e $endfile) {
+ $r->print(''.
+ &mt('Unable to retrieve data.').'
+ $r->print(&mt('Please try again in a few minutes.'));
+ return;
+ }
+ $r->rflush();
+ #
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin
+ ($r,$prog_state,&mt('Parsing results'));
+ #
+ my $last = &output_results($r,$results_file,$navmap,$mode);
+ my ($sname,$sdom) = ($mode=~/^student:(.*):(.*)$/);
+ my ($text,$inc);
+ if ( $last > 0 && (($last+1) >= $env{'form.start'}+$num_records) ) {
+ $text = 'View more activity by this student';
+ $inc = $num_records;
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::track_student_link($text,$sname,$sdom,undef,
+ ($env{'form.start'}+$inc)
+ ));
+ $r->print('
+ }
+ $text = 'Resubmit last request to check for newer data';
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::track_student_link($text,$sname,$sdom,undef,
+ $env{'form.start'}));
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin($r,$prog_state,&mt('Finished!'));
+ return;
+sub table_names {
+ my $cid = $env{'request.course.id'};
+ my $domain = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'};
+ my $home = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.home'};
+ my $course = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'};
+ my $prefix = $course.'_'.$domain.'_';
+ #
+ my %tables =
+ ( student =>&Apache::lonmysql::fix_table_name($prefix.'students'),
+ res =>&Apache::lonmysql::fix_table_name($prefix.'resource'),
+ machine =>&Apache::lonmysql::fix_table_name($prefix.'machine_table'),
+ activity=>&Apache::lonmysql::fix_table_name($prefix.'activity'),
+ );
+ return %tables;
+sub get_max_time_in_db {
+ my ($r,$prog_state) = @_;
+ my %table = &table_names();
+ my $query = qq{SELECT MAX(time) FROM $table{'activity'} };
+ #
+ my $home = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.home'};
+ my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::metadata_query($query,undef,undef,[$home]);
+ if (ref($reply) ne 'HASH') {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my $results_file = $r->dir_config('lonDaemons').'/tmp/'.$reply->{$home};
+ my $endfile = $results_file.'.end';
+ ##
+ ## Check for the results
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin
+ ($r,$prog_state,&mt('Waiting for results'));
+ my $maxtime = 500;
+ my $starttime = time;
+ while (! -e $endfile && (time-$starttime < $maxtime)) {
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin
+ ($r,$prog_state,&mt('Waiting up to [_1] seconds for results',
+ $starttime+$maxtime-time));
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ if (! -e $endfile) {
+ $r->print(''.
+ &mt('Unable to retrieve data.').'
+ $r->print(&mt('Please try again in a few minutes.'));
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $r->rflush();
+ #
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin
+ ($r,$prog_state,&mt('Parsing results'));
+ #
+ if (! open(TIMEDATA,$results_file)) {
+ $r->print(''.&mt('Unable to read results file.').'
+ ''.
+ &mt('This is a serious error and has been logged. '.
+ 'You should contact your system administrator '.
+ 'to resolve this issue.').
+ '
+ return;
+ }
+ #
+ my $timestr = '';
+ while (my $line = ) {
+ chomp($line);
+ $timestr = &unescape($line);
+ }
+ close(TIMEDATA);
+ return &Apache::lonmysql::unsqltime($timestr);
+sub build_query {
+ my ($mode) = @_;
+ my $cid = $env{'request.course.id'};
+ my $domain = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'};
+ my $home = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.home'};
+ my $course = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'};
+ my $prefix = $course.'_'.$domain.'_';
+ my $start = ($env{'form.start'}+0);
+ #
+ my %table = &table_names();
+ #
+ my $query;
+ if ($mode eq 'full_class') {
+ $query = qq{
+ SELECT B.resource,A.time,C.student,A.action,E.machine,A.action_values
+ FROM $table{'activity'} AS A
+ LEFT JOIN $table{'res'} AS B ON B.res_id=A.res_id
+ LEFT JOIN $table{'student'} AS C ON C.student_id=A.student_id
+ LEFT JOIN $table{'machine'} AS E ON E.machine_id=A.machine_id
+ LIMIT $start, $num_records
+ };
+ } elsif ($mode =~ /^student:(.*):(.*)$/) {
+ my $student = $1.':'.$2;
+ $query = qq{
+ SELECT B.resource,A.time,A.action,E.machine,A.action_values
+ FROM $table{'activity'} AS A
+ LEFT JOIN $table{'res'} AS B ON B.res_id=A.res_id
+ LEFT JOIN $table{'student'} AS C ON C.student_id=A.student_id
+ LEFT JOIN $table{'machine'} AS E ON E.machine_id=A.machine_id
+ WHERE C.student='$student'
+ LIMIT $start, $num_records
+ };
+ }
+ $query =~ s|$/||g;
+ return $query;
-sub get_all_data {}
-sub get_student_data {}
-sub html_output_student_data {}
-sub html_output_class_data {}
+sub output_results {
+ my ($r,$results_file,$navmap,$mode) = @_;
+ ##
+ ##
+ if (! -s $results_file) {
+ # results file is empty, just let them know there is no data
+ $r->print(''.&mt('So far, no data has been returned for your request').'
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (! open(ACTIVITYDATA,$results_file)) {
+ $r->print(''.&mt('Unable to read results file.').'
+ ''.
+ &mt('This is a serious error and has been logged. '.
+ 'You should contact your system administrator '.
+ 'to resolve this issue.').
+ '
+ return -2;
+ }
+ ##
+ ##
+ my $tableheader;
+ if ($mode eq 'full_class') {
+ $tableheader =
+ ''.
+ ' | '.
+ ''.&mt('Resource').' | '.
+ ''.&mt('Time').' | '.
+ ''.&mt('Student').' | '.
+ ''.&mt('Action').' | '.
+ # ''.&mt('Originating Server').' | '.
+ ''.&mt('Data').' | '.
+ '
+ } elsif ($mode =~ /^student:(.*):(.*)$/) {
+ $tableheader =
+ ''.
+ ' | '.
+ ''.&mt('Resource').' | '.
+ ''.&mt('Time').' | '.
+ ''.&mt('Action').' | '.
+ # ''.&mt('Originating Server').' | '.
+ ''.&mt('Data').' | '.
+ '
+ }
+ my $count = $env{'form.start'}-1;
+ $r->rflush();
+ ##
+ ##
+ my $cid = $env{'request.course.id'};
+ my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'};
+ my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'};
+ my $server_timezone = &Apache::lonnet::get_server_timezone($cnum,$cdom);
+ if ($server_timezone ne '') {
+ if (&Apache::lonlocal::gettimezone($server_timezone) eq 'local') {
+ $server_timezone = '';
+ }
+ }
+ while (my $line = ) {
+ # FIXME: does not pass symbs along :(
+ chomp($line);
+ $line = &unescape($line);
+ if (++$count % 50 == 0) {
+ if ($count != 0) {
+ $r->print('
+ $r->rflush();
+ }
+ $r->print($tableheader);
+ }
+ my ($symb,$timestamp,$student,$action,$machine,$values);
+ if ($mode eq 'full_class') {
+ ($symb,$timestamp,$student,$action,$machine,$values) = split(',',$line,6);
+ } else {
+ ($symb,$timestamp,$action,$machine,$values) = split(',',$line,5);
+ }
+ foreach ($symb,$timestamp,$student,$action,$machine) {
+ $_=&unescape($_);
+ }
+ my ($title,$src);
+ if ($symb =~ m:^/adm/:) {
+ $title = $symb;
+ $src = $symb;
+ } else {
+ my $nav_res = $navmap->getBySymb($symb);
+ if (defined($nav_res)) {
+ $title = $nav_res->compTitle();
+ $src = $nav_res->src();
+ } else {
+ $src = $symb;
+ if ($src !~ m{/adm}) {
+ $title = &Apache::lonnet::gettitle($src);
+ } elsif ($values =~ /^\s*$/ &&
+ (! defined($src) || $src =~ /^\s*$/)) {
+ next;
+ } elsif ($values =~ /^\s*$/) {
+ $values = $src;
+ } else {
+ $title = 'unable to retrieve title';
+ $src = '/dev/null';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my %classes;
+ my $class_count=0;
+ if (! exists($classes{$symb})) {
+ $classes{$symb} = $class_count++;
+ }
+ my $class = 'a';#.$classes{$symb};
+ #
+ if ($symb eq '/prtspool/') {
+ $class = 'print';
+ $title = 'retrieve printout';
+ } elsif ($symb =~ m|^/adm/([^/]+)|) {
+ $class = $1;
+ } elsif ($symb =~ m|^/adm/|) {
+ $class = 'adm';
+ }
+ if ($title eq 'unable to retrieve title') {
+ $title =~ s/ /\ /g;
+ $class = 'warning';
+ }
+ if (! defined($title) || $title eq '') {
+ $title = 'untitled';
+ $class = 'warning';
+ }
+ # Clean up the values
+ $values = &display_values($action,$values);
+ #
+ # Build the row for output
+ my $tablerow = qq{}.($count+1).qq{ | };
+ if ($src =~ m|^/adm/|) {
+ $tablerow .=
+ ''.$title.' | ';
+ } else {
+ $tablerow .=
+ ''.
+ ''.$title.''.
+ ' | ';
+ }
+ if ($server_timezone ne '') {
+ $timestamp = &convert_timezone($server_timezone,$timestamp);
+ }
+ $tablerow .= ''.$timestamp.' | ';
+ if ($mode eq 'full_class') {
+ $tablerow.=''.$student.' | ';
+ }
+ $tablerow .=
+ ''.$action.' | '.
+# ''.$machine.' | '.
+ ''.$values.' | '.
+ '
+ $r->print($tablerow.$/);
+ }
+ $r->print('
'.$/);### if (! $count % 50);
+ return $count;
+sub convert_timezone {
+ my ($server_timezone,$timestamp) = @_;
+ if ($server_timezone && $timestamp) {
+ my ($date,$time) = split(/\s+/,$timestamp);
+ my ($year,$month,$day) = split(/\-/,$date);
+ my ($hour,$minute,$sec) = split(/:/,$time);
+ foreach ($month,$day,$hour,$minute,$sec) {
+ return $timestamp if $_ eq '';
+ $_ =~ s/^0//;
+ }
+ my $dt = DateTime->new(year => $year,
+ month => $month,
+ day => $day,
+ hour => $hour,
+ minute => $minute,
+ second => $sec,
+ time_zone => $server_timezone,
+ );
+ my $unixtime = $dt->epoch;
+ $timestamp = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($unixtime);
+ }
+ return $timestamp;
+sub display_values {
+ my ($action,$values)=@_;
+ my $result='';
+ if ($action eq 'CSTORE') {
+ my %values=map {split('=',$_,-1)} split(/\&/,$values);
+ foreach my $key (sort(keys(%values))) {
+ $result.=''.
+ &unescape($key).
+ ' | = | '.
+ &unescape($values{$key}).' |
+ }
+ $result.='
+ } elsif ($action eq 'POST') {
+ my %values;
+ foreach my $pair (split(/\&/,$values)) {
+ my ($key,$value) = split('=',&unescape($pair),-1);
+ $values{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ foreach my $key (sort(keys(%values))) {
+ if ($key eq 'counter') { next; }
+ $result.=''.$key.' | '.
+ '= | '.$values{$key}.' |
+ }
+ $result.='';
+ } else {
+ $result=&unescape($values)
+ }
+ return $result;
sub request_data_update {
my $command = 'prepare activity log';
- my $cid = $ENV{'request.course.id'};
- my $domain = $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'};
- my $home = $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.home'};
- my $course = $ENV{'course.'.$cid.'.num'};
- &Apache::lonnet::logthis($command.' '.$course.' '.$domain.' '.$home);
+ my $cid = $env{'request.course.id'};
+ my $domain = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'};
+ my $home = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.home'};
+ my $course = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'};
+# &Apache::lonnet::logthis($command.' '.$course.' '.$domain.' '.$home);
my $result = &Apache::lonnet::metadata_query($command,$course,$domain,
return $result;
@@ -69,7 +471,50 @@ sub request_data_update {
+sub pick_student {
+ my ($r) = @_;
+ $r->print("Sorry, cannot display classlist at this time. Come back another time.");
+ return;
+sub styles {
+ return <
+ tr.warning { background-color: \#CCCCCC; }
+ tr.chat { background-color: \#CCCCCC; }
+ tr.chatfetch { background-color: \#CCCCCC; }
+ tr.navmaps { background-color: \#CCCCCC; }
+ tr.roles { background-color: \#CCCCCC; }
+ tr.flip { background-color: \#CCCCCC; }
+ tr.adm { background-color: \#CCCCCC; }
+ tr.print { background-color: \#CCCCCC; }
+ tr.printout { background-color: \#CCCCCC; }
+ tr.parmset { background-color: \#CCCCCC; }
+ tr.grades { background-color: \#CCCCCC; }
+sub developer_centric_styles {
+ return <
+ tr.warning { background-color: red; }
+ tr.chat { background-color: yellow; }
+ tr.chatfetch { background-color: yellow; }
+ tr.evaluate { background-color: red; }
+ tr.navmaps { background-color: \#777777; }
+ tr.roles { background-color: \#999999; }
+ tr.flip { background-color: \#BBBBBB; }
+ tr.adm { background-color: green; }
+ tr.print { background-color: blue; }
+ tr.parmset { background-color: \#000088; }
+ tr.printout { background-color: blue; }
+ tr.grades { background-color: \#CCCCCC; }
@@ -83,18 +528,18 @@ sub handler {
- $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.home'});
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.home'});
if ($loaderror) { return $loaderror; }
# Check for access
- if (! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('vsa',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) {
- $ENV{'user.error.msg'}=
+ if (! &Apache::lonnet::allowed('vsa',$env{'request.course.id'})) {
+ $env{'user.error.msg'}=
$r->uri.":vsa:0:0:Cannot student activity for complete course";
if (!
- $ENV{'request.course.id'}.'/'.
- $ENV{'request.course.sec'})) {
- $ENV{'user.error.msg'}=
+ $env{'request.course.id'}.'/'.
+ $env{'request.course.sec'})) {
+ $env{'user.error.msg'}=
$r->uri.":vsa:0:0:Cannot view student activity with given role";
@@ -108,16 +553,16 @@ sub handler {
# Extract form elements from query string
- ['selected_student']);
+ ['selected_student','start']);
- # Give the LON-CAPA page header
- $r->print(''.
- &mt('Student Activity').
- "\n".
- &Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Student Activity'));
- $r->rflush();
+ # We will almost always need this...
+ my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+ if (!defined($navmap)) {
+ my $requrl = $r->uri;
+ $env{'user.error.msg'} = "$requrl:bre:0:0:Navmap initialization failed.";
+ }
- # Either print out a menu for them or send them to a report
title=>'Student Activity',
@@ -125,28 +570,57 @@ sub handler {
bug=>'instructor interface'});
+ # Give the LON-CAPA page header
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Student Activity',&styles()).
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Student Activity'));
+ $r->rflush();
+ #
# Begin form output
- $r->print('\n");
- $r->print("\n