File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / interface /
Revision download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Jan 20 17:41:25 2010 UTC (15 years, 2 months ago) by raeburn
Branches: version_2_9_X
- Backport 1.101, 1.106, 1.114.

# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# Utility functions for managing LON-CAPA user accounts
# $Id:,v 2010/01/20 17:41:25 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA#
# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt

package Apache::lonuserutils;

use strict;
use Apache::lonnet;
use Apache::loncommon();
use Apache::lonhtmlcommon;
use Apache::lonlocal;
use Apache::longroup;
use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);

# Drop student from all sections of a course, except optional $csec
sub modifystudent {
    my ($udom,$unam,$courseid,$csec,$desiredhost,$context)=@_;
    # if $csec is undefined, drop the student from all the courses matching
    # this one.  If $csec is defined, drop them from all other sections of
    # this course and add them to section $csec
    my ($cnum,$cdom) = &get_course_identity($courseid);
    my %roles = &Apache::lonnet::dump('roles',$udom,$unam);
    my ($tmp) = keys(%roles);
    # Bail out if we were unable to get the students roles
    return "$1" if ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i);
    # Go through the roles looking for enrollment in this course
    my $result = '';
    foreach my $course (keys(%roles)) {
        if ($course=~m{^/\Q$cdom\E/\Q$cnum\E(?:\/)*(?:\s+)*(\w+)*\_st$}) {
            # We are in this course
            my $section=$1;
            $section='' if ($course eq "/$cdom/$cnum".'_st');
            if (defined($csec) && $section eq $csec) {
                $result .= 'ok:';
            } elsif ( ((!$section) && (!$csec)) || ($section ne $csec) ) {
                my (undef,$end,$start)=split(/\_/,$roles{$course});
                my $now=time;
                # if this is an active role
                if (!($start && ($now<$start)) || !($end && ($now>$end))) {
                    my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::modifystudent
                        # dom  name  id mode pass     f     m     l     g
                        ($udom,$unam,'',  '',  '',undef,undef,undef,undef,
                    $result .= $reply.':';
    if ($result eq '') {
        $result = &mt('Unable to find section for this student');
    } else {
        $result =~ s/(ok:)+/ok/g;
    return $result;

sub modifyuserrole {
    my ($context,$setting,$changeauth,$cid,$udom,$uname,$uid,$umode,$upass,
        $end,$start,$checkid,$inststatus) = @_;
    my ($scope,$userresult,$authresult,$roleresult,$idresult);
    if ($setting eq 'course' || $context eq 'course') {
        $scope = '/'.$cid;
        $scope =~ s/\_/\//g;
        if ($role ne 'cc' && $sec ne '') {
            $scope .='/'.$sec;
    } elsif ($context eq 'domain') {
        $scope = '/'.$env{'request.role.domain'}.'/';
    } elsif ($context eq 'author') {
        $scope =  '/'.$env{'user.domain'}.'/'.$env{''};
    if ($context eq 'domain') {
        my $uhome = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($uname,$udom);
        if ($uhome ne 'no_host') {
            if (($changeauth eq 'Yes') && (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mau',$udom))) {
                if ((($umode =~ /^krb4|krb5|internal$/) && $upass ne '') ||
                    ($umode eq 'localauth')) {
                    $authresult = &Apache::lonnet::modifyuserauth($udom,$uname,$umode,$upass);
            if (($forceid) && (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mau',$udom)) &&
                ($env{'form.recurseid'}) && ($checkid)) {
                my %userupdate = (
                                  lastname   => $last,
                                  middlename => $middle,
                                  firstname  => $first,
                                  generation => $gene,
                                  id         => $uid,
                $idresult = &propagate_id_change($uname,$udom,\%userupdate);
    $userresult =
    if ($userresult eq 'ok') {
        if ($role ne '') {
            $role =~ s/_/\//g;
            $roleresult = &Apache::lonnet::assignrole($udom,$uname,$scope,
    return ($userresult,$authresult,$roleresult,$idresult);

sub propagate_id_change {
    my ($uname,$udom,$user) = @_;
    my (@types,@roles);
    @types = ('active','future');
    @roles = ('st');
    my $idresult;
    my %roleshash = &Apache::lonnet::get_my_roles($uname,
    my %args = (
                one_time => 1,
    foreach my $item (keys(%roleshash)) {
        my ($cnum,$cdom,$role) = split(/:/,$item,-1);
        my ($start,$end) = split(/:/,$roleshash{$item});
        if (&Apache::lonnet::is_course($cdom,$cnum)) {
            my $result = &update_classlist($cdom,$cnum,$udom,$uname,$user);
            my %coursehash = 
            my $cdesc = $coursehash{'description'};
            if ($cdesc eq '') { 
                $cdesc = $cdom.'_'.$cnum;
            if ($result eq 'ok') {
                $idresult .= &mt('Classlist update for "[_1]" in "[_2]".',$uname.':'.$udom,$cdesc).'<br />'."\n";
            } else {
                $idresult .= &mt('Error: "[_1]" during classlist update for "[_2]" in "[_3]".',$result,$uname.':'.$udom,$cdesc).'<br />'."\n";
    return $idresult;

sub update_classlist {
    my ($cdom,$cnum,$udom,$uname,$user,$newend) = @_;
    my ($uid,$classlistentry);
    my $fullname =
    my %classhash = &Apache::lonnet::get('classlist',[$uname.':'.$udom],
    my @classinfo = split(/:/,$classhash{$uname.':'.$udom});
    my $ididx=&Apache::loncoursedata::CL_ID() - 2;
    my $nameidx=&Apache::loncoursedata::CL_FULLNAME() - 2;
    my $endidx = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_END() - 2;
    my $startidx = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_START() - 2;
    for (my $i=0; $i<@classinfo; $i++) {
        if ($i == $endidx) {
            if ($newend ne '') {
                $classlistentry .= $newend.':';
            } else {
                $classlistentry .= $classinfo[$i].':';
        } elsif ($i == $startidx) {
            if ($newend ne '') {
                if ($classinfo[$i] > $newend) {
                    $classlistentry .= $newend.':';
                } else {
                    $classlistentry .= $classinfo[$i].':';
            } else {
                $classlistentry .= $classinfo[$i].':';
        } elsif ($i == $ididx) {
            if (defined($user->{'id'})) {
                $classlistentry .= $user->{'id'}.':';
            } else {
                $classlistentry .= $classinfo[$i].':';
        } elsif ($i == $nameidx) {
            if (defined($user->{'lastname'})) {
                $classlistentry .= $fullname.':';
            } else {
                $classlistentry .= $classinfo[$i].':';
        } else {
            $classlistentry .= $classinfo[$i].':';
    $classlistentry =~ s/:$//;
    my $reply=&Apache::lonnet::cput('classlist',
                                    {"$uname:$udom" => $classlistentry},
    if (($reply eq 'ok') || ($reply eq 'delayed')) {
        return 'ok';
    } else {
        return 'error: '.$reply;

# build a role type and role selection form
sub domain_roles_select {
    # Set up the role type and role selection boxes when in 
    # domain context   
    # Role types
    my @roletypes = ('domain','author','course','community');

    my %lt = &role_type_names();
    # build up the menu information to be passed to
    # &Apache::loncommon::linked_select_forms
    my %select_menus;
    if ($env{'form.roletype'} eq '') {
        $env{'form.roletype'} = 'domain';
    foreach my $roletype (@roletypes) {
        # set up the text for this domain
        $select_menus{$roletype}->{'text'}= $lt{$roletype};
        # we want a choice of 'default' as the default in the second menu
        if ($env{'form.roletype'} ne '') {
            $select_menus{$roletype}->{'default'} = $env{'form.showrole'};
        } else { 
            $select_menus{$roletype}->{'default'} = 'Any';
        # Now build up the other items in the second menu
        my @roles;
        if ($roletype eq 'domain') {
            @roles = &domain_roles();
        } elsif ($roletype eq 'author') {
            @roles = &construction_space_roles();
        } else {
            my $custom = 1;
            @roles = &course_roles('domain',undef,$custom,$roletype);
        my $order = ['Any',@roles];
        $select_menus{$roletype}->{'order'} = $order; 
        foreach my $role (@roles) {
            if ($role eq 'cr') {
                $select_menus{$roletype}->{'select2'}->{$role} =
                              &mt('Custom role');
            } else {
                $select_menus{$roletype}->{'select2'}->{$role} = 
        $select_menus{$roletype}->{'select2'}->{'Any'} = &mt('Any');
    my $result = &Apache::loncommon::linked_select_forms
        ('studentform',('&nbsp;'x3).&mt('Role: '),$env{'form.roletype'},
    return $result;

sub hidden_input {
    my ($name,$value) = @_;
    return '<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$value.'" />'."\n";

sub print_upload_manager_header {
    my ($r,$datatoken,$distotal,$krbdefdom,$context,$permission)=@_;
    my $javascript;
    if (! exists($env{'form.upfile_associate'})) {
        $env{'form.upfile_associate'} = 'forward';
    if ($env{'form.associate'} eq 'Reverse Association') {
        if ( $env{'form.upfile_associate'} ne 'reverse' ) {
            $env{'form.upfile_associate'} = 'reverse';
        } else {
            $env{'form.upfile_associate'} = 'forward';
    if ($env{'form.upfile_associate'} eq 'reverse') {
    } else {
    # Deal with restored settings
    my $password_choice = '';
    if (exists($env{'form.ipwd_choice'}) &&
        $env{'form.ipwd_choice'} ne '') {
        # If a column was specified for password, assume it is for an
        # internal password.  This is a bug waiting to be filed (could be
        # local or krb auth instead of internal) but I do not have the
        # time to mess around with this now.
        $password_choice = 'int';
    my $groupslist;
    if ($context eq 'course') {
        $groupslist = &get_groupslist();
    my $javascript_validations =
    my $checked=(($env{'form.noFirstLine'})?' checked="checked"':'');
             .&mt('Total number of records found in file: [_1]'
    $r->print('<div class="LC_left_float"><h3>'.
              &mt('Identify fields in uploaded list')."</h3>\n");
    $r->print(&mt('Enter as many fields as you can.<br /> The system will inform you and bring you back to this page, <br /> if the data selected are insufficient to add users.')."<br />\n");
    $r->print('<br /><label><input type="checkbox" name="noFirstLine"'.$checked.' />'.
              &mt('Ignore First Line').'</label><br />');
    $r->print('<br /><input type="button" value="'.&mt('Reverse Association').'" '.
              'name="Reverse Association" '.
              'onclick="javascript:this.form.associate.value=\'Reverse Association\';submit(this.form);" />');
    $r->print("<br /><br />\n".
              '<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">'."\n".
              '// <![CDATA['."\n".
              '// ]]>'."\n".

sub javascript_validations {
    my ($mode,$krbdefdom,$curr_authtype,$curr_authfield,$domain,
    my %param = (
                  kerb_def_dom => $krbdefdom,
                  curr_authtype => $curr_authtype,
    if ($mode eq 'upload') {
        $param{'formname'} = 'studentform';
    } elsif ($mode eq 'createcourse') {
        $param{'formname'} = 'ccrs';
    } elsif ($mode eq 'modifycourse') {
        $param{'formname'} = 'cmod';
        $param{'mode'} = 'modifycourse',
        $param{'curr_autharg'} = $curr_authfield;

    my ($setsection_call,$setsections_js);
    my $finish = "  vf.submit();\n";
    if ($mode eq 'upload') {
        if (($context eq 'course') || ($context eq 'domain')) {
            if ($context eq 'course') {
                if ($env{'request.course.sec'} eq '') {
                    $setsection_call = 'setSections(document.'.$param{'formname'}.');';
                    $setsections_js =
                } else {
                    $setsection_call = "'ok'";
            } elsif ($context eq 'domain') {
                $setsection_call = 'setCourse()';
                $setsections_js = &dc_setcourse_js($param{'formname'},$mode,$context);
            $finish = "  var checkSec = $setsection_call\n".
                      "  if (checkSec == 'ok') {\n".
                      "      vf.submit();\n".
                      "   }\n";
    my $authheader = &Apache::loncommon::authform_header(%param);

    my %alert = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash
        (username => 'You need to specify the username field.',
         authen   => 'You must choose an authentication type.',
         krb      => 'You need to specify the Kerberos domain.',
         ipass    => 'You need to specify the initial password.',
         name     => 'The optional name field was not specified.',
         snum     => 'The optional student/employee ID field was not specified.',
         section  => 'The optional section field was not specified.',
         email    => 'The optional e-mail address field was not specified.',
         role     => 'The optional role field was not specified.',
         domain   => 'The optional domain field was not specified.',
         continue => 'Continue adding users?',
    if (($mode eq 'upload') && ($context eq 'domain')) {
        $alert{'inststatus'} = &mt('The optional affiliation field was not specified'); 
    my $function_name = <<"END";

function verify_message (vf,founduname,foundpwd,foundname,foundid,foundsec,foundemail,foundrole,founddomain,foundinststatus) {
    my ($authnum,%can_assign) =  &Apache::loncommon::get_assignable_auth($domain);
    my $auth_checks;
    if ($mode eq 'createcourse') {
        $auth_checks .= (<<END);
    if (vf.autoadds[0].checked == true) {
        if (current.radiovalue == null || current.radiovalue == 'nochange') {
    } else {
        $auth_checks .= (<<END);
    var foundatype=0;
    if (founduname==0) {

        if ($authnum > 1) {
            $auth_checks .= (<<END);
    if (current.radiovalue == null || current.radiovalue == '' || current.radiovalue == 'nochange') {
        // They did not check any of the login radiobuttons.
    if ($mode eq 'createcourse') {
        $auth_checks .= "
    if ( (vf.autoadds[0].checked == true) &&
         (vf.elements[current.argfield].value == null || vf.elements[current.argfield].value == '') ) {
    } elsif ($mode eq 'modifycourse') {
        $auth_checks .= "
    if (vf.elements[current.argfield].value == null || vf.elements[current.argfield].value == '') {
    if ( ($mode eq 'createcourse') || ($mode eq 'modifycourse') ) {
        $auth_checks .= (<<END);
        var alertmsg = '';
        switch (current.radiovalue) {
            case 'krb':
                alertmsg = '$alert{'krb'}';
                alertmsg = '';
        if (alertmsg != '') {
    } else {
        $auth_checks .= (<<END);
    if (current.argfield == null || current.argfield == '') {
        var alertmsg = '';
        switch (current.radiovalue) {
            case 'krb':
                alertmsg = '$alert{'krb'}';
            case 'loc':
            case 'fsys':
                alertmsg = '$alert{'ipass'}';
            case 'fsys':
                alertmsg = '';
                alertmsg = '';
        if (alertmsg != '') {
    my $section_checks;
    my $optional_checks = '';
    if ( ($mode eq 'createcourse') || ($mode eq 'modifycourse') ) {
        $optional_checks = (<<END);
    } else {
        $section_checks = &section_check_js();
        $optional_checks = (<<END);
    var message='';
    if (foundname==0) {
    if (foundid==0) {
        if (message!='') {
    if (foundsec==0) {
        if (message!='') {
    if (foundemail==0) {
        if (message!='') {
    if (foundrole==0) {
        if (message!='') {
    if (founddomain==0) {
        if (message!='') {
        if (($mode eq 'upload') && ($context eq 'domain')) {
            $optional_checks .= (<<END);

    if (foundinststatus==0) {
        if (message!='') {
        $optional_checks .= (<<END);

    if (message!='') {
        message+= '\\n$alert{'continue'}';
        if (confirm(message)) {
    } else {
    my $result = $function_name.$auth_checks.$optional_checks."\n".
    return $result;
sub upload_manager_javascript_forward_associate {
function verify(vf,sec_caller) {
    var founduname=0;
    var foundpwd=0;
    var foundname=0;
    var foundid=0;
    var foundsec=0;
    var foundemail=0;
    var foundrole=0;
    var founddomain=0;
    var foundinststatus=0;
    var tw;
    for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
        if (tw==1) { founduname=1; }
        if ((tw>=2) && (tw<=6)) { foundname=1; }
        if (tw==7) { foundid=1; }
        if (tw==8) { foundsec=1; }
        if (tw==9) { foundpwd=1; }
        if (tw==10) { foundemail=1; }
        if (tw==11) { foundrole=1; }
        if (tw==12) { founddomain=1; }
        if (tw==13) { foundinststatus=1; }

// vf = this.form
// tf = column number
// values of nw
// 0 = none
// 1 = username
// 2 = names (lastname, firstnames)
// 3 = fname (firstname)
// 4 = mname (middlename)
// 5 = lname (lastname)
// 6 = gen   (generation)
// 7 = id
// 8 = section
// 9 = ipwd  (password)
// 10 = email address
// 11 = role
// 12 = domain
// 13 = inststatus

function flip(vf,tf) {
   var nw=eval('vf.f'+tf+'.selectedIndex');
   var i;
   // make sure no other columns are labeled the same as this one
   for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
      if ((i!=tf) && (eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex')==nw)) {
   // If we set this to 'lastname, firstnames', clear out all the ones
   // set to 'fname','mname','lname','gen' (3,4,5,6) currently.
   if (nw==2) {
      for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
         if ((eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex')>=3) &&
             (eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex')<=6)) {
   // If we set this to one of 'fname','mname','lname','gen' (3,4,5,6),
   // clear out any that are set to 'lastname, firstnames' (2)
   if ((nw>=3) && (nw<=6)) {
      for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
         if (eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex')==2) {
   // If we set the password, make the password form below correspond to
   // the new value.
   if (nw==9) {

function clearpwd(vf) {
    var i;
    for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
        if (eval('vf.f'+i+'.selectedIndex')==9) {


sub upload_manager_javascript_reverse_associate {
function verify(vf,sec_caller) {
    var founduname=0;
    var foundpwd=0;
    var foundname=0;
    var foundid=0;
    var foundsec=0;
    var foundrole=0;
    var founddomain=0;
    var foundinststatus=0;
    var tw;
    for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
        if (i==0 && tw!=0) { founduname=1; }
        if (((i>=1) && (i<=5)) && tw!=0 ) { foundname=1; }
        if (i==6 && tw!=0) { foundid=1; }
        if (i==7 && tw!=0) { foundsec=1; }
        if (i==8 && tw!=0) { foundpwd=1; }
        if (i==9 && tw!=0) { foundrole=1; }
        if (i==10 && tw!=0) { founddomain=1; }
        if (i==13 && tw!=0) { foundinstatus=1; }

function flip(vf,tf) {
   var nw=eval('vf.f'+tf+'.selectedIndex');
   var i;
   // picked the all one name field, reset the other name ones to blank
   if (tf==1 && nw!=0) {
      for (i=2;i<=5;i++) {
   //picked one of the piecewise name fields, reset the all in
   //one field to blank
   if ((tf>=2) && (tf<=5) && (nw!=0)) {
   // intial password specified, pick internal authentication
   if (tf==8 && nw!=0) {

function clearpwd(vf) {
    var i;
    if (eval('vf.f8.selectedIndex')!=0) {

sub print_upload_manager_footer {
    my ($r,$i,$keyfields,$defdom,$today,$halfyear,$context,$permission,$crstype) = @_;
    my $form = 'document.studentform';
    my $formname = 'studentform';
    my ($krbdef,$krbdefdom) =
    my %param = ( formname => $form,
                  kerb_def_dom => $krbdefdom,
                  kerb_def_auth => $krbdef
    if (exists($env{'form.ipwd_choice'}) &&
        defined($env{'form.ipwd_choice'}) &&
        $env{'form.ipwd_choice'} ne '') {
        $param{'curr_authtype'} = 'int';
    my $krbform = &Apache::loncommon::authform_kerberos(%param);
    my $intform = &Apache::loncommon::authform_internal(%param);
    my $locform = &Apache::loncommon::authform_local(%param);
    my $date_table = &date_setting_table(undef,undef,$context,undef,

    my $Str = "\n".'<div class="LC_left_float">';
    $Str .= &hidden_input('nfields',$i);
    $Str .= &hidden_input('keyfields',$keyfields);

    $Str .= '<h3>'.&mt('Options').'</h3>'

    $Str .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Login Type'));
    if ($context eq 'domain') {
        $Str .= '<p>'
               .&mt('Change authentication for existing users in domain "[_1]" to these settings?'
               .'&nbsp;<span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'
               .'<input type="radio" name="changeauth" value="No" checked="checked" />'
               .'<input type="radio" name="changeauth" value="Yes" />'
    } else {
        $Str .= '<p class="LC_info">'."\n".
            &mt('This will not take effect if the user already exists.').
    $Str .= &set_login($defdom,$krbform,$intform,$locform);

    my ($home_server_pick,$numlib) =
    if ($numlib > 1) {
        $Str .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure()
                    &mt('LON-CAPA Home Server for New Users'))
               .&mt('LON-CAPA domain: [_1] with home server:','"'.$defdom.'"')
    } else {
        $Str .= $home_server_pick.

    $Str .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Default domain'))

    $Str .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Starting and Ending Dates'))

    if ($context eq 'domain') {
        $Str .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(
                    &mt('Settings for assigning roles'))
               .&mt('Pick the action to take on roles for these users:').'<br />'
               .'<span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'
               .'<input type="radio" name="roleaction" value="norole" checked="checked" />'
               .'&nbsp;'.&mt('No role changes').'</label>'
               .'<input type="radio" name="roleaction" value="domain" />'
               .'&nbsp;'.&mt('Add a domain role').'</label>'
               .'<input type="radio" name="roleaction" value="course" />'
               .'&nbsp;'.&mt('Add a course role').'</label>'
    } elsif ($context eq 'author') {
        $Str .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(
                    &mt('Default role'))
               .&mt('Choose the role to assign to users without a value specified in the uploaded file.')
    } elsif ($context eq 'course') {
        $Str .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(
                    &mt('Default role and section'))
               .&mt('Choose the role and/or section(s) to assign to users without values specified in the uploaded file.');
    } else {
        $Str .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(
                    &mt('Default role and/or section(s)'))
               .&mt('Role and/or section(s) for users without values specified in the uploaded file.');
    if (($context eq 'domain') || ($context eq 'author')) {
        $Str .= '<br />';
        my ($options,$cb_script,$coursepick) = &default_role_selector($context,1);
        if ($context eq 'domain') {
            $Str .= '<p>'
                   .'<b>'.&mt('Domain Level').'</b><br />'
                   .'<b>'.&mt('Course Level').'</b>'
        } elsif ($context eq 'author') {
            $Str .= $options
                   .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1); # last row in pick_box
    } else {
        my ($cnum,$cdom) = &get_course_identity();
        my $rowtitle = &mt('section');
        my $secbox = &section_picker($cdom,$cnum,'Any',$rowtitle,
        $Str .= $secbox
        my %lt;
        if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
            %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
                    disp => 'Display members with current/future access who are not in the uploaded file',
                    stus => 'Members selected from this list can be dropped.'
        } else {
            %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
                    disp => 'Display students with current/future access who are not in the uploaded file',
                    stus => 'Students selected from this list can be dropped.'
        $Str .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Full Update'))
               .'<label><input type="checkbox" name="fullup" value="yes" />'
               .' '.$lt{'disp'}
               .'</label><br />'
    if ($context eq 'course' || $context eq 'domain') {
        $Str .= &forceid_change($context);

    $Str .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_pick_box();
    $Str .= '</div>';

    # Footer
    $Str .= '<div class="LC_clear_float_footer">'
           .'<hr />';
    if ($context eq 'course') {
        $Str .= '<p class="LC_info">'
               .&mt('Note: For large courses, this operation may be time consuming.')
    $Str .= '<p><input type="button"'
           .' onclick="javascript:verify(this.form,this.form.csec)"'
           .' value="'.&mt('Update Users').'" />'

sub forceid_change {
    my ($context) = @_;
    my $output = 
        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Student/Employee ID'))
       .'<label><input type="checkbox" name="forceid" value="yes" />'
       .&mt('Disable Student/Employee ID Safeguard and force change of conflicting IDs')
       .'</label><br />'."\n"
       .&mt('(only do if you know what you are doing.)')."\n";
    if ($context eq 'domain') {
        $output .= '<br /><label><input type="checkbox" name="recurseid"'.
                   ' value="yes" />'. 
  &mt('Update student/employee ID in courses in which user is active/future student,[_1](if forcing change).','<br />').
    $output .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1); # last row in pick_box
    return $output;

sub print_upload_manager_form {
    my ($r,$context,$permission,$crstype) = @_;
    my $firstLine;
    my $datatoken;
    if (!$env{'form.datatoken'}) {
    } else {
    my @records=&Apache::loncommon::upfile_record_sep();
    my $total=$#records;
    my $distotal=$total+1;
    my $today=time;
    my $halfyear=$today+15552000;
    # Restore memorized settings
    my $col_setting_names =  { 'username_choice' => 'scalar', # column settings
                               'names_choice' => 'scalar',
                               'fname_choice' => 'scalar',
                               'mname_choice' => 'scalar',
                               'lname_choice' => 'scalar',
                               'gen_choice' => 'scalar',
                               'id_choice' => 'scalar',
                               'sec_choice' => 'scalar',
                               'ipwd_choice' => 'scalar',
                               'email_choice' => 'scalar',
                               'role_choice' => 'scalar',
                               'domain_choice' => 'scalar',
                               'inststatus_choice' => 'scalar',
    my $defdom = $env{'request.role.domain'};
    if ($context eq 'course') {
    } else {
    # Determine kerberos parameters as appropriate
    my ($krbdef,$krbdefdom) =
    my $i;
    my $keyfields;
    if ($total>=0) {
        my @field=
            (['username',&mt('Username'),     $env{'form.username_choice'}],
             ['names',&mt('Last Name, First Names'),$env{'form.names_choice'}],
             ['fname',&mt('First Name'),      $env{'form.fname_choice'}],
             ['mname',&mt('Middle Names/Initials'),$env{'form.mname_choice'}],
             ['lname',&mt('Last Name'),       $env{'form.lname_choice'}],
             ['gen',  &mt('Generation'),      $env{'form.gen_choice'}],
             ['id',   &mt('Student/Employee ID'),$env{'form.id_choice'}],
             ['sec',  &mt('Section'),          $env{'form.sec_choice'}],
             ['ipwd', &mt('Initial Password'),$env{'form.ipwd_choice'}],
             ['email',&mt('E-mail Address'),   $env{'form.email_choice'}],
             ['role',&mt('Role'),             $env{'form.role_choice'}],
             ['domain',&mt('Domain'),         $env{'form.domain_choice'}],
             ['inststatus',&mt('Affiliation'), $env{'form.inststatus_choice'}]);
        if ($env{'form.upfile_associate'} eq 'reverse') {
            foreach (@field) {
        } else {
            my %sone=&Apache::loncommon::record_sep($records[0]);

sub setup_date_selectors {
    my ($starttime,$endtime,$mode,$nolink,$formname) = @_;
    if ($formname eq '') {
        $formname = 'studentform';
    if (! defined($starttime)) {
        $starttime = time;
        unless ($mode eq 'create_enrolldates' || $mode eq 'create_defaultdates') {
            if (exists($env{'course.'.$env{''}.
                            '.default_enrollment_start_date'})) {
                $starttime = $env{'course.'.$env{''}.
    if (! defined($endtime)) {
        $endtime = time+(6*30*24*60*60); # 6 months from now, approx
        unless ($mode eq 'createcourse') {
            if (exists($env{'course.'.$env{''}.
                            '.default_enrollment_end_date'})) {
                $endtime = $env{'course.'.$env{''}.

    my $startdateform = 

    my $enddateform = 

    if ($mode eq 'create_enrolldates') {
        $startdateform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('ccrs',
        $enddateform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('ccrs',
    if ($mode eq 'create_defaultdates') {
        $startdateform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('ccrs',
        $enddateform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter('ccrs',
    return ($startdateform,$enddateform);

sub get_dates_from_form {
    my ($startname,$endname) = @_;
    if ($startname eq '') {
        $startname = 'startdate';
    if ($endname eq '') {
        $endname = 'enddate';
    my $startdate = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::get_date_from_form($startname);
    my $enddate   = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::get_date_from_form($endname);
    if ($env{'form.no_end_date'}) {
        $enddate = 0;
    return ($startdate,$enddate);

sub date_setting_table {
    my ($starttime,$endtime,$mode,$bulkaction,$formname,$permission,$crstype) = @_;
    my $nolink;
    if ($bulkaction) {
        $nolink = 1;
    my ($startform,$endform) = 
    my $dateDefault;
    if ($mode eq 'create_enrolldates' || $mode eq 'create_defaultdates') {
        $dateDefault = '&nbsp;';
    } elsif ($mode ne 'author' && $mode ne 'domain') {
        if (($bulkaction eq 'reenable') || 
            ($bulkaction eq 'activate') || 
            ($bulkaction eq 'chgdates') ||
            ($env{'form.action'} eq 'upload')) {
            if ($env{'request.course.sec'} eq '') {
                $dateDefault = '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
                    '<label><input type="checkbox" name="makedatesdefault" value="1" /> ';
                if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
                    $dateDefault .= &mt("make these dates the default access dates for future community enrollment");
                } else {
                    $dateDefault .= &mt("make these dates the default access dates for future course enrollment");
                $dateDefault .= '</label></span>';
    my $perpetual = '<span class="LC_nobreak"><label><input type="checkbox" name="no_end_date"';
    if (defined($endtime) && $endtime == 0) {
        $perpetual .= ' checked="checked"';
    $perpetual.= ' /> '.&mt('no ending date').'</label></span>';
    if ($mode eq 'create_enrolldates') {
        $perpetual = '&nbsp;';
    my $result = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::start_pick_box()."\n";
    $result .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Starting Date'),
               &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Ending Date'), 
    if ($dateDefault) {
        $result .=  $dateDefault.'<br />'."\n";
    return $result;

sub make_dates_default {
    my ($startdate,$enddate,$context,$crstype = @_;
    my $result = '';
    if ($context eq 'course') {
        my ($cnum,$cdom) = &get_course_identity();
        my $put_result = &Apache::lonnet::put('environment',
                 'default_enrollment_end_date'  =>$enddate},$cdom,$cnum);
        if ($put_result eq 'ok') {
            if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
                $result .= &mt('Set default start and end access dates for community.');
            } else {
                $result .= &mt('Set default start and end access dates for course.');
            $result .= '<br />'."\n";
            # Refresh the course environment
                                               {'freshen_cache' => 1});
        } else {
            if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
                $result .= &mt('Unable to set default access dates for community');
            } else {
                $result .= &mt('Unable to set default access dates for course');
            $result .= ':'.$put_result.'<br />';
    return $result;

sub default_role_selector {
    my ($context,$checkpriv,$crstype) = @_;
    my %customroles;
    my ($options,$coursepick,$cb_jscript);
    if ($context ne 'author') {
        %customroles = &my_custom_roles();

    my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                    'rol'  => "Role",
                    'grs'  => "Section",
                    'exs'  => "Existing sections",
                    'new'  => "New section",
    $options = '<select name="defaultrole">'."\n".
               ' <option value="">'.&mt('Please select').'</option>'."\n"; 
    if ($context eq 'course') {
        $options .= &default_course_roles($context,$checkpriv,$crstype,%customroles);
    } elsif ($context eq 'author') {
        my @roles = &construction_space_roles($checkpriv);
        foreach my $role (@roles) {
           my $plrole=&Apache::lonnet::plaintext($role);
           $options .= '  <option value="'.$role.'">'.$plrole.'</option>'."\n";
    } elsif ($context eq 'domain') {
        my @roles = &domain_roles($checkpriv);
        foreach my $role (@roles) {
           my $plrole=&Apache::lonnet::plaintext($role);
           $options .= '  <option value="'.$role.'">'.$plrole.'</option>';
        my $courseform = &Apache::loncommon::selectcourse_link
        $cb_jscript = 
        $coursepick = &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table().
                      '<td><input type="text" name="coursedesc" value="" onfocus="this.blur();opencrsbrowser('."'studentform','dccourse','dcdomain','coursedesc',''".')" /></td>'."\n".
                      '<td><select name="courserole">'."\n".
                      '<table class="LC_createuser">'.
                      '<tr class="LC_section_row"><td valign"top">'.
                      $lt{'exs'}.'<br /><select name="currsec">'.
                      ' <option value=""><--'.&mt('Pick course first').
                      '<td valign="top">'.$lt{'new'}.'<br />'.
                      '<input type="text" name="newsec" value="" size="5" />'.
                      '<input type="hidden" name="groups" value="" />'.
                      '<input type="hidden" name="sections" value="" />'.
                      '<input type="hidden" name="origdom" value="'.
                      $env{'request.role.domain'}.'" />'.
                      '<input type="hidden" name="dccourse" value="" />'.
                      '<input type="hidden" name="dcdomain" value="" />'.
    $options .= '</select>';
    return ($options,$cb_jscript,$coursepick);

sub default_course_roles {
    my ($context,$checkpriv,$crstype,%customroles) = @_;
    my $output;
    my $custom = 1;
    my @roles = &course_roles($context,$checkpriv,$custom,lc($crstype));
    foreach my $role (@roles) {
        if ($role ne 'cr') {
            my $plrole=&Apache::lonnet::plaintext($role,$crstype);
            $output .= '  <option value="'.$role.'">'.$plrole.'</option>';
    if (keys(%customroles) > 0) {
        if (grep(/^cr$/,@roles)) {
            foreach my $cust (sort(keys(%customroles))) {
                my $custrole='cr_'.$env{'user.domain'}.
                $output .= '  <option value="'.$custrole.'">'.$cust.'</option>';
    return $output;

sub construction_space_roles {
    my ($checkpriv) = @_;
    my @allroles = &roles_by_context('author');
    my @roles;
    if ($checkpriv) {
        foreach my $role (@allroles) {
            if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$role,$env{'user.domain'}.'/'.$env{''})) { 
        return @roles;
    } else {
        return @allroles;

sub domain_roles {
    my ($checkpriv) = @_;
    my @allroles = &roles_by_context('domain');
    my @roles;
    if ($checkpriv) {
        foreach my $role (@allroles) {
            if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$role,$env{'request.role.domain'})) {
        return @roles;
    } else {
        return @allroles;

sub course_roles {
    my ($context,$checkpriv,$custom,$roletype) = @_;
    my @allroles = &roles_by_context('course',$custom,$roletype);
    my @roles;
    if ($context eq 'domain') {
        @roles = @allroles;
    } elsif ($context eq 'course') {
        if ($env{''}) {
            if ($checkpriv) { 
                foreach my $role (@allroles) {
                    if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$role,$env{''})) {
                    } else {
                        if ((($role ne 'cc') && ($role ne 'co')) && ($env{'request.course.sec'} ne '')) {
                            if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$role,
                                             $env{'request.course.sec'})) {
            } else {
                @roles = @allroles;
    return @roles;

sub curr_role_permissions {
    my ($context,$setting,$checkpriv,$type) = @_; 
    my $custom = 1;
    my @roles;
    if ($context eq 'author') {
        @roles = &construction_space_roles($checkpriv);
    } elsif ($context eq 'domain') {
        if ($setting eq 'course') {
            @roles = &course_roles($context,$checkpriv,$custom,$type); 
        } else {
            @roles = &domain_roles($checkpriv);
    } elsif ($context eq 'course') {
        @roles = &course_roles($context,$checkpriv,$custom,$type);
    return @roles;

# ======================================================= Existing Custom Roles

sub my_custom_roles {
    my %returnhash=();
    my %rolehash=&Apache::lonnet::dump('roles');
    foreach my $key (keys %rolehash) {
        if ($key=~/^rolesdef\_(\w+)$/) {
    return %returnhash;

sub print_userlist {
    my ($r,$mode,$permission,$context,$formname,$totcodes,$codetitles,
        $idlist,$idlist_titles) = @_;
    my $format = $env{'form.output'};
    if (! exists($env{'form.sortby'})) {
        $env{'form.sortby'} = 'username';
    if ($env{'form.Status'} !~ /^(Any|Expired|Active|Future)$/) {
        $env{'form.Status'} = 'Active';
    my $status_select = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::StatusOptions

    if ($env{'form.showrole'} eq '') {
        if ($context eq 'course') {
            $env{'form.showrole'} = 'st';
        } else {
            $env{'form.showrole'} = 'Any';            
    if (! defined($env{'form.output'}) ||
        $env{'form.output'} !~ /^(csv|excel|html)$/ ) {
        $env{'form.output'} = 'html';

    my @statuses;
    if ($env{'form.Status'} eq 'Any') {
        @statuses = ('previous','active','future');
    } elsif ($env{'form.Status'} eq 'Expired') {
        @statuses = ('previous');
    } elsif ($env{'form.Status'} eq 'Active') {
        @statuses = ('active');
    } elsif ($env{'form.Status'} eq 'Future') {
        @statuses = ('future');

#    if ($context eq 'course') { 
#        $r->print(&display_adv_courseroles());
#    }
    # Interface output
    $r->print('<form name="studentform" method="post" action="/adm/createuser">'."\n".
              '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="'.
              $env{'form.action'}.'" />');
    if ($env{'form.action'} ne 'modifystudent') {
        my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash('csv' => "CSV",
                                           'excel' => "Excel",
                                           'html'  => 'HTML');
        my $output_selector = '<select size="1" name="output" >';
        foreach my $outputformat ('html','csv','excel') {
            my $option = '<option value="'.$outputformat.'"';
            if ($outputformat eq $env{'form.output'}) {
                $option .= ' selected="selected"';
            $option .='>'.$lt{$outputformat}.'</option>';
            $output_selector .= "\n".$option;
        $output_selector .= '</select>';
        $r->print('<label><span class="LC_nobreak">'
                 .&mt('Output Format: [_1]',$output_selector)
    $r->print('<label><span class="LC_nobreak">'
             .&mt('User Status: [_1]',$status_select)
    my $roleselected = '';
    if ($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'Any') {
       $roleselected = ' selected="selected"'; 
    my ($cnum,$cdom);
    if ($context eq 'course') {
        ($cnum,$cdom) = &get_course_identity();
    if ($env{'form.phase'} eq '') {
        $r->print('<br /><br />'.&list_submit_button(&mt('Display List of Users')).
                  '<input type="hidden" name="phase" value="" /></form>');
    if (!(($context eq 'domain') && 
        (($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'course') || ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'community')))) {
        $r->print('&nbsp;'.&list_submit_button(&mt('Update Display')).
    my ($indexhash,$keylist) = &make_keylist_array();
    my (%userlist,%userinfo,$clearcoursepick);
    if (($context eq 'domain') && 
        ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'course') ||
        ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'community')) {
        my ($crstype,$numcodes,$title,$warning);
        if ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'course') {
            $crstype = 'Course';
            $numcodes = $totcodes;
            $title = &mt('Select Courses');
            $warning = &mt('Warning: data retrieval for multiple courses can take considerable time, as this operation is not currently optimized.');
        } elsif ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'community') {
            $crstype = 'Community';
            $numcodes = 0;
            $title = &mt('Select Communities');
            $warning = &mt('Warning: data retrieval for multiple communities can take considerable time, as this operation is not currently optimized.');
        my $courseform =
                  '<p><input type="hidden" name="origroletype" value="'.$env{'form.roletype'}.'" />'.
                  &list_submit_button(&mt('Update Display')).
                  "\n".'</p><span class="LC_warning">'.$warning.'</span>'."\n");
        $clearcoursepick = 0;
        if (($env{'form.origroletype'} ne '') &&
            ($env{'form.origroletype'} ne $env{'form.roletype'})) {
            $clearcoursepick = 1;
        if (($env{'form.coursepick'}) && (!$clearcoursepick)) {
            $r->print('<hr />'.&mt('Searching').' ...<br />&nbsp;<br />');
    } else {
        $r->print('<hr />'.&mt('Searching').' ...<br />&nbsp;<br />');
    if ($context eq 'course') {
        if (($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'st') || ($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'Any')) { 
            my $classlist = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
            if (ref($classlist) eq 'HASH') {
                %userlist = %{$classlist};
        if ($env{'form.showrole'} ne 'st') {
            my $showroles;
            if ($env{'form.showrole'} ne 'Any') {
                $showroles = [$env{'form.showrole'}];
            } else {
                $showroles = undef;
            my $withsec = 1;
            my $hidepriv = 1;
            my %advrolehash = &Apache::lonnet::get_my_roles($cnum,$cdom,undef,
    } else {
        my (%cstr_roles,%dom_roles);
        if ($context eq 'author') {
            # List co-authors and assistant co-authors
            my @possroles = &roles_by_context($context);
            %cstr_roles = &Apache::lonnet::get_my_roles(undef,undef,undef,
        } elsif ($context eq 'domain') {
            if ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'domain') {
                %dom_roles = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_roles($env{'request.role.domain'});
                foreach my $key (keys(%dom_roles)) {
                    if (ref($dom_roles{$key}) eq 'HASH') {
            } elsif ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'author') {
                my %dom_roles = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_roles($env{'request.role.domain'},['au']);
                my %coauthors;
                foreach my $key (keys(%dom_roles)) {
                    if (ref($dom_roles{$key}) eq 'HASH') {
                        if ($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'au') {
                        } else {
                            my @possroles;
                            if ($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'Any') {
                                @possroles = &roles_by_context('author');
                            } else {
                                @possroles = ($env{'form.showrole'}); 
                            foreach my $author (sort(keys(%{$dom_roles{$key}}))) {
                                my ($role,$authorname,$authordom) = split(/:/,$author,-1);
                                my $extent = '/'.$authordom.'/'.$authorname;
                                %{$coauthors{$extent}} =
            } elsif ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'course') {
                if (($env{'form.coursepick'}) && (!$clearcoursepick)) {
                    my %courses = &process_coursepick();
                    my %allusers;
                    my $hidepriv = 1;
                    foreach my $cid (keys(%courses)) {
                        my ($cnum,$cdom,$cdesc) = &get_course_identity($cid);
                        next if ($cnum eq '' || $cdom eq '');
                        my $custom = 1;
                        my (@roles,@sections,%access,%users,%userdata,
                        if ($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'Any') {
                            @roles = &course_roles($context,undef,$custom,
                        } else {
                            @roles = ($env{'form.showrole'});
                        foreach my $role (@roles) {
                            %{$users{$role}} = ();
                        foreach my $type (@statuses) {
                            $access{$type} = $type;
                        foreach my $user (keys(%userdata)) {
                            next if (ref($userinfo{$user}) eq 'HASH');
                            foreach my $item ('fullname','id') {
                                $userinfo{$user}{$item} = $userdata{$user}[$indexhash->{$item}];
                        foreach my $role (keys(%users)) {
                            foreach my $user (keys(%{$users{$role}})) {
                                my $uniqid = $user.':'.$role;
                                $allusers{$uniqid}{$cid} = { desc => $cdesc,
                                                             secs  => $statushash{$user}{$role},
                } else {
                    $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="phase" value="'.
                              $env{'form.phase'}.'" /></form>');
    if (keys(%userlist) == 0) {
        if ($context eq 'author') {
            $r->print(&mt('There are no co-authors to display.')."\n");
        } elsif ($context eq 'domain') {
            if ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'domain') {
                $r->print(&mt('There are no users with domain roles to display.')."\n");
            } elsif ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'author') {
                $r->print(&mt('There are no authors or co-authors to display.')."\n");
            } elsif ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'course') {
                $r->print(&mt('There are no course users to display')."\n"); 
            } elsif ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'community') {
                $r->print(&mt('There are no community users to display')."\n");
        } elsif ($context eq 'course') {
            $r->print(&mt('There are no course users to display.')."\n");
    } else {
        # Print out the available choices
        my $usercount;
        if ($env{'form.action'} eq 'modifystudent') {
            ($usercount) = &show_users_list($r,$context,'view',$permission,
        } else {
            ($usercount) = &show_users_list($r,$context,$env{'form.output'},
        if (!$usercount) {
            $r->print('<br /><span class="LC_warning">'
                     .&mt('There are no users matching the search criteria.')
    $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="phase" value="'.
              $env{'form.phase'}.'" /></form>');

sub role_filter {
    my ($context) = @_;
    my $output;
    my $roleselected = '';
    if ($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'Any') {
       $roleselected = ' selected="selected"';
    my ($role_select);
    if ($context eq 'domain') {
        $role_select = &domain_roles_select();
        $output = '<label><span class="LC_nobreak">'
                 .&mt('Role Type: [_1]',$role_select)
    } else {
        $role_select = '<select name="showrole">'."\n".
                       '<option value="Any" '.$roleselected.'>'.
                       &mt('Any role').'</option>';
        my ($roletype,$crstype);
        if ($context eq 'course') {
            $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
            if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
                $roletype = 'community';
            } else {
                $roletype = 'course';
        my @poss_roles = &curr_role_permissions($context,'','',$roletype);
        foreach my $role (@poss_roles) {
            $roleselected = '';
            if ($role eq $env{'form.showrole'}) {
                $roleselected = ' selected="selected"';
            my $plrole;
            if ($role eq 'cr') {
                $plrole = &mt('Custom role');
            } else {
            $role_select .= '<option value="'.$role.'"'.$roleselected.'>'.$plrole.'</option>';
        $role_select .= '</select>';
        $output = '<label><span class="LC_nobreak">'
                 .&mt('Role: [_1]',$role_select)
    return $output;

sub section_group_filter {
    my ($cnum,$cdom) = @_;
    my @filters;
    if ($env{'request.course.sec'} eq '') {
        @filters = ('sec');
    my %name = (
                 sec => 'secfilter',
                 grp => 'grpfilter',
    my %title = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
                                              sec  => 'Section(s)',
                                              grp  => 'Group(s)',
                                              all  => 'all',
                                              none => 'none',
    my $output;
    foreach my $item (@filters) {
        my ($markup,@options); 
        if ($env{'form.'.$name{$item}} eq '') {
            $env{'form.'.$name{$item}} = 'all';
        if ($item eq 'sec') {
            if ($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'cc') {
                $env{'form.'.$name{$item}} = 'none';
            my %sections_count = &Apache::loncommon::get_sections($cdom,$cnum);
            @options = sort(keys(%sections_count));
        } elsif ($item eq 'grp') {
            my %curr_groups = &Apache::longroup::coursegroups();
            @options = sort(keys(%curr_groups));
        if (@options > 0) {
            my $currsel;
            $markup = '<select name="'.$name{$item}.'" />'."\n";
            foreach my $option ('all','none',@options) { 
                $currsel = '';
                if ($env{'form.'.$name{$item}} eq $option) {
                    $currsel = ' selected="selected"';
                $markup .= ' <option value="'.$option.'"'.$currsel.'>';
                if (($option eq 'all') || ($option eq 'none')) {
                    $markup .= $title{$option};
                } else {
                    $markup .= $option;
                $markup .= '</option>'."\n";
            $markup .= '</select>'."\n";
            $output .= ('&nbsp;'x3).'<label>'.$title{$item}.': '.$markup.'</label>';
    return $output;

sub list_submit_button {
    my ($text) = @_;
    return '<input type="button" name="updatedisplay" value="'.$text.'" onclick="javascript:display_update()" />';

sub gather_userinfo {
    my ($context,$format,$userlist,$indexhash,$userinfo,$rolehash,$permission) = @_;
    my $viewablesec;
    if ($context eq 'course') {
        $viewablesec = &viewable_section($permission);
    foreach my $item (keys(%{$rolehash})) {
        my %userdata;
        if ($context eq 'author') { 
            ($userdata{'username'},$userdata{'domain'},$userdata{'role'}) =
        } elsif ($context eq 'course') {
             $userdata{'section'}) = split(/:/,$item,-1);
            if (($viewablesec ne '') && ($userdata{'section'} ne '')) {
                next if ($viewablesec ne $userdata{'section'});
        } elsif ($context eq 'domain') {
            if ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'domain') {
                ($userdata{'role'},$userdata{'username'},$userdata{'domain'}) =
            } elsif ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'author') {
                if (ref($rolehash->{$item}) eq 'HASH') {
                    $userdata{'extent'} = $item;
                    foreach my $key (keys(%{$rolehash->{$item}})) {
                        ($userdata{'username'},$userdata{'domain'},$userdata{'role'}) =  split(/:/,$key);
                        ($userdata{'start'},$userdata{'end'}) = 
                        my $uniqid = $key.':'.$item;
            } elsif ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'course') {
                ($userdata{'username'},$userdata{'domain'},$userdata{'role'}) =
                if (ref($rolehash->{$item}) eq 'HASH') {
                    my $numcids = keys(%{$rolehash->{$item}});
                    foreach my $cid (sort(keys(%{$rolehash->{$item}}))) {
                        if (ref($rolehash->{$item}{$cid}) eq 'HASH') {
                            my $spanstart = '';
                            my $spanend = '; ';
                            my $space = ', ';
                            if ($format eq 'html' || $format eq 'view') {
                                $spanstart = '<span class="LC_nobreak">';
                                # FIXME: actions on courses disabled for now
#                                if ($permission->{'cusr'}) {
#                                    if ($numcids > 1) {
#                                        $spanstart .= '<input type="radio" name="'.$item.'" value="'.$cid.'" />&nbsp;';
#                                    } else {
#                                        $spanstart .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$item.'" value="'.$cid.'" />&nbsp;';
#                                    }
#                                }
                                $spanend = '</span><br />';
                                $space = ',&nbsp;';
                            $userdata{'extent'} .= $spanstart.
                            if (ref($rolehash->{$item}{$cid}{'secs'}) eq 'HASH') { 
                                foreach my $sec (sort(keys(%{$rolehash->{$item}{$cid}{'secs'}}))) {
                                    if (($env{'form.Status'} eq 'Any') ||
                                        ($env{'form.Status'} eq $rolehash->{$item}{$cid}{'secs'}{$sec})) {
                                        $userdata{'extent'} .= $sec.$space.$rolehash->{$item}{$cid}{'secs'}{$sec}.$spanend;
                                        $userdata{'status'} = $rolehash->{$item}{$cid}{'secs'}{$sec};
                if ($userdata{'status'} ne '') {

sub build_user_record {
    my ($context,$userdata,$userinfo,$indexhash,$record_key,$userlist) = @_;
    next if ($userdata->{'start'} eq '-1' && $userdata->{'end'} eq '-1');
    if (!(($context eq 'domain') && ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'course'))) {
    my $username = $userdata->{'username'};
    my $domain = $userdata->{'domain'};
    if (ref($userinfo->{$username.':'.$domain}) eq 'HASH') {
        $userdata->{'fullname'} = $userinfo->{$username.':'.$domain}{'fullname'};
        $userdata->{'id'} = $userinfo->{$username.':'.$domain}{'id'};
    } else {
        $userdata->{'fullname'} = $userinfo->{$username.':'.$domain}{'fullname'};
        $userdata->{'id'} = $userinfo->{$username.':'.$domain}{'id'};
    foreach my $key (keys(%{$indexhash})) {
        if (defined($userdata->{$key})) {
            $userlist->{$record_key}[$indexhash->{$key}] = $userdata->{$key};

sub courses_selector {
    my ($cdom,$formname) = @_;
    my %coursecodes = ();
    my %codes = ();
    my @codetitles = ();
    my %cat_titles = ();
    my %cat_order = ();
    my %idlist = ();
    my %idnums = ();
    my %idlist_titles = ();
    my $caller = 'global';
    my $format_reply;
    my $jscript = '';

    my $totcodes = 0;
    $totcodes =
    if ($totcodes > 0) {
        $format_reply =
        if ($format_reply eq 'ok') {
            my $numtypes = @codetitles;
            my ($scripttext,$longtitles) = &Apache::courseclassifier::javascript_definitions(\@codetitles,\%idlist,\%idlist_titles,\%idnums,\%cat_titles);
            my $longtitles_str = join('","',@{$longtitles});
            my $allidlist = $idlist{$codetitles[0]};
            $jscript .= &Apache::courseclassifier::courseset_js_start($formname,$longtitles_str,$allidlist);
            $jscript .= $scripttext;
            $jscript .= &Apache::courseclassifier::javascript_code_selections($formname,@codetitles);
    my $cb_jscript = &Apache::loncommon::coursebrowser_javascript($cdom);

    my %elements = (
                     Year => 'selectbox',
                     coursepick => 'radio',
                     coursetotal => 'text',
                     courselist => 'text',
    $jscript .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::set_form_elements(\%elements);
    if ($env{'form.coursepick'} eq 'category') {
        $jscript .= qq|
function setCourseCat(formname) {
    if (formname.Year.options[formname.Year.selectedIndex].value == -1) {
    for (var j=0; j<formname.Semester.length; j++) {
        if (formname.Semester.options[j].value == "$env{'form.Semester'}") {
            formname.Semester.options[j].selected = true;
    if (formname.Semester.options[formname.Semester.selectedIndex].value == -1) {
    for (var j=0; j<formname.Department.length; j++) {
        if (formname.Department.options[j].value == "$env{'form.Department'}") {            formname.Department.options[j].selected = true;
    if (formname.Department.options[formname.Department.selectedIndex].value == -1) {
    for (var j=0; j<formname.Number.length; j++) {
        if (formname.Number.options[j].value == "$env{'form.Number'}") {
            formname.Number.options[j].selected = true;
    return ($cb_jscript,$jscript,$totcodes,\@codetitles,\%idlist,

sub course_selector_loadcode {
    my ($formname) = @_;
    my $loadcode;
    if ($env{'form.coursepick'} ne '') {
        $loadcode = 'javascript:setFormElements(document.'.$formname.')';
        if ($env{'form.coursepick'} eq 'category') {
            $loadcode .= ';javascript:setCourseCat(document.'.$formname.')';
    return $loadcode;

sub process_coursepick {
    my $coursefilter = $env{'form.coursepick'};
    my $cdom = $env{'request.role.domain'};
    my %courses;
    if ($coursefilter eq 'all') {
        %courses = &Apache::lonnet::courseiddump($cdom,'.','.','.','.','.',
    } elsif ($coursefilter eq 'category') {
        my $instcode = &instcode_from_coursefilter();
        %courses = &Apache::lonnet::courseiddump($cdom,'.','.',$instcode,'.','.',
    } elsif ($coursefilter eq 'specific') {
        if ($env{'form.coursetotal'} > 1) {
            my @course_ids = split(/&&/,$env{'form.courselist'});
            foreach my $cid (@course_ids) {
                $courses{$cid} = '';
        } else {
            $courses{$env{'form.courselist'}} = '';
    return %courses;

sub instcode_from_coursefilter {
    my $instcode = '';
    my @cats = ('Semester','Year','Department','Number');
    foreach my $category (@cats) {
        if (defined($env{'form.'.$category})) {
            unless ($env{'form.'.$category} eq '-1') {
                $instcode .= $env{'form.'.$category};
    if ($instcode eq '') {
        $instcode = '.';
    return $instcode;

sub display_adv_courseroles {
    my $output;
    # List course personnel
    my %coursepersonnel = 
    $output = '<br />'.&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table();
    foreach my $role (sort(keys(%coursepersonnel))) {
        next if ($role =~ /^\s*$/);
        $output .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().
        foreach my $user (split(',',$coursepersonnel{$role})) {
            my ($puname,$pudom)=split(':',$user);
            $output .= ' '.&Apache::loncommon::aboutmewrapper(
        $output .= '</td>'.&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row();
    $output .= &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table();

sub make_keylist_array {
    my ($index,$keylist);
    $index->{'domain'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_SDOM();
    $index->{'username'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_SNAME();
    $index->{'end'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_END();
    $index->{'start'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_START();
    $index->{'id'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_ID();
    $index->{'section'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_SECTION();
    $index->{'fullname'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_FULLNAME();
    $index->{'status'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_STATUS();
    $index->{'type'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_TYPE();
    $index->{'lockedtype'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_LOCKEDTYPE();
    $index->{'groups'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_GROUP();
    $index->{'email'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_PERMANENTEMAIL();
    $index->{'role'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_ROLE();
    $index->{'extent'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_EXTENT();
    $index->{'photo'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_PHOTO();
    $index->{'thumbnail'} = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_THUMBNAIL();
    foreach my $key (keys(%{$index})) {
        $keylist->[$index->{$key}] = $key;
    return ($index,$keylist);

sub aggregate_user_info {
    my ($udom,$uname,$userinfo) = @_;
    my %info=&Apache::lonnet::get('environment',
    my ($tmp) = keys(%info);
    my ($fullname,$id);
    if ($tmp =~/^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
        $fullname = 'not available';
        $id = 'not available';
        &Apache::lonnet::logthis('unable to retrieve environment '.
                                 'for '.$uname.':'.$udom);
    } else {
        $fullname = &Apache::lonnet::format_name(@info{qw/firstname middlename lastname generation/},'lastname');
        $id = $info{'id'};
    $userinfo->{$uname.':'.$udom} = { 
                                      fullname => $fullname,
                                      id       => $id,

sub process_date_info {
    my ($userdata) = @_;
    my $now = time;
    $userdata->{'status'} = 'Active';
    if ($userdata->{'start'} > 0) {
        if ($now < $userdata->{'start'}) {
            $userdata->{'status'} = 'Future';
    if ($userdata->{'end'} > 0) {
        if ($now > $userdata->{'end'}) {
            $userdata->{'status'} = 'Expired';

sub show_users_list {
    my ($r,$context,$mode,$permission,$statusmode,$userlist,$keylist,$formname)=@_;
    if ($formname eq '') {
        $formname = 'studentform';
    # Variables for excel output
    my ($excel_workbook, $excel_sheet, $excel_filename,$row,$format);
    # Variables for csv output
    my ($CSVfile,$CSVfilename);
    my $sortby = $env{'form.sortby'};
    my @sortable = ('username','domain','id','fullname','start','end','email','role');
    if ($context eq 'course') {
    } else {
    if ($mode eq 'pickauthor') {
        @sortable = ('username','fullname','email','status');
    if (!grep(/^\Q$sortby\E$/,@sortable)) {
        $sortby = 'username';
    my $setting = $env{'form.roletype'};
    my ($cid,$cdom,$cnum,$classgroups,$displayphotos,$displayclickers,$crstype);
    if ($context eq 'course') {
        $cid = $env{''};
        $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
        ($cnum,$cdom) = &get_course_identity($cid);
        ($classgroups) = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_group_memberships(
        if ($mode eq 'autoenroll') {
            $env{'form.showrole'} = 'st';
        } else {
            if (! exists($env{'form.displayphotos'})) {
                $env{'form.displayphotos'} = 'off';
            $displayphotos = $env{'form.displayphotos'};
            if (! exists($env{'form.displayclickers'})) {
                $env{'form.displayclickers'} = 'off';
            $displayclickers = $env{'form.displayclickers'};
            if ($env{'course.'.$cid.'.internal.showphoto'}) {
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
function photowindow(photolink) {
    var title = "Photo_Viewer";
    var options = "scrollbars=1,resizable=1,menubar=0";
    options += ",width=240,height=240";
    stdeditbrowser = open(photolink,title,options,"1");
// ]]>
<input type="hidden" name="displayphotos" value="$displayphotos" />
<input type="hidden" name="displayclickers" value="$displayclickers" />
    if ($mode ne 'autoenroll' && $mode ne 'pickauthor') {
        my $check_uncheck_js = &Apache::loncommon::check_uncheck_jscript();
        my $date_sec_selector = &date_section_javascript($context,$setting,$statusmode);
        my $verify_action_js = &bulkaction_javascript($formname);

<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
// <![CDATA[


function username_display_launch(username,domain) {
    var target;
    for (var i=0; i<document.$formname.usernamelink.length; i++) {
        if (document.$formname.usernamelink[i].checked) {
            target = document.$formname.usernamelink[i].value;
    if (target == 'modify') {
        if (document.$formname.userwin.checked == true) {
            var url = '/adm/createuser?srchterm='+username+'&srchdomain='+domain+'&phase=get_user_info&action=singleuser&srchin=dom&srchby=uname&srchtype=exact&popup=1';
            var options = 'height=600,width=800,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no';
            modifywin =,'',options,1);
        } else {
            document.$formname.action.value = 'singleuser';
    if (target == 'aboutme') {
        if (document.$formname.userwin.checked == true) {
            var url = '/adm/'+domain+'/'+username+'/aboutme?popup=1';
            var options = 'height=600,width=800,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no';
            aboutmewin =,'',options,1);
        } else {
            document.location.href = '/adm/'+domain+'/'+username+'/aboutme';
    if (target == 'track') {
        if (document.$formname.userwin.checked == true) {
            var url = '/adm/trackstudent?selected_student='+username+':'+domain+'&only_body=1';
            var options = 'height=600,width=800,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no';
            var trackwin =,'',options,1);
        } else {
            document.location.href = '/adm/trackstudent?selected_student='+username+':'+domain;
// ]]>
<input type="hidden" name="state" value="$env{'form.state'}" />
<input type="hidden" name="sortby" value="$sortby" />

    my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                       'username'   => "username",
                       'domain'     => "domain",
                       'id'         => 'ID',
                       'fullname'   => "name",
                       'section'    => "section",
                       'groups'     => "active groups",
                       'start'      => "start date",
                       'end'        => "end date",
                       'status'     => "status",
                       'role'       => "role",
                       'type'       => "enroll type/action",
                       'email'      => "e-mail address",
                       'photo'      => "photo",
                       'extent'     => "extent",
                       'pr'         => "Proceed",
                       'ca'         => "check all",
                       'ua'         => "uncheck all",
                       'ac'         => "Action to take for selected users",
                       'link'       => "Behavior of clickable username link for each user",
                       'aboutme'    => "Display a user's personal information page",
                       'owin'       => "Open in a new window",
                       'modify'     => "Modify a user's information",
                       'track'      => "View a user's recent activity",
                       'clicker'    => "Clicker-ID",
    if ($context eq 'domain' && $env{'form.roletype'} eq 'course') {
        $lt{'extent'} = &mt('Course(s): description, section(s), status');
    } elsif ($context eq 'author') {
        $lt{'extent'} = &mt('Author'); 
    my @cols;
    if ($mode eq 'pickauthor') {
        @cols = ('username','fullname','status','email');
    } else {
        @cols = ('username','domain','id','fullname');
        if ($context eq 'course') {
        if (!($context eq 'domain' && $env{'form.roletype'} eq 'course')) { 
        if ($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'Any' || $env{'form.showrole'} eq 'cr') {
        if ($context eq 'domain' && ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'author' ||
                                    $env{'form.roletype'} eq 'course')) {
            push (@cols,'extent');
        if (($statusmode eq 'Any') && 
            (!($context eq 'domain' && $env{'form.roletype'} eq 'course'))) {
        if ($context eq 'course') {

    my $rolefilter = $env{'form.showrole'};
    if ($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'cr') {
        $rolefilter = &mt('custom');  
    } elsif ($env{'form.showrole'} ne 'Any') {
        $rolefilter = &Apache::lonnet::plaintext($env{'form.showrole'});
    my $results_description;
    if ($mode ne 'autoenroll') {
        $results_description = &results_header_row($rolefilter,$statusmode,
        $r->print('<b>'.$results_description.'</b><br /><br />');
    my ($output,$actionselect,%canchange,%canchangesec);
    if ($mode eq 'html' || $mode eq 'view' || $mode eq 'autoenroll' || $mode eq 'pickauthor') {
        if ($mode ne 'autoenroll' && $mode ne 'pickauthor') {
            if ($permission->{'cusr'}) {
                $actionselect = &select_actions($context,$setting,$statusmode,$formname);
<input type="hidden" name="srchby"  value="uname" />
<input type="hidden" name="srchin"   value="dom" />
<input type="hidden" name="srchtype" value="exact" />
<input type="hidden" name="srchterm" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="srchdomain" value="" /> 
            if ($actionselect) {
                $output .= <<"END";
<div class="LC_left_float"><fieldset><legend><b>$lt{'ac'}</b></legend>
<br/><br /><input type="button" value="$lt{'ca'}" onclick="javascript:checkAll(document.$formname.actionlist)" /> &nbsp;
<input type="button" value="$lt{'ua'}" onclick="javascript:uncheckAll(document.$formname.actionlist)" /><br /><input type="button" value="$lt{'pr'}" onclick="javascript:verify_action('actionlist')" /></fieldset></div>
                my @allroles;
                if ($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'Any') {
                    my $custom = 1;
                    if ($context eq 'domain') {
                        @allroles = &roles_by_context($setting,$custom,$crstype);
                    } else {
                        @allroles = &roles_by_context($context,$custom,$crstype);
                } else {
                    @allroles = ($env{'form.showrole'});
                foreach my $role (@allroles) {
                    if ($context eq 'domain') {
                        if ($setting eq 'domain') {
                            if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$role,
                                    $env{'request.role.domain'})) {
                                $canchange{$role} = 1;
                        } elsif ($setting eq 'author') {
                            if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$role,
                                    $env{'request.role.domain'})) {
                                $canchange{$role} = 1;
                    } elsif ($context eq 'author') {
                        if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$role,
                            $env{'user.domain'}.'/'.$env{''})) {
                            $canchange{$role} = 1;
                    } elsif ($context eq 'course') {
                        if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$role,$env{''})) {
                            $canchange{$role} = 1;
                        } elsif ($env{'request.course.sec'} ne '') {
                            if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$role,$env{''}.'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'})) {
                                $canchangesec{$role} = $env{'request.course.sec'};
            $output .= '<div class="LC_left_float"><fieldset><legend><b>'.$lt{'link'}.'</b></legend>'.
            my @linkdests = ('aboutme');
            if ($permission->{'cusr'}) {
                unshift (@linkdests,'modify');
            if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vsa', $env{''}) ||
                &Apache::lonnet::allowed('vsa', $env{''}.'/'.
                                         $env{'request.course.sec'})) {
            $output .= '<td>';
            my $usernamelink = $env{'form.usernamelink'};
            if ($usernamelink eq '') {
                $usernamelink = 'aboutme';
            foreach my $item (@linkdests) {
                my $checkedstr = '';
                if ($item eq $usernamelink) {
                    $checkedstr = ' checked="checked"';
                $output .= '<span class="LC_nobreak"><label><input type="radio" name="usernamelink" value="'.$item.'"'.$checkedstr.' />&nbsp;'.$lt{$item}.'</label></span><br />';
            my $checkwin;
            if ($env{'form.userwin'}) {
                $checkwin = ' checked="checked"';
            $output .= '</td><td valign="top"><span class="LC_nobreak"><input type="checkbox" name="userwin" value="1"'.$checkwin.' />'.$lt{'owin'}.'</span></td></tr></table></fieldset></div>';
        $output .= "\n".'<div class="LC_clear_float_footer">&nbsp;</div>'."\n".
        if ($mode eq 'autoenroll') {
            $output .= "
 <th><a href=\"javascript:document.$formname.sortby.value='type';document.$formname.submit();\">$lt{'type'}</a></th>
        } else {
            if ($mode eq 'pickauthor') {
                $output .= "\n".'<th>&nbsp;</th>'."\n";
            } else { 
                $output .= "\n".'<th>'.&mt('Count').'</th>'."\n";
            if ($actionselect) {
                $output .= '<th>'.&mt('Select').'</th>'."\n";
        foreach my $item (@cols) {
            $output .= "<th><a href=\"javascript:document.$formname.sortby.value='$item';document.$formname.submit();\">$lt{$item}</a></th>\n";
        my %role_types = &role_type_names();
        if ($context eq 'course' && $mode ne 'autoenroll') {
            if ($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'st' || $env{'form.showrole'} eq 'Any') {
                # Clicker display on or off?
                my %clicker_options = (
                                        'on' => 'Show',
                                        'off' => 'Hide',
                my $clickerchg = 'on';
                if ($displayclickers eq 'on') {
                    $clickerchg = 'off';
                $output .= '    <th>'."\n".'     '
                        .&mt('[_1]'.$clicker_options{$clickerchg}.'[_2] clicker id'
                            ,'<a href="javascript:document.'.$formname.'.displayclickers.value='
                        ."\n".'    </th>'."\n";

                # Photo display on or off?
                if ($env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.internal.showphoto'}) {
                    my %photo_options = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                                                            'on' => 'Show',
                                                            'off' => 'Hide',
                    my $photochg = 'on';
                    if ($displayphotos eq 'on') {
                        $photochg = 'off';
                    $output .= '    <th>'."\n".'     '.
                '<a href="javascript:document.'.$formname.'.displayphotos.value='.
                      '    </th>'."\n";
        $output .= &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_header_row();
# Done with the HTML header line
    } elsif ($mode eq 'csv') {
        # Open a file
        $CSVfilename = '/prtspool/'.
        unless ($CSVfile = Apache::File->new('>/home/httpd'.$CSVfilename)) {
            $r->log_error("Couldn't open $CSVfilename for output $!");
            $r->print(&mt('Problems occurred in writing the CSV file. '
                         .'This error has been logged. '
                         .'Please alert your LON-CAPA administrator.'));
            $CSVfile = undef;
        push @cols,'clicker';
        # Write headers and data to file
        print $CSVfile '"'.$results_description.'"'."\n"; 
        print $CSVfile '"'.join('","',map {
            } (@cols))."\"\n";
    } elsif ($mode eq 'excel') {
        push @cols,'clicker';
        # Create the excel spreadsheet
        ($excel_workbook,$excel_filename,$format) =
        return if (! defined($excel_workbook));
        $excel_sheet = $excel_workbook->addworksheet('userlist');
        my @colnames = map {$lt{$_}} (@cols);


# Done with header lines in all formats
    my %index;
    my $i;
    foreach my $idx (@$keylist) {
        $index{$idx} = $i++;
    my $usercount = 0;
    my ($secfilter,$grpfilter);
    if ($context eq 'course') {
        $secfilter = $env{'form.secfilter'};
        $grpfilter = $env{'form.grpfilter'};
        if ($secfilter eq '') {
            $secfilter = 'all';
        if ($grpfilter eq '') {
            $grpfilter = 'all';
    my %ltstatus = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                                                Active  => 'Active',
                                                Future  => 'Future',
                                                Expired => 'Expired',
    # Get groups, role, permanent e-mail so we can sort on them if
    # necessary.
    foreach my $user (keys(%{$userlist})) {
        if ($user eq '' ) {
        if ($context eq 'domain' &&  $user eq $env{'request.role.domain'}.'-domainconfig:'.$env{'request.role.domain'}) {
        my ($uname,$udom,$role,$groups,$email);
        if (($statusmode ne 'Any') && 
                 ($userlist->{$user}->[$index{'status'}] ne $statusmode)) {
        if ($context eq 'domain') {
            if ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'domain') {
                ($role,$uname,$udom) = split(/:/,$user);
                if (($uname eq $env{'request.role.domain'}.'-domainconfig') &&
                    ($udom eq $env{'request.role.domain'})) {
            } elsif ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'author') {
                ($uname,$udom,$role) = split(/:/,$user,-1);
            } elsif ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'course') {
                ($uname,$udom,$role) = split(/:/,$user);
        } else {
            ($uname,$udom,$role) = split(/:/,$user,-1);
            if (($context eq 'course') && $role eq '') {
                $role = 'st';
        $userlist->{$user}->[$index{'role'}] = $role;
        if (($env{'form.showrole'} ne 'Any') && (!($env{'form.showrole'}  eq 'cr' && $role =~ /^cr\//)) && ($role ne $env{'form.showrole'})) {
        if ($context eq 'course') {
            my @ac_groups;
            if (ref($classgroups) eq 'HASH') {
                $groups = $classgroups->{$user};
            if (ref($groups->{'active'}) eq 'HASH') {
                @ac_groups = keys(%{$groups->{'active'}});
                $userlist->{$user}->[$index{'groups'}] = join(', ',@ac_groups);
            if ($mode ne 'autoenroll') {
                my $section = $userlist->{$user}->[$index{'section'}];
                if (($env{'request.course.sec'} ne '') && 
                    ($section ne $env{'request.course.sec'})) {
                    if ($role eq 'st') {
                if ($secfilter eq 'none') {
                    if ($section ne '') {
                } elsif ($secfilter ne 'all') {
                    if ($section ne $secfilter) {
                if ($grpfilter eq 'none') {
                    if (@ac_groups > 0) {
                } elsif ($grpfilter ne 'all') {
                    if (!grep(/^\Q$grpfilter\E$/,@ac_groups)) {
                if ($env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.internal.showphoto'}) {
                    if (($displayphotos eq 'on') && ($role eq 'st')) {
                        $userlist->{$user}->[$index{'photo'}] =
                        $userlist->{$user}->[$index{'thumbnail'}] =
        my %emails   = &Apache::loncommon::getemails($uname,$udom);
        if ($emails{'permanentemail'} =~ /\S/) {
            $userlist->{$user}->[$index{'email'}] = $emails{'permanentemail'};
        $usercount ++;
    my $autocount = 0;
    my $manualcount = 0;
    my $lockcount = 0;
    my $unlockcount = 0;
    if ($usercount) {
    } else {
        if ($mode eq 'autoenroll') {
            return ($usercount,$autocount,$manualcount,$lockcount,$unlockcount);
        } else {
    # Sort the users
    my $index  = $index{$sortby};
    my $second = $index{'username'};
    my $third  = $index{'domain'};
    my @sorted_users = sort {
        lc($userlist->{$a}->[$index])  cmp lc($userlist->{$b}->[$index])
        lc($userlist->{$a}->[$second]) cmp lc($userlist->{$b}->[$second])            ||
        lc($userlist->{$a}->[$third]) cmp lc($userlist->{$b}->[$third])
        } (keys(%$userlist));
    my $rowcount = 0;
    foreach my $user (@sorted_users) {
        my %in;
        my $sdata = $userlist->{$user};
        $rowcount ++; 
        foreach my $item (@{$keylist}) {
            $in{$item} = $sdata->[$index{$item}];
        my $clickers = (&Apache::lonnet::userenvironment($in{'domain'},$in{'username'},'clickers'))[1];
        if ($clickers!~/\w/) { $clickers='-'; }
        $in{'clicker'} = $clickers; 
	my $role = $in{'role'};
        if (! defined($in{'start'}) || $in{'start'} == 0) {
            $in{'start'} = &mt('none');
        } else {
            $in{'start'} = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($in{'start'});
        if (! defined($in{'end'}) || $in{'end'} == 0) {
            $in{'end'} = &mt('none');
        } else {
            $in{'end'} = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($in{'end'});
        if ($mode eq 'view' || $mode eq 'html' || $mode eq 'autoenroll' || $mode eq 'pickauthor') {
            my $checkval;
            if ($mode eq 'autoenroll') {
                my $cellentry;
                if ($in{'type'} eq 'auto') {
                    $cellentry = '<b>'.&mt('auto').'</b>&nbsp;<label><input type="checkbox" name="chgauto" value="'.$in{'username'}.':'.$in{'domain'}.'" />&nbsp;Change</label>';
                    $autocount ++;
                } else {
                    $cellentry = '<table border="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td rowspan="2"><b>'.&mt('manual').'</b></td><td><span class="LC_nobreak"><label><input type="checkbox" name="chgmanual" value="'.$in{'username'}.':'.$in{'domain'}.'" />&nbsp;Change</label></span></td></tr><tr><td><span class="LC_nobreak">';
                    $manualcount ++;
                    if ($in{'lockedtype'}) {
                        $cellentry .= '<label><input type="checkbox" name="unlockchg" value="'.$in{'username'}.':'.$in{'domain'}.'" />&nbsp;'.&mt('Unlock').'</label>';
                        $unlockcount ++;
                    } else {
                        $cellentry .= '<label><input type="checkbox" name="lockchg" value="'.$in{'username'}.':'.$in{'domain'}.'" />&nbsp;'.&mt('Lock').'</label>';
                        $lockcount ++;
                    $cellentry .= '</span></td></tr></table>';
            } else {
                if ($mode ne 'pickauthor') {  
                if ($actionselect) {
                    my $showcheckbox;
                    if ($role =~ /^cr\//) {
                        $showcheckbox = $canchange{'cr'};
                    } else {
                        $showcheckbox = $canchange{$role};
                    if (!$showcheckbox) {
                        if ($context eq 'course') {
                            if ($canchangesec{$role} ne '') {
                                if ($canchangesec{$role} eq $in{'section'}) {
                                    $showcheckbox = 1;
                    if ($showcheckbox) {
                        $checkval = $user; 
                        if ($context eq 'course') {
                            if ($role eq 'st') {
                                $checkval .= ':st';
                            $checkval .= ':'.$in{'section'};
                            if ($role eq 'st') {
                                $checkval .= ':'.$in{'type'}.':'.
                        $r->print('<td><input type="checkbox" name="'.
                                  'actionlist" value="'.$checkval.'" /></td>');
                    } else {
                } elsif ($mode eq 'pickauthor') {
                        $r->print('<td><input type="button" name="chooseauthor" onclick="javascript:gochoose('."'$in{'username'}'".');" value="'.&mt('Select').'" /></td>');
            foreach my $item (@cols) {
                if ($item eq 'username') {
                } elsif (($item eq 'start' || $item eq 'end') && ($actionselect)) {
                    $r->print('<td>'.$in{$item}.'<input type="hidden" name="'.$checkval.'_'.$item.'" value="'.$sdata->[$index{$item}].'" /></td>'."\n");
                } elsif ($item eq 'status') {
                    my $showitem = $in{$item};
                    if (defined($ltstatus{$in{$item}})) {
                        $showitem = $ltstatus{$in{$item}};
                } else {
            if (($context eq 'course') && ($mode ne 'autoenroll')) {
                if ($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'st' || $env{'form.showrole'} eq 'Any') {
                    if ($displayclickers eq 'on') {
                        my $clickers =
                        if ($clickers!~/\w/) { $clickers='-'; }
                    } else {
                        $r->print('    <td>&nbsp;</td>  ');
                    if ($env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.internal.showphoto'}) {
                        if ($displayphotos eq 'on' && $role eq 'st' && $in{'photo'} ne '') {
                            $r->print('    <td align="right"><a href="javascript:photowindow('."'".$in{'photo'}."'".')"><img src="'.$in{'thumbnail'}.'" border="1" alt="" /></a></td>');
                        } else {
                            $r->print('    <td>&nbsp;</td>  ');
        } elsif ($mode eq 'csv') {
            next if (! defined($CSVfile));
            # no need to bother with $linkto
            if (! defined($in{'start'}) || $in{'start'} == 0) {
                $in{'start'} = &mt('none');
            } else {
                $in{'start'} = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($in{'start'});
            if (! defined($in{'end'}) || $in{'end'} == 0) {
                $in{'end'} = &mt('none');
            } else {
                $in{'end'} = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($in{'end'});
            my @line = ();
            foreach my $item (@cols) {
                push @line,&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($in{$item});
            print $CSVfile '"'.join('","',@line)."\"\n";
        } elsif ($mode eq 'excel') {
            my $col = 0;
            foreach my $item (@cols) {
                if ($item eq 'start' || $item eq 'end') {
                    if (defined($item) && $item != 0) {
                    } else {
                } else {
    if ($mode eq 'view' || $mode eq 'html' || $mode eq 'autoenroll' || $mode eq 'pickauthor') {
            $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table().'<br />');
    } elsif ($mode eq 'excel') {
	$r->print(&mt('[_1]Your Excel spreadsheet[_2] is ready for download.', '<p><a href="'.$excel_filename.'">','</a>')."</p>\n");
    } elsif ($mode eq 'csv') {
	$r->print(&mt('[_1]Your CSV file[_2] is ready for download.', '<p><a href="'.$CSVfilename.'">','</a>')."</p>\n");
    if ($mode eq 'autoenroll') {
        return ($usercount,$autocount,$manualcount,$lockcount,$unlockcount);
    } else {
        return ($usercount);

sub bulkaction_javascript {
    my ($formname,$caller) = @_;
    my $docstart = 'document';
    if ($caller eq 'popup') {
        $docstart = 'opener.document';
    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
              acwi => 'Access will be set to start immediately',
              asyo => 'as you did not select an end date in the pop-up window',
              accw => 'Access will be set to continue indefinitely',
              asyd => 'as you did not select an end date in the pop-up window',
              sewi => "Sections will be switched to 'No section'",
              ayes => "as you either selected the 'No section' option",
              oryo => 'or you did not select a section in the pop-up window',
              arol => 'A role with no section will be added',
              swbs => 'Sections will be switched to:',
              rwba => 'Roles will be added for section(s):',
    my $alert = &mt("You must select at least one user by checking a user's 'Select' checkbox");
    my $noaction = &mt("You need to select an action to take for the user(s) you have selected"); 
    my $singconfirm = &mt(' for a single user?');
    my $multconfirm = &mt(' for multiple users?');
    my $output = <<"ENDJS";
function verify_action (field) {
    var numchecked = 0;
    var singconf = '$singconfirm';
    var multconf = '$multconfirm';
    if ($docstart.$formname.elements[field].length > 0) {
        for (i=0; i<$docstart.$formname.elements[field].length; i++) {
            if ($docstart.$formname.elements[field][i].checked == true) {
               numchecked ++;
    } else {
        if ($docstart.$formname.elements[field].checked == true) {
            numchecked ++;
    if (numchecked == 0) {
    } else {
        var message = $docstart.$formname.bulkaction[$docstart.$formname.bulkaction.selectedIndex].text;
        var choice = $docstart.$formname.bulkaction[$docstart.$formname.bulkaction.selectedIndex].value;
        if (choice == '') {
        } else {
            if (numchecked == 1) {
                message += singconf;
            } else {
                message += multconf;
    if ($caller ne 'popup') {
        $output .= <<"NEWWIN";
            if (choice == 'chgdates' || choice == 'reenable' || choice == 'activate' || choice == 'chgsec') {

            } else {
                if (confirm(message)) {
                    document.$formname.phase.value = 'bulkchange';
    } else {
        $output .= <<"POPUP";
            if (choice == 'chgdates' || choice == 'reenable' || choice == 'activate') {
                var datemsg = '';
                if (($docstart.$formname.startdate_month.value == '') &&
                    ($docstart.$formname.startdate_day.value  == '') &&
                    ($docstart.$formname.startdate_year.value == '')) {
                    datemsg = "\\n$lt{'acwi'},\\n$lt{'asyo'}.\\n";
                if (($docstart.$formname.enddate_month.value == '') &&
                    ($docstart.$formname.enddate_day.value  == '') &&
                    ($docstart.$formname.enddate_year.value == '')) {
                    datemsg += "\\n$lt{'accw'},\\n$lt{'asyd'}.\\n";
                if (datemsg != '') {
                    message += "\\n"+datemsg;
            if (choice == 'chgsec') {
                var rolefilter = $docstart.$formname.showrole.options[$docstart.$formname.showrole.selectedIndex].value;
                var retained =  $docstart.$formname.retainsec.value;
                var secshow = $docstart.$formname.newsecs.value;
                if (secshow == '') {
                    if (rolefilter == 'st' || retained == 0 || retained == "") {
                        message += "\\n\\n$lt{'sewi'},\\n$lt{'ayes'},\\n$lt{'oryo'}.\\n";
                    } else {
                        message += "\\n\\n$lt{'arol'}\\n$lt{'ayes'},\\n$lt{'oryo'}.\\n";
                } else {
                    if (rolefilter == 'st' || retained == 0 || retained == "") {
                        message += "\\n\\n$lt{'swbs'} "+secshow+".\\n";
                    } else {
                        message += "\\n\\n$lt{'rwba'} "+secshow+".\\n";
            if (confirm(message)) {
                $docstart.$formname.phase.value = 'bulkchange';
    $output .= '
    return $output;

sub print_username_link {
    my ($mode,$in) = @_;
    my $output;
    if ($mode eq 'autoenroll') {
        $output = $in->{'username'};
    } else {
        $output = '<a href="javascript:username_display_launch('.
                  "'$in->{'username'}','$in->{'domain'}'".')" />'.
    return $output;

sub role_type_names {
    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
                         'domain' => 'Domain Roles',
                         'author' => 'Co-Author Roles',
                         'course' => 'Course Roles',
                         'community' => 'Community Roles',

    return %lt;

sub select_actions {
    my ($context,$setting,$statusmode,$formname) = @_;
    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                revoke   => "Revoke user roles",
                delete   => "Delete user roles",
                reenable => "Re-enable expired user roles",
                activate => "Make future user roles active now",
                chgdates  => "Change starting/ending dates",
                chgsec   => "Change section associated with user roles",
    my ($output,$options,%choices);
    # FIXME Disable actions for now for roletype=course in domain context
    if ($context eq 'domain' && $setting eq 'course') {
    if ($context eq 'course') {
        if ($env{'form.showrole'} ne 'Any') {
             if (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$env{'form.showrole'},
                                           $env{''})) {
                 if ($env{'request.course.sec'} eq '') {
                 } else {
                     if (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$env{'form.showrole'},$env{''}.'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'})) {
    if ($statusmode eq 'Any') {
        $options .= '
<option value="chgdates">'.$lt{'chgdates'}.'</option>';
        $choices{'dates'} = 1;
    } else {
        if ($statusmode eq 'Future') {
            $options .= '
<option value="activate">'.$lt{'activate'}.'</option>';
            $choices{'dates'} = 1;
        } elsif ($statusmode eq 'Expired') {
            $options .= '
<option value="reenable">'.$lt{'reenable'}.'</option>';
            $choices{'dates'} = 1;
        if ($statusmode eq 'Active' || $statusmode eq 'Future') {
            $options .= '
<option value="chgdates">'.$lt{'chgdates'}.'</option>
<option value="revoke">'.$lt{'revoke'}.'</option>';
            $choices{'dates'} = 1;
    if ($context eq 'domain') {
        $options .= '
<option value="delete">'.$lt{'delete'}.'</option>';
    if (($context eq 'course') || ($context eq 'domain' && $setting eq 'course')) {
        if (($statusmode ne 'Expired') && ($env{'request.course.sec'} eq '')) {
            $options .= '
<option value="chgsec">'.$lt{'chgsec'}.'</option>';
            $choices{'sections'} = 1;
    if ($options) {
        $output = '<select name="bulkaction">'."\n".
                  '<option value="" selected="selected">'.
                  &mt('Please select').'</option>'."\n".$options."\n".'</select>';
        if ($choices{'dates'}) {
            $output .= 
                '<input type="hidden" name="startdate_month" value="" />'."\n".
                '<input type="hidden" name="startdate_day" value="" />'."\n".
                '<input type="hidden" name="startdate_year" value="" />'."\n".
                '<input type="hidden" name="startdate_hour" value="" />'."\n".
                '<input type="hidden" name="startdate_minute" value="" />'."\n".
                '<input type="hidden" name="startdate_second" value="" />'."\n".
                '<input type="hidden" name="enddate_month" value="" />'."\n".
                '<input type="hidden" name="enddate_day" value="" />'."\n".
                '<input type="hidden" name="enddate_year" value="" />'."\n".
                '<input type="hidden" name="enddate_hour" value="" />'."\n".
                '<input type="hidden" name="enddate_minute" value="" />'."\n".
                '<input type="hidden" name="enddate_second" value="" />'."\n".
                '<input type="hidden" name="no_end_date" value="" />'."\n";
            if ($context eq 'course') {
                $output .= '<input type="hidden" name="makedatesdefault" value="" />'."\n";
        if ($choices{'sections'}) {
            $output .= '<input type="hidden" name="retainsec" value="" />'."\n".
                       '<input type="hidden" name="newsecs" value="" />'."\n";
    return $output;

sub date_section_javascript {
    my ($context,$setting) = @_;
    my $title = 'Date_And_Section_Selector';
    my %nopopup = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
        revoke => "Check the boxes for any users for whom roles are to be revoked, and click 'Proceed'",
        delete => "Check the boxes for any users for whom roles are to be deleted, and click 'Proceed'",
        none   => "Choose an action to take for selected users",
    my $output = <<"ENDONE";
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
    function opendatebrowser(callingform,formname,calledby) {
        var bulkaction = callingform.bulkaction.options[callingform.bulkaction.selectedIndex].value;
        var url = '/adm/createuser?';
        var type = '';
        var showrole = callingform.showrole.options[callingform.showrole.selectedIndex].value;
    if ($context eq 'domain') {
        $output .= '
        type = callingform.roletype.options[callingform.roletype.selectedIndex].value;
    my $width= '700';
    my $height = '400';
    $output .= <<"ENDTWO";
        url += 'action=dateselect&callingform=' + formname + 
               '&roletype='+type+'&showrole='+showrole +'&bulkaction='+bulkaction;
        var title = '$title';
        var options = 'scrollbars=1,resizable=1,menubar=0';
        options += ',width=$width,height=$height';
        stdeditbrowser = open(url,title,options,'1');
// ]]>
    return $output;

sub date_section_selector {
    my ($context,$permission,$crstype) = @_;
    my $callingform = $env{'form.callingform'};
    my $formname = 'dateselect';  
    my $groupslist = &get_groupslist();
    my $sec_js = &setsections_javascript($formname,$groupslist);
    my $output = <<"END";
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[


function saveselections(formname) {

    if ($env{'form.bulkaction'} eq 'chgsec') {
        $output .= <<"END";
        if (formname.retainsec.length > 1) {  
            for (var i=0; i<formname.retainsec.length; i++) {
                if (formname.retainsec[i].checked == true) {
                    opener.document.$callingform.retainsec.value = formname.retainsec[i].value;
        } else {
            opener.document.$callingform.retainsec.value = formname.retainsec.value;
        if (seccheck == 'ok') {
            opener.document.$callingform.newsecs.value = formname.sections.value;
    } else {
        if ($context eq 'course') {
            if (($env{'form.bulkaction'} eq 'reenable') || 
                ($env{'form.bulkaction'} eq 'activate') || 
                ($env{'form.bulkaction'} eq 'chgdates')) {
                if ($env{'request.course.sec'} eq '') {
                    $output .= <<"END";
        if (formname.makedatesdefault.checked == true) {
            opener.document.$callingform.makedatesdefault.value = 1;
        else {
            opener.document.$callingform.makedatesdefault.value = 0;

        $output .= <<"END";
    opener.document.$callingform.startdate_month.value =  formname.startdate_month.options[formname.startdate_month.selectedIndex].value;
    opener.document.$callingform.startdate_day.value =  formname.startdate_day.value;
    opener.document.$callingform.startdate_year.value = formname.startdate_year.value;
    opener.document.$callingform.startdate_hour.value =  formname.startdate_hour.options[formname.startdate_hour.selectedIndex].value;
    opener.document.$callingform.startdate_minute.value =  formname.startdate_minute.value;
    opener.document.$callingform.startdate_second.value = formname.startdate_second.value;
    opener.document.$callingform.enddate_month.value =  formname.enddate_month.options[formname.enddate_month.selectedIndex].value;
    opener.document.$callingform.enddate_day.value =  formname.enddate_day.value;
    opener.document.$callingform.enddate_year.value = formname.enddate_year.value;
    opener.document.$callingform.enddate_hour.value =  formname.enddate_hour.options[formname.enddate_hour.selectedIndex].value;
    opener.document.$callingform.enddate_minute.value =  formname.enddate_minute.value;
    opener.document.$callingform.enddate_second.value = formname.enddate_second.value;
    if (formname.no_end_date.checked) {
        opener.document.$callingform.no_end_date.value = '1';
    } else {
        opener.document.$callingform.no_end_date.value = '0';
    my $verify_action_js = &bulkaction_javascript($callingform,'popup');
    $output .= <<"ENDJS";


// ]]>
    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
                 chac => 'Access dates to apply for selected users',
                 chse => 'Changes in section affiliation to apply to selected users',
                 fors => 'For student roles changing the section, will result in a section switch as students may only be in one section of a course at a time.',
                 forn => 'For a role in a course that is not a student role, a user may have roles in more than one section of a course at a time.',
                 reta => "Retain each user's current section affiliations?", 
                 dnap => '(Does not apply to student roles).', 
    my ($date_items,$headertext);
    if ($env{'form.bulkaction'} eq 'chgsec') {
        $headertext = $lt{'chse'};
    } else {
        $headertext = $lt{'chac'};
        my $starttime;
        if (($env{'form.bulkaction'} eq 'activate') || 
            ($env{'form.bulkaction'} eq 'reenable')) {
            $starttime = time;
        $date_items = &date_setting_table($starttime,undef,$context,
    $output .= '<h3>'.$headertext.'</h3>'.
               '<form name="'.$formname.'" method="post">'."\n".
    if ($context eq 'course' && $env{'form.bulkaction'} eq 'chgsec') {
        my ($cnum,$cdom) = &get_course_identity();
        my $info;
        if ($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'st') {
            $output .= '<p>'.$lt{'fors'}.'</p>'; 
        } elsif ($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'Any') {
            $output .= '<p>'.$lt{'fors'}.'</p>'.
            $info = $lt{'reta'};
        } else {
            $output .= '<p>'.$lt{'forn'}.'&nbsp;';
            $info = $lt{'reta'};
        if ($info) {
            $info .= '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
                     '<label><input type="radio" name="retainsec" value="1" '.
                     'checked="checked" />'.&mt('Yes').'</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;'.
                     '<label><input type="radio" name="retainsec" value="0" />'.
            if ($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'Any') {
                $info .= '<br />'.$lt{'dnap'};
            $info .= '</p>';
        } else {
            $info = '<input type="hidden" name="retainsec" value="0" />'; 
        my $rowtitle = &mt('New section to assign');
        my $secbox = &section_picker($cdom,$cnum,$env{'form.showrole'},$rowtitle,$permission,$context,'',$crstype);
        $output .= $info.$secbox;
    $output .= '<p>'.
'<input type="button" name="dateselection" value="'.&mt('Save').'" onclick="javascript:saveselections(this.form)" /></p>'."\n".
    return $output;

sub section_picker {
    my ($cdom,$cnum,$role,$rowtitle,$permission,$context,$mode,$crstype) = @_;
    my %sections_count = &Apache::loncommon::get_sections($cdom,$cnum);
    my $sections_select .= &course_sections(\%sections_count,$role);
    my $secbox = '<p>'.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::start_pick_box()."\n";
    if ($mode eq 'upload') {
        my ($options,$cb_script,$coursepick) =
        $secbox .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('role'),'LC_oddrow_value').
                   $options. &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1)."\n";
    $secbox .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title($rowtitle,'LC_oddrow_value')."\n";
    if ($env{'request.course.sec'} eq '') {
        $secbox .= '<table class="LC_createuser"><tr class="LC_section_row">'."\n".
                   '<td align="center">'.&mt('Existing sections')."\n".
                   '<br />'.$sections_select.'</td><td align="center">'.
                   &mt('New section').'<br />'."\n".
                   '<input type="text" name="newsec" size="15" />'."\n".
                   '<input type="hidden" name="sections" value="" />'."\n".
    } else {
       $secbox .= '<input type="hidden" name="sections" value="'.
                   $env{'request.course.sec'}.'" />'.
    $secbox .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1)."\n".
    return $secbox;

sub results_header_row {
    my ($rolefilter,$statusmode,$context,$permission,$mode) = @_;
    my ($description,$showfilter);
    if ($rolefilter ne 'Any') {
        $showfilter = $rolefilter;
    if ($context eq 'course') {
        if ($mode eq 'csv' || $mode eq 'excel') {
            $description = &mt('Course - [_1]:',$env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.description'}).' ';
        if ($statusmode eq 'Expired') {
            $description .= &mt('Users in course with expired [_1] roles',$showfilter);
        } elsif ($statusmode eq 'Future') {
            $description .= &mt('Users in course with future [_1] roles',$showfilter);
        } elsif ($statusmode eq 'Active') {
            $description .= &mt('Users in course with active [_1] roles',$showfilter);
        } else {
            if ($rolefilter eq 'Any') {
                $description .= &mt('All users in course');
            } else {
                $description .= &mt('All users in course with [_1] roles',$rolefilter);
        my $constraint;
        my $viewablesec = &viewable_section($permission);
        if ($viewablesec ne '') {
            if ($env{'form.showrole'} eq 'st') {
                $constraint = &mt('only users in section "[_1]"',$viewablesec);
            } elsif ($env{'form.showrole'} ne 'cc') {
                $constraint = &mt('only users affiliated with no section or section "[_1]"',$viewablesec);
            if (($env{'form.grpfilter'} ne 'all') && ($env{'form.grpfilter'} ne '')) {
                if ($env{'form.grpfilter'} eq 'none') {
                    $constraint .= &mt(' and not in any group');
                } else {
                    $constraint .= &mt(' and members of group: "[_1]"',$env{'form.grpfilter'});
        } else {
            if (($env{'form.secfilter'} ne 'all') && ($env{'form.secfilter'} ne '')) {
                if ($env{'form.secfilter'} eq 'none') {
                    $constraint = &mt('only users affiliated with no section');
                } else {
                    $constraint = &mt('only users affiliated with section "[_1]"',$env{'form.secfilter'});
            if (($env{'form.grpfilter'} ne 'all') && ($env{'form.grpfilter'} ne '')) {
                if ($env{'form.grpfilter'} eq 'none') {
                    if ($constraint eq '') {
                        $constraint = &mt('only users not in any group');
                    } else {
                        $constraint .= &mt(' and also not in any group'); 
                } else {
                    if ($constraint eq '') {
                        $constraint = &mt('only members of group: "[_1]"',$env{'form.grpfilter'});
                    } else {
                        $constraint .= &mt(' and also members of group: "[_1]"'.$env{'form.grpfilter'});
        if ($constraint ne '') {
            $description .= ' ('.$constraint.')';
    } elsif ($context eq 'author') {
        $description = 
            &mt('Author space for [_1]'
                ,'<span class="LC_cusr_emph">'
        if ($statusmode eq 'Expired') {
            $description .= &mt('Co-authors with expired [_1] roles',$showfilter);
        } elsif ($statusmode eq 'Future') {
            $description .= &mt('Co-authors with future [_1] roles',$showfilter);
        } elsif ($statusmode eq 'Active') {
            $description .= &mt('Co-authors with active [_1] roles',$showfilter);
        } else {
            if ($rolefilter eq 'Any') {
                $description .= &mt('All co-authors');
            } else {
                $description .= &mt('All co-authors with [_1] roles',$rolefilter);
    } elsif ($context eq 'domain') {
        my $domdesc = &Apache::lonnet::domain($env{'request.role.domain'},'description');
        $description = &mt('Domain - [_1]:',$domdesc).' ';
        if ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'domain') {
            if ($statusmode eq 'Expired') {
                $description .= &mt('Users in domain with expired [_1] roles',$showfilter);
            } elsif ($statusmode eq 'Future') {
                $description .= &mt('Users in domain with future [_1] roles',$showfilter);
            } elsif ($statusmode eq 'Active') {
                $description .= &mt('Users in domain with active [_1] roles',$showfilter);
            } else {
                if ($rolefilter eq 'Any') {
                    $description .= &mt('All users in domain');
                } else {
                    $description .= &mt('All users in domain with [_1] roles',$rolefilter);
        } elsif ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'author') {
            if ($statusmode eq 'Expired') {
                $description .= &mt('Co-authors in domain with expired [_1] roles',$showfilter);
            } elsif ($statusmode eq 'Future') {
                $description .= &mt('Co-authors in domain with future [_1] roles',$showfilter);
            } elsif ($statusmode eq 'Active') {
               $description .= &mt('Co-authors in domain with active [_1] roles',$showfilter);
            } else {
                if ($rolefilter eq 'Any') {
                    $description .= &mt('All users with co-author roles in domain',$showfilter);
                } else {
                    $description .= &mt('All co-authors in domain  with [_1] roles',$rolefilter);
        } elsif ($env{'form.roletype'} eq 'course') {
            my $coursefilter = $env{'form.coursepick'};
            if ($coursefilter eq 'category') {
                my $instcode = &instcode_from_coursefilter();
                if ($instcode eq '.') {
                    $description .= &mt('All courses in domain').' - ';
                } else {
                    $description .= &mt('Courses in domain with institutional code: [_1]',$instcode).' - ';
            } elsif ($coursefilter eq 'selected') {
                $description .= &mt('Selected courses in domain').' - ';
            } elsif ($coursefilter eq 'all') {
                $description .= &mt('All courses in domain').' - ';
            if ($statusmode eq 'Expired') {
                $description .= &mt('users with expired [_1] roles',$showfilter);
            } elsif ($statusmode eq 'Future') {
                $description .= &mt('users with future [_1] roles',$showfilter);
            } elsif ($statusmode eq 'Active') {
                $description .= &mt('users with active [_1] roles',$showfilter);
            } else {
                if ($rolefilter eq 'Any') {
                    $description .= &mt('all users');
                } else {
                    $description .= &mt('users with [_1] roles',$rolefilter);
    return $description;

sub viewable_section {
    my ($permission) = @_;
    my $viewablesec;
    if (ref($permission) eq 'HASH') {
        if (exists($permission->{'view_section'})) {
            $viewablesec = $permission->{'view_section'};
        } elsif (exists($permission->{'cusr_section'})) {
            $viewablesec = $permission->{'cusr_section'};
    return $viewablesec;

sub show_drop_list {
    my ($r,$classlist,$nosort,$permission,$crstype) = @_;
    my $cid = $env{''};
    my ($cnum,$cdom) = &get_course_identity($cid);
    if (! exists($env{'form.sortby'})) {
    my $sortby = $env{'form.sortby'};
    if ($sortby !~ /^(username|domain|section|groups|fullname|id|start|end)$/) {
        $sortby = 'username';
    my $action = "drop";
    my $check_uncheck_js = &Apache::loncommon::check_uncheck_jscript();
<input type="hidden" name="sortby" value="$sortby" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="$action" />
<input type="hidden" name="state"  value="done" />
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
// <![CDATA[
// ]]>
<input type="hidden" name="phase" value="four" />
    my ($indexhash,$keylist) = &make_keylist_array();
    my $studentcount = 0;
    if (ref($classlist) eq 'HASH') {
        foreach my $student (keys(%{$classlist})) {
            my $sdata = $classlist->{$student}; 
            my $status = $sdata->[$indexhash->{'status'}];
            my $section = $sdata->[$indexhash->{'section'}];
            if ($status ne 'Active') {
            if ($env{'request.course.sec'} ne '') {
                if ($section ne $env{'request.course.sec'}) {
            $studentcount ++;
    if (!$studentcount) {
        if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
            $r->print(&mt('There are no members to drop.'));
        } else {
            $r->print(&mt('There are no students to drop.'));
    my ($classgroups) = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_group_memberships(
    my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash('usrn'   => "username",
                                       'dom'    => "domain",
                                       'sn'     => "student name",
                                       'mn'     => "member name",
                                       'sec'    => "section",
                                       'start'  => "start date",
                                       'end'    => "end date",
                                       'groups' => "active groups",
    my $nametitle = $lt{'sn'};
    if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
        $nametitle = $lt{'mn'};
    if ($nosort) {
    } else  {
       <a href="/adm/createuser?action=$action&sortby=username">$lt{'usrn'}</a>
       <a href="/adm/createuser?action=$action&sortby=domain">$lt{'dom'}</a>
       <a href="/adm/createuser?action=$action&sortby=id">ID</a>
       <a href="/adm/createuser?action=$action&sortby=fullname">$nametitle</a>
       <a href="/adm/createuser?action=$action&sortby=section">$lt{'sec'}</a>
       <a href="/adm/createuser?action=$action&sortby=start">$lt{'start'}</a>
       <a href="/adm/createuser?action=$action&sortby=end">$lt{'end'}</a>
       <a href="/adm/createuser?action=$action&sortby=groups">$lt{'groups'}</a>
    # Sort the students
    my $index  = $indexhash->{$sortby};
    my $second = $indexhash->{'username'};
    my $third  = $indexhash->{'domain'};
    my @Sorted_Students = sort {
        lc($classlist->{$a}->[$index])  cmp lc($classlist->{$b}->[$index])
        lc($classlist->{$a}->[$second]) cmp lc($classlist->{$b}->[$second])
        lc($classlist->{$a}->[$third]) cmp lc($classlist->{$b}->[$third])
        } (keys(%{$classlist}));
    foreach my $student (@Sorted_Students) {
        my $error;
        my $sdata = $classlist->{$student};
        my $username = $sdata->[$indexhash->{'username'}];
        my $domain   = $sdata->[$indexhash->{'domain'}];
        my $section  = $sdata->[$indexhash->{'section'}];
        my $name     = $sdata->[$indexhash->{'fullname'}];
        my $id       = $sdata->[$indexhash->{'id'}];
        my $start    = $sdata->[$indexhash->{'start'}];
        my $end      = $sdata->[$indexhash->{'end'}];
        my $groups = $classgroups->{$student};
        my $active_groups;
        if (ref($groups->{active}) eq 'HASH') {
            $active_groups = join(', ',keys(%{$groups->{'active'}}));
        if (! defined($start) || $start == 0) {
            $start = &mt('none');
        } else {
            $start = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($start);
        if (! defined($end) || $end == 0) {
            $end = &mt('none');
        } else {
            $end = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($end);
        my $studentkey = $student.':'.$section;
        my $startitem = '<input type="hidden" name="'.$studentkey.'_start" value="'.$sdata->[$indexhash->{'start'}].'" />';
    <td><input type="checkbox" name="droplist" value="$studentkey" /></td>
    <td>$start $startitem</td>
    $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table().'<br />');
                       'dp'   => "Drop Students",
                       'dm'   => "Drop Members",
                       'ca'   => "check all",
                       'ua'   => "uncheck all",
    my $btn = $lt{'dp'};
    if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
        $btn = $lt{'dm'}; 
<input type="button" value="$lt{'ca'}" onclick="javascript:checkAll(document.studentform.droplist)" /> &nbsp;
<input type="button" value="$lt{'ua'}" onclick="javascript:uncheckAll(document.studentform.droplist)" />
<input type="submit" value="$btn" />

# Print out the initial form to get the file containing a list of users
sub print_first_users_upload_form {
    my ($r,$context) = @_;
    my $str;
    $str  = '<input type="hidden" name="phase" value="two" />';
    $str .= '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="upload" />';
    $str .= '<input type="hidden" name="state"  value="got_file" />';

    $str .= '<h2>'.&mt('Upload a file containing information about users').'</h2>'."\n";

    # Excel and CSV Help
    $str .= '<p>'
                &mt("How do I create a users list from a spreadsheet"))
           ."<br />\n"
                &mt("How do I create a CSV file from a spreadsheet"))

    $str .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::start_pick_box()
           .'<p class="LC_info">'."\n"
           .&mt('Please upload an UTF8 encoded file to ensure a correct character encoding in your classlist.')."\n"
                '<label for="noFirstLine">'
               .&mt('Ignore First Line')
           .'<input type="checkbox" name="noFirstLine" id="noFirstLine" />'

    $str .= '<p>'
           .'<input type="submit" name="fileupload" value="'.&mt('Next').'" />'

    $str .= &Apache::loncommon::end_page();


# ================================================= Drop/Add from uploaded file
sub upfile_drop_add {
    my ($r,$context,$permission) = @_;
    my @userdata=&Apache::loncommon::upfile_record_sep();
    my @keyfields = split(/\,/,$env{'form.keyfields'});
    my %fields=();
    for (my $i=0; $i<=$env{'form.nfields'}; $i++) {
        if ($env{'form.upfile_associate'} eq 'reverse') {
            if ($env{'form.f'.$i} ne 'none') {
        } else {
    if ($env{'form.fullup'} ne 'yes') {
        $r->print('<form name="studentform" method="post" action="/adm/createuser">'."\n".
                  '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="'.$env{'form.action'}.'" />');
    # Store the field choices away
    foreach my $field (qw/username names
                       fname mname lname gen id sec ipwd email role domain/) {
                                              { 'username_choice' => 'scalar',
                                                'names_choice' => 'scalar',
                                                'fname_choice' => 'scalar',
                                                'mname_choice' => 'scalar',
                                                'lname_choice' => 'scalar',
                                                'gen_choice' => 'scalar',
                                                'id_choice' => 'scalar',
                                                'sec_choice' => 'scalar',
                                                'ipwd_choice' => 'scalar',
                                                'email_choice' => 'scalar',
                                                'role_choice'  => 'scalar',
                                                'domain_choice' => 'scalar',
                                                'inststatus_choice' => 'scalar'});
    my ($cid,$crstype,$setting);
    if ($context eq 'domain') {
        $setting = $env{'form.roleaction'};
    if ($env{''} ne '') {
        $cid = $env{''};
        $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
    } elsif ($setting eq 'course') {
        if (&Apache::lonnet::is_course($env{'form.dcdomain'},$env{'form.dccourse'})) {
            $cid = $env{'form.dcdomain'}.'_'.$env{'form.dccourse'};
            $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type($cid);
    my ($startdate,$enddate) = &get_dates_from_form();
    if ($env{'form.makedatesdefault'}) {
    # Determine domain and desired host (home server)
    my $defdom=$env{'request.role.domain'};
    my $domain;
    if ($env{'form.defaultdomain'} ne '') {
        $domain = $env{'form.defaultdomain'};
    } else {
        $domain = $defdom;
    my $desiredhost = $env{'form.lcserver'};
    if (lc($desiredhost) eq 'default') {
        $desiredhost = undef;
    } else {
        my %home_servers = &Apache::lonnet::get_servers($defdom,'library');
        if (! exists($home_servers{$desiredhost})) {
            $r->print('<span class="LC_error">'.&mt('Error').
                      &mt('Invalid home server specified').'</span>');
    # Determine authentication mechanism
    my $changeauth;
    if ($context eq 'domain') {
        $changeauth = $env{'form.changeauth'};
    my $amode  = '';
    my $genpwd = '';
    if ($env{'form.login'} eq 'krb') {
    } elsif ($env{'form.login'} eq 'int') {
        if ((defined($env{'form.intarg'})) && ($env{'form.intarg'})) {
    } elsif ($env{'form.login'} eq 'loc') {
        if ((defined($env{'form.locarg'})) && ($env{'form.locarg'})) {
    if ($amode =~ /^krb/) {
        if (! defined($genpwd) || $genpwd eq '') {
            $r->print('<span class="Error">'.
                      &mt('Unable to enroll users').' '.
                      &mt('No Kerberos domain was specified.').'</span></p>');
            $amode = ''; # This causes the loop below to be skipped
    my ($defaultsec,$defaultrole);
    if ($context eq 'domain') {
        if ($setting eq 'domain') {
            $defaultrole = $env{'form.defaultrole'};
        } elsif ($setting eq 'course') {
            $defaultrole = $env{'form.courserole'};
            $defaultsec = $env{'form.sections'};
    } elsif ($context eq 'author') {
        $defaultrole = $env{'form.defaultrole'};
    } elsif ($context eq 'course') {
        $defaultrole = $env{'form.defaultrole'};
        $defaultsec = $env{'form.sections'};
    # Check to see if user information can be changed
    my @userinfo = ('firstname','middlename','lastname','generation',
    my %canmodify;
    if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mau',$domain)) {
        foreach my $field (@userinfo) {
            $canmodify{$field} = 1;
    my (%userlist,%modifiable_fields,@poss_roles);
    my $secidx = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_SECTION();
    my @courseroles = &roles_by_context('course',1,'',$crstype);
    if (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mau',$domain)) {
        if ($context eq 'course' || $context eq 'author') {
            @poss_roles =  &curr_role_permissions($context,'','',$crstype);
            my @statuses = ('active','future');
            my ($indexhash,$keylist) = &make_keylist_array();
            my %info;
            foreach my $role (@poss_roles) {
                %{$modifiable_fields{$role}} = &can_modify_userinfo($context,$domain,
            if ($context eq 'course') {
                my ($cnum,$cdom) = &get_course_identity();
                my $roster = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
                if (ref($roster) eq 'HASH') {
                    %userlist = %{$roster};
                my %advrolehash = &Apache::lonnet::get_my_roles($cnum,$cdom,undef,
            } elsif ($context eq 'author') {
                my %cstr_roles = &Apache::lonnet::get_my_roles(undef,undef,undef,

    if ( $domain eq &LONCAPA::clean_domain($domain)
        && ($amode ne '')) {
        ##         Add/Modify Users          ##
        if ($context eq 'course') {
            $r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Enrolling Users')."</h3>\n<p>\n");
        } elsif ($context eq 'author') {
            $r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Updating Co-authors')."</h3>\n<p>\n");
        } else {
            $r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Adding/Modifying Users')."</h3>\n<p>\n");

        my %counts = (
                       user => 0,
                       auth => 0,
                       role => 0,
        my $flushc=0;
        my %student=();
        my (%curr_groups,@sections,@cleansec,$defaultwarn,$groupwarn);
        my %userchg;
        if ($context eq 'course' || $setting eq 'course') {
            if ($context eq 'course') {
                # Get information about course groups
                %curr_groups = &Apache::longroup::coursegroups();
            } elsif ($setting eq 'course') {
                if ($cid) {
                    %curr_groups =
            # determine section number
            if ($defaultsec =~ /,/) {
            } else {
            # remove non alphanumeric values from section
            foreach my $item (@sections) {
                $item =~ s/\W//g;
                if ($item eq "none" || $item eq 'all') {
                    $defaultwarn = &mt('Default section name [_1] could not be used as it is a reserved word.',$item);
                } elsif ($item ne ''  && exists($curr_groups{$item})) {
                    $groupwarn = &mt('Default section name "[_1]" is the name of a course group. Section names and group names must be distinct.',$item);
                } elsif ($item ne '') {
            if ($defaultwarn) {
                $r->print($defaultwarn.'<br />');
            if ($groupwarn) {
                $r->print($groupwarn.'<br />');
        my (%curr_rules,%got_rules,%alerts);
        my %customroles = &my_custom_roles();
        my @permitted_roles = 
        # Get new users list
        foreach my $line (@userdata) {
            my @secs;
            my %entries=&Apache::loncommon::record_sep($line);
            # Determine user name
            unless (($entries{$fields{'username'}} eq '') ||
                    (!defined($entries{$fields{'username'}}))) {
                my ($fname, $mname, $lname,$gen) = ('','','','');
                if (defined($fields{'names'})) {
                } else {
                    if (defined($fields{'fname'})) {
                    if (defined($fields{'mname'})) {
                    if (defined($fields{'lname'})) {
                    if (defined($fields{'gen'})) {
                if ($entries{$fields{'username'}}
                    ne &LONCAPA::clean_username($entries{$fields{'username'}})) {
                    $r->print('<br />'.
      &mt('[_1]: Unacceptable username for user [_2] [_3] [_4] [_5]',
                } else {
                    if ($entries{$fields{'domain'}} 
                        ne &LONCAPA::clean_domain($entries{$fields{'domain'}})) {
                        $r->print('<br />'. '<b>'.$entries{$fields{'domain'}}.
                                  '</b>: '.&mt('Unacceptable domain for user [_2] [_3] [_4] [_5]',$fname,$mname,$lname,$gen));
                    my $username = $entries{$fields{'username'}};
                    my $userdomain = $entries{$fields{'domain'}};
                    if ($userdomain eq '') {
                        $userdomain = $domain;
                    if (defined($fields{'sec'})) {
                        if (defined($entries{$fields{'sec'}})) {
                            $entries{$fields{'sec'}} =~ s/\W//g;
                            my $item = $entries{$fields{'sec'}};
                            if ($item eq "none" || $item eq 'all') {
                                $r->print('<br />'.&mt('[_1]: Unable to enroll user [_2] [_3] [_4] [_5] in a section named "[_6]" - this is a reserved word.','<b>'.$username.'</b>',$fname,$mname,$lname,$gen,$item));
                            } elsif (exists($curr_groups{$item})) {
                                $r->print('<br />'.&mt('[_1]: Unable to enroll user [_2] [_3] [_4] [_5] in a section named "[_6]" - this is a course group.','<b>'.$username.'</b>',$fname,$mname,$lname,$gen,$item).' '.&mt('Section names and group names must be distinct.'));
                            } else {
                    if ($env{'request.course.sec'} ne '') {
                        @secs = ($env{'request.course.sec'});
                        if (ref($userlist{$username.':'.$userdomain}) eq 'ARRAY') {
                            my $currsec = $userlist{$username.':'.$userdomain}[$secidx];
                            if ($currsec ne $env{'request.course.sec'}) {
                                $r->print('<br />'.&mt('[_1]: Unable to enroll user [_2] [_3] [_4] [_5] in a section named "[_6]".','<b>'.$username.'</b>',$fname,$mname,$lname,$gen,$secs[0]).'<br />');
                                if ($currsec eq '') {
                                    $r->print(&mt('This user already has an active/future student role in the course, unaffiliated to any section.'));

                                } else {
                                    $r->print(&mt('This user already has an active/future role in section "[_1]" of the course.',$currsec));
                                $r->print('<br />'.&mt('Although your current role has privileges to add students to section "[_1]", you do not have privileges to modify existing enrollments in other sections.',$secs[0]).'<br />');
                    } elsif ($context eq 'course' || $setting eq 'course') {
                        if (@secs == 0) {
                            @secs = @cleansec;
                    # determine id number
                    my $id='';
                    if (defined($fields{'id'})) {
                        if (defined($entries{$fields{'id'}})) {
                    # determine email address
                    my $email='';
                    if (defined($fields{'email'})) {
                        if (defined($entries{$fields{'email'}})) {
                            unless ($email=~/^[^\@]+\@[^\@]+$/) { $email=''; }
                    # determine affiliation
                    my $inststatus='';
                    if (defined($fields{'inststatus'})) {
                        if (defined($entries{$fields{'inststatus'}})) {
                    # determine user password
                    my $password = $genpwd;
                    if (defined($fields{'ipwd'})) {
                        if ($entries{$fields{'ipwd'}}) {
                    # determine user role
                    my $role = '';
                    if (defined($fields{'role'})) {
                        if ($entries{$fields{'role'}}) {
                            $entries{$fields{'role'}}  =~ s/(\s+$|^\s+)//g;
                            if ($entries{$fields{'role'}} ne '') {
                                if (grep(/^\Q$entries{$fields{'role'}}\E$/,@permitted_roles)) {
                                    $role = $entries{$fields{'role'}};
                            if ($role eq '') {
                                my $rolestr = join(', ',@permitted_roles);
                                $r->print('<br />'
                                         .&mt('[_1]: You do not have permission to add the requested role [_2] for the user.'
                                         .'<br />'
                                         .&mt('Allowable role(s) is/are: [_1].',$rolestr)."\n"
                    if ($role eq '') {
                        $role = $defaultrole;
                    # Clean up whitespace
                    foreach (\$id,\$fname,\$mname,\$lname,\$gen) {
                        $$_ =~ s/(\s+$|^\s+)//g;
                    # check against rules
                    my $checkid = 0;
                    my $newuser = 0;
                    my (%rulematch,%inst_results,%idinst_results);
                    my $uhome=&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($username,$userdomain);
                    if ($uhome eq 'no_host') {
                        next if ($userdomain ne $domain);
                        $checkid = 1;
                        $newuser = 1;
                        my $checkhash;
                        my $checks = { 'username' => 1 };
                        $checkhash->{$username.':'.$domain} = { 'newuser' => 1, };
                        if (ref($alerts{'username'}) eq 'HASH') {
                            if (ref($alerts{'username'}{$domain}) eq 'HASH') {
                                next if ($alerts{'username'}{$domain}{$username});
                    } else {
                        if ($context eq 'course' || $context eq 'author') {
                            if ($userdomain eq $domain ) {
                                if ($role eq '') {
                                    my @checkroles;
                                    foreach my $role (@poss_roles) {
                                        my $endkey;
                                        if ($role ne 'st') {
                                            $endkey = ':'.$role;
                                        if (exists($userlist{$username.':'.$userdomain.$endkey})) {
                                            if (!grep(/^\Q$role\E$/,@checkroles)) {
                                    if (@checkroles > 0) {
                                        %canmodify = &can_modify_userinfo($context,$domain,\@userinfo,\@checkroles);
                                } elsif (ref($modifiable_fields{$role}) eq 'HASH') {
                                    %canmodify = %{$modifiable_fields{$role}};
                            my @newinfo = (\$fname,\$mname,\$lname,\$gen,\$email,\$id);
                            for (my $i=0; $i<@newinfo; $i++) {
                                if (${$newinfo[$i]} ne '') {
                                    if (!$canmodify{$userinfo[$i]}) {
                                        ${$newinfo[$i]} = '';
                    if ($id ne '') {
                        if (!$newuser) {
                            my %idhash = &Apache::lonnet::idrget($userdomain,($username));
                            if ($idhash{$username} ne $id) {
                                $checkid = 1;
                        if ($checkid) {
                            my $checkhash;
                            my $checks = { 'id' => 1 };
                            $checkhash->{$username.':'.$userdomain} = { 'newuser' => $newuser,
                                                                    'id'  => $id };
                            if (ref($alerts{'id'}) eq 'HASH') {
                                if (ref($alerts{'id'}{$userdomain}) eq 'HASH') {
                                    next if ($alerts{'id'}{$userdomain}{$id});
                    if ($password || $env{'form.login'} eq 'loc') {
                        my $multiple = 0;
                        my ($userresult,$authresult,$roleresult,$idresult);
                        my (%userres,%authres,%roleres,%idres);
                        my $singlesec = '';
                        if ($role eq 'st') {
                            my $sec;
                            if (@secs > 0) {
                                $sec = $secs[0];
                            $roleresult =
                            $userresult = $roleresult;
                        } else {
                            if ($role ne '') { 
                                if ($context eq 'course' || $setting eq 'course') {
                                    if ($customroles{$role}) {
                                        $role = 'cr_'.$env{'user.domain'}.'_'.
                                    if ($role ne 'cc') { 
                                        if (@secs > 1) {
                                            $multiple = 1;
                                            foreach my $sec (@secs) {
                                                ($userres{$sec},$authres{$sec},$roleres{$sec},$idres{$sec}) =
                                        } elsif (@secs > 0) {
                                            $singlesec = $secs[0];
                            if (!$multiple) {
                                ($userresult,$authresult,$roleresult,$idresult) = 
                        if ($multiple) {
                            foreach my $sec (sort(keys(%userres))) {
                                $flushc =

                        } else {
                            $flushc = 
                    } else {
                        if ($context eq 'course') {
                            $r->print('<br />'. 
      &mt('[_1]: Unable to enroll. No password specified.','<b>'.$username.'</b>')
                        } elsif ($context eq 'author') {
                            $r->print('<br />'.
      &mt('[_1]: Unable to add co-author. No password specified.','<b>'.$username.'</b>')
                        } else {
                            $r->print('<br />'.
      &mt('[_1]: Unable to add user. No password specified.','<b>'.$username.'</b>')
        } # end of foreach (@userdata)
        # Flush the course logs so reverse user roles immediately updated
        $r->print("</p>\n<p>\n".&mt('Processed [quant,_1,user].',$counts{'user'}).
        if ($counts{'role'} > 0) {
                      &mt('Roles added for [quant,_1,user].',$counts{'role'}).' '.&mt('If a user is currently logged-in to LON-CAPA, any new roles which are active will be available when the user next logs in.')."</p>\n");
        } else {
            $r->print('<p>'.&mt('No roles added').'</p>');
        if ($counts{'auth'} > 0) {
                      &mt('Authentication changed for [_1] existing users.',
        # Display list of students to drop  #
        if ($env{'form.fullup'} eq 'yes') {
            $r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Students to Drop')."</h3>\n");
            #  Get current classlist
            my $classlist = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
            if (! defined($classlist)) {
                $r->print('<form name="studentform" method="post" action="/adm/createuser" />'.
                          '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="'.$env{'form.action'}.'" />'.
                          &mt('There are no students with current/future access to the course.').
            } elsif (ref($classlist) eq 'HASH') {
                # Remove the students we just added from the list of students.
                foreach my $line (@userdata) {
                    my %entries=&Apache::loncommon::record_sep($line);
                    unless (($entries{$fields{'username'}} eq '') ||
                            (!defined($entries{$fields{'username'}}))) {
                # Print out list of dropped students.
    } # end of unless
    if ($env{'form.fullup'} ne 'yes') {

sub print_namespacing_alerts {
    my ($domain,$alerts,$curr_rules) = @_;
    my $output;
    if (ref($alerts) eq 'HASH') {
        if (keys(%{$alerts}) > 0) {
            if (ref($alerts->{'username'}) eq 'HASH') {
                foreach my $dom (sort(keys(%{$alerts->{'username'}}))) {
                    my $count;
                    if (ref($alerts->{'username'}{$dom}) eq 'HASH') {
                        $count = keys(%{$alerts->{'username'}{$dom}});
                    my $domdesc = &Apache::lonnet::domain($domain,'description');
                    if (ref($curr_rules->{$dom}) eq 'HASH') {
                        $output .= &Apache::loncommon::instrule_disallow_msg(
                    $output .= &Apache::loncommon::user_rule_formats($dom,
            if (ref($alerts->{'id'}) eq 'HASH') {
                foreach my $dom (sort(keys(%{$alerts->{'id'}}))) {
                    my $count;
                    if (ref($alerts->{'id'}{$dom}) eq 'HASH') {
                        $count = keys(%{$alerts->{'id'}{$dom}});
                    my $domdesc = &Apache::lonnet::domain($domain,'description');
                    if (ref($curr_rules->{$dom}) eq 'HASH') {
                        $output .= &Apache::loncommon::instrule_disallow_msg(
                    $output .= &Apache::loncommon::user_rule_formats($dom,

sub user_change_result {
    my ($r,$userresult,$authresult,$roleresult,$idresult,$counts,$flushc,
        $username,$userdomain,$userchg) = @_;
    my $okresult = 0;
    if ($userresult ne 'ok') {
        if ($userresult =~ /^error:(.+)$/) {
            my $error = $1;
            $r->print('<br />'.
                  &mt('[_1]: Unable to add/modify: [_2]','<b>'.$username.':'.$userdomain.'</b>',$error));
    } else {
        $counts->{'user'} ++;
        $okresult = 1;
    if ($authresult ne 'ok') {
        if ($authresult =~ /^error:(.+)$/) {
            my $error = $1;
            $r->print('<br />'.
                  &mt('[_1]: Unable to modify authentication: [_2]','<b>'.$username.':'.$userdomain.'</b>',$error));
    } else {
        $counts->{'auth'} ++;
        $okresult = 1;
    if ($roleresult ne 'ok') {
        if ($roleresult =~ /^error:(.+)$/) {
            my $error = $1;
            $r->print('<br />'.
                  &mt('[_1]: Unable to add role: [_2]','<b>'.$username.':'.$userdomain.'</b>',$error));
    } else {
        $counts->{'role'} ++;
        $okresult = 1;
    if ($okresult) {
        $r->print('. ');
        if ($flushc>15) {
    if ($idresult) {
    return $flushc;

# ========================================================= Menu Phase Two Drop
sub print_drop_menu {
    my ($r,$context,$permission,$crstype) = @_;
    my $heading;
    if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
        $heading = &mt("Drop Members");
    } else {
        $heading = &mt("Drop Students");
              '<form name="studentform" method="post">'."\n");
    my $classlist = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
    if (! defined($classlist)) {
        if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
            $r->print(&mt('There are no members currently enrolled.')."\n");
        } else {
            $r->print(&mt('There are no students currently enrolled.')."\n");
    } else {
    $r->print('</form>'. &Apache::loncommon::end_page());

# ================================================================== Phase four

sub update_user_list {
    my ($r,$context,$setting,$choice) = @_;
    my $now = time;
    my $count=0;
    my $crstype;
    if ($context eq 'course') {
        $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
    my @changelist;
    if ($choice eq 'drop') {
        @changelist = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.droplist');
    } else {
        @changelist = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.actionlist');
    my %result_text = ( ok    => { 'revoke'   => 'Revoked',
                                   'delete'   => 'Deleted',
                                   'reenable' => 'Re-enabled',
                                   'activate' => 'Activated',
                                   'chgdates' => 'Changed Access Dates for',
                                   'chgsec'   => 'Changed section for',
                                   'drop'     => 'Dropped',
                        error => {'revoke'    => 'revoking',
                                  'delete'    => 'deleting',
                                  'reenable'  => 're-enabling',
                                  'activate'  => 'activating',
                                  'chgdates'  => 'changing access dates for',
                                  'chgsec'    => 'changing section for',
                                  'drop'      => 'dropping',
    my ($startdate,$enddate);
    if ($choice eq 'chgdates' || $choice eq 'reenable' || $choice eq 'activate') {
        ($startdate,$enddate) = &get_dates_from_form();
    foreach my $item (@changelist) {
        my ($role,$uname,$udom,$cid,$sec,$scope,$result,$type,$locktype,@sections,
        if ($choice eq 'drop') {
            ($uname,$udom,$sec) = split(/:/,$item,-1);
            $role = 'st';
            $cid = $env{''};
            $scopestem = '/'.$cid;
            $scopestem =~s/\_/\//g;
            if ($sec eq '') {
                $scope = $scopestem;
            } else {
                $scope = $scopestem.'/'.$sec;
        } elsif ($context eq 'course') {
            ($uname,$udom,$role,$sec,$type,$locktype) = split(/\:/,$item,-1);
            $cid = $env{''};
            $scopestem = '/'.$cid;
            $scopestem =~s/\_/\//g;
            if ($sec eq '') {
                $scope = $scopestem;
            } else {
                $scope = $scopestem.'/'.$sec;
        } elsif ($context eq 'author') {
            ($uname,$udom,$role) = split(/\:/,$item,-1);
            $scope = '/'.$env{'user.domain'}.'/'.$env{''};
        } elsif ($context eq 'domain') {
            if ($setting eq 'domain') {
                ($role,$uname,$udom) = split(/\:/,$item,-1);
                $scope = '/'.$env{'request.role.domain'}.'/';
            } elsif ($setting eq 'author') { 
                ($uname,$udom,$role,$scope) = split(/\:/,$item);
            } elsif ($setting eq 'course') {
                ($uname,$udom,$role,$cid,$sec,$type,$locktype) = 
                $scope = '/'.$cid;
                $scope =~s/\_/\//g;
                if ($sec ne '') {
                    $scope .= '/'.$sec;
        my $plrole = &Apache::lonnet::plaintext($role,$crstype);
        my $start = $env{'form.'.$item.'_start'};
        my $end = $env{'form.'.$item.'_end'};
        if ($choice eq 'drop') {
            # drop students
            $end = $now;
            $type = 'manual';
            $result =
        } elsif ($choice eq 'revoke') {
            # revoke or delete user role
            $end = $now; 
            if ($role eq 'st') {
                $result = 
            } else {
                $result = 
        } elsif ($choice eq 'delete') {
            if ($role eq 'st') {
            $result =
        } else {
            #reenable, activate, change access dates or change section
            if ($choice ne 'chgsec') {
                $start = $startdate; 
                $end = $enddate;
            if ($choice eq 'reenable') {
                if ($role eq 'st') {
                    $result = &Apache::lonnet::modify_student_enrollment($udom,$uname,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$sec,$end,$start,$type,$locktype,$cid,'',$context);
                } else {
                    $result = 
            } elsif ($choice eq 'activate') {
                if ($role eq 'st') {
                    $result = &Apache::lonnet::modify_student_enrollment($udom,$uname,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$sec,$end,$start,$type,$locktype,$cid,'',$context);
                } else {
                    $result = &Apache::lonnet::assignrole($udom,$uname,$scope,$role,$end,
            } elsif ($choice eq 'chgdates') {
                if ($role eq 'st') {
                    $result = &Apache::lonnet::modify_student_enrollment($udom,$uname,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$sec,$end,$start,$type,$locktype,$cid,'',$context);
                } else {
                    $result = &Apache::lonnet::assignrole($udom,$uname,$scope,$role,$end,
            } elsif ($choice eq 'chgsec') {
                my (@newsecs,$revresult,$nochg,@retained);
                if ($role ne 'cc') {
                    @newsecs = split(/,/,$env{'form.newsecs'});
                # remove existing section if not to be retained.   
                if (!$env{'form.retainsec'}) {
                    if ($sec eq '') {
                        if (@newsecs == 0) {
                            $result = &mt('No change in section assignment (none)');
                            $nochg = 1;
                        } else {
                            $revresult =
                    } else {
                        if (@newsecs > 0) {
                            if (grep(/^\Q$sec\E$/,@newsecs)) {
                            } else {
                                $revresult =
                        } else {
                            $revresult =
                } else {
                    if ($sec eq '') {
                        $nochg = 1;
                    } else { 
                # add new sections
                if (@newsecs == 0) {
                    if (!$nochg) {
                        if ($role eq 'st') {
                            $result = 
                        } else {
                            my $newscope = $scopestem;
                            $result = &Apache::lonnet::assignrole($udom,$uname,$newscope,$role,$end,$start,'','',$context);
                } else {
                    foreach my $newsec (@newsecs) { 
                        if (!grep(/^\Q$newsec\E$/,@retained)) {
                            if ($role eq 'st') {
                                $result = &Apache::lonnet::modify_student_enrollment($udom,$uname,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$newsec,$end,$start,$type,$locktype,$cid,'',$context);
                            } else {
                                my $newscope = $scopestem;
                                if ($newsec ne '') {
                                   $newscope .= '/'.$newsec;
                                $result = &Apache::lonnet::assignrole($udom,$uname,
        my $extent = $scope;
        if ($choice eq 'drop' || $context eq 'course') {
            my ($cnum,$cdom,$cdesc) = &get_course_identity($cid);
            if ($cdesc) {
                $extent = $cdesc;
        if ($result eq 'ok' || $result eq 'ok:') {
            $r->print(&mt("$result_text{'ok'}{$choice} role of '[_1]' in [_2] for [_3]",
                          $plrole,$extent,$uname.':'.$udom).'<br />');
        } else {
                &mt("Error $result_text{'error'}{$choice} [_1] in [_2] for [_3]: [_4].",
                    $plrole,$extent,$uname.':'.$udom,$result).'<br />');
    $r->print('<form name="studentform" method="post" action="/adm/createuser">'."\n");
    if ($choice eq 'drop') {
        $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="action" value="listusers" />'."\n".
                  '<input type="hidden" name="Status" value="Active" />'."\n".
                  '<input type="hidden" name="showrole" value="st" />'."\n");
    } else {
        foreach my $item ('action','sortby','roletype','showrole','Status','secfilter','grpfilter') {
            if ($env{'form.'.$item} ne '') {
                $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="'.$item.'" value="'.$env{'form.'.$item}.
                          '" />'."\n");
    $r->print('<p><b>'.&mt("$result_text{'ok'}{$choice} role(s) for [quant,_1,user,users,no users].",$count).'</b></p>');
    if ($count > 0) {
        if ($choice eq 'revoke' || $choice eq 'drop') {
            $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Re-enabling will re-activate data for the role.').'</p>');
        # Flush the course logs so reverse user roles immediately updated
    if ($env{'form.makedatesdefault'}) {
        if ($choice eq 'chgdates' || $choice eq 'reenable' || $choice eq 'activate') {
    my $linktext = &mt('Display User Lists');
    if ($choice eq 'drop') {
        $linktext = &mt('Display current class roster');
    $r->print('<a href="javascript:document.studentform.submit()">'.$linktext.'</a></form>'."\n");

sub classlist_drop {
    my ($scope,$uname,$udom,$now) = @_;
    my ($cdom,$cnum) = ($scope=~m{^/($match_domain)/($match_courseid)});
    if (&Apache::lonnet::is_course($cdom,$cnum)) {
        if (!&active_student_roles($cnum,$cdom,$uname,$udom)) {
            my %user;
            my $result = &update_classlist($cdom,$cnum,$udom,$uname,\%user,$now);
            return &mt('Drop from classlist: [_1]',
                       '<b>'.$result.'</b>').'<br />';

sub active_student_roles {
    my ($cnum,$cdom,$uname,$udom) = @_;
    my %roles =
    return exists($roles{"$cnum:$cdom:st"});

sub section_check_js {
    my $groupslist= &get_groupslist();
    return <<"END";
function validate(caller) {
    var groups = new Array($groupslist);
    var secname = caller.value;
    if ((secname == 'all') || (secname == 'none')) {
        alert("'"+secname+"' may not be used as the name for a section, as it is a reserved word.\\nPlease choose a different section name.");
        return 'error';
    if (secname != '') {
        for (var k=0; k<groups.length; k++) {
            if (secname == groups[k]) {
                alert("'"+secname+"' may not be used as the name for a section, as it is the name of a course group.\\nSection names and group names must be distinct. Please choose a different section name.");
                return 'error';
    return 'ok';

sub set_login {
    my ($dom,$authformkrb,$authformint,$authformloc) = @_;
    my %domconfig = &Apache::lonnet::get_dom('configuration',['usercreation'],$dom);
    my $response;
    my ($authnum,%can_assign) =
    if ($authnum) {
        $response = &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table();
        if (($can_assign{'krb4'}) || ($can_assign{'krb5'})) {
            $response .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().
        if ($can_assign{'int'}) {
            $response .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().
        if ($can_assign{'loc'}) {
            $response .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().
        $response .= &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table();
    return $response;

sub course_sections {
    my ($sections_count,$role,$current_sec) = @_;
    my $output = '';
    my @sections = (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$sections_count});
    my $numsec = scalar(@sections);
    my $is_selected = ' selected="selected"';
    if ($numsec <= 1) {
        $output = '<select name="currsec_'.$role.'" >'."\n".
                  '  <option value="">'.&mt('Select').'</option>'."\n";
        if ($current_sec eq 'none') {
            $output .=       
                  '  <option value=""'.$is_selected.'>'.&mt('No section').'</option>'."\n";
        } else {
            $output .=
                  '  <option value="">'.&mt('No section').'</option>'."\n";
        if ($numsec == 1) {
            if ($current_sec eq $sections[0]) {
                $output .=
                  '  <option value="'.$sections[0].'"'.$is_selected.'>'.$sections[0].'</option>'."\n";
            } else {
                $output .=  
                  '  <option value="'.$sections[0].'" >'.$sections[0].'</option>'."\n";
    } else {
        $output = '<select name="currsec_'.$role.'" ';
        my $multiple = 4;
        if (scalar(@sections) < 4) { $multiple = scalar(@sections); }
        if ($role eq 'st') {
            $output .= '>'."\n".
                       '  <option value="">'.&mt('Select').'</option>'."\n";
            if ($current_sec eq 'none') {
                $output .= 
                       '  <option value=""'.$is_selected.'>'.&mt('No section')."</option>\n";
            } else {
                $output .=
                       '  <option value="">'.&mt('No section')."</option>\n";
        } else {
            $output .= 'multiple="multiple" size="'.$multiple.'">'."\n";
        foreach my $sec (@sections) {
            if ($current_sec eq $sec) {
                $output .= '<option value="'.$sec.'"'.$is_selected.'>'.$sec."</option>\n";
            } else {
                $output .= '<option value="'.$sec.'">'.$sec."</option>\n";
    $output .= '</select>';
    return $output;

sub get_groupslist {
    my $groupslist;
    my %curr_groups = &Apache::longroup::coursegroups();
    if (%curr_groups) {
        $groupslist = join('","',sort(keys(%curr_groups)));
        $groupslist = '"'.$groupslist.'"';
    return $groupslist; 

sub setsections_javascript {
    my ($formname,$groupslist,$mode,$checkauth) = @_;
    my ($checkincluded,$finish,$rolecode,$setsection_js);
    if ($mode eq 'upload') {
        $checkincluded = ' == "'.$formname.'"';
        $finish = "return 'ok';";
        $rolecode = "var role = formname.defaultrole.options[formname.defaultrole.selectedIndex].value;\n";
    } elsif ($formname eq 'cu') {
        $checkincluded = 'formname.elements[i-1].checked == true';
        if ($checkauth) {
            $finish = "var authcheck = auth_check();\n".
                      "   if (authcheck == 'ok') {\n".
                      "       formname.submit();\n".
                      "   }\n";
        } else {
            $finish = 'formname.submit()';
        $rolecode = "var match = str.split('_');
                var role = match[3];\n";
    } elsif ($formname eq 'enrollstudent') {
        $checkincluded = ' == "'.$formname.'"';
        if ($checkauth) {
            $finish = "var authcheck = auth_check();\n".
                      "   if (authcheck == 'ok') {\n".
                      "       formname.submit();\n".
                      "   }\n";
        } else {
            $finish = 'formname.submit()';
        $rolecode = "var match = str.split('_');
                var role = match[1];\n";
    } else {
        $checkincluded = ' == "'.$formname.'"'; 
        $finish = "seccheck = 'ok';";
        $rolecode = "var match = str.split('_');
                var role = match[1];\n";
        $setsection_js = "var seccheck = 'alert';"; 
    my %alerts = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                    secd => 'Section designations do not apply to Course Coordinator roles.',
                    accr => 'A course coordinator role will be added with access to all sections.',
                    inea => 'In each course, each user may only have one student role at a time.',
                    youh => 'You had selected ',
                    secs => 'sections.',
                    plmo => 'Please modify your selections so they include no more than one section.',
                    mayn => 'may not be used as the name for a section, as it is a reserved word.',
                    plch => 'Please choose a different section name.',
                    mnot => 'may not be used as a section name, as it is the name of a course group.',
                    secn => 'Section names and group names must be distinct. Please choose a different section name.',
    $setsection_js .= <<"ENDSECCODE";

function setSections(formname) {
    var re1 = /^currsec_/;
    var groups = new Array($groupslist);
    for (var i=0;i<formname.elements.length;i++) {
        var str = formname.elements[i].name;
        var checkcurr = str.match(re1);
        if (checkcurr != null) {
            if ($checkincluded) {
                if (role == 'cc') {
                else {
                    var sections = '';
                    var numsec = 0;
                    var sections;
                    for (var j=0; j<formname.elements[i].length; j++) {
                        if (formname.elements[i].options[j].selected == true ) {
                            if (formname.elements[i].options[j].value != "") {
                                if (numsec == 0) {
                                    if (formname.elements[i].options[j].value != "") {
                                        sections = formname.elements[i].options[j].value;
                                        numsec ++;
                                else {
                                    sections = sections + "," +  formname.elements[i].options[j].value
                                    numsec ++;
                    if (numsec > 0) {
                        if (formname.elements[i+1].value != "" && formname.elements[i+1].value != null) {
                            sections = sections + "," +  formname.elements[i+1].value;
                    else {
                        sections = formname.elements[i+1].value;
                    var newsecs = formname.elements[i+1].value;
                    var numsplit;
                    if (newsecs != null && newsecs != "") {
                        numsplit = newsecs.split(/,/g);
                        numsec = numsec + numsplit.length;

                    if ((role == 'st') && (numsec > 1)) {
                        alert("$alerts{'inea'} $alerts{'youh'} "+numsec+" $alerts{'secs'}\\n$alerts{'plmo'}")
                    else {
                        if (numsplit != null) {
                            for (var j=0; j<numsplit.length; j++) {
                                if ((numsplit[j] == 'all') ||
                                    (numsplit[j] == 'none')) {
                                    alert("'"+numsplit[j]+"' $alerts{'mayn'}\\n$alerts{'plch'}");
                                for (var k=0; k<groups.length; k++) {
                                    if (numsplit[j] == groups[k]) {
                                        alert("'"+numsplit[j]+"' $alerts{'mnot'}\\n$alerts{'secn'}");
                        formname.elements[i+2].value = sections;
    return $setsection_js; 

sub can_create_user {
    my ($dom,$context,$usertype) = @_;
    my %domconf = &Apache::lonnet::get_dom('configuration',['usercreation'],$dom);
    my $cancreate = 1;
    if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mau',$dom)) {
        return $cancreate;
    if (ref($domconf{'usercreation'}) eq 'HASH') {
        if (ref($domconf{'usercreation'}{'cancreate'}) eq 'HASH') {
            if ($context eq 'course' || $context eq 'author' || $context eq 'requestcrs') {
                my $creation = $domconf{'usercreation'}{'cancreate'}{$context};
                if ($creation eq 'none') {
                    $cancreate = 0;
                } elsif ($creation ne 'any') {
                    if (defined($usertype)) {
                        if ($creation ne $usertype) {
                            $cancreate = 0;
    return $cancreate;

sub can_modify_userinfo {
    my ($context,$dom,$fields,$userroles) = @_;
    my %domconfig =
    my %canmodify;
    if (ref($fields) eq 'ARRAY') {
        foreach my $field (@{$fields}) {
            $canmodify{$field}  = 0;
            if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mau',$dom)) {
                $canmodify{$field} = 1;
            } else {
                if (ref($domconfig{'usermodification'}) eq 'HASH') {
                    if (ref($domconfig{'usermodification'}{$context}) eq 'HASH') {
                        if (ref($userroles) eq 'ARRAY') {
                            foreach my $role (@{$userroles}) {
                                my $testrole;
                                if ($context eq 'selfcreate') {
                                    $testrole = $role;
                                } else {
                                    if ($role =~ /^cr\//) {
                                        $testrole = 'cr';
                                    } else {
                                        $testrole = $role;
                                if (ref($domconfig{'usermodification'}{$context}{$testrole}) eq 'HASH') {
                                    if ($domconfig{'usermodification'}{$context}{$testrole}{$field}) {
                                        $canmodify{$field} = 1;
                        } else {
                            foreach my $key (keys(%{$domconfig{'usermodification'}{$context}})) {
                                if (ref($domconfig{'usermodification'}{$context}{$key}) eq 'HASH') {
                                    if ($domconfig{'usermodification'}{$context}{$key}{$field}) {
                                        $canmodify{$field} = 1;
                } elsif ($context eq 'course') {
                    if (ref($userroles) eq 'ARRAY') {
                        if (grep(/^st$/,@{$userroles})) {
                            $canmodify{$field} = 1;
                    } else {
                        $canmodify{$field} = 1;
    return %canmodify;

sub check_usertype {
    my ($dom,$uname,$rules) = @_;
    my $usertype;
    if (ref($rules) eq 'HASH') {
        my @user_rules = keys(%{$rules});
        if (@user_rules > 0) {
            my %rule_check = &Apache::lonnet::inst_rulecheck($dom,$uname,undef,'username',\@user_rules);
            if (keys(%rule_check) > 0) {
                $usertype = 'unofficial';
                foreach my $item (keys(%rule_check)) {
                    if ($rule_check{$item}) {
                        $usertype = 'official';
    return $usertype;

sub roles_by_context {
    my ($context,$custom,$crstype) = @_;
    my @allroles;
    if ($context eq 'course') {
        @allroles = ('st');
        if ($env{'request.role'} =~ m{^dc\./}) {
        if ($crstype eq 'Community') {
        } else {
        if ($custom) {
    } elsif ($context eq 'author') {
        @allroles = ('ca','aa');
    } elsif ($context eq 'domain') {
        @allroles = ('li','ad','dg','sc','au','dc');
    return @allroles;

sub get_permission {
    my ($context,$crstype) = @_;
    my %permission;
    if ($context eq 'course') {
        my $custom = 1;
        my @allroles = &roles_by_context($context,$custom,$crstype);
        foreach my $role (@allroles) {
            if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$role,$env{''})) {
                $permission{'cusr'} = 1;
        if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('ccr',$env{''})) {
            $permission{'custom'} = 1;
        if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('vcl',$env{''})) {
            $permission{'view'} = 1;
        if (!$permission{'view'}) {
            my $scope = $env{''}.'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'};
            $permission{'view'} =  &Apache::lonnet::allowed('vcl',$scope);
            if ($permission{'view'}) {
                $permission{'view_section'} = $env{'request.course.sec'};
        if (!$permission{'cusr'}) {
            if ($env{'request.course.sec'} ne '') {
                my $scope = $env{''}.'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'};
                $permission{'cusr'} = (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('cst',$scope));
                if ($permission{'cusr'}) {
                    $permission{'cusr_section'} = $env{'request.course.sec'};
        if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mdg',$env{''})) {
            $permission{'grp_manage'} = 1;
    } elsif ($context eq 'author') {
        $permission{'cusr'} = &authorpriv($env{''},$env{'request.role.domain'});
        $permission{'view'} = $permission{'cusr'};
    } else {
        my @allroles = &roles_by_context($context);
        foreach my $role (@allroles) {
            if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('c'.$role,$env{'request.role.domain'})) {
                $permission{'cusr'} = 1;
        if (!$permission{'cusr'}) {
            if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mau',$env{'request.role.domain'})) {
                $permission{'cusr'} = 1;
        if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('ccr',$env{'request.role.domain'})) {
            $permission{'custom'} = 1;
        $permission{'view'} = $permission{'cusr'};
    my $allowed = 0;
    foreach my $perm (values(%permission)) {
        if ($perm) { $allowed=1; last; }
    return (\%permission,$allowed);

# ==================================================== Figure out author access

sub authorpriv {
    my ($auname,$audom)=@_;
    unless ((&Apache::lonnet::allowed('cca',$audom.'/'.$auname))
         || (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('caa',$audom.'/'.$auname))) { return ''; }    return 1;

sub roles_on_upload {
    my ($context,$setting,$crstype,%customroles) = @_;
    my (@possible_roles,@permitted_roles);
    @possible_roles = &curr_role_permissions($context,$setting,1,$crstype);
    foreach my $role (@possible_roles) {
        if ($role eq 'cr') {
        } else {
    return @permitted_roles;

sub get_course_identity {
    my ($cid) = @_;
    my ($cnum,$cdom,$cdesc);
    if ($cid eq '') {
        $cid = $env{''}
    if ($cid ne '') {
        $cnum = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'};
        $cdom = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'};
        $cdesc = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.description'};
        if ($cnum eq '' || $cdom eq '') {
            my %coursehash =
                &Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($cid,{'one_time' => 1});
            $cdom = $coursehash{'domain'};
            $cnum = $coursehash{'num'};
            $cdesc = $coursehash{'description'};
    return ($cnum,$cdom,$cdesc);

sub dc_setcourse_js {
    my ($formname,$mode,$context) = @_;
    my ($dc_setcourse_code,$authen_check);
    my $cctext = &Apache::lonnet::plaintext('cc');
    my %alerts = &sectioncheck_alerts();
    my $role = 'role';
    if ($mode eq 'upload') {
        $role = 'courserole';
    } else {
        $authen_check = &verify_authen($formname,$context);
    $dc_setcourse_code = (<<"SCRIPTTOP");

function setCourse() {
    var course = document.$formname.dccourse.value;
    if (course != "") {
        if (document.$formname.dcdomain.value != document.$formname.origdom.value) {
        var userrole = document.$formname.$role.options[document.$formname.$role.selectedIndex].value
        var section="";
        var numsections = 0;
        var newsecs = new Array();
        for (var i=0; i<document.$formname.currsec.length; i++) {
            if (document.$formname.currsec.options[i].selected == true ) {
                if (document.$formname.currsec.options[i].value != "" && document.$formname.currsec.options[i].value != null) {
                    if (numsections == 0) {
                        section = document.$formname.currsec.options[i].value
                        numsections = 1;
                    else {
                        section = section + "," +  document.$formname.currsec.options[i].value
                        numsections ++;
        if (document.$formname.newsec.value != "" && document.$formname.newsec.value != null) {
            if (numsections == 0) {
                section = document.$formname.newsec.value
            else {
                section = section + "," +  document.$formname.newsec.value
            newsecs = document.$formname.newsec.value.split(/,/g);
            numsections = numsections + newsecs.length;
        if ((userrole == 'st') && (numsections > 1)) {
            alert("$alerts{'inea'}. $alerts{'youh'} "+numsections+" $alerts{'sect'}.\\n$alerts{'plsm'}.")
        for (var j=0; j<newsecs.length; j++) {
            if ((newsecs[j] == 'all') || (newsecs[j] == 'none')) {
                alert("'"+newsecs[j]+"' $alerts{'mayn'}.\\n$alerts{'plsc'}.");
            if (document.$formname.groups.value != '') {
                var groups = document.$formname.groups.value.split(/,/g);
                for (var k=0; k<groups.length; k++) {
                    if (newsecs[j] == groups[k]) {
                        alert("'"+newsecs[j]+"' $alerts{'mayt'}.\\n$alerts{'secn'}. $alerts{'plsc'}.");
        if ((userrole == 'cc') && (numsections > 0)) {
            alert("$alerts{'secd'} $cctext $alerts{'role'}.\\n$alerts{'accr'}.");
            section = "";
    if ($mode ne 'upload') {
        $dc_setcourse_code .= (<<"ENDSCRIPT");
        var coursename = "_$env{'request.role.domain'}"+"_"+course+"_"+userrole
        var numcourse = getIndex(document.$formname.dccourse);
        if (numcourse == "-1") {
        else {
            document.$formname.elements[numcourse].name = "act"+coursename;
            var numnewsec = getIndex(document.$formname.newsec);
            if (numnewsec != "-1") {
                document.$formname.elements[numnewsec].name = "sec"+coursename;
                document.$formname.elements[numnewsec].value = section;
            var numstart = getIndex(document.$formname.start);
            if (numstart != "-1") {
                document.$formname.elements[numstart].name = "start"+coursename;
            var numend = getIndex(document.$formname.end);
            if (numend != "-1") {
                document.$formname.elements[numend].name = "end"+coursename
    var authcheck = auth_check();
    if (authcheck == 'ok') {
    } else {
        $dc_setcourse_code .=  "
        document.$formname.sections.value = section;
    return 'ok';
    $dc_setcourse_code .= (<<"ENDSCRIPT");

    function getIndex(caller) {
        for (var i=0;i<document.$formname.elements.length;i++) {
            if (document.$formname.elements[i] == caller) {
                return i;
        return -1;
    return $dc_setcourse_code;

sub verify_authen {
    my ($formname,$context) = @_;
    my %alerts = &authcheck_alerts();
    my $finish = "return 'ok';";
    if ($context eq 'author') {
        $finish = "document.$formname.submit();";
    my $outcome = <<"ENDSCRIPT";

function auth_check() {
    var logintype;
    if (document.$formname.login.length) {
        if (document.$formname.login.length > 0) {
            var loginpicked = 0;
            for (var i=0; i<document.$formname.login.length; i++) {
                if (document.$formname.login[i].checked == true) {
                    loginpicked = 1;
                    logintype = document.$formname.login[i].value;
            if (loginpicked == 0) {
    } else {
        logintype = document.$formname.login.value;
    if (logintype == 'nochange') {
        return 'ok';
    var argpicked = document.$formname.elements[logintype+'arg'].value;
    if ((argpicked == null) || (argpicked == '') || (typeof argpicked == 'undefined')) {
        var alertmsg = '';
        switch (logintype) {
            case 'krb':
                alertmsg = '$alerts{'krb'}';
            case 'int':
                alertmsg = '$alerts{'ipass'}';
            case 'fsys':
                alertmsg = '$alerts{'ipass'}';
            case 'loc':
                alertmsg = '';
                alertmsg = '';
        if (alertmsg != '') {

sub sectioncheck_alerts {
    my %alerts = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                    curd => 'You must select a course in the current domain',
                    inea => 'In each course, each user may only have one student role at a time',
                    youh => 'You had selected',
                    sect => 'sections',
                    plsm => 'Please modify your selections so they include no more than one section',
                    mayn => 'may not be used as the name for a section, as it is a reserved word',
                    plsc => 'Please choose a different section name',
                    mayt => 'may not be used as the name for a section, as it is the name of a course group',
                    secn => 'Section names and group names must be distinct',
                    secd => 'Section designations do not apply to ',
                    role => 'roles',
                    accr => 'role will be added with access to all sections',
                    thwa => 'There was a problem with your course selection'
    return %alerts;

sub authcheck_alerts {
    my %alerts = 
                    authen => 'You must choose an authentication type.',
                    krb    => 'You need to specify the Kerberos domain.',
                    ipass  => 'You need to specify the initial password.',
    return %alerts;


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