# $Id: lonwhatsnew.pm,v 1.61 2006/09/06 19:20:04 albertel Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
# http://www.lon-capa.org/
package Apache::lonwhatsnew;
use strict;
use lib qw(/home/httpd/lib/perl);
use Apache::lonnet;
use Apache::loncommon();
use Apache::lonhtmlcommon();
use Apache::lonlocal;
use Apache::loncoursedata();
use Apache::lonnavmaps();
use Apache::lonuserstate;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
use Time::Local;
use GDBM_File;
use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
# handler
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
if ($r->header_only) {
return OK;
my $command = $env{'form.command'};
my $refpage = $env{'form.refpage'};
my %checkallowed = ( coursenormalmail => 1,
coursecritmail => 1, );
foreach my $perm_check (['whn','whatsnew',1],
) {
my ($perm,$key,$check_section) = @{ $perm_check };
my $scope = $env{'request.course.id'};
if (!($checkallowed{$key} = &Apache::lonnet::allowed($perm,$scope))) {
$scope .= '/'.$env{'request.course.sec'};
if ( $check_section ) {
$checkallowed{$key} = &Apache::lonnet::allowed($perm,$scope);
if ($checkallowed{$key}) {
$checkallowed{$key.'_section'} = $env{'request.course.sec'};
if ( ! $env{'request.course.fn'} || ! $checkallowed{'whatsnew'}) {
# Not in a course, or no whn priv in course
$env{'user.error.msg'}="/adm/whatsnew::whn:0:0:Cannot display what's new page";
text=>"Display Action Items"});
if (($command eq 'chgthreshold') && $checkallowed{'abovethreshold'}) {
text=>"Change thresholds"});
("What's New?",#'Course_Action_Items_Thresholds'
} elsif (($command eq 'chginterval') && $checkallowed{'versionchanges'} ) {
text=>"Change interval"});
("What's New?",#'Course_Action_Items_Intervals'
} elsif (($command eq 'chgdisc') && $checkallowed{'coursediscussion'}) {
text=>"Change discussion display"});
("What's New?",#'Course_Action_Items_Intervals'
} elsif ($command eq 'courseinit') {
text=>"Course initialization preference"});
("What's New?",#'Course_Action_Items_Initialization'
} else {
("What's New?",#'Course_Action_Items_Display'
return OK;
# display_main_box
# Display all the elements within the main box
sub display_main_box {
my ($r,$command,$refpage,$checkallowed) = @_;
my $domain=&Apache::loncommon::determinedomain();
my $function = &Apache::loncommon::get_users_function();
my $tabbg=&Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.tabbg',$domain);
my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
$r->print('<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="100%">');
my %threshold_titles = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
av_attempts => 'Average number of attempts',
degdiff => 'Degree of difficulty',
numstudents => 'Total number of students with submissions',
my %interval_titles = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
-1 => "since start of $lctype",
2592000 => 'since last month',
604800 => 'since last week',
86400 => 'since yesterday',
my %initpage = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
firstres => "first resource in the $lctype",
whatsnew => "what's new? page",
userpref => 'your general user preferences',
coursespecific => "specific setting for this $lctype",
my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
my $crs = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
if (($command eq 'chgthreshold')
&& $checkallowed->{'abovethreshold'}) {
} elsif (($command eq 'chginterval')
&& $checkallowed->{'versionchanges'}) {
} elsif (($command eq 'chgdisc')
&& $checkallowed->{'coursediscussion'}) {
} elsif ($command eq 'courseinit') {
} else {
my $end_page = &Apache::loncommon::end_page();
</table><br />
# display_header
# Display the header information and set
# up the HTML
sub display_header {
my ($command,$checkallowed) = @_;
my $scripttag;
unless ($command eq 'chgthreshold' || $command eq 'chginterval') {
$scripttag = <<"END";
<script type="text/javascript">
function change_display(caller,change) {
caller.value = change;
function changeAll(change) {
foreach my $item (keys(%{$checkallowed})) {
if ($item =~ /_section$/) { next; }
if ($$checkallowed{$item}) {
my $course_type=&Apache::loncommon::course_type();
return &Apache::loncommon::start_page($course_type.' Action Items',
# display_actions_box
# Display the action items
sub display_actions_box {
my ($r,$tabbg,$command,$refpage,$threshold_titles,$interval_titles,
$initpage,$cdom,$crs,$checkallowed) = @_;
my $rowColor1 = "#ffffff";
my $rowColor2 = "#eeeeee";
my $udom = $env{'user.domain'};
my $uname = $env{'user.name'};
my $cid = $env{'request.course.id'};
my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
my $lctype = lc($crstype);
my %stulabel = (
'Course' => 'students',
'Group' => 'members',
my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
'yacc' => 'You are accessing an invalid course',
'gtfr' => 'Go to first resource',
'hial' => 'Hide all',
'shal' => 'Show all',
my %unread = ();
my %ungraded = ();
my %bombed = ();
my %triggered = ();
my %changed = ();
my @newmsgs = ();
my @critmsgs = ();
my @newdiscussions = ();
my @tograde = ();
my @bombs = ();
my @warnings = ();
my $msgcount = 0;
my $critmsgcount = 0;
my %res_title = ();
my %show = ();
my $needitems = 0;
my $boxcount = 0;
my $result;
if ($command eq 'newcourseinit') {
$result = &store_courseinit_setting($uname,$udom,$cid,$initpage);
my %threshold = (
av_attempts => 2,
degdiff => 0.5,
numstudents => 2,
my %pagedesc = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
firstres => 'First resource',
whatsnew => "What's New? page",
userpref => 'user preference',
coursespecific => $lctype.' only',
default => 'default',
my ($initcontrol,$initdisp) = &curr_courseinit();
my $currinit = $pagedesc{$initdisp}.' ('.$pagedesc{$initcontrol}.')';
unless ($cid) {
$r->print('<br /><b><center>'.$lt{'yacc'}.'</center></b><br /><br />');
if ($refpage eq 'start') {
if (tie(my %bighash,'GDBM_File',$env{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
my $furl=$bighash{'first_url'};
$r->print('<font size="+1"><a href="'.$furl.'">'.$lt{'gtfr'}.
'</a></font><br />');
$r->print(&mt('Page set to be displayed after you have selected a role in this '.$lctype).
'. <nobr>'.&mt('Currently: <i>[_1]</i>',$currinit).'. '.
&mt('<b>Change</b> for just <a href="/adm/whatsnew?command=courseinit&refpage=[_1]">this '.$lctype.'</a>',$refpage).' '.
&mt('or for all <a href="/adm/preferences?action=changecourseinit&refpage=[_1]">your courses</a>',$refpage).'</nobr><br /><hr />');
if ($command eq 'reset') {
$result = &process_reset($cdom,$crs);
} elsif ($command eq 'update') {
$result = &process_update($uname,$udom,$threshold_titles);
} elsif ($command eq 'newinterval') {
$result = &store_interval_setting($uname,$udom,$cid,$interval_titles);
} elsif ($command eq 'newdiscconf') {
$result = &store_discussion_setting($uname,$udom,$cid);
my $store_result=&store_display_settings($uname,$udom,$cid,$checkallowed);
unless ($store_result eq 'ok') {
&Apache::lonnet::logthis('Error storing whatsnew settings: '.
$store_result.' for '.'user '.$uname.':'.$udom.' in '.$lctype.' '.$cid);
$result .= &mt('Unable to store visibility settings due to [_1]',
if ($result) {
$r->print($result.'<hr width="100%" />');
my %display_settings = &get_display_settings($uname,$udom,$cid);
my $timediff = $display_settings{$cid.':interval'};
unless (defined($timediff)) { $timediff = 604800; }
my $now = time;
my $interval = $$interval_titles{$timediff};
if ($timediff == -1) {
$timediff = time;
my $starttime = $now - $timediff;
my $countunread = $display_settings{$cid.':countunread'};
unless (defined($countunread)) {
$countunread = 'on';
my %headings = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
coursediscussion => 'Unread '.$lctype.' discussion posts',
handgrading => 'Problems requiring handgrading',
haserrors => 'Problems with errors',
versionchanges => 'Resources in '.$lctype.' with version changes '.$interval,
coursenormalmail => 'New '.$lctype.' messages',
coursecritmail => 'New critical messages in '.$lctype,
if ($$checkallowed{'abovethreshold'}) {
$headings{'abovethreshold'} =
&mt('Problems with av. attempts ≥ [_1] or deg. difficulty ≥ [_2] <br /> and total number of '.$stulabel{$crstype}.' with submissions ≥ [_3]',
my @actionorder = ('handgrading','haserrors','abovethreshold','versionchanges','coursediscussion','coursenormalmail','coursecritmail');
foreach my $key (keys(%{$checkallowed})) {
if ($key =~ /_section$/) { next; }
$show{$key} = 0;
if ($$checkallowed{$key}) {
unless ($display_settings{$cid.':'.$key} eq 'hide') {
$show{$key} = 1;
foreach my $item (@actionorder) {
unless ($item eq 'coursenormalmail' || $item eq 'coursecritmail') {
if ($show{$item}) {
$needitems = 1;
if ($needitems) {
if ($show{'coursenormalmail'}) {
$msgcount = &getnormalmail(\@newmsgs);
if ($show{'coursecritmail'}) {
$critmsgcount = &getcritmail(\@critmsgs);
$r->print(qq|<a href="javascript:changeAll('hide');">$lt{'hial'}</a>
<a href="javascript:changeAll('show');">$lt{'shal'}</a>
<form method="post" name="visible" action="/adm/whatsnew">\n|);
foreach my $item (keys(%{$checkallowed})) {
if ($item =~ /_section$/) { next; }
if ($$checkallowed{$item}) {
$r->print('<input type="hidden" name="display_'.$item.'" />'."\n");
$r->print('<input type="hidden" name="refpage" value="'.$refpage.'"></form><br /><table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="4"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%">');
my $displayed = 0;
my $totalboxes = 0;
foreach my $key (keys(%{$checkallowed})) {
if ($key =~ /_section$/) { next; }
if ($key eq 'whatsnew' ) { next; } # whatsnew check creates no box
if ($$checkallowed{$key}) {
$totalboxes ++;
my $halfway = int($totalboxes/2) + $totalboxes%2;
foreach my $actionitem (@actionorder) {
if ($$checkallowed{$actionitem}) {
if ($displayed == $halfway) {
$r->print('</td><td width="6%"> </td><td align="left" valign="top" width="47%">');
$displayed ++;
# display_threshold_config
# Display the threshold setting screen
sub display_threshold_config {
my ($r,$refpage,$tabbg,$threshold_titles,$cdom,$crs) = @_;
my $uname = $env{'user.name'};
my $udom = $env{'user.dom'};
my $cid = $env{'request.course.id'};
my %threshold = ();
my $rowColor1 = "#ffffff";
my $rowColor2 = "#eeeeee";
my $rowColor;
my @thresholditems = ("av_attempts","degdiff","numstudents");
foreach my $item (@thresholditems) {
$threshold{$item} = '';
my %threshold_titles = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
av_attempts => 'Average number of attempts',
degdiff => 'Degree of difficulty',
numstudents => 'Total number of students with submissions',
$r->print('<br /><form name="thresholdform" method="post" action="/adm/whatsnew">
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="4">
<td align="left" valign="top" width="45%">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#000000">
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#000000">
<td bgcolor="#ffffff">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0">
<tr bgcolor="'.$tabbg.'">
<th>Threshold Name</th>
<th>Current value</th>
my $rowNum =0;
foreach my $type (@thresholditems) {
my $parameter = $env{'request.course.id'}.':threshold_'.$type;
# onchange is javascript to automatically check the 'Set' button.
my $onchange = 'onFocus="javascript:window.document.forms'.
if ($rowNum %2 == 1) {
$rowColor = $rowColor1;
} else {
$rowColor = $rowColor2;
<tr bgcolor="'.$rowColor.'">
$rowNum ++;
<br /><input type="submit" name="threshold" value="Make changes" />
<input type="hidden" name="command" value="update" />
<input type="hidden" name="refpage" value="'.$refpage.'" />
# display_interval_config
# Display the interval setting screen
sub display_interval_config {
my ($r,$refpage,$interval_titles) = @_;
my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
my $current = &get_current($env{'user.name'},$env{'user.domain'},
$r->print('<br />'.&mt('Choose the time window to use for display of version changes for resources in the '.$lctype.'.'));
unless ($current eq '') {
$r->print(' '.&mt('Current value is [_1]','<b>'.
$r->print('<br /><br />
<form method="post" name="intervalswitch" action="/adm/whatsnew">
<input type="hidden" name="command" value="newinterval" />
<input type="hidden" name="refpage" value="'.$refpage.'" />
<select name="interval">
foreach my $key (reverse sort ({$a cmp $b} (keys(%{$interval_titles})))) {
$r->print('<option value="'.$key.'">Version changes '.$$interval_titles{$key}.
<input type="submit" name="display" value="'.
&mt('Change interval').'" /></form>');
# display_discussion_config
# Display the discussion display setting screen
sub display_discussion_config {
my ($r,$refpage) = @_;
my $current = &get_current($env{'user.name'},$env{'user.domain'},
if ($current eq '') {
$current = 'on';
my %opposite = (
'on' => 'off',
'off' => 'on',
$r->print('<script type="text/javascript">
function toggle_countunread(choice) {
if (choice == "unchanged") {
document.discussionswitch.command.value = "";
$r->print('<br />'.&mt('Choose whether or not to display a count of the number of new posts for each resource or bulletin board which has unread posts.').'<br />'.&mt('This can increase the time taken to gather data for the [_1] page by a few seconds.',"<i>What's New?</i>").' '.&mt('Currently set to [_1].','<b>'.$current.'</b>'));
$r->print('<br /><br />
<form method="post" name="discussionswitch" action="/adm/whatsnew">
<input type="hidden" name="command" value="newdiscconf" />
<input type="hidden" name="refpage" value="'.$refpage.'" />
<input type="hidden" name="countunread" value="'.$opposite{$current}.'" />
<input type="button" name="display" value="'.
&mt('Change to [_1]',$opposite{$current}).'"
onclick="javascript:toggle_countunread('."'change'".')" />
<input type="button" name="nochange" value="'.
&mt("No change").'"
onclick="javascript:toggle_countunread('."'unchanged'".')" />
# courseinit_config
# Set page displayed when course loads after
# selecting a role in the course from the roles page.
sub courseinit_config {
my ($r,$refpage,$initpage) = @_;
my ($control,$current) = &curr_courseinit();
my @chgstate = ('userpref','coursespecific');
my @chgentry = ('firstres','whatsnew');
my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
'chwp' => "Choose which page will be displayed when you enter this $lctype after selecting a role.",
'cuva' => 'Current value is determined by',
'anis' => 'and is set to display',
'padc' => 'Page display controlled by',
'chce' => 'Choose '.$lctype.' entry',
'moce' => 'Modify '.$lctype.' entry',
<br />$lt{'chwp'}
<br />$lt{'cuva'}: <b>
$$initpage{$control}</b> $lt{'anis'} <b>
$$initpage{$current}</b>.<br /><br />
<form method="post" name="courseinitswitch" action="/adm/whatsnew">
<input type="hidden" name="command" value="newcourseinit" />
<input type="hidden" name="refpage" value="$refpage" />
foreach my $choice (@chgstate) {
my $chkstring;
if ($choice eq $control) {
$chkstring = ' checked="checked" ';
$r->print('<nobr><label><input type="radio" name="courseinit_control" value="'.
' </label></nobr>');
$r->print('<br /><br />'.&mt('If').' '.$$initpage{'coursespecific'}.
' - <br />'.$lt{'chce'}.": \n");
foreach my $choice (@chgentry) {
my $chkstring;
if (($choice eq $current) && ($control eq 'coursespecific')) {
$chkstring = ' checked="checked" ';
$r->print('<nobr><label><input type="radio" name="courseinit_page" value="'.
' </label></nobr>');
$r->print('<br /><br /><input type="submit" name="display" value="'.
$lt{'moce'}.'" /></form>');
sub curr_courseinit {
my $current = &get_current($env{'user.name'},$env{'user.domain'},
my $control;
if ($current) {
$control = 'coursespecific';
} else {
$control = 'userpref';
my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',
if (exists($userenv{'course_init_display'})) {
$current = $userenv{'course_init_display'};
unless ($current) {
$current = 'whatsnew';
return ($control,$current);
sub display_launcher {
my ($r,$action,$refpage,$checkallowed,$tabbg,$rowColor1,$rowColor2,$show,
$critmsgcount,$critmsgs,$interval,$countunread) = @_;
if ($$checkallowed{$action}) {
if ($$show{$action}) {
if ($action eq 'handgrading') { # UNGRADED ITEMS
} elsif ($action eq 'haserrors') { # BOMBS
} elsif ($action eq 'versionchanges') { # VERSION CHANGES
} elsif ($action eq 'abovethreshold') { # DEGDIFF/AV. TRIES TRIGGERS
} elsif ($action eq 'coursediscussion') { # UNREAD COURSE DISCUSSION
} elsif ($action eq 'coursenormalmail') { # NORMAL MESSAGES
} elsif ($action eq 'coursecritmail') { # CRITICAL MESSAGES
sub getitems {
my ($unread,$ungraded,$bombed,$triggered,$changed,$newdiscussions,
$res_title,$show,$starttime,$countunread) = @_;
my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
# force retrieve Resource to seed the part id cache we'll need it later
my @allres=$navmap->retrieveResources(undef,
sub {if ($_[0]->is_problem) { $_[0]->parts();} return 1;});
my %resourcetracker;
my $discussiontime;
# Resource version changes
if ($$show{'versionchanges'}) {
if ($$show{'abovethreshold'}) {
%resourcetracker = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_resourcetracker',
foreach my $resource (@allres) {
my $result = '';
my $applies = 0;
my $symb = $resource->symb();
%{$$bombed{$symb}} = ();
%{$$ungraded{$symb}} = ();
%{$$triggered{$symb}} = ();
$$triggered{$symb}{numparts} = 0;
my $title = $resource->compTitle();
$$res_title{$symb} = $title;
my $ressymb = $resource->wrap_symb();
# Check if there are unread discussion postings
if ($$show{'coursediscussion'}) {
# Check for ungraded problems
if ($resource->is_problem()) {
if ($$show{'handgrading'}) {
# Check for bombs
if ($$show{'haserrors'}) {
# Maxtries and degree of difficulty for problem parts, unless handgradeable
if ($$show{'abovethreshold'}) {
sub check_discussions {
my ($resource,$symb,$ressymb,$title,$newdiscussions,$unread,
$countunread) = @_;
if (!$resource->hasDiscussion()) { return; }
%{$$unread{$ressymb}} = ();
$$unread{$ressymb}{'title'} = $title;
$$unread{$ressymb}{'symb'} = $symb;
push(@{$newdiscussions}, $ressymb);
$$unread{$ressymb}{'lastpost'} = $resource->last_post_time();
if ($countunread eq 'on') {
$$unread{$ressymb}{'unreadcount'} = $resource->unread_discussion();
sub check_handgraded {
my ($resource,$symb,$title,$cdom,$cnum,$ungraded,$tograde) = @_;
if ($resource->is_problem()) {
my ($map,$ind,$url)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb);
my $partlist=$resource->parts();
my $handgradeable;
foreach my $part (@$partlist) {
if ($resource->handgrade($part) eq 'yes') {
$handgradeable=1; last;
if ($handgradeable) {
my @ungraded = &Apache::bridgetask::get_queue_symb_status(
if (@ungraded > 0) {
$$ungraded{$symb}{count} = scalar(@ungraded);
$$ungraded{$symb}{title} = $title;
push(@{$tograde}, $symb);
sub check_bombed {
my ($resource,$symb,$title,$bombs,$bombed) = @_;
if ($resource->getErrors()) {
my $errors = $resource->getErrors();
$errors =~ s/^,//;
my @bombs = split(/,/, $errors);
my $errorcount = scalar(@bombs);
my $errorlink = '<a href="/adm/email?display='.
$$bombed{$symb}{errorcount} = $errorcount;
$$bombed{$symb}{errorlink} = $errorlink;
push(@{$bombs}, $symb);
sub check_thresholds {
my ($resource,$symb,$resourcetracker,$triggered,$threshold,$warnings) = @_;
# Compile maxtries and degree of difficulty for problem parts, unless handgradeable
my @parts = @{$resource->parts()};
my %stats;
my %lastreset = ();
my $warning = 0;
my $rowColor;
foreach my $part (@parts) {
if ($resource->handgrade($part) eq 'yes') {
if ($resource->is_survey($part)) {
%{$stats{$part}} = ();
my ($attempts,$users,$corrects,$degdiff,$av_attempts);
if (exists($$resourcetracker{$symb."\0".$part."\0attempts"})) {
$attempts = $$resourcetracker{$symb."\0".$part."\0attempts"};
if (exists($$resourcetracker{$symb."\0".$part."\0users"})) {
$users = $$resourcetracker{$symb."\0".$part."\0users"};
if (exists($$resourcetracker{$symb."\0".$part."\0correct"})) {
$corrects = $$resourcetracker{$symb."\0".$part."\0correct"};
if ($attempts > 0) {
$degdiff = 1 - ($corrects/$attempts);
$degdiff = sprintf("%.2f",$degdiff);
if ($users > 0) {
$av_attempts = $attempts/$users;
$av_attempts = sprintf("%.2f",$av_attempts);
if ((($degdiff ne '' && $degdiff >= $$threshold{'degdiff'}) || ($av_attempts ne '' && $av_attempts >= $$threshold{'av_attempts'})) && ($users >= $$threshold{'numstudents'})) {
$stats{$part}{degdiff} = $degdiff;
$stats{$part}{attempts} = $av_attempts;
$stats{$part}{users} = $users;
$lastreset{$part} = $$resourcetracker{$symb."\0".$part."\0resettime"};
if ($lastreset{$part}) {
$lastreset{$part} = &Apache::lonnavmaps::timeToHumanString($lastreset{$part});
$warning = 1;
if ($warning) {
$$triggered{$symb}{title} = $resource->title;
foreach my $part (@parts) {
if (exists($stats{$part}{users})) {
my $resetname = 'reset_'.&escape($symb."\0".$part);
my $resettitle = 'title_'.&escape($symb."\0".$part);
if ($$triggered{$symb}{numparts}) {
$$triggered{$symb}{text} .= '<tr>'."\n";
if (@parts > 1) {
$$triggered{$symb}{text} .= '
<td>part - '.$part.'</td>';
} else {
$$triggered{$symb}{text} .= '
<td>single part</td>';
$$triggered{$symb}{text} .= '
<td><input type="checkbox" name="'.$resetname.'" /><input type="hidden" name="'.$resettitle.'" value="'.&escape($$triggered{$symb}{title}).'" /></td>
$$triggered{$symb}{numparts} ++;
sub get_curr_thresholds {
my ($threshold,$uname,$udom,$cid,$cdom,$crs) = @_;
my %thresholdsettings = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_whatsnew',$udom,
my $thresholdcount = 0;
my ($tmp) = %thresholdsettings;
unless ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
foreach my $item (keys %{$threshold}) {
if (exists($thresholdsettings{$cid.':threshold_'.$item})) {
$$threshold{$item} =
$thresholdcount ++;
if ($thresholdcount == 3) {
my %coursesettings = &Apache::lonnet::dump('environment',
my ($temp) = %coursesettings;
unless ($temp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
foreach my $item (keys %{$threshold}) {
unless (exists($thresholdsettings{$cid.':threshold_'.$item})) {
if (exists($coursesettings{'internal.threshold_'.$item})) {
$$threshold{$item} =
sub get_current {
my ($uname,$udom,$cid,$caller) = @_;
my $currvalue;
my %settings = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_whatsnew',$udom,$uname,$cid.
my ($tmp) = %settings;
unless ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
$currvalue = $settings{$cid.':'.$caller};
return $currvalue;
sub process_reset {
my ($dom,$crs) = @_;
my $result = '<b>'.&mt('Counters reset for following problems (and parts):').
'</b><br />';
my @agg_types = ('attempts','users','correct');
my %agg_titles = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
attempts => 'Number of submissions',
users => 'Students with submissions',
correct => 'Number of correct submissions',
my @resets = ();
my %titles = ();
foreach my $key (keys(%env)) {
next if ($key !~ /^form\.reset_(.+)$/);
my $title = &unescape($env{'form.title_'.$1});
my $reset_item = &unescape($1);
my %curr_aggregates = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_resourcetracker',$dom,$crs,$reset_item);
my %aggregates = ();
my ($symb,$part) = split(/\0/,$reset_item);
foreach my $type (@agg_types) {
$aggregates{$reset_item."\0".$type} = 0;
$aggregates{$reset_item."\0".'resettime'} = time;
my $putresult = &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_resourcetracker',\%aggregates,
if ($putresult eq 'ok') {
$result .= $title.' -part '.$part.': ';
my %new_aggregates = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_resourcetracker',$dom,$crs,$reset_item);
foreach my $type (@agg_types) {
$result .= $agg_titles{$type}.' = '.$new_aggregates{$reset_item."\0".$type}.'; ';
$result =~ s/; $//;
$result .= '<br />';
} else {
$result = $title.' -part '.$part.': '.&mt('Unable to reset counters to zero due to [_1]',$putresult).'.<br />'."\n";
return $result;
sub process_update {
my ($uname,$udom,$threshold_titles) = @_;
my $setoutput = '<b>Changes to threshold(s) for problem tracking:</b><br />';
foreach (keys %env) {
next if ($_!~/^form\.(.+)\_setparmval$/);
my $name = $1;
my $value = $env{'form.'.$name.'_value'};
if ($name && defined($value)) {
my $put_result = &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_whatsnew',
my ($shortname) = ($name =~ /^\Q$env{'request.course.id'}\E:threshold_(.+)$/);
if ($put_result eq 'ok') {
$setoutput.=&mt('Set threshold for [_1] to [_2]',
'<b>'.$value.'</b>').'<br />';
} else {
$setoutput.=&mt('Unable to set threshold for [_1] to [_2] due to [_3].',
'<tt>'.$put_result.'</tt>').'<br />';
return $setoutput;
sub getnormalmail {
my ($newmsgs) = @_;
# Check for unread mail in course
my $msgcount = 0;
my @messages = sort(&Apache::lonnet::getkeys('nohist_email'));
foreach my $message (@messages) {
my $msgid=&escape($message);
my ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdom,$status,$fromcid)=
if (($fromcid) && ($fromcid eq $env{'request.course.id'})) {
if (defined($sendtime) && $sendtime!~/error/) {
my $numsendtime = $sendtime;
$sendtime = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($sendtime);
if ($status eq 'new') {
$msgcount ++;
if ($shortsubj eq '') {
$shortsubj = &mt('No subject');
push(@{$newmsgs}, {
msgid => $msgid,
sendtime => $sendtime,
shortsub => $shortsubj,
from => $fromname,
fromdom => $fromdom
return $msgcount;
sub getcritmail {
my ($critmsgs) = @_;
# Check for critical messages in course
my %what=&Apache::lonnet::dump('critical');
my $result = '';
my $critmsgcount = 0;
foreach my $msgid (sort(keys(%what))) {
my ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdom,$status,$fromcid)=
if (($fromcid) && ($fromcid eq $env{'request.course.id'})) {
if (defined($sendtime) && $sendtime!~/error/) {
my $numsendtime = $sendtime;
$sendtime = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($sendtime);
$critmsgcount ++;
if ($shortsubj eq '') {
$shortsubj = &mt('No subject');
push(@{$critmsgs}, {
msgid => $msgid,
sendtime => $sendtime,
shortsub => $shortsubj,
from => $fromname,
fromdom => $fromdom
return $critmsgcount;
sub checkversions {
my ($cdom,$crs,$navmap,$changed,$starttime) = @_;
my %changes=&Apache::lonnet::dump('versionupdate',$cdom,$crs);
my ($tmp) = keys(%changes);
unless ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
if (keys(%changes) > 0) {
foreach my $key (sort(keys(%changes))) {
if ($changes{$key} > $starttime) {
my $version;
my ($root,$extension)=($key=~/^(.*)\.(\w+)$/);
my $currentversion=&Apache::lonnet::getversion($key);
my $revdate =
$revdate = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($revdate);
my $linkurl=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($key);
my $usedversion=$navmap->usedVersion('version_'.$linkurl);
my @resources = $navmap->getResourceByUrl($linkurl,1);
if (($usedversion) && ($usedversion ne 'mostrecent')) {
$version = $usedversion;
} else {
$version = $currentversion;
foreach my $res (@resources) {
if (ref($res) eq 'Apache::lonnavmaps::resource') {
my $symb = $res->symb();
%{$$changed{$symb}} = (
current => $currentversion,
version => $version,
revdate => $revdate,
sub display_handgrade {
my ($r,$tograde,$rowColor1,$rowColor2,$ungraded) = @_;
my $rowColor;
my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
'prna' => 'Problem Name',
'nmun' => 'Number ungraded',
'nopr' => 'No problems require handgrading',
if (@{$tograde} > 0) {
$r->print('<tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td><b><small>'.$lt{'prna'}.'</small></b></td><td align="right"><b><small>'.$lt{'nmun'}.'</small></b></td></tr>');
my $rowNum = 0;
foreach my $res (@{$tograde}) {
if ($rowNum %2 == 1) {
$rowColor = $rowColor1;
} else {
$rowColor = $rowColor2;
my ($map,$id,$url)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($res);
my $linkurl=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($url);
$linkurl .= '?symb='.&escape($res);
$r->print('<tr bgcolor="'.$rowColor.'"><td><a href="'.$linkurl.'"><small>'.$$ungraded{$res}{title}.'</small></a></td><td align="right"><small>'.$$ungraded{$res}{count}.'</small></td></tr>');
$rowNum ++;
} else {
$r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff"><br><center><i><b><small> '.$lt{'nopr'}.' </small><br><br></b></i></td></tr>');
sub display_haserrors {
my ($r,$bombs,$rowColor1,$rowColor2,$bombed,$res_title) = @_;
my $bombnum = 0;
my $rowColor;
my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
reso => 'Resource',
nmer => 'Number of errors',
noer => 'No problems with errors',
if (@{$bombs} > 0) {
$r->print('<tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td><b><small>'.$lt{'reso'}.'</small></b></td><td align="right"><b><small>'.$lt{'nmer'}.'</small></b></td></tr>');
@{$bombs} = sort { &cmp_title($a,$b,$res_title) } @{$bombs};
foreach my $bomb (@{$bombs}) {
if ($bombnum %2 == 1) {
$rowColor = $rowColor1;
} else {
$rowColor = $rowColor2;
$r->print('<tr bgcolor="'.$rowColor.'"><td><small>'.$$bombed{$bomb}{errorlink}.'</small></td><td align="right"><small>'.$$bombed{$bomb}{errorcount}.'</small></td></tr>');
$bombnum ++;
} else {
$r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff"><br /><center><b><i><small>'.$lt{'noer'}.'</small></i></b></center><br /></td></tr>');
sub display_abovethreshold {
my ($r,$refpage,$warnings,$triggered,$res_title) = @_;
my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
reso => 'Resource',
part => 'Part',
nust => 'Num. students',
avat => 'Av. Attempts',
dedi => 'Deg. Diff',
lare => 'Last Reset',
reco => 'Reset Count?',
rese => 'Reset counters to 0',
nopr => 'No problems satisfy threshold criteria',
if (@{$warnings} > 0) {
@{$warnings} = sort { &cmp_title($a,$b,$res_title) } @{$warnings};
$r->print('<form name="reset_tracking" method="post" action="/adm/whatsnew">'.
' <input type="hidden" name="command" value="reset" />'."\n".
' <input type="hidden" name="refpage" value="'.$refpage.'" />'.
$r->print('<tr class="LC_info_row">'.
'<td class="LC_first_item">'.$lt{'reso'}.'</td>'.
my $row;
foreach my $res (@{$warnings}) {
my ($map,$id,$url)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($res);
my $linkurl=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($url);
my $rowspan;
if ($$triggered{$res}{numparts} > 1) {
$rowspan = 'rowspan="'.$$triggered{$res}{numparts}.'"';
$linkurl .= '?symb='.&escape($res);
$r->print('<tr class="'.($row%2?'LC_odd_row':'').'">'.
'<td class="LC_first_item" '.$rowspan.'><a href="'.$linkurl.'">'.
$r->print('<tr class="LC_info_row"><td colspan="7"><br /><input type="submit" name="counters" value="'.$lt{'rese'}.'" /></td></tr></form>');
} else {
$r->print('<tr class="LC_empty_row"><br />'.$lt{'nopr'}.'<br /></td></tr>');
sub display_versionchanges {
my ($r,$changed,$res_title,$rowColor1,$rowColor2,$interval) = @_;
my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
'reso' => 'Resource',
'revd' => 'Last revised',
'newv' => 'New version',
'veru' => 'Version used',
'noup' => 'No updated versions',
my $rowColor;
if (keys(%{$changed}) > 0) {
$r->print('<tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td><b><small>'.$lt{'reso'}.'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.$lt{'revd'}.'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.$lt{'newv'}.'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.$lt{'veru'}.'</small></b></td></tr>');
my @changes = sort { &cmp_title($a,$b,$res_title) } keys(%{$changed});
my $changenum = 0;
foreach my $item (@changes) {
if ($changenum %2 == 1) {
$rowColor = $rowColor1;
} else {
$rowColor = $rowColor2;
my ($map,$id,$url)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($item);
my $linkurl=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($url);
$linkurl .= '?symb='.&escape($item);
$r->print('<tr bgcolor="'.$rowColor.'"><td><small><a href="'.$linkurl.'">'.$$res_title{$item}.'</a></small></td><td><small>'.$$changed{$item}{'revdate'}.'</small></td><td><small>'.$$changed{$item}{'current'}.'</small></td><td><small>'.$$changed{$item}{'version'}.'</small></td></tr>');
$changenum ++;
} else {
$r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff"><br /><center><b><i><small>'.$lt{'noup'}.' '.$interval.'</small></i></b></center><br /></td></tr>');
sub display_coursediscussion {
my ($r,$newdiscussions,$unread,$countunread,$res_title,$rowColor1,
$rowColor2) = @_;
my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
'loca' => 'Location',
'type' => 'Type',
'numn' => 'Number of new posts',
'noun' => 'No unread posts in '.$lctype.' discussions',
'tmlp' => 'Time of last post',
my $rowColor;
if (@{$newdiscussions} > 0) {
$r->print('<tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td><b><small>'.$lt{'loca'}.
if ($countunread eq 'on') {
'<td align="right"><b><small>'.$lt{'numn'}.
} else {
$r->print('<td align="right"><b><small>'.$lt{'tmlp'}.
@{$newdiscussions} = sort { &cmp_title($a,$b,$res_title) }
my $rowNum = 0;
foreach my $ressymb (@{$newdiscussions}) {
my $forum_title = $$unread{$ressymb}{'title'};
my $type = 'Resource';
my $feedurl=&Apache::lonfeedback::get_feedurl($ressymb);
if ($feedurl =~ /bulletinboard/) {
$type = 'Bulletin Board';
if ($rowNum %2 == 1) {
$rowColor = $rowColor1;
} else {
$rowColor = $rowColor2;
my $lastpost = &Apache::lonnavmaps::timeToHumanString(
$r->print('<tr bgcolor="'.$rowColor.'"><td><small><a href="'.$feedurl.'?symb='.$$unread{$ressymb}{symb}.'">'.$forum_title.'</a> </td><td><small>'.$type.' </small></td>');
if ($countunread eq 'on') {
my $unreadnum = $$unread{$ressymb}{'unreadcount'};
$r->print('<td><small>'.$lastpost.'<small></td><td align="right">'.
'<small>',$unreadnum.' </small></td>');
} else {
$r->print('<td align="right"><small>'.$lastpost.'</small></td>');
$rowNum ++;
} else {
$r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff"><br><center> <i><b><small>'.
sub display_coursenormalmail {
my ($r,$msgcount,$newmsgs,$rowColor1,$rowColor2) = @_;
my $rowColor;
my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
if ($msgcount > 0) {
$r->print('<tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td><b><small>'.&mt('Number').'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.&mt('Subject').'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.&mt('Sender').'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.&mt('Date/Time').'</small></b></td></tr>');
my $rowNum = 0;
my $mailcount = 1;
foreach my $msg (@{$newmsgs}) {
if ($rowNum %2 == 1) {
$rowColor = $rowColor1;
} else {
$rowColor = $rowColor2;
$r->print('<tr bgcolor="'.$rowColor.'"><td valign="top"><small>'.$mailcount.'. </small></td><td valign="top"><small><a href="/adm/communicate">'.$msg->{'shortsub'}.'</a> </small></td><td valign="top"><small> '.$msg->{'from'}.'@'.$msg->{'fromdom'}.' </small></td><td valign="top"><small>'.$msg->{'sendtime'}.'</small></td></tr>');
$rowNum ++;
$mailcount ++;
} else {
$r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="100%"><center><br /><b><i><small>'.&mt('No new '.$lctype.' messages').'</small></i></b><br /><br /></center></td></tr>');
sub display_coursecritmail {
my ($r,$critmsgcount,$critmsgs,$rowColor1,$rowColor2) = @_;
my $rowColor;
my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
if ($critmsgcount > 0) {
$r->print('<tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td><b><small>'.&mt('Number').'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.&mt('Subject').'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.&mt('Sender').'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.&mt('Date/Time').'</small></b></td></tr>');
my $rowNum = 0;
my $mailcount = 1;
foreach my $msg (@{$critmsgs}) {
if ($rowNum %2 == 1) {
$rowColor = $rowColor1;
} else {
$rowColor = $rowColor2;
$r->print('<tr bgcolor="'.$rowColor.'"><td valign="top"><small>'.$mailcount.'. <small></td><td valign="top"><small><a href="/adm/email?folder=critical">'.$msg->{'shortsub'}.'</a> </small></td><td valign="top"><small> '.$msg->{'from'}.'@'.$msg->{'fromdom'}.' </small></td><td valign="top"><small>'.$msg->{'sendtime'}.'</small></td></tr>');
$rowNum ++;
$mailcount ++;
} else {
$r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="100%"><center><br /><b><i><small>'.&mt('No unread critical messages in '.$lctype).'</small></i></b><br /><br /></center></td></tr>');
sub cmp_title {
my ($a,$b,$res_title) = @_;
my ($atitle,$btitle) = (lc($$res_title{$a}),lc($$res_title{$b}));
return $atitle cmp $btitle;
sub get_display_settings {
my ($uname,$udom,$cid) = @_;
my %settings = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_whatsnew',$udom,$uname,$cid);
my ($tmp) = keys(%settings);
if ($tmp=~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
%settings = ();
unless ($tmp =~ /^error: 2 /) {
my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
&Apache::lonnet::logthis('Error retrieving whatsnew settings: '.
$tmp.' for '.$uname.':'.$udom.' for '.$lctype.': '.$cid);
return %settings;
sub store_display_settings {
my ($uname,$udom,$cid,$checkallowed) = @_;
my %whatsnew_settings;
my $result;
foreach my $key (keys(%{$checkallowed})) {
if ($key =~ /_section$/) { next; }
if (exists($env{'form.display_'.$key})) {
unless ($env{'form.display_'.$key} eq '') {
$whatsnew_settings{$cid.':'.$key} = $env{'form.display_'.$key};
if (keys(%whatsnew_settings)) {
$result = &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_whatsnew',\%whatsnew_settings,
} else {
$result = 'ok';
return $result;
sub store_interval_setting {
my ($uname,$udom,$cid,$interval_titles) = @_;
my %interval_settings = ();
my $result;
if (defined($env{'form.interval'})) {
$interval_settings{$cid.':interval'} = $env{'form.interval'};
my $outcome = &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_whatsnew',
if ($outcome eq 'ok') {
$result = &mt('Interval set to version changes [_1]',
'<b>'.$$interval_titles{$env{'form.interval'}}.'</b><br />');
} else {
my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
&Apache::lonnet::logthis('Error storing whatsnew interval setting'.
' '.$outcome.' for '.$uname.':'.$udom.' in '.$lctype.' '.$cid);
$result = &mt('Unable to set interval to [_1] due to [_2].',
'<tt>'.$outcome.'</tt>.<br />');
return $result;
sub store_discussion_setting {
my ($uname,$udom,$cid) = @_;
my %discussion_settings;
my $result;
if (defined($env{'form.countunread'})) {
$discussion_settings{$cid.':countunread'} = $env{'form.countunread'};
my $outcome = &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_whatsnew',
if ($outcome eq 'ok') {
$result = &mt('Count unread posts in discussions display set to [_1]',
'<b>'.$env{'form.countunread'}.'</b><br />');
} else {
my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
&Apache::lonnet::logthis('Error storing whatsnew countunread setting'.
' '.$outcome.' for '.$uname.':'.$udom.' in '.$lctype.' '.$cid);
$result = &mt('Unable to set "number unread posts display" to [_1]'.
' due to [_2].',
'<tt>'.$outcome.'</tt>.<br />');
return $result;
sub store_courseinit_setting {
my ($uname,$udom,$cid,$initpage) = @_;
my %courseinit_settings;
my $page_control;
my $result;
if (defined($env{'form.courseinit_control'})) {
if ($env{'form.courseinit_control'} eq 'userpref') {
$courseinit_settings{$cid.':courseinit'} = '';
$page_control = 'global preferences';
} else {
if (defined($env{'form.courseinit_page'})) {
$courseinit_settings{$cid.':courseinit'} =
$page_control = 'course specific setting';
if ($page_control) {
my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
my $outcome = &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_whatsnew',
if ($outcome eq 'ok') {
if ($page_control eq 'global preferences') {
$result = &mt("Page displayed after role selection in $lctype now set by <b>user's global preferences</b>.");
} else {
$result = &mt('Page displayed after role selection in this '.$lctype.' set to <b>[_2]</b>',$lctype,$$initpage{$env{'form.courseinit_page'}});
} else {
&Apache::lonnet::logthis('Error storing whatsnew courseinit '.
'setting: '.$outcome.' for '.$uname.
':'.$udom.' in '.$lctype.' '.$cid);
if ($page_control eq 'global preferences') {
$result = &mt('Unable to set control of page display to [_1]'.
' due to [_2].',
'<tt>'.$outcome.'</tt>.<br />');
} else {
$result = &mt('Unable to set page display, after role selection, for this '.$lctype.' to <b>[_2]</b> due to <tt>[_3]</tt>.<br />',
return $result;
sub start_box {
my ($r,$tabbg,$show,$heading,$caller,$refpage) = @_;
my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
chth => 'Change thresholds?',
chin => 'Change interval?',
chop => 'Change options?',
my ($showhide,$class);
if ($$show{$caller}) {
$showhide = '<b><a href="javascript:change_display(document.visible.'.
} else {
$showhide = '<b><a href="javascript:change_display(document.visible.'.
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#000000" width="100%">
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#000000" width="100%">
<td bgcolor="'.$tabbg.'">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td valign="top" align="right">'.$showhide.'</td>
if (($caller eq 'abovethreshold') && ($$show{$caller})) {
if ($$show{$caller}) {
<td bgcolor="'.$tabbg.'" align="right"><a href="/adm/whatsnew?command=chgthreshold&refpage='.$refpage.'"><b><small>'.$lt{'chth'}.'</small></b></a></td>
} elsif (($caller eq 'versionchanges') && ($$show{$caller})) {
if ($$show{$caller}) {
<td bgcolor="'.$tabbg.'" align="right"><a href="/adm/whatsnew?command=chginterval&refpage='.$refpage.'"><b><small>'.$lt{'chin'}.'</small></b></a></td>
} elsif ($caller eq 'coursediscussion') {
if ($$show{$caller}) {
<td bgcolor="'.$tabbg.'" align="right"><a href="/adm/whatsnew?command=chgdisc&refpage='.$refpage.'"><b><small>'.$lt{'chop'}.'</small></b></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#ffffff">
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" '.$class.'>
sub end_box {
my ($r) = shift;
</table><br />');
FreeBSD-CVSweb <freebsd-cvsweb@FreeBSD.org>