File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / interface /
Revision 1.66: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Dec 3 05:45:13 2006 UTC (18 years, 3 months ago) by raeburn
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: version_2_2_99_1, version_2_2_99_0, HEAD
Resource URLs and symbs displayed in handgraded, above threshold and unread discussion tables need to be encrypted, if url encryption was enabled for the resource, and the current user's role does not cause links to be displayed in plain text.

# $Id:,v 1.66 2006/12/03 05:45:13 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt

package Apache::lonwhatsnew;

use strict;
use lib qw(/home/httpd/lib/perl);
use Apache::lonnet;
use Apache::loncommon();
use Apache::lonhtmlcommon();
use Apache::lonlocal;
use Apache::loncoursedata();
use Apache::lonnavmaps();
use Apache::lonuserstate;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
use Time::Local;
use GDBM_File;
use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';

# handler

sub handler {
    my $r = shift;
    if ($r->header_only) {
        return OK;

    my $command = $env{'form.command'};
    my $refpage = $env{'form.refpage'};

    my %checkallowed = ( coursenormalmail => 1,
			 coursecritmail => 1, );
    foreach my $perm_check (['whn','whatsnew',1],
			    ) {
	my ($perm,$key,$check_section) = @{ $perm_check };
	my $scope = $env{''};
	if (!($checkallowed{$key} = &Apache::lonnet::allowed($perm,$scope))) {
	    $scope .= '/'.$env{'request.course.sec'};
	    if ( $check_section ) {
		$checkallowed{$key} = &Apache::lonnet::allowed($perm,$scope);
	    if ($checkallowed{$key}) {
		$checkallowed{$key.'_section'} = $env{'request.course.sec'};

    if ( ! $env{'request.course.fn'} || ! $checkallowed{'whatsnew'}) {
        # Not in a course, or no whn priv in course
        $env{'user.error.msg'}="/adm/whatsnew::whn:0:0:Cannot display what's new page";
        return HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE;



              text=>"Display Action Items"});
    if (($command eq 'chgthreshold') && $checkallowed{'abovethreshold'}) {
              text=>"Change thresholds"});
            ("What's New?",#'Course_Action_Items_Thresholds'
    } elsif (($command eq 'chginterval') && $checkallowed{'versionchanges'} ) {
              text=>"Change interval"});
            ("What's New?",#'Course_Action_Items_Intervals'
    } elsif (($command eq 'chgdisc') && $checkallowed{'coursediscussion'}) {
              text=>"Change discussion display"});
            ("What's New?",#'Course_Action_Items_Intervals'
    } elsif ($command eq 'courseinit') {
              text=>"Course initialization preference"});
            ("What's New?",#'Course_Action_Items_Initialization'
    } else {
            ("What's New?",#'Course_Action_Items_Display'
    return OK;

# display_main_box
# Display all the elements within the main box
sub display_main_box {
    my ($r,$command,$refpage,$checkallowed) = @_;
    my $domain=&Apache::loncommon::determinedomain();
    my $function = &Apache::loncommon::get_users_function();
    my $tabbg=&Apache::loncommon::designparm($function.'.tabbg',$domain);
    my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
    $r->print('<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="100%">');

    my %threshold_titles = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
                         av_attempts => 'Average number of attempts',
                         degdiff => 'Degree of difficulty',
                         numstudents => 'Total number of students with submissions',

    my %interval_titles = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
                            -1 => "since start of $lctype",
                       2592000 => 'since last month',
                        604800 => 'since last week',
                         86400 => 'since yesterday',

    my %initpage = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
                     firstres => "first resource in the $lctype",
                     whatsnew => "what's new? page",
                     userpref => 'your general user preferences',
                     coursespecific => "specific setting for this $lctype",
    my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.domain'};
    my $crs = $env{'course.'.$env{''}.'.num'};

    if (($command eq 'chgthreshold') 
	&& $checkallowed->{'abovethreshold'}) {
    } elsif (($command eq 'chginterval') 
	     && $checkallowed->{'versionchanges'}) {
    } elsif (($command eq 'chgdisc') 
	     && $checkallowed->{'coursediscussion'}) {
    } elsif ($command eq 'courseinit') {
    } else {
    my $end_page = &Apache::loncommon::end_page();
</table><br />

# display_header
# Display the header information and set
# up the HTML

sub display_header {
    my ($command,$checkallowed) = @_;
    my $scripttag;
    unless ($command eq 'chgthreshold' || $command eq 'chginterval') {
       $scripttag = <<"END";
<script type="text/javascript">
function change_display(caller,change) {
    caller.value = change;

function changeAll(change) {
        foreach my $item (keys(%{$checkallowed})) {
	    if ($item =~ /_section$/) { next; }
            if ($$checkallowed{$item}) {
    my $course_type=&Apache::loncommon::course_type();
    return &Apache::loncommon::start_page($course_type.' Action Items',

# display_actions_box
# Display the action items
sub display_actions_box {
    my ($r,$tabbg,$command,$refpage,$threshold_titles,$interval_titles,
                                      $initpage,$cdom,$crs,$checkallowed) = @_;
    my $rowColor1 = "#ffffff";
    my $rowColor2 = "#eeeeee";

    my $udom = $env{'user.domain'};
    my $uname = $env{''};
    my $cid = $env{''};
    my $crstype = &Apache::loncommon::course_type();
    my $lctype = lc($crstype);
    my %stulabel = (
                    'Course' => 'students',
                    'Group' => 'members',
    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                 'yacc' => 'You are accessing an invalid course',
                 'gtfr' => 'Go to first resource',
                 'hial' => 'Hide all',
                 'shal' => 'Show all',

    my %unread = ();
    my %ungraded = ();
    my %bombed = ();
    my %triggered = ();
    my %changed = ();
    my @newmsgs = ();
    my @critmsgs = ();
    my @newdiscussions = ();
    my @tograde = ();
    my @bombs = ();
    my @warnings = ();
    my $msgcount = 0;
    my $critmsgcount = 0;

    my %res_title = ();
    my %show = ();
    my $needitems = 0;
    my $boxcount = 0;

    my $result;
    if ($command eq 'newcourseinit') {
        $result = &store_courseinit_setting($uname,$udom,$cid,$initpage);

    my %threshold = ();
    my %pagedesc = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
                     firstres => 'First resource',
                     whatsnew => "What's New? page",
                     userpref => 'user preference',
                     coursespecific => $lctype.' only',
                     default => 'default',

    my ($initcontrol,$initdisp) = &curr_courseinit();
    my $currinit = $pagedesc{$initdisp}.' ('.$pagedesc{$initcontrol}.')';

    unless ($cid) {
        $r->print('<br /><b><center>'.$lt{'yacc'}.'</center></b><br /><br />');

    if ($refpage eq 'start') {
        if (tie(my %bighash,'GDBM_File',$env{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
            &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
            my $furl=$bighash{'first_url'};
            $r->print('<font size="+1"><a href="'.$furl.'">'.$lt{'gtfr'}.
                  '</a></font><br />');
    $r->print(&mt('Page set to be displayed after you have selected a role in this '.$lctype).
              '. <nobr>'.&mt('Currently: <i>[_1]</i>',$currinit).'.&nbsp;&nbsp;'.
              &mt('<b>Change</b> for just <a href="/adm/whatsnew?command=courseinit&refpage=[_1]">this '.$lctype.'</a>',$refpage).' '.
              &mt('or for all <a href="/adm/preferences?action=changecourseinit&refpage=[_1]">your courses</a>',$refpage).'</nobr><br /><hr />');

    if ($command eq 'reset') {
        $result = &process_reset($cdom,$crs);
    } elsif ($command eq 'update') {
        $result = &process_update($uname,$udom,$threshold_titles);
    } elsif ($command eq 'newinterval') {
        $result = &store_interval_setting($uname,$udom,$cid,$interval_titles);
    } elsif ($command eq 'newdiscconf') {
        $result = &store_discussion_setting($uname,$udom,$cid);

    my $store_result=&store_display_settings($uname,$udom,$cid,$checkallowed);

    unless ($store_result eq 'ok') { 
        &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Error storing whatsnew settings: '.
            $store_result.' for '.'user '.$uname.':'.$udom.' in '.$lctype.' '.$cid);
        $result .= &mt('Unable to store visibility settings due to [_1]',

    if ($result) {
        $r->print($result.'<hr width="100%" />');

    my %display_settings = &get_display_settings($uname,$udom,$cid);
    my $timediff = $display_settings{$cid.':interval'};
    unless (defined($timediff)) { $timediff = 604800; } 
    my $now = time;
    my $interval = $$interval_titles{$timediff};
    if ($timediff == -1) {
        $timediff = time;
    my $starttime = $now - $timediff;
    my $countunread = $display_settings{$cid.':countunread'};
    unless (defined($countunread)) {
        $countunread = 'on';

    my %headings = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                coursediscussion =>  'Unread '.$lctype.' discussion posts',
                handgrading =>  'Problems requiring handgrading',
                haserrors => 'Problems with errors',
                versionchanges => 'Resources in '.$lctype.' with version changes '.$interval,
                coursenormalmail => 'New '.$lctype.' messages',
                coursecritmail => 'New critical messages in '.$lctype,

    if ($$checkallowed{'abovethreshold'}) {

    $headings{'abovethreshold'} = 
	&mt('Problems with av. attempts &ge; [_1] or deg. difficulty &ge; [_2] <br /> and total number of '.$stulabel{$crstype}.' with submissions &ge; [_3]',

    my @actionorder = ('handgrading','haserrors','abovethreshold','versionchanges','coursediscussion','coursenormalmail','coursecritmail');

    foreach my $key (keys(%{$checkallowed})) {
	if ($key =~ /_section$/) { next; }
        $show{$key} = 0;
        if ($$checkallowed{$key}) {
            unless ($display_settings{$cid.':'.$key} eq 'hide') {
                $show{$key} = 1;

    foreach my $item (@actionorder) {
        unless ($item eq 'coursenormalmail' || $item eq 'coursecritmail') {
            if ($show{$item}) {
                $needitems = 1;

    if ($needitems) {
    if ($show{'coursenormalmail'}) {
        $msgcount = &getnormalmail(\@newmsgs);
    if ($show{'coursecritmail'}) {
        $critmsgcount = &getcritmail(\@critmsgs);

    $r->print(qq|<a href="javascript:changeAll('hide');">$lt{'hial'}</a>
     &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript:changeAll('show');">$lt{'shal'}</a>
     <form method="post" name="visible" action="/adm/whatsnew">\n|);
    foreach my $item (keys(%{$checkallowed})) {
	if ($item =~ /_section$/) { next; }
        if ($$checkallowed{$item}) {
            $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="display_'.$item.'" />'."\n");

    $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="refpage" value="'.$refpage.'"></form><br /><table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="4"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%">');

    my $displayed = 0;
    my $totalboxes = 0;
    foreach my $key (keys(%{$checkallowed})) {
	if ($key =~ /_section$/) { next; }
	if ($key eq 'whatsnew' ) { next; } # whatsnew check creates no box
        if ($$checkallowed{$key}) {
            $totalboxes ++;
    my $halfway = int($totalboxes/2) + $totalboxes%2;
    foreach my $actionitem (@actionorder) {
        if ($$checkallowed{$actionitem}) {
            if ($displayed == $halfway) {
                $r->print('</td><td width="6%">&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top" width="47%">');
            $displayed ++; 

# display_threshold_config
# Display the threshold setting screen 
sub display_threshold_config {
    my ($r,$refpage,$tabbg,$threshold_titles,$cdom,$crs) = @_;
    my $uname = $env{''};
    my $udom = $env{'user.dom'};
    my $cid = $env{''};
    my %threshold = ();
    my $rowColor1 = "#ffffff";
    my $rowColor2 = "#eeeeee";
    my $rowColor;

    my @thresholditems = ("av_attempts","degdiff","numstudents");
    my %threshold_titles = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                         av_attempts => 'Average number of attempts',
                         degdiff => 'Degree of difficulty',
                         numstudents => 'Total number of students with submissions',

    $r->print('<br /><form name="thresholdform" method="post" action="/adm/whatsnew">
        <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="4">
          <td align="left" valign="top" width="45%">
           <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#000000">
               <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#000000">
                <td bgcolor="#ffffff">
                 <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0">
     <tr bgcolor="'.$tabbg.'">
      <th>Threshold Name</th>
      <th>Current value</th>
    my $rowNum =0;
    foreach my $type (@thresholditems) {
        my $parameter = $env{''}.':threshold_'.$type;
# onchange is javascript to automatically check the 'Set' button.
        my $onchange = 'onFocus="javascript:window.document.forms'.
        if ($rowNum %2 == 1) {
            $rowColor = $rowColor1;
        } else {
            $rowColor = $rowColor2;
     <tr bgcolor="'.$rowColor.'">
        $rowNum ++;
           <br /><input type="submit" name="threshold" value="Make changes" />
                 <input type="hidden" name="command" value="update" />
                 <input type="hidden" name="refpage" value="'.$refpage.'" />

# display_interval_config
# Display the interval setting screen
sub display_interval_config {
    my ($r,$refpage,$interval_titles) = @_;
    my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
    my $current = &get_current($env{''},$env{'user.domain'},
    $r->print('<br />'.&mt('Choose the time window to use for display of version changes for resources in the '.$lctype.'.'));
    unless ($current eq '') {
        $r->print(' '.&mt('Current value is [_1]','<b>'.
    $r->print('<br /><br />
<form method="post" name="intervalswitch" action="/adm/whatsnew">
<input type="hidden" name="command" value="newinterval" />
<input type="hidden" name="refpage" value="'.$refpage.'" />
<select name="interval">
    foreach my $key (reverse sort ({$a cmp $b} (keys(%{$interval_titles})))) {
        $r->print('<option value="'.$key.'">Version changes '.$$interval_titles{$key}.
               <input type="submit" name="display" value="'.
               &mt('Change interval').'" /></form>');

# display_discussion_config
# Display the discussion display setting screen
sub display_discussion_config {
    my ($r,$refpage) = @_;
    my $current = &get_current($env{''},$env{'user.domain'},
    if ($current eq '') {
        $current = 'on';
    my %opposite = ( 
                      'on' => 'off',
                      'off' => 'on',
    $r->print('<script type="text/javascript">
function toggle_countunread(choice) {
    if (choice == "unchanged") {
        document.discussionswitch.command.value = "";
    $r->print('<br />'.&mt('Choose whether or not to display a count of the number of new posts for each resource or bulletin board which has unread posts.').'<br />'.&mt('This can increase the time taken to gather data for the [_1] page by a few seconds.',"<i>What's New?</i>").'&nbsp;&nbsp;'.&mt('Currently set to [_1].','<b>'.$current.'</b>'));
    $r->print('<br /><br />
<form method="post" name="discussionswitch" action="/adm/whatsnew">
<input type="hidden" name="command" value="newdiscconf" />
<input type="hidden" name="refpage" value="'.$refpage.'" />
<input type="hidden" name="countunread" value="'.$opposite{$current}.'" />
               <input type="button" name="display" value="'.
               &mt('Change to [_1]',$opposite{$current}).'" 
               onclick="javascript:toggle_countunread('."'change'".')" />
               <input type="button" name="nochange" value="'.
               &mt("No change").'" 
               onclick="javascript:toggle_countunread('."'unchanged'".')" />

# courseinit_config
# Set page displayed when course loads after 
# selecting a role in the course from the roles page. 

sub courseinit_config {
    my ($r,$refpage,$initpage) = @_;
    my ($control,$current) = &curr_courseinit();
    my @chgstate = ('userpref','coursespecific');
    my @chgentry = ('firstres','whatsnew');
    my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                             'chwp' => "Choose which page will be displayed when you enter this $lctype after selecting a role.",
                             'cuva' => 'Current value is determined by',
                             'anis' => 'and is set to display',
                             'padc' => 'Page display controlled by',
                             'chce' => 'Choose '.$lctype.' entry',
                             'moce' => 'Modify '.$lctype.' entry',
<br />$lt{'chwp'}
<br />$lt{'cuva'}: <b>
$$initpage{$control}</b> $lt{'anis'} <b>
$$initpage{$current}</b>.<br /><br />
<form method="post" name="courseinitswitch" action="/adm/whatsnew">
<input type="hidden" name="command" value="newcourseinit" />
<input type="hidden" name="refpage" value="$refpage" />
    foreach my $choice (@chgstate) {
        my $chkstring;
        if ($choice eq $control) {
            $chkstring = ' checked="checked" ';
        $r->print('<nobr><label><input type="radio" name="courseinit_control" value="'.
    $r->print('<br /><br />'.&mt('If').' '.$$initpage{'coursespecific'}.
              ' - <br />'.$lt{'chce'}.": \n");
    foreach my $choice (@chgentry) {
        my $chkstring;
        if (($choice eq $current) && ($control eq 'coursespecific')) {
            $chkstring = ' checked="checked" ';
        $r->print('<nobr><label><input type="radio" name="courseinit_page" value="'.
    $r->print('<br /><br /><input type="submit" name="display" value="'.
               $lt{'moce'}.'" /></form>');

sub curr_courseinit {
    my $current = &get_current($env{''},$env{'user.domain'},
    my $control;
    if ($current) {
        $control = 'coursespecific';
    } else {
        $control = 'userpref';
        my %userenv = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',
        if (exists($userenv{'course_init_display'})) {
            $current = $userenv{'course_init_display'};
        unless ($current) {
            $current = 'whatsnew';
    return ($control,$current);

sub display_launcher {
    my ($r,$action,$refpage,$checkallowed,$tabbg,$rowColor1,$rowColor2,$show,
                          $critmsgcount,$critmsgs,$interval,$countunread) = @_;

    if ($$checkallowed{$action}) {
        if ($$show{$action}) {
            if ($action eq 'handgrading') {    # UNGRADED ITEMS
            } elsif ($action eq 'haserrors') { # BOMBS
            } elsif ($action eq 'versionchanges') { # VERSION CHANGES

            } elsif ($action eq 'abovethreshold') { # DEGDIFF/AV. TRIES TRIGGERS
            } elsif ($action eq 'coursediscussion') { # UNREAD COURSE DISCUSSION
            } elsif ($action eq 'coursenormalmail') { # NORMAL MESSAGES
            } elsif ($action eq 'coursecritmail') { # CRITICAL MESSAGES

sub getitems {
    my ($unread,$ungraded,$bombed,$triggered,$changed,$newdiscussions,
                                 $res_title,$show,$starttime,$countunread) = @_;
    my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
    # force retrieve Resource to seed the part id cache we'll need it later
    my @allres=$navmap->retrieveResources(undef,
                     sub {if ($_[0]->is_problem) { $_[0]->parts();} return 1;});
    my %resourcetracker;
    my $discussiontime;

# Resource version changes
    if ($$show{'versionchanges'}) {

    if ($$show{'abovethreshold'}) {
        %resourcetracker =  &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_resourcetracker',

    foreach my $resource (@allres) {
        my $result = '';
        my $applies = 0;
        my $symb = $resource->symb();
        %{$$bombed{$symb}} = ();
        %{$$ungraded{$symb}} = ();
        %{$$triggered{$symb}} = ();
        $$triggered{$symb}{numparts} = 0;
        if ($resource->encrypted()) {
            $$triggered{$symb}{'enclink'} = $resource->link();
            $$triggered{$symb}{'encsymb'} = $resource->shown_symb();
        my $title = $resource->compTitle();
        $$res_title{$symb} = $title;
        my $ressymb = $resource->wrap_symb();

# Check if there are unread discussion postings
        if ($$show{'coursediscussion'}) {

# Check for ungraded problems
        if ($resource->is_problem()) {
            if ($$show{'handgrading'}) {

# Check for bombs
        if ($$show{'haserrors'}) {

# Maxtries and degree of difficulty for problem parts, unless handgradeable
        if ($$show{'abovethreshold'}) {  


sub check_discussions {
    my ($resource,$symb,$ressymb,$title,$newdiscussions,$unread,
	$countunread) = @_;

    if (!$resource->hasDiscussion()) { return; }

    %{$$unread{$ressymb}} = ();
    $$unread{$ressymb}{'title'} = $title;
    $$unread{$ressymb}{'symb'} = $symb;
    if ($resource->encrypted()) {
        $$unread{$ressymb}{'enclink'} = $resource->link();
        $$unread{$ressymb}{'encsymb'} = $resource->shown_symb();
    push(@{$newdiscussions}, $ressymb);
    $$unread{$ressymb}{'lastpost'} = $resource->last_post_time();
    if ($countunread eq 'on') {
	$$unread{$ressymb}{'unreadcount'} = $resource->unread_discussion();

sub check_handgraded {
    my ($resource,$symb,$title,$cdom,$cnum,$ungraded,$tograde) = @_;
    if ($resource->is_problem()) {
        my ($map,$ind,$url)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb);
        my $partlist=$resource->parts();
        my $handgradeable;
        foreach my $part (@$partlist) {
            if ($resource->handgrade($part) eq 'yes') {
                $handgradeable=1; last;
        if ($handgradeable) {
            my @ungraded = &Apache::bridgetask::get_queue_symb_status(
            if (@ungraded > 0) {
                $$ungraded{$symb}{count} = scalar(@ungraded);
                $$ungraded{$symb}{title} = $title;
                if ($resource->encrypted()) {
                    $$ungraded{$symb}{'enclink'} = $resource->link();
                    $$ungraded{$symb}{'encsymb'} = $resource->shown_symb();

sub check_bombed {
    my ($resource,$symb,$title,$bombs,$bombed) = @_;
    if ($resource->getErrors()) {
        my $errors = $resource->getErrors();
        $errors =~ s/^,//;
        my @bombs = split(/,/, $errors);
        my $errorcount = scalar(@bombs);
        my $errorlink = '<a href="/adm/email?display='.
        $$bombed{$symb}{errorcount} = $errorcount;
        $$bombed{$symb}{errorlink} = $errorlink;
        push(@{$bombs}, $symb);

sub check_thresholds {
    my ($resource,$symb,$resourcetracker,$triggered,$threshold,$warnings) = @_;
# Compile maxtries and degree of difficulty for problem parts, unless handgradeable
    my @parts = @{$resource->parts()};
    my %stats;
    my %lastreset = ();
    my $warning = 0;
    my $rowColor;
    foreach my $part (@parts) {
        if ($resource->handgrade($part) eq 'yes') {
        if ($resource->is_survey($part)) {
        %{$stats{$part}} = ();
        my ($attempts,$users,$corrects,$degdiff,$av_attempts);
        if (exists($$resourcetracker{$symb."\0".$part."\0attempts"})) {
            $attempts = $$resourcetracker{$symb."\0".$part."\0attempts"};
        if (exists($$resourcetracker{$symb."\0".$part."\0users"})) {
            $users = $$resourcetracker{$symb."\0".$part."\0users"};
        if (exists($$resourcetracker{$symb."\0".$part."\0correct"})) {
            $corrects = $$resourcetracker{$symb."\0".$part."\0correct"};
        if ($attempts > 0) {
            $degdiff =  1 - ($corrects/$attempts);
            $degdiff = sprintf("%.2f",$degdiff);
        if ($users > 0) {
            $av_attempts = $attempts/$users;
            $av_attempts = sprintf("%.2f",$av_attempts);
        if ((($degdiff ne '' && $degdiff >= $$threshold{'degdiff'}) || ($av_attempts ne '' && $av_attempts >= $$threshold{'av_attempts'})) && ($users >= $$threshold{'numstudents'})) {
            $stats{$part}{degdiff} = $degdiff;
            $stats{$part}{attempts} = $av_attempts;
            $stats{$part}{users} = $users;
            $lastreset{$part} = $$resourcetracker{$symb."\0".$part."\0resettime"};
            if ($lastreset{$part}) {
                $lastreset{$part} = &Apache::lonnavmaps::timeToHumanString($lastreset{$part});
            $warning = 1;
    if ($warning) {
        $$triggered{$symb}{title} = $resource->title;
        my $partcount = 0;
        @{$$triggered{$symb}{text}} = ();
        foreach my $part (@parts) {
            if (exists($stats{$part}{users})) {
                my $resetname = 'reset_'.&escape($symb."\0".$part);
                my $resettitle = 'title_'.&escape($symb."\0".$part);
                if (@parts > 1) {
                    $$triggered{$symb}{text}[$partcount] = '
                     <td>part - '.$part.'</td>';
                } else {
                    $$triggered{$symb}{text}[$partcount] = '
                     <td>single part</td>';
                $$triggered{$symb}{text}[$partcount] .= '
                     <td><input type="checkbox" name="'.$resetname.'" /><input type="hidden" name="'.$resettitle.'" value="'.&escape($$triggered{$symb}{title}).'" /></td>';
                $partcount ++;
            $$triggered{$symb}{numparts} = $partcount;

sub get_curr_thresholds {
    my ($threshold,$uname,$udom,$cid,$cdom,$crs) = @_;
    # set default values
    %$threshold = (av_attempts => 2,
                  degdiff => 0.5,
                  numstudents => 2
    my %thresholdsettings = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_whatsnew',$udom,
    my $thresholdcount = 0;
    my ($tmp) = %thresholdsettings;
    unless ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
        foreach my $item (keys %{$threshold}) { 
            if (exists($thresholdsettings{$cid.':threshold_'.$item})) {
                $$threshold{$item} = 
                $thresholdcount ++;
    if ($thresholdcount == 3) {
    my %coursesettings = &Apache::lonnet::dump('environment',
    my ($temp) = %coursesettings;
    unless ($temp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {  
        foreach my $item (keys %{$threshold}) {
            unless (exists($thresholdsettings{$cid.':threshold_'.$item})) {
                if (exists($coursesettings{'internal.threshold_'.$item})) {
                    $$threshold{$item} = 

sub get_current {
    my ($uname,$udom,$cid,$caller) = @_;
    my $currvalue;
    my %settings = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_whatsnew',$udom,$uname,$cid.
    my ($tmp) = %settings;
    unless ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
        $currvalue = $settings{$cid.':'.$caller};
    return $currvalue;

sub process_reset {
    my ($dom,$crs) = @_;
    my $result = '<b>'.&mt('Counters reset for following problems (and parts):').
                           '</b><br />';
    my @agg_types = ('attempts','users','correct');
    my %agg_titles = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
                     attempts => 'Number of submissions',
                     users => 'Students with submissions',
                     correct => 'Number of correct submissions',
    my @resets = ();
    my %titles = ();
    foreach my $key (keys(%env)) {
        next if ($key !~ /^form\.reset_(.+)$/);
        my $title = &unescape($env{'form.title_'.$1});
        my $reset_item = &unescape($1);
        my %curr_aggregates = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_resourcetracker',$dom,$crs,$reset_item);
        my %aggregates = ();
        my ($symb,$part) = split(/\0/,$reset_item);
        foreach my $type (@agg_types) {
            $aggregates{$reset_item."\0".$type} = 0;
	$aggregates{$reset_item."\0".'resettime'} = time;
        my $putresult = &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_resourcetracker',\%aggregates,
        if ($putresult eq 'ok') {
            $result .= $title.' -part '.$part.': ';
            my %new_aggregates = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_resourcetracker',$dom,$crs,$reset_item);
            foreach my $type (@agg_types) {
                $result .= $agg_titles{$type}.' = '.$new_aggregates{$reset_item."\0".$type}.'; ';
            $result =~ s/; $//;
            $result .= '<br />';
        } else {
            $result = $title.' -part '.$part.': '.&mt('Unable to reset counters to zero due to [_1]',$putresult).'.<br />'."\n";
    return $result;

sub process_update {
    my ($uname,$udom,$threshold_titles) = @_;
    my $setoutput = '<b>Changes to threshold(s) for problem tracking:</b><br />';
    foreach (keys %env) {
        next if ($_!~/^form\.(.+)\_setparmval$/);
        my $name  = $1;
        my $value = $env{'form.'.$name.'_value'};
        if ($name && defined($value) && ($value ne '')) {
            my $put_result = &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_whatsnew',
            my ($shortname) = ($name =~ /^\Q$env{''}\E:threshold_(.+)$/);
            if ($put_result eq 'ok') {
                $setoutput.=&mt('Set threshold for [_1] to [_2]',
				'<b>'.$value.'</b>').'<br />';
	    } else {
                $setoutput.=&mt('Unable to set threshold for [_1] to [_2] due to [_3].',
				'<tt>'.$put_result.'</tt>').'<br />';
    return $setoutput;

sub getnormalmail {
    my ($newmsgs) = @_;
# Check for unread mail in course
    my $msgcount = 0;

    my @messages = sort(&Apache::lonnet::getkeys('nohist_email'));
    foreach my $message (@messages) {
	my $msgid=&escape($message);
        my ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdom,$status,$fromcid)=
        if (($fromcid) && ($fromcid eq $env{''})) {
            if (defined($sendtime) && $sendtime!~/error/) {
                my $numsendtime = $sendtime;
                $sendtime = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($sendtime);
                if ($status eq 'new') {
                    $msgcount ++;
                    if ($shortsubj eq '') {
                        $shortsubj = &mt('No subject');
                    push(@{$newmsgs}, {
                        msgid    => $msgid,
                        sendtime => $sendtime,
                        shortsub => $shortsubj,
                        from     => $fromname,
                        fromdom  => $fromdom
    return $msgcount;

sub getcritmail {
    my ($critmsgs) = @_; 
# Check for critical messages in course
    my %what=&Apache::lonnet::dump('critical');
    my $result = '';
    my $critmsgcount = 0;
    foreach my $msgid (sort(keys(%what))) {
        my ($sendtime,$shortsubj,$fromname,$fromdom,$status,$fromcid)=
        if (($fromcid) && ($fromcid eq  $env{''})) {
            if (defined($sendtime) && $sendtime!~/error/) {
                my $numsendtime = $sendtime;
                $sendtime = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($sendtime);
                $critmsgcount ++;
                if ($shortsubj eq '') {
                    $shortsubj = &mt('No subject');
                push(@{$critmsgs}, {
                        msgid    => $msgid,
                        sendtime => $sendtime,
                        shortsub => $shortsubj,
                        from     => $fromname,
                        fromdom  => $fromdom
    return $critmsgcount;

sub checkversions {
    my ($cdom,$crs,$navmap,$changed,$starttime) = @_;
    my %changes=&Apache::lonnet::dump('versionupdate',$cdom,$crs);
    my ($tmp) = keys(%changes);
    unless ($tmp =~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
        if (keys(%changes) > 0) {
            foreach my $key (sort(keys(%changes))) {
                if ($changes{$key} > $starttime) {
                    my $version;
                    my ($root,$extension)=($key=~/^(.*)\.(\w+)$/);
                    my $currentversion=&Apache::lonnet::getversion($key);
                    my $revdate = 
                    $revdate =  &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($revdate);
                    my $linkurl=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($key);
                    my $usedversion=$navmap->usedVersion('version_'.$linkurl);
                    my @resources = $navmap->getResourceByUrl($linkurl,1);
                    if (($usedversion) && ($usedversion ne 'mostrecent')) {
                        $version = $usedversion;     
                    } else {
                        $version = $currentversion;
                    foreach my $res (@resources) {
                         if (ref($res) eq 'Apache::lonnavmaps::resource') { 
                            my $symb = $res->symb();
                            %{$$changed{$symb}} = (
                                                current => $currentversion,
                                                version => $version,
                                                revdate => $revdate,

sub display_handgrade {
    my ($r,$tograde,$rowColor1,$rowColor2,$ungraded) = @_;
    my $rowColor;
    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                        'prna' => 'Problem Name',
                        'nmun' => 'Number ungraded',
                        'nopr' => 'No problems require handgrading',
    if (@{$tograde} > 0) {
        $r->print('<tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td><b><small>'.$lt{'prna'}.'</small></b></td><td align="right"><b><small>'.$lt{'nmun'}.'</small></b></td></tr>');
        my $rowNum = 0;
        foreach my $res (@{$tograde}) {
            if ($rowNum %2 == 1) {
                $rowColor = $rowColor1;
            } else {
                $rowColor = $rowColor2;
            my ($map,$id,$url)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($res);
            my $linkurl=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($url);
            $linkurl .= '?symb='.&escape($res);
            if ($$ungraded{$res}{'enclink'}) {
                $linkurl = 
            $r->print('<tr bgcolor="'.$rowColor.'"><td><a href="'.$linkurl.'"><small>'.$$ungraded{$res}{title}.'</small></a></td><td align="right"><small>'.$$ungraded{$res}{count}.'</small></td></tr>');
            $rowNum ++;
    } else {
        $r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff"><br><center><i><b><small>&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$lt{'nopr'}.'&nbsp;&nbsp;</small><br><br></b></i></td></tr>');

sub display_haserrors {
    my ($r,$bombs,$rowColor1,$rowColor2,$bombed,$res_title) = @_;
    my $bombnum = 0;
    my $rowColor;
    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                                   reso => 'Resource',
                                   nmer => 'Number of errors',
                                   noer => 'No problems with errors',
    if (@{$bombs} > 0) {
        $r->print('<tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td><b><small>'.$lt{'reso'}.'</small></b></td><td align="right"><b><small>'.$lt{'nmer'}.'</small></b></td></tr>');
        @{$bombs} = sort { &cmp_title($a,$b,$res_title) } @{$bombs};
        foreach my $bomb (@{$bombs}) {
            if ($bombnum %2 == 1) {
                $rowColor = $rowColor1;
            } else {
                $rowColor = $rowColor2;
            $r->print('<tr bgcolor="'.$rowColor.'"><td><small>'.$$bombed{$bomb}{errorlink}.'</small></td><td align="right"><small>'.$$bombed{$bomb}{errorcount}.'</small></td></tr>');
            $bombnum ++;
    } else {
        $r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff"><br /><center><b><i><small>'.$lt{'noer'}.'</small></i></b></center><br /></td></tr>');

sub display_abovethreshold {
    my ($r,$refpage,$warnings,$triggered,$res_title) = @_;
    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                 reso => 'Resource',
                 part => 'Part',
                 nust => 'Num. students',
                 avat => 'Av. Attempts',
                 dedi => 'Deg. Diff',
                 lare => 'Last Reset',
                 reco => 'Reset Count?',
                 rese => 'Reset counters to 0',
                 nopr => 'No problems satisfy threshold criteria',
    if (@{$warnings} > 0) {
        @{$warnings} = sort { &cmp_title($a,$b,$res_title) } @{$warnings};
        $r->print('<form name="reset_tracking" method="post" action="/adm/whatsnew">'.
                ' <input type="hidden" name="command" value="reset" />'."\n".
                ' <input type="hidden" name="refpage" value="'.$refpage.'" />'.
        $r->print('<tr class="LC_info_row">'.
		  '<td class="LC_first_item">'.$lt{'reso'}.'</td>'.
	my $row;
        foreach my $res (@{$warnings}) {
            my ($map,$id,$url)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($res);
            my $linkurl=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($url);
            my $rowspan;
            if ($$triggered{$res}{numparts} > 1) {
                $rowspan = 'rowspan="'.$$triggered{$res}{numparts}.'"';
            $linkurl .= '?symb='.&escape($res);
            if ($$triggered{$res}{'enclink'}) {
                $linkurl = 
            my $css_class = $row%2?'LC_odd_row':'';
            $r->print('<tr class="'.$css_class.'">'.
		      '<td class="LC_first_item" '.$rowspan.'><a href="'.$linkurl.'">'.
                      if (ref($$triggered{$res}{text}) eq 'ARRAY') {
            if (ref($$triggered{$res}{text}) eq 'ARRAY') {
                if (@{$$triggered{$res}{text}} > 1) {
                    for (my $i=1; $i<@{$$triggered{$res}{text}}; $i++) {
                        $r->print('<tr class="'.$css_class.'">'.
        $r->print('<tr class="LC_info_row"><td colspan="7"><br /><input type="submit" name="counters" value="'.$lt{'rese'}.'" /></td></tr></form>');
    } else {
        $r->print('<tr class="LC_empty_row"><td>'.$lt{'nopr'}.'</td></tr>');

sub display_versionchanges {
    my ($r,$changed,$res_title,$rowColor1,$rowColor2,$interval) = @_;
    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
        'reso' => 'Resource',
        'revd' => 'Last revised',
        'newv' => 'New version',
        'veru' => 'Version used',
        'noup' => 'No updated versions', 
    my $rowColor;
    if (keys(%{$changed}) > 0) {
        $r->print('<tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td><b><small>'.$lt{'reso'}.'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.$lt{'revd'}.'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.$lt{'newv'}.'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.$lt{'veru'}.'</small></b></td></tr>');
        my @changes = sort { &cmp_title($a,$b,$res_title) } keys(%{$changed});
        my $changenum = 0;
        foreach my $item (@changes) {
            if ($changenum %2 == 1) {
                $rowColor = $rowColor1;
            } else {
                $rowColor = $rowColor2;
            my ($map,$id,$url)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($item);
            my $linkurl=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($url);
            $linkurl .= '?symb='.&escape($item);

            $r->print('<tr bgcolor="'.$rowColor.'"><td><small><a href="'.$linkurl.'">'.$$res_title{$item}.'</a></small></td><td><small>'.$$changed{$item}{'revdate'}.'</small></td><td><small>'.$$changed{$item}{'current'}.'</small></td><td><small>'.$$changed{$item}{'version'}.'</small></td></tr>');
            $changenum ++;
    } else {
        $r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff"><br /><center><b><i><small>'.$lt{'noup'}.' '.$interval.'</small></i></b></center><br /></td></tr>');
sub display_coursediscussion {
    my ($r,$newdiscussions,$unread,$countunread,$res_title,$rowColor1,
                                                              $rowColor2) = @_;
    my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                'loca' => 'Location',
                'type' => 'Type',
                'numn' => 'Number of new posts',
                'noun' => 'No unread posts in '.$lctype.' discussions',
                'tmlp' => 'Time of last post', 
    my $rowColor;
    if (@{$newdiscussions} > 0) {
        $r->print('<tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td><b><small>'.$lt{'loca'}.
        if ($countunread eq 'on') {
                      '<td align="right"><b><small>'.$lt{'numn'}.
        } else {
            $r->print('<td align="right"><b><small>'.$lt{'tmlp'}.
        @{$newdiscussions} = sort { &cmp_title($a,$b,$res_title) }
        my $rowNum = 0;
        foreach my $ressymb (@{$newdiscussions}) {
            my $forum_title = $$unread{$ressymb}{'title'};
            my $type = 'Resource';
            my $feedurl=&Apache::lonfeedback::get_feedurl($ressymb);
            my $disclink = $feedurl.'?symb='.$$unread{$ressymb}{symb};
            if ($feedurl =~ /bulletinboard/) {
                $type = 'Bulletin Board';
            if ($$unread{$ressymb}{'enclink'}) {
                $disclink = $$unread{$ressymb}{'enclink'}.'?symb='.$$unread{$ressymb}{'encsymb'};
            if ($rowNum %2 == 1) {
                $rowColor = $rowColor1;
            } else {
                $rowColor = $rowColor2;
            my $lastpost = &Apache::lonnavmaps::timeToHumanString(
            $r->print('<tr bgcolor="'.$rowColor.'"><td><small><a href="'.$disclink.'">'.$forum_title.'</a>&nbsp;</td><td><small>'.$type.'&nbsp;</small></td>');
            if ($countunread eq 'on') {
                my $unreadnum = $$unread{$ressymb}{'unreadcount'};
                $r->print('<td><small>'.$lastpost.'<small></td><td align="right">'.
            } else {
                $r->print('<td align="right"><small>'.$lastpost.'</small></td>');
            $rowNum ++;
    } else {
        $r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff"><br><center>&nbsp;<i><b><small>'.

sub display_coursenormalmail {
    my ($r,$msgcount,$newmsgs,$rowColor1,$rowColor2) = @_;
    my $rowColor;
    my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
    if ($msgcount > 0) {
        $r->print('<tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td><b><small>'.&mt('Number').'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.&mt('Subject').'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.&mt('Sender').'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.&mt('Date/Time').'</small></b></td></tr>');
        my $rowNum = 0;
        my $mailcount = 1;
        foreach my $msg (@{$newmsgs}) {
            if ($rowNum %2 == 1) {
                $rowColor = $rowColor1;
            } else {
                $rowColor = $rowColor2;
            $r->print('<tr bgcolor="'.$rowColor.'"><td valign="top"><small>'.$mailcount.'. &nbsp;</small></td><td valign="top"><small><a href="/adm/communicate">'.$msg->{'shortsub'}.'</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;</small></td><td valign="top"><small>&nbsp;'.$msg->{'from'}.'@'.$msg->{'fromdom'}.'&nbsp;</small></td><td valign="top"><small>'.$msg->{'sendtime'}.'</small></td></tr>');
            $rowNum ++;
            $mailcount ++;
    } else {
        $r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="100%"><center><br /><b><i><small>'.&mt('No new '.$lctype.' messages').'</small></i></b><br /><br /></center></td></tr>');

sub display_coursecritmail {
    my ($r,$critmsgcount,$critmsgs,$rowColor1,$rowColor2) = @_;
    my $rowColor;
    my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
    if ($critmsgcount > 0) {
        $r->print('<tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td><b><small>'.&mt('Number').'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.&mt('Subject').'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.&mt('Sender').'</small></b></td><td><b><small>'.&mt('Date/Time').'</small></b></td></tr>');
        my $rowNum = 0;
        my $mailcount = 1;
        foreach my $msg (@{$critmsgs}) {
            if ($rowNum %2 == 1) {
                $rowColor = $rowColor1;
            } else {
                $rowColor = $rowColor2;
            $r->print('<tr bgcolor="'.$rowColor.'"><td valign="top"><small>'.$mailcount.'. &nbsp;<small></td><td valign="top"><small><a href="/adm/email?folder=critical">'.$msg->{'shortsub'}.'</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;</small></td><td valign="top"><small>&nbsp;'.$msg->{'from'}.'@'.$msg->{'fromdom'}.'&nbsp;</small></td><td valign="top"><small>'.$msg->{'sendtime'}.'</small></td></tr>');
            $rowNum ++;
            $mailcount ++;
    } else {
        $r->print('<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="100%"><center><br /><b><i><small>'.&mt('No unread critical messages in '.$lctype).'</small></i></b><br /><br /></center></td></tr>');

sub cmp_title {
    my ($a,$b,$res_title) = @_;
    my ($atitle,$btitle) = (lc($$res_title{$a}),lc($$res_title{$b}));
    return $atitle cmp $btitle;

sub get_display_settings {
    my ($uname,$udom,$cid) = @_;
    my %settings = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_whatsnew',$udom,$uname,$cid); 
    my ($tmp) = keys(%settings);
    if ($tmp=~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
        %settings = ();
        unless ($tmp =~ /^error: 2 /) {
	    my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
            &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Error retrieving whatsnew settings: '.
            $tmp.' for '.$uname.':'.$udom.' for '.$lctype.': '.$cid);
    return %settings;

sub store_display_settings {
    my ($uname,$udom,$cid,$checkallowed) = @_;
    my %whatsnew_settings;
    my $result;
    foreach my $key (keys(%{$checkallowed})) {
	if ($key =~ /_section$/) { next; }
        if (exists($env{'form.display_'.$key})) {
            unless ($env{'form.display_'.$key} eq '') {
                $whatsnew_settings{$cid.':'.$key} = $env{'form.display_'.$key};
    if (keys(%whatsnew_settings)) {
        $result = &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_whatsnew',\%whatsnew_settings,
    } else {
        $result = 'ok';
    return $result;

sub store_interval_setting {
    my ($uname,$udom,$cid,$interval_titles) = @_;
    my %interval_settings = ();
    my $result;
    if (defined($env{'form.interval'})) {
        $interval_settings{$cid.':interval'} = $env{'form.interval'};
        my $outcome = &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_whatsnew',
        if ($outcome eq 'ok') {
            $result = &mt('Interval set to version changes [_1]',
                  '<b>'.$$interval_titles{$env{'form.interval'}}.'</b><br />');

        } else {
	    my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
            &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Error storing whatsnew interval setting'.
                ' '.$outcome.' for '.$uname.':'.$udom.' in '.$lctype.' '.$cid);
            $result = &mt('Unable to set interval to [_1] due to [_2].',
                         '<tt>'.$outcome.'</tt>.<br />');
    return $result;

sub store_discussion_setting {
    my ($uname,$udom,$cid) = @_;
    my %discussion_settings;
    my $result;
    if (defined($env{'form.countunread'})) {
        $discussion_settings{$cid.':countunread'} = $env{'form.countunread'};
        my $outcome = &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_whatsnew',
        if ($outcome eq 'ok') {
            $result = &mt('Count unread posts in discussions display set to [_1]',
                  '<b>'.$env{'form.countunread'}.'</b><br />');
        } else {
	    my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
            &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Error storing whatsnew countunread setting'.
                ' '.$outcome.' for '.$uname.':'.$udom.' in '.$lctype.' '.$cid);
            $result = &mt('Unable to set "number unread posts display" to [_1]'.
                          ' due to [_2].',
                         '<tt>'.$outcome.'</tt>.<br />');
    return $result;

sub store_courseinit_setting {
    my ($uname,$udom,$cid,$initpage) = @_;
    my %courseinit_settings;
    my $page_control;
    my $result;
    if (defined($env{'form.courseinit_control'})) {
        if ($env{'form.courseinit_control'} eq 'userpref') {
            $courseinit_settings{$cid.':courseinit'} = '';
            $page_control = 'global preferences';
        } else {
            if (defined($env{'form.courseinit_page'})) {
                $courseinit_settings{$cid.':courseinit'} = 
                $page_control = 'course specific setting';
        if ($page_control) {
	    my $lctype = lc(&Apache::loncommon::course_type());
            my $outcome = &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_whatsnew',
            if ($outcome eq 'ok') {
                if ($page_control eq 'global preferences') {
                    $result = &mt("Page displayed after role selection in $lctype now set by <b>user's global preferences</b>.");
                } else {
                    $result = &mt('Page displayed after role selection in this '.$lctype.' set to <b>[_2]</b>',$lctype,$$initpage{$env{'form.courseinit_page'}});
            } else {
                &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Error storing whatsnew courseinit '.
                                         'setting: '.$outcome.' for '.$uname.
                                         ':'.$udom.' in '.$lctype.' '.$cid);
                if ($page_control eq 'global preferences') {
                    $result = &mt('Unable to set control of page display to [_1]'.
                          ' due to [_2].',
                         '<tt>'.$outcome.'</tt>.<br />');
                } else {
                    $result = &mt('Unable to set page display, after role selection, for this '.$lctype.' to <b>[_2]</b> due to <tt>[_3]</tt>.<br />',
    return $result;

sub start_box {
    my ($r,$tabbg,$show,$heading,$caller,$refpage) = @_;
    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash( 
                       chth => 'Change thresholds?',
                       chin => 'Change interval?',
                       chop => 'Change options?',
    my ($showhide,$class);
    if ($$show{$caller}) {
        $showhide = '<b><a href="javascript:change_display(document.visible.'.
    } else {
        $showhide = '<b><a href="javascript:change_display(document.visible.'.
         <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#000000" width="100%">
            <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#000000" width="100%">
               <td bgcolor="'.$tabbg.'">
                <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                  <td valign="top" align="right">'.$showhide.'</td>
     if (($caller eq 'abovethreshold') && ($$show{$caller})) {
         if ($$show{$caller}) {
                <td bgcolor="'.$tabbg.'" align="right"><a href="/adm/whatsnew?command=chgthreshold&refpage='.$refpage.'"><b><small>'.$lt{'chth'}.'</small></b></a></td>
     } elsif (($caller eq 'versionchanges') && ($$show{$caller})) {
         if ($$show{$caller}) {
                <td bgcolor="'.$tabbg.'" align="right"><a href="/adm/whatsnew?command=chginterval&refpage='.$refpage.'"><b><small>'.$lt{'chin'}.'</small></b></a></td>
     } elsif ($caller eq 'coursediscussion') {
         if ($$show{$caller}) {
                <td bgcolor="'.$tabbg.'" align="right"><a href="/adm/whatsnew?command=chgdisc&refpage='.$refpage.'"><b><small>'.$lt{'chop'}.'</small></b></a></td>
               <td bgcolor="#ffffff">
                <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" '.$class.'>

sub end_box {
    my ($r) = shift;
</table><br />');


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