--- loncom/interface/portfolio.pm 2004/06/28 16:07:47 1.8
+++ loncom/interface/portfolio.pm 2009/01/03 19:14:19 1.204
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+# The LearningOnline Network
+# portfolio browser
+# $Id: portfolio.pm,v 1.204 2009/01/03 19:14:19 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
@@ -18,12 +23,9 @@
# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
# http://www.lon-capa.org/
package Apache::portfolio;
use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
@@ -32,227 +34,2379 @@ use Apache::lonnet;
use Apache::lontexconvert;
use Apache::lonfeedback;
use Apache::lonlocal;
+use Apache::lonnet;
+use Apache::longroup;
+use Apache::lonhtmlcommon;
+use HTML::Entities;
-# receives a file name assumed to reside in username/userfiles/portfolio/
-# returns a form consisting of a single submit button labeled with the filename
-sub makeAnchor {
- my ($fileName, $currentPath) = @_;
- my $anchor = ''.$fileName.'';
-# my $button = '
-# ';
- return $anchor;
+sub group_args {
+ my $output;
+ if (defined($env{'form.group'})) {
+ $output .= '&group='.$env{'form.group'};
+ if (defined($env{'form.ref'})) {
+ $output .= '&ref='.$env{'form.ref'};
+ }
+ }
+ return $output;
-# returns html with separated contents of the directory
-# returns a currentFile (bolds the selected file/dir)
-sub displayDirectory {
- my ($currentPath, $currentFile, $isDir, @dirList,) = @_;
- my $displayOut='';
- my $fileName;
- my $upPath;
- if ($currentPath ne '/') {
- $displayOut = 'Listing of '.$currentPath.' '.
- # provides the "up one directory level" function
- # it means shortening the currentpath to the parent directory
- $currentPath =~ m:(^/.*)(/.*/$ ):;
- if ($1 ne '/') {
- $upPath = $1.'/';
- } else {
- $upPath = $1;
+sub group_form_data {
+ my $output;
+ if (defined($env{'form.group'})) {
+ $output = '';
+ if (exists($env{'form.ref'})) {
+ $output .= '';
+ }
+ return $output;
+# receives a file name and path stub from username/userfiles/portfolio/
+# returns an anchor tag consisting encoding filename and currentpath
+sub make_anchor {
+ my ($url, $anchor_fields, $inner_text) = @_;
+ if ($$anchor_fields{'continue'} ne 'true') {$$anchor_fields{'continue'} = 'false'};
+ my $anchor = ''.$inner_text.'';
+ return $anchor;
+my $dirptr=16384;
+sub display_common {
+ my ($r,$url,$current_path,$is_empty,$dir_list,$can_upload)=@_;
+ my $namespace = &get_namespace();
+ my $port_path = &get_port_path();
+ if ($can_upload) {
+ my $groupitem = &group_form_data();
+ my $iconpath= $r->dir_config('lonIconsURL') . "/";
+ my %lt=&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+ 'upload' => 'Upload',
+ 'upload_label' => 'Upload file to current directory',
+ 'createdir' => 'Create Subdirectory',
+ 'createdir_label' =>
+ 'Create subdirectory in current directory',
+ 'parse' => 'If HTML file, upload embedded images/multimedia/css/linked files'
+ );
+ my $escuri = &HTML::Entities::encode($r->uri,'&<>"');
+ my $help_fileupload = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Portfolio AddFiles');
+ my $help_createdir = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Portfolio CreateDirectory');
- $displayOut = $displayOut.'.. ';
+ # FIXME: This line should be deleted once Portfolio uses breadcrumbs
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Portfolio About', &mt('Help on the portfolio')));
+ my $parse_check;
+ if (!&suppress_embed_prompt()) {
+ $parse_check = <<"END";
+ }
+ $r->print('
+ # Upload File
+ $r->print('
+ .''
+ .'
+ );
+ # Create Subdirectory
+ $r->print('
+ .''
+ .'
+ );
+ $r->print('
+ } # end "if can_upload"
+ my @tree = split (/\//,$current_path);
+ my %anchor_fields = (
+ 'selectfile' => $port_path,
+ 'currentpath' => '/',
+ 'mode' => $env{"form.mode"},
+ 'fieldname' => $env{"form.fieldname"},
+ 'continue' => $env{"form.continue"}
+ );
+ $r->print(''.&make_anchor($url,\%anchor_fields,$port_path).'/');
+ if (@tree > 1){
+ my $newCurrentPath = '/';
+ for (my $i = 1; $i< @tree; $i++){
+ $newCurrentPath .= $tree[$i].'/';
+ my %anchor_fields = (
+ 'selectfile' => $tree[$i],
+ 'currentpath' => $newCurrentPath,
+ 'mode' => $env{"form.mode"},
+ 'fieldname' => $env{"form.fieldname"},
+ 'continue' => $env{"form.continue"}
+ );
+ $r->print(&make_anchor($url,\%anchor_fields,$tree[$i]).'/');
+ }
+ }
+ $r->print('');
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Portfolio ChangeDirectory'));
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::store_recent($namespace,$current_path,$current_path);
+ $r->print(' ");
+sub display_directory_line {
+ my ($r,$select_mode, $filename, $mtime, $size, $css_class,
+ $line, $access_controls, $curr_access, $now, $version_flag,
+ $href_location, $url, $current_path, $access_admin_text, $versions)=@_;
+ my $fullpath = &prepend_group($current_path.$filename);
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row());
+ $r->print($line); # contains first two cells of table
+ my $lock_info;
+ if ($version_flag) { # versioned can't be versioned, so TRUE when root file
+ $r->print('
+ $r->print('
+ } else { # this is a graded or handed back file
+ my ($user,$domain) = &get_name_dom($env{'form.group'});
+ my $permissions_hash = &Apache::lonnet::get_portfile_permissions($domain,$user);
+ if (defined($$permissions_hash{$fullpath})) {
+ foreach my $array_item (@{$$permissions_hash{$fullpath}}) {
+ if (ref($array_item) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if ($$array_item[-1] eq 'handback') {
+ $lock_info = 'Handback';
+ } elsif ($$array_item[-1] eq 'graded') {
+ $lock_info = 'Graded';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($lock_info) {
+ my %anchor_fields = ('lockinfo' => $fullpath);
+ if ($versions) { # hold the folder open
+ my ($fname,$version,$extension) = &Apache::grades::file_name_version_ext($fullpath);
+ $fname =~ s|^/||;
+ $anchor_fields{'showversions'} = $fname.'.'.$extension;
+ }
+ $lock_info = &make_anchor(undef,\%anchor_fields,$lock_info);
+ }
+ $r->print('
+ &close_form($r,$url);
+sub delete_dir_confirmed {
+ my ($r,$url,$group)=@_;
+ my $directory_name = $env{'form.currentpath'};
+ $directory_name =~ s|/$||; # remove any trailing slash
+ my ($uname,$udom) = &get_name_dom($group);
+ my $namespace = &get_namespace();
+ my $port_path = &get_port_path();
+ my $result=&Apache::lonnet::removeuserfile($uname,$udom,$port_path.
+ $directory_name);
+ if ($result ne 'ok') {
+ $r->print(''
+ .&mt('An error occurred (dir) ([_1]) while trying to delete [_2].'
+ ,$result,$directory_name)
+ .' ');
+ } else {
+ # now remove from recent
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::remove_recent($namespace,[$directory_name.'/']);
+ my @dirs = split m!/!, $directory_name;
+ $directory_name='/';
+ for (my $i=1; $i < (@dirs - 1); $i ++){
+ $directory_name .= $dirs[$i].'/';
+ }
+ $env{'form.currentpath'} = $directory_name;
+ }
+ $r->print(&done(undef,$url));
+sub rename {
+ my ($r,$url,$group)=@_;
+ my $file_name = $env{'form.currentpath'}.$env{'form.rename'};
+ my ($uname,$udom) = &get_name_dom($group);
+ $file_name = &prepend_group($file_name);
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::is_locked($file_name,$udom,$uname) eq 'true') {
+ $r->print("The file is locked and cannot be renamed. ");
+ $r->print(&done(undef,$url));
+ } else {
+ &open_form($r,$url);
+ $r->print('
'.&mt('Rename [_1] to [_2]?', &display_file()
+ , '').'
+ &close_form($r,$url);
+ }
+sub rename_confirmed {
+ my ($r,$url,$group)=@_;
+ my $filenewname=&Apache::lonnet::clean_filename($env{'form.filenewname'});
+ my ($uname,$udom) = &get_name_dom($group);
+ my $port_path = &get_port_path();
+ if ($filenewname eq '') {
+ $r->print(''.
+ &mt("Error: no valid filename was provided to rename to.").
+ ' ');
+ $r->print(&done(undef,$url));
+ return;
+ }
+ my $chg_access;
+ my $result=
+ &Apache::lonnet::renameuserfile($uname,$udom,
+ $port_path.$env{'form.currentpath'}.$env{'form.selectfile'},
+ $port_path.$env{'form.currentpath'}.$filenewname);
+ if ($result eq 'ok') {
+ $chg_access = &access_for_renamed($filenewname,$group,$udom,$uname);
+ } else {
+ $r->print(''.
+ &mt('An error occurred ([_1]) while trying to rename [_2] to [_3].'
+ ,$result,&display_file(),&display_file('',$filenewname))
+ .' ');
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($filenewname ne $env{'form.filenewname'}) {
+ $r->print(&mt("The new file name was changed from: [_1] to [_2]",
+ ''.&display_file('',$env{'form.filenewname'}).'',
+ ''.&display_file('',$filenewname).''));
+ }
+ $r->print($chg_access);
+ $r->print(&done(undef,$url));
+sub access_for_renamed {
+ my ($filenewname,$group,$udom,$uname) = @_;
+ my $oldfile = $env{'form.currentpath'}.$env{'form.selectfile'};
+ $oldfile = &prepend_group($oldfile);
+ my $newfile = $env{'form.currentpath'}.$filenewname;
+ $newfile = &prepend_group($newfile);
+ my $current_permissions =
+ &Apache::lonnet::get_portfile_permissions($udom,$uname);
+ my %access_controls =
+ &Apache::lonnet::get_access_controls($current_permissions,
+ $group,$oldfile);
+ my $chg_text;
+ if (keys(%access_controls) > 0) {
+ my %change_old;
+ my %change_new;
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$access_controls{$oldfile}})) {
+ $change_old{'delete'}{$key} = 1;
+ $change_new{'activate'}{$key} = $access_controls{$oldfile}{$key};
+ }
+ my ($outcome,$deloutcome,$new_values,$translation) =
+ &Apache::lonnet::modify_access_controls($oldfile,\%change_old,
+ $udom,$uname);
+ if ($outcome ne 'ok') {
+ $chg_text ='
'.&mt("An error occurred ([_1]) while ".
+ "trying to delete access control records for the old name.",$outcome).
+ ' ';
+ } else {
+ if ($deloutcome ne 'ok') {
+ $chg_text = '
+ &mt("An error occurred ([_1]) while ".
+ "trying to delete access control records for the old name.",$deloutcome).
+ ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ ($outcome,$deloutcome,$new_values,$translation) =
+ &Apache::lonnet::modify_access_controls($newfile,\%change_new,
+ $udom,$uname);
+ if ($outcome ne 'ok') {
+ $chg_text .= '
+ &mt("An error occurred ([_1]) while ".
+ "trying to update access control records for the new name.",$outcome).
+ ' ';
+ }
+ if ($chg_text eq '') {
+ $chg_text = '
'.&mt('Access controls updated to reflect the name change.');
+ }
+ }
+ return $chg_text;
+sub display_access {
+ my ($r,$url,$group,$can_setacl,$port_path,$action) = @_;
+ my ($uname,$udom) = &get_name_dom($group);
+ my $file_name = $env{'form.currentpath'}.$env{'form.access'};
+ $file_name = &prepend_group($file_name);
+ my $current_permissions = &Apache::lonnet::get_portfile_permissions($udom,
+ $uname);
+ my %access_controls = &Apache::lonnet::get_access_controls($current_permissions,$group,$file_name);
+ my $aclcount = keys(%access_controls);
+ my ($header,$info);
+ if ($action eq 'chgaccess') {
+ $header = '
'.&mt('Allowing others to retrieve file: [_1]',$port_path.$env{'form.currentpath'}.$env{'form.access'}).'
+ $info .= &mt('Access to this file by others can be set to be one or more of the following types: public, passphrase-protected or conditional.');
+ $info .= '
'.&mt('Public files are available to anyone without the need for login.');
+ $info .= '
'.&mt('Passphrase-protected files do not require log-in, but will require the viewer to enter the passphrase you set.');
+ $info .= '
+ $info .= '
+ &mt('A listing of files viewable without log-in is available at: ')."".&Apache::lonnet::absolute_url($ENV{'SERVER_NAME'})."/adm/$udom/$uname/aboutme/portfolio. ";
+ if ($group eq '') {
+ $info .= &mt("For logged in users a 'Display file listing' link will also appear (when there are viewable files) on your personal information page:");
+ } else {
+ $info .= &mt("For logged in users a 'Display file listing' link will also appear (when there are viewable files) on the course information page:");
+ }
+ $info .= " ".&Apache::lonnet::absolute_url($ENV{'SERVER_NAME'})."/adm/$udom/$uname/aboutme ";
+ if ($group ne '') {
+ $info .= &mt("Users with privileges to edit course contents may add a course information page to a course using the 'Course Info' button in DOCS").' ';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $header = '
'.&mt('Conditional access controls for file: [_1]',$port_path.$env{'form.currentpath'}.$env{'form.access'}).'
+ &explain_conditionals().' ';
+ }
+ if ($can_setacl) {
+ &open_form($r,$url);
+ $r->print($header.$info);
+ $r->print(' '.&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Portfolio ShareFile SetAccess', &mt('Help on setting up share access')));
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Portfolio ShareFile ChangeSetting', &mt('Help on changing settings')));
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Portfolio ShareFile StopAccess', &mt('Help on removing share access')));
+ &access_setting_table($r,$url,$file_name,$access_controls{$file_name},
+ $action);
+ my $button_text = {
+ 'continue' => &mt('Proceed'),
+ 'cancel' => &mt('Return to directory'),
+ };
+ &close_form($r,$url,$button_text);
+ } else {
+ $r->print($header);
+ if ($aclcount) {
+ $r->print($info);
+ }
+ &view_access_settings($r,$url,$access_controls{$file_name},$aclcount);
+ }
+sub explain_conditionals {
+ return
+ &mt('Conditional files are accessible to logged-in users with accounts in the LON-CAPA network, who satisfy the conditions you set.').' '."\n".
+ &mt('The conditions can include affiliation with a particular course, or a user account in a specific domain.').' '."\n".
+ &mt('Alternatively access can be granted to people with specific LON-CAPA usernames and domains.');
+sub view_access_settings {
+ my ($r,$url,$access_controls,$aclcount) = @_;
+ my ($showstart,$showend);
+ my %todisplay;
+ foreach my $key (sort(keys(%{$access_controls}))) {
+ my ($num,$scope,$end,$start) = &unpack_acc_key($key);
+ $todisplay{$scope}{$key} = $$access_controls{$key};
+ }
+ if ($aclcount) {
+ $r->print('
'.&mt('Current access controls defined for this file:').'