--- loncom/interface/portfolio.pm 2004/06/25 18:47:18 1.6
+++ loncom/interface/portfolio.pm 2004/08/24 04:55:49 1.22
@@ -18,12 +18,9 @@
# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
# http://www.lon-capa.org/
package Apache::portfolio;
use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
@@ -32,221 +29,300 @@ use Apache::lonnet;
use Apache::lontexconvert;
use Apache::lonfeedback;
use Apache::lonlocal;
+# receives a file name and path stub from username/userfiles/portfolio/
+# returns an anchor tag consisting encoding filename and currentpath
sub makeAnchor{
- # receives a file name assumed to reside in username/userfiles/portfolio/
- # returns a form consisting of a single submit button labeled with the file name
- my ($fileName, $currentPath) = @_;
- my $anchor = ''.$fileName.'';
-# my $button = '
-# ';
- return $anchor;
+ my ($fileName, $currentPath) = @_;
+ my $anchor = ''.$fileName.'';
+ return $anchor;
+# returns html with separated contents of the directory
+# returns a currentFile (bolds the selected file/dir)
sub displayDirectory {
- # returns html with separated contents of the directory
- # returns a currentFile (bolds the selected file/dir)
- my ($currentPath, $currentFile, $isDir, @dirList,) = @_;
- my $displayOut='';
- my $fileName;
- my $upPath;
- if ($currentPath ne '/'){
- $displayOut = 'Listing of '.$currentPath.' '.
- # provides the "up one directory level" function
- # it means shortening the currentpath to the parent directory
- $currentPath =~ m:(^/.*)(/.*/$):;
- if ($1 ne '/'){
- $upPath = $1.'/';
- }else{
- $upPath = $1;
- }
- $displayOut = $displayOut.'.. ';
- } else {
- $displayOut = $displayOut.'at root '.$currentPath.' ';
- }
- while ($fileName = shift @dirList){
- if (($fileName ne './') && ($fileName ne '../')){
- if ($fileName =~ m:/$:){
- # handle directories different from files
- if ($fileName eq $currentFile){ #checks to bold the selected file
- $displayOut = $displayOut.''.(makeAnchor($fileName, $currentPath.$fileName).' ');
- }else{
- $displayOut = $displayOut.(makeAnchor($fileName, $currentPath.$fileName).' ');
- }
- }else{
- if ($fileName eq $currentFile){ #checks to bold the selected file
- $displayOut = $displayOut.''.(makeAnchor($fileName, $currentPath).' ');
- }else{
- $displayOut = $displayOut.(makeAnchor($fileName, $currentPath).' ');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $displayOut = $displayOut.
- return $displayOut;
+ my ($currentPath, $currentFile, @dirList,) = @_;
+ my $displayOut='';
+ my $fileName;
+ my $upPath;
+ if ($currentPath ne '/'){
+ $displayOut = 'Listing of '.$currentPath.' '.
+ # provides the "up one directory level" function
+ # it means shortening the currentpath to the parent directory
+ $currentPath =~ m:(^/.*)(/.*/$):;
+ if ($1 ne '/'){
+ $upPath = $1.'/';
+ }else{
+ $upPath = $1;
+ }
+ # $displayOut = $displayOut.'.. ';
+ } else {
+ # $displayOut = $displayOut.'at root '.$currentPath.' ';
+ }
+ foreach my $line (@dirList) {
+ #$strip holds directory/file name
+ #$dom
+ my ($fileName,$dom,undef,$testdir,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$obs,undef)=split(/\&/,$line,16);
+ if (($fileName ne '.') && ($fileName ne '..')){
+ if ($testdir =~ m:^1:){
+ # handle directories different from files
+ if ($fileName eq $currentFile){ #checks to bold the selected file
+ $displayOut.= ''.(makeAnchor($fileName.'/', $fileName.'/').' '."\n");
+ }else{
+ $displayOut.= (makeAnchor($fileName.'/', $fileName.'/').' '."\n");
+ }
+ }else{
+ if ($fileName eq $currentFile){ #checks to bold the selected file
+ $displayOut.=''.(makeAnchor($fileName, $currentPath).' '."\n");
+ }else{
+ $displayOut.=(makeAnchor($fileName, $currentPath).' '."\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $displayOut;
sub displayActions {
- # returns html to offer user appropriate actions depending on selected file/directory
- my $displayOut;
- my ($currentPath, $currentFile, $isDir, $isFile) = @_;
-# $displayOut = 'here are actions for '.$currentFile;
- if ($isDir){
- $displayOut = 'Directory';
- }
- if ($isFile){
- $displayOut = 'File';
- }
- $displayOut = $displayOut.'
- ';
- $displayOut = $displayOut.'Add a file to your portfolio';
- # file upload form
- $displayOut = $displayOut.'';
- $displayOut = $displayOut.'
- ';
- return $displayOut;
+ # returns html to offer user appropriate actions depending on selected file/directory
+ my $displayOut;
+ my ($currentPath, $currentFile, $isEmpty) = @_;
+# $displayOut = 'here are actions for '.$currentFile;
+ if ($currentFile =~ m:/$:){
+ # if the selected file is a directory, these are the options
+ # offer the chance to delete the directory only if it is empty
+ if ($isEmpty && ($currentPath ne '/')) {
+ $displayOut = $displayOut.'';
+ }
+ if ($currentPath ne '/') {
+ $displayOut = $displayOut.'
+ ';
+ }
+ }else{ #action options offered for files
+ $displayOut = $displayOut.'';
+ $displayOut = $displayOut.'
+ ';
+ }
+ $displayOut = $displayOut.'Add a file to '.$currentPath;
+ # file upload form
+ $displayOut = $displayOut.'';
+ $displayOut = $displayOut.'
+ ';
+ return $displayOut;
sub handler {
- # this handles file management
- my $r=@_[0];
- my @dirList; # will hold directory listing as array
- my $udir; # returned from home server
- my $currentPath; # path assuming /userfiles/portfolio/ as root
- my $currentFile; # directory or file contained in $pathToRoot.$currentPath
- my $action; # delete, rename, makedirectory, removedirectory,
- my $filenewname; # for rename action (guess what we do with it!)
- my $isFile;
- my $isDir;
- # send header
- $r->content_type('text/html');
- $r->send_http_header;
- $r->print(''.
- 'Portfolio Management'.
- "\n");
- $r->print ('
- #grab stuff that was sent
- &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
+ # this handles file management
+ my $r = shift;
+ my $iconpath= $r->dir_config('lonIconsURL') . "/";
+ my @dirList; # will hold directory listing as array
+ my $udir; # returned from home server
+ my $currentPath; # path assuming /userfiles/portfolio/ as root
+ my $currentFile; # directory or file contained in $pathToRoot.$currentPath
+ my $action; # delete, rename, makedirectory, removedirectory,
+ my $filenewname; # for rename action (guess what we do with it!)
+ my $isFile;
+ my $isEmpty;
+ my $dirptr=16384;
+ &Apache::loncommon::no_cache($r);
+ &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
+ $r->send_http_header;
+ # Give the LON-CAPA page header
+ $r->print(''.
+ &mt('Portfolio Manager').
+ "\n".
+ &Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Portfolio Manager'));
+ $r->rflush();
+ &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'},
['selectfile','currentpath', 'currentfile']);
- $r->print (' CP= '.$ENV{'form.currentpath'}.' ');
- # currentPath and currentFile need to be set for the rest of things to happen
- # sometimes, currentFile will be passed by a form field, selectedfile
- # if there is no 'form.selectedfile' then the current directory is
- # considered as selected
- if ($ENV{'form.currentpath'}){
- $currentPath = $ENV{'form.currentpath'};
- }else{
- $currentPath = '/';
- }
- if ($ENV{'form.selectfile'}){
- $r->print(' found selectfile'.$ENV{'form.selectfile'} .' ');
- # have to check if the selected file is a subdirectory
- if ($ENV{'form.selectfile'} =~ /-\(Dir\)/){
- # $currentPath =~ /\-\(Dir\)/;
- $currentPath = $`.'/';
- $r->print(' '.$currentPath.' ');
- }
- $currentFile = $ENV{'form.selectfile'};
- }else{
- $currentFile = '';
- }
- # if we're uploading a file, we need to do it early so it will show in the directory list
- if ($ENV{'form.uploaddoc.filename'}){
- $r->print ($ENV{'form.storeupl'}.' ');
- $r->print (&Apache::lonnet::userfileupload('uploaddoc','','portfolio'.$currentPath).' ');
- }
- # similarly, we need to delete or rename files before getting directory list
- if ($ENV{'form.selectfile'}){
- if ($ENV{'form.fileaction'} eq 'delete'){
- &Apache::lonnet::portfoliomanage($ENV{'form.selectfile'}, 'delete', undef );
- $currentFile = '';
- }elsif($ENV{'form.fileaction'} eq 'rename') {
- &Apache::lonnet::portfoliomanage($ENV{'form.selectfile'}, 'rename', $ENV{'form.filenewname'} );
- # $r->print ('We will rename your file');
- }
- }
- # we always need $dirList, plus this will return information about the current file
- # as well as information about he home server directory structure, specifically
- # the path to the users userfiles directory.
- @dirList = split / /, (&Apache::lonnet::portfoliolist($currentPath, $currentFile));
- # portfoliolist returns isdir, isfile and udir as the final array elements
- # we'll pop them off the bottom of the array, and put them where they belong
- # $londcall added to help debug
- my $londcall = pop @dirList;
- $r->print (' udir '.$londcall.' ');
- $udir = pop @dirList;
- $r->print (' path returned '.$udir.' ');
- $isFile = pop @dirList;
-# $r->print (' isfile '.$isFile.' ');
- $isDir = pop @dirList;
-# $r->print (' isdir '.$isDir.' ');
-# return OK if $r->header_only;
- # Stuff to maintain proper setting for selected file
- if ($ENV{'form.selectfile'}){
- if ($ENV{'form.fileaction'} eq 'delete'){
- &Apache::lonnet::portfoliomanage($ENV{'form.selectfile'}, 'delete', undef );
- $ENV{'portfolio.file'} = 'Selected File Deleted';
- }elsif($ENV{'form.fileaction'} eq 'rename') {
- &Apache::lonnet::portfoliomanage($ENV{'form.selectfile'}, 'rename', $ENV{'form.filenewname'} );
-# $r->print ('We will rename your file');
- }else{
- # Remember user's file selection for later
- $ENV{'portfolio.file'} = $ENV{'form.selectfile'};
- # offer things user can do with selected file
- }
- }else{
- unless ($ENV{'portfolio.file'}){
- $ENV{'portfolio.file'} = 'No File Selected';
- }
- }
- ##############################
- #
- # Display begins here
- #
- ##############################
- $r->print (' start ');
- $r->print ($udir);
- $r->print ('
- return OK;
+ # currentPath and currentFile need to be set for the rest of things to happen
+ # sometimes, currentFile will be passed by a form field, selectedfile
+ # if there is no 'form.selectedfile' then the current directory is
+ # considered as selected
+ if ($ENV{'form.currentpath'}) {
+ $currentPath = $ENV{'form.currentpath'};
+ } else {
+ $currentPath = '/';
+ }
+ if ($ENV{'form.selectfile'}) {
+ # have to check if the selected file is a subdirectory
+ if ($ENV{'form.selectfile'} =~ /-\(Dir\)/){
+ # $currentPath =~ /\-\(Dir\)/;
+ $currentPath = $`.'/';
+ $r->print(' '.$currentPath.' ');
+ }
+ $currentFile = $ENV{'form.selectfile'};
+ } else {
+ $currentFile = '';
+ }
+ # if we're uploading a file, we need to do it early so it will show in the directory list
+ if ($ENV{'form.uploaddoc.filename'}) {
+ $r->print($ENV{'form.storeupl'}.' ');
+ $r->print(&Apache::lonnet::userfileupload('uploaddoc','','portfolio'.$currentPath).' ');
+ }
+ # similarly, we need to delete or rename files before getting directory list
+ if ($ENV{'form.selectfile'}){
+ if ($ENV{'form.fileaction'} eq 'delete') {
+ $r->print(' trying to delete '.$currentPath.$ENV{'form.selectfile'}.' ');
+ $r->print(&Apache::lonnet::removeuserfile($ENV{'user.name'}, $ENV{'user.domain'},'portfolio'.$currentPath.$ENV{'form.selectfile'}));
+ $currentFile = '';
+ } elsif ($ENV{'form.fileaction'} eq 'rename') {
+ &Apache::lonnet::portfoliomanage($currentPath.$ENV{'form.selectfile'}, 'rename', $currentPath.$ENV{'form.filenewname'} );
+ }
+ }
+ # we always need $dirList, plus this will return information about the current file
+ # as well as information about the home server directory structure, specifically
+ # the path to the users userfiles directory.
+ #
+ my $portfolio_root = &Apache::loncommon::propath($ENV{'user.domain'},
+ $ENV{'user.name'}).
+ '/userfiles/portfolio';
+ @dirList = &Apache::lonnet::dirlist($currentPath, $ENV{'user.domain'}, $ENV{'user.name'}, $portfolio_root);
+ if (@dirList == 2) { # need to know if directory is empty so it can be removed if desired
+ $isEmpty = 1;
+ } else {
+ $isEmpty = 0;
+ }
+ if ($ENV{'form.selectfile'}) {
+ if ($ENV{'form.fileaction'} eq 'delete') {
+ &Apache::lonnet::portfoliomanage($ENV{'form.selectfile'}, 'delete', undef );
+ $ENV{'portfolio.file'} = 'Selected File Deleted';
+ } elsif ($ENV{'form.fileaction'} eq 'rename') {
+ &Apache::lonnet::portfoliomanage($ENV{'form.selectfile'}, 'rename', $ENV{'form.filenewname'});
+ } else {
+ # Remember user's file selection for later
+ $ENV{'portfolio.file'} = $ENV{'form.selectfile'};
+ # offer things user can do with selected file
+ }
+ }else{
+ unless ($ENV{'portfolio.file'}){
+ $ENV{'portfolio.file'} = 'No File Selected';
+ }
+ }
+ ##############################
+ #
+ # Display begins here
+ #
+ ##############################
+ $r->print('
+ $r->print('
+ my $displayOut = '';
+ $r->print($displayOut);
+ $r->print('
+ my $displayOut = '';
+ $r->print($displayOut);
+ $r->print('
+ my $href_location="/uploaded/$ENV{'user.domain'}/$ENV{'user.name'}/portfolio/$currentPath/";
+ foreach my $line (@dirList) {
+ #$strip holds directory/file name
+ #$dom
+ my ($fileName,$dom,undef,$testdir,undef,undef,undef,undef,$size,undef,$mtime,undef,undef,undef,$obs,undef)=split(/\&/,$line,16);
+ if (($fileName ne '.') && ($fileName ne '..')){
+ if ($dirptr&$testdir){
+ $r->print('