version 1.5, 2002/04/10 16:23:24
version 1.35, 2003/08/28 13:58:35
Line 1
Line 1
#!/usr/bin/perl |
#!/usr/bin/perl |
use Image::Magick; |
use IO::File; |
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; |
use Image::Magick; |
print "<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">\n"; |
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; |
print "<h1>OUTPUT is in the PDF FILE below</h1>\n"; |
print "<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">\n"; |
my ($texfile,$laystyle,$notepslist) = split(/&/,$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); |
my ($texfile,$laystyle,$numberofcolumns,$selectionmade) = split(/&/,$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); |
my $figfile = $texfile; |
#if ($notepslist ne '') { |
$figfile =~ s/^([^\.]+printout)[^t]+\.tex/$1\.dat/; |
# my $image = Image::Magick->new; |
my $duefile = $texfile; |
my $newnotepslist = $notepslist; |
$duefile =~ s/^([^\.]+printout)[^t]+\.tex/$1\.due/; |
$newnotepslist =~ s/\.eps/\.gif/; |
#do we have figures? |
# $image->Read("gif:$newnotepslist"); |
if (-e $figfile) { |
# $image->Set(page => '+100+200'); |
my $temporary_file=IO::File->new($figfile) || die "Couldn't open file for reading: $!\n"; |
$_ = $notepslist; |
my @content_of_file = <$temporary_file>; |
m/\/(\w+\.eps)/; |
close $temporary_file; |
$notepslist = $1; |
my $noteps; |
# $image->Write("eps:$notepslist"); |
foreach $not_eps (@content_of_file) { |
# open(EPS,$notepslist) or die "Couldn't open the EPS file: $!"; |
if ($not_eps ne '') { |
# undef $/; |
my $eps_f = $not_eps; |
# my $eps = <EPS>; |
$eps_f =~ s/\.[^.]*$/\.eps/i; |
# close EPS; |
$_ = $eps_f; |
$notepslist = '/home/httpd/prtspool/'.$1; |
m/\/([^\/]+)$/; |
# open(OUT,'>'.$notepslist) or die "Couldn't open the output EPS file: $!"; |
$eps_f = '/home/httpd/prtspool/'.$1; |
# print OUT <<EndPrint; |
my $image = Image::Magick->new; |
#/Times-Roman findfont 48 scalefont setfont |
$not_eps =~ s/^\s+//; |
#100 150 moveto |
$not_eps =~ s/\s+$//; |
#(This is an EPS graphic) show |
$status = $image->Read($not_eps); |
#EndPrint |
if ($status) {print " $status ";} |
#print OUT $notepslist; |
$image->Set(page => '+100+200'); |
#print OUT "showpage\n"; |
$status = $image->Write($eps_f); |
#close OUT; |
if ($status) {print " $status ";} |
print" aaa: $newnotepslist\n"; |
#check is eps exist in prtspool |
print" bbb: $notepslist\n CCC: "; |
if(not -e $eps_f) { |
system("convert gif:$newnotepslist eps:$notepslist" ); |
for (my $i=0;$i<10000;$i++) { |
#} |
if (-e $eps_f.'.'.$i) { |
print "$texfile\n"; |
rename $eps_f.'.'.$i, $eps_f; |
$_ = $texfile; |
last; |
m/^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/; |
} |
my $name_file = $2; |
} |
my $path_file = $1.'/'; |
} |
chdir $path_file; |
} |
system("latex $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); |
} |
$name_file =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/; |
unlink $figfile; |
my $new_name_file = $name_file; |
} |
$new_name_file =~ s/\.dvi/\.ps/; |
#print "$texfile\n"; #name of the tex file for debugging only |
my $comma = "dvips -o $new_name_file"; |
if (-e $texfile) { |
system("$comma $name_file"); |
$texfile =~ m/^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/; |
$_ = $new_name_file; |
my $name_file = $2; |
m/^(.*)\./; |
my $path_file = $1.'/'; |
my $tempo_file = $1.''; |
chdir $path_file; |
my $name_file = $1.'.pdf'; |
system("latex $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); |
if ($laystyle eq 'album') { |
if ($selectionmade>=10) {system("latex $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null");} #to create table of contents |
$comma = "psnup -2 -s1.0 $new_name_file"; |
my $idxname=$name_file; |
system("$comma $tempo_file"); |
$idxname=~s/\.tex$/\.idx/; |
system("ps2pdf $tempo_file $name_file"); |
if ($selectionmade>=100) { |
} elsif ($laystyle eq 'book') { |
system("makeindex $idxname"); |
system("ps2pdf $new_name_file $name_file"); |
system("latex $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); |
} |
} #to create index |
#Do we have a latex error in the log file? |
my $logfilename = $texfile; |
$logfilename =~ s/\.tex$/\.log/; |
my $temporary_file=IO::File->new($logfilename) || die "Couldn't open file for reading: $!\n"; |
my @content_of_file = <$temporary_file>; |
close $temporary_file; |
my $body_log_file = join(' ',@content_of_file); |
$logfilename =~ s/\.log$/\.html/; |
$temporary_file = IO::File->new('>'.$logfilename); |
print $temporary_file '<html><head><title>LOGFILE</title></head><body><pre>'.$body_log_file.'</pre></body></html>'."\n"; |
if ($body_log_file=~m/!\s+Emergency stop/) { |
#LaTeX failed to parse tex file |
print "<h2>LaTeX could not successfully parse your tex file.</h2>"; |
print "It probably has errors in it.<br />"; |
my $whereitbegins = rindex $body_log_file,'STAMPOFPASSEDRESOURCESTART'; |
my $whereitends = rindex $body_log_file,'STAMPOFPASSEDRESOURCEEND'; |
if ($whereitbegins!=-1 and $whereitends!=-1) { |
print "With very high probability this error occured in ".substr($body_log_file,$whereitbegins+26,$whereitends-$whereitbegins-26)."<br /><br />"; |
} |
print "Here are the error messages in the LaTeX log file</br><br />"; |
my $sygnal = 0; |
for (my $i=0;$i<=$#content_of_file;$i++) { |
if ($content_of_file[$i]=~m/^Runaway argument?/ or $content_of_file[$i]=~m/^!/) { |
$sygnal = 1; |
} |
if ($content_of_file[$i]=~m/Here is how much of/) { |
$sygnal = 0; |
} |
if ($sygnal) { |
print "$content_of_file[$i]<br />"; |
} |
} |
print "<b><big>The link to "; |
$logfilename=~s/\/home\/httpd//; |
print "<a href=\"$logfilename\">Your log file </a></big></b>"; |
print "\n"; |
#link tooriginal LaTeX file (included according Michael Hamlin desire) |
my $tex_temporary_file=IO::File->new($texfile) || die "Couldn't open file for reading: $!\n"; |
my @tex_content_of_file = <$tex_temporary_file>; |
close $tex_temporary_file; |
my $body_tex_file = join(' ',@tex_content_of_file); |
$texfile =~ s/\.tex$/aaaaa\.html/; |
$tex_temporary_file = IO::File->new('>'.$texfile); |
print $tex_temporary_file '<html><head><title>LOGFILE</title></head><body><pre>'.$body_tex_file.'</pre></body></html>'."\n"; |
print "<br /><br />"; |
print "<b><big>The link to "; |
$texfile=~s/\/home\/httpd//; |
print "<a href=\"$texfile\">Your original LaTeX file </a></big></b>"; |
print "\n"; |
} elsif ($body_log_file=~m/<inserted text>/) { |
my $whereitbegins = index $body_log_file,'<inserted text>'; |
print "You are running LaTeX in the <b>batch mode</b>."; |
while ($whereitbegins != -1) { |
my $tempobegin=$whereitbegins; |
$whereitbegins = rindex $body_log_file,'STAMPOFPASSEDRESOURCESTART',$whereitbegins; |
my $whereitends = index $body_log_file,'STAMPOFPASSEDRESOURCEEND',$whereitbegins; |
print "<br />It has found an error in".substr($body_log_file,$whereitbegins+26,$whereitends-$whereitbegins-26)." <br /> and corrected it.\n"; |
print "Usually this correction is valid but you probably need to check the indicated resource one more time and implement neccessary corrections by yourself.\n"; |
$whereitbegins = index $body_log_file,'<inserted text>',$tempobegin+10; |
} |
$name_file =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/; |
my $new_name_file = $name_file; |
$new_name_file =~ s/\.dvi/\.ps/; |
my $comma = "dvips -Ppdf -G0 -o $new_name_file"; |
system("$comma $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); |
if (-e $new_name_file) { |
print "<h1>PDF output file (see link below)</h1>\n"; |
$new_name_file =~ m/^(.*)\./; |
my $tempo_file = $1.''; |
my $name_file = $1.'.pdf'; |
if ($laystyle eq 'album' and $numberofcolumns eq '2') { |
$comma = "psnup -2 -s1.0 $new_name_file"; |
system("$comma $tempo_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); |
system("ps2pdf $tempo_file $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); |
} elsif ($laystyle eq 'book' and $numberofcolumns eq '2') { |
$comma = 'pstops -pletter "2:0+1(0.48w,0)"'; |
system("$comma $new_name_file $tempo_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); |
system("ps2pdf $tempo_file $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); |
} else { |
system("ps2pdf $new_name_file $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); |
} |
my $texlog = $texfile; |
my $texaux = $texfile; |
my $texdvi = $texfile; |
my $texps = $texfile; |
$texlog =~ s/\.tex/\.log/; |
$texaux =~ s/\.tex/\.aux/; |
$texdvi =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/; |
$texps =~ s/\.tex/\.ps/; |
my @garb = ($texaux,$texdvi,$texps); |
# unlink @garb; |
unlink $duefile; |
print "<a href=\"/prtspool/$name_file\">Your PDF document</a>"; |
print "<br /><br />"; |
print "<b><big>The link to "; |
$logfilename=~s/\/home\/httpd//; |
print "<a href=\"$logfilename\">Your log file </a></big></b>"; |
print "\n"; |
#link tooriginal LaTeX file (included according Michael Hamlin desire) |
my $tex_temporary_file=IO::File->new($texfile) || die "Couldn't open file for reading: $!\n"; |
my @tex_content_of_file = <$tex_temporary_file>; |
close $tex_temporary_file; |
my $body_tex_file = join(' ',@tex_content_of_file); |
$texfile =~ s/\.tex$/aaaaa\.html/; |
$tex_temporary_file = IO::File->new('>'.$texfile); |
print $tex_temporary_file '<html><head><title>LOGFILE</title></head><body><pre>'.$body_tex_file.'</pre></body></html>'."\n"; |
print "<br /><br />"; |
print "<b><big>The link to "; |
$texfile=~s/\/home\/httpd//; |
print "<a href=\"$texfile\">Your original LaTeX file </a></big></b>"; |
print "\n"; |
} |
} else { |
#LaTeX successfully parsed tex file |
$name_file =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/; |
my $new_name_file = $name_file; |
$new_name_file =~ s/\.dvi/\.ps/; |
my $comma = "dvips -Ppdf -G0 -o $new_name_file"; |
system("$comma $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); |
if (-e $new_name_file) { |
print "<h1>Successfully created PDF output file (see link below)</h1>\n"; |
$new_name_file =~ m/^(.*)\./; |
my $tempo_file = $1.''; |
my $name_file = $1.'.pdf'; |
if ($laystyle eq 'album' and $numberofcolumns eq '2') { |
$comma = "psnup -2 -s1.0 $new_name_file"; |
system("$comma $tempo_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); |
system("ps2pdf $tempo_file $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); |
} elsif ($laystyle eq 'book' and $numberofcolumns eq '2') { |
$comma = 'pstops -pletter "2:0+1(0.48w,0)"'; |
system("$comma $new_name_file $tempo_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); |
system("ps2pdf $tempo_file $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); |
} else { |
system("ps2pdf $new_name_file $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); |
} |
my $texlog = $texfile; |
my $texaux = $texfile; |
my $texdvi = $texfile; |
my $texps = $texfile; |
$texlog =~ s/\.tex/\.log/; |
$texaux =~ s/\.tex/\.aux/; |
$texdvi =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/; |
$texps =~ s/\.tex/\.ps/; |
my @garb = ($texlog,$texaux,$texdvi,$texps); |
# unlink @garb; |
unlink $duefile; |
print "<a href=\"/prtspool/$name_file\">Your PDF document</a>"; |
print "\n"; |
} |
} |
} else { |
print "LaTeX file $texfile was not created successfully"; |
} |
print "<a href=\"/prtspool/$name_file\">Your PDF document</a>\n"; |
print "\n"; |