) {
+ print FFHS $_;
+ }
+ close(FFH);
+ close(FFHS);
+ $ps_file=$new_ps_file;
+ &busy_wait_command("ps2pdf13 $ps_file $pdf_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
+ "for $status_statement now Converting PS to PDF",
+ \%prog_state,$pdf_file);
+ my $texlog = $texfile;
+ my $texaux = $texfile;
+ my $texdvi = $texfile;
+ my $texps = $texfile;
+ $texlog =~ s/\.tex/\.log/;
+ $texaux =~ s/\.tex/\.aux/;
+ $texdvi =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/;
+ $texps =~ s/\.tex/\.ps/;
+ my @garb = ($texlog,$texaux,$texdvi,$texps);
+# unlink @garb;
+ unlink($duefile);
+ print
+ ''
+ .&mt('[_1] - [_2]Your PDF file[_3] is ready for download.',
+ $link_text,'','')
+ .'
+ }
+ unlink($missfonts_file);
+ }
+ } else {
+ print
+ ''
+ .&mt('The LaTeX file [_1] was not created successfully.',
+ ''.$texfile.'')
+ .'
+ }
+if ($advanced_role) { &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Close_PrgWin('',\%prog_state); }
+print "
+if ($number_of_files>1) {
+ print(''.&mt('Zip Output:')."\n");
+ my %zip_prog_state;
+ if ($advanced_role) { %zip_prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin('',$number_of_files); }
+ my $zipfile=$texfile[0];
+ $zipfile=~s/\.tex/\.zip/;
+ my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
+ my $counter = 0;
+ foreach my $file (@texfile) {
+ $file=~s/\.tex/.\pdf/;
+ my $dest=$file;
+ $dest=~s{^\Q$perlvar{'lonPrtDir'}\E}{prtspool};
+ $zip->addFile($file,$dest);
+ $dest=~s/^prtspool//;
+ $counter ++;
+ if ($advanced_role) {
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin('',\%zip_prog_state,
+ &mt('[_1] added to zip archive ([_2] of [_3]',
+ $dest,$counter,$number_of_files));
+ }
+ }
+ if ($advanced_role) {
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin('',\%zip_prog_state,&mt('Writing zip file'));
+ }
+ if ($zip->writeToFileNamed($zipfile) == AZ_OK) {
+ $zipfile=~s{^\Q$perlvar{'lonPrtDir'}\E}{/prtspool};
+ print
+ '
+ .&mt('A [_1]ZIP file[_2] of all the PDF files is ready for download.',
+ '','')
+ .'
+ } else {
+ print ''.
+ &mt('An error occurred creating a ZIP file of all the PDF files').
+ '
+ }
+ if ($advanced_role) { &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Close_PrgWin('',\%zip_prog_state); }
+my $done;
+sub REAPER {
+ $done=1;
+# Execute a command updating the status window as the command's
+# output file builds up (at intervals of a second).
+# If the timeout argument defined, then if that many seconds
+# elapses without an increase in the size of the output file,
+# the command will be killed (this deals with the case when
+# latex crawls into an infinite loop).
+sub busy_wait_command {
+ my ($command,$message,$progress_win,$output_file, $timeout)=@_;
+ $done=0;
+ my $pid=open(CMD,"$command |");
+ if ($advanced_role) {
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin('',$progress_win,$message);
+ }
+ my $last_size = 0;
+ my $unchanged_time = 0;
+ while(!$done) {
+ sleep 1;
+ my $extra_msg;
+ if ($output_file) {
+ my $size=(stat($output_file))[7];
+ $extra_msg=", $size bytes generated";
+ if ($size == $last_size) {
+ $unchanged_time++;
+ if ($timeout && ($unchanged_time > $timeout)) {
+ print ''.&mt('Operation timed out!')."
+ print "Executing $command, the output file $output_file did not grow\n";
+ print "after $timeout seconds. This may indicate $command\n";
+ print "is in an infinite loop.\n";
+ print "See if printing fewer copies helps. Please contact LON-CAPA\n";
+ print "support about this in any event.";
+ print "
+ kill(9, $pid); # Reaper will do the rest...I hope there's errors in the log.
+ }
+ } else {
+ $last_size = $size;
+ $unchanged_time = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($advanced_role) {
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin('',$progress_win,$message.$extra_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ close(CMD);
+# Make the dvi file (or rather try to), from the latex file and the
+# various bits and pieces that control how the latex file is processed:
+# LaTeX is run as many times a needed to make this all happen... this may
+# result in several runs of LaTeX that just are errors if the LaTeX is
+# bad, but the printing subsystem is _supposed_ to not do that.
+# Parameters:
+# name_file - Name of the LaTeX file to process.
+# dvi_file - Name of resulting dvi file.
+# tableofcontents - "yes" if we are supposed to make a table of contents.
+# tableofindex - "yes" if we are suposed to make an index.
+# status_statement - Part of the status statement for ths status window.
+# prog_state - Reference to the program state hash.
+# busy_wait_timeout- Seconds without any progress that imply a problem.
+sub make_dvi_file {
+ my ($name_file,
+ $dvi_file,
+ $tableofcontents,
+ $tableofindex,
+ $status_statement,
+ $prog_state,
+ $busy_wait_timeout) = @_;
+ &busy_wait_command("latex $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
+ "for $status_statement now LaTeXing file",
+ $prog_state,$dvi_file, $busy_wait_timeout);
+ # If the tableof contents was requested, we need to run
+ # LaTex a couple more times to get all the references sorted out.
+ if ($tableofcontents eq 'yes') {
+ &busy_wait_command("latex $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
+ "for $status_statement First LaTeX of file for table of contents",
+ $prog_state,$dvi_file, $busy_wait_timeout);
+ &busy_wait_command("latex $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
+ "for $status_statement Second LaTeX of file for table of contents",
+ $prog_state,$dvi_file,$busy_wait_timeout);
+ }
+ # And makeindex and another run of LaTeX to incorporate it if the index
+ # is enabled.
+ if ($tableofindex eq 'yes') {
+ my $idxname=$name_file;
+ $idxname=~s/\.tex$/\.idx/;
+ &busy_wait_command("makeindex $idxname",
+ "making index file",
+ $prog_state,$idxname);
+ &busy_wait_command("latex $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
+ "for $status_statement now LaTeXing file for index section",
+ $prog_state,$dvi_file, $busy_wait_timeout);
+ }
+# Repagninate
+# What we need to do:
+# - Count the number of pages in each student.
+# - Rewrite the latex file replacing the \specials that
+# mark the end of student with an appropriate number of newlines.
+# parameters:
+# psfile - Postscript filename
+# latexfile - LaTeX filename
+# columns - number of columns.
+sub repaginate {
+ # We will try to do this in 2 passes through the postscript since
+ # the postscript is potentially large, to do 2 passes, the first pass
+ # must be able to calculate the total number of document pages so that
+ # at the beginning of the second pass we already know how to replace
+ # %%Pages:
+ # Figure out
+ # 1. Number of pages in the document
+ # 2. Maximum number of pages in a student
+ # 3. Number of pages in each student.
+ my ($postscript_filename, $latex_filename, $num_columns) = @_;
+ open(PSFILE, "<$postscript_filename");
+ my $line;
+ my $total_pages; # Total pages in document.
+ my $seen_pages = 0; # There are several %%Pages only the first is useful
+ my @pages_in_student; # For each student his/her initial page count.
+ my $max_pages = 0; # Pages in 'longest' student.
+ my $page_number = 0;
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin('',\%prog_state,&mt("Counting pages for student: [_1]",1));
+ while ($line = ) {
+ # Check for total pages (%%Pages:)
+ if (($line =~ /^%%Pages:/) && (!$seen_pages)) {
+ my @pageinfo = split(/ /,$line);
+ $total_pages = $pageinfo[1];
+ $seen_pages = 1;
+ }
+ # Check for %%Page: n m $page_number will be the
+ # biggest of these until we see an endofstudent.
+ # Note that minipages generate spurious %Page: 1 1's so
+ # we only are looking for the largest n (n is page number at the
+ # bottom of the page, m the page number within the document.
+ #
+ if ($line =~ /^%%Page:\s+\d+\s+\d+/) {
+ my @pageinfo = split(/\s+/, $line);
+ if ($page_number < $pageinfo[1]) {
+ $page_number = $pageinfo[1];
+ } elsif ($pageinfo[2] ne 1) {
+ # current page count reset, and it's not because of a
+ # minipage
+ # - save the page_number, reset and, if necessary
+ # update max_pages.
+ push(@pages_in_student, $page_number);
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin('',\%prog_state,&mt("Counting pages for student: [_1]", scalar(@pages_in_student)));
+ if ($page_number > $max_pages) {
+ $max_pages = $page_number;
+ }
+ $page_number = $pageinfo[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # file ended so one more student
+ push(@pages_in_student, $page_number);
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin('',\%prog_state,&mt("Counting pages for student: [_1]",scalar(@pages_in_student)));
+ if ($page_number > $max_pages) {
+ $max_pages = $page_number;
+ }
+ $page_number = 0;
+ close(PSFILE);
+ # If 2 columns, max_pages must go to an even number of columns:
+ if ($num_columns == 2) {
+ if ($max_pages % 2) {
+ $max_pages++;
+ }
+ }
+ # Now rewrite the LaTex file, substituting our \special
+ # with an appropriate number of \newpage directives.
+ my $outfilename = $latex_filename."temp";
+ open(LATEXIN, "<$latex_filename");
+ open(LATEXOUT, ">$outfilename");
+ my $student_number = 0; # Index of student we're working on.
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin('',\%prog_state,&mt("Repaginating student: [_1]",$student_number+1));
+ while (my $line = ) {
+ if ($line eq "\\special{ps:ENDOFSTUDENTSTAMP}\n") {
+ # only end of student stamp if next line is ENDOFSTUDENTSTAMP:
+ # End of student replace with 0 or more newpages.
+ my $addlines = $max_pages - $pages_in_student[$student_number];
+ while($addlines) {
+ print LATEXOUT '\clearpage \strut \clearpage';
+ $addlines--;
+ }
+ $student_number++;
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin('',\%prog_state,&mt("Repaginating student: [_1]",$student_number+1));
+ } else {
+ print LATEXOUT $line;
+ }
+ }
+ close(LATEXIN);
+ close(LATEXOUT);
+ rename($outfilename, $latex_filename);
+# Create missing fonts given a latex missfonts.log file.
+# This file will have lines like:
+# mktexpk --mfmode ljfour --bdpi 8000 --mag 1+0/8000 --dpi 8000 tcrm0500
+# We want to execute those lines with the 8000's changed to 600's
+# in order to match the resolution of the ljfour printer.
+# Of course if some wiseguy has changed the default printer from ljfour
+# in the dvips's config.ps file that will break so we'll also
+# ensure that --mfmode is ljfour.
+sub create_missing_fonts {
+ my ($fontfile, $state) = @_;
+ # Open and read in the font file..we'll read it into the array
+ # font_commands.
+ #
+ open(my $font_handle, $fontfile);
+ my @font_commands = <$font_handle>;
+ # make the list contain each command only once
+ my %uniq;
+ @font_commands = map { $uniq{$_}++ == 0 ? $_ : () } @font_commands;
+ # Now process each command replacing the appropriate 8000's with
+ # 600's ensuring that font names with 8000's in them are not corrupted.
+ # and if the --mfmode is not ljfour we turn it into ljfour.
+ # Then we execute the command.
+ #
+ foreach my $command (@font_commands) {
+ #print("
Raw command: $command");
+ $command =~ s/ 8000/ 600/g; # dpi directives.
+ $command =~ s/\/8000/\/600/g; # mag directives.
+ #print("
After dpi replacements: $command");
+ my @cmdarray = split(/ /,$command);
+ for (my $i =0; $i < scalar(@cmdarray); $i++) {
+ if ($cmdarray[$i] eq '--mfmode') {
+ $cmdarray[$i+1] = "ljfour";
+ }
+ }
+ #print("
before reassembly : (@cmdarray)");
+ $command = join(" ", (@cmdarray));
+ #print("
Creating fonts via command: $command");
+ &busy_wait_command("$command 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
+ "Creating missing font",
+ $state);
+ }
+# Convert a figure file to encapsulated postscript:
+# At present, this is using a lot of file scoped globals to pass data around.
+# Parameters:
+# not_eps - The name of the file to convert which, presumably, is not
+# already an eps file.
+sub convert_figure {
+ my ($not_eps) = @_;
+ &debug("in convert_figure");
+ my $status_statement='EPS picture for '.$not_eps;
+ my $eps_f = $not_eps;
+ if ($eps_f=~/\/home\/httpd\/html\/priv\/[^\/]+\/([^\/]+)\//) {
+ $eps_f=~s/\/home\/httpd\/html\/priv\/[^\/]+\/([^\/]+)/$1/;
+ } elsif ($eps_f=~/$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}\/res\//) {
+ $eps_f=~ s/$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}\/res\/(.+)/$1/;
+ } elsif ($eps_f=~/$perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}\//) {
+ $eps_f=~ s/$perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}\/([^\/]+)\/\w\/\w\/\w\/(.+)/$1\/$2/;
+ }
+ $eps_f = $perlvar{'lonPrtDir'}.'/'.$eps_f;
+ # Spaces are problematic for system commands and LaTeX, replace with _
+ $eps_f =~ s/ /\_/g;
+ #
+ # If the file is already an .eps or .ps file (eps_f still has the original
+ # file type),
+ # We really just need to copy it from where it was to prtspool
+ # but with the spaces substituted to _'s.
+ #
+ my ($nsname,$path, $sext) = &fileparse($eps_f, qr/\.(ps|eps)/i);
+ if ($sext =~/ps$/i) {
+ &File::Path::mkpath($path,0,0777);
+ copy("$not_eps", "$eps_f");
+ } else {
+ $eps_f .= '.eps'; # Just append the eps ext.
+ my $path= &dirname($eps_f);
+ &File::Path::mkpath($path,0,0777);
+ $not_eps =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $not_eps =~ s/\s+$//;
+ my $prettyname=$not_eps;
+ if ($advanced_role) {
+ $prettyname=~s|$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}/|/|;
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin('',\%prog_state,&mt('Converting to EPS: [_1]',$prettyname));
+ }
+ #
+ # If the file is a PDF, need to use pdftops to convert it to a ps file.
+ # otherwise use imagemagik:
+ #
+ if($not_eps =~/\.(pdf|PDF)$/) {
+ #
+ # For whatever reason, pure postscript conversions have to be
+ # in the same dir as the base file:
+ #
+ $eps_f = &basename($eps_f);
+ $eps_f = $perlvar{'lonPrtDir'}.'/'.$eps_f;
+ &debug("Converting pdf $not_eps to postscript: $eps_f");
+ my @args = ('pdftops',$not_eps,$eps_f);
+ system({$args[0]} @args); # Indirect object forces list processing mode.
+ # See perlfunc documentation for exec().
+ if ($? and $advanced_role) {
+ print ''
+ .&mt('An error occurred during the conversion of [_1] to postscript.',
+ ''.$prettyname.'')
+ .'
+ } else {
+ $pdfs_converted++; # Need to fix ps in last pass.
+ }
+ } else {
+ my @args = ('convert',$not_eps,$eps_f);
+ system({$args[0]} @args); # Indirect object forces list processing mode.
+ # See perlfunc documentation for exec().
+ if ($? and $advanced_role) {
+ print ''
+ .&mt('An error occurred during the conversion of [_1].',
+ ''.$prettyname.'')
+ .'
+ .&mt('If possible try to save this image using different settings and republish it.')
+ .'
+ }
+ }
+ if (not -e $eps_f) {
+ # converting an animated gif creates either:
+ # anim.gif.eps.0
+ # or
+ # anim.gif-0.eps
+ for (my $i=0;$i<10000;$i++) {
+ if (-e $eps_f.'.'.$i) {
+ rename($eps_f.'.'.$i, $eps_f);
+ last;
+ }
+ my $anim_eps = $eps_f;
+ $anim_eps =~ s/(\.[^.]*)\.eps$/$1-$i\.eps/i;
+ if (-e $anim_eps) {
+ rename($anim_eps, $eps_f);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # imagemagick 6.2.0-6.2.7 fails to properly handle
+ # convert anim.gif anim.gif.eps
+ # it creates anim.eps instead.
+ if (not -e $eps_f) {
+ my $eps_f2 = $eps_f;
+ $eps_f2 =~ s/\.[^.]*\.eps$/\.eps/i;
+ if(-e $eps_f2) {
+ rename($eps_f2,$eps_f);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Analyze a LaTeX logfile producing appropriate output on error and
+# returning a boolean to let the caller know if, in our opinion, it's
+# worth continuing on to produce the PDF file.
+# Parameters:
+# logfilename - Name of the logfile.
+# texfile - Name of the LaTeX file that was being processed.
+# advanced_role - True if the user is privileged with respect to the printout
+# (e.g. is the course coordinator or some such thing).
+# Returns:
+# 1 - Caller is advised to continue to create the PDF.
+# 0 - Caller need not bother creating the PDF.
+# Side Effects:
+# Messages are printed to describe any errors that have been encountered.
+# NOTE:
+# The current policy is to assume that if LaTeX decided to insert some text
+# it has salvaged the resource and the resource can be printed.. in that case
+# a message is emitted from this sub.
+sub analyze_logfile {
+ my ($logfilename, $texfile, $advanced_role) = @_;
+ my $temporary_file=IO::File->new($logfilename) || die "Couldn't open log file $logfilename for reading: $!\n";
+ my @content_of_file = <$temporary_file>;
+ close $temporary_file;
+ my $body_log_file = join(' ',@content_of_file);
+ $logfilename =~ s/\.log$/\.html/;
+ $temporary_file = IO::File->new('>'.$logfilename);
+ print $temporary_file 'LOGFILE'.$body_log_file.'
+ if ($body_log_file=~m/!\s+Emergency stop/) {
+ my $whereitbegins = rindex $body_log_file,'STAMPOFPASSEDRESOURCESTART';
+ my $whereitends = rindex $body_log_file,'STAMPOFPASSEDRESOURCEEND';
+ my $badresource;
+ my $badtext;
+ if ($whereitbegins!=-1 and $whereitends!=-1) {
+ $badtext = substr($body_log_file,$whereitbegins+26, $whereitends-$whereitbegins-26);
+ $whereitbegins = rindex $badtext,'located in';
+ if ($whereitbegins != -1) {
+ $badresource = substr($badtext, $whereitbegins+27,
+ length($badtext) - $whereitbegins - 48);
+ # print "
failing resourcename: $badresource
+ }
+ }
+ # Guys with privileged roles get a more detailed error output:
+ if ($advanced_role) {
+ #LaTeX failed to parse tex file
+ print "".&mt('LaTeX could not successfully parse your TeX file.')."
+ print &mt('It probably has errors in it.')."
+ if ($badtext) {
+ print &mt('With very high probability this error occurred in [_1].',$badtext)
+ ."
+ }
+ print &mt('Here are the error messages in the LaTeX log file:')
+ ."
+ my $sygnal = 0;
+ for (my $i=0;$i<=$#content_of_file;$i++) {
+ if ($content_of_file[$i]=~m/^Runaway argument?/ or $content_of_file[$i]=~m/^!/) {
+ $sygnal = 1;
+ }
+ if ($content_of_file[$i]=~m/Here is how much of/) {
+ $sygnal = 0;
+ }
+ if ($sygnal) {
+ print "$content_of_file[$i]";
+ }
+ }
+ print "
+ # print "
Advanced role
+ $logfilename=~s{^\Q$perlvar{'lonPrtDir'}\E}{/prtspool};
+ print ""
+ .&mt('The link to [_1]Your log file[_2]','','')
+ ."\n";
+ #link to original LaTeX file
+ my $tex_temporary_file=IO::File->new($texfile) || die "Couldn't open tex file $texfile for reading: $!\n";
+ my @tex_content_of_file = <$tex_temporary_file>;
+ close $tex_temporary_file;
+ my $body_tex_file = join(' ',@tex_content_of_file);
+ $texfile =~ s/\.tex$/aaaaa\.html/;
+ $tex_temporary_file = IO::File->new('>'.$texfile);
+ print $tex_temporary_file 'LOGFILE'.$body_tex_file.'
+ print "
+ $texfile=~s{^\Q$perlvar{'lonPrtDir'}\E}{/prtspool};
+ print ""
+ .&mt('The link to [_1]Your original LaTeX file[_2]','','')
+ ."
+ my $help_text = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Print_Resource", &mt('Help on printing'));
+ print ("$help_text");
+ # Students on the other hand get a minimal error message, since they won't
+ # be able to correct the error message. A message is sent to the
+ # instructor:
+ } else { # Student role...
+ # at this point:
+ # $body_log_file - contains the log file.
+ # $name_file - is the name of the LaTeX file.
+ # $identifier - is the unique LaTeX identifier.l
+ print '';
+ if ($badtext) {
+ print &mt('There are errors in [_1].',$badtext);
+ } else {
+ print &mt('There are errors.');
+ }
+ print '
+ .&mt('These errors prevent this resource from printing correctly.');
+ my $tex_handle = IO::File->new($texfile);
+ my @tex_contents = <$tex_handle>;
+ &send_error_mail($identifier, $badresource, $body_log_file, \@tex_contents);
+ print ""
+ .&mt('A message has been sent to the instructor describing this failure.')
+ ."
+ my $help_text = &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic("Print_Resource", &mt('Help on printing'));
+ print ("$help_text");
+ }
+ # Either way, an emergency stop does not allow us to continue so:
+ return 0;
+ # The branch of code below is taken if it appears that
+ # there was no emergency stop but LaTeX had to correct the
+ # input file to run.
+ # In that case we need to provide error feedback, as the correction >may< not be
+ # sufficient, we can let the game continue as there's a dvi file to process.
+ } elsif ($body_log_file=~m//) {
+ my $whereitbegins = index $body_log_file,'';
+ print &mt('You are running LaTeX in [_1]batch mode[_2].','','');
+ while ($whereitbegins != -1) {
+ my $tempobegin=$whereitbegins;
+ $whereitbegins = rindex $body_log_file,'STAMPOFPASSEDRESOURCESTART',$whereitbegins;
+ my $whereitends = index $body_log_file,'STAMPOFPASSEDRESOURCEEND',$whereitbegins;
+ print "
+ .&mt('It has found an error in [_1][_2]and corrected it.',substr($body_log_file,$whereitbegins+26,$whereitends-$whereitbegins-26),"
+ print &mt('Usually this correction is valid but you probably need to check the indicated resource one more time and implement necessary corrections by yourself.')."\n";
+ $whereitbegins = index $body_log_file,'',$tempobegin+10;
+ }
+ if ($advanced_role) {
+ print "
+ $logfilename=~s{^\Q$perlvar{'lonPrtDir'}\E}{/prtspool};
+ print ""
+ .&mt('The link to [_1]Your log file[_2]'
+ ,'','')
+ ."\n";
+ #link to original LaTeX file
+ my $tex_temporary_file=IO::File->new($texfile) || die "Couldn't open tex file $texfile for reading: $!\n";
+ my @tex_content_of_file = <$tex_temporary_file>;
+ close $tex_temporary_file;
+ my $body_tex_file = join(' ',@tex_content_of_file);
+ $texfile =~ s/\.tex$/aaaaa\.html/;
+ $tex_temporary_file = IO::File->new('>'.$texfile);
+ print $tex_temporary_file 'LOGFILE'.$body_tex_file.'
+ print "
+ $texfile=~s{^\Q$perlvar{'lonPrtDir'}\E}{/prtspool};
+ print ""
+ .&mt('The link to [_1]Your original LaTeX file[_2]','','');
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 1; # NO log file issues at all.