File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / interface /
Revision 1.16: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Aug 12 20:01:08 2002 UTC (22 years, 6 months ago) by matthew
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
Fix silly mistake.

use IO::File;
use Image::Magick;
 print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
 print "<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">\n";
  my ($texfile,$laystyle) = split(/&/,$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
  my $figfile = $texfile;
  $figfile =~ s/^([^\.]+printout)[^t]+\.tex/$1\.dat/;
  my $duefile = $texfile;
  $duefile =~ s/^([^\.]+printout)[^t]+\.tex/$1\.due/;
  #do we have figures?
  if (-e $figfile) {
      my $temporary_file=IO::File->new($figfile) || die "Couldn't open file for reading: $!\n";
      my @content_of_file = <$temporary_file>;
      close $temporary_file;  
      my $noteps;
      foreach $not_eps (@content_of_file) {
	  if ($not_eps ne '') {
	      my $eps_f = $not_eps;
	      $eps_f =~ s/\.[^.]*$/\.eps/i;
	      $_ = $eps_f;
	      $eps_f = '/home/httpd/prtspool/'.$1;
	      my $image = Image::Magick->new;
	      $not_eps =~ s/^\s+//;
	      $not_eps =~ s/\s+$//;
	      $status = $image->Read($not_eps);
	      if ($status) {print "  $status  ";}
	      $image->Set(page => '+100+200'); 
	      $status = $image->Write($eps_f);	    
	      if ($status) {print "  $status  ";}
      unlink $figfile;
  #print "$texfile\n"; #name of the tex file for debugging only
  $texfile =~ m/^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/; 
  my $name_file = $2;
  my $path_file = $1.'/';
  chdir $path_file;
  system("latex $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null");
  $name_file =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/;
  if (-e $name_file) {
      #if dvi file exist = LaTeX successfully parsed tex file 
      print "<h1>OUTPUT is in the PDF FILE (see link below)</h1>\n";
      my $new_name_file = $name_file;
      $new_name_file =~ s/\.dvi/\.ps/;
      my $comma = "dvips -o $new_name_file";
      system("$comma $name_file");
      $_ = $new_name_file;
      my $tempo_file = $1.'';
      my $name_file = $1.'.pdf';
      if ($laystyle eq 'album') {
	  $comma = "psnup -2 -s1.0 $new_name_file";
	  system("$comma $tempo_file"); 
	  system("ps2pdf $tempo_file $name_file");
      } elsif ($laystyle eq 'book') {
	  system("ps2pdf $new_name_file $name_file");
      my $texlog = $texfile;
      my $texaux = $texfile;
      my $texdvi = $texfile;
      my $texps = $texfile;
      $texlog =~ s/\.tex/\.log/;
      $texaux =~ s/\.tex/\.aux/;
      $texdvi =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/;
      $texps =~ s/\.tex/\.ps/;
      my @garb = ($texlog,$texaux,$texdvi,$texps);
      unlink @garb;
      unlink $duefile;
      print "<a href=\"/prtspool/$name_file\">Your PDF document</a>";
      print "\n";
  } else {
      print "<h1>LaTeX could not successfully parse your tex file.</h1>";
      print "<h2>It probably has errors in it.</h2>";
      my $logfilename = $texfile;
      $logfilename =~ s/\.tex$/\.log/;
      if (-e $logfilename) {     
          #if dvi file does not exist = LaTeX failed to parse tex file 
	  print "Here are the error messages in the LaTeX log file</br>";
	  my $temporary_file=IO::File->new($logfilename) || die "Couldn't open file for reading: $!\n";
	  my @content_of_file = <$temporary_file>;
	  close $temporary_file; 
	  my $sygnal = 0;
	  for (my $i=0;$i<=$#content_of_file;$i++) {
	      if ($content_of_file[$i]=~m/^!/) {
		  $sygnal = 1;
	      if ($content_of_file[$i]=~m/Here is how much of/) {
		  $sygnal = 0;
	      if ($sygnal) {
		  print "$content_of_file[$i]<br />";

#	  my $content_file_string = join(' ',@content_of_file);
#	  print "$content_file_string\n";

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