File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / interface /
Revision 1.88: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Aug 3 10:34:03 2005 UTC (19 years, 6 months ago) by foxr
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
Addressing Bug 4047:
Give a bit more indication what's going on in both status and download
when multiple files are created.  There are two cases that are handled
more or less ok:
- Multiple selected students:  The files are now created in the
  form (oldfilename_serialfirst-last.*  where first and last are
  the last names of the first and last students in the range.
  The download links for the  individual files show the name range as
- Multiple anonymous students:  This had given only @ on the status line
  and for each of the download links. Now we present the name of the .tex
  file (not dir path, just name.tex) in the status window and for the
  individual download links as well.

# CGI-script to run LaTeX, dvips, ps2ps, ps2pdf etc.
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt

use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl';
use LONCAPA::loncgi;
use File::Path;
use File::Basename;
use IO::File;
use Image::Magick;
use Apache::lonhtmlcommon;
use Apache::lonnet;
use Apache::loncommon;
use Apache::lonlocal;
use Apache::lonmsg;
use LONCAPA::Enrollment;

use strict;

#   Determine if a user is operating as a student for this course/domain.
#   course  - The course id.
#   cdom    - The course domain.
#    $env{request.role} contains the role under which this user operated this
#                       this request.
sub is_student {
    return (! $env{'request.role.adv'});

#   Debugging:  Dump the environment for debugging.
sub dumpenv  {
    print "<br />-------------------<br />";
    foreach my $key (sort (keys %env)) {
	print "<br />$key -> $env{$key}";
    print "<br />-------------------<br />";

#   This sub sends a message to the appropriate person if there was an error
#   rendering the latex  At present, there's only one case to consider:
#   a student printing inside a course results in messages to the course coordinator.
#    identifier -  The unique identifier of this cgi request.
#    badresource-  Filepath to most likely failing 
#    logfile    -  The contents of the log file (included in the message).
#    texfile    -  reference to an array containing the LaTeX input file
#                  (included in the message).
#Implicit inputs:
#   From the environment:
#       cgi.$identifier.user     - User doing the printing.
#       cgi.$identifier.domain   - Domain the user is logged in on with printing.
#       cgi.$identifier.courseid - Id of the course (if this is a course).
#       cgi.$identifier.coursedom- Domain in which course was constituted.
#       cgi.$identifier.resources - List of resource URL's for which the print
#                                  was attempted.
sub send_error_mail {
    my ($identifier, $badresource, $logfile, $texfile) = @_;
    my $user     = $env{"cgi.$identifier.user"};
    my $domain   = $env{"cgi.$identifier.domain"};
    my $courseid = $env{"cgi.$identifier.courseid"};
    my $coursedom= $env{"cgi.$identifier.coursedom"};
    my $resources= $env{"cgi.$identifier.resources"};

    #  resource file->URL
    my $badurl = &Apache::lonnet::declutter($badresource);

    # &dumpenv();

    #  Only continue if there is a user, domain, courseid, course domain
    #  and resources:

    if(defined($user)       && defined($domain) && defined($courseid) &&
       defined($coursedom)  && defined($resources) ){
	#  Only mail if the conditions are ripe for it:
	#  The user is a student in the course:
	if (&is_student( $courseid, $coursedom)) {
	    # build the subject and message body:
	    # print "sending message to course coordinators.<br />";

	    # Todo: Convert badurl into a url from file path:

	    my $subject  = "Error [$badurl] Print failed for $user".'@'.$domain;
	    my $message .= "Print failed to render LaTeX for $user".'@'."$domain\n";
	    $message    .= "  User was attempting to print: \n";
	    $message    .= "       $resources\n";
	    $message    .= "--------------------LaTeX logfile:------------ \n";
	    $message    .= $logfile;
	    $message    .= "-----------------LaTeX source file: ------------\n";
	    foreach my $line (@$texfile) {
		$message .= "$line\n";
	    my (undef, %receivers) = &Apache::lonfeedback::decide_receiver(undef, 0,
	    # print "<br /> sending...section:  $env{'request.course.sec'}";
	    foreach my $dest (keys %receivers) {
		# print "<br /> dest is $dest";
		my @destinfo = split(/:/,$dest);
		my $user = $destinfo[0];
		my $dom  = $destinfo[1];

		&Apache::lonmsg::user_normal_msg($user, $dom,
						 $subject, $message);
		# No point in looking at the return status as there's no good
		# error action I can think of right now (log maybe?).

if (! &LONCAPA::loncgi::check_cookie_and_load_env()) {
    print <<END;
Content-type: text/html

<head><title>Bad Cookie</title></head>
Your cookie information is incorrect.
 my $bodytag=&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Creating PDF','','');
 print $bodytag;

  my $identifier = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
  my $texfile = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'.file'};
  my $laystyle = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'.layout'};
  my $numberofcolumns = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'.numcol'};
  my $paper = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'.paper'};
  my $selectionmade = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'.selection'};
  my $tableofcontents = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'.tableofcontents'};
  my $tableofindex = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'.tableofindex'};
  my $advanced_role = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'.role'};
  my $number_of_files = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'.numberoffiles'}+1;
  my $student_names = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'.studentnames'};
  my $backref = &Apache::lonnet::unescape($env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'.backref'});

  my $adv = $env{'request.role.adv'};
  my @names_pack=();
  if ($student_names=~/_END_/) {  

  my $figfile = $texfile;
  $figfile =~ s/^([^\.]+printout)[^t]+\.tex/$1\.dat/;
  my $duefile = $texfile;
  $duefile =~ s/^([^\.]+printout)[^t]+\.tex/$1\.due/;
  #do we have figures?
  # print "Figure file: $figfile\n";
  if (-e $figfile) {
      # print "$figfile exists\n";
      my %done_conversion;
      my $temporary_file=IO::File->new($figfile) || die "Couldn't open fig file $figfile for reading: $!\n";
      my @content_of_file = <$temporary_file>;
      close $temporary_file;  
      my $noteps;
      my %prog_state;
      if ($adv) { %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin('','Coverting Images to EPS','Picture Conversion Status',$#content_of_file,'inline','80');  }
      foreach my $not_eps (@content_of_file) {
	  if ($not_eps ne '') {
	      # print "Converting $not_eps"; # Debugging.
              my $status_statement='EPS picture for '.$not_eps;
	      # print "$status_statement\n";
	      my $eps_f = $not_eps;
	      # $eps_f =~ s/\.[^.]*$/\.eps/i;
	      $eps_f .= '.eps';	# Just append the eps ext.
	      if ($eps_f=~/\/home\/([^\/]+)\/public_html\//) {
		  $eps_f = '/home/httpd/prtspool/'.$eps_f;
	      } elsif ($eps_f=~/$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}\/res\//) {
		  $eps_f = '/home/httpd/prtspool/'.$1;
	      } elsif ($eps_f=~/$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}\//) {
		  $eps_f = '/home/httpd/prtspool/'.$1.'/'.$2;
	      $eps_f  =~ s/ /\_/g; # Spaces are problematic for system commands and LaTeX.
	      my $path=$eps_f;
	      $path =~ s/\/([^\/]+)\.eps$//;
	      # print "Final file path: $path "; # Debugging
	      $not_eps =~ s/^\s+//;
	      $not_eps =~ s/\s+$//;
	      $not_eps =~ s/ /\\ /g;
	      if ( exists($done_conversion{$not_eps})) { next; }
	      if ($adv) {
		  my $prettyname=$not_eps;
		  &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin('',\%prog_state,'Converting to EPS '.$prettyname);
	      # print "Converting $not_eps -> $eps_f"; # Debugging
	      system("convert $not_eps $eps_f");
              #check is eps exist in prtspool
              if(not -e $eps_f) {
		  for (my $i=0;$i<10000;$i++) {
		      if (-e $eps_f.'.'.$i) {
			  rename $eps_f.'.'.$i, $eps_f;
      if ($adv) { 
  #print "$texfile\n"; #name of the tex file for debugging only   
  my @texfile=($texfile);
  if ($number_of_files>1) {
      for (my $i=1;$i<=$number_of_files;$i++) {
	  my $new_texfile=$texfile;
	  $new_texfile = sprintf("%s_%03d.tex", $new_texfile,$i);
	  push @texfile,$new_texfile;

my $ind=-1;
my %prog_state;
print "<a href=\"$backref\"><b>Return</b></a> to last resource.<br /><br />";
if ($adv) { %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin('','Print Status','Class Print Status',$number_of_files,'inline','80'); }
print "<br />";
my $num_files = @texfile;
foreach $texfile (@texfile) {
  my $status_statement='';
  my $link_text='download PDF';
  my @stud_info=split(/_END_/,$names_pack[$ind]);
  my @tempo_array=split(/:/,$stud_info[0]);
  my $name;
  my $name_range='';
  if ($tempo_array[3]) {
      my @full_names = split(/,/,$name); # split last name from others...
      $name_range = $full_names[0];
  } else {
      $name_range = $tempo_array[0];
  if (($name ne "") && ($name ne '@') ) { # Could be printing codes...
  if ($#stud_info>0) {
      if ($tempo_array[3]) {
	  my @full_names = split(/,/, $name);
	  $name_range .= "-".$full_names[0];
      } else {
	  $name_range .= '-'.$tempo_array[0];
      if (($name ne "") && ($name ne '@')) {
	  $link_text.=' - <b>'.$name.'</b>';
	  $status_statement.=' -  '.$name;
  if(($num_files > 1) && ($link_text eq 'download PDF')) { # Printing codes
      $link_text = '<b>'.basename($texfile,'.tex').'.pdf</b>';
      $status_statement .= basename($texfile);
  $name_range =~ s/'//g;	# O'Neil -> ONeil e.g.
  print "<br/>";
  if ($adv) { &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin('',\%prog_state,'Creating PDF for '.$status_statement); }
  #  This little piece of dirt puts username ranges into the original tex
  #  Tex filename from which they'll propagate into the other filenames as well.
  if (-e $texfile) {
      if (($name_range ne '') && ($num_files > 1)) {
	  my $newtexfile = $texfile;
	  $newtexfile    =~ s/\.tex/$name_range\.tex/;
	  rename($texfile, $newtexfile);
	  $texfile       = $newtexfile;
      $texfile =~ m/^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/; 
      my $name_file = $2;
      my $path_file = $1.'/';
      chdir $path_file;
      my $dvi_file= $name_file; $dvi_file =~ s/\.tex/$name_range\.dvi/;
      &busy_wait_command("latex $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
			 "for $status_statement now LaTeXing file",
      if ($tableofcontents eq 'yes') {
      &busy_wait_command("latex $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
			 "for $status_statement now LaTeXing file for table of contents",
      } #to create table of contents
      my $idxname=$name_file;
      if ($tableofindex eq 'yes') {
	  &busy_wait_command("makeindex $idxname",
			     "making index file",
	  &busy_wait_command("latex $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
			     "for $status_statement now LaTeXing file for index section",
      } #to create index
      #Do we have a latex error in the log file?
      my $logfilename = $texfile; $logfilename =~ s/\.tex$/\.log/;
      my $temporary_file=IO::File->new($logfilename) || die "Couldn't open log file $logfilename for reading: $!\n";
      my @content_of_file = <$temporary_file>;
      close $temporary_file; 
      my $body_log_file = join(' ',@content_of_file);
      $logfilename =~ s/\.log$/\.html/;
      $temporary_file = IO::File->new('>'.$logfilename); 
      print $temporary_file '<html><head><title>LOGFILE</title></head><body><pre>'.$body_log_file.'</pre></body></html>'."\n";
      if ($body_log_file=~m/!\s+Emergency stop/) {
	  my $whereitbegins = rindex $body_log_file,'STAMPOFPASSEDRESOURCESTART';
	  my $whereitends = rindex $body_log_file,'STAMPOFPASSEDRESOURCEEND';
	  my $badresource;
	  my $badtext;
	  if ($whereitbegins!=-1 and $whereitends!=-1) {
	      $badtext = substr($body_log_file,$whereitbegins+26, $whereitends-$whereitbegins-26);
	      $whereitbegins  = rindex $badtext,'located in';
	      if ($whereitbegins != -1) {
		  $badresource = substr($badtext, $whereitbegins+27, 
					length($badtext) - $whereitbegins - 48);
		  # print "<br />failing resourcename: $badresource<br />";
          if ($advanced_role) {  
	      #LaTeX failed to parse tex file 
	      print "<h2>LaTeX could not successfully parse your tex file.</h2>";
	      print "It probably has errors in it.<br />";
	      print "With very high probability this error occured in ".$badtext."<br /><br />";
	      print "Here are the error messages in the LaTeX log file<br /><pre>";
	      my $sygnal = 0;
	      for (my $i=0;$i<=$#content_of_file;$i++) {
		  if ($content_of_file[$i]=~m/^Runaway argument?/ or $content_of_file[$i]=~m/^!/) {
		      $sygnal = 1;
		  if ($content_of_file[$i]=~m/Here is how much of/) {
		      $sygnal = 0;
		  if ($sygnal) {
		      print "$content_of_file[$i]";
	      print "</pre>\n";
	      # print "<br /> Advanced role <br />";
              print "<b><big>The link to ";
	      print "<a href=\"$logfilename\">Your log file </a></big></b>";
	      print "\n";
              #link tooriginal LaTeX file (included according Michael Hamlin desire)
	      my $tex_temporary_file=IO::File->new($texfile) || die "Couldn't open tex file $texfile for reading: $!\n";
	      my @tex_content_of_file = <$tex_temporary_file>;
	      close $tex_temporary_file; 
	      my $body_tex_file = join(' ',@tex_content_of_file);
	      $texfile =~ s/\.tex$/aaaaa\.html/;
	      $tex_temporary_file = IO::File->new('>'.$texfile); 
	      print $tex_temporary_file '<html><head><title>LOGFILE</title></head><body><pre>'.$body_tex_file.'</pre></body></html>'."\n";
	      print "<br /><br />";
	      print "<b><big>The link to ";
	      print "<a href=\"$texfile\">Your original LaTeX file </a></big></b>";
	      print "\n";
	  } else {		# Student role...
	      #  at this point:
	      #    $body_log_file - contains the log file.
              #    $name_file     - is the name of the LaTeX file.
              #    $identifier    - is the unique LaTeX identifier.l

	      print "<br />There are errors in $badtext";
	      print "<br />These errors prevent this resource from printing correctly";
	      my $tex_handle = IO::File->new($name_file);
	      my @tex_contents = <$tex_handle>;
	      &send_error_mail($identifier, $badresource, $body_log_file, \@tex_contents);
	      print "<br />A message has been sent to the instructor describing this failure<br />"

      } elsif ($body_log_file=~m/<inserted text>/) {
	  my $whereitbegins = index $body_log_file,'<inserted text>';
	  print "You are running LaTeX in <b>batch mode</b>.";
	  while ($whereitbegins != -1) {
	      my $tempobegin=$whereitbegins;
	      $whereitbegins = rindex $body_log_file,'STAMPOFPASSEDRESOURCESTART',$whereitbegins;
	      my $whereitends = index $body_log_file,'STAMPOFPASSEDRESOURCEEND',$whereitbegins;
	      print "<br />It has found an error in".substr($body_log_file,$whereitbegins+26,$whereitends-$whereitbegins-26)." <br /> and corrected it.\n";
	      print "Usually this correction is valid but you probably need to check the indicated resource one more time and implement neccessary corrections by yourself.\n";
	      $whereitbegins = index $body_log_file,'<inserted text>',$tempobegin+10;
	  $name_file =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/;
	  my $new_name_file = $name_file;
	  $new_name_file =~ s/\.dvi/\.ps/;
	  my $papera=$paper;
	  if ($papera eq 'letter') {$papera='';}
	  if ($papera ne '') {$papera='-t'.$papera;}
	  my $comma = "dvips $papera -Ppdf -G0 -o $new_name_file";
	  &busy_wait_command("$comma $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
			     "for $status_statement now Converting to PS",
	  if (-e $new_name_file) {
	      print "<h1>PDF output file (see link below)</h1>\n";
	      $new_name_file =~ m/^(.*)\./;
	      my $ps_file = my $tempo_file = $1.'';
	      my $pdf_file = $1.'.pdf';
	      if ($laystyle eq 'album' and $numberofcolumns eq '2') {
		  my $papera=$paper;
                  if ($papera eq 'letter') {$papera='';}
		  if ($papera ne '') {$papera='-p'.$papera;}
		  $comma = "psnup $papera -2 -s1.0 $new_name_file";
		  &busy_wait_command("$comma $tempo_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
				     "for $status_statement now Modifying PS layout",
	      } elsif ($laystyle eq 'book' and $numberofcolumns eq '2') {
		  my $papera=$paper;
                  if ($papera eq 'letter') {$papera='';}
		  if ($papera ne '') {$papera='-p'.$papera;}
		  $comma = 'pstops '.$papera.' "2:0+1(0.48w,0)"';
		  &busy_wait_command("$comma $new_name_file $tempo_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
				     "for $status_statement now Modifying PS layout",

	      } else {
	      &busy_wait_command("ps2pdf $ps_file $pdf_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
				 "for $status_statement now Converting PS to PDF",
				 \%prog_state, $pdf_file);

	      my $texlog = $texfile;
	      my $texaux = $texfile;
	      my $texdvi = $texfile;
	      my $texps = $texfile;
	      $texlog =~ s/\.tex/\.log/;
	      $texaux =~ s/\.tex/\.aux/;
	      $texdvi =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/;
	      $texps =~ s/\.tex/\.ps/;
	      my @garb = ($texaux,$texdvi,$texps);
#	  unlink @garb;
	      unlink $duefile;
	      print "<a href=\"/prtspool/$pdf_file\">Your PDF document</a>";
	  if ($advanced_role) {  
	      print "<br /><br />";
	      print "<b><big>The link to ";
	      print "<a href=\"$logfilename\">Your log file </a></big></b>";
	      print "\n";
	      #link tooriginal LaTeX file (included according Michael Hamlin desire)
	      my $tex_temporary_file=IO::File->new($texfile) || die "Couldn't open tex file $texfile for reading: $!\n";
	      my @tex_content_of_file = <$tex_temporary_file>;
	      close $tex_temporary_file; 
	      my $body_tex_file = join(' ',@tex_content_of_file);
	      $texfile =~ s/\.tex$/aaaaa\.html/;
	      $tex_temporary_file = IO::File->new('>'.$texfile); 
	      print $tex_temporary_file '<html><head><title>LOGFILE</title></head><body><pre>'.$body_tex_file.'</pre></body></html>'."\n";
	      print "<br /><br />";
	      print "<b><big>The link to ";
	      print "<a href=\"$texfile\">Your original LaTeX file </a></big></b>";
	      print "\n";
      } else {
	  #LaTeX successfully parsed tex file 
	  $name_file =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/;
	  my $new_name_file = $name_file;
	  $new_name_file =~ s/\.dvi/\.ps/;
	  my $papera=$paper;
	  if ($papera eq 'letter') {$papera='';}
	  if ($papera ne '') {$papera='-t'.$papera;}
	  my $comma = "dvips $papera -Ppdf -G0 -o $new_name_file";
	  &busy_wait_command("$comma $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
			     "for $status_statement now Converting to PS",
	  if (-e $new_name_file) {
	      print "<br />";
	      $new_name_file =~ m/^(.*)\./;
	      my $ps_file = my $tempo_file = $1.'';
	      my $pdf_file = $1.'.pdf';
	      if ($laystyle eq 'album' and $numberofcolumns eq '2') {
		  $comma = "psnup $papera -2 -s1.0 $new_name_file";
		  &busy_wait_command("$comma $tempo_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
				     "for $status_statement now Modifying PS layout",
	      } elsif ($laystyle eq 'book' and $numberofcolumns eq '2') {
		  $comma = 'pstops '.$papera.' "2:0+1(0.48w,0)"';
		  &busy_wait_command("$comma $new_name_file $tempo_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
				     "for $status_statement now Modifying PS layout",
	      } else {
	      my $addtoPSfile={'legal'=>'<< /PageSize [612 1008] >> setpagedevice',
                               'tabloid'=>'<< /PageSize [792 1224] >> setpagedevice',
                               'executive'=>,'<< /PageSize [540 720] >> setpagedevice',
                               'a2'=>'<< /PageSize [1195.02 1690.09] >> setpagedevice',
                               'a3'=>'<< /PageSize [842 1195.02] >> setpagedevice',
                               'a4'=>'<< /PageSize [595.2 842] >> setpagedevice',
                               'a5'=>'<< /PageSize [421.1 595.2] >> setpagedevice',
                               'a6'=>'<< /PageSize [298.75 421.1] >> setpagedevice',
	      if ($paper ne 'letter') {
		  open(FFH,'<',$ps_file) || die "Couldn't open ps file $ps_file for reading: $!\n";
		  my $new_ps_file='new'.$ps_file;
		  open(FFHS,'>',$new_ps_file) || die "Couldn't open new ps file $new_ps_file for reading: $!\n";
		  print FFHS $addtoPSfile->{$paper}."\n";
		  while (<FFH>) {
		      print FFHS $_;
	      &busy_wait_command("ps2pdf $ps_file $pdf_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
				 "for $status_statement now Converting PS to PDF",
	      my $texlog = $texfile;
	      my $texaux = $texfile;
	      my $texdvi = $texfile;
	      my $texps = $texfile;
	      $texlog =~ s/\.tex/\.log/;
	      $texaux =~ s/\.tex/\.aux/;
	      $texdvi =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/;
	      $texps =~ s/\.tex/\.ps/;
	      my @garb = ($texlog,$texaux,$texdvi,$texps);
#	  unlink @garb;
	      unlink $duefile;
	      print "<a href=\"/prtspool/$pdf_file\">$link_text - click here to download pdf</a>";
	      print "\n";
  } else {
      print "LaTeX file $texfile was not created successfully";
print "<br />";
if ($number_of_files>1) {
    my $zipfile=$texfile[0];
    my $statement="zip $zipfile";
    foreach my $file (@texfile) {
	$statement.=' '.$file; 
    print("<pre>Zip Output:\n");
    print "<br /> A <a href=\"$zipfile\">ZIP file</a> of all the PDFs.";
if ($adv) { &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Close_PrgWin('',\%prog_state); }

my $done;
sub REAPER {

sub busy_wait_command {
    my ($command,$message,$progress_win,$output_file)=@_;
    $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER;
    my $pid=open(CMD,"$command |");
    if ($adv) {
    while(!$done) {
	sleep 1;
	my $extra_msg;
	if ($output_file) {
	    my $size=(stat($output_file))[7];
	    $extra_msg=", $size bytes generated";
	if ($adv) {

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