--- loncom/interface/statistics/lonproblemanalysis.pm	2003/10/16 13:23:13	1.40
+++ loncom/interface/statistics/lonproblemanalysis.pm	2004/03/31 05:24:00	1.83
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
-# $Id: lonproblemanalysis.pm,v 1.40 2003/10/16 13:23:13 matthew Exp $
+# $Id: lonproblemanalysis.pm,v 1.83 2004/03/31 05:24:00 albertel Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -25,7 +24,6 @@
 # http://www.lon-capa.org/
 package Apache::lonproblemanalysis;
 use strict;
@@ -35,21 +33,61 @@ use Apache::lonhtmlcommon();
 use Apache::loncoursedata();
 use Apache::lonstatistics;
 use Apache::lonlocal;
+use Apache::lonstathelpers();
+use Apache::lonstudentsubmissions();
 use HTML::Entities();
+use Time::Local();
+use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel();
 my $plotcolors = ['#33ff00', 
                   '#0033cc', '#990000', '#aaaa66', '#663399', '#ff9933',
                   '#66ccff', '#ff9999', '#cccc33', '#660000', '#33cc66',
+my @SubmitButtons = ({ name => 'PrevProblemAnalysis',
+                       text => 'Previous Problem' },
+                     { name => 'ProblemAnalysis',
+                       text => 'Analyze Problem Again' },
+                     { name => 'NextProblemAnalysis',
+                       text => 'Next Problem' },
+                     { name => 'break'},
+                     { name => 'ClearCache',
+                       text => 'Clear Caches' },
+                     { name => 'updatecaches',
+                       text => 'Update Student Data' },
+                     { name => 'SelectAnother',
+                       text => 'Choose a different Problem' },
+                     { name => 'ExcelOutput',
+                       text => 'Produce Excel Output' });
 sub BuildProblemAnalysisPage {
     my ($r,$c)=@_;
-    $r->print('<h2>'.&mt('Option Response Problem Analysis').'</h2>');
+    #
+    my %Saveable_Parameters = ('Status' => 'scalar',
+                               'Section' => 'array',
+                               'NumPlots' => 'scalar',
+                               'AnalyzeAs' => 'scalar',
+                               'AnalyzeOver' => 'scalar',
+                               );
+    &Apache::loncommon::store_course_settings('problem_analysis',
+                                              \%Saveable_Parameters);
+    &Apache::loncommon::restore_course_settings('problem_analysis',
+                                                \%Saveable_Parameters);
+    #
+    &Apache::lonstatistics::PrepareClasslist();
+    #
     my @Students = @Apache::lonstatistics::Students;
-    if (exists($ENV{'form.updatecaches'}) ||
+    if (@Students < 1) {
+        $r->print('<h2>There are no students in the sections selected</h2>');
+    }
+    #
+    &Apache::loncoursedata::clear_internal_caches();
+    if (exists($ENV{'form.ClearCache'}) || 
+        exists($ENV{'form.updatecaches'}) ||
         (exists($ENV{'form.firstanalysis'}) &&
          $ENV{'form.firstanalysis'} ne 'no')) {
@@ -60,74 +98,82 @@ sub BuildProblemAnalysisPage {
         $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="firstanalysis" value="no" />');
+    #
+    my $problem_types = '(option|radiobutton|numerical)';
     if (exists($ENV{'form.problemchoice'}) && 
         ! exists($ENV{'form.SelectAnother'})) {
-        $r->print('<input type="submit" name="ProblemAnalysis" value="'.
-                  &mt('Analyze Problem Again').'" />');
-        $r->print('&nbsp;'x5);
-        $r->print('<input type="submit" name="ClearCache" value="'.
-                  &mt('Clear Caches').'" />');
-        $r->print('&nbsp;'x5);
-        $r->print('<input type="submit" name="updatecaches" value="'.
-                  &mt('Update Student Data').'" />');
-        $r->print('&nbsp;'x5);
-        $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="problemchoice" value="'.
-                  $ENV{'form.problemchoice'}.'" />');
-        $r->print('<input type="submit" name="SelectAnother" value="'.
-                  &mt('Choose a different resource').'" />');
-        $r->print('&nbsp;'x5);
+        foreach my $button (@SubmitButtons) {
+            if ($button->{'name'} eq 'break') {
+                $r->print("<br />\n");
+            } else {
+                $r->print('<input type="submit" name="'.$button->{'name'}.'" '.
+                          'value="'.&mt($button->{'text'}).'" />');
+                $r->print('&nbsp;'x5);
+            }
+        }
         $r->print('<hr />');
+        $r->rflush();
-        my ($symb,$part,$resid) = &get_problem_symb(
-                     &Apache::lonnet::unescape($ENV{'form.problemchoice'})
-                                           );
-        #
-        my $resource = &get_resource_from_symb($symb);
-        if (defined($resource)) {
-            my %Data = &get_problem_data($resource->{'src'});
-            my $ORdata = $Data{$part.'.'.$resid};
-            ##
-            ## Render the problem
-            my $base;
-            ($base,undef) = ($resource->{'src'} =~ m|(.*/)[^/]*$|);
-            $base = "http://".$ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}.$base;
-            my $rendered_problem = 
-                &Apache::lonnet::ssi_body($resource->{'src'});
-            $rendered_problem =~ s/<\s*form\s*/<nop /g;
-            $rendered_problem =~ s|(<\s*/form\s*>)|<\/nop>|g;
-            $r->print('<table bgcolor="ffffff"><tr><td>'.
-                      '<base href="'.$base.'" />'.
-                      $rendered_problem.
-                      '</td></tr></table>');
-            ##
-            ## Analyze the problem
-            my $PerformanceData = 
-                &Apache::loncoursedata::get_optionresponse_data
-                                           (\@Students,$symb,$resid);
-            if (defined($PerformanceData) && 
-                ref($PerformanceData) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                if ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeOver'} eq 'Tries') {
-                    my $analysis_html = &tries_analysis($PerformanceData,
-                                                         $ORdata);
-                    $r->print($analysis_html);
-                } elsif ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeOver'} eq 'Time') {
-                    my $analysis_html = &time_analysis($PerformanceData,
-                                                         $ORdata);
-                $r->print($analysis_html);
-                } else {
-                    $r->print('<h2>'.
-                              &mt('The analysis you have selected is '.
-                                         'not supported at this time').
-                              '</h2>');
+        # Determine which problem we are to analyze
+        my $current_problem = &Apache::lonstathelpers::get_target_from_id
+            ($ENV{'form.problemchoice'});
+        #
+        my ($prev,$curr,$next) = 
+            &Apache::lonstathelpers::get_prev_curr_next($current_problem,
+                                                        $problem_types,
+                                                        'response',
+                                                        );
+        if (exists($ENV{'form.PrevProblemAnalysis'}) && defined($prev)) {
+            $current_problem = $prev;
+        } elsif (exists($ENV{'form.NextProblemAnalysis'}) && defined($next)) {
+            $current_problem = $next;
+        } else {
+            $current_problem = $curr;
+        }
+        #
+        # Store the current problem choice and send it out in the form
+        $ENV{'form.problemchoice'} = 
+            &Apache::lonstathelpers::make_target_id($current_problem);
+        $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="problemchoice" value="'.
+                  $ENV{'form.problemchoice'}.'" />');
+        #
+        if (! defined($current_problem->{'resource'})) {
+            $r->print('resource is undefined');
+        } else {
+            my $resource = $current_problem->{'resource'};
+            $r->print('<h1>'.$resource->{'title'}.'</h1>');
+            $r->print('<h3>'.$resource->{'src'}.'</h3>');
+            $r->print(&Apache::lonstathelpers::render_resource($resource));
+            $r->rflush();
+            my %Data = &Apache::lonstathelpers::get_problem_data
+                ($resource->{'src'});
+            my $ProblemData = $Data{$current_problem->{'part'}.
+                                    '.'.
+                                    $current_problem->{'respid'}};
+            if ($current_problem->{'resptype'} eq 'option') {
+                &OptionResponseAnalysis($r,$current_problem,
+                                        $ProblemData,
+                                        \@Students);
+            } elsif ($current_problem->{'resptype'} eq 'radiobutton') {
+                &RadioResponseAnalysis($r,$current_problem,
+                                       $ProblemData,
+                                       \@Students);
+            } elsif ($current_problem->{'resptype'} eq 'numerical') {
+                ## 
+                ## analyze all responses of a problem at once
+                my $res = $current_problem->{'resource'};
+                foreach my $partid (@{$res->{'parts'}}) {
+                    $current_problem->{'part'} = $partid;
+                    foreach my $respid (@{$res->{'partdata'}->{$partid}->{'ResponseIds'}}) {
+                        $current_problem->{'respid'}=$respid;
+                        &NumericalResponseAnalysis($r,$current_problem,
+                                                   $ProblemData,\@Students);
+                    }
             } else {
-                $r->print('<h2>'.
-                          &mt('There is no student data for this problem.').
-                          '</h2>');
+                $r->print('<h2>This analysis is not supported</h2>');
-        } else {
-            $r->print('resource is undefined');
         $r->print('<hr />');
     } else {
@@ -135,7 +181,8 @@ sub BuildProblemAnalysisPage {
                   &mt('Analyze Problem').'" />');
         $r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Please select a problem to analyze').'</h3>');
-        $r->print(&OptionResponseProblemSelector());
+        $r->print(&Apache::lonstathelpers::ProblemSelector
+                  ($problem_types));
@@ -143,221 +190,594 @@ sub BuildProblemAnalysisPage {
-##      Misc interface routines use by analysis code
+##      Numerical Response Routines
-sub build_foil_index {
-    my ($ORdata) = @_;
-    my %Foildata = %{$ORdata->{'Foils'}};
-    my @Foils = sort(keys(%Foildata));
-    my %Concepts;
-    foreach my $foilid (@Foils) {
-        push(@{$Concepts{$Foildata{$foilid}->{'Concept'}}},
-             $foilid);
-    }
-    undef(@Foils);
-    # Having gathered the concept information in a hash, we now translate it
-    # into an array because we need to be consistent about order.
-    # Also put the foils in order, too.
-    my $sortfunction = sub {
-        my %Numbers = (one   => 1,
-                       two   => 2,
-                       three => 3,
-                       four  => 4,
-                       five  => 5,
-                       six   => 6,
-                       seven => 7,
-                       eight => 8,
-                       nine  => 9,
-                       ten   => 10,);
-        my $a1 = $a; 
-        my $b1 = $b;
-        if (exists($Numbers{lc($a)})) {
-            $a1 = $Numbers{lc($a)};
-        }
-        if (exists($Numbers{lc($b)})) {
-            $b1 = $Numbers{lc($b)};
+sub NumericalResponseAnalysis {
+    my ($r,$problem,$ProblemData,$Students) = @_;
+    my $c = $r->connection();
+    my ($resource,$partid,$respid) = ($problem->{'resource'},
+                                      $problem->{'part'},
+                                      $problem->{'respid'});
+    #
+    if (scalar(@{$resource->{'parts'}})>1) {
+        if (@{$resource->{'partdata'}->{$partid}->{'ResponseIds'}}>1) {
+            $r->print('<h3>'.
+                      &mt('Part [_1], response [_2].',$partid,$respid).
+                      '</h3>');
+        } else { 
+            $r->print('<h3>'.
+                      &mt('Part [_1]',$partid,$respid).
+                      '</h3>');
-        $a1 cmp $b1;
-    };
-    my @Concepts;
-    foreach my $concept (sort $sortfunction (keys(%Concepts))) {
-        push(@Concepts,{ name => $concept,
-                        foils => [@{$Concepts{$concept}}]});
-        push(@Foils,(@{$Concepts{$concept}}));
+    } elsif (@{$resource->{'partdata'}->{$partid}->{'ResponseIds'}}>1) {
+        $r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Response [_1]',$respid).'</h3>');
-    # Build up the table of row labels.
-    my $table = '<table border="1" >'."\n";
-    if (@Concepts > 1) {
-        $table .= '<tr>'.
-            '<th>'.&mt('Concept Number').'</th>'.
-            '<th>'.&mt('Concept').'</th>'.
-            '<th>'.&mt('Foil Number').'</th>'.
-            '<th>'.&mt('Foil Name').'</th>'.
-            '<th>'.&mt('Foil Text').'</th>'.
-            '<th>'.&mt('Correct Value').'</th>'.
-            "</tr>\n";
+    my $analysis_html;
+    my $PerformanceData = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_response_data
+        (\@Apache::lonstatistics::SelectedSections,
+         $Apache::lonstatistics::enrollment_status,
+         $resource->{'symb'},$respid);
+    if (! defined($PerformanceData) || 
+        ref($PerformanceData) ne 'ARRAY' ) {
+        $analysis_html = '<h2>'.
+            &mt('There is no submission data for this resource').
+            '</h2>';
+        $r->print($analysis_html);
+        return;
+    }
+    #
+    # This next call causes all the waiting around that people complain about
+    my ($max,$min) = &Apache::lonstathelpers::GetStudentAnswers($r,$problem,
+                                                                $Students);
+    return if ($c->aborted());
+    #
+    # Collate the data
+    my %Data;
+    foreach my $student (@$Students) {
+        my $answer = $student->{'answer'};
+        $Data{$answer}++;
+    }
+    my @Labels = sort {$a <=> $b } keys(%Data);
+    my @PlotData = @Data{@Labels};
+    #
+    my $width  = 500; 
+    my $height = 100;
+    my $plot = &one_dimensional_plot($r,500,100,scalar(@$Students),
+                                     \@Labels,\@PlotData);
+    $r->print($plot);
+    return;
+sub one_dimensional_plot {
+    my ($r,$width,$height,$N,$Labels,$Data)=@_;
+    #
+    # Compute data -> image scaling factors
+    my $min = $Labels->[0];
+    my $max = $Labels->[-1];
+    if ($max == $min) {
+        $max =$min+1;
+    }
+    my $h_scale = ($width-10)/($max-$min);
+    #
+    my $max_y = 0;
+    foreach (@$Data) {
+        $max_y = $_ if ($max_y < $_);
+    }
+    my $ticscale = 5;
+    if ($max_y * $ticscale > $height/2) {
+        $ticscale = int($height/2/$max_y);
+        $ticscale = 1 if ($ticscale < 1);
+    }
+    #
+    # Create the plot
+    my $plot = 
+        qq{<drawimage width="$width" height="$height" bgcolor="transparent" >};
+    for (my $idx=0;$idx<scalar(@$Labels);$idx++) {
+        my $xloc = 5+$h_scale*($Labels->[$idx] - $min);
+        my $top    = $height/2-$Data->[$idx]*$ticscale;
+        my $bottom = $height/2+$Data->[$idx]*$ticscale;
+        $plot .= 
+            &line($xloc,$top,$xloc,$bottom,'888888',1);
+    }
+    #
+    # Put the scale on last to ensure it is on top of the data.
+    if ($min < 0 && $max > 0) {
+        my $circle_x = 5+$h_scale*abs($min);  # '0' in data coordinates
+        my $r = 4;
+        $plot .= &line(5,$height/2,$circle_x-$r,$height/2,'000000',1);
+        $plot .= &circle($circle_x,$height/2,$r+1,'000000');
+        $plot .= &line($circle_x+$r,$height/2,$width-5,$height/2,'000000',1);
     } else {
-        $table .= '<tr>'.
-            '<th>'.&mt('Foil Number').'</th>'.
-            '<th>'.&mt('Foil Name').'</th>'.
-            '<th>'.&mt('Foil Text').'</th>'.
-            '<th>'.&mt('Correct Value').'</th>'.
-            "</tr>\n";
-    }        
-    my $conceptindex = 1;
-    my $foilindex = 1;
-    foreach my $concept (@Concepts) {
-        my @FoilsInConcept = @{$concept->{'foils'}};
-        my $firstfoil = shift(@FoilsInConcept);
-        if (@Concepts > 1) {
-            $table .= '<tr>'.
-                '<td>'.$conceptindex.'</td>'.
-                '<td>'.$concept->{'name'}.'</td>'.
-                '<td>'.$foilindex++.'</td>'.
-                '<td>'.$Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'name'}.'</td>'.
-                '<td>'.$Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'text'}.'</td>'.
-                '<td>'.$Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'value'}.'</td>'.
-                "</tr>\n";
-        } else {
-            $table .= '<tr>'.
-                '<td>'.$foilindex++.'</td>'.
-                '<td>'.$Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'name'}.'</td>'.
-                '<td>'.$Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'text'}.'</td>'.
-                '<td>'.$Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'value'}.'</td>'.
-                "</tr>\n";
+        $plot .= &line(5,$height/2,$width-5,$height/2,'000000',1);
+    }
+    $plot .= '</drawimage>';
+    my $plotresult =  &Apache::lonxml::xmlparse($r,'web',$plot);
+    my $title = 'Distribution of correct answers';
+    my $result = '<table>'.
+        '<tr><td colspan="3" align="center">'.
+        '<font size="+2">'.$title.' (N='.$N.')'.
+        '</font>'.
+        '</td></tr>'.
+        '<tr>'.
+        '<td valign="center">'.$min.'</td>'.
+        '<td>'.$plotresult.'</td>'.
+        '<td valign="center">'.$max.'</td>'.
+        '</tr>'.
+        '<tr><td colspan="3" align="center">'.
+        'Maximum Number of Coinciding Values: '.$max_y.
+        '</td></tr>'.
+        '</table>';
+    return $result;
+## Helper subroutines for <drawimage>.  
+## These should probably go somewhere more suitable soon.
+sub line {
+    my ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$color,$thickness) = @_;
+    return qq{<line x1="$x1" y1="$y1" x2="$x2" y2="$y2" color="$color" thickness="$thickness" />$/};
+sub text {
+    my ($x,$y,$color,$text,$font,$direction) = @_;
+    if (! defined($font) || $font !~ /^(tiny|small|medium|large|giant)$/) {
+        $font = 'medium';
+    }
+    if (! defined($direction) || $direction ne 'vertical') {
+        $direction = '';
+    }
+    return qq{<text x="$x" y="$y" color="$color" font="$font" direction="$direction" >$text</text>};
+sub rectangle {
+    my ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$color,$thickness,$filled) = @_;
+    return qq{<rectangle x1="$x1" y1="$y1" x2="$x2" y2="$y2" color="$color" thickness="$thickness" filled="$filled" />};
+sub arc {
+    my ($x,$y,$width,$height,$start,$end,$color,$thickness,$filled)=@_;
+    return qq{<arc x="$x" y="$y" width="$width" height="$height" start="$start" end="$end" color="$color" thickness="$thickness" filled="$filled" />};
+sub circle {
+    my ($x,$y,$radius,$color,$thickness,$filled)=@_;
+    return &arc($x,$y,$radius,$radius,0,360,$color,$thickness,$filled);
+sub build_student_data_worksheet {
+    my ($workbook,$format) = @_;
+    my $rows_output = 3;
+    my $cols_output = 0;
+    my $worksheet  = $workbook->addworksheet('Student Data');
+    $worksheet->write($rows_output++,0,'Student Data',$format->{'h3'});
+    my @Headers = ('full name','username','domain','section',
+                   "student\nnumber",'identifier');
+    $worksheet->write_row($rows_output++,0,\@Headers,$format->{'header'});
+    my @Students = @Apache::lonstatistics::Students;
+    my $studentrows = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_student_data(\@Students);
+    my %ids;
+    foreach my $row (@$studentrows) {
+        my ($mysqlid,$student) = @$row;
+        $ids{$student}=$mysqlid;
+    }
+    foreach my $student (@Students) {
+        my $name_domain = $student->{'username'}.':'.$student->{'domain'};
+        $worksheet->write_row($rows_output++,0,
+                          [$student->{'fullname'},
+                           $student->{'username'},$student->{'domain'},
+                           $student->{'section'},$student->{'id'},
+                           $ids{$name_domain}]);
+    }
+    return $worksheet;
+##      Radio Response Routines
+sub RadioResponseAnalysis {
+    my ($r,$problem,$ProblemData,$Students) = @_;
+    my ($resource,$respid) = ($problem->{'resource'},
+                              $problem->{'respid'});
+    my $analysis_html;
+    my $PerformanceData = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_response_data
+        (\@Apache::lonstatistics::SelectedSections,
+         $Apache::lonstatistics::enrollment_status,
+         $resource->{'symb'},$respid);
+    if (! defined($PerformanceData) || 
+        ref($PerformanceData) ne 'ARRAY' ) {
+        $analysis_html = '<h2>'.
+            &mt('There is no submission data for this resource').
+            '</h2>';
+        $r->print($analysis_html);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (exists($ENV{'form.ExcelOutput'})) {
+        $analysis_html .= &RR_Excel_output($r,$problem->{'resource'},
+                                           $PerformanceData,$ProblemData);
+    } elsif ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeOver'} eq 'Tries') {
+        $analysis_html .= &RR_Tries_Analysis($r,$problem->{'resource'},
+                                             $PerformanceData,$ProblemData);
+    } elsif ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeOver'} eq 'Time') {
+        $analysis_html .= &RR_Time_Analysis($r,$problem->{'resource'},
+                                            $PerformanceData,$ProblemData);
+    } else {
+        $analysis_html .= '<h2>'.
+           &mt('The analysis you have selected is not supported at this time').
+           '</h2>';
+    }
+    $r->print($analysis_html);
+sub RR_Excel_output   { 
+    my ($r,$PerformanceData,$ProblemData) = @_;
+    return '<h1>No!</h1>';
+sub RR_Tries_Analysis { 
+    my ($r,$resource,$PerformanceData,$ProblemData) = @_;
+    my $analysis_html;
+    my $mintries = 1;
+    my $maxtries = $ENV{'form.NumPlots'};
+    my ($table,$Foils,$Concepts) = &build_foil_index($ProblemData);
+    if ((! defined($Concepts)) || ((@$Concepts < 2) && 
+                                   ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeAs'} ne 'Foils'))) {
+        $table = '<h3>'.
+            &mt('Not enough data for concept analysis.  '.
+                'Performing Foil Analysis').
+            '</h3>'.$table;
+        $ENV{'form.AnalyzeAs'} = 'Foils';
+    }
+    $analysis_html .= $table;
+    my @TryData = &RR_tries_data_analysis($r,$PerformanceData);
+#    if ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeAs'} eq 'Foils') {
+        $analysis_html .= &RR_Tries_Foil_Analysis($mintries,$maxtries,$Foils,
+                                                 \@TryData,$ProblemData);
+#    } else {
+#        $analysis_html = &RR_Tries_Concept_Analysis($mintries,$maxtries,
+#                                                    $Concepts,
+#                                                    \@TryData,
+#                                                    $ProblemData);
+#    }
+    return $analysis_html;
+sub RR_tries_data_analysis {
+    my ($r,$Attempt_data) = @_;
+    my @TryData;
+    foreach my $attempt (@$Attempt_data) {
+        my %Attempt = &hashify_attempt($attempt);
+        my ($answer,undef) = split('=',$Attempt{'submission'});
+        $TryData[$Attempt{'tries'}]->{$answer}++;
+    }
+    return @TryData;
+sub RR_Time_Analysis  { 
+    my ($r,$PerformanceData,$ProblemData) = @_;
+    my $html;
+    return $html;
+sub RR_Tries_Foil_Analysis {
+    my ($min,$max,$Foils,$TryData,$ProblemData) = @_;
+    my $html;
+    #
+    # Compute the data neccessary to make the plots
+    for (my $try=$min;$try<=$max;$try++) {
+        my @PlotData_Correct; 
+        my @PlotData_Incorrect;
+        next if ($try > scalar(@{$TryData}));
+        next if (! defined($TryData->[$try]));
+        my %DataSet = %{$TryData->[$try]};
+        my $total = 0;
+        foreach my $foilid (@$Foils) {
+            $total += $DataSet{$foilid};
-        foreach my $foilid (@FoilsInConcept) {
-            if (@Concepts > 1) {
-                $table .= '<tr>'.
-                    '<td></td>'.
-                    '<td></td>'.
-                    '<td>'.$foilindex.'</td>'.
-                    '<td>'.$Foildata{$foilid}->{'name'}.'</td>'.
-                    '<td>'.$Foildata{$foilid}->{'text'}.'</td>'.
-                    '<td>'.$Foildata{$foilid}->{'value'}.'</td>'.
-                    "</tr>\n";
+        foreach my $foilid (@$Foils) {
+            if ($total == 0) {
+                push (@PlotData_Correct,0);
+                push (@PlotData_Incorrect,0);
             } else {
-                $table .= '<tr>'.
-                    '<td>'.$foilindex.'</td>'.
-                    '<td>'.$Foildata{$foilid}->{'name'}.'</td>'.
-                    '<td>'.$Foildata{$foilid}->{'text'}.'</td>'.
-                    '<td>'.$Foildata{$foilid}->{'value'}.'</td>'.
-                    "</tr>\n";
-            }                
-        } continue {
-            $foilindex++;
+                if ($ProblemData->{'_Foils'}->{$foilid}->{'value'} eq 'true') {
+                    push (@PlotData_Correct,
+                          int(100*$DataSet{$foilid}/$total));
+                    push (@PlotData_Incorrect,0);
+                } else {
+                    push (@PlotData_Correct,0);
+                    push (@PlotData_Incorrect,
+                          int(100*$DataSet{$foilid}/$total));
+                }
+            }
-    } continue {
-        $conceptindex++;
+        my $title='Attempt '.$try;
+        my $xlabel = $total.' Submissions';
+        $html.=  &Apache::loncommon::DrawBarGraph($title,
+                                                  $xlabel,
+                                                  'Percent Choosing',
+                                                  100,
+                                                  ['#33ff00','#ff3300'],
+                                                  undef,
+                                                  \@PlotData_Correct,
+                                                  \@PlotData_Incorrect);
-    $table .= "</table>\n";
-    #
-    # Build option index with color stuff
-    return ($table,\@Foils,\@Concepts);
+    return $html;
-sub build_option_index {
-    my ($ORdata)= @_;
-    my $table = "<table>\n";
-    my $optionindex = 0;
-    my @Rows;
-    foreach my $option ('correct',@{$ORdata->{'Options'}}) {
-        push (@Rows,
-              '<tr>'.
-              '<td bgcolor="'.$plotcolors->[$optionindex++].'">'.
-              ('&nbsp;'x4).'</td>'.
-              '<td>'.$option.'</td>'.
-              "</tr>\n");
+sub RR_Tries_Concept_Analysis {
+    my ($min,$max,$Concepts,$ResponseData,$ProblemData) = @_;
+    my $html;
+    return $html;
+sub RR_Time_Foil_Analysis {
+    my ($min,$max,$Foils,$ResponseData,$ProblemData) = @_;
+    my $html;
+    return $html;
+sub RR_Time_Concept_Analysis {
+    my ($min,$max,$Concepts,$ResponseData,$ProblemData) = @_;
+    my $html;
+    return $html;
+sub get_Radio_problem_data {
+    my ($url) = @_;
+    my $Answ=&Apache::lonnet::ssi($url,('grade_target' => 'analyze'));
+    (my $garbage,$Answ)=split('_HASH_REF__',$Answ,2);
+    my %Answer = &Apache::lonnet::str2hash($Answ);
+    my %Partdata;
+    foreach my $part (@{$Answer{'parts'}}) {
+        while (my($key,$value) = each(%Answer)) {
+#            if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
+#                &Apache::lonnet::logthis('is ref part:'.$part.' '.$key.'='.join(',',@$value));
+#            } else {
+#                &Apache::lonnet::logthis('notref part:'.$part.' '.$key.'='.$value);
+#            }                
+            next if ($key !~ /^$part/);
+            $key =~ s/^$part\.//;
+            if ($key eq 'foils') {
+                $Partdata{$part}->{'_Foils'}=$value;
+            } elsif ($key eq 'options') {
+                $Partdata{$part}->{'_Options'}=$value;
+            } elsif ($key eq 'shown') {
+                $Partdata{$part}->{'_Shown'}=$value;
+            } elsif ($key =~ /^foil.value.(.*)$/) {
+                $Partdata{$part}->{$1}->{'value'}=$value;
+            } elsif ($key =~ /^foil.text.(.*)$/) {
+                $Partdata{$part}->{$1}->{'text'}=$value;
+            }
+        }
-    $table .= join('',reverse(@Rows));
-    $table .= "</table>\n";
+    return %Partdata;
-##         Tries Analysis
+##      Option Response Routines
-sub tries_analysis {
-    my ($PerformanceData,$ORdata) = @_;
+sub OptionResponseAnalysis {
+    my ($r,$problem,$ProblemData,$Students) = @_;
+    my ($resource,$respid) = ($problem->{'resource'},
+                              $problem->{'respid'});
+    # Note: part data is not needed.
+    my $PerformanceData = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_response_data
+        (\@Apache::lonstatistics::SelectedSections,
+         $Apache::lonstatistics::enrollment_status,
+         $resource->{'symb'},$respid);
+    if (! defined($PerformanceData) || 
+        ref($PerformanceData) ne 'ARRAY' ) {
+        $r->print('<h2>'.
+                  &mt('There is no student data for this problem.').
+                  '</h2>');
+    }  else {
+        $r->rflush();
+        if (exists($ENV{'form.ExcelOutput'})) {
+            my $result = &OR_excel_sheet($r,$resource,
+                                         $PerformanceData,
+                                         $ProblemData);
+            $r->print($result);
+            $r->rflush();
+        } else {
+            if ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeOver'} eq 'Tries') {
+                my $analysis_html = &OR_tries_analysis($r,
+                                                    $PerformanceData,
+                                                    $ProblemData);
+                $r->print($analysis_html);
+                $r->rflush();
+            } elsif ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeOver'} eq 'Time') {
+                my $analysis_html = &OR_time_analysis($PerformanceData,
+                                                   $ProblemData);
+                $r->print($analysis_html);
+                $r->rflush();
+            } else {
+                $r->print('<h2>'.
+                          &mt('The analysis you have selected is '.
+                              'not supported at this time').
+                          '</h2>');
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#       Option Response:  Tries Analysis
+sub OR_tries_analysis {
+    my ($r,$PerformanceData,$ORdata) = @_;
     my $mintries = 1;
     my $maxtries = $ENV{'form.NumPlots'};
     my ($table,$Foils,$Concepts) = &build_foil_index($ORdata);
-    if ((@$Concepts < 2) && ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeAs'} ne 'Foils')) {
+    if (! defined($Concepts) || 
+        ((@$Concepts < 2) && ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeAs'} ne 'Foils'))) {
         $table = '<h3>'.
             &mt('Not enough data for concept analysis.  '.
                 'Performing Foil Analysis').
         $ENV{'form.AnalyzeAs'} = 'Foils';
-    my %ResponseData = &analyze_option_data_by_tries($PerformanceData,
+    my %ResponseData = &OR_analyze_by_tries($r,$PerformanceData,
+    my $analysis = '';
+    if ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeAs'} eq 'Foils') {
+        $analysis = &OR_Tries_Foil_Analysis($mintries,$maxtries,$Concepts,
+                                         \%ResponseData,$ORdata);
+    } else {
+        $analysis = &OR_Tries_Concept_Analysis($mintries,$maxtries,
+                                            $Concepts,\%ResponseData,$ORdata);
+    }
+    $table .= $analysis;
+    return $table;
+sub OR_Tries_Foil_Analysis {
+    my ($mintries,$maxtries,$Concepts,$respdat,$ORdata) = @_;
+    my %ResponseData = %$respdat;
     # Compute the data neccessary to make the plots
-    my @PlotData;   # Array which holds the data for each plot
-                    # @{$PlotData[$try]->{'datasetname'}} holds the data for
-                    # try $try with respect to 'datasetname'.  The array is
-                    # filled either with per-foil or per-concept data.
-    my ($extrakey,$xlabel,$ylabel);
-    if ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeAs'} eq 'Foils') {
-        $extrakey = &build_option_index($ORdata);
-        $xlabel = 'Foil Number';
-        $ylabel = 'Option Chosen';
-        foreach my $foilid (@$Foils) {
-            for (my $i=$mintries;$i<=$maxtries;$i++) {
-                foreach my $option ('_correct',@{$ORdata->{'Options'}}) {
-                    push(@{$PlotData[$i]->{'_total'}},
-                         $ResponseData{$foilid}->[$i]->{'_total'});
-                    if ($ResponseData{$foilid}->[$i]->{'_total'} == 0) {
-                        push (@{$PlotData[$i]->{$option}},0);
+    my @PlotData; 
+    foreach my $concept (@$Concepts) {
+        foreach my $foilid (@{$concept->{'foils'}}) {
+            for (my $try=$mintries;$try<=$maxtries;$try++) {
+                if ($ResponseData{$foilid}->[$try]->{'_total'} == 0) {
+                    push(@{$PlotData[$try]->{'_correct'}},0);
+                } else {
+                    push(@{$PlotData[$try]->{'_correct'}},
+                         100*$ResponseData{$foilid}->[$try]->{'_correct'}/
+                         $ResponseData{$foilid}->[$try]->{'_total'});
+                }
+                foreach my $option (@{$ORdata->{'_Options'}}) {
+                    push(@{$PlotData[$try]->{'_total'}},
+                         $ResponseData{$foilid}->[$try]->{'_total'});
+                    if ($ResponseData{$foilid}->[$try]->{'_total'} == 0) {
+                        push (@{$PlotData[$try]->{$option}},0);
                     } else {
-                        push (@{$PlotData[$i]->{$option}},
-                              100 * $ResponseData{$foilid}->[$i]->{$option} / 
-                                    $ResponseData{$foilid}->[$i]->{'_total'});
+                        if ($ResponseData{$foilid}->[$try]->{'_total'} ==
+                            $ResponseData{$foilid}->[$try]->{'_correct'}) {
+                            push(@{$PlotData[$try]->{$option}},0);
+                        } else {
+                            push (@{$PlotData[$try]->{$option}},
+                                  100 * 
+                                  $ResponseData{$foilid}->[$try]->{$option} / 
+                                  ($ResponseData{$foilid}->[$try]->{'_total'} 
+                                   - 
+                                   $ResponseData{$foilid}->[$try]->{'_correct'}
+                                   ));
+                        }
-                }
+                } # End of foreach my $option
+        } # End of foreach my $foilid
+    } # End of foreach my $concept
+    # 
+    # Build a table for the plots
+    my $analysis_html = "<table>\n";
+    my $optionkey = &build_option_index($ORdata);
+    for (my $try=$mintries;$try<=$maxtries;$try++) {
+        my $count = $ResponseData{'_total'}->[$try];
+        my $title = 'Submission '.$try.' (N='.$count.')';
+        my @Datasets;
+        foreach my $option ('_correct',@{$ORdata->{'_Options'}}) {
+            next if (! exists($PlotData[$try]->{$option}));
+            push(@Datasets,$PlotData[$try]->{$option});
-    } else {
-        # Concept analysis
-        # Note: we do not bother with characterizing the students incorrect
-        # answers at the concept level because an incorrect answer for one foil
-        # may be a correct answer for another foil.
-        $extrakey = '';
-        $xlabel = 'Concept Number';
-        $ylabel = 'Percent Correct';
-        my %ConceptData;
-        foreach my $concept (@{$Concepts}) {
-            for (my $i=$mintries;$i<=$maxtries;$i++) {
-                #
-                # Gather the per-attempt data
-                my $cdata = $ConceptData{$concept}->[$i];
+        # Put a blank in the data set between concepts
+        for (my $set =0;$set<=$#Datasets;$set++) {
+            my @Data = @{$Datasets[$set]};
+            my $idx = 0;
+            foreach my $concept (@{$Concepts}) {
                 foreach my $foilid (@{$concept->{'foils'}}) {
-                    $cdata->{'_correct'} += 
-                        $ResponseData{$foilid}->[$i]->{'_correct'};
-                    $cdata->{'_total'}   += 
-                        $ResponseData{$foilid}->[$i]->{'_total'};
+                    $Datasets[$set]->[$idx++]=shift(@Data);
-                push (@{$PlotData[$i]->{'_total'}},$cdata->{'_total'});
-                if ($cdata->{'_total'} == 0) {
-                    push (@{$PlotData[$i]->{'_correct'}},0);
-                } else {
-                    push (@{$PlotData[$i]->{'_correct'}},
-                          100*$cdata->{'_correct'}/$cdata->{'_total'});
+                if ($concept->{'name'} ne $Concepts->[-1]->{'name'}) {
+                    $Datasets[$set]->[$idx++] = 0;
-    } # End of work to fill @PlotData
-    # 
+        #
+        # Set up the labels needed for the bar graph
+        my @Labels;
+        my $idx = 1;
+        foreach my $concept (@{$Concepts}) {
+            foreach my $foilid (@{$concept->{'foils'}}) {
+                push(@Labels,$idx++);
+            }
+            push(@Labels,'');
+        }
+        #
+        my $correctgraph = &Apache::loncommon::DrawBarGraph
+            ($title,'Foil Number','Percent Correct',
+             100,$plotcolors,\@Labels,$Datasets[0]);
+        $analysis_html.= '<tr><td>'.$correctgraph.'</td>';
+        #
+        #
+        next if (! defined($Datasets[0]));
+        for (my $i=0; $i< scalar(@{$Datasets[0]});$i++) {
+            $Datasets[0]->[$i]=0;
+        }
+        $count = $ResponseData{'_total'}->[$try] - 
+                                           $ResponseData{'_correct'}->[$try];
+        $title = 'Submission '.$try.' (N='.$count.')';
+        my $incorrectgraph = &Apache::loncommon::DrawBarGraph
+            ($title,'Foil Number','% Option Chosen Incorrectly',
+             100,$plotcolors,\@Labels,@Datasets);
+        $analysis_html.= '<td>'.$incorrectgraph.'</td>';
+        $analysis_html.= '<td>'.$optionkey."<td></tr>\n";
+    }
+    $analysis_html .= "</table>\n";
+    return $analysis_html;
+sub OR_Tries_Concept_Analysis {
+    my ($mintries,$maxtries,$Concepts,$respdat,$ORdata) = @_;
+    my %ResponseData = %$respdat;
+    my $analysis_html = "<table>\n";
+    #
+    # Compute the data neccessary to make the plots
+    my @PlotData;
+    # Concept analysis
+    #
+    # Note: we do not bother with characterizing the students incorrect
+    # answers at the concept level because an incorrect answer for one foil
+    # may be a correct answer for another foil.
+    my %ConceptData;
+    foreach my $concept (@{$Concepts}) {
+        for (my $i=$mintries;$i<=$maxtries;$i++) {
+            #
+            # Gather the per-attempt data
+            my $cdata = $ConceptData{$concept}->[$i];
+            foreach my $foilid (@{$concept->{'foils'}}) {
+                $cdata->{'_correct'} += 
+                    $ResponseData{$foilid}->[$i]->{'_correct'};
+                $cdata->{'_total'}   += 
+                    $ResponseData{$foilid}->[$i]->{'_total'};
+            }
+            push (@{$PlotData[$i]->{'_total'}},$cdata->{'_total'});
+            if ($cdata->{'_total'} == 0) {
+                push (@{$PlotData[$i]->{'_correct'}},0);
+            } else {
+                push (@{$PlotData[$i]->{'_correct'}},
+                      100*$cdata->{'_correct'}/$cdata->{'_total'});
+                }
+        }
+    }
     # Build a table for the plots
-    $table .= "<table>\n";
-    my @Plots;
     for (my $i=$mintries;$i<=$maxtries;$i++) {
         my $minstu = $PlotData[$i]->{'_total'}->[0];
         my $maxstu = $PlotData[$i]->{'_total'}->[0];
@@ -372,58 +792,41 @@ sub tries_analysis {
         $maxstu = 0 if (! defined($maxstu));
         $minstu = 0 if (! defined($minstu));
         my $title;
-        if ($maxstu == $minstu) {
-            $title = 'Attempt '.$i.', '.$maxstu.' students';
+        my $count = $ResponseData{'_total'}->[$i];
+        if ($count == 0) {
+            $count = 'no submissions';
+        } elsif ($count == 1) {
+            $count = '1 submission';
         } else {
-            $title = 'Attempt '.$i.', '.$minstu.'-'.$maxstu.' students';
+            $count = $count.' submissions';
-        my @Datasets;
-        foreach my $option ('_correct',@{$ORdata->{'Options'}}) {
-            next if (! exists($PlotData[$i]->{$option}));
-            push(@Datasets,$PlotData[$i]->{$option});
-        }
-        my $graphlink = &Apache::loncommon::DrawGraph($title,
-                                                      $xlabel,
-                                                      $ylabel,
-                                                      100,
-                                                      $plotcolors,
-                                                      @Datasets);
-        push(@Plots,$graphlink);
-    }
-    #
-    # Should this be something the user can set?  Too many dialogs!
-    while (my $plotlink = shift(@Plots)) {
-        $table .= '<tr><td>'.$plotlink.'</td><td>'.$extrakey."</td></tr>\n";
+        $title = 'Attempt '.$i.', '.$count;
+        my $graphlink = &Apache::loncommon::DrawBarGraph
+            ($title,'Concept Number','Percent Correct',
+             100,$plotcolors,undef,$PlotData[$i]->{'_correct'});
+        $analysis_html.= '<tr><td>'.$graphlink."</td></tr>\n";
-    $table .= "</table>\n";
-    return ($table);
+    $analysis_html .= "</table>\n";
+    return $analysis_html;
-sub analyze_option_data_by_tries {
-    my ($PerformanceData,$mintries,$maxtries) = @_;
+sub OR_analyze_by_tries {
+    my ($r,$PerformanceData,$mintries,$maxtries) = @_;
     my %Trydata;
     $mintries = 1         if (! defined($mintries) || $mintries < 1);
     $maxtries = $mintries if (! defined($maxtries) || $maxtries < $mintries);
     foreach my $row (@$PerformanceData) {
         next if (! defined($row));
-        my ($grading,$submission,$time,$tries) = @$row;
-        next if ($grading eq 'MISSING_ANSWER');
-        my @Foilgrades = split('&',$grading);
-        my @Foilsubs   = split('&',$submission);
-        for (my $numtries = 1; $numtries <= $maxtries; $numtries++) {
-            if ($tries == $numtries) {
-                for (my $i=0;$i<=$#Foilgrades;$i++) {
-                    my ($foilid,$correct)  = split('=',$Foilgrades[$i]);
-                    my (undef,$submission) = split('=',$Foilsubs[$i]);
-                    $submission = &HTML::Entities::decode($submission);
-                    $submission =~ s/\%20/ /g;
-                    if ($correct) {
-                        $Trydata{$foilid}->[$numtries]->{'_correct'}++;
-                    } else {
-                        $Trydata{$foilid}->[$numtries]->{$submission}++;
-                    }                        
-                    $Trydata{$foilid}->[$numtries]->{'_total'}++;
-                }
+        my $tries = &get_tries_from_row($row);
+        my %Row   = &Process_OR_Row($row);
+        next if (! %Row);
+        while (my ($foilid,$href) = each(%Row)) {
+            if (! ref($href)) { 
+                $Trydata{$foilid}->[$tries] += $href;
+                next;
+            }
+            while (my ($option,$value) = each(%$href)) {
+                $Trydata{$foilid}->[$tries]->{$option}+=$value;
@@ -431,155 +834,558 @@ sub analyze_option_data_by_tries {
+#     Option Response: Time Analysis
-##                 Time Analysis
-sub time_analysis {
+sub OR_time_analysis {
     my ($PerformanceData,$ORdata) = @_;
-    my $num_plots = $ENV{'form.NumPlots'};
     my ($table,$Foils,$Concepts) = &build_foil_index($ORdata);
+    if ((@$Concepts < 2) && ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeAs'} ne 'Foils')) {
+        $table = '<h3>'.
+            &mt('Not enough data for concept analysis.  '.
+                'Performing Foil Analysis').
+            '</h3>'.$table;
+        $ENV{'form.AnalyzeAs'} = 'Foils';
+    }
+    my $num_plots = $ENV{'form.NumPlots'};
     my $num_data = scalar(@$PerformanceData)-1;
     my $percent = sprintf('%2f',100/$num_plots);
-    my $extratable = '';
-    if ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeAs'} eq 'Foils') {
-        $extratable = &build_option_index($ORdata);
-    }
+    #
     $table .= "<table>\n";
     for (my $i=0;$i<$num_plots;$i++) {
+        ##
         my $starttime = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::get_date_from_form
         my $endtime = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::get_date_from_form
-        my ($begin_index,$end_index,$plottitle,$plothtml,$data);
         if (! defined($starttime) || ! defined($endtime)) {
-            $begin_index = $i*int($num_data/$num_plots);
-            $end_index = ($i+1)*int($num_data/$num_plots);
-            my $lownum  = sprintf('%2.1f',$i*$percent);
-            $lownum =~ s/(\.0)$//;
-            my $highnum = sprintf('%2.1f',($i+1)*$percent);
-            $highnum =~ s/(\.0)$//;
-            $plottitle = $lownum.'% to '.$highnum.'% of submissions';
-        } else {
-            my $j;
-            while (++$j < scalar(@$PerformanceData)) {
-                last if ($PerformanceData->[$j]->[2] > $starttime);
-            }
-            $begin_index = $j;
-            while (++$j < scalar(@$PerformanceData)) {
-                last if ($PerformanceData->[$j]->[2] > $endtime);
-            }
-            $end_index = $j;
-            $plottitle = $ENV{'form.plottitle_'.$i};
-        }
-        ($plothtml,$starttime,$endtime,$data) = 
-            &analyze_option_data_by_time($PerformanceData,
-                                         $begin_index,$end_index,
-                                         $plottitle,$Foils,
-                                         $Concepts,$ORdata);
+            my $sec_in_day = 86400;
+            my $last_sub_time = &get_time_from_row($PerformanceData->[-1]);
+            my ($sday,$smon,$syear);
+            (undef,undef,undef,$sday,$smon,$syear) = 
+                localtime($last_sub_time - $sec_in_day*$i);
+            $starttime = &Time::Local::timelocal(0,0,0,$sday,$smon,$syear);
+            $endtime = $starttime + $sec_in_day;
+            if ($i == ($num_plots -1 )) {
+                $starttime = &get_time_from_row($PerformanceData->[0]);
+            }
+        }
         my $startdateform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter
         my $enddateform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter
-        $table.="<tr><td>".$plothtml.'</td><td align="left" valign="top">'.
-            "<b>Start Time</b>: &nbsp;".$startdateform."<br />".
-            "<b>End Time</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;: "."&nbsp;".$enddateform."<br />".
-            '<b>Plot Title</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;:'.("&nbsp;"x3).
-            '<input type="text" size="30" name="plottitle_'.$i.'" value="'.
-                  &HTML::Entities::encode($plottitle).'" /><br />'.$extratable.
-            "</td></tr>\n";
+        #
+        my $begin_index;
+        my $end_index;
+        my $j;
+        while (++$j < scalar(@$PerformanceData)) {
+            last if (&get_time_from_row($PerformanceData->[$j]) 
+                                                              > $starttime);
+        }
+        $begin_index = $j;
+        while (++$j < scalar(@$PerformanceData)) {
+            last if (&get_time_from_row($PerformanceData->[$j]) > $endtime);
+        }
+        $end_index = $j;
+        ##
+        my $interval = {
+            begin_index => $begin_index,
+            end_index   => $end_index,
+            startdateform => $startdateform,
+            enddateform   => $enddateform,
+        };
+        if ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeAs'} eq 'Foils') {
+            $table .= &OR_Foil_Time_Analysis($PerformanceData,$ORdata,$Foils,
+                                          $interval);
+        } else {
+            $table .= &OR_Concept_Time_Analysis($PerformanceData,$ORdata,
+                                             $Concepts,$interval);
+        }
-    $table .="</table>\n";
+    #
     return $table;
-sub analyze_option_data_by_time {
-    my ($PerformanceData,$begin_index,
-        $end_index,$description,$Foils,$Concepts,$ORdata) = @_;
+sub OR_Foil_Time_Analysis {
+    my ($PerformanceData,$ORdata,$Foils,$interval) = @_;
+    my $analysis_html;
+    my $foilkey = &build_option_index($ORdata);
+    my ($begin_index,$end_index) = ($interval->{'begin_index'},
+                                    $interval->{'end_index'});
     my %TimeData;
-    # Get the start and end times for this segment of the plot
-    my $starttime = $PerformanceData->[$begin_index]->[2];
-    my $endtime   = $PerformanceData->[$end_index  ]->[2];
-    #
     # Compute the number getting the foils correct or incorrects
-    for (my $i=$begin_index;$i<=$end_index;$i++) {
-        my $row = $PerformanceData->[$i];
+    for (my $j=$begin_index;$j<=$end_index;$j++) {
+        my $row = $PerformanceData->[$j];
         next if (! defined($row));
-        my ($grading,$submission,$time,$tries) = @$row;
-        next if ($grading eq 'MISSING_ANSWER');
-        my @Foilgrades = split('&',$grading);
-        my @Foilsubs   = split('&',$submission);
-        for (my $j=0;$j<=$#Foilgrades;$j++) {
-            my ($foilid,$correct)  = split('=',$Foilgrades[$j]);
-            my (undef,$submission) = split('=',$Foilsubs[$j]);
-            if ($correct) {
-                $TimeData{$foilid}->{'_correct'}++;
-            } else {
-                $submission = &HTML::Entities::decode($submission);
-                $submission =~ s/\%20/ /g;
-                $TimeData{$foilid}->{$submission}++;
+        my %Row = &Process_OR_Row($row);
+        while (my ($foilid,$href) = each(%Row)) {
+            if (! ref($href)) {
+                $TimeData{$foilid} += $href;
+                next;
+            }
+            while (my ($option,$value) = each(%$href)) {
+                $TimeData{$foilid}->{$option}+=$value;
-            $TimeData{$foilid}->{'_total'}++;
-    #
-    # Compute the total and percent correct
     my @Plotdata;
-    my ($xlabel,$ylabel);
-    if ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeAs'} eq 'Foils') {
-        $xlabel = 'Foil Number';
-        $ylabel = 'Option Chosen';
-        foreach my $foil (@$Foils) {
-            my $total = $TimeData{$foil}->{'_total'};
-            my $optionidx = 0;
-            foreach my $option ('_correct',@{$ORdata->{'Options'}}) {
-                if ($total > 0) {
-                    push(@{$Plotdata[$optionidx]},
-                         100 * $TimeData{$foil}->{$option} / $total);
-                } else {
-                    push(@{$Plotdata[$optionidx]},0);
-                }
-            } continue {
-                $optionidx++;
+    foreach my $foil (@$Foils) {
+        my $total = $TimeData{$foil}->{'_total'};
+        if ($total == 0) {
+            push(@{$Plotdata[0]},0);
+        } else {
+            push(@{$Plotdata[0]},
+                 100 * $TimeData{$foil}->{'_correct'} / $total);
+        }
+        my $total_incorrect = $total - $TimeData{$foil}->{'_correct'};
+        my $optionidx = 1;
+        foreach my $option (@{$ORdata->{'_Options'}}) {
+            if ($total_incorrect == 0) {
+                push(@{$Plotdata[$optionidx]},0);
+            } else {
+                push(@{$Plotdata[$optionidx]},
+                     100 * $TimeData{$foil}->{$option} / $total_incorrect);
+        } continue {
+            $optionidx++;
+    }
+    #
+    # Create the plot
+    my $count = $end_index-$begin_index;
+    my $title;
+    if ($count == 0) {
+        $title = 'no submissions';
+    } elsif ($count == 1) {
+        $title = 'one submission';
+    } else {
+        $title = $count.' submissions';
+    }
+    my $correctplot = &Apache::loncommon::DrawBarGraph($title,
+                                                       'Foil Number',
+                                                       'Percent Correct',
+                                                       100,
+                                                       $plotcolors,
+                                                       undef,
+                                                       $Plotdata[0]);
+    for (my $j=0; $j< scalar(@{$Plotdata[0]});$j++) {
+        $Plotdata[0]->[$j]=0;
+    }
+    $count = $end_index-$begin_index-$TimeData{'_correct'};
+    if ($count == 0) {
+        $title = 'no submissions';
+    } elsif ($count == 1) {
+        $title = 'one submission';
     } else {
-        $xlabel = 'Concept Number';
-        $ylabel = 'Percent Correct';
-        foreach my $concept (@$Concepts) {
-            my $correct;
-            my $total;
-            foreach my $foil (@{$concept->{'foils'}}) {
-                $correct+=$TimeData{$foil}->{'_correct'};
-                $total  +=$TimeData{$foil}->{'_total'};
+        $title = $count.' submissions';
+    }
+    my $incorrectplot = &Apache::loncommon::DrawBarGraph($title,
+                                                 'Foil Number',
+                                                 'Incorrect Option Choice',
+                                                 100,
+                                                 $plotcolors,
+                                                 undef,
+                                                 @Plotdata);        
+    $analysis_html.='<tr>'.
+        '<td>'.$correctplot.'</td>'.
+        '<td>'.$incorrectplot.'</td>'.
+        '<td align="left" valign="top">'.$foilkey.'</td>'."</tr>\n";
+    $analysis_html.= '<tr>'.'<td colspan="3">'.
+        '<b>Start Time</b>:'.
+        ' &nbsp;'.$interval->{'startdateform'}.'<br />'.
+        '<b>End Time</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;: '.
+        '&nbsp;'.$interval->{'enddateform'}.'<br />'.
+#        '<b>Plot Title</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;:'.
+#        ("&nbsp;"x3).$interval->{'titleform'}.
+        '</td>'.
+        "</tr>\n";
+    return $analysis_html;
+sub OR_Concept_Time_Analysis {
+    my ($PerformanceData,$ORdata,$Concepts,$interval) = @_;
+    my $analysis_html;
+    ##
+    ## Determine starttime, endtime, startindex, endindex
+    my ($begin_index,$end_index) = ($interval->{'begin_index'},
+                                    $interval->{'end_index'});
+    my %TimeData;
+    #
+    # Compute the number getting the foils correct or incorrects
+    for (my $j=$begin_index;$j<=$end_index;$j++) {
+        my $row = $PerformanceData->[$j];
+        next if (! defined($row));
+        my %Row = &Process_OR_Row($row);
+        while (my ($foilid,$href) = each(%Row)) {
+            if (! ref($href)) {
+                $TimeData{$foilid} += $href;
+                next;
-            if ($total > 0) {
-                push(@{$Plotdata[0]},100 * $correct / $total);
-            } else {
-                push(@{$Plotdata[0]},0);
+            while (my ($option,$value) = each(%$href)) {
+                $TimeData{$foilid}->{$option}+=$value;
+    # Put the data in plottable form
+    my @Plotdata;
+    foreach my $concept (@$Concepts) {
+        my ($total,$correct);
+        foreach my $foil (@{$concept->{'foils'}}) {
+            $total += $TimeData{$foil}->{'_total'};
+            $correct += $TimeData{$foil}->{'_correct'};
+        }
+        if ($total == 0) {
+            push(@Plotdata,0);
+        } else {
+            push(@Plotdata,100 * $correct / $total);
+        }
+    }
+    #
     # Create the plot
-    my $graphlink = &Apache::loncommon::DrawGraph
-        ($description,#'Time Interval Analysis',
-         $xlabel,
-         $ylabel,
-         100,
-         $plotcolors,
-         @Plotdata);
+    my $title = ($end_index - $begin_index).' submissions';
+    my $correctplot = &Apache::loncommon::DrawBarGraph($title,
+                                                    'Concept Number',
+                                                    'Percent Correct',
+                                                    100,
+                                                    $plotcolors,
+                                                    undef,
+                                                    \@Plotdata);
+    $analysis_html.='<tr>'.
+        '<td>'.$correctplot.'</td>'.
+        '<td align="left" valign="top">'.
+        '<b>Start Time</b>: &nbsp;'.$interval->{'startdateform'}.'<br />'.
+        '<b>End Time</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;: '.
+           '&nbsp;'.$interval->{'enddateform'}.'<br />'.
+#        '<b>Plot Title</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;:'.("&nbsp;"x3).
+#            $interval->{'titleform'}.
+        '</td>'.
+        "</tr>\n";
+    return $analysis_html;
+##             Excel output 
+sub OR_excel_sheet {
+    my ($r,$resource,$PerformanceData,$ORdata) = @_;
+    my $response = '';
+    my (undef,$Foils,$Concepts) = &build_foil_index($ORdata);
+    #
+    # Create excel worksheet
+    my $filename = '/prtspool/'.
+        $ENV{'user.name'}.'_'.$ENV{'user.domain'}.'_'.
+        time.'_'.rand(1000000000).'.xls';
+    my $workbook  = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new('/home/httpd'.$filename);
+    if (! defined($workbook)) {
+        $r->log_error("Error creating excel spreadsheet $filename: $!");
+        $r->print('<p>'.&mt("Unable to create new Excel file.  ".
+                            "This error has been logged.  ".
+                            "Please alert your LON-CAPA administrator").
+                  '</p>');
+        return undef;
+    }
+    #
+    $workbook->set_tempdir('/home/httpd/perl/tmp');
+    my $format = &Apache::loncommon::define_excel_formats($workbook);
+    #
+    # Create and populate main worksheets
+    my $problem_data_sheet  = $workbook->addworksheet('Problem Data');
+    my $student_data_sheet = &build_student_data_worksheet($workbook,$format);
+    my $response_data_sheet = $workbook->addworksheet('Response Data');
+    foreach my $sheet ($problem_data_sheet,$student_data_sheet,
+                       $response_data_sheet) {
+        $sheet->write(0,0,$resource->{'title'},$format->{'h2'});
+        $sheet->write(1,0,$resource->{'src'},$format->{'h3'});
+    }
+    #
+    my $result;
+    $result = &OR_build_problem_data_worksheet($problem_data_sheet,$format,
+                                            $Concepts,$ORdata);
+    if ($result ne 'okay') {
+        # Do something useful
+    }
+    $result = &OR_build_response_data_worksheet($response_data_sheet,$format,
+                                             $PerformanceData,$Foils,
+                                             $ORdata);
+    if ($result ne 'okay') {
+        # Do something useful
+    }
+    $response_data_sheet->activate();
+    #
+    # Close the excel file
+    $workbook->close();
+    #
+    # Write a link to allow them to download it
+    $result .= '<h2>'.&mt('Excel Raw Data Output').'</h2>'.
+              '<p><a href="'.$filename.'">'.
+              &mt('Your Excel spreadsheet.').
+              '</a></p>'."\n";
+    return $result;
+sub OR_build_problem_data_worksheet {
+    my ($worksheet,$format,$Concepts,$ORdata) = @_;
+    my $rows_output = 3;
+    my $cols_output = 0;
+    $worksheet->write($rows_output++,0,'Problem Structure',$format->{'h3'});
+    ##
+    ##
+    my @Headers;
+    if (@$Concepts > 1) {
+        @Headers = ("Concept\nNumber",'Concept',"Foil\nNumber",
+                    'Foil Name','Foil Text','Correct value');
+    } else {
+        @Headers = ('Foil Number','FoilName','Foil Text','Correct value');
+    }
+    $worksheet->write_row($rows_output++,0,\@Headers,$format->{'header'});
+    my %Foildata = %{$ORdata->{'_Foils'}};
+    my $conceptindex = 1;
+    my $foilindex = 1;
+    foreach my $concept (@$Concepts) {
+        my @FoilsInConcept = @{$concept->{'foils'}};
+        my $firstfoil = shift(@FoilsInConcept);
+        if (@$Concepts > 1) {
+            $worksheet->write_row($rows_output++,0,
+                                  [$conceptindex,
+                                   $concept->{'name'},
+                                   $foilindex++,
+                                   $Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'name'},
+                                   $Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'text'},
+                                   $Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'value'},]);
+        } else {
+            $worksheet->write_row($rows_output++,0,
+                                  [ $foilindex++,
+                                    $Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'name'},
+                                    $Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'text'},
+                                    $Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'value'},]);
+        }
+        foreach my $foilid (@FoilsInConcept) {
+            if (@$Concepts > 1) {
+                $worksheet->write_row($rows_output++,0,
+                                      ['',
+                                       '',
+                                       $foilindex,
+                                       $Foildata{$foilid}->{'name'},
+                                       $Foildata{$foilid}->{'text'},
+                                       $Foildata{$foilid}->{'value'},]);
+            } else {
+                $worksheet->write_row($rows_output++,0,                
+                                      [$foilindex,
+                                       $Foildata{$foilid}->{'name'},
+                                       $Foildata{$foilid}->{'text'},
+                                       $Foildata{$foilid}->{'value'},]);
+            }                
+        } continue {
+            $foilindex++;
+        }
+    } continue {
+        $conceptindex++;
+    }
+    $rows_output++;
+    $rows_output++;
+    ##
+    ## Option data output
+    $worksheet->write($rows_output++,0,'Options',$format->{'header'});
+    foreach my $string (@{$ORdata->{'_Options'}}) {
+        $worksheet->write($rows_output++,0,$string);
+    }
+    return 'okay';
+sub OR_build_response_data_worksheet {
+    my ($worksheet,$format,$PerformanceData,$Foils,$ORdata)=@_;
+    my $rows_output = 3;
+    my $cols_output = 0;
+    $worksheet->write($rows_output++,0,'Response Data',$format->{'h3'});
+    $worksheet->set_column(1,1,20);
+    $worksheet->set_column(2,2,13);
+    my @Headers = ('identifier','time','award detail','attempt');
+    foreach my $foil (@$Foils) {
+        push (@Headers,$foil.' submission');
+        push (@Headers,$foil.' grading');
+    }
+    $worksheet->write_row($rows_output++,0,\@Headers,$format->{'header'});
-    return ($graphlink,$starttime,$endtime,\%TimeData);
+    foreach my $row (@$PerformanceData) {
+        next if (! defined($row));
+        my ($student,$award,$grading,$submission,$time,$tries) = @$row;
+        my @Foilgrades = split('&',$grading);
+        my @Foilsubs   = split('&',$submission);
+        my %ResponseData;
+        for (my $j=0;$j<=$#Foilgrades;$j++) {
+            my ($foilid,$correct)  = split('=',$Foilgrades[$j]);
+            my (undef,$submission) = split('=',$Foilsubs[$j]);
+            $submission = &Apache::lonnet::unescape($submission);
+            $ResponseData{$foilid.' submission'}=$submission;
+            $ResponseData{$foilid.' award'}=$correct;
+        }
+        $worksheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$student);
+        $worksheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,
+             &Apache::lonstathelpers::calc_serial($time),$format->{'date'});
+        $worksheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$award);
+        $worksheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$tries);
+        foreach my $foilid (@$Foils) {
+            $worksheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,
+                              $ResponseData{$foilid.' submission'});
+            $worksheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,
+                              $ResponseData{$foilid.' award'});
+        }
+        $rows_output++;
+        $cols_output = 0;
+    }
+    return;
+sub build_foil_index {
+    my ($ORdata) = @_;
+    return if (! exists($ORdata->{'_Foils'}));
+    my %Foildata = %{$ORdata->{'_Foils'}};
+    my @Foils = sort(keys(%Foildata));
+    my %Concepts;
+    foreach my $foilid (@Foils) {
+        push(@{$Concepts{$Foildata{$foilid}->{'_Concept'}}},
+             $foilid);
+    }
+    undef(@Foils);
+    # Having gathered the concept information in a hash, we now translate it
+    # into an array because we need to be consistent about order.
+    # Also put the foils in order, too.
+    my $sortfunction = sub {
+        my %Numbers = (one   => 1,
+                       two   => 2,
+                       three => 3,
+                       four  => 4,
+                       five  => 5,
+                       six   => 6,
+                       seven => 7,
+                       eight => 8,
+                       nine  => 9,
+                       ten   => 10,);
+        my $a1 = lc($a); 
+        my $b1 = lc($b);
+        if (exists($Numbers{$a1})) {
+            $a1 = $Numbers{$a1};
+        }
+        if (exists($Numbers{$b1})) {
+            $b1 = $Numbers{$b1};
+        }
+        if (($a1 =~/^\d+$/) && ($b1 =~/^\d+$/)) {
+            return $a1 <=> $b1;
+        } else {
+            return $a1 cmp $b1;
+        }
+    };
+    my @Concepts;
+    foreach my $concept (sort $sortfunction (keys(%Concepts))) {
+        if (! defined($Concepts{$concept})) {
+            $Concepts{$concept}=[];
+#            next;
+        }
+        push(@Concepts,{ name => $concept,
+                        foils => [@{$Concepts{$concept}}]});
+        push(@Foils,(@{$Concepts{$concept}}));
+    }
+    #
+    # Build up the table of row labels.
+    my $table = '<table border="1" >'."\n";
+    if (@Concepts > 1) {
+        $table .= '<tr>'.
+            '<th>'.&mt('Concept Number').'</th>'.
+            '<th>'.&mt('Concept').'</th>'.
+            '<th>'.&mt('Foil Number').'</th>'.
+            '<th>'.&mt('Foil Name').'</th>'.
+            '<th>'.&mt('Foil Text').'</th>'.
+            '<th>'.&mt('Correct Value').'</th>'.
+            "</tr>\n";
+    } else {
+        $table .= '<tr>'.
+            '<th>'.&mt('Foil Number').'</th>'.
+            '<th>'.&mt('Foil Name').'</th>'.
+            '<th>'.&mt('Foil Text').'</th>'.
+            '<th>'.&mt('Correct Value').'</th>'.
+            "</tr>\n";
+    }        
+    my $conceptindex = 1;
+    my $foilindex = 1;
+    foreach my $concept (@Concepts) {
+        my @FoilsInConcept = @{$concept->{'foils'}};
+        my $firstfoil = shift(@FoilsInConcept);
+        if (@Concepts > 1) {
+            $table .= '<tr>'.
+                '<td>'.$conceptindex.'</td>'.
+                '<td>'.&HTML::Entities::encode($concept->{'name'},'<>&"').'</td>'.
+                '<td>'.$foilindex++.'</td>'.
+                '<td>'.&HTML::Entities::encode($Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'name'},'<>&"').'</td>'.
+                '<td>'.$Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'text'}.'</td>'.
+                '<td>'.&HTML::Entities::encode($Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'value'},'<>&"').'</td>'.
+                "</tr>\n";
+        } else {
+            $table .= '<tr>'.
+                '<td>'.$foilindex++.'</td>'.
+                '<td>'.&HTML::Entities::encode($Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'name'},'<>&"').'</td>'.
+                '<td>'.$Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'text'}.'</td>'.
+                '<td>'.&HTML::Entities::encode($Foildata{$firstfoil}->{'value'},'<>&"').'</td>'.
+                "</tr>\n";
+        }
+        foreach my $foilid (@FoilsInConcept) {
+            if (@Concepts > 1) {
+                $table .= '<tr>'.
+                    '<td></td>'.
+                    '<td></td>'.
+                    '<td>'.$foilindex.'</td>'.
+                    '<td>'.&HTML::Entities::encode($Foildata{$foilid}->{'name'},'<>&"').'</td>'.
+                    '<td>'.$Foildata{$foilid}->{'text'}.'</td>'.
+                    '<td>'.&HTML::Entities::encode($Foildata{$foilid}->{'value'}).'</td>'.
+                    "</tr>\n";
+            } else {
+                $table .= '<tr>'.
+                    '<td>'.$foilindex.'</td>'.
+                    '<td>'.&HTML::Entities::encode($Foildata{$foilid}->{'name'},'<>&"').'</td>'.
+                    '<td>'.$Foildata{$foilid}->{'text'}.'</td>'.
+                    '<td>'.&HTML::Entities::encode($Foildata{$foilid}->{'value'},'<>&"').'</td>'.
+                    "</tr>\n";
+            }                
+        } continue {
+            $foilindex++;
+        }
+    } continue {
+        $conceptindex++;
+    }
+    $table .= "</table>\n";
+    #
+    # Build option index with color stuff
+    return ($table,\@Foils,\@Concepts);
+sub build_option_index {
+    my ($ORdata)= @_;
+    my $table = "<table>\n";
+    my $optionindex = 0;
+    my @Rows;
+    foreach my $option (&mt('correct option chosen'),@{$ORdata->{'_Options'}}) {
+        push (@Rows,
+              '<tr>'.
+              '<td bgcolor="'.$plotcolors->[$optionindex++].'">'.
+              ('&nbsp;'x4).'</td>'.
+              '<td>'.&HTML::Entities::encode($option,'<>&"').'</td>'.
+              "</tr>\n");
+    }
+    shift(@Rows); # Throw away 'correct option chosen' color
+    $table .= join('',reverse(@Rows));
+    $table .= "</table>\n";
-##             Interface 
+##   Generic Interface Routines
@@ -592,6 +1398,8 @@ sub CreateInterface {
     ## Build the menu
     my $Str = '';
+    $Str .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs
+        (undef,'Detailed Problem Analysis');
     $Str .= '<table cellspacing="5">'."\n";
     $Str .= '<tr>';
     $Str .= '<td align="center"><b>'.&mt('Sections').'</b></td>';
@@ -626,6 +1434,8 @@ sub CreateInterface {
     { # These braces are here to organize the code, not scope it.
             $Str .= '<nobr>'.&mt('Analyze Over ');
+            $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic
+                                                  ('Analysis_Analyze_Over');
             $Str .='<select name="AnalyzeOver" >';
             $Str .= '<option value="Tries" ';
             if (! exists($ENV{'form.AnalyzeOver'}) || 
@@ -637,10 +1447,13 @@ sub CreateInterface {
             $Str .= '<option value="Time" ';
             $Str .= ' selected ' if ($ENV{'form.AnalyzeOver'} eq 'Time');
             $Str .= '>'.&mt('Time').'</option>';
-            $Str .= '</select></nobr><br />';
+            $Str .= '</select>';
+            $Str .= '</nobr><br />';
             $Str .= '<nobr>'.&mt('Analyze as ');
+            $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic
+                                                  ('Analysis_Analyze_as');
             $Str .='<select name="AnalyzeAs" >';
             $Str .= '<option value="Concepts" ';
             if (! exists($ENV{'form.AnalyzeAs'}) || 
@@ -656,6 +1469,8 @@ sub CreateInterface {
             $Str .= '<br /><nobr>'.&mt('Number of Plots:');
+            $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic
+                                                  ('Analysis_num_plots');
             $Str .= '<select name="NumPlots">';
             if (! exists($ENV{'form.NumPlots'}) 
                 || $ENV{'form.NumPlots'} < 1 
@@ -675,126 +1490,71 @@ sub CreateInterface {
     $Str .= '</tr>'."\n";
     $Str .= '</table>'."\n";
-    return ($Str);
-sub OptionResponseProblemSelector {
-    my $Str;
-    $Str = "\n<table>\n";
-    foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
-        next if ($seq->{'num_assess'}<1);
-        my $seq_str = '';
-        foreach my $res (@{$seq->{'contents'}}) {
-            next if ($res->{'type'} ne 'assessment');
-            foreach my $part (@{$res->{'parts'}}) {
-                my $partdata = $res->{'partdata'}->{$part};
-                if (! exists($partdata->{'option'}) || 
-                    $partdata->{'option'} == 0) {
-                    next;
-                }
-                for (my $i=0;$i<scalar(@{$partdata->{'ResponseTypes'}});$i++){
-                    my $respid = $partdata->{'ResponseIds'}->[$i];
-                    my $resptype = $partdata->{'ResponseTypes'}->[$i];
-                    if ($resptype eq 'option') {
-                        my $value = &Apache::lonnet::escape($res->{'symb'}.':'.$part.':'.$respid);
-                        my $checked = '';
-                        if ($ENV{'form.problemchoice'} eq $value) {
-                            $checked = 'checked ';
-                        }
-                        $seq_str .= '<tr><td>'.
-  '<input type="radio" name="problemchoice" value="'.$value.'" '.$checked.'/>'.
-  '</td><td>'.
-  '<a href="'.$res->{'src'}.'">'.$res->{'title'}.'</a> ';
-                        if ($partdata->{'option'} > 1) {
-                            $seq_str .= &mt('response').' '.$respid;
-                        }
-                        $seq_str .= "</td></tr>\n";
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if ($seq_str ne '') {
-            $Str .= '<tr><td>&nbsp</td><td><b>'.$seq->{'title'}.'</b></td>'.
-                "</tr>\n".$seq_str;
-        }
-    }
-    $Str .= "</table>\n";
     return $Str;
-##              Misc functions
+##              Misc Option Response functions
-sub get_problem_symb {
-    my $problemstring = shift();
-    my ($symb,$partid,$resid) = ($problemstring=~ /^(.*):([^:]*):([^:]*)$/);
-    return ($symb,$partid,$resid);
+sub get_time_from_row {
+    my ($row) = @_;
+    if (ref($row)) {
+        return $row->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RD_timestamp()];
+    } 
+    return undef;
-sub get_resource_from_symb {
-    my ($symb) = @_;
-    foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
-        foreach my $res (@{$seq->{'contents'}}) {
-            if ($res->{'symb'} eq $symb) {
-                return $res;
-            }
-        }
+sub get_tries_from_row {
+    my ($row) = @_;
+    if (ref($row)) {
+        return $row->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RD_tries()];
     return undef;
-## get problem data and put it into a useful data structure.
-## note: we must force each foil and option to not begin or end with
-##       spaces as they are stored without such data.
-sub get_problem_data {
-    my ($url) = @_;
-    my $Answ=&Apache::lonnet::ssi($url,('grade_target' => 'analyze'));
-    (my $garbage,$Answ)=split(/_HASH_REF__/,$Answ,2);
-    my %Answer;
-    %Answer=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($Answ);
-    my %Partdata;
-    foreach my $part (@{$Answer{'parts'}}) {
-        while (my($key,$value) = each(%Answer)) {
-            next if ($key !~ /^$part/);
-            $key =~ s/^$part\.//;
-            if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                if ($key eq 'options') {
-                    for(my $i=0;$i<scalar(@$value);$i++) {
-                        $value->[$i]=~ s/(\s*$|^\s*)//g;
-                    }
-                    $Partdata{$part}->{'Options'}=$value;
-                } elsif ($key eq 'concepts') {
-                    $Partdata{$part}->{'Concepts'}=$value;
-                } elsif ($key =~ /^concept\.(.*)$/) {
-                    my $concept = $1;
-                    foreach my $foil (@$value) {
-                        $foil =~ s/(\s*$|^\s*)//g;
-                        $Partdata{$part}->{'Foils'}->{$foil}->{'Concept'}=
-                                                                      $concept;
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                $value =~ s/(\s*$|^\s*)//g;
-                if ($key=~ /^foil\.text\.(.*)$/) {
-                    my $foil = $1;
-                    $foil =~ s/(\s*$|^\s*)//g;
-                    $Partdata{$part}->{'Foils'}->{$foil}->{'name'}=$foil;
-                    $Partdata{$part}->{'Foils'}->{$foil}->{'text'}=$value;
-                } elsif ($key =~ /^foil\.value\.(.*)$/) {
-                    my $foil = $1;
-                    $foil =~ s/(\s*$|^\s*)//g;
-                    $Partdata{$part}->{'Foils'}->{$foil}->{'value'}=$value;
-                }
-            }
+sub hashify_attempt {
+    my ($row) = @_;
+    my %attempt;
+    $attempt{'tries'}      = $row->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RD_tries()];
+    $attempt{'submission'} = $row->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RD_submission()];
+    $attempt{'award'}      = $row->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RD_awarddetail()];
+    $attempt{'timestamp'}  = $row->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RD_timestamp()];
+    return %attempt;
+sub Process_OR_Row {
+    my ($row) = @_;
+    my %RowData;
+    my $student_id = $row->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RD_student_id()];
+    my $award      = $row->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RD_awarddetail()];
+    my $grading    = $row->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RD_response_eval()];
+    my $submission = $row->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RD_submission()];
+    my $time       = $row->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RD_timestamp()];
+    my $tries      = $row->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RD_tries()];
+    return undef if ($award eq 'MISSING_ANSWER');
+    if ($award =~ /(APPROX_ANS|EXACT_ANS)/) {
+        $RowData{'_correct'} = 1;
+    }
+    $RowData{'_total'} = 1;
+    my @Foilgrades = split('&',$grading);
+    my @Foilsubs   = split('&',$submission);
+    for (my $j=0;$j<=$#Foilgrades;$j++) {
+        my ($foilid,$correct)  = split('=',$Foilgrades[$j]);
+        $foilid = &Apache::lonnet::unescape($foilid);
+        my (undef,$submission) = split('=',$Foilsubs[$j]);
+        if ($correct) {
+            $RowData{$foilid}->{'_correct'}++;
+        } else {
+            $submission = &Apache::lonnet::unescape($submission);
+            $RowData{$foilid}->{$submission}++;
+        $RowData{$foilid}->{'_total'}++;
-    return %Partdata;
+    return %RowData;