+ return $Str;
- $jr = $r;
- unless(tie(%cache,'GDBM_File',$cacheDB,&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
- $r->print('Unable to tie database.');
+=item &CreateAndParseOutputSelector()
+my $output_mode;
+my $show;
+my @OutputOptions =
+ (
+ { name => 'problem statistics grouped by sequence',
+ value => 'HTML problem statistics grouped',
+ description => 'Output statistics for the problem parts.',
+ mode => 'html',
+ show => 'grouped',
+ },
+ { name => 'problem statistics ungrouped',
+ value => 'HTML problem statistics ungrouped',
+ description => 'Output statistics for the problem parts.',
+ mode => 'html',
+ show => 'ungrouped',
+ },
+ { name => 'problem statistics, Excel',
+ value => 'Excel problem statistics',
+ description => 'Output statistics for the problem parts '.
+ 'in an Excel workbook',
+ mode => 'excel',
+ show => 'all',
+ },
+ { name => 'Degree of Difficulty Plot',
+ value => 'plot deg diff',
+ description => 'Generate a plot of the degree of difficulty of each '.
+ 'problem part.',
+ mode => 'plot',
+ show => 'deg of diff',
+ },
+ { name => 'Percent Wrong Plot',
+ value => 'plot per wrong',
+ description => 'Generate a plot showing the percent of students who '.
+ 'were unable to complete each problem part',
+ mode => 'plot',
+ show => 'per wrong',
+ },
+ );
+sub OutputDescriptions {
+ my $Str = '';
+ $Str .= "
Output Modes
+ $Str .= "
+ foreach my $outputmode (@OutputOptions) {
+ $Str .="
+ $Str .="
+ }
+ $Str .= "
+ return $Str;
+sub CreateAndParseOutputSelector {
+ my $Str = '';
+ my $elementname = 'outputmode';
+ #
+ # Format for output options is 'mode, restrictions';
+ my $selected = 'html, with links';
+ if (exists($ENV{'form.'.$elementname})) {
+ if (ref($ENV{'form.'.$elementname} eq 'ARRAY')) {
+ $selected = $ENV{'form.'.$elementname}->[0];
+ } else {
+ $selected = $ENV{'form.'.$elementname};
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # Set package variables describing output mode
+ $output_mode = 'html';
+ $show = 'all';
+ foreach my $option (@OutputOptions) {
+ next if ($option->{'value'} ne $selected);
+ $output_mode = $option->{'mode'};
+ $show = $option->{'show'};
+ }
+ #
+ # Build the form element
+ $Str = qq/";
+ return $Str;
+sub Gather_Student_Data {
+ my ($r) = @_;
+ my $c = $r->connection();
+ #
+ my @Sequences = &Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess();
+ #
+ my @Students = @Apache::lonstatistics::Students;
+ #
+ # Open the progress window
+ my %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin
+ ($r,'Statistics Compilation Status',
+ 'Statistics Compilation Progress', scalar(@Students));
+ #
+ while (my $student = shift @Students) {
+ return if ($c->aborted());
+ my ($status,undef) = &Apache::loncoursedata::ensure_current_data
+ ($student->{'username'},$student->{'domain'},
+ $ENV{'request.course.id'});
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Increment_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state,
+ 'last student');
+ }
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Close_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state);
+ $r->rflush();
+sub BuildProblemStatisticsPage {
+ my ($r,$c)=@_;
+ #
+ $output_mode = 'html';
+ $show = 'grouped';
+ #
+ $r->print(&CreateInterface());
+ $r->print('');
+ $r->print('');
+ if (! exists($ENV{'form.statsfirstcall'})) {
+ #
+ &Gather_Student_Data($r);
+ #
+ #
+ if ($output_mode eq 'html') {
+ $r->print("
+ #
+ # Compile the data
+ my @Statsarray;
+ foreach my $sequence (@Sequences) {
+ next if ($sequence->{'num_assess'}<1);
+ foreach my $resource (@{$sequence->{'contents'}}) {
+ next if ($resource->{'type'} ne 'assessment');
+ foreach my $part (@{$resource->{'parts'}}) {
+ my ($num,$tries,$mod,$mean,$Solved,$solved,$DegOfDiff,$STD,
+ $SKEW) = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_problem_statistics
+ (undef,$resource->{'symb'},$part,
+ $ENV{'request.course.id'});
+ #
+ $show_part = 1 if ($part ne '0');
+ $part = ' ' if ($part == 0);
+ #
+ my $wrongpercent = 0;
+ if (defined($num) && $num > 0) {
+ $wrongpercent=int(10*100*($num-$Solved+$solved)/$num)/10;
+ }
+ push (@Statsarray,
+ { 'sequence' => $sequence,
+ 'resource' => $resource,
+ 'Title' => $resource->{'title'},
+ 'Part' => $part,
+ '#Stdnts' => $num,
+ 'Tries' => $tries,
+ 'Mod' => $mod,
+ 'Mean' => $mean,
+ '#YES' => $Solved,
+ '#yes' => $solved,
+ '%Wrng' => $wrongpercent,
+ 'DoDiff' => $DegOfDiff,
+ 'S.D.' => $STD,
+ 'Skew' => $SKEW,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # Table Headers
+ $r->print('
+ my $Str = '';
+ foreach (@Header) {
+ next if ($_ eq 'Part' && !$show_part);
+ # Do not allow sorting on some fields
+ if ($_ eq $sortby || /^(Part)$/) {
+ $Str .= '