- $r->print(''.
- join(" | ",@Header)." | \n");
+ $r->print('');
+ my $Str = &statistics_table_header('no container no plots');
+ $r->print(' '.$Str." \n");
foreach my $resource (@{$sequence->{'contents'}}) {
next if ($resource->{'type'} ne 'assessment');
foreach my $part (@{$resource->{'parts'}}) {
- my ($num,$tries,$mod,$mean,$Solved,$solved,$DegOfDiff,$STD,
- $SKEW) = &get_statistics($resource->{'symb'},$part);
- #
- $part = ' ' if ($part == 0);
- #
- my $wrongpercent = 0;
- if (defined($num) && $num > 0) {
- $wrongpercent=int(10*100*($num-$Solved+$solved)/$num)/10;
- }
+ my $data = &get_statistics($sequence,$resource,$part,
+ $problem_num);
my $option = '';
- $r->print(''.&statistics_html_table_data
- ($resource,$part,$num,$tries,$mod,$mean,$Solved,
- $solved,$wrongpercent,$DegOfDiff,$STD,$SKEW,
- $option).
+ $r->print(' '.&statistics_html_table_data($data,
+ 'no container').
" \n");
@@ -381,39 +399,29 @@ different columns.
sub output_html_ungrouped {
my ($r,$option) = @_;
+ if (exists($ENV{'form.plot'}) && $ENV{'form.plot'} ne '') {
+ &plot_statistics($r,$ENV{'form.plot'});
+ }
+ #
my $problem_num = 0;
my $show_container = 0;
my $show_part = 0;
- my @Header = ("Title","Part","#Stdnts","Tries","Mod",
- "Mean","#YES","#yes","%Wrng","DoDiff",
- "S.D.","Skew");#,"D.F.1st","D.F.2nd");
- #
my $sortby = undef;
- foreach (@Header) {
- if ($ENV{'form.sortby'} eq $_) {
- $sortby = $_;
+ foreach my $field (@Fields) {
+ if ($ENV{'form.sortby'} eq $field->{'name'}) {
+ $sortby = $field->{'name'};
- if (! defined($sortby) || $sortby eq '') {
- $sortby = 'Container';
+ if (! defined($sortby) || $sortby eq '' || $sortby eq 'problem_num') {
+ $sortby = 'container';
# If there is more than one sequence, list their titles
my @Sequences = &Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess();
- if (@Sequences > 1) {
- unshift(@Header,"Container");
- $show_container = 1;
- }
- #
- # If the option for showing the problem number is needed, push that
- # on the list too
- if (defined($option) && $option =~ /show probnum/) {
- unshift(@Header,"P#");
+ if (@Sequences < 1) {
+ $option .= ' no container';
- $r->print(''."\n");
- $r->rflush();
- #
# Compile the data
my @Statsarray;
foreach my $sequence (@Sequences) {
@@ -422,57 +430,18 @@ sub output_html_ungrouped {
next if ($resource->{'type'} ne 'assessment');
foreach my $part (@{$resource->{'parts'}}) {
- my ($num,$tries,$mod,$mean,$Solved,$solved,$DegOfDiff,$STD,
- $SKEW) = &get_statistics($resource->{'symb'},$part);
- #
+ my $data = &get_statistics($sequence,$resource,$part,
+ $problem_num);
$show_part = 1 if ($part ne '0');
- $part = ' ' if ($part == 0);
- my $wrongpercent = 0;
- if (defined($num) && $num > 0) {
- $wrongpercent=int(10*100*($num-$Solved+$solved)/$num)/10;
- }
- push (@Statsarray,
- { 'sequence' => $sequence,
- 'resource' => $resource,
- 'Title' => $resource->{'title'},
- 'Part' => $part,
- '#Stdnts' => $num,
- 'Tries' => $tries,
- 'Mod' => $mod,
- 'Mean' => $mean,
- '#YES' => $Solved,
- '#yes' => $solved,
- '%Wrng' => $wrongpercent,
- 'DoDiff' => $DegOfDiff,
- 'S.D.' => $STD,
- 'Skew' => $SKEW,
- 'problem_num' => $problem_num,
- });
+ push (@Statsarray,$data);
- # Table Headers
- $r->print(''."\n");
- my $Str = '';
- foreach (@Header) {
- next if ($_ eq 'Part' && !$show_part);
- # Do not allow sorting on some fields
- if ($_ eq $sortby || /^(Part|P\#)$/) {
- $Str .= ''.$_.' | ';
- } else {
- $Str .= ''.
- ''.
- $_.' | ';
- }
- }
- $r->print(''.$Str." \n");
- #
# Sort the data
my @OutputOrder;
- if ($sortby eq 'Container') {
+ if ($sortby eq 'container') {
@OutputOrder = @Statsarray;
} else {
# $sortby is already defined, so we can charge ahead
@@ -480,8 +449,8 @@ sub output_html_ungrouped {
# Alpha comparison
@OutputOrder = sort {
lc($a->{$sortby}) cmp lc($b->{$sortby}) ||
- lc($a->{'Title'}) cmp lc($b->{'Title'}) ||
- lc($a->{'Part'}) cmp lc($b->{'Part'});
+ lc($a->{'title'}) cmp lc($b->{'title'}) ||
+ lc($a->{'part'}) cmp lc($b->{'part'});
} @Statsarray;
} else {
# Numerical comparison
@@ -501,30 +470,35 @@ sub output_html_ungrouped {
if ($retvalue eq '0') {
$retvalue = $b->{$sortby} <=> $a->{$sortby} ||
- lc($a->{'Title'}) <=> lc($b->{'Title'}) ||
- lc($a->{'Part'}) <=> lc($b->{'Part'});
+ lc($a->{'title'}) <=> lc($b->{'title'}) ||
+ lc($a->{'part'}) <=> lc($b->{'part'});
} @Statsarray;
- $option .= ',no part' if (! $show_part);
- foreach my $row (@OutputOrder) {
- $r->print('');
- if (defined($option) && $option =~ /show probnum/) {
- $r->print(''.$row->{'problem_num'}.' | ');
- }
- if ($show_container) {
- $r->print(''
- .$row->{'sequence'}->{'title'}.' | ');
- }
- $r->print(&statistics_html_table_data
- ($row->{'resource'},$row->{'Part'},$row->{'#Stdnts'},
- $row->{'Tries'},$row->{'Mod'},$row->{'Mean'},
- $row->{'#YES'},$row->{'#yes'},$row->{"\%Wrng"},
- $row->{'DoDiff'},$row->{'S.D.'},$row->{'Skew'},
- $option));
- $r->print(" \n");
+ $option .= 'no part' if (! $show_part);
+ my $num_output = 0;
+ #
+ # output the headers
+ $r->print(''."\n");
+ $r->print(''."\n");
+ my $Str = &statistics_table_header($option.' sortable');
+ $r->print(''.$Str." \n");
+ #
+ foreach my $rowdata (@OutputOrder) {
+ $num_output++;
+ if ($num_output % 25 == 0) {
+ $r->print(" \n | \n");
+ #
+ $r->print(''."\n");
+ $r->print(''."\n");
+ my $Str = &statistics_table_header($option.' sortable');
+ $r->print(''.$Str." \n");
+ $r->rflush();
+ }
+ $r->print(''.&statistics_html_table_data($rowdata,$option).
+ " \n");
$r->print(" \n");
$r->print(" | \n");
@@ -552,6 +526,8 @@ sub output_excel {
+ my ($starttime,$endtime) = &Apache::lonstathelpers::get_time_limits();
+ #
my $excel_workbook = undef;
my $excel_sheet = undef;
@@ -564,9 +540,9 @@ sub output_excel {
# Check for errors
if (! defined($excel_workbook)) {
$r->log_error("Error creating excel spreadsheet $filename: $!");
- $r->print("Problems creating new Excel file. ".
+ $r->print(&mt("Problems creating new Excel file. ".
"This error has been logged. ".
- "Please alert your LON-CAPA administrator");
+ "Please alert your LON-CAPA administrator."));
return ;
@@ -581,7 +557,9 @@ sub output_excel {
if (length($sheetname) > 31) {
$sheetname = substr($sheetname,0,31);
- $excel_sheet = $excel_workbook->addworksheet($sheetname);
+ $excel_sheet = $excel_workbook->addworksheet(
+ &Apache::loncommon::clean_excel_name($sheetname)
+ );
# Put the course description in the header
@@ -608,6 +586,22 @@ sub output_excel {
$cols_output += scalar(@Sections);
+ # Time restrictions
+ my $time_string;
+ if (defined($starttime)) {
+ # call localtime but not lonlocal:locallocaltime because excel probably
+ # cannot handle localized text. Probably.
+ $time_string .= 'Data collected from '.localtime($time_string);
+ if (defined($endtime)) {
+ $time_string .= ' to '.localtime($endtime);
+ }
+ $time_string .= '.';
+ } elsif (defined($endtime)) {
+ # See note above about lonlocal:locallocaltime
+ $time_string .= 'Data collected before '.localtime($endtime).'.';
+ }
+ #
# Put the date in there too
'Compiled on '.localtime(time));
@@ -615,36 +609,46 @@ sub output_excel {
- # Add the headers
- my @Header = ("Container","Title","Part","#Stdnts","Tries","Mod",
- "Mean","#YES","#yes","%Wrng","DoDiff",
- "S.D.","Skew.");#,"D.F.1st","D.F.2nd");
- foreach (@Header) {
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$_);
+ # Long Headersheaders
+ foreach my $field (@Fields) {
+ next if ($field->{'name'} eq 'problem_num');
+ if (exists($field->{'long_title'})) {
+ $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,
+ $field->{'long_title'});
+ } else {
+ $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,'');
+ }
+ }
+ $rows_output++;
+ $cols_output=0;
+ # Brief headers
+ foreach my $field (@Fields) {
+ next if ($field->{'name'} eq 'problem_num');
+ # Use english for excel as I am not sure how well excel handles
+ # other character sets....
+ $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$field->{'title'});
# Write the data
+ my $problem_num=0;
foreach my $sequence (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
next if ($sequence->{'num_assess'}<1);
foreach my $resource (@{$sequence->{'contents'}}) {
next if ($resource->{'type'} ne 'assessment');
foreach my $part (@{$resource->{'parts'}}) {
- my ($num,$tries,$mod,$mean,$Solved,$solved,$DegOfDiff,$STD,
- $SKEW) = &get_statistics($resource->{'symb'},$part);
+ $problem_num++;
+ my $data = &get_statistics($sequence,$resource,$part,
+ $problem_num);
if (!defined($part) || $part eq '') {
$part = ' ';
- my $wrongpercent = 0;
- if (defined($num) && $num > 0) {
- $wrongpercent=int(10*100*($num-$Solved+$solved)/$num)/10;
- }
- foreach ($sequence->{'title'},$resource->{'title'},$part,
- $num,$tries,$mod,$mean,$Solved,$solved,$wrongpercent,
- $DegOfDiff,$STD,$SKEW) {
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$_);
+ foreach my $field (@Fields) {
+ next if ($field->{'name'} eq 'problem_num');
+ $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,
+ $data->{$field->{'name'}});
@@ -655,7 +659,8 @@ sub output_excel {
# Tell the user where to get their excel file
$r->print(' '.
- 'Your Excel spreadsheet.'."\n");
+ ''.
+ &mt('Your Excel Spreadsheet').''."\n");
@@ -674,38 +679,61 @@ Help function used to format the rows fo
sub statistics_html_table_data {
- my ($resource,$part,$num,$tries,$mod,$mean,$Solved,$solved,$wrongpercent,
- $DegOfDiff,$STD,$SKEW,$options) = @_;
+ my ($data,$options) = @_;
my $row = '';
- $row .= ''.
- ''.
- $resource->{'title'}.''.
- ' | ';
- $row .= ''.$part.' | ' if ($options !~ /no part/);
- foreach ($num,$tries) {
- $row .= ''.$_.' | ';
- }
- foreach ($mod) {
- $row .= ''.$_.' | ';
- }
- foreach ($mean) {
- $row .= ''.
- sprintf("%5.2f",$_).' | ';
- }
- foreach ($Solved,$solved) {
- $row .= ''.$_.' | ';
- }
- foreach ($wrongpercent) {
- $row .= ''.
- sprintf("%5.1f",$_).' | ';
- }
- foreach ($DegOfDiff,$STD,$SKEW) {
- $row .= ''.
- sprintf("%5.2f",$_).' | ';
+ foreach my $field (@Fields) {
+ next if ($options =~ /no $field->{'name'}/);
+ $row .= '{'align'})) {
+ $row .= ' align="'.$field->{'align'}.'"';
+ }
+ $row .= '>';
+ if (exists($field->{'special'}) && $field->{'special'} eq 'link') {
+ $row .= '';
+ }
+ if (exists($field->{'format'})) {
+ $row .= sprintf($field->{'format'},$data->{$field->{'name'}});
+ } else {
+ $row .= $data->{$field->{'name'}};
+ }
+ if (exists($field->{'special'}) && $field->{'special'} eq 'link') {
+ $row.= '';
+ }
+ $row .= ' | ';
return $row;
+sub statistics_table_header {
+ my ($options) = @_;
+ my $header_row;
+ foreach my $field (@Fields) {
+ next if ($options =~ /no $field->{'name'}/);
+ $header_row .= '';
+ if ($options =~ /sortable/ &&
+ exists($field->{'sortable'}) && $field->{'sortable'} eq 'yes') {
+ $header_row .= '{'name'}."'".
+ ';document.Statistics.submit();">';
+ }
+ $header_row .= &mt($field->{'title'});
+ if ($options =~ /sortable/) {
+ $header_row.= '';
+ }
+ if ($options !~ /no plots/ &&
+ exists($field->{'graphable'}) &&
+ $field->{'graphable'} eq 'yes') {
+ $header_row.=' (';
+ $header_row .= '';
+ $header_row .= &mt('plot').')';
+ }
+ $header_row .= ' | ';
+ }
+ return $header_row;
@@ -721,58 +749,43 @@ sub plot_statistics {
my ($r,$datafield) = @_;
my @Data;
- my %Fields = ('#Stdnts'=> 0,
- 'Tries' => 1,
- 'Mod' => 2,
- 'Mean' => 3,
- '#YES' => 4,
- '#yes' => 5,
- '%Wrng' => 9,
- 'DoDiff' => 6,
- 'S.D.' => 7,
- 'Skew' => 8,);
- #
- my $field = '%Wrng';
- foreach (keys(%Fields)) {
- $field = $_ if ($datafield eq $_);
+ #
+ my $sortfield = undef;
+ my $title = undef;
+ foreach my $field (@Fields) {
+ if ($datafield eq $field->{'name'} &&
+ exists($field->{'graphable'}) && $field->{'graphable'} eq 'yes') {
+ $sortfield = $field->{'name'};
+ $title = $field->{'long_title'};
+ }
- my $fieldindex = $Fields{$field};
+ return if (! defined($sortfield) || $sortfield eq '');
my $Max = 0;
+ my $problem_num = 0;
foreach my $sequence (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
next if ($sequence->{'num_assess'}<1);
foreach my $resource (@{$sequence->{'contents'}}) {
next if ($resource->{'type'} ne 'assessment');
foreach my $part (@{$resource->{'parts'}}) {
- my @Results= &get_statistics($resource->{'symb'},$part);
- my ($num,$Solved,$solved) = @Results[0,4,5];
- my $wrongpercent = 0;
- if (defined($num) && $num > 0) {
- $wrongpercent=int(10*100*($num-$Solved+$solved)/$num)/10;
- }
- push (@Results,$wrongpercent);
- my $data = $Results[$fieldindex];
- $data = 0 if ($data eq 'nan');
- $Max = $data if ($Max<$data);
- push (@Data,$data);
+ my $problem_number++;
+ my $data = &get_statistics($sequence,$resource,$part,
+ $problem_num);
+ my $value = $data->{$sortfield};
+ $Max = $value if ($Max < $value);
+ push (@Data,$value);
# Print out plot request
- my $title = 'Percent Wrong';
- if ($field eq 'DoDiff') {
- $title = 'Degree of Difficulty';
- }
- my $yaxis = 'Percent';
- if ($field eq 'DoDiff') {
- $yaxis = '';
- } elsif ($field ne '%Wrng') {
- $yaxis = '';
+ my $yaxis = '';
+ if ($sortfield eq 'per_wrong') {
+ $yaxis = 'Percent';
# Determine appropriate value for $Max
- if ($field eq 'DoDiff') {
+ if ($sortfield eq 'deg_of_diff') {
if ($Max > 0.5) {
$Max = 1;
} elsif ($Max > 0.2) {
@@ -780,7 +793,7 @@ sub plot_statistics {
} elsif ($Max > 0.1) {
$Max = 0.2;
- } elsif ($field eq '%Wrng') {
+ } elsif ($sortfield eq 'per_wrong') {
if ($Max > 50) {
$Max = 100;
} elsif ($Max > 25) {
@@ -796,61 +809,115 @@ sub plot_statistics {
- $r->print("".&DrawGraph(\@Data,$title,'Problem Number',$yaxis,
- $Max)." \n");
+ $r->print("".&Apache::loncommon::DrawBarGraph($title,
+ 'Problem Number',
+ $yaxis,
+ $Max,
+ undef, # colors
+ undef, # labels
+ \@Data)." \n");
# Print out the data
$ENV{'form.sortby'} = 'Contents';
- &output_html_ungrouped($r,'show probnum');
+# &output_html_ungrouped($r);
+=item &get_statistics()
+Wrapper routine from the call to loncoursedata::get_problem_statistics.
+Calls lonstathelpers::get_time_limits() to limit the data set by time.
+Inputs: $sequence, $resource, $part, $problem_num
+Returns: Hash reference with statistics data from
+sub get_statistics {
+ my ($sequence,$resource,$part,$problem_num) = @_;
+ #
+ my ($starttime,$endtime) = &Apache::lonstathelpers::get_time_limits();
+ my $symb = $resource->{'symb'};
+ my $courseid = $ENV{'request.course.id'};
+ #
+ my $data = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_problem_statistics
+ (\@Apache::lonstatistics::SelectedSections,
+ $Apache::lonstatistics::enrollment_status,
+ $symb,$part,$courseid,$starttime,$endtime);
+ $data->{'part'} = $part;
+ $data->{'problem_num'} = $problem_num;
+ $data->{'container'} = $sequence->{'title'};
+ $data->{'title'} = $resource->{'title'};
+ $data->{'title.link'} = $resource->{'src'}.'?symb='.
+ &Apache::lonnet::escape($resource->{'symb'});
+ #
+ $data->{'deg_of_disc'} = &compute_discrimination_factor($resource,$part,$sequence);
+ return $data;
+=item &compute_discrimination_factor()
-=item &DrawGraph()
+Inputs: $Resource, $Sequence
+Returns: integer between -1 and 1
-sub DrawGraph {
- my ($values,$title,$xaxis,$yaxis,$Max)=@_;
- $title = '' if (! defined($title));
- $xaxis = '' if (! defined($xaxis));
- $yaxis = '' if (! defined($yaxis));
- #
- my $sendValues = join(',', @$values);
- my $sendCount = scalar(@$values);
- if ( $Max > 1 ) {
- if ($Max % 10) {
- if ( int($Max) < $Max ) {
- $Max++;
- $Max = int($Max);
- }
- }
- } else {
- $Max = 1;
+sub compute_discrimination_factor {
+ my ($resource,$part,$sequence) = @_;
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis($sequence->{'title'}.' '.$resource->{'title'});
+ my @Resources;
+ foreach my $res (@{$sequence->{'contents'}}) {
+ next if ($res->{'symb'} eq $resource->{'symb'});
+ push (@Resources,$res->{'symb'});
+ }
+ #
+ # rank
+ my $ranking =
+ &Apache::loncoursedata::rank_students_by_scores_on_resources
+ (\@Resources,
+ \@Apache::lonstatistics::SelectedSections,
+ $Apache::lonstatistics::enrollment_status,undef);
+ #
+ # compute their percent scores on the problems in the sequence,
+ my $number_to_grab = int(scalar(@{$ranking})/4);
+ my $num_students = scalar(@{$ranking});
+ my @BottomSet = map { $_->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RNK_student()];
+ } @{$ranking}[0..$number_to_grab];
+ my @TopSet =
+ map {
+ $_->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RNK_student()];
+ } @{$ranking}[($num_students-$number_to_grab)..($num_students-1)];
+ my ($bottom_sum,$bottom_max) =
+ &Apache::loncoursedata::get_sum_of_scores($resource,$part,\@BottomSet);
+ my ($top_sum,$top_max) =
+ &Apache::loncoursedata::get_sum_of_scores($resource,$part,\@TopSet);
+ my $deg_of_disc;
+ if ($top_max == 0 || $bottom_max==0) {
+ $deg_of_disc = 'nan';
+ } else {
+ $deg_of_disc = ($top_sum/$top_max) - ($bottom_sum/$bottom_max);
- my @GData = ($title,$xaxis,$yaxis,$Max,$sendCount,$sendValues);
- return ' ';
-sub get_statistics {
- my ($symb,$part) = @_;
- #
- my $courseid = $ENV{'request.course.id'};
- #
- my $students = \@Apache::lonstatistics::Students;
- if ($Apache::lonstatistics::SelectedSections[0] eq 'all') {
- $students = undef;
- }
- my @Results = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_problem_statistics
- ($students,$symb,$part,$courseid);
- return @Results;
+ #&Apache::lonnet::logthis(' '.$top_sum.'/'.$top_max.
+ # ' - '.$bottom_sum.'/'.$bottom_max);
+ return $deg_of_disc;
@@ -860,6 +927,8 @@ sub get_statistics {
=item &ProblemStatisticsLegend()
+HELP This needs to be localized, or at least generated automatically.
@@ -874,7 +943,7 @@ sub ProblemStatisticsLegend {
$Ptr .= 'Tries';
$Ptr .= 'Total number of tries for solving the problem.';
$Ptr .= ' | ';
- $Ptr .= 'Mod | ';
+ $Ptr .= 'Max Tries';
$Ptr .= 'Largest number of tries for solving the problem by a student.';
$Ptr .= ' | ';
$Ptr .= 'Mean | ';