--- loncom/interface/statistics/lonproblemstatistics.pm	2002/08/15 14:15:20	1.30
+++ loncom/interface/statistics/lonproblemstatistics.pm	2004/03/29 18:22:28	1.75
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
-# (Publication Handler
-# $Id: lonproblemstatistics.pm,v 1.30 2002/08/15 14:15:20 stredwic Exp $
+# $Id: lonproblemstatistics.pm,v 1.75 2004/03/29 18:22:28 matthew Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -26,799 +25,1245 @@
 # http://www.lon-capa.org/
 # (Navigate problems for statistical reports
-# YEAR=2001
-# 5/5,7/9,7/25/1,8/11,9/13,9/26,10/5,10/9,10/22,10/26 Behrouz Minaei
-# 11/1,11/4,11/16,12/14,12/16,12/18,12/20,12/31 Behrouz Minaei
-# YEAR=2002
-# 1/22,2/1,2/6,2/25,3/2,3/6,3/17,3/21,3/22,3/26,4/7,5/6 Behrouz Minaei
-# 5/12,5/14,5/15,5/19,5/26,7/16,7/25,7/29,8/5  Behrouz Minaei
-package Apache::lonproblemstatistics; 
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Routines to present problem statistics to instructors via tables,
+Excel files, and plots.
+=over 4
+package Apache::lonproblemstatistics;
 use strict;
 use Apache::lonnet();
+use Apache::loncommon();
 use Apache::lonhtmlcommon;
 use Apache::loncoursedata;
-use GDBM_File;
+use Apache::lonstatistics;
+use Apache::lonlocal;
+use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
+use Apache::lonstathelpers();
+use Time::HiRes;
+my @StatsArray;
+## Localization notes:
+## in @Fields[0]->{'long_title'} is placed in Excel files and is used as the
+## header for plots created with Graph.pm, both of which more than likely do
+## not support localization.
+my @Fields = (
+           { name => 'problem_num',
+             title => 'P#',
+             align => 'right',
+             color => '#FFFFE6' },
+           { name   => 'container',
+             title  => 'Sequence or Folder',
+             align  => 'left',
+             color  => '#FFFFE6',
+             sortable => 'yes' },
+           { name   => 'title',
+             title  => 'Title',
+             align  => 'left',
+             color  => '#FFFFE6',
+             special  => 'link',
+             sortable => 'yes', },
+           { name   => 'part', 
+             title  => 'Part',
+             align  => 'left',
+             color  => '#FFFFE6',
+             },
+           { name   => 'num_students',
+             title  => '#Stdnts',
+             align  => 'right',
+             color  => '#EEFFCC',
+             format => '%d',
+             sortable  => 'yes',
+             graphable => 'yes',
+             long_title => 'Number of Students Attempting Problem' },
+           { name   => 'tries',
+             title  => 'Tries',
+             align  => 'right',
+             color  => '#EEFFCC',
+             format => '%d',
+             sortable  => 'yes',
+             graphable => 'yes',
+             long_title => 'Total Number of Tries' },
+           { name   => 'max_tries',
+             title  => 'Max Tries',
+             align  => 'right',
+             color  => '#DDFFFF',
+             format => '%d',
+             sortable  => 'yes',
+             graphable => 'yes',
+             long_title => 'Maximum Number of Tries' },
+           { name   => 'min_tries',
+             title  => 'Min Tries',
+             align  => 'right',
+             color  => '#DDFFFF',
+             format => '%d',
+             sortable  => 'yes',
+             graphable => 'yes',
+             long_title => 'Minumum Number of Tries' },
+           { name   => 'mean_tries',
+             title  => 'Mean Tries',
+             align  => 'right',
+             color  => '#DDFFFF',
+             format => '%5.2f',
+             sortable  => 'yes',
+             graphable => 'yes',
+             long_title => 'Average Number of Tries' },
+           { name   => 'std_tries',
+             title  => 'S.D. tries',
+             align  => 'right',
+             color  => '#DDFFFF',
+             format => '%5.2f',
+             sortable  => 'yes',
+             graphable => 'yes',
+             long_title => 'Standard Deviation of Number of Tries' },
+           { name   => 'skew_tries',
+             title  => 'Skew Tries',
+             align  => 'right',
+             color  => '#DDFFFF',
+             format => '%5.2f',
+             sortable  => 'yes',
+             graphable => 'yes',
+             long_title => 'Skew of Number of Tries' },
+           { name   => 'num_solved',
+             title  => '#YES',
+             align  => 'right',
+             color  => '#FFDDDD',
+             format => '%4.1f',#             format => '%d',
+             sortable  => 'yes',
+             graphable => 'yes',
+             long_title => 'Number of Students able to Solve' },
+           { name   => 'num_override',
+             title  => '#yes',
+             align  => 'right',
+             color  => '#FFDDDD',
+             format => '%4.1f',#             format => '%d',
+             sortable  => 'yes',
+             graphable => 'yes',
+             long_title => 'Number of Students given Override' },
+           { name   => 'num_wrong',
+             title  => '#Wrng',
+             align  => 'right',
+             color  => '#FFDDDD',
+             format => '%4.1f',
+             sortable  => 'yes',
+             graphable => 'yes',
+             long_title => 'Percent of students whose final answer is wrong' },
+           { name   => 'deg_of_diff',
+             title  => 'DoDiff',
+             align  => 'right',
+             color  => '#FFFFE6',
+             format => '%5.2f',
+             sortable  => 'yes',
+             graphable => 'yes',
+             long_title => 'Degree of Difficulty'.
+                           '[ 1 - ((#YES+#yes) / Tries) ]'},
+           { name   => 'deg_of_disc',
+             title  => 'DoDisc',
+             align  => 'right',
+             color  => '#FFFFE6',
+             format => '%4.2f',
+             sortable  => 'yes',
+             graphable => 'yes',
+             long_title => 'Degree of Discrimination' },
+=item &CreateInterface()
+Create the main intereface for the statistics page.  Allows the user to
+select sections, maps, and output.
+sub CreateInterface {
+    my $Str = '';
+    $Str .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs
+        (undef,'Overall Problem Statistics','Statistics_Overall_Key');
+    $Str .= '<table cellspacing="5">'."\n";
+    $Str .= '<tr>';
+    $Str .= '<td align="center"><b>'.&mt('Sections').'</b></td>';
+    $Str .= '<td align="center"><b>'.&mt('Enrollment Status').'</b></td>';
+    $Str .= '<td align="center"><b>'.&mt('Sequences and Folders').'</b></td>';
+    $Str .= '<td rowspan="2">'.
+        &Apache::lonstathelpers::limit_by_time_form().'</td>';
+    $Str .= '</tr>'."\n";
+    #
+    $Str .= '<tr><td align="center">'."\n";
+    $Str .= &Apache::lonstatistics::SectionSelect('Section','multiple',5);
+    $Str .= '</td><td align="center">';
+    $Str .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::StatusOptions(undef,undef,5);
+    $Str .= '</td><td align="center">';
+    #
+    my $only_seq_with_assessments = sub { 
+        my $s=shift;
+        if ($s->{'num_assess'} < 1) { 
+            return 0;
+        } else { 
+            return 1;
+        }
+    };
+    $Str .= &Apache::lonstatistics::MapSelect('Maps','multiple,all',5,
+                                              $only_seq_with_assessments);
+    $Str .= '</td></tr>'."\n";
+    $Str .= '</table>'."\n";
+    $Str .= '<input type="submit" name="GenerateStatistics" value="'.
+        &mt('Generate Statistics').'" />';
+    $Str .= '&nbsp;'x5;
+    $Str .= 'Plot '.&plot_dropdown().('&nbsp;'x10);
+    $Str .= '<input type="submit" name="ClearCache" value="'.
+        &mt('Clear Caches').'" />';
+    $Str .= '&nbsp;'x5;
+    $Str .= '<input type="submit" name="UpdateCache" value="'.
+        &mt('Update Student Data').'" />';
+    $Str .= '&nbsp;'x5;
+    $Str .= '<input type="submit" name="Excel" value="'.
+        &mt('Produce Excel Output').'" />';
+    $Str .= '&nbsp;'x5;
+    return $Str;
-my $jr;
-sub InitializeProblemStatistics {
-    my ($cacheDB, $students, $courseID, $c, $r)=@_;
-    my %cache;
-    $jr = $r;
-    unless(tie(%cache,'GDBM_File',$cacheDB,&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
-        $r->print('Unable to tie database1.');
-        return ('ERROR', undef);
-    }
-    # Remove students who don't have the proper section.
-    my @sectionsSelected = split(':',$cache{'sectionsSelected'});
-    for(my $studentIndex=((scalar @$students)-1); $studentIndex>=0;
-        $studentIndex--) {
-        my $value = $cache{$students->[$studentIndex].':section'};
-        my $found = 0;
-        foreach (@sectionsSelected) {
-            if($_ eq 'none') {
-                if($value eq '' || !defined($value) || $value eq ' ') {
-                    $found = 1;
-                    last;
-                }
-            } else {
-                if($value eq $_) {
-                    $found = 1;
-                    last;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if($found == 0) {
-            splice(@$students, $studentIndex, 1);
-        }
-    }
-    my $isNotCached = 0;
-    my $lastStatus = (defined($cache{'StatisticsLastStatus'})) ?
-                     $cache{'StatisticsLastStatus'} : 'Nothing';
-    my $whichStudents = join(':::',sort(@$students));
-    if(!defined($cache{'StatisticsCached'}) || 
-       $lastStatus ne $cache{'Status'} ||
-       $whichStudents ne $cache{'StatisticsWhichStudents'}) {
-        $isNotCached = 1;
-    }
+=item &BuildProblemStatisticsPage()
-    untie(%cache);
-    unless(tie(%cache,'GDBM_File',$cacheDB,&GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
-        $r->print('Unable to tie database.2');
-        return ('ERROR', undef);
-    }
-    if($isNotCached && defined($cache{'StatisticsCached'})) {
-        my @statkeys = split(':::', $cache{'StatisticsKeys'});
-        delete $cache{'StatisticsKeys'};
-        delete $cache{'StatisticsCached'};
-        foreach(@statkeys) {
-            delete $cache{$_};
-        }
-    }
+Main interface to problem statistics.
-    untie(%cache);
-    if($isNotCached) {
-        &Apache::loncoursedata::DownloadStudentCourseDataSeparate($students,
-                                                                  'true',
-                                                                  $cacheDB,
-                                                                  'true', 
-                                                                  'true',
-                                                                  $courseID,
-                                                                  $r, $c);
-    }
-    if($c->aborted()) { return ('ERROR', undef); }
-    unless(tie(%cache,'GDBM_File',$cacheDB,&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
-        $r->print('Unable to tie database.3');
-        return ('ERROR', undef);
+sub BuildProblemStatisticsPage {
+    my ($r,$c)=@_;
+    #
+    my %Saveable_Parameters = ('Status' => 'scalar',
+                               'statsoutputmode' => 'scalar',
+                               'Section' => 'array',
+                               'StudentData' => 'array',
+                               'Maps' => 'array');
+    &Apache::loncommon::store_course_settings('statistics',
+                                              \%Saveable_Parameters);
+    &Apache::loncommon::restore_course_settings('statistics',
+                                                \%Saveable_Parameters);
+    #
+    &Apache::lonstatistics::PrepareClasslist();
+    #
+    # Clear the package variables
+    undef(@StatsArray);
+    #
+    # Finally let the user know we are here
+    my $interface = &CreateInterface();
+    $r->print($interface);
+    $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="sortby" value="'.$ENV{'form.sortby'}.
+              '" />');
+    #
+    if (! exists($ENV{'form.statsfirstcall'})) {
+        $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="statsfirstcall" value="yes" />');
+        $r->print('<h3>'.
+                  &mt('Press "Generate Statistics" when you are ready.').
+                  '</h3><p>'.
+                  &mt('It may take some time to update the student data '.
+                      'for the first analysis.  Future analysis this session '.
+                      ' will not have this delay.').
+                  '</p>');
+        return;
+    } elsif ($ENV{'form.statsfirstcall'} eq 'yes' || 
+             exists($ENV{'form.UpdateCache'}) ||
+             exists($ENV{'form.ClearCache'}) ) {
+        $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="statsfirstcall" value="no" />');
+        &Apache::lonstatistics::Gather_Student_Data($r);
+    } else {
+        $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="statsfirstcall" value="no" />');
-    my $problemData;
-    if($isNotCached) {
-        ($problemData) = &ExtractStudentData(\%cache, $students);
-        &CalculateStatistics($problemData, \%cache, $courseID);
+    $r->rflush();
+    #
+    # This probably does not need to be done each time we are called, but
+    # it does not slow things down noticably.
+    &Apache::loncoursedata::populate_weight_table();
+    #
+    if (exists($ENV{'form.Excel'})) {
+        &Excel_output($r);
+    } else {
+        my $count = 0;
+        foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
+            $count += $seq->{'num_assess'};
+        }
+        if ($count > 10) {
+            $r->print('<h2>'.
+                      &mt('Compiling statistics for [_1] problems',$count).
+                      '</h2>');
+            if ($count > 30) {
+                $r->print('<h3>'.&mt('This will take some time.').'</h3>');
+            }
+            $r->rflush();
+        }
+        #
+        my $sortby = $ENV{'form.sortby'};
+        $sortby = 'container' if (! defined($sortby) || $sortby =~ /^\s*$/);
+        my $plot = $ENV{'form.plot'};
+        if ($plot eq '' || $plot eq 'none') {
+            undef($plot);
+        }
+        if ($sortby eq 'container' && ! defined($plot)) {
+            &output_html_by_sequence($r);
+        } else {
+            if (defined($plot)) {
+                &make_plot($r,$plot);
+            }
+            &output_html_stats($r);
+        }
-    untie(%cache);
+    return;
-    unless(tie(%cache,'GDBM_File',$cacheDB,&GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
-        $r->print('Unable to tie database.4');
-        return ('ERROR', undef);
-    }
-    if($isNotCached) {
-        foreach(keys(%$problemData)) {
-            $cache{$_} = $problemData->{$_};
+## HTML output routines
+sub output_html_by_sequence {
+    my ($r) = @_;
+    my $c = $r->connection();
+    $r->print(&html_preamble());
+    #
+    foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
+        last if ($c->aborted);
+        next if ($seq->{'num_assess'} < 1);
+        $r->print("<h3>".$seq->{'title'}."</h3>".
+                  '<table border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#777777">'."\n".
+                  '<table border="0" cellpadding="3">'."\n".
+                  '<tr bgcolor="#FFFFE6">'.
+                  &statistics_table_header('no container')."</tr>\n");
+        my @Data = &compute_statistics_on_sequence($seq);
+        foreach my $data (@Data) {
+            $r->print('<tr>'.&statistics_html_table_data($data,
+                                                         'no container').
+                      "</tr>\n");
-        $cache{'StatisticsKeys'} = join(':::', keys(%$problemData));
-        $cache{'StatisticsCached'} = 'true';
-        $cache{'StatisticsLastStatus'} = $cache{'Status'};
-        $cache{'StatisticsWhichStudents'} = $whichStudents;
+        $r->print('</table>'."\n".'</table>'."\n");
+        $r->rflush();
-    untie(%cache);
+    return;
-    unless(tie(%cache,'GDBM_File',$cacheDB,&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
-        $r->print('Unable to tie database.5');
-        return ('ERROR', undef);
+sub output_html_stats {
+    my ($r)=@_;
+    &compute_all_statistics($r);
+    $r->print(&html_preamble());
+    &sort_data($ENV{'form.sortby'});
+    #
+    my $count=0;
+    foreach my $data (@StatsArray) {
+        if ($count++ % 50 == 0) {
+            $r->print("</table>\n</table>\n");
+            $r->print('<table border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#777777">'."\n".
+                      '<table border="0" cellpadding="3">'."\n".
+                      '<tr bgcolor="#FFFFE6">'.
+                      '<tr bgcolor="#FFFFE6">'.
+                      &statistics_table_header().
+                      "</tr>\n");
+        }
+        $r->print('<tr>'.&statistics_html_table_data($data)."</tr>\n");
-    my $orderedProblems = &SortProblems(\%cache, 
-                                        $cache{'ProblemStatisticsSort'},
-                                        $cache{'SortProblems'},
-                                        $cache{'ProblemStatisticsAscend'});
-    untie(%cache);
-    return ('OK', $orderedProblems);
+    $r->print("</table>\n</table>\n");
+    return;
-sub BuildProblemStatisticsPage {
-    my ($cacheDB, $students, $courseID, $c, $r)=@_;
+sub html_preamble {
+    my $Str='';
+    $Str .= "<h2>".
+        $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.description'}.
+        "</h2>\n";
+    my ($starttime,$endtime) = &Apache::lonstathelpers::get_time_limits();
+    if (defined($starttime) || defined($endtime)) {
+        # Inform the user what the time limits on the data are.
+        $Str .= '<h3>'.&mt('Statistics on submissions from [_1] to [_2]',
+                           &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($starttime),
+                           &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($endtime)
+                           ).'</h3>';
+    }
+    $Str .= "<h3>".&mt('Compiled on [_1]',
+                       &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime(time))."</h3>";
+    return $Str;
-    my @Header = ("Homework Sets Order","#Stdnts","Tries","Mod",
-                  "Mean","#YES","#yes","%Wrng","DoDiff",
-                  "S.D.","Skew.","D.F.1st","D.F.2nd");
-    my $color=&setbgcolor(0);
-    my %cache;
-    unless(tie(%cache,'GDBM_File',$cacheDB,&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
-        $r->print('Unable to tie database.6');
-        return;
-    }
-    my $Ptr = '';
-    $Ptr .= '<table border="0" cellspacing="5"><tbody>';
-    $Ptr .= '<tr><td align="right"><b>Select Map</b></td>'."\n";
-    $Ptr .= '<td align="left">';
-    $Ptr .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::MapOptions(\%cache, 'ProblemStatistics',
-                                               'Statistics');
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr>'."\n";
-    $Ptr .= '<tr><td align="right"><b>Sorting Type:</b></td>'."\n";
-    $Ptr .= '<td align="left">'."\n";
-    $Ptr .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::AscendOrderOptions(
-                                            $cache{'ProblemStatisticsAscend'}, 
-                                            'ProblemStatistics',
-                                            'Statistics');
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr>'."\n";
-    $Ptr .= '<tr><td align="right"><b>Select Sections</b>';
-    $Ptr .= '</td>'."\n";
-    $Ptr .= '<td align="left">'."\n";
-    my @sections = split(':',$cache{'sectionList'});
-    my @sectionsSelected = split(':',$cache{'sectionsSelected'});
-    $Ptr .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::MultipleSectionSelect(\@sections,
-                                                          \@sectionsSelected,
-                                                          'Statistics');
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr>'."\n";
-    $Ptr .= &ProblemStatisticsButtons($cache{'DisplayFormat'}, 
-                                      $cache{'DisplayLegend'},
-                                      $cache{'SortProblems'});
-    $Ptr .= '</table>';
-    if($cache{'DisplayLegend'} eq 'Show Legend') {
-        $Ptr .= &ProblemStatisticsLegend();
+## Misc HTML output routines
+sub statistics_html_table_data {
+    my ($data,$options) = @_;
+    my $row = '';
+    foreach my $field (@Fields) {
+        next if ($options =~ /no $field->{'name'}/);
+        $row .= '<td bgcolor="'.$field->{'color'}.'"';
+        if (exists($field->{'align'})) {
+            $row .= ' align="'.$field->{'align'}.'"';
+            }
+        $row .= '>';
+        if (exists($field->{'special'}) && $field->{'special'} eq 'link') {
+            $row .= '<a href="'.$data->{$field->{'name'}.'.link'}.'">';
+        }
+        if (exists($field->{'format'})) {
+            $row .= sprintf($field->{'format'},$data->{$field->{'name'}});
+        } else {
+            $row .= $data->{$field->{'name'}};
+        }
+        if (exists($field->{'special'}) && $field->{'special'} eq 'link') {
+            $row.= '</a>';
+        }
+        $row .= '</td>';
-    $r->print($Ptr);
-    $r->rflush();
-    untie(%cache);
+    return $row;
-    my ($result, $orderedProblems) =
-        &InitializeProblemStatistics($cacheDB, $students, $courseID, $c, $r);
-    if($result ne 'OK') {
-        return;
+sub statistics_table_header {
+    my ($options) = @_;
+    my $header_row;
+    foreach my $field (@Fields) {
+        next if ($options =~ /no $field->{'name'}/);
+        $header_row .= '<th>';
+        if (exists($field->{'sortable'}) && $field->{'sortable'} eq 'yes') {
+            $header_row .= '<a href="javascript:'.
+                'document.Statistics.sortby.value='."'".$field->{'name'}."'".
+                    ';document.Statistics.submit();">';
+        }
+        $header_row .= &mt($field->{'title'});
+        if ($options =~ /sortable/) {
+            $header_row.= '</a>';
+        }
+        if ($options !~ /no plots/        && 
+            exists($field->{'graphable'}) && 
+            $field->{'graphable'} eq 'yes') {
+            $header_row.=' (';
+            $header_row .= '<a href="javascript:'.
+                "document.Statistics.plot.value='$field->{'name'}'".
+                    ';document.Statistics.submit();">';
+            $header_row .= &mt('plot').'</a>)';
+        }
+        $header_row .= '</th>';
+    return $header_row;
-    unless(tie(%cache,'GDBM_File',$cacheDB,&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
-        $r->print('Unable to tie database.6');
-        return;
+##    Plotting Routines
+sub make_plot {
+    my ($r,$plot) = @_;
+    &compute_all_statistics($r);
+    &sort_data($ENV{'form.sortby'});
+    if ($plot eq 'degrees') {
+        &degrees_plot($r);
+    } elsif ($plot eq 'tries statistics') {
+        &tries_data_plot($r);
+    } else {
+        &make_single_stat_plot($r,$plot);
-    &BuildStatisticsTable(\%cache, $cache{'DisplayFormat'}, 
-                          $cache{'SortProblems'}, $orderedProblems, 
-                          \@Header, $r, $color);
-    untie(%cache);
-sub BuildGraphicChart {
-    my ($graph,$cacheDB,$courseDescription,$students,$courseID,$r,$c)=@_;
-    my %cache;
-    my $max = 0;
-    my ($result, undef) = 
-        &InitializeProblemStatistics($cacheDB, $students, $courseID, $c, $r);
-    if($result ne 'OK') {
+sub make_single_stat_plot {
+    my ($r,$datafield) = @_;
+    #
+    my $title; my $yaxis;
+    foreach my $field (@Fields) {
+        next if ($field->{'name'} ne $datafield);
+        $title = $field->{'long_title'};
+        $yaxis = $field->{'title'};
+        last;
+    }
+    if ($title eq '' || $yaxis eq '') {
+        # datafield is something we do not know enough about to plot
+        $r->print('<h3>'.
+                  &mt('Unable to plot the requested statistic.').
+                  '</h3>');
+    #
+    # Build up the data sets to plot
+    my @Labels; 
+    my @Data;
+    my $max = 1;
+    foreach my $data (@StatsArray) {
+        push(@Labels,$data->{'problem_num'});
+        push(@Data,$data->{$datafield});
+        if ($data->{$datafield}>$max) {
+            $max = $data->{$datafield};
+        }
+    }
+    foreach (1,2,3,4,5,10,15,20,25,40,50,75,100,150,200,250,300,500,600,750,
+             1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,5000,7500,10000,15000,20000) {
+        if ($max <= $_) {
+            $max = $_;
+            last;
+        }
+    }
+    if ($max > 20000) {
+        $max = 10000*(int($max/10000)+1);
+    }
+    #
+    $r->print("<p>".&Apache::loncommon::DrawBarGraph($title,
+                                                     'Problem Number',
+                                                     $yaxis,
+                                                     $max,
+                                                     undef, # colors
+                                                     \@Labels,
+                                                     \@Data)."</p>\n");
+    return;
-    unless(tie(%cache,'GDBM_File',$cacheDB,&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
-        return 'Unable to tie database.7';
-    }
-    my @problems = split(':::', $cache{'problemList'});
-    my @values = ();
-    foreach (@problems) {
-        my $data = 0;
-        if($graph eq 'DoDiffGraph') {
-            $data = sprintf("%.2f", $cache{$_.':degreeOfDifficulty'}),
+sub degrees_plot {
+    my ($r)=@_;
+    my $count = scalar(@StatsArray);
+    my $width = 50 + 10*$count;
+    $width = 300 if ($width < 300);
+    my $height = 300;
+    my $plot = '';
+    my $ymax = 0;
+    my $ymin = 0;
+    my @Disc; my @Diff; my @Labels;    
+    foreach my $data (@StatsArray) {
+        push(@Labels,$data->{'problem_num'});
+        my $disc = $data->{'deg_of_disc'};
+        my $diff = $data->{'deg_of_diff'};
+        push(@Disc,$disc);
+        push(@Diff,$diff);
+        #
+        $ymin = $disc if ($ymin > $disc);
+        $ymin = $diff if ($ymin > $diff);
+        $ymax = $disc if ($ymax < $disc);
+        $ymax = $diff if ($ymax < $diff);
+    }
+    #
+    # Make sure we show relevant information.
+    if ($ymin < 0) {
+        if (abs($ymin) < 0.05) {
+            $ymin = 0;
         } else {
-            $data = sprintf("%.1f", $cache{$_.':percentWrong'}),
+            $ymin = -1;
-        if($max < $data) {
-            $max = $data;
+    }
+    if ($ymax > 0) {
+        if (abs($ymax) < 0.05) {
+            $ymax = 0;
+        } else {
+            $ymax = 1;
-        push(@values, $data);
-    untie(%cache);
-    my $sendValues = join(',', @values);
-    my $sendCount = scalar(@values);
-    my $title = '';
-    if($graph eq 'DoDiffGraph') {
-	$title = 'Degree-of-Difficulty';
+    #
+    my $xmax = $Labels[-1];
+    if ($xmax > 50) {
+        if ($xmax % 10 != 0) {
+            $xmax = 10 * (int($xmax/10)+1);
+        }
     } else {
-	$title = 'Wrong-Percentage';
+        if ($xmax % 5 != 0) {
+            $xmax = 5 * (int($xmax/5)+1);
+        }
-    my @GData = ($courseDescription, 'Problems', $title, $max, $sendCount, 
-                 $sendValues);
-    $r->print('</form>'."\n");
-    $r->print('<IMG src="/cgi-bin/graph.gif?'.(join('&', @GData)).
-              '" border="1" />');
-    $r->print('<form>'."\n");
+    #
+    my $discdata .= '<data>'.join(',',@Labels).'</data>'.$/.
+                    '<data>'.join(',',@Disc).'</data>'.$/;
+    #
+    my $diffdata .= '<data>'.join(',',@Labels).'</data>'.$/.
+                    '<data>'.join(',',@Diff).'</data>'.$/;
+    #
+    $plot=<<"END";
+    texfont="10"
+    fgcolor="x000000"
+    plottype="Cartesian"
+    font="large"
+    grid="on"
+    align="center"
+    border="on"
+    transparent="on"
+    alttag="Sample Plot"
+    samples="100"
+    bgcolor="xffffff"
+    height="$height"
+    width="$width">
+    <key 
+        pos="top right"
+        title=""
+        box="off" />
+    <title>Degree of Discrmination and Degree of Difficulty</title>
+    <axis xmin="0" ymin="$ymin" xmax="$xmax" ymax="$ymax" color="x000000" />
+    <xlabel>Problem Number</xlabel>
+    <curve 
+        linestyle="linespoints" 
+        name="DoDisc" 
+        pointtype="0" 
+        color="x000000">
+        $discdata
+    </curve>
+    <curve 
+        linestyle="linespoints" 
+        name="DoDiff" 
+        pointtype="0" 
+        color="xFF0000">
+        $diffdata
+    </curve>
+    my $plotresult = 
+        '<p>'.&Apache::lonxml::xmlparse($r,'web',$plot).'</p>'.$/;
+    $r->print($plotresult);
-#---- Problem Statistics Web Page ---------------------------------------
-sub CreateProblemStatisticsTableHeading {
-    my ($headings,$r)=@_;
-    my $Str='';
-    $Str .= '<tr>'."\n";
-    $Str .= '<th bgcolor="#ffffe6">P#</th>'."\n";
-    foreach(@$headings) {
-	$Str .= '<th bgcolor="#ffffe6">';
-        $Str .= '<a href="/adm/statistics?reportSelected=';
-        $Str .= &Apache::lonnet::escape('Problem Statistics');
-        $Str .= '&ProblemStatisticsSort=';
-        $Str .= &Apache::lonnet::escape($_).'">'.$_.'</a>&nbsp</th>'."\n";
+sub tries_data_plot {
+    my ($r)=@_;
+    my $count = scalar(@StatsArray);
+    my $width = 50 + 10*$count;
+    $width = 300 if ($width < 300);
+    my $height = 300;
+    my $plot = '';
+    my @STD;  my @Mean; my @Max; my @Min;
+    my @Labels;
+    my $ymax = 5;
+    foreach my $data (@StatsArray) {
+        my $max = $data->{'mean_tries'} + $data->{'std_tries'};
+        $ymax = $max if ($ymax < $max);
+        $ymax = $max if ($ymax < $max);
+        push(@Labels,$data->{'problem_num'});
+        push(@STD,$data->{'std_tries'});
+        push(@Mean,$data->{'mean_tries'});
+    }
+    #
+    # Make sure we show relevant information.
+    my $xmax = $Labels[-1];
+    if ($xmax > 50) {
+        if ($xmax % 10 != 0) {
+            $xmax = 10 * (int($xmax/10)+1);
+        }
+    } else {
+        if ($xmax % 5 != 0) {
+            $xmax = 5 * (int($xmax/5)+1);
+        }
-    $Str .= "\n".'</tr>'."\n";    
-    return $Str;
+    $ymax = int($ymax)+1+2;
+    #
+    my $std_data .= '<data>'.join(',',@Labels).'</data>'.$/.
+                    '<data>'.join(',',@Mean).'</data>'.$/;
+    #
+    my $std_error_data .= '<data>'.join(',',@Labels).'</data>'.$/.
+                          '<data>'.join(',',@Mean).'</data>'.$/.
+                          '<data>'.join(',',@STD).'</data>'.$/;
+    #
+    $plot=<<"END";
+    texfont="10"
+    fgcolor="x000000"
+    plottype="Cartesian"
+    font="large"
+    grid="on"
+    align="center"
+    border="on"
+    transparent="on"
+    alttag="Sample Plot"
+    samples="100"
+    bgcolor="xffffff"
+    height="$height"
+    width="$width">
+    <title>Mean and S.D. of Tries</title>
+    <axis xmin="0" ymin="0" xmax="$xmax" ymax="$ymax" color="x000000" />
+    <xlabel>Problem Number</xlabel>
+    <curve 
+        linestyle="yerrorbars"
+        name="S.D. Tries" 
+        pointtype="1" 
+        color="x666666">
+        $std_error_data
+    </curve>
+    <curve 
+        linestyle="points"
+        name="Mean Tries" 
+        pointtype="1" 
+        color="xCC4444">
+        $std_data
+    </curve>
+    my $plotresult = 
+        '<p>'.&Apache::lonxml::xmlparse($r,'web',$plot).'</p>'.$/;
+    $r->print($plotresult);
+    return;
-sub BuildStatisticsTable {
-    my ($cache,$displayFormat,$sortProblems,$orderedProblems,$headings,
-        $r,$color)=@_;
-    my $count = 1;
-    my $currentSequence = -1;
-    foreach(@$orderedProblems) {
-        my ($sequence,$problem,$part)=split(':', $_);
-        if($cache->{'StatisticsMaps'} ne 'All Maps'  &&
-           $cache->{'StatisticsMaps'} ne $cache->{$sequence.':title'}) {
+sub plot_dropdown {
+    my $current = '';
+    #
+    if (defined($ENV{'form.plot'})) {
+        $current = $ENV{'form.plot'};
+    }
+    #
+    my @Additional_Plots = (
+                            { graphable=>'yes',
+                              name => 'degrees',
+                              title => 'DoDisc and DoDiff' },
+                            { graphable=>'yes',
+                              name => 'tries statistics',
+                              title => 'Mean and S.D. of Tries' });
+    #
+    my $Str= "\n".'<select name="plot" size="1">';
+    $Str .= '<option name="none"></option>'."\n";
+    $Str .= '<option name="none2">none</option>'."\n";
+    foreach my $field (@Fields,@Additional_Plots) {
+        if (! exists($field->{'graphable'}) ||
+            $field->{'graphable'} ne 'yes') {
-        if($currentSequence == -1 || 
-           ($sortProblems eq 'Sort Within Sequence' && 
-            $currentSequence != $sequence)) {
-            if($displayFormat ne 'Display CSV Format') {
-                if($currentSequence ne -1) {
-                    $r->print('</table>');
-                    $r->print('</td></tr></table><br>');
-                }
-                if($sortProblems eq 'Sort Within Sequence') {
-                    $r->print('<b>'.$cache->{$sequence.':title'}.'</b>');
-                }
-                $r->print('<table border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#777777">'."\n");
-                $r->print('<table border="0" cellpadding="3">'."\n");
-                $r->print(&CreateProblemStatisticsTableHeading($headings, $r));
-            } else {
-                if($sortProblems eq 'Sort Within Sequence') {
-                    $r->print('"'.$cache->{$sequence.':title'}.'"');
-                }
-                $r->print('<br>');
-            }
-            $currentSequence = $sequence;
+        $Str .= '<option value="'.$field->{'name'}.'"';
+        if ($field->{'name'} eq $current) {
+            $Str .= ' selected ';
-        my $ref = '<a href="'.$cache->{$problem.':source'}.
-                  '" target="_blank">'.$cache->{$problem.':title'}.'</a>';
-        my $title = $cache->{$problem.':title'};
-        if($part != 0) {
-            $title .= ' Part '.$part;
-        }
-        my $source = $cache->{$problem.':source'};
-        my $tableData = join('&', $ref, $title, $source,
-                       $cache->{$_.':studentCount'},
-                       $cache->{$_.':totalTries'},
-                       $cache->{$_.':maxTries'},
-                       $cache->{$_.':mean'},
-                       $cache->{$_.':correct'},
-                       $cache->{$_.':correctByOverride'},
-                       $cache->{$_.':percentWrong'},
-                       $cache->{$_.':degreeOfDifficulty'},
-                       $cache->{$_.':standardDeviation'},
-                       $cache->{$_.':skewness'},
-                       $cache->{$_.':discriminationFactor1'},
-                       $cache->{$_.':discriminationFactor2'});
-        &TableRow($displayFormat,$tableData,$count,$r,$color);
-        $count++;
-    }
-    if($displayFormat ne 'Display CSV Format') {
-        $r->print('</table>'."\n");
-        $r->print('</td></tr></table>');
-    } else {
-        $r->print('<br>');
+        $Str.= '>'.&mt($field->{'title'}).'</option>'."\n";
-    return;
+    $Str .= '</select>'."\n";
+    return $Str;
-sub TableRow {
-    my ($displayFormat,$Str,$RealIdx,$r,$color)=@_;
-    my($ref,$title,$source,$StdNo,$TotalTries,$MxTries,$Avg,$YES,$Override,
-       $Wrng,$DoD,$SD,$Sk,$_D1,$_D2)=split(/\&/,$Str);	
-    my $Ptr;
-    if($displayFormat eq 'Display CSV Format') {
-        $Ptr='"'.$RealIdx.'",'."\n".
-             '"'.$title.'",'."\n".
-             '"'.$source.'",'."\n".
-             '"'.$StdNo.'",'."\n".
-             '"'.$TotalTries.'",'."\n".
-             '"'.$MxTries.'",'."\n".
-             '"'.$Avg.'",'."\n".
-             '"'.$YES.'",'."\n".
-             '"'.$Override.'",'."\n".
-             '"'.$Wrng.'",'."\n".
-             '"'.$DoD.'",'."\n".
-             '"'.$SD.'",'."\n".
-             '"'.$Sk.'",'."\n".
-             '"'.$_D1.'",'."\n".
-             '"'.$_D2.'"'."\n".
-             "<br>\n";
-        $r->print("\n".$Ptr);
+## Excel output routines
+sub Excel_output {
+    my ($r) = @_;
+    $r->print('<h2>'.&mt('Preparing Excel Spreadsheet').'</h2>');
+    ##
+    ## Compute the statistics
+    &compute_all_statistics($r);
+    my $c = $r->connection;
+    return if ($c->aborted());
+    ##
+    ## Create the excel workbook
+    my $filename = '/prtspool/'.
+        $ENV{'user.name'}.'_'.$ENV{'user.domain'}.'_'.
+        time.'_'.rand(1000000000).'.xls';
+    my ($starttime,$endtime) = &Apache::lonstathelpers::get_time_limits();
+    #
+    # Create sheet
+    my $excel_workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new('/home/httpd'.$filename);
+    #
+    # Check for errors
+    if (! defined($excel_workbook)) {
+        $r->log_error("Error creating excel spreadsheet $filename: $!");
+        $r->print(&mt("Problems creating new Excel file.  ".
+                  "This error has been logged.  ".
+                  "Please alert your LON-CAPA administrator."));
+        return 0;
+    }
+    #
+    # The excel spreadsheet stores temporary data in files, then put them
+    # together.  If needed we should be able to disable this (memory only).
+    # The temporary directory must be specified before calling 'addworksheet'.
+    # File::Temp is used to determine the temporary directory.
+    $excel_workbook->set_tempdir($Apache::lonnet::tmpdir);
+    #
+    # Add a worksheet
+    my $sheetname = $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.description'};
+    if (length($sheetname) > 31) {
+        $sheetname = substr($sheetname,0,31);
+    }
+    my $excel_sheet = $excel_workbook->addworksheet(
+        &Apache::loncommon::clean_excel_name($sheetname));
+    ##
+    ## Begin creating excel sheet
+    ##
+    my ($rows_output,$cols_output) = (0,0);
+    #
+    # Put the course description in the header
+    $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,
+                   $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.description'});
+    $cols_output += 3;
+    #
+    # Put a description of the sections listed
+    my $sectionstring = '';
+    my @Sections = @Apache::lonstatistics::SelectedSections;
+    if (scalar(@Sections) > 1) {
+        if (scalar(@Sections) > 2) {
+            my $last = pop(@Sections);
+            $sectionstring = "Sections ".join(', ',@Sections).', and '.$last;
+        } else {
+            $sectionstring = "Sections ".join(' and ',@Sections);
+        }
     } else {
-        $Ptr='<tr>'."\n".
-             '<td bgcolor="#ffffe6">'.$RealIdx.'</td>'."\n".
-             '<td bgcolor="#ffffe6">'.$ref.'</td>'."\n".
-             '<td bgcolor='.$color->{"yellow"}.'> '.$StdNo.'</td>'."\n".
-             '<td bgcolor='.$color->{"yellow"}.'>'.$TotalTries.'</td>'."\n".
-             '<td bgcolor='.$color->{"yellow"}.'>'.$MxTries.'</td>'."\n".
-             '<td bgcolor='.$color->{"gb"}.'>'.$Avg.'</td>'."\n".
-             '<td bgcolor='.$color->{"gb"}.'> '.$YES.'</td>'."\n".
-             '<td bgcolor='.$color->{"gb"}.'> '.$Override.'</td>'."\n".
-             '<td bgcolor='.$color->{"red"}.'> '.$Wrng.'</td>'."\n".
-             '<td bgcolor='.$color->{"red"}.'> '.$DoD.'</td>'."\n".
-             '<td bgcolor='.$color->{"green"}.'> '.$SD.'</td>'."\n".
-             '<td bgcolor='.$color->{"green"}.'> '.$Sk.'</td>'."\n".
-             '<td bgcolor='.$color->{"purple"}.'> '.$_D1.'</td>'."\n".
-	     '<td bgcolor='.$color->{"purple"}.'> '.$_D2.'</td>'."\n";
-        $r->print($Ptr.'</tr>'."\n");
+        if ($Sections[0] eq 'all') {
+            $sectionstring = "All sections";
+        } else {
+            $sectionstring = "Section ".$Sections[0];
+        }
+    $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$sectionstring);
+    $cols_output += scalar(@Sections);
+    #
+    # Time restrictions
+    my $time_string;
+    if (defined($starttime)) {
+        # call localtime but not lonlocal:locallocaltime because excel probably
+        # cannot handle localized text.  Probably.
+        $time_string .= 'Data collected from '.localtime($time_string);
+        if (defined($endtime)) {
+            $time_string .= ' to '.localtime($endtime);
+        }
+        $time_string .= '.';
+    } elsif (defined($endtime)) {
+        # See note above about lonlocal:locallocaltime
+        $time_string .= 'Data collected before '.localtime($endtime).'.';
+    }
+    #
+    # Put the date in there too
+    $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,
+                        'Compiled on '.localtime(time));
+    #
+    $rows_output++; 
+    $cols_output=0;
+    #
+    # Long Headers
+    foreach my $field (@Fields) {
+        next if ($field->{'name'} eq 'problem_num');
+        if (exists($field->{'long_title'})) {
+            $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,
+                                $field->{'long_title'});
+        } else {
+            $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,'');
+        }
+    }
+    $rows_output++;
+    $cols_output=0;
+    # Brief headers
+    foreach my $field (@Fields) {
+        next if ($field->{'name'} eq 'problem_num');
+        # Use english for excel as I am not sure how well excel handles 
+        # other character sets....
+        $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$field->{'title'});
+    }
+    $rows_output++;
+    foreach my $data (@StatsArray) {
+        $cols_output=0;
+        foreach my $field (@Fields) {
+            next if ($field->{'name'} eq 'problem_num');
+            $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,
+                                $data->{$field->{'name'}});
+        }
+        $rows_output++;
+    }
+    #
+    $excel_workbook->close();
+    #
+    # Tell the user where to get their excel file
+    $r->print('<br />'.
+              '<a href="'.$filename.'">'.
+              &mt('Your Excel Spreadsheet').'</a>'."\n");
+    $r->rflush();
-# For loading the colored table for display or un-colored for print
-sub setbgcolor {
-    my $PrintTable=shift;
-    my %color;
-    if ($PrintTable){
-	$color{"gb"}="#FFFFFF";
-	$color{"red"}="#FFFFFF";
-	$color{"yellow"}="#FFFFFF";
-	$color{"green"}="#FFFFFF";
-	$color{"purple"}="#FFFFFF";
-    } else {
-	$color{"gb"}="#DDFFFF";
-	$color{"red"}="#FFDDDD";
-	$color{"yellow"}="#EEFFCC";
-	$color{"green"}="#DDFFDD";
-	$color{"purple"}="#FFDDFF";
-    }
-    return \%color;
-sub ProblemStatisticsButtons {
-    my ($displayFormat, $displayLegend, $sortProblems)=@_;
-    my $Ptr = '<tr><td></td><td align="left">';
-    $Ptr .= '<input type="submit" name="DoDiffGraph" ';
-    $Ptr .= 'value="Degree of Difficulty" />'."\n";
-    $Ptr .= '</td><td align="left">';
-    $Ptr .= '<input type="submit" name="PercentWrongGraph" ';
-    $Ptr .= 'value="Percent Wrong" />'."\n";
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>'."\n";
-    $Ptr .= '<input type="submit" name="SortProblems" ';
-    if($sortProblems eq 'Sort All Problems') {
-        $Ptr .= 'value="Sort Within Sequence" />'."\n";
-    } else {
-        $Ptr .= 'value="Sort All Problems" />'."\n";
+## Statistics Gathering and Manipulation Routines
+sub compute_statistics_on_sequence {
+    my ($seq) = @_;
+    my @Data;
+    foreach my $res (@{$seq->{'contents'}}) {
+        next if ($res->{'type'} ne 'assessment');
+        foreach my $part (@{$res->{'parts'}}) {
+            #
+            # This is where all the work happens
+            my $data = &get_statistics($seq,$res,$part,scalar(@StatsArray)+1);
+            push (@Data,$data);
+            push (@StatsArray,$data);
+        }
-    $Ptr .= '</td><td align="left">';
-    $Ptr .= '<input type="submit" name="DisplayLegend" ';
-    if($displayLegend eq 'Show Legend') {
-        $Ptr .= 'value="Hide Legend" />'."\n";
-    } else {
-        $Ptr .= 'value="Show Legend" />'."\n";
+    return @Data;
+sub compute_all_statistics {
+    my ($r) = @_;
+    if (@StatsArray > 0) {
+        # Assume we have already computed the statistics
+        return;
-    $Ptr .= '</td><td align="left">';
-    $Ptr .= '<input type="submit" name="DisplayCSVFormat" ';
-    if($displayFormat eq 'Display CSV Format') {
-        $Ptr .= 'value="Display Table Format" />'."\n";
-    } else {
-        $Ptr .= 'value="Display CSV Format" />'."\n";
+    my $c = $r->connection;
+    foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
+        last if ($c->aborted);
+        next if ($seq->{'num_assess'} < 1);
+        &compute_statistics_on_sequence($seq);
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr>';
-    return $Ptr;
-sub ProblemStatisticsLegend {
-    my $Ptr = '';
-    $Ptr = '<table border="0">';
-    $Ptr .= '<tr><td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<b>#Stdnts</b></td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<td>Total number of students attempted the problem.';
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr><tr><td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<b>Tries</b></td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<td>Total number of tries for solving the problem.';
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr><tr><td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<b>Mod</b></td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<td>Largest number of tries for solving the problem by a student.';
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr><tr><td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<b>Mean</b></td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<td>Average number of tries. [ Tries / #Stdnts ]';
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr><tr><td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<b>#YES</b></td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<td>Number of students solved the problem correctly.';
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr><tr><td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<b>#yes</b></td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<td>Number of students solved the problem by override.';
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr><tr><td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<b>%Wrong</b></td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<td>Percentage of students who tried to solve the problem ';
-    $Ptr .= 'but is still incorrect. [ 100*((#Stdnts-(#YES+#yes))/#Stdnts) ]';
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr><tr><td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<b>DoDiff</b></td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<td>Degree of Difficulty of the problem.  ';
-    $Ptr .= '[ 1 - ((#YES+#yes) / Tries) ]';
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr><tr><td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<b>S.D.</b></td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<td>Standard Deviation of the tries.  ';
-    $Ptr .= '[ sqrt(sum((Xi - Mean)^2)) / (#Stdnts-1) ';
-    $Ptr .= 'where Xi denotes every student\'s tries ]';
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr><tr><td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<b>Skew.</b></td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<td>Skewness of the students tries.';
-    $Ptr .= '[(sqrt( sum((Xi - Mean)^3) / #Stdnts)) / (S.D.^3)]';
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr><tr><td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<b>Dis.F.</b></td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<td>Discrimination Factor: A Standard for evaluating the ';
-    $Ptr .= 'problem according to a Criterion<br>';
-    $Ptr .= '<b>[Applied Criterion in %27 Upper Students - ';
-    $Ptr .= 'Applied the same Criterion in %27 Lower Students]</b><br>';
-    $Ptr .= '<b>1st Criterion</b> for Sorting the Students: ';
-    $Ptr .= '<b>Sum of Partial Credit Awarded / Total Number of Tries</b><br>';
-    $Ptr .= '<b>2nd Criterion</b> for Sorting the Students: ';
-    $Ptr .= '<b>Total number of Correct Answers / Total Number of Tries</b>';
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr>';
-    $Ptr .= '<tr><td><b>Disc.</b></td>';
-    $Ptr .= '<td>Number of Students had at least one discussion.';
-    $Ptr .= '</td></tr></table>';
-    return $Ptr;
-sub ExtractStudentData {
-    my ($cache, $students)=@_;
-    my @problemList=();
-    my %problemData;
-    foreach my $sequence (split(':', $cache->{'orderedSequences'})) {
-        foreach my $problemID (split(':', $cache->{$sequence.':problems'})) {
-            foreach my $part (split(/\:/,$cache->{$sequence.':'.
-                                                  $problemID.
-                                                  ':parts'})) {
-                my $id = $sequence.':'.$problemID.':'.$part;
-                push(@problemList, $id);
-                my $totalTries = 0;
-                my $totalAwarded = 0;
-                my $correct = 0;
-                my $correctByOverride = 0;
-                my $studentCount = 0;
-                my $maxTries = 0;
-                my $totalFirst = 0;
-                my @studentTries=();
-                foreach(@$students) {
-                    my $code = $cache->{"$_:$problemID:$part:code"};
-                    if(defined($cache->{$_.':error'}) || $code eq ' ' ||
-                       $cache->{"$_:$problemID:NoVersion"} eq 'true') {
-                        next;
-                    }
-                    $studentCount++;
-                    my $tries =  $cache->{"$_:$problemID:$part:tries"};
-                    if($maxTries < $tries) {
-                        $maxTries = $tries;
+sub sort_data {
+    my ($sortkey) = @_;
+    return if (! @StatsArray);
+    #
+    # Sort the data
+    my $sortby = undef;
+    foreach my $field (@Fields) {
+        if ($sortkey eq $field->{'name'}) {
+            $sortby = $field->{'name'};
+        }
+    }
+    if (! defined($sortby) || $sortby eq '' || $sortby eq 'problem_num') {
+        $sortby = 'container';
+    }
+    if ($sortby ne 'container') {
+        # $sortby is already defined, so we can charge ahead
+        if ($sortby =~ /^(title|part)$/i) {
+            # Alpha comparison
+            @StatsArray = sort {
+                lc($a->{$sortby}) cmp lc($b->{$sortby}) ||
+                lc($a->{'title'}) cmp lc($b->{'title'}) ||
+                lc($a->{'part'}) cmp lc($b->{'part'});
+            } @StatsArray;
+        } else {
+            # Numerical comparison
+            @StatsArray = sort {
+                my $retvalue = 0;
+                if ($b->{$sortby} eq 'nan') {
+                    if ($a->{$sortby} ne 'nan') {
+                        $retvalue = -1;
+                    } else {
+                        $retvalue = 0;
-                    $totalTries += $tries;
-                    push(@studentTries, $tries);
-                    my $awarded = $cache->{"$_:$problemID:$part:awarded"};
-                    $totalAwarded += $awarded;
-                    if($code eq '*') {
-                        $correct++;
-                        if($tries == 1) {
-                            $totalFirst++;
-                        }
-                    } elsif($code eq '+') {
-                        $correctByOverride++;
+                }
+                if ($a->{$sortby} eq 'nan') {
+                    if ($b->{$sortby} ne 'nan') {
+                        $retvalue = 1;
-                my $studentTriesJoined = join(':::', @studentTries);
-                $problemData{$id.':sequenceTitle'} = 
-                    $cache->{$sequence.':title'};
-                $problemData{$id.':studentCount'} = $studentCount;
-                $problemData{$id.':totalTries'} = $totalTries;
-                $problemData{$id.':studentTries'} = $studentTriesJoined;
-                $problemData{$id.':totalAwarded'} = $totalAwarded;
-                $problemData{$id.':correct'} = $correct;
-                $problemData{$id.':correctByOverride'} = $correctByOverride;
-                $problemData{$id.':wrong'} = $studentCount - 
-                                             ($correct + $correctByOverride);
-                $problemData{$id.':maxTries'} = $maxTries;
-                $problemData{$id.':totalFirst'} = $totalFirst;
-            }
+                if ($retvalue eq '0') {
+                    $retvalue = $b->{$sortby} <=> $a->{$sortby}     ||
+                            lc($a->{'title'}) <=> lc($b->{'title'}) ||
+                            lc($a->{'part'})  <=> lc($b->{'part'});
+                }
+                $retvalue;
+            } @StatsArray;
-    my @upperStudents1=();
-    my @lowerStudents1=();
-    my @upperStudents2=();
-    my @lowerStudents2=();
-    my $upperCount = int(0.27*scalar(@$students));
-    # Discriminant Factor criterion 1
-    my $sortedStudents = &SortDivideByTries($students,$cache,':totalAwarded');
-    for(my $i=0; $i<$upperCount; $i++) {
-        push(@lowerStudents1, $sortedStudents->[$i]);
-        push(@upperStudents1, $sortedStudents->[(scalar(@$students)-$i-1)]);
-    }
-    $problemData{'studentsUpperListCriterion1'}=join(':::', @upperStudents1);
-    $problemData{'studentsLowerListCriterion1'}=join(':::', @lowerStudents1);
-    # Discriminant Factor criterion 2
-    $sortedStudents = &SortDivideByTries($students, $cache, ':totalSolved');
-    for(my $i=0; $i<$upperCount; $i++) {
-        push(@lowerStudents2, $sortedStudents->[$i]);
-        push(@upperStudents2, $sortedStudents->[(scalar(@$students)-$i-1)]);
-    }
-    $problemData{'studentsUpperListCriterion2'}=join(':::', @upperStudents2);
-    $problemData{'studentsLowerListCriterion2'}=join(':::', @lowerStudents2);
-    $problemData{'problemList'} = join(':::', @problemList);
-    return \%problemData;
-sub SortDivideByTries {
-    my ($toSort, $data, $sortOn)=@_;
-    my @orderedData = sort { ($data->{$a.':totalTries'}) ? 
-                             ($data->{$a.$sortOn}/$data->{$a.':totalTries'}):0
-                             <=>
-                             ($data->{$b.':totalTries'}) ? 
-                             ($data->{$b.$sortOn}/$data->{$b.':totalTries'}):0
-                           } @$toSort;
-    return \@orderedData;
-sub SortProblems {
-    my ($problemData,$sortBy,$sortProblems,$ascend)=@_;
-    my @problems = split(':::', $problemData->{'problemList'});
-    if($sortBy eq "Homework Sets Order") {
-        return \@problems;
-    }
-    my $data;
-    if   ($sortBy eq "#Stdnts") { $data = ':studentCount'; }
-    elsif($sortBy eq "Tries")   { $data = ':totalTries'; }
-    elsif($sortBy eq "Mod")     { $data = ':maxTries'; }
-    elsif($sortBy eq "Mean")    { $data = ':mean'; }
-    elsif($sortBy eq "#YES")    { $data = ':correct'; }
-    elsif($sortBy eq "#yes")    { $data = ':correctByOverride'; }
-    elsif($sortBy eq "%Wrng")   { $data = ':percentWrong'; }
-    elsif($sortBy eq "DoDiff")  { $data = ':degreeOfDifficulty'; }
-    elsif($sortBy eq "S.D.")    { $data = ':standardDeviation'; }
-    elsif($sortBy eq "Skew.")   { $data = ':skewness'; }
-    elsif($sortBy eq "D.F.1st") { $data = ':discriminationFactor1'; }
-    elsif($sortBy eq "D.F.2nd") { $data = ':discriminationFactor2'; }
-    else                        { return \@problems; }
-    my %temp;
-    my @sequenceList=();
-    foreach(@problems) {
-        my ($sequence) = split(':', $_);
-        my @array=();
-        my $tempArray;
-        if(defined($temp{$sequence})) {
-            $tempArray = $temp{$sequence};
-        } else {
-            push(@sequenceList, $sequence);
-            $tempArray = \@array;
-            $temp{$sequence} = $tempArray;
-        }
-        push(@$tempArray, $_);
-    }
-    my @orderedProblems;
-    if($sortProblems eq "Sort Within Sequence") {
-        foreach(keys(%temp)) {
-            my $tempArray = $temp{$_};
-            my @tempOrder =
-                sort { $problemData->{$a.$data} <=> $problemData->{$b.$data} }
-            @$tempArray;
-            $temp{$_} = \@tempOrder;
-        }
-        foreach(@sequenceList) {
-            my $tempArray = $temp{$_};
-            @orderedProblems = (@orderedProblems, @$tempArray);
-        }
-    } else {
-        @orderedProblems = 
-            sort { $problemData->{$a.$data} <=> $problemData->{$b.$data} }
-        @problems;
+    #
+    # Renumber the data set
+    my $count;
+    foreach my $data (@StatsArray) {
+        $data->{'problem_num'} = ++$count;
+    return;
-    if($ascend eq 'Descending') {
-        @orderedProblems = reverse(@orderedProblems);
-    }
-    return \@orderedProblems;
-sub CalculateStatistics {
-    my ($data, $cache, $courseID)=@_;
+=item &get_statistics()
-    my @problems = split(':::', $data->{'problemList'});
-    foreach(@problems) {
-        # Mean
-        my $mean = ($data->{$_.':studentCount'}) ? 
-            ($data->{$_.':totalTries'} / $data->{$_.':studentCount'}) : 0;
-        $data->{$_.':mean'} = sprintf("%.2f", $mean);
+Wrapper routine from the call to loncoursedata::get_problem_statistics.  
+Calls lonstathelpers::get_time_limits() to limit the data set by time
+and &compute_discrimination_factor
+Inputs: $sequence, $resource, $part, $problem_num
+Returns: Hash reference with statistics data from 
+sub get_statistics {
+    my ($sequence,$resource,$part,$problem_num) = @_;
+    #
+    my ($starttime,$endtime) = &Apache::lonstathelpers::get_time_limits();
+    my $symb = $resource->{'symb'};
+    my $courseid = $ENV{'request.course.id'};
+    #
+    my $data = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_problem_statistics
+                        (\@Apache::lonstatistics::SelectedSections,
+                         $Apache::lonstatistics::enrollment_status,
+                         $symb,$part,$courseid,$starttime,$endtime);
+    $data->{'part'}        = $part;
+    $data->{'problem_num'} = $problem_num;
+    $data->{'container'}   = $sequence->{'title'};
+    $data->{'title'}       = $resource->{'title'};
+    $data->{'title.link'}  = $resource->{'src'}.'?symb='.
+        &Apache::lonnet::escape($resource->{'symb'});
+    #
+    $data->{'deg_of_disc'} = &compute_discrimination_factor($resource,$part,$sequence);
+    return $data;
-        # %Wrong
-        my $pw = ($data->{$_.':studentCount'}) ?
-            (($data->{$_.':wrong'} / $data->{$_.':studentCount'}) * 100.0) : 
-            100.0;
-        $data->{$_.':percentWrong'} = sprintf("%.1f", $pw);
-        # Degree of Difficulty
-        my $dod = ($data->{$_.':totalTries'}) ?
-            (1 - (($data->{$_.':correct'} + $data->{$_.':correctByOverride'}) /
-                  $data->{$_.':totalTries'})) : 0;
-        $data->{$_.':degreeOfDifficulty'} = sprintf("%.2f", $dod);
-        # Factor in mean
-        my @studentTries = split(':::', $data->{$_.':studentTries'});
-        foreach(my $index=0; $index < scalar(@studentTries); $index++) {
-            $studentTries[$index] -= $mean;
-        }
-        my $sumSquared = 0;
-        my $sumCubed = 0;
-        foreach(@studentTries) {
-            my $squared = ($_ * $_);
-            my $cubed = ($squared * $_);
-            $sumSquared += $squared;
-            $sumCubed += $cubed;
-        }
+=item &compute_discrimination_factor()
-        # Standard deviation
-        my $standardDeviation;
-        if($data->{$_.':studentCount'} - 1 > 0) {
-            $standardDeviation = (sqrt($sumSquared)) / 
-                                 ($data->{$_.':studentCount'} - 1);
-        } else {
-            $standardDeviation =  0.0;
-        }
-        $data->{$_.':standardDeviation'} = sprintf("%.1f", $standardDeviation);
+Inputs: $Resource, $Sequence
-        # Skewness
-        my $skew;
-        if($standardDeviation > 0.0999 && $data->{$_.':studentCount'} > 0) {
-            $skew = (((sqrt($sumSquared)) / $data->{$_.':studentCount'}) / 
-                     ($standardDeviation * 
-                      $standardDeviation * 
-                      $standardDeviation));
-        } else {
-            $skew = 0.0;
-        }
+Returns: integer between -1 and 1
+sub compute_discrimination_factor {
+    my ($resource,$part,$sequence) = @_;
+    my @Resources;
+    foreach my $res (@{$sequence->{'contents'}}) {
+        next if ($res->{'symb'} eq $resource->{'symb'});
+        push (@Resources,$res->{'symb'});
+    }
+    #
+    # rank
+    my $ranking = 
+        &Apache::loncoursedata::rank_students_by_scores_on_resources
+        (\@Resources,
+         \@Apache::lonstatistics::SelectedSections,
+         $Apache::lonstatistics::enrollment_status,undef);
+    #
+    # compute their percent scores on the problems in the sequence,
+    my $number_to_grab = int(scalar(@{$ranking})/4);
+    my $num_students = scalar(@{$ranking});
+    my @BottomSet = map { $_->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RNK_student()]; 
+                      } @{$ranking}[0..$number_to_grab];
+    my @TopSet    = 
+        map { 
+            $_->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RNK_student()]; 
+          } @{$ranking}[($num_students-$number_to_grab)..($num_students-1)];
+    my ($bottom_sum,$bottom_max) = 
+        &Apache::loncoursedata::get_sum_of_scores($resource,$part,\@BottomSet);
+    my ($top_sum,$top_max) = 
+        &Apache::loncoursedata::get_sum_of_scores($resource,$part,\@TopSet);
+    my $deg_of_disc;
+    if ($top_max == 0 || $bottom_max==0) {
+        $deg_of_disc = 'nan';
+    } else {
+        $deg_of_disc = ($top_sum/$top_max) - ($bottom_sum/$bottom_max);
+    }
+    #&Apache::lonnet::logthis('    '.$top_sum.'/'.$top_max.
+    #                         ' - '.$bottom_sum.'/'.$bottom_max);
+    return $deg_of_disc;
-        $data->{$_.':skewness'} = sprintf("%.1f", $skew);
-        # Discrimination Factor 1
-        my ($sequence, $problem, $part) = split(':', $_);
-        my @upper1 = split(':::', $data->{'studentsUpperListCriterion1'});
-        my @lower1 = split(':::', $data->{'studentsLowerListCriterion1'});
+=item ProblemStatisticsLegend
-        my $upper1Sum=0;
-        foreach my $name (@upper1) {
-            $upper1Sum += $cache->{"$name:$problem:$part:awarded"};
-        }
-        $upper1Sum = (scalar(@upper1)) ? ($upper1Sum/(scalar(@upper1))) : 0;
+=over 4
-        my $lower1Sum=0;
-        foreach my $name (@lower1) {
-            $lower1Sum += $cache->{"$name:$problem:$part:awarded"};
-        }
-        $lower1Sum = (scalar(@lower1)) ? ($lower1Sum/(scalar(@lower1))) : 0;
+=item #Stdnts
+Total number of students attempted the problem.
+=item Tries
+Total number of tries for solving the problem.
+=item Max Tries
+Largest number of tries for solving the problem by a student.
+=item Mean
+Average number of tries. [ Tries / #Stdnts ]
+=item #YES
+Number of students solved the problem correctly.
+=item #yes
+Number of students solved the problem by override.
+=item %Wrong
+Percentage of students who tried to solve the problem 
+but is still incorrect. [ 100*((#Stdnts-(#YES+#yes))/#Stdnts) ]
+=item DoDiff
+Degree of Difficulty of the problem.  
+[ 1 - ((#YES+#yes) / Tries) ]
+=item S.D.
+Standard Deviation of the tries.  
+[ sqrt(sum((Xi - Mean)^2)) / (#Stdnts-1) 
+where Xi denotes every student\'s tries ]
+=item Skew.
+Skewness of the students tries.
+[(sqrt( sum((Xi - Mean)^3) / #Stdnts)) / (S.D.^3)]
+=item Dis.F.
+Discrimination Factor: A Standard for evaluating the 
+problem according to a Criterion<br>
+=item [Criterion to group students into %27 Upper Students - 
+and %27 Lower Students]
+1st Criterion for Sorting the Students: 
+Sum of Partial Credit Awarded / Total Number of Tries
+2nd Criterion for Sorting the Students: 
+Total number of Correct Answers / Total Number of Tries
+=item Disc.
+Number of Students had at least one discussion.
+##  How this all works:
+##     Statistics are computed by calling &get_statistics with the sequence,
+##     resource, and part id to run statistics on.  At various places within
+##     the loops which compute the statistics, as well as before and after 
+##     the entire process, subroutines can be called.  The subroutines are
+##     registered to the following hooks:
+##         hook          subroutine inputs
+##     ----------------------------------------------------------
+##         pre           $r,$count
+##         pre_seq       $r,$count,$seq
+##         pre_res       $r,$count,$seq,$res
+##         calc          $r,$count,$seq,$res,$data
+##         post_res      $r,$count,$seq,$res
+##         post_seq      $r,$count,$seq
+##         post          $r,$count
+##         abort         $r
+##     subroutines will be called in the order in which they are registered.
-        my $df1 = $upper1Sum - $lower1Sum;
-        $data->{$_.':discriminationFactor1'} = sprintf("%.2f", $df1);
+my %hooks;
+my $aborted = 0;
-        # Discrimination Factor 2
-        my @upper2 = split(':::', $data->{'studentsUpperListCriterion2'});
-        my @lower2 = split(':::', $data->{'studentsLowerListCriterion2'});
+sub abort_computation {
+    $aborted = 1;
-        my $upper2Sum=0;
-        foreach my $name (@upper2) {
-            $upper2Sum += $cache->{"$name:$problem:$part:awarded"};
-        }
-        $upper2Sum = (scalar(@upper2)) ? ($upper2Sum/(scalar(@upper2))) : 0;
+sub clear_hooks {
+    $aborted = 0;
+    undef(%hooks);
-        my $lower2Sum=0;
-        foreach my $name (@lower2) {
-            $lower2Sum += $cache->{"$name:$problem:$part:awarded"};
+sub register_hook {
+    my ($hookname,$subref)=@_;
+    if ($hookname !~ /^(pre|pre_seq|pre_res|post|post_seq|post_res|calc)$/){
+        return;
+    }
+    if (ref($subref) ne 'CODE') {
+        &Apache::lonnet::logthis('attempt to register hook to non-code: '.
+                                 $hookname,' = '.$subref);
+    } else {
+        if (exists($hooks{$hookname})) {
+            push(@{$hooks{$hookname}},$subref);
+        } else {
+            $hooks{$hookname} = [$subref];
-        $lower2Sum = (scalar(@lower2)) ? ($lower2Sum/(scalar(@lower2))) : 0;
-        my $df2 = $upper2Sum - $lower2Sum;
-        $data->{$_.':discriminationFactor2'} = sprintf("%.2f", $df2);
+    }
+    return;
-        my %storestats;
-        my $Average = ($data->{$_.':studentCount'}) ? 
-            $data->{$_.':totalTries'}/$data->{$_.':studentCount'} : 0;
-        $storestats{$courseID.'___'.$cache->{$sequence.':source'}.
-                        '___timestamp'}=time;
-        $storestats{$courseID.'___'.$cache->{$sequence.':source'}.
-                        '___stdno'}=$data->{$_.':studentCount'};
-        $storestats{$courseID.'___'.$cache->{$sequence.':source'}.
-                        '___avetries'}=$Average;
-        $storestats{$courseID.'___'.$cache->{$sequence.':source'}.
-                        '___difficulty'}=$data->{$_.':degreeOfDifficulty'};
-        $cache->{$sequence.':source'} =~ /^(\w+)\/(\w+)/;
-        if($data->{$_.':studentCount'}) { 
-            &Apache::lonnet::put('resevaldata',\%storestats,$1,$2);
+sub run_hooks {
+    my $context = shift();
+    foreach my $hook (@{$hooks{$context}}) { 
+        if ($aborted && $context ne 'abort') {
+            last;
+        }
+        my $retvalue = $hook->(@_);
+        if (defined($retvalue) && $retvalue eq '0') {
+            $aborted = 1 if (! $aborted);
+sub run_statistics {
+    my ($r) = @_;
+    my $count = 0;
+    &run_hooks('pre',$r,$count);
+    foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
+        last if ($aborted);
+        next if ($seq->{'num_assess'}<1);
+        &run_hooks('pre_seq',$r,$count,$seq);
+        foreach my $res (@{$seq->{'contents'}}) {
+            last if ($aborted);
+            next if ($res->{'type'} ne 'assessment');
+            &run_hooks('pre_res',$r,$count,$seq,$res);            
+            foreach my $part (@{$res->{'parts'}}) {
+                last if ($aborted);
+                #
+                # This is where all the work happens
+                my $data = &get_statistics($seq,$res,$part,++$count);
+                &run_hooks('calc',$r,$count,$seq,$res,$part,$data); 
+            }
+            &run_hooks('post_res',$r,$count,$seq,$res);
+        }
+        &run_hooks('post_seq',$r,$count,$seq);
+    }
+    if ($aborted) {
+        &run_hooks('abort',$r);
+    } else {
+        &run_hooks('post',$r,$count);
+    }
-#---- END Problem Statistics Web Page ----------------------------------------
+} # End of %hooks scope