--- loncom/interface/statistics/lonstathelpers.pm	2004/01/20 15:51:06	1.2
+++ loncom/interface/statistics/lonstathelpers.pm	2020/08/26 21:50:16
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
-# $Id: lonstathelpers.pm,v 1.2 2004/01/20 15:51:06 matthew Exp $
+# $Id: lonstathelpers.pm,v 2020/08/26 21:50:16 raeburn Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ routines that are needed across multiple
 =head1 OVERVIEW
 =over 4
@@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ routines that are needed across multiple
 package Apache::lonstathelpers;
 use strict;
-use Apache::lonnet();
+use Apache::lonnet;
 use Apache::loncommon();
 use Apache::lonhtmlcommon();
 use Apache::loncoursedata();
@@ -59,6 +58,11 @@ use Apache::lonlocal;
 use HTML::Entities();
 use Time::Local();
 use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel();
+use GDBM_File;
+use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
+use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
@@ -67,8 +71,7 @@ use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel();
 =item &render_resource($resource)
-Input: a resource generated from 
+Input: a navmaps resource
 Retunrs: a scalar containing html for a rendering of the problem
 within a table.
@@ -81,17 +84,35 @@ sub render_resource {
     my ($resource) = @_;
     ## Render the problem
-    my $base;
-    ($base,undef) = ($resource->{'src'} =~ m|(.*/)[^/]*$|);
-    $base = "http://".$ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}.$base;
-    my $rendered_problem = 
-        &Apache::lonnet::ssi_body($resource->{'src'});
+    my ($base) = ($resource->src =~ m|^(.*/)[^/]*$|);
+    $base="http://".$ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}.$base;
+    my ($src,$symb)=($resource->link,&escape($resource->shown_symb));
+    my $rendered_problem = &Apache::lonnet::ssi_body($src.'?symb='.$symb);
     $rendered_problem =~ s/<\s*form\s*/<nop /g;
     $rendered_problem =~ s|(<\s*/form\s*>)|<\/nop>|g;
-    return '<table bgcolor="ffffff"><tr><td>'.
-        '<base href="'.$base.'" />'.
-        $rendered_problem.
-        '</td></tr></table>';
+    return '<div class="LC_Box">'.
+        '<h4 class="LC_hcell">'.&mt('Problem').'</h4>'.
+        '<base href="'.$base.'" />'.$rendered_problem.
+        '</div>';
+=item &get_resources
+sub get_resources {
+    my ($navmap,$sequence) = @_;
+    my @resources = $navmap->retrieveResources($sequence,
+                                               sub { shift->is_problem(); },
+                                               0,0,0);
+    return @resources;
@@ -99,7 +120,7 @@ sub render_resource {
-=item &ProblemSelector($AcceptedResponseTypes)
+=item &problem_selector($AcceptedResponseTypes)
 Input: scalar containing regular expression which matches response
 types to show.  '.' will yield all, '(option|radiobutton)' will match
@@ -107,64 +128,142 @@ all option response and radiobutton prob
 Returns: A string containing html for a table which lists the sequences
 and their contents.  A radiobutton is provided for each problem.
+Skips 'survey' problems.
-sub ProblemSelector {
-    my ($AcceptedResponseTypes) = @_;
+sub problem_selector {
+    my ($AcceptedResponseTypes,$sequence_addendum,$symbmode,$all,$prefix,
+        $byres,$include_tools,$smallbox,$onclick) = @_;
+# all: also make sequences selectable
+# prefix: prefix for all form names
+# byres: radiobutton shown per resource
+# include_tools: external tools included 
+# smallbox: use smaller box
+# onclick: javascript to execute when clicked
     my $Str;
-    $Str = "\n<table>\n";
-    foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
-        next if ($seq->{'num_assess'}<1);
+    my $jsadd='';
+    if ($onclick) {
+        $jsadd="onclick='$onclick'";
+    }
+    $Str =  &Apache::loncommon::start_scrollbox(($smallbox?'420px':'620px'),
+                                                ($smallbox?'400px':'600px'),
+                                                ($smallbox?'60px':'300px')).
+            &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table();
+    my $rb_count =0;
+    my ($navmap,@sequences) = 
+        &Apache::lonstatistics::selected_sequences_with_assessments('all');
+    return $navmap if (! ref($navmap)); # error
+    foreach my $seq (@sequences) {
         my $seq_str = '';
-        foreach my $res (@{$seq->{'contents'}}) {
-            next if ($res->{'type'} ne 'assessment');
-            foreach my $part (@{$res->{'parts'}}) {
-                my $partdata = $res->{'partdata'}->{$part};
-                if ((! exists($partdata->{'option'}) || 
-                     $partdata->{'option'} == 0      ) &&
-                    (! exists($partdata->{'radiobutton'}) ||
-                     $partdata->{'radiobutton'} == 0)) {
-                    next;
-                }
-                for (my $i=0;$i<scalar(@{$partdata->{'ResponseTypes'}});$i++){
-                    my $respid = $partdata->{'ResponseIds'}->[$i];
-                    my $resptype = $partdata->{'ResponseTypes'}->[$i];
+        foreach my $res (&get_resources($navmap,$seq)) {
+            my $title = $res->compTitle;
+            if (! defined($title) || $title eq '') {
+                ($title) = ($res->src =~ m:/([^/]*)$:);
+            }
+            my $totalresps = 0;
+            if ($byres) {
+                foreach my $part (@{$res->parts}) {
+                    $totalresps += scalar($res->responseIds($part));
+                }
+                my $value = &HTML::Entities::encode($res->symb(),'<>&"');
+                my $checked;
+                if ($env{'form.problemchoice'} eq $res->symb()) {
+                    $checked = ' checked="checked"';
+                }
+                $seq_str .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().
+                            '<td rowspan="'.$totalresps.'" style="vertical-align:middle">'.
+                            '<label><input type="radio" name="symb" value="'.$value.'"'.$checked.' />'.
+                            $title.'</label>';
+                my $link = $res->link.'?symb='.&escape($res->shown_symb);
+                $seq_str .= ('&nbsp;'x2).
+                            '<a target="preview" href="'.$link.'">'.&mt('view').'</a></td>';
+            }
+            my %partsseen;
+            foreach my $part (@{$res->parts}) {
+                my @response_ids   = $res->responseIds($part);
+                my @response_types = $res->responseType($part);
+                for (my $i=0;$i<scalar(@response_types);$i++){
+                    my $respid = $response_ids[$i];
+                    my $resptype = $response_types[$i];
                     if ($resptype =~ m/$AcceptedResponseTypes/) {
-                        my $value = &make_target_id({symb=>$res->{'symb'},
-                                                     part=>$part,
-                                                     respid=>$respid,
-                                                     resptype=>$resptype});
-                        my $checked = '';
-                        if ($ENV{'form.problemchoice'} eq $value) {
-                            $checked = 'checked ';
-                        }
-                        my $title = $res->{'title'};
-                        if (! defined($title) || $title eq '') {
-                            ($title) = ($res->{'src'} =~ m:/([^/]*)$:);
-                        }
-                        $seq_str .= '<tr><td>'.
-  '<input type="radio" name="problemchoice" value="'.$value.'" '.$checked.'/>'.
-  '</td><td>'.          
-  $resptype.'</td><td>'.
-  '<a href="'.$res->{'src'}.'">'.$title.'</a> ';
-#  '<a href="'.$res->{'src'}.'">'.$resptype.' '.$res->{'title'}.'</a> ';
-                        if ($partdata->{'option'} > 1) {
-                            $seq_str .= &mt('response').' '.$respid;
+                        if ($byres) {
+                            unless (exists($partsseen{$part})) {
+                                my $parttitle = $part;
+                                if ($part eq '0') {
+                                    $parttitle = '';
+                                }
+                                if ($parttitle ne '') {
+                                    $parttitle = ('&nbsp;'x2).&mt('part').':&nbsp;'.$parttitle;
+                                }
+                                if (keys(%partsseen)) {
+                                    $seq_str .= &Apache::loncommon::continue_data_table_row();
+                                }
+                                unless ($partsseen{$part}) {
+                                    $seq_str .= '<td rowspan="'.scalar(@response_ids).'" style="vertical-align:middle">'.
+                                                $parttitle.'</td>';
+                                    $partsseen{$part} = scalar(@response_ids);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            $seq_str .= '<td>'.$resptype;
+                            if (scalar(@response_ids) > 1) {
+                                $seq_str .= '&nbsp;'.&mt('id').':&nbsp;'.$respid;
+                            }
+                            $seq_str .= '</td>'. &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row()."\n";
+                        } else {
+                            my $value = &make_target_id({symb=>$res->symb,
+                                                         part=>$part,
+                                                         respid=>$respid,
+                                                         resptype=>$resptype});
+                            my $checked = '';
+                            if ($env{'form.problemchoice'} eq $value) {
+                                $checked = ' checked="checked"';
+                            }
+                            $seq_str .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().
+                                ($symbmode?
+                                 '<td><input type="radio" id="'.$prefix.$rb_count.'" name="'.$prefix.'symb" value="'.&HTML::Entities::encode($res->symb,'<>&"').'" '.$checked.' '.
+                                 $jsadd.
+                                 ' /></td>'
+                                 :qq{<td><input type="radio" id="$rb_count" name="problemchoice" value="$value"$checked /></td>}).
+                                '<td><label for="'.$prefix.$rb_count.'">'.$resptype.'</label></td>'.
+                                '<td><label for="'.$prefix.$rb_count.'">'.$title.'</label>';
+                            if (scalar(@response_ids) > 1) {
+                                $seq_str .= &mt('response').' '.$respid;
+                            }
+                            my $link = $res->link.'?symb='.&escape($res->shown_symb);
+                            $seq_str .= ('&nbsp;'x2).
+                                        '<a target="preview" href="'.$link.'">'.&mt('view').'</a>';
+                            $seq_str .= "</td>". &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row()."\n";
+                            $rb_count++;
-                        $seq_str .= "</td></tr>\n";
         if ($seq_str ne '') {
-            $Str .= '<tr><td>&nbsp</td><td colspan="2"><b>'.$seq->{'title'}.'</b></td>'.
-                "</tr>\n".$seq_str;
+            if ($byres) {
+                $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_header_row().
+                        '<th colspan="3">'.$seq->compTitle.'</th>'.
+                        &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_header_row().
+                        $seq_str;
+            } else {
+                $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_header_row().
+                    '<th colspan="3">'.
+                    ($all?'<input type="radio" id="'.$prefix.'s'.$rb_count.'" name="'.$prefix.'symb" value="'.&HTML::Entities::encode($seq->symb,'<>&').'" '.$jsadd.' />':'').
+                    $seq->compTitle.'</th>'.
+                    &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_header_row()."\n".$seq_str;
+                if (defined($sequence_addendum)) {
+                    $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_header_row().
+                        ('<td>&nbsp;</td>'x2).
+                        '<td align="right">'.$sequence_addendum.'</td>'.
+                        &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_header_row()."\n";
+                }
+            }
-    $Str .= "</table>\n";
+    $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table().&Apache::loncommon::end_scrollbox()."\n";
     return $Str;
@@ -173,6 +272,265 @@ sub ProblemSelector {
+=item &MultipleProblemSelector($navmap,$selected,$inputname)
+Generate HTML with checkboxes for problem selection.
+$navmap: a navmap object.  If undef, navmaps will be called to create a
+new object.
+$selected: Scalar, Array, or hash reference of currently selected items.
+$inputname: The name of the form elements to use for the checkboxs.
+Returns: A string containing html for a table which lists the sequences
+and their contents.  A checkbox is provided for each problem.
+sub MultipleProblemSelector {
+    my ($navmap,$inputname,$formname,$anoncounter)=@_;
+    my $cid = $env{'request.course.id'};
+    my $Str;
+    # Massage the input as needed.
+    if (! defined($navmap)) {
+        $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+        if (! defined($navmap)) {
+            $Str .= '<div class="LC_error">'
+                   .&mt('Error: cannot process course structure')
+                   .'</div>';
+            return $Str;
+        }
+    }
+    my $selected = {map { ($_,1) } (&get_selected_symbs($inputname))};
+    # Header
+    $Str .= <<"END";
+<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
+    function checkall(value,seqid) {
+        for (i=0; i<document.forms.$formname.elements.length; i++) {
+            ele = document.forms.$formname.elements[i];
+            if (ele.name == '$inputname') {
+                if (seqid != null) {
+                    itemid = document.forms.$formname.elements[i].id;
+                    thing = itemid.split(':');
+                    if (thing[0] == seqid) {
+                        document.forms.$formname.elements[i].checked=value;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    document.forms.$formname.elements[i].checked=value;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    my $checkanonjs = <<"END";
+<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
+    function checkanon() {
+        return true;
+    }
+    if (ref($anoncounter) eq 'HASH') {
+        if (keys(%{$anoncounter}) > 0) {
+            my $anonwarning = &mt('Your selection includes both problems with and without anonymous submissions.')."\n".&mt('You must select either only anonymous or only named problems.')."\n\n".&mt('If a selection contains both anonymous and named parts,[_1]use the Anonymous/Named buttons to ensure selections will be either all anonymous[_1]or all named.',"\n");
+            &js_escape(\$anonwarning);
+            $checkanonjs = <<"END";
+<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
+    function checkanon() {
+        anoncount = 0;
+        namedcount = 0;
+        for (i=0; i<document.forms.$formname.elements.length; i++) {
+            ele = document.forms.$formname.elements[i];
+            if (ele.name == '$inputname') {
+                itemid = document.forms.$formname.elements[i].id;
+                if (document.forms.$formname.elements[i].checked) {
+                    anonid = 'anonymous_'+itemid;
+                    mixid = 'mixed_'+itemid;
+                    anonele = document.getElementById(anonid);
+                    mixele = document.getElementById(mixid);
+                    if (anonele.value > 0) {
+                        if (mixele.value == 'none') {
+                            anoncount ++;
+                        } else {
+                            if (mixele.value == '0') {
+                                if (mixele.checked) {
+                                    anoncount ++; 
+                                } else {
+                                    namedcount ++;
+                                } 
+                            } else {
+                                namedcount ++;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        namedcount ++;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (anoncount > 0 && namedcount > 0) {
+            alert("$anonwarning");
+            return false;
+        } 
+    }
+        }
+    }
+    $Str .= $checkanonjs.
+        '<a href="javascript:checkall(true)">'.&mt('Select All').'</a>'.
+        ('&nbsp;'x4).
+        '<a href="javascript:checkall(false)">'.&mt('Unselect All').'</a>';
+    $Str .= $/.'<table>'.$/;
+    my $iterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, undef, 1);
+    my $sequence_string;
+    my $seq_id = 0;
+    my @Accumulator = (&new_accumulator($env{'course.'.$cid.'.description'},
+                                        '',
+                                        '',
+                                        $seq_id++,
+                                        $inputname));
+    my @Sequence_Data;
+    while (my $curRes = $iterator->next()) {
+        if ($curRes == $iterator->END_MAP) {
+            if (ref($Accumulator[-1]) eq 'CODE') {
+                my $old_accumulator = pop(@Accumulator);
+                push(@Sequence_Data,&{$old_accumulator}());
+            }
+        } elsif ($curRes == $iterator->BEGIN_MAP) {
+            # Not much to do here.
+        }
+        next if (! ref($curRes));
+        if ($curRes->is_map) {
+            push(@Accumulator,&new_accumulator($curRes->compTitle,
+                                               $curRes->src,
+                                               $curRes->symb,
+                                               $seq_id++,
+                                               $inputname));
+        } elsif ($curRes->is_problem) {
+            my $anonpart = 0;
+            my $namedpart = 0;
+            my @parts = @{$curRes->parts()};
+            if (ref($anoncounter) eq 'HASH') {
+                if (keys(%{$anoncounter}) > 0) {
+                    my @parts = @{$curRes->parts()};
+                    my $symb = $curRes->symb();
+                    foreach my $part (@parts) {
+                        if ((exists($anoncounter->{$symb."\0".$part})) ||
+                            $curRes->is_anonsurvey($part)) {
+                            $anonpart ++;
+                        } else {
+                            $namedpart ++ 
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (@Accumulator && $Accumulator[-1] ne '') {
+                &{$Accumulator[-1]}($curRes,
+                                    exists($selected->{$curRes->symb}),
+                                    $anonpart,$namedpart);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    my $course_seq = pop(@Sequence_Data);
+    foreach my $seq ($course_seq,@Sequence_Data) {
+        #my $seq = pop(@Sequence_Data);
+        next if (! defined($seq) || ref($seq) ne 'HASH');
+        $Str.= '<tr><td colspan="2">'.
+            '<b>'.$seq->{'title'}.'</b>'.('&nbsp;'x2).
+            '<a href="javascript:checkall(true,'.$seq->{'id'}.')">'.
+                                  &mt('Select').'</a>'.('&nbsp;'x2).
+            '<a href="javascript:checkall(false,'.$seq->{'id'}.')">'.
+                                  &mt('Unselect').'</a>'.('&nbsp;'x2).
+            '</td></tr>'.$/;
+        $Str.= $seq->{'html'};
+    }
+    $Str .= '</table>'.$/;
+    return $Str;
+sub new_accumulator {
+    my ($title,$src,$symb,$seq_id,$inputname) = @_;
+    my $target;
+    my $item_id=0;
+    return 
+        sub {
+            if (@_) { 
+                my ($res,$checked,$anonpart,$namedpart) = @_;
+                $target.='<tr><td><label>'.
+                    '<input type="checkbox" name="'.$inputname.'" ';
+                if ($checked) {
+                    $target .= 'checked="checked" ';
+                }
+                my $anon_id = $item_id;
+                $target .= 'id="'.$seq_id.':'.$item_id++.'" ';
+                my $esc_symb = &escape($res->symb);
+                $target.= 
+                    'value="'.$esc_symb.'" />'.
+                    '&nbsp;'.$res->compTitle.'</label>'.
+                    ('&nbsp;'x2).'<a target="preview" '.
+                    'href="'.$res->link.'?symb='.
+                    &escape($res->shown_symb).'">'.&mt('view').'</a>'.
+                    '<input type="hidden" id="anonymous_'.$seq_id.':'.$anon_id.'" name="hidden_'.$seq_id.':'.$anon_id.'" value="'.$anonpart.'" />';
+                my $mixed = '<input type="hidden" id="mixed_'.$seq_id.':'.$anon_id.'" value="none" name="mixed_'.$seq_id.':'.$anon_id.'" />';
+                if ($anonpart) {
+                    if ($namedpart) {
+                        my $checknamed = '';
+                        my $checkedanon = ' checked="checked"';
+                        if ($env{'form.mixed_'.$seq_id.':'.$anon_id} eq $esc_symb) {
+                            $checknamed = $checkedanon;
+                            $checkedanon = '';
+                        }
+                        $mixed = '&nbsp;('.
+    &mt('Both anonymous and named submissions -- display: [_1]Anonymous [_2]Named[_3]',
+    '<span class="LC_nobreak"><label>'.
+    '<input type="radio" name="mixed_'.$seq_id.':'.$anon_id.
+    '" value="0" id="mixed_'.$seq_id.':'.$anon_id.'"'.$checkedanon.' />',
+    '</label></span>'.('&nbsp;'x2).' <span class="LC_nobreak">'.
+    '<label><input type="radio" name="mixed_'.$seq_id.':'.$anon_id.
+    '" value="symb_'.$esc_symb.'" id="named_'.$seq_id.':'.$anon_id.'"'.$checknamed.' />',
+    '</label></span>').')';
+                    } else {
+                        $target .= '&nbsp;'.&mt('(Anonymous Survey)');
+                    }
+                }
+                $target.= $mixed.'</td></tr>'.$/;
+            } else { 
+                if (defined($target)) {
+                    return { title => $title,
+                             symb  => $symb,
+                             src   => $src,
+                             id    => $seq_id,
+                             html  => $target, }; 
+                }
+                return undef;
+            }
+        };
+sub get_selected_symbs {
+    my ($inputfield) = @_;
+    my $field = 'form.'.$inputfield;
+    my @symbs = (map {
+                     &unescape($_);
+                     } &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple($field));
+    return @symbs;
 =item &make_target_id($target)
 Inputs: Hash ref with the following entries:
@@ -190,10 +548,10 @@ Used by Apache::lonstathelpers::ProblemS
 sub make_target_id {
     my ($target) = @_;
-    my $id = &Apache::lonnet::escape($target->{'symb'}).':'.
-             &Apache::lonnet::escape($target->{'part'}).':'.
-             &Apache::lonnet::escape($target->{'respid'}).':'.
-             &Apache::lonnet::escape($target->{'resptype'});
+    my $id = &escape($target->{'symb'}).':'.
+             &escape($target->{'part'}).':'.
+             &escape($target->{'respid'}).':'.
+             &escape($target->{'resptype'});
     return $id;
@@ -216,11 +574,23 @@ Returns: A hash reference, $target, cont
 sub get_target_from_id {
     my ($id) = @_;
-    my ($symb,$part,$respid,$resptype) = split(':',$id);
-    return ({ symb    =>&Apache::lonnet::unescape($symb),
-             part     =>&Apache::lonnet::unescape($part),
-             respid   =>&Apache::lonnet::unescape($respid),
-             resptype =>&Apache::lonnet::unescape($resptype)});
+    if (! ref($id)) {
+        my ($symb,$part,$respid,$resptype) = split(':',$id);
+        return ({ symb     => &unescape($symb),
+                  part     => &unescape($part),
+                  respid   => &unescape($respid),
+                  resptype => &unescape($resptype)});
+    } elsif (ref($id) eq 'ARRAY') {
+        my @Return;
+        foreach my $selected (@$id) {
+            my ($symb,$part,$respid,$resptype) = split(':',$selected);
+            push(@Return,{ symb     => &unescape($symb),
+                           part     => &unescape($part),
+                           respid   => &unescape($respid),
+                           resptype => &unescape($resptype)});
+        }
+        return \@Return;
+    }
@@ -228,7 +598,7 @@ sub get_target_from_id {
-=item &get_prev_curr_next($target)
+=item &get_prev_curr_next($target,$AcceptableResponseTypes,$granularity)
 Determine the problem parts or responses preceeding and following the
 current resource.
@@ -236,7 +606,7 @@ current resource.
 Inputs: $target (see &Apache::lonstathelpers::get_target_from_id())
   $AcceptableResponseTypes, regular expression matching acceptable
                             response types,
-  $granularity, either 'part' or 'response'
+  $granularity, either 'part', 'response', 'part_survey', or 'part_task'
 Returns: three hash references, $prev, $curr, $next, which refer to the
 preceeding, current, or following problem parts or responses, depending
@@ -259,30 +629,47 @@ sub get_prev_curr_next {
     # Build an array with the data we need to search through
     my @Resource;
-    foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
-        foreach my $res (@{$seq->{'contents'}}) {
-            next if ($res->{'type'} ne 'assessment');
-            foreach my $part (@{$res->{'parts'}}) {
-                my $partdata = $res->{'partdata'}->{$part};
-                if ($granularity eq 'part') {
+    my ($navmap,@sequences) = 
+        &Apache::lonstatistics::selected_sequences_with_assessments('all');
+    return $navmap if (! ref($navmap));
+    foreach my $seq (@sequences) {
+        my @resources = &get_resources($navmap,$seq);
+        foreach my $res (@resources) {
+            foreach my $part (@{$res->parts}) {
+                if (($res->is_survey($part) || ($res->is_anonsurvey($part))) && 
+                    ($granularity eq 'part_survey')) {
+                    push (@Resource,
+                          { symb     => $res->symb,
+                            part     => $part,
+                            resource => $res,
+                        } );
+		} elsif ($res->is_task($part) && ($granularity eq 'part_task')){
                     push (@Resource,
-                          { symb     => $res->{symb},
+                          { symb     => $res->symb,
+                            part     => $part,
+                            resource => $res,
+                        } );
+                } elsif ($granularity eq 'part') {
+                    push (@Resource,
+                          { symb     => $res->symb,
                             part     => $part,
                             resource => $res,
                         } );
                 } elsif ($granularity eq 'response') {
+                    my @response_ids   = $res->responseIds($part);
+                    my @response_types = $res->responseType($part);
                     for (my $i=0;
-                         $i<scalar(@{$partdata->{'ResponseTypes'}});
+                         $i<scalar(@response_ids);
-                        my $respid = $partdata->{'ResponseIds'}->[$i];
-                        my $resptype = $partdata->{'ResponseTypes'}->[$i];
+                        my $respid   = $response_ids[$i];
+                        my $resptype = $response_types[$i];
                         next if ($resptype !~ m/$AcceptableResponseTypes/);
                         push (@Resource,
-                              { symb     => $res->{symb},
+                              { symb     => $res->symb,
                                 part     => $part,
-                                respid   => $partdata->{'ResponseIds'}->[$i],
+                                respid   => $respid,
+                                resptype => $resptype,
                                 resource => $res,
-                                resptype => $resptype
                                 } );
@@ -294,7 +681,7 @@ sub get_prev_curr_next {
     my $curr_idx;
     for ($curr_idx=0;$curr_idx<$#Resource;$curr_idx++) {
         my $curr_item = $Resource[$curr_idx];
-        if ($granularity eq 'part') {
+        if ($granularity =~ /^(part|part_survey|part_task)$/) {
             if ($curr_item->{'symb'} eq $target->{'symb'} &&
                 $curr_item->{'part'} eq $target->{'part'}) {
@@ -309,7 +696,7 @@ sub get_prev_curr_next {
     my $curr_item = $Resource[$curr_idx];
-    if ($granularity eq 'part') {
+    if ($granularity =~ /^(part|part_survey|part_task)$/) {
         if ($curr_item->{'symb'}     ne $target->{'symb'} ||
             $curr_item->{'part'}     ne $target->{'part'}) {
             # bogus symb - return nothing
@@ -340,7 +727,887 @@ sub get_prev_curr_next {
         $curr = $Resource[$curr_idx  ];
         $next = $Resource[$curr_idx+1];
-    return ($prev,$curr,$next);
+    return ($navmap,$prev,$curr,$next);
+=item GetStudentAnswers($r,$problem,$Students)
+Determines the correct answer for a set of students on a given problem.
+The students answers are stored in the student hashes pointed to by the
+array @$Students under the key 'answer'.
+Inputs: $r
+$problem: hash reference containing the keys 'resource', 'part', and 'respid'.
+$Students: reference to array containing student hashes (need 'username', 
+    'domain').  
+Returns: nothing 
+sub GetStudentAnswers {
+    my ($r,$problem,$Students,$formname,$inputname) = @_;
+    my %answers;
+    my $status_type;
+    if (defined($formname)) {
+        $status_type = 'inline';
+    } else {
+        $status_type = 'popup';
+    }    
+    my $c = $r->connection();
+    my %Answers;
+    my ($resource,$partid,$respid) = ($problem->{'resource'},
+                                      $problem->{'part'},
+                                      $problem->{'respid'});
+    # Read in the cache (if it exists) before we start timing things.
+    &Apache::lonstathelpers::ensure_proper_cache($resource->{'symb'});
+    # Open progress window
+    my %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin($r,scalar(@$Students));
+    $r->rflush();
+    foreach my $student (@$Students) {
+        last if ($c->aborted());
+        my $sname = $student->{'username'};
+        my $sdom = $student->{'domain'};
+        my $answer = &Apache::lonstathelpers::get_student_answer
+            ($resource,$sname,$sdom,$partid,$respid);
+        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Increment_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state,
+                                                     'last student');
+        $answers{$answer}++;
+        $student->{'answer'} = $answer;
+    }
+    &Apache::lonstathelpers::write_analysis_cache();
+    return if ($c->aborted());
+    $r->rflush();
+    # close progress window
+    &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Close_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state);
+    return \%answers;
+=item analyze_problem_as_student
+Analyzes a homework problem for a student
+Inputs: $resource: a resource object
+        $sname, $sdom, $partid, $respid
+Returns: the problem analysis hash
+sub analyze_problem_as_student {
+    my ($resource,$sname,$sdom) = @_;
+    if (ref($resource) ne 'HASH') {
+        my $res = $resource;
+        $resource = { 'src' => $res->src,
+                      'symb' => $res->symb,
+                      'parts' => $res->parts };
+        foreach my $part (@{$resource->{'parts'}}) {
+            $resource->{'partdata'}->{$part}->{'ResponseIds'}=
+                [$res->responseIds($part)];
+        }
+    }
+    my $url = $resource->{'src'};
+    my $symb = $resource->{'symb'};
+    my $analysis = &get_from_analysis_cache($sname,$sdom,$symb);
+    if (! defined($analysis)) {
+        my $courseid = $env{'request.course.id'};
+        my $Answ=&Apache::lonnet::ssi($url,('grade_target' => 'analyze',
+                                            'grade_domain' => $sdom,
+                                            'grade_username' => $sname,
+                                            'grade_symb' => $symb,
+                                            'grade_courseid' => $courseid));
+        (my $garbage,$analysis)=split(/_HASH_REF__/,$Answ,2);
+        &store_analysis($sname,$sdom,$symb,$analysis);
+    }
+    my %Answer=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($analysis);
+    #
+    return \%Answer;
+=item get_student_answer
+Analyzes a homework problem for a particular student and returns the correct 
+answer.  Attempts to put together an answer for problem types 
+that do not natively support it.
+Inputs: $resource: a resource object (from navmaps or hash from loncoursedata)
+        $sname, $sdom, $partid, $respid
+Returns: $answer
+If $partid and $respid are specified, $answer is simply a scalar containing
+the correct answer for the response.
+If $partid or $respid are undefined, $answer will be a hash reference with
+keys $partid.'.'.$respid.'.answer'.
+sub get_student_answer {
+    my ($resource,$sname,$sdom,$partid,$respid) = @_;
+    #
+    if (ref($resource) ne 'HASH') {
+        my $res = $resource;
+        $resource = { 'src' => $res->src,
+                      'symb' => $res->symb,
+                      'parts' => $res->parts };
+        foreach my $part (@{$resource->{'parts'}}) {
+            $resource->{'partdata'}->{$part}->{'ResponseIds'}=
+                [$res->responseIds($part)];
+        }
+    }
+    #
+    my $analysis = 
+        &analyze_problem_as_student($resource,$sname,$sdom);
+    my $answer;
+    foreach my $partid (@{$resource->{'parts'}}) {
+        my $partdata = $resource->{'partdata'}->{$partid};
+        foreach my $respid (@{$partdata->{'ResponseIds'}}) {
+            my $prefix = $partid.'.'.$respid;
+            my $key = $prefix.'.answer';
+            $answer->{$partid}->{$respid} = 
+                &get_answer($prefix,$key,%$analysis);
+        }
+    }
+    my $returnvalue;
+    if (! defined($partid)) {
+        $returnvalue = $answer;
+    } elsif (! defined($respid)) {
+        $returnvalue = $answer->{$partid};
+    } else {
+        $returnvalue = $answer->{$partid}->{$respid};
+    }
+    return $returnvalue;
+sub get_answer {
+    my ($prefix,$key,%Answer) = @_;
+    my $returnvalue;
+    if (exists($Answer{$key})) {
+	if (ref($Answer{$key}) eq 'HASH') {
+	    my $which = 'INTERNAL';
+	    if (!exists($Answer{$key}{$which})) {
+		$which = (sort(keys(%{ $Answer{$key} })))[0];
+	    }
+	    my $student_answer = $Answer{$key}{$which}[0][0];
+	    $returnvalue = $student_answer; 
+	} else {
+	    &Apache::lonnet::logthis("error analyzing problem. got a answer of type ".ref($Answer{$key}));
+	}
+    } else {
+        if (exists($Answer{$prefix.'.shown'})) {
+            # The response has foils
+            my %values;
+            while (my ($k,$v) = each(%Answer)) {
+                next if ($k !~ /^$prefix\.foil\.(value|area)\.(.*)$/);
+                my $foilname = $2;
+                $values{$foilname}=$v;
+            }
+            foreach my $foil (@{$Answer{$prefix.'.shown'}}) {
+                if (ref($values{$foil}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                    $returnvalue.=&HTML::Entities::encode($foil,'<>&"').'='.
+                        join(',',map {&HTML::Entities::encode($_,'<>&"')} @{$values{$foil}}).'&';
+                } else {
+                    $returnvalue.=&HTML::Entities::encode($foil,'<>&"').'='.
+                        &HTML::Entities::encode($values{$foil},'<>&"').'&';
+                }
+            }
+            $returnvalue =~ s/ /\%20/g;
+            chop ($returnvalue);
+        }
+    }
+    return $returnvalue;
+=item Caching routines
+=over 4
+=item &load_analysis_cache($symb)
+Loads the cache for the given symb into memory from disk.  
+Requires the cache filename be set.  
+Only should be called by &ensure_proper_cache.
+    my $cache_filename = undef;
+    my $current_symb = undef;
+    my %cache;
+sub load_analysis_cache {
+    my ($symb) = @_;
+    return if (! defined($cache_filename));
+    if (! defined($current_symb) || $current_symb ne $symb) {
+        undef(%cache);
+        my $storedstring;
+        my %cache_db;
+        if (tie(%cache_db,'GDBM_File',$cache_filename,&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+            $storedstring = $cache_db{&escape($symb)};
+            untie(%cache_db);
+        }
+        if (defined($storedstring)) {
+            %cache = %{thaw($storedstring)};
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+=item &get_from_analysis_cache($sname,$sdom,$symb,$partid,$respid)
+Returns the appropriate data from the cache, or undef if no data exists.
+sub get_from_analysis_cache {
+    my ($sname,$sdom,$symb) = @_;
+    &ensure_proper_cache($symb);
+    my $returnvalue;
+    if (exists($cache{$sname.':'.$sdom})) {
+        $returnvalue = $cache{$sname.':'.$sdom};
+    } else {
+        $returnvalue = undef;
+    }
+    return $returnvalue;
+=item &write_analysis_cache($symb)
+Writes the in memory cache to disk so that it can be read in with
+sub write_analysis_cache {
+    return if (! defined($current_symb) || ! defined($cache_filename));
+    my %cache_db;
+    my $key = &escape($current_symb);
+    if (tie(%cache_db,'GDBM_File',$cache_filename,&GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
+        my $storestring = freeze(\%cache);
+        $cache_db{$key}=$storestring;
+        $cache_db{$key.'.time'}=time;
+        untie(%cache_db);
+    }
+    undef(%cache);
+    undef($current_symb);
+    undef($cache_filename);
+    return;
+=item &ensure_proper_cache($symb)
+Called to make sure we have the proper cache set up.  This is called
+prior to every analysis lookup.
+sub ensure_proper_cache {
+    my ($symb) = @_;
+    my $cid = $env{'request.course.id'};
+    my $new_filename = LONCAPA::tempdir() .
+        'problemanalysis_'.$cid.'_analysis_cache.db';
+    if (! defined($cache_filename) ||
+        $cache_filename ne $new_filename ||
+        ! defined($current_symb)   ||
+        $current_symb ne $symb) {
+        $cache_filename = $new_filename;
+        # Notice: $current_symb is not set to $symb until after the cache is
+        # loaded.  This is what tells &load_analysis_cache to load in a new
+        # symb cache.
+        &load_analysis_cache($symb);
+        $current_symb = $symb;
+    }
+=item &store_analysis($sname,$sdom,$symb,$partid,$respid,$dataset)
+Stores the analysis data in the in memory cache.
+sub store_analysis {
+    my ($sname,$sdom,$symb,$dataset) = @_;
+    return if ($symb ne $current_symb);
+    $cache{$sname.':'.$sdom}=$dataset;
+    return;
+## The following is copied from datecalc1.pl, part of the 
+## Spreadsheet::WriteExcel CPAN module.
+# Demonstration of writing date/time cells to Excel spreadsheets,
+# using UNIX/Perl time as source of date/time.
+# Copyright 2000, Andrew Benham, adsb@bigfoot.com
+# UNIX/Perl time is the time since the Epoch (00:00:00 GMT, 1 Jan 1970)
+# measured in seconds.
+# An Excel file can use exactly one of two different date/time systems.
+# In these systems, a floating point number represents the number of days
+# (and fractional parts of the day) since a start point. The floating point
+# number is referred to as a 'serial'.
+# The two systems ('1900' and '1904') use different starting points:
+#  '1900'; '1.00' is 1 Jan 1900 BUT 1900 is erroneously regarded as
+#          a leap year - see:
+#            http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q181/3/70.asp
+#          for the excuse^H^H^H^H^H^Hreason.
+#  '1904'; '1.00' is 2 Jan 1904.
+# The '1904' system is the default for Apple Macs. Windows versions of
+# Excel have the option to use the '1904' system.
+# Note that Visual Basic's "DateSerial" function does NOT erroneously
+# regard 1900 as a leap year, and thus its serials do not agree with
+# the 1900 serials of Excel for dates before 1 Mar 1900.
+# Note that StarOffice (at least at version 5.2) does NOT erroneously
+# regard 1900 as a leap year, and thus its serials do not agree with
+# the 1900 serials of Excel for dates before 1 Mar 1900.
+# Calculation description
+# =======================
+# 1900 system
+# -----------
+# Unix time is '0' at 00:00:00 GMT 1 Jan 1970, i.e. 70 years after 1 Jan 1900.
+# Of those 70 years, 17 (1904,08,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,68)
+# were leap years with an extra day.
+# Thus there were 17 + 70*365 days = 25567 days between 1 Jan 1900 and
+# 1 Jan 1970.
+# In the 1900 system, '1' is 1 Jan 1900, but as 1900 was not a leap year
+# 1 Jan 1900 should really be '2', so 1 Jan 1970 is '25569'.
+# 1904 system
+# -----------
+# Unix time is '0' at 00:00:00 GMT 1 Jan 1970, i.e. 66 years after 1 Jan 1904.
+# Of those 66 years, 17 (1904,08,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,68)
+# were leap years with an extra day.
+# Thus there were 17 + 66*365 days = 24107 days between 1 Jan 1904 and
+# 1 Jan 1970.
+# In the 1904 system, 2 Jan 1904 being '1', 1 Jan 1970 is '24107'.
+# Copyright (c) 2000, Andrew Benham.
+# This program is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or
+# modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
+# Andrew Benham, adsb@bigfoot.com
+# London, United Kingdom
+# 11 Nov 2000
+# calc_serial()
+# Called with (up to) 2 parameters.
+#   1.  Unix timestamp.  If omitted, uses current time.
+#   2.  GMT flag. Set to '1' to return serial in GMT.
+#       If omitted, returns serial in appropriate timezone.
+# Returns date/time serial according to $DATE_SYSTEM selected
+sub calc_serial {
+    # Use 1900 date system on all platforms other than Apple Mac (for which
+    # use 1904 date system).
+    my $DATE_SYSTEM = ($^O eq 'MacOS') ? 1 : 0;
+    my $time = (defined $_[0]) ? $_[0] : time();
+    my $gmtflag = (defined $_[1]) ? $_[1] : 0;
+    #
+    # Divide timestamp by number of seconds in a day.
+    # This gives a date serial with '0' on 1 Jan 1970.
+    my $serial = $time / 86400;
+    #
+    # Adjust the date serial by the offset appropriate to the
+    # currently selected system (1900/1904).
+    if ($DATE_SYSTEM == 0) {        # use 1900 system
+        $serial += 25569;
+    } else {                        # use 1904 system
+        $serial += 24107;
+    }
+    #
+    unless ($gmtflag) {
+        # Now have a 'raw' serial with the right offset. But this
+        # gives a serial in GMT, which is false unless the timezone
+        # is GMT. We need to adjust the serial by the appropriate
+        # timezone offset.
+        # Calculate the appropriate timezone offset by seeing what
+        # the differences between localtime and gmtime for the given
+        # time are.
+        #    
+        my @gmtime = gmtime($time);
+        my @ltime  = localtime($time);
+        #
+        # For the first 7 elements of the two arrays, adjust the
+        # date serial where the elements differ.
+        for (0 .. 6) {
+            my $diff = $ltime[$_] - $gmtime[$_];
+            if ($diff) {
+                $serial += _adjustment($diff,$_);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    #
+    # Perpetuate the error that 1900 was a leap year by decrementing
+    # the serial if we're using the 1900 system and the date is prior to
+    # 1 Mar 1900. This has the effect of making serial value '60'
+    # 29 Feb 1900.
+    #
+    # This fix only has any effect if UNIX/Perl time on the platform
+    # can represent 1900. Many can't.
+    #
+    unless ($DATE_SYSTEM) {
+        $serial-- if ($serial < 61);    # '61' is 1 Mar 1900
+    }
+    return $serial;
+sub _adjustment {
+    # Based on the difference in the localtime/gmtime array elements
+    # number, return the adjustment required to the serial.
+    #
+    # We only look at some elements of the localtime/gmtime arrays:
+    #    seconds    unlikely to be different as all known timezones
+    #               have an offset of integral multiples of 15 minutes,
+    #               but it's easy to do.
+    #    minutes    will be different for timezone offsets which are
+    #               not an exact number of hours.
+    #    hours      very likely to be different.
+    #    weekday    will differ when localtime/gmtime difference
+    #               straddles midnight.
+    #
+    # Assume that difference between localtime and gmtime is less than
+    # 5 days, then don't have to do maths for day of month, month number,
+    # year number, etc...
+    #
+    my ($delta,$element) = @_;
+    my $adjust = 0;
+    #
+    if ($element == 0) {            # Seconds
+        $adjust = $delta/86400;         # 60 * 60 * 24
+    } elsif ($element == 1) {       # Minutes
+        $adjust = $delta/1440;          # 60 * 24
+    } elsif ($element == 2) {       # Hours
+        $adjust = $delta/24;            # 24
+    } elsif ($element == 6) {       # Day of week number
+        # Catch difference straddling Sat/Sun in either direction
+        $delta += 7 if ($delta < -4);
+        $delta -= 7 if ($delta > 4);
+        #    
+        $adjust = $delta;
+    }
+    return $adjust;
+=item get_problem_data
+Returns a data structure describing the problem.
+Inputs: $url
+Returns: %Partdata
+## note: we must force each foil and option to not begin or end with
+##       spaces as they are stored without such data.
+sub get_problem_data {
+    my ($url) = @_;
+    my $Answ=&Apache::lonnet::ssi($url,('grade_target' => 'analyze'));
+    (my $garbage,$Answ)=split(/_HASH_REF__/,$Answ,2);
+    my %Answer;
+    %Answer=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($Answ);
+    my %Partdata;
+    foreach my $part (@{$Answer{'parts'}}) {
+        while (my($key,$value) = each(%Answer)) {
+            #
+            # Logging code:
+            if (0) {
+                &Apache::lonnet::logthis($part.' got key "'.$key.'"');
+                if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                    &Apache::lonnet::logthis('    @'.join(',',@$value));
+                } else {
+                    &Apache::lonnet::logthis('    '.$value);
+                }
+            }
+            # End of logging code
+            next if ($key !~ /^\Q$part\E/);
+            $key =~ s/^\Q$part\E\.//;
+            if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                if ($key eq 'options') {
+                    $Partdata{$part}->{'_Options'}=$value;
+                } elsif ($key eq 'concepts') {
+                    $Partdata{$part}->{'_Concepts'}=$value;
+                } elsif ($key eq 'items') {
+                    $Partdata{$part}->{'_Items'}=$value;
+                } elsif ($key =~ /^concept\.(.*)$/) {
+                    my $concept = $1;
+                    foreach my $foil (@$value) {
+                        $Partdata{$part}->{'_Foils'}->{$foil}->{'_Concept'}=
+                                                                      $concept;
+                    }
+                } elsif ($key =~ /^(unit|incorrect|answer|ans_low|ans_high|str_type)$/) {
+                    $Partdata{$part}->{$key}=$value;
+                }
+            } else {
+                if ($key=~ /^foil\.text\.(.*)$/) {
+                    my $foil = $1;
+                    $Partdata{$part}->{'_Foils'}->{$foil}->{'name'}=$foil;
+                    $value =~ s/(\s*$|^\s*)//g;
+                    $Partdata{$part}->{'_Foils'}->{$foil}->{'text'}=$value;
+                } elsif ($key =~ /^foil\.value\.(.*)$/) {
+                    my $foil = $1;
+                    $Partdata{$part}->{'_Foils'}->{$foil}->{'value'}=$value;
+                } elsif ($key eq 'answercomputed') {
+                    $Partdata{$part}->{'answercomputed'} = $value;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # Further debugging code
+    if (0) {
+        &Apache::lonnet::logthis('lonstathelpers::get_problem_data');
+        &log_hash_ref(\%Partdata);
+    }
+    return %Partdata;
+sub log_array_ref {
+    my ($arrayref,$prefix) = @_;
+    return if (ref($arrayref) ne 'ARRAY');
+    if (! defined($prefix)) { $prefix = ''; };
+    foreach my $v (@$arrayref) {
+        if (ref($v) eq 'ARRAY') {
+            &log_array_ref($v,$prefix.'  ');
+        } elsif (ref($v) eq 'HASH') {
+            &log_hash_ref($v,$prefix.'  ');
+        } else {
+            &Apache::lonnet::logthis($prefix.'"'.$v.'"');
+        }
+    }
+sub log_hash_ref {
+    my ($hashref,$prefix) = @_;
+    return if (ref($hashref) ne 'HASH');
+    if (! defined($prefix)) { $prefix = ''; };
+    while (my ($k,$v) = each(%$hashref)) {
+        if (ref($v) eq 'ARRAY') {
+            &Apache::lonnet::logthis($prefix.'"'.$k.'" = array');
+            &log_array_ref($v,$prefix.'  ');
+        } elsif (ref($v) eq 'HASH') {
+            &Apache::lonnet::logthis($prefix.'"'.$k.'" = hash');
+            &log_hash_ref($v,$prefix.'  ');
+        } else {
+            &Apache::lonnet::logthis($prefix.'"'.$k.'" => "'.$v.'"');
+        }
+    }
+=item &limit_by_time()
+sub limit_by_time_form {
+    my $Starttime_form = '';
+    my $starttime = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::get_date_from_form
+        ('limitby_startdate');
+    my $endtime = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::get_date_from_form
+        ('limitby_enddate');
+    if (! defined($endtime)) {
+        $endtime = time;
+    }
+    if (! defined($starttime)) {
+        $starttime = $endtime - 60*60*24*7;
+    }
+    my $state;
+    if (&limit_by_time()) {
+        $state = '';
+    } else {
+        $state = 'disabled';
+    }
+    my $startdateform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter
+        ('Statistics','limitby_startdate',$starttime,undef,undef,$state);
+    my $enddateform = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::date_setter
+        ('Statistics','limitby_enddate',$endtime,undef,undef,$state);
+    my $Str;
+    $Str .= '<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">';
+    $Str .= 'function toggle_limitby_activity(state) {';
+    $Str .= '    if (state) {';
+    $Str .= '        limitby_startdate_enable();';
+    $Str .= '        limitby_enddate_enable();';
+    $Str .= '    } else {';
+    $Str .= '        limitby_startdate_disable();';
+    $Str .= '        limitby_enddate_disable();';
+    $Str .= '    }';    
+    $Str .= '}';
+    $Str .= '</script>';
+    $Str .= '<fieldset>';
+    my $timecheckbox = '<input type="checkbox" name="limit_by_time" ';
+    if (&limit_by_time()) {
+        $timecheckbox .= 'checked="checked" ';
+    } 
+    $timecheckbox .= 'onchange="javascript:toggle_limitby_activity(this.checked);" ';
+    $timecheckbox .= ' />';
+    $Str .= '<legend><label>'.&mt('[_1] Limit by time',$timecheckbox).'</label></legend>';
+    $Str .= &mt('Start Time: [_1]',$startdateform).'<br />';
+    $Str .= &mt('&nbsp;End Time: [_1]',$enddateform).'<br />';
+    $Str .= '</fieldset>';
+    return $Str;
+sub limit_by_time {
+    if (exists($env{'form.limit_by_time'}) &&
+        $env{'form.limit_by_time'} ne '' ) {
+        return 1;
+    } else {
+        return 0;
+    }
+sub get_time_limits {
+    my $starttime = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::get_date_from_form
+        ('limitby_startdate');
+    my $endtime = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::get_date_from_form
+        ('limitby_enddate');
+    return ($starttime,$endtime);
+=item &manage_caches
+Inputs: $r, apache request object
+Returns: An array of scalars containing html for buttons.
+sub manage_caches {
+    my ($r,$formname,$inputname,$update_message) = @_;
+    &Apache::loncoursedata::clear_internal_caches();
+    my $sectionkey = 
+        join(',',
+             map {
+                     &escape($_);
+                 } sort(&Apache::lonstatistics::get_selected_sections())
+             );
+    my $statuskey = $Apache::lonstatistics::enrollment_status;
+    if (exists($env{'form.ClearCache'}) || 
+        exists($env{'form.updatecaches'}) || 
+        (exists($env{'form.firstrun'}) && $env{'form.firstrun'} ne 'no') ||
+        (exists($env{'form.prevsection'}) &&
+            $env{'form.prevsection'} ne $sectionkey) ||
+        (exists($env{'form.prevenrollstatus'}) &&
+            $env{'form.prevenrollstatus'} ne $statuskey)
+        ) {
+        if (defined($update_message)) {
+            $r->print($update_message);
+        }
+        if (0) {
+            &Apache::lonnet::logthis('Updating mysql student data caches');
+        }
+        &gather_full_student_data($r,$formname,$inputname);
+    }
+    #
+    my @Buttons = 
+        ('<input type="submit" name="ClearCache" '.
+             'value="'.&mt('Clear Caches').'" />',
+         '<input type="submit" name="updatecaches" '.
+             'value="'.&mt('Update Caches').'" />'.
+         &Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Statistics_Cache'),
+         '<input type="hidden" name="prevsection" value="'.$sectionkey.'" />',
+         '<input type="hidden" name="prevenrollstatus" value="'.$statuskey.'" />'
+         );
+    #
+    if (! exists($env{'form.firstrun'})) {
+        $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="firstrun" value="yes" />');
+    } else {
+        $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="firstrun" value="no" />');
+    }
+    #
+    return @Buttons;
+sub gather_full_student_data {
+    my ($r,$formname,$inputname) = @_;
+    my $status_type;
+    if (defined($formname)) {
+        $status_type = 'inline';
+    } else {
+        $status_type = 'popup';
+    }
+    my $c = $r->connection();
+    #
+    &Apache::loncoursedata::clear_internal_caches();
+    #
+    my @Students = @Apache::lonstatistics::Students;
+    #
+    # Open the progress window
+    my %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin($r,scalar(@Students));
+    #
+    while (my $student = shift @Students) {
+        return if ($c->aborted());
+        my $status = &Apache::loncoursedata::ensure_current_full_data
+            ($student->{'username'},$student->{'domain'},
+             $env{'request.course.id'});
+        &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Increment_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state,
+                                                 &mt('last student'));
+    }
+    &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Close_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state);
+    $r->rflush();
+    return;
+=item &submission_report_form
+Input: The originating reportSelected value for the current stats page.
+Output: Scalar containing HTML with needed form elements and a link to 
+the student submission reports page.
+sub submission_report_form {
+    my ($original_report) = @_;
+    # Note: In the link below we change the reportSelected value.  If
+    # the user hits the 'back' button on the browser after getting their
+    # student submissions report, this value may still be around.  So we
+    # output a script block to set it properly.  If the $original_report
+    # value is unset, you are just asking for trouble.
+    if (! defined($original_report)) {
+        &Apache::lonnet::logthis
+            ('someone called lonstathelpers::submission_report_form without '.
+             ' enough input.');
+    }
+    my $html = $/.
+        '<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">'.
+        "document.Statistics.reportSelected.value='$original_report';".
+        '</script>'.
+        '<input type="hidden" name="correctans" value="true" />'.
+        '<input type="hidden" name="prob_status" value="true" />'.
+        '<input type="hidden" name="all_sub" value="true" />';
+    my $output_selector = $/.'<select name="output">'.$/;
+    foreach ('HTML','Excel','CSV') {
+        $output_selector .= '    <option value="'.lc($_).'"';
+        if ($env{'form.output'} eq lc($_)) {
+            $output_selector .= ' selected ';
+        }
+        $output_selector .='>'.&mt($_).'</option>'.$/;
+    } 
+    $output_selector .= '</select>'.$/;
+    my $link = '<a href="javascript:'.
+       q{document.Statistics.reportSelected.value='student_submission_reports';}.
+       'document.Statistics.submit();">';
+    $html.= &mt('View data as [_1] [_2]go[_3]',$output_selector,
+                $link,'</a>').$/;
+    return $html