+ .&mt('Unable to retrieve course information.')
+ .'
+ }
+ # If we're showing links, show a checkbox to open in new
+ # windows.
+ if ($show_links ne 'no') {
+ my $labeltext = &mt('Show links in new window');
+ $r->print(<new_window = true;
+ #
+ $r->print("".$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.description'}.
+ " ".&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime(time)." ");
- # Set up progress window for 'final table' display only
- if ($data =~ /^final table/) {
- my $studentcount = scalar(@Apache::lonstatistics::Students);
- %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin
- ($r,'Summary Table Status',
- 'Summary Table Compilation Progress', $studentcount);
+ if ($chosen_output->{'base'} !~ /^final table/) {
+ $r->print("".&mt($chosen_output->{'shortdesc'})." ");
my $Str = "\n";
# First, the @StudentData fields need to be listed
@@ -606,36 +693,149 @@ sub html_initialize {
my $width=$Apache::lonstatistics::StudentData{$field}->{'width'};
$Str .= $title.' 'x($width-$base).$padding;
- # Now the selected sequences need to be listed
- foreach my $sequence (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()){
- my $title = $sequence->{'title'};
- my $base = $sequence->{'base_width'};
- my $width = $sequence->{'width'};
- $Str .= $title.' 'x($width-$base).$padding;
+ #
+ # Compute the column widths and output the sequence titles
+ my $total_count;
+ #
+ # Compute sequence widths
+ my $starttime = Time::HiRes::time;
+ foreach my $seq (@sequences) {
+ my $symb = $seq->symb;
+ my $title = $seq->compTitle;
+ $width{$symb}->{'width_sum'} = 0;
+ # Compute width of sum
+ if ($chosen_output->{'sequence_sum'}) {
+ if ($chosen_output->{'every_problem'}) {
+ # Use 1 digit for a space
+ $width{$symb}->{'width_sum'} += 1;
+ }
+ $total_count += &count_parts($navmap,$seq);
+ # Use 6 digits for the sum
+ $width{$symb}->{'width_sum'} += 6;
+ }
+ # Compute width of maximum
+ if ($chosen_output->{'sequence_max'}) {
+ if ($width{$symb}->{'width_sum'}>0) {
+ # One digit for the '/'
+ $width{$symb}->{'width_sum'} +=1;
+ }
+ # Use 6 digits for the total
+ $width{$symb}->{'width_sum'}+=6;
+ }
+ #
+ if ($chosen_output->{'every_problem'}) {
+ # one problem per digit
+ $width{$symb}->{'width_parts'}= &count_parts($navmap,$seq);
+ $width{$symb}->{'width_problem'} += $width{$symb}->{'width_parts'};
+ } else {
+ $width{$symb}->{'width_problem'} = 0;
+ }
+ $width{$symb}->{'width_total'} = $width{$symb}->{'width_problem'} +
+ $width{$symb}->{'width_sum'};
+ if ($width{$symb}->{'width_total'} < length(&HTML::Entities::decode($title))) {
+ $width{$symb}->{'width_total'} = length(&HTML::Entities::decode($title));
+ }
+ #
+ # Output the sequence titles
+ $Str .= $title.(' 'x($width{$symb}->{'width_total'}-
+ length($title)
+ )).$padding;
- $Str .= "total \n";
+ $total_sum_width = length($total_count)+1;
+ $Str .= " total\n";
$Str .= "";
+ $r->print(<
+// get the left offset of a given widget as an absolute position
+function getLeftOffset (element) {
+ return collect(element, "offsetLeft");
+// get the top offset of a given widget as an absolute position
+function getTopOffset (element) {
+ return collect(element, "offsetTop");
+function collect(element, att) {
+ var val = 0;
+ while(element) {
+ val += element[att];
+ element = element.offsetParent;
+ }
+ return val;
+var currentDiv;
+var currentElement;
+function popup_score(element, score) {
+ popdown_score();
+ var left = getLeftOffset(element);
+ var top = getTopOffset(element);
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.className = "LC_chrt_popup";
+ div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(score));
+ div.style.position = "absolute";
+ div.style.top = (top - 25) + "px";
+ div.style.left = (left - 10) + "px";
+ currentDiv = div;
+ document.body.insertBefore(div, document.body.childNodes[0]);
+ element.className = "LC_chrt_popup_up";
+ currentElement = element;
+function popdown_score() {
+ if (currentDiv) {
+ document.body.removeChild(currentDiv);
+ }
+ if (currentElement) {
+ currentElement.className = 'LC_chrt_popup_exists';
+ }
+ currentDiv = undefined;
- # Check for suppression of output
- if ($data =~ /^final table/) {
- $Str = '';
+ # Let the user know what we are doing
+ my $studentcount = scalar(@Apache::lonstatistics::Students);
+ if ($env{'form.SelectedStudent'}) {
+ $studentcount = '1';
+ #
+ # Initialize progress window
+ #
+ %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin($r,$studentcount);
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state,
+ 'Processing first student');
sub html_outputstudent {
my ($r,$student) = @_;
my $Str = '';
+ return if (! defined($navmap));
- if($count++ % 5 == 0 && $count > 0 && $data !~ /^final table/) {
- $r->print(" ");
+ if($count++ % 5 == 0 && $count > 0) {
+# $r->print(" ");
+ $r->print(' ');
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Increment_PrgWin(
+ $r,\%prog_state,'last five students',5);
+ $r->rflush();
+ $r->print('');
# First, the @StudentData fields need to be listed
my @to_show = &get_student_fields_to_show();
foreach my $field (@to_show) {
my $title=$student->{$field};
+ # Deal with 'comments' - how I love special cases
+ if ($field eq 'comments') {
+ $title = ''.&mt('Comments').' ';
+ }
+ utf8::decode($title);
my $base = length($title);
my $width=$Apache::lonstatistics::StudentData{$field}->{'width'};
$Str .= $title.' 'x($width-$base).$padding;
@@ -644,14 +844,21 @@ sub html_outputstudent {
my %StudentsData;
my @tmp = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_current_state
- $ENV{'request.course.id'});
- if ((scalar @tmp > 0) && ($tmp[0] !~ /^error:/)) {
+ $env{'request.course.id'});
+ if ((scalar @tmp > 0) && ($tmp[0] !~ /^error:(.*)/)) {
%StudentsData = @tmp;
- }
- if (scalar(@tmp) < 1) {
+ } else {
+ my $error = $1;
+ if (scalar(@tmp) < 1) {
+ $Str .= ''
+ .&mt('No Course Data')
+ .' '."\n";
+ } else {
+ $Str .= ''
+ .&mt('Error getting student data ([_1])',$error)
+ .' '."\n";
+ }
- return if ($data =~ /^final table/);
- $Str .= 'No Course Data '."\n";
@@ -660,142 +867,171 @@ sub html_outputstudent {
# By sequence build up the data
my $studentstats;
my $PerformanceStr = '';
- foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
+ foreach my $seq (@sequences) {
+ my $symb = $seq->symb;
+ my $randompick = $seq->randompick();
my ($performance,$performance_length,$score,$seq_max,$rawdata);
- if ($base eq 'tries') {
+ if ($chosen_output->{'tries'}) {
($performance,$performance_length,$score,$seq_max,$rawdata) =
- &StudentTriesOnSequence($student,\%StudentsData,
- $seq,$show_links);
+ &student_tries_on_sequence($student,\%StudentsData,
+ $navmap,$seq,$show_links,$randompick);
} else {
($performance,$performance_length,$score,$seq_max,$rawdata) =
- &StudentPerformanceOnSequence($student,\%StudentsData,
- $seq,$show_links);
+ &student_performance_on_sequence($student,\%StudentsData,
+ $navmap,$seq,$show_links,
+ $chosen_output->{ignore_weight},
+ $randompick);
+ }
+ my $ratio='';
+ if ($chosen_output->{'every_problem'} &&
+ $chosen_output->{'sequence_sum'}) {
+ $ratio .= ' ';
+ }
+ if ($chosen_output->{'sequence_sum'} && $score ne ' ') {
+ my $score .= sprintf("%3.2f",$score);
+ $ratio .= (' 'x(6-length($score))).$score;
+ } elsif($chosen_output->{'sequence_sum'}) {
+ $ratio .= ' 'x6;
+ }
+ if ($chosen_output->{'sequence_max'}) {
+ if ($chosen_output->{'sequence_sum'}) {
+ $ratio .= '/';
+ }
+ my $sequence_total=sprintf("%3.2f",$seq_max);
+ $ratio .= $sequence_total.(' 'x(6-length($sequence_total)));
- my $ratio = sprintf("%3d",$score).'/'.sprintf("%3d",$seq_max);
- if ($data eq 'sum and total' || $data eq 'parts correct total') {
- $performance = $ratio;
- $performance .= ' 'x($seq->{'width'}-length($ratio));
- } elsif ($data eq 'sum only' || $data eq 'parts correct') {
- $performance = $score;
- $performance .= ' 'x($seq->{'width'}-length($score));
- } else {
- # Pad with extra spaces
- $performance .= ' 'x($seq->{'width'}-$performance_length-
- length($ratio)
- ).$ratio;
- }
+ if (! $chosen_output->{'every_problem'}) {
+ $performance = '';
+ $performance_length=0;
+ }
+ $performance .= ' 'x($width{$symb}->{'width_total'} -
+ $performance_length -
+ $width{$symb}->{'width_sum'}).
+ $ratio;
$Str .= $performance.$padding;
- $studentstats->{$seq->{'symb'}}->{'score'}= $score;
- $studentstats->{$seq->{'symb'}}->{'max'} = $seq_max;
+ $studentstats->{$symb}->{'score'}= $score;
+ $studentstats->{$symb}->{'max'} = $seq_max;
# Total it up and store the statistics info.
- my ($score,$max) = (0,0);
+ my ($score,$max);
while (my ($symb,$seq_stats) = each (%{$studentstats})) {
$Statistics->{$symb}->{'score'} += $seq_stats->{'score'};
if ($Statistics->{$symb}->{'max'} < $seq_stats->{'max'}) {
$Statistics->{$symb}->{'max'} = $seq_stats->{'max'};
- $score += $seq_stats->{'score'};
+ if ($seq_stats->{'score'} ne ' ') {
+ $score += $seq_stats->{'score'};
+ $Statistics->{$symb}->{'num_students'}++;
+ }
$max += $seq_stats->{'max'};
- $Str .= ' '.' 'x(length($max)-length($score)).$score.'/'.$max;
- $Str .= " \n";
- #
- # Check for suppressed output and update the progress window if so...
- if ($data =~ /^final table/) {
- $Str = '';
- &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Increment_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state,
- 'last student');
+ if (! defined($score)) {
+ $score = ' ' x $total_sum_width;
+ } else {
+ $score = sprintf("%.2f",$score);
+ $score = (' 'x(6-length($score))).$score;
+ $Str .= ' '.' 'x($total_sum_width-length($score)).$score.' / '.$max;
+ $Str .= " \n";
- $r->rflush();
+# $r->rflush();
+# &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Increment_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state,'last student');
sub html_finish {
my ($r) = @_;
+ return if (! defined($navmap));
# Check for suppressed output and close the progress window if so
- if ($data =~ /^final table/) {
- &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Close_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state);
- } else {
- $r->print(" \n");
- }
- if ($single_student_mode) {
- $r->print(&SingleStudentTotal());
- } else {
- $r->print(&StudentAverageTotal());
+ $r->print("\n");
+ if ($chosen_output->{'summary_table'}) {
+ if ($single_student_mode) {
+ $r->print(&SingleStudentTotal());
+ } else {
+ $r->print(&StudentAverageTotal());
+ }
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Close_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state);
+ &html_cleanup();
sub StudentAverageTotal {
- my $Str = "Summary Tables \n";
- my $num_students = scalar(@Apache::lonstatistics::Students);
- my $total_ave = 0;
- my $total_max = 0;
- $Str .= ''."\n";
- $Str .= "Title Average Maximum \n";
- foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
+ my $Str = ''.&mt('Summary Tables').' '.$/;
+ $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table();
+ $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_header_row().
+ ''.&mt('Title').' '.
+ ''.&mt('Average').' '.
+ ''.&mt('Maximum').' '.
+ &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_header_row().$/;
+ foreach my $seq (@sequences) {
+ my $symb = $seq->symb;
my $ave;
- if ($num_students > $nodata_count) {
- $ave = int(100*($Statistics->{$seq->{'symb'}}->{'score'}/
- ($num_students-$nodata_count)))/100;
+ my $num_students = $Statistics->{$symb}->{'num_students'};
+ if ($num_students > 0) {
+ $ave = int(100*
+ ($Statistics->{$symb}->{'score'}/$num_students)
+ )/100;
} else {
$ave = 0;
- $total_ave += $ave;
- my $max = $Statistics->{$seq->{'symb'}}->{'max'};
- $total_max += $max;
- if ($ave == 0) {
- $ave = "0.00";
- }
- $ave .= ' ';
- $max .= ' ';
- $Str .= ''.$seq->{'title'}.' '.
- ''.$ave.' '.
- ''.$max.' '."\n";
- }
- $total_ave = int(100*$total_ave)/100; # only two digit
- $Str .= "
- $Str .= ''."\n";
- $Str .= 'Number of Students Average '.
- "Maximum \n";
- $Str .= ''.($num_students-$nodata_count).' '.
- ''.$total_ave.' '.$total_max.' ';
- $Str .= "
+ my $max = $Statistics->{$symb}->{'max'};
+ $ave = sprintf("%.2f",$ave);
+ $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().
+ ''.$seq->compTitle.' '.
+ ''.$ave.' '.
+ ''.$max.' '.' '.
+ &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row()."\n";
+ }
+ $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table()."\n";
return $Str;
sub SingleStudentTotal {
+ return if (! defined($navmap));
my $student = &Apache::lonstatistics::current_student();
- my $Str = "Summary table for ".$student->{'fullname'}." ".
- $student->{'username'}.'@'.$student->{'domain'}." \n";
- $Str .= ''."\n";
+ my $Str = ''.&mt('Summary table for [_1] ([_2])',
+ $student->{'fullname'},
+ $student->{'username'}.':'.$student->{'domain'}).' ';
+ $Str .= $/;
+ $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table()."\n";
$Str .=
- "Sequence or Folder Score Maximum \n";
+ &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_header_row().
+ ''.&mt('Sequence or Folder').' ';
+ if ($chosen_output->{'base'} eq 'tries') {
+ $Str .= ''.&mt('Parts Correct').' ';
+ } else {
+ $Str .= ''.&mt('Score').' ';
+ }
+ $Str .= ''.&mt('Maximum').' '.
+ &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_header_row()."\n";
my $total = 0;
my $total_max = 0;
- foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
- my $value = $Statistics->{$seq->{'symb'}}->{'score'};
- my $max = $Statistics->{$seq->{'symb'}}->{'max'};
- $Str .= ''.$seq->{'title'}.' '.
+ foreach my $seq (@sequences) {
+ my $value = $Statistics->{$seq->symb}->{'score'};
+ my $max = $Statistics->{$seq->symb}->{'max'};
+ $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().
+ ''.&HTML::Entities::encode($seq->compTitle).' '.
''.$value.' '.
- ''.$max.' '."\n";
+ ''.$max.' '.
+ &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row()."\n";
$total += $value;
$total_max +=$max;
- $Str .= 'Total '.
+ $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().
+ ''.&mt('Total').' '.
''.$total.' '.
- ''.$total_max." \n";
- $Str .= "
+ ''.$total_max.' '.
+ &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row()."\n";
+ $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table()."\n";
return $Str;
@@ -822,6 +1058,7 @@ sub SingleStudentTotal {
my $excel_sheet;
my $excel_workbook;
+my $format;
my $filename;
my $rows_output;
@@ -830,63 +1067,69 @@ my $cols_output;
my %prog_state; # progress window state
my $request_aborted;
+my $total_formula;
+my $maximum_formula;
+my %formula_data;
+my $navmap;
+my @sequences;
+sub excel_cleanup {
+ #
+ undef ($excel_sheet);
+ undef ($excel_workbook);
+ undef ($filename);
+ undef ($rows_output);
+ undef ($cols_output);
+ undef (%prog_state);
+ undef ($request_aborted);
+ undef ($total_formula);
+ undef ($maximum_formula);
+ #
+ undef(%formula_data);
+ #
+ undef($navmap);
+ undef(@sequences);
sub excel_initialize {
my ($r) = @_;
+ &excel_cleanup();
+ ($navmap,@sequences) =
+ &Apache::lonstatistics::selected_sequences_with_assessments();
+ if (! ref($navmap)) {
+ # Unable to get data, so bail out
+ $r->print("".
+ &mt('Unable to retrieve course information.').
+ ' ');
+ }
- $request_aborted = undef;
my $total_columns = scalar(&get_student_fields_to_show());
- foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
- # Add 2 because we need a 'sum' and 'total' column for each
- $total_columns += $seq->{'num_assess_parts'}+2;
- }
- if ($data eq 'tries' && $total_columns > 255) {
- $r->print(<Unable to Complete Request
-LON-CAPA is unable to produce your Excel spreadsheet because your selections
-will result in more than 255 columns. Excel allows only 255 columns in a
-You may consider reducing the number of Sequences or Folders you
-have selected.
-LON-CAPA can produce CSV files of this data or Excel files of the
-summary data (Parts Correct or Parts Correct & Totals ).
- $request_aborted = 1;
- }
- if ($data eq 'scores' && $total_columns > 255) {
- $r->print(<Unable to Complete Request
-LON-CAPA is unable to produce your Excel spreadsheet because your selections
-will result in more than 255 columns. Excel allows only 255 columns in a
-You may consider reducing the number of Sequences or Folders you
-have selected.
-LON-CAPA can produce CSV files of this data or Excel files of the
-summary data (Scores Sum or Scores Sum & Totals ).
- $request_aborted = 1;
- }
- if ($data =~ /^final table/) {
- $r->print(<Unable to Complete Request
-The Summary Table (Scores) option is not available for non-HTML output.
- $request_aborted = 1;
+ my $num_students = scalar(@Apache::lonstatistics::Students);
+ #
+ foreach my $seq (@sequences) {
+ if ($chosen_output->{'every_problem'}) {
+ $total_columns+=&count_parts($navmap,$seq);
+ }
+ # Add 2 because we need a 'sequence_sum' and 'total' column for each
+ $total_columns += 2;
+ }
+ my $too_many_cols_error_message =
+ ''.&mt('Unable to Complete Request').' '.$/.
+ ''.&mt('LON-CAPA is unable to produce your Excel spreadsheet because your selections will result in more than 255 columns. Excel allows only 255 columns in a spreadsheet.').'
+ ''.&mt('You may consider reducing the number of Sequences or Folders you have selected.').'
+ ''.&mt('LON-CAPA can produce CSV files of this data or Excel files of the Scores Summary data.').'
+ if ($chosen_output->{'base'} eq 'tries' && $total_columns > 255) {
+ $r->print($too_many_cols_error_message);
+ $request_aborted = 1;
+ }
+ if ($chosen_output->{'base'} eq 'scores' && $total_columns > 255) {
+ $r->print($too_many_cols_error_message);
+ $request_aborted = 1;
return if ($request_aborted);
- $filename = '/prtspool/'.
- $ENV{'user.name'}.'_'.$ENV{'user.domain'}.'_'.
- time.'_'.rand(1000000000).'.xls';
$excel_workbook = undef;
$excel_sheet = undef;
@@ -894,168 +1137,319 @@ END
$rows_output = 0;
$cols_output = 0;
- # Create sheet
- $excel_workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new('/home/httpd'.$filename);
+ # Determine rows
+ my $header_row = $rows_output++;
+ my $description_row = $rows_output++;
+ my $notes_row = $rows_output++;
+ $rows_output++; # blank row
+ my $summary_header_row;
+ if ($chosen_output->{'summary_table'}) {
+ $summary_header_row = $rows_output++;
+ $rows_output+= scalar(@sequences);
+ $rows_output++;
+ }
+ my $sequence_name_row = $rows_output++;
+ my $resource_name_row = $rows_output++;
+ my $maximum_data_row = $rows_output++;
+ if (! $chosen_output->{'maximum_row'}) {
+ $rows_output--;
+ }
+ my $first_data_row = $rows_output++;
- # Check for errors
- if (! defined($excel_workbook)) {
- $r->log_error("Error creating excel spreadsheet $filename: $!");
- $r->print("Problems creating new Excel file. ".
- "This error has been logged. ".
- "Please alert your LON-CAPA administrator");
- return ;
- }
- #
- # The excel spreadsheet stores temporary data in files, then put them
- # together. If needed we should be able to disable this (memory only).
- # The temporary directory must be specified before calling 'addworksheet'.
- # File::Temp is used to determine the temporary directory.
- $excel_workbook->set_tempdir($Apache::lonnet::tmpdir);
+ # Create sheet
+ ($excel_workbook,$filename,$format)=
+ &Apache::loncommon::create_workbook($r);
+ return if (! defined($excel_workbook));
# Add a worksheet
- my $sheetname = $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.description'};
- if (length($sheetname) > 31) {
- $sheetname = substr($sheetname,0,31);
- }
+ my $sheetname = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.description'};
+ $sheetname = &Apache::loncommon::clean_excel_name($sheetname);
$excel_sheet = $excel_workbook->addworksheet($sheetname);
# Put the course description in the header
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,
- $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.description'});
+ $excel_sheet->write($header_row,$cols_output++,
+ $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.description'},
+ $format->{'h1'});
$cols_output += 3;
# Put a description of the sections listed
my $sectionstring = '';
- my @Sections = @Apache::lonstatistics::SelectedSections;
- if (scalar(@Sections) > 1) {
- if (scalar(@Sections) > 2) {
- my $last = pop(@Sections);
- $sectionstring = "Sections ".join(', ',@Sections).', and '.$last;
- } else {
- $sectionstring = "Sections ".join(' and ',@Sections);
- }
- } else {
- if ($Sections[0] eq 'all') {
- $sectionstring = "All sections";
- } else {
- $sectionstring = "Section ".$Sections[0];
- }
- }
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$sectionstring);
- $cols_output += scalar(@Sections);
+ my @Sections = &Apache::lonstatistics::get_selected_sections();
+ $excel_sheet->write($header_row,$cols_output++,
+ &Apache::lonstatistics::section_and_enrollment_description('localized'),
+ $format->{'h3'});
# Put the date in there too
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output++,$cols_output++,
- 'Compiled on '.localtime(time));
+ $excel_sheet->write($header_row,$cols_output++,
+ &mt('Compiled on [_1]',&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime(time)),$format->{'h3'});
$cols_output = 0;
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output++,$cols_output++,$datadescription);
+ $excel_sheet->write($description_row,$cols_output++,
+ &mt($chosen_output->{'shortdesc'}),
+ $format->{'b'});
- if ($data eq 'tries' || $data eq 'scores') {
- $rows_output++;
- }
+ $cols_output = 0;
+ $excel_sheet->write($notes_row,$cols_output++,
+ $chosen_output->{'non_html_notes'},
+ $format->{'i'});
+ ##############################################
+ # Output headings for the raw data
+ ##############################################
# Add the student headers
$cols_output = 0;
foreach my $field (&get_student_fields_to_show()) {
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$field);
- }
- my $row_offset = 0;
- if ($data eq 'tries' || $data eq 'scores') {
- $row_offset = -1;
+ $excel_sheet->write($resource_name_row,$cols_output++,&mt($field),
+ $format->{'bold'});
# Add the remaining column headers
- foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output+$row_offset,
- $cols_output,$seq->{'title'});
- if ($data eq 'tries' || $data eq 'scores') {
- foreach my $res (@{$seq->{'contents'}}) {
- next if ($res->{'type'} ne 'assessment');
- if (scalar(@{$res->{'parts'}}) > 1) {
- foreach my $part (@{$res->{'parts'}}) {
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,
+ my $total_formula_string = '=0';
+ my $maximum_formula_string = '=0';
+ foreach my $seq (@sequences) {
+ my $symb = $seq->symb;
+ $excel_sheet->write($sequence_name_row,,
+ $cols_output,$seq->compTitle,$format->{'bold'});
+ # Determine starting cell
+ $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:startcell'}=
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell
+ ($first_data_row,$cols_output);
+ $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:startcol'}=$cols_output;
+ my $count = 0;
+ if ($chosen_output->{'every_problem'}) {
+ # Put the names of the problems and parts into the sheet
+ foreach my $res (&get_resources($navmap,$seq)) {
+ if (scalar(@{$res->parts}) > 1) {
+ foreach my $part (@{$res->parts}) {
+ $excel_sheet->write($resource_name_row,
- $res->{'title'}.' part '.$part);
+ $res->compTitle.' part '.$res->part_display($part),
+ $format->{'bold'});
+ $count++;
} else {
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,
+ $excel_sheet->write($resource_name_row,
- $res->{'title'});
+ $res->compTitle,$format->{'bold'});
+ $count++;
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,'score');
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,'maximum');
- } elsif ($data eq 'sum and total' || $data eq 'parts correct total') {
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output+1,$cols_output,'score');
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output+1,$cols_output+1,'maximum');
- $cols_output += 2;
+ }
+ # Determine ending cell
+ if ($count <= 1) {
+ $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:endcell'} = $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:startcell'};
+ $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:endcol'} = $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:startcol'};
} else {
+ $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:endcell'} =
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell
+ ($first_data_row,$cols_output-1);
+ $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:endcol'} = $cols_output-1;
+ }
+ # Create the formula for summing up this sequence
+ if (! exists($formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:endcell'}) ||
+ ! defined($formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:endcell'})) {
+ $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:endcell'} = $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:startcell'};
+ }
+ my $start = $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:startcell'};
+ my $end = $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:endcell'};
+ $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:sum'}= $excel_sheet->store_formula
+ ("=IF(COUNT($start\:$end),SUM($start\:$end),\"\")");
+ # Determine cell the score is held in
+ $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:scorecell'} =
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell
+ ($first_data_row,$cols_output);
+ $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:scorecol'}=$cols_output;
+ if ($chosen_output->{'base'} eq 'parts correct total') {
+ $excel_sheet->write($resource_name_row,$cols_output++,
+ &mt('parts correct'),
+ $format->{'bold'});
+ } elsif ($chosen_output->{'sequence_sum'}) {
+ if ($chosen_output->{'correct'}) {
+ # Only reporting the number correct, so do not call it score
+ $excel_sheet->write($resource_name_row,$cols_output++,
+ &mt('sum'),
+ $format->{'bold'});
+ } else {
+ $excel_sheet->write($resource_name_row,$cols_output++,
+ &mt('score'),
+ $format->{'bold'});
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ $total_formula_string.='+'.
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell
+ ($first_data_row,$cols_output-1);
+ if ($chosen_output->{'sequence_max'}) {
+ $excel_sheet->write($resource_name_row,$cols_output,
+ &mt('maximum'),
+ $format->{'bold'});
+ $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:maxcell'} =
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell
+ ($first_data_row,$cols_output);
+ $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:maxcol'}=$cols_output;
+ $maximum_formula_string.='+'.
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell
+ ($first_data_row,$cols_output);
- #
- # Bookkeeping
- if ($data eq 'sum and total' || $data eq 'parts correct total') {
- $rows_output += 2;
- } else {
- $rows_output += 1;
- }
- #
- # Output a row for MAX
- $cols_output = 0;
- foreach my $field (&get_student_fields_to_show()) {
- if ($field eq 'username' || $field eq 'fullname' ||
- $field eq 'id') {
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,'Maximum');
- } else {
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,'');
+ if ($chosen_output->{'grand_total'}) {
+ $excel_sheet->write($resource_name_row,$cols_output++,&mt('Total'),
+ $format->{'bold'});
+ }
+ if ($chosen_output->{'grand_maximum'}) {
+ $excel_sheet->write($resource_name_row,$cols_output++,&mt('Max. Total'),
+ $format->{'bold'});
+ }
+ $total_formula = $excel_sheet->store_formula($total_formula_string);
+ $maximum_formula = $excel_sheet->store_formula($maximum_formula_string);
+ ##############################################
+ # Output a row for MAX, if appropriate
+ ##############################################
+ if ($chosen_output->{'maximum_row'}) {
+ $cols_output = 0;
+ foreach my $field (&get_student_fields_to_show()) {
+ if ($field eq 'username' || $field eq 'fullname' ||
+ $field eq 'id') {
+ $excel_sheet->write($maximum_data_row,$cols_output++,'Maximum',
+ $format->{'bold'});
+ } else {
+ $excel_sheet->write($maximum_data_row,$cols_output++,'');
+ }
- }
- #
- # Add the maximums for each sequence or assessment
- foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
- my $weight;
- my $max = 0;
- foreach my $resource (@{$seq->{'contents'}}) {
- next if ($resource->{'type'} ne 'assessment');
- foreach my $part (@{$resource->{'parts'}}) {
- $weight = 1;
- if ($base eq 'scores') {
- $weight = &Apache::lonnet::EXT
- ('resource.'.$part.'.weight',$resource->{'symb'},
- undef,undef,undef);
- if (!defined($weight) || ($weight eq '')) {
- $weight=1;
+ #
+ # Add the maximums for each sequence or assessment
+ my %total_cell_translation;
+ my %maximum_cell_translation;
+ foreach my $seq (@sequences) {
+ my $symb = $seq->symb;
+ $cols_output=$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:startcol'};
+ $total_cell_translation{$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:scorecell'}}=
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell
+ ($maximum_data_row,$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:scorecol'});
+ $maximum_cell_translation{$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:maxcell'}}=
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell
+ ($maximum_data_row,$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:maxcol'});
+ my $weight;
+ my $max = 0;
+ foreach my $resource (&get_resources($navmap,$seq)) {
+ foreach my $part (@{$resource->parts}){
+ $weight = 1;
+ if ($chosen_output->{'scores'}) {
+ $weight = &Apache::lonnet::EXT
+ ('resource.'.$part.'.weight',$resource->symb,
+ undef,undef,undef);
+ if (!defined($weight) || ($weight eq '')) {
+ $weight=1;
+ }
+ if ($chosen_output->{'scores'} &&
+ $chosen_output->{'every_problem'}) {
+ $excel_sheet->write($maximum_data_row,$cols_output++,
+ $weight);
+ }
+ $max += $weight;
- if ($data eq 'scores') {
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$weight);
- } elsif ($data eq 'tries') {
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,'');
- }
- $max += $weight;
+ }
+ #
+ if ($chosen_output->{'sequence_sum'} &&
+ $chosen_output->{'every_problem'}) {
+ my %replaceCells=
+ ('^'.$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:startcell'}.':'.
+ $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:endcell'}.'$' =>
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell($maximum_data_row,$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:startcol'}).':'.
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell($maximum_data_row,$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:endcol'}));
+ $excel_sheet->repeat_formula($maximum_data_row,$cols_output++,
+ $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:sum'},undef,
+ %replaceCells, %replaceCells);
+ } elsif ($chosen_output->{'sequence_sum'}) {
+ $excel_sheet->write($maximum_data_row,$cols_output++,$max);
- }
- if (! ($data eq 'sum only' || $data eq 'parts correct')) {
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,'');
+ if ($chosen_output->{'sequence_max'}) {
+ $excel_sheet->write($maximum_data_row,$cols_output++,$max);
+ }
+ #
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$max);
- }
- $rows_output++;
+ if ($chosen_output->{'grand_total'}) {
+ $excel_sheet->repeat_formula($maximum_data_row,$cols_output++,
+ $total_formula,undef,
+ %total_cell_translation);
+ }
+ if ($chosen_output->{'grand_maximum'}) {
+ $excel_sheet->repeat_formula($maximum_data_row,$cols_output++,
+ $maximum_formula,undef,
+ %maximum_cell_translation);
+ }
+ } # End of MAXIMUM row output if ($chosen_output->{'maximum_row'}) {
+ $rows_output = $first_data_row;
+ ##############################################
+ # Output summary table, which actually is above the sequence name row.
+ ##############################################
+ if ($chosen_output->{'summary_table'}) {
+ $cols_output = 0;
+ $excel_sheet->write($summary_header_row,$cols_output++,
+ &mt('Summary Table'),$format->{'bold'});
+ if ($chosen_output->{'maximum_row'}) {
+ $excel_sheet->write($summary_header_row,$cols_output++,
+ &mt('Maximum'),$format->{'bold'});
+ }
+ $excel_sheet->write($summary_header_row,$cols_output++,
+ &mt('Average'),$format->{'bold'});
+ $excel_sheet->write($summary_header_row,$cols_output++,
+ &mt('Median'),$format->{'bold'});
+ $excel_sheet->write($summary_header_row,$cols_output++,
+ &mt('Std Dev'),$format->{'bold'});
+ my $row = $summary_header_row+1;
+ foreach my $seq (@sequences) {
+ my $symb = $seq->symb;
+ $cols_output = 0;
+ $excel_sheet->write($row,$cols_output++,
+ $seq->compTitle,
+ $format->{'bold'});
+ if ($chosen_output->{'maximum_row'}) {
+ $excel_sheet->write
+ ($row,$cols_output++,
+ '='.
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell
+ ($maximum_data_row,$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:scorecol'})
+ );
+ }
+ my $range =
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell
+ ($first_data_row,$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:scorecol'}).
+ ':'.
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell
+ ($first_data_row+$num_students-1,$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:scorecol'});
+ $excel_sheet->write($row,$cols_output++,
+ '=AVERAGE('.$range.')');
+ $excel_sheet->write($row,$cols_output++,
+ '=MEDIAN('.$range.')');
+ $excel_sheet->write($row,$cols_output++,
+ '=STDEV('.$range.')');
+ $row++;
+ }
+ }
+ ##############################################
+ # Take care of non-excel initialization
+ ##############################################
# Let the user know what we are doing
my $studentcount = scalar(@Apache::lonstatistics::Students);
- $r->print("Compiling Excel spreadsheet for ".
- $studentcount.' student');
- $r->print('s') if ($studentcount > 1);
- $r->print(" \n");
+ if ($env{'form.SelectedStudent'}) {
+ $studentcount = '1';
+ }
+ $r->print(''
+ .&mt('Compiling Excel spreadsheet for [quant,_1,student]...',$studentcount)
+ ."
+ );
# Initialize progress window
- %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin
- ($r,'Excel File Compilation Status',
- 'Excel File Compilation Progress', $studentcount);
+ %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin($r,$studentcount);
'Processing first student');
@@ -1064,14 +1458,20 @@ END
sub excel_outputstudent {
my ($r,$student) = @_;
- return if ($request_aborted);
- return if (! defined($excel_sheet));
+ if ($request_aborted || ! defined($navmap) || ! defined($excel_sheet)) {
+ return;
+ }
# Write out student data
my @to_show = &get_student_fields_to_show();
foreach my $field (@to_show) {
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$student->{$field});
+ my $value = $student->{$field};
+ if ($field eq 'comments') {
+ $value = &Apache::lonmsgdisplay::retrieve_instructor_comments
+ ($student->{'username'},$student->{'domain'});
+ }
+ $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$value);
# Get student assessment data
@@ -1079,38 +1479,95 @@ sub excel_outputstudent {
my @tmp = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_current_state($student->{'username'},
- $ENV{'request.course.id'});
+ $env{'request.course.id'});
if ((scalar @tmp > 0) && ($tmp[0] !~ /^error:/)) {
%StudentsData = @tmp;
# Write out sequence scores and totals data
- foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
+ my %total_cell_translation;
+ my %maximum_cell_translation;
+ foreach my $seq (@sequences) {
+ my $symb = $seq->symb;
+ my $randompick = $seq->randompick();
+ $cols_output = $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:startcol'};
+ # Keep track of cells to translate in total cell
+ $total_cell_translation{$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:scorecell'}} =
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell
+ ($rows_output,$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:scorecol'});
+ # and maximum cell
+ $maximum_cell_translation{$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:maxcell'}} =
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell
+ ($rows_output,$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:maxcol'});
+ #
my ($performance,$performance_length,$score,$seq_max,$rawdata);
- if ($base eq 'tries') {
+ if ($chosen_output->{'tries'} || $chosen_output->{'correct'}){
($performance,$performance_length,$score,$seq_max,$rawdata) =
- &StudentTriesOnSequence($student,\%StudentsData,
- $seq,'no');
+ &student_tries_on_sequence($student,\%StudentsData,
+ $navmap,$seq,'no',$randompick);
} else {
($performance,$performance_length,$score,$seq_max,$rawdata) =
- &StudentPerformanceOnSequence($student,\%StudentsData,
- $seq,'no');
+ &student_performance_on_sequence($student,\%StudentsData,
+ $navmap,$seq,'no',
+ $chosen_output->{ignore_weight},
+ $randompick);
+ }
+ if ($chosen_output->{'every_problem'}) {
+ if ($chosen_output->{'correct'}) {
+ # only indiciate if each item is correct or not
+ foreach my $value (@$rawdata) {
+ # positive means correct, 0 or negative means
+ # incorrect
+ $value = $value > 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach my $value (@$rawdata) {
+ if ($score eq ' ' || !defined($value)) {
+ $cols_output++;
+ } else {
+ $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,
+ $value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if ($data eq 'tries' || $data eq 'scores') {
- foreach my $value (@$rawdata) {
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$value);
+ if ($chosen_output->{'sequence_sum'} &&
+ $chosen_output->{'every_problem'}) {
+ # Write a formula for the sum of this sequence
+ my %replaceCells=
+ ('^'.$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:startcell'}.':'.$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:endcell'}.'$'
+ =>
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell($rows_output,$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:startcol'}).':'.
+ &Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility::xl_rowcol_to_cell($rows_output,$formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:endcol'})
+ );
+ # The undef is for the format
+ $excel_sheet->repeat_formula($rows_output,$cols_output++,
+ $formula_data{$symb}->{'Excel:sum'},undef,
+ %replaceCells, %replaceCells);
+ } elsif ($chosen_output->{'sequence_sum'}) {
+ if ($score eq ' ') {
+ $cols_output++;
+ } else {
+ $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$score);
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$score);
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$seq_max);
- } elsif ($data eq 'sum and total' || $data eq 'sum only' ||
- $data eq 'parts correct' || $data eq 'parts correct total') {
- $excel_sheet->write($rows_output,$cols_output++,$score);
- if ($data eq 'sum and total' || $data eq 'parts correct total') {
+ if ($chosen_output->{'sequence_max'}) {
+ if ($chosen_output->{'grand_total'}) {
+ $excel_sheet->repeat_formula($rows_output,$cols_output++,
+ $total_formula,undef,
+ %total_cell_translation);
+ }
+ if ($chosen_output->{'grand_maximum'}) {
+ $excel_sheet->repeat_formula($rows_output,$cols_output++,
+ $maximum_formula,undef,
+ %maximum_cell_translation);
+ }
+ #
# Bookkeeping
@@ -1122,22 +1579,22 @@ sub excel_outputstudent {
sub excel_finish {
my ($r) = @_;
- return if ($request_aborted);
- return if (! defined($excel_sheet));
+ if ($request_aborted || ! defined($navmap) || ! defined($excel_sheet)) {
+ &excel_cleanup();
+ return;
+ }
# Write the excel file
- my $c = $r->connection();
- #
- return if($c->aborted());
# Close the progress window
# Tell the user where to get their excel file
$r->print(' '.
- 'Your Excel spreadsheet. '."\n");
+ ''.&mt('Your Excel spreadsheet').' '."\n");
+ &excel_cleanup();
@@ -1165,110 +1622,138 @@ my $outputfile;
my $filename;
my $request_aborted;
my %prog_state; # progress window state
+my $navmap;
+my @sequences;
+sub csv_cleanup {
+ undef($outputfile);
+ undef($filename);
+ undef($request_aborted);
+ undef(%prog_state);
+ #
+ undef($navmap);
+ undef(@sequences);
sub csv_initialize{
my ($r) = @_;
- #
- # Clean up
- $filename = undef;
- $outputfile = undef;
- undef(%prog_state);
+ &csv_cleanup();
+ ($navmap,@sequences) =
+ &Apache::lonstatistics::selected_sequences_with_assessments();
+ if (! ref($navmap)) {
+ # Unable to get data, so bail out
+ $r->print("".
+ &mt('Unable to retrieve course information.').
+ ' ');
+ }
# Deal with unimplemented requests
$request_aborted = undef;
- if ($data =~ /final table/) {
- $r->print(<Unable to Complete Request
-The Summary Table (Scores) option is not available for non-HTML output.
- $request_aborted = 1;
+ if ($chosen_output->{'base'} =~ /final table/) {
+ $r->print(
+ ''.&mt('Unable to Complete Request').' '
+ .''
+ .&mt('The [_1]Summary Table (Scores)[_2] option'
+ .' is not available for non-HTML output.','',' ')
+ .'
+ );
+ $request_aborted = 1;
return if ($request_aborted);
+ #
+ # Initialize progress window
+ my $studentcount = scalar(@Apache::lonstatistics::Students);
+ %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin($r,$studentcount);
# Open a file
- $filename = '/prtspool/'.
- $ENV{'user.name'}.'_'.$ENV{'user.domain'}.'_'.
- time.'_'.rand(1000000000).'.csv';
- unless ($outputfile = Apache::File->new('>/home/httpd'.$filename)) {
- $r->log_error("Couldn't open $filename for output $!");
- $r->print("Problems occured in writing the csv file. ".
- "This error has been logged. ".
- "Please alert your LON-CAPA administrator.");
- $outputfile = undef;
- }
+ ($outputfile,$filename) = &Apache::loncommon::create_text_file($r,'csv');
+ if (! defined($outputfile)) { return ''; }
# Datestamp
- my $description = $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.description'};
+ my $description = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.description'};
print $outputfile '"'.&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($description).'",'.
- '"'.&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate(scalar(localtime(time))).'"'.
+ '"'.&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate(scalar(&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime(time))).'"'.
+ "\n";
+ print $outputfile '"'.
+ &Apache::loncommon::csv_translate
+ (&Apache::lonstatistics::section_and_enrollment_description()).
+ '"'."\n";
+ foreach my $item ('shortdesc','non_html_notes') {
+ next if (! exists($chosen_output->{$item}));
+ print $outputfile
+ '"'.&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($chosen_output->{$item}).'"'.
+ }
# Print out the headings
- my $Str = '';
- my $Str2 = undef;
+ my $sequence_row = '';
+ my $resource_row = undef;
foreach my $field (&get_student_fields_to_show()) {
- if ($data eq 'sum only') {
- $Str .= '"'.&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($field).'",';
- } elsif ($data eq 'sum and total' || $data eq 'parts correct total') {
- $Str .= '"",'; # first row empty on the student fields
- $Str2 .= '"'.&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($field).'",';
- } elsif ($data eq 'scores' || $data eq 'tries' ||
- $data eq 'parts correct') {
- $Str .= '"",';
- $Str2 .= '"'.&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($field).'",';
- }
- }
- foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
- if ($data eq 'sum only' || $data eq 'parts correct') {
- $Str .= '"'.&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($seq->{'title'}).
- '",';
- } elsif ($data eq 'sum and total' || $data eq 'parts correct total') {
- $Str .= '"'.&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($seq->{'title'}).
- '","",';
- $Str2 .= '"score","total possible",';
- } elsif ($data eq 'scores' || $data eq 'tries') {
- $Str .= '"'.&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($seq->{'title'}).
- '",';
- $Str .= '"",'x($seq->{'num_assess_parts'}-1+2);
- foreach my $res (@{$seq->{'contents'}}) {
- next if ($res->{'type'} ne 'assessment');
- foreach my $part (@{$res->{'parts'}}) {
- $Str2 .= '"'.&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($res->{'title'}.', Part '.$part).'",';
+ $sequence_row .='"",';
+ $resource_row .= '"'.&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($field).'",';
+ }
+ foreach my $seq (@sequences) {
+ $sequence_row .= '"'.
+ &Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($seq->compTitle).'",';
+ my $count = 0;
+ if ($chosen_output->{'every_problem'}) {
+ foreach my $res (&get_resources($navmap,$seq)) {
+ if (scalar(@{$res->parts}) < 1) {
+ next;
+ }
+ foreach my $part (@{$res->parts}) {
+ $resource_row .= '"'.
+ &Apache::loncommon::csv_translate
+ ($res->compTitle.', Part '.$res->part_display($part)).'",';
+ $count++;
- $Str2 .= '"score","total possible",';
- }
- chop($Str);
- $Str .= "\n";
- print $outputfile $Str;
- if (defined($Str2)) {
- chop($Str2);
- $Str2 .= "\n";
- print $outputfile $Str2;
- }
- #
- # Initialize progress window
- my $studentcount = scalar(@Apache::lonstatistics::Students);
- %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin
- ($r,'CSV File Compilation Status',
- 'CSV File Compilation Progress', $studentcount);
+ $sequence_row.='"",'x$count;
+ if ($chosen_output->{'sequence_sum'}) {
+ if($chosen_output->{'correct'}) {
+ $resource_row .= '"'.&mt('sum').'",';
+ } else {
+ $resource_row .= '"'.&mt('score').'",';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($chosen_output->{'sequence_max'}) {
+ $sequence_row.= '"",';
+ $resource_row .= '"'.&mt('maximum possible').'",';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($chosen_output->{'grand_total'}) {
+ $sequence_row.= '"",';
+ $resource_row.= '"'.&mt('Total').'",';
+ }
+ if ($chosen_output->{'grand_maximum'}) {
+ $sequence_row.= '"",';
+ $resource_row.= '"'.&mt('Maximum').'",';
+ }
+ chomp($sequence_row);
+ chomp($resource_row);
+ print $outputfile $sequence_row."\n";
+ print $outputfile $resource_row."\n";
sub csv_outputstudent {
my ($r,$student) = @_;
- return if ($request_aborted);
- return if (! defined($outputfile));
+ if ($request_aborted || ! defined($navmap) || ! defined($outputfile)) {
+ return;
+ }
my $Str = '';
# Output student fields
my @to_show = &get_student_fields_to_show();
foreach my $field (@to_show) {
- $Str .= '"'.&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($student->{$field}).'",';
+ my $value = $student->{$field};
+ if ($field eq 'comments') {
+ $value = &Apache::lonmsgdisplay::retrieve_instructor_comments
+ ($student->{'username'},$student->{'domain'});
+ }
+ $Str .= '"'.&Apache::loncommon::csv_translate($value).'",';
# Get student assessment data
@@ -1276,30 +1761,57 @@ sub csv_outputstudent {
my @tmp = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_current_state($student->{'username'},
- $ENV{'request.course.id'});
+ $env{'request.course.id'});
if ((scalar @tmp > 0) && ($tmp[0] !~ /^error:/)) {
%StudentsData = @tmp;
# Output performance data
- foreach my $seq (&Apache::lonstatistics::Sequences_with_Assess()) {
+ my $total = 0;
+ my $maximum = 0;
+ foreach my $seq (@sequences) {
+ my $randompick = $seq->randompick();
my ($performance,$performance_length,$score,$seq_max,$rawdata);
- if ($base eq 'tries') {
+ if ($chosen_output->{'tries'}){
($performance,$performance_length,$score,$seq_max,$rawdata) =
- &StudentTriesOnSequence($student,\%StudentsData,
- $seq,'no');
+ &student_tries_on_sequence($student,\%StudentsData,
+ $navmap,$seq,'no',$randompick);
} else {
($performance,$performance_length,$score,$seq_max,$rawdata) =
- &StudentPerformanceOnSequence($student,\%StudentsData,
- $seq,'no');
+ &student_performance_on_sequence($student,\%StudentsData,
+ $navmap,$seq,'no',
+ $chosen_output->{ignore_weight},
+ $randompick);
+ }
+ if ($chosen_output->{'every_problem'}) {
+ if ($chosen_output->{'correct'}) {
+ $score = 0;
+ # Deal with number of parts correct data
+ $Str .= '"'.join('","',( map { if ($_>0) {
+ $score += 1;
+ 1;
+ } else {
+ 0;
+ }
+ } @$rawdata)).'",';
+ } else {
+ $Str .= '"'.join('","',(@$rawdata)).'",';
+ }
- if ($data eq 'sum only' || $data eq 'parts correct') {
+ if ($chosen_output->{'sequence_sum'}) {
$Str .= '"'.$score.'",';
- } elsif ($data eq 'sum and total' || $data eq 'parts correct total') {
- $Str .= '"'.$score.'","'.$seq_max.'",';
- } elsif ($data eq 'scores' || $data eq 'tries') {
- $Str .= '"'.join('","',(@$rawdata,$score,$seq_max)).'",';
+ }
+ if ($chosen_output->{'sequence_max'}) {
+ $Str .= '"'.$seq_max.'",';
+ $total+=$score;
+ $maximum += $seq_max;
+ }
+ if ($chosen_output->{'grand_total'}) {
+ $Str .= '"'.$total.'",';
+ }
+ if ($chosen_output->{'grand_maximum'}) {
+ $Str .= '"'.$maximum.'",';
$Str .= "\n";
@@ -1312,26 +1824,38 @@ sub csv_outputstudent {
sub csv_finish {
my ($r) = @_;
- return if ($request_aborted);
- return if (! defined($outputfile));
+ if ($request_aborted || ! defined($navmap) || ! defined($outputfile)) {
+ &csv_cleanup();
+ return;
+ }
- my $c = $r->connection();
- return if ($c->aborted());
- #
# Close the progress window
# Tell the user where to get their csv file
$r->print(' '.
- 'Your csv file. '."\n");
+ ''.&mt('Your CSV file.').' '."\n");
+ &csv_cleanup();
+# This function will return an HTML string including a star, with
+# a mouseover popup showing the "real" value. An optional second
+# argument lets you show something other than a star.
+sub show_star {
+ my $popup = shift;
+ my $symbol = shift || '*';
+ # Escape the popup for JS.
+ $popup =~ s/([^-a-zA-Z0-9:;,._ ()|!\/?=&*])/'\\' . sprintf("%lo", ord($1))/ge;
+ return "";
@@ -1357,96 +1881,148 @@ Inputs:
-sub StudentTriesOnSequence {
- my ($student,$studentdata,$seq,$links) = @_;
+sub student_tries_on_sequence {
+ my ($student,$studentdata,$navmap,$seq,$links,$randompick) = @_;
$links = 'no' if (! defined($links));
my $Str = '';
my ($sum,$max) = (0,0);
my $performance_length = 0;
my @TriesData = ();
my $tries;
- foreach my $resource (@{$seq->{'contents'}}) {
- next if ($resource->{'type'} ne 'assessment');
- my $resource_data = $studentdata->{$resource->{'symb'}};
+ my $hasdata = 0; # flag - true if the student has any data on the sequence
+ foreach my $resource (&get_resources($navmap,$seq)) {
+ my $resource_data = $studentdata->{$resource->symb};
my $value = '';
- foreach my $partnum (@{$resource->{'parts'}}) {
+ foreach my $partnum (@{$resource->parts()}) {
$tries = undef;
my $symbol = ' '; # default to space
+ my $awarded = 0;
+ if (exists($resource_data->{'resource.'.$partnum.'.awarded'})) {
+ $awarded = $resource_data->{'resource.'.$partnum.'.awarded'};
+ $awarded = 0 if (! $awarded);
+ }
+ #
+ my $status = '';
if (exists($resource_data->{'resource.'.$partnum.'.solved'})) {
- my $status = $resource_data->{'resource.'.$partnum.'.solved'};
- if ($status eq 'correct_by_override') {
- $symbol = '+';
- $sum++;
- } elsif ($status eq 'incorrect_by_override') {
- $symbol = '-';
- } elsif ($status eq 'ungraded_attempted') {
- $symbol = '#';
- } elsif ($status eq 'incorrect_attempted') {
- $symbol = '.';
- } elsif ($status eq 'excused') {
+ $status = $resource_data->{'resource.'.$partnum.'.solved'};
+ }
+ #
+ my $tries = 0;
+ if(exists($resource_data->{'resource.'.$partnum.'.tries'})) {
+ $tries = $resource_data->{'resource.'.$partnum.'.tries'};
+ $hasdata =1;
+ }
+ #
+ if ($awarded > 0) {
+ # The student has gotten the problem correct to some degree
+ if ($status eq 'excused') {
$symbol = 'x';
- } elsif ($status eq 'correct_by_student' &&
- exists($resource_data->{'resource.'.$partnum.'.tries'})){
- $tries = $resource_data->{'resource.'.$partnum.'.tries'};
+ } elsif ($status eq 'correct_by_override' && !$resource->is_task()) {
+ $symbol = '+';
+ $sum++;
+ } elsif ($tries > 0) {
if ($tries > 9) {
- $symbol = '*';
- } elsif ($tries > 0) {
- $symbol = $tries;
+ $symbol = show_star($tries);
} else {
- $symbol = ' ';
+ $symbol = $tries;
- } elsif (exists($resource_data->{'resource.'.
- $partnum.'.tries'})){
- $symbol = '.';
} else {
- $symbol = ' ';
+ $symbol = '+';
+ $sum++;
} else {
- # Unsolved. Did they try?
- if (exists($resource_data->{'resource.'.$partnum.'.tries'})){
+ # The student has the problem incorrect or it is ungraded
+ if ($status eq 'excused') {
+ $symbol = 'x';
+ $max--;
+ } elsif ($status eq 'incorrect_by_override') {
+ $symbol = '-';
+ } elsif ($status eq 'ungraded_attempted') {
+ $symbol = 'u';
+ } elsif ($status eq 'incorrect_attempted' ||
+ $tries > 0) {
$symbol = '.';
} else {
- $symbol = ' ';
+ # Problem is wrong and has not been attempted.
+ $symbol=' ';
if (! defined($tries)) {
- $tries = $symbol;
+ $tries = 0;
+ }
+ if ($status =~ /^(incorrect|ungraded)/) {
+ # Bug 3390: show '-' for tries on incorrect problems
+ # (csv & excel only)
+ push(@TriesData,-$tries);
+ } else {
+ push (@TriesData,$tries);
- push (@TriesData,$tries);
if ( ($links eq 'yes' && $symbol ne ' ') ||
($links eq 'all')) {
- if (length($symbol) > 1) {
- &Apache::lonnet::logthis('length of symbol "'.$symbol.'" > 1');
- }
- $symbol = ''.$symbol.' ';
+ '&userdom='.$student->{'domain'}.
+ '&command=submission';
+ $symbol = &link($symbol, $link);
$value .= $symbol;
$Str .= $value;
- if ($seq->{'randompick'}) {
- $max = $seq->{'randompick'};
+ if ($randompick) {
+ $max = $randompick;
+ }
+ if (! $hasdata && $sum == 0) {
+ $sum = ' ';
return ($Str,$performance_length,$sum,$max,\@TriesData);
+=item &link
+=over 4
+=item $text
+=item $target
+Takes the text and creates a link to the $text that honors
+the value of 'new window' if clicked on, but uses a real
+'href' so middle and right clicks still work.
+$target and $text are assumed to be already correctly escaped; i.e., it
+can be dumped out directly into the output stream as-is.
+sub link {
+ my ($text,$target) = @_;
+ return
+ "$text ";
-=item &StudentPerformanceOnSequence()
+=item &student_performance_on_sequence
@@ -1466,8 +2042,8 @@ Inputs:
-sub StudentPerformanceOnSequence {
- my ($student,$studentdata,$seq,$links) = @_;
+sub student_performance_on_sequence {
+ my ($student,$studentdata,$navmap,$seq,$links,$awarded_only,$randompick) = @_;
$links = 'no' if (! defined($links));
my $Str = ''; # final result string
my ($score,$max) = (0,0);
@@ -1475,45 +2051,68 @@ sub StudentPerformanceOnSequence {
my $symbol;
my @ScoreData = ();
my $partscore;
- foreach my $resource (@{$seq->{'contents'}}) {
- next if ($resource->{'type'} ne 'assessment');
- my $resource_data = $studentdata->{$resource->{'symb'}};
- foreach my $part (@{$resource->{'parts'}}) {
+ my $hasdata = 0; # flag, 0 if there were no submissions on the sequence
+ my %ptsfreq;
+ foreach my $resource (&get_resources($navmap,$seq)) {
+ my $symb = $resource->symb;
+ my $resource_data = $studentdata->{$symb};
+ my $resmax = 0;
+ foreach my $part (@{$resource->parts()}) {
$partscore = undef;
- my $weight = &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$part.'.weight',
- $resource->{'symb'},
- $student->{'domain'},
- $student->{'username'},
- $student->{'section'});
+ my $weight;
+ if (!$awarded_only){
+ $weight = &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$part.'.weight',
+ $symb,
+ $student->{'domain'},
+ $student->{'username'},
+ $student->{'section'});
+ }
if (!defined($weight) || ($weight eq '')) {
$max += $weight; # see the 'excused' branch below...
+ $resmax += $weight;
$performance_length++; # one character per part
$symbol = ' '; # default to space
- my $awarded = 0;
+ my $awarded;
if (exists($resource_data->{'resource.'.$part.'.awarded'})) {
$awarded = $resource_data->{'resource.'.$part.'.awarded'};
+ $awarded = 0 if (! $awarded);
+ $hasdata = 1;
- $partscore = $weight*$awarded;
+ $partscore = &Apache::grades::compute_points($weight,$awarded);
+ if (! defined($awarded)) {
+ $partscore = undef;
+ }
$score += $partscore;
- $symbol = $weight;
+ $symbol = $partscore;
+ if (abs($symbol - sprintf("%.0f",$symbol)) < 0.001) {
+ $symbol = sprintf("%.0f",$symbol);
+ }
if (length($symbol) > 1) {
- $symbol = '*';
+ $symbol = show_star($symbol);
- if (exists($resource_data->{'resource.'.$part.'.solved'})) {
+ if (exists($resource_data->{'resource.'.$part.'.solved'}) &&
+ $resource_data->{'resource.'.$part.'.solved'} ne '') {
my $status = $resource_data->{'resource.'.$part.'.solved'};
if ($status eq 'excused') {
$symbol = 'x';
$max -= $weight; # Do not count 'excused' problems.
+ } elsif ($status eq 'ungraded_attempted') {
+ $symbol = 'u';
- } else {
+ $hasdata = 1;
+ } elsif ($resource_data->{'resource.'.$part.'.award'} eq 'DRAFT') {
+ $symbol = 'd';
+ $hasdata = 1;
+ } elsif (!exists($resource_data->{'resource.'.$part.'.awarded'})){
# Unsolved. Did they try?
if (exists($resource_data->{'resource.'.$part.'.tries'})){
$symbol = '.';
+ $hasdata = 1;
} else {
$symbol = ' ';
@@ -1525,14 +2124,29 @@ sub StudentPerformanceOnSequence {
push (@ScoreData,$partscore);
if ( ($links eq 'yes' && $symbol ne ' ') || ($links eq 'all')) {
- $symbol = ''.$symbol.' ';
+ '&userdom='.$student->{'domain'}.
+ '&command=submission';
+ $symbol = &link($symbol, $link);
$Str .= $symbol;
+ if ($ptsfreq{$resmax}) {
+ $ptsfreq{$resmax} ++;
+ } else {
+ $ptsfreq{$resmax} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($randompick) {
+ my @uniquetotals = keys(%ptsfreq);
+ if ((@uniquetotals = 1) && ($ptsfreq{$uniquetotals[0]} > 0)) {
+ $max = $max * $randompick/$ptsfreq{$uniquetotals[0]};
+ }
+ }
+ if (! $hasdata && $score == 0) {
+ $score = ' ';
return ($Str,$performance_length,$score,$max,\@ScoreData);
@@ -1554,13 +2168,13 @@ problems.
sub CreateLegend {
my $Str = "
- " 1 correct by student in 1 try\n".
- " 7 correct by student in 7 tries\n".
+ " digit score or number of tries to get correct ".
" * correct by student in more than 9 tries\n".
" + correct by hand grading or override\n".
" - incorrect by override\n".
" . incorrect attempted\n".
- " # ungraded attempted\n".
+ " u ungraded attempted\n".
+ " d draft answer saved but not submitted\n".
" not attempted (blank field)\n".
" x excused".
" ";