File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / interface / statistics /
Revision 1.38: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Nov 18 15:31:40 2020 UTC (4 years, 3 months ago) by raeburn
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: version_2_12_X, HEAD
- Bug 6944

    1: # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
    2: #
    3: # $Id:,v 1.38 2020/11/18 15:31:40 raeburn Exp $
    4: #
    5: # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
    6: #
    7: # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
    8: #
    9: # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   10: # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   11: # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   12: # (at your option) any later version.
   13: #
   14: # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   15: # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   17: # GNU General Public License for more details.
   18: #
   19: # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   20: # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
   21: # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
   22: #
   23: # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
   24: #
   25: #
   26: #
   28: package Apache::lonsubmissiontimeanalysis;
   30: use strict;
   31: use Apache::lonnet;
   32: use Apache::loncommon();
   33: use Apache::lonhtmlcommon();
   34: use Apache::lonquickgrades();
   35: use Apache::loncoursedata();
   36: use Apache::lonstatistics;
   37: use Apache::lonstathelpers;
   38: use Apache::lonlocal;
   39: use HTML::Entities();
   40: use Time::Local();
   42: my $plotcolors = ['#33ff00', 
   43:                   '#ff33cc', '#990000', '#aaaa66', '#663399', '#ff9933',
   44:                   '#66ccff', '#ff9999', '#cccc33', '#660000', '#33cc66',
   45:                   ]; 
   47: my @SubmitButtons = (
   48:                      { name => 'PrevProblemAnalysis',
   49:                        text => 'Previous Problem' },
   50:                      { name => 'ProblemAnalysis',
   51:                        text => 'Analyze Problem Again' },
   52:                      { name => 'NextProblemAnalysis',
   53:                        text => 'Next Problem' },
   54:                      { name => 'SelectAnother',
   55:                        text => 'Choose a different Problem' },
   56:                      );
   58: sub BuildSubmissionTimePage {
   59:     my ($r,$c)=@_;
   60:     #
   61:     my %Saveable_Parameters = ('Status' => 'scalar',
   62:                                'Section' => 'array');
   63:     &Apache::loncommon::store_course_settings('submissiontime_analysis',
   64:                                               \%Saveable_Parameters);
   65:     &Apache::loncommon::restore_course_settings('submissiontime_analysis',
   66:                                                 \%Saveable_Parameters);
   67:     #
   68:     &Apache::lonstatistics::PrepareClasslist();    
   69:     #
   70:     $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::breadcrumbs('Submission Time Plots'));
   71:     &Apache::lonquickgrades::startGradeScreen($r,'statistics');
   72:     $r->print(&CreateInterface());
   73:     #
   74:     my @Students = @Apache::lonstatistics::Students;
   75:     #
   76:     if (@Students < 1) {
   77:         $r->print('<div class="LC_warning">'
   78:                  .&mt('There are no students in the sections selected.')
   79:                  .'</div>'
   80:         );
   81:     }
   82:     #
   83:     my @CacheButtonHTML = 
   84:         &Apache::lonstathelpers::manage_caches($r,'Statistics','stats_status');
   85:     $r->rflush();
   86:     #
   87:     if (! exists($env{'form.problemchoice'}) ||
   88:         exists($env{'form.SelectAnother'})) {
   89:         my $submit_button = '<input type="submit" name="" value="'.
   90: #           &mt('Graph Problem Submission Times').'" />';
   91:             &mt('Generate Graph').'" />';
   92:         $r->print($submit_button.'&nbsp;'x5);
   93:         $r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Please select a problem to analyze').'</h3>');
   94:         $r->print(&Apache::lonstathelpers::problem_selector('.',
   95:                                                             $submit_button));
   96:     } else {
   97:         foreach my $button (@SubmitButtons) {
   98:             $r->print('<input type="submit" name="'.$button->{'name'}.'" '.
   99:                       'value="'.&mt($button->{'text'}).'" />');
  100:             $r->print('&nbsp;'x5);
  101:         }
  102:         foreach my $html (@CacheButtonHTML) {
  103:             $r->print($html.('&nbsp;'x5));
  104:         }
  105:         $r->rflush();
  106:         #
  107:         # Determine which problem we are to analyze
  108:         my ($navmap,$current_problem) = &get_current_problem(); # need to retrieve $navmap
  109:                                                                 # to support $resource->* calls
  110:                                                                 # for src and compTitle (below)
  111:         #
  112:         # Store the current problem choice and send it out in the form
  113:         $env{'form.problemchoice'} = 
  114:             &Apache::lonstathelpers::make_target_id($current_problem);
  115:         $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="problemchoice" value="'.
  116:                   $env{'form.problemchoice'}.'" />');
  117:         #
  118:         $r->print('<hr />');
  119:         $r->rflush();
  120:         #
  121:         my $resource = $current_problem->{'resource'};
  122:         if (! defined($resource)) {
  123:             $r->print('<div class="LC_warning">'
  124:                      .&mt('Resource is undefined.')
  125:                      .'</div>'
  126:             );
  127:         } else {
  128:             $r->print('<h1>'.$resource->compTitle.'</h1>');
  129:             $r->print('<h3>'.$resource->src.'</h3>');
  130:             $r->print('<p>'.
  131:                  &Apache::lonstatistics::section_and_enrollment_description().
  132:                       '</p>');
  133:             $r->rflush();
  134:             $r->print(&Apache::lonstathelpers::render_resource($resource));
  135:             $r->print('<br />');
  136:             $r->rflush();
  137: 	    if (@Students) {	    
  138: 		$r->print(&analyze_times($r,$resource->symb,\@Students,
  139: 					 $current_problem->{'part'}));
  140: 	    }
  141:         }
  142:         $r->print('<hr />');
  143:     }
  144: }
  146: sub get_current_problem {
  147:     my $current_problem = &Apache::lonstathelpers::get_target_from_id
  148:         ($env{'form.problemchoice'});
  149:     my ($navmap,$prev,$curr,$next) =
  150:         &Apache::lonstathelpers::get_prev_curr_next($current_problem,
  151:                                                     '.',
  152:                                                     'part');
  153:     if (exists($env{'form.PrevProblemAnalysis'}) && defined($prev)) {
  154:         $current_problem = $prev;
  155:     } elsif (exists($env{'form.NextProblemAnalysis'}) && defined($next)) {
  156:         $current_problem = $next;
  157:     } else {
  158:         $current_problem = $curr;
  159:     }
  160:     return ($navmap,$current_problem);
  161: }
  163: #########################################################
  164: #########################################################
  165: ##
  166: ##                  Time Analysis
  167: ##
  168: #########################################################
  169: #########################################################
  170: sub get_week_start {
  171:     my ($randomtime) = @_;
  172:     my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = 
  173:         localtime($randomtime);
  174:     $randomtime -= $wday * 86400;
  175:     ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = 
  176:         localtime($randomtime);
  177:     my $week_start = &Time::Local::timelocal(0,0,0,$mday,$month,$year);
  178:     return $week_start;
  179: }
  181: sub analyze_times {
  182:     my ($r,$symb,$students,$part) = @_;
  183:     my $htmltable;
  184:     #
  185:     # Convenience arrays
  186:     my @FullWeekDay = (qw/Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
  187:                        Saturday/);
  188:     my @WeekDay = (qw/SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN/);
  189:     my @Month = (qw/Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec/);
  190:     #
  191:     my $html; # holds results of analysis
  192:     # Get the data
  193:     my $SubData = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_response_time_data
  194:         ([&Apache::lonstatistics::get_selected_sections()],
  195:          [&Apache::lonstatistics::get_selected_groups()],
  196:          $Apache::lonstatistics::enrollment_status,
  197:          $symb,$part);
  198:     if (! defined($SubData) || ! ref($SubData)) {
  199:         $html.= '<div class="LC_warning">'
  200:                .&mt('There is no submission data for this problem at all.')
  201:                .'</div>';
  202:         return $html;
  203:     }
  204:     my $NumSub = scalar(@{$SubData});
  205:     if (! @{$SubData}) {
  206:         $html.= '<div class="LC_warning">'
  207:                .&mt('There is no submission data for this problem.')
  208:                .'</div>';
  209:         return $html;
  210:     }
  211:     # Process the data
  212:     #
  213:     my (undef,undef,undef,$mday,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = 
  214:         localtime(&get_time_from_row($SubData->[0]));
  215:     my $day_start = &Time::Local::timelocal(0,0,0,$mday,$month,$year);
  216:     #
  217:     # Configure the bins used to store the data.
  218:     my $binsize = 3600; # seconds
  219:     my $bins_per_day = 86400/$binsize;
  220:     my $bincount = 0;
  221:     my $endtime = $day_start;
  222:     #
  223:     # Initialize loop variables
  224:     my $max;            # The sum of @Ydata
  225:     my @Ydata=(0);      # number of submissions
  226:     my @AnsData=(0);    # number of correct submissions
  227:     my @Xlabel=($WeekDay[$wday]); # Labels of itmes
  228:     my @BinEnd=($endtime);        # The end time of each bin
  229:     my $cumulative_answers = 0;   # The sum of @AnsData
  230:     my %students;       # which students have attempted the problem?
  231:     #
  232:     foreach my $row (@$SubData) {
  233:         my $subtime = &get_time_from_row($row);
  234:         while ($subtime > $endtime && $endtime < time) {
  235:             # Create a new bin
  236:             $bincount++;
  237:             $Ydata[$bincount]   = 0;
  238:             $AnsData[$bincount] = 0;
  239:             $endtime += $binsize;
  240:             $BinEnd[$bincount] = $endtime;
  241:             if ($bincount % (86400/$binsize) == 0) {
  242:                 $wday++;
  243:                 $wday %= 7;
  244:                 $Xlabel[$bincount] = $WeekDay[$wday];
  245:             } else {
  246:                 $Xlabel[$bincount] = '';
  247:             }
  248:         }
  249:         $Ydata[$bincount]++;
  250:         $max = $Ydata[$bincount] if ($max < $Ydata[$bincount]);
  251:         $AnsData[$bincount] += &successful_submission($row);
  252:         $cumulative_answers += &successful_submission($row);
  253:         $students{$row->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RT_student_id()]}++;
  254:     }
  255:     #
  256:     # Pad the data to a full day
  257:     while ($bincount % $bins_per_day != 0) {
  258:         $bincount++;
  259:         $Ydata[$bincount]=0;
  260:         $AnsData[$bincount]=0;
  261:         $endtime += $binsize;
  262:         $BinEnd[$bincount]=$endtime;
  263:         if ($bincount % (86400/$binsize) == 0) {
  264:             $wday ++;
  265:             $wday %= 7;
  266:             $Xlabel[$bincount] = $WeekDay[$wday];
  267:         } else {
  268:             $Xlabel[$bincount] = '';
  269:         }
  270:     }
  271:     my $numstudents = scalar(keys(%students));
  272:     #
  273:     # Determine a nice maximum value to use
  274:     foreach my $maximum (10,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,
  275:                           120,150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500,
  276:                           600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1500,2000,
  277:                           2500,3000,4000,5000) {
  278:         if ($max < $maximum) {
  279:             $max = $maximum;
  280:             last;
  281:         }
  282:     }
  283:     #
  284:     # Build the data table
  285:     $htmltable = '<br><h3>'.&mt('Student submission data').'</h3><p>'.
  286:         &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table().
  287:         &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_header_row().
  288:         &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().
  289:         '<th valign="bottom">'.&mt('Begin').'</th>'.
  290:         '<th valign="bottom">'.&mt('End').'</th>'.
  291:         '<th valign="bottom">'.&mt('Submissions (plotted)').'</th>'.
  292:         '<th valign="bottom">'.&mt('Correct Submissions (not plotted)').'</th>'.
  293:         '<th valign="bottom">'.&mt('Cumulative Correct of those attempting the problem (not plotted)').'</th>'.
  294:         '<th valign="bottom">'.&mt('Cumulative Percent Correct of those attempting the problem (not plotted)').'</th>'.
  295:         '<th valign="bottom">'.&mt('Cumulative Percent Correct of selected students (plotted)').'</th>'.
  296:         &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row().
  297:         &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_header_row().
  298:         '<tbody>';
  299:     my @CumulativeCorrect=(0);
  300:     my @corr_as_percent_of_selected;
  301:     my @corr_as_percent_of_answering;
  302:     for (my $i=0;$i<=$#Ydata;$i++) {
  303:         $CumulativeCorrect[$i]=$CumulativeCorrect[-1]+$AnsData[$i];
  304:         $corr_as_percent_of_answering[$i] = 
  305:             sprintf('%3.1f',100*$CumulativeCorrect[$i]/$numstudents);
  306:         $corr_as_percent_of_selected[$i] = 
  307:             sprintf('%3.1f',100*$CumulativeCorrect[$i]/scalar(@$students));
  308:         if ($Ydata[$i] != 0) {
  309:             next if (! defined($BinEnd[$i]) || $BinEnd[$i] == 0);
  310:             $htmltable .=
  311:                &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().
  312:                 '<td align="right"><span class="LC_nobreak">'.
  313:                 &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($BinEnd[$i]-$binsize).
  314:                 '</span></td>'.
  315:                 '<td align="right"><span class="LC_nobreak">'.
  316:                     &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($BinEnd[$i]).'</td>'.
  317:                 '</span></td>'.
  318:                 '<td align="right">'.$Ydata[$i].('&nbsp;'x3).'</td>'.
  319:                 '<td align="right">'.$AnsData[$i].('&nbsp;'x3).'</td>'.
  320:                 '<td align="right">'.$CumulativeCorrect[$i].'</td>'.
  321:                 '<td align="right">'.$corr_as_percent_of_answering[$i].'</td>'.
  322:                 '<td align="right">'.$corr_as_percent_of_selected[$i].'</td>'.
  323:                &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row().$/;
  324:         }
  325:     }
  326:     $htmltable .= '</tbody>'.&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table().'</p>';
  327:     #
  328:     # Build the plot
  329:     my $title = '';#'Number of Submissions and Number Correct';
  330:     my $xlabel;
  331:     (undef,undef,undef,$mday,$month,$year,$wday) = localtime($day_start);
  332:     $xlabel .= $FullWeekDay[$wday].' '.
  333:         join(' ',($Month[$month],$mday,1900+$year)).' - ';
  334:     (undef,undef,undef,$mday,$month,$year,$wday) = localtime($endtime);
  335:     $xlabel .= $FullWeekDay[$wday].' '.
  336:         join(' ',($Month[$month],$mday,1900+$year));
  337:     my $width = 50+2*$bincount;
  338:     if ($width < 250) {
  339:         $width = 250;
  340:     }
  341:     #
  342:     $html .= &Apache::loncommon::DrawXYYGraph($title,
  343:                                               $xlabel,
  344:                                               'Submissions vs Time',
  345:                                               $plotcolors,
  346:                                               \@Xlabel,
  347:                                               \@Ydata,0,$max,
  348:                                               \@corr_as_percent_of_selected,0,100,
  349:                                               (xskip => $bins_per_day,
  350:                                                x_ticks => $bins_per_day,
  351:                                                x_tick_offset => $bins_per_day,
  352:                                                width => $width,
  353:                       y1_label=>'Number of Submissions per hour',
  354:                       y2_label=>'Percent of Students answering Correctly',
  355:                      'data.1.label'=>'Submissions per hour',
  356:                      'data.2.label'=>'Percent correct',
  357:                                                )
  358:                                               );
  359:     $html .= '<br />'.$htmltable;
  360:     return $html;
  361: }
  363: sub successful_submission {
  364:     my ($row) = @_;
  365:     if (ref($row) eq 'ARRAY') {
  366:         return $row->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RT_awarded()];
  367:     }
  368:     return undef;
  369: }
  371: sub get_time_from_row {
  372:     my ($row) = @_;
  373:     if (ref($row) eq 'ARRAY') {
  374:         return $row->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RT_timestamp()];
  375:     } 
  376:     return undef;
  377: }
  379: sub get_tries_from_row {
  380:     my ($row) = @_;
  381:     if (ref($row) eq 'ARRAY') {
  382:         return $row->[&Apache::loncoursedata::RT_tries()];
  383:     }
  384:     return undef;
  385: }
  387: sub Process_Row {
  388:     my ($row) = @_;
  389:     my %RowData;
  390:     my ($student_id,$award,$tries,$time) = @$row;
  391:     return %RowData;
  392: }
  394: #########################################################
  395: #########################################################
  396: ##
  397: ##   Generic Interface Routines
  398: ##
  399: #########################################################
  400: #########################################################
  401: sub CreateInterface {
  402:     ##
  403:     ## Environment variable initialization
  404:     if (! exists$env{'form.AnalyzeOver'}) {
  405:         $env{'form.AnalyzeOver'} = 'Tries';
  406:     }
  407:     ##
  408:     ## Build the menu
  409:     my $Str = '';
  410:     $Str .= '<p>';
  411:     $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table();
  412:     $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_header_row();
  413:     $Str .= '<th>'.&mt('Sections').'</th>';
  414:     $Str .= '<th>'.&mt('Groups').'</th>';
  415:     $Str .= '<th>'.&mt('Access Status').'</th>';
  416:     $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_header_row();
  417:     ##
  418:     ## 
  419:     $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row();
  420:     $Str .= '<td align="center">'."\n";
  421:     $Str .= &Apache::lonstatistics::SectionSelect('Section','multiple',4);
  422:     $Str .= '</td>';
  423:     #
  424:     $Str .= '<td align="center">'."\n";
  425:     $Str .= &Apache::lonstatistics::GroupSelect('Group','multiple',4);
  426:     $Str .= '</td>';
  427:     #
  428:     $Str .= '<td align="center">';
  429:     $Str .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::StatusOptions(undef,undef,4);
  430:     $Str .= '</td>';
  431:     #
  432:     $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row();
  433:     $Str .= &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table();
  434:     #
  435:     $Str .= '</p>';
  436:     ##
  437:     return $Str;
  438: }
  440: 1;
  442: __END__

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