File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / lcuserdel
Revision 1.4: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Oct 28 19:22:19 2000 UTC (24 years, 2 months ago) by harris41
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
lcpasswd should be in a workable mode now.  I replaced some "'s with ' characters
to make code more efficient (avoid interpolation).  the outline of lcuserdel is in place
now. -Scott

# lcuserdel
# Scott Harrison
# SH: October 27, 2000
# SH: October 28, 2000

use strict;

# This script is a setuid script (chmod 6755) that should
# be run by user 'www'.  It DOES NOT delete directories.
# All it does is remove a user's entries from
# /etc/passwd, /etc/groups, and /etc/smbpasswd.

# This script works under the same process control mechanism
# as lcuseradd and lcpasswd, to make sure that only one of these
# processes is running at any one time on the system.

# Standard input usage
# First line is USERNAME

# Command-line arguments [USERNAME]
# Yes, but be very careful here (don't pass shell commands)
# and this is only supported to allow perl-system calls.

# Usage within code
# $exitcode=system("/home/httpd/perl/lcuserdel","NAME")/256;
# print "uh-oh" if $exitcode;

# These are the exit codes.

# Security
$ENV{'PATH'}=""; # Nullify path information.
$ENV{'BASH_ENV'}=""; # Nullify shell environment information.

# Do not print error messages if there are command-line arguments
my $noprint=0;
if (@ARGV) {

# Read in /etc/passwd, and make sure this process is running from user=www
open (IN, "</etc/passwd");
my @lines=<IN>;
close IN;
my $wwwid;
for my $l (@lines) {
    chop $l;
    my @F=split(/\:/,$l);
    if ($F[0] eq 'www') {$wwwid=$F[2];}
if ($wwwid!=$<) {
    print("User ID mismatch.  This program must be run as user 'www'\n") unless $noprint;
    exit 1;

# Handle case of another lcpasswd process
unless (&try_to_lock("/tmp/lock_lcpasswd")) {
    print "Error. Too many other simultaneous password change requests being made.\n" unless $noprint;
    exit 4;

# Gather input.  Should only be 1 value (user name).
my @input;
if (@ARGV==1) {
elsif (@ARGV) {
    print("Error. This program needs just 1 command-line argument (username).\n") unless $noprint;
    exit 2;
else {
    if (@input!=1) {
	print("Error. Only one line should be entered into standard input.\n") unless $noprint;
	exit 3;
    map {chop} @input;

my ($username)=@input;
my $safeusername=$1;

# By using the system userdel command:
# Remove entry from /etc/passwd if it exists
# Remove entry from /etc/groups if it exists

# Remove entry from /etc/smbpasswd if it exists

# Move directory from /home/username to /home/username.1

# Change ownership on directory from username:username to www:www
# This prevents subsequently added users from having access.

exit 0;

# ----------------------------------------------------------- have setuid script run as root
sub enable_root_capability {
    if ($wwwid==$>) {
    else {
	# root capability is already enabled
    return $>;

# ----------------------------------------------------------- have setuid script run as www
sub disable_root_capability {
    if ($wwwid==$<) {
    else {
	# root capability is already disabled

# ----------------------------------- make sure that another lcpasswd process isn't running
sub try_to_lock {
    my ($lockfile)=@_;
    my $currentpid;
    my $lastpid;
    # Do not manipulate lock file as root
    if ($>==0) {
	return 0;
    # Try to generate lock file.
    # Wait 3 seconds.  If same process id is in
    # lock file, then assume lock file is stale, and
    # go ahead.  If process id's fluctuate, try
    # for a maximum of 10 times.
    for (0..10) {
	if (-e $lockfile) {
	    close LOCK;
	    if ($currentpid==$lastpid) {
	    sleep 3;
	else {
	if ($_==10) {
	    return 0;
    print LOCK $$;
    close LOCK;
    return 1;

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