--- loncom/license/about.html	2002/06/18 06:40:08	1.6
+++ loncom/license/about.html	2003/10/25 08:53:19	1.15
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <h1><img src="lonIcons/lonlogos.gif" alt="Small LON-CAPA logo"
      align="right" />About the
 Learning<i>Online</i> Network with CAPA
-(<a href="www.lon-capa.org">LON-CAPA</a>)</h1>
+(<a href="http://www.lon-capa.org/">LON-CAPA</a>)</h1>
 <p>VERSION: <!-- VERSION --></p>
 <p><font size="+2">Copyright Michigan State University Board of
@@ -36,98 +36,67 @@ Trustees</font></p>
 <h3>Included libraries and packages covered by GNU General or other
 Public Licenses</h3>
-<p><img src="http://www.linux.org/info/images/officialpenguin.gif"
-    alt="Penguin logo" align="right" />Powered
-by Linux.</p>
-<p><img src="http://httpd.apache.org/images/powered_by.gif"
-    alt="Powered by Apache logo" align="bottom" />
-<p><img src="http://www.mysql.com/images/interface-logo.gif"
-    alt="MySQL interface logo" align="bottom" /></p>
-<p><img src="http://www.modperl.com/images/mod_perl.gif" align="bottom"
-    alt="mod_perl logo" /></p>
-<p><img src="lonIcons/latex.gif" align="bottom" alt="LaTeX logo" /></p>
-   <li>Math-Cephes<br />
-   Stephen Moshier, Randy Kobes</li>
-   <li>Math-Random<br />
-   John Venier</li>
-   <li>GD-Barcode<br />
-   Kawai Takanori</li>
-   <li>GD-Graph</li>
-   <li>GD-TextUtils</li>
-   <li>GD-Graph3d</li>
-   <li>GD<br />
-   Lincoln D. Stein</li>
-   <li>Algorithm-Diff<br />
-   Ned Konz</li>
-   <li>libwww-perl</li>
-   <li>HTML-Parser</li>
-   <li>MIME-Base64<br />
-   Gisle Aas</li>
-   <li>HTML-Tagset<br />
-   Sean M. Burke</li>
-   <li>HTML-Tree<br />
-   Gisle Aas, Sean M. Burke</li>
-   <li>IO-stringy</li>
-   <li>MIME-tools<br />
-   Eryq</li>
-   <li>MailTools</li>
-   <li>libnet</li>
-   <li>Net-PH</li>
-   <li>Net-SNPP</li>
-   <li>IO<br />
-   Graham Barr</li>
-   <li>Text-Query<br />
-   Eric Bohlman, Loic Dachary</li>
-   <li>Krb4<br />
-   Jeff Horwitz</li>
-   <li>Crypt-DES/IDEA<br />
-   Dave Paris</li>
-   <li>DBI<br />
-   Tim Bunce</li>
-   <li>Safe-Hole<br />
-   Sey Nakajima</li>
-   <li>Msql-Mysql-modules<br />
-   Jochen Wiedmann</li>
+<li>Powered by Linux.</li>
+<li>Powered by Apache</li>
+<li>Powered by mod_perl.</li>
+<li>Using MySQL.</li>
+<li>Using LaTeX.</li>
+<li>Using CPAN:
+Algorithm-Diff 1.15 1.11a Algorithm::Diff(*)
+Authen-PAM  0.14 0.14 Authen::PAM(*)
+Crypt-DES 2.03 2.03 Crypt::DES(*)
+Crypt-IDEA 1.01 1.01 Crypt::IDEA(*)
+DBI 1.30 1.20 DBI(*)
+Digest-MD5 2.24 2.24 Digest::MD5(*)
+Event 0.87 0.87 Event(*)
+GD 2.07 2.07 GD(*)
+GD-Barcode 1.14 1.14 GD::Barcode(*)
+GDGraph 1.40 1.40 GD::Graph(*)
+GD-Graph3d 0.63 0.63 GD::Graph3d(*)
+GDTextUtil 0.85 0.85 GD::Text(*)
+HTML-Parser 3.28 3.28 HTML::Parser(*)
+HTML-Tagset 3.03 3.03 HTML::Tagset(*)
+HTML-Tree 3.17 3.17 HTML::Tree(*)
+I18N-LangTags 0.27 0.27 I18N::LangTags(*)
+IO 1.20 1.20 IO(*)
+IO-stringy 2.108 2.108 IO::Stringy(*)
+Krb4 1.1 1.1 Authen::Krb4(*)
+Krb5 1.2 1.2 Authen::Krb5(*)
+libnet 1.12 1.0704 Net::FTP(2.65,2.58)
+libwww-perl 5.69 5.69 LWP(*)
+Locale-Maketext 1.05 1.05 Locale::Maketext(*)
+MailTools 1.58 1.58 Mail::Util(*)
+Math-Cephes 0.367 0.367 Math::Cephes(*)
+Math-FFT 0.25 0.25 Math::FFT(*)
+Math-Random 0.67 0.67 Math::Random(*)
+MIME-Base64 2.12 2.12 MIME::Base64(*)
+MIME-tools 5.411a BETA-5.503 MIME::Tools(*)
+mod_perl 1.27 1.26 mod_perl(*)
+Msql-Mysql-modules 1.2219 1.2216 Mysql::Statement(*)
+Net-PH 2.21 2.21 Net::PH(*)
+Net-SNPP 1.12 1.12 Net::SNPP(*)
+Parse-RecDescent 1.94 1.94 Parse::RecDescent(*)
+PerlMagick 5.47 5.47 Image::Magick(*)
+Pod-POM 0.15 0.15 Pod::POM(*)
+Safe-Hole 0.08 0.08 Safe::Hole(*)
+Spreadsheet-WriteExcel 0.41 0.41 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel(*)
+String-Similarity 0.02 0.02 String::Similarity(*)
+Text-Balanced 1.95 1.95 Text::Balanced(*)
+Text-Query 0.07 0.07 Text::Query(*)
+Text-Query-Advanced 0.05 0.05 Text::Query::Advanced(*)
+Text-Query-Simple 0.03 0.03 Text::Query::Simple(*)
+Time-HiRes 1.48 1.48 Time::HiRes(*)
 <h3>Included library packages not covered by the GNU General Public
-<img src="http://hutchinson.belmont.ma.us/tth/tth.gif" align="right"
-alt="TtH logo" />
+<img src="lonIcons/tth.gif" align="right" alt="TtH logo" />
 <a href="http://hutchinson.belmont.ma.us/tth/tthfunc.html">TtHfunc</a>
 and TtMfunc by <a href="mailto:tth@hutchinson.belmont.ma.us">Ian
 Hutchinson</a>. TtHfunc and TtMfunc (the "Code") may be compiled and
@@ -140,11 +109,111 @@ tasks beyond the translation of (La)TeX
 the Code may not be distributed by the Licensee to any other parties
 under any circumstances.</p>
+HTTPi is (C)1998-2001 Cameron Kaiser. All rights reserved.
+** While HTTPi is free, it is NOT distributed under CopyLeft or GPL. Please **
+** read on to find out what the differences are. Licenses protect author    **
+** rights -- please honour them, even with free software packages.          **
+You can modify and tweak HTTPi to your heart's content. You don't need to
+pay me for using it, and you don't need my permission to make changes (though
+I or an authorised maintainer will be the only ones checking code back into
+HTTPi's code base for authorised patches and new versions).
+HTTPi must be free, and any and all distributions and derivatives must
+themselves be free. By free software I do not necessarily mean free in the
+way that Richard Stallman of GNU fame might -- merely that distributions
+be without cost. "Derivatives" shall constitute distributions with code
+added or removed from the base distribution, or distributions that are
+signficantly based on the source code (though may not necessarily include
+the source code itself), in the Author's sole judgement. This means a C port
+of HTTPi is still a derivative, or a Win32 version, or whatever. You do not
+have to provide source code, which is a deviation from GPL.
+	* make changes and slap your copyright on the entire package. Your
+	  copyright extends only to the changes you've made. My copyright,
+	  and any copyrights asserted by HTTPi's contributors, remain.
+	* supersede the license agreement here. You may not charge a fee for a
+	  HTTPi distribution, for example. Derivatives count as distributions.
+	  This license agreement, therefore, applies IN FULL to any
+	  distribution or derivative work.
+	  The exception: you MAY include HTTPi as part of an operating system
+	  distribution and sell that. Linux dists and FreeBSD dists are okay,
+	  for example.
+	  You also MAY NOT place your derivative work under GPL, because that
+	  is a different, though similar, licensing agreement, and the
+	  License here does reflect constraints that are mutually exclusive.
+	* make a distribution of HTTPi that does not include ALL files,
+	  including this license, and ONLY these files. If not, it is a
+	  derivative work, and you may NOT call it an official distribution.
+	* make or distribute a distribution of HTTPi that does not clearly
+	  state the copyright (i.e.
+Contains or is based on the HTTPi web server
+(C)1998-2001 Cameron Kaiser. All rights reserved.
+	  would be just about perfect), or make or distribute a derivative of
+	  HTTPi that does not clearly state the copyright.
+You MUST:
+	* copyright your derivative works. You may not make them public domain.
+	* include this LICENSE agreement in any and all derivative
+	  works you create, as either a separate file or part of your
+	  non-mutually exclusive license (that is, does not conflict
+	  with these terms).
+	* absolve the programmers of HTTPi (including yours truly :-) and
+	  any contributors) of any liability, real or imagined, and certify
+	  that you are using this program AT YOUR OWN RISK. While the
+	  programmers shall endeavour to make HTTPi as bug-free as possible,
+	  entomological phenomena can and do occur. Such is life.
+	  If you make a derivative work of HTTPi, you MAY decide that you
+	  wish to offer warranty support. You may do so, but your doing so
+	  does in no way make me, the programmers of HTTPi, or anyone else
+	  liable for the fulfillment of your warranty, and you and the users
+	  of your derivative work must agree to hold us legally blameless
+	  under ALL circumstances. (Remember, no mutually exclusive license
+	  terms in your derivative works, right?)
+Your usage of this program constitutes your binding acceptance of these
+terms. Don't even think about starting HTTPi up on your system if you don't
+agree to follow the terms detailed in this license IN THEIR ENTIRETY. Don't
+even think about modifying it, patching it or distributing it if you don't,
+either. Exceptions to these restrictions must be obtained from me, the
+copyright holder, IN WRITING.
+I reserve the right to interpret this document, and I also reserve the right
+to make license changes without notice effective on issue date. All legal
+issues shall be dealt with in accordance with the State of California, United
+States of America.
+Other than that, have a blast! Keep software free.
+Revised 12/24/2000
-<p>Based on the <a href="http://capa.msu.edu">CAPA</a> and
-<a href="http://www.lite.msu.edu/kortemeyer/lecture.html">Lecture<i>Online</i>
-</a> software systems developed at Michigan State University.</p>
+<p>Based on the <a href="http://capa.msu.edu/">CAPA</a> and
+software systems developed at Michigan State University.</p>
 <p><img src="lonIcons/capapanel.gif" width="156" height="100" align="bottom" 
     alt="CAPA logo" />
@@ -152,17 +221,14 @@ under any circumstances.</p>
  alt="LectureOnline logo" />
-<h3><img src="http://www.msu.edu/dig/gsg/11picaPositiveLogo.gif"
+<h3><img src="lonDomLogos/msu.gif"
 align="right" alt="Michigan State University logo" />Support</h3>
-<p>Initial development of LON-CAPA was sponsored by Michigan State
-University in the Laboratory for Instructional Technology in
+<p>Development of LON-CAPA is sponsored by Michigan State
-<img src="https://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/icons/srchweb.gif" align="right"
- alt="NSF icon" />Additional
-support by the National Science Foundation under
+Additional support by the National Science Foundation under
 <a href="https://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/servlet/showaward?award=0085921">NSF
 ITR 85921</a>. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or
 recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s)
@@ -174,20 +240,32 @@ Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.</p>
 <h3>Code Contributors to Date</h3>
-<p>Guy Albertelli II, Ron Fox, Matthew Hall, 
-Scott Harrison, Harsha Jagasia, Gerd Kortemeyer,
-Mark Lucas, Behrouz Minaei, Hon-Kie Ng, Alexander Sakharuk, Jason Stredwick,
-Yihjia Tsai, Benjamin Tyszka</p>
+<p>Guy Albertelli II, Guy Askenazi, Jeremy Bowers, Ron Fox, Matthew Hall, 
+Harsha Jagasia, Robert McQueen, Gerd Kortemeyer,
+Mark Lucas, Behrouz Minaei-Bidgoli, 
+Hon-Kie Ng, Alexander Sakharuk, Jason Stredwick,
+Martin Siegert, Joshua Tacey, Yihjia Tsai, Benjamin Tyszka, Jay-Lynn Williams, 
+and others who do not wish to be named.</p>
+<h3>Translations By</h3>
+   <li>German: Gerd Kortemeyer </li>
+   <li>Hebrew: Guy Askenazi </li>
+   <li>Japanese: Minoru Akiyama </li>
+   <li>Portugese: Ricardo Kulzer </li>
 <h3>Additional Contributors</h3>
 <p>Wolfgang Bauer, Walt Benenson, Ed Kashy, Jim Linnemann.</p>
 <a href="http://www.smete.org/">
-<img src="lonIcons/SMETE_white.gif" width="241" height="81" border="0"
- align="bottom" alt="SMETE logo" /></a></p>
+<img src="lonIcons/SMETE_white.gif" border="0"
+ align="bottom" alt="SMETE logo" /></a>
+<a href="http://www.nsdl.org/">
+<img src="lonDomLogos/nsdl.gif" border="0"
+ align="bottom" alt="NSDL logo" /></a></p>