
Copyright Michigan State University Board of +Trustees


@@ -33,101 +57,28 @@ Trustees

Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -

Included libraries and packages covered by GNU General or other -Public Licenses

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Penguin logoPowered -by Linux.

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Powered by Apache logo -

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MySQL interface logo

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mod_perl logo

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LaTeX logo


Included libraries and packages covered by GNU General or other +Public Licenses


Included library packages not covered by the GNU General Public -License


Included library packages not covered by the GNU General Public +License

- +TtH logo TtHfunc and TtMfunc by Ian Hutchinson. TtHfunc and TtMfunc (the "Code") may be compiled and @@ -140,111 +91,13 @@ tasks beyond the translation of (La)TeX the Code may not be distributed by the Licensee to any other parties under any circumstances.



-HTTPi is (C)1998-2001 Cameron Kaiser. All rights reserved.
-** While HTTPi is free, it is NOT distributed under CopyLeft or GPL. Please **
-** read on to find out what the differences are. Licenses protect author    **
-** rights -- please honour them, even with free software packages.          **
-You can modify and tweak HTTPi to your heart's content. You don't need to
-pay me for using it, and you don't need my permission to make changes (though
-I or an authorised maintainer will be the only ones checking code back into
-HTTPi's code base for authorised patches and new versions).
-HTTPi must be free, and any and all distributions and derivatives must
-themselves be free. By free software I do not necessarily mean free in the
-way that Richard Stallman of GNU fame might -- merely that distributions
-be without cost. "Derivatives" shall constitute distributions with code
-added or removed from the base distribution, or distributions that are
-signficantly based on the source code (though may not necessarily include
-the source code itself), in the Author's sole judgement. This means a C port
-of HTTPi is still a derivative, or a Win32 version, or whatever. You do not
-have to provide source code, which is a deviation from GPL.
-	* make changes and slap your copyright on the entire package. Your
-	  copyright extends only to the changes you've made. My copyright,
-	  and any copyrights asserted by HTTPi's contributors, remain.
-	* supersede the license agreement here. You may not charge a fee for a
-	  HTTPi distribution, for example. Derivatives count as distributions.
-	  This license agreement, therefore, applies IN FULL to any
-	  distribution or derivative work.
-	  The exception: you MAY include HTTPi as part of an operating system
-	  distribution and sell that. Linux dists and FreeBSD dists are okay,
-	  for example.
-	  You also MAY NOT place your derivative work under GPL, because that
-	  is a different, though similar, licensing agreement, and the
-	  License here does reflect constraints that are mutually exclusive.
-	* make a distribution of HTTPi that does not include ALL files,
-	  including this license, and ONLY these files. If not, it is a
-	  derivative work, and you may NOT call it an official distribution.
-	* make or distribute a distribution of HTTPi that does not clearly
-	  state the copyright (i.e.
-Contains or is based on the HTTPi web server
-(C)1998-2001 Cameron Kaiser. All rights reserved.
-	  would be just about perfect), or make or distribute a derivative of
-	  HTTPi that does not clearly state the copyright.
-You MUST:
-	* copyright your derivative works. You may not make them public domain.
-	* include this LICENSE agreement in any and all derivative
-	  works you create, as either a separate file or part of your
-	  non-mutually exclusive license (that is, does not conflict
-	  with these terms).
-	* absolve the programmers of HTTPi (including yours truly :-) and
-	  any contributors) of any liability, real or imagined, and certify
-	  that you are using this program AT YOUR OWN RISK. While the
-	  programmers shall endeavour to make HTTPi as bug-free as possible,
-	  entomological phenomena can and do occur. Such is life.
-	  If you make a derivative work of HTTPi, you MAY decide that you
-	  wish to offer warranty support. You may do so, but your doing so
-	  does in no way make me, the programmers of HTTPi, or anyone else
-	  liable for the fulfillment of your warranty, and you and the users
-	  of your derivative work must agree to hold us legally blameless
-	  under ALL circumstances. (Remember, no mutually exclusive license
-	  terms in your derivative works, right?)
-Your usage of this program constitutes your binding acceptance of these
-terms. Don't even think about starting HTTPi up on your system if you don't
-agree to follow the terms detailed in this license IN THEIR ENTIRETY. Don't
-even think about modifying it, patching it or distributing it if you don't,
-either. Exceptions to these restrictions must be obtained from me, the
-copyright holder, IN WRITING.
-I reserve the right to interpret this document, and I also reserve the right
-to make license changes without notice effective on issue date. All legal
-issues shall be dealt with in accordance with the State of California, United
-States of America.
-Other than that, have a blast! Keep software free.
-Revised 12/24/2000

The +Tango icons are covered by the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license.



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Based on the CAPA and -LectureOnline - software systems developed at Michigan State University.


Based on the CAPA and LectureOnline software systems developed at +Michigan State University.

CAPA logo @@ -252,17 +105,14 @@ Revised 12/24/2000 alt="LectureOnline logo" />


Michigan State University logoSupport


Michigan State University logoSupport


Initial development of LON-CAPA was sponsored by Michigan State -University in the Laboratory for Instructional Technology in -Education.


Development of LON-CAPA is sponsored by Michigan State +University, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Simon Fraser University.

-NSF iconAdditional -support by the National Science Foundation under +Additional support by the National Science Foundation under NSF ITR 85921. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) @@ -272,22 +122,42 @@ Foundation.

Contributing support by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.


Code Contributors to Date


Code Contributors to Date


Guy Albertelli II, Jeremy Bowers, Ron Fox, Matthew Hall, -Scott Harrison, Harsha Jagasia, Robert McQueen, Gerd Kortemeyer, -Mark Lucas, Behrouz Minaei, Hon-Kie Ng, Alexander Sakharuk, Jason Stredwick, -Yihjia Tsai, Benjamin Tyszka


Guy Albertelli II, Guy Askenazi, Ray Batchelor, +Richard Banghart, Felicia Berryman, Stefan Bisitz, Jeremy Bowers, Stefan Dröschler, Phil Fazio, Ron Fox, +Robin Goltermann, Damien Guillaume, Matthew Hall, Harsha Jagasia, Gerd Kortemeyer, +James Laverty, Carl Lira, +Mark Lucas, Robert McQueen, Behrouz Minaei-Bidgoli, Corey Musolff, +Hon-Kie Ng, Stuart Raeburn, Peter Riegler, +Alexander Sakharuk, Jason Stredwick, +Martin Siegert, Joshua Tacey, Arne Tempelhof, Yihjia Tsai, Benjamin Tyszka, Angela VanDuinen, Suzanne Webb, Juliane Wenzel, Jay-Lynn Williams, +and others.


Additional Contributors


Translations By

+ + +

Additional Contributors

Wolfgang Bauer, Walt Benenson, Ed Kashy, Jim Linnemann.

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