Annotation of loncom/license/httpi.license, revision 1.1
1.1 ! www 1:
! 2: HTTPi is (C)1998-2001 Cameron Kaiser. All rights reserved.
! 3:
! 4: ** While HTTPi is free, it is NOT distributed under CopyLeft or GPL. Please **
! 5: ** read on to find out what the differences are. Licenses protect author **
! 6: ** rights -- please honour them, even with free software packages. **
! 7:
! 8: You can modify and tweak HTTPi to your heart's content. You don't need to
! 9: pay me for using it, and you don't need my permission to make changes (though
! 10: I or an authorised maintainer will be the only ones checking code back into
! 11: HTTPi's code base for authorised patches and new versions).
! 12:
! 13: HTTPi must be free, and any and all distributions and derivatives must
! 14: themselves be free. By free software I do not necessarily mean free in the
! 15: way that Richard Stallman of GNU fame might -- merely that distributions
! 16: be without cost. "Derivatives" shall constitute distributions with code
! 17: added or removed from the base distribution, or distributions that are
! 18: signficantly based on the source code (though may not necessarily include
! 19: the source code itself), in the Author's sole judgement. This means a C port
! 20: of HTTPi is still a derivative, or a Win32 version, or whatever. You do not
! 21: have to provide source code, which is a deviation from GPL.
! 22:
! 23: You MAY NOT:
! 24:
! 25: * make changes and slap your copyright on the entire package. Your
! 26: copyright extends only to the changes you've made. My copyright,
! 27: and any copyrights asserted by HTTPi's contributors, remain.
! 28:
! 29: * supersede the license agreement here. You may not charge a fee for a
! 30: HTTPi distribution, for example. Derivatives count as distributions.
! 31: This license agreement, therefore, applies IN FULL to any
! 32: distribution or derivative work.
! 33:
! 34: The exception: you MAY include HTTPi as part of an operating system
! 35: distribution and sell that. Linux dists and FreeBSD dists are okay,
! 36: for example.
! 37:
! 38: You also MAY NOT place your derivative work under GPL, because that
! 39: is a different, though similar, licensing agreement, and the
! 40: License here does reflect constraints that are mutually exclusive.
! 41:
! 42: * make a distribution of HTTPi that does not include ALL files,
! 43: including this license, and ONLY these files. If not, it is a
! 44: derivative work, and you may NOT call it an official distribution.
! 45:
! 46: * make or distribute a distribution of HTTPi that does not clearly
! 47: state the copyright (i.e.
! 48:
! 49: Contains or is based on the HTTPi web server
! 50: (C)1998-2001 Cameron Kaiser. All rights reserved.
! 51:
! 52:
! 53: would be just about perfect), or make or distribute a derivative of
! 54: HTTPi that does not clearly state the copyright.
! 55:
! 56: You MUST:
! 57:
! 58: * copyright your derivative works. You may not make them public domain.
! 59:
! 60: * include this LICENSE agreement in any and all derivative
! 61: works you create, as either a separate file or part of your
! 62: non-mutually exclusive license (that is, does not conflict
! 63: with these terms).
! 64:
! 65: * absolve the programmers of HTTPi (including yours truly :-) and
! 66: any contributors) of any liability, real or imagined, and certify
! 67: that you are using this program AT YOUR OWN RISK. While the
! 68: programmers shall endeavour to make HTTPi as bug-free as possible,
! 69: entomological phenomena can and do occur. Such is life.
! 70:
! 71: If you make a derivative work of HTTPi, you MAY decide that you
! 72: wish to offer warranty support. You may do so, but your doing so
! 73: does in no way make me, the programmers of HTTPi, or anyone else
! 74: liable for the fulfillment of your warranty, and you and the users
! 75: of your derivative work must agree to hold us legally blameless
! 76: under ALL circumstances. (Remember, no mutually exclusive license
! 77: terms in your derivative works, right?)
! 78:
! 79: Your usage of this program constitutes your binding acceptance of these
! 80: terms. Don't even think about starting HTTPi up on your system if you don't
! 81: agree to follow the terms detailed in this license IN THEIR ENTIRETY. Don't
! 82: even think about modifying it, patching it or distributing it if you don't,
! 83: either. Exceptions to these restrictions must be obtained from me, the
! 84: copyright holder, IN WRITING.
! 85:
! 86: I reserve the right to interpret this document, and I also reserve the right
! 87: to make license changes without notice effective on issue date. All legal
! 88: issues shall be dealt with in accordance with the State of California, United
! 89: States of America.
! 90:
! 91: Other than that, have a blast! Keep software free.
! 92:
! 93: Revised 12/24/2000
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