File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / loncapa_apache.conf
Revision 1.230: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Jan 11 20:38:03 2014 UTC (10 years, 8 months ago) by raeburn
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
- Caching for 12 hours for additional static content (MathJax javascript
  libraries etc.)

    1: ##
    2: ## loncapa_apache.conf -- Apache HTTP LON-CAPA configuration file
    3: ##
    5: # $Id: loncapa_apache.conf,v 1.230 2014/01/11 20:38:03 raeburn Exp $
    7: #
    8: # LON-CAPA Section (extensions to httpd.conf daemon configuration)
    9: #
   10: # ================================================================ DocumentRoot
   12: DocumentRoot "/home/httpd/html"
   14: # ======================================================================== User
   16: User www
   17: Group www
   19: # ======================================================= Shared Object Modules
   21: <IfModule !perl_module>
   22:     LoadModule perl_module       modules/
   23: </IfModule>
   24: <IfDefine !MODPERL2>
   25: AddModule mod_perl.c
   26: </IfDefine>
   28: <IfDefine MODPERL2>
   29: PerlSetVar	MODPERL2	1
   30: </IfDefine>
   31: # =============================================================== Miscellaneous
   33: ServerAdmin
   34: ExtendedStatus On
   35: #
   36: # LON-CAPA Section (extensions to srm.conf name space servicing)
   37: #
   38: # ===================================================================== Aliases
   40: Alias /zipspool/ /home/httpd/zipspool/
   41: Alias /prtspool/ /home/httpd/prtspool/
   42: Alias /captchaspool/ /home/httpd/captchaspool/
   43: Alias /webdav/ /home/httpd/html/priv/
   44: ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/"
   45: <IfModule mod_dav_fs.c>
   46:     DAVLockDB /home/httpd/webdav/DAVLock
   47: </IfModule>
   49: # ================================================================= Directories
   51: # ------------------------------------------------------------- Access Handlers
   53: PerlTransHandler	Apache::lontrans
   54: PerlCleanupHandler	Apache::lonacc::cleanup
   56: PerlAuthenHandler Apache::checkauthen
   57: PerlSetVar lonOtherAuthen no
   59: <IfModule mod_shib>
   60:     PerlAuthenHandler Apache::lonshibauth
   61:     PerlSetVar lonOtherAuthen yes
   62:     PerlSetVar lonOtherAuthenType Shibboleth
   63: </IfModule>
   65: #PerlWarn On
   66: <LocationMatch "^/+res/adm/pages/[^/]+\.(gif|png)$">
   67: PerlAuthzHandler	'sub { return OK }' 
   68: </LocationMatch>
   70: # Send proper expires header to avoid unnecessary HTTP request for static content
   71: <LocationMatch "^(/adm/lonIcons|/adm/jQuery|/adm/jsMath|/res/adm/pages|/ckeditor|/adm/jpicker|/adm/countdown|/adm/spellchecker|/adm/nicescroll|/adm/MathJax)">
   72:         ExpiresActive On
   73:         ExpiresDefault "access plus 12 hours"
   74:         Header set Cache-Control "public, no-transform"
   75: </LocationMatch>
   77: <LocationMatch "^/+res.*">
   79: AuthType LONCAPA
   80: Require valid-user
   82: PerlAccessHandler      Apache::publiccheck
   83: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
   84: PerlHeaderParserHandler Apache::lonrep
   85: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
   86: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
   87: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
   88: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
   89: </LocationMatch>
   92: <LocationMatch "/.*">
   93: </LocationMatch>
   96: <LocationMatch "^/+enc.*">
   97: SetHandler perl-script
   98: PerlHandler       Apache::lonencurl
   99: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  100: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  101: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  102: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  103: </LocationMatch>
  105: <Location /adm/portfolio>
  106: AuthType LONCAPA
  107: Require valid-user
  108: PerlAuthzHandler Apache::lonacc
  109: SetHandler perl-script
  110: PerlHandler Apache::portfolio
  111: </Location>
  113: <Location /adm/coursegrp_portfolio>
  114: AuthType LONCAPA
  115: Require valid-user
  116: PerlAuthzHandler Apache::lonacc
  117: SetHandler perl-script
  118: PerlHandler Apache::portfolio
  119: </Location>
  121: <Location /adm/pdfupload>
  122: AuthType LONCAPA
  123: Require valid-user
  124: PerlAuthzHandler Apache::lonacc
  125: SetHandler perl-script
  126: PerlHandler             Apache::lonpdfupload
  127: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  128: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  129: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  130: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  131: </Location>
  133: <LocationMatch "^/+userfiles.*">
  134: PerlAccessHandler       Apache::lontokacc
  135: PerlCleanupHandler	Apache::lontokacc::removefile
  136: PerlCleanupHandler	Apache::lonacc::cleanup
  137: </LocationMatch>
  139: <LocationMatch "^/+uploaded.*">
  140: AuthType LONCAPA
  141: Require valid-user
  142: PerlAuthzHandler	Apache::lonacc
  143: PerlHandler 		Apache::londatecheck
  144: PerlHandler  		Apache::lonipcheck
  145: PerlHeaderParserHandler Apache::lonuploadrep
  146: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  147: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  148: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  149: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  150: </LocationMatch>
  152: <LocationMatch "^/+editupload.*">
  153: AuthType LONCAPA
  154: Require valid-user
  155: PerlAuthzHandler	Apache::lonacc
  156: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  157: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  158: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  159: </LocationMatch>
  161: <LocationMatch "^/+uploaded/.*/.*/internal/.*">
  162: PerlAuthenHandler	Apache::lonuploadedacc
  163: PerlAuthzHandler	Apache::lonuploadedacc::skip_phase
  164: PerlAccessHandler	Apache::lonuploadedacc::skip_phase
  165: </LocationMatch>
  167: <LocationMatch "^/+uploaded/.*/.*/portfolio/.*">
  168: PerlAccessHandler      Apache::publiccheck
  169: AuthType LONCAPA
  170: Require valid-user
  171: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  172: </LocationMatch>
  174: <LocationMatch "^/+uploaded/.*/.*/groups/.*/portfolio/.*">
  175: PerlAccessHandler      Apache::publiccheck
  176: AuthType LONCAPA
  177: Require valid-user
  178: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  179: </LocationMatch>
  181: <LocationMatch "^/+uploaded/.*\.page$">
  182: SetHandler perl-script
  183: PerlHandler Apache::lonpage
  184: </LocationMatch>
  186: <LocationMatch "^/+uploaded/.*\.sequence$">
  187: SetHandler perl-script
  188: PerlHandler Apache::lonsequence
  189: </LocationMatch>
  191: <LocationMatch "^/+public/.*/syllabus$">
  192: PerlAccessHandler      Apache::publiccheck
  193: AuthType LONCAPA
  194: Require valid-user
  195: PerlAuthzHandler	Apache::lonacc
  196: SetHandler              perl-script
  197: PerlHandler             Apache::lonsyllabus
  198: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  199: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  200: </LocationMatch>
  202: <LocationMatch "^/+(public|adm)/.*(\.rss|_rss\.html)$">
  203: PerlAccessHandler      Apache::publiccheck
  204: AuthType LONCAPA
  205: Require valid-user
  206: PerlAuthzHandler	Apache::lonacc
  207: SetHandler              perl-script
  208: PerlHandler             Apache::lonrss
  209: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  210: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  211: </LocationMatch>
  213: <LocationMatch "^/adm/.*/aboutme$">
  214: AuthType LONCAPA
  215: Require valid-user
  216: PerlAuthzHandler	Apache::lonacc
  217: SetHandler              perl-script
  218: PerlHandler             Apache::lonaboutme
  219: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  220: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/notinit.html
  221: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  222: </LocationMatch>
  224: <LocationMatch "^/adm/.*/aboutme/portfolio$">
  225: PerlAccessHandler       Apache::publiccheck
  226: AuthType LONCAPA
  227: Require valid-user
  228: PerlAuthzHandler	Apache::lonacc
  229: SetHandler              perl-script
  230: PerlHandler             Apache::lonaboutme
  231: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  232: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/notinit.html
  233: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  234: </LocationMatch>
  236: <LocationMatch "^/adm/.*/smppg$">
  237: AuthType LONCAPA
  238: Require valid-user
  239: PerlAuthzHandler	Apache::lonacc
  240: SetHandler              perl-script
  241: PerlHandler             Apache::londatecheck
  242: PerlHandler		Apache::lonipcheck
  243: PerlHandler             Apache::lonsimplepage
  244: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  245: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/notinit.html
  246: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  247: </LocationMatch>
  249: <LocationMatch "^/adm/.*/bulletinboard$">
  250: AuthType LONCAPA
  251: Require valid-user
  252: PerlAuthzHandler	Apache::lonacc
  253: SetHandler              perl-script
  254: PerlHandler             Apache::londatecheck
  255: PerlHandler		Apache::lonipcheck
  256: PerlHandler             Apache::lonbulletin
  257: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  258: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/notinit.html
  259: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  260: </LocationMatch>
  262: <LocationMatch "\.problem/smpedit$">
  263: AuthType LONCAPA
  264: Require valid-user
  265: PerlAuthzHandler	Apache::lonacc
  266: SetHandler              perl-script
  267: PerlHandler             Apache::lonsimpleproblemedit
  268: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  269: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/notinit.html
  270: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  271: </LocationMatch>
  273: <LocationMatch "^/+priv/.*">
  274: AuthType LONCAPA
  275: Require valid-user
  276: PerlAuthzHandler Apache::loncacc
  277: SetHandler        perl-script
  278: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  279: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  280: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/unauthorized
  281: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  282: </LocationMatch>
  284: <LocationMatch "^/+webdav/[\w\-]+/[\w\-]+/">
  285:   <IfModule mod_dav.c>
  286:     <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
  287:       AuthType Basic
  288:       AuthName "LONCAPA username,domain"
  289:       Require valid-user
  290:       SSLRequireSSL
  291:       PerlAuthenHandler Apache::lonwebdavauth
  292:       PerlAuthzHandler Apache::lonwebdavacc
  293:       Dav On
  294:       DirectoryIndex index.missing
  295:       Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  296:       ErrorDocument     403 /adm/nowebdav.html
  297:       ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  298:       ErrorDocument     406 /adm/unauthorized
  299:       ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  300:     </IfModule>
  301:     <IfModule !mod_ssl.c>
  302:       <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  303:         RewriteEngine on
  304:         RewriteRule .* http://%{HTTP_HOST}/adm/nowebdav.html [L]
  305:       </IfModule>
  306:     </IfModule>
  307:   </IfModule>
  308:   <IfModule !mod_dav.c>
  309:     <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  310:       RewriteEngine on
  311:       RewriteRule .* http://%{HTTP_HOST}/adm/nowebdav.html [L]
  312:     </IfModule>
  313:   </IfModule>
  314: </LocationMatch>
  316: <LocationMatch "^/+raw.*">
  317: PerlAccessHandler Apache::lonracc
  318: </LocationMatch>
  320: <LocationMatch "^/adm/helper/.*\.helper$">
  321: AuthType LONCAPA
  322: Require valid-user
  323: PerlAuthzHandler  Apache::lonacc
  324: SetHandler        perl-script
  325: PerlHandler       Apache::lonhelper
  326: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  327: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  328: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/unauthorized
  329: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  330: </LocationMatch>
  332: <LocationMatch "/prtspool">
  333: AuthType LONCAPA
  334: Require valid-user
  335: PerlAuthzHandler Apache::lonacc
  336: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  337: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  338: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  339: ErrorDocument     413 /adm/overloaded.txt
  340: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  341: </LocationMatch>
  343: <LocationMatch "/zipspool">
  344: AuthType LONCAPA
  345: Require valid-user
  346: PerlAuthzHandler Apache::lonacc
  347: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  348: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  349: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  350: ErrorDocument     413 /adm/overloaded.txt
  351: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  352: </LocationMatch>
  353: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAT
  355: <LocationMatch "^/+priv/.*\.sequence$">
  356: SetHandler perl-script
  357: PerlHandler Apache::lonratedt
  358: </LocationMatch>
  360: <LocationMatch "^/+priv/.*\.page$">
  361: SetHandler perl-script
  362: PerlHandler Apache::lonratedt
  363: </LocationMatch>
  365: <LocationMatch "^/+priv/.*\/ratserver$">
  366: SetHandler perl-script
  367: PerlHandler Apache::lonratsrv
  368: </LocationMatch>
  370: <LocationMatch "^/+priv/.*\/adveditmenu$">
  371: SetHandler perl-script
  372: PerlHandler Apache::lonratmenu
  373: </LocationMatch>
  375: <Location /adm/ratparms>
  376: AuthType LONCAPA
  377: Require valid-user
  378: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  379: SetHandler perl-script
  380: PerlHandler Apache::lonratparms
  381: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  382: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  383: </Location>
  385: # --------------------------------------------- Resource Space Content Handlers
  387: <LocationMatch "^/+res.*/$">
  388: SetHandler perl-script
  389: PerlHandler Apache::lonindexer
  390: PerlCleanupHandler Apache::lonindexer::cleanup
  391: PerlCleanupHandler	Apache::lonacc::cleanup
  392: </LocationMatch>
  394: <LocationMatch "^/+res.*\.tex$">
  395: SetHandler perl-script
  396: PerlHandler Apache::lontex
  397: </LocationMatch>
  399: <LocationMatch "^/+res/.*\.page$">
  400: SetHandler perl-script
  401: PerlHandler Apache::lonpage
  402: </LocationMatch>
  404: <LocationMatch "^/+res/.*\.sequence$">
  405: SetHandler perl-script
  406: PerlHandler Apache::lonsequence
  407: </LocationMatch>
  409: <LocationMatch "^/+(res|priv|public|uploaded|editupload|adm)/.*\.meta$">
  410: PerlAccessHandler      Apache::publiccheck
  411: SetHandler perl-script
  412: PerlHandler Apache::lonmeta
  413: ErrorDocument     413 /adm/overloaded.txt
  414: </LocationMatch>
  416: <LocationMatch "^/adm/bombs/">
  417: AuthType LONCAPA
  418: Require valid-user
  419: PerlAuthzHandler Apache::lonacc
  420: SetHandler perl-script
  421: PerlHandler Apache::lonmeta
  422: </LocationMatch>
  426: <LocationMatch "^/+(res|priv)/.*\.rights$">
  427: SetHandler perl-script
  428: PerlHandler Apache::lonrights
  429: </LocationMatch>
  431: <LocationMatch "^/+(uploaded|res|priv)/.*\.(xml|html|htm|xhtml|xhtm|sty)$">
  432: SetHandler perl-script
  433: PerlHandler Apache::londatecheck
  434: PerlHandler Apache::lonipcheck
  435: PerlHandler Apache::lonxml
  436: </LocationMatch>
  438: <LocationMatch "^/+(res|priv).*\.(task|problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form|library)$">
  439: SetHandler perl-script
  440: PerlHandler Apache::lonhomework
  441: </LocationMatch>
  443: <LocationMatch "^/+priv/.*\.(js|css|txt|tex)$">
  444: SetHandler perl-script
  445: PerlHandler Apache::lonxml
  446: </LocationMatch>
  448: <LocationMatch "^/adm/wrapper/">
  449: AuthType LONCAPA
  450: Require valid-user
  451: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  452: PerlHandler Apache::londatecheck
  453: PerlHandler Apache::lonipcheck
  454: SetHandler perl-script
  455: PerlHandler Apache::lonwrapper
  456: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  457: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  458: </LocationMatch>
  460: <LocationMatch "^/adm/source">
  461: AuthType LONCAPA
  462: Require valid-user
  463: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  464: SetHandler perl-script
  465: PerlHandler Apache::lonsource
  466: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  467: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  468: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  469: </LocationMatch>
  472: <LocationMatch "^/adm/localize/">
  473: AuthType LONCAPA
  474: Require valid-user
  475: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  476: SetHandler perl-script
  477: PerlHandler Apache::lonlocalize
  478: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  479: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  480: </LocationMatch>
  482: # -------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Programs
  484: <Location /adm/randomlabel.png>
  485: AuthType LONCAPA
  486: Require valid-user
  487: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  488: SetHandler perl-script
  489: PerlHandler Apache::randomlylabel
  490: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  491: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  492: </Location>
  494: <Location /adm/imagechoice>
  495: AuthType LONCAPA
  496: Require valid-user
  497: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  498: SetHandler perl-script
  499: PerlHandler Apache::imagechoice
  500: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  501: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  502: </Location>
  504: <Location /adm/searchcourse>
  505: AuthType LONCAPA
  506: Require valid-user
  507: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  508: SetHandler perl-script
  509: PerlHandler Apache::lonsearchcourse
  510: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  511: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  512: </Location>
  514: <Location /adm/indexcourse>
  515: AuthType LONCAPA
  516: Require valid-user
  517: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  518: SetHandler perl-script
  519: PerlHandler Apache::lonindexcourse
  520: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  521: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  522: </Location>
  524: <Location /adm/statistics>
  525: AuthType LONCAPA
  526: Require valid-user
  527: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  528: SetHandler perl-script
  529: PerlHandler Apache::lonstatistics
  530: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  531: ErrorDocument     413 /adm/overloaded.txt
  532: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  533: </Location>
  535: <Location /adm/trackstudent>
  536: AuthType LONCAPA
  537: Require valid-user
  538: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  539: SetHandler perl-script
  540: PerlHandler Apache::lontrackstudent
  541: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  542: ErrorDocument     413 /adm/overloaded.txt
  543: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  544: </Location>
  546: <Location /adm/roles>
  547: AuthType LONCAPA
  548: Require valid-user
  549: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  550: SetHandler perl-script
  551: PerlHandler Apache::lonroles
  552: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  553: ErrorDocument     409 /adm/preferences?action=lockwarning
  554: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  555: </Location>
  557: <Location /adm/menu>
  558: AuthType LONCAPA
  559: Require valid-user
  560: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  561: SetHandler perl-script
  562: PerlHandler Apache::lonmainmenu
  563: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  564: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  565: </Location>
  567: <Location /adm/pickresource>
  568: AuthType LONCAPA
  569: Require valid-user
  570: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  571: SetHandler perl-script
  572: PerlHandler Apache::lonpickresource
  573: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  574: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  575: </Location>
  577: <Location /adm/pickauthor>
  578: AuthType LONCAPA
  579: Require valid-user
  580: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  581: SetHandler perl-script
  582: PerlHandler Apache::lonpickauthor
  583: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  584: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  585: </Location>
  587: <Location /adm/pickstudent>
  588: AuthType LONCAPA
  589: Require valid-user
  590: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  591: SetHandler perl-script
  592: PerlHandler Apache::lonpickstudent
  593: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  594: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  595: </Location>
  597: <Location /adm/pickuser>
  598: AuthType LONCAPA
  599: Require valid-user
  600: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  601: SetHandler perl-script
  602: PerlHandler Apache::lonpickuser
  603: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  604: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  605: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  606: </Location>
  608: <Location /adm/pickcourse>
  609: AuthType LONCAPA
  610: Require valid-user
  611: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  612: SetHandler perl-script
  613: PerlHandler Apache::lonpickcourse
  614: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  615: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  616: </Location>
  618: <Location /adm/pickcode>
  619: AuthType LONCAPA
  620: Require valid-user
  621: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  622: SetHandler perl-script
  623: PerlHandler Apache::lonpickcode
  624: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  625: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  626: </Location>
  628: <Location /adm/dependencies>
  629: AuthType LONCAPA
  630: Require valid-user
  631: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  632: SetHandler perl-script
  633: PerlHandler Apache::londependencies
  634: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  635: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  636: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  637: </Location>
  639: <Location /adm/login>
  640: SetHandler perl-script
  641: PerlHandler Apache::lonlogin
  642: </Location>
  644: <Location /adm/restrictedaccess>
  645: PerlAccessHandler      Apache::publiccheck
  646: AuthType LONCAPA
  647: Require valid-user
  648: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  649: SetHandler perl-script
  650: PerlHandler Apache::restrictedaccess
  651: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  652: </Location>
  654: <Location /adm/blockedaccess>
  655: PerlAccessHandler      Apache::publiccheck
  656: AuthType LONCAPA
  657: Require valid-user
  658: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  659: SetHandler perl-script
  660: PerlHandler Apache::blockedaccess
  661: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  662: </Location>
  664: <Location /adm/logout>
  665: AuthType LONCAPA
  666: Require valid-user
  667: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  668: SetHandler perl-script
  669: PerlHandler Apache::lonlogout
  670: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  671: ErrorDocument     409 /adm/preferences?action=lockwarning
  672: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  673: </Location>
  675: <Location /adm/switchserver>
  676: AuthType LONCAPA
  677: Require valid-user
  678: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  679: SetHandler perl-script
  680: PerlHandler Apache::switchserver
  681: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  682: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  683: </Location>
  685: <Location /adm/authenticate>
  686: SetHandler perl-script
  687: PerlHandler Apache::lonauth
  688: </Location>
  690: <Location /adm/migrateuser>
  691: SetHandler perl-script
  692: PerlHandler Apache::migrateuser
  693: </Location>
  695: <Location /adm/sso>
  696:   <IfModule mod_shib>
  697:     AuthType shibboleth
  698:     ShibUseEnvironment On
  699:     ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
  700:     ShibRequestSetting redirectToSSL 443
  701:     require valid-user
  702:     PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonshibacc
  703:     PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  704:   </IfModule>
  705:   <IfModule !mod_shib>
  706:     PerlTypeHandler        Apache::lonnoshib
  707:   </IfModule>
  708: </Location>
  710: <Location /adm/annotations>
  711: AuthType LONCAPA
  712: Require valid-user
  713: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  714: SetHandler perl-script
  715: PerlHandler Apache::admannotations
  716: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  717: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  718: </Location>
  720: <Location /adm/spellcheck>
  721: AuthType LONCAPA
  722: Require valid-user
  723: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  724: SetHandler perl-script
  725: PerlHandler Apache::lonspeller
  726: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  727: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  728: </Location>
  730: <Location /adm/flip>
  731: AuthType LONCAPA
  732: Require valid-user
  733: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  734: SetHandler perl-script
  735: PerlHandler Apache::lonpageflip
  736: PerlCleanupHandler Apache::lonpageflip::cleanup
  737: PerlCleanupHandler	Apache::lonacc::cleanup
  738: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  739: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  740: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  741: </Location>
  743: <Location /adm/ambiguous>
  744: AuthType LONCAPA
  745: Require valid-user
  746: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  747: SetHandler perl-script
  748: PerlHandler Apache::lonambiguous
  749: PerlCleanupHandler Apache::lonambiguous::cleanup
  750: PerlCleanupHandler	Apache::lonacc::cleanup
  751: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  752: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  753: </Location>
  755: <Location /adm/email>
  756: AuthType LONCAPA
  757: Require valid-user
  758: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  759: SetHandler perl-script
  760: PerlHandler Apache::lonmsgdisplay
  761: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  762: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  763: </Location>
  765: <Location /adm/notify>
  766: AuthType LONCAPA
  767: Require valid-user
  768: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  769: SetHandler perl-script
  770: PerlHandler Apache::lonnotify
  771: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  772: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  773: </Location>
  775: <Location /adm/parmset>
  776: AuthType LONCAPA
  777: Require valid-user
  778: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  779: SetHandler perl-script
  780: PerlHandler Apache::lonparmset
  781: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  782: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  783: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  784: </Location>
  786: <Location /adm/courseprefs>
  787: AuthType LONCAPA
  788: Require valid-user
  789: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  790: SetHandler perl-script
  791: PerlHandler Apache::courseprefs
  792: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  793: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  794: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  795: </Location>
  797: <Location /adm/slotrequest>
  798: AuthType LONCAPA
  799: Require valid-user
  800: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  801: SetHandler perl-script
  802: PerlHandler Apache::slotrequest
  803: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  804: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  805: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  806: </Location>
  808: <Location /adm/wizard>
  809: AuthType LONCAPA
  810: Require valid-user
  811: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  812: SetHandler perl-script
  813: PerlHandler Apache::lonwizard
  814: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  815: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  816: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  817: </Location>
  819: <Location /adm/grades>
  820: AuthType LONCAPA
  821: Require valid-user
  822: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  823: SetHandler perl-script
  824: PerlHandler Apache::grades
  825: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  826: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  827: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  828: </Location>
  830: <Location /adm/requestcourse>
  831: AuthType LONCAPA
  832: Require valid-user
  833: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  834: SetHandler perl-script
  835: PerlHandler Apache::lonrequestcourse
  836: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  837: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  838: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  839: </Location>
  841: <Location /adm/createcourse>
  842: AuthType LONCAPA
  843: Require valid-user
  844: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  845: SetHandler perl-script
  846: PerlHandler Apache::loncreatecourse
  847: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  848: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  849: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  850: </Location>
  852: <Location /adm/modifycourse>
  853: AuthType LONCAPA
  854: Require valid-user
  855: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  856: SetHandler perl-script
  857: PerlHandler Apache::lonmodifycourse
  858: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  859: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  860: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  861: </Location>
  863: <Location /adm/domainprefs>
  864: AuthType LONCAPA
  865: Require valid-user
  866: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  867: SetHandler perl-script
  868: PerlHandler Apache::domainprefs
  869: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  870: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  871: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  872: </Location>
  874: <Location /adm/domainstatus>
  875: PerlAccessHandler       Apache::lonstatusacc
  876: SetHandler perl-script
  877: PerlHandler Apache::domainstatus
  878: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  879: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  880: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  881: </Location>
  883: <Location /adm/createuser>
  884: AuthType LONCAPA
  885: Require valid-user
  886: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  887: SetHandler perl-script
  888: PerlHandler Apache::loncreateuser
  889: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  890: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
  891: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  892: </Location>
  894: <Location /adm/publish>
  895: AuthType LONCAPA
  896: Require valid-user
  897: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  898: SetHandler perl-script
  899: PerlHandler Apache::lonpublisher
  900: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  901: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  902: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/unauthorized
  903: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  904: </Location>
  906: <LocationMatch "^/+priv/.*/$">
  907: AuthType LONCAPA
  908: Require valid-user
  909: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::loncacc
  910: SetHandler perl-script
  911: PerlHandler Apache::lonpubdir
  912: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  913: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  914: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/unauthorized
  915: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  916: </LocationMatch>
  918: <Location /adm/unauthorized>
  919: AuthType LONCAPA
  920: Require valid-user
  921: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  922: SetHandler perl-script
  923: PerlHandler Apache::lonunauthorized
  924: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  925: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  926: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  927: </Location>
  929: <Location /adm/retrieve>
  930: AuthType LONCAPA
  931: Require valid-user
  932: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  933: SetHandler perl-script
  934: PerlHandler Apache::lonretrieve
  935: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  936: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  937: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/unauthorized
  938: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  939: </Location>
  941: <Location /adm/cleanup>
  942: AuthType LONCAPA
  943: Require valid-user
  944: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  945: SetHandler perl-script
  946: PerlHandler Apache::loncleanup
  947: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  948: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  949: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/unauthorized
  950: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  951: </Location>
  953: <Location /adm/cfile>
  954: AuthType LONCAPA
  955: Require valid-user
  956: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  957: SetHandler perl-script
  958: PerlHandler Apache::loncfile
  959: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  960: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  961: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/unauthorized
  962: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  963: </Location>
  965: <Location /adm/diff>
  966: AuthType LONCAPA
  967: Require valid-user
  968: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  969: SetHandler perl-script
  970: PerlHandler Apache::londiff
  971: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  972: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  973: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/unauthorized
  974: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  975: </Location>
  977: <Location /adm/upload>
  978: AuthType LONCAPA
  979: Require valid-user
  980: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  981: SetHandler perl-script
  982: PerlHandler Apache::lonupload
  983: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  984: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  985: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/unauthorized
  986: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
  987: </Location>
  989: <Location /adm/imsimport>
  990: AuthType LONCAPA
  991: Require valid-user
  992: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
  993: SetHandler perl-script
  994: PerlHandler Apache::imsimport
  995: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
  996: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
  997: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/unauthorized
  998: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
  999: </Location>
 1001: <Location /adm/testbank>
 1002: AuthType LONCAPA
 1003: Require valid-user
 1004: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1005: SetHandler perl-script
 1006: PerlHandler Apache::testbankimport
 1007: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1008: ErrorDocument     404 /adm/notfound.html
 1009: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/unauthorized
 1010: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1011: </Location>
 1013: <Location /adm/assesscalc>
 1014: AuthType LONCAPA
 1015: Require valid-user
 1016: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1017: SetHandler perl-script
 1018: PerlHandler Apache::lonspreadsheet
 1019: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1020: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
 1021: ErrorDocument     413 /adm/overloaded.txt
 1022: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1023: </Location>
 1025: <Location /adm/studentcalc>
 1026: AuthType LONCAPA
 1027: Require valid-user
 1028: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1029: SetHandler perl-script
 1030: PerlHandler Apache::lonspreadsheet
 1031: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1032: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
 1033: ErrorDocument     413 /adm/overloaded.txt
 1034: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1035: </Location>
 1037: <Location /adm/classcalc>
 1038: AuthType LONCAPA
 1039: Require valid-user
 1040: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1041: SetHandler perl-script
 1042: PerlHandler Apache::lonspreadsheet
 1043: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1044: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
 1045: ErrorDocument     413 /adm/overloaded.txt
 1046: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1047: </Location>
 1049: <Location /adm/dropadd>
 1050: AuthType LONCAPA
 1051: Require valid-user
 1052: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1053: SetHandler perl-script
 1054: PerlHandler Apache::londropadd
 1055: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1056: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
 1057: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1058: </Location>
 1060: <Location /adm/viewclasslist>
 1061: AuthType LONCAPA
 1062: Require valid-user
 1063: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1064: SetHandler perl-script
 1065: PerlHandler Apache::lonviewclasslist
 1066: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1067: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
 1068: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1069: </Location>
 1071: <Location /adm/coursegroups>
 1072: AuthType LONCAPA
 1073: Require valid-user
 1074: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1075: SetHandler perl-script
 1076: PerlHandler Apache::loncoursegroups
 1077: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1078: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
 1079: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1080: </Location>
 1082: <Location /adm/groupboards>
 1083: AuthType LONCAPA
 1084: Require valid-user
 1085: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1086: SetHandler perl-script
 1087: PerlHandler Apache::groupboards
 1088: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1089: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
 1090: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1091: </Location>
 1093: <Location /adm/grouproster>
 1094: AuthType LONCAPA
 1095: Require valid-user
 1096: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1097: SetHandler perl-script
 1098: PerlHandler Apache::grouproster
 1099: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1100: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
 1101: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1102: </Location>
 1104: <Location /adm/whatsnew>
 1105: AuthType LONCAPA
 1106: Require valid-user
 1107: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1108: SetHandler perl-script
 1109: PerlHandler Apache::lonwhatsnew
 1110: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1111: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
 1112: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1113: </Location>
 1115: <Location /adm/populate>
 1116: AuthType LONCAPA
 1117: Require valid-user
 1118: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1119: SetHandler perl-script
 1120: PerlHandler Apache::lonpopulate
 1121: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1122: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
 1123: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1124: </Location>
 1126: <Location /adm/managekeys>
 1127: AuthType LONCAPA
 1128: Require valid-user
 1129: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1130: SetHandler perl-script
 1131: PerlHandler Apache::lonmanagekeys
 1132: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1133: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
 1134: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1135: </Location>
 1137: <Location /adm/printout>
 1138: AuthType LONCAPA
 1139: Require valid-user
 1140: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1141: SetHandler perl-script
 1142: PerlHandler Apache::lonprintout
 1143: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1144: ErrorDocument     413 /adm/overloaded.txt
 1145: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1146: </Location>
 1148: <Location /adm/feedback>
 1149: AuthType LONCAPA
 1150: Require valid-user
 1151: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1152: SetHandler perl-script
 1153: PerlHandler Apache::lonfeedback
 1154: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1155: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1156: </Location>
 1158: <Location /adm/coursedocs>
 1159: AuthType LONCAPA
 1160: Require valid-user
 1161: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1162: SetHandler perl-script
 1163: PerlHandler Apache::londocs
 1164: PerlCleanupHandler Apache::londocs::untiehash
 1165: PerlCleanupHandler	Apache::lonacc::cleanup
 1166: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1167: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1168: </Location>
 1170: <Location /adm/supplemental>
 1171: AuthType LONCAPA
 1172: Require valid-user
 1173: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1174: SetHandler perl-script
 1175: PerlHandler Apache::londocs
 1176: PerlCleanupHandler Apache::londocs::untiehash
 1177: PerlCleanupHandler      Apache::lonacc::cleanup
 1178: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1179: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1180: </Location>
 1182: <Location /adm/imsimportdocs>
 1183: AuthType LONCAPA
 1184: Require valid-user
 1185: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1186: SetHandler perl-script
 1187: PerlHandler Apache::imsimportdocs
 1188: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1189: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1190: </Location>
 1192: <Location /adm/extresedit>
 1193: AuthType LONCAPA
 1194: Require valid-user
 1195: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1196: SetHandler perl-script
 1197: PerlHandler Apache::lonextresedit
 1198: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1199: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1200: </Location>
 1202: <LocationMatch "^/adm/announcements">
 1203: AuthType LONCAPA
 1204: Require valid-user
 1205: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1206: SetHandler perl-script
 1207: PerlHandler Apache::lonannounce
 1208: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1209: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1210: </LocationMatch>
 1212: <Location /adm/chat>
 1213: AuthType LONCAPA
 1214: Require valid-user
 1215: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1216: SetHandler perl-script
 1217: PerlHandler Apache::lonchat
 1218: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1219: </Location>
 1221: <Location /adm/chatfetch>
 1222: AuthType LONCAPA
 1223: Require valid-user
 1224: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1225: SetHandler perl-script
 1226: PerlHandler Apache::lonchatfetch
 1227: ErrorDocument     413 /adm/overloaded.txt
 1228: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1229: </Location>
 1231: <Location /adm/groupchat>
 1232: AuthType LONCAPA
 1233: Require valid-user
 1234: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1235: SetHandler perl-script
 1236: PerlHandler Apache::longroupchat
 1237: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1238: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1239: </Location>
 1241: <Location /adm/evaluate>
 1242: AuthType LONCAPA
 1243: Require valid-user
 1244: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1245: SetHandler perl-script
 1246: PerlHandler Apache::lonevaluate
 1247: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1248: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1249: </Location>
 1251: <Location /adm/preferences>
 1252: AuthType LONCAPA
 1253: Require valid-user
 1254: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1255: SetHandler perl-script
 1256: PerlHandler Apache::lonpreferences
 1257: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1258: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1259: </Location>
 1261: <Location /adm/communicate>
 1262: AuthType LONCAPA
 1263: Require valid-user
 1264: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1265: SetHandler perl-script
 1266: PerlHandler Apache::loncommunicate
 1267: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1268: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1269: </Location>
 1271: <Location /adm/searchcat>
 1272: AuthType LONCAPA
 1273: Require valid-user
 1274: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1275: SetHandler perl-script
 1276: PerlHandler Apache::lonsearchcat
 1277: PerlCleanupHandler Apache::lonsearchcat::cleanup
 1278: PerlCleanupHandler	Apache::lonacc::cleanup
 1279: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1280: ErrorDocument     413 /adm/overloaded.txt
 1281: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1282: </Location>
 1284: <Location /adm/navmaps>
 1285: AuthType LONCAPA
 1286: Require valid-user
 1287: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1288: SetHandler perl-script
 1289: PerlHandler Apache::lonnavdisplay
 1290: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1291: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
 1292: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1293: </Location>
 1295: <Location /adm/quickgrades>
 1296: AuthType LONCAPA
 1297: Require valid-user
 1298: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1299: SetHandler perl-script
 1300: PerlHandler Apache::lonquickgrades
 1301: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1302: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
 1303: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1304: </Location>
 1306: <Location /adm/groupsort>
 1307: AuthType LONCAPA
 1308: Require valid-user
 1309: PerlAuthzHandler	Apache::lonacc
 1310: SetHandler perl-script
 1311: PerlHandler Apache::groupsort
 1312: PerlCleanupHandler Apache::groupsort::cleanup
 1313: PerlCleanupHandler	Apache::lonacc::cleanup
 1314: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1315: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1316: </Location>
 1318: <Location /adm/wishlist>
 1319: AuthType LONCAPA
 1320: Require valid-user
 1321: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1322: SetHandler perl-script
 1323: PerlHandler Apache::lonwishlistdisplay
 1324: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1325: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
 1326: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1327: </Location>
 1329: <Location /adm/setblock>
 1330: AuthType LONCAPA
 1331: Require valid-user
 1332: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1333: SetHandler             perl-script
 1334: PerlHandler            Apache::lonblockingmenu
 1335: ErrorDocument     403 /adm/login
 1336: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
 1337: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1338: </Location>
 1340: <Location /adm/blockingstatus>
 1341: PerlAccessHandler      Apache::publiccheck
 1342: AuthType LONCAPA
 1343: Require valid-user
 1344: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1345: SetHandler             perl-script
 1346: PerlHandler            Apache::lonblockingstatus
 1347: </Location>
 1349: <Location /adm/errorhandler>
 1350: SetHandler perl-script
 1351: PerlHandler Apache::lonerrorhandler
 1352: </Location>
 1354: <LocationMatch "^/adm/help/.*\.hlp$">
 1355: AuthType LONCAPA
 1356: Require valid-user
 1357: PerlAccessHandler      Apache::publiccheck
 1358: PerlAuthzHandler	Apache::lonacc
 1359: SetHandler perl-script
 1360: PerlHandler Apache::lonhelp
 1361: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1362: </LocationMatch>
 1364: <LocationMatch "^/adm/helpmenu">
 1365: AuthType LONCAPA
 1366: Require valid-user
 1367: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1368: SetHandler perl-script
 1369: PerlHandler Apache::lonhelpmenu
 1370: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1371: </LocationMatch>
 1373: <LocationMatch "^/adm/support">
 1374: AuthType LONCAPA
 1375: Require valid-user
 1376: PerlAuthzHandler       Apache::lonacc
 1377: SetHandler perl-script
 1378: PerlHandler Apache::lonsupportreq
 1379: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1380: </LocationMatch>
 1382: <LocationMatch "^/adm/helpdesk">
 1383: SetHandler perl-script
 1384: PerlHandler Apache::lonsupportreq
 1385: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1386: </LocationMatch>
 1388: <LocationMatch "^/adm/css/.*\.css$">
 1389: SetHandler perl-script
 1390: PerlHandler Apache::loncss
 1391: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1392: </LocationMatch>
 1394: <LocationMatch "^/adm/coursecatalog">
 1395: SetHandler perl-script
 1396: PerlHandler Apache::coursecatalog
 1397: ErrorDocument	  500 /adm/errorhandler
 1398: </LocationMatch>
 1400: <LocationMatch "^/adm/resetpw">
 1401: SetHandler perl-script
 1402: PerlHandler Apache::resetpw
 1403: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1404: </LocationMatch>
 1406: <LocationMatch "^/adm/selfenroll">
 1407: SetHandler perl-script
 1408: PerlHandler Apache::selfenroll
 1409: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1410: </LocationMatch>
 1412: <LocationMatch "^/adm/createaccount">
 1413: SetHandler perl-script
 1414: PerlHandler Apache::createaccount
 1415: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1416: </LocationMatch>
 1418: <LocationMatch "^/adm/dns">
 1419: SetHandler perl-script
 1420: PerlHandler Apache::londns
 1421: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1422: </LocationMatch>
 1424: <LocationMatch "^/ajax/spellcheck">
 1425: SetHandler perl-script
 1426: PerlHandler Apache::spellcheck
 1427: </LocationMatch>
 1431: # ------------------------------------------------- Backdoor Adm Tests/Programs
 1433: <Location /adm/test>
 1434: PerlAccessHandler Apache::lonstatusacc
 1435: SetHandler perl-script
 1436: PerlHandler Apache::lontest
 1437: </Location>
 1439: # ------------------------------------------------------- Shutting down a child
 1441: PerlChildExitHandler Apache::lonacc::goodbye
 1443: #
 1444: # LON-CAPA Section (extensions to access.conf permission configuration)
 1445: #
 1446: # =========================================================== Directory Options
 1448: # Start out with "no"
 1450: <Directory />
 1451: Options None
 1452: AllowOverride None
 1453: <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
 1454:   Require all denied
 1455: </IfModule>
 1456: <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
 1457:   order deny,allow
 1458:   deny from all
 1459: </IfModule>
 1460: </Directory>
 1462: # Allow uploaded files to be served
 1464: <Directory "/home/httpd/lonUsers">
 1465: Options Includes FollowSymLinks
 1466: AllowOverride None
 1467: <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
 1468:   Require all granted
 1469: </IfModule>
 1470: <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
 1471:   order allow,deny
 1472:   allow from all
 1473: </IfModule>
 1474: </Directory>
 1476: # Allow construction space files to be served
 1478: <Directory "/home/*/public_html/" >
 1479: Options Includes FollowSymLinks
 1480: AllowOverride
 1481: <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
 1482:   Require all granted
 1483: </IfModule>
 1484: <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
 1485:   order allow,deny
 1486:   allow from all
 1487: </IfModule>
 1488: </Directory>
 1490: # Yes to symbolic links and server-side includes
 1492: <Directory /home/httpd/html>
 1493: Options Includes FollowSymLinks
 1494: AllowOverride None
 1495: <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
 1496:   Require all granted
 1497: </IfModule>
 1498: <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
 1499:   order allow,deny
 1500:   allow from all
 1501: </IfModule>
 1502: </Directory>
 1504: # If it is in cgi-bin, then it can be executed as a CGI script.
 1506: <Directory /home/httpd/cgi-bin>
 1507: AllowOverride None
 1508: Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
 1509: <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
 1510:   Require all granted
 1511: </IfModule>
 1512: <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
 1513:   order allow,deny
 1514:   allow from all
 1515: </IfModule>
 1516: </Directory>
 1518: # Allow serving of files in prtspool
 1520: <Directory "/home/httpd/prtspool/">
 1521: Options Includes FollowSymLinks
 1522: AllowOverride None
 1523: <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
 1524:   Require all granted
 1525: </IfModule>
 1526: <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
 1527:   order allow,deny
 1528:   allow from all
 1529: </IfModule>
 1530: </Directory>
 1532: # Allow serving of files in zipspool
 1534: <Directory "/home/httpd/zipspool/">
 1535: Options Includes FollowSymLinks
 1536: AllowOverride None
 1537: <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
 1538:   Require all granted
 1539: </IfModule>
 1540: <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
 1541:   order allow,deny
 1542:   allow from all
 1543: </IfModule>
 1544: </Directory>
 1546: # Allow serving of files in captchaspool
 1548: <Directory "/home/httpd/captchaspool/">
 1549: Options Includes FollowSymLinks
 1550: AllowOverride None
 1551: <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
 1552:   Require all granted
 1553: </IfModule>
 1554: <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
 1555:   order allow,deny
 1556:   allow from all
 1557: </IfModule>
 1558: </Directory>
 1560: <DirectoryMatch "^/home/httpd/html/priv/.+/">
 1561:    DirectoryIndex disabled
 1562: </DirectoryMatch>
 1564: # ============================================================= Access Handlers
 1566: # ------------------------------------------------- Allow server-status reports
 1567: <Location /server-status>
 1568: PerlAccessHandler Apache::lonstatusacc
 1569: SetHandler server-status
 1570: </Location>
 1572: # ------------------------ Allow LON-CAPA "low-level" connection status reports
 1573: <LocationMatch "^/+lon-status/.*">
 1574: PerlAccessHandler Apache::lonstatusacc
 1575: ErrorDocument     406 /adm/roles
 1576: ErrorDocument     500 /adm/errorhandler
 1577: </LocationMatch>
 1579: # ------------------- Allow access to local system documentation from localhost
 1580: Alias /doc /usr/doc
 1581: <Directory /usr/doc>
 1582: Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
 1583: <IfModule mod_authz_host.c>
 1584:   Require local
 1585: </IfModule>
 1586: <IfModule !mod_authz_host.c>
 1587:   order deny,allow
 1588:   deny from all
 1589:   allow from localhost
 1590: </IfModule>
 1591: </Directory>
 1593: # ******** THESE "SHOULD" NEVER BE ALTERED BY THE USER ************************
 1594: # ====================================== Internal Settings / Perl Configuration
 1596: PerlSetVar	 lonVersion  '<!-- VERSION -->'
 1597: PerlSetVar       lonIDsDir    /home/httpd/lonIDs
 1598: PerlSetVar       lonDAVsessDir /home/httpd/webdav/sessionIDs
 1599: PerlSetVar       lonTabDir    /home/httpd/lonTabs
 1600: PerlSetVar       lonUsersDir  /home/httpd/lonUsers
 1601: PerlSetVar       lonIconsURL  /adm/lonIcons
 1602: PerlSetVar       londPort     5663
 1603: PerlSetVar       lonSysEMail
 1604: PerlSetVar       lonDaemons   /home/httpd/perl
 1605: PerlSetVar       lonLib       /home/httpd/lib
 1606: PerlSetVar       lonSockDir   /home/httpd/sockets
 1607: PerlSetVar       lonSockCreate   /home/httpd/sockets/common
 1608: PerlSetVar       lonDocRoot   /home/httpd/html
 1609: PerlSetVar       lonPrtDir    /home/httpd/prtspool
 1610: PerlSetVar       lonIncludes  /home/httpd/html/res/adm/includes
 1611: PerlSetVar       lonZipDir    /home/httpd/zipspool
 1612: PerlSetVar       lonCaptchaDir     /home/httpd/captchaspool
 1613: PerlSetVar       lonCaptchaDb     /home/httpd/captchadb 
 1614: PerlSetVar       lonFontsDir     /home/httpd/html/adm/fonts
 1615: # & separated list of : separated fields in order of
 1616: # - internal name to call it, 
 1617: # - regexp that it should match (done case-insensitively)
 1618: # - regexp that is should not match (done case-insensitively)
 1619: # - regexp that will pull out the version number into $1
 1620: # - a number that describes the minimum version that has mathml support
 1621: # - a number that describes the minimum number version that has unicode support
 1623: PerlSetVar       lonBrowsDet  explorer:msie:netscape:msie\s(\d+\.\d+)\;:9999:5&mozilla:mozilla\/[5-9]:msie:mozilla\/(\d+\.\d+)\s:9999:1&netscape:netscape:msie:netscape\/(\d+\.\d+):9999:7&netscape:netscape\/[7-9]:shouldnotmatch:netscape\/(\d+\.\d+):9999:7&amaya:amaya:mozilla:V(\d+\.\d+)\s:1:1&safari:safari:msie:safari\/([\d\.]+):9999:84&chrome:chrome:chromeframe:\s+chrome\/(\d+\.\d+):9999:1
 1625: PerlSetVar       lonTextBrowsers windows\s+ce:lynx
 1626: PerlSetVar       lonScansDir  /home/httpd/scantron
 1627: PerlSetVar       lonScriptTimeout 10
 1628: PerlSetVar	 BugzillaHost
 1629: PerlSetVar	 FAQHost
 1630: # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1631: # NOTE: lonSqlAccess key is the password for the MySQL user
 1632: # www@localhost.  This value must always be "localhostkey".
 1633: # The only security risk occurs when somebody logs in as 'www' on your system
 1634: # (in which case you have much bigger problems than whether or not they
 1635: # can access the non-authoritative loncapa database on your machine).
 1637: PerlSetVar       lonSqlAccess   localhostkey
 1639: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1640: #
 1641: #   Parameters used by secure lond/lonc
 1643: #
 1644: #   Secure lond/lonc require ssl certificate and private
 1645: #   key files to function correctly.  The certificate
 1646: #   files need not be terribly secure, but the private key files
 1647: #   should be set up so that only www (the lonc/lond effective user)
 1648: #   can read them.
 1649: # 
 1650: #   The definition below is the full path to the directory that
 1651: #   contains the certificate and key files:
 1653: PerlSetVar lonCertificateDirectory /home/httpd/lonCerts
 1655: #
 1656: #  Secure lond/lonc require two certificates and a private host key.
 1657: #  The certificates required are that of the lonCAPA certificate authority
 1658: #  and the certificate that authority issued to this host.
 1659: #  lonnetCertificateAuthority is the name of the file that contains the
 1660: #                            lonCAPA certificate authority's certificate.
 1661: #  lonnetCertificate is the name of the file that contains the certificate
 1662: #                    issued to the host by the certificate authority.
 1663: #  Both of these variables are names of files assumed to be in 
 1664: #  lonCertificateDirectory:
 1666: PerlSetVar lonnetCertificateAuthority loncapaCA.pem
 1667: PerlSetVar lonnetCertificate          lonhostcert.pem
 1669: #
 1670: #  To generate the request for a certificate, and to negotiate the
 1671: #  initial ssl connection, the host requires a private key.  This key
 1672: #  is created at lonCAPA install time.  Did we mention above that it
 1673: #  should be set so that only www can read it?  The variale below
 1674: #  is the name of the file relative to lonnetCertificateDirectory
 1675: #  that has the host's private key.  Did we remember to tell you to
 1676: #  keep the permissions on that file set to rw-------  (0600)?
 1677: #  
 1679: PerlSetVar lonnetPrivateKey         lonKey.pem
 1681: # Did we mention that the file described above must have
 1682: # permissions really locked down so that it can't be stolen?
 1684: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1686: #   Parameters that define where all the ssl stuff is that's needed
 1687: #   to generate certificate requests and, on a system that's a CA
 1688: #   the certificate authority.
 1689: #    
 1690: #    SSLProgram    -> Path to the openssl command
 1691: #    SSLDirectory  -> Directory containing ssl configuration files etc.
 1692: #    SSLCAConfig   -> Name of the SSL config file for the certificate 
 1693: #                     Authority.
 1694: #    SSLCAFile     -> Full path to the Certificate authority file 
 1695: #                    (on the cert manager system).
 1696: #    SSLEmail      -> E-mail address of loncapa certificate manager.
 1697: #    The following are good for the loncapa redhat installs and
 1698: #    the loncapa certificate authority system:
 1699: #
 1700: PerlSetVar SSLProgram	/usr/bin/openssl
 1701: PerlSetVar SSLDirectory /usr/share/ssl
 1702: PerlSetVar SSLCAConfig  loncapaca
 1703: PerlSetVar SSLCAFile    /usr/share/ssl/loncapaca/cacert.pem
 1704: PerlSetVar SSLEmail
 1706: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1709: # ====================================== Include support for SSL rewrites
 1711: Include conf/loncapa_rewrite.conf
 1714: # ====================================== Include machine-specific configuration
 1716: Include conf/loncapa.conf
 1718: # ================================================= Include local configuration
 1720: Include conf/loncapa_apache_local*.conf
 1722: # ================================================== Initiate mod_perl starting
 1724: PerlRequire      conf/
 1725: <IfDefine !MODPERL2>
 1726: PerlFreshRestart On
 1727: </IfDefine>

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