--- loncom/loncnew	2007/03/28 00:14:15	1.79
+++ loncom/loncnew	2007/06/18 22:49:52	1.87
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # lonc maintains the connections to remote computers
-# $Id: loncnew,v 1.79 2007/03/28 00:14:15 albertel Exp $
+# $Id: loncnew,v 1.87 2007/06/18 22:49:52 albertel Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ use LONCAPA::Stack;
 use LONCAPA::LondConnection;
 use LONCAPA::LondTransaction;
 use LONCAPA::Configuration;
-use LONCAPA::HashIterator;
 use Fcntl qw(:flock);
@@ -73,9 +72,8 @@ my %perlvar    = %{$perlvarref};
 #  parent and shared variables.
-my %ChildHash;			# by pid -> host.
-my %HostToPid;			# By host -> pid.
-my %HostHash;			# by loncapaname -> IP.
+my %ChildPid;			# by pid -> host.
+my %ChildHost;			# by host.
 my %listening_to;		# Socket->host table for who the parent
                                 # is listening to.
 my %parent_dispatchers;         # host-> listener watcher events. 
@@ -96,6 +94,8 @@ my $executable      = $0;	# Get the full
 #  The variables below are only used by the child processes.
 my $RemoteHost;			# Name of host child is talking to.
+my $RemoteHostId;		# default lonid of host child is talking to.
+my @all_host_ids;
 my $UnixSocketDir= $perlvar{'lonSockDir'};
 my $IdleConnections = Stack->new(); # Set of idle connections
 my %ActiveConnections;		# Connections to the remote lond.
@@ -114,8 +114,6 @@ my $LondConnecting  = 0;       # True wh
-my $DieWhenIdle     = 1;	# When true children die when trimmed -> 0.
-my $hosts_tab       = 0;        # True if we are using a static hosts.tab
 my $I_am_child      = 0;	# True if this is the child process.
@@ -160,6 +158,7 @@ sub LogPerm {
     my $now=time;
     my $local=localtime($now);
     my $fh=IO::File->new(">>$execdir/logs/lonnet.perm.log");
+    chomp($message);
     print $fh "$now:$message:$local\n";
@@ -309,12 +308,13 @@ sub SocketTimeout {
 #   This function should be called by the child in all cases where it must
-#   exit.  If the child process is running with the DieWhenIdle turned on
-#   it must create a lock file for the AF_UNIX socket in order to prevent
-#   connection requests from lonnet in the time between process exit
-#   and the parent picking up the listen again.
+#   exit.  The child process must create a lock file for the AF_UNIX socket
+#   in order to prevent connection requests from lonnet in the time between
+#   process exit and the parent picking up the listen again.
 # Parameters:
 #     exit_code           - Exit status value, however see the next parameter.
 #     message             - If this optional parameter is supplied, the exit
@@ -325,26 +325,20 @@ sub child_exit {
     # Regardless of how we exit, we may need to do the lock thing:
-    if($DieWhenIdle) {
-	#
-	#  Create a lock file since there will be a time window
-	#  between our exit and the parent's picking up the listen
-	#  during which no listens will be done on the
-	#  lonnet client socket.
-	#
-	my $lock_file = &GetLoncSocketPath().".lock";
-	open(LOCK,">$lock_file");
-	print LOCK "Contents not important";
-	close(LOCK);
-	if ($hosts_tab) {
-	    unlink(&GetLoncSocketPath());
-	}
-	exit(0);
-    }
-    #  Now figure out how we exit:
+    #
+    #  Create a lock file since there will be a time window
+    #  between our exit and the parent's picking up the listen
+    #  during which no listens will be done on the
+    #  lonnet client socket.
+    #
+    my $lock_file = &GetLoncSocketPath().".lock";
+    open(LOCK,">$lock_file");
+    print LOCK "Contents not important";
+    close(LOCK);
+    unlink(&GetLoncSocketPath());
-    if($message) {
-	die $message;
+    if ($message) {
+	die($message);
     } else {
@@ -378,7 +372,7 @@ sub Tick {
 	    $IdleSeconds = 0;	# Otherwise all connections get trimmed to fast.
-	    if(($ConnectionCount == 0) && $DieWhenIdle) {
+	    if(($ConnectionCount == 0)) {
@@ -509,6 +503,9 @@ the data and Event->w->fd is the socket
 sub ClientWritable {
     my $Event    = shift;
     my $Watcher  = $Event->w;
+    if (!defined($Watcher)) {
+	&child_exit(-1,'No watcher for event in ClientWritable');
+    }
     my $Data     = $Watcher->data;
     my $Socket   = $Watcher->fd;
@@ -572,6 +569,7 @@ sub ClientWritable {
     } else {
 	$Watcher->cancel();	# A delayed request...just cancel.
+	return;
@@ -611,8 +609,8 @@ sub CompleteTransaction {
 	StartClientReply($Transaction, $data);
     } else {			# Delete deferred transaction file.
 	Log("SUCCESS", "A delayed transaction was completed");
-	LogPerm("S:$Transaction->getClient() :".$Transaction->getRequest());
-	unlink $Transaction->getFile();
+	LogPerm("S:".$Transaction->getClient().":".$Transaction->getRequest());
+	unlink($Transaction->getFile());
@@ -1156,10 +1154,12 @@ sub LondWritable {
 sub QueueDelayed {
     Debug(3,"QueueDelayed called");
@@ -1168,16 +1168,7 @@ sub QueueDelayed {
     Debug(4, "Delayed path: ".$path);
     opendir(DIRHANDLE, $path);
-    my @all_host_ids;
-    my $host_iterator =   &LondConnection::GetHostIterator();
-    while (!$host_iterator->end()) {
-	my ($host_id,$host_name) = @{$host_iterator->get()}[0,3];
-	if ($host_name eq $RemoteHost) {
-	    push(@all_host_ids, $host_id);
-	}
-	$host_iterator->next();
-    }
-    my $host_id_re = '(?:'.join('|',@all_host_ids).')';
+    my $host_id_re = '(?:'.join('|',map {quotemeta($_)} (@all_host_ids)).')';
     my @alldelayed = grep(/\.$host_id_re$/, readdir(DIRHANDLE));
     foreach my $dfname (sort(@alldelayed)) {
@@ -1212,7 +1203,8 @@ sub MakeLondConnection {
     my $Connection = LondConnection->new(&GetServerHost(),
-					 &GetServerPort());
+					 &GetServerPort(),
+					 &GetHostId());
     if($Connection eq undef) {	# Needs to be more robust later.
 	Log("CRITICAL","Failed to make a connection with lond.");
@@ -1220,6 +1212,7 @@ sub MakeLondConnection {
 	return 0;		# Failure.
     }  else {
+	$LondConnecting = 1;	# Connection in progress.
 	# The connection needs to have writability 
 	# monitored in order to send the init sequence
 	# that starts the whole authentication/key
@@ -1250,7 +1243,6 @@ sub MakeLondConnection {
 	Log("SUCESS", "Created connection ".$ConnectionCount
 	    ." to host ".GetServerHost());
-	$LondConnecting = 1;	# Connection in progress.
 	return 1;		# Return success.
@@ -1391,14 +1383,23 @@ sub ClientRequest {
     $data = $data.$thisread;	# Append new data.
     if($data =~ /\n$/) {	# Request entirely read.
-	if($data eq "close_connection_exit\n") {
+	if ($data eq "close_connection_exit\n") {
 		"Request Close Connection ... exiting");
+	} elsif ($data eq "reset_retries\n") {
+	    Log("INFO", "Resetting Connection Retries.");
+	    $ConnectionRetriesLeft = $ConnectionRetries;
+	    &UpdateStatus();
+	    my $Transaction = LondTransaction->new($data);
+	    $Transaction->SetClient($socket);
+	    StartClientReply($Transaction, "ok\n");
+	    $watcher->cancel();
+	    return;
 	Debug(8, "Complete transaction received: ".$data);
-	if($LogTransactions) {
+	if ($LogTransactions) {
 	    Log("SUCCESS", "Transaction: '$data'"); # Transaction has \n.
 	my $Transaction = LondTransaction->new($data);
@@ -1413,7 +1414,7 @@ sub ClientRequest {
 #     Accept a connection request for a client (lonc child) and
 #    start up an event watcher to keep an eye on input from that 
 #    Event.  This can be called both from NewClient and from
-#    ChildProcess if we are started in DieWhenIdle mode.
+#    ChildProcess.
 # Parameters:
 #    $socket       - The listener socket.
 # Returns:
@@ -1502,6 +1503,18 @@ sub GetServerHost {
+=head2 GetServerId
+Returns the hostid whose lond we talk with.
+sub GetHostId {
+    return $RemoteHostId;		# Setup by the fork.
 =head2 GetServerPort
 Returns the lond port number.
@@ -1665,7 +1678,7 @@ Optional parameter:
 sub ChildProcess {
-    #  If we are in DieWhenIdle mode, we've inherited all the
+    #  We've inherited all the
     #  events of our parent and those have to be cancelled or else
     #  all holy bloody chaos will result.. trust me, I already made
     #  >that< mistake.
@@ -1741,12 +1754,9 @@ sub ChildProcess {
      # &MakeLondConnection(); // let first work request do it.
-    #  If We are in diwhenidle, need to accept the connection since the
-    #  event may  not fire.
+    #  need to accept the connection since the event may  not fire.
-    if ($DieWhenIdle) {
-	&accept_client($socket);
-    }
+    &accept_client($socket);
     Debug(9,"Entering event loop");
     my $ret = Event::loop();		#  Start the main event loop.
@@ -1758,7 +1768,7 @@ sub ChildProcess {
 #  Create a new child for host passed in:
 sub CreateChild {
-    my ($host, $socket) = @_;
+    my ($host, $hostid) = @_;
     my $sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new(SIGINT);
     sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, $sigset);
@@ -1767,19 +1777,15 @@ sub CreateChild {
     my $pid          = fork;
     if($pid) {			# Parent
 	$RemoteHost = "Parent";
-	$ChildHash{$pid} = $host;
-	$HostToPid{$host}= $pid;
+	$ChildPid{$pid} = $host;
 	sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, $sigset);
+	undef(@all_host_ids);
     } else {			# child.
+	$RemoteHostId = $hostid;
 	ShowStatus("Connected to ".$RemoteHost);
 	sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, $sigset);
-	if(defined $socket) {
-	    &ChildProcess($socket);
-	} else {
-	    ChildProcess;		# Does not return.
-	}
+	&ChildProcess();		# Does not return.
@@ -1807,67 +1813,50 @@ sub parent_client_connection {
 	my ($event)   = @_;
 	my $watcher   = $event->w;
 	my $socket    = $watcher->fd;
-	if ($hosts_tab) {
-	    # Lookup the host associated with this socket:
-	    my $host = $listening_to{$socket};
-	    # Start the child:
-	    &Debug(9,"Creating child for $host (parent_client_connection)");
-	    &CreateChild($host, $socket);
-	    # Clean up the listen since now the child takes over until it exits.
-	    $watcher->cancel();		# Nolonger listening to this event
-	    delete($listening_to{$socket});
-	    delete($parent_dispatchers{$host});
-	    $socket->close();
-	} else {
-	    my $connection = $socket->accept();	# Accept the client connection.
-	    Event->io(cb      => \&get_remote_hostname,
-		      poll    => 'r',
-		      data    => "",
-		      fd      => $connection);
-	}
+	my $connection = $socket->accept();	# Accept the client connection.
+	Event->io(cb      => \&get_remote_hostname,
+		  poll    => 'r',
+		  data    => "",
+		  fd      => $connection);
 sub get_remote_hostname {
-	my ($event)   = @_;
-	my $watcher   = $event->w;
-	my $socket    = $watcher->fd;
-	my $thisread;
-	my $rv = $socket->recv($thisread, POSIX::BUFSIZ, 0);
-	Debug(8, "rcv:  data length = ".length($thisread)." read =".$thisread);
-	if (!defined($rv) || length($thisread) == 0) {
-	    # Likely eof on socket.
-	    Debug(5,"Client Socket closed on lonc for p_c_c");
-	    close($socket);
-	    $watcher->cancel();
-	    return;
-	}
+    my ($event)   = @_;
+    my $watcher   = $event->w;
+    my $socket    = $watcher->fd;
-	my $data    = $watcher->data().$thisread;
-	$watcher->data($data);
-	if($data =~ /\n$/) {	# Request entirely read.
-	    chomp($data);
-	} else {
-	    return;
-	}
-	&Debug(5,"Creating child for $data (parent_client_connection)");
-	&CreateChild($data);
-	# Clean up the listen since now the child takes over until it exits.
-	$watcher->cancel();		# Nolonger listening to this event
-	$socket->send("done\n");
-	$socket->close();
+    my $thisread;
+    my $rv = $socket->recv($thisread, POSIX::BUFSIZ, 0);
+    Debug(8, "rcv:  data length = ".length($thisread)." read =".$thisread);
+    if (!defined($rv) || length($thisread) == 0) {
+	# Likely eof on socket.
+	Debug(5,"Client Socket closed on lonc for p_c_c");
+	close($socket);
+	$watcher->cancel();
+	return;
+    }
+    my $data    = $watcher->data().$thisread;
+    $watcher->data($data);
+    if($data =~ /\n$/) {	# Request entirely read.
+	chomp($data);
+    } else {
+	return;
+    }
+    &Debug(5,"Creating child for $data (parent_client_connection)");
+    (my $hostname,my $lonid,@all_host_ids) = split(':',$data);
+    $ChildHost{$hostname}++;
+    if ($ChildHost{$hostname} == 1) {
+	&CreateChild($hostname,$lonid);
+    } else {
+	&Log('WARNING',"Request for a second child on $hostname");
+    }
+    # Clean up the listen since now the child takes over until it exits.
+    $watcher->cancel();		# Nolonger listening to this event
+    $socket->send("done\n");
+    $socket->close();
 # parent_listen:
@@ -1918,7 +1907,7 @@ sub parent_listen {
 sub parent_clean_up {
     my ($loncapa_host) = @_;
-    Debug(5, "parent_clean_up: $loncapa_host");
+    Debug(1, "parent_clean_up: $loncapa_host");
     my $socket_file = &GetLoncSocketPath($loncapa_host);
     unlink($socket_file);	# No problem if it doesn't exist yet [startup e.g.]
@@ -1927,14 +1916,12 @@ sub parent_clean_up {
-# listen_on_all_unix_sockets:
-#    This sub initiates a listen on all unix domain lonc client sockets.
-#    This will be called in the case where we are trimming idle processes.
-#    When idle processes are trimmed, loncnew starts up with no children,
-#    and only spawns off children when a connection request occurs on the
-#    client unix socket.  The spawned child continues to run until it has
-#    been idle a while at which point it eventually exits and once more
-#    the parent picks up the listen.
+#    This sub initiates a listen on the common unix domain lonc client socket.
+#    loncnew starts up with no children, and only spawns off children when a
+#    connection request occurs on the common client unix socket.  The spawned
+#    child continues to run until it has been idle a while at which point it
+#    eventually exits and once more the parent picks up the listen.
 #  Parameters:
 #      NONE
@@ -1943,18 +1930,6 @@ sub parent_clean_up {
 #  Returns:
 #     NONE
-sub listen_on_all_unix_sockets {
-    Debug(5, "listen_on_all_unix_sockets");
-    my $host_iterator      =   &LondConnection::GetHostIterator();
-    while (!$host_iterator->end()) {
-	my $host_entry_ref =   $host_iterator->get();
-	my $host_name      = $host_entry_ref->[3];
-	Debug(9, "Listen for $host_name");
-	&parent_listen($host_name);
-	$host_iterator->next();
-    }
 sub listen_on_common_socket {
     Debug(5, "listen_on_common_socket");
@@ -1979,17 +1954,13 @@ sub server_died {
 	# need the host to restart:
-	my $host = $ChildHash{$pid};
+	my $host = $ChildPid{$pid};
 	if($host) {		# It's for real...
 	    &Debug(9, "Caught sigchild for $host");
-	    delete($ChildHash{$pid});
-	    delete($HostToPid{$host});
-	    if ($hosts_tab) {
-		&parent_listen($host);
-	    } else {
-		&parent_clean_up($host);
-	    }
+	    delete($ChildPid{$pid});
+	    delete($ChildHost{$host});
+	    &parent_clean_up($host);
 	} else {
 	    &Debug(5, "Caught sigchild for pid not in hosts hash: $pid");
@@ -2045,25 +2016,9 @@ ShowStatus("Forking node servers");
 Log("CRITICAL", "--------------- Starting children ---------------");
 LondConnection::ReadConfig;               # Read standard config files.
-my $HostIterator = LondConnection::GetHostIterator;
-if ($DieWhenIdle) {
-    $RemoteHost = "[parent]";
-    if ($hosts_tab) {
-	&listen_on_all_unix_sockets();
-    } else {
-	&listen_on_common_socket();
-    }
-} else {
-    while (! $HostIterator->end()) {
-	my $hostentryref = $HostIterator->get();
-	CreateChild($hostentryref->[0]);
-	$HostHash{$hostentryref->[0]} = $hostentryref->[4];
-	$HostIterator->next();
-    }
+$RemoteHost = "[parent]";
 $RemoteHost = "Parent Server";
@@ -2072,78 +2027,38 @@ $RemoteHost = "Parent Server";
 ShowStatus("Parent keeping the flock");
-if ($DieWhenIdle) {
-    # We need to setup a SIGChild event to handle the exit (natural or otherwise)
-    # of the children.
-    Event->signal(cb       => \&server_died,
-		   desc     => "Child exit handler",
-		   signal   => "CHLD");
-    # Set up all the other signals we set up.  We'll vector them off to the
-    # same subs as we would for DieWhenIdle false and, if necessary, conditionalize
-    # the code there.
-    $parent_handlers{INT} = Event->signal(cb       => \&Terminate,
-					  desc     => "Parent INT handler",
-					  signal   => "INT");
-    $parent_handlers{TERM} = Event->signal(cb       => \&Terminate,
-					   desc     => "Parent TERM handler",
-					   signal   => "TERM");
-    if ($hosts_tab) {
-	$parent_handlers{HUP}  = Event->signal(cb       => \&Restart,
-					       desc     => "Parent HUP handler.",
-					       signal   => "HUP");
-    } else {
-	$parent_handlers{HUP}  = Event->signal(cb       => \&KillThemAll,
-					       desc     => "Parent HUP handler.",
-					       signal   => "HUP");
-    }
-    $parent_handlers{USR1} = Event->signal(cb       => \&CheckKids,
-					   desc     => "Parent USR1 handler",
-					   signal   => "USR1");
-    $parent_handlers{USR2} = Event->signal(cb       => \&UpdateKids,
-					   desc     => "Parent USR2 handler.",
-					   signal   => "USR2");
-    #  Start procdesing events.
-    $Event::DebugLevel = $DebugLevel;
-    Debug(9, "Parent entering event loop");
-    my $ret = Event::loop();
-    die "Main Event loop exited: $ret";
-} else {
-    #
-    #   Set up parent signals:
-    #
-    $SIG{INT}  = \&Terminate;
-    $SIG{TERM} = \&Terminate; 
-    if ($hosts_tab) {
-	$SIG{HUP}  = \&Restart;
-    } else {
-	$SIG{HUP}  = \&KillThemAll;
-    }
-    $SIG{USR1} = \&CheckKids; 
-    $SIG{USR2} = \&UpdateKids;	# LonManage update request.
-    while(1) {
-	my $deadchild = wait();
-	if(exists $ChildHash{$deadchild}) {	# need to restart.
-	    my $deadhost = $ChildHash{$deadchild};
-	    delete($HostToPid{$deadhost});
-	    delete($ChildHash{$deadchild});
-	    Log("WARNING","Lost child pid= ".$deadchild.
-		"Connected to host ".$deadhost);
-	    Log("INFO", "Restarting child procesing ".$deadhost);
-	    CreateChild($deadhost);
-	}
-    }
+# We need to setup a SIGChild event to handle the exit (natural or otherwise)
+# of the children.
+Event->signal(cb       => \&server_died,
+	      desc     => "Child exit handler",
+	      signal   => "CHLD");
+# Set up all the other signals we set up.
+$parent_handlers{INT} = Event->signal(cb       => \&Terminate,
+				      desc     => "Parent INT handler",
+				      signal   => "INT");
+$parent_handlers{TERM} = Event->signal(cb       => \&Terminate,
+				       desc     => "Parent TERM handler",
+				       signal   => "TERM");
+$parent_handlers{HUP}  = Event->signal(cb       => \&KillThemAll,
+				       desc     => "Parent HUP handler.",
+				       signal   => "HUP");
+$parent_handlers{USR1} = Event->signal(cb       => \&CheckKids,
+				       desc     => "Parent USR1 handler",
+				       signal   => "USR1");
+$parent_handlers{USR2} = Event->signal(cb       => \&UpdateKids,
+				       desc     => "Parent USR2 handler.",
+				       signal   => "USR2");
+#  Start procdesing events.
+$Event::DebugLevel = $DebugLevel;
+Debug(9, "Parent entering event loop");
+my $ret = Event::loop();
+die "Main Event loop exited: $ret";
@@ -2167,7 +2082,7 @@ sub CheckKids {
     foreach my $host (keys %parent_dispatchers) {
 	print $fh "LONC Parent process listening for $host\n";
-    foreach my $pid (keys %ChildHash) {
+    foreach my $pid (keys %ChildPid) {
 	Debug(2, "Sending USR1 -> $pid");
 	kill 'USR1' => $pid;	# Tell Child to report status.
@@ -2211,11 +2126,7 @@ sub UpdateKids {
     # The down side is transactions that are in flight will get timed out
     # (lost unless they are critical).
-    if ($hosts_tab) {
-	&Restart();
-    } else {
-	&KillThemAll();
-    }
+    &KillThemAll();
@@ -2248,13 +2159,19 @@ SIGHUP.  Responds to sigint and sigterm.
 sub KillThemAll {
     Debug(2, "Kill them all!!");
-    local($SIG{CHLD}) = 'IGNORE';      # Our children >will< die.
-    foreach my $pid (keys %ChildHash) {
-	my $serving = $ChildHash{$pid};
+    #local($SIG{CHLD}) = 'IGNORE';
+    # Our children >will< die.
+    # but we need to catch their death and cleanup after them in case this is 
+    # a restart set of kills
+    my @allpids = keys(%ChildPid);
+    foreach my $pid (@allpids) {
+	my $serving = $ChildPid{$pid};
 	ShowStatus("Nicely Killing lonc for $serving pid = $pid");
 	Log("CRITICAL", "Nicely Killing lonc for $serving pid = $pid");
 	kill 'QUIT' => $pid;
+    ShowStatus("Finished killing child processes off.");
@@ -2266,12 +2183,12 @@ sub really_kill_them_all_dammit
     Debug(2, "Kill them all Dammit");
     local($SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'); # In case some purist reenabled them.
-    foreach my $pid (keys %ChildHash) {
-	my $serving = $ChildHash{$pid};
+    foreach my $pid (keys %ChildPid) {
+	my $serving = $ChildPid{$pid};
 	&ShowStatus("Nastily killing lonc for $serving pid = $pid");
 	Log("CRITICAL", "Nastily killing lonc for $serving pid = $pid");
 	kill 'KILL' => $pid;
-	delete($ChildHash{$pid});
+	delete($ChildPid{$pid});
 	my $execdir = $perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
@@ -2299,6 +2216,14 @@ sub Terminate {
     exit 0;
+sub my_hostname {
+    use Sys::Hostname;
+    my $name = &hostname();
+    &Debug(9,"Name is $name");
+    return $name;
 =head1 Theory