--- loncom/loncron 2021/02/02 21:17:47 +++ loncom/loncron 2021/02/02 20:53:05 1.127 @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ # Housekeeping program, started by cron, loncontrol and loncron.pl # -# $Id: loncron,v 2021/02/02 21:17:47 raeburn Exp $ +# $Id: loncron,v 1.127 2021/02/02 20:53:05 raeburn Exp $ # # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees # @@ -34,19 +34,20 @@ use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/'; use LONCAPA::Configuration; use LONCAPA::Checksumming; use LONCAPA; +use LONCAPA::LWPReq; use Apache::lonnet; use Apache::loncommon; -use LWP::UserAgent(); -use HTTP::Request(); use IO::File; use IO::Socket; use HTML::Entities; use Getopt::Long; -use GDBM_File qw(GDBM_READER); -use Storable qw(thaw nfreeze); +use GDBM_File; +use Storable qw(thaw); use File::ReadBackwards; use File::Copy; +use GDBM_File qw(GDBM_READER); +use Storable qw(thaw nfreeze); use Sys::Hostname::FQDN(); #globals @@ -174,6 +175,9 @@ sub checkon_daemon { &log($fh,unlink($pidfile).' - '. `killall -9 $kadaemon 2>&1`. '</font><br />'); + if ($kadaemon eq 'loncnew') { + &clean_lonc_childpids(); + } &log($fh,"<h3>$daemon not running, trying to start</h3>"); if (&start_daemon($fh,$daemon,$pidfile,$args)) { @@ -212,8 +216,8 @@ sub checkon_daemon { close (DFH); } &log($fh,"</pre></p>"); - } - } + } + } } my $fname="$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/$daemon.log"; @@ -247,7 +251,7 @@ sub log_machine_info { open (LOADAVGH,"/proc/loadavg"); my $loadavg=<LOADAVGH>; close (LOADAVGH); - + &log($fh,"<tt>$loadavg</tt>"); my @parts=split(/\s+/,$loadavg); @@ -310,7 +314,7 @@ sub start_logging { my %simplestatus=(); my $now=time; my $date=localtime($now); - + &log($fh,(<<ENDHEADERS)); <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> @@ -601,6 +605,34 @@ sub clean_webDAV_sessionIDs { } } +# ------------------------------------------------------------ clean out ltiIDs + +sub clean_ltiIDs { + my ($fh)=@_; + &log($fh,'<hr /><a name="ltisessions" /><h2>LTI Session Pointers</h2>'); + my $cleaned=0; + my $active=0; + if (-d $perlvar{'ltiIDsDir'}) { + while (my $fname=<$perlvar{'ltiIDsDir'}/*>) { + my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink, + $uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, + $atime,$mtime,$ctime, + $blksize,$blocks)=stat($fname); + my $now=time; + my $since=$now-$mtime; + if ($since>$perlvar{'lonExpire'}) { + $cleaned++; + &log($fh,"Unlinking $fname<br />"); + unlink("$fname"); + } else { + $active++; + } + } + } + &log($fh,"<p>Cleaned up ".$cleaned." old LTI session pointers.</p>"); + &log($fh,"<h3>$active unexpired LTI session pointers</h3>"); +} + # ----------------------------------------------------------- clean out sockets sub clean_sockets { my ($fh)=@_; @@ -778,14 +810,14 @@ sub check_delayed_msg { my $dfh=IO::File->new("$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lonnet.perm.log","r"); if (defined($dfh)) { while (my $line=<$dfh>) { - my ($time,$sdf,$rest)=split(/:/,$line,3); + my ($time,$sdf,$rest)=split(/:/,$line,3); if ($time < 1541185772) { $checkbackwards = 1; } last; } undef $dfh; - } + } if ($checkbackwards) { if (tie *BW, 'File::ReadBackwards', "$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lonnet.perm.log") { @@ -1150,6 +1182,91 @@ sub write_hostips { return; } +sub clean_nosslverify { + my ($fh) = @_; + my %unlinked; + if (-d "$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/nosslverify") { + if (opendir(my $dh,"$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/nosslverify")) { + while (my $fname=readdir($dh)) { + next if ($fname =~ /^\.+$/); + if (unlink("/home/httpd/sockets/nosslverify/$fname")) { + &log($fh,"Unlinking $fname<br />"); + $unlinked{$fname} = 1; + } + } + closedir($dh); + } + } + &log($fh,"<p>Removed ".scalar(keys(%unlinked))." nosslverify clients</p>"); + return %unlinked; +} +sub clean_lonc_childpids { + my $childpiddir = "$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}/lon-status/loncchld"; + if (-d $childpiddir) { + if (opendir(my $dh,$childpiddir)) { + while (my $fname=readdir($dh)) { + next if ($fname =~ /^\.+$/); + unlink("$childpiddir/$fname"); + } + closedir($dh); + } + } +} + +sub write_connection_config { + my ($domconf,%connectssl,%changes); + $domconf = &get_domain_config(); + if (ref($domconf) eq 'HASH') { + if (ref($domconf->{'ssl'}) eq 'HASH') { + foreach my $connect ('connto','connfrom') { + if (ref($domconf->{'ssl'}->{$connect}) eq 'HASH') { + my ($sslreq,$sslnoreq,$currsetting); + my %contypes; + foreach my $type ('dom','intdom','other') { + $connectssl{$connect.'_'.$type} = $domconf->{'ssl'}->{$connect}->{$type}; + } + } + } + } + if (keys(%connectssl)) { + my %currconf; + if (open(my $fh,'<',"$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/connectionrules.tab")) { + while (my $line = <$fh>) { + chomp($line); + my ($name,$value) = split(/=/,$line); + if ($value =~ /^(?:no|yes|req)$/) { + if ($name =~ /^conn(to|from)_(dom|intdom|other)$/) { + $currconf{$name} = $value; + } + } + } + close($fh); + } + if (open(my $fh,'>',"$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/connectionrules.tab")) { + my $count = 0; + foreach my $key (sort(keys(%connectssl))) { + print $fh "$key=$connectssl{$key}\n"; + if (exists($currconf{$key})) { + unless ($currconf{$key} eq $connectssl{$key}) { + $changes{$key} = 1; + } + } else { + $changes{$key} = 1; + } + $count ++; + } + close($fh); + print "Completed writing SSL options for lonc/lond for $count items.\n"; + } + } else { + print "Writing of SSL options skipped - no connection rules in domain configuration.\n"; + } + } else { + print "Retrieval of SSL options for lonc/lond skipped - no configuration data available for domain.\n"; + } + return %changes; +} + sub get_domain_config { my ($dom,$primlibserv,$isprimary,$url,%confhash); $dom = $perlvar{'lonDefDomain'}; @@ -1183,10 +1300,8 @@ sub get_domain_config { } } } else { - my $ua=new LWP::UserAgent; - $ua->timeout(5); my $request=new HTTP::Request('GET',$url); - my $response=$ua->request($request); + my $response=&LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($primlibserv,$request,'',\%perlvar,5); unless ($response->is_error()) { my $content = $response->content; if ($content) { @@ -1207,6 +1322,121 @@ sub get_domain_config { return \%confhash; } +sub write_hosttypes { + my %intdom = &Apache::lonnet::all_host_intdom(); + my %hostdom = &Apache::lonnet::all_host_domain(); + my $dom = $hostdom{$perlvar{'lonHostID'}}; + my $internetdom = $intdom{$perlvar{'lonHostID'}}; + my %changes; + if (($dom ne '') && ($internetdom ne '')) { + if (keys(%hostdom)) { + my %currhosttypes; + if (open(my $fh,'<',"$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/hosttypes.tab")) { + while (my $line = <$fh>) { + chomp($line); + my ($name,$value) = split(/:/,$line); + if (($name ne '') && ($value =~ /^(dom|intdom|other)$/)) { + $currhosttypes{$name} = $value; + } + } + close($fh); + } + if (open(my $fh,'>',"$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/hosttypes.tab")) { + my $count = 0; + foreach my $lonid (sort(keys(%hostdom))) { + my $type = 'other'; + if ($hostdom{$lonid} eq $dom) { + $type = 'dom'; + } elsif ($intdom{$lonid} eq $internetdom) { + $type = 'intdom'; + } + print $fh "$lonid:$type\n"; + if (exists($currhosttypes{$lonid})) { + if ($type ne $currhosttypes{$lonid}) { + $changes{$lonid} = 1; + } + } else { + $changes{$lonid} = 1; + } + $count ++; + } + close($fh); + print "Completed writing host type data for $count hosts.\n"; + } + } else { + print "Writing of host types skipped - no hosts found.\n"; + } + } else { + print "Writing of host types skipped - could not determine this host's LON-CAPA domain or 'internet' domain.\n"; + } + return %changes; +} + +sub update_revocation_list { + my ($result,$changed) = &Apache::lonnet::fetch_crl_pemfile(); + if ($result eq 'ok') { + print "Certificate Revocation List (from CA) updated.\n"; + } else { + print "Certificate Revocation List from (CA) not updated.\n"; + } + return $changed; +} + +sub reset_nosslverify_pids { + my ($fh,%sslrem) = @_; + &checkon_daemon($fh,'lond',40000,'USR2'); + my $loncpidfile="$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lonc.pid"; + my $loncppid; + if ((-e $loncpidfile) && (open(my $pfh,'<',$loncpidfile))) { + $loncppid=<$pfh>; + chomp($loncppid); + close($pfh); + if ($loncppid =~ /^\d+$/) { + my %pids_by_host; + my $docdir = $perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}; + if (-d "$docdir/lon-status/loncchld") { + if (opendir(my $dh,"$docdir/lon-status/loncchld")) { + while (my $file = readdir($dh)) { + next if ($file =~ /^\./); + if (open(my $fh,'<',"$docdir/lon-status/loncchld/$file")) { + my $record = <$fh>; + chomp($record); + close($fh); + my ($remotehost,$authmode) = split(/:/,$record); + $pids_by_host{$remotehost}{$authmode}{$file} = 1; + } + } + closedir($dh); + if (keys(%pids_by_host)) { + foreach my $host (keys(%pids_by_host)) { + if ($sslrem{$host}) { + if (ref($pids_by_host{$host}) eq 'HASH') { + if (ref($pids_by_host{$host}{'insecure'}) eq 'HASH') { + if (keys(%{$pids_by_host{$host}{'insecure'}})) { + foreach my $pid (keys(%{$pids_by_host{$host}{'insecure'}})) { + if (open(PIPE,"ps -o ppid= -p $pid |")) { + my $ppid = <PIPE>; + chomp($ppid); + close(PIPE); + $ppid =~ s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g; + if (($ppid == $loncppid) && (kill 0 => $pid)) { + kill QUIT => $pid; + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + return; +} + sub get_permcount_settings { my ($domconf) = @_; my ($defaults,$names) = &Apache::loncommon::lon_status_items(); @@ -1432,6 +1662,7 @@ sub main () { &clean_lonIDs($fh); &clean_balanceIDs($fh); &clean_webDAV_sessionIDs($fh); + &clean_ltiIDs($fh); &check_httpd_logs($fh); &rotate_lonnet_logs($fh); &rotate_other_logs($fh); @@ -1447,6 +1678,10 @@ sub main () { &checkon_daemon($fh,'lonr',40000); } if ($justreload) { + &clean_nosslverify($fh); + &write_connection_config(); + &write_hosttypes(); + &update_revocation_list(); &checkon_daemon($fh,'lond',40000,'USR2'); &checkon_daemon($fh,'lonc',40000,'USR2'); } @@ -1458,12 +1693,21 @@ sub main () { my ($threshold,$sysmail,$reportstatus,$weightsref,$exclusionsref) = &get_permcount_settings($domconf); &check_delayed_msg($fh,$weightsref,$exclusionsref); - &finish_logging($fh,$weightsref); - &log_simplestatus(); &write_loncaparevs(); &write_serverhomeIDs(); &write_checksums(); &write_hostips(); + my %sslrem = &clean_nosslverify($fh); + my %conchgs = &write_connection_config(); + my %hosttypechgs = &write_hosttypes(); + my $hadcrlchg = &update_revocation_list(); + if ((keys(%conchgs) > 0) || (keys(%hosttypechgs) > 0) || + $hadcrlchg || (keys(%sslrem) > 0)) { + &checkon_daemon($fh,'lond',40000,'USR2'); + &reset_nosslverify_pids($fh,%sslrem); + } + &finish_logging($fh,$weightsref); + &log_simplestatus(); if ($totalcount>$threshold && !$noemail) { &send_mail($sysmail,$reportstatus); } } }