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#!/usr/bin/perl # Housekeeping program, started by cron, loncontrol and loncron.pl # # $Id: loncron,v 1.137 2024/12/25 02:32:47 raeburn Exp $ # # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees # # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA). # # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt # # http://www.lon-capa.org/ # $|=1; use strict; use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/'; use LONCAPA::Configuration; use LONCAPA::Checksumming; use LONCAPA; use LONCAPA::LWPReq; use Apache::lonnet; use Apache::loncommon; use IO::File; use IO::Socket; use HTML::Entities; use Getopt::Long; use GDBM_File qw(GDBM_READER); use Storable qw(thaw); use File::ReadBackwards; use File::Copy; use Sys::Hostname::FQDN(); #globals use vars qw (%perlvar %simplestatus $errors $warnings $notices $totalcount); my $statusdir="/home/httpd/html/lon-status"; # --------------------------------------------------------- Output error status sub log { my $fh=shift; if ($fh) { print $fh @_ } } sub errout { my $fh=shift; &log($fh,(<<ENDERROUT)); <table border="2" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> <tr><td>Notices</td><td>$notices</td></tr> <tr><td>Warnings</td><td>$warnings</td></tr> <tr><td>Errors</td><td>$errors</td></tr> </table><p><a href="#top">Top</a></p> ENDERROUT } sub rotate_logfile { my ($file,$fh,$description) = @_; my $size=(stat($file))[7]; if ($size>40000) { &log($fh,"<p>Rotating $description ...</p>"); rename("$file.2","$file.3"); rename("$file.1","$file.2"); rename("$file","$file.1"); } } sub start_daemon { my ($fh,$daemon,$pidfile,$args) = @_; my $progname=$daemon; if ($daemon eq 'lonc') { $progname='loncnew'; } my $error_fname="$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/${daemon}_errors"; &rotate_logfile($error_fname,$fh,'error logs'); if ($daemon eq 'lonc') { &clean_sockets($fh); } system("$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/$progname 2>$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/${daemon}_errors"); sleep 1; if (-e $pidfile) { &log($fh,"<p>Seems like it started ...</p>"); my $lfh=IO::File->new("$pidfile"); my $daemonpid=<$lfh>; chomp($daemonpid); if ($daemonpid =~ /^\d+$/ && kill 0 => $daemonpid) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } &log($fh,"<p>Seems like that did not work!</p>"); $errors++; return 0; } sub checkon_daemon { my ($fh,$daemon,$maxsize,$send,$args)=@_; my $result; &log($fh,'<hr /><a name="'.$daemon.'" /><h2>'.$daemon.'</h2><h3>Log</h3><p style="white-space: pre;"><tt>'); printf("%-15s ",$daemon); if ($fh) { if (-e "$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/$daemon.log"){ if (open(DFH,"tail -n25 $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/$daemon.log|")) { while (my $line=<DFH>) { &log($fh,"$line"); if ($line=~/INFO/) { $notices++; } if ($line=~/WARNING/) { $notices++; } if ($line=~/CRITICAL/) { $warnings++; } } close (DFH); } } &log($fh,"</tt></p>"); } my $pidfile="$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/$daemon.pid"; my $restartflag=1; my $daemonpid; if (-e $pidfile) { my $lfh=IO::File->new("$pidfile"); $daemonpid=<$lfh>; chomp($daemonpid); if ($daemonpid =~ /^\d+$/ && kill 0 => $daemonpid) { &log($fh,"<h3>$daemon at pid $daemonpid responding"); if ($send) { &log($fh,", sending $send"); } &log($fh,"</h3>"); if ($send eq 'USR1') { kill USR1 => $daemonpid; } if ($send eq 'USR2') { kill USR2 => $daemonpid; } $restartflag=0; if ($send eq 'USR2') { $result = 'reloaded'; print "reloaded\n"; } else { $result = 'running'; print "running\n"; } } else { $errors++; &log($fh,"<h3>$daemon at pid $daemonpid not responding</h3>"); $restartflag=1; &log($fh,"<h3>Decided to clean up stale .pid file and restart $daemon</h3>"); } } if ($restartflag==1) { $simplestatus{$daemon}='off'; $errors++; my $kadaemon=$daemon; if ($kadaemon eq 'lonmemcached') { $kadaemon='memcached'; } &log($fh,'<br /><font color="red">Killall '.$daemon.': '. `killall $kadaemon 2>&1`.' - '); sleep 1; &log($fh,unlink($pidfile).' - '. `killall -9 $kadaemon 2>&1`. '</font><br />'); if ($kadaemon eq 'loncnew') { &clean_lonc_childpids(); } &log($fh,"<h3>$daemon not running, trying to start</h3>"); if (&start_daemon($fh,$daemon,$pidfile,$args)) { &log($fh,"<h3>$daemon at pid $daemonpid responding</h3>"); $simplestatus{$daemon}='restarted'; $result = 'started'; print "started\n"; } else { $errors++; &log($fh,"<h3>$daemon at pid $daemonpid not responding</h3>"); &log($fh,"<p>Give it one more try ...</p>"); print " "; if (&start_daemon($fh,$daemon,$pidfile,$args)) { &log($fh,"<h3>$daemon at pid $daemonpid responding</h3>"); $simplestatus{$daemon}='restarted'; $result = 'started'; print "started\n"; } else { $result = 'failed'; print " failed\n"; $simplestatus{$daemon}='failed'; $errors++; $errors++; &log($fh,"<h3>$daemon at pid $daemonpid not responding</h3>"); &log($fh,"<p>Unable to start $daemon</p>"); } } if ($fh) { if (-e "$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/$daemon.log"){ &log($fh,"<p><pre>"); if (open(DFH,"tail -n100 $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/$daemon.log|")) { while (my $line=<DFH>) { &log($fh,"$line"); if ($line=~/WARNING/) { $notices++; } if ($line=~/CRITICAL/) { $notices++; } } close (DFH); } &log($fh,"</pre></p>"); } } } my $fname="$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/$daemon.log"; &rotate_logfile($fname,$fh,'logs'); &errout($fh); return $result; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine sub log_machine_info { my ($fh)=@_; &log($fh,'<hr /><a name="machine" /><h2>Machine Information</h2>'); &log($fh,"<h3>loadavg</h3>"); my $cpucount; if (open(PIPE,"lscpu |grep '^CPU(s)' 2>&1 |")) { my $info = <PIPE>; chomp($info); ($cpucount) = ($info =~ /^\QCPU(s):\E\s+(\d+)$/); close(PIPE); } if (!$cpucount) { $cpucount = 1; } my %loadtarget = ( error => 4.0*$cpucount, warn => 2.0*$cpucount, note => 1.0*$cpucount, ); open (LOADAVGH,"/proc/loadavg"); my $loadavg=<LOADAVGH>; close (LOADAVGH); &log($fh,"<tt>$loadavg</tt>"); my @parts=split(/\s+/,$loadavg); if ($parts[1]>$loadtarget{'error'}) { $errors++; } elsif ($parts[1]>$loadtarget{'warn'}) { $warnings++; } elsif ($parts[1]>$loadtarget{'note'}) { $notices++; } &log($fh,"<h3>df</h3>"); &log($fh,"<pre>"); open (DFH,"df|"); while (my $line=<DFH>) { &log($fh,&encode_entities($line,'<>&"')); @parts=split(/\s+/,$line); my $usage=$parts[4]; $usage=~s/\W//g; if ($usage>90) { $warnings++; $notices++; } elsif ($usage>80) { $warnings++; } elsif ($usage>60) { $notices++; } if ($usage>95) { $warnings++; $warnings++; $simplestatus{'diskfull'}++; } } close (DFH); &log($fh,"</pre>"); &log($fh,"<h3>ps</h3>"); &log($fh,"<pre>"); my $psproc=0; open (PSH,"ps aux --cols 140 |"); while (my $line=<PSH>) { &log($fh,&encode_entities($line,'<>&"')); $psproc++; } close (PSH); &log($fh,"</pre>"); if ($psproc>200) { $notices++; } if ($psproc>250) { $notices++; } &log($fh,"<h3>distprobe</h3>"); &log($fh,"<pre>"); &log($fh,&encode_entities(&LONCAPA::distro(),'<>&"')); &log($fh,"</pre>"); &errout($fh); } sub start_logging { my $fh=IO::File->new(">$statusdir/newstatus.html"); %simplestatus=(); my $now=time; my $date=localtime($now); &log($fh,(<<ENDHEADERS)); <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>LON Status Report $perlvar{'lonHostID'}</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> </head> <body bgcolor="#AAAAAA"> <a name="top" /> <h1>LON Status Report $perlvar{'lonHostID'}</h1> <h2>$date ($now)</h2> <ol> <li><a href="#configuration">Configuration</a></li> <li><a href="#machine">Machine Information</a></li> <li><a href="#tmp">Temporary Files</a></li> <li><a href="#tokens">Session Tokens</a></li> <li><a href="#webdav">WebDAV Session Tokens</a></li> <li><a href="#httpd">httpd</a></li> <li><a href="#lonsql">lonsql</a></li> <li><a href="#lond">lond</a></li> <li><a href="#lonc">lonc</a></li> <li><a href="#lonnet">lonnet</a></li> <li><a href="#connections">Connections</a></li> <li><a href="#bashconf">bash readline config</a></li> <li><a href="#delayed">Delayed Messages</a></li> <li><a href="#errcount">Error Count</a></li> </ol> <hr /> <a name="configuration" /> <h2>Configuration</h2> <h3>PerlVars</h3> <table border="2"> ENDHEADERS foreach my $varname (sort(keys(%perlvar))) { &log($fh,"<tr><td>$varname</td><td>". &encode_entities($perlvar{$varname},'<>&"')."</td></tr>\n"); } &log($fh,"</table><h3>Hosts</h3><table border='2'>"); my %hostname = &Apache::lonnet::all_hostnames(); foreach my $id (sort(keys(%hostname))) { my $role = (&Apache::lonnet::is_library($id) ? 'library' : 'access'); &log($fh, "<tr><td>$id</td><td>".&Apache::lonnet::host_domain($id). "</td><td>".$role. "</td><td>".&Apache::lonnet::hostname($id)."</td></tr>\n"); } &log($fh,"</table><h3>Spare Hosts</h3>"); if (keys(%Apache::lonnet::spareid) > 0) { &log($fh,"<ul>"); foreach my $type (sort(keys(%Apache::lonnet::spareid))) { &log($fh,"<li>$type\n<ol>"); foreach my $id (@{ $Apache::lonnet::spareid{$type} }) { &log($fh,"<li>$id</li>\n"); } &log($fh,"</ol>\n</li>\n"); } &log($fh,"</ul>\n"); } else { &log($fh,"No spare hosts specified<br />\n"); } return $fh; } # --------------------------------------------------------------- clean out tmp sub clean_tmp { my ($fh)=@_; &log($fh,'<hr /><a name="tmp" /><h2>Temporary Files</h2>'); my ($cleaned,$old,$removed) = (0,0,0); my %errors = ( dir => [], file => [], failopen => [], ); my %error_titles = ( dir => 'failed to remove empty directory:', file => 'failed to unlike stale file', failopen => 'failed to open file or directory' ); ($cleaned,$old,$removed) = &recursive_clean_tmp('',$cleaned,$old,$removed,\%errors); &log($fh,"Cleaned up: ".$cleaned." files; removed: $removed empty directories; (found: $old old checkout tokens)"); foreach my $key (sort(keys(%errors))) { if (ref($errors{$key}) eq 'ARRAY') { if (@{$errors{$key}} > 0) { &log($fh,"Error during cleanup ($error_titles{$key}):<ul><li>". join('</li><li><tt>',@{$errors{$key}}).'</tt></li></ul><br />'); } } } } sub recursive_clean_tmp { my ($subdir,$cleaned,$old,$removed,$errors) = @_; my $base = "$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/tmp"; my $path = $base; next if ($subdir =~ m{\.\./}); next unless (ref($errors) eq 'HASH'); unless ($subdir eq '') { $path .= '/'.$subdir; } if (opendir(my $dh,"$path")) { while (my $file = readdir($dh)) { next if ($file =~ /^\.\.?$/); my $fname = "$path/$file"; if (-d $fname) { my $innerdir; if ($subdir eq '') { $innerdir = $file; } else { $innerdir = $subdir.'/'.$file; } ($cleaned,$old,$removed) = &recursive_clean_tmp($innerdir,$cleaned,$old,$removed,$errors); my @doms = &Apache::lonnet::current_machine_domains(); if (open(my $dirhandle,$fname)) { unless (($innerdir eq 'helprequests') || (($innerdir =~ /^addcourse/) && ($innerdir !~ m{/\d+$}))) { my @contents = grep {!/^\.\.?$/} readdir($dirhandle); join('&&',@contents)."\n"; if (scalar(grep {!/^\.\.?$/} readdir($dirhandle)) == 0) { closedir($dirhandle); if ($fname =~ m{^\Q$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}\E/tmp/}) { if (rmdir($fname)) { $removed ++; } elsif (ref($errors->{dir}) eq 'ARRAY') { push(@{$errors->{dir}},$fname); } } } } else { closedir($dirhandle); } } } else { my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink, $uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime, $blksize,$blocks)=stat($fname); my $now=time; my $since=$now-$mtime; if ($since>$perlvar{'lonExpire'}) { if ($subdir eq '') { my $line=''; if ($fname =~ /\.db$/) { if (unlink($fname)) { $cleaned++; } elsif (ref($errors->{file}) eq 'ARRAY') { push(@{$errors->{file}},$fname); } } elsif (open(PROBE,$fname)) { my $line=''; $line=<PROBE>; close(PROBE); if ($line=~/^CHECKOUTTOKEN\&/) { if ($since>365*$perlvar{'lonExpire'}) { if (unlink($fname)) { $cleaned++; } elsif (ref($errors->{file}) eq 'ARRAY') { push(@{$errors->{file}},$fname); } } else { $old++; } } else { if (unlink($fname)) { $cleaned++; } elsif (ref($errors->{file}) eq 'ARRAY') { push(@{$errors->{file}},$fname); } } } elsif (ref($errors->{failopen}) eq 'ARRAY') { push(@{$errors->{failopen}},$fname); } } else { if (unlink($fname)) { $cleaned++; } elsif (ref($errors->{file}) eq 'ARRAY') { push(@{$errors->{file}},$fname); } } } } } closedir($dh); } elsif (ref($errors->{failopen}) eq 'ARRAY') { push(@{$errors->{failopen}},$path); } return ($cleaned,$old,$removed); } # ------------------------------------------------------------ clean out lonIDs sub clean_lonIDs { my ($fh)=@_; &log($fh,'<hr /><a name="tokens" /><h2>Session Tokens</h2>'); my $cleaned=0; my $active=0; while (my $fname=<$perlvar{'lonIDsDir'}/*>) { my $now=time; if (-l $fname) { my $linkfname = readlink($fname); if (-f $linkfname) { if ($linkfname =~ m{^$perlvar{'lonIDsDir'}/[^/]+\.id$}) { my @data = stat($linkfname); my $mtime = $data[9]; my $since=$now-$mtime; if ($since>$perlvar{'lonExpire'}) { if (unlink($linkfname)) { $cleaned++; &log($fh,"Unlinking $linkfname<br />"); unlink($fname); } } } } else { unlink($fname); } } elsif (-f $fname) { my @data = stat($fname); my $mtime = $data[9]; my $since=$now-$mtime; if ($since>$perlvar{'lonExpire'}) { if (unlink($fname)) { $cleaned++; &log($fh,"Unlinking $fname<br />"); } } else { $active++; } } } &log($fh,"<p>Cleaned up ".$cleaned." stale session token(s).</p>"); &log($fh,"<h3>$active open session(s)</h3>"); } # -------------------------------------------------------- clean out balanceIDs sub clean_balanceIDs { my ($fh)=@_; &log($fh,'<hr /><a name="balcookies" /><h2>Session Tokens</h2>'); my $cleaned=0; my $active=0; if (-d $perlvar{'lonBalanceDir'}) { while (my $fname=<$perlvar{'lonBalanceDir'}/*.id>) { my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink, $uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime, $blksize,$blocks)=stat($fname); my $now=time; my $since=$now-$mtime; if ($since>$perlvar{'lonExpire'}) { $cleaned++; &log($fh,"Unlinking $fname<br />"); unlink("$fname"); } else { $active++; } } } &log($fh,"<p>Cleaned up ".$cleaned." stale balancer files</p>"); &log($fh,"<h3>$active unexpired balancer files</h3>"); } # ------------------------------------------------ clean out webDAV Session IDs sub clean_webDAV_sessionIDs { my ($fh)=@_; if ($perlvar{'lonRole'} eq 'library') { &log($fh,'<hr /><a name="webdav" /><h2>WebDAV Session Tokens</h2>'); my $cleaned=0; my $active=0; my $now = time; if (-d $perlvar{'lonDAVsessDir'}) { while (my $fname=<$perlvar{'lonDAVsessDir'}/*>) { my @stats = stat($fname); my $since=$now-$stats[9]; if ($since>$perlvar{'lonExpire'}) { $cleaned++; &log($fh,"Unlinking $fname<br />"); unlink("$fname"); } else { $active++; } } &log($fh,"<p>Cleaned up ".$cleaned." stale webDAV session token(s).</p>"); &log($fh,"<h3>$active open webDAV session(s)</h3>"); } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------ clean out ltiIDs sub clean_ltiIDs { my ($fh)=@_; &log($fh,'<hr /><a name="ltisessions" /><h2>LTI Session Pointers</h2>'); my $cleaned=0; my $active=0; if (-d $perlvar{'ltiIDsDir'}) { while (my $fname=<$perlvar{'ltiIDsDir'}/*>) { my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink, $uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime, $blksize,$blocks)=stat($fname); my $now=time; my $since=$now-$mtime; if ($since>$perlvar{'lonExpire'}) { $cleaned++; &log($fh,"Unlinking $fname<br />"); unlink("$fname"); } else { $active++; } } } &log($fh,"<p>Cleaned up ".$cleaned." old LTI session pointers.</p>"); &log($fh,"<h3>$active unexpired LTI session pointers</h3>"); } # ----------------------------------------------------------- clean out sockets sub clean_sockets { my ($fh)=@_; my $cleaned=0; opendir(SOCKETS,$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}); while (my $fname=readdir(SOCKETS)) { next if (-d $fname || $fname=~/(mysqlsock|maximasock|rsock|\Q$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}\E)/); $cleaned++; &log($fh,"Unlinking $fname<br />"); unlink("/home/httpd/sockets/$fname"); } &log($fh,"<p>Cleaned up ".$cleaned." stale sockets.</p>"); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- httpd sub check_httpd_logs { my ($fh)=@_; if (open(PIPE,"./lchttpdlogs|")) { while (my $line=<PIPE>) { &log($fh,$line); if ($line=~/\[error\]/) { $notices++; } } close(PIPE); } &errout($fh); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- lonnet sub rotate_lonnet_logs { my ($fh)=@_; &log($fh,'<hr /><a name="lonnet" /><h2>lonnet</h2><h3>Temp Log</h3><pre>'); print "Checking logs.\n"; if (-e "$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lonnet.log"){ open (DFH,"tail -n50 $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lonnet.log|"); while (my $line=<DFH>) { &log($fh,&encode_entities($line,'<>&"')); } close (DFH); } &log($fh,"</pre><h3>Perm Log</h3><pre>"); if (-e "$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lonnet.perm.log") { open(DFH,"tail -n10 $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lonnet.perm.log|"); while (my $line=<DFH>) { &log($fh,&encode_entities($line,'<>&"')); } close (DFH); } else { &log($fh,"No perm log\n") } my $fname="$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lonnet.log"; &rotate_logfile($fname,$fh,'lonnet log'); &log($fh,"</pre>"); &errout($fh); } sub rotate_other_logs { my ($fh) = @_; my %logs = ( autoenroll => 'Auto Enroll log', autocreate => 'Create Course log', searchcat => 'Search Cataloguing log', autoupdate => 'Auto Update log', refreshcourseids_db => 'Refresh CourseIDs db log', ); foreach my $item (keys(%logs)) { my $fname=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/logs/'.$item.'.log'; &rotate_logfile($fname,$fh,$logs{$item}); } } # ----------------------------------------------------------------- Connections sub test_connections { my ($fh)=@_; &log($fh,'<hr /><a name="connections" /><h2>Connections</h2>'); print "Testing connections.\n"; &log($fh,"<table border='2'>"); my ($good,$bad)=(0,0); my %hostname = &Apache::lonnet::all_hostnames(); foreach my $tryserver (sort(keys(%hostname))) { print("."); my $result; my $answer=&Apache::lonnet::reply("ping",$tryserver); if ($answer eq "$tryserver:$perlvar{'lonHostID'}") { $result="<b>ok</b>"; $good++; } else { $result=$answer; $warnings++; if ($answer eq 'con_lost') { $bad++; $warnings++; } else { $good++; #self connection } } if ($answer =~ /con_lost/) { print(" $tryserver down\n"); } &log($fh,"<tr><td>$tryserver</td><td>$result</td></tr>\n"); } &log($fh,"</table>"); print "\n$good good, $bad bad connections\n"; &errout($fh); } # ------------------------------------------------------------ Delayed messages sub check_delayed_msg { my ($fh,$weightsref,$exclusionsref)=@_; &log($fh,'<hr /><a name="delayed" /><h2>Delayed Messages</h2>'); print "Checking buffers.\n"; &log($fh,'<h3>Scanning Permanent Log</h3>'); my $unsend=0; my $ignored=0; my %hostname = &Apache::lonnet::all_hostnames(); my $numhosts = scalar(keys(%hostname)); my $checkbackwards = 0; my $checkfrom = 0; my $checkexcluded = 0; my (%bymachine,%weights,%exclusions,%serverhomes); if (ref($weightsref) eq 'HASH') { %weights = %{$weightsref}; } if (ref($exclusionsref) eq 'HASH') { %exclusions = %{$exclusionsref}; if (keys(%exclusions)) { $checkexcluded = 1; %serverhomes = &read_serverhomeIDs(); } } # # For LON-CAPA 1.2.0 to 2.1.3 (release dates: 8/31/2004 and 3/31/2006) any # entry logged in lonnet.perm.log for completion of a delayed (critical) # transaction lacked the hostID for the remote node to which the command # to be completed was sent. # # Because of this, exclusion of items in lonnet.perm.log for nodes which are # no longer part of the cluster from adding to the overall "unsend" count # needs additional effort besides the changes made in loncron rev. 1.105. # # For "S" (completion) events logging in LON-CAPA 1.2.0 through 2.1.3 included # "LondTransaction=HASH(hexadecimal)->getClient() :$cmd, where the hexadecimal # is a memory location, and $cmd is the command sent to the remote node. # # Starting with 2.2.0 (released 8/21/2006) logging for "S" (completion) events # had sethost:$host_id:$cmd after LondTransaction=HASH(hexadecimal)->getClient() # # Starting with 2.4.1 (released 6/13/2007) logging for "S" replaced echoing the # getClient() call with the result of the Transaction->getClient() call itself # undef for completion of delivery of a delayed message. # # The net effect of these changes is that lonnet.perm.log is now accessed three # times: (a) oldest record is checked, if earlier than release date for 2.5.0 # then (b) file is read backwards, with timestamp recorded for most recent # instance of logged "S" event for "update" command without "sethost:$host_id:" # then (c) file is read forward with records ignored which predate the timestamp # recorded in (b), if one was found. # # In (c), when calculating the unsend total, i.e., the difference between delayed # transactions ("D") and sent transactions ("S"), transactions are ignored if the # target node is no longer in the cluster, and also (for "update" commands), if # the target node is in the list of nodes excluded from the count, in the domain # configuration for this machine's default domain. The idea here is to remove # delayed "update" commands for nodes for which inbound access to port 5663, # is blocked, but are still part of the LON-CAPA network, (i.e., they can still # replicate content from other nodes). # my $dfh=IO::File->new("$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lonnet.perm.log","r"); if (defined($dfh)) { while (my $line=<$dfh>) { my ($time,$sdf,$rest)=split(/:/,$line,3); if ($time < 1541185772) { $checkbackwards = 1; } last; } undef $dfh; } if ($checkbackwards) { if (tie *BW, 'File::ReadBackwards', "$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lonnet.perm.log") { while(my $line=<BW>) { if ($line =~ /\QLondTransaction=HASH\E[^:]+:update:/) { ($checkfrom) = split(/:/,$line,2); last; } } close(BW); } } $dfh=IO::File->new("$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lonnet.perm.log","r"); if (defined($dfh)) { while (my $line=<$dfh>) { my ($time,$sdf,$rest)=split(/:/,$line,3); next unless (($sdf eq 'F') || ($sdf eq 'S') || ($sdf eq 'D')); next if (($checkfrom) && ($time <= $checkfrom)); my ($dserv,$dcmd); if ($sdf eq 'S') { my ($serva,$cmda,$servb,$cmdb) = split(/:/,$rest); if ($cmda eq 'sethost') { chomp($cmdb); $dcmd = $cmdb; } else { $dcmd = $cmda; } if (($serva =~ /^LondTransaction/) || ($serva eq '')) { unless (($servb eq '') || ($servb =~ m{^/})) { $dserv = $servb; } } else { $dserv = $serva; } } else { ($dserv,$dcmd) = split(/:/,$rest); } if ($sdf eq 'F') { my $local=localtime($time); &log($fh,"<b>Failed: $time, $dserv, $dcmd</b><br />"); $warnings++; } next if ((($dserv eq '') || ($dcmd eq '')) && ($sdf ne 'F')); if ($sdf eq 'S') { if ($dcmd eq 'update') { if ($hostname{$dserv}) { if ($exclusions{$serverhomes{$hostname{$dserv}}}) { $ignored --; } else { $unsend --; } } if (exists($bymachine{$dserv})) { $bymachine{$dserv} --; } else { $bymachine{$dserv} = -1; } } else { if ($hostname{$dserv}) { $unsend --; } } } elsif ($sdf eq 'D') { if ($dcmd eq 'update') { if ($hostname{$dserv}) { if ($exclusions{$serverhomes{$hostname{$dserv}}}) { $ignored ++; } else { $unsend ++; } } if (exists($bymachine{$dserv})) { $bymachine{$dserv} ++; } else { $bymachine{$dserv} = 1; } } else { if ($hostname{$dserv}) { $unsend ++; } } } } undef $dfh; my $nodest = 0; my $retired = 0; my %active; if (keys(%bymachine)) { unless ($checkexcluded) { %serverhomes = &read_serverhomeIDs(); } foreach my $key (keys(%bymachine)) { if ($bymachine{$key} > 0) { if ($hostname{$key}) { $active{$serverhomes{$hostname{$key}}} += $bymachine{$key}; } else { $retired ++; $nodest += $bymachine{$key}; } } } } if (keys(%active)) { &log($fh,"<p>Unsend messages by node, active (undegraded) nodes in cluster</p>\n"); foreach my $key (sort(keys(%active))) { &log($fh,&encode_entities("$key => $active{$key}",'<>&"')."\n"); } } &log($fh,"<p>Total unsend messages: <b>$unsend</b> for ".scalar(keys(%active))." active (undegraded) nodes in cluster.</p>\n"); if (keys(%exclusions) > 0) { &log($fh,"<p>Total incomplete updates <b>$ignored</b> for ".scalar(keys(%exclusions))." degraded nodes in cluster.</p>\n"); } if ($retired) { &log($fh,"<p>Total unsent <b>$nodest</b> for $retired nodes no longer in cluster.</p>\n"); } if ($unsend > 0) { $warnings=$warnings+$weights{'U'}*$unsend; } } if ($unsend) { $simplestatus{'unsend'}=$unsend; } &log($fh,"<h3>Outgoing Buffer</h3>\n<pre>"); # list directory with delayed messages and remember offline servers my %servers=(); open (DFH,"ls -lF $perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/delayed|"); while (my $line=<DFH>) { my ($server)=($line=~/\.(\w+)$/); if ($server) { $servers{$server}=1; } &log($fh,&encode_entities($line,'<>&"')); } &log($fh,"</pre>\n"); close (DFH); # pong to all servers that have delayed messages # this will trigger a reverse connection, which should flush the buffers foreach my $tryserver (sort(keys(%servers))) { if ($hostname{$tryserver} || !$numhosts) { my $answer; eval { local $SIG{ ALRM } = sub { die "TIMEOUT" }; alarm(20); $answer = &Apache::lonnet::reply("pong",$tryserver); alarm(0); }; if ($@ && $@ =~ m/TIMEOUT/) { &log($fh,"Attempted pong to $tryserver timed out<br />"); print "Time out while contacting: $tryserver for pong.\n"; } else { &log($fh,"Pong to $tryserver: $answer<br />"); } } else { &log($fh,"$tryserver has delayed messages, but is not part of the cluster -- skipping 'Pong'.<br />"); } } } sub finish_logging { my ($fh,$weightsref)=@_; my %weights; if (ref($weightsref) eq 'HASH') { %weights = %{$weightsref}; } &log($fh,"<a name='errcount' />\n"); $totalcount=($weights{'N'}*$notices)+($weights{'W'}*$warnings)+($weights{'E'}*$errors); &errout($fh); &log($fh,"<h1>Total Error Count: $totalcount</h1>"); my $now=time; my $date=localtime($now); &log($fh,"<hr />$date ($now)</body></html>\n"); print "lon-status webpage updated.\n"; $fh->close(); if ($errors) { $simplestatus{'errors'}=$errors; } if ($warnings) { $simplestatus{'warnings'}=$warnings; } if ($notices) { $simplestatus{'notices'}=$notices; } $simplestatus{'time'}=time; } sub log_simplestatus { rename("$statusdir/newstatus.html","$statusdir/index.html"); my $sfh=IO::File->new(">$statusdir/loncron_simple.txt"); if (defined($sfh)) { foreach my $key (keys(%simplestatus)) { print $sfh $key.'='.$simplestatus{$key}.'&'; } print $sfh "\n"; $sfh->close(); } else { print "Could not write to $statusdir/loncron_simple.txt\n"; } } sub write_loncaparevs { print "Retrieving LON-CAPA version information.\n"; my %hostname = &Apache::lonnet::all_hostnames(); my $output; foreach my $id (sort(keys(%hostname))) { if ($id ne '') { my $loncaparev; eval { local $SIG{ ALRM } = sub { die "TIMEOUT" }; alarm(10); $loncaparev = &Apache::lonnet::get_server_loncaparev('',$id,1,'loncron'); alarm(0); }; if ($@ && $@ =~ m/TIMEOUT/) { print "Time out while contacting lonHost: $id for version.\n"; } if ($loncaparev =~ /^[\w.\-]+$/) { $output .= $id.':'.$loncaparev."\n"; } } } if ($output) { if (open(my $fh,'>',"$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/loncaparevs.tab")) { print $fh $output; close($fh); &Apache::lonnet::load_loncaparevs(); } else { print "Could not write to $perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/loncaparevs.tab\n"; } } return; } sub write_serverhomeIDs { print "Retrieving LON-CAPA lonHostID information.\n"; my %name_to_host = &Apache::lonnet::all_names(); my $output; foreach my $name (sort(keys(%name_to_host))) { if ($name ne '') { if (ref($name_to_host{$name}) eq 'ARRAY') { my $serverhomeID; eval { local $SIG{ ALRM } = sub { die "TIMEOUT" }; alarm(10); $serverhomeID = &Apache::lonnet::get_server_homeID($name,1,'loncron'); alarm(0); }; if ($@ && $@ =~ m/TIMEOUT/) { print "Time out while contacting server: $name\n"; } if ($serverhomeID ne '') { $output .= $name.':'.$serverhomeID."\n"; } else { $output .= $name.':'.$name_to_host{$name}->[0]."\n"; } } } } if ($output) { if (open(my $fh,'>',"$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/serverhomeIDs.tab")) { print $fh $output; close($fh); &Apache::lonnet::load_serverhomeIDs(); } else { print "Could not write to $perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/serverhomeIDs.tab\n"; } } return; } sub write_checksums { my $distro = &LONCAPA::distro(); if ($distro) { print "Retrieving file version and checksumming.\n"; my $numchksums = 0; my ($chksumsref,$versionsref) = &LONCAPA::Checksumming::get_checksums($distro,$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}, $perlvar{'lonLib'}, $perlvar{'lonIncludes'}, $perlvar{'lonTabDir'}); if (ref($chksumsref) eq 'HASH') { $numchksums = scalar(keys(%{$chksumsref})); } print "File version retrieved and checksumming completed for $numchksums files.\n"; } else { print "File version retrieval and checksumming skipped - could not determine Linux distro.\n"; } return; } sub write_hostips { my $lontabdir = $perlvar{'lonTabDir'}; my $defdom = $perlvar{'lonDefDomain'}; my $lonhost = $perlvar{'lonHostID'}; my $newfile = "$lontabdir/currhostips.tab"; my $oldfile = "$lontabdir/prevhostips.tab"; my (%prevhosts,%currhosts,%ipchange); if ((-e $newfile) && (-s $newfile)) { move($newfile,$oldfile); chmod(0644,$oldfile); if (open(my $fh,'<',$oldfile)) { while (my $line=<$fh>) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /^([^:]+):([\d.]+)$/) { $prevhosts{$1} = $2; } } close($fh); } } my ($ip_info,$cached) = &Apache::lonnet::is_cached_new('iphost','iphost'); if (!$cached) { &Apache::lonnet::get_iphost(); ($ip_info,$cached) = &Apache::lonnet::is_cached_new('iphost','iphost'); } if (ref($ip_info) eq 'ARRAY') { %currhosts = %{$ip_info->[1]}; if (open(my $fh,'>',$newfile)) { foreach my $key (keys(%currhosts)) { print $fh "$key:$currhosts{$key}\n"; } close($fh); chmod(0644,$newfile); } else { print "Could not write to $lontabdir/currhostips.tab\n"; } } if (keys(%prevhosts) && keys(%currhosts)) { foreach my $key (keys(%prevhosts)) { unless ($currhosts{$key} eq $prevhosts{$key}) { $ipchange{$key} = $prevhosts{$key}.' | '.$currhosts{$key}; } } foreach my $key (keys(%currhosts)) { unless ($currhosts{$key} eq $prevhosts{$key}) { $ipchange{$key} = $prevhosts{$key}.' | '.$currhosts{$key}; } } } if (&Apache::lonnet::domain($defdom,'primary') eq $lonhost) { if (keys(%ipchange)) { if (open(my $fh,'>>',$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/logs/hostip.log')) { print $fh "********************\n".localtime(time).' Changes --'."\n". "| Hostname | Previous IP | New IP |\n". " --------------------------------- \n"; foreach my $hostname (sort(keys(%ipchange))) { print $fh "| $hostname | $ipchange{$hostname} |\n"; } print $fh "\n*******************\n\n"; close($fh); } else { print "Could not write to $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/hostip.log\n"; } my $emailto = &Apache::loncommon::build_recipient_list(undef, 'hostipmail',$defdom); if ($emailto) { my $subject = "LON-CAPA Hostname to IP change ($perlvar{'lonHostID'})"; my $chgmail = "To: $emailto\n". "Subject: $subject\n". "Content-type: text/plain\; charset=UTF-8\n". "MIME-Version: 1.0\n\n". "Host/IP changes\n". " \n". "| Hostname | Previous IP | New IP |\n". " --------------------------------- \n"; foreach my $hostname (sort(keys(%ipchange))) { $chgmail .= "| $hostname | $ipchange{$hostname} |\n"; } $chgmail .= "\n\n"; if (open(my $mailh, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t -odb")) { print $mailh $chgmail; close($mailh); print "Sending mail notification of hostname/IP changes.\n"; } } } } return; } sub clean_nosslverify { my ($fh) = @_; my %unlinked; if (-d "$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/nosslverify") { if (opendir(my $dh,"$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/nosslverify")) { while (my $fname=readdir($dh)) { next if ($fname =~ /^\.+$/); if (unlink("/home/httpd/sockets/nosslverify/$fname")) { &log($fh,"Unlinking $fname<br />"); $unlinked{$fname} = 1; } } closedir($dh); } } &log($fh,"<p>Removed ".scalar(keys(%unlinked))." nosslverify clients</p>"); return %unlinked; } sub clean_lonc_childpids { my $childpiddir = "$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}/lon-status/loncchld"; if (-d $childpiddir) { if (opendir(my $dh,$childpiddir)) { while (my $fname=readdir($dh)) { next if ($fname =~ /^\.+$/); unlink("$childpiddir/$fname"); } closedir($dh); } } } sub write_connection_config { my ($domconf,%connectssl,%changes); $domconf = &get_domain_config(); if (ref($domconf) eq 'HASH') { if (ref($domconf->{'ssl'}) eq 'HASH') { foreach my $connect ('connto','connfrom') { if (ref($domconf->{'ssl'}->{$connect}) eq 'HASH') { my ($sslreq,$sslnoreq,$currsetting); my %contypes; foreach my $type ('dom','intdom','other') { $connectssl{$connect.'_'.$type} = $domconf->{'ssl'}->{$connect}->{$type}; } } } } if (keys(%connectssl)) { my %currconf; if (open(my $fh,'<',"$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/connectionrules.tab")) { while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp($line); my ($name,$value) = split(/=/,$line); if ($value =~ /^(?:no|yes|req)$/) { if ($name =~ /^conn(to|from)_(dom|intdom|other)$/) { $currconf{$name} = $value; } } } close($fh); } if (open(my $fh,'>',"$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/connectionrules.tab")) { my $count = 0; foreach my $key (sort(keys(%connectssl))) { print $fh "$key=$connectssl{$key}\n"; if (exists($currconf{$key})) { unless ($currconf{$key} eq $connectssl{$key}) { $changes{$key} = 1; } } else { $changes{$key} = 1; } $count ++; } close($fh); print "Completed writing SSL options for lonc/lond for $count items.\n"; } else { print "Could not write to $perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/connectionrules.tab\n"; } } else { print "Writing of SSL options skipped - no connection rules in domain configuration.\n"; } } else { print "Retrieval of SSL options for lonc/lond skipped - no configuration data available for domain.\n"; } return %changes; } sub get_domain_config { my ($dom,$primlibserv,$isprimary,$url,%confhash); $dom = $perlvar{'lonDefDomain'}; $primlibserv = &Apache::lonnet::domain($dom,'primary'); if ($primlibserv eq $perlvar{'lonHostID'}) { $isprimary = 1; } elsif ($primlibserv ne '') { my $protocol = $Apache::lonnet::protocol{$primlibserv}; my $hostname = &Apache::lonnet::hostname($primlibserv); unless ($protocol eq 'https') { $protocol = 'http'; } $url = $protocol.'://'.$hostname.'/cgi-bin/listdomconfig.pl?primary='.$primlibserv.'&format=raw'; } if ($isprimary) { my $lonusersdir = $perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}; my $fname = $lonusersdir.'/'.$dom.'/configuration.db'; if (-e $fname) { my $dbref=&LONCAPA::locking_hash_tie($fname,&GDBM_READER()); if (ref($dbref) eq 'HASH') { foreach my $key (sort(keys(%{$dbref}))) { my $value = $dbref->{$key}; if ($value =~ s/^__FROZEN__//) { $value = thaw(&LONCAPA::unescape($value)); } else { $value = &LONCAPA::unescape($value); } $confhash{$key} = $value; } &LONCAPA::locking_hash_untie($dbref); } } } else { my $request=new HTTP::Request('GET',$url); my $response=&LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($primlibserv,$request,'',\%perlvar,5); unless ($response->is_error()) { my $content = $response->content; if ($content) { my @pairs=split(/\&/,$content); foreach my $item (@pairs) { my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$item,2); my $what = &LONCAPA::unescape($key); if ($value =~ s/^__FROZEN__//) { $value = thaw(&LONCAPA::unescape($value)); } else { $value = &LONCAPA::unescape($value); } $confhash{$what}=$value; } } } } return \%confhash; } sub write_hosttypes { my %intdom = &Apache::lonnet::all_host_intdom(); my %hostdom = &Apache::lonnet::all_host_domain(); my $dom = $hostdom{$perlvar{'lonHostID'}}; my $internetdom = $intdom{$perlvar{'lonHostID'}}; my %changes; if (($dom ne '') && ($internetdom ne '')) { if (keys(%hostdom)) { my %currhosttypes; if (open(my $fh,'<',"$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/hosttypes.tab")) { while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp($line); my ($name,$value) = split(/:/,$line); if (($name ne '') && ($value =~ /^(dom|intdom|other)$/)) { $currhosttypes{$name} = $value; } } close($fh); } if (open(my $fh,'>',"$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/hosttypes.tab")) { my $count = 0; foreach my $lonid (sort(keys(%hostdom))) { my $type = 'other'; if ($hostdom{$lonid} eq $dom) { $type = 'dom'; } elsif ($intdom{$lonid} eq $internetdom) { $type = 'intdom'; } print $fh "$lonid:$type\n"; if (exists($currhosttypes{$lonid})) { if ($type ne $currhosttypes{$lonid}) { $changes{$lonid} = 1; } } else { $changes{$lonid} = 1; } $count ++; } close($fh); print "Completed writing host type data for $count hosts.\n"; } else { print "Could not write to $perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/hosttypes.tab\n"; } } else { print "Writing of host types skipped - no hosts found.\n"; } } else { print "Writing of host types skipped - could not determine this host's LON-CAPA domain or 'internet' domain.\n"; } return %changes; } sub update_revocation_list { my ($result,$changed) = &Apache::lonnet::fetch_crl_pemfile(); if ($result eq 'ok') { print "Certificate Revocation List (from CA) updated.\n"; } else { print "Certificate Revocation List from (CA) not updated.\n"; } return $changed; } sub reset_nosslverify_pids { my ($fh,%sslrem) = @_; &checkon_daemon($fh,'lond',40000,'USR2'); my $loncpidfile="$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lonc.pid"; my $loncppid; if ((-e $loncpidfile) && (open(my $pfh,'<',$loncpidfile))) { $loncppid=<$pfh>; chomp($loncppid); close($pfh); if ($loncppid =~ /^\d+$/) { my %pids_by_host; my $docdir = $perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}; if (-d "$docdir/lon-status/loncchld") { if (opendir(my $dh,"$docdir/lon-status/loncchld")) { while (my $file = readdir($dh)) { next if ($file =~ /^\./); if (open(my $fh,'<',"$docdir/lon-status/loncchld/$file")) { my $record = <$fh>; chomp($record); close($fh); my ($remotehost,$authmode) = split(/:/,$record); $pids_by_host{$remotehost}{$authmode}{$file} = 1; } } closedir($dh); if (keys(%pids_by_host)) { foreach my $host (keys(%pids_by_host)) { if ($sslrem{$host}) { if (ref($pids_by_host{$host}) eq 'HASH') { if (ref($pids_by_host{$host}{'insecure'}) eq 'HASH') { if (keys(%{$pids_by_host{$host}{'insecure'}})) { foreach my $pid (keys(%{$pids_by_host{$host}{'insecure'}})) { if (open(PIPE,"ps -o ppid= -p $pid |")) { my $ppid = <PIPE>; chomp($ppid); close(PIPE); $ppid =~ s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g; if (($ppid == $loncppid) && (kill 0 => $pid)) { kill QUIT => $pid; } } } } } } } } } } } } } return; } sub get_permcount_settings { my ($domconf) = @_; my ($defaults,$names) = &Apache::loncommon::lon_status_items(); my (%weights,$threshold,$sysmail,$reportstatus,%exclusions); foreach my $type ('E','W','N','U') { $weights{$type} = $defaults->{$type}; } $threshold = $defaults->{'threshold'}; $sysmail = $defaults->{'sysmail'}; $reportstatus = 1; if (ref($domconf) eq 'HASH') { if (ref($domconf->{'contacts'}) eq 'HASH') { if ($domconf->{'contacts'}{'reportstatus'} == 0) { $reportstatus = 0; } if (ref($domconf->{'contacts'}{'lonstatus'}) eq 'HASH') { if (ref($domconf->{'contacts'}{'lonstatus'}{weights}) eq 'HASH') { foreach my $type ('E','W','N','U') { if (exists($domconf->{'contacts'}{'lonstatus'}{weights}{$type})) { $weights{$type} = $domconf->{'contacts'}{'lonstatus'}{weights}{$type}; } } } if (ref($domconf->{'contacts'}{'lonstatus'}{'excluded'}) eq 'ARRAY') { my @excluded = @{$domconf->{'contacts'}{'lonstatus'}{'excluded'}}; if (@excluded) { map { $exclusions{$_} = 1; } @excluded; } } if (exists($domconf->{'contacts'}{'lonstatus'}{'threshold'})) { $threshold = $domconf->{'contacts'}{'lonstatus'}{'threshold'}; } if (exists($domconf->{'contacts'}{'lonstatus'}{'sysmail'})) { $sysmail = $domconf->{'contacts'}{'lonstatus'}{'sysmail'}; } } } } return ($threshold,$sysmail,$reportstatus,\%weights,\%exclusions); } sub read_serverhomeIDs { my %server; if (-e "$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/serverhomeIDs.tab") { if (open(my $fh,'<',"$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/serverhomeIDs.tab")) { while (<$fh>) { my($host,$id) = split(/:/); chomp($id); $server{$host} = $id; } close($fh); } } return %server; } sub check_bash_settings { my $distro = &LONCAPA::distro(); my ($check_bracketed_paste,$bracketed_warning); if ($distro =~ /^debian(\d+)$/) { if ($1 >= 12) { $check_bracketed_paste = 1; } } elsif ($distro =~ /^ubuntu(\d+)$/) { if ($1 >= 22) { $check_bracketed_paste = 1; } } elsif ($distro =~ /^(?:redhat|oracle|alma|rocky|centos-stream)(\d+)$/) { if ($1 >= 9) { $check_bracketed_paste = 1; } } elsif ($distro =~ /^fedora(\d+)/) { if ($1 >= 34) { $check_bracketed_paste = 1; } } if ($check_bracketed_paste) { if (open(PIPE,"bind -V 2>&1 | grep enable-bracketed-paste |")) { my $info = <PIPE>; chomp($info); my ($bracketed) = ($info =~ /^\Qenable-bracketed-paste\E\s+is\s+set\s+to\s+\W(on|off)\W$/); close(PIPE); if ($bracketed eq 'on') { $bracketed_warning = 1; } } else { print "Unable to check if bracketed paste is set to off for www user's shell\n"; } } return ($bracketed_warning,$check_bracketed_paste); } sub set_bracketed_paste_off { my $bash_www_cnf = '/home/www/.inputrc'; my $result; if (!-e $bash_www_cnf) { system("touch $bash_www_cnf"); if (open(my $cfh,'>',$bash_www_cnf)) { print $cfh <<'END'; $if R set enable-bracketed-paste off $endif $if maxima set enable-bracketed-paste off $endif END close($cfh); $result = "Updated $bash_www_cnf so enable-bracketed-paste is off for R bash shell"; } else { $result = "Could not open $bash_www_cnf to add 'set enable-bracketed-paste to off'"; } my $wwwuid = getpwnam('www'); my $wwwgid = getgrnam('www'); if ($wwwuid!=$<) { chown($wwwuid,$wwwgid,$bash_www_cnf); } } else { my (%bracketed_paste_on,%bracketed_paste_off,@preserve,$condition); $condition = ''; if (open(my $cfh,'<',$bash_www_cnf)) { while (my $line=<$cfh>) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /^\$if\s+(\w+)\s*$/) { if ($1 eq 'R') { $condition = 'r'; } elsif ($1 eq 'maxima') { $condition = 'maxima'; } else { $condition = 'other'; } } elsif ($line =~ /^\$endif\s*$/) { $condition = ''; } if ($line =~ /^\s*set\s+enable\-bracketed\-paste\s+(off|on)\s*$/) { if ($1 eq 'off') { if ($condition ne '') { $bracketed_paste_off{$condition} = 1; } else { $bracketed_paste_off{all} = 1; } push(@preserve,$line); } else { if ($condition ne '') { $bracketed_paste_on{$condition} = 1; if (($condition eq 'r') || ($condition eq 'maxima')) { push(@preserve,' set enable-bracketed-paste off'); } else { push(@preserve,$line); } } else { $bracketed_paste_on{all} = 1; push(@preserve,$line); } } } else { push(@preserve,$line); } } close($cfh); } else { $result = "Could not open $bash_www_cnf to check if a value is included for 'enable-bracketed-paste'."; } if (($bracketed_paste_on{r} || $bracketed_paste_on{maxima}) || (!exists($bracketed_paste_off{r}) && !exists($bracketed_paste_on{r}) && !exists($bracketed_paste_off{maxima}) && !exists($bracketed_paste_on{maxima}))) { if (open(my $cfh,'>',$bash_www_cnf)) { if (@preserve) { foreach my $entry (@preserve) { print $cfh "$entry\n"; } if (!exists($bracketed_paste_off{r}) && !exists($bracketed_paste_on{r})) { print $cfh <<'END'; $if R set enable-bracketed-paste off $endif END } if (!exists($bracketed_paste_off{r}) && !exists($bracketed_paste_on{r})) { print $cfh <<'END'; $if maxima set enable-bracketed-paste off $endif END } } else { print $cfh <<'END'; $if R set enable-bracketed-paste off $endif $if maxima set enable-bracketed-paste off $endif END } close($cfh); $result = "Updated $bash_www_cnf"; } else { $result = "Could not open $bash_www_cnf to add 'set enable-bracketed-paste to off'"; } } else { $result = "No action needed; $bash_www_cnf already includes 'set enable-bracketed-paste to off'"; } } return $result; } sub send_mail { my ($sysmail,$reportstatus) = @_; my $defdom = $perlvar{'lonDefDomain'}; my $origmail = $perlvar{'lonAdmEMail'}; my $emailto = &Apache::loncommon::build_recipient_list(undef, 'lonstatusmail',$defdom,$origmail); if (($totalcount>$sysmail) && ($reportstatus)) { $emailto.=",$perlvar{'lonSysEMail'}"; } my $from; my $hostname=`/bin/hostname`; chop($hostname); $hostname=~s/[^\w\.]//g; if ($hostname) { $from = 'www@'.$hostname; } my $subj="LON: $perlvar{'lonHostID'} E:$errors W:$warnings N:$notices"; my $loncronmail = "To: $emailto\n". "From: $from\n". "Subject: ".$subj."\n". "Content-type: text/html\; charset=UTF-8\n". "MIME-Version: 1.0\n\n"; if (open(my $fh,'<',"$statusdir/index.html")) { while (<$fh>) { $loncronmail .= $_; } close($fh); } else { $loncronmail .= "Failed to read from http://$hostname/lon-status/index.html\n"; } $loncronmail .= "\n\n"; if (open(my $mailh, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t -odb")) { print $mailh $loncronmail; close($mailh); print "Sending mail.\n"; } else { print "Sending mail failed.\n"; } } sub usage { print(<<USAGE); loncron - housekeeping program that checks up on various parts of LON-CAPA Options: --help Display --noemail Do not send the status email --justcheckconnections Only check the current status of the lonc/d connections, do not send emails do not check if the daemons are running, do not generate lon-status --justcheckdaemons Only check that all of the Lon-CAPA daemons are running, do not send emails do not check the lonc/d connections, do not generate lon-status --justreload Only tell the daemons to reload the config files, do not send emails do not check if the daemons are running, do not generate lon-status --justiptables Only update the dynamic iptables rules for the lond port; do not send emails, do not check if the daemons are running, do not generate lon-status USAGE } # ================================================================ Main Program sub main () { my ($help,$justcheckdaemons,$noemail,$justcheckconnections, $justreload,$justiptables); &GetOptions("help" => \$help, "justcheckdaemons" => \$justcheckdaemons, "noemail" => \$noemail, "justcheckconnections" => \$justcheckconnections, "justreload" => \$justreload, "justiptables" => \$justiptables ); if ($help) { &usage(); return; } # --------------------------------- Read loncapa_apache.conf and loncapa.conf my $perlvarref=LONCAPA::Configuration::read_conf('loncapa.conf'); %perlvar=%{$perlvarref}; undef $perlvarref; delete $perlvar{'lonReceipt'}; # remove since sensitive and not needed delete $perlvar{'lonSqlAccess'}; # remove since sensitive and not needed chdir($perlvar{'lonDaemons'}); # --------------------------------------- Make sure that LON-CAPA is configured # I only test for one thing here (lonHostID). This is just a safeguard. if ('{[[[[lonHostID]]]]}' eq $perlvar{'lonHostID'}) { print("Unconfigured machine.\n"); my $emailto=$perlvar{'lonSysEMail'}; my $hostname = Sys::Hostname::FQDN::fqdn(); $hostname=~s/\.+/./g; $hostname=~s/\-+/-/g; $hostname=~s/[^\w\.-]//g; # make sure is safe to pass through shell my $subj="LON: Unconfigured machine $hostname"; system("echo 'Unconfigured machine $hostname.' |". " mail -s '$subj' $emailto > /dev/null"); exit 1; } # ----------------------------- Make sure this process is running from user=www my $wwwid=getpwnam('www'); if ($wwwid!=$<) { print("User ID mismatch. This program must be run as user 'www'.\n"); my $emailto="$perlvar{'lonAdmEMail'} $perlvar{'lonSysEMail'}"; my $subj="LON: $perlvar{'lonHostID'} User ID mismatch"; system("echo 'User ID mismatch. loncron must be run as user www.' |". " mail -s '$subj' $emailto > /dev/null"); exit 1; } # -------------------------------------------- Force reload of host information my $nomemcache; if ($justcheckdaemons) { $nomemcache=1; my $memcachepidfile="$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/memcached.pid"; my $memcachepid; if (-e $memcachepidfile) { my $memfh=IO::File->new($memcachepidfile); $memcachepid=<$memfh>; chomp($memcachepid); if ($memcachepid =~ /^\d+$/ && kill 0 => $memcachepid) { undef($nomemcache); } } } if (!$justiptables) { &Apache::lonnet::load_hosts_tab(1,$nomemcache); &Apache::lonnet::load_domain_tab(1,$nomemcache); &Apache::lonnet::get_iphost(1,$nomemcache); } # ----------------------------------------- Force firewall update for lond port if ((!$justcheckdaemons) && (!$justreload)) { my $now = time; my $tmpfile = $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/tmp/lciptables_iphost_'. $now.$$.int(rand(10000)); if (open(my $fh,'>',"$tmpfile")) { my %iphosts = &Apache::lonnet::get_iphost(); foreach my $key (keys(%iphosts)) { print $fh "$key\n"; } close($fh); if (&LONCAPA::try_to_lock('/tmp/lock_lciptables')) { my $execpath = $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/lciptables'; system("$execpath $tmpfile"); unlink('/tmp/lock_lciptables'); # Remove the lock file. } unlink($tmpfile); } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Start report $errors=0; $warnings=0; $notices=0; my $fh; if (!$justcheckdaemons && !$justcheckconnections && !$justreload && !$justiptables) { $fh=&start_logging(); &log_machine_info($fh); &clean_tmp($fh); &clean_lonIDs($fh); &clean_balanceIDs($fh); &clean_webDAV_sessionIDs($fh); &clean_ltiIDs($fh); &check_httpd_logs($fh); &rotate_lonnet_logs($fh); &rotate_other_logs($fh); } if (!$justcheckconnections && !$justreload && !$justiptables) { &checkon_daemon($fh,'lonmemcached',40000); &checkon_daemon($fh,'lonsql',200000); if ( &checkon_daemon($fh,'lond',40000,'USR1') eq 'running') { &checkon_daemon($fh,'lond',40000,'USR2'); } &checkon_daemon($fh,'lonc',40000,'USR1'); &checkon_daemon($fh,'lonmaxima',40000); &checkon_daemon($fh,'lonr',40000); } if ($justreload) { &clean_nosslverify($fh); &write_connection_config(); &write_hosttypes(); &update_revocation_list(); &checkon_daemon($fh,'lond',40000,'USR2'); &checkon_daemon($fh,'lonc',40000,'USR2'); } if ($justcheckconnections) { &test_connections($fh); } if (!$justcheckdaemons && !$justcheckconnections && !$justreload && !$justiptables) { my ($bracketed_warning,$check_bracketed_paste) = &check_bash_settings(); if ($check_bracketed_paste) { &log($fh,'<hr /><a name="bashconf" /><h2>bash readline config</h2><h3>Bracketed Paste</h3>'. '<p>Distros using bash readline library 8.1 or later need bracketed paste disabled for the R bash shell for the www user so R commands sent to lonr daemon will be processed.</p>'); my $bash_www_cnf = '/home/www/.inputrc'; my $non_empty_conffile; unless ($bracketed_warning) { if (-e $bash_www_cnf) { my $filesize = (stat($bash_www_cnf))[7]; if ($filesize > 0) { $non_empty_conffile = 1; } } } if (($bracketed_warning) || ($non_empty_conffile)) { my $bash_update = &set_bracketed_paste_off(); if ($bash_update) { &log($fh,'<p>'.$bash_update.'</p>'."\n"); } } else { &log($fh,'<p>No action needed; /home/www/.inputrc already set.</p>'."\n"); } } else { &log($fh,'<hr /><a name="bashconf" /><h2>bash readline config</h2><h3>Bracketed Paste</h3>'. '<p>No action needed for distros using pre-8.1 bash readline library</p>'."\n"); } my $domconf = &get_domain_config(); my ($threshold,$sysmail,$reportstatus,$weightsref,$exclusionsref) = &get_permcount_settings($domconf); &check_delayed_msg($fh,$weightsref,$exclusionsref); &write_loncaparevs(); &write_serverhomeIDs(); &write_checksums(); &write_hostips(); my %sslrem = &clean_nosslverify($fh); my %conchgs = &write_connection_config(); my %hosttypechgs = &write_hosttypes(); my $hadcrlchg = &update_revocation_list(); if ((keys(%conchgs) > 0) || (keys(%hosttypechgs) > 0) || $hadcrlchg || (keys(%sslrem) > 0)) { &checkon_daemon($fh,'lond',40000,'USR2'); &reset_nosslverify_pids($fh,%sslrem); } &finish_logging($fh,$weightsref); &log_simplestatus(); if ($totalcount>$threshold && !$noemail) { &send_mail($sysmail,$reportstatus); } } } &main(); 1;