--- loncom/lond	2002/08/01 18:44:19	1.85
+++ loncom/lond	2003/10/08 20:39:42
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network
 # lond "LON Daemon" Server (port "LOND" 5663)
-# $Id: lond,v 1.85 2002/08/01 18:44:19 www Exp $
+# $Id: lond,v 2003/10/08 20:39:42 albertel Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -31,49 +31,40 @@
 # 10/7,10/8,10/9,10/11,10/13,10/15,11/4,11/16,
 # 12/7,12/15,01/06,01/11,01/12,01/14,2/8,
 # 03/07,05/31 Gerd Kortemeyer
-# 06/26 Scott Harrison
 # 06/29,06/30,07/14,07/15,07/17,07/20,07/25,09/18 Gerd Kortemeyer
-# 12/05 Scott Harrison
 # 12/05,12/13,12/29 Gerd Kortemeyer
 # YEAR=2001
-# Jan 01 Scott Harrison
 # 02/12 Gerd Kortemeyer
-# 03/15 Scott Harrison
 # 03/24 Gerd Kortemeyer
-# 04/02 Scott Harrison
 # 05/11,05/28,08/30 Gerd Kortemeyer
-# 9/30,10/22,11/13,11/15,11/16 Scott Harrison
 # 11/26,11/27 Gerd Kortemeyer
-# 12/20 Scott Harrison
 # 12/22 Gerd Kortemeyer
 # YEAR=2002
 # 01/20/02,02/05 Gerd Kortemeyer
 # 02/05 Guy Albertelli
-# 02/07 Scott Harrison
 # 02/12 Gerd Kortemeyer
 # 02/19 Matthew Hall
 # 02/25 Gerd Kortemeyer
-# 05/11 Scott Harrison
+# 01/xx/2003 Ron Fox.. Remove preforking.  This makes the general daemon
+#      logic simpler (and there were problems maintaining the preforked
+#      population).  Since the time averaged connection rate is close to zero
+#      because lonc's purpose is to maintain near continuous connnections,
+#      preforking is not really needed.
-# based on "Perl Cookbook" ISBN 1-56592-243-3
-# preforker - server who forks first
-# runs as a daemon
-# HUPs
-# uses IDEA encryption
 use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
 use LONCAPA::Configuration;
 use IO::Socket;
 use IO::File;
-use Apache::File;
+#use Apache::File;
 use Symbol;
 use POSIX;
 use Crypt::IDEA;
 use LWP::UserAgent();
 use GDBM_File;
 use Authen::Krb4;
+use Authen::Krb5;
 use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
 use localauth;
@@ -82,6 +73,72 @@ my $DEBUG = 0;		       # Non zero to ena
 my $status='';
 my $lastlog='';
+my $VERSION='$Revision: $'; #' stupid emacs
+my $remoteVERSION;
+my $currenthostid;
+my $currentdomainid;
+#  The array below are password error strings."
+my $lastpwderror    = 13;		# Largest error number from lcpasswd.
+my @passwderrors = ("ok",
+		   "lcpasswd must be run as user 'www'",
+		   "lcpasswd got incorrect number of arguments",
+		   "lcpasswd did not get the right nubmer of input text lines",
+		   "lcpasswd too many simultaneous pwd changes in progress",
+		   "lcpasswd User does not exist.",
+		   "lcpasswd Incorrect current passwd",
+		   "lcpasswd Unable to su to root.",
+		   "lcpasswd Cannot set new passwd.",
+		   "lcpasswd Username has invalid characters",
+		   "lcpasswd Invalid characters in password",
+		    "11", "12",
+		    "lcpasswd Password mismatch");
+#  The array below are lcuseradd error strings.:
+my $lastadderror = 13;
+my @adderrors    = ("ok",
+		    "User ID mismatch, lcuseradd must run as user www",
+		    "lcuseradd Incorrect number of command line parameters must be 3",
+		    "lcuseradd Incorrect number of stdinput lines, must be 3",
+		    "lcuseradd Too many other simultaneous pwd changes in progress",
+		    "lcuseradd User does not exist",
+		    "lcuseradd Unabel to mak ewww member of users's group",
+		    "lcuseradd Unable to su to root",
+		    "lcuseradd Unable to set password",
+		    "lcuseradd Usrname has invbalid charcters",
+		    "lcuseradd Password has an invalid character",
+		    "lcuseradd User already exists",
+		    "lcuseradd Could not add user.",
+		    "lcuseradd Password mismatch");
+#  Convert an error return code from lcpasswd to a string value.
+sub lcpasswdstrerror {
+    my $ErrorCode = shift;
+    if(($ErrorCode < 0) || ($ErrorCode > $lastpwderror)) {
+	return "lcpasswd Unrecognized error return value ".$ErrorCode;
+    } else {
+	return $passwderrors[$ErrorCode];
+    }
+# Convert an error return code from lcuseradd to a string value:
+sub lcuseraddstrerror {
+    my $ErrorCode = shift;
+    if(($ErrorCode < 0) || ($ErrorCode > $lastadderror)) {
+	return "lcuseradd - Unrecognized error code: ".$ErrorCode;
+    } else {
+	return $adderrors[$ErrorCode];
+    }
 # grabs exception and records it to log before exiting
 sub catchexception {
     my ($error)=@_;
@@ -106,9 +163,8 @@ $SIG{'QUIT'}=\&catchexception;
 # ---------------------------------- Read loncapa_apache.conf and loncapa.conf
-&status("Read loncapa_apache.conf and loncapa.conf");
-my $perlvarref=LONCAPA::Configuration::read_conf('loncapa_apache.conf',
-                                                 'loncapa.conf');
+&status("Read loncapa.conf and loncapa_apache.conf");
+my $perlvarref=LONCAPA::Configuration::read_conf('loncapa.conf');
 my %perlvar=%{$perlvarref};
 undef $perlvarref;
@@ -116,7 +172,7 @@ undef $perlvarref;
 my $wwwid=getpwnam('www');
 if ($wwwid!=$<) {
-   $subj="LON: $perlvar{'lonHostID'} User ID mismatch";
+   $subj="LON: $currenthostid User ID mismatch";
    system("echo 'User ID mismatch.  lond must be run as user www.' |\
  mailto $emailto -s '$subj' > /dev/null");
    exit 1;
@@ -143,6 +199,8 @@ while ($configline=<CONFIG>) {
     my ($id,$domain,$role,$name,$ip)=split(/:/,$configline);
     chomp($ip); $ip=~s/\D+$//;
+    $hostdom{$id}=$domain;
+    $hostip{$id}=$ip;
     if ($id eq $perlvar{'lonHostID'}) { $thisserver=$name; }
@@ -210,17 +268,25 @@ sub checkchildren {
     sleep 5;
+    $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout" };
+    $SIG{__DIE__} = 'DEFAULT';
     foreach (sort keys %children) {
         unless (-e "$docdir/lon-status/londchld/$_.txt") {
+          eval {
+            alarm(300);
 	    &logthis('Child '.$_.' did not respond');
 	    kill 9 => $_;
-	    $emailto="$perlvar{'lonAdmEMail'},$perlvar{'lonSysEMail'}";
-	    $subj="LON: $perlvar{'lonHostID'} killed lond process $_";
-	    my $result=`echo 'Killed lond process $_.' | mailto $emailto -s '$subj' > /dev/null`;
-	    $execdir=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
-	    $result=`/bin/cp $execdir/logs/lond.log $execdir/logs/lond.log.$_`
+	    #$emailto="$perlvar{'lonAdmEMail'},$perlvar{'lonSysEMail'}";
+	    #$subj="LON: $currenthostid killed lond process $_";
+	    #my $result=`echo 'Killed lond process $_.' | mailto $emailto -s '$subj' > /dev/null`;
+	    #$execdir=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
+	    #$result=`/bin/cp $execdir/logs/lond.log $execdir/logs/lond.log.$_`;
+	    alarm(0);
+	  }
+    $SIG{ALRM} = 'DEFAULT';
+    $SIG{__DIE__} = \&catchexception;
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- Logging
@@ -248,7 +314,7 @@ sub logstatus {
     my $docdir=$perlvar{'lonDocRoot'};
     my $fh=IO::File->new(">>$docdir/lon-status/londstatus.txt");
-    print $fh $$."\t".$status."\t".$lastlog."\n";
+    print $fh $$."\t".$currenthostid."\t".$status."\t".$lastlog."\n";
@@ -278,6 +344,7 @@ sub status {
     my $now=time;
     my $local=localtime($now);
     $status=$local.': '.$what;
+    $0='lond: '.$what.' '.$local;
 # -------------------------------------------------------- Escape Special Chars
@@ -308,13 +375,6 @@ sub reconlonc {
         if (kill 0 => $loncpid) {
 	    &logthis("lonc at pid $loncpid responding, sending USR1");
             kill USR1 => $loncpid;
-            sleep 5;
-            if (-e "$peerfile") { return; }
-            &logthis("$peerfile still not there, give it another try");
-            sleep 10;
-            if (-e "$peerfile") { return; }
-            &logthis(
- "<font color=blue>WARNING: $peerfile still not there, giving up</font>");
         } else {
               "<font color=red>CRITICAL: "
@@ -344,12 +404,12 @@ sub subreply {
 sub reply {
   my ($cmd,$server)=@_;
   my $answer;
-  if ($server ne $perlvar{'lonHostID'}) { 
+  if ($server ne $currenthostid) { 
     if ($answer eq 'con_lost') {
         if ($answer ne $server) {
-	    &logthis("sub reply: answer != server");
+	    &logthis("sub reply: answer != server answer is $answer, server is $server");
@@ -428,37 +488,35 @@ close(PIDSAVE);
 &logthis("<font color=red>CRITICAL: ---------- Starting ----------</font>");
-# ------------------------------------------------------- Now we are on our own
-# Fork off our children.
-for (1 .. $PREFORK) {
-    make_new_child();
 # ----------------------------------------------------- Install signal handlers
-&status('Forked children');
 $SIG{USR1} = \&checkchildren;
-# And maintain the population.
+# --------------------------------------------------------------
+#   Accept connections.  When a connection comes in, it is validated
+#   and if good, a child process is created to process transactions
+#   along the connection.
 while (1) {
-    &status('Sleeping');
-    sleep;                          # wait for a signal (i.e., child's death)
-    &logthis('Woke up');
-    &status('Woke up');
-    for ($i = $children; $i < $PREFORK; $i++) {
-        make_new_child();           # top up the child pool
-    }
+    $client = $server->accept() or next;
+    make_new_child($client);
 sub make_new_child {
+    my $client;
     my $pid;
     my $cipher;
     my $sigset;
+    $client = shift;
     &logthis("Attempting to start child");    
     # block signal for fork
     $sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new(SIGINT);
@@ -478,6 +536,8 @@ sub make_new_child {
     } else {
         # Child can *not* return from this subroutine.
         $SIG{INT} = 'DEFAULT';      # make SIGINT kill us as it did before
+        $SIG{CHLD} = 'DEFAULT'; #make this default so that pwauth returns 
+                                #don't get intercepted
         $SIG{USR1}= \&logstatus;
         $SIG{ALRM}= \&timeout;
         $lastlog='Forked ';
@@ -488,30 +548,32 @@ sub make_new_child {
             or die "Can't unblock SIGINT for fork: $!\n";
-        # handle connections until we've reached $MAX_CLIENTS_PER_CHILD
-        for ($i=0; $i < $MAX_CLIENTS_PER_CHILD; $i++) {
-            &status('Idle, waiting for connection');
-            $client = $server->accept()     or last;
+#---------------------------------------------------- kerberos 5 initialization
+        &Authen::Krb5::init_context();
+        &Authen::Krb5::init_ets();
             &status('Accepted connection');
 # =============================================================================
             # do something with the connection
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	    $client->sockopt(SO_KEEPALIVE, 1);# Enable monitoring of
+	                                      # connection liveness.
             # see if we know client and check for spoof IP by challenge
-            my $caller=getpeername($client);
+		my $caller = getpeername($client);
             my ($port,$iaddr)=unpack_sockaddr_in($caller);
             my $clientip=inet_ntoa($iaddr);
             my $clientrec=($hostid{$clientip} ne undef);
-"<font color=yellow>INFO: Connection $i, $clientip ($hostid{$clientip})</font>"
+"<font color=yellow>INFO: Connection, $clientip ($hostid{$clientip})</font>"
             &status("Connecting $clientip ($hostid{$clientip})"); 
             my $clientok;
             if ($clientrec) {
 	      &status("Waiting for init from $clientip ($hostid{$clientip})");
 	      my $remotereq=<$client>;
-              $remotereq=~s/\W//g;
-              if ($remotereq eq 'init') {
+              $remotereq=~s/[^\w:]//g;
+              if ($remotereq =~ /^init/) {
+		  &sethost("sethost:$perlvar{'lonHostID'}");
 		  my $challenge="$$".time;
                   print $client "$challenge\n";
@@ -540,9 +602,15 @@ sub make_new_child {
             if ($clientok) {
 # ---------------- New known client connecting, could mean machine online again
-	      &reconlonc("$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/$hostid{$clientip}");
-              &logthis(
-       "<font color=green>Established connection: $hostid{$clientip}</font>");
+		foreach my $id (keys(%hostip)) {
+		    if ($hostip{$id} ne $clientip ||
+		       $hostip{$currenthostid} eq $clientip) {
+			# no need to try to do recon's to myself
+			next;
+		    }
+		    &reconlonc("$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/$id");
+		}
+		&logthis("<font color=green>Established connection: $hostid{$clientip}</font>");
               &status('Will listen to '.$hostid{$clientip});
 # ------------------------------------------------------------ Process requests
               while (my $userinput=<$client>) {
@@ -570,17 +638,17 @@ sub make_new_child {
 # ------------------------------------------------------------- Normal commands
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ping
 		   if ($userinput =~ /^ping/) {
-                       print $client "$perlvar{'lonHostID'}\n";
+                       print $client "$currenthostid\n";
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ pong
 		   } elsif ($userinput =~ /^pong/) {
-                       print $client "$perlvar{'lonHostID'}:$reply\n"; 
+                       print $client "$currenthostid:$reply\n"; 
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ekey
 		   } elsif ($userinput =~ /^ekey/) {
                        my $buildkey=time.$$.int(rand 100000);
                        $buildkey=int(rand 100000).$buildkey.int(rand 100000);
-                       my $key=$perlvar{'lonHostID'}.$hostid{$clientip};
+                       my $key=$currenthostid.$hostid{$clientip};
@@ -597,8 +665,12 @@ sub make_new_child {
                        $loadavg =~ s/\s.*//g;
-                       my $loadpercent=100*$loadavg/$perlvar{'lonLoadLim'};
+		       my $loadpercent=100*$loadavg/$perlvar{'lonLoadLim'};
 		       print $client "$loadpercent\n";
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------- userload
+		   } elsif ($userinput =~ /^userload/) {
+		       my $userloadpercent=&userload();
+		       print $client "$userloadpercent\n";
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- currentauth
 		   } elsif ($userinput =~ /^currentauth/) {
 		     if ($wasenc==1) {
@@ -628,15 +700,22 @@ sub make_new_child {
                           my ($howpwd,$contentpwd)=split(/:/,$realpasswd);
                           my $pwdcorrect=0;
                           if ($howpwd eq 'internal') {
+			      &Debug("Internal auth");
 				  (crypt($upass,$contentpwd) eq $contentpwd);
                           } elsif ($howpwd eq 'unix') {
-                              $contentpwd=(getpwnam($uname))[1];
-			      my $pwauth_path="/usr/local/sbin/pwauth";
-			      unless ($contentpwd eq 'x') {
-				  $pwdcorrect=
-                                    (crypt($upass,$contentpwd) eq $contentpwd);
-			      }
+			      &Debug("Unix auth");
+                              if((getpwnam($uname))[1] eq "") { #no such user!
+				  $pwdcorrect = 0;
+			      } else {
+				  $contentpwd=(getpwnam($uname))[1];
+				  my $pwauth_path="/usr/local/sbin/pwauth";
+				  unless ($contentpwd eq 'x') {
+				      $pwdcorrect=
+					  (crypt($upass,$contentpwd) eq 
+					   $contentpwd);
+				  }
 			      elsif (-e $pwauth_path) {
 				  open PWAUTH, "|$pwauth_path" or
 				      die "Cannot invoke authentication";
@@ -644,14 +723,41 @@ sub make_new_child {
 				  close PWAUTH;
+			      }
                           } elsif ($howpwd eq 'krb4') {
-                             $null=pack("C",0);
-			     unless ($upass=~/$null/) {
-                              $pwdcorrect=(
-                                 Authen::Krb4::get_pw_in_tkt($uname,"",
-                                        $contentpwd,'krbtgt',$contentpwd,1,
-							     $upass) == 0);
-			     } else { $pwdcorrect=0; }
+                              $null=pack("C",0);
+                              unless ($upass=~/$null/) {
+                                  my $krb4_error = &Authen::Krb4::get_pw_in_tkt
+                                      ($uname,"",$contentpwd,'krbtgt',
+                                       $contentpwd,1,$upass);
+                                  if (!$krb4_error) {
+                                      $pwdcorrect = 1;
+                                  } else { 
+                                      $pwdcorrect=0; 
+                                      # log error if it is not a bad password
+                                      if ($krb4_error != 62) {
+       &logthis('krb4:'.$uname.','.$contentpwd.','.
+                &Authen::Krb4::get_err_txt($Authen::Krb4::error));
+                                      }
+                                  }
+                              }
+                          } elsif ($howpwd eq 'krb5') {
+			      $null=pack("C",0);
+			      unless ($upass=~/$null/) {
+				  my $krbclient=&Authen::Krb5::parse_name($uname.'@'.$contentpwd);
+				  my $krbservice="krbtgt/".$contentpwd."\@".$contentpwd;
+				  my $krbserver=&Authen::Krb5::parse_name($krbservice);
+				  my $credentials=&Authen::Krb5::cc_default();
+				  $credentials->initialize($krbclient);
+				  my $krbreturn = 
+				    &Authen::Krb5::get_in_tkt_with_password(
+				     $krbclient,$krbserver,$upass,$credentials);
+#				  unless ($krbreturn) {
+#				      &logthis("Krb5 Error: ".
+#					       &Authen::Krb5::error());
+#				  }
+				  $pwdcorrect = ($krbreturn == 1);
+			   } else { $pwdcorrect=0; }
                           } elsif ($howpwd eq 'localauth') {
@@ -675,7 +781,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
-		       &logthis("Trying to change password for $uname");
+		       &Debug("Trying to change password for $uname");
 		       my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
                        my $passfilename="$proname/passwd";
                        if (-e $passfilename) {
@@ -685,6 +791,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
                           my ($howpwd,$contentpwd)=split(/:/,$realpasswd);
                           if ($howpwd eq 'internal') {
+			   &Debug("internal auth");
 			   if (crypt($upass,$contentpwd) eq $contentpwd) {
 			     my $salt=time;
@@ -701,6 +808,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
 			      # one way or another.
 			      # First: Make sure the current password is
 			      #        correct
+			      &Debug("auth is unix");
 			      my $pwdcorrect = "0";
 			      my $pwauth_path="/usr/local/sbin/pwauth";
@@ -712,16 +820,20 @@ sub make_new_child {
 				      die "Cannot invoke authentication";
 				  print PWAUTH "$uname\n$upass\n";
 				  close PWAUTH;
-				  $pwdcorrect=!$?;
+				  &Debug("exited pwauth with $? ($uname,$upass) ");
+				  $pwdcorrect=($? == 0);
 			     if ($pwdcorrect) {
 				 my $execdir=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
-				 my $pf = IO::File->new("|$execdir/lcpasswd");
+				 &Debug("Opening lcpasswd pipeline");
+				 my $pf = IO::File->new("|$execdir/lcpasswd > $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lcpasswd.log");
 				 print $pf "$uname\n$npass\n$npass\n";
 				 close $pf;
-				 my $result = ($?>0 ? 'pwchange_failure' 
+				 my $err = $?;
+				 my $result = ($err>0 ? 'pwchange_failure' 
 					       : 'ok');
-				 &logthis("Result of password change for $uname: $result");
+				 &logthis("Result of password change for $uname: ".
+					  &lcpasswdstrerror($?));
 				 print $client "$result\n";
 			     } else {
 				 print $client "non_authorized\n";
@@ -737,7 +849,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------- makeuser
                    } elsif ($userinput =~ /^makeuser/) {
-		     Debug("Make user received");
+		     &Debug("Make user received");
     	             my $oldumask=umask(0077);
 		     if ($wasenc==1) {
@@ -752,7 +864,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
                        if (-e $passfilename) {
 			   print $client "already_exists\n";
-                       } elsif ($udom ne $perlvar{'lonDefDomain'}) {
+                       } elsif ($udom ne $currentdomainid) {
                            print $client "not_right_domain\n";
                        } else {
@@ -762,58 +874,16 @@ sub make_new_child {
                                unless (-e $fpnow) {
 				   unless (mkdir($fpnow,0777)) {
-                                      $fperror="error:$!";
+                                      $fperror="error: ".($!+0)
+					  ." mkdir failed while attempting "
+                                              ."makeuser\n";
                            unless ($fperror) {
-			     if ($umode eq 'krb4') {
-                               { 
-                                 my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
- 	  		         print $pf "krb4:$npass\n"; 
-                               }             
-                               print $client "ok\n";
-                             } elsif ($umode eq 'internal') {
-			       my $salt=time;
-                               $salt=substr($salt,6,2);
-			       my $ncpass=crypt($npass,$salt);
-                               { 
-				 &Debug("Creating internal auth");
-				 my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
- 	  		         print $pf "internal:$ncpass\n"; 
-                               }
-                               print $client "ok\n";
-			     } elsif ($umode eq 'localauth') {
-			       {
-				 my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
-  	  		         print $pf "localauth:$npass\n";
-			       }
-			       print $client "ok\n";
-			     } elsif ($umode eq 'unix') {
-			       {
-				 my $execpath="$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/".
-				              "lcuseradd";
-				 {
-				     &Debug("Executing external: ".
-						  $execpath);
-				     my $se = IO::File->new("|$execpath");
-				     print $se "$uname\n";
-				     print $se "$npass\n";
-				     print $se "$npass\n";
-				 }
-                                 my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
- 	  		         print $pf "unix:\n"; 
-			       }
-			       print $client "ok\n";
-			     } elsif ($umode eq 'none') {
-                               { 
-                                 my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
- 	  		         print $pf "none:\n"; 
-                               }             
-                               print $client "ok\n";
-                             } else {
-                               print $client "auth_mode_error\n";
-                             }  
+			       my $result=&make_passwd_file($uname, $umode,$npass,
+							    $passfilename);
+			       print $client $result;
                            } else {
                                print $client "$fperror\n";
@@ -827,60 +897,19 @@ sub make_new_child {
 		       &Debug("Changing authorization");
 		      if ($wasenc==1) {
-                       ($cmd,$udom,$uname,$umode,$npass)=split(/:/,$userinput);
+		       ($cmd,$udom,$uname,$umode,$npass)=split(/:/,$userinput);
 		       &Debug("cmd = ".$cmd." domain= ".$udom.
 			      "uname =".$uname." umode= ".$umode);
-                       my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
+                       my $proname=&propath($udom,$uname);
                        my $passfilename="$proname/passwd";
-		       if ($udom ne $perlvar{'lonDefDomain'}) {
+		       if ($udom ne $currentdomainid) {
                            print $client "not_right_domain\n";
                        } else {
-			   if ($umode eq 'krb4') {
-                               { 
-				   my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
-				   print $pf "krb4:$npass\n"; 
-                               }             
-                               print $client "ok\n";
-			   } elsif ($umode eq 'internal') {
-			       my $salt=time;
-                               $salt=substr($salt,6,2);
-			       my $ncpass=crypt($npass,$salt);
-                               { 
-				   my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
-				   print $pf "internal:$ncpass\n"; 
-                               }
-                               print $client "ok\n";
-			   } elsif ($umode eq 'localauth') {
-			       {
-				   my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
-				   print $pf "localauth:$npass\n";
-			       }
-			       print $client "ok\n";
-			   } elsif ($umode eq 'unix') {
-			       {
-				   my $execpath="$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/".
-				       "lcuseradd";
-				   {
-				       my $se = IO::File->new("|$execpath");
-				       print $se "$uname\n";
-				       print $se "$npass\n";
-				       print $se "$npass\n";
-				   }
-				   my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
-				   print $pf "unix:\n"; 
-			       }
-			       print $client "ok\n";
-			   } elsif ($umode eq 'none') {
-                               { 
-				   my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
-				   print $pf "none:\n"; 
-                               }             
-                               print $client "ok\n";
-			   } else {
-                               print $client "auth_mode_error\n";
-			   }  
+			   my $result=&make_passwd_file($uname, $umode,$npass,
+							$passfilename);
+			   print $client $result;
 		     } else {
 		       print $client "refused\n";
@@ -949,10 +978,48 @@ sub make_new_child {
 # -------------------------------------- fetch a user file from a remote server
                    } elsif ($userinput =~ /^fetchuserfile/) {
-                       my ($cmd,$fname)=split(/:/,$userinput);
+                      my ($cmd,$fname)=split(/:/,$userinput);
+		      my ($udom,$uname,$ufile)=split(/\//,$fname);
+                      my $udir=propath($udom,$uname).'/userfiles';
+                      unless (-e $udir) { mkdir($udir,0770); }
+                       if (-e $udir) {
+                       $ufile=~s/^[\.\~]+//;
+                       $ufile=~s/\///g;
+                       my $transname=$udir.'/'.$ufile;
+                       my $remoteurl='http://'.$clientip.'/userfiles/'.$fname;
+                             my $response;
+                              {
+                             my $ua=new LWP::UserAgent;
+                             my $request=new HTTP::Request('GET',"$remoteurl");
+                             $response=$ua->request($request,$transname);
+			      }
+                             if ($response->is_error()) {
+				 unlink($transname);
+                                 my $message=$response->status_line;
+                                 &logthis(
+                                  "LWP GET: $message for $fname ($remoteurl)");
+				 print $client "failed\n";
+                             } else {
+                                 print $client "ok\n";
+                             }
+                     } else {
+                       print $client "not_home\n";
+                     } 
 # ------------------------------------------ authenticate access to a user file
-                   } elsif ($userinput =~ /^authuserfile/) {
+                   } elsif ($userinput =~ /^tokenauthuserfile/) {
                        my ($cmd,$fname,$session)=split(/:/,$userinput);
+                       chomp($session);
+                       $reply='non_auth';
+                       if (open(ENVIN,$perlvar{'lonIDsDir'}.'/'.
+                                      $session.'.id')) {
+                        while ($line=<ENVIN>) {
+			   if ($line=~/userfile\.$fname\=/) { $reply='ok'; }
+                        }
+                        close(ENVIN);
+                        print $client $reply."\n";
+		       } else {
+			print $client "invalid_token\n";
+                       }
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- unsubscribe
                    } elsif ($userinput =~ /^unsub/) {
                        my ($cmd,$fname)=split(/:/,$userinput);
@@ -964,6 +1031,10 @@ sub make_new_child {
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- subscribe
                    } elsif ($userinput =~ /^sub/) {
 		       print $client &subscribe($userinput,$clientip);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------- current version
+                   } elsif ($userinput =~ /^currentversion/) {
+                       my ($cmd,$fname)=split(/:/,$userinput);
+		       print $client &currentversion($fname)."\n";
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- log
                    } elsif ($userinput =~ /^log/) {
                        my ($cmd,$udom,$uname,$what)=split(/:/,$userinput);
@@ -976,7 +1047,9 @@ sub make_new_child {
                             print $hfh "$now:$hostid{$clientip}:$what\n";
                             print $client "ok\n"; 
 			} else {
-                            print $client "error:$!\n";
+                            print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+				." IO::File->new Failed "
+                                    ."while attempting log\n";
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- put
@@ -996,7 +1069,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
 			       ) { print $hfh "P:$now:$what\n"; }
                        my @pairs=split(/\&/,$what);
-      if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_WRCREAT,0640)) {
+      if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
                            foreach $pair (@pairs) {
@@ -1004,10 +1077,14 @@ sub make_new_child {
 			   if (untie(%hash)) {
                               print $client "ok\n";
                            } else {
-                              print $client "error:$!\n";
+                              print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+				  ." untie(GDBM) failed ".
+                                      "while attempting put\n";
                        } else {
-                           print $client "error:$!\n";
+                           print $client "error: ".($!)
+			       ." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                   "while attempting put\n";
 		      } else {
                           print $client "refused\n";
@@ -1034,7 +1111,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
                        my @pairs=split(/\&/,$what);
-      if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_WRCREAT,0640)) {
+      if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
                            foreach $pair (@pairs) {
 			       &ManagePermissions($key, $udom, $uname,
@@ -1046,10 +1123,56 @@ sub make_new_child {
 			   if (untie(%hash)) {
                               print $client "ok\n";
                            } else {
-                              print $client "error:$!\n";
+                              print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+				  ." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                      "while attempting rolesput\n";
                        } else {
-                           print $client "error:$!\n";
+                           print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                   "while attempting rolesput\n";
+                       }
+		      } else {
+                          print $client "refused\n";
+                      }
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------- rolesdel
+                   } elsif ($userinput =~ /^rolesdel/) {
+		       &Debug("rolesdel");
+		    if ($wasenc==1) {
+                       my ($cmd,$exedom,$exeuser,$udom,$uname,$what)
+                          =split(/:/,$userinput);
+		       &Debug("cmd = ".$cmd." exedom= ".$exedom.
+				    "user = ".$exeuser." udom=".$udom.
+				    "what = ".$what);
+                       my $namespace='roles';
+                       chomp($what);
+                       my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
+                       my $now=time;
+                       {
+			   my $hfh;
+			   if (
+                             $hfh=IO::File->new(">>$proname/$namespace.hist")
+			       ) { 
+                                  print $hfh "D:$now:$exedom:$exeuser:$what\n";
+                                 }
+		       }
+                       my @rolekeys=split(/\&/,$what);
+      if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
+                           foreach $key (@rolekeys) {
+                               delete $hash{$key};
+                           }
+			   if (untie(%hash)) {
+                              print $client "ok\n";
+                           } else {
+                              print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+				  ." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                      "while attempting rolesdel\n";
+                           }
+                       } else {
+                           print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                   "while attempting rolesdel\n";
 		      } else {
                           print $client "refused\n";
@@ -1064,7 +1187,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
                        my @queries=split(/\&/,$what);
                        my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
                        my $qresult='';
-      if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_READER,0640)) {
+      if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
                            for ($i=0;$i<=$#queries;$i++) {
@@ -1072,10 +1195,19 @@ sub make_new_child {
                               print $client "$qresult\n";
                            } else {
-                              print $client "error:$!\n";
+                              print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+				  ." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                      "while attempting get\n";
                        } else {
-                           print $client "error:$!\n";
+                           if ($!+0 == 2) {
+                               print $client "error:No such file or ".
+                                   "GDBM reported bad block error\n";
+                           } else {
+                               print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+                                   ." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                       "while attempting get\n";
+                           }
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ eget
                    } elsif ($userinput =~ /^eget/) {
@@ -1087,7 +1219,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
                        my @queries=split(/\&/,$what);
                        my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
                        my $qresult='';
-      if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_READER,0640)) {
+      if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
                            for ($i=0;$i<=$#queries;$i++) {
@@ -1108,10 +1240,14 @@ sub make_new_child {
 			        print $client "error:no_key\n";
                            } else {
-                              print $client "error:$!\n";
+                              print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+				  ." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                      "while attempting eget\n";
                        } else {
-                           print $client "error:$!\n";
+                           print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                   "while attempting eget\n";
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- del
                    } elsif ($userinput =~ /^del/) {
@@ -1129,17 +1265,21 @@ sub make_new_child {
 			       ) { print $hfh "D:$now:$what\n"; }
                        my @keys=split(/\&/,$what);
-      if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_WRCREAT,0640)) {
+      if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
                            foreach $key (@keys) {
 			   if (untie(%hash)) {
                               print $client "ok\n";
                            } else {
-                              print $client "error:$!\n";
+                              print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+				  ." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                      "while attempting del\n";
                        } else {
-                           print $client "error:$!\n";
+                           print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                   "while attempting del\n";
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ keys
                    } elsif ($userinput =~ /^keys/) {
@@ -1149,7 +1289,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
                        my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
                        my $qresult='';
-      if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_READER,0640)) {
+      if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
                            foreach $key (keys %hash) {
@@ -1157,10 +1297,59 @@ sub make_new_child {
                               print $client "$qresult\n";
                            } else {
-                              print $client "error:$!\n";
+                              print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+				  ." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                      "while attempting keys\n";
+                           }
+                       } else {
+                           print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                   "while attempting keys\n";
+                       }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- dumpcurrent
+                   } elsif ($userinput =~ /^currentdump/) {
+                       my ($cmd,$udom,$uname,$namespace)
+                          =split(/:/,$userinput);
+                       $namespace=~s/\//\_/g;
+                       $namespace=~s/\W//g;
+                       my $qresult='';
+                       my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
+                       if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',
+                               "$proname/$namespace.db",
+                               &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+                           # Structure of %data:
+                           # $data{$symb}->{$parameter}=$value;
+                           # $data{$symb}->{'v.'.$parameter}=$version;
+                           # since $parameter will be unescaped, we do not
+                           # have to worry about silly parameter names...
+                           my %data = ();
+                           while (my ($key,$value) = each(%hash)) {
+                              my ($v,$symb,$param) = split(/:/,$key);
+                              next if ($v eq 'version' || $symb eq 'keys');
+                              next if (exists($data{$symb}) && 
+                                       exists($data{$symb}->{$param}) &&
+                                       $data{$symb}->{'v.'.$param} > $v);
+                              $data{$symb}->{$param}=$value;
+                              $data{$symb}->{'v.'.$param}=$v;
+                           }
+                           if (untie(%hash)) {
+                             while (my ($symb,$param_hash) = each(%data)) {
+                               while(my ($param,$value) = each (%$param_hash)){
+                                 next if ($param =~ /^v\./);
+                                 $qresult.=$symb.':'.$param.'='.$value.'&';
+                               }
+                             }
+                             chop($qresult);
+                             print $client "$qresult\n";
+                           } else {
+                             print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+				 ." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                     "while attempting currentdump\n";
                        } else {
-                           print $client "error:$!\n";
+                           print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                      "while attempting currentdump\n";
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dump
                    } elsif ($userinput =~ /^dump/) {
@@ -1173,22 +1362,32 @@ sub make_new_child {
 		       } else {
-                       my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
                        my $qresult='';
-      if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_READER,0640)) {
-                           foreach $key (keys %hash) {
-                               if (eval('$key=~/$regexp/')) {
-                                  $qresult.="$key=$hash{$key}&";
-			       }
+                       my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
+    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+                           study($regexp);
+                           while (($key,$value) = each(%hash)) {
+                               if ($regexp eq '.') {
+                                   $qresult.=$key.'='.$value.'&';
+                               } else {
+                                   my $unescapeKey = &unescape($key);
+                                   if (eval('$unescapeKey=~/$regexp/')) {
+                                       $qresult.="$key=$value&";
+                                   }
+                               }
-			   if (untie(%hash)) {
-		              $qresult=~s/\&$//;
-                              print $client "$qresult\n";
+                           if (untie(%hash)) {
+                               chop($qresult);
+                               print $client "$qresult\n";
                            } else {
-                              print $client "error:$!\n";
+                               print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+				   ." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                       "while attempting dump\n";
                        } else {
-                           print $client "error:$!\n";
+                           print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                      "while attempting dump\n";
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- store
                    } elsif ($userinput =~ /^store/) {
@@ -1208,7 +1407,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
                        my @pairs=split(/\&/,$what);
-    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_WRCREAT,0640)) {
+    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
                            my @previouskeys=split(/&/,$hash{"keys:$rid"});
                            my $key;
@@ -1225,10 +1424,14 @@ sub make_new_child {
 			   if (untie(%hash)) {
                               print $client "ok\n";
                            } else {
-                              print $client "error:$!\n";
+                              print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+				  ." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                      "while attempting store\n";
                        } else {
-                           print $client "error:$!\n";
+                           print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                   "while attempting store\n";
 		      } else {
                           print $client "refused\n";
@@ -1242,7 +1445,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
                        my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
                        my $qresult='';
-      if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_READER,0640)) {
+      if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
                 	   my $version=$hash{"version:$rid"};
                            my $scope;
@@ -1259,11 +1462,30 @@ sub make_new_child {
                               print $client "$qresult\n";
                            } else {
-                              print $client "error:$!\n";
+                              print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+				  ." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                      "while attempting restore\n";
                        } else {
-                           print $client "error:$!\n";
+                           print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                   "while attempting restore\n";
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------- chatsend
+                   } elsif ($userinput =~ /^chatsend/) {
+                       my ($cmd,$cdom,$cnum,$newpost)=split(/\:/,$userinput);
+                       &chatadd($cdom,$cnum,$newpost);
+                       print $client "ok\n";
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------- chatretr
+                   } elsif ($userinput =~ /^chatretr/) {
+                       my 
+                        ($cmd,$cdom,$cnum,$udom,$uname)=split(/\:/,$userinput);
+                       my $reply='';
+                       foreach (&getchat($cdom,$cnum,$udom,$uname)) {
+			   $reply.=&escape($_).':';
+                       }
+                       $reply=~s/\:$//;
+                       print $client $reply."\n";
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- querysend
                    } elsif ($userinput =~ /^querysend/) {
                        my ($cmd,$query,
@@ -1287,8 +1509,75 @@ sub make_new_child {
 			   print $client "ok\n";
 		       else {
-			   print $client "error:$!\n";
+			   print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ." IO::File->new Failed ".
+                                   "while attempting queryreply\n";
+		       }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- courseidput
+                   } elsif ($userinput =~ /^courseidput/) {
+                       my ($cmd,$udom,$what)=split(/:/,$userinput);
+                       chomp($what);
+                       $udom=~s/\W//g;
+                       my $proname=
+                              "$perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}/$udom/nohist_courseids";
+                       my $now=time;
+                       my @pairs=split(/\&/,$what);
+                 if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname.db",&GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
+                           foreach $pair (@pairs) {
+			       ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$pair);
+                               $hash{$key}=$value.':'.$now;
+                           }
+			   if (untie(%hash)) {
+                              print $client "ok\n";
+                           } else {
+                              print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+				  ." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                      "while attempting courseidput\n";
+                           }
+                       } else {
+                           print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                      "while attempting courseidput\n";
+                       }
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------- courseiddump
+                   } elsif ($userinput =~ /^courseiddump/) {
+                       my ($cmd,$udom,$since,$description)
+                          =split(/:/,$userinput);
+                       if (defined($description)) {
+                          $description=&unescape($description);
+		       } else {
+                          $description='.';
+                       unless (defined($since)) { $since=0; }
+                       my $qresult='';
+                       my $proname=
+                              "$perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}/$udom/nohist_courseids";
+                if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname.db",&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+                           while (($key,$value) = each(%hash)) {
+                               my ($descr,$lasttime)=split(/\:/,$value);
+                               if ($lasttime<$since) { next; }
+                               if ($regexp eq '.') {
+                                   $qresult.=$key.'='.$descr.'&';
+                               } else {
+                                   my $unescapeVal = &unescape($descr);
+                                   if (eval('$unescapeVal=~/$description/i')) {
+                                       $qresult.="$key=$descr&";
+                                   }
+                               }
+                           }
+                           if (untie(%hash)) {
+                               chop($qresult);
+                               print $client "$qresult\n";
+                           } else {
+                               print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+				   ." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                       "while attempting courseiddump\n";
+                           }
+                       } else {
+                           print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                      "while attempting courseiddump\n";
+                       }
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- idput
                    } elsif ($userinput =~ /^idput/) {
                        my ($cmd,$udom,$what)=split(/:/,$userinput);
@@ -1303,7 +1592,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
 			       ) { print $hfh "P:$now:$what\n"; }
                        my @pairs=split(/\&/,$what);
-                 if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname.db",&GDBM_WRCREAT,0640)) {
+                 if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname.db",&GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
                            foreach $pair (@pairs) {
@@ -1311,10 +1600,14 @@ sub make_new_child {
 			   if (untie(%hash)) {
                               print $client "ok\n";
                            } else {
-                              print $client "error:$!\n";
+                              print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+				  ." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                      "while attempting idput\n";
                        } else {
-                           print $client "error:$!\n";
+                           print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                      "while attempting idput\n";
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- idget
                    } elsif ($userinput =~ /^idget/) {
@@ -1324,7 +1617,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
                        my $proname="$perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}/$udom/ids";
                        my @queries=split(/\&/,$what);
                        my $qresult='';
-                 if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname.db",&GDBM_READER,0640)) {
+                 if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname.db",&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
                            for ($i=0;$i<=$#queries;$i++) {
@@ -1332,10 +1625,14 @@ sub make_new_child {
                               print $client "$qresult\n";
                            } else {
-                              print $client "error:$!\n";
+                              print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+				  ." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                      "while attempting idget\n";
                        } else {
-                           print $client "error:$!\n";
+                           print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                                   "while attempting idget\n";
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- tmpput
                    } elsif ($userinput =~ /^tmpput/) {
@@ -1352,7 +1649,9 @@ sub make_new_child {
 			   print $client "$id\n";
 		       else {
-			   print $client "error:$!\n";
+			   print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ."IO::File->new Failed ".
+                                   "while attempting tmpput\n";
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- tmpget
@@ -1368,9 +1667,24 @@ sub make_new_child {
                            close $store;
 		       else {
-			   print $client "error:$!\n";
+			   print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ."IO::File->new Failed ".
+                                   "while attempting tmpget\n";
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- tmpdel
+                   } elsif ($userinput =~ /^tmpdel/) {
+                       my ($cmd,$id)=split(/:/,$userinput);
+                       chomp($id);
+                       $id=~s/\W/\_/g;
+                       my $execdir=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
+                       if (unlink("$execdir/tmp/$id.tmp")) {
+			   print $client "ok\n";
+		       } else {
+			   print $client "error: ".($!+0)
+			       ."Unlink tmp Failed ".
+                                   "while attempting tmpdel\n";
+		       }
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ls
                    } elsif ($userinput =~ /^ls/) {
                        my ($cmd,$ulsdir)=split(/:/,$userinput);
@@ -1404,6 +1718,10 @@ sub make_new_child {
 # ------------------------------------------------------------- unknown command
+		   } elsif ($userinput =~ /^sethost:/) {
+		       print $client &sethost($userinput)."\n";
+		   } elsif ($userinput =~/^version:/) {
+		       print $client &version($userinput)."\n";
                    } else {
                        # unknown command
                        print $client "unknown_cmd\n";
@@ -1419,21 +1737,19 @@ sub make_new_child {
                 &logthis("<font color=blue>WARNING: "
                 ."Rejected client $clientip, closing connection</font>");
-	}              
+	}             
 # =============================================================================
 	&logthis("<font color=red>CRITICAL: "
 		 ."Disconnect from $clientip ($hostid{$clientip})</font>");    
-        # tidy up gracefully and finish
-        $server->close();
         # this exit is VERY important, otherwise the child will become
         # a producer of more and more children, forking yourself into
         # process death.
-    }
@@ -1485,7 +1801,7 @@ sub GetAuthType
 	my ($authtype, $contentpwd) = split(/:/, $realpassword);
 	Debug("Authtype = $authtype, content = $contentpwd\n");
 	my $availinfo = '';
-	if($authtype eq 'krb4') {
+	if($authtype eq 'krb4' or $authtype eq 'krb5') {
 	    $availinfo = $contentpwd;
@@ -1516,6 +1832,61 @@ sub addline {
     return $found;
+sub getchat {
+    my ($cdom,$cname,$udom,$uname)=@_;
+    my %hash;
+    my $proname=&propath($cdom,$cname);
+    my @entries=();
+    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/nohist_chatroom.db",
+	    &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+	@entries=map { $_.':'.$hash{$_} } sort keys %hash;
+	untie %hash;
+    }
+    my @participants=();
+    $cutoff=time-60;
+    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/nohist_inchatroom.db",
+	    &GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
+        $hash{$uname.':'.$udom}=time;
+        foreach (sort keys %hash) {
+	    if ($hash{$_}>$cutoff) {
+		$participants[$#participants+1]='active_participant:'.$_;
+            }
+        }
+        untie %hash;
+    }
+    return (@participants,@entries);
+sub chatadd {
+    my ($cdom,$cname,$newchat)=@_;
+    my %hash;
+    my $proname=&propath($cdom,$cname);
+    my @entries=();
+    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/nohist_chatroom.db",
+	    &GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
+	@entries=map { $_.':'.$hash{$_} } sort keys %hash;
+	my $time=time;
+	my ($lastid)=($entries[$#entries]=~/^(\w+)\:/);
+	my ($thentime,$idnum)=split(/\_/,$lastid);
+	my $newid=$time.'_000000';
+	if ($thentime==$time) {
+	    $idnum=~s/^0+//;
+	    $idnum++;
+	    $idnum=substr('000000'.$idnum,-6,6);
+	    $newid=$time.'_'.$idnum;
+	}
+	$hash{$newid}=$newchat;
+	my $expired=$time-3600;
+	foreach (keys %hash) {
+	    my ($thistime)=($_=~/(\d+)\_/);
+	    if ($thistime<$expired) {
+		delete $hash{$_};
+	    }
+	}
+	untie %hash;
+    }
 sub unsub {
     my ($fname,$clientip)=@_;
     my $result;
@@ -1533,12 +1904,74 @@ sub unsub {
     return $result;
+sub currentversion {
+    my $fname=shift;
+    my $version=-1;
+    my $ulsdir='';
+    if ($fname=~/^(.+)\/[^\/]+$/) {
+       $ulsdir=$1;
+    }
+    my ($fnamere1,$fnamere2);
+    # remove version if already specified
+    $fname=~s/\.\d+\.(\w+(?:\.meta)*)$/\.$1/;
+    # get the bits that go before and after the version number
+    if ( $fname=~/^(.*\.)(\w+(?:\.meta)*)$/ ) {
+	$fnamere1=$1;
+	$fnamere2='.'.$2;
+    }
+    if (-e $fname) { $version=1; }
+    if (-e $ulsdir) {
+       if(-d $ulsdir) {
+          if (opendir(LSDIR,$ulsdir)) {
+             while ($ulsfn=readdir(LSDIR)) {
+# see if this is a regular file (ignore links produced earlier)
+                 my $thisfile=$ulsdir.'/'.$ulsfn;
+                 unless (-l $thisfile) {
+		     if ($thisfile=~/\Q$fnamere1\E(\d+)\Q$fnamere2\E/) {
+			 if ($1>$version) { $version=$1; }
+		     }
+		 }
+             }
+             closedir(LSDIR);
+             $version++;
+          }
+      }
+   }
+   return $version;
+sub thisversion {
+    my $fname=shift;
+    my $version=-1;
+    if ($fname=~/\.(\d+)\.\w+(?:\.meta)*$/) {
+	$version=$1;
+    }
+    return $version;
 sub subscribe {
     my ($userinput,$clientip)=@_;
     my $result;
     my ($cmd,$fname)=split(/:/,$userinput);
     my $ownership=&ishome($fname);
     if ($ownership eq 'owner') {
+# explitly asking for the current version?
+        unless (-e $fname) {
+            my $currentversion=&currentversion($fname);
+	    if (&thisversion($fname)==$currentversion) {
+                if ($fname=~/^(.+)\.\d+\.(\w+(?:\.meta)*)$/) {
+		    my $root=$1;
+                    my $extension=$2;
+                    symlink($root.'.'.$extension,
+                            $root.'.'.$currentversion.'.'.$extension);
+                    unless ($extension=~/\.meta$/) {
+                       symlink($root.'.'.$extension.'.meta',
+                            $root.'.'.$currentversion.'.'.$extension.'.meta');
+		    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
 	if (-e $fname) {
 	    if (-d $fname) {
@@ -1564,6 +1997,103 @@ sub subscribe {
     return $result;
+sub make_passwd_file {
+    my ($uname, $umode,$npass,$passfilename)=@_;
+    my $result="ok\n";
+    if ($umode eq 'krb4' or $umode eq 'krb5') {
+	{
+	    my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
+	    print $pf "$umode:$npass\n";
+	}
+    } elsif ($umode eq 'internal') {
+	my $salt=time;
+	$salt=substr($salt,6,2);
+	my $ncpass=crypt($npass,$salt);
+	{
+	    &Debug("Creating internal auth");
+	    my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
+	    print $pf "internal:$ncpass\n"; 
+	}
+    } elsif ($umode eq 'localauth') {
+	{
+	    my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
+	    print $pf "localauth:$npass\n";
+	}
+    } elsif ($umode eq 'unix') {
+	{
+	    my $execpath="$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/"."lcuseradd";
+	    {
+		&Debug("Executing external: ".$execpath);
+		&Debug("user  = ".$uname.", Password =". $npass);
+		my $se = IO::File->new("|$execpath > $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lcuseradd.log");
+		print $se "$uname\n";
+		print $se "$npass\n";
+		print $se "$npass\n";
+	    }
+	    my $useraddok = $?;
+	    if($useraddok > 0) {
+		&logthis("Failed lcuseradd: ".&lcuseraddstrerror($useraddok));
+	    }
+	    my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
+	    print $pf "unix:\n";
+	}
+    } elsif ($umode eq 'none') {
+	{
+	    my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
+	    print $pf "none:\n";
+	}
+    } else {
+	$result="auth_mode_error\n";
+    }
+    return $result;
+sub sethost {
+    my ($remotereq) = @_;
+    my (undef,$hostid)=split(/:/,$remotereq);
+    if (!defined($hostid)) { $hostid=$perlvar{'lonHostID'}; }
+    if ($hostip{$perlvar{'lonHostID'}} eq $hostip{$hostid}) {
+	$currenthostid=$hostid;
+	$currentdomainid=$hostdom{$hostid};
+	&logthis("Setting hostid to $hostid, and domain to $currentdomainid");
+    } else {
+	&logthis("Requested host id $hostid not an alias of ".
+		 $perlvar{'lonHostID'}." refusing connection");
+	return 'unable_to_set';
+    }
+    return 'ok';
+sub version {
+    my ($userinput)=@_;
+    $remoteVERSION=(split(/:/,$userinput))[1];
+    return "version:$VERSION";
+#There is a copy of this in lonnet.pm
+sub userload {
+    my $numusers=0;
+    {
+	opendir(LONIDS,$perlvar{'lonIDsDir'});
+	my $filename;
+	my $curtime=time;
+	while ($filename=readdir(LONIDS)) {
+	    if ($filename eq '.' || $filename eq '..') {next;}
+	    my ($mtime)=(stat($perlvar{'lonIDsDir'}.'/'.$filename))[9];
+	    if ($curtime-$mtime < 3600) { $numusers++; }
+	}
+	closedir(LONIDS);
+    }
+    my $userloadpercent=0;
+    my $maxuserload=$perlvar{'lonUserLoadLim'};
+    if ($maxuserload) {
+	$userloadpercent=100*$numusers/$maxuserload;
+    }
+    $userloadpercent=sprintf("%.2f",$userloadpercent);
+    return $userloadpercent;
 # ----------------------------------- POD (plain old documentation, CPAN style)
 =head1 NAME
@@ -1862,6 +2392,7 @@ Crypt::IDEA