--- loncom/lond	2003/08/26 11:15:57	1.140
+++ loncom/lond	2003/09/30 10:16:06	1.150
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network
 # lond "LON Daemon" Server (port "LOND" 5663)
-# $Id: lond,v 1.140 2003/08/26 11:15:57 foxr Exp $
+# $Id: lond,v 1.150 2003/09/30 10:16:06 foxr Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -57,7 +57,54 @@
 #      Management functions supported include:
 #       - pushing /home/httpd/lonTabs/hosts.tab
 #       - pushing /home/httpd/lonTabs/domain.tab
+# 09/08/2003 Ron Fox:  Told lond to take care of change logging so we
+#      don't have to remember it:
+# $Log: lond,v $
+# Revision 1.150  2003/09/30 10:16:06  foxr
+# Added invocation of apachereload in ReloadApache sub.
+# This completes the addtion of the reinit functionality.
+# Revision 1.149  2003/09/30 09:44:13  foxr
+# Tested UpdateHosts ability to
+# - Remove live children for hosts that are no longer in the hosts.tab
+# - Remove live children for hosts whose IPs have changed in the hosts.tab
+# Revision 1.148  2003/09/29 10:09:18  foxr
+# Put in logic to reinit lond itself (except for apache reload).  I don't believe
+# this logic works correctly yet, however lond still does everything it used to doso I'll do the commit anyway.
+# Revision 1.147  2003/09/23 11:23:31  foxr
+# Comlplete implementation of reinit functionality.  Must still implement
+# the actual initialization functionality, but the process can now
+# receive the request and either invoke the appropriate internal function or
+# signal the correct lonc.
+# Revision 1.146  2003/09/16 10:28:14  foxr
+# ReinitProcess - decode the process selector and produce the associated pid
+# filename.  Note: While it is possible to test that valid process selectors are
+# handled properly I am not able to test that invalid process selectors produce
+# the appropriate error as lonManage also blocks the use of invalid process selectors.
+# Revision 1.145  2003/09/16 10:13:20  foxr
+# Added ReinitProcess function to oversee the parsing and processing of the
+# reinit:<process> client request.
+# Revision 1.144  2003/09/16 09:47:01  foxr
+# Added skeletal support for SIGUSR2 (update hosts.tab)
+# Revision 1.143  2003/09/15 10:03:52  foxr
+# Completed and tested code for pushfile.
+# Revision 1.142  2003/09/09 20:47:46  www
+# Permanently store chatroom entries in chatroom.log
+# Revision 1.141  2003/09/08 10:32:07  foxr
+# Added PushFile sub This sub oversees the push of a new configuration table file
+# Currently supported files are:
+# - hosts.tab   (transaction pushfile:hosts:contents)
+# - domain.tab  (transaction pushfile:domain:contents)
 use strict;
 use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
@@ -75,13 +122,14 @@ use Authen::Krb4;
 use Authen::Krb5;
 use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
 use localauth;
+use File::Copy;
 my $DEBUG = 0;		       # Non zero to enable debug log entries.
 my $status='';
 my $lastlog='';
-my $VERSION='$Revision: 1.140 $'; #' stupid emacs
+my $VERSION='$Revision: 1.150 $'; #' stupid emacs
 my $remoteVERSION;
 my $currenthostid;
 my $currentdomainid;
@@ -95,6 +143,7 @@ my $thisserver;
 my %hostid;
 my %hostdom;
 my %hostip;
+my %perlvar;			# Will have the apache conf defined perl vars.
 #  The array below are password error strings."
@@ -173,6 +222,214 @@ sub ValidManager {
+#  CopyFile:  Called as part of the process of installing a 
+#             new configuration file.  This function copies an existing
+#             file to a backup file.
+# Parameters:
+#     oldfile  - Name of the file to backup.
+#     newfile  - Name of the backup file.
+# Return:
+#     0   - Failure (errno has failure reason).
+#     1   - Success.
+sub CopyFile {
+    my $oldfile = shift;
+    my $newfile = shift;
+    #  The file must exist:
+    if(-e $oldfile) {
+	 # Read the old file.
+	my $oldfh = IO::File->new("< $oldfile");
+	if(!$oldfh) {
+	    return 0;
+	}
+	my @contents = <$oldfh>;  # Suck in the entire file.
+	# write the backup file:
+	my $newfh = IO::File->new("> $newfile");
+	if(!(defined $newfh)){
+	    return 0;
+	}
+	my $lines = scalar @contents;
+	for (my $i =0; $i < $lines; $i++) {
+	    print $newfh ($contents[$i]);
+	}
+	$oldfh->close;
+	$newfh->close;
+	chmod(0660, $newfile);
+	return 1;
+    } else {
+	return 0;
+    }
+#   InstallFile: Called to install an administrative file:
+#       - The file is created with <name>.tmp
+#       - The <name>.tmp file is then mv'd to <name>
+#   This lugubrious procedure is done to ensure that we are never without
+#   a valid, even if dated, version of the file regardless of who crashes
+#   and when the crash occurs.
+#  Parameters:
+#       Name of the file
+#       File Contents.
+#  Return:
+#      nonzero - success.
+#      0       - failure and $! has an errno.
+sub InstallFile {
+    my $Filename = shift;
+    my $Contents = shift;
+    my $TempFile = $Filename.".tmp";
+    #  Open the file for write:
+    my $fh = IO::File->new("> $TempFile"); # Write to temp.
+    if(!(defined $fh)) {
+	&logthis('<font color="red"> Unable to create '.$TempFile."</font>");
+	return 0;
+    }
+    #  write the contents of the file:
+    print $fh ($Contents); 
+    $fh->close;			# In case we ever have a filesystem w. locking
+    chmod(0660, $TempFile);
+    # Now we can move install the file in position.
+    move($TempFile, $Filename);
+    return 1;
+#   PushFile:  Called to do an administrative push of a file.
+#              - Ensure the file being pushed is one we support.
+#              - Backup the old file to <filename.saved>
+#              - Separate the contents of the new file out from the
+#                rest of the request.
+#              - Write the new file.
+#  Parameter:
+#     Request - The entire user request.  This consists of a : separated
+#               string pushfile:tablename:contents.
+#     NOTE:  The contents may have :'s in it as well making things a bit
+#            more interesting... but not much.
+#  Returns:
+#     String to send to client ("ok" or "refused" if bad file).
+sub PushFile {
+    my $request = shift;    
+    my ($command, $filename, $contents) = split(":", $request, 3);
+    #  At this point in time, pushes for only the following tables are
+    #  supported:
+    #   hosts.tab  ($filename eq host).
+    #   domain.tab ($filename eq domain).
+    # Construct the destination filename or reject the request.
+    #
+    # lonManage is supposed to ensure this, however this session could be
+    # part of some elaborate spoof that managed somehow to authenticate.
+    #
+    my $tablefile = $perlvar{'lonTabDir'}.'/'; # need to precede with dir.
+    if ($filename eq "host") {
+	$tablefile .= "hosts.tab";
+    } elsif ($filename eq "domain") {
+	$tablefile .= "domain.tab";
+    } else {
+	return "refused";
+    }
+    #
+    # >copy< the old table to the backup table
+    #        don't rename in case system crashes/reboots etc. in the time
+    #        window between a rename and write.
+    #
+    my $backupfile = $tablefile;
+    $backupfile    =~ s/\.tab$/.old/;
+    if(!CopyFile($tablefile, $backupfile)) {
+	&logthis('<font color="green"> CopyFile from '.$tablefile." to ".$backupfile." failed </font>");
+	return "error:$!";
+    }
+    &logthis('<font color="green"> Pushfile: backed up '
+	    .$tablefile." to $backupfile</font>");
+    #  Install the new file:
+    if(!InstallFile($tablefile, $contents)) {
+	&logthis('<font color="red"> Pushfile: unable to install '
+	 .$tablefile." $! </font>");
+	return "error:$!";
+    }
+    else {
+	&logthis('<font color="green"> Installed new '.$tablefile
+		 ."</font>");
+    }
+    #  Indicate success:
+    return "ok";
+#  Called to re-init either lonc or lond.
+#  Parameters:
+#    request   - The full request by the client.  This is of the form
+#                reinit:<process>  
+#                where <process> is allowed to be either of 
+#                lonc or lond
+#  Returns:
+#     The string to be sent back to the client either:
+#   ok         - Everything worked just fine.
+#   error:why  - There was a failure and why describes the reason.
+sub ReinitProcess {
+    my $request = shift;
+    # separate the request (reinit) from the process identifier and
+    # validate it producing the name of the .pid file for the process.
+    #
+    #
+    my ($junk, $process) = split(":", $request);
+    my $processpidfile = $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/logs/';
+    if($process eq 'lonc') {
+	$processpidfile = $processpidfile."lonc.pid";
+	if (!open(PIDFILE, "< $processpidfile")) {
+	    return "error:Open failed for $processpidfile";
+	}
+	my $loncpid = <PIDFILE>;
+	close(PIDFILE);
+	logthis('<font color="red"> Reinitializing lonc pid='.$loncpid
+		."</font>");
+	kill("USR2", $loncpid);
+    } elsif ($process eq 'lond') {
+	logthis('<font color="red"> Reinitializing self (lond) </font>');
+	&UpdateHosts;			# Lond is us!!
+    } else {
+	&logthis('<font color="yellow" Invalid reinit request for '.$process
+		 ."</font>");
+	return "error:Invalid process identifier $process";
+    }
+    return 'ok';
 #  Convert an error return code from lcpasswd to a string value.
 sub lcpasswdstrerror {
@@ -222,7 +479,7 @@ $SIG{__DIE__}=\&catchexception;
 # ---------------------------------- Read loncapa_apache.conf and loncapa.conf
 &status("Read loncapa.conf and loncapa_apache.conf");
 my $perlvarref=LONCAPA::Configuration::read_conf('loncapa.conf');
-my %perlvar=%{$perlvarref};
 undef $perlvarref;
 # ----------------------------- Make sure this process is running from user=www
@@ -248,17 +505,7 @@ if (-e $pidfile) {
 # ------------------------------------------------------------- Read hosts file
-open (CONFIG,"$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/hosts.tab") || die "Can't read host file";
-while (my $configline=<CONFIG>) {
-    my ($id,$domain,$role,$name,$ip)=split(/:/,$configline);
-    chomp($ip); $ip=~s/\D+$//;
-    $hostid{$ip}=$id;
-    $hostdom{$id}=$domain;
-    $hostip{$id}=$ip;
-    if ($id eq $perlvar{'lonHostID'}) { $thisserver=$name; }
 # establish SERVER socket, bind and listen.
 $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => $perlvar{'londPort'},
@@ -307,6 +554,91 @@ sub HUPSMAN {                      # sig
     exec("$execdir/lond");         # here we go again
+#    Kill off hashes that describe the host table prior to re-reading it.
+#    Hashes affected are:
+#       %hostid, %hostdom %hostip
+sub KillHostHashes {
+    foreach my $key (keys %hostid) {
+	delete $hostid{$key};
+    }
+    foreach my $key (keys %hostdom) {
+	delete $hostdom{$key};
+    }
+    foreach my $key (keys %hostip) {
+	delete $hostip{$key};
+    }
+#   Read in the host table from file and distribute it into the various hashes:
+#    - %hostid  -  Indexed by IP, the loncapa hostname.
+#    - %hostdom -  Indexed by  loncapa hostname, the domain.
+#    - %hostip  -  Indexed by hostid, the Ip address of the host.
+sub ReadHostTable {
+    open (CONFIG,"$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/hosts.tab") || die "Can't read host file";
+    while (my $configline=<CONFIG>) {
+	my ($id,$domain,$role,$name,$ip)=split(/:/,$configline);
+	chomp($ip); $ip=~s/\D+$//;
+	$hostid{$ip}=$id;
+	$hostdom{$id}=$domain;
+	$hostip{$id}=$ip;
+	if ($id eq $perlvar{'lonHostID'}) { $thisserver=$name; }
+    }
+    close(CONFIG);
+#  Reload the Apache daemon's state.
+#  This is done by invoking /home/httpd/perl/apachereload
+#  a setuid perl script that can be root for us to do this job.
+sub ReloadApache {
+    my $execdir = $perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
+    my $script  = $execdir."/apachereload";
+    system($script);
+#   Called in response to a USR2 signal.
+#   - Reread hosts.tab
+#   - All children connected to hosts that were removed from hosts.tab
+#     are killed via SIGINT
+#   - All children connected to previously existing hosts are sent SIGUSR1
+#   - Our internal hosts hash is updated to reflect the new contents of
+#     hosts.tab causing connections from hosts added to hosts.tab to
+#     now be honored.
+sub UpdateHosts {
+    logthis('<font color="blue"> Updating connections </font>');
+    #
+    #  The %children hash has the set of IP's we currently have children
+    #  on.  These need to be matched against records in the hosts.tab
+    #  Any ip's no longer in the table get killed off they correspond to
+    #  either dropped or changed hosts.  Note that the re-read of the table
+    #  will take care of new and changed hosts as connections come into being.
+    KillHostHashes;
+    ReadHostTable;
+    foreach my $child (keys %children) {
+	my $childip = $children{$child};
+	if(!$hostid{$childip}) {
+	    logthis('<font color="blue"> UpdateHosts killing child '
+		    ." $child for ip $childip </font>");
+	    kill('INT', $child);
+	} else {
+	    logthis('<font color="green"> keeping child for ip '
+		    ." $childip (pid=$child) </font>");
+	}
+    }
+    ReloadApache;
 sub checkchildren {
@@ -549,8 +881,11 @@ $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER;
 $SIG{USR1} = \&checkchildren;
+$SIG{USR2} = \&UpdateHosts;
+#  Read the host hashes:
 # --------------------------------------------------------------
 #   Accept connections.  When a connection comes in, it is validated
@@ -575,12 +910,23 @@ sub make_new_child {
         or die "Can't block SIGINT for fork: $!\n";
     die "fork: $!" unless defined ($pid = fork);
+    $client->sockopt(SO_KEEPALIVE, 1); # Enable monitoring of
+	                               # connection liveness.
+    #
+    #  Figure out who we're talking to so we can record the peer in 
+    #  the pid hash.
+    #
+    my $caller = getpeername($client);
+    my ($port,$iaddr)=unpack_sockaddr_in($caller);
+    $clientip=inet_ntoa($iaddr);
     if ($pid) {
         # Parent records the child's birth and returns.
         sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, $sigset)
             or die "Can't unblock SIGINT for fork: $!\n";
-        $children{$pid} = 1;
+        $children{$pid} = $clientip;
         &status('Started child '.$pid);
@@ -607,12 +953,8 @@ sub make_new_child {
 # =============================================================================
             # do something with the connection
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	    $client->sockopt(SO_KEEPALIVE, 1);# Enable monitoring of
-	                                      # connection liveness.
-            # see if we know client and check for spoof IP by challenge
-		my $caller = getpeername($client);
-            my ($port,$iaddr)=unpack_sockaddr_in($caller);
-            $clientip=inet_ntoa($iaddr);
+	# see if we know client and check for spoof IP by challenge
             my $clientrec=($hostid{$clientip} ne undef);
 "<font color=yellow>INFO: Connection, $clientip ($hostid{$clientip})</font>"
@@ -745,7 +1087,8 @@ sub make_new_child {
 		       if($wasenc == 1) {
 			   my $cert = GetCertificate($userinput);
 			   if(ValidManager($cert)) {
-			       print $client "ok\n";
+			       my $reply = PushFile($userinput);
+			       print $client "$reply\n";
 			   } else {
 			       print $client "refused\n";
@@ -757,7 +1100,9 @@ sub make_new_child {
 		       if ($wasenc == 1) {
 			   my $cert = GetCertificate($userinput);
 			   if(ValidManager($cert)) {
-			       print $client "ok\n";
+			       chomp($userinput);
+			       my $reply = ReinitProcess($userinput);
+			       print $client  "$reply\n";
 			   } else {
 			       print $client "refused\n";
@@ -1975,10 +2320,10 @@ sub chatadd {
     my %hash;
     my $proname=&propath($cdom,$cname);
     my @entries=();
+    my $time=time;
     if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/nohist_chatroom.db",
 	    &GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
 	@entries=map { $_.':'.$hash{$_} } sort keys %hash;
-	my $time=time;
 	my ($lastid)=($entries[$#entries]=~/^(\w+)\:/);
 	my ($thentime,$idnum)=split(/\_/,$lastid);
 	my $newid=$time.'_000000';
@@ -1998,6 +2343,12 @@ sub chatadd {
 	untie %hash;
+    {
+	my $hfh;
+	if ($hfh=IO::File->new(">>$proname/chatroom.log")) { 
+	    print $hfh "$time:".&unescape($newchat)."\n";
+	}
+    }
 sub unsub {
@@ -2316,6 +2667,17 @@ each connection is logged.
 =item *
+Parent Signal assignment:
+    $SIG{USR2} = \&UpdateHosts
+Child signal assignment:
+    NONE
+=item *
 Parent signal assignment: