--- loncom/lond	2004/03/08 21:54:05
+++ loncom/lond	2004/04/07 09:39:18
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network
 # lond "LON Daemon" Server (port "LOND" 5663)
-# $Id: lond,v 2004/03/08 21:54:05 foxr Exp $
+# $Id: lond,v 2004/04/07 09:39:18 foxr Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ my $DEBUG = 1;		       # Non zero to ena
 my $status='';
 my $lastlog='';
-my $VERSION='$Revision: $'; #' stupid emacs
+my $VERSION='$Revision: $'; #' stupid emacs
 my $remoteVERSION;
 my $currenthostid;
 my $currentdomainid;
@@ -161,7 +161,108 @@ sub isManager {
 sub isClient {
     return (($ConnectionType eq "client") || ($ConnectionType eq "both"));
+#  Ties a domain level resource file to a hash.
+#  If requested a history entry is created in the associated hist file.
+#  Parameters:
+#     domain    - Name of the domain in which the resource file lives.
+#     namespace - Name of the hash within that domain.
+#     how       - How to tie the hash (e.g. GDBM_WRCREAT()).
+#     loghead   - Optional parameter, if present a log entry is created
+#                 in the associated history file and this is the first part
+#                  of that entry.
+#     logtail   - Goes along with loghead,  The actual logentry is of the
+#                 form $loghead:<timestamp>:logtail.
+# Returns:
+#    Reference to a hash bound to the db file or alternatively undef
+#    if the tie failed.
+sub TieDomainHash {
+    my $domain    = shift;
+    my $namespace = shift;
+    my $how       = shift;
+    # Filter out any whitespace in the domain name:
+    $domain =~ s/\W//g;
+    # We have enough to go on to tie the hash:
+    my $UserTopDir   = $perlvar{'lonUsersDir'};
+    my $DomainDir    = $UserTopDir."/$domain";
+    my $ResourceFile = $DomainDir."/$namespace.db";
+    my %hash;
+    if(tie(%hash, 'GDBM_File', $ResourceFile, $how, 0640)) {
+	if (scalar @_) {	# Need to log the operation.
+	    my $logFh = IO::File->new(">>$DomainDir/$namespace.hist");
+	    if($logFh) {
+		my $TimeStamp = time;
+		my ($loghead, $logtail) = @_;
+		print $logFh "$loghead:$TimeStamp:$logtail\n";
+	    }
+	}
+	return \%hash;		# Return the tied hash.
+    }
+    else {
+	return undef;		# Tie failed.
+    }
+#   Ties a user's resource file to a hash.  
+#   If necessary, an appropriate history
+#   log file entry is made as well.
+#   This sub factors out common code from the subs that manipulate
+#   the various gdbm files that keep keyword value pairs.
+# Parameters:
+#   domain       - Name of the domain the user is in.
+#   user         - Name of the 'current user'.
+#   namespace    - Namespace representing the file to tie.
+#   how          - What the tie is done to (e.g. GDBM_WRCREAT().
+#   loghead      - Optional first part of log entry if there may be a
+#                  history file.
+#   what         - Optional tail of log entry if there may be a history
+#                  file.
+# Returns:
+#   hash to which the database is tied.  It's up to the caller to untie.
+#   undef if the has could not be tied.
+sub TieUserHash {
+    my $domain      = shift;
+    my $user        = shift;
+    my $namespace   = shift;
+    my $how         = shift;
+    $namespace=~s/\//\_/g;	# / -> _
+    $namespace=~s/\W//g;		# whitespace eliminated.
+    my $proname     = propath($domain, $user);
+    # If this is a namespace for which a history is kept,
+    # make the history log entry:
+    unless ($namespace =~/^nohist\_/ && (scalar @_ > 0)) {
+	my $hfh = IO::File->new(">>$proname/$namespace.hist"); 
+	if($hfh) {
+	    my $now = time;
+	    my $loghead  = shift;
+	    my $what    = shift;
+	    print $hfh "$loghead:$now:$what\n";
+	}
+    }
+    #  Tie the database.
+    my %hash;
+    if(tie(%hash, 'GDBM_File', "$proname/$namespace.db",
+	   $how, 0640)) {
+	return \%hash;
+    }
+    else {
+	return undef;
+    }
 #   Get a Request:
@@ -460,7 +561,16 @@ sub UserAuthorizationType {
     if($result eq "nouser") {
 	Failure( $replyfd, "unknown_user\n", $userinput);
     } else {
-	Reply( $replyfd, "$result\n", $userinput);
+	#
+	# We only want to pass the second field from GetAuthType
+	# for ^krb.. otherwise we'll be handing out the encrypted
+	# password for internals e.g.
+	#
+	my ($type,$otherinfo) = split(/:/,$result);
+	if($type =~ /^krb/) {
+	    $type = $result;
+	}
+	Reply( $replyfd, "$type\n", $userinput);
     return 1;
@@ -615,129 +725,30 @@ sub AuthenticateHandler {
     my $cmd        = shift;
     my $tail       = shift;
     my $client     = shift;
     #  Regenerate the full input line 
     my $userinput  = $cmd.":".$tail;
     #  udom    - User's domain.
     #  uname   - Username.
     #  upass   - User's password.
     my ($udom,$uname,$upass)=split(/:/,$tail);
     Debug(" Authenticate domain = $udom, user = $uname, password = $upass");
-    my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
-    my $passfilename="$proname/passwd";
-    #   The user's 'personal' loncapa passworrd file describes how to authenticate:
-    if (-e $passfilename) {
-	Debug("Located password file: $passfilename");
-	my $pf = IO::File->new($passfilename);
-	my $realpasswd=<$pf>;
-	chomp($realpasswd);
-	my ($howpwd,$contentpwd)=split(/:/,$realpasswd);
-	my $pwdcorrect=0;
+    my $pwdcorrect = ValidateUser($udom, $uname, $upass);
+    if($pwdcorrect) {
+	Reply( $client, "authorized\n", $userinput);
-	#   Authenticate against password stored in the internal file.
-	#
-	Debug("Authenticating via $howpwd");
-	if ($howpwd eq 'internal') {
-	    &Debug("Internal auth");
-	    $pwdcorrect= (crypt($upass,$contentpwd) eq $contentpwd);
-	    #
-	    #   Authenticate against the unix password file.
-	    #
-	} elsif ($howpwd eq 'unix') {
-	    &Debug("Unix auth");
-	    if((getpwnam($uname))[1] eq "") { #no such user!
-		$pwdcorrect = 0;
-	    } else {
-		$contentpwd=(getpwnam($uname))[1];
-		my $pwauth_path="/usr/local/sbin/pwauth";
-		unless ($contentpwd eq 'x') {
-		    $pwdcorrect= (crypt($upass,$contentpwd) eq $contentpwd);
-		} elsif (-e $pwauth_path) {
-		    open PWAUTH, "|$pwauth_path" or
-			die "Cannot invoke authentication";
-		    print PWAUTH "$uname\n$upass\n";
-		    close PWAUTH;
-		    $pwdcorrect=!$?;
-		}
-	    }
-	    #
-	    #   Authenticate against a Kerberos 4 server:
-	    #
-	} elsif ($howpwd eq 'krb4') {
-	    my $null=pack("C",0);
-	    unless ($upass=~/$null/) {
-		my $krb4_error = &Authen::Krb4::get_pw_in_tkt($uname,
-							      "",
-							      $contentpwd,
-							      'krbtgt',
-							      $contentpwd,
-							      1,
-							      $upass);
-		if (!$krb4_error) {
-		    $pwdcorrect = 1;
-		} else { 
-		    $pwdcorrect=0; 
-		    # log error if it is not a bad password
-		    if ($krb4_error != 62) {
-			&logthis('krb4:'.$uname.','.$contentpwd.','.
-				 &Authen::Krb4::get_err_txt($Authen::Krb4::error));
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    #
-	    #   Authenticate against a Kerberos 5 server:
-	    #
-	} elsif ($howpwd eq 'krb5') {
-	    my $null=pack("C",0);
-	    unless ($upass=~/$null/) {
-		my $krbclient=&Authen::Krb5::parse_name($uname.'@'.$contentpwd);
-		my $krbservice="krbtgt/".$contentpwd."\@".$contentpwd;
-		my $krbserver=&Authen::Krb5::parse_name($krbservice);
-		my $credentials=&Authen::Krb5::cc_default();
-		$credentials->initialize($krbclient);
-		my $krbreturn = &Authen::Krb5::get_in_tkt_with_password($krbclient,
-									$krbserver,
-									$upass,
-									$credentials);
-		$pwdcorrect = ($krbreturn == 1);
-	    } else { 
-		$pwdcorrect=0; 
-	    }
-	    #
-	    #  Finally, the user may have written in an authentication module.
-	    #  in that case, if requested, authenticate against it.
-	    #
-	} elsif ($howpwd eq 'localauth') {
-	    $pwdcorrect=&localauth::localauth($uname,$upass,$contentpwd);
-	}
-	#
-	#   Successfully authorized.
-	#
-	if ($pwdcorrect) {
-	    Reply( $client, "authorized\n", $userinput);
-	    #
-	    #  Bad credentials: Failed to authorize
-	    #
-	} else {
-	    Failure( $client, "non_authorized\n", $userinput);
-	}
-	#
-	#  User bad... note it may be bad security practice to
-	#  differntiate to the caller a bad user from a bad
-	#  passwd... since that supplies covert channel information
-	#  (you have a good user but bad password e.g.) to guessers.
+	#  Bad credentials: Failed to authorize
     } else {
-	Failure( $client, "unknown_user\n", $userinput);
+	Failure( $client, "non_authorized\n", $userinput);
     return 1;
 RegisterHandler("auth", \&AuthenticateHandler, 1, 1, 0);
@@ -781,79 +792,57 @@ sub ChangePasswordHandler {
     &Debug("Trying to change password for $uname");
-    my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
-    my $passfilename="$proname/passwd";
-    if (-e $passfilename) {
-	my $realpasswd;
-	{ 
-	    my $pf = IO::File->new($passfilename);
-	    $realpasswd=<$pf>; 
-	}
-	chomp($realpasswd);
+    # First require that the user can be authenticated with their
+    # old password:
+    my $validated = ValidUser($udom, $uname, $upass);
+    if($validated) {
+	my $realpasswd  = GetAuthType($udom, $uname); # Defined since authd.
 	my ($howpwd,$contentpwd)=split(/:/,$realpasswd);
 	if ($howpwd eq 'internal') {
 	    &Debug("internal auth");
-	    if (crypt($upass,$contentpwd) eq $contentpwd) {
-		my $salt=time;
-		$salt=substr($salt,6,2);
-		my $ncpass=crypt($npass,$salt);
-		{
-		    my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
-		    if ($pf) {
-			print $pf "internal:$ncpass\n";
-			&logthis("Result of password change for "
-				 ."$uname: pwchange_success");
-			Reply($client, "ok\n", $userinput);
-		    } else {
-			&logthis("Unable to open $uname passwd "               
-				 ."to change password");
-			Failure( $client, "non_authorized\n",$userinput);
-		    }
-		}             
+	    my $salt=time;
+	    $salt=substr($salt,6,2);
+	    my $ncpass=crypt($npass,$salt);
+	    if(RewritePwFile($udom, $uname, "internal:$ncpass")) {
+		&logthis("Result of password change for "
+			 ."$uname: pwchange_success");
+		Reply($client, "ok\n", $userinput);
 	    } else {
-		Failure($client, "non_authorized\n", $userinput);
+		&logthis("Unable to open $uname passwd "               
+			 ."to change password");
+		Failure( $client, "non_authorized\n",$userinput);
 	} elsif ($howpwd eq 'unix') {
 	    # Unix means we have to access /etc/password
-	    # one way or another.
-	    # First: Make sure the current password is
-	    #        correct
 	    &Debug("auth is unix");
-	    $contentpwd=(getpwnam($uname))[1];
-	    my $pwdcorrect = "0";
-	    my $pwauth_path="/usr/local/sbin/pwauth";
-	    unless ($contentpwd eq 'x') {
-		$pwdcorrect= (crypt($upass,$contentpwd) eq $contentpwd);
-	    } elsif (-e $pwauth_path) {
-		open PWAUTH, "|$pwauth_path" or
-		    die "Cannot invoke authentication";
-		print PWAUTH "$uname\n$upass\n";
-		close PWAUTH;
-		&Debug("exited pwauth with $? ($uname,$upass) ");
-		$pwdcorrect=($? == 0);
-	    }
-	    if ($pwdcorrect) {
-		my $execdir=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
-		&Debug("Opening lcpasswd pipeline");
-		my $pf = IO::File->new("|$execdir/lcpasswd > "
-				       ."$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}"
-				       ."/logs/lcpasswd.log");
-		print $pf "$uname\n$npass\n$npass\n";
-		close $pf;
-		my $err = $?;
-		my $result = ($err>0 ? 'pwchange_failure' : 'ok');
-		&logthis("Result of password change for $uname: ".
-			 &lcpasswdstrerror($?));
-		Reply($client, "$result\n", $userinput);
-	    } else {
-		Reply($client, "non_authorized\n", $userinput);
-	    }
+	    my $execdir=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
+	    &Debug("Opening lcpasswd pipeline");
+	    my $pf = IO::File->new("|$execdir/lcpasswd > "
+				   ."$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}"
+				   ."/logs/lcpasswd.log");
+	    print $pf "$uname\n$npass\n$npass\n";
+	    close $pf;
+	    my $err = $?;
+	    my $result = ($err>0 ? 'pwchange_failure' : 'ok');
+	    &logthis("Result of password change for $uname: ".
+		     &lcpasswdstrerror($?));
+	    Reply($client, "$result\n", $userinput);
 	} else {
+	    # this just means that the current password mode is not
+	    # one we know how to change (e.g the kerberos auth modes or
+	    # locally written auth handler).
+	    #
 	    Reply( $client, "auth_mode_error\n", $userinput);
-    } else {
-	Reply( $client, "unknown_user\n", $userinput);
+    }
+    else {
+	Reply( $client, "non_authorized\n", $userinput);
     return 1;
 RegisterHandler("passwd", \&ChangePasswordHandler, 1, 1, 0);
@@ -878,42 +867,49 @@ sub AddUserHandler {
     my $cmd     = shift;
     my $tail    = shift;
     my $client  = shift;
-    my $userinput = $cmd.":".$tail;   
-    my $oldumask=umask(0077);
     my ($udom,$uname,$umode,$npass)=split(/:/,$tail);
+    my $userinput = $cmd.":".$tail; # Reconstruct the full request line.
     &Debug("cmd =".$cmd." $udom =".$udom." uname=".$uname);
-    chomp($npass);
-    $npass=&unescape($npass);
-    my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
-    my $passfilename="$proname/passwd";
-    &Debug("Password file created will be:".$passfilename);
-    if (-e $passfilename) {
-	Failure( $client, "already_exists\n", $userinput);
-    } elsif ($udom ne $currentdomainid) {
-	Failure($client, "not_right_domain\n", $userinput);
-    } else {
-	my @fpparts=split(/\//,$proname);
-	my $fpnow=$fpparts[0].'/'.$fpparts[1].'/'.$fpparts[2];
-	my $fperror='';
-	for (my $i=3;$i<=$#fpparts;$i++) {
-	    $fpnow.='/'.$fpparts[$i]; 
-	    unless (-e $fpnow) {
-		unless (mkdir($fpnow,0777)) {
-		    $fperror="error: ".($!+0)." mkdir failed while attempting "
-			."makeuser";
+    if($udom eq $currentdomainid) { # Reject new users for other domains...
+	my $oldumask=umask(0077);
+	chomp($npass);
+	$npass=&unescape($npass);
+	my $passfilename  = PasswordPath($udom, $uname);
+	&Debug("Password file created will be:".$passfilename);
+	if (-e $passfilename) {
+	    Failure( $client, "already_exists\n", $userinput);
+	} else {
+	    my @fpparts=split(/\//,$passfilename);
+	    my $fpnow=$fpparts[0].'/'.$fpparts[1].'/'.$fpparts[2];
+	    my $fperror='';
+	    for (my $i=3;$i<= ($#fpparts-1);$i++) {
+		$fpnow.='/'.$fpparts[$i]; 
+		unless (-e $fpnow) {
+		    &logthis("mkdir $fpnow");
+		    unless (mkdir($fpnow,0777)) {
+			$fperror="error: ".($!+0)." mkdir failed while attempting "
+			    ."makeuser";
+		    }
+	    unless ($fperror) {
+		my $result=&make_passwd_file($uname, $umode,$npass, $passfilename);
+		Reply($client, $result, $userinput);     #BUGBUG - could be fail
+	    } else {
+		Failure($client, "$fperror\n", $userinput);
+	    }
-	unless ($fperror) {
-	    my $result=&make_passwd_file($uname, $umode,$npass, $passfilename);
-	    Reply($client, $result, $userinput);     #BUGBUG - could be fail
-	} else {
-	    Failure($client, "$fperror\n", $userinput);
-	}
+	umask($oldumask);
+    }  else {
+	Failure($client, "not_right_domain\n",
+		$userinput);	# Even if we are multihomed.
-    umask($oldumask);
     return 1;
@@ -949,16 +945,21 @@ sub ChangeAuthenticationHandler {
     my $userinput  = "$cmd:$tail";              # Reconstruct user input.
     my ($udom,$uname,$umode,$npass)=split(/:/,$tail);
-    chomp($npass);
     &Debug("cmd = ".$cmd." domain= ".$udom."uname =".$uname." umode= ".$umode);
-    $npass=&unescape($npass);
-    my $proname=&propath($udom,$uname);
-    my $passfilename="$proname/passwd";
     if ($udom ne $currentdomainid) {
 	Failure( $client, "not_right_domain\n", $client);
     } else {
-	my $result=&make_passwd_file($uname, $umode,$npass,$passfilename);
-	Reply($client, $result, $userinput);
+	chomp($npass);
+	$npass=&unescape($npass);
+	my $passfilename = PasswordPath($udom, $uname);
+	if ($passfilename) {	# Not allowed to create a new user!!
+	    my $result=&make_passwd_file($uname, $umode,$npass,$passfilename);
+	    Reply($client, $result, $userinput);
+	} else {	       
+	    Failure($client, "non_authorized", $userinput); # Fail the user now.
+	}
     return 1;
@@ -989,8 +990,8 @@ sub IsHomeHandler {
     my ($udom,$uname)=split(/:/,$tail);
-    my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
-    if (-e $proname) {
+    my $passfile = PasswordFilename($udom, $uname);
+    if($passfile) {
 	Reply( $client, "found\n", $userinput);
     } else {
 	Failure($client, "not_found\n", $userinput);
@@ -1139,7 +1140,8 @@ RegisterHandler("fetchuserfile", \&Fetch
 #   Authenticate access to a user file.  Question?   The token for athentication
 #   is allowed to be sent as cleartext is this really what we want?  This token
-#   represents the user's session id.  Once it is forged does this allow too much access??
+#   represents the user's session id.  Once it is forged does this allow too much 
+#   access??
 # Parameters:
 #    $cmd      - The command that got us here.
@@ -1149,9 +1151,9 @@ RegisterHandler("fetchuserfile", \&Fetch
 #     0        - Requested to exit, caller should shut down.
 #     1        - Continue processing.
 sub AuthenticateUserFileAccess {
-    my $cmd   = shift;
-    my $tail    = shift;
-    my $client = shift;
+    my $cmd       = shift;
+    my $tail      = shift;
+    my $client    = shift;
     my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
     my ($fname,$session)=split(/:/,$tail);
@@ -1199,7 +1201,7 @@ sub UnsubscribeHandler {
 RegisterHandler("unusb", \&UnsubscribeHandler, 0, 1, 0);
-#   Subscribe to a resource.
+#   Subscribe to a resource
 # Parameters:
 #    $cmd      - The command that got us here.
@@ -1273,7 +1275,7 @@ sub ActivityLogEntryHandler {
 	print $hfh "$now:$clientname:$what\n";
 	Reply( $client, "ok\n", $userinput); 
     } else {
-	Reply($client, "error: ".($!+0)." IO::File->new Failed "
+	Failure($client, "error: ".($!+0)." IO::File->new Failed "
 	      ."while attempting log\n", 
@@ -1300,29 +1302,19 @@ sub PutUserProfileEntry {
     my $tail      = shift;
     my $client    = shift;
     my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
     my ($udom,$uname,$namespace,$what) =split(/:/,$tail);
-    $namespace=~s/\//\_/g;
-    $namespace=~s/\W//g;
     if ($namespace ne 'roles') {
-	my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
-	my $now=time;
-	unless ($namespace=~/^nohist\_/) {
-	    my $hfh;
-	    if ($hfh=IO::File->new(">>$proname/$namespace.hist")) { 
-		print $hfh "P:$now:$what\n"; 
-	    }
-	}
-	my @pairs=split(/\&/,$what);
-	my %hash;
-	if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",
-		&GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
+	my $hashref = TieUserHash($udom, $uname, $namespace,
+				  &GDBM_WRCREAT(),"P",$what);
+	if($hashref) {
+	    my @pairs=split(/\&/,$what);
 	    foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
 		my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$pair);
-		$hash{$key}=$value;
+		$hashref->{$key}=$value;
-	    if (untie(%hash)) {
+	    if (untie(%$hashref)) {
 		Reply( $client, "ok\n", $userinput);
 	    } else {
 		Failure($client, "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) failed ".
@@ -1334,9 +1326,9 @@ sub PutUserProfileEntry {
 		     "while attempting put\n", $userinput);
     } else {
-	Failure( $client, "refused\n", $userinput);
+        Failure( $client, "refused\n", $userinput);
     return 1;
 RegisterHandler("put", \&PutUserProfileEntry, 0, 1, 0);
@@ -1363,31 +1355,22 @@ sub IncrementUserValueHandler {
     my $userinput   = "$cmd:$tail";
     my ($udom,$uname,$namespace,$what) =split(/:/,$tail);
-    $namespace=~s/\//\_/g;
-    $namespace=~s/\W//g;
     if ($namespace ne 'roles') {
-	chomp($what);
-	my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
-	my $now=time;
-	unless ($namespace=~/^nohist\_/) {
-	    my $hfh;
-	    if ($hfh=IO::File->new(">>$proname/$namespace.hist")) { 
-		print $hfh "P:$now:$what\n";
-	    }
-	}
-	my @pairs=split(/\&/,$what);
-	my %hash;
-	if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_WRCREAT(),
-		0640)) {
+        chomp($what);
+	my $hashref = TieUserHash($udom, $uname,
+				  $namespace, &GDBM_WRCREAT(),
+				  "P",$what);
+	if ($hashref) {
+	    my @pairs=split(/\&/,$what);
 	    foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
 		my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$pair);
 		# We could check that we have a number...
 		if (! defined($value) || $value eq '') {
 		    $value = 1;
-		$hash{$key}+=$value;
+		$hashref->{$key}+=$value;
-	    if (untie(%hash)) {
+	    if (untie(%$hashref)) {
 		Reply( $client, "ok\n", $userinput);
 	    } else {
 		Failure($client, "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) failed ".
@@ -1400,7 +1383,7 @@ sub IncrementUserValueHandler {
     } else {
 	Failure($client, "refused\n", $userinput);
     return 1;
 RegisterHandler("inc", \&IncrementUserValueHandler, 0, 1, 0);
@@ -1435,29 +1418,23 @@ sub RolesPutHandler {
 	   "what = ".$what);
     my $namespace='roles';
-    my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
-    my $now=time;
+    my $hashref = TieUserHash($udom, $uname, $namespace,
+			      &GDBM_WRCREAT(), "P",
+			      "$exedom:$exeuser:$what");
     #  Log the attempt to set a role.  The {}'s here ensure that the file 
     #  handle is open for the minimal amount of time.  Since the flush
     #  is done on close this improves the chances the log will be an un-
     #  corrupted ordered thing.
-    {
-	my $hfh;
-	if ($hfh=IO::File->new(">>$proname/$namespace.hist")) { 
-	    print $hfh "P:$now:$exedom:$exeuser:$what\n";
-	}
-    }
-    my @pairs=split(/\&/,$what);
-    my %hash;
-    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db", &GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
+    if ($hashref) {
+	my @pairs=split(/\&/,$what);
 	foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
 	    my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$pair);
-            &ManagePermissions($key, $udom, $uname,
-                               &GetAuthType( $udom, $uname));
-            $hash{$key}=$value;
+	    &ManagePermissions($key, $udom, $uname,
+			       &GetAuthType( $udom, $uname));
+	    $hashref->{$key}=$value;
-	if (untie(%hash)) {
+	if (untie($hashref)) {
 	    Reply($client, "ok\n", $userinput);
 	} else {
 	    Failure( $client, "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
@@ -1498,34 +1475,24 @@ sub RolesDeleteHandler {
 	   "what = ".$what);
     my $namespace='roles';
-    my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
-    my $now=time;
-    #
-    #   Log the attempt. This {}'ing is done to ensure that the
-    #   logfile is flushed and closed as quickly as possible.  Hopefully
-    #   this preserves both time ordering and reduces the probability that
-    #   messages will be interleaved.
-    #
-    {
-	my $hfh;
-	if ($hfh=IO::File->new(">>$proname/$namespace.hist")) { 
-	    print $hfh "D:$now:$exedom:$exeuser:$what\n";
-	}
-    }
-    my @rolekeys=split(/\&/,$what);
-    my %hash;
-    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db", &GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
+    my $hashref = TieUserHash($udom, $uname, $namespace,
+			      &GDBM_WRCREAT(), "D",
+			      "$exedom:$exeuser:$what");
+    if ($hashref) {
+	my @rolekeys=split(/\&/,$what);
 	foreach my $key (@rolekeys) {
-	    delete $hash{$key};
+	    delete $hashref->{$key};
-	if (untie(%hash)) {
+	if (untie(%$hashref)) {
 	    Reply($client, "ok\n", $userinput);
 	} else {
 	    Failure( $client, "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
 		     "while attempting rolesdel\n", $userinput);
     } else {
-	Failure( $client, "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+        Failure( $client, "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
 		 "while attempting rolesdel\n", $userinput);
@@ -1559,19 +1526,18 @@ sub GetProfileEntry {
     my $userinput= "$cmd:$tail";
     my ($udom,$uname,$namespace,$what) = split(/:/,$tail);
-    $namespace=~s/\//\_/g;
-    $namespace=~s/\W//g;
-    my @queries=split(/\&/,$what);
-    my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
-    my $qresult='';
-    my %hash;
-    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db", &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+    my $hashref = TieUserHash($udom, $uname, $namespace,
+			      &GDBM_READER());
+    if ($hashref) {
+        my @queries=split(/\&/,$what);
+        my $qresult='';
 	for (my $i=0;$i<=$#queries;$i++) {
-	    $qresult.="$hash{$queries[$i]}&";    # Presumably failure gives empty string.
+	    $qresult.="$hashref->{$queries[$i]}&";    # Presumably failure gives empty string.
-	if (untie(%hash)) {
-	    $qresult=~s/\&$//;              # Remove trailing & from last lookup.
+	$qresult=~s/\&$//;              # Remove trailing & from last lookup.
+	if (untie(%$hashref)) {
 	    Reply($client, "$qresult\n", $userinput);
 	} else {
 	    Failure($client, "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
@@ -1615,27 +1581,26 @@ sub GetProfileEntryEncrypted {
     my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
     my ($cmd,$udom,$uname,$namespace,$what) = split(/:/,$userinput);
-    $namespace=~s/\//\_/g;
-    $namespace=~s/\W//g;
-    my @queries=split(/\&/,$what);
-    my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
-    my $qresult='';
-    my %hash;
-    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+    my $hashref = TieUserHash($udom, $uname, $namespace,
+				  &GDBM_READER());
+    if ($hashref) {
+        my @queries=split(/\&/,$what);
+        my $qresult='';
 	for (my $i=0;$i<=$#queries;$i++) {
-	    $qresult.="$hash{$queries[$i]}&";
+	    $qresult.="$hashref->{$queries[$i]}&";
-	if (untie(%hash)) {
+	if (untie(%$hashref)) {
 	    if ($cipher) {
 		my $cmdlength=length($qresult);
 		$qresult.="         ";
 		my $encqresult='';
 		for(my $encidx=0;$encidx<=$cmdlength;$encidx+=8) {
-		    $encqresult.= unpack("H16", $cipher->encrypt(substr($qresult,
-									$encidx,
-									8)));
+		    $encqresult.= unpack("H16", 
+					 $cipher->encrypt(substr($qresult,
+								 $encidx,
+								 8)));
 		Reply( $client, "enc:$cmdlength:$encqresult\n", $userinput);
 	    } else {
@@ -1680,24 +1645,16 @@ sub DeleteProfileEntry {
     my $userinput = "cmd:$tail";
     my ($udom,$uname,$namespace,$what) = split(/:/,$tail);
-    $namespace=~s/\//\_/g;
-    $namespace=~s/\W//g;
-    my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
-    my $now=time;
-    unless ($namespace=~/^nohist\_/) {
-	my $hfh;
-	if ($hfh=IO::File->new(">>$proname/$namespace.hist")) { 
-	    print $hfh "D:$now:$what\n"; 
-	}
-    }
-    my @keys=split(/\&/,$what);
-    my %hash;
-    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
+    my $hashref = TieUserHash($udom, $uname, $namespace,
+				  &GDBM_WRCREAT(),
+				  "D",$what);
+    if ($hashref) {
+        my @keys=split(/\&/,$what);
 	foreach my $key (@keys) {
-	    delete($hash{$key});
+	    delete($hashref->{$key});
-	if (untie(%hash)) {
+	if (untie(%$hashref)) {
 	    Reply($client, "ok\n", $userinput);
 	} else {
 	    Failure($client, "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
@@ -1732,16 +1689,14 @@ sub GetProfileKeys {
     my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
     my ($udom,$uname,$namespace)=split(/:/,$tail);
-    $namespace=~s/\//\_/g;
-    $namespace=~s/\W//g;
-    my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
     my $qresult='';
-    my %hash;
-    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
-	foreach my $key (keys %hash) {
+    my $hashref = TieUserHash($udom, $uname, $namespace,
+				  &GDBM_READER());
+    if ($hashref) {
+	foreach my $key (keys %$hashref) {
-	if (untie(%hash)) {
+	if (untie(%$hashref)) {
 	    Reply($client, "$qresult\n", $userinput);
 	} else {
@@ -1782,19 +1737,18 @@ sub DumpProfileDatabase {
     my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
     my ($udom,$uname,$namespace) = split(/:/,$tail);
-    $namespace=~s/\//\_/g;
-    $namespace=~s/\W//g;
-    my $qresult='';
-    my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
-    my %hash;
-    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db", &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+    my $hashref = TieUserHash($udom, $uname, $namespace,
+				  &GDBM_READER());
+    if ($hashref) {
 	# Structure of %data:
 	# $data{$symb}->{$parameter}=$value;
 	# $data{$symb}->{'v.'.$parameter}=$version;
 	# since $parameter will be unescaped, we do not
-	# have to worry about silly parameter names...
+ 	# have to worry about silly parameter names...
+        my $qresult='';
 	my %data = ();                     # A hash of anonymous hashes..
-	while (my ($key,$value) = each(%hash)) {
+	while (my ($key,$value) = each(%$hashref)) {
 	    my ($v,$symb,$param) = split(/:/,$key);
 	    next if ($v eq 'version' || $symb eq 'keys');
 	    next if (exists($data{$symb}) && 
@@ -1803,7 +1757,7 @@ sub DumpProfileDatabase {
-	if (untie(%hash)) {
+	if (untie(%$hashref)) {
 	    while (my ($symb,$param_hash) = each(%data)) {
 		while(my ($param,$value) = each (%$param_hash)){
 		    next if ($param =~ /^v\./);       # Ignore versions...
@@ -1859,19 +1813,16 @@ sub DumpWithRegexp {
     my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
     my ($udom,$uname,$namespace,$regexp)=split(/:/,$tail);
-    $namespace=~s/\//\_/g;
-    $namespace=~s/\W//g;
     if (defined($regexp)) {
     } else {
-    my $qresult='';
-    my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
-    my %hash;
-    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",
-	    &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
-	while (my ($key,$value) = each(%hash)) {
+    my $hashref =TieUserHash($udom, $uname, $namespace,
+				 &GDBM_READER());
+    if ($hashref) {
+        my $qresult='';
+	while (my ($key,$value) = each(%$hashref)) {
 	    if ($regexp eq '.') {
 	    } else {
@@ -1881,7 +1832,7 @@ sub DumpWithRegexp {
-	if (untie(%hash)) {
+	if (untie(%$hashref)) {
 	    Reply($client, "$qresult\n", $userinput);
 	} else {
@@ -1923,36 +1874,29 @@ sub StoreHandler {
     my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
     my ($udom,$uname,$namespace,$rid,$what) =split(/:/,$tail);
-    $namespace=~s/\//\_/g;
-    $namespace=~s/\W//g;
     if ($namespace ne 'roles') {
-	my $proname=propath($udom,$uname);
-	my $now=time;
-	unless ($namespace=~/^nohist\_/) {
-	    my $hfh;
-	    if ($hfh=IO::File->new(">>$proname/$namespace.hist")) {
-		print $hfh "P:$now:$rid:$what\n"; 
-	    }
-	}
 	my @pairs=split(/\&/,$what);
-	my %hash;
-	if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname/$namespace.db",
-		&GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
-	    my @previouskeys=split(/&/,$hash{"keys:$rid"});
+	my $hashref  = TieUserHash($udom, $uname, $namespace,
+				       &GDBM_WRCREAT(), "P",
+				       "$rid:$what");
+	if ($hashref) {
+	    my $now = time;
+	    my @previouskeys=split(/&/,$hashref->{"keys:$rid"});
 	    my $key;
-	    $hash{"version:$rid"}++;
-	    my $version=$hash{"version:$rid"};
+	    $hashref->{"version:$rid"}++;
+	    my $version=$hashref->{"version:$rid"};
 	    my $allkeys=''; 
 	    foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
 		my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$pair);
-		$hash{"$version:$rid:$key"}=$value;
+		$hashref->{"$version:$rid:$key"}=$value;
-	    $hash{"$version:$rid:timestamp"}=$now;
+	    $hashref->{"$version:$rid:timestamp"}=$now;
-	    $hash{"$version:keys:$rid"}=$allkeys;
-	    if (untie(%hash)) {
+	    $hashref->{"$version:keys:$rid"}=$allkeys;
+	    if (untie($hashref)) {
 		Reply($client, "ok\n", $userinput);
 	    } else {
 		Failure($client, "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
@@ -2213,20 +2157,18 @@ sub PutCourseIdHandler {
     my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
-    my ($udom,$what)=split(/:/,$tail);
+    my ($udom, $what) = split(/:/, $tail);
-    $udom=~s/\W//g;
-    my $proname=
-	"$perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}/$udom/nohist_courseids";
     my $now=time;
     my @pairs=split(/\&/,$what);
-    my %hash;
-    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname.db",&GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
+    my $hashref = TieDomainHash($udom, "nohist_courseids", &GDBM_WRCREAT());
+    if ($hashref) {
 	foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
 	    my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$pair);
-	    $hash{$key}=$value.':'.$now;
+	    $hashref->{$key}=$value.':'.$now;
-	if (untie(%hash)) {
+	if (untie(%$hashref)) {
 	    Reply($client, "ok\n", $userinput);
 	} else {
 	    Failure( $client, "error: ".($!+0)
@@ -2281,10 +2223,10 @@ sub DumpCourseIdHandler {
     unless (defined($since)) { $since=0; }
     my $qresult='';
-    my $proname = "$perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}/$udom/nohist_courseids";
-    my %hash;
-    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname.db",&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
-	while (my ($key,$value) = each(%hash)) {
+    my $hashref = TieDomainHash($udom, "nohist_courseids", &GDBM_WRCREAT());
+    if ($hashref) {
+	while (my ($key,$value) = each(%$hashref)) {
 	    my ($descr,$lasttime)=split(/\:/,$value);
 	    if ($lasttime<$since) { 
@@ -2298,7 +2240,7 @@ sub DumpCourseIdHandler {
-	if (untie(%hash)) {
+	if (untie(%$hashref)) {
 	    Reply($client, "$qresult\n", $userinput);
 	} else {
@@ -2339,23 +2281,15 @@ sub PutIdHandler {
     my ($udom,$what)=split(/:/,$tail);
-    $udom=~s/\W//g;
-    my $proname="$perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}/$udom/ids";
-    my $now=time;
-    {
-	my $hfh;
-	if ($hfh=IO::File->new(">>$proname.hist")) { 
-	    print $hfh "P:$now:$what\n"; 
-	}
-    }
     my @pairs=split(/\&/,$what);
-    my %hash;
-    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname.db",&GDBM_WRCREAT(),0640)) {
+    my $hashref = TieDomainHash($udom, "ids", &GDBM_WRCREAT(),
+				"P", $what);
+    if ($hashref) {
 	foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
 	    my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$pair);
-	    $hash{$key}=$value;
+	    $hashref->{$key}=$value;
-	if (untie(%hash)) {
+	if (untie(%$hashref)) {
 	    Reply($client, "ok\n", $userinput);
 	} else {
 	    Failure($client, "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
@@ -2393,21 +2327,19 @@ sub GetIdHandler {
     my $cmd    = shift;
     my $tail   = shift;
     my $client = shift;
     my $userinput = "$client:$tail";
     my ($udom,$what)=split(/:/,$tail);
-    $udom=~s/\W//g;
-    my $proname="$perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}/$udom/ids";
     my @queries=split(/\&/,$what);
     my $qresult='';
-    my %hash;
-    if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$proname.db",&GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+    my $hashref = TieDomainHash($udom, "ids", &GDBM_READER());
+    if ($hashref) {
 	for (my $i=0;$i<=$#queries;$i++) {
-	    $qresult.="$hash{$queries[$i]}&";
+	    $qresult.="$hashref->{$queries[$i]}&";
-	if (untie(%hash)) {
+	if (untie(%$hashref)) {
 	    Reply($client, "$qresult\n", $userinput);
 	} else {
@@ -2418,7 +2350,7 @@ sub GetIdHandler {
 	Failure($client, "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
 		"while attempting idget\n",$userinput);
     return 1;
@@ -2486,7 +2418,7 @@ sub TmpGetHandler {
     my $id        = shift;
     my $client    = shift;
     my $userinput = "$cmd:$id"; 
     my $store;
@@ -2521,9 +2453,9 @@ sub TmpDelHandler {
     my $cmd      = shift;
     my $id       = shift;
     my $client   = shift;
     my $userinput= "$cmd:$id";
     my $execdir=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
@@ -2533,7 +2465,7 @@ sub TmpDelHandler {
 	Failure( $client, "error: ".($!+0)."Unlink tmp Failed ".
 		 "while attempting tmpdel\n", $userinput);
     return 1;
@@ -3861,11 +3793,14 @@ sub subsqlreply {
 sub propath {
     my ($udom,$uname)=@_;
+    Debug("Propath:$udom:$uname");
+    Debug("Propath2:$udom:$uname");
     my $subdir=$uname.'__';
     $subdir =~ s/(.)(.)(.).*/$1\/$2\/$3/;
     my $proname="$perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}/$udom/$subdir/$uname";
+    Debug("Propath returning $proname");
     return $proname;
@@ -4109,6 +4044,79 @@ sub ManagePermissions {
 	system("$execdir/lchtmldir $userhome $user $authtype");
+#  Return the full path of a user password file, whether it exists or not.
+# Parameters:
+#   domain     - Domain in which the password file lives.
+#   user       - name of the user.
+# Returns:
+#    Full passwd path:
+sub PasswordPath {
+    my $domain = shift;
+    my $user   = shift;
+    my $path   = &propath($domain, $user);
+    $path  .= "/passwd";
+    return $path;
+#   Password Filename
+#   Returns the path to a passwd file given domain and user... only if
+#  it exists.
+# Parameters:
+#   domain    - Domain in which to search.
+#   user      - username.
+# Returns:
+#   - If the password file exists returns its path.
+#   - If the password file does not exist, returns undefined.
+sub PasswordFilename {
+    my $domain    = shift;
+    my $user      = shift;
+    Debug ("PasswordFilename called: dom = $domain user = $user");
+    my $path  = PasswordPath($domain, $user);
+    Debug("PasswordFilename got path: $path");
+    if(-e $path) {
+	return $path;
+    } else {
+	return undef;
+    }
+#   Rewrite the contents of the user's passwd file.
+#  Parameters:
+#    domain    - domain of the user.
+#    name      - User's name.
+#    contents  - New contents of the file.
+# Returns:
+#   0    - Failed.
+#   1    - Success.
+sub RewritePwFile {
+    my $domain   = shift;
+    my $user     = shift;
+    my $contents = shift;
+    my $file = PasswordFilename($domain, $user);
+    if (defined $file) {
+	my $pf = IO::File->new(">$file");
+	if($pf) {
+	    print $pf "$contents\n";
+	    return 1;
+	} else {
+	    return 0;
+	}
+    } else {
+	return 0;
+    }
 #   GetAuthType - Determines the authorization type of a user in a domain.
@@ -4119,27 +4127,148 @@ sub GetAuthType {
     my $user   = shift;
     Debug("GetAuthType( $domain, $user ) \n");
-    my $proname    = &propath($domain, $user); 
-    my $passwdfile = "$proname/passwd";
-    if( -e $passwdfile ) {
+    my $passwdfile = PasswordFilename($domain, $user);
+    if( defined $passwdfile ) {
 	my $pf = IO::File->new($passwdfile);
 	my $realpassword = <$pf>;
 	Debug("Password info = $realpassword\n");
-	my ($authtype, $contentpwd) = split(/:/, $realpassword);
-	Debug("Authtype = $authtype, content = $contentpwd\n");
-	my $availinfo = '';
-	if($authtype eq 'krb4' or $authtype eq 'krb5') {
-	    $availinfo = $contentpwd;
-	}
-	return "$authtype:$availinfo";
+	return $realpassword;
     } else {
 	Debug("Returning nouser");
 	return "nouser";
+#  Validate a user given their domain, name and password.  This utility
+#  function is used by both  AuthenticateHandler and ChangePasswordHandler
+#  to validate the login credentials of a user.
+# Parameters:
+#    $domain    - The domain being logged into (this is required due to
+#                 the capability for multihomed systems.
+#    $user      - The name of the user being validated.
+#    $password  - The user's propoposed password.
+# Returns:
+#     1        - The domain,user,pasword triplet corresponds to a valid
+#                user.
+#     0        - The domain,user,password triplet is not a valid user.
+sub ValidateUser {
+    my $domain  = shift;
+    my $user    = shift;
+    my $password= shift;
+    # Why negative ~pi you may well ask?  Well this function is about
+    # authentication, and therefore very important to get right.
+    # I've initialized the flag that determines whether or not I've 
+    # validated correctly to a value it's not supposed to get.
+    # At the end of this function. I'll ensure that it's not still that
+    # value so we don't just wind up returning some accidental value
+    # as a result of executing an unforseen code path that
+    # did not set $validated.
+    my $validated = -3.14159;
+    #  How we authenticate is determined by the type of authentication
+    #  the user has been assigned.  If the authentication type is
+    #  "nouser", the user does not exist so we will return 0.
+    my $contents = GetAuthType($domain, $user);
+    my ($howpwd, $contentpwd) = split(/:/, $contents);
+    my $null = pack("C",0);	# Used by kerberos auth types.
+    if ($howpwd ne 'nouser') {
+	if($howpwd eq "internal") { # Encrypted is in local password file.
+	    $validated = (crypt($password, $contentpwd) eq $contentpwd);
+	}
+	elsif ($howpwd eq "unix") { # User is a normal unix user.
+	    $contentpwd = (getpwnam($user))[1];
+	    if($contentpwd) {
+		if($contentpwd eq 'x') { # Shadow password file...
+		    my $pwauth_path = "/usr/local/sbin/pwauth";
+		    open PWAUTH,  "|$pwauth_path" or
+			die "Cannot invoke authentication";
+		    print PWAUTH "$user\n$password\n";
+		    close PWAUTH;
+		    $validated = ! $?;
+		} else { 	         # Passwords in /etc/passwd. 
+		    $validated = (crypt($password,
+					$contentpwd) eq $contentpwd);
+		}
+	    } else {
+		$validated = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+	elsif ($howpwd eq "krb4") { # user is in kerberos 4 auth. domain.
+	    if(! ($password =~ /$null/) ) {
+		my $k4error = &Authen::Krb4::get_pw_in_tkt($user,
+							   "",
+							   $contentpwd,,
+							   'krbtgt',
+							   $contentpwd,
+							   1,
+							   $password);
+		if(!$k4error) {
+		    $validated = 1;
+		}
+		else {
+		    $validated = 0;
+		    &logthis('krb4: '.$user.', '.$contentpwd.', '.
+			     &Authen::Krb4::get_err_txt($Authen::Krb4::error));
+		}
+	    }
+	    else {
+		$validated = 0; # Password has a match with null.
+	    }
+	}
+	elsif ($howpwd eq "krb5") { # User is in kerberos 5 auth. domain.
+	    if(!($password =~ /$null/)) { # Null password not allowed.
+		my $krbclient = &Authen::Krb5::parse_name($user.'@'
+							  .$contentpwd);
+		my $krbservice = "krbtgt/".$contentpwd."\@".$contentpwd;
+		my $krbserver  = &Authen::Krb5::parse_name($krbservice);
+		my $credentials= &Authen::Krb5::cc_default();
+		$credentials->initialize($krbclient);
+		my $krbreturn  = &Authen::KRb5::get_in_tkt_with_password($krbclient,
+									 $krbserver,
+									 $password,
+									 $credentials);
+		$validated = ($krbreturn == 1);
+	    }
+	    else {
+		$validated = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+	elsif ($howpwd eq "localauth") { 
+	    #  Authenticate via installation specific authentcation method:
+	    $validated = &localauth::localauth($user, 
+					       $password, 
+					       $contentpwd);
+	}
+	else {			# Unrecognized auth is also bad.
+	    $validated = 0;
+	}
+    } else {
+	$validated = 0;
+    }
+    #
+    #  $validated has the correct stat of the authentication:
+    #
+    unless ($validated != -3.14159) {
+	die "ValidateUser - failed to set the value of validated";
+    }
+    return $validated;
+#    Add a line to the subscription list?
 sub addline {
     my ($fname,$hostid,$ip,$newline)=@_;
     my $contents;
@@ -4159,7 +4288,9 @@ sub addline {
     return $found;
+#    Get chat messages.
 sub getchat {
     my ($cdom,$cname,$udom,$uname)=@_;
     my %hash;
@@ -4184,7 +4315,9 @@ sub getchat {
     return (@participants,@entries);
+#   Add a chat message
 sub chatadd {
     my ($cdom,$cname,$newchat)=@_;
     my %hash;
@@ -4355,23 +4488,32 @@ sub make_passwd_file {
 	    print $pf "localauth:$npass\n";
     } elsif ($umode eq 'unix') {
-	{
-	    my $execpath="$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/"."lcuseradd";
-	    {
-		&Debug("Executing external: ".$execpath);
-		&Debug("user  = ".$uname.", Password =". $npass);
-		my $se = IO::File->new("|$execpath > $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lcuseradd.log");
-		print $se "$uname\n";
-		print $se "$npass\n";
-		print $se "$npass\n";
-	    }
-	    my $useraddok = $?;
-	    if($useraddok > 0) {
-		&logthis("Failed lcuseradd: ".&lcuseraddstrerror($useraddok));
-	    }
-	    my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
-	    print $pf "unix:\n";
+	#
+	#  Don't allow the creation of privileged accounts!!! that would
+	#  be real bad!!!
+	#
+	my $uid = getpwnam($uname);
+	if((defined $uid) && ($uid == 0)) {
+	    return "no_priv_account_error\n";
+	}
+	#
+	my $execpath="$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/"."lcuseradd";
+	&Debug("Executing external: ".$execpath);
+	&Debug("user  = ".$uname.", Password =". $npass);
+	my $se = IO::File->new("|$execpath > $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/logs/lcuseradd.log");
+	print $se "$uname\n";
+	print $se "$npass\n";
+	print $se "$npass\n";
+	my $useraddok = $?;
+	if($useraddok > 0) {
+	    &logthis("Failed lcuseradd: ".&lcuseraddstrerror($useraddok));
+	my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
+	print $pf "unix:\n";
     } elsif ($umode eq 'none') {
 	    my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");