--- loncom/lond	2006/02/09 20:48:40	1.318.2.3
+++ loncom/lond	2006/05/30 15:39:56	1.331
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network
 # lond "LON Daemon" Server (port "LOND" 5663)
-# $Id: lond,v 1.318.2.3 2006/02/09 20:48:40 albertel Exp $
+# $Id: lond,v 1.331 2006/05/30 15:39:56 www Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
 use strict;
 use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
 use LONCAPA::Configuration;
 use IO::Socket;
 use IO::File;
 #use Apache::File;
-use Symbol;
 use POSIX;
 use Crypt::IDEA;
 use LWP::UserAgent();
@@ -53,15 +53,13 @@ use LONCAPA::ConfigFileEdit;
 use LONCAPA::lonlocal;
 use LONCAPA::lonssl;
 use Fcntl qw(:flock);
-use Symbol;
 my $DEBUG = 0;		       # Non zero to enable debug log entries.
 my $status='';
 my $lastlog='';
-my $lond_max_wait_time = 13;
-my $VERSION='$Revision: 1.318.2.3 $'; #' stupid emacs
+my $VERSION='$Revision: 1.331 $'; #' stupid emacs
 my $remoteVERSION;
 my $currenthostid="default";
 my $currentdomainid;
@@ -941,169 +939,6 @@ sub EditFile {
     return "ok\n";
-# Manipulation of hash based databases (factoring out common code
-# for later use as we refactor.
-#  Ties a domain level resource file to a hash.
-#  If requested a history entry is created in the associated hist file.
-#  Parameters:
-#     domain    - Name of the domain in which the resource file lives.
-#     namespace - Name of the hash within that domain.
-#     how       - How to tie the hash (e.g. GDBM_WRCREAT()).
-#     loghead   - Optional parameter, if present a log entry is created
-#                 in the associated history file and this is the first part
-#                  of that entry.
-#     logtail   - Goes along with loghead,  The actual logentry is of the
-#                 form $loghead:<timestamp>:logtail.
-# Returns:
-#    Reference to a hash bound to the db file or alternatively undef
-#    if the tie failed.
-sub tie_domain_hash {
-    my ($domain,$namespace,$how,$loghead,$logtail) = @_;
-    # Filter out any whitespace in the domain name:
-    $domain =~ s/\W//g;
-    # We have enough to go on to tie the hash:
-    my $user_top_dir   = $perlvar{'lonUsersDir'};
-    my $domain_dir     = $user_top_dir."/$domain";
-    my $resource_file  = $domain_dir."/$namespace";
-    return &_locking_hash_tie($resource_file,$namespace,$how,$loghead,$logtail);
-sub untie_domain_hash {
-    return &_locking_hash_untie(@_);
-#   Ties a user's resource file to a hash.  
-#   If necessary, an appropriate history
-#   log file entry is made as well.
-#   This sub factors out common code from the subs that manipulate
-#   the various gdbm files that keep keyword value pairs.
-# Parameters:
-#   domain       - Name of the domain the user is in.
-#   user         - Name of the 'current user'.
-#   namespace    - Namespace representing the file to tie.
-#   how          - What the tie is done to (e.g. GDBM_WRCREAT().
-#   loghead      - Optional first part of log entry if there may be a
-#                  history file.
-#   what         - Optional tail of log entry if there may be a history
-#                  file.
-# Returns:
-#   hash to which the database is tied.  It's up to the caller to untie.
-#   undef if the has could not be tied.
-sub tie_user_hash {
-    my ($domain,$user,$namespace,$how,$loghead,$what) = @_;
-    $namespace=~s/\//\_/g;	# / -> _
-    $namespace=~s/\W//g;		# whitespace eliminated.
-    my $proname     = propath($domain, $user);
-    my $file_prefix="$proname/$namespace";
-    return &_locking_hash_tie($file_prefix,$namespace,$how,$loghead,$what);
-sub untie_user_hash {
-    return &_locking_hash_untie(@_);
-# internal routines that handle the actual tieing and untieing process
-sub _do_hash_tie {
-    my ($file_prefix,$namespace,$how,$loghead,$what) = @_;
-    my %hash;
-    if(tie(%hash, 'GDBM_File', "$file_prefix.db", $how, 0640)) {
-	# If this is a namespace for which a history is kept,
-	# make the history log entry:    
-	if (($namespace !~/^nohist\_/) && (defined($loghead))) {
-	    my $args = scalar @_;
-	    Debug(" Opening history: $file_prefix $args");
-	    my $hfh = IO::File->new(">>$file_prefix.hist"); 
-	    if($hfh) {
-		my $now = time;
-		print $hfh "$loghead:$now:$what\n";
-	    }
-	    $hfh->close;
-	}
-	return \%hash;
-    } else {
-	return undef;
-    }
-sub _do_hash_untie {
-    my ($hashref) = @_;
-    my $result = untie(%$hashref);
-    return $result;
-    my $sym;
-    sub _locking_hash_tie {
-	my ($file_prefix,$namespace,$how,$loghead,$what) = @_;
-	my ($lock);
-	if ($how eq &GDBM_READER()) {
-	    $lock=LOCK_SH;
-	    $how=$how|&GDBM_NOLOCK();
-	    #if the db doesn't exist we can't read from it
-	    if (! -e "$file_prefix.db") {
-		$! = 2;
-		return undef;
-	    }
-	} elsif ($how eq &GDBM_WRCREAT()) {
-	    $lock=LOCK_EX;
-	    $how=$how|&GDBM_NOLOCK();
-	    if (! -e "$file_prefix.db") {
-		# doesn't exist but we need it to in order to successfully
-                # lock it so bring it into existance
-		open(TOUCH,">>$file_prefix.db");
-		close(TOUCH);
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    &logthis("Unknown method $how for $file_prefix");
-	    die();
-	}
-	$sym=&Symbol::gensym();
-	open($sym,"$file_prefix.db");
-	my $failed=0;
-	eval {
-	    local $SIG{__DIE__}='DEFAULT';
-	    local $SIG{ALRM}=sub { 
-		$failed=1;
-		die("failed lock");
-	    };
-	    alarm($lond_max_wait_time);
-	    flock($sym,$lock);
-	    alarm(0);
-	};
-	if ($failed) {
-	    $! = 100; # throwing error # 100
-	    return undef;
-	}
-	return &_do_hash_tie($file_prefix,$namespace,$how,$loghead,$what);
-    }
-    sub _locking_hash_untie {
-	my ($hashref) = @_;
-	my $result = untie(%$hashref);
-	flock($sym,LOCK_UN);
-	close($sym);
-	undef($sym);
-	return $result;
-    }
 #   read_profile
 #   Returns a set of specific entries from a user's profile file.
@@ -2292,7 +2127,9 @@ sub token_auth_user_file_handler {
     if (open(ENVIN,$perlvar{'lonIDsDir'}.'/'.
 	     $session.'.id')) {
 	while (my $line=<ENVIN>) {
-	    if ($line=~ m|userfile\.\Q$fname\E\=|) { $reply="ok\n"; }
+	    my ($envname)=split(/=/,$line,2);
+	    $envname=&unescape($envname);
+	    if ($envname=~ m|^userfile\.\Q$fname\E|) { $reply="ok\n"; }
 	&Reply($client, $reply, "$cmd:$tail");
@@ -2915,22 +2752,11 @@ sub dump_profile_database {
 	while (my ($key,$value) = each(%$hashref)) {
 	    my ($v,$symb,$param) = split(/:/,$key);
 	    next if ($v eq 'version' || $symb eq 'keys');
-	    if (!defined($param)) {
-		foreach my $pair (split(/\&/,$value)) {
-		    my ($param,$value)=split(/=/,$pair);
-		    next if (exists($data{$symb}) && 
-			     exists($data{$symb}->{$param}) &&
-			     $data{$symb}->{'v.'.$param} > $v);
-		    $data{$symb}->{$param}=$value;
-		    $data{$symb}->{'v.'.$param}=$v;
-		}
-	    } else {
-		next if (exists($data{$symb}) && 
-			 exists($data{$symb}->{$param}) &&
-			 $data{$symb}->{'v.'.$param} > $v);
-		$data{$symb}->{$param}=$value;
-		$data{$symb}->{'v.'.$param}=$v;
-	    }
+	    next if (exists($data{$symb}) && 
+		     exists($data{$symb}->{$param}) &&
+		     $data{$symb}->{'v.'.$param} > $v);
+	    $data{$symb}->{$param}=$value;
+	    $data{$symb}->{'v.'.$param}=$v;
 	if (&untie_user_hash($hashref)) {
 	    while (my ($symb,$param_hash) = each(%data)) {
@@ -3079,10 +2905,11 @@ sub store_handler {
 	    my $version=$hashref->{"version:$rid"};
 	    my $allkeys=''; 
 	    foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
-		my ($key)=split(/=/,$pair);
+		my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$pair);
+		$hashref->{"$version:$rid:$key"}=$value;
-	    $hashref->{"$version:$rid"}=$what."\&timestamp=$now";
+	    $hashref->{"$version:$rid:timestamp"}=$now;
 	    if (&untie_user_hash($hashref)) {
@@ -3103,6 +2930,85 @@ sub store_handler {
 &register_handler("store", \&store_handler, 0, 1, 0);
+#  Modify a set of key=value pairs associated with a versioned name.
+#  Parameters:
+#    $cmd                - Request command keyword.
+#    $tail               - Tail of the request.  This is a colon
+#                          separated list containing:
+#                          domain/user - User and authentication domain.
+#                          namespace   - Name of the database being modified
+#                          rid         - Resource keyword to modify.
+#                          v           - Version item to modify
+#                          what        - new value associated with rid.
+#    $client             - Socket open on the client.
+#  Returns:
+#      1 (keep on processing).
+#  Side-Effects:
+#    Writes to the client
+sub putstore_handler {
+    my ($cmd, $tail, $client) = @_;
+    my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
+    my ($udom,$uname,$namespace,$rid,$v,$what) =split(/:/,$tail);
+    if ($namespace ne 'roles') {
+	chomp($what);
+	my $hashref  = &tie_user_hash($udom, $uname, $namespace,
+				       &GDBM_WRCREAT(), "M",
+				       "$rid:$v:$what");
+	if ($hashref) {
+	    my $now = time;
+	    my %data = &hash_extract($what);
+	    my @allkeys;
+	    while (my($key,$value) = each(%data)) {
+		push(@allkeys,$key);
+		$hashref->{"$v:$rid:$key"} = $value;
+	    }
+	    my $allkeys = join(':',@allkeys);
+	    $hashref->{"$v:keys:$rid"}=$allkeys;
+	    if (&untie_user_hash($hashref)) {
+		&Reply($client, "ok\n", $userinput);
+	    } else {
+		&Failure($client, "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
+			"while attempting store\n", $userinput);
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    &Failure( $client, "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+		     "while attempting store\n", $userinput);
+	}
+    } else {
+	&Failure($client, "refused\n", $userinput);
+    }
+    return 1;
+&register_handler("putstore", \&putstore_handler, 0, 1, 0);
+sub hash_extract {
+    my ($str)=@_;
+    my %hash;
+    foreach my $pair (split(/\&/,$str)) {
+	my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$pair);
+	$hash{$key}=$value;
+    }
+    return (%hash);
+sub hash_to_str {
+    my ($hash_ref)=@_;
+    my $str;
+    foreach my $key (keys(%$hash_ref)) {
+	$str.=$key.'='.$hash_ref->{$key}.'&';
+    }
+    $str=~s/\&$//;
+    return $str;
 #  Dump out all versions of a resource that has key=value pairs associated
 # with it for each version.  These resources are built up via the store
@@ -3148,17 +3054,9 @@ sub restore_handler {
 	    my @keys=split(/:/,$vkeys);
 	    my $key;
-	    if (exists($hashref->{"$scope:$rid"})) {
-		my $what=$hashref->{"$scope:$rid"};
-		foreach my $pair (split(/\&/,$hashref->{"$scope:$rid"})) {
-		    my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$pair);
-		    $qresult.="$scope:".$pair."&";
-		}
-	    } else {
-		foreach $key (@keys) {
-		    $qresult.="$scope:$key=".$hashref->{"$scope:$rid:$key"}."&";
-		}
-	    }
+	    foreach $key (@keys) {
+		$qresult.="$scope:$key=".$hashref->{"$scope:$rid:$key"}."&";
+	    }                                  
 	if (&untie_user_hash($hashref)) {
@@ -3179,15 +3077,17 @@ sub restore_handler {
 &register_handler("restore", \&restore_handler, 0,1,0);
-#   Add a chat message to to a discussion board.
+#   Add a chat message to a synchronous discussion board.
 # Parameters:
 #    $cmd                - Request keyword.
 #    $tail               - Tail of the command. A colon separated list
 #                          containing:
 #                          cdom    - Domain on which the chat board lives
-#                          cnum    - Identifier of the discussion group.
-#                          post    - Body of the posting.
+#                          cnum    - Course containing the chat board.
+#                          newpost - Body of the posting.
+#                          group   - Optional group, if chat board is only 
+#                                    accessible in a group within the course 
 #   $client              - Socket open on the client.
 # Returns:
 #   1    - Indicating caller should keep on processing.
@@ -3202,8 +3102,8 @@ sub send_chat_handler {
     my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
-    my ($cdom,$cnum,$newpost)=split(/\:/,$tail);
-    &chat_add($cdom,$cnum,$newpost);
+    my ($cdom,$cnum,$newpost,$group)=split(/\:/,$tail);
+    &chat_add($cdom,$cnum,$newpost,$group);
     &Reply($client, "ok\n", $userinput);
     return 1;
@@ -3211,7 +3111,7 @@ sub send_chat_handler {
 &register_handler("chatsend", \&send_chat_handler, 0, 1, 0);
-#   Retrieve the set of chat messagss from a discussion board.
+#   Retrieve the set of chat messages from a discussion board.
 #  Parameters:
 #    $cmd             - Command keyword that initiated the request.
@@ -3221,6 +3121,8 @@ sub send_chat_handler {
 #                       chat id        - Discussion thread(?)
 #                       domain/user    - Authentication domain and username
 #                                        of the requesting person.
+#                       group          - Optional course group containing
+#                                        the board.      
 #   $client           - Socket open on the client program.
 # Returns:
 #    1     - continue processing
@@ -3233,9 +3135,9 @@ sub retrieve_chat_handler {
     my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
-    my ($cdom,$cnum,$udom,$uname)=split(/\:/,$tail);
+    my ($cdom,$cnum,$udom,$uname,$group)=split(/\:/,$tail);
     my $reply='';
-    foreach (&get_chat($cdom,$cnum,$udom,$uname)) {
+    foreach (&get_chat($cdom,$cnum,$udom,$uname,$group)) {
@@ -4366,10 +4268,19 @@ sub photo_permission_handler {
     my $userinput               = "$cmd:$tail";
     my $cdom = $tail;
     my ($perm_reqd,$conditions);
-    my $outcome = &localenroll::photo_permission($cdom,\$perm_reqd,
-						 \$conditions);
-    &Reply($client, &escape($outcome.':'.$perm_reqd.':'. $conditions)."\n",
-	   $userinput);
+    my $outcome;
+    eval {
+	local($SIG{__DIE__})='DEFAULT';
+	$outcome = &localenroll::photo_permission($cdom,\$perm_reqd,
+						  \$conditions);
+    };
+    if (!$@) {
+	&Reply($client, &escape($outcome.':'.$perm_reqd.':'. $conditions)."\n",
+	       $userinput);
+    } else {
+	&Failure($client,"unknown_cmd\n",$userinput);
+    }
+    return 1;
@@ -4394,6 +4305,7 @@ sub photo_check_handler {
     my $result = &localstudentphoto::fetch($udom,$uname,$pid,\$response);
     $result .= ':'.$response;
     &Reply($client, &escape($result)."\n",$userinput);
+    return 1;
@@ -4407,8 +4319,17 @@ sub photo_choice_handler {
     my ($cmd, $tail, $client) = @_;
     my $userinput             = "$cmd:$tail";
     my $cdom                  = &unescape($tail);
-    my ($update,$comment) = &localenroll::manager_photo_update($cdom);
-    &Reply($client,&escape($update).':'.&escape($comment)."\n",$userinput);
+    my ($update,$comment);
+    eval {
+	local($SIG{__DIE__})='DEFAULT';
+	($update,$comment)    = &localenroll::manager_photo_update($cdom);
+    };
+    if (!$@) {
+	&Reply($client,&escape($update).':'.&escape($comment)."\n",$userinput);
+    } else {
+	&Failure($client,"unknown_cmd\n",$userinput);
+    }
+    return 1;
@@ -4441,7 +4362,10 @@ sub student_photo_handler {
     my $file;
     if ($type eq 'thumbnail') {
-        $file=&localstudentphoto::fetch_thumbnail($domain,$uname);
+	eval {
+	    local($SIG{__DIE__})='DEFAULT';
+	    $file=&localstudentphoto::fetch_thumbnail($domain,$uname);
+	};
     } else {
@@ -4511,6 +4435,22 @@ sub process_request {
                                 # fix all the userinput -> user_input.
     my $wasenc    = 0;		# True if request was encrypted.
 # ------------------------------------------------------------ See if encrypted
+    # for command
+    # sethost:<server>
+    # <command>:<args>
+    #   we just send it to the processor
+    # for
+    # sethost:<server>:<command>:<args>
+    #  we do the implict set host and then do the command
+    if ($userinput =~ /^sethost:/) {
+	(my $cmd,my $newid,$userinput) = split(':',$userinput,3);
+	if (defined($userinput)) {
+	    &sethost("$cmd:$newid");
+	} else {
+	    $userinput = "$cmd:$newid";
+	}
+    }
     if ($userinput =~ /^enc/) {
 	$userinput = decipher($userinput);
@@ -5074,22 +5014,6 @@ sub status {
     $0='lond: '.$what.' '.$local;
-# -------------------------------------------------------- Escape Special Chars
-sub escape {
-    my $str=shift;
-    $str =~ s/(\W)/"%".unpack('H2',$1)/eg;
-    return $str;
-# ----------------------------------------------------- Un-Escape Special Chars
-sub unescape {
-    my $str=shift;
-    $str =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C",hex($1))/eg;
-    return $str;
 # ----------------------------------------------------------- Send USR1 to lonc
 sub reconlonc {
@@ -5164,25 +5088,13 @@ sub sub_sql_reply {
                                       Type    => SOCK_STREAM,
                                       Timeout => 10)
        or return "con_lost";
-    print $sclient "$cmd\n";
+    print $sclient "$cmd:$currentdomainid\n";
     my $answer=<$sclient>;
     if (!$answer) { $answer="con_lost"; }
     return $answer;
-# -------------------------------------------- Return path to profile directory
-sub propath {
-    my ($udom,$uname)=@_;
-    $udom=~s/\W//g;
-    $uname=~s/\W//g;
-    my $subdir=$uname.'__';
-    $subdir =~ s/(.)(.)(.).*/$1\/$2\/$3/;
-    my $proname="$perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}/$udom/$subdir/$uname";
-    return $proname;
 # --------------------------------------- Is this the home server of an author?
 sub ishome {
@@ -5499,8 +5411,11 @@ sub is_author {
     #  Author role should show up as a key /domain/_au
-    my $key   = "/$domain/_au";
-    my $value = $hashref->{$key};
+    my $key    = "/$domain/_au";
+    my $value;
+    if (defined($hashref)) {
+	$value = $hashref->{$key};
+    }
     if(defined($value)) {
 	&Debug("$user @ $domain is an author");
@@ -5773,10 +5688,16 @@ sub addline {
 sub get_chat {
-    my ($cdom,$cname,$udom,$uname)=@_;
+    my ($cdom,$cname,$udom,$uname,$group)=@_;
     my @entries=();
-    my $hashref = &tie_user_hash($cdom, $cname, 'nohist_chatroom',
+    my $namespace = 'nohist_chatroom';
+    my $namespace_inroom = 'nohist_inchatroom';
+    if (defined($group)) {
+        $namespace .= '_'.$group;
+        $namespace_inroom .= '_'.$group;
+    }
+    my $hashref = &tie_user_hash($cdom, $cname, $namespace,
     if ($hashref) {
 	@entries=map { $_.':'.$hashref->{$_} } sort(keys(%$hashref));
@@ -5784,7 +5705,7 @@ sub get_chat {
     my @participants=();
     my $cutoff=time-60;
-    $hashref = &tie_user_hash($cdom, $cname, 'nohist_inchatroom',
+    $hashref = &tie_user_hash($cdom, $cname, $namespace_inroom,
     if ($hashref) {
@@ -5799,10 +5720,16 @@ sub get_chat {
 sub chat_add {
-    my ($cdom,$cname,$newchat)=@_;
+    my ($cdom,$cname,$newchat,$group)=@_;
     my @entries=();
     my $time=time;
-    my $hashref = &tie_user_hash($cdom, $cname, 'nohist_chatroom',
+    my $namespace = 'nohist_chatroom';
+    my $logfile = 'chatroom.log';
+    if (defined($group)) {
+        $namespace .= '_'.$group;
+        $logfile = 'chatroom_'.$group.'.log';
+    }
+    my $hashref = &tie_user_hash($cdom, $cname, $namespace,
     if ($hashref) {
 	@entries=map { $_.':'.$hashref->{$_} } sort(keys(%$hashref));
@@ -5825,7 +5752,7 @@ sub chat_add {
 	    my $proname=&propath($cdom,$cname);
-	    if (open(CHATLOG,">>$proname/chatroom.log")) { 
+	    if (open(CHATLOG,">>$proname/$logfile")) { 
 		print CHATLOG ("$time:".&unescape($newchat)."\n");
@@ -6100,6 +6027,11 @@ sub convert_photo {
 sub sethost {
     my ($remotereq) = @_;
     my (undef,$hostid)=split(/:/,$remotereq);
+    # ignore sethost if we are already correct
+    if ($hostid eq $currenthostid) {
+	return 'ok';
+    }
     if (!defined($hostid)) { $hostid=$perlvar{'lonHostID'}; }
     if ($hostip{$perlvar{'lonHostID'}} eq $hostip{$hostid}) {
 	$currenthostid  =$hostid;
@@ -6525,7 +6457,6 @@ to the client, and the connection is clo