--- loncom/lond 2020/01/13 14:05:54 1.489.
+++ loncom/lond 2024/08/18 16:20:24 1.489.
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network
# lond "LON Daemon" Server (port "LOND" 5663)
-# $Id: lond,v 1.489. 2020/01/13 14:05:54 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: lond,v 1.489. 2024/08/18 16:20:24 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ my $DEBUG = 0; # Non zero to ena
my $status='';
my $lastlog='';
-my $VERSION='$Revision: 1.489. $'; #' stupid emacs
+my $VERSION='$Revision: 1.489. $'; #' stupid emacs
my $remoteVERSION;
my $currenthostid="default";
my $currentdomainid;
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ sub PushFile {
if($filename eq "host") {
$contents = AdjustHostContents($contents);
- } elsif ($filename eq 'dns_host' || $filename eq 'dns_domain') {
+ } elsif (($filename eq 'dns_hosts') || ($filename eq 'dns_domain')) {
if ($contents eq '') {
&logthis(' Pushfile: unable to install '
.$tablefile." - no data received from push. ");
@@ -1795,7 +1795,7 @@ sub read_lonnet_global {
if ($what eq 'perlvar') {
if (!exists($packagevars{$what}{'lonBalancer'})) {
- if ($dist =~ /^(centos|rhes|fedora|scientific|oracle)/) {
+ if ($dist =~ /^(centos|rhes|fedora|scientific|oracle|rocky|alma)/) {
my $othervarref=LONCAPA::Configuration::read_conf('httpd.conf');
if (ref($othervarref) eq 'HASH') {
$items->{'lonBalancer'} = $othervarref->{'lonBalancer'};
@@ -2407,6 +2407,36 @@ sub update_passwd_history {
+sub inst_unamemap_check {
+ my ($cmd, $tail, $client) = @_;
+ my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
+ my %rulecheck;
+ my $outcome;
+ my ($udom,$uname,@rules) = split(/:/,$tail);
+ $udom = &unescape($udom);
+ $uname = &unescape($uname);
+ @rules = map {&unescape($_);} (@rules);
+ eval {
+ local($SIG{__DIE__})='DEFAULT';
+ $outcome = &localenroll::unamemap_check($udom,$uname,\@rules,\%rulecheck);
+ };
+ if (!$@) {
+ if ($outcome eq 'ok') {
+ my $result='';
+ foreach my $key (keys(%rulecheck)) {
+ $result.=&escape($key).'='.&Apache::lonnet::freeze_escape($rulecheck{$key}).'&';
+ }
+ &Reply($client,\$result,$userinput);
+ } else {
+ &Reply($client,"error\n", $userinput);
+ }
+ } else {
+ &Failure($client,"unknown_cmd\n",$userinput);
+ }
# Determines if this is the home server for a user. The home server
# for a user will have his/her lon-capa passwd file. Therefore all we need
@@ -2804,6 +2834,54 @@ sub user_has_session_handler {
®ister_handler("userhassession", \&user_has_session_handler, 0,1,0);
+sub del_usersession_handler {
+ my ($cmd, $tail, $client) = @_;
+ my $result;
+ my ($udom, $uname) = map { &unescape($_) } (split(/:/, $tail));
+ if (($udom =~ /^$LONCAPA::match_domain$/) && ($uname =~ /^$LONCAPA::match_username$/)) {
+ my $lonidsdir = $perlvar{'lonIDsDir'};
+ if (-d $lonidsdir) {
+ if (opendir(DIR,$lonidsdir)) {
+ my $filename;
+ while ($filename=readdir(DIR)) {
+ if ($filename=~/^\Q$uname\E_\d+_\Q$udom\E_/) {
+ if (tie(my %oldenv,'GDBM_File',"$lonidsdir/$filename",
+ &GDBM_READER(),0640)) {
+ my $linkedfile;
+ if (exists($oldenv{'user.linkedenv'})) {
+ $linkedfile = $oldenv{'user.linkedenv'};
+ }
+ untie(%oldenv);
+ $result = unlink("$lonidsdir/$filename");
+ if ($result) {
+ if ($linkedfile =~ /^[a-f0-9]+_linked$/) {
+ if (-l "$lonidsdir/$linkedfile.id") {
+ unlink("$lonidsdir/$linkedfile.id");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $result = unlink("$lonidsdir/$filename");
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($result == 1) {
+ &Reply($client, "$result\n", "$cmd:$tail");
+ } else {
+ &Reply($client, "not_found\n", "$cmd:$tail");
+ }
+ } else {
+ &Failure($client, "invalid_user\n", "$cmd:$tail");
+ }
+ return 1;
+®ister_handler("delusersession", \&del_usersession_handler, 0,1,0);
# Authenticate access to a user file by checking that the token the user's
# passed also exists in their session file
@@ -3536,6 +3614,47 @@ sub dump_with_regexp {
®ister_handler("dump", \&dump_with_regexp, 0, 1, 0);
+# Process the encrypted dump request. Original call should
+# be from lonnet::dump() with seventh arg ($encrypt) set to
+# 1, to ensure that both request and response are encrypted.
+# Parameters:
+# $cmd - Command keyword of request (edump).
+# $tail - Tail of the command.
+# See &dump_with_regexp for more
+# information about this.
+# $client - File open on the client.
+# Returns:
+# 1 - Continue processing
+# 0 - server should exit.
+sub encrypted_dump_with_regexp {
+ my ($cmd, $tail, $client) = @_;
+ my $res = LONCAPA::Lond::dump_with_regexp($tail, $clientversion);
+ if ($res =~ /^error:/) {
+ Failure($client, \$res, "$cmd:$tail");
+ } else {
+ if ($cipher) {
+ my $cmdlength=length($res);
+ $res.=" ";
+ my $encres='';
+ for (my $encidx=0;$encidx<=$cmdlength;$encidx+=8) {
+ $encres.= unpack("H16",
+ $cipher->encrypt(substr($res,
+ $encidx,
+ 8)));
+ }
+ &Reply( $client,"enc:$cmdlength:$encres\n","$cmd:$tail");
+ } else {
+ &Failure( $client, "error:no_key\n","$cmd:$tail");
+ }
+ }
+®ister_handler("edump", \&encrypted_dump_with_regexp, 0, 1, 0);
# Store a set of key=value pairs associated with a versioned name.
# Parameters:
@@ -4576,6 +4695,44 @@ sub course_lastaccess_handler {
®ister_handler("courselastaccess",\&course_lastaccess_handler, 0, 1, 0);
+sub course_sessions_handler {
+ my ($cmd, $tail, $client) = @_;
+ my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$lastactivity) = split(':',$tail);
+ my $dbsuffix = '_'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.db';
+ my (%sessions,$qresult);
+ my $now=time;
+ if (opendir(DIR,$perlvar{'lonIDsDir'})) {
+ my $filename;
+ while ($filename=readdir(DIR)) {
+ next if ($filename=~/^\./);
+ next if ($filename=~/^publicuser_/);
+ next if ($filename=~/^[a-f0-9]+_(linked|lti_\d+)\.id$/);
+ if ($filename =~ /^($LONCAPA::match_username)_\d+_($LONCAPA::match_domain)_/) {
+ my ($uname,$udom) = ($1,$2);
+ next unless (-e "$perlvar{'lonDaemons'}/tmp/$uname$dbsuffix");
+ my $mtime = (stat("$perlvar{'lonIDsDir'}/$filename"))[9];
+ if ($lastactivity < 0) {
+ next if ($mtime-$now > $lastactivity);
+ } else {
+ next if ($now-$mtime > $lastactivity);
+ }
+ $sessions{$uname.':'.$udom} = $mtime;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(DIR);
+ }
+ foreach my $user (keys(%sessions)) {
+ $qresult.=&escape($user).'='.$sessions{$user}.'&';
+ }
+ if ($qresult) {
+ chop($qresult);
+ }
+ &Reply($client, \$qresult, $userinput);
+ return 1;
+®ister_handler("coursesessions",\&course_sessions_handler, 0, 1, 0);
# Puts an unencrypted entry in a namespace db file at the domain level
@@ -4624,7 +4781,7 @@ sub put_domain_handler {
# domain directory.
# Parameters:
-# $cmd - Command request keyword (get).
+# $cmd - Command request keyword (getdom).
# $tail - Tail of the command. This is a colon separated list
# consisting of the domain and the 'namespace'
# which selects the gdbm file to do the lookup in,
@@ -4641,31 +4798,17 @@ sub put_domain_handler {
sub get_domain_handler {
my ($cmd, $tail, $client) = @_;
my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
my ($udom,$namespace,$what)=split(/:/,$tail,3);
- chomp($what);
- if ($namespace =~ /^enc/) {
+ if (($namespace =~ /^enc/) || ($namespace eq 'private')) {
&Failure( $client, "refused\n", $userinput);
} else {
- my @queries=split(/\&/,$what);
- my $qresult='';
- my $hashref = &tie_domain_hash($udom, "$namespace", &GDBM_READER());
- if ($hashref) {
- for (my $i=0;$i<=$#queries;$i++) {
- $qresult.="$hashref->{$queries[$i]}&";
- }
- if (&untie_domain_hash($hashref)) {
- $qresult=~s/\&$//;
- &Reply($client, \$qresult, $userinput);
- } else {
- &Failure( $client, "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
- "while attempting getdom\n",$userinput);
- }
+ my $res = LONCAPA::Lond::get_dom($userinput);
+ if ($res =~ /^error:/) {
+ &Failure($client, \$res, $userinput);
} else {
- &Failure($client, "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
- "while attempting getdom\n",$userinput);
+ &Reply($client, \$res, $userinput);
@@ -4678,42 +4821,173 @@ sub encrypted_get_domain_handler {
my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
- my ($udom,$namespace,$what)=split(/:/,$tail,3);
- chomp($what);
- my @queries=split(/\&/,$what);
- my $qresult='';
- my $hashref = &tie_domain_hash($udom, "$namespace", &GDBM_READER());
- if ($hashref) {
- for (my $i=0;$i<=$#queries;$i++) {
- $qresult.="$hashref->{$queries[$i]}&";
- }
- if (&untie_domain_hash($hashref)) {
- $qresult=~s/\&$//;
+ my ($udom,$namespace,$what) = split(/:/,$tail,3);
+ if ($namespace eq 'private') {
+ &Failure( $client, "refused\n", $userinput);
+ } else {
+ my $res = LONCAPA::Lond::get_dom($userinput);
+ if ($res =~ /^error:/) {
+ &Failure($client, \$res, $userinput);
+ } else {
if ($cipher) {
- my $cmdlength=length($qresult);
- $qresult.=" ";
- my $encqresult='';
+ my $cmdlength=length($res);
+ $res.=" ";
+ my $encres='';
for (my $encidx=0;$encidx<=$cmdlength;$encidx+=8) {
- $encqresult.= unpack("H16",
- $cipher->encrypt(substr($qresult,
- $encidx,
- 8)));
+ $encres.= unpack("H16",
+ $cipher->encrypt(substr($res,
+ $encidx,
+ 8)));
- &Reply( $client, "enc:$cmdlength:$encqresult\n", $userinput);
+ &Reply( $client,"enc:$cmdlength:$encres\n",$userinput);
} else {
- &Failure( $client, "error:no_key\n", $userinput);
+ &Failure( $client, "error:no_key\n",$userinput);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+®ister_handler("egetdom", \&encrypted_get_domain_handler, 1, 1, 0);
+# Encrypted get from the namespace database file at the domain level.
+# This function retrieves a keyed item from a specific named database in the
+# domain directory.
+# Parameters:
+# $cmd - Command request keyword (lti).
+# $tail - Tail of the command. This is a colon-separated list
+# consisting of the domain, coursenum, if for LTI-
+# enabled deep-linking to course content using
+# link protection configured within a course,
+# context (=deeplink) if for LTI-enabled deep-linking
+# to course content using LTI Provider settings
+# configured within a course's domain, the (escaped)
+# launch URL, the (escaped) method (typically POST),
+# and a frozen hash of the LTI launch parameters
+# from the LTI payload.
+# $client - File descriptor open on the client.
+# Returns:
+# 1 - Continue processing.
+# 0 - Exit.
+# Side effects:
+# The reply will contain an LTI itemID, if the signed LTI payload
+# could be verified using the consumer key and the shared secret
+# available for that key (for the itemID) for either the course or domain,
+# depending on values for cnum and context. The reply is encrypted before
+# being written to $client.
+sub lti_handler {
+ my ($cmd, $tail, $client) = @_;
+ my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$context,$escurl,$escmethod,$items) = split(/:/,$tail);
+ my $url = &unescape($escurl);
+ my $method = &unescape($escmethod);
+ my $params = &Apache::lonnet::thaw_unescape($items);
+ my $res;
+ if ($cnum ne '') {
+ $res = &LONCAPA::Lond::crslti_itemid($cdom,$cnum,$url,$method,$params,$perlvar{'lonVersion'});
+ } else {
+ $res = &LONCAPA::Lond::domlti_itemid($cdom,$context,$url,$method,$params,$perlvar{'lonVersion'});
+ }
+ if ($res =~ /^error:/) {
+ &Failure($client, \$res, $userinput);
+ } else {
+ if ($cipher) {
+ my $cmdlength=length($res);
+ $res.=" ";
+ my $encres='';
+ for (my $encidx=0;$encidx<=$cmdlength;$encidx+=8) {
+ $encres.= unpack("H16",
+ $cipher->encrypt(substr($res,
+ $encidx,
+ 8)));
+ &Reply( $client,"enc:$cmdlength:$encres\n",$userinput);
} else {
- &Failure( $client, "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
- "while attempting egetdom\n",$userinput);
+ &Failure( $client, "error:no_key\n",$userinput);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+®ister_handler("lti", \<i_handler, 1, 1, 0);
+# Data for LTI payload (received encrypted) are unencrypted and
+# then signed with the appropriate key and secret, before re-encrypting
+# the signed payload which is sent to the client for unencryption by
+# the caller: lonnet::sign_lti()) before dispatch either to a web browser
+# (launch) or to a remote web service (roster, logout, or grade).
+# Parameters:
+# $cmd - Command request keyword (signlti).
+# $tail - Tail of the command. This is a colon-separated list
+# consisting of the domain, coursenum (if for an External
+# Tool defined in a course), crsdef (true if defined in
+# a course), type (linkprot or lti),
+# context (launch, roster, logout, or grade),
+# escaped launch URL, numeric ID of external tool,
+# version number for encryption key (if tool's LTI secret was
+# encrypted before storing), a frozen hash of LTI launch
+# parameters, and a frozen hash of LTI information,
+# (e.g., method => 'HMAC-SHA1',
+# respfmt => 'to_authorization_header').
+# $client - File descriptor open on the client.
+# Returns:
+# 1 - Continue processing.
+# 0 - Exit.
+# Side effects:
+# The reply will contain the LTI payload, as & separated key=value pairs,
+# where value is itself a frozen hash, if the required key and secret
+# for the specific tool ID are available. The payload data are retrieved from
+# a call to Lond::sign_lti_payload(), and the reply is encrypted before being
+# written to $client.
+sub sign_lti_handler {
+ my ($cmd, $tail, $client) = @_;
+ my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$crsdef,$type,$context,$escurl,
+ $ltinum,$keynum,$paramsref,$inforef) = split(/:/,$tail);
+ my $url = &unescape($escurl);
+ my $params = &Apache::lonnet::thaw_unescape($paramsref);
+ my $info = &Apache::lonnet::thaw_unescape($inforef);
+ my $res =
+ &LONCAPA::Lond::sign_lti_payload($cdom,$cnum,$crsdef,$type,$context,$url,$ltinum,
+ $keynum,$perlvar{'lonVersion'},$params,$info);
+ my $result;
+ if (ref($res) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$res})) {
+ $result .= &escape($key).'='.&Apache::lonnet::freeze_escape($res->{$key}).'&';
+ $result =~ s/\&$//;
} else {
- &Failure($client, "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
- "while attempting egetdom\n",$userinput);
+ $result = $res;
+ }
+ if ($result =~ /^error:/) {
+ &Failure($client, \$result, $userinput);
+ } else {
+ if ($cipher) {
+ my $cmdlength=length($result);
+ $result.=" ";
+ my $encres='';
+ for (my $encidx=0;$encidx<=$cmdlength;$encidx+=8) {
+ $encres.= unpack("H16",
+ $cipher->encrypt(substr($result,
+ $encidx,
+ 8)));
+ }
+ &Reply( $client,"enc:$cmdlength:$encres\n",$userinput);
+ } else {
+ &Failure( $client, "error:no_key\n",$userinput);
+ }
return 1;
-®ister_handler("egetdom", \&encrypted_get_domain_handler, 1, 1, 0);
+®ister_handler("signlti", \&sign_lti_handler, 1, 1, 0);
# Puts an id to a domains id database.
@@ -5140,15 +5414,23 @@ sub tmp_put_handler {
my ($id,$store);
- if (($context eq 'resetpw') || ($context eq 'createaccount')) {
- $id = &md5_hex(&md5_hex(time.{}.rand().$$));
+ my $numtries = 0;
+ my $execdir=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
+ if (($context eq 'resetpw') || ($context eq 'createaccount') ||
+ ($context eq 'sso') || ($context eq 'link') || ($context eq 'retry')) {
+ $id = &md5_hex(&md5_hex(time.{}.rand().$$.$tmpsnum));
+ while ((-e "$execdir/tmp/$id.tmp") && ($numtries <10)) {
+ undef($id);
+ $id = &md5_hex(&md5_hex(time.{}.rand().$$.$tmpsnum));
+ $numtries ++;
+ }
} else {
$id = $$.'_'.$clientip.'_'.$tmpsnum;
- my $execdir=$perlvar{'lonDaemons'};
- if ($store=IO::File->new(">$execdir/tmp/$id.tmp")) {
+ if (($id ne '') &&
+ ($store=IO::File->new(">$execdir/tmp/$id.tmp"))) {
print $store $record;
close $store;
&Reply($client, \$id, $userinput);
@@ -5231,8 +5513,65 @@ sub tmp_del_handler {
®ister_handler("tmpdel", \&tmp_del_handler, 0, 1, 0);
+# Process the updatebalcookie command. This command updates a
+# cookie in the lonBalancedir directory on a load balancer node.
+# Parameters:
+# $cmd - Command that got us here.
+# $tail - Tail of the request (escaped cookie: escaped current entry)
+# $client - socket open on the client process.
+# Returns:
+# 1 - Indicating processing should continue.
+# Side Effects:
+# A cookie file is updated from the lonBalancedir directory
+# A reply is sent to the client.
+sub update_balcookie_handler {
+ my ($cmd, $tail, $client) = @_;
+ my $userinput= "$cmd:$tail";
+ chomp($tail);
+ my ($cookie,$lastentry) = map { &unescape($_) } (split(/:/,$tail));
+ my $updatedone;
+ if ($cookie =~ /^$LONCAPA::match_domain\_$LONCAPA::match_username\_[a-f0-9]{32}$/) {
+ my $execdir=$perlvar{'lonBalanceDir'};
+ if (-e "$execdir/$cookie.id") {
+ my $doupdate;
+ if (open(my $fh,'<',"$execdir/$cookie.id")) {
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ if ($line eq $lastentry) {
+ $doupdate = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ if ($doupdate) {
+ if (open(my $fh,'>',"$execdir/$cookie.id")) {
+ print $fh $clientname;
+ close($fh);
+ $updatedone = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($updatedone) {
+ &Reply($client, "ok\n", $userinput);
+ } else {
+ &Failure( $client, "error: ".($!+0)."file update failed ".
+ "while attempting updatebalcookie\n", $userinput);
+ }
+ return 1;
+®ister_handler("updatebalcookie", \&update_balcookie_handler, 0, 1, 0);
# Process the delbalcookie command. This command deletes a balancer
-# cookie in the lonBalancedir directory created by switchserver
+# cookie in the lonBalancedir directory on a load balancer node.
# Parameters:
# $cmd - Command that got us here.
@@ -5250,6 +5589,7 @@ sub del_balcookie_handler {
my $userinput= "$cmd:$cookie";
+ $cookie = &unescape($cookie);
my $deleted = '';
if ($cookie =~ /^$LONCAPA::match_domain\_$LONCAPA::match_username\_[a-f0-9]{32}$/) {
my $execdir=$perlvar{'lonBalanceDir'};
@@ -5465,6 +5805,39 @@ sub validate_instcode_handler {
®ister_handler("autovalidateinstcode", \&validate_instcode_handler, 0, 1, 0);
+# Validate co-owner for cross-listed institutional code and
+# institutional course code itself used for a LON-CAPA course.
+# Formal Parameters:
+# $cmd - The command request that got us dispatched.
+# $tail - The tail of the command. In this case,
+# this is a colon separated string containing:
+# $dom - Course's LON-CAPA domain
+# $instcode - Institutional course code for the course
+# $inst_xlist - Institutional course Id for the crosslisting
+# $coowner - Username of co-owner
+# (values for all but $dom have been escaped).
+# $client - Socket open on the client.
+# Returns:
+# 1 - Indicating processing should continue.
+sub validate_instcrosslist_handler {
+ my ($cmd, $tail, $client) = @_;
+ my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
+ my ($dom,$instcode,$inst_xlist,$coowner) = split(/:/,$tail);
+ $instcode = &unescape($instcode);
+ $inst_xlist = &unescape($inst_xlist);
+ $coowner = &unescape($coowner);
+ my $outcome = &localenroll::validate_crosslist_access($dom,$instcode,
+ $inst_xlist,$coowner);
+ &Reply($client, \$outcome, $userinput);
+ return 1;
+®ister_handler("autovalidateinstcrosslist", \&validate_instcrosslist_handler, 0, 1, 0);
# Get the official sections for which auto-enrollment is possible.
# Since the admin people won't know about 'unofficial sections'
# we cannot auto-enroll on them.
@@ -5589,6 +5962,62 @@ sub validate_class_access_handler {
®ister_handler("autovalidateclass_sec", \&validate_class_access_handler, 0, 1, 0);
+# Modify institutional sections (using customized &instsec_reformat()
+# routine in localenroll.pm), to either clutter or declutter, for
+# purposes of ensuring an institutional course section (string) can
+# be unambiguously separated into institutional course and section.
+# Formal Parameters:
+# $cmd - The command request that got us dispatched.
+# $tail - The tail of the command. In this case this is a colon separated
+# set of values that will be split into:
+# $cdom - The LON-CAPA domain of the course.
+# $action - Either: clutter or declutter
+# clutter adds character(s) to eliminate ambiguity
+# declutter removes the added characters (e.g., for
+# display of the institutional course section string.
+# $info - A frozen hash in which keys are:
+# LON-CAPA course number:Institutional course code
+# and values are a reference to an array of the
+# items to modify -- either institutional sections,
+# or institutional course sections (for crosslistings).
+# $client - The socket open on the client.
+# Returns:
+# 1 - continue processing.
+sub instsec_reformat_handler {
+ my ($cmd, $tail, $client) = @_;
+ my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
+ my ($cdom,$action,$info) = split(/:/,$tail);
+ my $instsecref = &Apache::lonnet::thaw_unescape($info);
+ my ($outcome,$result);
+ eval {
+ local($SIG{__DIE__})='DEFAULT';
+ $outcome=&localenroll::instsec_reformat($cdom,$action,$instsecref);
+ if ($outcome eq 'ok') {
+ if (ref($instsecref) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$instsecref})) {
+ $result .= &escape($key).'='.&Apache::lonnet::freeze_escape($instsecref->{$key}).'&';
+ }
+ $result =~ s/\&$//;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if (!$@) {
+ if ($outcome eq 'ok') {
+ &Reply( $client, \$result, $userinput);
+ } else {
+ &Reply($client,\$outcome, $userinput);
+ }
+ } else {
+ &Failure($client,"unknown_cmd\n",$userinput);
+ }
+ return 1;
+®ister_handler("autoinstsecreformat",\&instsec_reformat_handler, 0, 1, 0);
# Validate course owner or co-owners(s) access to enrollment data for all sections
# and crosslistings for a particular course.
@@ -6092,6 +6521,39 @@ sub get_institutional_selfcreate_rules {
+sub get_unamemap_rules {
+ my ($cmd, $tail, $client) = @_;
+ my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
+ my $dom = &unescape($tail);
+ my (%rules_hash,@rules_order);
+ my $outcome;
+ eval {
+ local($SIG{__DIE__})='DEFAULT';
+ $outcome = &localenroll::unamemap_rules($dom,\%rules_hash,\@rules_order);
+ };
+ if (!$@) {
+ if ($outcome eq 'ok') {
+ my $result;
+ foreach my $key (keys(%rules_hash)) {
+ $result .= &escape($key).'='.&Apache::lonnet::freeze_escape($rules_hash{$key}).'&';
+ }
+ $result =~ s/\&$//;
+ $result .= ':';
+ if (@rules_order > 0) {
+ foreach my $item (@rules_order) {
+ $result .= &escape($item).'&';
+ }
+ }
+ $result =~ s/\&$//;
+ &Reply($client,\$result,$userinput);
+ } else {
+ &Reply($client,"error\n", $userinput);
+ }
+ } else {
+ &Failure($client,"unknown_cmd\n",$userinput);
+ }
sub institutional_username_check {
my ($cmd, $tail, $client) = @_;
@@ -6614,7 +7076,7 @@ undef $perlvarref;
# ----------------------------- Make sure this process is running from user=www
my $wwwid=getpwnam('www');
if ($wwwid!=$<) {
- my $emailto="$perlvar{'lonAdmEMail'},$perlvar{'lonSysEMail'}";
+ my $emailto="$perlvar{'lonAdmEMail'} $perlvar{'lonSysEMail'}";
my $subj="LON: $currenthostid User ID mismatch";
system("echo 'User ID mismatch. lond must be run as user www.' |".
" mail -s '$subj' $emailto > /dev/null");
@@ -7067,7 +7529,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
my $no_ets;
- if ($dist =~ /^(?:centos|rhes|scientific|oracle)(\d+)$/) {
+ if ($dist =~ /^(?:centos|rhes|scientific|oracle|rocky|alma)(\d+)/) {
if ($1 >= 7) {
$no_ets = 1;
@@ -7233,7 +7695,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
Debug("Main: Got $user_input\n");
$keep_going = &process_request($user_input);
- &status('Listening to '.$clientname." ($keymode)");
+ &status('Listening to '.$clientname." ($keymode)");
# --------------------------------------------- client unknown or fishy, refuse
@@ -7249,8 +7711,8 @@ sub make_new_child {
&logthis("CRITICAL: "
."Disconnect from $clientip ($clientname)");
# this exit is VERY important, otherwise the child will become
# a producer of more and more children, forking yourself into
# process death.
@@ -7470,8 +7932,15 @@ sub validate_user {
} elsif ((($domdefaults{'auth_def'} eq 'krb4') ||
($domdefaults{'auth_def'} eq 'krb5')) &&
($domdefaults{'auth_arg_def'} ne '')) {
- $howpwd = $domdefaults{'auth_def'};
- $contentpwd = $domdefaults{'auth_arg_def'};
+ #
+ # Don't attempt authentication for username and password supplied
+ # for user without an account if username contains @ to avoid
+ # call to &Authen::Krb5::parse_name() which will result in con_lost
+ #
+ unless ($user =~ /\@/) {
+ $howpwd = $domdefaults{'auth_def'};
+ $contentpwd = $domdefaults{'auth_arg_def'};
+ }
@@ -7815,6 +8284,9 @@ sub currentversion {
if (-e $ulsdir) {
if(-d $ulsdir) {
if (opendir(LSDIR,$ulsdir)) {
+ if (-e $fname) {
+ $version=0;
+ }
my $ulsfn;
while ($ulsfn=readdir(LSDIR)) {
# see if this is a regular file (ignore links produced earlier)