--- loncom/lond	2012/04/11 01:07:18	1.488
+++ loncom/lond	2013/05/11 22:42:22	1.489.2.5
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network
 # lond "LON Daemon" Server (port "LOND" 5663)
-# $Id: lond,v 1.488 2012/04/11 01:07:18 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: lond,v 1.489.2.5 2013/05/11 22:42:22 raeburn Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ use strict;
 use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
 use LONCAPA::Configuration;
+use LONCAPA::Lond;
 use IO::Socket;
 use IO::File;
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ my $DEBUG = 0;		       # Non zero to ena
 my $status='';
 my $lastlog='';
-my $VERSION='$Revision: 1.488 $'; #' stupid emacs
+my $VERSION='$Revision: 1.489.2.5 $'; #' stupid emacs
 my $remoteVERSION;
 my $currenthostid="default";
 my $currentdomainid;
@@ -153,8 +154,8 @@ my @adderrors    = ("ok",
 my @installerrors = ("ok",
 		     "Initial user id of client not that of www",
 		     "Usage error, not enough command line arguments",
-		     "Source file name does not exist",
-		     "Destination file name does not exist",
+		     "Source filename does not exist",
+		     "Destination filename does not exist",
 		     "Some file operation failed",
 		     "Invalid table filename."
@@ -2373,6 +2374,24 @@ sub fetch_user_file_handler {
 		&Failure($client, "failed\n", $userinput);
 	    } else {
+                if ($fname =~ /^default.+\.(page|sequence)$/) {
+                    my ($major,$minor) = split(/\./,$clientversion);
+                    if (($major < 2) || ($major == 2 && $minor < 11)) {
+                        my $now = time;
+                        &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new('crschange',$udom.'_'.$uname,$now,600);
+                        my $key = &escape('internal.contentchange');
+                        my $what = "$key=$now";
+                        my $hashref = &tie_user_hash($udom,$uname,'environment',
+                                                     &GDBM_WRCREAT(),"P",$what);
+                        if ($hashref) {
+                            $hashref->{$key}=$now;
+                            if (!&untie_user_hash($hashref)) {
+                                &logthis("error: ".($!+0)." untie (GDBM) failed ".
+                                         "when updating internal.contentchange");
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
 		&Reply($client, "ok\n", $userinput);
@@ -3248,9 +3267,6 @@ sub dump_profile_database {
 #                               range       - optional range of entries
 #                                             e.g., 10-20 would return the
 #                                             10th to 19th items, etc.  
-#                               extra       - optional ref to hash of
-#                                             additional args. currently
-#                                             skipcheck is only key used.   
 #   $client                   - Channel open on the client.
 # Returns:
 #    1    - Continue processing.
@@ -3260,124 +3276,12 @@ sub dump_profile_database {
 sub dump_with_regexp {
     my ($cmd, $tail, $client) = @_;
+    my $res = LONCAPA::Lond::dump_with_regexp($tail, $clientversion);
-    my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
-    my ($udom,$uname,$namespace,$regexp,$range,$extra)=split(/:/,$tail);
-    if (defined($regexp)) {
-	$regexp=&unescape($regexp);
-    } else {
-	$regexp='.';
-    }
-    my ($start,$end);
-    if (defined($range)) {
-	if ($range =~/^(\d+)\-(\d+)$/) {
-	    ($start,$end) = ($1,$2);
-	} elsif ($range =~/^(\d+)$/) {
-	    ($start,$end) = (0,$1);
-	} else {
-	    undef($range);
-	}
-    }
-    my $hashref = &tie_user_hash($udom, $uname, $namespace,
-				 &GDBM_READER());
-    my $skipcheck;
-    if ($hashref) {
-        my $qresult='';
-	my $count=0;
-# When dump is for roles.db, determine if LON-CAPA version checking is needed.
-# Sessions on 2.10 and later will include skipcheck => 1 in extra args ref,
-# to indicate no version checking is needed (in this case, checking occurs
-# on the server hosting the user session, when constructing the roles/courses 
-# screen).
-        if ($extra ne '') {
-            $extra = &Apache::lonnet::thaw_unescape($extra);
-            $skipcheck = $extra->{'skipcheck'};
-        }
-        my @ids = &Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids();
-        my (%homecourses,$major,$minor,$now);
-# If dump is for roles.db from a pre-2.10 server, determine the LON-CAPA   
-# version on the server which requested the data. For LON-CAPA 2.9, the  
-# client session will have sent its LON-CAPA version when initiating the
-# connection. For LON-CAPA 2.8 and older, the version is retrieved from
-# the global %loncaparevs in lonnet.pm.
-        if (($namespace eq 'roles') && (!$skipcheck)) {
-            my $loncaparev = $clientversion;
-            if ($loncaparev eq '') {
-                $loncaparev = $Apache::lonnet::loncaparevs{$clientname};
-            }
-            if ($loncaparev =~ /^\'?(\d+)\.(\d+)\.[\w.\-]+\'?/) {
-                $major = $1;
-                $minor = $2;
-            }
-            $now = time;
-        }
-	while (my ($key,$value) = each(%$hashref)) {
-            if ($namespace eq 'roles') {
-                if ($key =~ m{^/($LONCAPA::match_domain)/($LONCAPA::match_courseid)(/?[^_]*)_(cc|co|in|ta|ep|ad|st|cr)$}) {
-                    my $cdom = $1;
-                    my $cnum = $2;
-                    unless ($skipcheck) {
-                        my ($role,$roleend,$rolestart) = split(/\_/,$value);
-                        if (!$roleend || $roleend > $now) {
-# For active course roles, check that requesting server is running a LON-CAPA
-# version which meets any version requirements for the course. Do not include
-# the role amongst the results returned if the requesting server's version is
-# too old.
-# This determination is handled differently depending on whether the course's 
-# homeserver is the current server, or whether it is a different server.
-# In both cases, the course's version requirement needs to be retrieved.
-                            next unless (&releasereqd_check($cnum,$cdom,$key,$value,$major,
-                                                            $minor,\%homecourses,\@ids));
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-	    if ($regexp eq '.') {
-		$count++;
-		if (defined($range) && $count >= $end)   { last; }
-		if (defined($range) && $count <  $start) { next; }
-		$qresult.=$key.'='.$value.'&';
-	    } else {
-		my $unescapeKey = &unescape($key);
-		if (eval('$unescapeKey=~/$regexp/')) {
-		    $count++;
-		    if (defined($range) && $count >= $end)   { last; }
-		    if (defined($range) && $count <  $start) { next; }
-		    $qresult.="$key=$value&";
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	if (&untie_user_hash($hashref)) {
-# If dump is for roles.db from a pre-2.10 server, check if the LON-CAPA
-# version requirements for courses for which the current server is the home
-# server permit course roles to be usable on the client server hosting the
-# user's session. If so, include those role results in the data returned to  
-# the client server.
-            if (($namespace eq 'roles') && (!$skipcheck)) {
-                if (keys(%homecourses) > 0) {
-                    $qresult .= &check_homecourses(\%homecourses,$udom,$regexp,$count,
-                                                   $range,$start,$end,$major,$minor);
-                }
-            }
-	    chop($qresult);
-	    &Reply($client, \$qresult, $userinput);
-	} else {
-	    &Failure( $client, "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
-		     "while attempting dump\n", $userinput);
-	}
+    if ($res =~ /^error:/) {
+        &Failure($client, \$res, "$cmd:$tail");
     } else {
-	&Failure($client, "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
-		"while attempting dump\n", $userinput);
+        &Reply($client, \$res, "$cmd:$tail");
     return 1;
@@ -5092,9 +4996,10 @@ sub validate_instcode_handler {
     my ($dom,$instcode,$owner) = split(/:/, $tail);
     $instcode = &unescape($instcode);
     $owner = &unescape($owner);
-    my ($outcome,$description) = 
+    my ($outcome,$description,$credits) = 
-    my $result = &escape($outcome).'&'.&escape($description);
+    my $result = &escape($outcome).'&'.&escape($description).'&'.
+                 &escape($credits);
     &Reply($client, \$result, $userinput);
     return 1;
@@ -6565,7 +6470,8 @@ sub make_new_child {
 #---------------------------------------------------- kerberos 5 initialization
 	unless (($dist eq 'fedora5') || ($dist eq 'fedora4') ||  
-		($dist eq 'fedora6') || ($dist eq 'suse9.3')) {
+		($dist eq 'fedora6') || ($dist eq 'suse9.3') ||
+                ($dist eq 'suse12.2') || ($dist eq 'suse12.3')) {
@@ -6611,6 +6517,12 @@ sub make_new_child {
 		#  If the remote is attempting a local init... give that a try:
 		(my $i, my $inittype, $clientversion) = split(/:/, $remotereq);
+                # For LON-CAPA 2.9, the  client session will have sent its LON-CAPA
+                # version when initiating the connection. For LON-CAPA 2.8 and older,
+                # the version is retrieved from the global %loncaparevs in lonnet.pm.
+                # $clientversion contains path to keyfile if $inittype eq 'local'
+                # it's overridden below in this case
+                $clientversion ||= $Apache::lonnet::loncaparevs{$clientname};
 		# If the connection type is ssl, but I didn't get my
 		# certificate files yet, then I'll drop  back to 
@@ -7474,217 +7386,6 @@ sub get_usersession_config {
-# releasereqd_check() will determine if a LON-CAPA version (defined in the
-# $major,$minor args passed) is not too old to allow use of a role in a 
-# course ($cnum,$cdom args passed), if at least one of the following applies: 
-# (a) the course is a Community, (b) the course's home server is *not* the
-# current server, or (c) cached course information is not stale. 
-# For the case where none of these apply, the course is added to the 
-# $homecourse hash ref (keys = courseIDs, values = array of a hash of roles).
-# The $homecourse hash ref is for courses for which the current server is the 
-# home server.  LON-CAPA version requirements are checked elsewhere for the
-# items in $homecourse.
-sub releasereqd_check {
-    my ($cnum,$cdom,$key,$value,$major,$minor,$homecourses,$ids) = @_;
-    my $home = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
-    return if ($home eq 'no_host');
-    my ($reqdmajor,$reqdminor,$displayrole);
-    if ($cnum =~ /$LONCAPA::match_community/) {
-        if ($major eq '' && $minor eq '') {
-            return unless ((ref($ids) eq 'ARRAY') && 
-                           (grep(/^\Q$home\E$/,@{$ids})));
-        } else {
-            $reqdmajor = 2;
-            $reqdminor = 9;
-            return unless (&useable_role($reqdmajor,$reqdminor,$major,$minor));
-        }
-    }
-    my $hashid = $cdom.':'.$cnum;
-    my ($courseinfo,$cached) =
-        &Apache::lonnet::is_cached_new('courseinfo',$hashid);
-    if (defined($cached)) {
-        if (ref($courseinfo) eq 'HASH') {
-            if (exists($courseinfo->{'releaserequired'})) {
-                my ($reqdmajor,$reqdminor) = split(/\./,$courseinfo->{'releaserequired'});
-                return unless (&useable_role($reqdmajor,$reqdminor,$major,$minor));
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (ref($ids) eq 'ARRAY') {
-            if (grep(/^\Q$home\E$/,@{$ids})) {
-                if (ref($homecourses) eq 'HASH') {
-                    if (ref($homecourses->{$hashid}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                        push(@{$homecourses->{$hashid}},{$key=>$value});
-                    } else {
-                        $homecourses->{$hashid} = [{$key=>$value}];
-                    }
-                }
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        my $courseinfo = &get_courseinfo_hash($cnum,$cdom,$home);
-        if (ref($courseinfo) eq 'HASH') {
-            if (exists($courseinfo->{'releaserequired'})) {
-                my ($reqdmajor,$reqdminor) = split(/\./,$courseinfo->{'releaserequired'});
-                return unless (&useable_role($reqdmajor,$reqdminor,$major,$minor));
-            }
-        } else {
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    return 1;
-# get_courseinfo_hash() is used to retrieve course information from the db
-# file: nohist_courseids.db for a course for which the current server is *not*
-# the home server.
-# A hash of a hash will be retrieved. The outer hash contains a single key --
-# courseID -- for the course for which the data are being requested.
-# The contents of the inner hash, for that single item in the outer hash
-# are returned (and cached in memcache for 10 minutes).
-sub get_courseinfo_hash {
-    my ($cnum,$cdom,$home) = @_;
-    my %info;
-    eval {
-        local($SIG{ALRM}) = sub { die "timeout\n"; };
-        local($SIG{__DIE__})='DEFAULT';
-        alarm(3);
-        %info = &Apache::lonnet::courseiddump($cdom,'.',1,'.','.',$cnum,1,[$home],'.');
-        alarm(0);
-    };
-    if ($@) {
-        if ($@ eq "timeout\n") {
-            &logthis("<font color='blue'>WARNING courseiddump for $cnum:$cdom from $home timedout</font>");
-        } else {
-            &logthis("<font color='yellow'>WARNING unexpected error during eval of call for courseiddump from $home</font>");
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (ref($info{$cdom.'_'.$cnum}) eq 'HASH') {
-            my $hashid = $cdom.':'.$cnum;
-            return &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new('courseinfo',$hashid,$info{$cdom.'_'.$cnum},600);
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-# check_homecourses() will retrieve course information for those courses which
-# are keys of the $homecourses hash ref (first arg). The nohist_courseids.db 
-# GDBM file is tied and course information for each course retrieved. Last   
-# visit (lasttime key) is also retrieved for each, and cached values updated  
-# for any courses last visited less than 24 hours ago. Cached values are also
-# updated for any courses included in the $homecourses hash ref.
-# The reason for the 24 hours constraint is that the cron entry in 
-# /etc/cron.d/loncapa for /home/httpd/perl/refresh_courseids_db.pl causes 
-# cached course information to be updated nightly for courses with activity
-# within the past 24 hours.
-# Role information for the user (included in a ref to an array of hashes as the
-# value for each key in $homecourses) is appended to the result returned by the
-# routine, which will in turn be appended to the string returned to the client
-# hosting the user's session.
-sub check_homecourses {
-    my ($homecourses,$udom,$regexp,$count,$range,$start,$end,$major,$minor) = @_;
-    my ($result,%addtocache);
-    my $yesterday = time - 24*3600; 
-    if (ref($homecourses) eq 'HASH') {
-        my (%okcourses,%courseinfo,%recent);
-        my $hashref = &tie_domain_hash($udom, "nohist_courseids", &GDBM_WRCREAT());
-        if ($hashref) {
-            while (my ($key,$value) = each(%$hashref)) {
-                my $unesc_key = &unescape($key);
-                if ($unesc_key =~ /^lasttime:(\w+)$/) {
-                    my $cid = $1;
-                    $cid =~ s/_/:/;
-                    if ($value > $yesterday ) {
-                        $recent{$cid} = 1;
-                    }
-                    next;
-                }
-                my $items = &Apache::lonnet::thaw_unescape($value);
-                if (ref($items) eq 'HASH') {
-                    my $hashid = $unesc_key;
-                    $hashid =~ s/_/:/;
-                    $courseinfo{$hashid} = $items;
-                    if (ref($homecourses->{$hashid}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                        my ($reqdmajor,$reqdminor) = split(/\./,$items->{'releaserequired'});
-                        if (&useable_role($reqdmajor,$reqdminor,$major,$minor)) {
-                            $okcourses{$hashid} = 1;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            unless (&untie_domain_hash($hashref)) {
-                &logthis('Failed to untie tied hash for nohist_courseids.db');
-            }
-        } else {
-            &logthis('Failed to tie hash for nohist_courseids.db');
-            return;
-        }
-        foreach my $hashid (keys(%recent)) {
-            my ($result,$cached)=&Apache::lonnet::is_cached_new('courseinfo',$hashid);
-            unless ($cached) {
-                &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new('courseinfo',$hashid,$courseinfo{$hashid},600);
-            }
-        }
-        foreach my $hashid (keys(%{$homecourses})) {
-            next if ($recent{$hashid});
-            &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new('courseinfo',$hashid,$courseinfo{$hashid},600);
-        }
-        foreach my $hashid (keys(%okcourses)) {
-            if (ref($homecourses->{$hashid}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-                foreach my $role (@{$homecourses->{$hashid}}) {
-                    if (ref($role) eq 'HASH') {
-                        while (my ($key,$value) = each(%{$role})) {
-                            if ($regexp eq '.') {
-                                $count++;
-                                if (defined($range) && $count >= $end)   { last; }
-                                if (defined($range) && $count <  $start) { next; }
-                                $result.=$key.'='.$value.'&';
-                            } else {
-                                my $unescapeKey = &unescape($key);
-                                if (eval('$unescapeKey=~/$regexp/')) {
-                                    $count++;
-                                    if (defined($range) && $count >= $end)   { last; }
-                                    if (defined($range) && $count <  $start) { next; }
-                                    $result.="$key=$value&";
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return $result;
-# useable_role() will compare the LON-CAPA version required by a course with 
-# the version available on the client server.  If the client server's version
-# is compatible, 1 will be returned.
-sub useable_role {
-    my ($reqdmajor,$reqdminor,$major,$minor) = @_; 
-    if ($reqdmajor ne '' && $reqdminor ne '') {
-        return if (($major eq '' && $minor eq '') ||
-                   ($major < $reqdmajor) ||
-                   (($major == $reqdmajor) && ($minor < $reqdminor)));
-    }
-    return 1;
 sub distro_and_arch {
     return $dist.':'.$arch;
@@ -7897,7 +7598,7 @@ Place in B<logs/lond.log>
 stores hash in namespace
-=item rolesputy
+=item rolesput
 put a role into a user's environment