--- loncom/lond	2014/11/24 02:36:16	1.512
+++ loncom/lond	2016/08/11 16:35:14	1.524
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network
 # lond "LON Daemon" Server (port "LOND" 5663)
-# $Id: lond,v 1.512 2014/11/24 02:36:16 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: lond,v 1.524 2016/08/11 16:35:14 raeburn Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ use IO::File;
 #use Apache::File;
 use POSIX;
 use Crypt::IDEA;
-use LWP::UserAgent();
+use HTTP::Request;
 use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
 use GDBM_File;
 use Authen::Krb5;
@@ -55,13 +55,17 @@ use LONCAPA::lonssl;
 use Fcntl qw(:flock);
 use Apache::lonnet;
 use Mail::Send;
+use Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt;
+use Digest::SHA;
+use Encode;
 my $DEBUG = 0;		       # Non zero to enable debug log entries.
 my $status='';
 my $lastlog='';
-my $VERSION='$Revision: 1.512 $'; #' stupid emacs
+my $VERSION='$Revision: 1.524 $'; #' stupid emacs
 my $remoteVERSION;
 my $currenthostid="default";
 my $currentdomainid;
@@ -664,10 +668,8 @@ sub PushFile {
                 $clientprotocol = 'http' if ($clientprotocol ne 'https');
                 my $url = '/adm/'.$filename;
                 $url =~ s{_}{/};
-                my $ua=new LWP::UserAgent;
-                $ua->timeout(60);
                 my $request=new HTTP::Request('GET',"$clientprotocol://$clienthost$url");
-                my $response=$ua->request($request);
+                my $response = LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($clientname,$request,'',\%perlvar,60,0);
                 if ($response->is_error()) {
                     &logthis('<font color="red"> Pushfile: unable to install '
                             .$tablefile." - error attempting to pull data. </font>");
@@ -1794,6 +1796,16 @@ sub server_distarch_handler {
 &register_handler("serverdistarch", \&server_distarch_handler, 0, 1, 0);
+sub server_certs_handler {
+    my ($cmd,$tail,$client) = @_;
+    my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
+    my $result;
+    my $result = &LONCAPA::Lond::server_certs(\%perlvar);
+    &Reply($client,\$result,$userinput);
+    return;
+&register_handler("servercerts", \&server_certs_handler, 0, 1, 0);
 #   Process a reinit request.  Reinit requests that either
 #   lonc or lond be reinitialized so that an updated 
 #   host.tab or domain.tab can be processed.
@@ -2013,15 +2025,14 @@ sub change_password_handler {
 	my ($howpwd,$contentpwd)=split(/:/,$realpasswd);
 	if ($howpwd eq 'internal') {
 	    &Debug("internal auth");
-	    my $salt=time;
-	    $salt=substr($salt,6,2);
-	    my $ncpass=crypt($npass,$salt);
+            my $ncpass = &hash_passwd($udom,$npass);
 	    if(&rewrite_password_file($udom, $uname, "internal:$ncpass")) {
 		my $msg="Result of password change for $uname: pwchange_success";
                 if ($lonhost) {
                     $msg .= " - request originated from: $lonhost";
+                &update_passwd_history($uname,$udom,$howpwd,$context);
 		&Reply($client, "ok\n", $userinput);
 	    } else {
 		&logthis("Unable to open $uname passwd "               
@@ -2030,6 +2041,9 @@ sub change_password_handler {
 	} elsif ($howpwd eq 'unix' && $context ne 'reset_by_email') {
 	    my $result = &change_unix_password($uname, $npass);
+            if ($result eq 'ok') {
+                &update_passwd_history($uname,$udom,$howpwd,$context);
+             }
 	    &logthis("Result of password change for $uname: ".
 	    &Reply($client, \$result, $userinput);
@@ -2052,6 +2066,42 @@ sub change_password_handler {
 &register_handler("passwd", \&change_password_handler, 1, 1, 0);
+sub hash_passwd {
+    my ($domain,$plainpass,@rest) = @_;
+    my ($salt,$cost);
+    if (@rest) {
+        $cost = $rest[0];
+        # salt is first 22 characters, base-64 encoded by bcrypt
+        my $plainsalt = substr($rest[1],0,22);
+        $salt = Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt::de_base64($plainsalt);
+    } else {
+        my $defaultcost;
+        my %domconfig =
+            &Apache::lonnet::get_dom('configuration',['password'],$domain);
+        if (ref($domconfig{'password'}) eq 'HASH') {
+            $defaultcost = $domconfig{'password'}{'cost'};
+        }
+        if (($defaultcost eq '') || ($defaultcost =~ /D/)) {
+            $cost = 10;
+        } else {
+            $cost = $defaultcost;
+        }
+        # Generate random 16-octet base64 salt
+        $salt = "";
+        $salt .= pack("C", int rand(256)) for 1..16;
+    }
+    my $hash = &Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt::bcrypt_hash({
+        key_nul => 1,
+        cost    => $cost,
+        salt    => $salt,
+    }, Digest::SHA::sha512(Encode::encode('UTF-8',$plainpass)));
+    my $result = join("!", "", "bcrypt", sprintf("%02d",$cost),
+                &Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt::en_base64($salt).
+                &Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt::en_base64($hash));
+    return $result;
 #   Create a new user.  User in this case means a lon-capa user.
 #   The user must either already exist in some authentication realm
@@ -2095,7 +2145,8 @@ sub add_user_handler {
 	    unless ($fperror) {
-		my $result=&make_passwd_file($uname,$udom,$umode,$npass, $passfilename);
+		my $result=&make_passwd_file($uname,$udom,$umode,$npass,
+                                             $passfilename,'makeuser');
 		&Reply($client,\$result, $userinput);     #BUGBUG - could be fail
 	    } else {
 		&Failure($client, \$fperror, $userinput);
@@ -2164,12 +2215,14 @@ sub change_authentication_handler {
 		my $result = &change_unix_password($uname, $npass);
 		&logthis("Result of password change for $uname: ".$result);
 		if ($result eq "ok") {
+                    &update_passwd_history($uname,$udom,$umode,'changeuserauth'); 
 		    &Reply($client, \$result);
 		} else {
 		    &Failure($client, \$result);
 	    } else {
-		my $result=&make_passwd_file($uname,$udom,$umode,$npass,$passfilename);
+		my $result=&make_passwd_file($uname,$udom,$umode,$npass,
+                                             $passfilename,'changeuserauth');
 		#  If the current auth mode is internal, and the old auth mode was
 		#  unix, or krb*,  and the user is an author for this domain,
@@ -2190,6 +2243,17 @@ sub change_authentication_handler {
 &register_handler("changeuserauth", \&change_authentication_handler, 1,1, 0);
+sub update_passwd_history {
+    my ($uname,$udom,$umode,$context) = @_;
+    my $proname=&propath($udom,$uname);
+    my $now = time;
+    if (open(my $fh,">>$proname/passwd.log")) {
+        print $fh "$now:$umode:$context\n";
+        close($fh);
+    }
+    return;
 #   Determines if this is the home server for a user.  The home server
 #   for a user will have his/her lon-capa passwd file.  Therefore all we need
@@ -2276,9 +2340,8 @@ sub update_resource_handler {
 # FIXME: this should use the LWP mechanism, not internal alarms.
-		    my $ua=new LWP::UserAgent;
 		    my $request=new HTTP::Request('GET',"$remoteurl");
-		    $response=$ua->request($request,$transname);
+                    $response=&LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($clientname,$request,$transname,\%perlvar,1200,0,1);
 		if ($response->is_error()) {
@@ -2291,9 +2354,8 @@ sub update_resource_handler {
 # FIXME: isn't there an internal LWP mechanism for this?
-			    my $ua=new LWP::UserAgent;
 			    my $mrequest=new HTTP::Request('GET',$remoteurl.'.meta');
-			    my $mresponse=$ua->request($mrequest,$fname.'.meta');
+                            my $mresponse = &LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($clientname,$mrequest,$fname.'.meta',\%perlvar,120,0,1);
 			    if ($mresponse->is_error()) {
@@ -2368,11 +2430,15 @@ sub fetch_user_file_handler {
 	my $remoteurl=$clientprotocol.'://'.$clienthost.'/userfiles/'.$fname;
 	my $response;
 	Debug("Remote URL : $remoteurl Transfername $transname Destname: $destname");
-	alarm(120);
+	alarm(1200);
-	    my $ua=new LWP::UserAgent;
 	    my $request=new HTTP::Request('GET',"$remoteurl");
-	    $response=$ua->request($request,$transname);
+            my $verifycert = 1;
+            my @machine_ids = &Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids();
+            if (grep(/^\Q$clientname\E$/,@machine_ids)) {
+                $verifycert = 0;
+            }
+            $response = &LONCAPA::LWPReq::makerequest($clientname,$request,$transname,\%perlvar,1200,$verifycert);
 	if ($response->is_error()) {
@@ -2441,11 +2507,20 @@ sub remove_user_file_handler {
 	    if (-e $file) {
 		#   If the file is a regular file unlink is fine...
-		#   However it's possible the client wants a dir.
-		#   removed, in which case rmdir is more approprate:
+		#   However it's possible the client wants a dir 
+		#   removed, in which case rmdir is more appropriate.
+		#   Note: rmdir will only remove an empty directory.
 	        if (-f $file){
+                    # for html files remove the associated .bak file 
+                    # which may have been created by the editor.
+                    if ($ufile =~ m{^((docs|supplemental)/(?:\d+|default)/\d+(?:|/.+)/)[^/]+\.x?html?$}i) {
+                        my $path = $1;
+                        if (-e $file.'.bak') {
+                            unlink($file.'.bak');
+                        }
+                    }
 		} elsif(-d $file) {
@@ -2808,8 +2883,12 @@ sub newput_user_profile_entry {
     foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
 	my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$pair);
 	if (exists($hashref->{$key})) {
-	    &Failure($client, "key_exists: ".$key."\n",$userinput);
-	    return 1;
+            if (!&untie_user_hash($hashref)) {
+                &logthis("error: ".($!+0)." untie (GDBM) failed ".
+                         "while attempting newput - early out as key exists");
+            }
+            &Failure($client, "key_exists: ".$key."\n",$userinput);
+            return 1;
@@ -4373,6 +4452,122 @@ sub put_domain_handler {
 &register_handler("putdom", \&put_domain_handler, 0, 1, 0);
+# Updates one or more entries in clickers.db file at the domain level
+# Parameters:
+#    $cmd      - The command that got us here.
+#    $tail     - Tail of the command (remaining parameters).
+#                In this case a colon separated list containing:
+#                (a) the domain for which we are updating the entries,
+#                (b) the action required -- add or del -- and
+#                (c) a &-separated list of entries to add or delete.
+#    $client   - File descriptor connected to client.
+# Returns
+#     1        - Continue processing.
+#     0        - Requested to exit, caller should shut down.
+#  Side effects:
+#     reply is written to $client.
+sub update_clickers {
+    my ($cmd, $tail, $client)  = @_;
+    my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
+    my ($udom,$action,$what) =split(/:/,$tail,3);
+    chomp($what);
+    my $hashref = &tie_domain_hash($udom, "clickers", &GDBM_WRCREAT(),
+                                 "U","$action:$what");
+    if (!$hashref) {
+        &Failure( $client, "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                  "while attempting updateclickers\n", $userinput);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    my @pairs=split(/\&/,$what);
+    foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
+        my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$pair);
+        if ($action eq 'add') {
+            if (exists($hashref->{$key})) {
+                my @newvals = split(/,/,&unescape($value));
+                my @currvals = split(/,/,&unescape($hashref->{$key}));
+                my @merged = sort(keys(%{{map { $_ => 1 } (@newvals,@currvals)}}));
+                $hashref->{$key}=&escape(join(',',@merged));
+            } else {
+                $hashref->{$key}=$value;
+            }
+        } elsif ($action eq 'del') {
+            if (exists($hashref->{$key})) {
+                my %current;
+                map { $current{$_} = 1; } split(/,/,&unescape($hashref->{$key}));
+                map { delete($current{$_}); } split(/,/,&unescape($value));
+                if (keys(%current)) {
+                    $hashref->{$key}=&escape(join(',',sort(keys(%current))));
+                } else {
+                    delete($hashref->{$key});
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (&untie_user_hash($hashref)) {
+        &Reply( $client, "ok\n", $userinput);
+    } else {
+        &Failure($client, "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) failed ".
+                 "while attempting put\n",
+                 $userinput);
+    }
+    return 1;
+&register_handler("updateclickers", \&update_clickers, 0, 1, 0);
+# Deletes one or more entries in a namespace db file at the domain level
+# Parameters:
+#    $cmd      - The command that got us here.
+#    $tail     - Tail of the command (remaining parameters).
+#                In this case a colon separated list containing:
+#                (a) the domain for which we are deleting the entries,
+#                (b) &-separated list of keys to delete.  
+#    $client   - File descriptor connected to client.
+# Returns
+#     1        - Continue processing.
+#     0        - Requested to exit, caller should shut down.
+#  Side effects:
+#     reply is written to $client.
+sub del_domain_handler {
+    my ($cmd,$tail,$client) = @_;
+    my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
+    my ($udom,$namespace,$what)=split(/:/,$tail,3);
+    chomp($what);
+    my $hashref = &tie_domain_hash($udom,$namespace,&GDBM_WRCREAT(),
+                                   "D", $what);
+    if ($hashref) {
+        my @keys=split(/\&/,$what);
+        foreach my $key (@keys) {
+            delete($hashref->{$key});
+        }
+        if (&untie_user_hash($hashref)) {
+            &Reply($client, "ok\n", $userinput);
+        } else {
+            &Failure($client, "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                    "while attempting deldom\n", $userinput);
+        }
+    } else {
+        &Failure( $client, "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
+                 "while attempting deldom\n", $userinput);
+    }
+    return 1;
+&register_handler("deldom", \&del_domain_handler, 0, 1, 0);
 # Unencrypted get from the namespace database file at the domain level.
 # This function retrieves a keyed item from a specific named database in the
 # domain directory.
@@ -5278,6 +5473,51 @@ sub create_auto_enroll_password_handler
 &register_handler("autocreatepassword", \&create_auto_enroll_password_handler, 
 		  0, 1, 0);
+sub auto_export_grades_handler {
+    my ($cmd, $tail, $client) = @_;
+    my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
+    my ($cdom,$cnum,$info,$data) = split(/:/,$tail);
+    my $inforef = &Apache::lonnet::thaw_unescape($info);
+    my $dataref = &Apache::lonnet::thaw_unescape($data);
+    my ($outcome,$result);;
+    eval {
+        local($SIG{__DIE__})='DEFAULT';
+        my %rtnhash;
+        $outcome=&localenroll::export_grades($cdom,$cnum,$inforef,$dataref,\%rtnhash);
+        if ($outcome eq 'ok') {
+            foreach my $key (keys(%rtnhash)) {
+                $result .= &escape($key).'='.&Apache::lonnet::freeze_escape($rtnhash{$key}).'&';
+            }
+            $result =~ s/\&$//;
+        }
+    };
+    if (!$@) {
+        if ($outcome eq 'ok') {
+            if ($cipher) {
+                my $cmdlength=length($result);
+                $result.="         ";
+                my $encresult='';
+                for (my $encidx=0;$encidx<=$cmdlength;$encidx+=8) {
+                    $encresult.= unpack("H16",
+                                        $cipher->encrypt(substr($result,
+                                                                $encidx,
+                                                                8)));
+                }
+                &Reply( $client, "enc:$cmdlength:$encresult\n", $userinput);
+            } else {
+                &Failure( $client, "error:no_key\n", $userinput);
+            }
+        } else {
+            &Reply($client, "$outcome\n", $userinput);
+        }
+    } else {
+        &Failure($client,"export_error\n",$userinput);
+    }
+    return 1;
+&register_handler("autoexportgrades", \&auto_export_grades_handler,
+                  0, 1, 0);
 #   Retrieve and remove temporary files created by/during autoenrollment.
 # Formal Parameters:
@@ -5298,7 +5538,10 @@ sub retrieve_auto_file_handler {
     my ($filename)   = split(/:/, $tail);
     my $source = $perlvar{'lonDaemons'}.'/tmp/'.$filename;
-    if ( (-e $source) && ($filename ne '') ) {
+    if ($filename =~m{/\.\./}) {
+        &Failure($client, "refused\n", $userinput);
+    } elsif ( (-e $source) && ($filename ne '') ) {
 	my $reply = '';
 	if (open(my $fh,$source)) {
 	    while (<$fh>) {
@@ -5330,7 +5573,7 @@ sub crsreq_checks_handler {
     my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
     my $dom = $tail;
     my $result;
-    my @reqtypes = ('official','unofficial','community','textbook');
+    my @reqtypes = ('official','unofficial','community','textbook','placement');
     eval {
         my %validations;
@@ -5406,7 +5649,7 @@ sub crsreq_update_handler {
         if ($outcome eq 'ok') {
-            my @posskeys = qw(createdweb createdmsg queuedweb queuedmsg formitems reviewweb);
+            my @posskeys = qw(createdweb createdmsg createdcustomized createdactions queuedweb queuedmsg formitems reviewweb validationjs onload javascript);
             foreach my $key (keys(%rtnhash)) {
                 if (grep(/^\Q$key\E/,@posskeys)) {
                     $result .= &escape($key).'='.&Apache::lonnet::freeze_escape($rtnhash{$key}).'&';
@@ -6625,7 +6868,7 @@ sub make_new_child {
         my $no_ets;
-        if ($dist =~ /^(?:centos|rhes)(\d+)$/) {
+        if ($dist =~ /^(?:centos|rhes|scientific)(\d+)$/) {
             if ($1 >= 7) {
                 $no_ets = 1;
@@ -6633,6 +6876,10 @@ sub make_new_child {
             if (($1 eq '9.3') || ($1 >= 12.2)) {
                 $no_ets = 1; 
+        } elsif ($dist =~ /^sles(\d+)$/) {
+            if ($1 > 11) {
+                $no_ets = 1;
+            }
         } elsif ($dist =~ /^fedora(\d+)$/) {
             if ($1 < 7) {
                 $no_ets = 1;
@@ -6683,7 +6930,6 @@ sub make_new_child {
 		#  If the remote is attempting a local init... give that a try:
-        logthis("remotereq: $remotereq");
 		(my $i, my $inittype, $clientversion) = split(/:/, $remotereq);
         # For LON-CAPA 2.9, the  client session will have sent its LON-CAPA
         # version when initiating the connection. For LON-CAPA 2.8 and older,
@@ -7024,7 +7270,18 @@ sub validate_user {
     if ($howpwd ne 'nouser') {
 	if($howpwd eq "internal") { # Encrypted is in local password file.
-	    $validated = (crypt($password, $contentpwd) eq $contentpwd);
+            if (length($contentpwd) == 13) {
+                $validated = (crypt($password,$contentpwd) eq $contentpwd);
+                if ($validated) {
+                    my $ncpass = &hash_passwd($domain,$password);
+                    if (&rewrite_password_file($domain,$user,"$howpwd:$ncpass")) {
+                        &update_passwd_history($user,$domain,$howpwd,'conversion');
+                        &logthis("Validated password hashed with bcrypt for $user:$domain");
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                $validated = &check_internal_passwd($password,$contentpwd,$domain);
+            }
 	elsif ($howpwd eq "unix") { # User is a normal unix user.
 	    $contentpwd = (getpwnam($user))[1];
@@ -7092,6 +7349,39 @@ sub validate_user {
     return $validated;
+sub check_internal_passwd {
+    my ($plainpass,$stored,$domain) = @_;
+    my (undef,$method,@rest) = split(/!/,$stored);
+    if ($method eq "bcrypt") {
+        my $result = &hash_passwd($domain,$plainpass,@rest);
+        if ($result ne $stored) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        # Upgrade to a larger number of rounds if necessary
+        my $defaultcost;
+        my %domconfig =
+            &Apache::lonnet::get_dom('configuration',['password'],$domain);
+        if (ref($domconfig{'password'}) eq 'HASH') {
+            $defaultcost = $domconfig{'password'}{'cost'};
+        }
+        if (($defaultcost eq '') || ($defaultcost =~ /D/)) {
+            $defaultcost = 10;
+        }
+        return 1 unless($rest[0]<$defaultcost);
+    }
+    return 0;
+sub get_last_authchg {
+    my ($domain,$user) = @_;
+    my $lastmod;
+    my $logname = &propath($domain,$user).'/passwd.log';
+    if (-e "$logname") {
+        $lastmod = (stat("$logname"))[9];
+    }
+    return $lastmod;
 sub krb4_authen {
     my ($password,$null,$user,$contentpwd) = @_;
     my $validated = 0;
@@ -7407,26 +7697,26 @@ sub change_unix_password {
 sub make_passwd_file {
-    my ($uname,$udom,$umode,$npass,$passfilename)=@_;
+    my ($uname,$udom,$umode,$npass,$passfilename,$action)=@_;
     my $result="ok";
     if ($umode eq 'krb4' or $umode eq 'krb5') {
 	    my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
 	    if ($pf) {
 		print $pf "$umode:$npass\n";
+                &update_passwd_history($uname,$udom,$umode,$action);
 	    } else {
 		$result = "pass_file_failed_error";
     } elsif ($umode eq 'internal') {
-	my $salt=time;
-	$salt=substr($salt,6,2);
-	my $ncpass=crypt($npass,$salt);
+        my $ncpass = &hash_passwd($udom,$npass);
 	    &Debug("Creating internal auth");
 	    my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
 	    if($pf) {
-		print $pf "internal:$ncpass\n"; 
+		print $pf "internal:$ncpass\n";
+                &update_passwd_history($uname,$udom,$umode,$action); 
 	    } else {
 		$result = "pass_file_failed_error";
@@ -7436,6 +7726,7 @@ sub make_passwd_file {
 	    my $pf = IO::File->new(">$passfilename");
 	    if($pf) {
 		print $pf "localauth:$npass\n";
+                &update_passwd_history($uname,$udom,$umode,$action);
 	    } else {
 		$result = "pass_file_failed_error";
@@ -7692,7 +7983,7 @@ Allow for a password to be set.
 Make a user.
-=item passwd
+=item changeuserauth
 Allow for authentication mechanism and password to be changed.
@@ -7781,6 +8072,10 @@ for each student, defined perhaps by the
 Returns usernames corresponding to IDs.  (These "IDs" are unique identifiers
 for each student, defined perhaps by the institutional Registrar.)
+=item iddel
+Deletes one or more ids in a domain's id database.
 =item tmpput
 Accept and store information in temporary space.