--- loncom/lonmaxima	2007/02/08 10:08:02	1.25
+++ loncom/lonmaxima	2008/08/19 09:46:36	1.38
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Connect to MAXIMA CAS
-# $Id: lonmaxima,v 1.25 2007/02/08 10:08:02 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: lonmaxima,v 1.38 2008/08/19 09:46:36 riegler Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ use strict;
 # global variables
 my $PREFORK                = 5;        # number of children to maintain
 my $MAX_CLIENTS_PER_CHILD  = 50;       # number of clients each child should process
+my $extra_children         = 0;
 my %children               = ();       # keys are current child process IDs
 my $children               = 0;        # current number of children
 my $status;                            # string for current status
@@ -60,8 +61,13 @@ sub REAPER {                        # ta
                                     # and MAXIMA processes
     $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER;
     my $pid = wait;
-    $children--;
-    delete($children{$pid});
+    if (exists($children{$pid})) {
+	$children--;
+	delete($children{$pid});
+	if ($extra_children) {
+	    $extra_children--;
+	}
+    }    
 sub HUNTSMAN {                      # signal handler for SIGINT
@@ -126,6 +132,12 @@ sub catchexception {
+sub child_announce_death {
+    $SIG{USR1} = \&child_announce_death;
+    if ($extra_children < $PREFORK*10) {
+	$extra_children++;
+    }
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Main program
 # -------------------------------- Set signal handlers to record abnormal exits
@@ -133,6 +145,7 @@ sub catchexception {
+$SIG{USR1} = \&child_announce_death;
 # ---------------------------------- Read loncapa_apache.conf and loncapa.conf
 &status("Read loncapa.conf and loncapa_apache.conf");
@@ -212,7 +225,7 @@ for (1 .. $PREFORK) {
 while (1) {
     &status('Parent process, sleeping');
     sleep;                          # wait for a signal (i.e., child's death)
-    for (my $i = $children; $i < $PREFORK; $i++) {
+    for (my $i = $children; $i < $PREFORK+$extra_children; $i++) {
         &status('Parent process, starting child');
         &make_new_child($server);           # top up the child pool
@@ -237,7 +250,8 @@ sub make_new_child {
     } else {
         # Child can *not* return from this subroutine.
-        $SIG{INT} = 'DEFAULT';      # make SIGINT kill us as it did before
+	my $ppid = getppid();
         # unblock signals
         sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, $sigset)
@@ -246,34 +260,48 @@ sub make_new_child {
         &logthis('New process started');
         my $command=Expect->spawn('maxima');
-        $command->log_stdout(0);
+	# soft/hard_close can take awhile and we really
+        # don't care we just want it gone
+	$SIG{INT} = sub {
+	    my $pid = $command->pid();
+	    kill('KILL'=>$pid);
+	    exit; 
+	};
-        &getmaximaoutput($command);
+	$command->log_stdout(0);
+	#$command->log_file("$execdir/logs/lonmaxima.session.log");
         for (my $i=0; $i < $MAX_CLIENTS_PER_CHILD; $i++) {
-           &status('Accepting connections');
-           my $client = $server->accept()     or last;
-           print $command "kill(all);\n";
-	   &getmaximaoutput($command);
-           &sync($command);
-           while (my $cmd=<$client>) {
-              &status('Processing command');
-              print $command &unescape($cmd);
-              my ($reply,$finished,$syntaxerr) = &getmaximaoutput($command,1);
-              print $client &escape($reply)."\n";
-              if ($reply=~/^Error\:/) {
-                 &logthis('Died through '.$reply);
-                 $client->close();
-                 $command->hard_close();     
-                 exit;
-              }	      
-	      &sync($command);
-              &status('Waiting for commands');
-           }
+            &status('Accepting connections');
+            my $client = $server->accept()     or last;
+            &sync($command);
+            print $command ("display2d:false;kill(all);reset();\n");
+	    &getmaximaoutput($command,2);
+            &sync($command);
+            my $syntaxerr = 0;
+            while (my $cmd=<$client>) {
+                &status('Processing command');
+                print $command &unescape($cmd);
+                my ($reply,$syntaxerr) = &getmaximaoutput($command,1);
+                print $client &escape($reply)."\n";
+                if ($syntaxerr) {
+                    last;
+                } elsif ($reply=~/^Error\:/) {
+                    &logthis('Died through '.$reply);
+		    kill('USR1' => $ppid);
+                    $client->close();
+                    $command->hard_close();     
+                    exit;
+                }
+	        &sync($command);
+                &status('Waiting for commands');
+            }
+	kill('USR1' => $ppid);
+	print $command ("quit();\n");
         # tidy up gracefully and finish
+	sleep(15);
         # this exit is VERY important, otherwise the child will become
@@ -302,35 +330,53 @@ sub make_new_child {
 sub getmaximaoutput {
     my ($command,$numcheck)=@_;
     my $regexp = '\(\%i\d+\)';
+    my $syntaxerr=0;
     if ($numcheck) {
-        if ($command->match() =~ /\(\%i(\d+)\)/) {
+       	if ($numcheck eq 2) {
+	    # command was the killall so should get a full reset on
+	    # command numbers
+	    $regexp = '(\(\%i(1)\)|Incorrect syntax\:)';
+	} elsif ($command->match() =~ /\(\%i(\d+)\)/) {
             my $nextmatch = $1+1;
-            $regexp = '\(\%i'.$nextmatch.'\)';
+            $regexp = '(\(\%i'.$nextmatch.'\)|Incorrect syntax\:)';
-    my (undef,$error,undef,$output)=$command->expect(20, -re => $regexp);
+    my $timeout = 20;
+    my (undef,$error,$matched,$output) =
+	$command->expect($timeout, -re => $regexp);
+    if ($numcheck && $matched eq 'Incorrect syntax:') {
+	$syntaxerr = 1;
+	if (wantarray) {
+	    return ($matched,$syntaxerr);
+	} else {
+	    return $matched;
+	}
+    }
     if ($error) {
-       return 'Error: '.$error;
+	return 'Error: '.$error;
     $output =~ s/\r+//g; # Remove Windows-style linebreaks
-    my $hasoutput=0;
     my $foundoutput=0;
-    my $syntaxerr=0;
+    my $found_label=0;
     my $realoutput='';
     foreach my $line (split(/\n/,$output)) {
        if ($line=~/\;/) { $foundoutput=1; next; }
        if (!$foundoutput) { next; }
        if ($line=~/^Incorrect syntax:/) { $syntaxerr = 1; next; }
-       (my $label, $line) = ($line=~ /^(\(\%o\d+\))(.+)$/);
-       if ($label) {
-          $label=~s/\S/ /g;
-          $line=$label.$line;
-          $hasoutput = 1;
+       if ($line=~ /^(\(\%o\d+\))(.+)$/){
+           my $label = $1;
+           $line = $2;
+           $label =~s/\S/ /g;
+           $line=$label.$line;
+	   $found_label=1;
+       }
+       if ($found_label) {
+	   $realoutput.=$line."\n";
-       $realoutput.=$line."\n";
     if (wantarray) {
-        return ($realoutput,$hasoutput,$syntaxerr);
+        return ($realoutput,$syntaxerr);
     } else {
         return $realoutput;