version 1.1118, 2011/07/18 10:25:55
version 1.1119, 2011/07/18 10:32:48
Line 11463 splitting on '&', supports elements that
Line 11463 splitting on '&', supports elements that
=head2 Logging Routines |
=head2 Logging Routines |
=over 4 |
These routines allow one to make log messages in the lonnet.log and |
These routines allow one to make log messages in the lonnet.log and |
lonnet.perm logfiles. |
lonnet.perm logfiles. |
=over 4 |
=item * |
=item * |
logtouch() : make sure the logfile, lonnet.log, exists |
logtouch() : make sure the logfile, lonnet.log, exists |
Line 11483 logperm() : append a permanent message t
Line 11484 logperm() : append a permanent message t
file never gets deleted by any automated portion of the system, only |
file never gets deleted by any automated portion of the system, only |
messages of critical importance should go in here. |
messages of critical importance should go in here. |
=back |
=back |
=head2 General File Helper Routines |
=head2 General File Helper Routines |