version 1.1136, 2011/10/17 12:41:39
version 1.1137, 2011/10/17 15:35:07
Line 11836 or lonTabs/
Line 11836 or lonTabs/
=item * |
=item * |
dirlist($uri) : return directory list based on URI |
dirlist() : return directory list based on URI (first arg). |
Inputs: 1 required, 5 optional. |
=over |
=item |
$uri - path to file in filesystem (starts: /res or /userfiles/). Required. |
=item |
$userdomain - domain of user/course to be listed. Extracted from $uri if absent. |
=item |
$username - username of user/course to be listed. Extracted from $uri if absent. |
=item |
$getpropath - boolean: 1 if prepend path using &propath(). |
=item |
$getuserdir - boolean: 1 if prepend path for "userfiles". |
=item |
$alternateRoot - path to prepend in place of path from $uri. |
=back |
Returns: Array of up to two items. |
=over |
a reference to an array of files/subdirectories |
=over |
Each element in the array of files/subdirectories is a & separated list of |
item name and the result of running stat on the item. If dirlist was requested |
for a file instead of a directory, the item name will be ''. For a directory |
listing, if the item is a metadata file, the element will end &N&M |
(where N amd M are either 0 or 1, corresponding to obsolete set (1), or |
default copyright set (1). |
=back |
a scalar containing error condition (if encountered). |
=over |
=item |
no_host (no homeserver identified for $username:$domain). |
=item |
no_such_host (server contacted for listing not identified as valid host). |
=item |
con_lost (connection to remote server failed). |
=item |
refused (invalid $username:$domain received on lond side). |
=item |
no_such_dir (directory at specified path on lond side does not exist). |
=item |
empty (directory at specified path on lond side is empty). |
=over |
This is currently not encountered because the &ls3, &ls2, |
&ls (_handler) routines on the lond side do not filter out |
. and .. from a directory listing. |
=back |
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=back |
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=item * |